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VKF08 Tie Top PDF

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VOGUEknitting ®

Mari Lynn Patrick’s pullover features three quarter length sleeves, a deep V neck and a long tie that buttons at the neck.
All are knit in thesame scheme: stockinette sprinkled with single purl stitches.


• Sized for X-Small (Small, Medium, Large).
Shown in size Small.

• 4 (4, 4, 5) 3≤oz/100g balls (each approx
207yd/188m) of Lion Brand Yarn Cotton-Ease
(cotton/acrylic) in #101 strawberry cream
• One pair each sizes 7 and 8 (4.5 and 5mm) nee-
• Size 6 (4mm) circular needle, 20"/50cm long
• Six ≤-inch/13mm buttons

• Bust 30 (32, 34, 36)"/76 (81.5, 86.5, 91.5)cm
• Length 22 (22≤, 22≤, 23)"/56 (57, 57,
• Upper arm 12µ (13, 13, 14)"/31 (33, 33,

17 sts and 24 rows to 4"/10cm over rice pat st
foll chart using large needles.

The fit of this garment is close-fitting so that
the finished bust measurement may actually be
smaller than body bust size.

Work smaller needles, cast on 66 (70, 74, 78)
sts. K 1 row. P 2 rows. Change to larger nee- more—50 (52, 56, 58) sts. Work even shoulder edge once and 4 (4, 5, 6) sts once.
dles and p 1 row. until armhole measures 3≤ (4, 4, 4≤)"/9
Beg chart pat (10, 10, 11.5)cm. Inc 1 st each side of FRONT
Row 1 (RS) Beg with st 2 (1, 1, 2), work rice st next row then every 10th row once Work as for back to armhole.
pat foll chart, end with st 7 (10, 8, 7). Cont to more—54 (56, 60, 62) sts. Work even Neck and armhole shaping
foll chart in this way, AT SAME TIME, dec 1 until armhole measures 6≤ (7, 7, Next row (RS) Bind off 3 sts, work until
st each side every 10th row 4 times—58 (62, 7≤)"/16.5 (18, 18, 19)cm. there are 24 (26, 28, 30) sts on RH nee-
66, 70) sts. Work even until piece measures Neck and shoulder shaping dle, join a 2nd ball of yarn and bind off
9≤"/24cm from beg. Inc 1 st each side of next Next row (RS) Work 15 (16, 18, 19) sts, center 10 sts, work to end. Cont to shape
row then every 10th row twice more—64 (68, join a 2nd ball of yarn and bind off cen- armhole as for back AT SAME TIME,
72, 76) sts. Work even until piece measures ter 24 sts, work to end. Working both work neck shaping on next RS row as
14≤"/37cm from beg. sides at once, bind off 4 sts from each foll: work to last 4 sts of first side, p2tog,
Armhole shaping neck edge twice, AT SAME TIME, k2; on 2nd side, k2, p2tog, work to end.
Bind off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. when armhole measures 7 (7≤, 7≤, Rep this neck dec every other row 14
Dec row (RS) K2, p2tog, k to last 4 sts, p2tog, k2. 8)"/18 (19, 19, 20.5)cm, shape shoulder times more. When all armhole dec’s, then
Rep dec row every other row 3 (4, 4, 5) times by binding off 3 (4, 5, 5) sts from each inc’s are completed, there are 7 (8, 10, © SoHo Publishing Company 2008. All rights reserved. Individual, non-commercial use only. Sale,
any other commercial use and any reproduction, publication or distribution prohibited.
VOGUEknitting ®

11) sts each side for shoulders. When armholes

measure same as back, shape shoulders as on


With smaller needles, cast on 40 (44, 44, 48)
6-st rep
sts. K 1 row. P 2 rows. Change to larger nee-
dles and p 1 row.
Beg chart pat
Row 1 (RS) Beg with st 1 (1, 1, 2), work rice st
pat foll chart, end with st 10 (8, 8, 7). Cont to
6 6
foll chart in this way, AT SAME TIME, inc 1 st 6-row 6-row
rep rep
each side every 10th row 6 times—52 (56, 56,
60) sts. Work even until piece measures 1 1
12"/30.5cm from beg. 11 sts 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Cap shaping
Bind off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Work dec
row as on back on next row then every other Stitch Key
row 3 (4, 4, 5) times more, every 4th row 3 K on RS, p on WS
times. Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 8 rows. Bind
off rem 16 (18, 18, 20) sts. P on RS, k on WS

With larger needles, cast on 11 sts. K 1 row, p3 1≤ (1≥, 2µ, 2≤)"
rows. Work pat foll chart for scarf until piece 9≤"
measures approx 60"/152cm from beg. 12µ (13, 13, 14)"

4≤ (5, 5, 5≤)"
Next row (RS) Purl. P 1 row, k 1 row. Bind off
6≤ (7, 7, 7≤)"

22 (22≤, 22≤, 23)"

Do not block pieces. Sew shoulder seams. FRONT
Neckband & BACK 12"
With circular needle, pick up and k 43 sts from 14≤"
back neck edge, 36 sts from shaped front edge,
10 sts from center front, and 36 sts from shaped 9≤ (10≤, 10≤, 11µ)"
front. Join and p 1 rnd, k 2 rnds. Bind off knit-
15≤ (16≤, 17≤, 18≤)"
wise. Set in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams.
13≤ (14≤, 15≤, 16≤)"
Sew the 6 buttons evenly spaced along the 15 (16, 17, 18)"
inside back neck edge (along the pick-up line).
Using the loose st along the edge of the scarf,
button the scarf to the neck as desired. ✤ © SoHo Publishing Company 2008. All rights reserved. Individual, non-commercial use only. Sale,
any other commercial use and any reproduction, publication or distribution prohibited.

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