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11, NOVEMBER 1998 1799

An Energy/Security Scalable Encryption

Processor Using an Embedded
Variable Voltage DC/DC Converter
James Goodman, Abram P. Dancy, and Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Security concerns for battery-operated wireless sys-

tems require the development of energy-efficient data-encryption
techniques that can adapt to the time-varying data rates and
quality-of-service requirements inherent in a wireless application.
This work describes the design and implementation of a con-
figurable encryption processor that allows the security provided
to be traded off with respect to the energy that is dissipated to
encrypt a bit. The processor features an embedded high-efficiency
variable-output DC/DC converter that allows the supply voltage
to be dynamically varied to match the time-varying throughput
and quality requirements of the data stream being encrypted. The
resulting processor consumes 134 mW at 2.5 V when encrypting
data at a rate of 1 Mb/s using a maximum bit width of 512 bits.
The converter efficiency is 96% at the peak load of 134 mW.
A comparison of our processor to a software implementation
running on a low-power programmable processor shows that our
implementation is two to three orders of magnitude more energy Fig. 1. Energy/security scalability example.
Index Terms—CMOS digital integrated circuits, cryptography, ensure that users’ identities and data are not exposed to unau-
DC/DC conversion, low power, modular multiplication, reconfig-
urable architectures, variable power supply. thorized eavesdroppers. While there is a wealth of previous
work regarding various encryption algorithms, care must be
taken to select an algorithm that is best suited to the particular
I. INTRODUCTION characteristics and demands of wireless systems. Previously,
we have discussed various design constraints that influenced
A MAJOR trend in computing hardware today is the de-
velopment of battery-operated wireless systems such as
cellular telephones and hand-held multimedia terminals (e.g.,
algorithm selection and compared various data-encryption
techniques [4]. We concluded that a scheme that encrypted a
InfoPad [1]). Unfortunately, wireless systems are notorious data stream by XORing it with a pseudorandom key stream was
for their inherent lack of security against unauthorized us- best suited to low-power wireless applications under high bit
age and eavesdropping—a problem that is costing wireless error rates and limited bandwidth conditions. In this paper, we
service providers hundreds of millions of dollars per year. describe the design and implementation of an energy-efficient
In the cellular-phone industry alone, the losses attributed to data-encryption processor that generates the pseudorandom
fraud in 1997 were estimated by the Federal Communications sequence required for such an encryption scheme.
Commission to be on the order of $400 million. We focus on two main design constraints for portable
To address these privacy and fraud concerns, wireless sys- wireless operation. First, the use of a battery source implies
tems designers need to exploit various cryptographic tech- the need for an energy-efficient design methodology in order
niques such as authentication and encryption. Authentication to maximize the battery lifetime. While encryption is often
is a mechanism by which users in a wireless system can verify implemented in software in current mobile systems, several
their identity and status as a valid system user to the wireless orders of magnitude reduction in energy is possible by using
system provider and/or other users. A variety of protocols have a dedicated hardware solution. The supply voltage must be
been developed for authentication in wireless networks (e.g., optimized and computational structures must be constructed
[2] and [3]). Data encryption, on the other hand, is used to to minimize the number of transitions required to implement
the given encryption function.
Manuscript received April 6, 1998; revised June 1, 1998. This work was The second major constraint is that wireless systems typi-
supported by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency under Contract cally exhibit time-varying data rates and quality requirements.
DAAL01-96-2-0001. Transmitted data streams often have an inherent structure
The authors are with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
MA 02139 USA. consisting of both high- and low-priority information, which
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9200(98)07376-4. require different levels of security. For example (Fig. 1), in a
0018–9200/98$10.00  1998 IEEE

extracted and serialized to form a cryptographically secure

pseudorandom key-stream sequence [7]. This key stream has
the added property that given the initial seed , a user can
access any result of the sequence (e.g., ) by performing the
modular exponentiation

mod (2)

This indexing ability enables the QRG to recover from syn-

chronization errors by allowing the algorithm to be reset to
a known state. Hence, if several data bits are lost and the
pseudorandom key-stream sequence becomes misaligned with
Fig. 2. System architecture of the scalable encryption processor. the data stream, the user can wait for the next synchronization
marker and use it to reset itself. In addition, bits received after
the error and before the next marker can be saved and then
retail transaction, certain pieces of information require a lot
decrypted after the fact by generating the required portion of
of security (e.g., credit card information), while other portions
the key stream using (2).
of the data stream may require less security (e.g., the title
The security of the generator is derived from the difficulty of
of the book ordered). For such systems, it is desirable to
determining whether or not a number is a square-root modulo-
design a reconfigurable processor where the level of security
(i.e., determining quadratic residuosity). This problem has
and energy to encrypt a bit can be dynamically traded off. In
been proven to be equivalent to that of factoring the modulus
a conventional system, the user can only decide whether or
into its constituent prime factors and [6], the same
not encryption is to be used; the amount will be determined
problem upon which the much more widely known RSA
by the maximum security requirement of any one piece of
algorithm [8] is based. Factoring is known to be an NP-
information being transmitted. As a result, the average energy
complete problem that requires massive amounts of time and
dissipation can be significantly higher than that in a scalable
computation. The amount of computation required to factor a
given -bit modulus ( ) depends on the factoring
Fig. 2 shows the overall system architecture of the encryp-
algorithm that is used. The running times of modern factoring
tion processor. The processor consists of two main functional
algorithms all have the same general form [9]
blocks: a variable-security encryption engine and an embed-
ded variable-output DC/DC converter. The encryption engine
utilizes an algorithm known as the quadratic residue generator (3)
(QRG) to generate a cryptographically secure pseudorandom
sequence that is serialized and then XORed with a serial data where and are algorithm-specific constants and is the
stream to form an encrypted data stream. The embedded -bit integer to be factored.
DC/DC converter allows us to utilize variable power-supply Using the best known algorithm for factoring large integers
techniques [5] in order to minimize the energy consumption (the general number field sieve [10]), it is estimated that it will
by dynamically optimizing the supply voltage as the security require MIPS-years2 to factor a 512-bit number.
requirements or data rate vary. The two blocks are coupled
through the use of an external lookup table (LUT) that III. AN ENERGY/SECURITY SCALABLE QRG ARCHITECTURE
maps the security and throughput requirements into a digital The security guarantees and strong pseudorandomness prop-
word representing the desired supply voltage of the processor erties of the QRG come at the cost of the complexity of
assuming worst case operating conditions. The digital word the modular squaring operation required during each iteration.
is then translated into the required supply voltage by the Hence, the performance of the QRG depends entirely on the
high-efficiency DC/DC converter. ability to perform modular multiplication operations quickly
and efficiently.
II. QUADRATIC RESIDUE GENERATOR There are two primary ways to perform modular multiplica-
The QRG is a stream cipher construction based on Blum tions: sequentially and concurrently. In a sequential approach,
et al.’s pseudorandom bit generator [6]. The QRG operates an -bit multiplication is first performed, followed by a
by performing repeated modular squarings of an initial seed -bit division, where is on the order of several hundred
value bits. Unfortunately, the sequential approach has numerous
inefficiencies, such as the fact that the intermediate result
mod (1) requires a -bit register (more if a redundant representation
is used), and generating the intermediate result requires a
where the modulus is the product of two distinct prime time-consuming -bit carry propagate addition (CPA). As a
values and with the property that mod . result, the sequential approach leads to a slow and inefficient
The least significant log log bits1 of each result are then
2 A MIPS-year is the number of computations performed by a 1-MIPS
1 All logarithms are to the base two unless otherwise specified.  2
computer operating nonstop for one year ( 3 1013 computations).

a quotient estimate that is used to modularly reduce the

intermediate result by selectively adding/subtracting multiples
of the modulus to and forming the new result .
This algorithm is particularly well suited for use in the QRG
as its inputs and outputs utilize compatible redundant number
formats so that each result can be fed directly back into the
multiplier without requiring a time-consuming transformation.
In addition, the algorithm maps well to an efficient bit-
sliced implementation that reduces global interconnect by
distributing control functions and memory locally within the
bit slice. A by-product of using both a redundant representation
and a bit-sliced implementation is that the critical path of the
Fig. 3. Modular multiplication algorithm.
multiplier is independent of the multiplier’s width. Hence, only
the number of iterations performed needs to be varied as the
multiplier width is changed.
implementation. A much more efficient approach is to perform
the multiplication and division concurrently by performing a A. Reconfigurable Architecture
partial modular reduction during each step of the multiplication
Energy scalable computing requires the development of
algorithm. As a result, intermediate results require only a
architectures that can be dynamically reconfigured in order to
few additional digits (e.g., two additional digits [11]) and the
allow the energy consumption per input sample to be varied
results can be kept in a redundant form for both operations so
with respect to the quality. For the QRG, quality refers to the
there is no need for a time-consuming CPA. This leads to a
cipher’s security, which is equivalent to the amount of time
much more efficient implementation, a fact that is reflected in
required to factor the -bit modulus
the predominant use of concurrent algorithms for performing
high-speed modular multiplication [11]–[13]. Note that perfor- Security (4)
mance optimizations used in conventional modular multipliers
for RSA-based encryption schemes are not applicable to the Hence, security is a subexponential function of modulus width.
QRG as the high overhead costs associated with common The energy consumption of the QRG varies with the number of
techniques such as Montgomery multiplication [14] cannot be iterations that must be performed, the width of the multiplier,
amortized efficiently in the QRG. and the operating supply voltage. Assuming the supply voltage
Given the iterative nature of concurrent modular multiplica- is optimized for the multiplier width , and using a simple first-
tion algorithms (operand sizes on the order of 512 bits preclude order delay model where delays scale inversely with supply
the use of array implementations), the multiplier’s performance voltage, the energy scales according to the relationship
is dictated by two factors: the number of iterations and the
cycle time of each iteration. The number of iterations required Energy (5)
to perform an -bit modular multiplication is , where
is the radix of the multiplication. Hence, the multiplication which is a polynomial function of the modulus width.
can be sped up by using a higher radix algorithm. However, Providing this energy/security scalability requires the de-
for radices above four, multiples of the modulus must be velopment of a scalable architecture that can dynamically
precomputed and stored. The resulting overhead and addi- reconfigure the width of the QRG to vary from 64 to 512 bits in
tional circuit complexity can offset any benefits of utilizing 64-bit increments. The scalable nature of the architecture can
the higher radix. The cycle time of the multiplier can be be exploited in future implementations to extend the processor
significantly reduced by the use of a redundant representation to larger widths with a minimal amount of effort, making it
that eliminates carry propagation chains. However, the cost particularly well suited to increasing security demands.
of using a redundant representation is that at some point, Fig. 4 shows the architecture of the QRG. The main portion
the result must be converted into a nonredundant binary of the processor is the multiplier data path, which is composed
representation, which will require a CPA. To maintain high of eight 64-bit blocks that can be enabled/disabled depending
performance, this CPA must be performed in such a way as to on the current width requirements of the algorithm. The
remove it from the critical path of the multiplier. control for the QRG is done through the use of a global
A modular multiplication algorithm based on Takagi’s iter- sequencer that partitions the control logic in such a way
ated radix-4 modular multiplication algorithm [11] was used as to facilitate dynamic reconfigurability by minimizing the
in the processor. The algorithm (Fig. 3) performs the operation overhead incurred. The sequencer also serves as the I/O
mod using a conventional iterated approach. During interface to the processor.
each iteration, two digits of the operand are recoded into The use of a redundant representation typically requires
a radix-4 digit , which is then used to select or a time-consuming conversion operation between the internal
times the operand and add it to the previous result ( ) to redundant representation and the external nonredundant binary
generate the intermediate result . The eight most significant representation. However, only the least significant
digits of are used to approximate its value and generate bits of each result are required. The output converter circuit


Fig. 4. Architecture of the QRG.
Fig. 6. Critical path reduction techniques. (a) Pipelining the Y -recoder. (b)
Parallelizing the quotient estimate.

One way to reduce the critical path of the multiplier is to

exploit any parallelism in the algorithm to overlap portions
of the computation through the use of pipelining. In the
modular multiplication algorithm used, the recoding of the
next iteration’s radix-4 digit ( ) can be overlapped with
the current iteration by pipelining the recoding circuitry
[Fig 6(a)].
The critical path can also be reduced by accelerating the
determination of the quotient estimate . A naive approach
to compute requires three time-consuming carry-propagate
additions. A much more time-efficient approach takes advan-
Fig. 5. Block diagram of QRG output converter. tage of the fact that only the signs of these intermediate
results are required. Hence, a fast carry lookahead-based sign
generator circuit can be used to generate these sign bits in
(Fig. 5) uses the width input to determine which digits of the parallel [Fig. 6(b)].
result are required and uses multiplexors to gate these digits Using these techniques, the critical path of the multiplier
into the output converter. These digits are converted into a was reduced by 27%, allowing the supply voltage to be
binary format using a 9-bit carry select adder. The result of this reduced from 2.9 to 2.5 V, for a total energy reduction of
conversion can be in the range , and a sign- 23%.
detection circuit is required to determine if a correction factor
(i.e., the nine least significant bits (LSB’s) of the modulus
) is required. The sign detection circuit utilizes a tree- B. Clock Gating and Shutdown
based topology that features matched delay paths in order to Clock gating is used extensively within the processor to
minimize spurious transitions and delays. The converter is only disable unused portions of the circuitry in order to minimize
enabled when a result is waiting to be converted in order to the switched capacitance. The enabling/disabling of unused
further minimize spurious transitions. data paths occurs during the multiplier setup phase as the width
of the QRG is varied. In addition, the power control block also
disables portions of the circuitry as the multiplication is being
IV. ENERGY-REDUCTION TECHNIQUES performed. This intramultiplication power control occurs in
Several architectural and circuit techniques were used in the parallelization and systematic shutdown of the operand
order to minimize the energy consumption of the processor. shift register that is distributed throughout the data path and
used in the recoding of the operand.
First, the shift register is parallelized four ways in order to
A. Concurrency-Driven Voltage Scaling reduce its clock rate to from , which reduces
Reducing the supply voltage reduces the energy consump- the switched capacitance and thus the power by a factor of four
tion quadratically [15]. Unfortunately, propagation delays in- [16]. The shift register is then partitioned into segments.
crease as supply voltages are reduced, leading to a degradation When the least significant digit of the operand shifts out of
in overall performance. However, by reducing the critical path a segment, the segment no longer contains useful information
of the multiplier, the supply voltage can be lowered while still and may be disabled by gating the clock to each of the
maintaining the initial clock rate, and hence performance. segment’s registers. Hence, the shift register is systematically


Fig. 8. Block diagram of self-timed gating of the data path.

critical path of the multiplier and tapping it at the points

(b) corresponding to the generation of the and values.
Fig. 7. Switched capacitance reduction of the Y operand shift register. This technique succeeded in reducing the switched capacitance
of the multiplier by 20% (including the overhead of the
delay chain, gating signal distribution, and tristate buffers) as
shut down as the multiplication progresses [Fig. 7(a)]. Ideally,
measured from extracted layout using the Powermill power-
each segment should contain only a single digit so that the
estimation tool [18].
minimum number of registers are clocked on any given cycle.
However, the overhead of the enable signal generation and
distribution grows quadratically with the number of signals, D. Variable Supply Techniques
offsetting the benefits of having a large number of segments. Further energy reduction can be achieved using aggressive
We can formulate an expression for the total number of register voltage-supply scaling techniques that take advantage of the
bits clocked during a given -bit multiplication by using - time-varying data rates and quality requirements found in
way segmentation wireless applications. In a conventional fixed-supply system,
when the computation workload (i.e., the normalized amount
#bits of computation per multiplication) is low, due to a reduced
data rate or quality of service, the processor will compute
(6) as fast as possible and then idle for some fraction of the
where the factor of two accounts for the fact that each sample period. Hence, the energy consumption is a linear
redundant digit requires 2 bits of storage. Simulations have function of the normalized workload per input sample as
determined that the optimum number of segments is 32, which the number of operations being performed is reduced. In
approximately halved the average switched capacitance of the a variable-supply system, the reduced workload allows the
shift register [Fig. 7(b)]. The net effect of these techniques supply voltage and clock frequency to be reduced while still
reduced the switched capacitance of the operand shift maintaining the required computational throughput. Thus, the
register by a factor of eight. energy is reduced relative to a fixed supply system as both the
number of operations and the voltage at which they are being
C. Self-Timed Gating performed are reduced.
A major source of unnecessary switched capacitance in
arithmetic circuits is due to spurious transitions that occur V. VARIABLE-OUTPUT DC/DC CONVERTER
because of glitch propagation within the data path. With a The converter operates in a closed-loop voltage-regulated
data-path width of up to 512 bits, these spurious transitions configuration (Fig. 2), with the converter and QRG coupled
can add up to a significant amount of wasted energy. One way through an external LUT that translates the time-varying
we have reduced these spurious transitions is by eliminating security and throughput requirements into a digital word
glitch-generating carry propagation chains altogether through representing the required supply voltage. Fig. 9 shows the
the use of redundant representations. Another approach used block diagram of the converter. The current output voltage
in our processor utilizes a self-timed gating approach similar ( ) is sensed using an internal 7-bit analog-to-digital (A/D)
to that used in memory design [17] to partition each multi- converter, and the resulting digital word is compared to the
plier iteration into three distinct phases: computation, value programmed to reflect the desired supply voltage. The
computation, and computation (Fig. 8). Tristate buffers are resulting error term is then scaled in an array multiplier
inserted between each of these phases to serve as barriers stage and subtracted from the previous iteration’s duty-cycle
that prevent glitches from propagating into the next phase command to produce the next duty-cycle command. The
of the computation. The buffer enable signals are generated internal representation of the duty cycle is 12 bits, and the ten
by passing the clock through a delay line that models the most significant bits (MSB’s) are passed to the pulse-width

locked loop (DLL) so that the output of the th delay element

occurs th of the way through the switching interval. The
delay-matching network is used to offset the propagation delay
of the multiplexor. The disadvantage of this approach is that
it requires a -to-1 multiplexor in order to gate the required
delay-line tap to the reset input of the output flip-flop, which
Fig. 9. DC/DC converter top-level architecture. can require substantial area as increases.
The approach used in this design is a hybrid of the delay-
line and counter-based approaches. The PWM generator
[Fig. 11(a)] consists of a 32 stage delay line configured as
a ring oscillator that is phase locked to a reference clock
( ). A programmable divider allows the ring oscillator
frequency to be set two to 32 times faster than the reference
frequency. The taps of the delay line then divide the input
clock period into between 64 and 1024 equal increments
(a) using a 32-to-1 multiplexor. The PWM output is generated by
setting the output flip-flop on the rising edge of and then
resetting the flip-flop when the ring oscillator pulse arrives at
the th tap of the delay line selected by the multiplexor for the
th time, where and are specified using the five LSB’s and
five MSB’s of the duty-cycle command word, respectively.
The delay line contains 32 variable delay elements, each
consisting of a current-starved buffer, divided into four eight-
buffer segments [Fig. 11(b)]. Postcharge logic [21] is used to
Fig. 10. PWM generator architectures. (a) Fast-clocked counter approach. match leading-edge and falling-edge propagation times and
(b) Pure delay-line approach.
allows a ring oscillator to be created with an even number of
stages. The delay of the delay line is controlled by adjusting
modulation (PWM) stage to create the output. This com- the gate signals on starvation-type NMOS devices, which
pensation network forms a variable-gain integral controller. controls the speed of the positive going edge at the output
The sample rate of this controller is fully programmable but of each buffer. The control-node voltage is controlled through
ultimately limited by the conversion rate of the A/D, which a phase-locked loop (PLL) using a charge pump. The biasing
was designed to be 100 ksamples/s. for the charge pump is generated on-chip with a low voltage
The output stage is that of a down converter with syn- modified 100-nA MOS Widlar current source that uses MOS
chronous rectification. Wide lateral NMOS and PMOS devices devices operating in subthreshold (Fig. 12). The compensation
are used for the power switches. network of the PLL is also implemented on-chip using poly-
poly capacitors and a poly resistor.
A. PWM Generator The hybrid approach used in our processor provides consid-
The variable DC/DC converter utilizes a very power- and erable advantages over both of the aforementioned approaches.
area-efficient hybrid delay-line/counter-based approach to gen- By using a delay line, the circuit can be clocked at a much
erate the required PWM signal for the output power switches. lower rate than in the fast-clocked counter approach, resulting
Previous proposals for generating a PWM signal from a digital in a 32 reduction in power in this implementation. This
command word used either fast-clocked counters [19] or a pure enables us to achieve significantly higher efficiencies at low
delay-line-based approach [20]. load power levels. The use of the counter enables the size of
Fast-clocked counters partition the switching interval into the delay line to be reduced so that the width requirements
subintervals using an -bit down counter and zero detector of the selection multiplexor can be reduced by a factor of
[Fig. 10(a)]. At the beginning of each switching interval, eight relative to the pure delay-line implementation (assuming
the output flip-flop is set and the counter is loaded with 256 taps). This yields a 9 reduction in area relative to the
the duty-cycle command word. The counter counts down to delay-line-based PWM circuit.
zero, at which point the flip-flop is reset. Unfortunately, the
counter clock frequency is times the switching frequency,
which implies high power dissipation (on the order of several B. A/D Converter
milliwatts) and thus low efficiencies under low output power The A/D converter is a 100-ksamples/s, 7-bit, charge-
conditions. redistribution converter. The advantage of a charge redistri-
A pure delay-line-based approach [Fig. 10(b)] partitions the bution converter for low-power applications is that it can
switching interval into subintervals using a tapped-delay be implemented without amplifiers, which would typically
line containing variable delay elements (e.g., current- cause significant static currents to be dissipated. A dynamic
starved inverters). The total delay of the line is made equal to comparator (Fig. 13) was utilized to compare the capacitor
the switching interval of the supply through the use of a delay- array voltage to an external analog reference at each stage


Fig. 11. (a) PWM generator block diagram. (b) PWM generator delay line.

Fig. 12. Low-voltage modified Widlar current source and PLL charge pump (dimensions in micrometers).

of the conversion. The dynamic comparator dissipates power to a maximum of 134 mW. The drop-off in efficiency at low
only during evaluations and requires no external biasing net- loads is due to the fixed overhead of the switching losses in the
works. The capacitor array utilizes common centroid layout output power switches, which were optimized for loads on the
to improve capacitor matching, and there are two rows and order of 100 mW. However, the converter was designed with
columns of dummy devices on the perimeter of the array to the ability to operate multiple outputs using the same control
enhance matching further. Due to the relatively low resolution circuitry. Hence, at light loads, the efficiency can be improved
of the converter, unit capacitor sizing was rather aggres- by using a second set of switches optimized for loads on the
sive; a 10 10 m poly-poly capacitor giving 47 fF of order of 1 mW. Efficiencies of 90% have been measured at
capacitance. loads on the order of hundreds of microwatts using a separate
stand-alone implementation of the converter that utilizes this
C. Performance In comparison to a recently reported embedded converter
Table I summarizes the characteristics of the converter [22], our implementation achieves higher efficiencies at all
controller under two different configurations. The efficiency power loads of interest for our application (e.g., 95% versus
of the converter is shown in Fig. 14 for a variety of loads up 80% @ 100 mW and 80% versus 40% @10 mW).

Fig. 13. Dynamic comparator (dimensions in micrometers).


Fig. 15. Microphotograph of encryption processor.

Fig. 14. Efficiency of embedded DC/DC converter. structures used to characterize this prototype implementation
that could be eliminated in future implementations.
The encryption processor has been tested at all possible
widths, at a variety of rates and supply voltages, and has been
The encryption processor was implemented using a standard found to be fully functional. At its maximum operating speed
static CMOS design style in a 0.6- m double-poly double- and width, the QRG circuit operates at a supply voltage of 2.5
metal process. Process details are given in Table II. Fig. 15 V and dissipates 134 nJ per output bit at a rate of 1 Mb/s. This
shows a microphotograph of the processor with several sec- implies a maximum power consumption of 134 mW (140 mW
tions highlighted, and Fig. 16 shows a close-up view of the if the power consumption of the DC/DC converter is included).
embedded converter. The size of the converter is somewhat Energy scalability can be seen in Fig. 17, which shows the
misleading, as a large portion of its circuitry is dedicated to test effects of both shutting down unused data paths (fixed supply)

Fig. 16. Close-up of embedded DC/DC converter circuitry.

Fig. 19. Energy consumption versus security provided.

Fig. 17. Energy consumption versus QRG width.

Fig. 20. Dynamic performance of embedded DC/DC converter.

Fig. 19 demonstrates how the energy to produce a key-

stream bit of the processor varies as a function of the security
that is being provided. As expected, the ratio of security to
energy increases exponentially as the width of the processor
is increased.
The system performance of the embedded DC/DC converter
is shown in Fig. 20. The figure shows how the converter
reacts to changing quality requirements (as indicated by the
bottom two traces). The 90% settling time of the output is
Fig. 18. Energy reduction for varying QRG width and throughput.
approximately 100 s.
In comparison to a software implementation running on
and varying the supply voltage to compensate for the variations a low-power 32-bit embedded processor (e.g., StrongARM
in computation as the width of the QRG is varied from 512 [23]), it is estimated that our hardware implementation is
down to 64 bits at a key-stream rate of 1 Mb/s. The somewhat approximately 100 times more energy efficient. If differences
unusual shape arises because the operating frequency of the in process technologies used to implement the StrongARM and
QRG is a very nonlinear function of the QRG width the encryption processor are taken into account, the energy-
efficiency ratio approaches 1000.

Fig. 17 also demonstrates the benefits of using a variable VII. HYBRID SYSTEM
supply voltage relative to a fixed supply—the energy reduction Despite the variety of energy-reduction techniques used dur-
due to the variable supply varies between 1 at a width ing the course of the design, there may still be ultralow power
of 512 bits to 3.8 at a width of 64 bits. When variations applications (e.g., a wireless video sensor or communication
in throughput are taken into consideration, the savings can device) for which the power requirements of the processor
increase up to a factor of 5.33 at a rate of 100 kb/s (Fig. 18). may be prohibitively high. In such an application, the allotted

for energy reduction using variable voltage supply techniques.

This requires the development of embedded high-efficiency
variable output power supplies that dynamically vary the
system supply voltage to satisfy a given performance specifi-
cation, as opposed to a given voltage value. The culmination
of our efforts led to the design of a dynamically reconfigurable
encryption processor that is two to three orders of magnitude
more energy efficient and has an order of magnitude better per-
formance than the lowest powered general-purpose processor
executing an equivalent software program.
Fig. 21. Proposed hybrid encryption system block diagram.

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of magnitude less than the QRG implementation shown here [2] D. Brown, “Techniques for privacy and authentication in personal
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Aug. 1995.
To provide an adequate level of security while satisfying [3] A. Aziz and W. Diffie, “Privacy and authentication for wireless local
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hybrid system shown in Fig. 21. In this system, the strong [4] J. Goodman and A. P. Chandrakasan, “Low power scalable encryption
for wireless systems,” ACM Wireless Networks, pp. 55–70, Jan. 1998.
pseudorandom output of the QRG is used to periodically reini- [5] V. Gutnik and A. P. Chandrakasan, “Embedded power supply for low
tialize a much more power efficient, but less secure, cipher. power DSP,” IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst., vol. 5, pp. 425–435, Dec. 1997.
Very power-efficient ciphers can be constructed using the well- [6] L. Blum, M. Blum, and M. Shub, “A simple unpredictable pseudo-
random number generator,” SIAM J. Comput., vol. 15, no. 2, pp.
developed theory of linear feedback shift registers (LFSR’s) 364–383, May 1986.
[24]–[26]. However, the power efficiency of these ciphers [7] U. V. Vazirani and V. V. Vazirani, “Efficient and secure pseudo-random
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comes at the cost of a firm security guarantee—numerous 1985, pp. 193–202.
proposed LFSR-based ciphers that were thought to be secure [8] R. L. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. M. Adleman, “A method for obtaining
have been successfully attacked (e.g., [27] and [28]). digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems,” Commun. ACM, vol.
21, no. 2, pp. 120–126, Feb. 1979.
Reinitialization of the LFSR-based cipher with the sequence [9] A. M. Odlyzko, “The future of integer factorization,” CryptoBytes, RSA
output by the QRG augments the security of the LFSR-based Laboratories, vol. 1, pp. 5–12, Summer 1995.
cipher as it has been shown that, without the ability to factor [10] A. K. Lenstra, H. W. Lenstra, Jr., M. S. Manasse, and J. M. Pollard,
“The number field sieve,” in Proc. 22nd Ann. ACM Symp. Theory of
the modulus , the pseudorandom output of the QRG is Computing, 1990, pp. 564–572.
indistinguishable from a truly random source [6]. Hence, an [11] N. Takagi, “A radix-4 modular multiplication hardware algorithm for
attacker is forced continually to restart their attack at the modular exponentiation,” IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 41, pp. 949–956,
Aug. 1992.
beginning of each initialization period, and the amount of
[12] H. Orup and P. Kornerup, “A high-radix hardware algorithm for
data exposed for any given successful attack is minimized. calculating the exponential E Modulo ,” in Proc. 10th IEEE Symp.
Computer Arithmetic, 1991, pp. 51–57.
In addition, by partitioning the system in this way, only the [13] H. Morita, “A fast modular-multiplication algorithm based on a higher
power-efficient cipher needs to operate at the 1-Mb/s data rate. radix,” in Advances in Cryptology—Proc. CRYPTO ‘89, 1990, pp.
The QRG can operate at a greatly reduced rate on the order 387–399.
[14] P. Montgomery, “Modular multiplication without trial division,” Math.
of several kilobits per second. For example, in a video sensor Computation, vol. 44, pp. 243–264, 1987.
application, if the key were updated every frame (i.e., 30- [15] A. P. Chandrakasan, S. Sheng, and R. W. Brodersen, “Low-power
Hz refresh rate), and each update required 100 bits of key CMOS digital design,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 27, pp.
473–484, Apr. 1992.
information, then the power consumption of the QRG would be [16] T. Barber, P. Carvey, and A. P. Chandrakasan, “Designing for wireless
LAN communications,” IEEE Circuits Devices Mag., vol. 12, no. 4, pp.
nJ/bit bits V Hz W (8) 29–33, 1996.
[17] A. P. Chandrakasan, A. Burstein, and R. W. Brodersen, “A low-power
The power consumption of the LFSR-based cipher has chipset for a portable multimedia I/O terminal,” IEEE J. Solid-State
been measured to be 15 W at a data rate of 1 Mb/s and Circuits, vol. 29, pp. 1415–1428, Dec. 1994.
[18] Powermill User’s Manual, Synopsys Technologies, 1998.
supply voltage of 1 V. Combining these results gives a total [19] G.-Y. Wei and M. Horowitz, “A low power switching power supply for
estimated hybrid system power consumption less than 100 self-clocked systems,” in Proc. 1996 Int. Symp. Low Power Electronics
W, which is well within the allotted power budget. and Design, 1996, pp. 313–318.
[20] A. Dancy and A. P. Chandrakasan, “Ultra low power control circuits for
PWM converters,” in Proc. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf.,
VIII. CONCLUSION 1997, pp. 21–27.
[21] R. J. Proebsting, “Speed enhancement techniques for CMOS circuits,”
Security must become an integral part of wireless systems U.S. Patent 4 985 643.
if the technology is going to be trusted by the mainstream [22] T. Kuroda et al., “Variable supply-voltage scheme for low-power high-
speed CMOS digital design,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 33, pp.
user. However, providing security in an energy-efficient man- 454–462, Mar. 1998.
ner requires the development of dynamically reconfigurable [23] J. Montanaro et al., “A 160-MHz, 32-b, 0.5-W CMOS RISC micro-
architectures that can adapt to the time-varying data rates and processor,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, pp. 1703–1714, Nov.
quality requirements inherent in wireless systems. These time- [24] S. W. Golomb, Shift Register Sequences. San Francisco, CA: Holden-
varying properties make wireless systems an ideal application Day, 1967.

[25] D. Coppersmith, H. Krawczyk, and Y. Mansour, “The shrinking gener- Anantha P. Chandrakasan (S’87–M’95) received
ator,” in Advances in Cryptology—Proc. CRYPTO ‘93, 1994, pp. 22–39. the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
[26] C. G. Gunther, “Alternating step sequences controlled by de Bruijn engineering and computer science (EECS) from the
sequences,” in Advances in Cryptology—Proc. EUROCRYPT ‘87, 1988, University of California, Berkeley, in 1989, 1990,
pp. 5–14. and 1994, respectively.
[27] T. Beth and F. C. Piper, “The stop-and-go generator,” in Advances in He is an Associate Professor of EECS at the
Cryptology: Proc. EUROCRYPT ‘84, pp. 88–92. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
[28] P. R. Geffe, “How to protect data with ciphers that are really hard to He was an Assistant Professor of EECS there from
break,” Electronics, vol. 46, pp. 99–101, Jan. 1973. 1994 to July 1998. He held the Analog Devices
Career Development Chair from 1994 to 1997. His
research interests include ultralow-power implemen-
tation of custom and programmable digital signal processors, wireless sensors
James Goodman received the B.A.Sc. degree in and multimedia devices, emerging technologies, and CAD tools for VLSI. He
electrical engineering from the University of Water- is a coauthor of Low Power Digital CMOS Design (Norwell, MA: Kluwer
loo, Canada, in 1994. He received the S.M. degree Academic) and a coeditor of Low Power CMOS Design (New York: IEEE
in electrical engineering and computer science from Press). He has been a member of the Technical Program Committee of various
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- conferences, including ISSCC, VLSI Circuits Symposium, DAC, ISLPED, and
bridge, in 1996, where he currently is pursuing the ICCD. He was a Technical Program Cochair of the 1997 ISLPED and VLSI
Ph.D. degree. Design ’98. He is a General Cochair of the 1998 ISLPED and the Signal
His current research interests are energy-efficient Processing Subcommittee Chair for ISSCC ’99.
reconfigurable architectures for implementing cryp- Dr. Chandrakasan is a member of the Design and Implementation of Signal
tographic algorithms and protocols, as well as low- Processing Systems Technical Committee of the Signal Processing Society. He
power asynchronous design. He has held a variety of was a General Cochair of the 1998 IEEE Computer Society Annual Workshop.
industrial positions as both a student and a full-time Engineer with companies He is a Program Cochair for the 1998 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing
such as Bell-Northern Research, Ltd., CAE Electronics, Ltd., and DY-4 Systems.
Electronics, Inc., working on a variety of projects ranging from virtual-reality
hardware engines to real-time CASE tools.

Abram P. Dancy received the S.B. and M.Eng. degrees in electrical engi-
neering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, in 1996.
The focus of his research was the development of high-efficiency power
supplies for ultralow-power applications. He joined Synqor, Hudson, MA,
in 1997, where he currently is developing power supplies for a variety of

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