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On The Need of Physical Security For Small Embedded Devices: A Case Study With COMP128-1 Implementations in SIM Cards (Long Version)

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On the Need of Physical Security for Small Embedded

Devices: a Case Study with COMP128-1

Implementations in SIM Cards (long version)

Yuanyuan Zhou1 , Yu Yu2 , Francois-Xavier Standaert3

and Jean-Jacques Quisquater3
Brightsight, Delft, The Netherlands.
East China Normal University and Tsinghua University, China.
ICTEAM/ELEN/Crypto Group, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

Abstract. Ensuring the physical security of small embedded devices is

challenging. Such devices have to be produced under strong cost con-
straints, and generally operate with limited power and energy budget.
However, they may also be deployed in applications where physical access
is indeed possible for adversaries. In this paper, we consider the case of
SIM cards to discuss these issues, and report on successful side-channel
attacks against several (old but still deployed) implementations of the
COMP128-1 algorithm. Such attacks are able to recover cryptographic
keys with limited time and data, by measuring the power consumption
of the devices manipulating them, hence allowing cards cloning and com-
munications eavesdropping. This study allows us to put forward the long
term issues raised by the deployment of cryptographic implementations.
It provides a motivation for improving the physical security of small em-
bedded devices early in their development. We also use it to argue that
public standards for cryptographic algorithms and transparent physical
security evaluation methodologies are important tools for this purpose.

1 Introduction
Protecting present information systems requires considering both hardware and
software security issues, with their specific risks and constraints. In general,
software attacks are cheaper and tools for performing them can be rapidly dis-
seminated. Yet, they are also easier to patch with code updates. By contrast,
hardware attacks are more difficult to perform, as they require laboratory equip-
ment that ranges from low-cost to highly expensive. But they can be more diffi-
cult to fix a posteriori, as hardware updates imply more expensive development
processes, and usually take place in the longer term. Hence, finding the best
balance between hardware and software security is a difficult task for system de-
signers. This concern is particularly critical with cryptographic implementations
that may be the target of fault insertion attacks [7] and side-channel attacks [26,
27, 44]. In the latter case (that will be our focus in this paper), the adversary
exploits physical information leakage such as the power consumption of the de-
vice running a cryptographic algorithm, in order to extract secret information
such as secret keys. As the power consumption of a device is expected to be
correlated with the data it manipulates, these attacks essentially proceed by
comparing key-dependent leakage predictions with actual measurements. When
no particular care is taken, cryptographic implementations frequently turn out
to be highly susceptible to side-channel attacks, as recently exhibited with re-
sults against the KeeLoq remote keyless entry systems (at CRYPTO 2009 [18]),
the Mifare DESFire contactless smart cards (at CHES 2011 [38]), or Xilinx’s
FPGA bitstream encryption mechanisms (at ACM CCS 2011 [35]).

As a result of their implementation-specific nature, side-channel attacks are

particularly difficult to prevent. That is, since these attacks do not target algo-
rithms, but actual instances of their implementation in various technologies, it is
hard to design general (and efficient) solutions that allow making any implemen-
tation of an algorithm secure. Hence, most state-of-the-art techniques to improve
security against such attacks rely on heuristic assumptions (e.g. the masking and
hiding principles in [29]), and need to be confirmed by empirical evaluation. Note
that although this situation raises challenging research problems (e.g. discussed
at the CHES workshops [13]), producing practically secure integrated circuits is
not out of reach. Nowadays, most smart card companies have products evaluated
by independent laboratories and granted with high security levels by certifica-
tion authorities, e.g. [1, 10]. But this improved security usually comes at the
cost of implementation overheads that may limit their practical deployment. In
addition, and although having certificates may be a good selling point, obtain-
ing them also takes time and money (see, e.g. the Common Criteria [15] and
EMVco [19]). Hence, while such certificates are a frequent requirement for secu-
rity products of government agencies and banking applications, they are much
less usual in lower-cost applications using SIM or transport cards.

A typical example of this lack of general approaches for preventing side-

channel attacks was actually given by a team from IBM in 2002, for implemen-
tations of the COMP128-1 algorithm used in GSM communications. In a paper
from IEEE S&P [45], Rao et al. first showed that a straightforward application
of Differential Power Analysis (DPA) was not successful against the instances of
SIM cards they were analyzing (presumably because of some ad hoc countermea-
sures). Then, they observed that at the first round of COMP128-1’s compression
function, the substitution-box (S-box) consists of 512 values (i.e. are accessed by
a 9-bit index). It implies that on low-speed SIMs (with 8-bit CPU) this S-box
has to be implemented using two (typically equal-size) lookup tables. Knowing
which table is being accessed (which could be identified from the power traces)
could result in a key recovery with a maximum of 1000 random challenges, or
255 chosen ones, or just 8 adaptively chosen ones (i.e. as efficient as a binary
search). This data corresponds to the monitoring of a few minutes of SIM card
operations. In other words, while the standard DPA approach did not directly
lead to successful key recoveries, a slightly modified path taking advantage of the
implementation specificities did a perfect job. Fortunately, the attack (exploiting
the 8-bit addressing) was only applicable to 8-bit-CPU SIM cards. Since 2003,
the major operators have been gradually phasing out the use of legacy SIM by
issuing products equipped with 16-bit CPU data bus, ruling out this possibility.
In this paper, we take advantage of this SIM card example to discuss the
practical challenges raised by hardware security issues. For this purpose, we in-
vestigate the resistance of SIM cards from two different GSM operators and four
different manufacturers against DPA. Our experiments target implementations
of the COMP128-1 algorithm in 16-bit CPUs, that are secure against the IBM
2002 attack. They are also secure against the algorithmic collision attacks de-
scribed in [8]. While COMP128-1 is progressively being replaced by improved
versions, it is still deployed in commercial devices, and sometimes being dis-
tributed. We show how DPA can be used to recover its 128-bit secret key, allow-
ing cards cloning and communications eavesdropping. Depending on the targets
and measurement setup available to the adversary, the attacks require physical
access to the device ranging from minutes to a couple of hours. Interestingly, our
results can be seen as the methodological counterpart of the 2002 ones. While
the previous analysis in [45] targets instances of SIM cards (presumably) secure
against standard DPA attacks but weak against dedicated ones, our instances
are robust against the IBM attack but weak against standard DPA.

The important conclusions of this work are methodological. First, our results
exhibit the long term nature of physical security concerns. While cryptographic
implementations are not deployed as long as algorithms, they may remain in
service for a couple of years, and are not straightforward to upgrade. This ob-
servation makes a case for considering physical security as an important feature
of small embedded devices in general. Technical solutions exist to make side-
channel attacks significantly more difficult to perform, e.g. the previously men-
tioned masking and hiding. But they work best if considered early in a design
process. Second, we observe that public standards for cryptographic algorithms
are useful to improve the efficiency of countermeasures against physical attacks.
By contrast, the closed-source nature of COMP128-1 has significantly limited the
amount of research about its secure implementations. Finally, transparent and
reproducible (possibly standardized) methodologies for physical security evalu-
ations are required, in order to quantify physical security on a sound basis.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Background about the GSM
infrastructure, the COMP128-1 hash algorithm and side-channel attacks is given
in Section 2. Section 3 contains the technical description of the different attacks
we mounted, as well as our experimental results. Countermeasures are briefly
discussed in Section 4. Eventually, we conclude the paper in Section 5, by dis-
cussing lessons learned and possible directions for future research.

Contact with the operators. Our experiments have been performed in 2010.
The different operators exploiting the SIM cards that we discuss in this paper
have been contacted before publication of our results. Updates towards imple-
mentations of COMP128-2 and COMP128-3, including protections against side-
channel attacks, are under development (or maybe already deployed).
SIM GSM Network AuC
(IMSI,KI) {(IMSI,KI)} for all subscribers
IMSI IMSI (identifying KI)
RAND RAND Pick random RAND;

A8 A3 COMP128-1 A3 A8

Reject if ‘6=’
A5 A5
Encrypted (under KC) communication

Fig. 1. Illustration of the protocol between a SIM card and an authentication center.

2 Background

2.1 GSM infrastructure and COMP128-1

GSM-Network. Despite the migration to 3G networks being a major trend,

the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) remains the current dom-
inant technology for mobile communications worldwide [53], especially in many
developing countries. The (oversimplified) infrastructure of a GSM network is
represented in Figure 1. It consists of a subscriber identity module (SIM) which
is an integrated circuit located in a mobile telephony device, and the opera-
tor’s network authentication center (AuC). A SIM stores necessary credentials
to identify itself and authenticate to the network, including a symmetric secret
key KI (key identifier ), a serial number ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card ID) and
a unique user number IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity).
GSM Authentication and Encryption. The GSM specification allows net-
work operators to choose their algorithms for authentication, and only mentions
COMP128-1 (aka A3/A8) as an example. COMP128-1 is a cryptographic hash
function that was not available to the public until it was reverse engineered by
Briceno, Goldberg and Wagner [8] in 1998. As depicted in Figure 1, each SIM has
its ID-key pair (IMSI,KI) while the AuC stores the keys for all registered SIMs
(indexed by IMSI). So a SIM has to first send its IMSI to AuC in order to identify
the corresponding KI. Then, both parties engage in a challenge-response proto-
col: the AuC sends a random challenge RAND to the SIM. The SIM then hashes
the concatenated string RANDkKI into digest SRESkKC, part of which (i.e. SRES)
is sent back to the AuC as a response. The AuC rejects the authentication if
the received SRES differs from its own version. Otherwise, the parties establish
communication encrypted using stream cipher A5 under session key KC.
COMP128-1 is a cryptographic hash function that takes a 32-byte input (i.e.
a 16-byte challenge RAND and a 16-byte secret key KI), and produces a 12-
byte output (a 4-byte response SRES and an 8-byte session key KC). We list
the pseudo-code of COMP128-1 below, where we slightly abuse the notation by
using RAND[j] (resp. KI[j]) to denote the (j + 1)−th byte of RAND (resp. KI).

function COMP128-1(RAND, KI)

for j=16 to 31 do {load RAND}
X[j] := RAND[j − 16];
for i=0 to 7 do {8 iterative rounds}
for j=0 to 15 do {load KI}
X[j] := KI[j];
call Compress; {5-subround compression}
call FormBitsFromBytes; {assemble result}
if i < 7 then {permute except the last round }
call Permute;

The algorithm first loads RAND into the upper half of a 32-byte vector X[],
namely X[16−31]. Then it iterates eight rounds, where one loads KI into X[0−15]
and compresses the 32-byte X[0 − 31] into 16 bytes (i.e. after compression each
X[j] consists of 4 useful bits), which are then assembled by FormBitsFromBytes
into X[16 − 31], followed by a permutation on X[16 − 31] (except for the last
round). The first 12 bytes of X[16 − 31] are produced as output. For all known
attacks (and our DPA attacks), it is sufficient to consider the code up to the first
invocation of the compression function. As detailed in the pseudo-code below
and illustrated in Figure 7 (in Appendix), the compression function consists of
5 (sub-)rounds of table look-ups using S-boxes T0 [512], T1 [256], T2 [128], T3 [64]
and T4 [32] respectively, where each Tj replaces (9 − j)-bit strings with (8 − j)-
bit ones. We often refer to the pairwise substitution structure as “butterfly”. In
each of the 5 levels, compression is performed on 2 equal sized sections, and two
input bytes are used to calculate the index for the table. The result is the output
byte. More precisely, at each (sub-)round j + 1, for every pair of X[m] and X[n]
with n = m + 44−j , two intermediate values y and z are computed as in the
pseudo-code, and the values of X[m] and X[n] are replaced by Tj [y] and Tj [z].
function Compress(X[0 − 31])
for j = 0 to 4 do {5 sub-rounds in Figure 7}
for k = 0 to 2j − 1 do
for l = 0 to 24−j − 1 do
m := l + k·25−j ;
n := m + 24−j ;
y := (X[m] + 2·X[n]) mod 29−j ;
z := (2·X[m] + X[n]) mod 29−j ;
X[m] := Tj [y];
X[n] := Tj [z];
Cryptanalysis of COMP128-1 and A5. The most severe cryptanalytic weak-
ness in the GSM infrastructure was identified together with the reverse engi-
neering of the algorithm in 1998 [8]. Briceno et al. showed that COMP128-1
was fatally flawed due to a lack of diffusion in its compression function, which
leads to a collision attack (also called Narrow Pipe Attack). It takes roughly
131, 000 challenge-response pairs to recover KI, and about 7.5 hours to acquire
the necessary data given physical access to the SIM. Quite naturally, recovering
the key identifier completely cancels the security of the infrastructure. As a re-
action, the GSM association developed newer (but still proprietary 1 ) versions,
namely COMP128-2 and COMP128-3. While these newer versions are already
widely deployed in Europe, many SIM cards implementing COMP128-1 remain
in service in other countries. Besides, several strong cryptanalysis results have
also been published against various versions of the A5 algorithm, including [3–6,
34], leading to real-time and low-cost attacks demonstrated by Karsten Nohl and
Sylvain Munaut at the 2010 Chaos Communication Congress. Here as well, the
move towards adopting the A5/3 algorithm is slowly taking place [42].
SIM Cloning Fraud and Countermeasures. For unprotected (and weakly
protected) implementations of COMP128-1, SIM card cloning kits are available
from eBay for about $10 which typically include a USB SIM reader/writer, a
programmable wafer card, and a software tool, where the tool extracts the KI
by realizing collision attacks. Depending on the key recovery tools (“SimScan”,
“WoronScan”, “SimMaster” to name a few) and their randomized computation,
the time spent on key extraction can range from half an hour to 36 hours. Al-
though physical access to the SIM is required, a practical scenario could be that
a retailer makes duplicates of the SIMs in stock, and later makes fraudulent
calls and payments. Alternative scenarios include access to security sensitive lo-
cations, where guests are required to hand over their mobile phones to a security
officer, and get them back when checking out. Beyond the direct consequences of
cloning for the security of the GSM communications, one can mention possible
consequences for other security infrastructures relying on SIM card security. As
a typical illustration, and as part of the multi-factor authentication for Internet
banking, some commercial banks send one-time passwords to customers’ mobile
phones rather than to issue additional secure hardware tokens. In order to pre-
vent frauds, most SIM cards implementing COMP128-1 are now deployed with
a combination of protections against cloning attacks based on collisions.
We recall the Kerckhoffs’ principle that a cryptosystem should be secure even if
everything about the algorithm, except the secret key, is public knowledge. In this
respect, an advantage of the 3G technology (over GSM) is that its authentication
protocol is based on the (public and well-studied) Advanced Encryption Standard.
For this purpose, a natural measure is to set a maximal number of challenge
requests before the SIM locks itself. However, this limit has to be above the
number of requests a SIM receives during its lifetime (under normal operation)
in order not to trouble legitimate users. For example, it is set to 65,535 by many
U.S. operators [24]. Hence and as a complement, the so-called “Indexed Chal-
lenges” can be implemented: it essentially pre-stores a few byte patterns that
cause 2R-collisions, and upon successful pattern-match of a requested challenge,
proceeds with the computation by replacing the true KI with a fake one (pre-
stored on the SIM) which will eventually lead to a false output. These Indexed
Challenges turn out to be insufficient as they neither “punish” any suspected
malicious behavior, nor do they handle any collision attacks beyond the second
sub-round. To address this problem, from 2009 some operators started to put
in place a new countermeasure referred to as “Collision Free” in the rest of the
paper. In this case, the SIM stores N (e.g. 50, typically) records of previously
queried challenges in an Elementary File (EF). In case the current challenge
RAND matches any record in 5 or more bytes (which presumably captures the
characteristics of collision attacks at 2R, 3R and above), it is counted as an at-
tack. The SIM is locked if more than 255 attacks are detected. Otherwise, RAND
is passed to COMP128-1 as input. A Random Number Generator (RNG) is used
to provide randomness for deciding whether to store each challenge RAND or not,
and which existing record to replace with. This countermeasure considers not
only 2R- collision attacks, but also those at subsequent sub-rounds, with a good
chance of causing a SIM lock. To the best of our knowledge, it is the start-of-art
countermeasure to deter SIM cloning attacks on COMP128-1 implementations.

2.2 Side-channel attacks

Side-channel attacks generally exploit the existence of data-dependent and phys-
ically observable phenomenons caused by the execution of computing tasks in
present microelectronic devices. Typical examples of such information leakages
include the power consumption and the electromagnetic radiation of integrated
circuits. We will focus on the first one in the rest of this paper. The literature
usually divides such attacks in two classes. First, Simple Power Analysis (SPA)
attempts to interpret the power consumption of a device and deduce informa-
tion about its performed operations. This can be done by visual inspection of the
power consumption measurements in function of the time. SPA in itself does not
always lead to key recovery. For example with block ciphers, distinguishing the
encryption rounds does not reveal any sensitive information. Yet, it is usually an
important preliminary step in order to reduce the computational requirements
of more advanced attacks. Second, Differential Power Analysis (DPA) intends
to take advantage of data-dependencies in the power consumption patterns. In
its standard form [30], DPA is based on a divide-and-conquer strategy, in which
the different parts of a secret key (usually denoted as “subkeys”) are recovered
separately. The attack is best illustrated with an example. Say one targets the
first round of a block cipher, where the plaintext is XORed with a subkey and
sent through a substitution box S. DPA is made of three main steps:
1. For different plaintexts xi and subkey candidates k ∗ , the adversary predicts
intermediate values in the target implementation. For example, one could

predict S-box outputs and get values vik = S(xi ⊕ k ∗ ).
2. For each of these predicted values, the adversary models the leakages. For
example, if the target block cipher is implemented in a CMOS-based micro-
controller, the model can be the Hamming weight (HW) of the predicted
∗ ∗
values2 . One then obtains modeled leakages mki = HW(vik ).
3. For each subkey candidate k ∗ , the adversary compares the modeled leakages
with actual measurements, produced with the same plaintexts xi and a secret

subkey k. In the univariate DPA attacks (that we will apply), each mki
is compared independently with many single points in the traces, and the
subkey candidate that performs best is selected by the adversary.
Different statistical tools have been proposed to perform this comparison. In our
experiments, we will consider a usual DPA distinguisher, namely Pearson’s cor-
relation coefficient [9]. In this case, and denoting a leakage sample produced with
plaintext xi and subkey k as lik , the adversary selects the subkey candidate as:

k∗ ∗ k
− mk ) · (lik − l )
i (mi
k̃ = argmax q , (1)
k∗ ∗ ∗ k
k − mk )2 · i (lik − l )2
i (mi

∗ k
where mk and l are the sample means of the models and leakage samples.
By repeating this procedure for every subkey, the complete master key is finally
recovered. Other distinguishers will be discussed in Section 3.4.

3 DPA attacks against implementations of the

COMP128-1 algorithm in SIM cards
3.1 Target SIM cards & measurement setup
In this section, we perform DPA attacks on four representative SIM cards de-
noted as #1,#2, #3 and #4. As summarized in Table 1, they correspond to
different operators and manufacturers and implement different countermeasures
against collision attacks: SIM#1 and SIM#2 are susceptible to collision attacks
in 20 000 and more queries, SIM#3 and SIM#4 are immune against them.
We used a LeCroy WavePro 950 oscilloscope to acquire the power traces, via
a small resistor of 25 Ohm between the GND of power supply and the GND
of a self-made Card-to-Terminal adapter. The Card-to-Terminal adapter was
tweaked to provide an external DC power to the test card via a Kenwood P18A
power supply (+5V), and to provide an external clock to the card via an Agilent
This assumption relates to the observation that in CMOS circuits, a significant part
of the power consumption is dynamic, i.e. caused by the switching activity. A first-
order approximation of this switching activity is given by the Hamming weight of
the intermediate values produced when performing the cryptographic computations.
Table 1. Target SIM cards.

Manufact. Operator Countermeasure(s)

SIM#1 I A Not Available
SIM#4 IV B I-C + C-F

33120A function generator(5MHz Frequency, 2.2V Amplitude and 1.1V Offset).

We used a commercially available card reader and software to control the test
card during the acquisitions. In addition, we used a Keithley 488 GPIB card
(i.e. a PCI card installed inside a PC) to communicate with the oscilloscope.

3.2 Preprocessing of the traces

As usual when implementing side-channel attacks, we started by applying SPA

in order to identify the relevant parts of the power traces. This task is easy for
SIM#1 and SIM#2. As shown in Figure 2, we can identify the 8 iterative rounds
of COMP128-1 by visual inspection. Next, by further zooming on the different
iterations, we can even observe the 5 sub-rounds of the COMP128-1 compression
function, as illustrated in Figure 3. Therefore, it is directly possible to extract
the parts of the power traces where to apply DPA for these two targets.

Fig. 2. A power trace from SIM#1.

The situation slightly differs for SIM cards #3 and #4, where the Collision
Free countermeasure was implemented. As illustrated in Figure 4 (and Figure 8
in Appendix), it is again possible to identify the COMP128-1 operations (as
Fig. 3. Zoom on a power trace from SIM#2.

well as the Indexed Challenges) in the power traces. Yet, the Collision Free
countermeasure includes a randomized memory writing operation (i.e. it uses
randomness to decide whether to store a current request or not). Therefore, the
length of the power traces varies for different inputs, which requires special care
for aligning the traces after acquisition. In order to deal with this situation, a
simple solution is to apply pattern matching techniques. That is, we selected a
characteristic pattern including the samples of interest for our DPA attacks, and
then systematically identified them in following traces using cross-correlation. As
the noise level in our measurements was relatively low, such a simple heuristic
was sufficient for performing successful key recoveries, as will be described next.

Fig. 4. A power trace from SIM#3.

3.3 DPA attack results

First, we mention that no countermeasures in our target SIM cards prohibit

random queries. Therefore, we generated our traces by repeatedly executing the
COMP128-1 algorithm with such inputs. Next, we applied exactly the divide-
and conquer strategy described in Section 2.2. That is, we performed DPA with
Pearson’s correlation coefficient and used the Hamming weight power model. We
applied our distinguisher to all the leakage samples lik that were selected using

the SPA in the previous section. Finally, and as target values vik , we focused on
the intermediate values y and z at the first sub-round of the first round in the
implementation of COMP128-1, namely:

y = (X[m] + 2·X[n]) = (KI[m] + 2·RAND[m]) mod 29−j ,

z = (2·X[m] + X[n]) = (2·KI[m] + RAND[m]) mod 29−j .

For each 0 ≤ m ≤ 15, we built predictions for the 256 possible values of KI[m]
and performed the comparison. The result of such a comparison for one of the 16
COMP128-1 subkeys is given in Figure 5 for SIM#2 (and in Appendix, Figure 5
for SIM#1). The figures plot the value of Pearson’s correlation coefficient over
time, using y as a target value. We observe that a significant peak is distin-
guishable at the time samples where the computation of y actually takes place,
and this peak only appears for the correct subkey candidate. As expected, the
situation is slightly more challenging for SIM#3 (for which the result is given
in Figure 6) and SIM#4 (for which the result is given in Appendix, Figure 10).
This is due to more noisy traces and the previously mentioned synchronization
issue. Yet, in both cases, a DPA peak remained clearly distinguishable, and we
could always identify the COMP128-1 subkeys. Finally, we consistently recov-
ered the full key of SIM#1 and SIM#2 with an amount of traces in the hundreds
range, and this number extends to the thousands range for SIM#3 and SIM#4.

Fig. 5. DPA result against SIM#2.

These estimated data complexities are in accordance with the work of Mangard
at CT-RSA 2004 [28], where it is shown that the number of measurement traces
needed to recover a subkey is inversely proportional to the square of the corre-
lation coefficient estimated for the correct key candidate. In practice, these data
complexities corresponds to a few minutes to a couple of hours of acquisition,
depending on the target and speed of the setups available to an adversary.

Fig. 6. DPA result against SIM#3.

3.4 Possible improvements of the attacks

Although the tools used in this paper are sufficient to demonstrate the exis-
tence of exploitable leakage in different SIM cards, there are many tracks for
improving them and reducing data complexity. A better preprocessing including
advanced synchronization methods and possible filtering of the noise comes in
the first place [14, 56]. Besides, the Hamming weight model that we exploit could
certainly be refined. Using profiling such as in template attacks is the optimal
solution for this purpose [12]. Regression-based approaches are another more
flexible option [48], that can possibly be applied in a non-profiled scenario [17].
Moving towards multivariate attacks, taking advantage of several leakage points
concurrently, and possibly exploiting dimensionality reduction techniques, is yet
another possibility [2, 50]. Finally, in case side-channel attacks are limited by a
bounded data complexity, it is also possible to trade a lack of measurements for
more offline computations, e.g. using enumeration algorithms [57].

4 Countermeasures
Numerous solutions to improve the security of embedded devices against side-
channel have been proposed in the open literature. In general, the state-of-the-
art intuition is that none of them is sufficient to completely prevent the threat
of physical adversaries. Hence, modern security chips usually combine different
types of protections, at different abstraction levels. From the application and
usability point of view, these countermeasures can roughly be classified among
two essentially orthogonal axes. On the one hand, they can be hardware or
software. Hardware-based countermeasures offer the most direct way to prevent
the leakage, as they tackle the problem directly where it lies. Examples include
the dual-rail logic styles introduced in [54], or masked computations [11]. The
main limitation of these solutions is the difficulty to control the design process,
e.g. in order to balance the capacitances of rails in a logic style [22, 55], or to
avoid detrimental effects such as glitches that may lead to easy-to-exploit leak-
ages in masked implementations [31, 32]. Hence, software-based countermeasures
bring a more flexible complement, e.g. exploiting time randomizations [16, 23]
or data masking [39, 47], at the cost of possibly higher performance overheads.
Both for hardware and software countermeasures, security evaluations usually
reveal that attacks remain possible if high number of measurements are available
(see, e.g. [43, 52] for the case of masking). On the other hand, protections can be
more or less transparent to the global infrastructure. For example, the previously
listed countermeasures aim to protect cryptographic algorithms, independent of
the protocol using them. But in order to prevent the exploitation of side-channel
leakages, it is ultimately useful to also limit the number of times a secret key is
manipulated to encrypt with leakage. Modes of operation that ensure such a con-
dition have been considered early after the publications of side-channel attacks,
e.g. by Paul Kocher [40]. They are also at the cores of several recent leakage-
resilient constructions, e.g. [41, 59]. Summarizing, the public literature contains
a wide range of techniques for improving the security of cryptogaphic imple-
mentations that could apply to SIM cards. Yet, improving the understanding of
their strength and weaknesses in order to obtain the best security with minimum
performance overheads remains an important scope for further research.

5 Conclusions & future work

Technically, it is not a surprise that weakly protected chips can be defeated by

side-channel attacks. Yet, our results exhibit (or recall) that such attacks are
relatively easy to implement, and are certainly accessible to determined adver-
saries. Taking the example of SIM cards, this can have severe consequences for
the security of GSM communications. Overall, the security of a system is always
as strong as its weakest point. Hence, distributing cryptographically-enhanced
chips without a sufficient care for physical security leads to unbalanced situa-
tions, as side-channel attacks may constitute a trapdoor to circumvent math-
ematical security. This is especially important for small embedded devices, for
which physical access may sometimes be granted to adversaries. In this respect, it
is more surprising that (somewhat) security sensitive applications do not always
build on certified chips (following what is done, e.g. for bank cards). Admittedly,
the target SIM cards investigated in this paper implement old versions of the
GSM algorithms, in old technologies. Nevertheless, some of these cards are still
in circulation and cards cloning is an important concern that could prevent the
adoption of new services [20]. Hence, this situation illustrates the long term na-
ture of hardware security issues. It provides a general motivation for considering
them as an important element to take into account early in cryptographic de-
velopments. In this respect, we note that the use of proprietary algorithms in
commercial products significantly slows down progresses in securing their im-
plementation. In view of the implementation-specific nature of physical attacks,
it frequently turns out that protection mechanisms that are tailored to certain
cryptographic algorithms provide the best efficiency vs. security tradeoffs. For
example, secure implementations of the AES have been the subject of a large
literature over the last 10 years. By contrast, no similar analysis is available for
COMP128-1. Worse, the use of large (e.g. 512-bit) tables makes it hardly suitable
for implementation of countermeasures such as software masking [21]. Following
this observation and in the long term, considering protections against physical
attacks as a design criteria for cryptographic algorithms could be useful.
While resorting to certification would be an important step in improving the
security of SIM cards (or other devices), we also note that the procedures used
by evaluation laboratories could benefit from an improved transparency. That
is, currently certified chips certainly rule out the possibility of simple attacks
as we describe in this paper. But it remains that the exact security level they
guarantee is opaque for the end-users, and this opaqueness generally increases as
countermeasures (e.g. as listed in Section 4) are added to the chips. Proposals of
worst-case security evaluations aiming at limiting the risks of a “false sense” of
security could improve this situation [49, 51]. Considering the strongest available
adversaries and taking advantage of the latest cryptanalytic progresses during
evaluations of cryptographic hardware appears important in view of the diffi-
culty to fix physical security breaches a posteriori. Eventually, better reflecting
side-channel evaluation tools and methodologies in public standards would be
highly beneficial too. In this respect, it is noticeable that the recent ISO 19790
draft standard on “security requirements for cryptographic modules” (aka. FIPS-
140-3 [36]) leaves the entire section on non-invasive attack methods essentially
optional to vendors, with little details about the exact evaluation procedures.
Additional scopes for further research naturally include the development of
countermeasures against physical attacks under strong cost and performance
constraints (e.g. for contactless smart cards and RFIDs). Other security proto-
cols relying on implementations in embedded devices could be investigated too.
Keeping the example of mobile communications, 3G networks and smart phones
appear as natural targets. In the latter case, recent news suggest that the side-
channel issue is not limited to SIM cards, and extends to cryptographic libraries
inside the phones [37]. Hence, security partitioning appears as an important di-
rection for improving the security of such embedded information systems.

Acknowledgements. Yu Yu was supported by the National Basic Research

Program of China Grant 2011CBA00300, 2011CBA00301, the National Natural
Science Foundation of China Grant 61033001, 61172085, 61061130540, 61073174,
61103221, 11061130539, 61021004 and 61133014. François-Xavier Standaert is an
associate researcher of the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS-F.R.S.).
This work has been funded in part by the ERC project 280141 on CRyptographic
Algorithms and Secure Hardware (acronym CRASH).

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0 1 2 ··· 1617 ··· 31

Sub-round 1 ···
T0T0 T0T0
7 8

Sub-round 2 ···
T1T1 T1T1
3 4

Sub-round 3 ···
T2T2 T2T2
2 3

Sub-round 4 ···

Sub-round 5 ···

Fig. 7. Butterfly structure of COMP128-1’s compressing function.

Fig. 8. A power trace from SIM#4.

Fig. 9. DPA result against SIM#1.

Fig. 10. DPA result against SIM#4.

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