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GRE Analytical Writing Argument Essay Topic - 1

A recent study shows that people living on the continent of North America suffer 9 times more chronic
fatigue and 31 times more chronic depression than do people living on the continent of Asia. Interestingly,
Asians, on average, eat 20 grams of soy per day, whereas North Americans eat virtually none. It turns out
that soy contains phytochemicals called Isoflavones, which have been found to possess disease-
preventing properties. Thus, North Americans should consider eating soy on a regular basis as a way of
preventing fatigue and depression.

GRE AWA Analytical Writing Argument Essay Sample Solution - 1

The above argument tries to establish a direct link between soy consumption and chronic fatigue and
depression. The underlying basis of the argument is that soy protein contains phytochemicals called
Isoflavones, which are found to possess disease-preventing properties.

However, disease is a much larger term, which does not cover only fatigue and depression, but also a
host of other medical conditions. Moreover, it is seen that chronic fatigue and depression are also the
results of high profile life, which leads to insomnia and stress. Chronic fatigue and depression can be the
symptoms of some other diseases also. The weather conditions, economic stature and work environment
of Asia and North America are very different from each other. People in these continents have different
lifestyles. Their attitude towards life is also very different. These health related problems could not be
certainly related with the intake of a certain kind of food that is soy foods. Therefore, it is very important to
establish a direct relation between soy foods and chronic fatigue and depression before arriving at any

The second point is that fatigue and depression are totally different from each other as scientifically they
are treated differently. You cannot categorize them in the same group. You need to consult a psychologist
to treat depression and a doctor for fatigue related problems. Hence, there cannot be the same solution
for two different problems. Above all, according to the author, chronic fatigue is 9 times and depression is
31 times more in North Americans as compared to their Asian counterparts. There is a huge difference
between 9 and 31. Therefore, you cannot relate or treat them together. There are definitely going to be
different reasons for the two diseases.

According to the author, soy foods contain a chemical called Isoflavones, which have disease preventing
properties. However, there is no study, which reveals that it is relevant for all types of diseases. Hence, a
research has to be done to establish that the drugs used to treat these two diseases contain Isoflavones.
However, it is a known fact that soy foods are good for human health as soy foods contain many nutrients
required for the human body. Again, there is no solid evidence that eating soy foods on a regular basis is
a solution for chronic fatigue and depression. The author has not even mentioned about any side effects
of Isoflavones. Hence, the suggestion to take soy foods daily, without any detailed study about soy food,
does not hold any ground.

Hence, it can be said that one should take soy foods for overall health. It is a possibility that soy foods
can be helpful in treating or preventing some diseases, which further have chronic fatigue or depression
as its symptoms. That way one can link these two diseases with Isoflavones. However, there is no direct
relation between soy proteins and chronic fatigue and depression; it is not justified in the given argument.
The author should have provided a few proofs and data to establish this relationship.


GRE Analytical Writing Argument Essay Topic - 2
"In order to save a considerable amount of money, Rockingham's century-old town hall should be torn
down and replaced by the larger and more energy-efficient building that some citizens have proposed.
The old town hall is too small to comfortably accommodate the number of people who are employed by
the town. In addition, it is very costly to heat the old hall in winter and cool it in summer. The new, larger
building would be more energy efficient, costing less per square foot to heat and cool than the old hall.
Furthermore, it would be possible to rent out some of the space in the new building, thereby generating
income for the town of Rockingham."

GRE AWA Analytical Writing Argument Essay Sample Solution - 2

According to the conclusion of this editorial, the new and larger building of town hall in place of the old
one will help in saving money and energy. However, many points given in support of the views of the
writer are not very convincing. Although, there is no doubt that the new proposed building will have many
advantages over the old town hall, but the author has ignored to mention many important points. He has
completely failed to provide evidence for his reasons to build the new building. The points given by the
author have no relevant relation among themselves. For example, the cost effectiveness and the fact that
the old building is not able to accommodate its employees are not related anywhere. He has tried to
explain the need of the new town hall but has neglected to suggest the alternative measures that can be
taken to solve the problems faced by the old town hall.

The author has talked about the larger and the energy efficient new building. According to him, it would
cost less per cubic foot to heat and cool the new building as compared to the old town hall building.
However, he has easily forgotten to mention the overall cost of heating and cooling the much larger new
building. This cost might be much higher than the current expenses. In addition, there will be the costs of
constructing the new building and installing new systems. The author has not even mentioned the option
of installing new heating and cooling systems in the old building. The upgradation of the old system might
be more cost effective. Besides, the new building might also need some maintenance fee to maintain the
new facilities added to the building.

The second point on which the author is insisting is that the current building cannot comfortably
accommodate all the people who work in it. This point is anyways not related to the money saving
measures the author is talking about. Here again, the author has ignored other more effective solutions
for this problem. For example, adding another structure for the employees.

Another point is about the renting out of the parts of the new property to generate some income.
However, the views of the author are contradictory as on one hand, he is explaining the need of a larger
building and on the other hand, he is talking about the renting out some part of property. Hence, if the
new and larger building is the need of the hour then there is no scope of additional income. The author
has failed to give enough and strong evidence for the requirement of the new building. He has also
forgotten to consider the heritage value of the Rockingham's century old town hall.

Hence, the author has to collect more information about the old building. The author must search for
some solid evidence. He should do a complete and detailed study of comparing the cost effectiveness of
both the options including the initial cost of setting up the new building and replacing the old heating
system in the old building. The author has to work towards making his editorial logically more correct.


GRE Analytical Writing Argument Essay Topic - 3
Claitown University needs both affordable housing for its students and a way to fund the building of such
housing. The best solution to this problem is to commission a famous architect known for experimental
and futuristic buildings. It is common knowledge that tourists are willing to pay money to tour some of the
architect's buildings, so it can be expected that tourists will want to visit this new building. The income
from the fees charged to tourists will soon cover the building costs. Furthermore, such a building will
attract new students as well as donations from alumni. And even though such a building will be much
larger than our current need for student housing, part of the building can be used as office space.

GRE AWA Analytical Writing Argument Essay Sample Solution - 3

This argument is about hiring a famous architect to build a cost effective building to house the students of
Claitown University. However, it seems from the author's statement that the University does not have
enough funds to construct this kind of building. The author's line of thought is not very convincing. He has
not been able to give logics for his reasons. He should have gone in details of the cost of the new building
and other costs and the source of this money.

This argument has many loopholes as the author is talking on the basis of his assumptions. First of all, he
is talking about commissioning a famous architect, who might charge a heavy amount for his work. It will
add a heavy burden on the University's budget. The author has simply skipped this line of reasoning. He
has not included this expenditure in the cost. The author is assuming that all the expenditure related to
the building will be taken care of by the funds coming from the students' fee, donations coming from the
alumni and the amount paid by tourists to visit the new building.

However, all these are just assumptions. The author has not considered the possibility that the tourists
might not be interested in visiting a building that is meant for students' housing. Once the students start
using the building, tourists will not be attracted towards the building or they might be happy by watching it
from outside only. That way there will not be any income from the tourists. Hence, the argument's claim
fails to prove that a famous architect's work will generate income for the balancing of costs.

The author has not even explained the source of money to construct the building. The building will receive
the funds from students in the form of fee and other funds only when the building will be in use. Hence,
this argument holds base only if the architect agrees to take his payment later on and the supplier also
supplies the construction material without taking any advance.
Further, the author has talked about attracting new students and the old students who can make
donations. However, he has not provided any evidence to support his views neither he has given any
example of some other university. It might be possible that the old alumni are more attached to the
existing building. Therefore, one cannot accept this conclusion without any proof.

In short, we can say that the author could not support his argument. He has not supplied any evidence to
prove his point. He should have studied similar cases of other college buildings that were designed by
famous architects and tourists are interested in visiting and paying to watch them. The author should also
have emphasized on the detailed explanation of the financial aspects of the building project. A survey of
old students and alumni also would have been a good idea as then we will know how interested students
are to make donations.


GRE Analytical Writing Argument Essay Topic - 4
As a result of numerous consumer complaints of dizziness and nausea, Promofoods requested that eight
million cans of tuna be returned for testing last year. Promofoods concluded that the cans did not, after
all, contain chemicals that posed a health risk. This conclusion is based on the fact that the chemists from
Promofoods tested samples of the recalled cans and found that, of the eight chemicals most commonly
blamed for causing symptoms of dizziness and nausea, five were not found in any of the tested cans. The
chemists did find that the three remaining suspected chemicals are naturally found in all other kinds of
canned foods.

GRE AWA Analytical Writing Argument Essay Sample Solution - 4

This argument is based on the complaints of nausea and dizziness from the consumers who have used
canned tuna. Although Promofoods had recalled eight million cans of tuna and also some samples of
tuna to lab for testing, it concluded that the cans did not contain any chemical, which can cause any
health hazard.

The results of the tests done by chemists from Promofoods do not hold any ground, as these results are
not supported by any strong evidence. As per the chemists from Promofoods, there are eight chemicals
responsible for dizziness and nausea and five of them were not present in the tested cans of tuna.
However, they have not considered the possibility that certain chemicals in contact with other chemicals
can also cause dizziness and nausea. The results of this testing can also be biased as the testing has
been done only on a few samples. Hence, it cannot be said that five chemicals not present in the tested
samples were not present in the cans consumed by the affected buyers. Promofoods should have
collected the cans from where tuna was consumed and that caused health risk for many people. It might
be possible that those cans contained these chemicals. When it comes to testing, you cannot generalize
the results.

According to Promofoods, five suspected chemicals were not present in the tested samples and the other
three are present in the other canned foods and do not cause any bad effect. However, this is again
without any strong evidence. It is just an assumption that the chemicals, which do not cause any bad
effect in one canned food, will not cause any ill effect in canned tuna. It might be possible that one of
these chemicals causes health risk when exposed to some specific chemical present in tuna. Hence, it is
not right to say in general that tuna cans were not responsible for the symptoms of dizziness and nausea.
It can be said the whole conclusion of Promofoods is based on weak evidence. The results of the tests
done by the chemists are not very convincing.

Promofoods should have done tests on a large number of canned tuna. It should have gathered more
results to make its study more convincing. However, it cannot be said that the study done by Promofoods
is baseless. It is entirely possible that there are some other chemicals, which are responsible for the
symptoms of nausea and dizziness and it is not found yet. Promofoods should also take this possibility
into account.

In the end, it can be said that the entire study of this argument is based on assumption that the eight
chemicals responsible for nausea and dizziness were not present in the tuna cans. This is an important
study and Promofoods should work on providing stronger evidence. They have to prove that there was no
biased sampling and the testing was correct. The chemists have to prove that the three chemicals, which
are normally found in other canned foods, do not cause any harmful effect in tuna.


GRE Analytical Writing Argument Essay Topic - 5
People should not be misled by the advertising competition between Coldex and Cold-Away, both popular
over-the-counter cold medications that anyone can purchase without a doctor's prescription. Each brand
is accusing the other of causing some well-known, unwanted side effect: Coldex is known to contribute to
existing high blood pressure and Cold-Away is known to cause drowsiness. But the choice should be
clear for most health-conscious people: Cold-Away has been on the market for much longer and is used
by more hospitals than is Coldex. Clearly, Cold-Away is more effective.

GRE AWA Analytical Writing Argument Essay Sample Solution - 5

This argument is about the two competing products, Coldex and Cold-Away. Both the medicines are cold
medicines available over-the-counter. Both the brands compete with each other and accuse each other
for some side effect. According to the author, Coldex is responsible for causing high blood pressure and
Cold-Away causes drowsiness. Here, the author seems a little biased as without providing any evidence,
he is suggesting that as Cold-Away is in the market for a longer period, it is more effective and it should
be the clear choice of customers.

The logic provided by the author is very dubious and unconvincing. The author is simply trying to boost
the consumer's ego by saying that the choice should be clear for most health-conscious people. Though it
is a good advertising tactic used by the company, it cannot be considered as enough proof of Cold-Away
being more effective.

The author is giving one more logic that Cold-Away is in the market for a longer period. However, this fact
also does not add any effectiveness to the argument. The new medicine might have new effective
ingredients. It is not necessary that well-established products are better than newer ones. Moreover,
latest medicines often make use of new pharmaceutical developments than the existing products. Instead
of this, the author should have concentrated on the plus and minus points of the two medicines.
According to the author, Cold-Away is used by more hospitals than Coldex, that is the reason enough to
consider Cold-Away more effective. This is again an advertising gimmick and not a proof that it is more
effective. There might be some other reasons for hospitals using Cold-Away. It is just an assumption of
the author that the hospitals are recommending Cold-Away because it is better than Coldex. It might be
that doctors are using this medicine because of its drowsiness inducing effect to calm their patients. For
that matter, perhaps hospitals use Cold-Away primarily for this effect rather than as a cold medication.

One more problem with this argument is the side effect of Coldex. If Coldex is the cause of high blood
pressure then, obviously no doctor will recommend it. However, people who do not suffer with the
problem of high blood pressure can still use it. Thus, Coldex's side effect is irrelevant in choosing
between the two products. Moreover, if a person without high blood pressure wishes to avoid drowsiness
during the treatment of cold, Coldex would seem to be the preferable medication than Cold-Away.

The author has not offered convincing evidence to support his views. He should have strengthened his
argument by providing the evidence that the doctors and hospitals use Cold-Away because of its
effectiveness in treating cold. A data of clinical research or a reliable data of general survey would have
supported the argument in a better way. It should not be based on assumptions. In the present form, it
just looks like an advertisement tactic to increase the sale of one product. It is just trying to persuade
people to buy Cold-Away.


GRE Analytical Writing Argument Essay Topic - 6
A folk remedy for insomnia, the scent in lavender flowers, has now been proved effective. In a recent
study, 30 volunteers with chronic insomnia slept each night for three weeks on lavender-scented pillows
in a controlled room where their sleep was monitored. During the first week, volunteers continued to take
their usual sleeping medication. They slept soundly but wakened feeling tired. During the second week,
the volunteers discontinued their medication. As a result, they slept less soundly than the previous week
and felt even more tired. During the third week, the volunteers slept longer and more soundly than in the
previous two weeks. This shows that over a short period of time lavender cures insomnia.

GRE AWA Analytical Writing Argument Essay Sample Solution - 6

Everybody wants to have sound sleep, whether it is an over-worked person or a person affected from a
disease called chronic insomnia.

This argument is about the cure for the same sleeping disorder called chronic insomnia. The persons
suffering from this disease find difficulty in sleeping. The basis of this argument is a study of 30 volunteers
who were suffering from chronic insomnia. The results of this study show that insomnia can be cured over
a period by using lavender. However, the author has not offered enough evidence to support this
conclusion. He has not even considered many possibilities.

In the beginning, the author has mentioned that the usual medication of 30 volunteers allows them to
sleep soundly but they feel tired when they get up. However, the author has not considered many other
insomniacs who are taking medications and not feeling tired on waking up. Therefore, there is also an
option of these volunteers going to their doctor and telling him about their problem of feeling tired. Their
problem might be corrected by a change in their medicines.

The author has also mentioned about discontinuing the medication of the volunteers. According to him,
even in the absence of any medicine, patients have responded to lavender therapy. However, he has not
taken the factor of controlled room environment into consideration. The controlled room environment and
the normal environment of the volunteers might yield different results when their medication is

Moreover, this study is done in a controlled room. This factor cannot be ignored. The author has not
checked the results of using lavender scent in their normal sleeping place. You cannot ignore the role of
controlled environment in the sound sleep of the volunteers. The author has ignored the effect of peace
provided by the controlled room along with the lavender scent. There is also possibility of there being a
highway or a railway line close to the residences of the volunteers, which might be a big factor in their
problem of chronic insomnia. Hence, the same study should have been done in their normal
circumstances. It would have provided stronger evidence regarding the study of lavender curing

One more thing that goes against this argument is that now a days medical science has developed
largely. If, according to this study, lavender was so successful in curing insomnia, then doctors would
have used lavender in their treatment of insomniac patients. However, until now, no doctor has used it in
his or her medication nor does any medicine related to insomnia contain lavender.

The most important factor is that this study is done only on a small group that contains only 30 persons
while there are millions of people who are suffering from the same problem. It is not feasible to think that
the same results will work for all the patients suffering from chronic fatigue. Hence, the study should have
been based on a larger group.

Hence, we can say that although the author's argument might be true, he should have collected more
evidence in his favor. A study of just 30 volunteers cannot be considered enough proof for use of
lavender as a medicine.


GRE Analytical Writing Argument Essay Topic - 7
Typically, as people age, their bone mass decreases, making them more vulnerable to bone fractures. A
recent study concludes that the most effective way to reduce the risk of fractures in later life is to take
twice the recommended dose of vitamin D and calcium daily. The three-year study followed a group of
French women in their eighties who were nursing home residents. The women were given daily
supplements of twice the recommended dose of vitamin D and calcium. In addition, the women
participated in a light weightlifting program. After three years, these women showed a much lower rate of
hip fractures than is average for their age.

GRE AWA Analytical Writing Argument Essay Sample Solution - 7

The basis of this argument is the fact that people lose their bone mass as they age and therefore, they
are more prone to fractures. According to the conclusion of this argument, old people should take twice
the recommended dose of vitamin D and calcium. However, there are many loopholes in this study. The
evidence used by the author is very vague.

First of all, this study is only on a group of French women. This cannot be true for the people from all
other continents or even countries. People from different places have different food habits and different
life styles. Every place has different climate and geological conditions. People from plain areas and
people from hilly areas cannot be placed in the same group. Similarly, persons with active lifestyles
cannot be merged with the not so active people. Even, males and females should be studied separately
as they are very different from each other in terms of their physique and hormones. Their level of
absorbing vitamin and calcium is different. There is also a possibility that the French people have
something in their diet that prevents or reduces fractures. Moreover, the author has not mentioned the
number of women in the group. If the group is too small, then it does not even represent all the French
women. The author has assumed so many things and generalized the data, which cannot be possible.

Secondly, this study is done on nursing home residents, which in itself questions the study. There might
be a possibility that these women had led an active life in their career and taken various precautions
related to their health, hence they are less susceptible to fractures. It is highly possible that the other
women, who are not the residents of a nursing home will suffer the same number of fractures in spite of
taking the recommended vitamin D and calcium.

The third point is that this study is done only on the women who are in their eighties. Hence, the results of
this study do not hold true for all age groups. Moreover, the author has also mentioned in his study that
these women also participated in some lightweight exercises. The author has not taken care of this
aspect while concluding the argument. It is highly possible that these lightweight exercises had actually
strengthened the muscles of these women. The author has not mentioned or explained the relation
between vitamin D and calcium and the strength of bones. He should have explained in details the
relation between the fractures and the intake of vitamin D and calcium.

The lowest point of this argument is that according to the author, the women have shown a lower rate of
hip fractures. He has not even mentioned the effect of increased dose of vitamin on the other types of
fractures. Hence, the results cannot be true for other types of fractures. The author should have also
considered other fractures. Hence, it can be concluded that this study is incomplete and deprived of
enough evidence. Hence, this conclusion is not very convincing.


GRE Analytical Writing Argument Essay Topic - 8
Some studies conducted by Bronston College, which is also located in a small town, reveal that both male
and female professors are happier living in small towns when their spouses are also employed in the
same geographic area. Therefore, in the interest of attracting the most gifted teachers and researchers to
our faculty and improving the morale of our entire staff, we at Pierce University should offer employment
to the spouse of each new faculty member we hire. Although we cannot expect all offers to be accepted
or to be viewed as an ideal job offer, the money invested in this effort will clearly be well spent because, if
their spouses have a chance of employment, new professors will be more likely to accept our offers.

GRE AWA Analytical Writing Argument Essay Sample Solution - 8

This argument contains a suggestion given by the chairperson of a department to the president of the
Pierce University that is based on a study conducted by Bronston College that is located in a small town
like Pierce University. This study concludes that if the university is interested in attracting gifted teachers
and researches, then the university should give job offers to the spouse of each new talented teacher.
This study concludes that the teachers will be happier staying in small towns if their spouses will be in the
same geographical area. However, this argument seems a little doubtful as it is not supported by
evidence and the author has not taken care of all the situations.

First of all the study is done by Bronston College and not by the university itself. The Pierce University
and the Bronston College have only one thing in common that both of them are situated in small towns.
The author has not talked about the environments of the two places, number of students, and the
reputation of the two institutions. A teacher will also consider all these things while accepting a job offer.
Hence, whether the study done by Bronston College will work for the Pierce University or not, has to be
taken care of.

The second reason that the author has mentioned is that the teachers are happier staying in small towns
when their spouses are in the same geographical area. Here again, the author is just assuming the case
of teachers in the small town. The same may be true for the teachers in the cities. This possibility can also
be true. There is also the possibility of teachers being happier because of the good and peaceful
environment of the small town where the Bronston College lies in. The author has overlooked all these
factors, hence, the argument cannot be concluded on the basis of these statements.

Another factor is that the chairperson has mentioned is that the University should take this measure to
attract the most gifted teachers. However, that is also not guaranteed as if a person is more talented then
most of the times that person is ambitious. In this case, they would be more interested in getting jobs in a
better university like Harvard or MIT. They would also give preference to the conditions of the laboratory
and the salary given by the University. All these factors make the chairperson's recommendations less

Even if it will attract the most gifted teachers and researchers and improve the morale of their entire staff,
the chairperson has not provided any evidence that the results of the new policy will be profitable. Hence,
even though the recommendations of the chairperson are true, they are not well supported. The
chairperson should have provided evidence to ensure that the Bronston College's study is well
appropriate for Pierce University. There should have been strong reasons for the most gifted teachers
and researchers preferring Pierce University and not the other universities or colleges. There should also
be a study for the cost effectiveness of this recommendation.


GRE Analytical Writing Argument Essay Topic - 9
For the past five years, consumers in California have been willing to pay twice as much for oysters from
the northeastern Atlantic Coast as for Gulf Coast oysters. This trend began shortly after harmful bacteria
were found in a few raw Gulf Coast oysters. However, scientists have now devised a process for killing
the bacteria. Once consumers are made aware of the increased safety of Gulf Coast oysters, they are
likely to be willing to pay as much for Gulf Coast as for northeastern Atlantic Coast oysters, and greater
profits for Gulf Coast oyster producers will follow.

GRE AWA Analytical Writing Argument Essay Sample Solution - 9

The argument is based on a trend, which is running for the last five years that the consumers in California
are ready to pay more for oysters from the northeastern Atlantic Coast than for Gulf Coast oysters.
According to the author, this started when some harmful bacteria were found in a few raw Gulf Coast
oysters. However, as per this argument, now the scientists have invented a new method to kill these
harmful bacterial, hence, the value of Gulf Coast oysters will increase again.

However, this argument is not very acceptable, as many important points have been ignored. First, the
author has not mentioned the quantity of Gulf Coast oysters in which the harmful bacteria were found.
The whole lot of Gulf Coast oysters cannot be rejected just because of a few affected oysters. The author
has not tried to explain this aspect. Moreover, there does not seem to be any relation between the price
of oysters from the northeastern Atlantic Coast being twice high as Gulf Coast ones and harmful bacteria
found in a few raw Gulf Coast oysters. It might be that the Gulf Coast oysters are more easily available
than the northeastern Atlantic Coast oysters. There might be some other factors that can affect the prices
of the two types of oysters. These factors cannot be ruled out without any research. Hence, the author
should have studied the data carefully and logically to explain the link between the two things.

Secondly, the author has mentioned about a process devised by scientists to kill the bacteria, but he has
not tried to explain the procedure. In fact, the author has not mentioned about the success ratio of this
method. The author has talked about the increased safety of Gulf Coast oysters but he is not very sure.
There are chances that this procedure can only inhibit the growth of the harmful bacteria or can kill a
small portion of the bacteria. Hence, this argument can be concluded based on this statement. It is still
not very convincing that if consumers were made aware of the increased safety of Gulf Coast oysters,
they would be ready to pay the increased amount for Gulf Coast ones. It might be possible that they will
be worried about the success rate of this new procedure or some side effect of this method.

There is one more low point of this argument. These changes took place in the market five years ago.
The consumers might or might not be that fond of oysters. Five years is a long period, hence this is just a
speculation that the price of Gulf Coast oysters will increase and the market will make profit from them.
Even if this assumption comes true and the price of Gulf Coast oysters increases, the author has not
offered any data that will help us to compare the two prices. The author has also not mentioned other
factors that will affect the profitability of the producers of Gulf Coast oysters. Hence, it cannot be said with
surety that the producers will gain profits with the increased prices. In the end, we can say that this
argument needs a detailed study of many other factors.


GRE Analytical Writing Argument Essay Topic - 10
The following appeared in a memo from the marketing director of Bargain Brand Cereals.

"One year ago we introduced our first product, 'Bargain Brand' breakfast cereal. Our very low prices
quickly drew many customers away from the top-selling cereal companies. Although the companies
producing the top brands have since tried to compete with us by lowering their prices, and although
several plan to introduce their own budget brands, not once have we needed to raise our prices to
continue making a profit. Given our success selling cereal, Bargain Brand should now expand its
business and begin marketing other low-priced food products as quickly as possible."

GRE AWA Analytical Writing Argument Essay Sample Solution - 10

The above argument is given by the marketing head of the company. He has tried to prove his good
marketing skills and he is trying to increase the company's market by introducing new products. As per
him, the first product of the company 'Bargain Brand' breakfast cereal has established its market and it
was a hit with the customers. Even this cereal has drawn customers from the top-selling cereal
companies because of its low price and good quality. Hence, right now the company should take
advantage of its goodwill among its customers and introduce new products in the market.

I completely agree with this argument placed by the author as when the customers are happy with the
service provided by one company, and then they definitely want to go for the other services provided by
the same company. According to a famous saying, "First impression is the last impression." Hence, this is
the right time for the company to introduce the new product. However, the company has to take extra
care to prove that it is the best. The quality of the new product should not be compromised. The company
should make sure about the quality and the prices offered by the company being the best in the market.
The new product should equalize itself with the old products. Even if the company makes a little less profit
in the beginning, the quality should be the best.

According to the author, this is the right time as the company is already established in the market and
giving competition to the top-brand companies. The customers trust the company and its products
completely. Hence, if the company launches new and different products at this time, it will give the
company a good name. The company can use the success of its first product to expand its business. The
advertisement of the new product can be based on the existing product. The profits of the business
depend on the good quality and the good advertisement. If a company takes advantage of its success at
the right time, it grows very quickly. According to the marketing head, people have started to know the
company and if the second product launched will be good enough then it can give the company's
business a boost.

However, the company should not take everything for granted. The company should consider all other
factors, which can affect the promotion of the new product. The company should collect all the data
related to the market and should research for the demand of the product before launching the new
product. There is a possibility of tough competition from the other companies that are already selling the
same product at much cheaper rates. Hence, there will be tough competition. Therefore, the company
should be careful in selecting the new product for launch. The quality, taste, and price of the product have
to be better than the other products in the market.
Hence, the suggestion made by the marketing head is correct and the company should think about
launching a new product, but it should do it after a careful study of the market.

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