Since my school days, I have been interested in Mathematics and physical sciences. My
scholastic record has been meritorious right through school and higher secondary
education. With my propensity towards Mathematics and physics, I chose Mathematics-
Physics-Chemistry as my group for post secondary education. My fascination for
engineering was from an early stage though not a conscious one. There has been doers
because there have been dreamers, because in our dreams we see not what is, but what
can be. It is with such dreams and visions that today we stand at the milestone of
success. The sweeping changes in the Global Industrialization and Design Engineering
have made the role of mechanical engineer a really indispensable one. It has been my
deepest desire to be a part of this rapidly burgeoning community. My strong penchant
towards thermal sciences, design and also the versatility of the Mechanical Engineering
and my basic interest in the field of Mechanical Machines motivated me to take
Mechanical Engineering as my major in undergraduate program. My years as an
undergraduate student have influenced me the most. Academically I have matured a lot
during this period. It was here that I understood the need to put theory into practice and
most importantly to innovate in face of immense hurdles. During the course of study, my
encounters with Design Principals and Thermodynamic Principles have been extremely
enlightening. The joy of learning these subjects under excellent professors is
unsurpassable. My inclination towards graduate studies gained foot during my second
year of engineering, when I visited Bharat Dynamics Limited under such professors.
During the visit, I came in intimate contact with researchers and learnt a lot about the
temperament and determination required for research.
Why To Pursue M.S.?
Excellence in any sphere of life can be achieved through determination, hard work,
perseverance and dedication. Yet, lack of in-depth knowledge of the subject leaves the
conceptual skills incomplete. The nature of undergraduate courses does not offer scope
for individual expression and rapidly advancing technology necessitates mastery of
particular area. In a world where technology evolves everyday, I need specialized training
beyond my undergraduate level to have competitive edge and help me keep pace with the
new generation of problems and product applications. All the things which are mentioned
above made me to pursue Master’s program in Mechanical engineering.
Why Thermal Engineering?
My interest in Thermal Engineering stems from the fact that it holds good opportunities
and provides a wide scope for research. I have been fascinated by the type of practical
challenges it poses. An effective practice in Thermal Engineering demands the aspect of
analyzing, thinking logically and visualizing the impacts of problems.