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NI 43-101 Technical Report On The Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

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NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

43-101 Technical Report

on the
Atacama Lithium Project
El Loa Province
Region II Republic of Chile
UTM 572,925E – 7,442,099N
WGS 84 Datum – Zone 19J

Prepared for:

Wealth Minerals Ltd.


John E. Hiner, Licensed Geologist

SME Registered Member 1448400RM

Date: March 10, 2017

Effective Date: March 7, 2017

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1.0 Summary ................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 Introduction and Terms of Reference .................................................................. 6
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Terms of Reference 6
2.3 Purpose of Report 8
2.4 Sources of Information 8
2.5 Personal Inspection 8
3.0 Reliance on Other Experts ......................................................................................... 9
4.0 Property Description and Location ............................................................................ 9
4.1 Area and Location 9
4.2 Mineral Property and Title in Chile 10
4.3 Surface Rights and Access for Mining 11
4.4 Claims and Titles at the Atacama Lithium Project 11
4.5 Mineralization 14
4.6 Environmental Issues and Liability 14
4.7 Permits 14
5.0 Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure and Physiography ......... 14
5.1 Accessibility 14
5.2 Climate 15
5.3 Local Resources 16
5.4 Infrastructure 16
5.5 Physiography 16
6.0 History ....................................................................................................................... 18
7.0 Geological Setting and Mineralization ..................................................................... 19
7.1 Regional Geology 19
7.2 Local and Property Geology 20
7.3 Mineralization 23
8.0 Deposit Types ........................................................................................................... 23
9.0 Exploration ................................................................................................................ 23
10.0 Drilling ..................................................................................................................... 24
11.0 Sample Preparation, Analyses, and Security ........................................................ 24
12.0 Data Verification ...................................................................................................... 24
13.0 Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testwork ................................................... 24
14.0 Mineral Resource Estimate..................................................................................... 24
15.0 Mineral Reserve Estimate ....................................................................................... 24
23.0 Adjacent Properties ................................................................................................ 24
24. Other Relevant Data and Information ...................................................................... 26
25.0 Interpretation and Conclusions ............................................................................. 26
26.0 Recommendations .................................................................................................. 28
19.0 Budget Estimate ...................................................................................................... 30
20.0 References............................................................................................................... 32
Date and Signature Page ................................................................................................ 38

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

List of Figures

Figure 1 Map of Northern Chile showing Project location................................................ 9

Figure 2 Project Concession Map ................................................................................. 13
Figure 3 View Westerly across the Atacama Lithium Project ........................................ 17
Figure 4 Regional Geology at the Salar de Atacama .................................................... 20
Figure 5 Geology of the Salar de Atacama ................................................................... 22
Figure 6 Adjacent Landholdings .................................................................................... 25
Figure 7 Brine Target concept ...................................................................................... 27

List of Tables

Table 1 List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................... 6

Table 2 Details of Option Agreement ............................................................................ 12
Table 3 Selected Climate Data ...................................................................................... 15
Table 4 Phase 1 Budget ............................................................................................... 30
Table 5 Phase 2 Budget ................................................................................................ 31


Appendix A - List of Mining Concessions

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

1.0 Summary

John E. Hiner (the “author”) has been retained by the directors of Wealth Minerals Ltd.
(“Wealth Minerals” or the “Company”) to prepare a technical report under National
Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Minerals Projects (“NI 43-101”)on the
Atacama Lithium Project in Region II, Republic of Chile (the “Atacama Lithium Project”
or “Project”). This report summarizes all known previous work on the Project and
makes recommendations for future exploration and possible development.

On October 28, 2016, the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Wealth Minerals Chile
SpA (“Wealth Chile”) entered into a formal property option agreement (the "Option
Agreement") with the Project’s vendor Atacama Lithium SpA, whereby the Atacama
Lithium SpA granted Wealth Chile the exclusive right and option to acquire a 100%
interest in and to the Project, free and clear of all royalties, liens, charges and
encumbrances. In order to exercise the option, Wealth Chile is required to make
payments in the aggregate amount of US$14,000,000 and delivering in aggregate
15,000,000 fully paid and non-assessable Wealth Mineral common shares

The Atacama Lithium Project consists of 144 (pedimentos) exploration mining

concessions (the “Concessions”) covering 46,200 hectares in the northern part of the
Salar de Atacama. The Project is located about 220km east of the northern port city of
Antofagasta. It is easily accessible via national and provincial highways. The Project
abuts claims held by Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile (“Soquem” or “SQM”) and
Albermarle Corporation’s unit in Chile, Rockwood Holdings Inc. (“Rockwood”), each of
which produces lithium from brines in the south part of the Salar de Atacama. The Salar
de Atacama holds over 15% of the world’s known lithium resources.

Lithium-rich waters from the El Tatio Geyser field flow southward into the Salar de
Atacama and onto the Concessions held by Wealth Minerals. The flow occurs as both
surface water in the Rio San Pedro and as subsurface flows onto the Project. The north
part of the Salar serves to concentrate the brines as they flow south in select aquifers,
where the brines are pumped and evaporated in ponds to extract lithium and potassium.
Wealth Minerals’ target is the lithium-rich brines held in subsurface aquifers within its
Project area.

Despite the Project’s location adjacent to existing production facilities, the north part of
the Salar de Atacama and the Atacama Lithium Project has not been explored for its
brine potential. The geology and hydrogeology of the Project area has been studied on
a regional basis by third parties and government agencies, and is similar to the area of
production to the south.

Wealth Minerals intends to evaluate the brine potential of the Project by utilizing
geophysical methods to better evaluate basin configuration, geologic structure, and the
hydrogeology of the concessions, followed by drill testing any targets developed by the
initial work.

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Although the Atacama Lithium Project is an early stage exploration project, the author
believes that exploration for lithium resources is warranted for several reasons:
1. Lithium-rich brines that are produced in the north part of the Salar de Atacama
flow from north to south across the Atacama Lithium Project.
2. Sustained production of lithium, potassium and byproducts has occurred in the
Salar since the 1970’s from properties contiguous to the Atacama Lithium
3. Regional and multidisciplinary studies by several companies and government
agencies have confirmed the similarity of geology and hydrogeology of the north
part of the Salar to the productive south part.
4. Although not an indication of brine potential, surface sampling of sediment and
surface waters on the Atacama Lithium Project indicate the presence of
anomalous lithium concentrations.

Based upon the factors noted above, and after review of the substantial body of
geologic and hydrogeologic data developed in multiple studies, it is the opinion of the
author that exploration for lithium resources on the Atacama Lithium Project is

The author recommends a two-phase exploration program. Phase 1 includes a

community relations program, applied geophysical work to define potential brine targets
followed by limited drilling. If successful, Phase 2 is planned to define and develop the

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

2.0 Introduction and Terms of Reference

2.1 Introduction

This report provides a summary of the exploration and mining history, geological setting,
and mineral potential of the Atacama Lithium Project located in the Salar de Atacama,
Region II, Republic of Chile.

2.2 Terms of Reference

Wealth Minerals has requested that the author visit and review the Atacama Lithium
Project that Wealth Minerals has proposed for exploration and development in Chile and
prepare a technical report. Wealth Minerals has acquired the option to acquire a 100%
interest in and to the Project pursuant to the terms of the Option Agreement dated
October 28, 2016. Details of the Option Agreement are set forth in Section 4.4 below.

This report has been prepared under the guidelines of National Instrument 43-101 and
is to be submitted as a Technical Report to the TSX Venture Exchange, Inc. (the

Unless otherwise indicated, references to currency throughout this report are to United
States of America dollars.

Table 1 List of Abbreviations

µ Micron km2 square kilometer

°C degree Celsius kPa kilopascal
°F degree Fahrenheit kVA kilovolt-amperes
µg Microgram kW kilowatt
A Ampere kWh kilowatt-hour
A Annum L Litre
Bbl Barrels L/s litres per second
Btu British thermal units M Metre
C$ Canadian dollars M mega (million)
Cal Calorie m2 square metre
Cfm cubic feet per minute m3 cubic metre
Cm Centimeter Min Minute
cm2 square centimeter MASL metres above sea level
D Day Mm millimetre
dia Diameter Mph miles per hour

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Dmt dry metric tonne MVA megavolt-amperes

Dwt dead-weight ton MW megawatt
Ft Foot MWh megawatt-hour
ft/s foot per second m3/h cubic metres per hour
ft2 square foot opt, oz/st ounce per short ton
ft3 cubic foot Oz Troy ounce (31.1035g)
G Gram Ppm part per million
G giga (billion) Psia pound per square inch absolute
Gal Imperial gallon Psig pound per square inch gauge
g/L gram per litre RL relative elevation
g/t gram per tonne S Second
Gpm Imperial gallons per minute St short ton
gr/ft3 grain per cubic foot Stpa short ton per year
gr/m3 grain per cubic metre Stpd short ton per day
Hr Hour T metric tonne
Ha Hectare Tpa metric tonne per year
Hp Horsepower Tpd metric tonne per day
In Inch US$ United States dollar
in2 square inch USg United States gallon
J Joule USgpm US gallon per minute
K kilo (thousand) V Volt
Kcal Kilocalorie W Watt
Kg Kilogram Wmt wet metric tonne
Km Kilometer yd3 cubic yard
km/h kilometre per hour Yr Year

This report utilizes the Universal Transverse Mercator Geographic Coordinate System
(UTM) to establish locations noted in the report. The UTM system divides the world into
60 north-south zones, each consisting of six degrees of longitude in width. The first
zone begins at the International Dateline (180o using geographic coordinate system).
The zones are numbered from west to east, with zone 60 completing the circumference
(174o to the International Dateline).

The origin for north-south location values depends on whether you are in the northern or
southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere, the origin is the equator and all
distances north (“northings”) are measured in meters from the equator. In the southern
hemisphere the origin is the South Pole and all northings are measured from there. The
reason for the separate origins in northern and southern hemispheres is to eliminate the
need for any negative numbers.

UTM coordinates are generally given with the UTM zone noted first, then the east
location (“easting”), then the northing. Eastings are always a six digit number, whereas

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

the northing figure is almost always a seven digit value. For additional reference, the
reader is referred to

On some figures taken from other technical publications, Lat Long DMS locations are
used. The author did not convert the figures to UTM in previously published data.

2.3 Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to provide an independent evaluation of the exploration

done to date, and of the exploration and development potential of the Atacama Lithium
Project. This report makes recommendations for further work to evaluate the potential
for the development of lithium-bearing brines at the Atacama Lithium Project.

2.4 Sources of Information

Outside sources of information utilized in the preparation of this report consist of

exploration, geologic information, mining history data, and other reports available in the
public record and from private corporate files.

In the preparation of this report, the author has relied on information obtained through a
review of public and private documents, reports, and data as cited in Section 20.0 on
References to determine the potential geologic conditions at the Atacama Lithium
Project. This data addresses geologic and hydrogeologic conditions in the Salar de
Atacama, but do not directly reference the Atacama Lithium Project.

2.5 Personal Inspection

The author has visited the Salar de Atacama several times, most recently on February
25, 2017, when a tour of the northern part of the Salar was made to review the Atacama
Lithium Project. During the visit the author confirmed available access, visited one local
community near the Project, and inspected the general terrain at the Project. Because
the target is subsurface brine, no samples were taken. Because there are no claim
monuments or other physical features noting claim position, no attempt was made to
located claim corners or property boundaries. The author has also confirmed with
various officers and directors of Wealth Minerals, and with other individuals with
knowledgeable about the Salar de Atacama that there has been no substantive
scientific or technical information developed with respect to the Project since the
author’s site inspection.

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

3.0 Reliance on Other Experts

The author has relied upon a title opinion dated October 24, 2016 prepared by Sr.
Cesar Lopez, a mining attorney with the Chilean law firm of Eluchans y Cía regarding
the validity and status of the Concessions that comprise the Atacama Lithium Project.
The author disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy and content of the title opinion,
which is referenced in section 4.4 of this Report.

4.0 Property Description and Location

4.1 Area and Location

The Atacama Lithium Project comprises 46,200 hectares in the Salar de Atacama. The
Project is located 220 km east of the northern Chilean city of Antofagasta. The world
famous copper mine Chuiquicamata is situated about 130km north northwest of the
Salar de Atacama.

The Project is located about 30km north of the Soquem Quimica y Minera de Chile
(“Soquem” or “SQM”) potassium-lithium operation, and about 50km north of the
Albermarle Corporation’s unit in Chile, Rockwood Holdings Inc. (“Rockwood”). Both
SQM and Rockwood produce potassium and lithium from brines at depth in the Salar.

Figure 1 Map of Northern Chile showing Project location

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

4.2 Mineral Property and Title in Chile

Chile’s current mining policy is based on legal provisions founded in Spanish law with
modifications via a series of prior Mining Codes leading to the revised Mining Code of
1982. These were established to stimulate the development of mining and to guarantee
the property rights of both local and foreign investors. According to the law, the state
owns all mineral resources, but exploration and exploitation of these resources by
private parties is permitted through mining concessions, which are granted, to any
claimant to mineral rights who follows the required procedures. An exploration claim can
be placed on any area, whereas the survey to establish a permanent exploitation claim
(“mensura”) can only be effected on “free” areas which have no valid claims in place or
in process of constitution.

The concessions have both rights and obligations as defined by a Constitutional

Organic Law as enacted in 1982. Concessions can be mortgaged or transferred and the
holder has full ownership rights and is entitled to obtain the rights of way for exploration
and exploitation. The concession holder has the right to use, for mining purposes, any
water flows which infiltrate any mining workings. In addition, the concession holder has
the right to defend his ownership against state and third parties. An exploration
concession is obtained by a claims filing and includes all minerals that may exist within
its area. Exploration and exploitation mining rights in Chile are acquired in the following

Pedimento: A pedimento is an initial exploration claim whose position is well defined by

UTM coordinates which define north-south and east-west boundaries. The minimum
size of a pedimento is 100 hectares and the maximum is 5,000 hectares with a
maximum length-to-width ratio of 5:1. The duration of validity is for a maximum period of
2 years, however at the end of this period it may a) be reduced in size by at least 50%
and renewed for an additional 2 years or b) entered in the process to establish a
permanent claim by converting to a “manifestation”. New pedimentos are allowed to
overlap with pre-existing ones; however the pedimento with the earliest filing date
always takes precedence, providing the claim holder continues the process of
constitution in accordance with the Mining Code and the applicable regulations.

Manifestacion: Before a pedimento expires, or at any stage during its two year life, it
may be converted to a manifestacion which lasts for 220 days.

Mensura: Prior to the expiration of a manifestacion, the owner of a manifestacion must

request a survey (“mensura”). After acceptance of the “Survey Request” (solicitud de
Mensura), the owner has approximate 12 months to have the claim surveyed by a
government licensed surveyor. The surrounding claim owners may witness the survey,
which is subsequently described in a legal format and presented to the National Mining
Service (SERNAGEOMIN) for technical review which includes field inspection and

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

verification. Following the technical approval by SERNAGEOMIN, the file returns to the
judge of the appropriate jurisdiction who must dictate the constitution of the claim as a
“mensura” (equivalent of a patented claim in the United States). Once constituted, an
abstract describing the claim is published in Chile’s official mining bulletin (published
weekly) and 30 days later the claim can be inscribed in the appropriate Mining Registry
(Conservador de Minas).

Once constituted, a “mensura” is a permanent property right, with no expiration date. So

long as the annual fees (patentes) are paid in a timely manner, (from March to May of
each year) clear title and ownership of the mineral rights is assured in perpetuity.
Failure to pay the annual patentes for an extended period can result in the claim being
listed for “remate” (Auction Sale), wherein a third party may acquire a claim for the
payment of back taxes owed (plus a penalty payment). In such a case, the claim is
included in a list published 30 days prior to the Auction and the owner has the possibility
of paying the back taxes plus penalty and thus removing the claim from the Auction List.

4.3 Surface Rights and Access for Mining

The Mining Code of Chile guarantees the owner of mining claims the right-of-access to
the surface area required for their exploration and exploitation. This right is normally
obtained by a voluntary agreement between the mineral claim owner and the surface
owner. The mining company may obtain the Rights of Way (Servidumbre) through the
civil court system, if necessary, by agreeing to indemnify the surface owner for the
court-determined value of the surface area.

4.4 Claims and Titles at the Atacama Lithium Project

The 144 exploration mining concessions (pedimentos) comprising the Project (the
"Concessions") are currently owned by Atacama Lithium SpA (the "Vendor").

On October 28, 2016, Wealth Chile (a wholly-owned Chilean subsidiary of Wealth

Minerals) entered into a formal property option agreement with the Vendor (the "Option
Agreement"), whereby the Vendor granted to Wealth Chile the exclusive right and
option to acquire a 100% interest in and to the Project, free and clear of all royalties,
liens, charges and encumbrances (the "Option"). In order to exercise the Option,
Wealth Chile is required to make payments to the Vendor in the aggregate amount of
US$14,000,000 and deliver in aggregate 15,000,000 fully paid and non-assessable
Wealth Mineral common shares to the Vendor as shown in Table 2 below. The Option
Agreement replaces a letter of intent dated between Wealth and the Vendor.

There are no work commitments under the terms of the Option Agreement. However,
Wealth Chile is obligated to complete the process of constituting the Concessions and
to maintain the Concessions in good standing during the life of the Option. The Option

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Agreement has been submitted to the local office of the Register of Mines in the city of
Calama for recording and registration.

The grant of the Option to Wealth Chile was conditionally accepted for filing by the
TSXV on October 7, 2016, and on October 31, 2016 the TSXV permitted Option to be
grants, subject to the delivery by Wealth Minerals to the TSXV of this report on the

Table 2 Details of Option Agreement

Date Wealth Mineral Ltd Share Issuances
Upon signing Option 3,000,000 2,000,000
8 months after signing 3,000,000 4,000,000
16 months after signing 3,000,000 4,000,000
28 months after signing 5,000,000 5,000,000

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Figure 2 Project Concession Map

(PSAD56 Zone 19S Datum; Source C. Lopez 17 February 2017)

A list of the Concessions is appended to this report as Appendix A. A title opinion dated
October 24, 2016 was provided to Wealth Minerals by Sr. Cesar Lopez, a mining
attorney with the Chilean law firm of Eluchans y Cía. The author has relied upon this
opinion for verification for the validity and status of the Concessions that comprise the
Atacama Lithium Project.

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

4.5 Mineralization

The principal target at the Atacama Lithium Project is subsurface lithium-potassium

brines similar to the brines being produced to the south by SQM and Rockwood.

4.6 Environmental Issues and Liability

This author is not aware of any environmental liabilities related to the Project. There
has been no prior surface disturbance or mining activity on the Project that could create
any environmental issue or liability. Further, there is no requirement by Chilean
regulatory agencies regarding reclamation of prior activities or historical mine workings
by subsequent owners.

4.7 Permits

The source of the following information was summarized from “Mining in Chile:
overview”. The full description can be found online at

Permits for exploration activities are administered by the Chilean National Geological
and Mining Service (SERNAGEOMIN). Environmental compliance with World Bank
standards is assured via the offices of the National Environmental Committee
(CONAMA). Claim titles are recorded at the local Mining Conservator in Calama
(Conservador de Minas). Low impact surface activities such as geologic mapping,
geophysical studies, or minimal sampling activities do not require any permits. Activities
such as road building, drilling, bulk sampling require permits. At this stage of
exploration, Wealth Chile has not acquired any permits.

As with most projects in South American countries, the development of strong

community relationships enhances the speed and timing of any permit process.

5.0 Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure and

5.1 Accessibility

The Atacama Lithium Project is readily accessible via a network of paved and graded
gravel roads. The Project can be reached from the city of Calama via National Highway
23, a distance of about 120km. Provincial roads provides access to the east and west
sides of the Salar de Atacama.

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Calama is connected to the seaport of Antofagasta via National Highways 23 and 5, a

distance of about 230km.

The closest commercial airport is located in Calama. The airport is serviced by

American Airlines, Delta, Sky Airlines, and LATAM (formerly LAN Chile), with regularly
scheduled flights from Santiago.

5.2 Climate

The Salar de Atacama is located in the Atacama Desert with an extremely dry climate;
the annual average precipitation is approximately 20 mm. Table 3 provides a summary
of climate data (SCL Salar Station 1993-2006) for Salar de Atacama including average
monthly temperature, precipitation, and potential evaporation.

Table 3 Selected Climate Data

Precipitation Temperature Potential

(mm) (°C) Evaporation (mm)

January 2.7 21.8 285.9

February 5.9 21.2 237.7
March 5.9 20.0 215.1
April 0.5 17.0 170.2
May 1.2 13,5 118.6
June 1.7 10,6 87.6
July 0.5 10,5 99.8
August 0.4 12.8 136.8
September 0.6 14.8 183.4
October 0.10 17.2 242.5
November 0.03 18.9 268.5
December 0 20.6 294.9
Annual Total: 20.3 16.6 2340.9

Temperatures average around 21°C in the daytime and 0.3°C in the night during the
winter months and 30°C in the daytime and 12°C in the night during the summer
months. Large temperature variations of up to 30°C can occur within a 24-hour period.
Strong winds in excess of 35 km/h are common in the area. The average annual
potential evaporation is 2,341 mm. The climate is not an impediment to year-round

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

operations, as is confirmed by the continuous mining activities at the southern end of

the salar, where SQM and Rockwood operate year-round.

5.3 Local Resources

The closest source of supplies and materials is the town of San Pedro de Atacama,
located north of the Salar de Atacama. With a population of about 5,000, the town
provides local services such as fuel, lodging, food and miscellaneous supplies. A
limited work force is available to supplement the experienced mining work force found in
Calama and Antofagasta. Electric power is available at the north part of the Salar and
from the south, where industrial processing plants are served by the Chilean electric

5.4 Infrastructure

The northern cities of Calama and Antofagasta are major mining centers due to the
large porphyry copper, gold, and other mines in the area, particularly in Region II. SQM
and Rockwood have operated producing potassium-lithium-in-brine mines in the
southern reaches of the Salar de Atacama for many years. Accordingly, mining-related
supplies are easily accessible in Antogagasta and Calama, as is a stable and well-
trained workforce.

5.5 Physiography

The Atacama Lithium Project is situated in the northern part of the Salar de Atacama.
The Salar itself is about 85km north to south and up to 50km east-west, and has a
surface area of nearly 4,000 square kilometers. The watershed and drainage basin that
feeds into the Salar encompasses over 11,000 square kilometers. The Salar de
Atacama is considered to be the third largest salar in the world, exceeded only by the
Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia and the Salinas Grande in Argentina.

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Figure 3 View Westerly across the Atacama Lithium Project

photo by author February 2017

The Salar de Atacama is located in an upland plateau at an elevation of 2,300m. The

Salar is bounded on the west by the Cordillera de Domeyko and the Cordillera de la Sal
with elevations up to 3,500m. The high Andes closely border the east side of the Salar.
Numerous inactive volcanos are easily visible to the east of the Salar. An active
volcano, Volcan Lascar, with elevation of 5,200m borders the south end of the Salar.
The Rio San Pedro enters the Salar de Atacama from the north, and there is a small
perennial lake where the river enters the playa. Other small lagoons or wet areas occur
to the south and on the east side in the mud flats and precipitated salts that floor the

The El Tatio geothermal geyser field is located to the north, near Calama, and
discharges lithium-rich brines into the Rio Salado, which in turn flows into the Rio San
Pedro. Brines from El Tatio are considered to be the major source of the Salar’s lithium,
boron, and potassium.

Vegetation is sparse to non-existent in the region, including the Project area.

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

6.0 History

There were mining concessions held by other companies in the Salar de Atacama prior
to the staking of the Concessions comprising the Project by Atacama Lithium Chile,
SpA. Most recently, the north part of the Salar and the area of Wealth Chile’s claims
was held by SQM. However, those claims lapsed and in 2016 Atacama Lithium SpA
staked new mining exploration concessions (pedimentos) over the expired area. The
new claims have not been contested, and title has been conferred free and clear of
encumbrances by the Chilean mining authorities.

There has been no exploration or development activity by prior owners within the
Project in respect of lithium or potassium. Accordingly, there are no historic mineral
resource or mineral reserve estimates and no data to support any resource or reserve
estimate that would meet NI 43-101 standards. Furthermore, there has been no
production of lithium from the Project.

However, because there has been lithium and potassium production from brines located
in the southern part of the Salar de Atacama, and because there has been significant
development of deep water sources for nearby mining activities (Escondida and
Zaldivar copper mines among others), significant studies of the geology, hydrogeology,
and natural resources are available for the region. These regional studies have been
carried out by several third-party private companies and by Chilean agencies. As well,
numerous cooperative assessments of geology and hydrogeology have been carried
out by international cooperative scientific agencies. Being regional in nature, none of
these studies were directed at the specific geologic or hydrogeologic conditions at the

In 1967 the United States Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Government of
Chile and the United States Agency for International Development, studied the geology
and groundwater resources of the northern part of the Salar de Atacama (Dingman,
R.J., 1967). The study was aimed at the evaluation of potentially potable water
resources for agriculture and human consumption. Surface waters in the area,
particularly the Rio San Pedro, were rejected due to high salt and boron content. Test
drilling encountered aquifers with moderate to large development potential, but the
authors concluded the water was of poor quality due to high dissolved solids content
and abnormal boron content.

An additional study was carried out in 1999 by private companies to evaluate the fresh
water potential of the Salar de Atacama east of the Concessions (EDRA et al, 1999).
The study was directed to the evaluation of waters for use at the Spence copper mine.
The result of multi-disciplinary studies concluded that suitable water in shallow aquifers
could be developed for the Spence project, and also identified a potential brine at depth.
The brine was not tested.

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Agency IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement) conducted regional studies

of salars and basins in Regions I, II, and III to evaluate hydrogeologic regimes in each
of the basins. Samples of surface waters were evaluated, including the Rio San Pedro.
No sampling of brines at depth was done at the Project.

SQM, one of two companies that produce lithium in the southern part of the Salar de
Atacama, commissioned studies to describe the Cenozoic geology, stratigraphy and
structure of the Salar de Atacama. Results indicate that the salt formations found in the
south probably extend north into the area of the Concessions, based upon evaluation of
drill core and seismic studies.

Numerous additional scientific studies aimed at various aspects of geology,

hydrogeology, climate, evapotranspiration and other elements of the Salar de Atacama
have been conducted but none that directly address exploration potential at the
Atacama Lithium Project.

7.0 Geological Setting and Mineralization

7.1 Regional Geology

Most of the closed basins in northern Chile formed as a result of late Tertiary to
Holocene tectonic activity. Fault movement has affected the development and the
configuration of salars. The Salar de Atacama is located in an upland zone of intensive
block faulting associated with the uplift of the Coastal Ranges. The Salar de Atacama
and vicinity lies to the east and partly within a fault zone trending north-northeast. This
fault complex separates the Salar from the Cordillera Domeyko to the west and the high
Andes to the east.

Northern Chile is underlain by marine sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks, and plutonic
rocks of Jurassic and Cretaceous age, and which constitute the majority of the Coastal
Range. This rock complex is partially to completely overlain by the Tertiary and
Quaternary volcanic rocks that are present mostly in the Andes to the east of the Salar
de Atacama.

Recent volcanic activity is noted by the presence of numerous volcanoes in northern

Chile, including several in the immediate vicinity of the Salar de Atacama. To the south
of the Salar is the Volcan Miniques. To the north of Salar de Atacama is Volcan
Licanbur and the El Tatio geyser field, another visible reminder of the recent and active
volcanic activity in the area. Geothermal fluids from El Tatio flow both at the surface
and underground southward into the northern reaches of the Salar de Atacama.

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Figure 4 Regional Geology at the Salar de Atacama

7.2 Local and Property Geology

The Salar de Atacama is a closed fault-bounded basin. The basin receives detritus and
runoff from the north and east. The majority of water delivered to the basin comes from
the Rio San Pedro, which flows from the north into the Salar both as surface water and
as subsurface flow. The largest contribution of water is geothermal effluent from the El
Tatio geyser field north of Calama. Drainage contributions from the Cordillera Domeyko
to the west are minimal to none, and drainage from high Andean tributaries to the east
are local and seasonal.

The surface area that makes up the Atacama Lithium Project is dominantly mud flats
and encrusted salts. A small perennial lake occurs where the Rio San Pedro enters the
project area from the north. Several other small and seasonal lagoons and/or wet areas

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

are commonly present in the mud flats farther south and east along the side of the Salar
de Atacama. The northern area acts as a settling area for calcite, gypsum, borates and
other precipitated minerals from the Rio San Pedro. The Project area is considered to
be a brine concentrating area as well, allowing pure halite to crystallize in the south
(Garrett, D.E, 2004).

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Figure 5 Geology of the Salar de Atacama

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

7.3 Mineralization

No lithium-bearing brine has been identified on the Project. There are indications from
prior regional work, based on surface sampling and geophysical work that a brine
aquifer may exist on the Project. The brine being sought is similar to the brines under
production in the southern portion of the Salar de Atacama.

The production method utilized by SQM and Rockwood is: lithium-containing brine is
pumped out of the lithium-potassium-bearing brine aquifer into evaporation ponds,
where it is concentrated by evaporation. The brine is further purified on its way through
the system by continued evaporation, when the brine is pumped through a cascade of
ponds where impurities or by-products are crystallized and removed. Main by-products
are potash for the fertilizer industry and bischofite used for road paving. During the
evaporation process, the lithium concentration is increased from about 2,000 ppm to up
to 60,000ppm (6%) in the final brine. The final brine is transported to a processing plant
for further purification and processing to yield lithium carbonate and lithium chloride.

8.0 Deposit Types

The deposit type being sought is lithium-potassium bearing brine at depth, similar to the
brines being produced by SQM and Rockwood in the southern portion of the Salar de
Atacama. Although regional studies have identified anomalous lithium in surface
samples and shallow holes, none has been conducted on the Project. Work conducted
by third parties has identified anomalous lithium in surface brine samples and in shallow
subsurface holes. However, there has been no work done to confirm the presence of
lithium-bearing brines at depth on the Atacama Lithium Project.

Lithium brine deposits are accumulations of saline groundwater that are enriched in
lithium. Lithium brines generally occur in arid regions, where climate allows for
evaporation of brines to concentrate lithium salts. Productive lithium brine deposits
share several characteristics: (1) arid climate; (2) closed basin containing a playa or
salar; (3) tectonically driven subsidence; (4) associated igneous or geothermal activity;
(5) suitable lithium source-rocks; (6) one or more adequate brine aquifers; and (7)
sufficient time to concentrate lithium in brine. Because the Salar de Atacama embodies
these characteristics, and because lithium brine production occurs in the southern
portion of the Salar de Atacama, a subsurface lithium brine aquifer is the target at the
Atacama Lithium Project.

9.0 Exploration

No exploration work has been conducted on the Atacama Lithium Project by or on

behalf of Wealth Minerals to determine the presence of lithium in brines.

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

10.0 Drilling

No drilling has been conducted on the Atacama Lithium Project.

11.0 Sample Preparation, Analyses, and Security

The target is lithium-bearing brine that is not exposed at the surface and there is no
access to wells that may tap the brine or springs associated with the target brine. Thus
no sampling could be conducted to determine the existence, quality, and chemistry of
the target aquifer.

12.0 Data Verification

Because no exploration work has been carried out on the Atacama Lithium Project,
there are no data for verification.

13.0 Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testwork

There has been no mineral processing work or metallurgical testing conducted on

lithium-in-brine targets on the Atacama Lithium Project.

14.0 Mineral Resource Estimate

The Project represents an exploration target. Thus there are no mineral resources
estimates regarding the Project.

15.0 Mineral Reserve Estimate

The Project represents an exploration target. Thus there are no mineral reserve
estimates regarding the Project.

23.0 Adjacent Properties

The Atacama Lithium Project is in an area of intense competition for land. The major
landholders in the area are SQM and CORFO (Corporacion de Fomento de la
Produccion de Chile, a Chilean government agency created to promote development in
Chile). Other claimants include BHP and minor landholders to the south and east of the
Concessions. SQM is a Chile-based corporation founded in 1968 to produce potassium

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

and lithium from the Salar de Atacama. The company has since developed a worldwide
presence, producing fertilizers, iodine and derivatives, lithium and its derivatives,
industrial minerals and potassium. The operator of a lithium-potassium facility on
CORFO property is Rockwood. Rockwood and Albermarle Corporation recently
acquired Rockwood, and Rockwood is now a subsidiary of Albermarle Corporation. On
February 2 2017 Albermarle Corporation announced an agreement with the
Government of Chile to expand its output of lithium. In Chile, the Albermarle operations
in the Salar de Atacama are referred to as the Rockwood operations. Both SQM and
Rockwood maintain websites, where up-to-date and relevant information regarding
operations in the Salar de Atacama are posted.

Figure 6 Adjacent Landholdings

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

24. Other Relevant Data and Information

There is no additional information or explanation that is not included in this report in

order to make the Report understandable and not misleading.

25.0 Interpretation and Conclusions

The principal origin of lithium in the Salar de Atacama is the lithium-bearing geothermal
waters from the El Tatio Geyser Field. The geothermal fluids enter the northern part of
the Salar de Atacama via surface and subsurface flow. Further, the chemistry of the
salar brines is almost identical to the chemistry of the geothermal fluids of El Tatio,
further strengthening the interpretation that the El Tatio geothermal fluids are the source
of lithium and potassium in the Salar. The Atacama Lithium Project is well located to
receive the benefit of these inflows.

The Salar de Atacama is host to more than 15% of the world’s known lithium reserves,
and yet exploration and production of lithium has occurred only in the southern part of
the Salar. The proximity of the Atacama Lithium Project to existing producers, both of
which produce from brines that travel from north to south through the Wealth
concessions, strongly suggests that exploration potential is good for the discovery of
brines in the northern portion of the Salar.

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Figure 7 Brine Target concept

The geology of the north part of the Salar de Atacama is similar to the sedimentary
settings of other salars such as Maricunga, Olaroz, and Cauchari, where potentially
economic lithium resources have been identified by other lithium exploration companies.

Regional studies of the Salar de Atacama’s geology, hydrogeology, climate and other
factors provide a high level of understanding of the lithium brine processes in the region,
lending credence to the exploration potential of the Atacama Lithium Project.

The reader should be aware that the existence of lithium-rich brines on adjacent
properties, or regional studies confirming the similarity of geology and hydrogeology of
north and south parts of the Salar de Atacama, geophysical studies or surface work
does not substantiate the existence of any brine resource on the Atacama Lithium

There is substantial risk, despite the evidence, that exploration by Wealth Minerals will
not delineate brine, lithium-rich brine, or potentially economic resources. The reader
should also be aware that there are always geopolitical forces that could adversely

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

affect Wealth Minerals ability to gain access, explore, or develop any resource that may
be found. Even if a discovery is made, there is a risk that the Company may not be able
to obtain the necessary permits or corporate arrangement that would allow for
development and production of any lithium-rich resource.

Any project in South America and elsewhere in the developing world will benefit
significantly from the early establishment of good community relationships. In Chile, the
local communities exert a strong influence on the permitting agencies, which can
adversely or positively affect the smooth development of a project. The inherent risk of
poor community relations can be offset by early and strong communication by any
company when dealing with local inhabitants. While the results of such outreach cannot
be predicted, the lack of doing so can be fatal. The author held discussions with Wealth
Chile personnel, who fully recognize the importance of such relationships, and have
begun a community outreach program to establish strong positive presence in local
communities. As a result, the author believes this risk is in the process of being
mitigated properly.

Therefore, based on the review of existing information and a synthesis of the salient
factors noted above, it is the opinion of this author that exploration at the Atacama
Lithium Project is merited. The author also believes that the non-exploration risks are
manageable with prudent corporate management.

A phased work program and budget is presented for future work.

26.0 Recommendations

In order to test the exploration potential for subsurface lithium-bearing brines at the
Atacama Lithium Project, a phased exploration program is proposed. Phase 1 includes
geophysical work to better define the subsurface environment, including basin
configuration, sedimentary regimes, and possible brine presence at depth. Predicated
upon the results of Phase 1, exploration drilling should be undertaken to determine
whether or not the target brines are present and within reach of the drill. The phases will
consist of the following activities and are budgeted in more detail in Section 19.

Phase 1
Consult with Geophysical Contractor –confirm methodology
Consider Time Domain EM –determine sedimentary regime
Consider Gravity to determine basin configuration
Consider Magneto Telluric methodology for deep target evaluation
Conduct Geophysical Programs
Initiate community relations programs
Phase 1 report and analysis to develop drill targets
Permit and drill 5 test holes

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Phase 2
Permitting as necessary
Preparation of drill sites
Development drilling to test aquifer characteristics
Establish five pump holes
Prepare monitoring wells and requisite monitoring equipment
Initiate and execute pump tests to determine aquifer qualities
Utilize test data and prepare brine resource estimate to 43-101 standards

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

19.0 Budget Estimate

Table 4 Phase 1 Budget

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Table 5 Phase 2 Budget

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

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NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Consulting Mining Geologist
Washington State Licensed Geologist #1804
9443 Axlund Road, Lynden, WA 98264
Ph (360) 318-8352

Certificate of Author

I, John E. Hiner, Licensed Geologist in the state of Washington, of 9443 Axlund Road,
Lynden, Washington, 98264 do hereby certify that:

1. I am a Licensed Geologist #1804 in the State of Washington, a member of the

National Board of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG).

2. I am a Registered Member of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration

Inc. (“SME”). My registration number is 1448400RM.

3. I am the author and am responsible for the preparation of the technical report
titled “NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, El Loa Province,
Republic of Chile” dated March 10, 2017 and with an effective date of March 7, 2017, to
which this certificate applies.

4. I graduated with a B.Sc. degree in geology from San Diego State University, San
Diego, California in 1972.

5. I obtained a M.Sc. degree in economic geology from the Mackay School of

Mines, University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, Nevada in 1978.

6. As a result of my experience and qualifications I am a Qualified Person as

defined in National Instrument 43-101. I have practiced my profession continuously for
44 years. This experience includes 4 years of petroleum exploration experience in the
United States and the United Kingdom, 4 years of geothermal exploration experience in
the United States and Mexico, and 36 years of mineral exploration experience
worldwide. This experience has included all aspects of the resource industry from field
exploration and project generation through management of project exploration and
development to senior exploration management responsibility. I have been involved in
the exploration, discovery, and development of three geothermal fields in Nevada. I
have been responsible for international and domestic project development, examination,
evaluation and reporting on a variety of mineral deposit types and commodities
including gold, copper, lead-zinc-silver, and phosphate.

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

7. I visited the Atacama Lithium Project on February 25, 2017.

8. I am an independent as defined by section 1.5 of National Instrument 43-101. I

have no direct or indirect interest in the Project described in the technical report.

9. I have had no prior involvement with the Project that is the subject of the
technical report.

10. I have read National Instrument 43-101 and the technical report has been
prepared in compliance with that instrument.

11. As of the effective date of the technical report, to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief, the technical report contains all scientific and technical
information that is required to be disclosed to make the technical report not misleading..

The effective date of the technical report is March 7, 2017.

Dated at Lynden, Washington this March 10, 2017.

John E. Hiner
Qualified Person

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

Date and Signature Page

The effective date of the technical report is March 7, 2017.

Dated at Lynden, Washington this March 10, 2017.

John E. Hiner, Licensed Geologist – Washington State

Registered Member SME #1448400RM

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile


NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile

NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Atacama Lithium Project, Region 2 of Chile


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