Mushrooms are rich in dietary fibers, minerals, vitamins, and low in fat. They
are widely consumed as an edible and medicinal resource. Studies have found
Since less information with respect of Hypsizygus ulmarius was observed, the
shikimate and acetate pathways and can range from relatively simple molecules
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have been identified in various plant species. They have specific health effects,
even though they are non nutritive compounds (Nijveldt et al., 2001). Classification
carbon atoms in their structure and are commonly found conjugated to sugars
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Szent from the peels of lemons. Flavonoids are widely distributed among the
plant and fungi kingdom such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, stem, tea, wine and
mushrooms. These are an integral part of diet (Prey et al., 2003; Fernandez
et al., 2006). The average intake of flavonols and flavones was found to be
et al, 2002). Classification
benzene rings linked through a heterocyclic pyran ring (Cushnie et al., 2005).
et al., 2010).
cation. These are also reported to inhibit variety of enzymes like hydrolases,
and 80% acetone extract. The variations in phenolic content are due to
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and flavonoids while steroids and anthraquinones were not detected in any
mushroom species. The valuable alkaloids and flavonoids are responsible for
flava in ethanolic extract was carried out by Gezer (2006). The total phenolic
ethanolic extract was studied for mycochemicals studies by Aziz (2007). The
with inorganic and organic nitrogen sources in the culture medium revealed
peptone and yeast extract). The TPC were found to be 83 mg GAE / 100 g,
ammounium sulphate, peptone, corn extract and yeast extract respectively. The
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tropical woody substrates showed the total phenolic content ranging from
total phenolic content of four different extract ranged from 0.85 – 6.25 mg
GAE / g dw. Highest and lowest TPC were recorded in ethanolic and
chloroform extract with 6.25 mg GAE / g dw and 0.85 mg GAE / g dw. The
present study reveals that polarity of extraction solvent affect the level of
phenol content.
pyrocatechol and quercetin equivalents. Highest TPC (7.50 µg mg -1) and TFC
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methanolic extract of four edible mushrooms. Total phenolic content and total
28.31 mg GAE / g. The results reveal that the phenolics are responsible for
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points to the high nutritional and medicinal values (Ranjeet et al., 2014).
by Dubost, (2007). The total phenolic content in all the mushrooms ranged
from 4.2-10.6 mg GAE / g dw. Among all mushroom tested, Agaricus bisporus
mushrooms was studied by Hamzah (2014). The result revealed the presence of
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while cardiac glycosides and steroids were not detected. Quantitative analysis
TAE / g dw. The total flavonoid content in mushroom extract varied from 1.40-
and fourth flushes (Arbaayah et al., 2013). The study signifies the correlation
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TAE). However highest TPC (770 mg/100gm GAE) and TFC (473 mg/100gm
In Pleurotus eous, TPC and TFC ranged between 635-695 mg/100gm GAE and
375-397 mg/100gm TAE. However, highest TPC was recorded when cultivated
on corn straw (695 mg/100gm GAE) and TFC when cultivated on paddy straw
phenol, total flavonoid by Pal (2010). Highest TPC of 82.5 µg / mg GAE was
GAE) and methanol (18.1 µg / mg GAE). Total flavonoid content was found to
be high in hot water extract (5.45 µg / mg QE) when compared to cold water
investigated by Gan, (2013). The results revealed that, Agaricus bisporus had
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Termitomyces reticulates and their individual parts (cap and stipe) were
(2.5 mg / g). The amount of TFC recorded high in cap (4.77 µg / mg) followed
extract recorded high total phenolics (53.13 mg GAE / g), total flavonoids
carried out by Barros (2007). The total phenolic and total flavonoid content
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fixed oils, saponins and flavonoids in all extracts. Total phenolic content
crude fiber and 22.05 % ash. The total moisture content was found to be
89.68% (fresh weight basis). The analysis also revealed rich presence of trace
elements such as copper (33.8 ppm), iron (70.55 ppm) and manganese
were analyzed for their phytochemical activity (Rajesh and Nageswara, 2013).
The total phenol content was found to be high in cap (26.72 µg / g) when
compared to stipe (22.67 µg / g) while TFC in cap and stipe was found to be
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1.622 and 1.116 µg / g. Hypsizygus ulmarius CO2 and IIHR Hu1 strain was
analyzed for total phenol content by Usha and Suguna (2014). The total phenol
content in H. ulmarius CO2 and IIHR Hu1 strain was found to be in the range
phenols that protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules
known as free radicals. They vary in size, composition and molecular weight.
exhibits its action by breaking chain reaction that results in less reactive radical
(Noori, 2012).
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cell cytoplasm and the blood plasma. For example: Ascorbic acid,
the diet.
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exist within normal cells as well as they can be supplied through diet
flavonoids present that play a vital role in the stability of food products, as well
(Kumar et al., 2010). Antioxidants from different source are widely used in the
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Iwalokun (2007) reported that, petroleum ether (PE) and 80% acetone
for Petroleum ether and 4.1-4.4 mM for 80% acetone extract compared to green
tea infusion (6.2-6.4 mM). The observed antioxidant activity in this study was
principles in mushroom.
studied For antioxidant activity by DPPH and reducing power assay. DPPH
scavenging activity of extract showed IC50 value in the range of 0.066 - 0.012
mM GAE while it was 0.154 mM for BHT as standard. The reducing power of
the Pleurotus florida extract was found to be 68.69 µg AAE / mg. The study
ostreatus and Hericium erinaceus was carried out by Egwim, (2011). The
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activity was recorded in Laccaria amethysta (53.64 nM) and Lepista nuda,
(3.65 nM) while least activity in Lepista saeva, and Macrolepiotata procera,
(34.46 nM). The results obtained conclude that these mushrooms are good
Clitocybe odora and Lepista nuda species are suggested to act as antioxidant
extract by DPPH method was carried out by Gezer (2006). The activity was
found to be dose dependent with IC50 value of 276 µg / ml. 160 µg of Ramaria
(96.4%) BHA. According to the results obtained high inhibition value is due to
mycelium with inorganic and organic nitrogen sources in the culture medium
with EC50 of 6.54 mg / ml. Superoxide and nitric oxide radical scavenging
(Emanuel, 2012).
different tropical woody substrates was studied by Oyetayo and Ariyo, (2013).
florida were tested for antioxidant activity by Thillaimaharani (2013). The total
antioxidant activity was found to be high in ethanolic extract with 230 µg BHT
510 µg / ml for nitric oxide radical and 542 µg / ml for superoxide radical
scavenging activity.
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tissue) and Ganoderma lucidum (0.011 mg / 100 mg dry tissue). The study
medicine field.
found to be in dose dependent manner with IC50 value of 68.84, 72.69 and
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scavenging activity while the percentage inhibition for DPPH was found to be
was found to have highest values among mushrooms tested with a range
be 3-13.6 µmol CAE / g dw. There was significant difference found within
value (81.3 µmol CAE / g dw) while maitake mushroom contained the lowest
value (2.67 µmol CAE / g dw). The NORAC among mushrooms tested was in
the range 2-9 µmol TE / g dw. The lowest value was observed in Maitake
0.37-2.6 k units SOD eq / g dw. Portabella contained higest value (2.69 k units
SOD eq / g dw) while, Maitake recorded the least (0.37 k units SOD eq / g dw).
The results declare that higher the total phenolic content, higher the antioxidant
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Lactarius deliciosus, had the highest activity of 71.49% at 500 µg / ml. the
concentrations. The study supports the antioxidant actions due to the presence
inhibition was found to be 76.44% when compared to ascorbic acid (99.3 %).
The IC50 value of extract and ascorbic acid was 64.72 µg / ml and
29.42 µg / ml. The study suggests that antioxidant activity was due to the
with IC50 values varied from 2.75-12 mg / ml for all samples tested. However,
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Reducing power of the extract ranged between 2-10 mg / ml. The greatest
and second (1.230) flushes (Arbaayah et al., 2013). The study signifies the
(2010). The antioxidant activity against hydroxyl, DPPH, nitric oxide, ferrous
chelating ability, reducing power and super oxide was found to be high in hot
water extract with IC50 value of 268, 340, 320, 75, 1140 and 1473 µg / ml when
compared to other extracts. Results showed that the hot water extract has
different extracts (aqueous and 60% ethanol) was investigated by Gan (2013).
brasiliensis 60% ethanol with EC50 value of 1.67 mg / ml. FRAP was found to
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dw) and Agaricus bisporus in aqueous extract (186.72 µ mole Fe2+ equivalent
/ g dw). The results declare that strong positive correlation exist between TPC
and FRAP assay in both extracts and TFC and FRAP in aqueous extract.
Termitomyces reticulates and their individual parts (cap and stipe) were
potential was observed in all different the assay performed. In reducing power
assay, ABTS and DPPH models the entire mushroom ethanolic extract showed
maximum EC50 value of 2.58, 1.37 and 4.92 mg / ml when compared to their
individual parts. The results conclude that the sample with highest antioxidant
metabolites with free radical scavenging activity that make the mushroom ideal
Buthylated hydroxyl anisole (BHA) by DPPH method. The IC50 value of the
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extract was found to be 0.23. The results suggest that, the antioxidant capacity
using different extracts was studied by Carmel (2014). The antioxidant activity
(69.34%). The results declare that the antioxidant activity of edible mushroom
PEAE-1, 80.68% for PEAE-2 and 84.76% for PEAE-3. The EC50 value of 1.4,
1.24 and 1.35 mg / ml was recorded for PEAE-1, PEAE-2 and PEAE-3.
method at 1000 µg / ml with 91.12%. The IC50 value of the extract by hydroxyl
and nitric oxide radical scavenging method was found to be 144.66 and
21.66 µg / ml.
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with 36% of inhibition. The IC50 value was found to be at 563.47 µg / ml.
MCF-7 (human breast cancer) cells characterized by MTT cell viability assay
showed significant reduction of viable cells with IC50 value of 3.75 µM and
increase in dead cells with increase in enzyme concentration. The results say
analyzed for their antioxidant activity (Rajesh and Nageswara, 2013). The IC50
value obtained for cap and stipe extract by DPPH (1.242 and 1.556 mg / ml),
reducing power (4.39 and 4.98 mg / ml), FRAP (9.007 and 20.317 mg / ml) and
antioxidant activity. Hypsizygus ulmarius CO2 and IIHR Hu1 strain was
ulmarius CO2 strain (0.89 OD) when compared to Hypsizygus ulmarius IIHR
Hu1 strain (0.64 OD) at 2.5 mg / ml. In this study a direct co relation exist
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synthetic in nature that kill microorganisms or inhibit their growth. They are
with irreversible lethal action on bacteria are known as bactericidal (Rajesh and
structures that differ from those of the host. They may damage pathogens by
hampering cell wall synthesis, inhibiting microbial protein and nucleic acid
effective against a broad range of bacteria, ant allergic, active in plasma and
body fluids, long shelf life, less expensive, stable and preferably water soluble
classes of drugs that are routinely used to treat infections in humans, there are
microbial infections has become a serious health care problem. This increased
resistance has limited the selection of antimicrobials that may be used to treat
ostreatus petroleum ether and 80% acetone extract revealed that PE extract
exhibited good antimicrobial activity ranging from 3-7.8 mm for gram positive,
5-8.2 mm for gram negative and 8.1-10.8 mm for fungi when compared to
was attributed to amount of phenolic and terpenoids present, species and strain
9.20-17 mm. The MIC of the extract was found to be highest for Salmonella
aureus had the lowest MIC of 1000 µgm / ml. The results obtained had greater
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extract tested against seven gram negative bacteria, five gram positive bacteria
and one yeast showed best activity ranging from 4-20 mm against Salmonella
Proteus vulgaris and Candida albicans. The most susceptible bacteria were
with 11, 13 and 20 mm ZOI. The study reveals that Ramaria flava were not
mycelium with inorganic and organic nitrogen sources in the culture medium
revealed that the ammonium sulphate extract did not exhibit MIC for
Escherichia coli. Least MIC was observed in Bacillus cerus, Listeria innocua
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different tropical woody substrates showed that the ethanolic extracts obtained
against different micro organisms ranging from 5.33-20.33 mm. The extract of
organisms ranged from 2.5-20 mg / ml. Highest was recorded for Klebsiella
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extract showed maximum (23 mm) ZOI against Streptococcus species and
coli and Klebsiella oxytoca followed by Streptococcus species (50 mg / ml) and
Proteus murabilis (75 mg / ml). In case of fungi, ethanolic extract showed MIC
were found to be Micrococcus flavus (22 mm). ZOI was completely absent in
all the three extract against Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus vulgaris, and
activities was due to strains used, extraction solvent and extraction method.
methanolic extract of four edible mushrooms that exhibited good ZOI ranging
from 3.7-17 mm for gram positive bacteria and 4.5-40.1 mm for gram negative
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bacteria. Highest ZOI was observed in S. aureus (16.6 mm) and least in
bisporus PE and acetone extract showed maximum ZOI against Vibrio cholera
(40.1 mm) and minimum against Staphylococcus aureus (3.8 mm). Ganoderma
lucidum PE and methanolic extract showed highest and lowest ZOI against
Vibrio cholera (16.6 mm) and Escherichia coli (5.3 mm). Among fungi
activity against micro organisms were observed with ZOI ranging from 7-30
mm. Maximum ZOI was seen in Staphylococcus aureus with 30 mm and least
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(12 mm), Proteus mirabilis (13 mm) and Streptococcus species (14 mm) was
carried out by Barros (2007). The methanol extract showed good antimicrobial
portentosum extract was effective against Bacillus cerus, Bacillus subtilis and
be resistant to all the mushroom extracts. The results showed that the
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Menaga (2012). Among the extracts studied for antbiogram, ethanolic and
aureus, Camphylobacter sp., and Vibrio sp. Aqueous extract showed highest
ZOI (24 ± 1.5 mm) against Vibrio sp. whereas ethyl acetate and hexane extract
showed least and no activity against most of the organisms tested. In this study
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the hydrolysis of both endogenous and exogenous short chain fatty acid esters
short chain esters has attracted the interest of a broad range of industrial fields
like foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Among these flavor acetates from
(Zhang et al., 1999), cocaine and heroin (Pindel et al., 1997), resolution of
soft- and pro-drug design (Bodor and Buchwald, 2000, 2003, 2004).
sapidus with molecular mass 430 kDa by Holger (2005). The enzyme activity
was optimum at pH 5.8 and 40 0C. This carboxylesterase represents the first
molecular level.
-xylosidase were studied in compost and liquid cultures by James (2000). The
observed during fruiting body development only. Using activity staining and
fruiting body of the medicinal and edible mushroom Sparassis crispa was
carried out. The molecular weight of purified enzyme was found to be 60 kDa
acetate. The optimum enzyme activity was observed at pH 8.0 and temperature
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conditions and at the temperature ranging from 30-40 0C. The Km and Vmax of
(2009). The enzyme from both sources had the highest activity in the presence
temperature 30 0C. The Km and Vmax values for the enzyme were 71 µM
stability in the pH range 3-10 and temperature range 10-40 0C. The Km and
Vmax value for Tricholoma terreum was found to be 9.6µM and 34.6 U / I.
The esterase from both the sources showed and increased enzyme activity in
the presence of dithiothreitol (DTT) and metal ions such as K+, Al3+, Ni2+ and
Schizophyllum commune and the molecular mass of the enzyme was found to
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substrate, supplemented with Tween 40. Good activity was observed when
esterification between free acetic acid and primary alcohols (geraniol and
from Aspergillus niger (CFR 1105) grown on wheat bran showed maximum
Muralikrishna, 2009).
enzymes were more active at pH 7.0 and temperature of 45 0C. All the enzymes
released ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid from a soluble corn fiber fraction.
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Ferulic acid esterases FaeA1 and FaeA2 also released dehydrodiferulic and
dehydrotriferulic acids.
6th day incubation with 3% inoculum, xylose and KNO3 at pH 5 and temperature
enhanced by Mn2+and Cu2+ ions and reduced by Fe2+, Na2+ and Co2+ ions
Proteases are the most important hydrolytic enzyme and have been
bonds in a protein molecule. They are a single class of enzymes which occupy
found in all living organisms (bacteria, fungi, plants and animals). Proteases
execute a large variety of functions, extending from the cellular level to the
and inflammation. These and are essential for the complex processes involved
in the normal physiology of the cell (cell growth and differentiation.) as well as
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absorption by the cell whereas; intracellular proteases play a critical role in the
which differs in properties such as substrate specificity, active site and catalytic
mechanism, pH and temperature for activity and stability profiles. Proteases are
Alkaline proteases (EC.3.4.21, 22, 24) are hydrolytic enzymes that hold
a huge share in the world enzyme market accounting for about 60% of total
enzyme sale. These enzymes have either a serine amino acid or a metal ion at
the catalytic centre and have been reported to operate under extreme
presence of organic solvents and detergents. Alkaline proteases are among the
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they have wide range of applications in the fields of research and industries. In
food industry, they have been routinely used for various purposes such as
especially for indigestion. Tannery is another major niche where these enzymes
are used for dehairing and refining of hides and skins to get quality leather,
Extraction of silver from used X-ray films and degumming of silk to improve
its luster (Kanehisa, 2000; Puri, 2001) are other areas of appliance. Alkaline
proteases are also used for waste treatment, delignification of hemp (Dorado
et al., 2001), pest control (Kim et al., 1999) and synthesis of peptides (Isono
isolated from fruiting bodies of the edible mushroom Pleurotus eryngii. The
maximum enzyme activity was found at pH 5.0 and temperature 45 0C. The
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to mycelium. Gill tissues of mushroom had a higher activity than the stipe or
inhibited by Al3+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions. The Km and Vmax values were found to
temperature and pH 8.0. The molecular weight of purified protein was 48 kDa.
Metal ions such as Ca2+ and Na2+ were found to decrease the enzyme activity
Cordyceps militaris protein (CMP) was purified from the dried fruiting
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PMSF strongly inhibited the enzyme activity. Strong antifungal effect and
cytotoxicity was observed against Fusarium oxysporum and human breast and
recorded with pH range of 4.5–8.5 and temperature range of 50–75 0C. The
was purified from Schizophyllum commune. The result revealed the increase of
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pH 10.6 and temperature 60 0C. The enzyme was stable in the presence of 2 %
Tween 80 and 4 M urea. More than 80 % of the enzyme activity was retained
The protease was inhibited by Hg2+, Cu2+ and Fe3+ metal ions. The Km and
Vmax values were 8.26 mg · ml and 0.668 mg · ml 1· min 1
mass 32 kDa and 42 kDa was purified from the culture supernatant of
Fomitella fraxinea mycelia. Both enzymes had the same optimal temperature
(40 0C), but different pH optima of 10 and 5 respectively. FFP1 activity was
activity of FFP2 was enhanced by the addition of Co2+ and Zn2+, whereas
inhibited by Cu2+, Ni2+, and Hg2+. Furthermore, FFP2 activity was strongly
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reverse transcriptase, hepatoma Hep G2 and leukemia L1210 cells were also
fresh fruiting bodies of the wild mushroom Amanita farinose with optimal
young stage after inoculation. All the enzymes investigated were more active at
25 0C.
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