International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) : 2319-8141 INTERNATIONAL Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences Extraction and Screening of Trimyristin in The Seeds of Myristic..
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) : 2319-8141 INTERNATIONAL Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences Extraction and Screening of Trimyristin in The Seeds of Myristic..
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) : 2319-8141 INTERNATIONAL Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences Extraction and Screening of Trimyristin in The Seeds of Myristic..
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5 authors, including:
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Nutmeg a well known spice in India is biologically termed as
Trimyristin, API,
Myristica fragnans Houtt. Apart from its use as a spice the plant has
Solvent effect,
several uses in the traditional alternative medicine mostly in
ayurvedic system. The components of the herbal plant such
For Correspondence:
trimyristin; myristicin and safrole are responsible for the various
N. Hima Sai Bindu*
pharmacological activities. The triglyceride Trimyristin which was
Address: Department of
responsible for the anxiogenic activity was the present target of the
Pharmaceutical Analysis,
study. The drug Trimyristin was characterized by spectroscopic
methods like IR, UV and Thin layer chromatographic studies
Technological Research
including the solubility of the drug in various solvents. By the UV
Institute, Anantapur,
studies the solvent effect of the drug was studied in various solvent.
Andhra Pradesh,
A Standardized TLC procedure has been established for the
screening of the drug in plant extract and in polyherbal formulations
using the solvent system Dichloromethane: chloroform: ammonia
(6.5:3.5:0.1) with Rf value of 0.55, 0.564, 0.552 for API, extract and
Mobile No: 8121900898
polyherbal dosage form Poweromin. A Reverse phase UFLC method
developed using the mobile phase dichloromethane and acetonitrile
(99:5 v/v) showed retentions times of 0.904 and 0.906 for both the
API and extract.
569 Full Text Available On
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2319-8141
Myristica fragrans Houtt. commonly known as Jaiphal and Javitri in India, belongs to the
family Myristicaceae. It plant mainly has two spices, nutmeg seed and mace [1]. Nutmeg is the
seed kernel inside the fruit and mace is the fleshy red, net like skin covering (aril) on the kernel.
The most important part of the plant in terms of its pharmacological activity is the dried kernel
(seed), the nutmeg. The oil of nutmeg has been used for several medicinal as it contains the
pharmacologically active components. It is also used as a spice in various dishes, as
components of tea and soft drinks or mixed in milk and alcohol [2]. In traditional medicine
nutmeg is used as a stomachic, stimulant, carminative as well as for intestinal catarrh and colic,
to stimulate appetite, to control flatulence and it has a reputation.
The main constituents of M. fragrans have been found to be alkyl benzene derivatives
(myristicin, elemicin, safrole etc.), terpenes, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, myristic acid and
triacylglycerols like trimyristin. Nutmeg contains about 10% essential oil, which is mostly
composed of terpene hydrocarbons (sabinene and pinenes; furthermore camphene, p-cymene,
phellandrene, terpinene, limonene, myrcene, together 60 to 80%), terpene derivatives (linalool,
geraniol, terpineol, together 5 to 15%) and phenylpropanoids (myristicin, elemicin, safrole,
eugenol and eugenol derivatives, together 15 to 20%) [3-5]. As earlier reported the essential oil
part of nutmeg was believed to be responsible for all the major pharmacological activity of the
drug but the fact is the major portion of the seed of the nutmeg yields fixed oil (60%) which
consists of a triglyceride named Trimyristin which was reported to have anti-depressant
activity, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activity[6]. This is the principle need of using the
herbal drug in several poly herbal formulations. Trimyristin is an example of fundamental type
of fat known as a triglyceride. Hydrolysis of one mole of a triglyceride afford one mole of 1, 2,
3-propanetriol (glycerin) and 3 moles of fatty acids, which are carboxylic acids containing the
functional group at the end of a long alkyl chain. Chemically Trimyristin is called as 1,3Di
(tetradecanolyloxy) propan-2-yl tetradecanoate [7](Figure 1).
Figure 14a, 14b: Showing the chromatogram of Trimyristin API and extract respectively.
The developed analytical methods are simple and can be used for the screening of Trimyristin
from the extract and in polyherbal formulations. These spectroscopic and chromatographic
methods are precise and cost effective. The solubility profile, UV spectroscopic and UFLC
characterization has an impetus in the further studies of analytical method development for the
drug by various analytical techniques.
The authors are thankful to Mr. Dr. N.M. Dakshina Murthy, Rural Medical Officer, Anantapur,
for providing the physician samples of poly herbal formulation Poweromin.
1. Preetee Jaiswal, Pradeep Kumar, Vinay K Singh, Dinesh K Singh, (2009), Biological
Effects of Myristica fragrans, ARBS Annual Review of Biomedical Sciences, 11: 21-
2. Maya KM, Zachariah TJ, Krishnamurthy B,(2004), Chemical composition of essential
oil of nutmeg (Myristicin fragrans Houtt) accessions, J Spices Aromatic Crop,
3. Jinous Asgarpanah, Nastaran Kazemivash, (2011), Phytochemistry and pharmacologic
properties of Myristica fragrans Houtt: A review. African Journal of Biotechnology,
11, 12787-12793.
4. Muchtaridi, Anas Subarnas, Anton Apriyantono, (2011), Identification of Compounds in
the Essential Oil of Nutmeg Seeds (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) That Inhibit Locomotor
Activity in Mice, Int. J. Mol. Sci, 1, 4771-4781.
5. S.B. Kasture K.N. Gujar,(2005) Depressant Effect of Trimyristin and Its Inhibition by
Some Antidepressants in Mice, Bioprospecting & Ethnopharmacology, Proc.
WOCMAP III, 3, 147- 151.