Publishedart Drbiresh 2
Publishedart Drbiresh 2
Publishedart Drbiresh 2
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Research Article
Vijayawada, India.
6Pharmacopoeial Laboratory for Indian Medicine (PLIM) Ghaziabad, UP, India.
7Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India), New Delhi.
8Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Hindu College of Pharmacy, Amaravathi Road, Guntur, A.P., India.
The present investigation involves antimicrobial and phytochemical evaluation of Cissus
quadrangularis L. The antibacterial activity of Cissus quadrangularis was performed using disk
diffusion method. The Results of study proved prompt efficacy of herbal extract against S. aureus
and E. coli. The concentration dependent antibacterial activity of extract was observed against
both organisms. Study also involves phytochemical investigation of herbal extract using HPTLC, IR
and UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The result of study indicated that the methanolic extract
possessed most potent antibacterial activity as compared to other extract. The antibacterial
activity increases with the concentration and results indicated that the diameters of zone
inhibition of the extract were comparable with the standard drug. The antimicrobial potential of
plant extract may be attributed to the presence of specific phytoconstituents.
KEYWORDS: Cissus quadrangularis, Herbs, Antimicrobial, HPTLC.
Cissus quadrangularis is plant belongs from standardization were lacking accuracy and precision
Vitaceae family which is an edible plant occurs in therefore modern analytical techniques such as
Malaya, Java, India, West Africa and Thailand.[1] It is HPLC, HPTLC and UV-Visible Spectroscopy came in
used for strengthening of bone, reduces pain and help practice for the standardization of herbs and herbal
to repair bone fractures therefore also called products. The high performance thin layer
“Hadjod”.[2] Plant also used for the management of chromatography (HPTLC) play vital role towards the
gout, tumors, piles, leucorrhoea and ulcers.[3] The analysis of compounds obtained from natural origin.
plant also evaluated for its anti-inflammatory and This technique used for fingerprinting and
antioxidant potential by various researchers. The quantification of marker compounds in herbs.[4-6]
constituent of plant considered responsible for
antimicrobial potential therefore present
investigation involve antimicrobial evaluation of
Cissus quadrangularis along with its phytochemical
investigation using chromatographic and spectro-
photometric methods.[1-3]
Herbs and herbal products used extensively
now a day’s as medicine but the quality concern is
major issue regarding the natural products. The
quality and composition of herbs and herbal
formulation may be ensured using various
techniques of standardization which also confirm
presence and amount of active principles/marker of
formulation. The traditional approaches of Figure 1: Cissus quadrangularis Plant
% Inhibition
% Inhibition
Figure 2: Comparative antimicrobial potential (% zone of inhibition) of petroleum ether extract (PE),
methanolic extract (ME), chloroform extract (CE) and water extract (WE)
25 mg
50 mg
75 mg
100 mg
Figure 3: Antimicrobial potential (% zone of inhibition) of different concentration of methanolic extract (ME)
UV-Visible spectra of extract are shown in figure 3. The UV spectrum of Cissus quadrangularis showed
absorption maxima at 273nm and 255nm.
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