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Simplified Method For Estimating Maximum Ship's Draught When Navigating in Shallow Water On The South of Stolpe Bank in The Aspect of The Vessels With Maximum Dimensions and Draught PDF

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International Journal Volume 4

on Marine Navigation Number 4

and Safety of Sea Transportation December 2010

Simplified Method for Estimating Maximum

Ship’s Draught when Navigating in Shallow
Water on the South of Stolpe Bank in the
Aspect of the Vessels with Maximum
Dimensions and Draught
G. Rutkowski & A. Królikowski
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland

ABSTRACT: This paper considers analysis of maximum draught of a merchant vessel, which can maintain
safety of navigation in different exterior condition (average and extreme) on shallow water in Stolpe gutter
and keep required under keel clearance, i.e. navigational reserve of depth. To depict maximum draught of a
vessel we use practical method which incorporates risk of navigational and model of ship’s domain. Results
are compared with guidelines published by Decree of Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy from
01.06.1998 about technical conditions, which should be met by hydro mechanical sea structure, which operate
vessels with the given particulars.

1 SAFETY OF NAVIGATION IN STOLPE − Passenger ferry whose particulars are: LOA

GUTTER (length over all) L=140,0 m, beam B=16,0m,
draught TD=TR=7,50 m, block coefficient
1.1 Introduction CB=0,65.
This paper considers analysis of maximum draught − Fishing boat whose particulars are: LOA
of a merchant vessel, which can maintain safety of (length over all) LOA= 40,0 m, beam B=8,5m,
navigation in average and extreme exterior (weather) draught TD=TR=4,00 m, block coefficient
conditions in Stolpe gutter and keep required under CB=0,63.
keel clearance, i.e. navigational reserve of depth. Results are compared with guidelines published
Analysis of navigational reserve of depth (under by Decree of Minister of Transport and Maritime
keel clearance) is made in different exterior condi- Economy from 01.06.1998 about technical condi-
tion (average and extreme) for merchant vessels tions, which should be met by hydro mechanical sea
such as: structure, which operate vessels with the given par-
− VLCC vessel or bulk carrier whose particulars ticulars.
are: LOA (length over all) L=350,0 m, beam
B=60,0m, draught in the Baltic Sea 1
TD=TR=15,00 m, block coefficient CB=0,85.
− Container ship whose particulars are: LOA TRANSPORT AND MARITIME ECONOMY
(length over all) L=250,0 m, beam B=32,0m,
draught TD=TR=12,00 m, block coefficient
CB=0,70. Let us consider the theoretical establishing of Sepa-
ration Zone in the area of Stolpe gutter in accord-
ance with guidelines published in the Decree of
Polish Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy
Limitation of draught T=15,0 m was accepted in Baltic Sea from 01.06.1998 (Dz.U.98.101.645) about technical
such as maximum for the vessel wanted to sail safe across conditions, which should be met by hydro mechani-
Danish straits (Great Belt with Hn=17,0m). Since November
2007 according to the Notice to Marines limitation of ship’s
cal sea structure and the location – Section II, Chap-
draught has been reduced to 14,50m due to shallow water in ter 3, § 25 to § 35.
Great Belt with depth Hn=16,50m.

Every sea structure situated within Polish area de- Ht = Tc + Rt (4)
scription three depths of water:
where: TC - is the highest ship’s depth (draught) on
− Designed depth Hp, even keel, [m]; Rt - total under keel clearance depth,
− Acceptable depth Hdop. which enables the vessel to float in the place where
− Technical depth Ht, sea structure is located, even for the unfavourable
Designed depth Hp is specified by formula: hydro meteorological conditions [m].

Hp = Ht + tb (1) Total under keel clearance, which is included in

formulae (3) and (4), cannot be smaller than mini-
where: Hp - designed depth, [m]; Ht – technical mum of total reserve of water depth (Rtmin), de-
depth, [m]; tb - dredge reserve tolerance, [m]. scribed in meters by the following formula:
A value of tolerance for dredge reserve, accepted Rtmin ≥ η ּ◌ Tc (5)
to estimate sea structures and design drawing works,
with respect to the location of drawing works, is: where: TC - is maximum acceptable ship’s depth
(draught) on even keel, [m]; η - not dimensional co-
− tb = 0,25 m – for drawing works made in port efficient, dependent on the type of area or fairway,
and harbours, described in Table 1.
− tb = 0,35 m – for drawing works carried out
outside limits of harbours, especially on the
roads, in the approaching channels, for placing Table 1. Values of not dimensional coefficient, with respect to
cables and pipelines in territorial sea and interi- type of area or fairway. Dz.U.98.101.645.
or sea waters as well as profiling sea bed for No Type of area or fairway
___________________________________________________ η
sea’s structures. 1 Harbour areas covered from waves 0,05
2 Interior fairways, ship’s rotary area, basin and
Every designed project includes specific width of port channel in which floating units use tugs 0,05
sea bed lane along sea structure, in which one should 3 Exterior approaching lane from sea to port and
keep acceptable depth (Hdop.). If the technical docu- marina 0,10
mentation, such as navigational chart, describes on- 4___________________________________________________
Open sea areas 0,15
ly one depth of the area, we assume that this depth
constitutes acceptable depth (Hdop.). In this way
technical depth (Ht) can be presented in meters on In this case the minimum value of total reserve of
the basis of the following formula: water depth Rtmin established for different type of
ships (unit) is described in Table 2.
Ht = Hdop. - tb (2)
where: Ht- technical depth, [m]; Hdop- acceptable
Table 2. Minimum value of total reserve of water depth Rtmin
depth, [m]; tb- full tolerance for dredge reserve, [m]. established for different type of ships (units) in shallow water
When we use navigational depth (Hn) we think in Stolpe gutter.
about difference between horizontal planes, meas- No Type of units (L,B,T, CB) Tc Rtmin
ured from average sea level SW to horizontal plane, [m]
___________________________________________________ [m]
which is adjoined with the highest bed situated in the 1. VLCC (350m; 60m; 15m; 0,85) 15,0 2,25
given area, which is designed for vessel traffic. 2. Container ship (250m; 32m; 12m; 0,70) 12,0 1,80
3. Passenger’s ferry (140m; 16m; 7,5m; 0,65) 7,50 1,13
Actual navigational depth (Hna) is navigational 4. Fishing boat (40m; 8,5m; 4m; 0,63) 4,00
___________________________________________________ 0,60
depth (Hn), which refers to actual water level.
Acceptable depth (draught) of the ship (Ta) in Assuming actual navigational depth area in aver-
traffic areas describes difference between actual age navigational conditions Hna =17,00m and ship’s
navigational depth (Hna a) and total under keel clear- particulars of the biggest units which could enter to
ance (Rt) required in sailing condition: the Baltic Sea through the Danish Strait (Great Belt,
Hna =17,00m, T=15,0m) minimum of under keel
Ta = Hna – Rt (3) clearance should be not less than 2,25 m. In this case
where: Ta- acceptable ship’s depth (draught), [m]; criterion of safety navigational depth cannot be used,
Hna - actual navigational depth, [m]; Rt - total under because: Ht= 17,0m-2,25m= 14,75m and is smaller
keel clearance depth, which enables the vessel to than maximum unit’s draught Ta=15,0m.
float in the place where sea structure is located, In extreme conditions, such as huge wave, situa-
even for the unfavourable hydro meteorological tion can be worse, as one should reduce navigational
conditions, [m]. depth of the area to Hn1=16,50m and increase the
The next link (4) shows relationship between the maximum of ship’s draught Ta due to wave effect:
highest acceptable ship’s depth (draught) (Tc) and yawing, pitching, rolling etc. For example mere list
technical depth (Ht): of about ±5º of the rolling vessel whose beam

B=60m and departure draught Ta0=15,0 m, can in- Hdop. = Ht + Rp (9)
crease maximum of ship’s draught for 2,56m to
where: Hdop - acceptable draught of sea structures,
[m]; Ht - technical depth of sea structures, described
The increase of the ship’s draught, which is with accordance to the rules mentioned above; Rp -
caused by the list, can be depicted by means of the reserve for acceptable unevenness of sea bottom in
following formula: the area, where sea bed isn’t durably strengthen,
during the whole period when the sea structure is
∆T7II = TM [cos(θ ) − 1] + ⋅ B ⋅ sin (θ ) (6) used.
According to the Decree of Minister of Transport
where: ∆TII7 - change of draught in case of ship’s and Maritime Economy value of reserve for ac-
list [m]; TM - average ship’s draught [m]; θ - angle ceptable unevenness of sea bottom shouldn’t be less
of ship’s list [ °]; B - ship’s beam [m]. than Rp=1,0 m. For the sea structures without dura-
The increase in the ship’s draught, which is ble strengthening and for sea structures located in
caused by yawing, can be calculated by means of the the following areas:
formula: − on bend and outlet of river and strait to the sea,
1 1 − on narrowing river bed,
∆T7I = ⋅ Lw ⋅ tg (Ψ ) ≈ ⋅ L pp ⋅ tg (Ψ ) (7) − with huge wave or significant stream of water
2 2 near the sea bed, the value of reserve Rp cannot
where: ∆TI7 - change of draught in case of yawing be less than 1,5 m.
[m]; LW - ship’s length on sea surface [m]; Lpp - Hence, with respect to the formulae (3), (4) and
ship’s length between perpendiculars [m]; Ψ - angle (6) we assume the value of navigational depth of ar-
of trim due to yawing [ °]. ea as Hn1=17,0m in normal navigational conditions
In bad weather conditions one can observe heav- (18,0m–1,0m=17,0m), and Hn2=16,5m (18,0m–
ing, yawing, pitching, rolling, swaying and surging 1,5m=17,0m) for extreme conditions, i.e. huge wave
due to huge influence of sea wave to ship’s hull. In or strong stream of water near sea bottom.
practice in order to define maximum ship’s draught The research about the real value of navigational
one uses only bigger value of corrections ∆TI7 or depth of the given area is confirmed by the opinion
∆TII7 defined by the formulas (6) and (7). from employers of Maritime Office in Gdynia. The
For this reason, on the basis of formulas (4) and depth of the discussed area depth was controlled by
(5) one can define simplified formula for maximum employers of Maritime Office in Gdynia in 2007.
acceptable ship’s draught Tc, which could indicate They confirmed the localization of the navigational
safe navigation in area with technical depth Ht: dangers such as rock, sand, wrecks within shallow
water on the depth from 17,00 m with respect to ac-
Ht tual sea level, the possible inaccuracy being ±0,50m.
Tc ≤ (8)
1+η Polish sea areas are treated as sea without tides.
where: TC - is maximum acceptable ship’s draught, Water depth is measured on these areas from chart
on the even keel, [m]; η - not dimensional coeffi- datum, which is defined from average sea level SW
cient, dependent on type of area or fairway, de- (±0,50m). According to long term observation made
scribed in table 1; Ht. - technical depth, [m]. by Institute of Meteorology and Water Management
in Gdynia in the area which we discuss one can ex-
According to formula (8) in order to navigate pect significant changes of sea level in the aspect of
safely near the Stolpe gutter (open area) the highest mean sea level (MSL=500). Those changes cross the
acceptable ship’s draught Tc, should not be higher value ΔHn=Rp=±1m. They are especially visible in
than Tc1=14,78m for Ht=17,0m (average conditions) autumn–winter term. For example in 2001 difference
and Tc1=14,35m for Ht=16,5m (rough sea). between extreme values of high sea water level
When planning separation zone area on the south (HHW) and low water (LLW) on the Polish coast
of the Stolpe Bank, minimum of water depth read varied from 146 cm in Ustka, 150cm in Łeba to 206
from navigational chart (chart 252, INT1219) is 18 cm in Świnoujście (Institute of Meteorology and
m estimated with reference to chart datum with re- Water Management, 2004).
spect to MSL (Mean Sea Level). According to the In long-term scale (between 1971-2000) one can
formula (2) this depth should be treated as accepta- observe high water (HW) 130 higher than mean sea
ble depth of area (Hdop) with error for so-called ac- level (MSL) in Ustka and 140cm in Łeba and low
ceptable unevenness of sea bottom. For open sea ar- water (LW) about 54 cm lower than mean sea level
eas, such as Stolpe gutter, in which sea bed isn’t (MSL) in Łeba and 60 cm in Ustka.
durably strengthened, acceptable sea depth Hdop
could be described by formula:

Total reserve of ship’s draught Rt should be ana- depends on type of sea bed or method of sea bed for-
lyzed for every vessel navigating in this area. In eve- tification near sea structure
ry case total reserve of ship’s draught Rt should not
be less than minimum of total reserve of sea depth Navigation reserve R2 results from the fact that
Rtmin defined earlier. Additionally, the reserve of we do not know the exact sea depth, sea bed clear-
ship’s draught Rt should enable navigation and ance, interpolation error between sounding or result
manoeuvring of a ship in the worst hydro- of the hull contact with sea bed. In practice, the val-
meteorological conditions, possible in this area. ue of reserve R2 ranges from 1,00m to 1,50m for not
coastal areas, which are exposed to huge wave and
According to the Decree of Minister of Transport currents near the sandy and rocky sea bed with low
and Maritime Economy from 1998 in order to estab- density of sounding. In the area of Stolpe gutter sea
lish the total reserve draught Rt one must consider bed is tough and sandy with many rocks and stones.
the total of following components:

Reserve R3 for low level of sea waters, defined on

Reserve R1 for inaccurate hydrographical measure-
the basis of: a) curve of total time of stay water lev-
ment of water depth.
el, with respect to the measurements on sea water
The value of reserve R1 depends on the area’s level patch, which are based on long term research,
depth. Depth in navigational charts is presented with when the water level remained on the higher level
accordance to the defined standard of accuracy. In- during about 99% of time during research period or
ternational Hydrographic Organization IHO (Joseph,
1991) accepted the following standard (P= 95,4 %) b) differences between sea level SW and sea level
in 1987: SNW,
0,52 m for H= (0 ÷30)m; Navigational reserve R3 is the result of observa-
tion of difference of sea level with reference to chart
1,72 % h for H> 30m. datum which is caused by specific hydro-
Since January 1991 in the British Admiralty meteorological conditions. Long lasting and strong
charts (BA) the accuracy of data has been defined wind which blows in land direction as well as flood-
with measurement depth error (P= 95,4%) and has ing on the river increase the water level. Strong
the value: winds blowing from the land and low water state on
the river decrease this level.
2 ⋅ δ H = 0,52 + (0,009 ⋅ H ) [m]
(10) In practice, navigational reserve R3 in such areas
as in the Stolpe gutter without tides on South Baltic
Hence, the error equals about 0,53m for the area Sea, navigational reserve R3 can reach 0,30m. Any-
of Stolpe gutter whose average depth is about 20m. way, we must remember that long term observations
Charts published by local maritime administra- of water state in this area carried out by measure-
tion (other than British) may have different standard ment stations in Ustka and Łeba confirm higher, that
accuracy due to local legal regulations. According to is about 0,60m reduction of water state from mean
S.Gucma and I.Jagniszczak (1997) navigational re- sea level (MSL). Those observations are also kept
serve R1 for area whose depth is 20m should be the whole year (Institute of Meteorology and Water
about 0,20m in practice. Management, 2004). In extreme weather (hydro-
meteorological) conditions value of navigational re-
serve R3 should be increased to 0,60m.
Table 3. Reserve R1 for hydrographical measurement error of
water depth (sound error). Gucma, Jagniszczak, 1997.
Area’s Depth H [m] Water Reserve R1 [m]
___________________________________________________ Reserve R4 for shallow water in the area, which en-
1. do 4 0.10 ables full exploitation of area in period between
2. 4-10 1015 dredging and bottom cleaning operation
3. 10-20 0.20
4. 20-100 0.01H
___________________________________________________ In the area which we discuss there is no dredging
or bottom cleaning operation. Sea Bed is formed
naturally, so we can omit the value of navigational
We do not make mistake if we accept for further reserve R4 for future considerations.
research 0.35m as average value of reserve R1 for
hydrographical error of measurement of water depth.
Navigational reserve R2, is minimum of under keel Reserve R5 for wave and swell,
clearance units, which is sufficient to floating, and In order to estimate value of parameter R5 con-
cerning sea wave we use the methods which are ap-

proximated, and show us only outline of the real sit- In real conditions vessel on the wave makes very
uation. complicated movement, which is combination of
simple movement in one direction. Usually one type
In order to describe difference of draught ∆T5 for
of movement results in another. These two types
sluggish vessel on wave we often use empirical for-
mula prepared by Dand and Ferguson (1973) and mutually interact, as it is in the case of scenting
which is in fact combination of heaving and rolling.
recommended by Nowicki (1999) - Method 1:
In case of ship’s movement on the wave the progno-
∆T5 = k ⋅ h f [m] (11) sis of changes in complex movement is based on
usual accumulation of results. On the other side, ad-
where: k - coefficient depending on the relation be- ditional increase of safety contour, especially in very
tween beam and length of ship with respect to length bad weather condition, has positive influence on re-
and course angle of the wave, the coefficient ranges ducing risk of navigation, and increasing safety of
from 0,33 to 0,66; hf - height of wave [m]. navigation. For example, according to “Report of
Coefficient k depends on relation between beam Working Group IV of the Pianc International Com-
and length of ship with respect to length and course mission for The Reception of Large Ships”, for traf-
angle of wave. In case of the ship, which is situated fic lane exposed to huge swelling minimum of the
board to wave and whose beam constitutes less than under keel clearance must constitute 15% of maxi-
half length of wave, the coefficient is the biggest mum ship’s draught (Method 3).
one. For huge vessels in relation to size of wave this Similar solution is described by Gucma and
coefficient has minimum value. The following rules Jagniszczak, (1997), in which minimum reserve for
apply to the huge vessels: wave in the open sea area on the straightforward
− Sea wave direction is equal to the ship’s head- traffic lane without dredgering, with sea wave height
ing line (q ≈ 000° or 180°) and length of the up to 3,0m is assumed as 40% of maximum ship’s
vessel is bigger than length of the wave (L ≥ λ); draught (Method 4).
− Sea wave direction is perpendicular to ship’s
heading line (q ≈ 090°) and ship’s width is big-
Table 4. Numerical value of coefficient m dependent on the
ger than half length of sea wave (B ≥ 0,5λ); ship’s particulars (v, B, L, CB) and wave parameters (λ, hf , q).
where: λ - wave length [m]; B - ship’s beam [m]; m For the wave from bow or For the wave from board
L - ship’s length [m]. aft (q ≈ 000° or 180°) (q ≈ 090°)
0,500 When: v = 0, and L > λ When: v = 0, and B > λ
When the vessel is on the way the value of re-
1,000 When:v≥10w, and L ≥ λ When:v≥10w, and B≥ 0,5⋅λ
serve must be increased (Jurdzinski, 1998) with re- 1,125 When: v<10w, and L<0,5⋅λ When: v<10w, and B<0,5⋅λ
spect to the vessel speed: ≥1,250 When:v≥10w, and L<0,5⋅λ When: v≥10w, and B<0,5⋅λ
 12,5 % when speed v ≤ 10 knots;
 25,0% when speed v > 10 knots. Rutkowski (2000) gives us another solution for
reserve R5 (Method 5):
The next method which enables us to count verti-
cal parameter of navigational reserve for the vessel R 5 = 0,66 ⋅ m ⋅ h f (13)
on the wave is the method of L.E. van Houten
(Nowicki, 1999) - Method 2. However, this method where: R5 - reserve for wave [m]; hf - height wave
is limited to the vessels whose size ranges from [m]; m - numeral coefficient (factor), dependent on
15000DWT to 65000 DWT. In case of vessels ship’s particulars (v, B, L, CB) and parameters of
smaller than 15 000 DWT this method can be mis- wave (λ, hf , q).
leading and inaccurate due to mistakes concerning Exemplary values of navigational depth reserve
amplitude of waves for vessels on the way. R5 for wave estimated by means of the above meth-
From the point of view of safety of navigation we ods for different type of ships on shallow water in
could consider the additional element with respect to Stolpe gutter are presented in Table 5. The calcula-
tion considers various methods for the vehicles pro-
formula (11). The case of navigating obliquely to
ceeding with 10 knots speed along traffic lane
wave direction is presented in table as the value of straight to wave with height 3,0m and length 150m
total difference under keel clearance on the bow and in the open sea area, exposed to sea waves and cur-
aft, amidships and height of bow and aft part of the rent, with no dredging requirement.
vessel. Parameter R5 is: either δ p (∆Z )5 , that is the
error which results from defining the change, or
change in draught ∆Z 5 = ∆T5 increased by error
δ p (∆Z )5 : R5 = ∆T5 + δ p (∆Z )5 [m] (12)

Table 5. Hypothetical value of navigation depth reserve R5 for Reserve R6 for the increasing ship draught when
wave calculated with the above described methods for different manoeuvring in breaking waters near the Polish
type of ships for shallow water in Stolpe gutter. In calculation
we assume that every unit sails along traffic lane with 10 knots coast on Baltic Sea established by means of the for-
speed straight to wave whose height is 3,0m and length 150m.
___________________________________________________ mula:
Type of Vessel Value of reserve R5 [m] for wave R6 = 0,025 x Tc (14)
(L; B; T; CB) calculated with different methods
1 2 3 4
___________________________________________________ 5 where: TC - the maximum draught of the vessel
VLCC loaded on even keen, [m].
(350m; 60m; 15m; 0,85) 1,00 3,15 2,25 6,00 1,98
Container ship The reserve R6 applies to all vessels proceeding to
(250m; 32m; 12m; 0,70) 1,50 2,52 1,80 4,80 1,98 the Baltic Sea from the North Sea. This reserve
Passenger ferry concerns the increase off the ship’s draught when
(140m; 16m; 7,5m; 0,65) 2,00 1,58 1,13 3,00 2,23 manoeuvring in water near Polish coast. The density
Fishing boat of sea water in Baltic sea equals from γ1= 1,00525
(40m; 8,5m; 4m; 0,63) 2,00 0,84 0,60 1,60 2,48
___________________________________________________ g/cm3 to γ2= 1,00250 g/cm3 what with relation to
density of sea water in the North Sea (γ3= 1,025
Due to big discrepancy of results we use the data g/cm3) can increase the draught of each vessel which
from method 5 for further research. This method as- enters the Baltic Sea from the North Sea.
sumes that the reserve R5 depends on the wave pa- For the example the value of reserve R6 estimated
rameters and gives us result similar to methods 1,3 by means of the formula (14) for different type of
and 4. Methods 2 and 4 are very general and do not the vessel are presented in Table 7.
include interaction between ship’s particulars and
wave’s parameters.
Table 7. The value of reserve R6 for increasing ship’s draught
Long term observation of waves near Polish coast in breaking sea water near Polish coast on the Baltic Sea estab-
in area of Stolpe gutter in south part of Baltic Sea lished by means of the formula 14 for different types of vessel.
confirms that period with high frequency of storm No. Type of ship (L; B; T; CB) R6 [m]
and gale appears in winter time between November ___________________________________________________
1. VLCC (350m; 60m; 15m; 0,85) 0,38
and February. In this period one can observe sea 2. Container Ship (250m;32m;12m;0,70) 0,30
waves with height of about 3m. Sea appears to be 3. Passenger Ferry (140m;16m;7,5m;0,65) 0,19
calm in summer time from May to September. Max- 4. Fishing Boat (40m;B=8,5m;4m; 0,63) 0,10
imum of wind speed in the given area is up to 32m/s.
The maximum values of wave height are observed in
winter time and they are up to 7m in western part of Reserve R7 , depicted in meters, for trim (pitch) up to
Polish coast and up to 8m in eastern part of Polish 2° and list (roll) up to 5° established for all floating
coast. Maximum waves are observed during the units by means of the following formulas:
strong and long-lasting winds from W, N and NE.
The maximum waves amount to 160m of length in 1 reserve for trim due to pitch up to 2°:
eastern coast and about 120m length in western RI7 = 0,0016 ּ◌ Lc (15)
coast. Predominantly the frequent waves are up to
where: Lc– ship’s overall length, [m].
3,0m high and 40m long. More than 90,85% of all
2 reserve for list (roll) up to 5°:
waves in the area near the eastern coast and about
96,53% of all waves in area near the western coast RII7 = 0,008 ּ◌ Bc (16)
are the waves whose height H5% equals or is less
where: Bc – maximum ship’s beam, [m].
than 1,5 m. Maximum sea waves whose heights H5%
reach more than 3,00m are hardly ever observed.
The probability that we can expect extreme weather In order to examine the depth of water we assume
condition (H5% >3,00m) in researched area is less that the biggest value of reserve R7 is bigger than
than 0,3% in eastern coast and less than 0,01% in two values a) and b) but not smaller than R7=0,15 m.
western coast. The value of reserve R7 can be estimated also by
means of the formulas (6) and (7).
Table 6. The frequency of wave height in % on the South Bal- Reserve R8 for trim to aft for all vessels proceeding
tic Sea. Paszkiewicz, 1989.
___________________________________________________ with speed over ground when dredging channels,
Wave’s height Eastern part of Western part of approaching fairways, proceeding in interior fair-
H [m] coast coast
ways and channels, basin and port waters
H5% < 1,0 m 75,26 88,64
1,0m – 1,5m 15,59 7,89 In this case as the area which we are discussing is
1,5m – 3,0m 8,85 3,46 the open sea with natural sea bottom the value of re-
H > 3,0 m 0,30 0,01
5% serve R8 can be ignored.

Table 8. Relation between numeral coefficient (factor) l from
formula (21), ship’s length L and ship’s beam B.
Reserve R9 for ship’s squat when proceeding in re- Value of numeral coefficient (factor) l dependent on ship’s
stricted sea area across the shallow water length L and ship’s beam B
When studying professional publications there are 7 ≤
≤ 9 5 ≤
< 7 3,5 ≤
many methods for estimating reserve R9 for ship’s B B B
squat when proceeding in restricted sea area across 1,10 1,25 1,50
the shallow water. In practice we can use only one of
the following methods: Table 9. The value of ship’s squat (reserve R9) estimated by
means of formula 17 to 21 (Method 1,2,3 and 4) for different
1 C.B.Barrass precise method for estimating ship’s types of vessel proceeding with 5kn and 10 kn speed in shallow
squat in sea area (Method 1) (with limitation: water with depth Hn=17,0m and wide b=1000m.
0,5≤CB≤0,9; 0≤ t/L≤ 0,005; 1,1 ≤ h/T ≤ 1,4): Method Method 1 Method 2 Method 2 Method 4
2 Speed [kn] 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10
1  BT  2 , 08
[m] (17)
R9 = ⋅ CB ⋅   ⋅v Ship’s type The value of ship’s squat (reserve R9) [m]
30  bH − BT 
VLCC 0,12 0,50 0,21 0,85 0,36 1,25 0,20 0,81
2 C.B.Barrass simplified method (Method 2) for es- Container 0,05 0,23 0,18 0,63 0,12 0,46
timating ship’s squat in: Passenger 0,08 0,32
Fishing Boat 0,16 0,64
− shallow water (with limitation: 1,1≤ h/T ≤ 1,2):
R9 = 0,01 ⋅ C B ⋅ v 2 [m] (18) To sum up, navigational reserve of depth Rt de-
scribed as a sum off all parts from R1 to R9 estimated
− narrow channel (with limitation: 0,06 ≤ B ⋅ T ≤ 0,3 for shallow water in Stolpe gutter should be depend-
): ent on size and type of a ship and actual weather
condition; in Stolpe area the value should range
R9 = 0,02 ⋅ C B ⋅ v 2 [m] (19) from 4,61m to 5,57m.
3 N.E.Eryuzlu and R.Hausser method for estimat-
Table 10. Maximum ship’s draught Tc in shallow water esti-
ing ship’s squat in sea area (Method 3) mated by means of formula (4) and navigational reserve of
− 0 , 27
 0,514 ⋅ v 
[m] (20) depth Rt as a sum of all parts from R1 to R9 in normal and bad
R 9 = 0,113 ⋅ B ⋅   ⋅  weather condition (hf=3m, λ=150m, HN=18,00m) estimated for
T  g⋅H 
  different type of vessel proceeding with speed 10 kn and 5 kn.
Good weather condition, Ship’s speed 10 knots
(with limitation: CB ≥ 0,7; 1,08 ≤ h ≤ 2,78 ) ___________________________________________________
T Ship’s type R1÷4 R5 R6 R7 R8÷9 Rt Tc
[m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
4 G.I.Soukhomela and V.M.Zass method for esti-
VLCC 1,75 1,98 0,38 0,56 0,81 5,38 12,62
mating ship’s squat in shallow unrestricted water Container vessel 1,75 1,98 0,30 0,40 0,46 4,79 13,21
(Method 4): Passenger Ferry 1,75 2,23 0,19 0,22 0,32 4,61 13,39
Fishing Boat 1,75 2,48 0,10 0,15 0,64 5,02 12,98

R9 = l ⋅ 0,049047542 ⋅ v 2 ⋅
T L
⋅ 
 [m] (21) ___________________________________________________
 Bad weather condition, Ship’s speed 5 knots
 H B  ___________________________________________________
Ship’s type R1÷4 R5 R6 R7 R8÷9 Rt Tc
(with limitation: 3,5 ≤
≤ 9) [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
VLCC 2,45 1,98 0,38 0,56 0,20 5,57 12,43
where: B,L,Tmax, CB - ship’s particulars: beam Container vessel 2,45 1,98 0,30 0,40 0,12 5,25 12,75
B[m], length L[m], maximum draught T[m], Passenger Ferry 2,45 2,23 0,19 0,22 0,08 5,17 12,83
Fishing Boat 2,45 2,48 0,10 0,15 0,16 5,34 12,66
block coefficient CB [-]; v- speed over ground in ___________________________________________________
knots, [kn]; b,H,hf- area characteristics: depth
H[m], wide b [m], wave’s height (swell) [m]; l- In this case the highest acceptable ship’s draught
numeral coefficient (factor) (1,1 ≤ l ≤ 1,5) de- Tc (see Table 10), which could guarantee safe navi-
pendent on ship’s length L and ship’s beam B, [- gation near the Stolpe gutter with maximum swell
]. and wave’s height about hf=3m and length about
Ship’s squat (reserve R9), estimated for vessel λ=150m, should not exceed the value Tc1=12,43m in
proceeding with 5knots speed and 10 knots speed in bad weather condition for VLCC when proceeding
shallow water whose depth Hn=17,0m and minimum with 5 knots speed and Tc2=13,39m in normal
width b=1000m is presented in Table 9. weather condition for Passenger Ferry when pro-
ceeding with 10 knots speed. Otherwise, the Decree
of Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy will
be not accepted.

What is more, in extreme weather conditions, With reference to vertical plane of the three di-
such as winter time, wave (swell) which equals mensional co-ordinates established down from the
about hf=5m and whose length is about λ=160m) central point of the local ship’s reference system we
one can expect higher value of navigational reserve can affirm unambiguously, that every ship will re-
of depth Rt, that is to say about 1,32m. main safe as long the value of GD is smaller than the
Probability that we can expect extreme weather real value of the sea depth H. Therefore, component
RNG of RN can be referred to as vertical component of
condition (H5% >3,00m) in this area, i.e. S of Stolpe
navigational risk that concerns keeping under keel
Bank is less than 0,3% (See Tables 6 and 11). Ex-
clearance, or risk concerning under keel clearance.
treme weather conditions can be expected only dur-
The component mentioned above can be depicted by
ing winter from November to February with strong
means of the following formulas:
and long-lasting winds from W and NE.
 0 when H ≥ GD

RNG = 0 ÷ 1 when Tmax < H ≤ GD
[-] (22)
Table 11. Maximum ship’s draught Tc in shallow water esti-  1 when H ≤ Tmax
mated by means of a sum of all parts of the navigational re- 
serve of depth Rt from R1 to R9 in extreme weather conditions According to the formula (22), assumption
(hf=5m, λ=160m, HN=18,00m.
___________________________________________________ H ≥ GD can be defined as the guarantee of the safe
Extreme weather conditions. Ship’s speed 5 knots
Ship’s type R1÷4 R5 R6 R7 R8÷9 Rt Tc
shipping (navigation) with reference to all underwa-
[m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] ter objects or obstructions immersed on the depth
VLCC 2,45 3,30 0,38 0,56 0,20 6,89 11,11 smaller than H. If sea depth H is smaller or equal to
Container vessel 2,45 3,30 0,30 0,40 0,12 6,57 11,43 the ship’s draught T, that is H ≤ Tmax , according to
Passenger Ferry 2,45 3,71 0,19 0,22 0,08 6,65 11,35
Fishing Boat 2,45 4,13 0,10 0,15 0,16 6,99 11,01
the formula (22) sea passage can be unfeasible 2 or
___________________________________________________ highly risky. In that situation the value of naviga-
tional risk RNG will equal one, and in all probability
3 SIMPLIFIED METHOD FOR ESTIMATING it will signify unquestionable (100%) risk of colli-
MAXIMUM SHIP’S DRAUGHT WHEN sion with some underwater objects immersed on the
NAVIGATING IN SHALLOW WATER BY depth less than H. Furthermore, we can also say that
MEANS OF THE MODEL OF THE SHIP’S the value of navigational risk RNG for the sea depth h
DOMAIN. limited between Tmax and GD (Tmax<H≤GD) will be
limited between zero and one (RNG ∈[0,1]) (see for-
In this chapter we present methods that can be used mula (22) middle line). General formula, which can
for estimating maximum ship draught of a vessel. be used to estimate navigational risk RNG , depend-
One must take into consideration safety of naviga- ing on H factor from the range ( Tmax < H ≤ GD ), is
tion, i.e. navigational risk in the restricted sea areas
by means of the model of the ship’s domain. presented below:
GD − H [-] (23)
GD − Tmax

Additionally when we not only accept Barrass

method, recommended by shipyards and ship’s own-
ers for estimating ship’s squat, but also take into
H consideration ship’s particulars, Pilot Cards (ma-
noeuvre characteristic) and other information (mete-
orological, navigational warnings and etc.) freely
available during normal sea passage, simple formula
for depth of the ship’s domain according to Rutkow-
ski (2002) can be presented as follows:
− Using precisely Barrass method for estimating
Figure 1. Presentation of navigational risk for ship passing
shallow water and bridge. ship’s squat: (with limitation: 0,5≤ CB ≤ 0,9; 0
≤ t/L ≤ 0,005; 1,1 ≤ h/T ≤ 1,4):
  [m] (24)
1  BT  3 2,08 
According to the ship’s domain (Rutkowski, G D = n ⋅ Tmax + 0,66 ⋅ m ⋅ h f + k ⋅  ⋅ C B ⋅   ⋅ vd 
 30  bh − BT  
2002) definition, every ship will be safe (in naviga-  
tional meaning) as long as she is the exclusive object
which can generate danger within her domain. 2
In our analyses we exclude the situation, when the ship can change her
draught due to for example deballasting operation.

− Using simplified Barrass method for estimating k - numeral coefficient (factor) (1,0 ≤ k ≤ 2,0) de-
ship’s squat in shallow water (with limitation: pendent on ship’s particulars, type of sea areas and
1,1 ≤ h/T ≤ 1,2): navigational situation (overtaking, crossing, sailing
in ice, navigating in restricted sea areas or shallow
G D = n ⋅ Tmax + 0,66 ⋅ m ⋅ h f + k ⋅ 0,01 ⋅ C B .v 2 ) [m](25) waters and etc.). The fact that in normal sea passage
where: GD - depth of ship’s domain calculated we cannot exactly estimate all ship’s or area’s pa-
vertically down from water line (line showing actual rameters, such as for example ship’s squat, depth
ship’s draft) [m]; B,L,Tmax, CB - ship’s particulars: etc. results in this factor. In this paper k = 1,0.
beam B[m], length L[m], maximum draught T[m],
block coefficient CB [-]; v - speed over ground, [kn];
Table 13. Numeral coefficient (factor) dependent on ship’s par-
b, H, hf - area characteristics: depth H[m], wide b ticulars: v,B,L,CB and waves characteristics: λ,hf and q.
[m], wave’s height (swell) [m]; n - numeral coeffi-
m Sea wave direction equal with Sea wave direction
cient (factor) (1,1 ≤ n ≤ 1,3) dependent on type of ship’s heading line (waves perpendicular to ship’s
sea areas and sea bottoms, which determines ship’s from ahead or astern of the heading (waves from
static vertical navigational reserve. In this paper n = vessel q ≈ 000° or 180°) the port or starboard
1,2 (see table 17); m - numeral coefficient (factor) beam of the vessel,
(0,5 ≤ m ≤ 1,5) dependent on ship’s particulars: v, B, q ≈ 090°)
L, CB and waves characteristics: λ,hf and q. See ta- 0,500 When: v = 0 and L > λ When: v = 0 and B > 0,5⋅λ
ble 13; k- numeral coefficient (factor) (1,0 ≤ k ≤ 2,0) 1,000 When: v ≥ 10 kn and L > λ When: v≥10 w and B > 0,5⋅λ
1,125 When: v < 10 kn and L< 0,5⋅λ When: v < 10w and B<0,5⋅λ
dependent on ship’s particulars, type of sea areas ≥ 1,25 0 When: v ≥ 10 kn and L < 0,5⋅λ When: v≥10w and B < 0,5⋅λ
and navigational situation (overtaking, crossing, ___________________________________________________
sailing in ice, navigating in restricted sea areas or
shallow waters and etc.). The fact that in normal sea Table 14. Maximum ship’s draught in shallow water estimated
passage we cannot exactly estimate all ship’s or ar- by means of formulae (26) for average (hf=3m, λ=150m, ∆h=
ea’s parameters, such as for example ship’s squat, ±0,30 m, HN1=17,70m) and extreme (hf=5m, λ=160m, ∆h=
±0,60 m, HN2=17,40m) weather condition, with limitation: 1,1
depth etc. results in this factor. In this paper k = 1,0. ≤ h/T ≤ 1,2, for different ship’s type (her block coefficient CB)
and different ship’s speed v. ( n=1,20; m=1 and k=1,0).
Table 12. Numeral coefficient (factor) dependent on type of sea Speed 4 kn 6 kn 8 kn
areas and sea bottoms, which determines ship’s static vertical CB Average Extreme Average Extreme Average Extreme
navigational reserve. ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ 0,5 13,03 11,68 12,95 11,60 12,83 11,48
n Type of the sea area Type of the 0,6 13,02 11,67 12,92 11,57 12,78 11,43
sea bottom
___________________________________________________ 0,7 13,01 11,66 12,89 11,54 12,73 11,38
1,1 Port area, internal and inshore channels Mud 0,8 12,99 11,64 12,86 11,51 12,67 11,32
1,15 Road, Approaching channels to the port, Sand 0,9 12,98 11,63 12,83 11,48 12,62 11,27
inshore area 1,0 12,97 11,62 12,80 11,45 12,57
___________________________________________________ 11,22
>1,2 Open sea Rock, Stone
___________________________________________________ Speed 10 kn 12 kn 14 kn
CB Average Extreme Average Extreme Average Extreme
0,5 12,68 11,33 12,50 11,15 12,28 10,93
Additionally when we accept that navigational 0,6 12,60 11,25 12,38 11,03 12,12 10,77
risk RNG will equal zero when GD=HN then after 0,7 12,52 11,17 12,26 10,91 11,96 10,61
transformation of the formula (24) or (25) compara- 0,8 12,43 11,08 12,14 10,79 11,79 10,44
tively to unknown T, we can estimate maximum 0,9 12,35 11,00 12,02 10,67 11,63 10,28
ship’s draught in restricted sea area. As an example 1,0 12,27 10,92 11,90 10,55 11,47
___________________________________________________ 10,12
using simplified formula (25) with limitation: 1,1 ≤
h/T ≤ 1,2, the maximum ship’s draught in shallow
water can be presented as below: 4 CONCLUSIONS

Tmax =
H N − 0,66 ⋅ m ⋅ h f − k ⋅ 0,01 ⋅ C B .v 2 ) [m] (26) To depict maximum draught of a vessel we can use
practical method which incorporates risk of naviga-
where: Tmax - maximum draught of the vessel T [m]; tional and three-dimensional model of ship’s do-
HN -navigational depth of the sea H [m]; CB - block main.
coefficient CB [-]; v - speed over ground, [kn]; hf -
Maximum ship’s draught in shallow water esti-
wave’s height (swell) [m]; n - numeral coefficient
mated by means of formulae (26), with limitation:
(factor) (1,1 ≤ n ≤ 1,3) dependent on type of sea ar-
1,1 ≤ h/T ≤ 1,2, are presented in table 14. Maximum
eas and sea bottoms, which determines ship’s static
ship’s draught is estimated in shallow water (S of
vertical navigational reserve. In this paper n = 1,2
Stolpe Bank) with navigational depth no less than
(see table 12); m - numeral coefficient (factor) (0,5 ≤
HN=GD=18,0m estimated with reference to chart da-
m ≤ 1,5) dependent on ship’s particulars: v, B, L, CB
tum related to MSL (Mean Sea Level).
and waves characteristics: λ, hf and q. See table 13;

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