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Fender System Design

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A fender is the interface between a ship and the shore facilities. Generally, its main objective is to protect the ship's hull from damage. In some cases it's the shore facilities that require protection against the impact of the ship.

There are many types of fendersystems available ranging in complexity from a simple bolt-on timber whaler to a very sophisticated arrangement of frames, chains and buckling components.

A proper berth design will include a comprehensive analysis of two or three fendering alternatives, as the choice of fendering system could have a Significant impact on the berth design. Consideration of such items as damage risk, load distribution to the structural members, pier facing design and cost will influence the total berth design.

The designer must first put together all available information on the design vessel and on the site conditions. Next he/she must judge the primary objective of the fender system which will include considerations for:

1) absorbing a certain amount of the energy generated on berthing the ship,

2)the role of the fender after the ship has been moored and it is subject to more or less static loads,

3) the role of the fender when the ship is moored and is subject to significant dynamic loads resulting from wave action, surges, high winds, etc.

With this, the designer will have developed the Design Criteria for the fender system and it is a matter of analyzing the available alternatives and selecting that system which best meets the Design Criteria.

Our manual is set-up in such a way to take the designer through a step-by-step procedure to arrive at the optimal fender selection for his/her project.


To further assist the Engineer we've prepared a "Design Worksheet" which can be filled out and used during the fender system design process. This four page worksheet is located at the back of this section. Standard metric conversions are also included in Section 3.0 for convenience.

1.2 BERTHING ENERGY REQUIREMENTS In general. the determination of the absorbed energy of a berthing ship can be made by the following methods:

a) Kinetic Energy Method

b) Statistical Method

c) Scale Model Tests

d) Mathematical Modeling

The most commonly used approach and the one covered here is the KINETIC ENERGY METIIOD. It is the traditional method and is subject [0 the judgement of the designer, however, it is time tested and seems to account for the major variables influendng vessel berthing.

The Kinetic Energy of the berthing ship is calculated using the formula:

Eshlp = 1/2 MV2 I

Where Eshlp = Energy on Berthing

M = Mass or Water displacement of the ship

V = Approach velociry of the ship at the moment of impact with the fender

This energy must be factored up or down, depending on rotation of the vessel on impact, the amount of water moving with the vessel thereby adding to its mass, the deformation of the ship's hull and the berth type.

Therefore, Energy to be absorbed by the fender system is:

EFender = EShip X f I

Where I f = Ce X Cm X Cs X Cc I Ce = Eccentricity Factor Cm = Virtual Mass Factor Cs = Softness Factor

Cc = Berth Configuration Coefficient

These variables are covered in detail on the following pages. Also. convenient charts are provided in Section 2.3 which indicate the amount of berthing energy generated hy various ship sizes under standard conditions.


2.1 KINETIC ENERGY EQUATION The equation detailing the variables:

I EFender = 112 MVl X Ce X Cm X Cs X Cc I


a) Mass - M

One or more of the following weights should be readily available from the facility user:

Displacement Tonnage - DT

This is the weight of the water displaced by the immersed part of the ship.

Dead Weight Tonnage - DWT

This is the weight that the ship can carry when loaded to a specified load draft. (Includes cargo fuel. stores. crew. passengers.) It is the most common measurement.

Gross Tonnage - GT

This is based on the cubic capacity of the ship below the tonnage deck with allowance for cargo compartments above.

When calculating the mass - M. use the loaded displacement tonnage DT.

Typically DT is 30~6 - 40% greater than D\xT DT

Where: ~I = --


DT = Displacement Tonnage (tonnes)

g = Acceleration Due to Gravity = 9.81 ~I/Secz

b) Velocity - V

As can be seen from the Kinetic Energy Equation. the energy to be absorbed is a function of the square of the approach velocity. For this reason. DETERMINING THE VELOCIlY IS ONE OF TIlE MOST IMPORTANT DECISIONS IN TIlE DESIGN.

The choice of design velocity (velocity component normal to the dock) is a judgement based on ship size. site exposure and berthing procedure. Environmental aspects such as wind and current forces may be an influence, Section 2. S b) describes how these forces can be calculated. Consultation with Port Management. ship operators and any other available information should be used when making the judgement.

The following chart is offered as a guide to assist in selecting a design velocity:


-, \
'" r-, -, I I I
-, I
5. i
<, '", -. !" I
~.i\ !
<, ' ..... <, ~ i', ~ I
r-, i
............ ..........._ 2. ..... r-, ~ t; 1
.......... ......,._ :--.... r-." <,
T- N- -- -- -- H=
:- 6' 60

w (/)

~ ~

>- 40 l-

t) o ....J W




5 10 20

50 100 200 500 DWT x 1000

Navigation Conditions

1. Easy Docking; Sheltered

2. Difficult Docking; Sheltered

3. Easy Docking; Exposed -l. Good Docking; Exposed

5. Difficult Docking; Exposed

c) Eccentricity - Ce

Usually the ship is not parallel to the pier face during berthing. As a result. not all of the Kinetic Energy will be transmitted to the fenders. At impact. the ship will start to rotate around the contact point thus dissipating part of its energy.

Alternatively, it is represented by the formula


Ce = ----


K = radius of longitudinal gyration of the ship

a = distance between the ship's centre of gravity and the point of contact on the ship's side projected onto the longirudinal axis (in terms of L - the ship's length)


The value of K is related to the block coefficient of the ship and its length. It can be approximated by the following expression:

Schematic diagram of berthing ship

K = (0.19 c, + 0.11) X L

The following graph illustrates the relationship between the eccentricity coefficient and the distance "a" (as shown above).

and the block coefficient Cb


Cb = -------DXBXLXWo



I <,

I Where:
DT = Displacement of the ship
D = Draft (m)
B = Width (m)
L = Length (m)
Wo = Water Density (tonnes/M") .8


.2 o o


.2L .25 .3L .4L


Typical Seawater Wo = 1.025 tonnes/M' (64 lb/ft·~)

Typical Freshwater wo = 1.00 tonnes/M' (62.3 Ib/ft3)

• for larger Bulk Ships and Tankers K = 0.2L - 0.25L

• for Passenger Ships and Ferries K = 0.17L· 0.2L

• for 1/4 point Berthing a = 0.25L

The formula is based on the generally accepted assumptions that at the moment of maximum fender deflection:

1. Rotation only occurs at the contact point

2. Ship's hull does not slide along the fender

3. Forces such as wind, currents tugs are negli-

gible compared to the fender reaction.

The approach angle is usually taken as 7° with a maximum of 10°. If the ship is berthing properly under control at the moment of contact with the fender then the direction of travel will be at right angles to the berthing face.


In the case of a two dolphin mooring where the dolphins are 113 L distance apart, the minimum Ce is reached when the center of gravity of the large ship falls halfway between the two dolphins on contact with the fenders.

This is when a = 1/6 L



= 0.692

(1I6L)2 + (.25L)2

The maximum in this case. would occur when the ship's center of gravity falls in line with the point of contact with the fender or a = 0 Then Ce = 1.

In the case of a continuous fender svstem and a

large oil tanker a = 0.3L .



= 0.41

(0.3L)2 + (0.25L)2

Generally Ce ranges between 0.4 and 0.8

d) VIrtUal Mass Coefficient - Cm

When the ship is in motion and contacts the fender. the mass of the ship has to be decelerated as well as a certain mass of water surrounding and moving with the ship. This addi-

tional mass is accounted for in the virtual mass coefficient • Cm which is a function of: the block coefficient of the vessel. its draft and its width.


Cb = block coefficient (see section 2.2c) D = Draft

B = Width

an alternate formula recommended by Vasco Costa is:

Cm = 1 + 2D B

Since there is no conclusive experimental data. we would recommend calculating Cm both ways and using the higher value.

e) Softness Coefficient - Cs

This factor accounts for the relation between the rigidity of the ship and that of the fender. It expresses that proportion of impact energy absorbed by the fender. For a soft fender C, = 1.0 as deflection of the ship's hull will be negligible and therefore all the energy will be absorbed by the fender. In the instance of hard fenders. it is assumed that the ship's hull will absorb 2 to 7 percent of the impact energy so Cs is taken as 0.98 to 0.93.

t) Berth Configuration Coefficient - Cc

This factor attempts to quantify. the difference between an open pile supported pier and a solid sheetpile or concrete crib structure.

In the first case. the water being pushed by the berthing ship is easily able to be displaced around the pier. In the second case, the moving water is squeezed in between the structure wall and the ship causing a cushion effect. A reduction factor has to account for this effect.

For solid structures with parallel approach Cc = 0.8. As the approach angle increases from zero and as the under keel clearance increases then Cc increases to 1.0 which is the value for an open type support structure such as a pile supported pier.


The following tables show typical weights and dimensions for the various vessel classes. These are general and should be used only as a cross reference.

A berthing energy has been calculated based on standard conditions where:

1. Velocity: 0.1 S rn/sec in all cases

2. Eccentricity Coefficient: 05 (for 1/4 point berthing)

3. Virtual Mass Coefficient: as shown

4. Softness Coefficient: 1.0

S. Berth Configuration Coefficient: 1.0

6. Large under keel clearance 1 open berth


Loaded Displacement Virtual Berthing
Tonnage Length Width Height Draft Tonnage Mass Energy
(D.W.T.) (m) (m) (m) (m) (DT) Coefficient (Tonne-MY
HOO 56 9.0 ·1.0 3.8 1.115 1.6 1.02
1.000 58 9 .... 4.6 4.2 1.390 1.59 1.27
2.500 83 12.4 6.7 5.5 HrO 1.58 3.15
5.000 109 1,.0 8. .. 6.7 6.930 1.,7 6.23
"'.500 129 lRO 10.2 7.7 10.37, 1.,9 9.48
10.000 142 19.1 11.1 8.2 13.800 1.56 12.32
12.000 1,0 20.1 11.9 8.7 16.500 1.;; 14.73
1,.000 162 21.6 12.7 9.1 20.630 1.,2 18.02
20.000 180 23., 14.0 10.1 27,400 1.,4 24.19
2,.000 19, 2'.0 14.' 10.3 34.120 1.,0 29.3'
30.000 200 26.0 1,.7 11.0 40.790 1.4H 34.62
3,.000 210 27.2 16.2 l L" , 47,400 1.49 40.,0
40.000 21' 28.3 17.3 12.0 ,4.000 lA7 4,.,2
4'.000 22, 29.2 17.9 12.4 60.480 1.46 ,0.6, b) CONTAINER SHIPS

Loaded Displacement VIrtUal Berthing
Tonnage Length Width Height Draft Tonnage Mass Energy
(D.W.T.) (m) (m) (m) (m) (DT) Coefficient (Tonne-MY
lO.OOO 1', 2,.6 1'.8 9.8 14.030 1.96 1'.77
20.000 200 27.3 16.8 10.4 27.940 1.62 2'.9,
2'.000 213 30.1 16.3 10.5 34.860 1.54 30.78
30.000 290 32.0 19.8 10.3 41.740 1.60 38.29
3,.000 265 32.8 20.5 11.6 48.600 1.,9 44.31
40.000 279 32.5 22.8 11.0 SS.430 1.49 47.36
,0.000 290 32,4 24.2 11.3 69.000 1.43 ,6.58 • These values are for general guidelines only. They should be checked using actual site conditions.


Loaded Displacement Virtual Berthing
Tonnage Length Width Height Draft Tonnage Mass Energy
(D.W.T.) (m) (m) (m) (m) (01') Coefficient (Tonne-M)·
2500 83 11.9 6.4 SA 3.290 1.59 3.0
5.000 105 14.9 8.0 6.5 6570 1.54 5.8
10.000 140 18.5 10.5 8.0 13.100 1.55 11.64
15.000 160 21.0 12.0 9.0 19.600 1.53 17.19
20.000 175 23.5 13.0 9.7 26.090 1.51 22.60
30.000 195 26.6 14.4 10.5 38.970 1.44 32.18
40.000 210 29.7 15.9 11.1 51.740 1.40 41.53
50.000 222 32.5 17.0 11.8 64.390 1.40 51.69
60.000 238 34.0 17.6 12.3 76.940 1.38 60.88
80.000 259 38.0 19.1 13.1 101.690 1.35 78.72
100.000 278 41.0 21.0 15.2 126.000 Loll 101.87
150.000 310 455 25.0 17.6 184.840 1.42 150.50 d) TANKERS

Loaded Displacement Virtual Berthing
Tonnage Length Width Height Draft Tonnage Mass Energy
(D.W.T.) (m) (m) (m) (m) (01') Coefficient (Tonne-M)·
1.000 58 9.4 4.5 4.2 1.360 1.60 1.25
2500 82 12.0 6.1 5.5 3.400 1.59 3.10
5.000 102 15.0 7.7 6.5 6.790 1.51 5.88
8.000 126 15.7 9.0 "7,4 10.600 1.52 9.2 ..
10.000 140 19.0 9.8 7.9 13.540 1.52 11.80
15.000 163 20.0 11.2 8.6 20.250 U8 1-:'.19
20.000 175 23.5 12.3 9.6 26.930 1.48 22.85
30.000 195 27.0 14.1 10.7 40.190 I.45 33"f1
40.000 213 29.6 15.2 11.8 53.300 1A5 ..... 31
50.000 224 32.0 16.6 12.3 66.270 I.41 53.58
60.000 236 34.0 17.7 12.'7 79.100 1.39 63.04
70.000 248 35.8 18.6 13.5 91.790 I.40 73.69
85.000 260 38.1 18.7 14.0 110.550 1.37 86.84
100.000 285 40.1 21.1 14.8 129.000 1.39 102.82
150.000 300 46.1 24.3 17.0 188.200 1.37 14"7.84 * These values are for general guidelines only. They should be checked using actual site conditions.


The following chart indicates the fender products available to cover particular energy ranges. It also points out the features and benefits of the various fender types.

(Tonne-m) TYPE PAGE
,~ A high efficiencv fender High energy absorption capa- There are length
~~. \ which features rubber encap- city is obtained while mini· restrictions.
sh;~ld ~;Flex sulated steel mounting plates rnizing the reaction load. No
so & larger in us base. Rubber covered. exposed metal and a secure
\ , slotted bolt holes are in- mounting ensure low main-
\\-- eluded. Available in a range tenance and a durable instal-
\ -. /;\1 of standard sizes and lengths. lation, Easily installed and
~ ,'\ the range of available lengths
will fit most designs.
Epshield V·Flex SEE ABOVE
I " Good performance charac- Allows a wide range of ship Require large
\ "" teristics are achieved. Fender sizes to use the pier. It is duro stand off dis-
20 to so SlI~rC~ii~ can roll for even wear. It is able and easily accessible for ranees. Exposed
'{g) available in a wide selection maintenance or replacement. mounting hard-
of sizes. ware .
. ~\
/ \ .
\ '. Easily adaptable to specific These low initial cost fenders Mounting hard-
~ Profile fenders
\ \ mounting requirements. are well suited for parallel ware is exposed.
\/6\ berthing in well protected
Epshield V·Flex SEE ABOVE
10 to 20 large Profile Fenders SEE ABOVE
B~ Rubber encapsulated steel Excellent durabilitv with no Cannot be used
support plates. Good perfor- exposed metals. Mounted for direct
mance characteristics are behind a protective fender contact.
achieved. pile system.
' . A large selection of shapes Economical protection Mounting hard-
I ,
o to 10 i'n.Jfile Fenders
\{B'i and sizes. against wharf face damage. ware is exposed.

Now that the fender design has been narrowed down to a couple of options. the designer must look at a number of other considerations and decide whether or not they are important in his design.

The following are a few common considerations:

a) Fender Perfonnance Characteristics

Not only must the fender design absorb the required berthing energy. but the designer must also consider the reaction loads that this system will impart to the structure. The reaction loads and their location may have a Significant impact on the structure design. Generally the reaction loads are not a problem with gravity structures. however. with pile supported piers. the reaction loads may become critical to the design and may influence such things as batter pile locations and the rebar design.

b) Fender Spacing

Fender spacing along the pier face is an important design consideration. Here the designer is trying to maximize protective pier coverage while minimizing the fendering costs. Three methods are standardly used

i) Fender spacing of not more than 1/10 the length of the design vessel.

ii) From the design vessel's geometry.

with the above configuration. the following formula can be developed:

2 I = 2 vi r2 - (r - h)2


r = the bent radius of the ship's hull at the contact line.

h = the compressed height of the fenders at

their rated deflection.

Some typical bow bent radius values are shown below. Exact values from the design vessel should be used.

Approach Contact General Cargo General Cargo Ore Carrier Tanker
Angle line 10,000 OWl' 30,000 OWl' 35,000 OWl' 50,000 O"T
Load Line 209 230 240 2-+0 i
1° 360
Upper Deck 1;; 200 240
Load Line 54 70 85 110 I

Upper Deck ;3 70 100 85
Load Line .. 4 60 70 -5
10° 65
Upper Deck 40 55 60 Units: Meters

iii) From the site conditions.

The fender spacing can he determined using the wind and current forces and equating them to the fender reaction forces. Use the following formula:





N Number of fenders required

Ra = Load due to wind (see below) Rc = Load due to current (see below)

R = Fender Reaction at rated deflection


da = Vw =


A =

Force due to wind (kg)

Force of air ( = 0.12 kg. sec- I rn") Wind Velocity (m/sec)

Wind Loads

The wind loads can be calculated using the following formula:

Ra = 112 X da X (V w)2 X c; X (A cos2e + B Sin2e)


Wind pressure coefficient

Area of the front projection of the vessel above sea level (rn-) = Area of the side projection of the vessel above sea level (rn-)

= Angle of the wind direction relative to the centerline of the vessel.

B e

The wind pressure coefficient is relative to the angle of wind direction as shown in the table below:

Direction 0° 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

~ 1.08 1.02S 1.18 1.09 0.98 0.94 1.0 US 1.28 0.99 Current Loads

The loading on the vessel due to current pressure is calculated as follows:

Rc = 112 X rlw X C X (V J2 X L X D Where:

Rc = Reaction load due to current (kg)

rlw = Water Force ( = 1045 kg. sec-zrrr') C = Current Pressure Coefficient

Vc = Velocity of the current (m/sec)

L = Vessel Length (m)

D = Vessel Draft (rn)

The Current Pressure Coefficient is relative to the angie of current direction and to the water depth to

d ft .

ra ("JUO.
Current HID 1.1
= HID = 1.5 HID = 7.0
Direction eo
0 0 0 I 0
20 1.2 O.S 0.3
... 0 3.1 1.3 0.6
60 4.1 2.1 O.S
SO 4.6 2,3 0.9
100 4.6 2.2 0.8
UO 4.0 1.8 0"
1-40 2.8 1.3 0.5
160 1.0 O.S 0,3
ISO 0 0 0 H = Water Depth: D = Draft

c) Normal Operations

i) Stand Off Distance

The allowable standoff distance will be governed by the loading/unloading activities and the normal operating procedures of the ship and pier while berthed. Operating constraints such as crane reach. roll, vaw and freeboard are major considerations in the design. The fenders must provide adequate protection yet accommodate the design.

ii) Vertical \'S. Horizontal Mounting

There is an ongoing concern as to when the fenders should be mounted horizontallv and when vertical. In general. vertically mounted fenders provide the best coverage for piers which experience tidal fluctuations, Where the operating procedures require that the vessel slide along the pier face, horizontal bolton fenders provide good protection. A combination of horizontal and vertical arrangements are often used.

iii)Tidal Variation

The change in water level due to tides will have a significant impact on the operation of the pier and consequently the pier design and the fender design as well. Protection in all cases must be achieved for both the largest and smallest ships.

iv) Range of Ship Sizes

While the energy absorption capacity of the fender system is chosen for the design vessel. the fender system should be suitable for the

full range of ships expected to use the facility. Fender stiffness on the smaller vessels may have an influence on the arrangement of th~ fenders. Also. if barges are to use the facility. special attention must be given to their fender requirements.

v) Frequency of Berthing

A high frequency of berthings normally justifies greater capital expenditures for the fender system.

d) Accidental Impact

The fender system is less expensive than the dock structure and it should be recognized that damage to the fenders is less critical than to the vessel or the structure. The design should incorporate a reasonable level of energy absorbing capacity. If the fender system fails. it would be an advantage if the structure were designed so that it could inexpensively be repaired. The mode of failure of a fender and its effect on the dock structure should be considered.

e) Ongoing Maintenance Costs

Maintenance costs can be an important factor and should be considered when analyzing the overall costs of the various fender options. Maintenance costs will vary with fender type.

t) Ease of Installation

A well designed fender system will be as easy to install as possible. This will minimize initial capital costs and reduce down the road maintenance costs.



From To Factor Reciprocal
inch mm 2;.4 0.03937
ft. m 0.3048 3.2808
Yd. m 0.9144 1.09361 Velocity

From To Factor Reciprocal
ern/sec ft.lmin. 1.%9 0.;08
cm/sec ft.lsec. 0.0328 30.48
Knot ft.z'sec, 1.689 o.ssz
rniles/hr ft.zrnin. 88.0 0.0114
rniles/hr Km.lhr. 1.609 0.621 ;
m/sec ft.Zsec. 3.281 0.3048 Force

From To Factor Reciprocal
Kg Ibs. 2.20; 0.4;4
Kips Ibs. 1000.0 0.001
Kips tonnes 0.4;4 2.20;
Tons (long) Ibs. 2240.0 0.000446
Newtons Ibs. 0.22; 4.4;
Kg Ne\\10nS 9.807 0.102 Energy

From To Factor Reciprocal
ft.-Kips Tonne- Meters 0.1383 7.23;
ft-Ibs. Newton- Meters 1.3;6 0.738
Tonne-Meters K.'1-Meters 9.807 0.102 Pressure

From To Factor Reciprocal
IbS.lft.2 Kg/m1 4.882 0.2048
Ibs./ft.2 psi 0.006944 144.0
psi Kg/m2 702.9 0.00142
tonne/rn- Kipsl ft. 2 0.2048 4.882
tonne/rn- K.'1/ml 9.807 0.1020
Kipsl ft. 2 K.'lJ/m1 47.86 0.02090 4. FENDER OPTIONS

Using the total berthing energy calculated in part 3 as a guideline, review available fender products and narrow down the number of possible options to two or three. Refer to "Fender Overview Guide" sub-section 2.4 in the Engineering section.

Fender Type (make, model)
Energy Absorption/unit
(from literature)
Quantity Required
= E/Energy absorbed
per unit
Reaction Load
(from literature)
Cost Estimate:
1. Rubber Fenders
(Supply & Install)
2. Hardware
(Supply & Install)
3. Maintenance Costs
4. Other Costs
(Modifications for
mounting, fender
piles, frames, etc.) 5. ANALYSE TIlE OPTIONS

Do a detailed review of the two or three options making sure to consider any special circumstances or requirements. Refer to sub-section 2.5 for additional factors to consider.


Specification should include:

1. Performance requirement for the fender

in terms of energy and reaction

2. Material specification for the rubber

3. Part dimensions

4. Fastening details

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