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People vs. Carino

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[G.R. No. 131203. August 2, 2001.





In its decision promulgated on August 25, 1997, 1 the Regional Trial Court of Echague, Isabela,
Branch 24, in Criminal Case No. Br 24-0483, found accused-appellant Guillermo Cariño guilty
of rape as defined and penalized under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code. Appellant was
first sentenced to death, but this penalty was reduced to reclusion perpetua in an order of the
court a quo dated September 10, 1997, after a post-promulgation review of its decision wherein it
was noted that the rape happened in 1990 or before the effectivity of Republic Act No. 7659,
which restored the death penalty for heinous crimes. The trial court then motu proprio amended
the dispositive portion of the original decision by reducing the penalty to reclusion perpetua. 2

The facts of the case are as follows: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

On October 24, 1995, appellant was charged with rape, allegedly committed as follows: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

That on or about the month of January, 1990, in the municipality of Jones, province of Isabela,
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the said accused, did then and
there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, by means of force, intimidation and lewd designs
have (sic) carnal knowledge with one Mary Ann V. Cariño, against the latter’s will and consent.
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On arraignment, appellant with assistance of counsel pleaded not guilty to the charge. Thereafter,
trial on the merits ensued.

The prosecution’s evidence consisted of the medical certificate Exh. "A" issued by Dr. Marites
Dalmacio, 4 and the testimonies of private complainant Maryann Cariño, her aunts Virgielyn
Juan and Siony Cariño, her father Tito Cariño.

The defense offered in evidence the lone testimony of the accused.

Records show that private complainant is appellant’s granddaughter, the daughter of his son Tito.
Her mother died a week after her birth on September 12, 1977. 5 Tito remarried thereafter, and
had four children by his second wife. 6

At the time of the alleged offense, in January 1990, Maryann was 13 years old and a Grade 3
pupil. With her stepbrothers, stepsisters and grandfather she lived with her father in San Vicente,
Jones, Isabela. As the eldest child, she looked after her younger siblings since Tito and his
second wife were usually at their kaingin in the forest of Cama, San Vicente. They returned
home only on Sundays.

Tito’s house in San Vicente was made of cogon and bamboo. Its floor was raised one (1) meter
from the ground. Near the house was a smaller hut, where appellant stayed. Tito had four (4)
nearby neighbors, one of them his sister, Virgielyn Juan, whose house was only ten (10) meters
away. chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary

Sometime in January 1990, at around 11:00 P.M., while her parents were in Sitio Cama and
while her siblings were asleep, appellant armed with a foot-long knife 7 entered the room where
Maryann was sleeping. He woke her up and told her he was going to "use her" ("imbagana
gamitin nac"), 8 threatening her that if she refused, he was going to kill her ("Okinnam, sige ket
patayin ka"). 9 Frightened, Maryann allowed him to do as he pleased.

Appellant went on top of the victim and after caressing her, he succeeded in inserting his stiff
penis inside her vagina. He then stayed on top of her for almost an hour and after satisfying his
lust dismounted her and left. 10

That same night, the victim’s aunt Virgielyn heard what sounded like Maryann weeping.
Virgielyn woke up her sister-in-law, Siony, who was staying for the night. They went to Tito’s
house. Noiselessly, they crept beneath the floor and eavesdropped. They heard appellant telling
Maryann to remove her panty ("Ikkatemon ta sapin mon."). 11 He threatened to kill her if she
refused. They also heard a bolo being unsheathed. 12 Virgielyn and Siony, afraid, kept
absolutely still. The victim pleaded with appellant to "remove it as it was painful" ("Araroy co,
Lolo, ikkatemon ta nasaket.") 13 He replied "Why should I remove it when I am not yet
through?" Appellant then flatly stated "If you are going to report it, I will kill you" ("No ipulong
mo uray siasino patayen ca.") 14 Virgielyn and Siony then left. They did not reveal what they
had overheard to anyone. Both were deathly afraid of appellant who had been previously jailed
for having killed his brother and a nephew. 15

From then on, appellant had his way with complainant, having sexual intercourse with her
whenever he wanted. 16 Maryann did not resist or shout for help when she was sexually abused.
She was terrified of her grandfather’s death threats. Fearful for her life as well as those of her
family members, she did not reveal her harrowing experience to anyone. 17

In 1995, when Maryann could not endure her ordeal anymore, she told her father that appellant
raped her.

On September 11, 1995, she filed a complaint for rape with the Municipal Circuit Trial Court of
Jones-San Agustin, Isabela. 18 She underwent a medical examination. The examining physician
found no lacerations in her hymen, but noted that she had a "ruptured hymen." 19 Finding
probable cause to hold appellant for the rape charge, the municipal judge ordered his arrest and
the filing of the proper information against him before the Regional Trial Court. chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary

On March 10, 1997, after the prosecution had presented its evidence, appellant with leave of
court filed a motion to dismiss on demurrer to evidence 20 on the ground that material
inconsistencies and discrepancies in the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses raised
reasonable doubt concerning appellant’s probable guilt.

On March 24, 1997, the trial court denied appellant’s motion and ordered the defense to present
its evidence.

On the witness stand, appellant denied raping private complainant. 21 He professed ignorance
why his own granddaughter would accuse him of such a crime. He claimed that he was seventy
(70) years old and no longer capable of having an erection. 22

After trial, the court rendered judgment as follows: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

WHEREFORE, finding the accused GUILLERMO CARIÑO GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt
of RAPE with which he is charged with the use of deadly weapon attended with the aggravating
circumstance of relationship, the Court hereby sentences him to suffer the penalty of
RECLUSION PERPETUA and to indemnify the victim Maryann Cariño P100,000.00 moral
damages without subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency. chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary


Hence this appeal, with appellant assigning the following errors: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library






Both assigned errors involve the issue of credibility of witnesses and shall be jointly discussed.

At the outset, appellant asks us to note that even the trial court noted inconsistencies in private
complainant’s testimony, to wit: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

x        x       x

To be sure, there are some contradictions in the testimony of Maryann. For instance, she declared
that the first sexual intercourse with the accused was done inside the house, only to change it
later and say that it was done inside the hut in front of the house. Then she said that the first
sexual intercourse was done at night only to change it later on and say that it was done at
daytime.25 cralaw:red
x        x       x

Appellant contends that it was error for the trial court to believe the victim’s story despite these
inconsistencies. He argues that mere passage of time is insufficient to account for such
inconsistencies regarding time and place of the alleged rape because what she was being asked to
recall was only the approximate time. Her inconsistencies put into serious doubt her credibility.

For the State, the Office of the Solicitor General admits that the victim indeed committed minor
inconsistencies in narrating the details of where and when she was raped. However, according to
the OSG, such lapses are understandable when a person is asked to recount details she considers
too painful to recall.
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In rape cases, we note that the only persons present during a rape are usually only the offender
and the offended. While the lone testimony of the victim is sufficient to convict the accused, her
testimony must be clear, positive, convincing, and consistent with human nature and the normal
course of things.

In the present case, in our view, the perceived discrepancies in the testimony of Maryann
concerning when and where she was raped do not destroy her credibility as complaining witness,
much less vitiate the evidentiary value of said testimony. Inconsistencies of this nature can be
expected of a young girl whose ravishment she is called upon to recall painfully. Rape victims
hardly retain in their memories the dates, number of times, and manner of their ravishment. For
this reason the exact time and date of the commission of the rape is not an essential element of
the crime. 26 The victim in the present case only finished Grade 6. 27 But despite her
educational limitations, her narration of her ordeal on the witness stand was straightforward,
spontaneous and candid. Under rigid cross-examination, she was steadfast on her tragic tale of
defilement. Lapses concerning the date, time, and place of the sexual assaults only tend to
buttress rather than weaken her credibility, since they show that she was neither coached nor
were her answers contrived. 28 Besides, no motive has been attributed to her that would make
her testify falsely against the accused. 29 Note that her alleged rapist was her own grandfather. A
rape victim’s testimony is entitled to great weight when she accuses a blood relative of having
raped her. 30 Note finally that Maryann cried as she narrated her ravishment at her grandfather’s
hands. 31 The crying of the victim during her testimony is added hallmark of the credibility of
the rape charge. 32

Appellant next assails Maryann’s failure to report immediately the alleged rape and the
successive acts of sexual abuse that allegedly followed. He claims her silence for some sixty (60)
months is inconsistent with the natural reaction of an outraged victim. Her long silence creates
room for doubt on the veracity of her story, according to him.

The OSG, however, points out that Maryann’s silence is not unusual among young victims of
rape, considering that she was overwhelmed by fear. Young girls like Maryann often conceal the
assaults on their virtue, out of shame, humiliation and social ostracism but their initial reluctance
in reporting their rape is neither unknown nor uncommon. 33 Their vacillation in filing charges
does not undermine their credibility if the delay can be satisfactorily explained. 34
Moreover, Maryann was not unaware that her ravisher had been jailed for killing blood relatives.
She had reason to fear and not to ignore his mortal threats. Delay in reporting a rape in the face
of threats of death or physical violence should not be taken against the victim. 35

Appellant also faults the testimonies of the prosecution’s corroborative witnesses as highly
incredulous and unworthy of belief. He insists it is contrary to human experience that Virgielyn
and Siony did not rush to the victim’s aid nor report the incident to the police when they heard
her being raped. Their testimonies then are suspect as fabrications, according to him.

The OSG points out, however, that nowhere was it shown that the victim’s father and two aunts
were motivated by improper motives enough to falsely accuse their own kin of a crime so serious
and despicable. They were only motivated by their sense of justice for a wronged kin.

We find Virgielyn and Siony’s testimonies credible. It is not rare for witnesses to delay reporting
a crime and the delay, if adequately explained, does not destroy their credibility. 36 We are
convinced Virgielyn and Siony were indeed held back in terror because of appellant’s violent

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