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Performance Evaluation of ESP8266 Mesh Networks

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Performance Evaluation of ESP8266 Mesh Networks

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MECNIT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1230 (2019) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1230/1/012023

Performance Evaluation of ESP8266 Mesh Networks

Yoppy1, R Harry Arjadi1, Endah Setyaningsih2, Priyo Wibowo1, M I Sudrajat1

Research Center for Quality System and Testing Technology (P2SMTP-LIPI), Indonesia
Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia


Abstract. Existing WiFi mesh networks are usually implemented on high-end or PC grade
platforms. However, the open source community has been recently developing a unique mesh
network library targeted for the low-cost and resource limited ESP8266 platform. The so called
painlessMesh library enables two or more ESP8266 modules to self-configure and to form a
WiFi mesh network. This might open up new potential for the ESP8266 to be used in wider
application areas. The library is in an early development stage and not much is known about its
performance. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate to what extent the ESP8266 painlessMesh
network can perform, in terms of one-way delay and data rate. Measurements showed that a 2-
node network has a delay of 2.49 ms. A network consisting of higher number of nodes tends to
have an increased network delay even for the same hop distance. Meanwhile, data rate
measurements showed that for the case of 10-byte payload a node can receive up to 461
messages/sec. Whereas for payload of 4400 bytes, the node can receive up to 28 messages/sec.
Furthermore, it can be reported that payload greater than 4400 bytes starts causing incomplete
and erroneous messages.

1. Introduction
When it comes to low cost WiFi SoCs (System on a Chip) in the IoT world today, the ESP8266 is
undoubtedly on top of the list. Despite its inexpensive price, the ESP8266 features a number of crucial
core and peripherals, such as 32bit 80MHz Xtensa Tensilica processor, 32KB instruction RAM, 80KB
user-data RAM, 4MB flash ROM, RF frontend for IEEE 802.11 b/g/n WiFi, GPIO, I2C, ADC, and
UART. The ESP8266 is able to run both the TCP/IP stack and application codes in itself without using
an external host microcontroller. Moreover, the necessary sources for development of the ESP8266 are
made open and accessible. Combination of the above factors has drawn the attention of many
developers to explore and experiment with it.
Mesh network has been implemented in several wireless protocols, such as LoRa [1], [2], [3],
Bluetooth Low Energy [4], [5], [6] and ZigBee [7]. It has also been realized in WiFi technology, mainly
with PC grade hardware or running on a Linux operating system [8], [9], [10], [11]. Those WiFi mesh
libraries are designed for scalability to accommodate large scale networks.
Normally, WiFi devices including the ESP8266 are operating in a star network in which one or more
stations (STA) are connected to a central access point (AP). However, since the ESP8266 also has the
feature of functioning as both STA and AP at the same time [12], the open source community has been
developing a library that enables the ESP8266 nodes to form a mesh network. The so called
painlessMesh library is unique in which it allows the low cost and resource limited ESP8266 devices to
form a WiFi mesh network, whereas other mesh network solutions are mainly implemented on high-end
platforms. However, the performance of this relatively new library is still not much known. Therefore,

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MECNIT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1230 (2019) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1230/1/012023

this paper aims to evaluate to what extent the ESP8266 painlessMesh network can achieve, particularly
in terms of one-way delay and data rate.

2. Background
The so called painlessMesh is a WiFi mesh network library specifically written for the ESP8266
platforms, and is actively maintained by the community. It is called painlessMesh for it is intended to be
auto-configure and easy to setup. It is an ad-hoc network which requires neither routing plan nor central
controller, and all nodes are equal.
The painlessMesh library is unique for it enables the resource limited ESP8266 device to form a
mesh network. Two or more modules, also called nodes, with the same SSID (service set identifier) will
be automatically connected to form a mesh network. The topology is in fact not a full mesh network.
Due to constrained resources, cyclic paths are actively avoided so that routing tasks can be greatly
simplified. The formed network actually is more resembling a star network. However, it differs from a
usual WiFi star network that typically consists of a central access point to which one or more stations
are connected. In the painlessMesh network, each node can serve as both an access point for other nodes
to connect to, and also a station connecting to another node.
Every node is aware of the whole network topology which is updated periodically every 3 seconds.
Every node tells its neighbors about other nodes it is directly or indirectly connected to. A node’s station
which is not connected to any access point will actively look for an access point that has the strongest
signal but is not listed yet in its network topology. This mechanism prevents the formation of cyclic
paths. So there will be only a single path between a pair of nodes. Figure 1 shows the diagram of a
painlessMesh network.

Figure 1. Diagram of painlessMesh network.

The painlessMesh works on layer 3 but not based on IP addressing. Instead, each node is
distinguished by a unique 32-bit number taken from the chip MAC address. Communication in the mesh
is done via JSON formatted messaging. Although it is less efficient than low level binary messaging, it
is easier for users to understand and to incorporate in Javascript or web applications. There are two
types of user message, i.e. single and broadcast message. Single message is sent from a node to another
specific node, whereas broadcast message is addressed to all other nodes connected in the network. All
nodes are time synchronized with a precision of less than 10 ms. This is useful for the nodes to run
synchronous tasks [13]. The painlessMesh library used in this experiment is of version 1.0.1.
Mesh network offers its usefulness by allowing a collection of ESP8266 nodes to cover larger area
through multi-hop messaging. Any nodes within reachable range will be automatically forming a mesh
network. Therefore, the mesh network also leverages the network reliability by automatically joining to
a neighboring network in the event of disconnection. These features may open up new potential
For example, this might find applications in smart LED lighting in passenger trains. The lighting in
every coach is controlled by a node. Every node is connected to its neighboring nodes and such that
forming a linear network. This solution might be impractical in the usual star topology because the total
length of a passenger train is most likely out of the WiFi coverage.

3. Measurement methods

3.1. One way delay

MECNIT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1230 (2019) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1230/1/012023

One-way delay measurement is illustrated in Figure 1, and is calculated as follow:


t0 : delay measurement request is sent,

t1 : the request reaches the responding node,
t2 : a reply is sent back to the requesting node, and
t3 : the reply arrives at the requesting node.

It is effectively the half of round trip time. Four cases of number of nodes are put on trial, i.e. 2
nodes, 3 nodes, 10 nodes, and 16 nodes. In the first three cases all modules employed are the NodeMcu
ESP8266, whereas in the last one, it is a mix of 10 modules of NodeMcu and 6 modules of Wemos D1
Mini, like shown in Figure 3. Despite of being different modules, they have the same memory and
processing power since they are employing the same ESP8266 WiFi chips. All modules are flashed with
codes that are doing minimum tasks. The user codes barely do nothing other than blinking an LED and
printing messages to serial port. In this way, it can be regarded as the best performance that can be
One of the nodes in the mesh network is assigned as the measuring node that sends delay
measurement requests to all other nodes. The measuring node is connected to a computer for logging

requester responder





Figure 2. Delay measurement. Figure 3. NodeMcu (A) and Wemos D1 Mini (B)

While it is possible to force a station to connect to a specific access point, in this experiment all
nodes are left free and randomly connected to available APs. In the case of 2 nodes, a straightforward
point-to-point network is formed. Likewise, in the case of 3 nodes a simple network is created, in which
the measuring node is in the middle of the other two nodes. However, for the case of 10 and 16 nodes,
more complex topologies are formed, like shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5, respectively. Node X
represents the measuring node.

Figure 4. Mesh network of 10 nodes. Figure 5. Mesh network of 16 nodes.

3.2. Data rates

MECNIT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1230 (2019) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1230/1/012023

The following measurement approach is used to find out the maximum data rate that can be achieved by
a node in the mesh network. To minimize the overhead of managing multi-node topology, only two
nodes are employed in the data rate measurements. One node is designated as a packet sender, while the
other as a receiver. To obtain the best performance, user tasks are set minimal. Other than sending or
receiving messages, the user tasks are only blinking LED and printing information to the serial port.
The sender is programmed to send messages at various payload sizes (from 10 to 4400 bytes) and
rates (from 200 to 1000 messages/second). The actual number of messages received at the receiver is
recorded. For each payload size, at least 100 seconds of measurement timespan are captured, and the
average value is then calculated.

4. Measurement results

4.1. One-Way Delay

Box plots in Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8, and Figure 9 demonstrate the distribution of the measured
delays. Interpretation of the box plot can be explained as follow. The top and bottom of the box
represent the third and the first quartiles. The height of the box is defined as interquartile range (IQR).
The line in the box is equal to its median. While both whiskers signify the highest and lowest datum
within 1.5xIQR extending from the third and first quartile, respectively. The small circles represent
individual occurrences that are regarded as outliers.
Two-node network delay, as shown in Figure 6, is distributed between 2.32 ms and 3.54 ms, with
75% of data lie below 2.58 ms and a median of 2.49 ms. Being the simplest network consisting of two
nodes, this result could be regarded as the best performance that can be achieved by the ESP8266
painlessMesh. Figure 7 summarizes the distribution of 1634 measured delays in a 3-node network in
which one node is acting as the requesting node, while the other two nodes (A and B) are functioning as
the responding nodes.
In Figure 8 and Figure 9, it is observed that maximum delays in the 10-node network are
occasionally higher than those of in the 16-node network. Assuming there are no flaws in the library
implementation, these counterintuitive results may be caused by the complex memory management and
tasks scheduling that are happening on the lower layer. Longer delays may be caused by shortage of free
memory available to the nodes at some points in time.
During experiment, it is observed that a 16-node mesh network is quite unstable which is indicated
by failing to join all nodes into a single network. Higher number of nodes exhibits even more
probability to broken network.



Delay (ms)
Delay (ms)

2.8 10


To node To node
Figure 6. Two-node network delay. Delay request Figure 7. Three-node network delay. Delay
is sent every second. 2023 measurements are request is sent every two seconds. 1634
collected. measurements are collected.

MECNIT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1230 (2019) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1230/1/012023



Delay (ms)

Delay (ms)


10 0
A B C D E F G H I 10
To node To node
Figure 8. Ten-node network delay. Delay request Figure 9. Sixteen-node network delay. Delay
is sent every two seconds. 1400 measurements are request is sent every two seconds. 1230
collected. measurements are collected.

4.2. Data Rate

Table 1 shows the average data rate measurement results. It is observed that at higher payload size, the
actual number of messages sent out from the sender can be less than what is programmed. For example,
at payload of 1500 bytes, the sender is programmed to send 200 messages/second. In fact, it can only
send 149.6 messages/second. This happens because the resource limited ESP8266 is not fast enough to
process the due tasks.
On the receiver side, it can also be seen that the capability of receiver to process incoming messages
is lower than that of the sender has dispatched. For instance, at payload size of 10 bytes, the sender is
sending 1000 messages/sec. However, the receiver can only receive 461 messages/sec. The other
messages are lost.
These measurement results can be regarded as the maximum performance that can be achieved by
the ESP8266. Also, it can be reported that payload larger than 4400 bytes starts causing corrupted

Table 1. Average data rates.

Payload size Messages/sec from sender
Messages/sec received at receiver
(bytes) (programmed/actual)
10 1000 / 1000 461.00
20 1000 / 1000 455.92
500 500 / 373.53 370.56
1500 200 / 149.6 139.85
2000 200 / 117.18 87.94
3000 200 / 76.42 72.80
4400 200 / 57.65 27.85

5. Conclusion
Performance of ESP8266 mesh network has been tested and evaluated. A netwok consisting of two
nodes has a single hop delay of 2.49 ms. As expected, higher number of nodes tends to increase the
network delay even for same hop distance. More importantly, during measurement it is observed that a
network of 16 nodes seems to be unstable as it occasionally fails to join all nodes. The instability is
more evident for higher number of nodes.

MECNIT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1230 (2019) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1230/1/012023

Evaluation is also done for data rate performance. It is found that a node can receive up to 461
messages/sec and 28 messages/sec for a payload of 10 bytes and 4400 bytes, respectively. It is also
observed that sending messages with payload greater than 4400 bytes results in broken and incomplete
Although exhaustive tests have not yet been done, these measurement results can give rough
estimation and impression on the performance of the painlessMesh network. Based on the measurement
results, users can justify the suitability of ESP8266 painlessMesh in their applications.

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This research is supported by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the
Republic of Indonesia through INSINAS 2018 funding scheme.

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