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Phrasal Verbs

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Phrasal Verbs

1. Account for: I cannot account for his foolish behaviour.

2. Approve of: He strongly approved of our plan.
3. Back out: He backed out of his promise.
4. Bear out: I bear out what he says.
5. Bear down: He tried to bear down the opposition.
6. Blow out: Please, blow out the candle.
7. Break down: The car broke down on the way.
8. Break into: The thief broke into last night.
9. Break open: He broke open the box as he had lost the key.
10. Break out: Cholera has broken out in the city.
11. Break with: He broke with his friend for nothing.
12. Bring about: The government has promised to bring about many reforms.
13. Bring forth: The trees bring forth new leaves in spring.
14. Bring up: He was brought up by his uncle.
15. Burst into: The widow burst into tears.
16. Call at: I called at his house but he was out.
17. Call down: The old beggar called down the naughty boys.
18. Call off: The match was called off because of rain.
19. Call for: Your mistake calls for severe punishment.
20. Call on/upon: I called on him at his office yesterday.
21. Carry on: Please carry on your work.
22. Carry out: He carried out the orders of his master.
23. Come across: I came across an old friend yesterday.
24. Come of: He comes of a noble family.
25. Come about: His marriage will come about next month.
26. Cope with: I cannot cope with recent problem.
27. Die of: He died of Cholera.
28. Do away with: Let us do away with the evil customs.
29. Fall back upon: One must save something to fall back upon in times of need.
30. Fall in: At the orders of the commander, the soldiers fell in.
31. Fall out: The brothers fell out on the division of their father’s property.
32. Fall through: The project fell through for want of fund.
33. Get over: He got over the shock.
34. Get through: He got through the examination in his first attempt.
35. Get up: I usually get up at 5 o clock.
36. Get along: He is getting along well in this profession.
37. Give away: She gave away the prizes at the annual function of our college.
38. Give in: The rebels were at last forced to give in.
39. Give up: I have given up smoking.
40. Go along with: I cannot go along with you in this matter.
41. Go off: The pistol went off accidentally.
42. Go/Keep on: Go on doing your work.
43. Keep down: It is impossible for anyone to keep down a proud nation for long.
44. Keep off: Keep off the grass.
45. Keep to: Keep to the subject while making a speech.
46. Keep up: You are doing good work; keep it up.
47. Knock down: He knocked down his opponent.
48. Lay by: Lay by something against the rainy day.
49. Lay down: He laid down his life for his country.
50. Leave for: We left for Multan yesterday.
51. Let down: I will never let you down.
52. Live on: They just live on vegetables.
53. Look after: His servant looked after his house in his absence.
54. Look down upon: Do not look down upon the poor.
55. Look for: The parents looked for the lost child.
56. Look forward to We are looking forward to the arrival of spring.
57. Look into: The police are looking into the case.
58. Make out/of: I am unable to make out/of this term.
59. Make up: Try to make up your loss in business.
60. Pass away: He passed away at the age of eighty years.
61. Put aside/by: You should put some money aside for old age.
62. Put down: He could not put down the enemy.
63. Put off: I went to him for a loan but he put me off
64. Put on: He put on his hat and went out.
65. Put up with: I cannot put up with his foolishness.
66. Run down: His health has run down.
67. Run out of: The car ran out of petrol and stopped.
68. Run over: A bus ran over a pedestrian yesterday.
69. See off: I went to the station to see him off.
70. Set aside: He set aside my application.
71. Set off/out: We shall set off Lahore tomorrow.
72. Set/Take down: Set down your plan.
73. Set in: The rainy season has set in.
74. Set up: He has set up a new factory recently.
75. Stand for: stands for Bachelor of Commerce.
76. Stand by: I shall stand by you at the hour of need.
77. Take after: She takes after his mother.
78. Take for: I took him for a thief.
79. Take off: He took off his old coat.
80. Take over: I took over the charge of the office.
81. Take to: He has taken to morning walk daily.
82. Tell upon: Hard work told upon his health.
83. Turn down/aside: He turned down my request.
84. Turn on/off: Please turn off/on the radio.
85. Turn up: He turned up late at the party.
86. Work out: He worked out a plan to build a hospital.

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