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Multi Chip Module GPU

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MCM-GPU: Multi-Chip-Module GPUs

for Continued Performance Scalability

Akhil Arunkumar‡ Evgeny Bolotin† Benjamin Cho∓ Ugljesa Milic+ Eiman Ebrahimi†

Oreste Villa† Aamer Jaleel† Carole-Jean Wu‡ David Nellans†

Arizona State University‡ NVIDIA† University of Texas at Austin∓

Barcelona Supercomputing Center / Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya+
Historically, improvements in GPU-based high performance comput- Graphics Processing Units, Multi-Chip-Modules, NUMA Systems,
ing have been tightly coupled to transistor scaling. As Moore’s law Moore’s Law
slows down, and the number of transistors per die no longer grows
ACM Reference format:
at historical rates, the performance curve of single monolithic GPUs Akhil Arunkumar‡ Evgeny Bolotin† Benjamin Cho∓ Ugljesa Milic+
will ultimately plateau. However, the need for higher performing Eiman Ebrahimi† Oreste Villa† Aamer Jaleel† Carole-Jean Wu‡ David
GPUs continues to exist in many domains. To address this need, in Nellans† .2017.MCM-GPU: Multi-Chip-Module GPUs for Continued Perfor-
this paper we demonstrate that package-level integration of multiple mance Scalability. In Proceedings of ISCA ’17, Toronto, ON, Canada, June
GPU modules to build larger logical GPUs can enable continuous 24-28, 2017, 13 pages.
performance scaling beyond Moore’s law. Specifically, we propose
partitioning GPUs into easily manufacturable basic GPU Modules
(GPMs), and integrating them on package using high bandwidth and
power efficient signaling technologies. We lay out the details and
evaluate the feasibility of a basic Multi-Chip-Module GPU (MCM- GPU-based compute acceleration is the main vehicle propelling the
GPU) design. We then propose three architectural optimizations that performance of high performance computing (HPC) systems [12, 17,
significantly improve GPM data locality and minimize the sensitivity 29], machine learning and data analytics applications in large-scale
on inter-GPM bandwidth. Our evaluation shows that the optimized cloud installations, and personal computing devices [15, 17, 35, 47].
MCM-GPU achieves 22.8% speedup and 5x inter-GPM bandwidth In such devices, each computing node or computing device typically
reduction when compared to the basic MCM-GPU architecture. Most consists of a CPU with one or more GPU accelerators. The path for-
importantly, the optimized MCM-GPU design is 45.5% faster than ward in any of these domains, either to exascale performance in HPC,
the largest implementable monolithic GPU, and performs within or to human-level artificial intelligence using deep convolutional neu-
10% of a hypothetical (and unbuildable) monolithic GPU. Lastly we ral networks, relies on the ability to continuously scale GPU perfor-
show that our optimized MCM-GPU is 26.8% faster than an equally mance [29, 47]. As a result, in such systems, each GPU has the maxi-
equipped Multi-GPU system with the same total number of SMs and mum possible transistor count at the most advanced technology node,
DRAM bandwidth. and uses state-of-the-art memory technology [17]. Until recently,
transistor scaling improved single GPU performance by increasing
CCS CONCEPTS the Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) count between GPU generations.
However, transistor scaling has dramatically slowed down and is
• Computing methodologies → Graphics processors; • Computer expected to eventually come to an end [7, 8]. Furthermore, optic
systems organization → Parallel architectures; Single instruction, and manufacturing limitations constrain the reticle size which in
multiple data; turn constrains the maximum die size (e.g. ≈ 800mm2 [18, 48]).
Moreover, very large dies have extremely low yield due to large
numbers of irreparable manufacturing faults [31]. This increases the
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed cost of large monolithic GPUs to undesirable levels. Consequently,
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation these trends limit future scaling of single GPU performance and
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,
potentially bring it to a halt.
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a An alternate approach to scaling performance without exceeding
fee. Request permissions from the maximum chip size relies on multiple GPUs connected on a
ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada
PCB, such as the Tesla K10 and K80 [10]. However, as we show in
© 2017 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-4892-8/17/06. . . $15.00 this paper, it is hard to scale GPU workloads on such “multi-GPU” systems, even if they scale very well on a single GPU. This is due
ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada A. Arunkumar et al.

Fermi Kepler Maxwell Pascal

SMs 16 15 24 56
BW (GB/s) 177 288 288 720
L2 (KB) 768 1536 3072 4096
Transistors (B) 3.0 7.1 8.0 15.3
Tech. node (nm) 40 28 28 16
Chip size (mm2) 529 551 601 610
Table 1: Key characteristics of recent NVIDIA GPUs.

optimizations provide an impressive 5x inter-GPM band-

width reduction, and result in a 22.8% performance speedup
compared to the baseline MCM-GPU. Our optimized MCM-
GPU architecture achieves a 44.5% speedup over the largest
Figure 1: MCM-GPU: Aggregating GPU modules and DRAM possible monolithic GPU (assumed as a 128 SMs GPU),
on a single package. and comes within 10% of the performance of an unbuild-
able similarly sized monolithic GPU.
• Finally, we compare our MCM-GPU architecture to a multi-
to multiple unsolved challenges related to work partitioning, load GPU approach. Our results confirm the intuitive advantages
balancing, and data sharing across the slow on-board interconnection of the MCM-GPU approach.
network [20, 23, 33, 36]. However, due to recent advances in packag-
ing [30] and signaling technologies [45], package-level integration 2 MOTIVATION AND BACKGROUND
provides a promising integration tier that lies between the existing
on-chip and on-board integration technologies. Modern GPUs accelerate a wide spectrum of parallel applications
Leveraging this new integration tier, we propose a novel Multi- in the fields of scientific computing, data analytics, and machine
Chip Module GPU (MCM-GPU) architecture that enables contin- learning. The abundant parallelism available in these applications
ued GPU performance scaling despite the slowdown of transistor continually increases the demands for higher performing GPUs.
scaling and photoreticle limitations. Our proposal aggregates mul- Table 1 lists different generations of NVIDIA GPUs released in the
tiple GPU Modules (GPMs) within a single package as illustrated past decade. The table shows an increasing trend for the number of
in Figure 1. First, we detail the basic MCM-GPU architecture that streaming multiprocessors (SMs), memory bandwidth, and number
leverages NVIDIA’s state-of-the-art Ground Reference Signaling of transistors with each new GPU generation [14].
(GRS) [45]. We then optimize our proposed MCM-GPU design
using three architectural innovations targeted at improving locality
2.1 GPU Application Scalability
and minimizing inter-GPM communication: (i) hardware caches to To understand the benefits of increasing the number of GPU SMs,
capture remote traffic in the local GPM, (ii) distributed and batched Figure 2 shows performance as a function of the number of SMs
co-operative thread array (CTA) scheduling to better leverage inter- on a GPU. The L2 cache and DRAM bandwidth capacities are
CTA locality within a GPM, and (iii) first touch page allocation scaled up proportionally with the SM count, i.e., 384 GB/s for a
policy to minimize inter-GPM traffic. Overall, this paper makes the 32-SM GPU and 3 TB/s for a 256-SM GPU1 . The figure shows
following contributions: two different performance behaviors with increasing SM counts.
First is the trend of applications with limited parallelism whose
• We motivate the need for more powerful GPUs by show-
performance plateaus with increasing SM count (Limited Parallelism
ing that many of today’s GPU applications scale very well
Apps). These applications exhibit poor performance scalability (15
with increasing number of SMs. Given future GPUs can
of the total 48 applications evaluated) due to the lack of available
no longer continue their performance scaling using today’s
parallelism (i.e. number of threads) to fully utilize larger number of
monolithic architectures, we propose the MCM-GPU archi-
SMs. On the other hand, we find that 33 of the 48 applications exhibit
tecture that allows performance and energy efficient scaling
a high degree of parallelism and fully utilize a 256-SM GPU. Note
beyond what is possible today.
that such a GPU is substantially larger (4.5×) than GPUs available
• We present a modular MCM-GPU with 256 SMs and dis-
today. For these High-Parallelism Apps, 87.8% of the linearly-scaled
cuss its memory system, on-package integration, and sig-
theoretical performance improvement can potentially be achieved if
naling technology. We show its performance sensitivity to
such a large GPU could be manufactured.
inter-GPM bandwidth both analytically and via simulations.
Unfortunately, despite the application performance scalability
Our evaluation shows that since inter-GPM bandwidth is
with the increasing number of SMs, the observed performance gains
lower than a monolithic GPU’s on-chip bandwidth, an on-
are unrealizable with a monolithic single-die GPU design. This
package non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architecture
is because the slowdown in transistor scaling [8] eventually limits
is exposed in the MCM-GPU.
the number of SMs that can be integrated onto a given die area.
• We propose a locality-aware MCM-GPU architecture, bet-
Additionally, conventional photolithography technology limits the
ter suited to its NUMA nature. We use architectural en-
maximum possible reticle size and hence the maximum possible
hancements to mitigate the penalty introduced by non-
uniform memory accesses. Our evaluations show that these 1
See Section 4 for details on our experimental methodology
MCM-GPU: Multi-Chip-Module GPUs ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada

Chip Package Board System

Linear Scaling High Parallelism Apps Limited Parallelism Apps
8 BW 10s TB/s 1.5 TB/s 256 GB/s 12.5 GB/s
Energy 80 fJ/bit 0.5 pJ/bit 10 pJ/bit 250 pJ/bit
Speedup Over 32 SMs

6 Overhead Low Medium High Very High

Table 2: Approximate bandwidth and energy parameters for
4 different integration domains.

0 GRS signaling can operate at 20 Gb/s while consuming just 0.54

0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256 288 pJ/bit in a standard 28nm process [45]. As this technology evolves,
SM Count we can expect it to support up to multiple TB/s of on-package band-
width. This makes the on-package signaling bandwidth eight times
Figure 2: Hypothetical GPU performance scaling with grow- larger than that of on-board signaling.
ing number of SMs and memory system. 48 applications are The aforementioned factors make package level integration a
grouped into 33 that have enough parallelism to fill a 256 SMs promising integration tier, that qualitatively falls in between chip-
GPU, and 15 that do not. and board-level integration tiers (See Table 2). In this paper, we aim
to take advantage of this integration tier and set the ambitious goal of
exploring how to manufacture a 2× more capable GPU, comprising
die size. For example, ≈ 800mm2 is expected to be the maximum 256 or more SMs within a single GPU package.
possible die size that can be manufactured [18, 48]. For the purpose
of this paper we assume that GPUs with greater than 128 SMs are not
manufacturable on a monolithic die. We illustrate the performance
of such an unmanufacturable GPU with dotted lines in Figure 2. The proposed Multi-Chip Module GPU (MCM-GPU) architecture
is based on aggregating multiple GPU modules (GPMs) within a
2.2 Multi-GPU Alternative single package, as opposed to today’s GPU architecture based on a
An alternative approach is to stop scaling single GPU performance, single monolithic die. This enables scaling single GPU performance
and increase application performance via board- and system-level by increasing the number of transistors, DRAM, and I/O bandwidth
integration, by connecting multiple maximally sized monolithic per GPU. Figure 1 shows an example of an MCM-GPU architecture
GPUs into a multi-GPU system. While conceptually simple, multi- with four GPMs on a single package that potentially enables up to
GPU systems present a set of critical challenges. For instance, work 4× the number of SMs (chip area) and 2× the memory bandwidth
distribution across GPUs cannot be done easily and transparently and (edge size) compared to the largest GPU in production today.
requires significant programmer expertise [20, 25, 26, 33, 42, 50].
Automated multi-GPU runtime and system-software approaches also 3.1 MCM-GPU Organization
face challenges with respect to work partitioning, load balancing, In this paper we propose the MCM-GPU as a collection of GPMs
and synchronization [23, 49]. that share resources and are presented to software and programmers
Moreover, a multi-GPU approach heavily relies on multiple lev- as a single monolithic GPU. Pooled hardware resources, and shared
els of system interconnections. It is important to note that the data I/O are concentrated in a shared on-package module (the SYS +
movement and synchronization energy dissipated along these inter- I/O module shown in Figure 1). The goal for this MCM-GPU is to
connects significantly affects the overall performance and energy provide the same performance characteristics as a single (unmanu-
efficiency of such multi-GPU systems. Unfortunately, the quality facturable) monolithic die. By doing so, the operating system and
of interconnect technology in terms of available bandwidth and en- programmers are isolated from the fact that a single logical GPU
ergy per bit becomes progressively worse as communication moves may now be several GPMs working in conjunction. There are two
off-package, off-board, and eventually off-node, as shown in Ta- key advantages to this organization. First, it enables resource sharing
ble 2 [9, 13, 16, 32, 46]. While the above integration tiers are an of underutilized structures within a single GPU and eliminates hard-
essential part of large systems (e.g. [19]), it is more desirable to ware replication among GPMs. Second, applications will be able to
reduce the off-board and off-node communication by building more transparently leverage bigger and more capable GPUs, without any
capable GPUs. additional programming effort.
Alternatively, on-package GPMs could be organized as multiple
2.3 Package-Level Integration fully functional and autonomous GPUs with very high speed in-
Recent advances in organic package technology are expected to ad- terconnects. However, we do not propose this approach due to its
dress today’s challenges and enable on-package integration of active drawbacks and inefficient use of resources. For example, if imple-
components. For example, next generation packages are expected to mented as multiple GPUs, splitting the off-package I/O bandwidth
support a 77mm substrate dimension [30], providing enough room across GPMs may hurt overall bandwidth utilization. Other com-
to integrate the MCM-GPU architecture described in this paper. Fur- mon architectural components such as virtual memory management,
thermore, advances in package level signaling technologies such as DMA engines, and hardware context management would also be pri-
NVIDIA’s Ground-Referenced Signaling (GRS), offer the necessary vate rather than pooled resources. Moreover, operating systems and
high-speed, high-bandwidth signaling for organic package substrates. programmers would have to be aware of potential load imbalance
ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada A. Arunkumar et al.

6 TB/s 3 TB/s 1.5 TB/s 768 GB/s 384 GB/s


SMs + L1$ SMs + L1$ 1

Slowdown compared to

6TB/s inter-GPM BW




M-Intensive C-Intensive

High Parallelism Limited Parallelism

SMs + L1$ SMs + L1$ Figure 4: Relative performance sensitivity to inter-GPM link
bandwidth for a 4-GPM, 256SM MCM-GPU system.

Figure 3: Basic MCM-GPU architecture comprising four GPU The MCM-GPU memory system is a Non Uniform Memory Ac-
modules (GPMs). cess (NUMA) architecture, as its inter-GPM links are not expected to
provide full aggregated DRAM bandwidth to each GPM. Moreover,
an additional latency penalty is expected when accessing memory on
and data partitioning between tasks running on such an MCM-GPU
remote GPMs. This latency includes data movement time within the
that is organized as multiple independent GPUs in a single package.
local GPM to the edge of the die, serialization and deserialization
latency over the inter-GPM link, and the wire latency to the next
3.2 MCM-GPU and GPM Architecture GPM. We estimate each additional inter-GPM hop latency, for a po-
As discussed in Sections 1 and 2, moving forward beyond 128 SM tentially multi-hop path in the on-package interconnect as 32 cycles.
counts will almost certainly require at least two GPMs in a GPU. Each additional hop also adds an energy cost compared to a local
Since smaller GPMs are significantly more cost-effective [31], in DRAM access. Even though we expect the MCM-GPU architecture
this paper we evaluate building a 256 SM GPU out of four GPMs to incur these bandwidth, latency, and energy penalties, we expect
of 64 SMs each. This way each GPM is configured very similarly them to be much lower compared to off-package interconnects in a
to today’s biggest GPUs. Area-wise each GPM is expected to be multi-GPU system (see Table 2).
40% - 60% smaller than today’s biggest GPU assuming the process
node shrinks to 10nm or 7nm. Each GPM consists of multiple SMs 3.3 On-Package Bandwidth Considerations
along with their private L1 caches. SMs are connected through
3.3.1 Estimation of On-package Bandwidth Requirements.
the GPM-Xbar to a GPM memory subsystem comprising a local
We calculate the required inter-GPM bandwidth in a generic MCM-
memory-side L2 cache and DRAM partition. The GPM-Xbar also
GPU. The basic principle for our analysis is that on-package links
provides connectivity to adjacent GPMs via on-package GRS [45]
need to be sufficiently sized to allow full utilization of expensive
inter-GPM links.
DRAM bandwidth resources. Let us consider a 4-GPM system with
Figure 3 shows the high-level diagram of this 4-GPM MCM-
an aggregate DRAM bandwidth of 4b units (3TB/s in our example),
GPU. Such an MCM-GPU is expected to be equipped with 3TB/s
such that b units of bandwidth (768 GB/s in our example) are deliv-
of total DRAM bandwidth and 16MB of total L2 cache. All DRAM
ered by the local memory partition directly attached to each GPM.
partitions provide a globally shared memory address space across
Assuming an L2 cache hit-rate of ∼ 50% for the average case, 2b
all GPMs. Addresses are fine-grain interleaved across all physical
units of bandwidth would be supplied from each L2 cache partition.
DRAM partitions for maximum resource utilization. GPM-Xbars
In a statistically uniform address distribution scenario, 2b units of
route memory accesses to the proper location (either the local or
bandwidth out of each memory partition would be equally consumed
a remote L2 cache bank) based on the physical address. They also
by all four GPMs. Extending this exercise to capture inter-GPM
collectively provide a modular on-package ring or mesh interconnect
communication to and from all memory partitions results in the
network. Such organization provides spatial traffic locality among lo-
total inter-GPM bandwidth requirement of the MCM-GPU. A link
cal SMs and memory partitions, and reduces on-package bandwidth
bandwidth of 4b would be necessary to provide 4b total DRAM band-
requirements. Other network topologies are also possible especially
width. In our 4-GPM MCM-GPU example with 3TB/s of DRAM
with growing number of GPMs, but a full exploration of inter-GPM
bandwidth (4b), link bandwidth settings of less than 3TB/s are ex-
network topologies is outside the scope of this paper. The L2 cache
pected to result in performance degradation due to NUMA effects.
is a memory-side cache, caching data only from its local DRAM
Alternatively, inter-GPM bandwidth settings greater than 3TB/s are
partition. As such, there is only one location for each cache line,
not expected to yield any additional performance.
and no cache coherency is required across the L2 cache banks. In
the baseline MCM-GPU architecture we employ a centralized CTA 3.3.2 Performance Sensitivity to On-Package Bandwidth.
scheduler that schedules CTAs to MCM-GPU SMs globally in a Figure 4 shows performance sensitivity of a 256 SM MCM-GPU
round-robin manner as SMs become available for execution, as in system as we decrease the inter-GPM bandwidth from an abun-
the case of a typical monolithic GPU. dant 6TB/s per link all the way to 384GB/s. The applications are
MCM-GPU: Multi-Chip-Module GPUs ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada

grouped into two major categories of high- and low-parallelism, Number of GPMs 4
similar to Figure 2. The scalable high-parallelism category is further Total number of SMs. 256
subdivided into memory-intensive and compute-intensive applica- GPU frequency 1GHz
Max number of warps 64 per SM
tions (For further details about application categories and simulation
Warp scheduler Greedy then Round Robin
methodology see Section 4).
L1 data cache 128 KB per SM, 128B lines, 4 ways
Our simulation results support our analytical estimations above.
Total L2 cache 16MB, 128B lines, 16 ways
Increasing link bandwidth to 6TB/s yields diminishing or even no Inter-GPM interconnect 768GB/s per link, Ring, 32 cycles/hop
return for an entire suite of applications. As expected, MCM-GPU Total DRAM bandwidth 3 TB/s
performance is significantly affected by the inter-GPM link band- DRAM latency 100ns
width settings lower than 3TB/s. For example, applications in the Table 3: Baseline MCM-GPU configuration.
memory-intensive category are the most sensitive to link bandwidth,
with 12%, 40%, and 57% performance degradation for 1.5TB/s,
768GB/s, and 384GB/s settings respectively. Compute-intensive Benchmark Abbr. Memory Footprint (MB)
applications are also sensitive to lower link bandwidth settings, how- Algebraic multigrid solver AMG 5430
ever with lower performance degradations. Surprisingly, even the Neural Network Convolution NN-Conv 496
non-scalable applications with limited parallelism and low memory Breadth First Search BFS 37
intensity show performance sensitivity to the inter-GPM link band- CFD Euler3D CFD 25
Classic Molecular Dynamics CoMD 385
width due to increased queuing delays and growing communication
Kmeans clustering Kmeans 216
latencies in the low bandwidth scenarios. Lulesh (size 150) Lulesh1 1891
3.3.3 On-Package Link Bandwidth Configuration. Lulesh (size 190) Lulesh2 4309
Lulesh unstructured Lulesh3 203
NVIDIA’s GRS technology can provide signaling rates up to 20
Adaptive Mesh Refinement MiniAMR 5407
Gbps per wire. The actual on-package link bandwidth settings for Mini Contact Solid Mechanics MnCtct 251
our 256 SM MCM-GPU can vary based on the amount of design Minimum Spanning Tree MST 73
effort and cost associated with the actual link design complexity, the Nekbone solver (size 18) Nekbone1 1746
choice of packaging technology, and the number of package routing Nekbone solver (size 12) Nekbone2 287
layers. Therefore, based on our estimations, an inter-GPM GRS link SRAD (v2) Srad-v2 96
bandwidth of 768 GB/s (equal to the local DRAM partition band- Shortest path SSSP 37
width) is easily realizable. Larger bandwidth settings such as 1.5 Stream Triad Stream 3072
TB/s are possible, albeit harder to achieve, and a 3TB/s link would re- Table 4: The high parallelism, memory intensive workloads and
quire further investment and innovations in signaling and packaging their memory footprints2 .
technology. Moreover, higher than necessary link bandwidth settings
would result in additional silicon cost and power overheads. Even
though on-package interconnect is more efficient than its on-board We study a diverse set of 48 benchmarks that are taken from
counterpart, it is still substantially less efficient than on-chip wires four benchmark suites. Our evaluation includes a set of production
and thus we must minimize inter-GPM link bandwidth consumption class HPC benchmarks from the CORAL benchmarks [6], graph
as much as possible. applications from Lonestar suite [43], compute applications from
In this paper we assume a low-effort, low-cost, and low-energy Rodinia [24], and a set of NVIDIA in-house CUDA benchmarks.
link design point of 768GB/s and make an attempt to bridge the Our application set covers a wide range of GPU application domains
performance gap due to relatively lower bandwidth settings via ar- including machine learning, deep neural networks, fluid dynamics,
chitectural innovations that improve communication locality and medical imaging, graph search, etc. We classify our applications into
essentially eliminate the need for more costly and less energy effi- two categories based on the available parallelism — high parallelism
cient links. The rest of the paper proposes architectural mechanisms applications (parallel efficiency >= 25%) and limited parallelism ap-
to capture data-locality within GPM modules, which eliminate the plications (parallel efficiency < 25%). We further categorize the high
need for costly inter-GPM bandwidth solutions. parallelism applications based on whether they are memory-intensive
(M-Intensive) or compute-intensive (C-Intensive). We classify an
4 SIMULATION METHODOLOGY application as memory-intensive if it suffers from more than 20% per-
We use an NVIDIA in-house simulator to conduct our performance formance degradation if the system memory bandwidth is halved. In
studies. We model the GPU to be similar to, but extrapolated in size the interest of space, we present the detailed per-application results
compared to the recently released NVIDIA Pascal GPU [17]. Our for the M-Intensive category workloads and present only the average
SMs are modeled as in-order execution processors that accurately numbers for the C-Intensive and limited-parallelism workloads. The
model warp-level parallelism. We model a multi-level cache hierar- set of M-Intensive benchmarks, and their memory footprints are
chy with a private L1 cache per SM and a shared L2 cache. Caches detailed in Table 4. We simulate all our benchmarks for one billion
are banked such that they can provide the necessary parallelism to warp instructions, or to completion, whichever occurs first.
saturate DRAM bandwidth. We model software based cache coher-
ence in the private caches, similar to state-of-the-art GPUs. Table 3 2
Other evaluated compute intensive and limited parallelism workloads are not shown in
summarizes baseline simulation parameters. Table 4.
ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada A. Arunkumar et al.

capacities: an 8MB L1.5 cache where half of the memory-side L2


SMs + L1$ SMs + L1$ cache capacity is moved to the L1.5 caches, a 16MB L1.5 cache
where almost all of the memory-side L2 cache is moved to the L1.5
L1.5$ L1.5$ caches3 , and finally a 32MB L1.5 cache, a non iso-transistor scenario
where in addition to moving the entire L2 cache capacity to the L1.5


XBAR XBAR caches we add an additional 16MB of cache capacity. As the primary
GPM 0 GPM 1 objective of the L1.5 cache is to reduce the inter-GPM bandwidth
consumption, we evaluate different cache allocation policies based
on whether accesses are to the local or remote DRAM partitions.


Figure 6 summarizes the MCM-GPU performance for differ-
L1.5$ L1.5$ ent L1.5 cache sizes. We report the average performance speedups
for each category, and focus on the memory-intensive category by
SMs + L1$ SMs + L1$ showing its individual application speedups. We observe that per-
formance for the memory-intensive applications is sensitive to the
L1.5 cache capacity, while applications in the compute-intensive and
Figure 5: MCM-GPU architecture equipped with L1.5 GPM- limited-parallelism categories show very little sensitivity to various
side cache to capture remote data and effectively reduce inter- cache configurations. When focusing on the memory-intensive ap-
GPM bandwidth and data access latency. plications, an 8MB iso-transistor L1.5 cache achieves 4% average
performance improvement compared to the baseline MCM-GPU. A
16MB iso-transistor L1.5 cache achieves 8% performance improve-
5 OPTIMIZED MCM-GPU ment, and a 32MB L1.5 cache that doubles the transistor budget
We propose three mechanisms to minimize inter-GPM bandwidth achieves an 18.3% performance improvement. We choose the 16MB
by capturing data locality within a GPM. First, we revisit the MCM- cache capacity for the L1.5 and keep the total cache area constant.
GPU cache hierarchy and propose a GPM-side hardware cache. Our simulation results confirm the intuition that the best alloca-
Second, we augment our architecture with distributed CTA sched- tion policy for the L1.5 cache is to only cache remote accesses, and
uling to exploit inter-CTA data locality within the GPM-side cache therefore we employ a remote-only allocation policy in this cache.
and in memory. Finally, we propose data partitioning and locality- From Figure 6 we can see that such a configuration achieves the
aware page placement to further reduce on-package bandwidth re- highest average performance speedup among the two iso-transistor
quirements. The three mechanisms combined significantly improve configurations. It achieves an 11.4% speedup over the baseline for
MCM-GPU performance. the memory-intensive GPU applications. While the GPM-side L1.5
cache has minimal impact on the compute-intensive GPU applica-
5.1 Revisiting MCM-GPU Cache Architecture tions, it is able to capture the relatively small working sets of the
limited-parallelism GPU applications and provide a performance
5.1.1 Introducing L1.5 Cache.
speedup of 3.5% over the baseline. Finally, Figure 6 shows that
The first mechanism we propose to reduce on-package link band-
the L1.5 cache generally helps applications that incur significant
width is to enhance the MCM-GPU cache hierarchy. We propose to
performance loss when moving from a 6TB/s inter-GPM bandwidth
augment our baseline GPM architecture in Figure 3 with a GPM-
setting to 768GB/s. This trend can be seen in the figure as the
side cache that resides between the L1 and L2 caches. We call this
memory-intensive applications are sorted by their inter-GPM band-
new cache level the L1.5 cache as shown in Figure 5. Architec-
width sensitivity from left to right.
turally, the L1.5 cache can be viewed as an extension of the L1
In addition to improving MCM-GPU performance, the GPM-side
cache and is shared by all SMs inside a GPM. We propose that the
L1.5 cache helps to significantly reduce the inter-GPM communi-
L1.5 cache stores remote data accesses made by a GPM partition. In
cation energy associated with on-package data movements. This is
other words, all local memory accesses will bypass the L1.5 cache.
illustrated by Figure 7 which summarizes the total inter-GPM band-
Doing so reduces both remote data access latency and inter-GPM
width with and without L1.5 cache. Among the memory-intensive
bandwidth. Both these properties improve performance and reduce
workloads, inter-GPM bandwidth is reduced by as much as 39.9% for
energy consumption by avoiding inter-GPM communication.
the SSSP application and by an average of 16.9%, 36.4%, and 32.9%
To avoid increasing on-die transistor overhead for the L1.5 cache,
for memory-intensive, compute-intensive, and limited-parallelism
we add it by rebalancing the cache capacity between the L2 and L1.5
workloads respectively. On average across all evaluated workloads,
caches in an iso-transistor manner. We extend the GPU L1 cache
we observe that inter-GPM bandwidth utilization is reduced by 28%
coherence mechanism to the GPM-side L1.5 caches as well. This
due to the introduction of the GPM-side L1.5 cache.
way, whenever an L1 cache is flushed on a synchronization event
such as reaching a kernel execution boundary, the L1.5 cache is 5.2 CTA Scheduling for GPM Locality
flushed as well. Since the L1.5 cache can receive multiple invalida- In a baseline MCM-GPU similar to monolithic GPU, at kernel
tion commands from GPM SMs, we make sure that the L1.5 cache launch, a first batch of CTAs are scheduled to the SMs by a central-
is invalidated only once for each synchronization event. ized scheduler in-order. However during kernel execution, CTAs are
5.1.2 Design Space Exploration for the L1.5 Cache. 3
A small cache capacity of 32KB is maintained in the memory-side L2 cache to
We evaluate MCM-GPU performance for three different L1.5 cache accelerate atomic operations.
MCM-GPU: Multi-Chip-Module GPUs ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada

8 MB L1.5 8 MB Remote Only L1.5 16 MB L1.5 16 MB Remote Only L1.5 32 MB L1.5 32 MB Remote Only L1.5
Speedup Over Baseline



















Lim. Parallel
M-Intensive GeoMean
Increasing Sensitivity to Inter-GPM Bandwidth

Figure 6: Performance of 256 SM, 768 GB/s inter-GPM BW MCM-GPU with 8MB (iso-transistor), 16 MB (iso-transistor), and 32
MB (non-iso-transistor) L1.5 caches. The M-Intensive applications are sorted by their sensitivity to inter-GPM bandwidth.

Baseline MCM-GPU 16 MB Remote Only L1.5

Inter-GPM BW (TB/s)









Lim. Parallel


M-Intensive Average

(a) Centralized CTA Scheduling in an MCM-GPU

Figure 7: Total inter-GPM bandwidth in baseline MCM-GPU
architecture and with a 16MB remote-only L1.5 cache.

allocated to SMs in a round-robin order based on the availability

of resources in the SMs to execute a given CTA. In steady state
application execution, this could result in consecutive CTAs being CTA A CTA B CTA C CTA D
scheduled on SMs in different GPMs as shown in Figure 8(a). The CTA A+1 CTA B+1 CTA C+1 CTA D+1
colors in this figure represent four groups of contiguous CTAs that
could potentially enjoy data locality if they were scheduled in close
proximity and share memory system resources. While prior work CTA A+3 CTA B+3 CTA C+3 CTA D+3
has attempted to exploit such inter-CTA locality in the private L1
cache [37], here we propose a CTA scheduling policy to exploit
this locality across all memory system components associated with (b) Distributed CTA Scheduling in an MCM-GPU
GPMs due to the NUMA nature of the MCM-GPU design.
To this end, we propose using a distributed CTA scheduler for Figure 8: An example of exploiting inter-CTA data locality with
the MCM-GPU. With the distributed CTA scheduler, a group of CTA scheduling in MCM-GPU.
contiguous CTAs are sent to the same GPM as shown in Figure 8(b).
Here we see that all four contiguous CTAs of a particular group are
assigned to the same GPM. In the context of the MCM-GPU, doing
so enables better cache hit rates in the L1.5 caches and also reduces to a GPM. Figures 9 and 10 show the performance improvement
inter-GPM communication. The reduced inter-GPM communication and bandwidth reduction provided by our proposal when combined
occurs due to contiguous CTAs sharing data in the L1.5 cache and with the L1.5 cache described in the previous section. On aver-
avoiding data movement over the inter-GPM links. In the example age, the combination of these proposals improves performance by
shown in Figure 8, the four groups of contiguous CTAs are scheduled 23.4% / 1.9% / 5.2% on memory-intensive, compute-intensive, and
to run on one GPM each, to potentially exploit inter-CTA spatial limited-parallelism workloads respectively. In addition, inter-GPM
data locality. bandwidth is reduced further by the combination of these propos-
We choose to divide the total number of CTAs in a kernel equally als. On average across all evaluated workloads, we observe that
among the number of GPMs, and assign a group of contiguous CTAs inter-GPM bandwidth utilization is reduced by 33%.
ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada A. Arunkumar et al.

Speedup over Baseline


P1 P2

CTA X time MP 0 MP 1
0 P0 P3

Lim. Parallel









M-Intensive GeoMean
Figure 11: First Touch page mapping policy: (a) Access order.
(b) Proposed page mapping policy
Figure 9: Performance of MCM-GPU system with a distributed
To improve MCM-GPU performance, special care is needed for
Baseline MCM-GPU 16MB Remote-Only L1.5 and DS page placement to reduce inter-GPM traffic when possible. Ideally,
3 we would like to map memory pages to physical DRAM partitions
Inter-GPM BW (TB/s)

2 such that they would incur as many local memory accesses as possi-
1.5 ble. In order to maximize DRAM bandwidth utilization and prevent
1 camping on memory channels within the memory partitions, we
0.5 will still interleave addresses at a fine granularity across the mem-
0 ory channels of each memory partition (analogous to the baseline



Lim. Parallel






described in Section 3.2).

Figure 11 shows a schematic representation of the first touch
(FT) page mapping policy we employ in the MCM-GPU. When
M-Intensive Average a page is referenced for the first time in the FT policy, the page
mapping mechanism checks which GPM the reference is from and
Figure 10: Reduction in inter-GPM bandwidth with a dis- maps the page to the local memory partition (MP) of that GPM.
tributed scheduler compared to baseline MCM-GPU architec- For example, in the figure, page P0 is first accessed by CTA-X
ture. which is executing on GPM0. This results in P0 being allocated in
MP0. Subsequently, pages P1 and P2 are first accessed by CTA-Y
For workloads such as Srad-v2, and Kmeans, the combination executing on GPM1, which maps those pages to MP1. Following
of distributed scheduling and remote-only caching provides signif- this, page P3 is first accessed by CTA-X, which maps the page to
icant performance improvement while remote-only caching does MP0. This policy results in keeping DRAM accesses mostly local.
not improve performance in isolation (Figure 6). This is due to the Regardless of the referencing order, if a page is first referenced
improved inter-CTA data reuse in the L1.5 cache when distributed from CTA-X in GPM0, then the page will be mapped to the MP0,
scheduling is applied. Although distributed scheduling provides sig- which would keep accesses to that page local and avoid inter-GPM
nificant additional performance benefit for a number of evaluated communication. This page placement mechanism is implemented
workloads, we observe that it causes some applications to experience in the software layer by extending current GPU driver functionality.
degradation in performance. Such workloads tend to suffer from the Such driver modification is transparent to the OS, and does not
coarse granularity of CTA division and may perform better with a require any special handling from the programmer.
smaller number of contiguous CTAs assigned to each GPM. A case An important benefit that comes from the first touch mapping
for a dynamic mechanism for choosing the group size could be made. policy is its synergy with our CTA scheduling policy described in
While we do not explore such a design in this paper, we expect a Section 5.2. We observe that inter-CTA locality exists across multiple
dynamic CTA scheduler to obtain further performance gain. kernels and within each kernel at a page granularity. For example,
the same kernel is launched iteratively within a loop in applications
5.3 Data Partitioning for GPM Locality that contain convergence loops and CTAs with the same indices
Prior work on NUMA systems focuses on co-locating code and are likely to access the same pages. Figure 12 shows an example
data by scheduling threads and placing pages accessed by those of this. As a result of our distributed CTA scheduling policy and
threads in close proximity [27, 39, 53]. Doing so limits the nega- the first touch page mapping policy described above, we are able to
tive performance impact of high-latency low-bandwidth inter-node exploit inter-CTA locality across the kernel execution boundary as
links by reducing remote accesses. In an MCM-GPU system, while well. This is enabled due to the fact that CTAs with the same indices
the properties of inter-GPM links are superior to traditional inter- are bound to the same GPM on multiple iterative launches of the
package links assumed in prior work (i.e., the ratio of local memory kernel, therefore allowing the memory pages brought to a GPM’s
bandwidth compared to remote memory bandwidth is much greater memory partition to continue to be local across subsequent kernel
and latency much lower for inter-package links), we revisit page launches. Note that this locality does not show itself without the
placement policies to reduce inter-GPM bandwidth. first touch page mapping policy as it does not increase L1.5 cache
MCM-GPU: Multi-Chip-Module GPUs ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada

Baseline MCM GPU

MCM-GPU with 16MB Remote Only L1.5, DS, and FT
MCM-GPU with 8MB Remote Only L1.5, DS, and FT

Inter-GPM BW (TB/s)
CTA 0 CTA 5 CTA 9 CTA 13

Lim. Parallel
CTA 8 CTA 4 CTA 10CTA 8 CTA 12CTA 12 CTA 14CTA 16
CTA 9 CTA 11 CTA 13 CTA 15
i = 0, 1, … , n-1
CTAs from consecutive kernel
invocations M-Intensive Average

Figure 12: Exploiting cross-kernel CTA locality with First Figure 14: Reduction in inter-GPM bandwidth with First Touch
Touch page placement and distributed CTA scheduling page placement

MCM-GPU with 16MB Remote Only L1.5, DS, and FT 5

MCM-GPU with 8MB Remote Only L1.5, DS, and FT

Speedup over Baseline

Speedup over Baseline

2 3

0 2
Lim. Parallel

0 10 20 30 40 50
M-Intensive GeoMean Workloads

Figure 13: Performance of MCM-GPU with First Touch page Figure 15: S-curve summarizing the optimized MCM-GPU per-
placement formance speedups for all workloads.

hit rates since the caches are flushed at kernel boundaries. However, 5.4 MCM-GPU Performance Summary
we benefit significantly from more local accesses when distributed Figure 15 shows the s-curve depicting the performance improve-
scheduling is combined with first touch mapping. ment of MCM-GPU for all workloads in our study. Of the evaluated
FT also allows for much more efficient use of the cache hierarchy. 48 workloads, 31 workloads experience performance improvement
Since FT page placement keeps many accesses local to the memory while 9 workloads suffer some performance loss. M-Intensive work-
partition of a CTA’s GPM, it reduces pressure on the need for an loads such as CFD, CoMD and others experience drastic reduction in
L1.5 cache to keep requests from going to remote memory partitions. inter-GPM traffic due to our optimizations and thus experience signif-
In fact using the first touch policy shifts the performance bottleneck icant performance gains of up to 3.2× and 3.5× respectively. Work-
from inter-GPM bandwidth to local memory bandwidth. Figure 13 loads in the C-Intensive and limited parallelism categories that show
shows this effect. In this figure, we show two bars for each bench- high sensitivity to inter-GPM bandwidth also experience significant
mark — FT with DS and 16MB remote-only L1.5 cache, and FT with performance gains (e.g. 4.4× for SP and 3.1× for XSBench). On the
DS and 8MB remote-only L1.5 cache. The 16MB L1.5 cache leaves flip side, we observe two side-effects of the proposed optimizations.
room for only 32KB worth of L2 cache in each GPM. This results in For example, for workloads such as DWT and NN that have limited
sub-optimal performance as there is insufficient cache capacity that parallelism and are inherently insensitive to inter-GPM bandwidth,
is allocated to local memory traffic. We observe that in the presence the additional latency introduced by the presence of the L1.5 cache
of FT, an 8MB L1.5 cache along with a larger 8MB L2 achieves can lead to performance degradation by up to 14.6%. Another reason
better performance. The results show that with this configuration we for potential performance loss as observed in Streamcluster is due
can obtain 51% /11.3% / 7.9% performance improvements compared to the reduced capacity of on-chip writeback L2 caches4 which leads
to the baseline MCM-GPU in memory-intensive, compute-intensive, to increased write traffic to DRAM. This results in performance loss
and limited parallelism applications respectively. Finally Figure 14 of up to 25.3% in this application. Finally, we observe that there are
shows that with FT page placement a multitude of workloads experi- workloads (two in our evaluation set) where different CTAs perform
ence a drastic reduction in their inter-GPM traffic, sometimes almost unequal amount of work. This leads to workload imbalance due to
eliminating it completely. On average our proposed MCM-GPU
achieves a 5× reduction in inter-GPM bandwidth compared to the 4
L1.5 caches are set up as write-through to support software based GPU coherence
baseline MCM-GPU. implementation
ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada A. Arunkumar et al.

Remote Only L1.5 Cache Distributed Scheduling 1.8

First Touch Page Placement

Speedup over Baseline

Speedup over Baseline


20 1.4
-10 1.0
Remote-Only Distributed
DS First
Scheduling Touch
Optimized MCM-GPU MCM-GPU Monolithic
L1.5 (768 GB/s) (6TB/s)
Multi-GPU (768 GB/s) (6 TB/s) GPU
Applied Alone Proposed Unbuildable
Buildable Unbuildable
Figure 16: Breakdown of the sources of performance improve-
ments of optimized MCM-GPU when applied alone and to- Figure 17: Performance comparison of MCM-GPU and Multi-
gether. Three proposed architectural improvements for MCM- GPU.
GPU almost close the gap with unbuildable monolithic GPU.
MCM-GPU proposal, each GPU has a private 128KB L1 cache per
the coarse-grained distributed scheduling. We leave further optimiza- SM, an 8MB memory-side cache, and 1.5 TB/s of DRAM band-
tions of the MCM-GPU architecture that would take advantage of width. We assume such a configuration as a maximally sized future
this potential opportunity for better performance to future work. monolithic GPU design. We assume that two GPUs are intercon-
In summary, we have proposed three important mircroarchitec- nected via the next generation of on-board level links with 256 GB/s
tural enhancements to the baseline MCM-GPU architecture: (i) a of aggregate bandwidth, improving upon the 160 GB/s commer-
remote-only L1.5 cache, (ii) a distributed CTA scheduler, and (iii) cially available today [17]. For the sake of comparison with the
a first touch data page placement policy. It is important to note that MCM-GPU we assume the multi-GPU to be fully transparent to the
these independent optimizations, work best when they are combined programmer. This is accomplished by assuming the following two
together. Figure 16 shows the performance benefit of employing the features: (i) a unified memory architecture between two peer GPUs,
three mechanisms individually. The introduction of the L1.5 cache where both GPUs can access local and remote DRAM resources
provides a 5.2% performance. Distributed scheduling and first touch with load/store semantics, (ii) a combination of system software and
page placement on the other hand, do not improve performance at all hardware which automatically distributes CTAs of the same kernel
when applied individually. In fact they can even lead to performance across GPUs.
degradation, e.g., -4.7% for the first touch page placement policy. In such a multi-GPU system the challenges of load imbalance,
However, when all three mechanisms are applied together, we ob- data placement, workload distribution and interconnection band-
serve that the optimized MCM-GPU, achieves a speedup of 22.8% as width discussed in Sections 3 and 5, are amplified due to severe
shown in Figure 16. We observe that combining distributed schedul- NUMA effects from the lower inter-GPU bandwidth. Distributed
ing with the remote-only cache improves cache performance and re- CTA scheduling together with the first-touch page allocation mecha-
duces the inter-GPM bandwidth further. This results in an additional nism (described respectively in Sections 5.2 and 5.3) are also applied
4.9% performance benefit compared to having just the remote-only to the multi-GPU. We refer to this design as a baseline multi-GPU
cache while also reducing inter-GPM bandwidth by an additional system. Although a full study of various multi-GPU design options
5%. Similarly, when first touch page placement is employed in con- was not performed, alternative options for CTA scheduling and page
junction with the remote-only cache and distributed scheduling, it allocation were investigated. For instance, a fine grain CTA assign-
provides an additional speedup of 12.7% and reduces inter-GPM ment across GPUs was explored but it performed very poorly due to
bandwidth by an additional 47.2%. These results demonstrate that the high interconnect latency across GPUs. Similarly, round-robin
our proposed enhancements not only exploit the currently available page allocation results in very low and inconsistent performance
data locality within a program but also improve it. Collectively, all across our benchmark suite.
three locality-enhancement mechanisms achieve a 5× reduction in Remote memory accesses are even more expensive in a multi-
inter-GPM bandwidth. These optimizations enable the proposed GPU when compared to MCM-GPU due to the relative lower quality
MCM-GPU to achieve a 45.5% speedup compared to the largest of on-board interconnect. As a result, we optimize the multi-GPU
implementable monolithic GPU and be within 10% of an equally baseline by adding GPU-side hardware caching of remote GPU
equipped albeit unbuildable monolithic GPU. memory, similar to the L1.5 cache proposed for MCM-GPU. We
have explored various L1.5 cache allocation policies and configu-
6 MCM-GPU VS MULTI-GPU rations, and observed the best average performance with a half of
An alternative way of scaling GPU performance is to build multi- the L2 cache capacity moved to the L1.5 caches that are dedicated
GPU systems. This section compares performance and energy effi- to caching remote DRAM accesses, and another half retained as the
ciency of the MCM-GPU and two possible multi-GPU systems. L2 cache for caching local DRAM accesses. We refer to this as the
optimized multi-GPU.
6.1 Performance vs Multi-GPU Figure 17 summarizes the performance results for different build-
A system with 256 SMs can also be built by interconnecting two able GPU organizations and unrealizable hypothetical designs, all
maximally sized discrete GPUs of 128 SMs each. Similar to our normalized to the baseline multi-GPU configuration. The optimized
MCM-GPU: Multi-Chip-Module GPUs ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada

multi-GPU which has GPU-side caches outperforms the baseline efficient manner. Most recent work in the area of low-power links
multi-GPU by an average of 25.1%. Our proposed MCM-GPU on has focused on differential signaling because of its better noise im-
the other hand, outperforms the baseline multi-GPU by an average munity and lower noise generation [40, 44]. Some contemporary
of 51.9% mainly due to higher quality on-package interconnect. MCMs, like those used in the Power 6 processors, have over 800
single-ended links, operating at speeds of up to 3.2 Gbps, from a sin-
6.2 MCM-GPU Efficiency gle processor [28]. NVIDIA’s Ground-Referenced Signaling (GRS)
technology for organic package substrates has been demonstrated
Besides enabling performance scalability, MCM-GPUs are energy
to work at 20 Gbps while consuming just 0.54pJ/bit in a standard
and cost efficient. MCM-GPUs are energy efficient as they enable
28nm process [45].
denser integration of GPU modules on a package that alternatively
The MCM-GPU design exposes a NUMA architecture. One of the
would have to be connected at a PCB level as in a multi-GPU case. In
main mechanisms to improve the performance of NUMA systems is
doing so, MCM-GPUs require significantly smaller system footprint
to preserve locality by assigning threads in close proximity to the
and utilize more efficient interconnect technologies, e.g., 0.5 pJ/b on-
data. In a multi-core domain, existing work tries to minimize the
package vs 10 pJ/b on-board interconnect. Moreover, if we assume
memory access latency by thread-to-core mapping [21, 38, 51], or
almost constant GPU and system power dissipation, the performance
memory allocation policy [22, 27, 34]. Similar problems exist in
advantages of the MCM-GPU translate to additional energy savings.
MCM-GPU systems where the primary bottleneck is the inter-GPM
In addition, superior transistor density achieved by the MCM-GPU
interconnection bandwidth. Moreover, improved CTA scheduling
approach allows to lower GPU operating voltage and frequency. This
has been proposed to exploit the inter-CTA locality, higher cache
moves the GPU to a more power-efficient operating point on the tran-
hit ratios, and memory bank-level parallelism [37, 41, 52] for mono-
sistor voltage-frequency curve. Consequently, it allows trading off
lithic GPUs. In our case, distributed CTA scheduling along with
ample performance (achieved via abundant parallelism and number
the first-touch memory mapping policy exploits inter-CTA locali-
of transistors in package) for better power efficiency.
ties both within a kernel and across multiple kernels, and improves
Finally, at a large scale such as HPC clusters the MCM-GPU
efficiency of the newly introduced GPM-side L1.5 cache.
improves performance density and as such reduces the number of
Finally, we propose to expose the MCM-GPU as a single logical
GPUs per node and/or number of nodes per cabinet. This leads to a
GPU via hardware innovations and extensions to the driver software
smaller number of cabinets at the system level. Smaller total system
to provide programmer- and OS-transparent execution. While there
size translates to smaller number of communicating agents, smaller
have been studies that propose techniques to efficiently utilize multi-
network size and shorter communication distances. These result in
GPU systems [20, 23, 33, 36], none of the proposals provide a fully
lower system level energy dissipation on communication, power
transparent approach suitable for MCM- GPUs.
delivery, and cooling. Similarly, higher system density also leads
to total system cost advantages and lower overheads as described
above. Moreover, MCM-GPUs are expected to result in lower GPU
silicon cost as they replace large dies with medium size dies that 8 CONCLUSIONS
have significantly higher silicon yield and cost advantages. Many of today’s important GPU applications scale well with GPU
compute capabilities and future progress in many fields such as exas-
7 RELATED WORK cale computing and artificial intelligence will depend on continued
GPU performance growth. The greatest challenge towards building
Multi-Chip-Modules are an attractive design point that have been
more powerful GPUs comes from reaching the end of transistor den-
extensively used in the industry to integrate multiple heterogeneous
sity scaling, combined with the inability to further grow the area of
or homogeneous chips in the same package. For example, on the
a single monolithic GPU die. In this paper we propose MCM-GPU,
homogeneous front, IBM Power 7 [5] integrates 4 modules of 8
a novel GPU architecture that extends GPU performance scaling at
cores each, and AMD Opteron 6300 [4] integrates 2 modules of
a package level, beyond what is possible today. We do this by parti-
8 cores each. On the heterogeneous front, the IBM z196 [3] inte-
tioning the GPU into easily manufacturable basic building blocks
grates 6 processors with 4 cores each and 2 storage controller units
(GPMs), and by taking advantage of the advances in signaling tech-
in the same package. The Xenos processor used in the Microsoft
nologies developed by the circuits community to connect GPMs
Xbox360 [1] integrates a GPU and an EDRAM memory module
on-package in an energy efficient manner.
with its memory controller. Similarly, Intel offers heterogeneous
We discuss the details of the MCM-GPU architecture and show
and homogeneous MCM designs such as the Iris Pro [11] and the
that our MCM-GPU design naturally lends itself to many of the
Xeon X5365 [2] processors respectively. While MCMs are popular
historical observations that have been made in NUMA systems. We
in various domains, we are unaware of any attempt to integrate ho-
explore the interplay of hardware caches, CTA scheduling, and data
mogeneous high performance GPU modules on the same package
placement in MCM-GPUs to optimize this architecture. We show
in an OS and programmer transparent fashion. To the best of our
that with these optimizations, a 256 SMs MCM-GPU achieves 45.5%
knowledge, this is the first effort to utilize MCM technology to scale
speedup over the largest possible monolithic GPU with 128 SMs.
GPU performance.
Furthermore, it performs 26.8% better than an equally equipped
MCM package level integration requires efficient signaling tech-
discrete multi-GPU, and its performance is within 10% of that of a
nologies. Recently, Kannan et al. [31] explored various packaging
hypothetical monolithic GPU that cannot be built based on today’s
and architectural options for disintegrating multi-core CPU chips
technology roadmap.
and studied its suitability to provide cache-coherent traffic in an
ISCA ’17, June 24-28, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada A. Arunkumar et al.

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