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WHO International Bibliography of KMC PDF

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World Health Organization International Network of

Kangaroo Care Bibliography

Table of Contents 1

Original articles 2

Original articles, non-English language 48

Abstracts, published 54

Textbooks addressing KC 63

Videos available 64

Protocols 65

Pamphlets 66

Related Literature 67

Co-sleeping/co-bedding 68

References to Kangaroo Care 70

Lay publications 74

Notable presentations 76

Researchers in Kangaroo Care 76

Other related literature 81

Kangaroo Care websites 81

Active programs of KC in hospitals in US 82

Milk leakage devices, Chairs and

Carrying Devices for 24hr/day KMC 82

Foundations and Miscellaneous 83

The annotations are done by Dr. Susan Ludington and do not represent the
opinions or reviews of other members of the WHO Kangaroo Care Network.

Kangaroo Care BIBLIOGRAPHY Developed by Dr. Susan Ludington
Updated: 9/26/2004
The following is a list of professional articles. For some, the resource that
will be easiest and most comprehensive to have about Kangaroo Care is Dr. Susan
Ludington’s book called “Kangaroo Care: The Best You Can Do for Your Preterm
Infant.” Published in 1993 by Bantam Books. You can buy a copy from Dr.
Ludington at Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, 10900 Euclid Ave. room
322D, Cleveland, OH 44106-4904 or from La Leche League at 1400 N. Meacham Rd.,
Schaumburg, Ill. 60173 for the same cost. Several of the articles on this bib
are available for $1.00 (U.S.) each plus $2.00 for mailing and we will be able
to fulfill orders for up to five articles per request for items you are unable
to retrieve from your library resources. Please circle those you want and
submit payment and we will copy and send the articles to you. Thank you.
Mrs. Kangaroo, is it true
You are hiding someone new
In the pocket part of you?
There must be someone new and growing
It’s little ears have started showing.
Kitty McCausland RN, BSN, UCLA
2004 September 28 KC Conference and Certification Program in Cleveland, OH that
includes skills laboratory and WHO Kangaroo Caregiver Credential.
2004 November 8-11. World Health Organization’s International Network of
Kangaroo Care workshop. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Welcome party is Nov. 7
October 2006: World Health Organization’s International Network of KC meeting,
hopefully in the USA.

This bibliography contains original articles from all around the world,
published abstracts, published articles in foreign languages, a list of sample
pamphlets and protocols that are available and a list of researchers in the area
and what they are studying. Some of the articles listed are annotated. The
bibliography is available from:
Susan M. Ludington, CNM, Ph.D., FAAN
Walters Professor of Pediatric Nursing,
FP Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve Univ.
10900 Euclid Ave. Room 322D Cleveland, OH 44106-4904
(216) 368-6490 Email:
Terminology: KC = Kangaroo Care; KMC = Kangaroo Mother Care (KC given by
mother); KFC = Kangaroo Father Care (KC given by father); KPC or PKC = Kangaroo
Parental Care (KC given by mother and father and data reported as results of
parental KC); KSC = Kangaroo SURROGATE Care (KC given by someone other than
biological parents).

_________(2004). Holding the very low birthweight infant: skin-to-skin
techniques. Neonatal Network. Article describe the nursing considerations and
techniques involved to successfully implment skin-to-skin holding for VLBW,
technology dependent infants. Implementation.

_________(2002). Newscap: Kangaroo Care. American J. Nursing. April 2002.

This is an early report of the US Survey by Engler in MCN. Survey report.

_________(2001). Third International Workshop on Kangaroo Mother Care:

Indonesia November, 2000. Report and abstracts from the meeting. Meeting

______ (1999). Kangaroo care tops incubators. Childbirth Instructor

Magazine, 9(1), 7. Clinical Report, Warming, full-term. Delivery KC

_______ (1997). “Kangaroo care” helps preemies. Indian Med Trib 5 (1-
2),1. This is a summary of the Bier study. Clinical report.

Acolet D, Sleath K, & Whitelaw A. (1989). Oxygenation, heart rate, and

temperature in very low birthweight infants during skin-to-skin contact with
their mothers. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica, 78, 189-193. KC for 10 minutes.
Descriptive Study, PreTerm, HR, RR, SaO2, Axillary Temp

Ali Z & Lowry M. 1981. Early maternal-child contact: Effect on later

behaviour. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 23, 337-345. 4 month
follow-up. RCT, FUllterm BF. Maternal Behavior

Affonso, D., Bosque, E., Wahlberg, V., & Brady, J. 1993. Reconciliation
and healing for mothers through skin-to-skin contact provided in an American
tertiary level intensive care nursery. Neonatal Network 12 (3), 25-32.
Mothers interviewed two years after preterm birth who had KC during
hospitalization had better resolution of the birth experience and were able to
move on better than control mothers who were still asking basic questions
about the hospitalization experience. KC helps closure over preterm birth. PT,
Qualitative, maternal feelings.

Affonso, D., Wahlberg V, & Persson, B. 1989. Exploration of mothers’

reactions to the Kangaroo method of prematurity care. Neonatal Network, 7, 43-
51. Mother’s have lots to say about preterm birth as it is very stressful to
them, and KC helps with the maternal “psychological hemorrhage” associated
with preterm birth. PT, Descript. Maternal confidence, psychological

Anderson GC. (1989). Skin-to-skin: Kangaroo care in western Europe.

American Journal of Nursing, 89, 662-666. This article relates the practice of
KC in Europe and how helpful it has been found to be in relation to
breastfeeding and reducing infant crying. Review, BF, Crying

Anderson, GC (1989). Skin-to-skin: The kangaroo technique in Western

Europe. Servir, 37(6), 316-320. This is a copy of the article listed above.

Anderson GC. (1991). Current knowledge about skin-to-skin (Kangaroo) care

for preterm infants. Journal of Perinatology, 11(3), 216-226.All of the KC
studies are classified to the type of design so one can clearly differentiate
randomized controlled trials from others. Good summary statements and
terminology related to KC nomenclature. Literature Review, HR,RR, crying,
oxygen, temperature

Anderson GC (1993). Kangaroo care. Neonatal Network, 12(5), 56-57.


Anderson GC (1993). Current knowledge about skin-to-skin contact (KC) for

preterm infants. Breastfeeding Review, 2(8): 364-373.
Anderson GC. (1995). Touch and the kangaroo care method. In T. Field
(Ed.), Touch in Early Development. Hillsdale: L. Earlbaum, pg. 34-51.
Literature Summary of studies to date. Nice pictures.

Anderson GC. (1996). Kangaroo Care Videotape. Neonatal Network, 15(4): p.


Anderson GC (1998). Kangaroo care. In J.J. Fitzpatrick (Ed.)Encyclopedia

of Nursing Research. Pp. 284-286. New York: Springer. Review the funded nursing
research related to KC to date and the publications from the research. Review.

Anderson GC. (1999). Kangaroo care of the premature infant. In E.
Goldstein (Ed.) Nurturing the Premature Infant: Developmental Interventions in
the Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery. NY: Oxford University Press. pp.131-160.
This is a review of all studies to te 1999 date. Review, crying

Anderson, GC, 2005. Kangaroo care. In J.J. Fitzpatric (Ed.) Encyclopedia

of Nursing Research. Review of funded nursing research related to KC to date
and publications from the research. Review.

Anderson GC, Chiu SH, Dombrowski MA, Swinth JY, Albert JM, Wada N. (2003).
Mother-newborn contact in a randomized trial of Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care. J
Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nursing,32 #5, 604-611. This reports the actual number
of hours mothers got KC in an RCT of early KC. 47 Kcers and 44 control LBW
preterm infants given KC.wrapped holding during first 48 hours after birth. KC
moms did very little KC when its practice was not structured (28.5% of
observations (not of time) if on Postpartum, 10.0% of observations if infant in
NICU). KC moms did wrapped holding 14.8% of observations on postpartum and 2.6%
of observations in NICU.(wrapped holding of Kcers = to wrapped holding of
controls on postpartum unit). Observations taken q 15 min for 1st 6 hours and
then as seldom as q3 hours for 24-48 hours postbirth. Kcers had 2x as much
contact as controls. When KC began was not specified and this was much less
than 82% of time as in Syfrett 1996 abstract. VERY LITTLE KC occurs naturally.
RCT, Preterm, Very Early KC.

Anderson, GC, Chiu, SH, Morrison, B, Burkhammer M, Ludington-Hoe, SM.

2004. Skin-to-skin Care for Breastfeeding Difficulties Postbirth. In Field,
T. (Ed.). Touch and Massage in Early Child Development, Skillman, N.J.: Johnson
& Johnson Pediatric Institute. 115-136. 50 Mother/infant dyads who said they
were having difficulty BF within 11 hours of birth were given three consecutive
supervised BF in the KC position on postpartum day 1 and another on Day 2.
Amount of KC varied but occurred between 11-24 hours postbirth. Several measures
were recorded with each BF and at discharge, 7 days postbirth, and one month
postbirth. 2 dyads withdrew before discharge, so 48 finished KC sessions: 39
(81.3%) were exclusively BF & 9/48(18.7%) were partially BF. At 1 week
postdischarge, 35/48 (72.9%) were exclusively BF; 5 (10.4%) were partially, 6
(12.5%) were not BF, and 2 (4.2%) were lost to FU. At one month postdischarge,
25 dyads (52.1%) were exclusively BF, 9 (18.8%) were BF partially,, 13 (27.1%)
were not BF, nad 1 (2.1%) lost to FU. These data compare favorably with with the
71.9% of Ross Mother’s Survey and the 75% designated as Objectives 16-19 of
Healthy People 2010. Descriptive, Fullterm, BF at discharge, 1 week, 1 month,
exclusive BF

Anderson GC, Dombrowski MAS, Swinth JY. (2001). Kangaroo Care: Not just
for stable preemies anymore. Reflections in Nursing Leadership, 2nd Qtr,
2001,32-34,45. An integration of the case studies published in MCN: Early KC,
Latch-on KC, Reflux KC, Twins, Triplets, Depression, Adoptive parent KC,
Grandmother KC. EARLY KC, Ventilated KC, SURROGATE KC, MULTIPLE KC, you name
it, its in here.

Anderson GC, Marks E., & Wahlberg, V. (1986). Kangaroo care for premature
infants. American Journal of Nursing. July 1986, 807-809.[erratum appears in Am
J. Nursing, 1986 Sept (86 #9), p. 1000]. A general overview of KC effects with
preterm infants. REVIEW

Anderson, GC, Marks E., Wahlberg V (1986). AGA preemies can be Kangaroo
infants too[Letter]. American J. Nursing, 86(9), 1000. Short letter providing
experience with AGA infants getting KC. Letter.

Anderson, G.C., Moore E., Hepworth J. (2001). Early skin-to-skin contact

for mothers and their healthy newborn infants. (Cochrane Review). In The

Cochrane Library, March 16, 2001. This relates plans for a meta-analysis of
Kangaroo Care. Good review of the literature and list of studies that will be
included. Meta-analysis preparation.

Anderson GC, Moore E, Hepworth J, Bergman N. 2002. Early skin-to-skin

contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants(Cochrane Review). In The
Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2002. Oxford: Update Software. 16 RCTs were reviewed
and showed significant and positive effects of KC on BF, neutral thermal range,
blood glucose,crying and maternal affectionate love, touch, and contact behavior
during an observed BF. Meta-analysis procedure.

Anderson GC, Moore E, Hepworth J, Bergman N. 2003. Early skin-to-skin

contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants. (Cochrane Review). In The
Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2003. Oxford: Update Software. 806 mother-infant
pairs studied across eight randomized controlled trials. Pairs with early KC
had significantly better performance on all measures of BF status up to three
months postbirth and on BF duration up to 12 months postbirth. KC infants
were more likely to maintain temperature within neutral thermal zone, were
less likely to cry, and had higher blood glucose and a lower respiratory rate.
Mothers with early skin-to-skin contact displayed more affectionate behaviors
Meta-analysis results.Cry, Blood Glucose, RR, Temp.

Anderson GC, Moore E, Hepworth J, Bergman N. 2003. Early skin-to-skin

contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants. Birth 30 (3), 206-207.
This is a summary of the meta-analysis results. Summation report

Anisfeld, E., Lipper E. 1983. Early contact, social suppost and mother-
infant bonding. Pediatrics 72(1), 79-83. On one day all moms (29) given KC
(immed. After birth put naked on moms abdomen for a total of 45-60 min. Then
transferred to nursery), on other day all moms(30) got routine care (taken to
warmer, wrapped, shown to mom, then to nursery) Then routine – saw moms q 4 hrs
for feed, most bottle fed. – day determined randomly. At 2 days observed q l min
x 15 min during feeding. KC moms had more affectionate behav than controls and
if in low social support group as compared to hi social support group. Quasi-
experimental, Fullterm, Delivery KC. Maternal behavior

Anner J. (1994). Kangaroo care: A father's story of caring for his

premature daughter. Childbirth Instructor Magazine. Spring 1994, 12-17. FATHER

Armstrong,H.C. (1987). Breastfeeding low birthweight babies: Advances in

Kenya. Journal of Human Lactation, 3(2), 34-37. BF, 3rd world

Baker, A. M. (1993). Maternal perceptions of the kangaroo care experience.

Unpublished master’s thesis, The College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Focused interviews with 3 mothers. KC decreased or eliminated maternal anxiety.
Physical and emotional intimacy were HIGHLIGHTS of experience-they had much
pleasure. KC heightened the dilemma of caring for other children, and KC
supported mat-infant interaction, and moms were more aware of infant’s behaviors
and cues.KC also helped moms develop awareness of their own feelings and
responses to infant.Qualitative, Maternal Anxiety

Bakewell-Sachs, S. 2002. Physiologic stability of intubated VLBW infants

during skin-to-skin care and incubator care. Comment by Susan Bakewell-Sachs.
MCN. American J. Maternal Child Nursing, 27(2), 123. This is a short one
paragraph reiteration of Smith’s report in Advances in Neonatal Care, vol. 1,
pg. 28-40 and concludes that incubator care may be less stressful for intubated
infants than KC.Ventilated KC, Preterm, Summation

Bar Yam, N.B., 2002. Kangaroo mother care: Restoring the original
paradigm for infant care and breastfeeding. J. Human Lactation, 18 (3), 289 for
a review of this film. FILM, BF

Bauer, K., Pasel, K., Versmold, H. 1996. Chest skin temperature of
mothers of term and preterm infants is higher than that of men and women.
Pediatric Research, 39(#4)Part2: 195A. Reports the chest temperature of women
who are not mothers, mothers of term and preterm infants, and chest temp of men.
Descriptive, not KC, chest temperature

Bauer K, Pyper A, Sperling P. Uhrig C, Versmold H. 1998. Effects of

gestational age and postnatal age on body temperature, oxygen consumption, and
activity during early skin-to-skin contact between preterm infants of 25-30 week
gestation and their mothers. Pediatr Res, 44(2): 247-251. 27 infants given 60
min in incubator and then 60 min in KC and 60 min. back in incubator in wk 1 and
2 of life. No change in oxygen consumption, more sleep in KC, 25-27 weekers
lose body heat during KC, 28-30 weekers gain heat in KC (0.3°Cin l
hour).Pretest-test-posttest, one group, NOT an RCT, oxygen consumption, sleep,
temperature. Small vs. not so small.

Bauer, J., Sontheimer, D., Fischer, C., & Linderkamp, O. (1996).

Metabolic rate and energy balance in very low birth weight infants during
Kangaroo Care holding by their mothers and fathers. Journal of Pediatrics,
129(4), 608-611. 25-27 weekers did not gain body heat during KC, 28 weeker or
more did. Gain in body heat is not accompanied by increased metabolic rate nor
increased oxygen consumption. FATHERS, INFECTION (p. 608). Temperature, oxygen
consumption, stability maintained

Bauer, K., Uhrig, C., Sperling, P., Pasel., K., Wieland, C., & Versmold,
H.T. (1997). Body temperatures and oxygen consumption during skin-to-skin
(Kangaroo) care in stable preterm infants weighing less than 1500 grams. Journal
of Pediatrics, 130(2), 240-244. 22 stable preterms <1500 grms and AGA given
first KC in first wk of life. Continuously measures rectal temp, foot skin temp
and oxygen consumption for 1 hr in incubator, during 60 min of KC, and 1 hr in
incubator During KC, rectal temp is 0.2C and foot temp 0.6C higher than pretest.
During posttest, body temps returned to pretest. O2 consumption during KC
(6.1+0.9 ml/kg/min.) was not higher than in incubator (5.8+0.8 ml/kg/min. For
stable preterm infants <1500 gms and < 1 week of age, one hour of KC is not a
cold stress compared with incubator care. TRANSFER to mom took 9+ 4
min.GERMANY. Pretest-test-posttest, one group, NOT an RCT. Transfer time, rectal
temp, foot temp, oxygenation, oxygen consumption,stability

Bauer, K., Uhrig C, Versmold H. (1999). How do mothers experience skin

contact with their very immature(gestational age 27-30) weeks), only days old
premature infants? Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol, 203(6): 250-254. English Abstract.
17 mothers recorded their experiences with ad lib KC over 14 days beginning 3
days postbirth with 27-30 (median was 27.5wk;median wgt of 1130g). They
increased KC from 60-120 minutes, 21% wanted longer KC periods, 82% had positive
feelings and 78% said KC increased attachment to baby.Descriptive Qualitative
Study, duration of KC, mat feelings,attachment

Bell E H., Geyer J, & Jones L. (1995). A structured intervention improves

breastfeeding success for ill or preterm infants. Amer. J. Maternal Child
Nursing, 20(6): 309-314 KC helps maintain an adequate milk

Bell, R.P., & McGrath, J. (1996). How to implement a research-based

Kangaroo Care program in the NICU. Nursing Clinics of North America, 31(2),
387-403. Relates their step-by-step procedure to implementing KC so that it
became routine care. IMPLEMENTATION – Excellent Resource.

Bergh A-M, Pattinson RC. 2003. Development of a conceptual tool for the
implementation of Kangaroo Mother Care. Acta Paediatrica 92, 709-714. This
provides a conceptual model to assist the implementation of KC. Qualitative

research approach used in South Africa to elicit main issues in establishing a
program of KC and they developed a set of core questions to assist in decision
making about using KC at the institution level. Implementation

Bergman, N.J. 1998. Making newborn care work.Child Health Dialogue, Issue
11, 2nd quarter, p. 4. This document relates the role of KC in good care for all
newborns. Clinical Report.

Bergman, N. ???? Kangaroo mother care: Rediscover the natural way to care
for newborn baby. International J of Childbirth Education 18 (1), 30 & 27.
This is a simple to read reason why KC should be practiced with fullterm
infants. Article conveys two concepts: No separation and Breastfeeding. Review,
Full Term, BF.

Bergman N. 2005. Randomized controlled trial of KC with preterm infants.

Acta Paediatrica accepted in April 2004 for publication in 2005. PT, RCT,

Bergman, N.J., & Jurisoo, L.A. (1994). The "kangaroo method" for treating
low birth weight babies in a developing country. Tropical Doctor, 24, April
1994, 57-60.RCT.

Bergman N, Malan A, Hann M, Organizing Committee. (2003). Fourth

International Workshop on Kangaroo Mother Care. J. Tropical Pediatrics 49 (5),

Bier J-A.B., Ferguson A.E., Morales, Y., Liebling, J.A., Archer, D., Oh,
W., & Vohr, B. (1996). Comparison of skin-to-skin contact with standard contact
in low birth weight infants who are breast-fed. Archives Pediatric and
Adolescent Medicine, 150, 1265-1269. Gave KC once medically stable and no oxygen
support to 50 PT <3.3lbs BW for 10 minutes only each day x 10 days and measured
every minute HR, RR, SaO2, Axillary Temp, # Desats. First 10 minutes of 176 KC
sessions and 137 standard contact sessions were scored. RR, HR, temperature were
same between groups. SSC temps rose in first 5 minutes and then matched control
group thereafter. A warming effect of KC was seen. SaO2 was higher during KC and
fewer desats (<90%) during KC (11% of 1716 SaO2 recordings during KC) and 24% of
1334 recordings during standard care (swaddled by moms). No diff in mean daily
maternal milk expression, more stable milk production in KC. 90% of KC moms vs
61% non-KC moms were breastfeeding thruout hospitalization and 50% vs 11% were
still BF at l month after discharge. At 6 months, 20% of KC & 10% control still
BF. All mothers of multiples who Kced breastfed at discharge, and only 50% of
multiples in standard care were BF at discharge, but no mother of multiples was
still BF at 3 and 6 months. Moms and babies calm in KC. RCT, KCBF, BF,milk
production, milk expression, duration of BF, SaO2,oxygenation, HR, RR, Axillary
Temp, #Desats, stability,

Bier J., Oliver T, Ferguson, A., & Vohr B .(2002). Human milk improves
cognitive and motor development of premature infants during infancy. J Human
Lactation 18 (4), 361-367. BF

Bigelow A. Littlejohn 2002? Charpak refers to this too. Looked at

maternal satisfaction with KC in South Africa. No publication as yet, just a
poster. Maternal Satisfaction.

Bingham RJ. (1997). Roo the day: Rudiments of Kangaroo Care.

Nann Central Lines, 13(4) (November, 1997, p 10-13. A simple to read review of
the history, development and benefits of KC. Available through Dr. Ludington or
by contacting National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 1304 Southpoint Blvd.,
Suite 280, Petaluma, CA 94954-6861. Clinical review

Blaymore-Bier, J-A. See Bier, JB above.

Boge, B. 1986. Anecdote from Gambia on Kangaroo Care. Comments at
International Nursing Research conference, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,

Bohnhorst B, Heyne T, Peter CS, Poets CF. (2001). Skin-to-skin (Kangaroo)

care, respiratory control, and thermoregulation. J. Pediatr 138 (2), 193-197. 22
spontaneously breathing preemies (28wks, 26 days, 1310g) had a 2hr recording B4,
during, after KC (of 2 hrs duration). HR, RR, # of bradys, # hypoxemia (<80%)
& rectal temp (from 36.9 to 37.3)increased; proportion of regular breathing
decreased during KC. Changes may be due to heat stress. Descriptive study.
Negative Effect. Preterm. HR RR, Brady, desats, temp, breathing pattern.

Bosque, E.M., Brady, J.P., Affonso, D.D., & Wahlberg, V. (1995).

Physiologic measures of kangaroo versus incubator care in a tertiary level
nursery. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 24(3), 219-
228. Reports that skin temperature dropped in some infants. Control over
insulation across the infant’s back was questioned even though manuscript
reports control. Descriptive study, preterm Negative Effect. Decrease skin

Bowden VR, Greenberg CS, Donaldson NE. (2000). Developmental care of the
newborn. Online Journal of Clinical Innovations or CINAHL Information Systems
(Glendale, CA). 3, issue 7, 27 pages with 286 ref. Available online at or from Cinahl Information Systems, 1509 Wilson Terrace,
Glendale, CA 91206. The 14 pages that appear online do not include all
references. In essence, KC is part of development care for all
NEWBORNS.FULLTERM, Developmental Care

Breitbach, KM. (2001). Kangaroo Care. In Craft & Rosenberg (Eds.) Nursing
Interventions for Infants. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publ.pp. 151-162. This is a
chapter that talks about listing Kangaroo Care as a nursing intervention within
the taxonomy of the NANDA system for nursing diagnoses in the United States.
Defined it and listed 18 activities associated with Kangaroo Care. Terminology

Brown, L.D., Heermann, J.A. (1997). The effect of developmental care on

preterm infant outcome. Applied Nursing Res, 10(4), 190-197. On pg. 193 they
identify that they encouraged KC as soon as possible on the tiniest of infants
as part of their intervention (and they have a picture of VENT KC on page 196).
25 infants <1500 grm given NIDCAP and compared to RETROSPECTIVE sample.
Treatment grp had fewer and less severe IVH, fewer days of ventilation, shorter
hospitalization, greater wgt gain. Retrospective comparison, IVH, Days of

Bystrova K, Widstrom AM, Mattheisen AS, Ransjo-Aarvidson AB, WElles-

Nystrom B, Wassberg C, Vorontsov I, Uvnas-Moberg K. 2003. Skin-to-skin contact
may reduce negative consequences of the “the stress of being born”: A study on
temperature in newborn infants, subjected to different ward routines in St.
Petersburg. Acta Pediatrica 92 (3), 320-326. 176 fullterm newborn mother dyads,
grp A got KC (120 mins), grp B got held in arms swaddled or clothed, grp C kept
in cot in nursery swaddled or clothed. Axillary, thigh, back and foot
temperatures from 30-120 min postbirth. All temps rose significantly in all TX
grps. Foot temp dropped sig in nursery grp and drop was greatest in swaddled
babies. Foot temp rose most in KC group and remained high in KC group. KC after
birth may be a natural way of reversing stress-related effects on circulation
induced during labour.FULL TERM, Axillary, Thigh, Back, Foot Temps, RCT.

Carfoot S, Williamson PR, Dickson R. 2003. A systematic review of

randomized controlled trials evaluating the effect of mother/baby skin-to-skin
care on successful breast feeding. Midwifery, 19(2), June, 2003, pg. 148-
155.Used same method as Cochrane reviews, reviewed 7 randomized trials and found

quality questionable in 4 of 5 studies about duration of BF, No studies on
success of BF. Findings “fail to support the current initiative to implement
changes in clinical practice to include skin-to-skin contact. Methodological
flaws within the included studies prohibit firm conclusions being reached with
regard to the effect of skin-to-skin contact on the duration of BF, timing of
first BF or baby physiological factors (temperature and behavior. This review
highlights the need for further primary research to assess the effect of skin-
to-skin contact on the BF experience” (pg. 148). Across the studies, KC was
given for 15-90 minutes. Two studies in Spain, 1 Canada, 1 Austria, and 3 in
Guatemala. FULLTERM, Review. BF

Carlsson SG., Fagerberg H, Horneman G. Hwang C-P., Larsson K, Rodholm M,

Schaller J., Danielsson B, Gundewall C. (1978). Effects of various amounts of
contact between mother and child on the mother’s nursing behavior. Developmental
Psychobiology, 11, 143-151. 50 fullterm dyads in 3 groups: extended contact
(KC in BF position for 1-2 hours immediately after birth and for 2-4 hrs between
meals – n=17), extended contact in KCBF position for 1-2 hrs immediately after
delivery but not between meals after that (n=17), routine care (hold baby for
max of 5 minutes after birth- no KC after that as placed in crib at side of
mother after washing, Iding,etc. N=16). Watched when baby took mipple in mouth &
recorded q 15 sec. Til 2 mins. after baby let go of nipple. Moms showed more
smiling, talking, and other contact behaviors than routine care moms during
feeding interactions. KC for 1-2 hrs immed.after birth influenced feeding
behavior during the following four days. Fullterm, KCBF position, Maternal
behaviors Delivery KC.

Carlson SG. Fagerberg G., Horneman G., Hwang C-P., Larsson K, Rodholm M,
Schaller J. Danielsson B., Gundewall C. (1979). Effects of various amounts of
contact between mother and child on the mother’s nursing behavior: A follow-up
study. Infant Behavior and Development, 2, 209-214.17 Naked babies put in
mothers bed for 1-2 hrs immediately after delivery, baby placed on the mother’s
body in nursing position or at her side with its face touching the mother’s
breast. After 2 hrs, baby taken away, washed and put in crib at mom’s side.
(mom held infant for up to 5 min after birth, then taken away, washed andput in
crib). Observations began when infant took nipple and continued for two minutes
after letting go of nipple. This was six week Postpartum assessment of feeding
in the home.No group differences at 6 weeks as seen in 1978 study because
feeding at 6 wks is so routinized that it has lost its significance as a means
of communication. Fullterm, KCBF position

Carlsson S.G., Larsson K., Schaller, J. (1980). Early mother-child

contact and nursing. Reprod. Nutri. Develop, 20(3B), 881-889. This article
repeats the results of Carlsson et al. 1978 1979,listed above. Fullterm

Cash, S., & O'Quinn, JLK., (1996). Kangaroo care is for full term babies
too. American Journal of Nursing, 96(10), 20. Short report of three fullterm
kc studies published elsewhere. FULL TERM

Cattaneo A., Davanzo R, Bergman N, Charpak N. 1998. Kangaroo Mother Care

in Low-income countries. J. Tropical Ped, 44 (oct. 1998): 279-282. 3rd World

Cattaneo A, Davanzo R, Uxa F, Tamburlini G. 1994. Kangaroo mother method

for low birthweight infants. Lancet, 344(8932):1304-1305. 3rd World

Cattaneo A., Davanzo R, Uxa F, Tamburlini G. 1998. Recommendations for the

implementation of Kangaroo Mother Care for low birthweight infants. Acta
Paediatrica, 87(4): 440-445. Guidelines, Implementation

Cattaneo A, Davanzo R., Worku B, Surjono A., Echeveria N, Bedri A,

Huksari, E., Osorno L, Gudetta B, Setyowireni D, Quintero S, & Tamburlini G.

(1998) Kangaroo mother care for low birthweight infants: A randomized
controlled trial in different settings. Acta Paediatr 87: 976-985. Randomized
Controlled Trial. RCT, Mortality

Cattaneo, A., & Tamburlini, G. (1997). News from the Regions-Newsletter

from Italy. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 43: 251-252. This is a brief report
of the work accomplished at the October, 1996 World Health Organization-Bureau
of International Health sponsored Consensus Conference on Kangaroo Mother Care.

Cerezo MR, de Leon R., Gonzales BJV. 1992. Mother child early contact
with “the mother kangaroo” program and natural breast feeding. Rev Latino Amer
Perinatol 12, 54-60. Randomized controlled trial of 61 infants in incubator and
51 infants in KC. Infants were observed during 3 month follow-up visits in NICU
follow-up clinic. 78% of KC infants were exclusively BF (34% for controls) at 3
months and no differences in morbidity, serum bilirubin/glucose,
hematocrit,blood culture, other cultures, feeding methods during
hospitalization, and increase in weight over the 30 days post discharge between
groups. Preterm, RCT, BF, Morbidity, Weight gain, infections, blood values.

Charpak, N. 1997. Pediatrics 100, pg. 682-688.

Charpak, N., Figueroa, Z. 1996. La Methode Kangourou. Edit: ESF, Paris,
France. (French) Available through
Charpak, N., Figueroa, Z. 1997. El Metodo Canguro. Edit:
Interamericana. McGraw Hill, Bogota. (Spanish). Avai. Thru
Charpak, N., Figueroa de Calume, Z. 1998. O Metodo Mae-Canguru. Edit:
Interamericana McGraw Hill, Bogota, (Portugese). Avail thru

Charpak N, Figueroa de Calume, Z., Hamel A., Medina C, Y., Cifuentes C, Y.

1997. El Metodo Canguro, Santafe de Bogota: McGraw Hill Interamericana S.A.,
ISBN:958-600-753-7. Available from McGraw Hill Interamericana S.A., Avendia de
las Americas, 46-41. Santafe de Bogota, D.C., Colombia. This book explains the
method as practiced in Bogota and other places in South America.

Charpak, N., Figueroa de Calume, Z., Ruiz, J.G. (1998). Kangaroo mother
care. The Lancet,351; March 21,1998, p.914-915.[letter, comment]

Charpak N, Figueroa de Calume, Z, Ruiz JG. (2000). “The Bogota declaration

on kangaroo mother care.” Conclusions at the second international workshop on
the method. Second International Workshop of Kangaroo Mother Care. Acta
Paediatrica 89 (9): 1137-1140. Bogota Declaration

Charpak, N., Ruiz-Pelaez, J.G., & Charpak, Y. (1994). Rey-Martinez

Kangaroo mother program: An alternative way of caring for low birth weight
infants? One year mortality in a two cohort study. Pediatrics, 94(6 Pt1), 804-
810. RCT. Mortality

Charpak N, Ruiz-Pelaez JG, Figueroa de Calume, Z (1996). Current knowledge

of kangaroo mother intervention. Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 8(2), 108-

Charpak N, Ruiz JG, Figueroa de Calume Z. (2000). Humanizing neonatal

care. Acta Paediatrica, 89, 501-502.POLICY

Charpak, N., Ruiz-Pelaez, J.G., Figuero de Calume, Z. & Charpak, Y.

(1997). Kangaroo mother versus traditional care for newborn infants <2000
grams: A randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics, vol. 100 #4, Oct. 1997, pg.

682-689. 1084 newborns were followed in this RCT. The risk of dying was
similar for both group as were growth indices. KMC is safe. RCT. Mortality, Wgt

Charpak N, Ruiz-Pelaez J.G., Figueroa de Calume, Z., Charpak, Y. (2001). A

randomized controlled trial of kangaroo mother care: Results of follow-up at 1
year of corrected age. Pediatrics, 108(5), 1072-1079. No difference in KC and
non-KC groups at 12 months on psychomotor performance. RCT, 12 month psychomotor

Chen, C-H., Wang, T-M, Chang H-M, Chi C-S. (2000). The effect of breast-
and bottle-feeding on oxygen saturation and body temperature in preterm infants.
J. Human Lactation, 18(1), 21-27. 25 preterm infants given either bottle or
breastfeeding with KC. SaO2, HR, RR, temp noted every minute for 20 min. during
feeding. SaO2 and body temp sig. higher during KC breastfeeding. 2 apnea and 20
desat episodes in bottle feeding group, none in BF group. BF with KC is more
physiological and less stressful. PT, HR, RR, temp. SaO2, Desats, apnea, KC is
less stressful.

Chiu, S-H, Anderson, G.C., Burkhammer M.D. (in press for 2005). Newborn
infant temperature during skin-to-skin breastfeeding in dyads having
breastfeeding difficulties. Birth. 48 fullterms having Breastfeeding difficulty
at 12-18 hours postbrith had temporal artery temperature taken before, once
during, and after each of 3 consecutive breastfeedings in KC. Temp reached and
remained in neutral thermal range during KCBF. Descriptive, temporal artery
temp, KCBF, fullterm.

Christensson, K., (1996). Fathers can effectively achieve heat

conservation in healthy newborn infants. Acta Paediatrica, 85, 1354-1360.
Paternal KC with FULL TERM newborns from C/S deliveries. 44 infants studied and
glucose levels were higher in Kc than cot babies and at 24 hrs. postbirth, mean
axillary temp was higher in KC group. FULLTERM, FATHERS, temp, Blood glucose

Christensson K, Bhat G., Amadi B, Eriksson B, Hojer B. (1998).

Randomized study of skin-to-skin versus incubator care for rewarming low-risk
hypothermic neonates. The Lancet, 352 (9134):1115. By 240 minutes post birth,
90% of preterm LBW KC (MGA = 33 wks) infants had reached 36.5 but only 60% of
incubator babies(MGA= 34.7 wks) had (p<.0000). Preterm, Rewarming

Christensson K, Bhat GJ, Eriksson B, Shilalukey-Nygoma MS, Sterky G.

1995. The effect of routine care on the health of hypothermic newborn infants.
J Trop Ped, 41, 210-214. This is not really KC study. It is in related

Christensson, K., Cabrera, T., Christensson, E., Uvnas-Moberg, K., &

Winberg, J. (1995). Separation distress call in the human infant in the absence
of maternal body contact. Acta Paediatrica, 84, 468-473. Conducted in Spain.
Primiparous and multiparous women of NSVD given 90 minutes of KC postdelivery
(n= 15) or left in cot for 90 minutes (n= 14) or placed first in cot and then
given KC later (n=15). Temperature increased (KC axillary temp at 90 minutes
post birth = 36.9 and control = 36.4) and crying was significantly less in the
KC group. Thermoregulation by KC persists for 2-3 days and is mediated by
increased cutaneous circulation due to sympatholytic activity. Examined if the
comfort provided by KC was associated with changes in peripheral blood levels of
CCK and oxytocin. No such effects could be documented, but possibility still
exists that maternal body contact causes a central release of the peptides CCK
and oxytocin, mediating the comfort response in infants. RCT, FULL TERM,
temperature, comfort response, CCK, oxytocin, crying, sympathetic activity.

Christensson, K., Ransjo-Arvidson, A.G., Kakoma, C., Lungu, F., Darkway,

G., Chikamata, D., & Sterky, G. (1988). Midwifery care routines and prevention
of heat loss in the newborn. A study in Zambia. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics,

34, 208-212. FULL TERM

Christensson, K., Siles, C., Moreno, L., Belaustequi, A., De La Fuente,

P., Lagercrantz, H., Puyol, P., & Winberg, J. (1992). Temperature, metabolic
adaptation and crying in healthy full-term newborns cared for skin-to-skin or in
a cot. Acta Paediatrica, 81 (6-7), 488-493. Primiparous and multiparous mothers
of NSVD in Spain given 90 minutes of KC postdelivery for KC group (n=25),
control babies (n=25) placed in cot for 90 minutes postdelivery. Infant
temperature increased(Axillary temp at 90 min postbirth was 37.1 for KC and 36.8
for control and sig less crying in the KC group (no means given). RCT,
FULLTERM, HR, RR, temperature, crying.

Christidis I, Zotter H, Rosegger H, Engele H, Kurz R, Kerbl R. (2003).

Infrared thermography in newborns: the first hour after birth. Gynakol
Geburtshilfliche Rundsch, 43 (1), 31-35. Surface temp within 1 hr of birth was
examined in 42 fullterms (AGA) with infrared thermography. Immed. after birth,
surface temp is uniform picture, skin temp is significantly cooler than core.
Soon, peripheral sites become cooler but trunk has constant temp; bathing in
warm water leads to more even temp profile, radiant heaters and KC with mother
prevents heat loss and produce uniformly warm thermogram of infant.
Descriptive, Full Terms, temperature profile. Get full article.

Chwo, M-J., Anderson, G.C., Good, M., Dowling, D.A., Shiau, S-H H., & Chu,
D.-M. (2002). Randomized controlled trial of early Kangaroo care for preterm
infants: Effects on temperature, weight, behavior, and acuity. J. Nursing
Research (Taiwan), 10 (2), 129-142. Thirty-four healty preterm infants in TAIWAN
were randomly assigned before first feed. KC was done during BF, controls were
clothed and wrapped and held that way for one hour, three times a day during
feedings. KC had higher TYMPANIC temps, more quiet sleep, more inactive awake,
less drowsiness, less crying. No diff in weight loss or acuity (LOS).RCT,
tympanic temp, quiet sleep, inactive awake, drowsy,cry, wgt, length of stay.

Cleary GM, Spinner SS, Gibson E., & Greenspan JS. (1997). Skin-to-skin
parental contact with fragile preterm infants. J. American Osteopathic
Association, 97(8): 457-460. Case study of 29 wk GA twin given maternal and
PATERNAL KC for 2 hrs on 19th day of life when on nasal cannula. All physiologic
patterns were more stable, NO bradycardia, no central or obstructive apnea, no
periodic breathing or desats during KC and this pattern persisted more than 2
hrs after KC ended. FATHERS (all data collapsed and reported as Parental KC;
PROTOCOLS included), HR, Bradycardia, Apnea, PB, Desats, Residual KC>

Clifford, PA, Barnsteiner J. (2001). Kangaroo care and the very low
birthweight infant: Is it an appropriate practice for all premature babies? J
Neon Nurs, 7(1): 14-18. 7 infants at CHOP (Children’s Hopsital of
Philadelphia)(6 vented) who started KC from 4-32 days of life showed physical
safety could be maintained during KC. Physiol. variables remained WNL during KC,
KC enables interactive relationship, promotes bonding. No exclusion criteria for
KC’s use. All wore hats, covered by blanket and parent’s shirt. Smallest was 25
wks who did kC at 10 days of age at 680 grams. Minimum KC was 30 minutes, range
was 58-84 mins of KC. 2 infants had UA lines, 6 with PICC lines. Stability of
baseline HR, No brady, no HR drift, no apnea, no cold stress and temp stability
was maintained. Vent KC, bonding, HR, Brady, Apnea, temp.

Closa Monasterolo R, Beneitez JM, Olive del MR, Martinez MJM, Papi AG.
(1998). “Kangaroo Method” in the care of premature infants admitted to a
neonatal intensive care unit. Anales Espanoles de Pediatria, 49(5): 495-498.
Has English abstract: studied 445 sessions of 38 stable preterm NICU infants
having 30-90 minutes of KC, 1-8 times a day. Physiology was stable, BF sessions
longer because babies slept/suck – intermittent KC does not allow BF by demand,
so smallest babies still need gavage supplementation. HR, RR, SaO2, temp, BF
session length. Descriptive study.

Collins, S., (1993). Baby Stephanie: A case study in compassionate care.
Neonatal Intensive Care, March/April 1993. p. 47-49. (No volume or # for this
journal). Descriptive, End-of-life KC

Colonna, F., Uxa, F., de Graca A.M., & de Vonderweld, U. (1990). The
"kangaroo mother" method: Evaluation of an alternative model for the care of
low birth weight newborns in developing countries. International Journal of
Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 31, 335-339. 3rd World

Conde-Agudelo A, Diaz-Rosello JL, Belizan JM. 2000a. Kangaroo mother care

to reduce morbidity and mortality in low birthweight infants [Protocol for a
Cochrane Review]. In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2000. Oxford: Update
Software. See next citation. Preterm, meta-analysis plan

Conde-Agudelo A., Diaz-Rosello JL., Belizan JM. 2000b. Kangaroo mother

care to reduce morbidity and mortality in low birthweight infants. Review. In:
The Cochrane Library, Issue 4,2000. Oxford: Update Software. Available from Analyzed 3 studies (Sloan 94; Charpak 97,
Cattaneo 98) and concluded “all studies were of moderate to poor methodology. No
evidence of difference on infant mortality, Decr. Severity of illness, decr
resp. dis, decr maternal dissatisfaction with care, decr perception of social
support in NICU, incr exclusively BF, incr. Wgt gain, incr mat competence (p.3),
but says that methodological quality of trials weaken credibility of findings
and that “there is still insufficient evidence to recommend its routine use in
LBW infants. Well designed RCTs are needed.”(pg. 3).META-ANALYSIS. INFECTION,
WGt, BF.

Conde-Agudelo A., Diaz-Rossello JL, Belizan JM. 2003.Cochrane Database

Systematic Reviews, #2, CD002771. This is the Feb. 11, 2003 update. They
reviewed 5 new studies out through Dec. 2002. No RCT met criteria for review
(weaknesses were blinding procedures for those who collected outcomes, handling
of drop outs, completeness of follow-up) so recommendations are not changed.
Results of new studies (but not meta-analysis) for Mortality (no difference),
Infection (decreased in KC), BF (More exclusive BF in KC), Readmissions (no
differences), Weight gain (significantly more in KC), psychomotor development
(no differences at 12 months), maternal competence (sig. better in KC), hypo &
hyperthermia (sig. less in KC), cost (50% less for KC), and length of stay (KC=
4.5 days, control – 5.6 days)are reported on pages 8-10 and based on three
studies of 1362 infants,all tested in developing countries. Available through Meta-analysis – no
new results,but reviews several individual studies WGT, Infection, Temp, LOS,
Cost, 12 month PsychomotorDev, Maternal competence.

Constantinou JC, Adamson-Macedo EN, Stevenson DK, Mirmiran, M, Fleisher

BE. 1999. Effects of skin-to-skin holding on general movements in premature
infants. Clin Peds, 38(8), 467-471. Videotaped infants at Stanford Hospital for
60 min. prekc and 115 min.postkc to count gross movements using CIONI scale. KC
by mothers and fathers lasted mean 72 min. and took axillary temps prekc, kc and
postkc. Axillary temps did not change significantly across all 3 periods;
infants spent 20.37% preKC and 21.47% postKC time in gross movements.
Rest/activity of preterm infants is unaltered FOLLOWING KC (Did not look at
movements during KC). Says results are similar to de Leeuw. Pretest-posttest,
own control. Activity (gross movements), Axillary temps. Paternal KC, Residual

Craig S, Tyson JE, Samson J, Lasky RE. 1982. The effect of early contact
on maternal perception of infant behavior. Early Human Dev. 6, 197-204. .
Healthy term infants randomly assigned to KC or routine care. 23 KC placed in KC
on chest covered by blanket and then wrapped for move to recovery room and then
returned to KC on mother for approx 1 hr. 26 routine care infants(infant

wrapped, given to mom for 10 minutes then taken to nursery). Home visits made
one month after delivery and mothers interviewed regarding experience of
pregnancy, delivery, and first pp months and Broussard Maternal Perception of
Infant and Infant Behav Record. Moms in both groups perceived infants as less
difficult than average infant and no differences between groups seen with one
hour of contact, in either male or female infants.FULLTERM

Cristo M. 2002. Get this from Rejean Tessier. I don’t have it. Has to do
with maternal feelings of competence and adaptation to mothering role.

Curry, MAH. (1979). Contact during the first hour with the wrapped or
naked newborn: Effect on maternal attachment behaviors at 36 hours and three
months. Birth and Family J. 6(4), 227-235. 20 women randomly assigned to
wrapped (11) or naked baby (9)during 1st hour after birth- started after 5 min
APGAR and continued for 17-49 minutes. Blanket across the infant’s back. Behav
observed for 15 sec each minute x 15 minutes at 36 hrs postbirth and at 3 months
of moms at play. NO diff in attachment behaviors at either time. Temps taken q
15 minutes to be sure it was ok. FULLTERM, Temp, Maternal Behavior, RCT

Curry, M.A.,(1982). Maternal attachment behavior and mother's self-

concept: The effect of early skin-to-skin contact. Nursing Research, 31(2), 73-
78. 11 Controls (wrapped infant) vs. 9 KC infants. Maternal attachmentat 36
hours and 3 months postbirth, FULL TERM. Attachment behaviors, Self concepts

Daga, S.G., & Shinde, S.B. (1987). Mother participation in NICU. ???

Daga, S.G., & Daga, A.S. (1989). Reduction in neonatal mortality with
simple interventions. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 35, 191-194. Mortality

Davanzo, R. (1993). Care of the low birth weigh infants with the kangaroo
mother method in developing countries. Guildelines for health workers. Bureau
for International Cooperation in Maternal and Child Health, WHO Collaborating
Center for Maternal and Child Health, Instituto per L'Infanzia, Via dell'Instrud
65/1, 34137 Triest, Italy. Guidelines

Davanzo, R., & Cattaneo, A. (1995). The kangaroo mother method. The
Kangaroo, 4(1)July: p. 6-9. This is a review of Sloan (Lancet, 1994) and
Charpak (Pediatrics 1994) articles with a commentary related to the recommending
Kangaroo Care for implementation on a global basis. The Kangaroo is a journal
published by the Bureau for International Cooperation in Maternal and Child
Health and is available by writing to the address listed in Davanzo

De Chateau P. (1979). Effect of hospital practices on synchrony and the

development of the infant-parent relationship. Seminars in Perinatology,
III(1), 45-60. I think this is a report of practices, not a study or report of
KC. We will check this out. Fullterm, synchrony

De Chateau P, Wiberg B. (1977a). Long-term effect on mother-infant

behaviour of extra contact during the first post partum hour. I. First
observations at 36 hours. Acta Paediatrica Scand 66,137-144.FULLTERM, BF in KC,

De Chateau P, Wiberg B. (1977b) Long-term effect on mother-infant

behaviour of extra contact during the first hour post partum. II. A follow-up
at three months. Acta Pediatrica Scand 66,145-151.Fullterm primip moms given
15-20 min suckling and KC during 1st hr. after delivery vs control (infant taken
to nursery)had sig. diff behav at 36 hrs and 3 months postbirth during free
play. KC moms kissed,looked en face more and babies smiled more and cried less
frequently. A greater proportion of KC moms were still BF at 3 months.
Influence of KC was more pronounced in boy-mom than girl-mom pairs. Interviews

revealed no diff in maternal perception of 1st week at home,infant sleeping at 3
months was same,same # had had colic and meds for colic. KC infants given night
feeds twice as long, fewer reported problems with night feeding in KCs. Control
moms reported more difficult adaptation to infant and needed home help longer
(14.5 vs 7.6 days).FULLTERM, BF in KC,BF at 3 months, maternal behavior,
maternal perception, infant smile/crying RCT

De Chateau P, Wiberg, B. (1984). Long-term effect on mother-infant

behavior of extra contact during the first hour postpartum. Part III: Follow-up
at one year. Scand J Soc Med, 12: 91-103. 15-20 minutes of KC during BF was
given to moms and FULL TERM babies and compared to crib held infants. At 1 year,
KC moms held and touched infants more frequently, talked more often positively
to infant, returned to employment to a lesser extent, and had a greater
proportion of infants who were sleeping in room of their own. In 4/5 parts of
Gessell Development Schedule, KC babies were ahead of controls. No differences
between groups on Vineland Social Maturity Scale and the Cesarec Marke
Personality Scheme. KC moms breast fed 2.5mos. more. Fullterm, BF in KC,

de Leeuw, R., Collin, E.M., Dunnebier, E.A., & Mirmiran, M. (1991).

Physiologic effects of kangaroo care in very small preterm infants. Biology of
the Neonate, 59(3), 149-155. KMC has no lasting effect on sleep in infants.
Clinical observation study using pretest-test-posttest (each period = 1 hour)
design of 8 preterms (27-29wks GA) given one hour of KC when clinical condition
allowed. Quasi-Experiment: PreKC-KC-PostKC infants as own control,Sleep,

Diaz-Rosello, J.L. (1996). Caring for the mother and preterm infant:
Kangaroo care. Birth, 23(2): 108-111. This is a review article with 17

Diaz-Rosello, J.L., & Bellman, M. (1985). Report of Pan American Health

Organization/World Health Organization: Early discharge/ambulatory care program
for low birthweight infants (kangaroo method). Montevideo: Centrro
Latinoamericano de Perinatologia (Internal document 2/85),1985. 899 subjects
studied from 1979-1984 in Bogota, Colombia.

Diaz-Rosello, J.L., Lozano, P.M. & Tenzer, S.M. (1990). Impaired growth
of low birthweight infants in an early discharge program. In UNICEF Oficina
Regional para La America Latina y el Caribe (Ed.), Primer Encuentro
Internacional Programma Madre Canguro. Bogota: UNICEF, 1990, pp. 283-306. 129
subjects studied. BF ,Wgt. Infants discharged in KC and exclusive BF do not
gain enough weight in first year. Later work showed that infant’s need
fortification of the breastmilk.

Dombrowski MAS, Anderson GC, Santori C, Roller CG, Pagliotti F, Dowling

DA. (2000). Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care for premature twins and their
adolescent parents. MCN, The American J. of Maternal/Child Nursing, 25(2): 92-
94. 32 wk twins Kced by teen parents and showed attachment behaviors and self-
confidence when interacting with infants. Ample milk supply, no engorgement.
Normal development at 18 months.Teen KC, BF, Development, FATHER.

Dombrowski MAS, Anderson GC, Santori C, Burkhammer (2001). A case study

of KC (Skin-to-skin) care with a depressed woman. MCN, Am. J Maternal Child
Nurs, 26 (4), 214-216. KC started at 2 hrs postbirth, Mom was crying and
expressing sad thoughts at that time – depressive symptoms disappeared within
hours. During 1st 3 hrs of KC mom slept almost continuously. Continued KC every
other day x 3 mos. and there after when she was stressed. Early KC, Depressed
KC, Stress-relieving KC.

Doyle, L.W. (1997). Kangaroo mother care. The Lancet. Vol 350. December

13, 1997,p. 1721-1722. This is commentary on Charpak’s article. Commentary.

Drosten-Brooks, F. (1993). Kangaroo care: Skin-to-skin contact in the

NICU. Maternal Child Nursing, 18(5), 250-253. Reports that one infant
accidentally extubated during KC. Report of their use of KC in the NICU.
PROTOCOL, Vent KC, Clinical Report.

Durand, R., Hodges, S., LaRock, S., Lund, L., Schmid, S., Swick, D.,
Yates, T., & Perez, A. (1997). The effect of skin-to-skin breastfeeding in the
immediate recovery period on newborn thermoregulation and blood glucose values.
Neonatal Intensive Care, March/April, 1997, p. 23-27. Temperature at 120
minutes postbirth was higher than swaddled and cot infant’s temperature. No
differences I blood glucose levels was present. Fullterm, BF, Temperature.Blood
glucose, delivery KC

Eichel P. 2001. Kangaroo Care: Expanding our practice to critically ill

neonates. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 1(4): 224-228. Relates steps to
starting KC, beginning with the 1st KC Conference in America. Did KC with vented
babies,some stress with transfer but recovered quickly, then sound sleep with
fewer episodes of A/B, desat. Some needed 10-15% more FiO2 during KC. Now they
feed and suction in KC. Clinical Report.<1000gm, Vent KC,sleep, apnea,
bradycardia, desaturations feed/suction in KC, Implementation.

Ellett, M.L., Bleah D.A., Parris S. (2003) Feasibility of using kangaroo

(skin-to-skin) care with colicky infants. Gastroenterology Nursing, 27 (1), 9-
15. Difficult to do experimental study over the internet. FT, Cry

Elliott D. 2002. Kangaroo care. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, 27 (6),


Engler, A.E., Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Cusson, R.M, Adams, R., Bahnsen, M.A.,
Brumbaugh, E.J., Coates, P., Grieb, J.K., McHargue, L.K., Ryan, D., Settle,M., &
Williams, D.M. (2002) Kangaroo care: National survey of practice, knowledge,
barriers, and perceptions. MCN, Amer. J. Maternal Child Nursing 27(3): 146-153.
537 (59%) of all NICUS in America returned surveys. Over 82% report practicing
KC, but mostly only upon request of mother. Nurses are knowledgeable. Barriers
are ifant safety concerns and reluctance by RN, NNP, MD and families. Units
that practice KC have more positive perception than units that do not practice
KC> >60% report that low GA or low weight are not contraindications. SURVEY.

Fardig, J.A. (1980). A comparison of skin-to-skin contact and radiant

heaters in promoting neonatal thermoregulation. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery,
25(1 Feldman), 19-27. 17 Kcers got KC after initial nursing care under radiant
warmer, 17 got immediately KC (never under radiant warmer) & 17 controls had no
skin contact at all. Measures taken every 3 minutes for 45 minutes. Rectal
temps at 21 and 45 min postbirth. More controls had skin and rectal temps below
NTZ at 21 and 45 min postbirth. FULLTERM, skin temp, rectal temp.

Feldman R, Eidelman A, Sirota L, Weller A. (2002). Comparison of skin-to-

skin (Kangaroo) and traditional Care: Parenting Outcomes and Preterm Infant
Development. Pediatrics, 110(1 Part 1), 16-26. 73 LBW infants who got KC in the
NICU and 73 matched controls at other hospital. At 37 weeks GA, mother infant
interaction, maternal depression, maternal perceptions measured. At 3 months
infant temperament, mat-paternal sensitivity, etc.KCers had more positive
interactions, and moms showed more positive affect, touch, adaptation to infant
cues and infants were more alert, less gaze aversion. Kc moms had less
depression. At 3 months, KC moms and pops were more sensitive and provided a
better HOME environment. At 6 months, KCers had higher Bayley Mental (96.39 vs
91.81 for controls) and psychomotor (KC= 85.47; control 80.53). Development,

Bayley Mental/Motor, Temperament, Mat Behavior, alert, Mat. depression.

Feldman R, Eidelman AI. (2003). Skin-to-skin contact accelerates

autonomic and neurobehavioral maturation in preterm infants. Developmental
Medicine and Child Neurology, 45 (4), 274-281. 70 infants got 24.31 days of KC
for a total of 29.76 hours. 19males, 6 females I each group. GA was 30.28 wks,
bw = 1229.95 gm and medical risk. Vagal tone for 10 min B4 KC and 10 min at 37
wks & Kcers had more rapid maturation of vagal tone. Behavioral state measured
in 10 sec epochs x 4 hrs B4 KC and at 37 wks – more rapid improvement in state
organization (longer periods of quiet sleep, longer period of alert wakefulness
and shorter periods of active sleep. NBAS at 37 weeks showed more mature
neurodevelopmental profile (especially habituation and orientation)in Kcers.
RCT,Vagal tone,Quiet & Active sleep, Alert Inactivity, NBAS for development

Feldman R, Weller A, Leckman JF, Kuint J, Eidelman AI (1999), The nature

of the mother’s tie to her infant: Maternal bonding under conditions of
proximity, separation, and potential loss. J Child Psychiat 40 (6),929-939.
Measured attachment in fullterm mothers, healthy preterm infant moms, and VLBW
infant moms. Pg. 937 says “Intervention efforts that aim to enhance proximity
and touch in VLBW infants, such as skin-to-skin contact (kangaroo care), may be
crucial for these mothers in order to initiate the bonding process.” FT, PT,
maternal attachment, maternal depression

Feldman R, Weller A, Sirota L, Eidelman AI. (2003). Testing a family

intervention hypothesis: The contribution of mother-infant skin-to-skin contact
(Kangaroo Care) to family interaction, proximity, and touch. J. Family
Pscyhology 17(1), 94-107. 146 three-month old preterms were tested. 73 had
received KC in the NICU. Micropatterns of proximity and touch were coded.
Following KC, moms and dads were less intrusive, infants showed less negative
affect, and family style was more cohesive. Maternal and paternal affectionate
touch of infant and spouse was more frequent, spouses remained in closer
proximity, and infant proximity position was conducive to mutual gaze and touch
during triadic play in the KC group. KC is beneficial for development of family
processes. RCT, interactions, development.

Feldman, R, Weller A, Sirota L, Eidelman A. (2002). Skin-to-skin contact

(Kangaroo care) promotes self-regulation in premature infants: Sleep wake
cyclicity, arousal modulation, and sustained exploration. Developmental Psych,
38(2), 194-205. 73 preterms got KC, 73 controls. KCers got at least 1 hr of KC
per day x 14 consecutive days in NICU (Mean 26.62 hrs of KC+ 12.14 hrs). Tested
1-2 days B4 KC, at 37 weeks GA, and at 3 and 6 mos. Corrected age. Control gp
tested at 32 weeks and all other times were same. State measured in 10 sec
epochs over 4 hrs before KC and at 37 weeks. No differences. @term, KC more
mature state distribution, more organized sleep-wake cyclicity, @ 3mos KC had
higher threshold to negative emotionality and more efficient arousal modulation
with complex stimuli. At 6 mos KC infants had longer duration and shorter
latencies to shared attention and sustained exploration in toy session.RCT,
State, Development.

Ferber S.G., Makhoul I.R. (2004). The effect of skin-to-skin contact

(kangaroo care) shortly after birth on the neurobehavioral responses of the term
newborn: a randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics, 113 (4), 858-865. 47
healthy mom-infant dyads (22 KC) began KC 15-20 after delivery for 60 min, 25
controls got no KC, standard wrapped care after being taken out of delivery room
to be weighed and dressed and then returned to mom (kc only, control group
babies went to nursery for 2 hours). 4 hours postbirth they observed infant for
every two minutes over one hour. Kc group slept longer, were mostly in quiet
sleep state, had less time in transitional , fussy, crying, and alert states
(using 6 state Brazelton scoring), showed more flexor movements and postures,
less extensor movements. KC influences state organization and motor system
modulation shortly after delivery, this kind of care should be offered shortly

after birth. KC reduces infant stress (pg. 861). Fullterm, RCT, development,
sleep, quiet sleep,crying, alert state, flexed posture and flexed movements,
motor develop, stress.

Field, T., Hernandez-Reif, M., Feijo, L., Freedman, J. 2005. Prenatal,

perinatal, and neonatal supplemental stimulation: A survey of neonatal
nurseries. J Perinatology. 82 US neonatal staff member responded to
questionnaire. 1)skin-to-skin following birth in the delivery room (83%),
containment (swaddling and surrounded by blanket rolls occurred in 86% of NICUs,
music is in 72% of NICUs, rocking in 85%, kc (98%), nonnutritive sucking during
tubefeedings in 96% NICUs, and breastfeeding in 100% NICUs. Pregnancy massage
(19%), labor massage (30%), Doula (30%), NICU waterbeds (23%), preterm infant
massage (38%). These are physicians’ perceptions, not staff nursing and I, SML,
think that they are inaccurate as 100% of NICU infants do not get breastfed!!
PT, FT, Survey, KC, BF, rocking, NNS, swaddling, skin-to-skin.

Fischer, C.B., Sontheimer, D., & Linderkamp, O. 1998. Cardiorespiratory

stability of premature boys and girls during Kangaroo Care. Early Human
Development 52(2), 145-153. Pretest(2 hrs)-KC (2 hrs with cap and covered
across back with cotton blanket)-posttest (2 hrs) design in which stability of
HR, RR, and SaO2 values was measured by a method developed by the team- amethod
of counting the boxes on the graph paper of how high the values were. KC had no
effect on any stability indicator; boys had significantly less stability in all
three measures than girls. PT, Quasi-exp, HR, RR, SaO2, KMC only, stability.

Flament, P. (1994). Kangaroo care. FNIB Info #6,Dec. 1994,3-5. Clinical


Fohe K, Kropf, S, Avenarius S. 2000. Skin-to-skin contact improves gas

exchange in premature infants. J. Perinatology, 5, 311-315. 53 preemies <1800gm
pretest incubator(60 min)-test(KMC: 90 min)-posttest(60 min) acting as own
controls. HR increased 5 bpm, RR decreased 5bpm, SaO2 increased by 0.4%, tcpO2
increased by 48 mmHg, RECTAL temp increased by 0.3°C during KMC. Smallest
increase in HR and highest decrease in RR is <1000 gramers; SA02 and tcpo2
increases double in <1000grm compared to >1800 gms. Infants remain clinically
stable and have more efficient gas exchange. No risk of hypothermia in <1000
gramers. HR, RR, SaO2, rectal temp, FiO2, TcPO2,TcPCO2.Very low birthweight and
some micropreemies, Quasi-exp.

Franck LS, Bernal H, Gale G. 2002. Infant holding policies and practices
in neonatal units. Neonatal Network, 21(2), 13-20. National survey of policy
and practice of conventional and KC holding. 215/400 responses from Level 3 and
Level 2 nurseries. 40% of units have policies for KC and only 26% have policy
for conventional holding; 73% offer parents KC with extubated infants, 45% offer
KC with intubated ones, paternal KC permitted in 68%, sibling KC in 2%,
grandparent KC in 6% of units, Many units permit KC with ventilated, CPAP,
artery caths, percutaneous venous caths, and chest tubes (p. 18). Benefits are
enhanced attachment and closeness. Readiness for KC determined by SaO2, HR, &
RR, not wgt, GA. 25-33% of respondents identified staff RN and MD has not
supportive of KC. Barriers to KC are infant stress, privacy, timing of parental
visit, and getting staff help.Descriptive Survey.

Furlan C.E., Scochi C.G., Futado, M.C. (2003). Perception of parents in

experiencing the kangaroo mothers method. Review Latin-American Enfermagen, 11
(4), 444-452. 10 parents completed interview within 60 days after preterm
infant discharge from charity hospital inside Brazil. Four themes were : KC
should be flexible, KC improves mother-child and family relationship, KC helps
complete infant’s growth & development, and KC helps mother develop caregiving
skills. Preterm, descriptive study, Parental report of KC’s meaning to them,
attachment, development, caregiving skills.

Furman, L., Kennell J. (2000). Breastmilk and skin-to-skin Kangaroo care
for premature infants. Avoiding bonding failure. Acta Paediatr 89(11), 1280-
1283. Regression analysis, BF, bonding/attachment

Furman, L., Minich N., Hack, M. (2002). Correlates of lactation in

mothers of very low birth weight infants. Pediatrics, 109(4), 695-696.
Significant correlates of lactation beyond 40 wks Conceptional age included
beginning milk expression before 6 hs post-delivery, expressing milk >5 times
per day, and Kangaroo Care. Increased maternal support specifically directed
toward behavioral factors, including early and more frequent milk expression and
kangaroo care, may improve the rates of successful lactation among mothers of
VLBW infants who choose to breastfeed. Regression analysis. BF

Gale, G, Franck, L., & Lund, C. (1993). Skin-to-skin (kangaroo) holding

of the intubated premature infant. Neonatal Network, 12(6), 49-57.VENT KC

Gale, G., & VandenBerg, K. (1998). Kangaroo Care (part of the

Developmental Care column) Neonatal Network, 17(5): 69-71. Review.? Crying?

Gallagher KJ. 2000. Continuous skin-to-skin contact in the NICU:

Kangaroo or “Possum” care? J. Perinatology, 5, 318-319. Silly article saying it
should be called possum care because KC did not originate in Australia. How
to people get this stuff published? Commentary.

Gardner, S. 1979. The mother as incubator – After delivery. JOGN Nursing,

May/June 1979, 174-176. had infants delivered and given dried, and given
routine care, eye instillation, ID bands, and weighing and footprinting. 10
given to mom for KC and covered with warm blanket. 9 were wrapped in one cotton
and one plastic blanket, held briefly by parent and put under radiant warmer.
Rectal temps taken 2 and 15 minutes after birth. Kcer infants had less drop in
temp (1.1degree C) from 2-15 minutes than control (1.5 degrees C).FULLTERM,
delivery KC, rectal temp

Gazzolo D, Masetti P, Meli M. 2000. Kangaroo care improves post-extubation

cardiorespiratory parameters in infants after open heart surgery. Acta Paediatr,
89(6), 728-729. 5 male infants (X age=5 months) who had repeatedly failed
extubation attempts earlier after cardiac surgery were observed every two
minutes thruout three two-hour KC periods (each with a preKC measurement 2 hrs
before KC). All 3 KC sessions occurred within first 12 hours of extubation (KMC
was diaper only, covered with blanket)in Modena, Italy.SaO2 and tcpO2 sig.
increased and TcpCO2, HR, and CVP sig. decreased during the 3 different KC
periods. “Despite restricted study pop, findings suggest prolonged periods of KC
during postop care might have impact on quality, therapy, and length of stay of
postop pedi pts, with possible influences on management and costs”p.
729.Descriptive. HR, RR, SaO2, TcPO2, TcPCO2, CVP, pH, Na, Ca, K, BP,

Gloppestad, K. 1994. Initial separation time between mothers and their

premature infants. A comparison between two periods of time. Vard I Norden 2-3,
vol 14(2-3), 17-23. KC parents get to their infants in the NICU faster than
those not planning to do KC. Comparative survey. Visiting times.

Gloppestad, K. 1995. Initial separation time between fathers and their

premature infants: A comparison between two periods of time. Vard I Norden,
15(2): 10-17. When KC was introduced, waiting time was significantly reduced by
66.8%.FATHERS, visiting times

Gloppestad, K., 1996. Parents’ Skin to Skin Holding of Small premature

infants: Differences between fathers and mothers. Vard Nord Utveckl Forsk,
16(1): 22-27. The time from birth til fathers held their preemie in KC was
significantly later compared to mothers- about 120% difference of the median in


Gloppestad, K. 1998. Experiences of maternal love and paternal love when

preterm infants were held skin-to-skin and wrapped in blankets: Differences
between the two types of holding. Vard I Norden, 18(1): 23-30. 103 mothers and
82 fathers held infants in both KC and swaddled and rated their love
significantly higher when holding KC than when holding wrapped infants. No
differences between fathers and mothers love ratings during KC.KMC and FATHERS

Gloppestad, K. 1998. Lactation in mothers of preterm infants: Prevalence

at different points of time. Vard I Norden 4, vol. 18(4), 27-35. Mothers gave KC
to preterm infants and answered open-ended questions about amount of breastmilk
and BF practices at 1,3,6,8,12 months postbirth. Preterm BF. Engl abstract only

Gloppestad, K. (2000). Total lactation times for mothers of premature

infants. Vard I Norden 1, Publ. No 55, Vol. 20(1): 15-21. 108 mothers of
prematures were questioned about amt and duration of BF. Early KC was
associated with longer lactation period. Abstract in English, rest is in

Gray L, Watt L, Blass E. 2000. Skin-to-skin contact is analgesic in

healthy newborns. Pediatrics, 105(1):e14-e24. 30 newborns held in KC or left in
crib for heel stick. Crying and grimace reduced by 82% & 65% from control
levels. HR also reduced. Moms given 15 minutes to relax and were then tested.
Fullterm, HR, pain, cry, grimace, maternal relaxation.

Gray L , Miller LW, Philipp BL, Blass EM. 2002. Breastfeeding is

analgesic in healthy newborns. Pediatr 109 (4), 590-593. RCT of 15 infants who
were breastfeeding in KC position during heelstick, 15 swaddled in bassinet
during heel stick, 198 minutes after previous feed. Taste, suckling and KC were
the elements that reduced crying by 91% and grimacing by 84% from control infant
levels and HR was substantially reduced. In KC, infants cried 4% or 8.77
seconds and grimaced for 8%, 17.25 seconds during lance compared with 43% (72.07
seconds) crying and 50% (80.31 seconds)grimacing in controls. 11/15 Kcers did
not cry or grimace at all during heel lance, and these effects extended well in
recovery phase (1/15 Kcers cried during recovery, for a total of 10 seconds and
controls cried for 28 seconds). Kc HR rose 6 pbm and control HR rose 29 bpm.
Breastfeeding in the KC position.CRYING, HR, RCT.

Grossman K, Thane K, Grossman KE. 1981. Maternal tactual contact of the

newborn after various postpartum conditions of mother-infant contact.
Developmental Psychology, 17, 158-169. 54 mixed parity middle income West
German infants. Grp 1: 12 controls – mom saw infant and may have touched
briefly, then baby dressed and moved to mothers bedside in bassinet; saw infants
5 times each day for about 30 minutes at feeding times. Grp 2: early contact
infants - may have received 30 min of KC in delivery room (nude infant placed in
maternal arms on delivery bed with heater overhead; n = 12), then routine
feeding every 4-5 hours same as control. Grp 3 (n=17) extended contract, had
infants beside their beds for 4 hours in am and 1 hour in pm and could change
their diapers. Grp 4 (n=13)- possible KC same as group 2 and rooming-in same as
grp 3. AT 2,5,8 days: Summed score for tender touches, duration and frequency
increased for extra contact group.
Fullterm, Quasi exp as assigned sequentially (successively) in grp 1 then grp 2
etc. maternal behavior May not be KC –does not specify if mom wore gown. Check
with Gene if this is KC or not – did she clarify for the Cochrane?

Hales D, Kennell J, Klaus M, Mata L, Sosa R. Urrutia J. (1975), The effect

of early skin-to-skin contact on maternal behavior at twelve hours. Ped Res, 9
(4), p. 259.9 primip moms given infant for 45 min of KC after leaving delivery
room and then to nursery til 12 hrs old vs 10 primip moms who were separated
from babies after delivery for first 12 hrs. AT 12 hrs, babies brought to moms

and observed for behaviors for 15 second every minute x 15 mins.KC moms had sig
increased attachment behaviors(fondling, kissing, en facing, gazing at, holding
baby close) but no caretaking differences. FT. Does not specify
randomization.Quasi-Experiment. Maternal attachment behaviors.

Hales D, Kennell J, Sosa R. (1976). How early is early contact? Defining

the limits of the maternal sensitive period. Pediatric Res, 10, 259. Randomized
study of 3 grps in Guatemala. Grp 1 (n=20) got 45 min of KC in recovery room
under heat lamp and then to nursery until 12 hours old– called early contact
group; grp 2 (n-= 20) got 45 min of KC starting at 12 hours postbirth(called
delayed contact), grp 3 (n =20) first saw swaddled baby at 12 hrs postbirth. At
36 hours: Sig. More affectionate behaviors (en face, looking at baby, talking,
fondling,kissing, smiling) than delayed or control moms. No difference between
groups in proximity maintaining behavior(keeping baby in bed, holding it close)
or in care taking (wiping mouth, burping) of infant. RCT, Fullterm. Maternal
behaviors. (Same as 3rd study reported by Sosa et al., 1976).

Hales D, Lozoff B, Sosa R, Kennel JH. 1977. Defining of the maternal

sensitive period. Dev Med Child Neurol 19 (4), 454-461. Randomized study of 3
grps in Guatemala. Grp 1 (n=20) got 45 min of KC in recovery room under heat
lamp and then to nursery until 12 hours old– called early contact group; grp 2
(n-= 20) got 45 min of KC starting at 12 hours postbirth(called delayed
contact), grp 3 (n =20) first saw swaddled baby at 12 hrs postbirth. At 36
hours: Sig. More affectionate behaviors (en face, looking at baby, talking,
fondling,kissing, smiling) than delayed or control moms. No difference between
groups in proximity maintaining behavior(keeping baby in bed, holding it close)
or in care taking (wiping mouth, burping) of infant. RCT, Fullterm. Maternal
behaviors. (Same as 3rd study reported by Sosa et al., 1976).

Hamelin, K., & Ramachandran, C. (1993). Kangaroo care. Canadian Nurse

89(6), June 1993, 15-17.VENT KC

Hann M., Malan A, Kronson M, Bergman N, Huskisson J. 1999. Kangaroo Mother

Care.South African Medical J, 89(1): Jan. 1999, 37-39 and page 3 and page 241
for comments. Reports on use of KC at Groote Schuur Hospital and reports of
three studies.24 HR KC, IMPLEMENTATION, Between Breast KC, allowed to BF in KC

Harris H. 1994. Remedial co-bathing for breastfeeding difficulties.

Breastfeeding Review 2(10), 465-467. This is a remarkable picture story of
doing KC in a warm bath in the immediate postpartum period (within one hour of
birth) to get infant to crawl spontaneously to the breast. Author states that
infant needs UNINTERRUPTED time to do this and will go to breast if given time.
She says pouring water over infant will keep him warm, crying stops, infants
occasionally go to sleep, so stroke him down his back and his journey to the
breast conintues. Descriptive, crying, temperature,BF, sleep

Harrison, LL (2001). The use of comforting touch and massage to reduce

stress for preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. Newborn and
Infant Nursing Reviews. 1(4),235-241.REVIEW of STILL TOUCH, STROKING, MASSAGE,

Harrison LL & Klaus M. (1994). Commentary: A lesson from Eastern Europe.

Birth, 21(1): 45-46. Commentary on Levin’s article in same journal.

Hendricks-Munoz, K. (2002). Karen Hendricks-Munoz, MD, discusses Kangaroo

Care at NYU Medical Center. Posted July 16, 2002. available at Describes KC, theypermit it as
long as mom likes, says moms breast warms up and cools down with infant Cites
HR, RR from other studies and states “We arecontinuing to find that KC helps
babies grow stronger and leave hospital sooner –upto 20 days sooner- with no
evidence of increased infection. Also quotes a study of less maternal

depression. PT, clinical report, infection, growth, LOS, Mat depression,Mat-
Neonatal Thermal Synchrony.

Hill PD, Aldag JC, Chatterton RT. (1999a). Breastfeeding experience and
milk weight in lactating mothers pumping for preterm infants. Birth, 26(4),
233-238. Average frequency of KC/wk was used as covariant in comparison of
single vs double pumping on milk yield from2-5 weeks PP. No infants were
breastfed during wks 2-5 PP.. KC was significantly related to 2=5 wk PP milk
yield (p=.017). PT, BF

Hill PD, Aldag JC, Chatterton RT. (1999b). Effects of pumping style on
milk production in mothers of non-nursing preterm infants. J.Human Lactation,
15(3), 209-216. PT, BF

Hosseini, R., Hashemi, M., & Ludington-Hoe, S.M. (1992). Preterm infants
and fathers: Physiologic and behavioral effects of skin-to-skin contact. Ursus
Medicus, 2, 47-55.FATHERS

Hurst NM, Meier P. 2001. Managing breastfeeding for preterm infants and
their mothers. Central Lines, 17(4), 1, 3-7. Refers to use of KC on pg 3 with
pictures and how helpful it is to promote breastfeeding.Differentiates starting
with KC and progressing to KC + nonnutritive sucking to BF. BF

Hurst, N.M., Valentine, C.J., Renfro, L., Burns, P. & Ferlic, L. (1997).
Skin-to-skin holding in the neonatal intensive care unit influences maternal
milk volume. J. Perinatology, 17(3): 213-217. 8 mothers started KMC during the
4 weeks postdelivery and 8 others in the following 4 weeks. All babies had been
ventilated. Mean 24-hour milk volumes at 2,3,4 weeks after delivery showed
strong linear increase in KMC infants, and no change in control infants’
mothers’ milk volumes.FULL-TERM, milk volume, BF

Hsieh Y, Huang M. 2000. Preliminary study of kangaroo care for preterm

infants. Effect on parent-infant relationship. J Nursing (China), 47(3), 33-
40. Qualitative study of 16 parents who gave KC who answered 8 open-ended
questions about KC’s meaning to them. KC decreases parental anxiety, increases
self-confidence and promotes positive relationship between parent and baby.ENGL
Abstr.PT, qualitative study, Maternal anxiety, maternal self-confidence, +
relationship between mother and infant.

Johanson, R.B., Spencer, S.A., Rolfe, P., Jones, P., & Malla, D.S. (1992).
Effect of post-delivery care on neonatal body temperature. Acta Paediatrica,
81(11), 859-863. 300 infants (KC beginning immediately after birth when infant
put to breast under mom’s clothing or possibly under swaddling and kept against
mother’s breast) was as effective as oil massage or plastic swaddling in keeping
babies warm. Fullterm and Preemies were analyzed as one group, and there are
many methodological flaws. Kangaroo Care may or may not have been given.RCT

Johnson & Johnson Pediatric Institute. (2001). Skin-to-skin: The

Mother/Baby Package. A Reference Guide for the Health Care Professional.
Skillman, N.J. Available from J& J 1-877-565-5465. Contains articles by Zupan,
Christensson, and Ludington-Hoe. Clinical Review for practitioners

Johnston, C.C., Stevens, B., Pinelli, J., Gibbins, S., Filion, F., Jack,
A., Steele, S., Boyer, K., & Veilleux, A. (2003). Kangaroo Care is effective in
diminishing pain response in preterm neonates. 2003 Arch Pediatric and
Adolescent Medicine 157 (11), 1084-1988. 74 preterms 32-36 wks postconceptual
age and within 10 days of birth were in cross-over (served as own controls)
study of 30 minutes of KC and then heelstick in KC versus being prone in
incubator and getting heelstick in incubator. Premature Infant Pain Profile
scores over first 90 seconds of heel lance procedure were significantly lower by
2 points in KC. KC effectively decreases pain of heelstick. PT, Quasi-

Experimental, Pain

Jones, J, Kassity N, Duncan K. 2001. Complementary Care: Alternatives

for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews. 1(4):
207-210. A simple review of common KC outcomes and suggests that KC may lead to
accelerated recovery and healthier outcomes due to its promotion of attachment
bonds. KC when used with milk fortifiers may improve weight gain and better
health.Review.BF. wgt.

Jorgensen, K.M. (1999). Kangaroo Care: Not a useless therapy. Central

Lines (J. of NANN), 15(3), p. 22.

Kambarami, R. (2002). Kangaroo care and multiple births. Annals of

Tropical Paediatrics,22(1), 107-108. LETTER.

Kambarami RA, Chidede O, & Kowo DT. (1998).Kangaroo care versus incubator
care in the management of well preterm infants – a pilot study. Annals of
Tropical Paediatrics, 18(2), 81-86. 37 KC group gained twice as much weight per
day as the 37 controls, had shorter hospital stay, and better survival rate.
RCT. Weight, LOS, survival.

Kambarami RA, Chidede O & Kowo DT (1999). Kangaroo care for well low
birth weight infants at Harare Central Hospital Maternity Unit—Zimbabwe.
Central African J. of Medicine, 45(3), 56-59. 613 mother-infant pairs,
implementation report. Implementation.

Kambarami R, Chidede O, Pereira N. (2003). Long term outcome of preterm

infants discharged home on kangaroo care in a developing country. Annals Trop
Paediatri, 23 (1), 55-59. 297 preterm infants born at Harare,Zimbabwe were
discharged home on KC. 26.6% died (median age=66 days), 47.5% survived, 25.9%
lost. Hospital readmit rate = 22.9% with 8.8% mortality. Maternal
mortality=4.7%,chronic infant morbidity was 7.4%. Infant mortality was related
to young age of mom, Bw <1500, and maternal mortality, not to dischg wgt or BW.
Descriptive,Home follow-up, Morbidity,Mortality, hospital readmit rate.

Kambarami R, Mutambirwa J, Maramba PP. 2002. Caregivers’ perceptions and

experiences of ‘kangaroo care’ in a developing country. Trop Doct 32 (3), 131-
133.Focus group showed that nurses preferred KC to conventional methods,but
still it’s use is not widespread. Knowledge & awareness of method need tobe
improved. Qualitative, focus group, staff perception.

Karlsson H. 1996. Skin to skin care: Heat balance. Archives of Disease in

Childhood, 75: F130-132. Nine healthy neonates, FULLTERM, were given KC on
Mom's chest and rectal temps increased by 0.7°C, going up to 37°C, during KC.
Heat was gained from areas in contact with mother's skin; heat loss from un-
protected heads was high, but dry heat loss during KC was similar to dry heat
loss in an incubator. Overall, there was reduced heat loss in infants during
KC, allowing heat to be conserved. Fullterm, Rectal temp, descriptive,

Kennedy N, Gondwe L, Morley DC. (2000). Temperature monitoring with

ThermoSpots in Malawi. The Lancet, 355, 1364. Ten infants <2000g. had axillary
and rectal temps measured 2x/day x 5 days. KC was done for hypothermia. KC was
cost-free and effective method of rewarming. Axillary temperature, Rectal
temperature, Rewarming.

Kirsten G.F., Bergman N.J., Hann F.M. (2001). Kangaroo mother care in the
nursery. Pediatr Clinics North America, 48(2): 443-453. A general review of KMC
and its safety and effects, including BF effects. An easy to follow article
that relates implementation guidelines too.Review, Breastfeeding,
implementation, guidelines.

Klaus MH, Jerauld R, Fregers C,McAlpine W, Steffa M, Kennell JH. 1972.
Maternal attachment: Importance of first postpartum days. New England J.
Medicine, 28, 460-463. Mothers who had been allowed extended contact with their
FT infants immediate after birth showed more affectionate behavior one month
later than did mothers in a control group. Full term, Maternal affectionate
Behavior, RCT

Kledzik, T. (2005). Holding the very low birth weight infant: Skin-to-
skin techniques. Neonatal Network 24 (1 – Jan/Feb issue), p.???. This article
offers practical solutions for common barriers to skin-to-skin holding.

Koepke, J.E., Bigelow A.E. (1997). Observations of newborn sucking

behavior. Infant Behavior and Development, 20, 93-98. 6 preterm and 6 fullterms.
Infants put into KC for BF after a bath. Documented their search for nipple and
spontaneous sucking behaviors. Fullterm, Preterm, BF and KC/BF. Descriptive
study of sucking and nippling behaviors.

Kontos, D. (1978). A study of the effects of extended mother-infant

contact on maternal behavior at one and three months. Birth and Family J. 5(3),
133-140.FT, RCT, maternal affectionate behavior

Kramer M, Chalmers B, Hodnett E, Sevkovskaya Z, Dzikovich I, Shapiro S,

Collet J, Vanilovich I, Mezen I, Ducruet T, et al. 2001. Promotion of
breastfeeding intervention trial (PROBIT): A randomized trial in the Republic
of Belarus, J. Amer Med Assoc, 285, 413-419. Multicenter trial of all ten parts
of baby friendly initiative in relation to duration of BF and GI and respiratory
infections. Independent effects of KC cannot be determined. RCT, Fullterm,
duration of Breastfeeding, infections.

Kritzinger, A., & Louw, B. 1999. Kangaroo mother care: A strategy to

facilitate mother-infant communication interaction in high-risk infants in
different contexts. Clinica: Applications in Clinical Practice of
Communication Pathology. Monograph 4. University of Pretoria, pg. 31-46. PT,
maternal talk, maternal-infant interaction.

Landers S. 2003. Maximizing the benefits of human milk feeding for the
preterm infant. Pediatric Annals, 32 (5), 298-306. This article summarizes
current knowledge of short and long term benefits of human milk feedings for
preterm infants and challenges in providing adequate nutrition, along with
strategies to assist in providing human milk feedings. Infection risk of human
milk are related too. On page 303 is a full section on Skin-to-skin holding
that even talks about the enteromammary pathway for protection of preterm
infants from nosocomial infection. Very positive review of KC. Preterm, BF,
enteromammary pathway

Legault M, Goulet C. (1993).Comparative study of two methods of holding

premature infants: the kangaroo method versus the traditional method. Canadian
J. Nursing Research 25(4), 67-80. PreTerm, Swaddled holding

Legault M, Goulet, C. (1994). Removing the premature from the incubator.

From the traditional method to the kangaroo method. Infirmiere Quebec 2(2), 34-
41.Preterm Swaddled holding.

Legault, M. & Goulet, C. (1995). Comparison of kangaroo and traditional

methods of removing preterm infants from incubators. J. Obstetric, Gynecologic,
and Neonatal Nursing 24(6), 501-506. RCT, Preterm,swaddled holding

Lehtonen L, Martin RJ (2004). Ontogeny of sleep and awake states in

relation to breathing in preterm infants. Semin Neonatol 9(3), 229-238. Not an

article about KC, but it states on page 335 that “KC has been shown to improve
the integrity of sleep” and that more studies of KC and sleep cyclicity are

Levin, A. (1994). The mother-infant unit at Tallinn Children's Hospital,

Estonia: A truly baby-friendly unit. Birth, 21(1), 39-44. Clinical report,

Lima G, Quintero-Romero S, & Cattaneo A (2000). Feasibility,

acceptability, and cost of kangaroo mother care in Recife, Brazil. Annals
Tropical Paediatrics, 20(1), 22-26. 114 LBWs got 24 hr KMC up to discharge.
No hospital deaths, no mod/severe hypothermia but 30 episodes/100 infant days
of mild hypothermia (36-36.4) occurred mainly due to maternal separation. 88%
exclusively BF at discharge; daily wgt gain was 15 g during KMC. 87% BF at 1
month; 63% BF at 3 months; KMC cost $20.00/day vs $66/day conventional care.
24 HOUR KC IMPLEMENTATION, breastfeeding, weight gain,mortality, temperature

Lincetto O, Nazir AI, Cattaneo A. 2000. Kangaroo mother care with limited resources. J Trop Pediatric,
46 (5), 293-295.

Lincetto, O., Vos, E.T., Graca, A., Macome, C., Tallarico, M., Fernandez,
A. (1998). Impact of season and discharge weight on complications and growth of
Kangaroo Mother Care treated low birthweight infants in Mozambique. Acta
Paediatr 87:433-9. morbidity, weight, development.

Ludington, S.M. (1990). Energy conservation during skin-to-skin contact

between preterm infants and their mothers. Heart and Lung, 19(5 Pt1), 445-451.
Descriptive of 11 preterm infants. Reports HR and behavioral state during
pretest, test,and posttest periods. PT, Descriptive, HR, abdominal temperature

Ludington, SM (1997). Revolutionary NICU intervention—Kangaroo Care.

Nursing Spectrum (Wash DC), 7(1), 8-9. Short, review for clinicians of benefits

Ludington-Hoe,SM. 2001. Kangaroo Care for Premature Infants. In Johnson &

Johnson Pediatric Institute. (2001). Skin-to-skin: The Mother/Baby Package. A
Reference Guide for the Health Care Professional. Skillman, N.J. Available from
J& J 1-877-565-5465. Contains articles by Zupan, Christensson, and Ludington-
Hoe. Review

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Anderson, G.C., Simpson, S., Hollingsead A., Argote,

L.A., Rey, H. (1999). Birth-related fatigue in 34-36 week preterm neonates:
Rapid recovery with very early kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care. JOGNN 28(1): 94-
103. PT, Descriptive, HR, RR, temperature, behavioral state

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Anderson, G.C., Simpson, S., & Hollingsead, A.,

Argote LA, Medellin G, & Rey, H. (1993). Skin-to-skin contact beginning in the
delivery room for Colombian mothers and their preterm infants. Journal of Human
Lactation, 9(4), 241-242. Reports that infants kept in KC for first 6 hours
after birth did well, were discharged at 48 hours postbirth without need for
NICU admission. Descriptive, preterm, Very Early KC, HR, RR, temperatuere, state

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Anderson, G.C., Swinth, J., Thompson, C., & Hadeed,
A.J. (1994). Kangaroo care. Neonatal Network,13 (4), 61-62. (Letter).

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Anderson, G.C., Swinth, J.Y., Thompson, C., Hadeed,

A.J. (2004). Randomized controlled trial of Kangaroo Care: Cardiorespiratory
and thermal effects on healthy preterm infants. Neonatal Network, 23 (3), 39-48.
24 healthy preterms 33-35 weeks gestation given 3 hours KC in pretest-test-
posttest design. KC (11) vs. control (13)in open air crib. All measures taken

each minute and means remained in normal clinical range showing safety. HR
approached tachy and brady in pretest and posttest period, but not in KC. HR
rose 8 bpm in KC and was significantly higher in KC than in control. (More
stable physiology in KC). Mean SaO2 dropped 1.0% in KC. Apnea, brady, and
periodic breathing recorded continuously on pneumogram and no apnea/brady
occurred during KC.Only one KC infant had one episode of PB during KC and many
controls had lots of PB in all periods. Significantly less PB in KC and between
groups. More regular breathing in KC during KC period than in control group.
Abdominal temp rose significantly (almost 1.0C)in KC and then dropped .05C in
postKC. PT, RCT, HR, RR, SaO2,abd.temp, apnea, brady, periodic breathing

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Cong, X., Hashemi, F. (2001). Infant crying: Why is

it so bad? Central Lines, J.of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses,
17(4), 11-13. August/Sept. 2001. Relates the advantages of KC for prevention
and minimization of crying on page 12-13. Clinical article.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Cong, X., Hashemi, F. (2002). Infant crying: Nature,

physiologic consequences, and select interventions. Neonatal Network 21(2), 29-
36. KC is cited as an efficient preventative for crying, minimizing and halting
crying. Clinical article.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Ferreira, C.N. & Goldstein, M.R. (1998). Kangaroo

Care with a Ventilated Preterm Infant. Acta Paediatrica, 87(6), 711-713.
Preterm, Case Study, VENT.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Ferreira, C., Swinth, J., Ceccardi, J.J. (2003).

Safe criteria and procedure for kangaroo care with intubated preterm infants. J.
Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing 32 #5, 579-588. This reviews all
published procedures for KC with ventilated infants, deduces one safe
procedures, explains important features of the safe procedure, and concludes
with step-by-step plan for KC with an intubated infant. Preterm, Vent, Protocol

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., & Golant, S.K. (1993). Kangaroo Care: The Best You
Can Do For Your Preterm Infant. N.Y., N.Y.: Bantam Books. Out of print,
available only from Dr. Ludington, Univ. of Maryland School of Nursing, 655 W.
Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 or from La Leche League International, 1400
Meacham Rd., Schaumberg, Ill. 60173. Cost is $12.95 + $2.00 shipping.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Hadeed, A.J., & Anderson, G.C. (1991). Physiologic

responses to skin-to-skin contact in hospitalized premature infants. Journal of
Perinatology, 11(1), 19-24.Descriptive, Pretest-test-posttest, HR, RR,
temperature, oxygenation, SaO2.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Hashemi, M.S., Argote, L.A., Medellin, G., & Rey, H.
(1992). Selected physiologic measures and behavior during paternal skin contact
with Colombian preterm infants. Journal of Developmental Physiology, 18(5), 223-
232. Descriptive study of preterms who got 2 hours of PKC immediately after
breastfeeding by mom. All three temps continuously rose in PKC and 5/11 subject
became hyperthermic during 2 hours of PKC. Infants predominantly slept in quiet
sleep during PKC, and fathers demonstrated good fathering behaviors during PKC.
Several fathers got tired of KC after 1.5 hours. Tympanic temp is difficult to
take during KC. Warming all the way down to the toe occurred. Behavioral
thermoregulation was demonstrated by 4/11 infants. Descriptive, Preterm,
FATHERS, Abdominal temp, toe temp, tympanic temp, fathering behavior.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., & Hosseini, R.B. (2004). Skin-to-skin contact

analgesia for preterm infant heel stick. Submitted to Pain. 23 preterms about
32 weeks PCA received 3 hrs of KC and heelstick in KC and 3 hours in incubator
with heel stick in incubator – all on one day. Heel stick was for dextrostick.
HR rose significantly less in KC heelstick than in incubator heelstick. Crying
length was significantly less in KC heelstick (5.0 sec vs. 45 seconds) and three

infants did not cry at all! 15 minutes of KC baseline state and post-heel stick
state was significantly more time in deep sleep than when in incubator. No
differences in RR, oxygen saturation between groups and periods. Experimental
cross-over, HR, RR, SaO2, crying time, behavioral state, pain.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., & Kasper, C.E. (1995). A physiologic method of

monitoring preterm infants during Kangaroo Care. Journal of Nursing Measurement,
3(1), 13-29. This is a report of the development of Gould Physiograph recording
device for continuous monitoring of infants during KC.Methodology, not really a
measurement of effectiveness of KC.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Lewis, T., Morgan, K, Cong, X, Anderson, L, Reese, S.

(2004). Breast-infant temperature synchrony with twins during shared Kangaroo
Care. Submitted to JOGNN. Two sets of twins given shared KC. Breast
temperatures responded independently of each other and in response to infant’s
temperature. Maternal breast temps differed. Maternal-neonatal synchrony
exists. Preterm, case study, HR, SaO2, Maternal breast temp, incubator
temp,abdominal temp.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M, Nguyen, N, Swinth, J., Satyshur, R. 2000. Kangaroo

Care compared to incubators in maintaining body warmth in preterm infants.
Biologic Research for Nursing, 2(1),July, 60-73. 16 KC and 13 control infants in
a pretest(in incubator)-test(in KC or incubator)-posttest (in incubator) design
of three consecutive 3-hour interfeeding intervals were given 3 hrs of KC.
Abdominal temperatures were not different between periods and groups; toe temp
sig. Higher during KC than incubator periods; Maternal breast temp met neutral
thermal zone within 5 minutes of onset of KC. Similar preterm infants can
maintain body warmth with 3 hours of KC. Preterm, RCT. Abd, toe and breast
temps, stability.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., & Swinth, J. (2001). Kangaroo mother care during

Phototherapy: Effect on bilirubin profile. Neonatal Network,20 (5). 41-48.
Randomized controlled trial of 3 groups of infants with 10 in each group: one
with 1 hour of KC per day with biliblanket over back, one with biliblanket and
under lights without KC,and one with KC alone. No significant differences in
bilirubin reduction over 4 days and no difference in rebound. RCT. Bilirubin

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., & Swinth, J. (1996a). Developmental aspects of

kangaroo care. JOGNN(Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing),
25(8): 691-703. Review article of how KC affects developmental care outcomes.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., & Swinth, J. (1996b). A successful long distance

research collaboration. Applied Nursing Research, 9(4), 219-244. Report of how a
1000+ mile distance collaboration worked for getting clinical KC research done.
Description of a collaboration.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Swinth, J.Y., & Anderson, G.C. A randomized

controlled trial with preterm infants in open-air cribs: Effects of kangaroo
care on behavioral state. Under review. Available from Dr. Ludington.RCT,
Preterm, State

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Thompson, C.A., Swinth, J. Hadeed, A.J., & Anderson,

G.C. (1994). Kangaroo care: Research results and practice implications and
guidelines. Neonatal Network, 13(1), 19-27. KMC only- reports RCT crib and pilot
of incubator subjects, GUIDELINES

Martinez, G.H., Rey, S.E., & Marquiette, C.M. (1992). The mother kangaroo
programme. International Child Health, 3, 55-67.Clinical Report of practice.

Maternal & Newborn Health/Safe Motherhood Unit. 1997. Thermal Protection

of the Newborn: A Practical Guide. WHO: Geneva, pp. 30-37. This shows
developing nations how to keep babies warm in KC. This is a nice follow-up to
the SAREC report from Sweden. Available from Maternal and Newborn Health/Safe
Motherhood Unit. Reproductive Health (Technical support), WHO, 1211 Geneva 27,

Matthiesen, A-S, Ransjo-Arvidson A-B, Nissen E, Uvnas-Moberg K. 2001.

Postpartum maternal oxytocin release by newborns: Effects of hand massage and
sucking. Birth 28, 13-19. 10 fullterms who had no maternal analgesia in labor
were videotaped for hand,finger,mouth, tongue movements and sucking every 30
seconds from birth to 1st BF and placed in KC immediately after bring dried.
Infants used hands to explore and stimulate breast before 1st BF with a
coordinated pattern of hand and sucking movements. Hand movements stop during
sucking. Periods of increased massagelike hand movements or sucking at breast
were followed by increased oxytocin levels – hand movements produce oxytocin
too.Descriptive study, Fullterm, BF

Mazur J, Mikiel-Kostyra,K. 2000. Determinants of newborn feeding in

maternity hospital care. Part II. Factors associated with exclusive
breastfeeding. Ginekologia Polska 71(7), 604-610. KC in first 2 hrs postbirth is
not a factor in exclusive Bf of fullterms at discharge. Descriptive, Fullterms,

Mazurek,T, Mikiel-Kostyra, K., Mazur, J., Wieczorek P, Radwanska B,

Pachuta-Wegier L. (1999) Influence of immediate newborn care on infant
adaptation to the environment. Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego, 3(2), 215-224.
Fullterms randomly assigned to grp 1 (n=22) put in mom’s arms skin-to-skin and
both covered with sheet & stayed here til end of experiment; grp 2 (n= 22)
infant wrapped in blanket and given to mom, no skin to skin, covered with a
sheet, grp 3(n=22) infant wrapped and kept separate from mom at a distance in
same room. Observed for 75 min. Study began 6-8 min after birth. Skin thigh
temp, HR, RR, and glucose level best in KC group. KC grp cried 3 times less than
gp 3 and less than grp 2. KC group had optimal adaptation and special protection
against hypothermia. Glucose highest in KC(60 mg/dl), grp 2=52, grp 3= 49.6
mg/dl. In Grp 2 27% did not get warmer over the 75 min and metabolism was
impaired. KC is protection against hypothermia and hypoglycemia. RCT, FULLTERM,
temp, HR. RR, pH, Blood glucose, crying episodes/duration, delivery KC

McClellan MS, Cabianca WA. 1980. Effects of early mother-infant contact

following cesarean birth. OB GYN, 56(1), 52-55. 40 C/S dyads in early contact
(n= 20) or brief contact control (n=20). observed . Early contact infant taken
to exam outside delivery room and care given, then returned to mom for visual
contact for 5-15 min. After C/S complete, in recovery room KC (covered with
light blanket) began and continued for 60 min in recovery room. Then spent 4-5
hrs in recovering alternating KC and visual contact when baby was in warmer next
to bed. Brief contact group infant put in warmer, cared for, then presented to
mom for <5 mins for visual contact only then no contact during 6 hr recovery
period. Maternal Perception of infant, maternal behaviors, and postnatal
research inventory taken once on etiher 1st or 2nd PP day and then once between
28-32 days of age at home visit. Maternal perception in hospital was sign
higher for KC than controls, and higher mat behavior scores in hospital and at
home. RCT, Fullterm. Mat. Perception/behavior.

McDermott, K. 2003. Kangaroo care: It’s not just for marsupials.Available

Report of Gene Anderson’s experimental study with preterm infants with KC
beginning soon after birth. Tells of the MCN case study of KC beginning 4.5 hrs
postbirth, saying the premise is that mothers can stabilize their infants. Says
crying occurs twice as often in separated fullterm infants and fullterms have
pathologic levels of salivary cortisol. Daddy says he still feels baby on his
chest even when not holding him. Mom reports less anxiety when attending to

other things while daddy was kangarooing. Parents learn how to do KC quickly.
Review, PT,FT, VEKC, paternalKC, mat. Anxiety, cortisol, crying, learning to do

McGrath JM, & Brock, N. (2002). Efficacy and Utilization of Skin-to-Skin

Care in the NICU. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(1), 17-26.Finally, we have
an updated review since 1996. This reviews the research studies in chart form
and comes to conclusions that are not surprises but are succinctly presented for
those who have not kept up with the literature.Review, BF, Implementation

McMaster P, Haina T, Vince JD. (2000). Kangaroo care in Port Moresby,

Papua New Guinea. Tropical Doctor, 30(3), 136-138. Implementation

McMaster P, Vince JD. (2000). Outcome of neonatal care in Port

Moresby,Papua New Guinea:A 19 yr report. J.Tropical Peds,46(1),57-61. Strict
adherence to KC and BF in last year had beneficial effects in reducing length of
stay and increasing weight gain in VLBW infants. Implementation

Medoff-Cooper, B.S., Holditch-Davis, D. 1999. Therapeutic actions and

outcomes for preterm (low birth weigh infants). In Hinshaw, A.D., Feetham, S.L.,
Shaver, J.L.F. (Eds.). Handbook of Clinical Nursing Research, Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage Pub. Pp. 161-183 (KC discussion is on pages 172-177. Basically a review
that refers to Anderson’s 1999 review in Goldson book. Review

Meier PP. (2001). Breastfeeding in the special care nursery: Prematures

and infants with medical problems. Pediatric Clinics North American, 49(2), 425-
443. This is a summary of the BF program at Rush that starts KC as soon as
infants are extubated and allows them to have Nonnutritive sucking at breast as
early as 24-25 weeks postconceptional age. Shows picture of 900 gm and 25 weeker
on CPAP in KC at breast. 90% of infants <1500 gms are BF at discharge in this
program. Breastfeeding

Meier PP 2003. Supporting lactation in mothers with very low birth weight
infants. Pediatric Annals, 32 (5), 317-325. Reviews the Rush Mother’s Milk
Club Program elements, all strategies to improve BF, including Pictures of KC
on page 317, pg321, and a section on bottom left column page 320 says “Mothers
and fathers are encouraged to hold even the smallest ventilated infants in KC to
minimize apnea, bradycardia, and hypoxemia that can accompany bolus gavage
feedings” (pg. 320). Shows on page 320 the “My Mom Pumps For Me” recording
form for recording KC sessions. Preterm, Breastfeeding, Ventilated KC

Meier PP, Engstrom JL, Mingoletti SS, Miracle DJ, & Kiesling S. 2004. The
Rush Mother’s Milk club: Breastfeeding interventions for mothers with very-low-
birth-weight inants. J.Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 33 (5), 164-174. Daily KC
is an integral part of the Rush Mother’s Milk Club program. They reviewed 207
VLBW records from 1997-1998. Lactation initiation is 72.9%, mean dose of own
mother’s milk at 15,30, & 60 days was 81.7%, 80.1%, and 66.1% respectively, of
total volume fed. 57.2% of hospital days infants were exclusively breastfed and
72.5% of hospital days infants received some of their own mother’s milk. The
outcomes of low income African American women are the highest in the literature
and these outcomes approach national health objective. PT, BF, lactation
initiation rate, % feeds of mothers’ own milk.

Messmer PR, Rodrigues S, Adams J, Wells-Gentry J, Washburn K, Zabaleta I,

Abreu S. 1997. Effect of Kangaroo Care on sleep time for neonates. Pediatric
Nursing, 23(4): 408-414. One group in preKC, KC, postkc for one hour, four
times. Increase in sleep time during KC, less agitation, apnea, bradycardia and
stable SaO2 in KC as compared to incubator. Nonsignificant but positive trend
for improved maternal attitude and emotional affect and decreased stress during
KC.Quasi Experimental, own control, repeated measures. PRETERM,sleep, apnea,
bradycardia, oxygenation,agitation, crying, Mat stress, mat attitude, affect.

Messmer,P.R., Wells-Gentry, J., Rodriguez, S., & Washburn, K. 1995.
Mother’s feelings on Kangaroo care for their preterm infants. In P.L. Munhall &
V.M. Fitzsimons (Eds.)The Emergence of Women in the 21st Century. New York: NLN
Press., page 243-250.

Meyer K, Anderson GC (1999). Using kangaroo care in a clinical setting

with fullterm infants having breastfeeding difficulties. MCN. The American J. of
Maternal Child Nursing, 24, 190-192. One fullterm who wasn’t BF @ 20hrs
postbirth got 60 min KC before next feeding. Spontaneously sought and latched
on. Two others did same thing at 18 and 40 hrs postbirth when given KC “for
about 1 hr”. FULL-TERM, BF.

Michelsson, K., Christenson, K., Rothganger, H., & Winberg, J. (1996).

Crying in separated and non-separated newborns: Sound spectrographic analysis.
Acta Paediatrica, 85: 471-475. 29 fullterm infants were randomly assigned to
cot or Kangaroo care for the first 90 min. following birth. Cot babies cried 10
times more than KC babies and the cry duration was 0.8-0.9 seconds with a
contour that is a discomfort cry, elicited mainly by separation from the mother.

Mikiel-Kostyra K, Boltruszko I, Mazur J, Zielenska M (2001). Skin-to-skin

contact after birth as a factor determining breastfeeding duration. Med. Wieku
Rozwoj, 5(2), 170-189.

Mikiel-Kostyra K, Mazur, J. (1998). Determination of newborn feeding in

maternity hospital care: Part I: Factors associated with breastfeeding
initiation. Ginekologia Polska, 60(11), 783-788. BF, KC is routine. FULLTERM

Mikiel-Kostyra K, Mazur J. (2000). Birth weight as a factor influencing

infant feeding in Polish maternity wards. Med Wieku Rozwoj 4(3), 337-346. They
use KC routinely. BF, KC is routine, FULLTERM

Mikiel-Kostyra K, Mazur J, Boltruszko I. 2002. Effect of early skin-to-

skin contact after delivery on duration of breastfeeding: A prospective cohort
study. Acta Paediatrica 91, 1301-1306. 9612 healthy fullterm newborns were in
three groups according to hospital care in Poland in 1995. 1 group got no KC
after birth (n=208), another <20 minutes (n=845; 532 got 1-4 min KC, 200 got 5-9
min, and 113 got 10-19 min) and a third which got >20 minutes of KC (n=72; 20-29
min = 19; >30 min = 53). Years later the national data set was mined for chart
review. 1923 healthy newborns were randomly assigned to complete follow-up
questionnaires when infants were 3 years old. 1340 (69.7%) of questionnaires
were returned and 1250 subjects were included in analysis.saz KC was given to
1020 dyads (81.6%) 96.&% of KC contact was initiated within firs t10 minutes of
birth. After c/s, only 11.2% of cases got KC, and in half of them it was started
1 hour or later after delivery. In 586 moms,KC was initiated within first 5 min
of birth and lasted <5 minutes. KC >20 min prolonged duration of exclusive BF by
1.35 mo, overall BF by 2.10 months compared to no KC group. Especially
beneficial was KC >30 min and longer. KC>20 minutes after delivery in DR,
increased duration of exclusive BF, but not overall BF. KC was main prognostic
factor for duration of exclusive BF, even just under 6 minutes of KC. Extensive
contact (>20 min) was more beneficial. Short KC was not very supportive for BF
(30% of infants with KC <20 min started suckling, but 81% of infants with KC >20
min did so).Fullterm, BF, short vs long KC(>20 minutes), Exclusive BF, BF
duration. See also Nommsen-Rivers annotation below.

Miller, M. (1990). No pouch necessary… preemies respond to Kangaroo Care.

Nurseweek. Nov. 12, pp. 1 & 24.

Modrcin-McCarthy, M.A., Harris, M., & Marlar, C. 1997. Touch and the
fragile infant: Comparison of touch techniques with implications for nursing

practice. Mother Baby Journal, 2(4), 12-19. Provides overview of historical
perspectives on touch, Sister Callista Roy’s adaptation model as a framework for
touch studies, and a comparison of the types of touch (procedural, comforting –
that includes stroking, massage, tactile-kinesthetic touch, gentle human touch,
and Kangaroo Care (pg 17-18). Author admonishes one to “frequently monitor the
infant during kc for temperature instability, patency of tubes, and stimulation
tolerance”(pg. 17) and states that “minimal detrimental effects are associated
with KC if the infant is medically stable”17.

Moeller-Jensen H., Hjort-Gregersen K., Matthiesen M., Vestergaard, H.F., &

Jepsen, B.H. (1987). The kangaroo method used in practice at the hospital of
Soenderborg, Denmark. Sygeplejersken 87(19), 12-16 or 16-18.IMPLEMENTATION

Mondlane, R.P., de Graca, A.M.P., & Ebrahim, G.J. (1989). Sin-to-skin

contact as a method of body warmth for infants of low birth weight. Journal of
Tropical Pediatrics, 35, 321-326. 3rd World

Moon J. (2004). Verse and Vision: Kangaroo Care. J Perinatal Education,

13 (1), iii. A picture of twins in shared KC accompanies the following verse:
In talking to the Kangaroo, its opinion would be… To care “for your child as my
mother cared for me.” In order to be stable, when you are able, “Care for your
child the way my mother cared for me.” Close to her heart—warmth, gentle
beating, love unfleeting. Research shows it’s so, this Kangaroo Care, no matter
what the species, it’s a mother’s care. POEM

Mooncey S, Giannakoulopoulos X, Glover V., Acolet D., Modi N. (1997). The

effect of mother-infant skin-to-skin contact on plasma cortisol and Beta-
endorphin concentrations in preterm infants. Infant Behavior and Development,
20(4): 553-557. Plasma beta-endorphin and plasma cortisol were measured after
20 minutes of KC to determine if attenuation of stress response occurred in
comparison to a control group. Cortisol did drop significantly after KC in the
KC group and after control period in control group; Endorphin dropped
significantly in KC group as compared to control. KC results in significant
reduction in B-endorphin as sign of attenuation of stress response; no adverse
effects occurred.

Moore J, McDermott J. 2004. Body Temperature, In Every Newborn’s Health.

Recommendations for Care for All Newborns. Washington, DC: Save the Children
organization. Available from Save the Children/US, 2000 M Street NW, Suite 500,
Washington, DC 20036. or at Page 1 says “Keep the
newborn in close contact with his/her mother. Skin-to-skin is best, as in the
‘kangaroo mother care’ position. A study conducted in the US (Fardig 1980)
shows that immediate, continuous skin-to-skin contact between mother and newborn
keeps newborns warmer than using a radiant warmer. The mother is best the best
incubator because she keeps the baby at the right temperature.

Moran, M, Radzyminski S.G., Higgins, KR., Dowling, D.A., Miller, MJ, &
Anderson, G.C. (1999). Maternal kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care in the NICU
beginning 4 hours postbirth. MCN(Amer.J. Maternal Child Nursing), 24(2),74-79.
A case study of a 32 weeker. Infant was 32 wks, 193 gr, got 6hrKC/day in 2-3 hr
intervals. To intermediate care on day 2, regained BW by Day 12, DC day 21,
exclusively BF at 40 wks, high normal develop at 18 mos. EARLY KC, BF, Develop.

Morton JA. 2003. The role of the pediatrician in extended breastfeeding

of the preterm infant. Pediatric Annals 32 (5), 308-316. This article
identifies variables that predict the best outcomes for BF at discharge from
NICU, reviews factors that led to compromised milk production, and lists
strategies to transition the infant from milk feedings to breastfeedings. On
page 312 it talks about KC under the Stimulants to Milk Production section,
saying it “provides innumerable benefits to mother and baby and has consistently
been associated with improved milk production, improved infantgrowth, and

competence in BF and extended lactation” pg. 312. Preterm, BF

Motluk, A. (2002). Kangaroo Care. Holding Premature Infants. ORGYN:

Organon’s Magazine on Women and Health.2002(3), 26-30. This is a general review
of KC and its mechanisms. It cites several researcher’s work. Review

Mukasa GK. 1992. Observations on kangaroo baby care. Mothers Child,

11(2), 7. A review of observations of KC in latin America and in Colombia and
relates program in Uganda. Review, program report.

Mulet, R.C., Figueroa de Leon, R., Gonzalez, J.V.B. (1992). Mother-child

early contact with the mothers kangaroo program and natural breastfeeding.
Rev.Latin.Perinat. 12,#3-4, 54-60.Randomized trial in Guatemala; 61 in
conventional care, 51 KC began KC in hospital and followed for 3 months: 78% KC
vs. 34% controls(p<.005)exclusively BF at 3 mos., growth/development at 3 months
was same in both groups. Has English summary on page 60.RCT

Nakajima H. 1994. Response of newborn when gently accosted by the mother

immediately after birth and subsequent growth and development. Keio J Med,
43(3): 167-170. Fullterm newborn listens to mom’s voice, has peaceful Buddha-
like expressions, and ceases to cry and moves for 10 minutes after birth. Infant
of heavy smoker appears anxious and does not stop crying. Infant searches for
nipple about 10 min. after birth. Little crying at 1 month. Fullterm, Very Early
Kangaroo Care.

Nasoro EF. 2002. Kangaroo Care in Malawi—Management for preterm babies.

J. Japan Academy of Midwifery 15 (3), 118-119.

Neu, M. 1999. Parents’perception of skin-to-skin care with their preterm

infants requiring assisted ventilation. JOGNN, 28 (2): 157-164. Nine parents (8
moms, 1 father) of ventilated preterms were interviewed and were apprehensive
when first doing KC and needed support to do it with these infants. Parents
valued the experience but needed intervention to alleviate apprehension, enhance
autonomy feelings, and modify environment. Those who continued with KC had more
active parenting role.VENT KC, FATHER, Qualitative study

Neu, M., Browne, J.V. & Vojir, C. (2000). The impact of two transfer
techniques used during skin-to-skin care on the physiologic and behavioral
responses of preterm infants. Nursing Research, 49(4), 215-223. 15 ventilated
preterms (MGA=30.2wks; Mwgt=1094g, Mage=18.3days) each received one day each of
transfer by nurse (sitting) or transfer by parent (standing)(14 Moms, 1 Father)
on 2 consecutive days in random order in interrupted time series, cross over
design. Min-by-min HR, SAO2 recorded manually for 30 min B4 & after transfer &
during 1 hr of KC. Axillary Temp was stable, HR increased, SaO2 decreased and
there was more motor disorganization with transfer.VENT KC, FATHER, Infant own

Newport, M.A. 1984. Conserving thermal energy and social integrity in the
newborn. Western J. Nursing Research, 6(2), 175-192. 39 healthy fullterms got
KC, 37 got routine care. KC began after dried and covered with warm cotton
blanket and continued for 15 mintes; routine got dried and wrapped and put in
Montgomery warmer bed for 15 min. No temp differences, HR, RR had no diffs.
No diarrhea, no ketouria, and no diff in weight loss. FULLTERMS, no mention of
assignement method. Delivery KC

Nissen E, Gustavsson P, Widstrom A-M, Uvnas-Moberg K. 1998.Oxytocin,

prolactin, milk production, and their relationship with personality traits in
women after vaginal delivery or cesarean sections. J. Psychosomatic OB &
Gynaecology 19, 49-58. Personality shift of new mothers is in part dependent
upon KC after birth and is reinforced by BF. Moms become more open,more
interactive, and calmer using the Karolinska Scales of Personality due to

oxytocin and prolactin levels which are released by skin-to-skin contact. See
also Uvnas-Moberg K, Widstrom A-M, Nissen E, BjorvellH. 1990. Personality traits
in women 4 days postpartum and their correlation with plasma levels of oxytocin
and prolactin. J. Psychosomatic Ob & Gyn, 11, 261-273. Fullterms, maternal
personality, delivery KC. Get this we don’t have

Nissen E, Lilja G, Widstrom AM, Uvnas Moberg K. 1995. Elevation of

oxytocin levels early postpartum in women. Acta Obstetrica & Gynecologica
Scandinavica 74, 530-533.It is highly probable that skin-to-skin contact by
itself stimulates oxytocin release. Thus, KC may assist in delivery of placenta
and involution when used early postpartum. FT, RCT??, Oxytocin, delivery KC
GET this as we don’t have it either.

Nommsen-Rivers, L., 2003. Early skin-to-skin contact: Does duration

matter? J.Human Lactation, 19 (3), 331-332. This is a review of Mikiel-Kostyra
et al., 2002 study. Cites Baby Friendly’s guideline that step 4 is to “help
mothers to initiate BF within 30 minutes of birth.” She states that in Mikiel’s
study the duration of KC was very brief, lasting only 1-4 minutes for 58% of the
mothers. Only 6% had KC for 20 minutes or more, 76% had it for 1-19 mins, and
18% had no early contact at all. Irrespective of the duration of KC, 97%
initiated KC within 10 minutes of birth. Duration does effect EXCLUSIVITY OF
BF: no contact exclusive BF duration was 2.47 months, 1-19 mins KC had 2.77
months, and >20 minutes had 3.82 months; any BF had similar pattern: no KC =
6.97 months, 1-19 minutes of KC = 8.33 months, and >20 minutes of KC = 9.07
months,> 30 minutes KC = 10.07 months of BF. KC >20 minutes and education beyond
high school were significant predictors of EXCLUSIVE BF duration. REVIEW OF

Nunez, MD (1989). Kangaroo babies. Caritas, 55(69), 6-7.

Nyqvist, KH. 2004. How can Kangaroo Mother Care and high technology care
be compatible? J. Human Lactation,20 (1), 72-74. This is an implementation
article that answers the questions, How can someone work with NICU staff to
overcome barriers, whether perceived or real, to implementing KC? Answer is 1)
educate everyone about KC’s + effects, and 2) reach an interdisciplinary
agreement about practical, evidence-based guidelines thatensure safe and
consistent care. This article includes the policy at Children’s Hosp. In
Uppsala, Sweden. Preterm, Implementation, Policy/Guidelines.

Nyquist KR, Sjoden P-O, Ewalk, U. (1994). Mother’s advice about

facilitating breastfeeding in neonatal intensive care unit. J. Human Lactation,
10(4), 237-243. 178 mothers felt that deprivation of early contact with infants
was a cause of BF failure.”Ample opportunities for early skin-to-skin contact
should be offered both mothers delivered vaginally and by cesarean section in
order to compensate the delayed physical contact with the
infant.”)p.240.Descriptive, BF

Odent, M. 1989. Mothering, Winter 72-73. Clinical impressions over 70

homebirths in which KC occurred continuously in an intimate environment with
unlimited BF access over the first hours and days after home birth. 33% of
homebirth babies and continuous immediately KC with BF in KC do not lose
birthweight while birthweight loss is regular phenomenon in Netherlands where
they have restricted KC in homebirths. He even says that sustained KC outside
the familiar home environment is inadequate to prevent birthweight loss. He
proposes that KC in a familiar birthing context produces less infant stress
(physiologic stress of newborn is immediately alleviated by arms of ecstatic
mother, minimizing energetic output and stopping wgt loss. Another mechanism to
prevent birth weight loss is that babies take in more colostrums than thought
possible and colostrums has lots of IgA antibodies (proteins with huge osmotic
charge(canhold lots of water),so when baby takes colostrums, he increases his
capacity for water retention, and colostrums has enzymes important to

metabolism, large bioavailability of zinc (and these are growth related
substances), and normal colostrums ejection reflexes (let down)don’t work if we
separate the infant right after birth (pg. 73). Birth weight loss is not a
physiologic necessity.Clinical report, weight, KCBF, antibodies in milk

Ohgi S, Fukuda M, Moriuchi H, Akiyama T., Nugent JK, Brazelton, TB,

Arisawa K, Takahashi T,Saitoh H. (2002). The effects of kangaroo care on
neonatal neurobehavioral organization, infant development and temperament in
healthy low-birth-weight infants through one year. J. Perinatology, 22 (5), 374-
379. 26 KCers(healthy LBW) got 20min-2 hours of KC per day from 33 wk-40 wks
PCA. KCers showed higher scores in orientation, state regulation on NBAS, lower
scores in Intensity and higher scores on MOOD at 6 months on Infant Temperament
Questionnaire than 27 standard care infants. At 12 months, KC scored higher on
Bayley Mental and Motor. KC effectively promoted neonatal behavioral
organization and enhanced developmental outcome over 1 st year of life. Non-
randomized trial with historical control, NBAS@ 40wks,Bayley and Carey
Temperament @ 6,12 mos. Development

Ogi S, Arisawa K, Takahashi T, Akiyama T, Goto Y, Fukuda M, Saito H. 2001.

The developmental effects of an early intervention program for very low
birthweight infants. No To Hattatsu, 33 (1), 31-36. KC group got NBAS as
intervention at 40 weeks PCA and then 44 wks (or may be from 38-44 wks for
treatment) of KC starting at 38 weeks PCA. NBAS used at 44 wks, Bayley at 12
months. KC group scored higher on orientation, motor performance, state range &
regulation tasks, supplementary on NBAS, lower scores in intensity and higher
scores in Mood on Carey at 6 months; at 12 month KC infants had higher Bayley
Mental and Motor Scales. KC promotes neonatal behavioral organization and
developmental outcome over 1st year of life. Development, NBAS, Temperament.
Longitudinal non-randomized as KC grp compared to historical control.

Olausson H, Lamarre Y, Backlund H, Morin C,Wallin BG, Starck G, Elholm S,

Strigo I, Worsley K, Vallbo AB, Bushnell MC. (2002). Unmyelinated tactile
afferents signal touch and project to insular cortex. Nature Neuroscience 5
(sept). (9), 900-904. Human hairy skin has dual tactile innervation: fast
conducting myelinated afferent fibers, and slow conducting unmyelinated
(C)afferents that respond to light, caressing touch. Activation of C tactile
(CT) afferents produced faint sensation of pleasant touch. Activation of CT
fibers in skin activate the insular cortex (limbic system), not somatosensory
areas of S1 and S2. CT is a system for limbic touch that underlies the
emotional, hormonal, and affiliative responses to caress-like, skin-to-skin
contact between individuals. Touch physiology. KC as pleasant experience.

Ortman BL, Schmidt CL (1999).The Effect of Kangaroo Care on the

Development of the Preterm Infant. Doctoral Dissertation from North Georgia
College and State University. Available from Dr. Sherri Williams, Dissertation
chair, Dept. of Physical Therapy. Barnes Hall, R. A-8, Dhlonega, GA 30597. 706-
864-1969. A randomized trial of 5 KC and 9 routine parental holding of 27-32 wk
PCA prematures. Kcers got 30 min/day x 4days/wk x 4 wks. Control got adlib
parental visiting and holding x 4 wks. At end of 4th week, no differences between
groups on weight gain, Test of Infant Motor Performance, and Maternal Attachment
Inventory and length of stay – but KC infants had significantly lower PCAs at
entry. PT, RCT, MOTOR DEV,Mat attachment, LOS, wgt gain

Page, J. (1995). Kangaroo Care: Enhancing infant and parent well-being in

the NICU. Perinatal Newsletter, 12(1), 5-8. Provides limited review of KC
(does not identify all studies, such as Ludington-Hoe’s 1992 paternal KC
study)and then talks about Page’s proposed study of cardiorespiratory effects
with Canadian infants. Does include Protocol for KC. PROTOCOL.

Pagliotti F, Anderson GC. (1999). Don’t manage third stage. J. Nurse-

midwifery, 44. 423-424.

Parker L, Anderson GC. (2002) Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care for adoptive

parents and their critically ill preterm infant. MCN, Am J Mat Child Nurs, 27
(4), 230-232. KC began DAY 3 of five days of ventilation for a 917 gr infant.
Adoptive parents both felt immediate and intense connection and began to know
infant during KC. VENT KC ADOPTIVE KC. End of life KC? Also reported in
Anderson, Dombrowski, & Swinth, 2001.

Pearson J, Andersen K. (2001). Evaluation of a program to promote positive

parenting in the neonatal intensive care unit. Neonatal Network: J. of Neonatal
Nursing, 20(4): 43-48. Not a study of KC per se, but a qualitative study of a
parent support groups use to promote parenting. On page46 under the theme
“Awareness of Cues and Optimizing Interaction” three comments from parents are
reported: “KC is interesting”, “KC, I love this idea!!!!”, and “They talked
about KC and parents then want to do it.”Qualitative Evaluation of Program that
included KC but was not focused on KC.

Perlman JM. (2003). The genesis of cognitive and behavioral defici.ts in

premature graduates of intensive care. Minerva Pediatrics 55 (2), 89-101.
Review. Prolonged hospitalization stress impairs Neurobehavioral outcomes. +
parent-infant interactions enhance neurobehav dev. KC is recommended as a
positive interaction to enhance neurobehavioral development. KC reduces
likelihood of developmental delay. Review, PT, Development

Quasem I,Sloan NL, Chowdhury A, Ahmed S., Winikoff B, Chowdhury AMR. 2003.
Adaptation of Kangaroo Mother Care for community-based application. J
Perinatology 223 (8, Dec. 2003), 646-651. 35 expectant or newly delivered moms
were taught about KMC, did it and at 1 month postpartum were interviewed to
evaluate kMC experience. 77% of moms initiated KMC and 85% with LBW babies did
not. Moms delayed newborn bath and some slept upright with babies for 24hr/day
KC. KMC was quickly and popularly adopted. Includes simple guidelines for
choosing infants appropriate for KMC. Descriptive, PT/FT, Implementation,
maternal experience.

Ramanathan K, Paul VK, Deorari AK, Taneja U, George G. (2001). Kangaroo

mother care in very low birth weight infants. Indian J Pediatrics, 68(11),Nov.
1019-1023. Stable preterms <1500gmBW were randomized into KMC (n=14) for at
least 4hr/day in not more than 3 sittings starting once stable and in
intermediate (incubator) care and continued at home) or control (n=14)) who got
standard care in incubator. KMCer’s had better wgt gain 15.9+4.5gm/day vs.
10.6+4.5 gm/day, and earlier discharge (27.2 vs. 34.6 days)than controls. #of
moms exclusively BF at 6 wks postdischg was double for KMC (12/14) than control
(6/14). RCT, BF, HOME, WGT gain, Earlier Discharge, Exclusive BF

Ransjo-Arvidson AB, Matthiesen AS, Lilja G, Nissen E, Widstrom AM, Uvnas-

Moberg K. (2001). Maternal analgesia during labor disrupts newborn behaviors:
Effects on breastfeeding, temperature, and crying. Birth, 28(1), 5-12. 28
FULLTERM newborns were placed in KC immediately after birth and videotaped. Grp
1(n=10)=no anesthesia; grp2 (n=6)= mepivacaine via pudendal block, grp 3(n=12)=
pethidine, bupivacaine or multiple analgesia –hand movements,hand-to-mouth
movements, touching nipple with hands prior to sucking, licking movements, and
sucking breast all less in grp 3, nearly 40% of grp 2 and 3 infants did NOT
breastfeed in first 2.5 hous of life. Grp 2 & 3 infants had higher temp
(intrascapular temp went from 35.5-35.6 to 36.3-36.5 in analgesic groups (but
from 35.4 to 35.8 over first 120 minutes of KC) and cried more (for longer
periods) especially group 3. Reports that analgesia during labor makes mothers
hyperexic, and this may make infants too warm, or increased crying can make
infants warmer.FULLTERM, BF, Comparative Survey

Reid, C. (2004). Kangaroo care. Neonatal Network, 23 (2), 53. This is an

author’s reply to some comment.
Renfrew MJ, Lang S, Woolridge MW. (2001). Early versus delayed initiation
of breastfeeding (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2001.
Oxford: Update Software. Available from http://www.update- Three studies reviewed comparing early skin
contact with late skin contact and BF. Early contact and BF was associated with
greater communication between mothers and infants but not with BF duration or #
of women BF aftter birth. The studies reviewed are from 1978,79 and 90 (before
KC really became established) and the first one does not say they did KC at all,
but just put baby to breast. The other two are clearly KC studies.

Rey, S.E., & Martinez, G.H. (1981). Maejo racional del nino prematuro.
Proceedings of the Conference 1 Curso de Medicina Fetal y Neonatal, Bogota,
Colombia: Fundacion Vivar, 1983. (Spanish). Manuscript available in English
from UNICEF, 3 UN Plaza, New York, NY: 10017.

Rey, E.S., & Martinez, H.B. (1983). Manejo rational de nino premature.
Proceedings of the conferences I curso de medicina fetal y neonatal, Bogota,
Colombia, March 17,1983, 137-151. THE ORIGINAL WORK OF THEIR PROGRESS FROM
1979-1983. BIRTH OF KC!!!

Richards M. (1994 Review of “Kangaroo Care: The Best You Can Do For Your
Premature Infant.” Birth, 21: 1. Review of Dr. L’s book.Says Dr. L comes on too
strongly in favor of KC and this might upset mother who cannot do KC

Richardson, H. (1997). Kangaroo Care: Why Does It Work? Midwifery Today,

International Midwife 44. Winter 1997, 50-51. This sounds very much like a talk
that Dr. Ludington gave and it cits Dr. Ludington throughout. Relates brief
history, talks of mother’s breast modulating infant temperature, regulated HR
and RRs and coherence (wrongly cited as 4 weeks of growth when it is really two
wks of growth), increased growth, improved sleep. PT, Review of Ludington talk,
Maternal-Neonatal Thermal Synchrony.

Ridley, K. (2000 or 1994? Probably 1994). NICU offers high-touch in a

high-tech world: Kangaroo Care. Inside, 10-12.This reports RECOVERY,
RESUSCITATION, or CONSOLATION KC, in which dying preterm is given to parents
tohold and then physiologic recovery takes place. SaO2 rose dramatically and
parents continued 24hr/day KC for 3 days andthen every night of hospitalization.
Tells of 14 infants given KC at Brigham & Women’s hospital in Boston. No date
on article which is hospital newsletter, but Jennifer Wallace reported this at
the 1993 National Council of Nurse Researcher’s meeting in Los Angeles in Feb.
1994 and Wallace-Ridpath wrote an article on it too. I wrote and asked for year
and got no response. RESUSCITATION KC

Righard, L., & Alade, M.O. (1990). Effect of delivery room routines on
success of first breast-feed. The Lancet, 336, 1105-1107. Comparison of
fullterm infants who laid on mother’s belly for 20 min. immediately after
delivery (n=34)(separation group) and were then removed were compared to those
who stayed nude on belly and chest for at least 1 hour (n=38)(contact group = KC
contact). The KC contact infants began crawling to the breast at 20 min, began
rooting, and at mean 50 min after birth most were sucking at breast. More KC
contact infants had correct sucking technique (24/38 vs. 7/34).

Riskin A, Bader, D. (2003). Breast is best – human milk for premature

infants. Harfuah, 142 (3), 217-222, 236,237. A review of preterm infant sucking
capabilities and suitability of breastmilk for them. States on page 216
“Support of lactation in mothers of preemies mandates protection of the mother
and child bonding process and early skin to skin contact (“Kangaroo care”).
Review, BF

Roberts, K.L., Paynter, C., McEwan, B. (2000). A comparison of Kangaroo
Mother Care and Conventional Cuddling Care. Neonatal Network, 19(4), 31-35.
30healthy preterms, ≥30wk GA, no O2 help, with stable temp for 24 hrs, in crib
or incubator randomly assigned to 2 hrs 5days/wk x4 wks of KMC (n=16) or holding
while clothed (n-14). No control group in study because both groups got some
holding. No differences in weight gain, temperatures, duration of BF, parental
stress (PSS-NICU score), or parental expectations score. Limitations were
clinician values for temp & wgt gain, no calibration of scales or interrater
reliabilities, small sample size, and inability to do inferential stats because
of small sample size.Says Holding while Clothed is not a Control. RCT, PARENTAL

Rojas MA, Kaplan M, Quevedo M, Sherwonit E, Foster LB, Ehrenkranz RA,

Mayes L. (2003). Somatic growth of preterm infants during skin-to-skin care
versus traditional holding: A randomized, controlled trial. J Developmental &
Behavioral Pediatrics 24 (3), 163-168. 60 preterms (swaddled holding = 27; KC =
33) <32 wks GA, <1500 grm, hemodynamically stable with minimal ventilatory
support. KC was for up to 8 hours per day( periods up to 4 hr/twice a day) every
day til infant reached 2000 gm or was discharged,whichever was first (KC
occurred for 1-28 days; swaddled holding occurred for 0-15 days with a median of
1 session per day. Fathers held infants mean 27% of swaddled holding time, 31%
of KC time, and 30/33 fathers gave KC. Rate of head growth was higher in KC
group; weight gain, linear growth, caloric intake, survival were not sig diff
between groups (but 2 KC babies died during study, one swaddled died). SSC group
had significantly greater total head growth and head growth rates once head size
at birth was accounted for. 9/26 (35%) of swaddled were successfully breastfed;
18/30 (60%) of KC were successfully breastfed. KC was “strongly associated with
successful breastfeeding”(p. 165). Fewer KC infants had episodes of oxygen
desaturation during handling, and trend for fewer episodes of hypothermia and
regurgitation in KC group (pg. 166). RCT Preterm, Paternal KC, Temperature,
Regurgitation, BF, Length of Stay, Head Circumference, length, Daily caloric
intake, mortality.

Roller, CG. (1999). Kangaroo care for a restless infant with gastric
reflux: One nurse midwife’s personal experience. MCN Am. J. Maternal Child
Nursing, 24(5): 244-246. Full-term infants who was given SURROGATE KC by the
CNM because mother was unavailable. Infant had severe and refractory GER but was
GER free during two feedings given with KC two days apart. SURROGATE KC

Roller, CG, Meyer K, Anderson GC (1999). Birth kangaroo (skin-to-skin)care

and breastfeeding: An eclamptic woman’s story. MCN, The Amer.J. Maternal Child
Nursing. 24, 294-295.34 wk infant who got KC 10 min postbirth. BF exclusively at
6 wks and still doing HOME KC.BF, Eclampsia KC, EARLY KC.

Ruiz JG, Charpak N, Figuero Z. 2002. Predictional need for supplementing

breastfeeding in preterm infants under Kangaroo Mother Care. Acta Paediatrica 91
(10), 1130-1134.Preterms >1200 grams can grow properly on exclusive BF. 45% of
infants on ambulatory KMC grow properly, but 55% need supplementation to grow
properly. Descriptive, Preterm, BF, post-discharge

Ruiz-Pelaez, J.G. & Charpak, N. (1998). Kangaroo Care: Commentary on a

Commentary. Birth 25(1): 62-64.
Sagmeister, C. (1990). Kangaroo care in the NICU. Neonatal Nursing
Monitor, Fall. 1990. pg. 1,3.

Salariya EM, Easton PM, Cater JI. 1978. Infant feeding. Duraiton of
breastfeeding after early initiation and frequent feeding. Lancet, II, 1141-
1143.Fultterm, BF. Get this one.

Scalembra C, Cattaneo A. 2002.?? WHAT IS THIS. CHARPAK referred to it.

Schaller J, Carlsson S.G., Larsson K. (1979). Effects of extended post-
partum mother-child contact on the mother’s behavior during nursing. Infant
Behavior & Development, 2, 319-324. RCT, FUllterm

Schanler RJ. (2001). The use of human milk for premature infants.Pediatr
Clin North Am 2001, 48(1), 207-219. This review article covers the role of
fortification and states “the potential stimulation of an enteromammary pathway
through skin-to-skin contact provides species-specific antimicrobial protection
for premature infants, and this needs to be explored. Thus, neonatal centers
should encourage the feeding of fortified milk, together with skin-to-skin
contact, as reasonable methods to enhance milk production while potentially
facilitating the development of an enteromammary response.”Review

Schmidt, E., & Wittreich, G. (1986). Care of the abnormal newborn: A

random controlled trial study of the "kangaroo method" of care of low birth
weight newborns. In: (WHO ed.) WHO Interregional Conference on Appropriate
Technology Following Birth, Trieste, WHO, 1986. More kc moms initiated BF than
non KC moms, even when LBW infants were a mean 3 weeks old at time of first KC
experience. RCT BF

Schrod L. & Walter, J. 2002. Effect of head-up tilt position on autonomic

function and cerebral oxygenation in preterm infants. Biology of Neonate, 81,
255-259. Handling, temperature control, and head elevated body position are
stress factors for infants during KC (pg. 258). 36 preterms (32.5 wks, bw=880-
2980 with median BW of 1460g)were tested to determine if head-up position of KC
causes autonomic stress. After 3 minutes of adaptation, prolonged head-up
position did not produce further changes in HR, MAP, SaO2, and resp. frequency
was reduced by 6-12% (42 → 38). HRV showed greater increase in low frequency
than high frequency activity after being tilted, but both changed significantly
on day 8 only, suggesting a relative increase in sympathetic versus vagal
activation. Preterms <1500 g showed significant decrease of regional cerebral
oxygen saturation of about 2-5% from day 2-day 8 (this level is clinically
insignificant). There were no prolonged side effects of prolonged head-up
position (tested by using a wedge under the baby) in stable preterms over first
days of life (2-12 days of life), though initial decline in total cerebral
hemoglobin in first 3 minutes of head-up position might be critical in very
immature infants. “Prolonged head-up positioning has no undesirable effects in
preterm infants with stable circulation including very immature infants of 25
weeks gestation”(pg. 259). Descriptive, HRV, HR, SaO2, MAP, cerebral hemoglobin,
cerebral oxygen pressure, RR,

Scochi, C.G., Kokuday, Mde L., Riul, M.J., Rossanez, L.S., Fonseca, L.M.,
Leite, A.M. (2003). Encouraging mother-child attachment in premature
situations: Nursing interventions at the Ribeirao Preto clinical hospital.
Review Latino American Enfermagen, 11 (4), 539-543. Clinical report of nursing
interventions in University Hospital NICU of Univ. of Sao Paulo. KC is
encouraged at first parental NICU visit. All aspects of program have promoted
Maternal-infant attachment. PT, Clinical report, attachment, maternal feelings.

Sepkowitz, S. (1985). The marsupial mother. The Lancet, July 13, 1985, p.

Sheridan, B. (2000). Katie’s story: A little inspiration. Central Lines

16(4): 27. Story of a 28 weeker’s recovery. KC was started and author states
“Probably one of the greatest parts of my job is when a parent first kangaroos
her baby.”

Simkiss DE (1999). Kangaroo mother care [Editorial].J Tropical Pediatrics,

45(4), 192-194.

Sleath, K. (1985). Lessons from Colombia.Nursing Mirror, 160(4), 14-16.

Sloan, N.L., Camacho, L.W.L., Rojas, E.P. , Stern, C., & Maternidad Isidro
Ayora Study Team. (1994). Kangaroo mother method: Randomized controlled trial
of an alternative method of care for stabilized low-birth weight infants.
Lancet, 344 (8925)September 17, 1994, 782-785.Randomized controlled trial,

Smith S. 1996. Skin-to-skin contact for premature and sick infants and
their mothers. In Contemporary Issues in Nursing, Biley F & Maggs C (Eds.).
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 31-78.VENT KC, Cross Over, Own Control

Smith, S.L. (1999). Skin-to-sklin care in intubated very low birthweight

infants. Parent to Parent Update (Univ. Utah Med Ctr in house newsletter).
Summer 1999, pg. 4. 14 mechanically ventilated infants (X wgt=2 lbs. 3oz; X GA
= 30.5 wks) were randomly assigned to cross over of 2 hrs of KC before 2 hrs of
incubator or vice versa. During KC higher skin (37.02) and leg temps occurred
than during incubator (36.58 for skin temp). Babies needed 14% more O2 during
KC and their SaO2 was lower during KC than in incubator. Smith postulates that
increased energy and O2 consumption occur during two hours of KC with ventilated
infants. VENT KC, thigh temp, skin temp, FiO2,oxygenation, SaO2

Smith SL (2001). Physiologic stability of intubated VLBW infants during

skin-to-skin care and incubator care. Advances in Neonatal Care, 1(1)(Oct), 28-
40. 14 bronchopulmonary dysplasia mechanically ventilated infants (X wgt=2 lbs.
3oz; X GA = 30.5 wks) were randomly assigned to cross over of 2 hrs of KC before
2 hrs of incubator or vice versa. During KC higher skin (37.02) and leg temps
occurred than during incubator (36.58 for skin temp). Babies needed 14% more O2
during KC and their SaO2 was lower during KC than in incubator. Smith
postulates that increased energy and O2 consumption occur during two hours of KC
with ventilated infants. VENT KC, randomized quasi experimental study. Skin
temp, thigh temps, SaO2, FIO2

Smith SL (2002). Infant holding in intensive care. AACN News, 19(2), pg.
4, 5. Short clinical scenario of KC with intubated infant that gives Smith
chance to review the lit again and say that KC with intubated infants may not be
the best practice. She reviews her study here as well.

Smith SL. 2003. Research corner: Myth vs. Reality: Holding intubated
infants in the NICU. AACN News.nsf. Available on http://www.aacnnews.nsf. A
case study of Jay, a 26 weeker who is 38 days old and intubated and given KC
starts this report of myths that she dispels. Myth #1 is Intubated infants are
physiologically more stable when held than when in incubator; She says the
rectal temp of a 772 gram decreased to 37.2 during KC, showing the fragility of
very small infants during KC (But 37.2 is a great temp!!!). She reviews Neu’s
work and concludes that the “data regarding safety and efficacy of KC on
intubated VLBW infants is conflicting. Clinical review, Vent KC.2nd report of
temp drop during KC.

Smith, SL. 2003. Heart period variability of intubated very-low-birth-

weight infants during incubator care and maternal holding. Am J Critical Care 12
(1), 54-64. 14 preterm infants tested at mean of 34 postnatal days who were on
mechanical ventilation (BPD babies) served as own controls and were randomly
assigned to 2 hrs of intermittent KC for 2 consecutive days followed by 2 days
of incubator care or vice versa. Multiple 300 second epochs of 5Hz data was
analyzed. Mean interbeat interval (time domain assessment) was 332 ms during
KC, 368 ms during incubator. No differences in low frequency, high frequency,
low/high frequency ratio power (Frequency domain assessment) between KC and
incubator existed (pg. 60). Mean LF for kc was 124.6 ms2 (R=51.9-71.4 ms2), LF
for incubator was 70.3 before KC, 71.4 after KC and 51.9-61.7 ms2 during
incubator period. Mean HF power was similar for KC (8.8) and incubator (6.1

ms2). LF/HF ratio was 6.7ms2 during KC and was between 6.8 – 8.1 ms2 during
incubator. Gestationally older infants (32-34 weeks corrected age) had
increased power (but not significantly different) in the low and high frequency
regions than 28-29, 30-31 wk infants. Significantly higher temp and
significantly higher FiO2 during KC than incubator, and lower (but not sig)
SaO2, but the data are not given as these are reported in another study and just
mentioned here. PT, Cross-over design, HRV, Temp, SaO2,FiO2

Sontheimer, D., Fischer, C.G., Scheffer, F., Kaempf, D., & Linderkamp, O.
(1995). Pitfalls in respiratory monitoring of premature infants during Kangaroo
care. Archives Disease in Childhood Fetal Neonatal Edition, 72(2), F115-117.

Sontheimer, D., Fischer, C.G., Buch, K.E.(2004). Kangaroo transport

instead of incubator transport. Pediatrics 113 (4), 920-923. 31 stable preterm
and term infants were given “in transports” (n=13) and “back transports’ (n=18).
27 were maternal KC transports, 1 paternal transport, 2 by RNs and one by MD.
No differences between surrogate and maternal/paternal KC outcomes. HR, RR,
SaO2(taken every 5 minutes throughout transport)and rectal temp (B4 and After
transport- after transport was 36.5-37.4) were stable in all KC transports. One
baby had HR increase from 130-165 after 1 hr of transport due to warming (so
blanket was removed). No crying or agitated behavior observed. Parents felts
comfortable and safe and appreciated this type of transport. Transports were by
ambulance and helicopter and weights were 1220-3720 grams and took 2-400 km and
10-300 minutes. KC reduces jarring but may not be appropriate for critically ill
infants who neeed repeated handling and therapeutic interventions during
transport. Baby is tied to mother using a sling and two blankets. KC transport
is safe, effective, and inexpensive method of transport. Article includes many
pictures. Descriptive, PT, FT, HR, RR, SaO2, Rectal Temp,crying, agitation,
Maternal feelings,Pat KC, surrogate KC.

Sosa R, Kennell JH, Klaus M. Urrutia JJ. 1976. The effect of early
mother-infant contact on breastfeeding, infection, and growth. In Elliott K,
Fitzsimmons DW (Eds.) Breastfeeding and the Mother. Ciba Foundation Symposium
vol. 45, NY: Elsevier Excerpta Medical, 1976: 170-193. This is a report of 3
studies conducted in Guatemala. Primip moms of NSVD of 37-42 weeks GA. Study
#1: KC group (n= 30) given 45 minutes KC under radiant warmer beginning after
episiotomy repair; control (n= 30) had mom and baby separated for 12-24 hours
with FU at 35 days, 3,6,9,12 mos. KC group BF for mean 173 days during 1st
year, controls for 274 days. Fewer infections in KC. Early postnatal KC did
not result in an increase in BF. Study #2: KC (n=34) got 45 minutes post
delivery, control (n=34) separated for 12-24 hours. KC group BF for mean 159
days over 1st year, control for 109 days: KCers BF longer, & fewer infections
in KC. Study #3: KC (n= 20)also got 45 minutes of KC, and controls (n=20) were
separated for 12-24 hours and third group (n=20) got nude infant at 12 hrs
age. KC group BF for mean # of 96 days over 1st year of life, controls Bf for
mean of 104 days. KCers did not BF longer in Study #3. Observations at 36
hours in study #3 showed KC moms had sig more maternal affectionate behavior
(being en face, looking, talking, fondling,kissing, smiling to infant), but no
diff in proximity behavior (keeping baby in mom’s bed or holding it close) or
in taking care of baby (burping, wiping mouth). Conclusion:KC moms BF 50%
longer than controls (p.183).Wgt gain sig more at 6 months (4.5kg kc VS. 3.7kg
non-KC) and sig. More at 1 yr (6.0kg vs 5.7kg) maternal sensitive period is
<12 hours and early Mat-infant contact PP has far-reachinhg effects on infant
health during 1st yr. RCTs Full-term, BF, Infection, Wgt gain.

Stening W. (1997). The kangaroo method (skin-to-skin contact) for

premature infants. Kinderkranenschwester, 16(8), 308-310.
Stening, W., & Roth, B. (1993). The kangaroo method for premature
infants. in I. Blum (ed)., Prenatal Perception, Berlin: Leonardo Publ. p. 221-
244.Literature Summary

Stening W, Roth B. 1999. Dissemination of the Kangaroo Method in Germany.
J Perinatology 19(6): 450-451. 91%of German NICUs offer KC; ¾ of those to
ventilated infants with “good or very good” experiences. Most offer it for 30-
60 minutes, but they think this is too short. Hypothermia is infrequent,
infection is not found, spontaneous extubation of ventilated pts. is a
problem.Implementation, Infection,

Strachan-Lindenberg C, Cabrera-Artola R, Jimenez V. 1990. The effect of

early postpartum mother-infant contact and breastfeeding promotion on the
incidence and continuation of breastfeeding.International J Nursing Studies 27,
179-186. Conducted 4 month follow-up. RCT, Fullterm, BF

Svejda MJ, Campos JJ, Emde RN, 1980. Maternal-infnat “bonding”: Failure
to generalize. Child Development, 51, 775-779. Randomized controlled trial.
Extra contact or routine care. KC (n=15) for 15 min after episiotomy repair
and then gowned moms had nude infant with them for 45 min when in own room.
Then 90 min of wrapped contact at each feeding for breastfeeding.Control
(n=15), 1-5 min of contact at delivery with wrapped infant and 30 min at each
feed starting 4-6 hrs after delivery. In the first 36 hrs, extra contact moms
had 10 additional hours of contact as compared to 15 gowned mothers who looked
at baby in a crib while still in the DR, held the wrapped infant briefly
before going to nursery. No differences in maternal behavior between groups or
between situations were seen. RCT, fullterm.

(SAREC) Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries.

(1985). Breathing and Warmth at Birth: Juding the Appropriateness of Technology
(Sarec Report R2. Sterky G, Tafari N, Tunell R (Eds.). This report says that
one of the best way for developing countries to keep babies warm is Kangaroo
Care and it recommends that for prevention and recovery from Hypothermia.

Swinth JY, Anderson GC, Hadeed AJ. (2003). Kangaroo Care with a preterm
infant: Before, during and after mechanical ventilation. Neonatal Network. 22
(6), 33-46. Case study of infant with mild RD at 2-18 hrs postbirth without
improvement til KC began. 4.75 hrs of pre-ventilation KC, 4.0hr of VentKC, and
6.0 hrs of post-ventilationn KC given. KC assisted in recovery from RD and
fostered maternal relaxation and reduces maternal stress. Vent KC, Case study,
Maternal relaxation, Mat stress, sleep, crying, FiO2, SaO2, protocol for
positioning and securing lines on pg.35.

Swinth JY, Nelson LE, Hadeed A, Anderson, GC. (2000). Shared kangaroo care
for triplets. MCN Amer.J. Maternal Child Nursing, 25(4): 214-216. Mom had 4 kids
at home, had naturally occurring triplets at 35 weeks. One was IUGR. Held all 3
simultaneously at 6 days of life and quickly came to know each baby as an
individual. Babies nuzzled up easily in KC. Triplets were co-bedded in nursery.
Triplet preterm KC.

Syfrett EB, Anderson GC, Behnke ML, Hilliard B. in progress. Very early
kangaroo care for healthy breastfed preterm infants: A pilot randomized
controlled trial. Available from Dr. Anderson

Sywulak, H.C.M. 2002. Kangaroo mother care: Rediscover the natural way to
care for your newborn baby. J. Human Lactation, 18 (3), 289-290. I think this
is a review of Nils Bergman’s film.

Tessier R, Cristo MB, Velez S., Giron M, Nadeau L, Figueroa de Calume Z,

Ruiz-Palaez JG, Charpak, N. 2003. Kangaroo mother care: A method for
protecting high risk, low birth weight and premature infants against
developmental delay Infant Behavior and Development 26 (3), 384-397.
.Randomized trial of 431 LBW and premature (<1801 g) given KMC (start when able
to breastfeed, and off of all breathing support, did it for 24 hours a day until

37-38 weeks PCA, and other Kcers i.e father, grandmother) or incubator care
(kept in incubator til appropriate wgt gain and discharged at 1700gm). At 12
month 336 took Griffiths test . At 12 months KMCers had higher IQ, and the more
premature the infant (30-32 weeks) and sicker and for those with diagnosed
abnormal or doubtful neuro develop at 6 months age, the higher the significance.
The main kmc effect was on 3 subscales: Hearing and Speech, Personal-
Social[development of personal relations]and Performance. and on planning
functions related to brain developmental stage at birth. KMC provides BRAIN
CARE. RCT, 24 hr KC, Developmental,Paternal KC, Surrogate KMC, Mixed fullterms
with Preterms and LBW, LOS, Grandmother

Tessier, R., Cristo, M., Velez, S., Giron, M., Figueroa de Calume, Z.,
Ruiz-Palaez, J.G., Charpak, Y., Charpak, N. (1998). Kangaroo Mother Care and the
Bonding Hypothesis. Pediatrics, 102 No.2 August 1998. Abstract e17, pg. 390-391.
Randomized controlled trial.

Tessier, R. et al., Pediatrics, 102(2), available off the web.Same as

above but full report.

Tessier R et al. See under ABSTRACTS for KMC as method of protecting high
risk preemies against developmental delay.

Thomson ME, Hartsock TG, Larson C. 1979. The importance of immediate

postnatal contact: Its effect on breastfeeding. Canadian Family Physician, 25
(Nov.), 1374,76,78. 15 control term infants were delivered, placed in heated
crib, given silver nitrate, wrapped in blanket and held by mom for 5 min before
going to nursery. Primip Mom next saw infant at 12-14 hrs postbirth. 15 KC term
infants(called early contact group) had same routine but given to mother 15-30
min postbirth, unwrapped and held against her bare chest for 15-20 min covered
by warm blanket. Given after delivery of placenta, repair and transfer to
stretcher bed. After 15-20 min of KC infant taken to nursery. BF success
defined as BF for minimum of 2 months with daily supplementary feeding. 100% of
KC BF at discharge, 93%of control. Sig more KCers were successful BF at 2 months
(60% KC vs. 40% control). All Kcers attempted BF in delivery room, most sucked
eagerly but 2 only mouthed nipple (pg. 1376). Greater BF success attributed to
closer bond formed during early sensitive period. RCT, FULLTERM, BF Success

Thompson, N.M. (1996). Relactation in a Newborn Intensive Care Setting. J

Hum Lact 12(3),1996. Pp.233-235.

Toma, T.S. (2003). Kangaroo mother care: The role of health care services
and family networks in a successful program. Cad Saude Publica, Rio de Janeiro,
19 (supple 2), S233-S242. 14 men and women answered questionnaires about how to
get KC done for their infants. Health workers needed to address personal and
family problems that prevented KC, and consider history of perinatal death,
other kids in household, paternal/family involvement, and household management
so that KC can be implemented. Descriptive, implementation.

Tomlin AC. (1993). Review of Kangaroo Care: The Best You Can Do For Your
Preterm Infant by Ludington-Hoe and Golant. Library J. 118(14), 214-215. Sept.
1, 1993.

Tornhage CJ, Serenius F, Uvnas-Moberg K, Lindberg T.(1998). Plasma

Somatostatin and Cholecystokinin levels in preterm infants during KC with and
without Nasogastric tube feeding. J. Pedtriat Endocrinology & Metabolism, 11(5):
645-651. Preterms kept in KC have lower levels of cortisol and
cholescystokinin than babies kept in incubators. NG feeding in KC increased
cholecystokinin response to feeding, promoting GI growth and secretion.
Preterm, Cortisol, CCK, Somatostatin

Tornhage CJ, Stuge E, Lindberg T, Serenius F (1999). First week Kangaroo

care in sick very preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica 88(12), 1402-1404. Took 17
infants (12 on CPAP, 1 on vent, 4 no 02 support) conveniently sampled from
other study. Had pretest-test-posttest design, 60 min or more of KC on median
age of 3 days of life. Infants were median age 28 weeksGA, median BW 1238g,
median wgt on study day 1072 g. 8 infants were fed 4-20 ml human milk by NG. KC
did not stop due to infant deterioration in any subject (1403). One infant had
brief apneic spell >60 sec during blood sampling. During KC Sa02 was 88-98, FiO2
had to be decreased by 0.09 in one infant, increased by 0.05 and by 0.12 in two
infants. TcPO2 increased spontaneously in 9/17 infants and varied in others.
TcpCO2 changed <o.5kPa in 15/17 infants (in two infants went from 5.2-6.3 or
6.5kpA). PaCo2 changed <0.8kpa in 15/17. In one infant paCO2 increased from 5.7
to 7.5 and decreased from 5.9 to 4.4 kpa in another. Arterial pH changed <0.06
in 15/17 infants, and decreased from 7.35 to7.28 and 7.31 in two infants. HR
range 130-180 BeforeKC and 135-190 after KC. No bradycardia occurred. Temp was
unchanged or increased <0.2C in 8/15; decreaed <0.5C in 6 and 0.5-0.9 in 2/15.
The lowest post-KC temperature was 36.2 after a drop of 1.0C in one infant.
Before KC, infants were crying, awake. AT 30 minutes of KC 16/17 were quiet
sleep, 1 was drowsy. AT 60 minutes of KC15/17 quiet sleep, 2 were awake. NG feed
tolerated without adverse effects. Sick and very preterm infants tolerate KC
early in life (1404). “Tolerability of of repeated, prolonged periods of KC (<4
hrs) has been excellent” in their nursery (1404). Descriptive, VENT KC, KC
+NG,Apnea, Behav.state, HR, SaO2,temp, TcPo2, TcpCO2, Bradycardia, arterial pH,
and arterial CO2, FiO2. sleep, crying, awake, CPAP

Tuomikoski-Koiranen, P. (1990,June). Kangaroo Care As Part of Nursing

Premature Infants and Some Results From A Study on Kangaroo Care in the Neonatal
Unit of Turku University Hospital, 1986. Paper presented at the Third Biennial
International Conference for Maternity Nurse Researchers, Nordic School for
Public Health, Gothenberg, Sweden. KC by 2 Fathers.

Turner B. (2000). The child with an acute or critical illness. Commentary

on Roberts KL, Paynter C, McEwan B. (200). A comparison of Kangaroo mother care
and conventional cuddling care in Neonatal Network, 19(4), 31-35. J Child Family
Nursing, 3(6), 414-415. She raises some concerns that interpretation of data
does not correspond to the data presented in the charts.

UNICEF (1984). Kangaroo treatment saves underweight babies. News

Feature, May 1984.

Uvnas-Moberg K. 1999. Effects on mother and infant of oxytocin released

in the postpartum period. In N.A. Fox, LA Leavitt, J.G. Warhol (Eds.) The role
of early experience in infant development. Pp. 283-290.New Brunswick, NJ;
Johnson and Johnson Pediatric Institute. On page 284 starts a whole section on
the effects of early skin-to-skin contact on mothers and infants. Excellent
reading as this talks about the Swedish studies with Widstrom and her rat model
investigations. Mothers report being warmer, sleepier, and thirstier than
mothers without this contact. Both mothers and infants become calmer, activity
in the sympathoadrenal axis decreases, and some aspects of vagal nerve activity
linked to increased GI function and anabolic metabolism are enhanced (pg. 285).
REVIEW, comfort, Gastrin, CCK, Vagal Nerve stimulation.

Vaivre-Douret L, Papiernik E, & Relier JP. (1996). Kangaroo method and

care. Archives Pediatrics, 3(12),1262-1269.
Van den Bosch, C., & Nhalne, C. (1993). Problems with Kangaroo babies in
Africa. J. Tropical Pediatrics, 39(3): 193-194 [Letter].
Van Rooyen, E., Ludington-Hoe, S.M. under review. Use of the Kangaroo
Wrap. Neonatal Network.

Van Rooyen, E., Pullen, A.E., Pattinson, R.C., Delport, S.D. 2002. The

value of the kangaroo mother care unit at Kalafong Hospital. Geneeskunde. The
Medical Journal, April 2002, 6-10. This is a report of 18 months of mandated
practice of KC with low birthweight PRETERM infants in South Africa at the
public hospital. 466 infants were admitted to the 24-hour/day KC unit over 18
months. 81% (n=375) of the infants weighed less than 1751 grams; 12% weighed
less than 1251 grams.Average Length of stay was 13 days, average wgt gain was
23g/day. 85% were fully BF at discharge(the other 15% had HIV). One infant died
in the KMC unit and 32 were transferred back to NICU for infection. Length of
stay for infants <1300 g was decreased by 3 days when compared to LOS prior to
KMC. Before KMC follow up was <50%; after KMC follow-up was 321 (69%), and 47%
attended more than once. Implementation,Preterm, 24 hr/day KMC, wgt gain,
length of stay, BF,infection, follow-up.

Vaughans, B. (1990). Early maternal-infant contact and neonatal

thermoregulation. Neonatal Network,8: 19-21. Newborns dried and placed under
radiant warmer immediately after birth were compared to ll other fullterms who
were dried, covered with warm blanket and put into KC immediately after birth.
After 10 minutes, no sig. diff. in axillary temperatures. FULLTERM

Victor & Persoon (1994). Implementation of Kangaroo Care: A parent-

Health Care Team Approach. Crit Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 6(40).,

Villalon U,H., Alvarez C,P., Barria H, E., Caneleo H, D., Carrillo M, L.,
Duran G, S., Luz Feres R, C., Mansilla A, P., Navarro C, A., Olivares G, C., &
Torres R, V. 1992. Effect of early skin-to-skin contact on temperature
regulation, heart rate, and respiratory rate in healthy, full-term newborns. Rev
Chil Pediatr, 63: 140-144. Gave KC immediately after birth for 4 hours(92
newborns, , KC= 47, remainder were controls who got routine maternity ward care.
No diff between groups in HR, RR and ability to regular body temp;93.6% (n=44)
of KC moms and ALL STAFF “expressed very good opinion about KC. KC can be used
safely with fullterm healthy newborn with environmental temp as low as 19
degrees C. FULLTERM RCT, TEMP, HR., RR, Mat Impression, Staff Impression,
delivery KC

Villalon, UH, Alvarez, CP. (1993). Short term effects of early skin-to-
skin contact (kangaroo care) on breastfeeding in healthy fullterm newborns. Rev.
Child Pediatr. 64(2), 124-128. Randomized controlled trial of 119 dyads(KC=59)
who got early KC (started 2-4 hrs postbirth) vs controls who stayed in
observation nursery for first 4 hrs postbirth in Chile. 89.9%KC vs. 63.3%
control breastfeeding at 24 hrs postbirth; 93.3% KC vs. 66.7% control BF at
discharge; 78.8% KC vs. 56.2% control BF at 14 days postdischarge. Maternal
self confidence at discharge (89.9KC vs.53.3m p<.001) and 14 days

Victor, L., & Persoon, J. (1994). Implementation of kangaroo care: A

parent-health care team approach to practice change. Critical Care Nursing
Clinics of North America, 6(4): 891-895. This article discusses how the
neonatal intensive care unit at Children's Health Care St. Paul became the first
in the nation to successfully implement KC in a nonresearch based environment.
This systematic process included use of research materials indicating positive
outcomes, recruitment of primary nurses, and staff educational sessions that
encouraged problem solving for potential adverse effects.IMPLEMENTATION

Wahlberg, V. (1987). Alternative care for premature infants: The

Kangaroo Method- Advantages, risks, and ethical questions. Neonatologia, 4,
362-367.Describes origins of KC & Bogota, that mortality & abandonment dropped

Wahlberg, V. (1991). The “kangaroo method” and breastfeeding in low birth

weight babies. NU Nytt on U-landshalsovard,5(3), 22-26. Reports how KC began,

that mortality and abandonment decrease (p.24), includes report of 33 Kcers in
Sweden and less HR, lower o2 needs, less restless, better temp maintenance,
fewer digestive probs, more milk, and 24/33Kcers (83%) BF at discharge vs 45% in
control (p. 25. Has BF cycle wheel for KC. Clinical Report and

Wahlberg, V., Affonso, D. & Persson, B. (1992). A retrospective,

comparative survey using the kangaroo method as a complement to the standard
incubator care. European Journal of Public Health, 2, 34-37.Descriptive,
retrospective comparative.

Wallace, J., & Ridpath-Parker, J. (1993). Kangaroo care. Quality

Management in Health Care, 2(1), 1-5. Resuscitative/Consoling KC

Wallace H, Marshall D. 2001. Skin-to-skin contact: Benefits and

difficulties. Practical Midwife, 4(5), 30-32.
Wallis, C L. 2000. Kangaroo Care. Neonatal Network 19(7), 68. This is a
letter to the editor that KC is used routinely and shows pictures of twins in
KC. TWIN KC, routine use in U.S.

Weller A, & Feldman, R. 2003. Emotion regulation and touch in infants:

The role of cholecystokinin and opioids. Peptides 24 (5), 779-788.
Cholecystokinin and opioids peptides mediate early learning about maternal odor,
milk and contact in rats. This paper reviews all the work showing that
neuropeptide systems mediate emotion regulation in human infants, thus playing a
role in the emergence of stress-reactivity and other motivational systems such
as feeding. Maternal handling, proximity,and touch benefits the development of
emotion regulation in the human. KC has been shown to improve the infant’s
ability to self-regulate and to moderate the effects of some risk factors.
Theoretical review. Stress, emotional development.

Weller A, Rozin A, Goldstein A, Charpak N, Ruis-Pelaez JG, Figueroa de

Calume Z, Charpak Y, Sack J. 2002. Longitudinal assessment of pituitary-thyroid
axis and adrenal function in preterm infants raised by ‘kangaroo mother care.’
Hormone Research 57 (1-2),22-26.

Wheeler JL, Johnson M, Collie L, Sutherland D, Chapman C. (1999).

Promoting breastfeeding in the neonatal intensive care unit. Breastfeeding
Review, 7(2): 15-18. Forty-one infants watched during feeds for 21 days. Infants
were 32-37 wks (M=34.21wks, MBW=2225.02g). On day 1, 22.2% BF while nude on
breast (called KC); days 2-9 % of babies in KC for BF dropped to 8.7%, 0% on
days 10-14; and 18.2% on day 15 and no more after that. KC was not considered
“necessary” on days 10-12 because infants were BF. BREASTFEED, Descriptive.

Whitehead, SM & Cundall, D. (1985). The marsupial mother. The

Lancet, July 13, 1985, 99-100.”The reporting of Whitelaw’s article (the Lancet,
1985) can do much to diversify thnking about the management of LBW babies in
Third World.

Whitelaw, A. (1986). Skin-to-skin contact in the care of very low birth

weight babies. Maternal and Child Health, 7, 242-246.FATHERS- 5 fathers gave KC,
no measurements reported.

Whitelaw, A. (1990). Kangaroo baby care: Just a nice experience or an

important advance for preterm infants? Pediatrics, 85(4), 604-605.
Whitelaw, A., Diaz-Rosello, J, Anderson GC. 2000. Skin-to-skin contact
between mothers and their newborn infants in hospital (Protocol for a Cochrane
Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2000. Oxford: Update Software.

Whitelaw, A., Heisterkamp, G., Sleath, K., Acolet, D., & Richards, M.
(1988). Skin-to-skin contact for very low birth weight infants and their
mothers. Archives of Diseases in Childhood, 63, 1377-1381.

Whitelaw, A., & Liestol, K. (1994). Mortality and growth of low birth
weight infants on the kangaroo mother program in Bogota, Colombia. Pediatrics,
94(6), 931-932.BF, Wgt gain

Whitelaw, A., & Sleath, K. (1985). Myth of the marsupial mother: Home
care of very low birth weight babies in Bogota, Colombia. Lancet 1, (8439)May
25, 1206-1208.

Widstrom AM, Ransjo-Arvidson AB, Christensson K, Matthiesen AS, Winberg J,

Uvnas-Moberg K. (1987). Gastric suction in healthy newborn infants. Acta
Paediatrica Scand, 76, 566-572. 21 healthy term infants were randomized into
routine gastric suctioning after birth or no suctioning. Prefeeding behav was
watched after dried, nude infant placed on maternal abdomen. Pictures of how
infants spontaneously move up to breast to feed. Gastric suc tioning disrupts
this natural behavior.FULL TERM. RCT KC is part of routine care

Widstrom, A-M, Wahlberg V, Matthiesen A-S, Eneroth P, Uvnas-Moberg K.

Werner S, Winberg J. (1990). Short term effects of early suckling and touch of
the nipple on maternal behavior. Early Human Development, 21. 153-163. All
fullterm infants placed in KC immediately after birth and stayed there for 45
min. One grp was placed at breast for KCBF (Kangaroo Care and Breastfeeding)
(n=32) within 30 minutes of delivery, other grp put in KC without being put to
breast and then fed on postpartum ward (n=25). Only 6/32 sucked within 30 min of
delivery at breast, but all infants who had touched or licked areola/nipple
stayed with mother more, moms talked to them more, and maternal gastrin levels
were lower before and after breastfeeding. Gastrin levels correlated with time
the infant spent in the nursery rather than in KC: gastrin was higher the more
time infant was left in nursery. Gastrin levels are controlled by vagal nerve.
Thus, KC affects vagal nerve activity(maternal neuroendocrine functions)and
therefore, maternal digestion and metabolism may also be affected by KC in early
postpartum period.No change in prolactin levels before and after BF between
groups. RCT, fullterm, KCBF, SEARCH BEHAVIOR, maternal behavior, gastrin,

Uvnas-Moberg K, Widstrom AM, Nissen E, Bjorvell H. 1990. Personality

traits in women 4 days postpartum and their correlation with plasma levels of
oxytocin and prolactin. J. Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 11, 261-273.
The personality profiles of BF women differ from those of nonpregnant,
nonlactating women of same age. BF mothers describe themselves as more open,
more interactive, and calmer than nonpregnant, nonBF women. This temporary
shift in personality begins a few days after delivery and lasts as long as BF is
continued, and is in part dependent on KC after birth and is reinforced by BF.
Full term, BF, Maternal personality. See also Nissen article. Get this one, we
don’t have it.

Widstrom, Marchini, Matthiesen. 1988. Nonnutritive sucking in tubefed

preterm infants. J. Pediatr Gastroenterology Nutrit, 7, p. 517-???
Wimmer-Puchinger B, Nagel M. 1982. The importance of attitudes during
pregnancy and early mother-child contact for breast-feeding behavior: An
empirical study. In: Prill H, Stauber M (eds.) Advances in psychosomatic
obstetrics and gynaecology, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 482-487. In Austria,
Primip mothers. KC got 15 minutes of KC at 1-2 minutes postbirth (n=
unspecified, n for control unspecified, but N=95). Control babies were cleaned,
dressed and held by mom. Third group babies cleaned, dressed, put to breast for
15 minutes immediately postpartum. Early KC groups resulted in BF for a mean of

98 days vs 36 days in control group. RCT, Fullterm, BF

Winslow, E.H. (1993). Snuggling saves energy. American Journal of

Nursing, 93(6), 16.

Wise J. (1998). Hypothermia improves with skin-to-skin care. British

Medical Journal, 317, p. 967. This refers to Christensoon & Bhat et al, Lancet
1998 article vol. 352, p. 1115 of the study in Zambia of 80 low risk,
hypothermic infants who were given KC. After 4 hours, 90% were in Neutral
thermal zone for temperature vs. only 60% who were in an incubator in neutral
thermal zone.

World Health Organization (1985). Preliminary report of joint

consultation. Bogota. (written by Bellman et al.). World Health
Organization/Pan American Health Organization. Interregional Conference on
Appropriate Technology Following Birth. Trieste, Italy, 1985.
World Health Organization, Dept. of Reproductive Health and Research.
2003. Kangaroo Mother Care. A Practical Guide. Geneva: World Health
Organization. This is a practical book for KC’s use with low birthweight and
premature infants and is an outcome of the 1996 Trieste WHO Consensus Conference
on Kangaroo Care. Contents cover the nature of KC, evidency supporting KC’s
use with this population, requirements for safe KC (Setting, policy, staffing,
mother’s willingness, equipment and supplied, and how to feed babies in KC), and
practice guide (when to start, how to start, the KC position, length and
duration of KC, KC at home). ISBN: 92 4 159035 1 Available from Marketing and
Dissemination, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27,
Switzerland (tel: +41 22 791 2476; Fax: +41 22 791 4857). Preterm, Positions,
Policy, and Breastfeeding, BF in KMC position


Agostino, R., DeLuca, T., Marino, P., Gerardi, R., Patrizi, S.& Bucci, G.
(1988). La marsupioterapia come nuovo approccio per favorire l'attaccamento
madre bambino nei neonati di peso molto basso. Risultati prelimina. Italian
Journal Pediatrics, Supple. 14(5), p. 136-139.

Arandia, R., Morales, L. (1993). Programma Madre-Canguro (Mother Kangaroo

Program). Gac Med Boliv, 17 )51-55. Randomized Controlled Trial.

Balde, P. (1998). [Dr. Pierre Balde, pediatrician. The Kangaroo Method

(interview by Anne-Claire Delval-Motro)]. Rev Infirm 35, p. 29.
Bauer K, Uhrig C, & Versmold H. (1999). [How do mothers experience skin
contact with their immature gestational age 27-30 weeks), only days old
premature infants?] Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol, 203(6), 250-254.

Bosse, H.M., Sontheimer, D., Bussmann, H. (1997). Erfahrungen mit der

Kanguruh-Methode in Botswana. Curare, 201 (2): 183-187. Report of Kangaroo Care
in primary pediatric setting where they have little, if any, equipment to handle
preterm infants.

Dala Sierra, E., Pineda Barahona E., Banegas R.M. (1994). Experiencia
madre Canguro (Kangaroo Mother Experience0. Rev Med. Hondur 62, 43-46. RCT
Delval, A.C. (1998). The Kangaroo method: a bond in caring for
prematures.(French). Rev Infirm 1998 Feb;35:26-28.

de Leeuw, R. (1986). The kangaroo method. Vraagbak: A Quarterly for

Development Workers, 14(4), 50-58.

de Leeuw R (1987). The kangaroo method. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, 131(34),


De Luca, T, Agostino R, Muggia A, Butturini F. 1995. Il metodo marsupio.
Neonatologica 9(2), 121-125.

Dittrich, E. & Bartuschka, R. (1994). Gentle care in intensive medicine.

Kinderkrankenschwester,13(8): 264-266.
Ennen-Hansing-Eilers, M. (1997). Besonderheiten in der pflege
schwerkranker fruhgeborener. KinderKrankenschwester, 16 (5): 175-179.

Ezinga, G., & Ezinga-Scotten, D.E. (1985). Onderzoek naar het eventueel
ontstaan van hypothermi en hyppoglykemie bij thuisgeborenen na langdurig
huidcontact postpartum. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskol, 129, 449-451. FULLTERM

Fischer, C.B., Sontheimer, D., Bauer, J., & Linderkamp, O. (1997). Die
Kanguruhpflege Fruhgeborener. Stand der Forschung und Erfahrungen in
Heidelberg. Padiatrische Praxis, 52(4), 609-619. (Kangaroo care of premature
infants. Status of research and experience in Heidelberg. Has English abstract
on page 617).

Flament, P. (1994). Le Portage Kangourou. FINB-INFO, #6, December, 3-5.

Gloppestad, K. (1998). Laktasjon hos modre til premature born: Forekomst

ved forskjullige tidspunkter (Lactation in mothers of preterm infant:
Prevalence at different point of times). Vard 1 Norden, 18(4), 27-35.

Gomez Papi, A., Baiges Nogues, M.T., Batiste Fernadez, M.T., Marca
Gutierrex, M.M., Nieto Jurado, A., Closa Monasterolo, R. (1998). Metodo canguro
en sala de partos en recien nacidos a termino (Spanish). An Esp Pediatr 1998
Jun;48(6):631-633. English is: Kangaroo method in delivery room for fullterm
babies.. 533 normal fullterms were given KC as soon as dried and for next two
hours. Temperature of infant was related to duration of KC and 96% had axillary
temp >36, 98.5% of infants stayed awake with KC, and KC infants who breastfed
during KC stayed longer in KC. If infant had more than 50 min. of KC he had 8
times more probability of breastfeeding spontaneously. Moms tolerated it well
though they were tired. FULLTERM, DELIVERY ROOM. Descriptive study, Axillary
temp, Awake state, BF, Mother’s toleration of KC.

Hamm, S., Stoffel, L., Strebel, E., & Wyss, E. (1993). Method for
strengthening the mother-child relationship. As warm as in the kangaroo pouch.
Krankenpflege-Soins Infirmiers, 86(8), 9-11.

Hargboel, A. (1987). Luna- A child who has tried the Kangaroo Method.
Foraldre og Fodsel, #1. No page numbers listed.

Horiuchi, T. 1999. Kangaroo Care (Japanese Book). Available from Takeshi

Horiuchi, M.D., Chairman, St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Yokohama
City Seibu Hospital, Perinatal Center, 1197, Yasahi-ku Asahi-ku, Yokohama City,
241-0811 JAPAN. (045) 366-111. e-mail:

Hsieh Y, Huang M. (2000). Preliminary study of kangaroo care for preterm

infants: Effect on parent-infant relationship. J.Nursing (China), 47(3), 33-
40. See Hsieh and Huang under abstracts for this report of 16 parents who
experienced KC and answered 8 open ended questions about their experience.
Results were KC decreased parent’s anxiety, increased parental self-confidence
in caring for infant, promoted parent-infant relationship.Preterm, Qualitative
Study, Maternal/Paternal anxiety, confidence in caring for infant, relationship.

Jurado A, Closa Monasterolo R. (1998). [Kangaroo method in delivery room

for full-term babies.] Annals Esp. Pediatric, 48(6), 631-633.FULLTERM

Laine, A.M. (1987). Kangaroo care in Turku's University Hospital
Pediatric Clinic. Katilolehti,92(5): 171-176.

Lepire E. 2000. Kangaroo mothers in Mexico. Infirm Que. 8 (2), Nov-Dec.,


Legault, M., & Goulet, C. (1994). Sortir le premature de l’incubateur de

la methode traditionnelle at la methode kangourou. L’Infirmiere du Quebec,
2(2): 34-41.

Lindroth M (1990). [the kangaroo method is a good complement to

traditional incubator care]. Lakartidningen, 87(6), 368.

Marino, P., De Luca, T., Butturini F, Di Meo MGV, Gizzi C, Patrizi S,

Ciminera A, Muggia A, Agostino R. (1989 ed.)_ Il metodo marsupio nella cura dei
neonati di peso molto basso. In Bucci G, 12th Corso di Aggiornamento in
neonatologia, Roma, 1989. Italian.

Martinez JC. 199l. El contacto madre-hijo prematuro piel a piel un apote

a la moderna asistencia neonatal. Arch Argent Paediatr, 89: 142-147.

Mazurek T., Mikiel-Kostyra K, Mazur J, Wieczorek P, Radwanska B, Pachuta-

Wegier L. 1999. Influence of immediate newborn care on infant adaptation to the
environment. Med Wieku Rozwoj, 3(2), 215-224. Three randomized groups n=22in
each group) (KC, swaddled newborns beside the mother, swaddled and separated
from the mother) of FULLTERM newborns observed for 75 min after birth. Skin Tem,
bl.glucose, HR, RR, crying differences all favored KC group. PH not sig. Diff
between groups. For all but two unseparated newborns (KC or lying besides) temp
was increasing during the 75 minutes, in separated group temp was unstable and
not growing in 6 (27%) of infants. Bl glucose highest in KC (60.1mg/dl),lower in
swaddled lying beside (52.5) and lowest in separated (49.6). Crying was shortest
in KC, and 3 times longer in separated group. Episodes of crying were 7,17,and
38 in KC, lying beside, separated groups respectively. KC is optimal for newborn
adaptation and a protection agst hypothermia and hypoglycemia. RCT, FULLTERM

Mikiel-Kostyra K, Boltruszko I, Mazur I, Zielenska M. 2001. Skin –to-skin

contact after birth as a factor determining breastfeeding duration. Med Wieku
Rozwoj, 5(2), 179-189.

Mikiel-Kostyra, K., Mazur J. 1998. Determination of newborn feeding in

maternity hospital care. Part I: Factors associated with breastfeeding
initiation. Ginekologia Polska, 69(11), 783-788. Data from 11,750 FULLTERM
collected from 427 polish hospitals in 1995 showed that lack of KC after birth
(odds ratio 8.5; population attributable risk in percent = 60.9%) and maternal-
infant separation longer than 1 hour/24 hrs (odds ratio 13%, PAR = 87.2%) are
factors associated with artificial feeding.

Mikiel-Kostyra K, Mazur J. 2000. Birth weight as a factor influencing

infant feeding in Polish maternity wards. Med Wieku Rozwoj, 4(3), 337-346.
(POLISH) FULLTERM. 11,784 newborns from 427 maternity hosps were studied. 97.2%
of all newborns breastfeed; 72.5% of preterms breastfeed. KC was compared to
rooming-in and was strong predictor of initiating BF and KC and rooming in as
influences for BF were more evident in lower birthweight infants than higher.

Moeller-Jensen H, Hjort-Gregersen K, Matthiessen M, Vestergaard HF, Jepsen

BH. (1987). [Children’s health. 16. Kangaroo method used in practice at
Sonderborg Hospital]. Sygeplejeersken, 87(19), 16-18.Implementation

Mosseri, R., Dollberg, S. (1996). The “kangaroo mother” method

(editorial). (Hebrew). Harefuah. 130(2):95-7. 1996 Jan 15.

Mulet, R.C., Figueroa de Leon, R., Gonzalez, J.V.B. (1992). Mother-child
early contact with the mothers kangaroo program and natural breastfeeding.
Rev.Latin.Perinat. 12,#3-4, 54-60. See annotation under English section.

Persson B. (1990). [The kangaroo method. A medical ambivalence towards

nature?]Lakartidningen, 87(13), 1034-1035 SWEDISH

Pignotti MS, Rubaltelli FF. (1997). Kangaroo Care: Parents’ answers and
staff problems. Riv Ital Pediatri 23, 1054-1057. In three years 95% of LBW and
VLBWs (580-2000 gm, 25-38wkGA) got KC. Nurses had difficulty with organization
and surface space and time for mothers; mothers firmly believe in KC and its
help in forming relationship with infant and nurses.Italian with English

Pignotti MS, Rapisardi G, Rubaltelli FF. Kangaroo mother care: Parents’

and nurses’ opinions and problems. ITALY Need complete citation from Rapisardi
on the researcher’s list or at

Riskin A & Bader D. 2003. Breast is best—human milk for premature babies.
Harefuah, 142 (3), 217-222, 236, 237. Review article of how breastmilk is best
for preemies. States “support of lactation in mothers of preemies mandates
protection of the mother and child bonding process and early skin-to-skin
contact “Kangeroo care” (pg. 217). PT, Review, BF

Sarman, G. 2000. Effects of KC on Mother’s Competency for Caring for

Multiplets. Available from Gulnihal Sarman, M.D., FAAP, American Hospital,
Guzelbahce sok. No 20, Nisantasi 80200, Istanbul, TURKEY.

Shiau SH. (1999). The effects of kangaroo care on sleep and crying of
healthy fullterm newborns. Nursing Research (China), 7(3): 198-208. 22 Kcers
and 22 standard care infants (No sig difs between groups on demographics)were
compared. Kcers had significantly less total crying (7.14 min vs 10.73, p=.000)
on days 1 & 2 but not 3; Kcers had more sleep (total47.64 min vs.40.36, p=.000
on days 1,2,3) and less awake time (total 14.55 vs. 17.45 min, p=.046) and less
awake time on day 3 but not on days 1,2. FULLTERM, RCT crying, sleep,
wakefulness Chinese.

Sluis M (1987). [Communication with the help of the kangaroo method].

Tijdschr Ziekenverpl 41(14), 440-442.

Stening, W., Lohe, M., Meiritz, N., Rutenfranz, P., & Roth, B. (1996).
Kanguruh-methode bei Fruhgeborenen. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd, 144: 930-937. (Has
English Abstract pg. 931)

Stening, W. (1997). Die Kanguruh-Methode (Haut-zu-Haut-Kontakt) bei

fruhgeborenen Kindern. Kinderkrankenschwester 1997 16(8):308-310.
Stening, W, Kribs A, Kiencke P, Stutzer H, Roth B. 1999. Verbreitung der
Kangeruh-Methode in Deutschland. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd, 147, 766-769. KC in
routine care in German NICUs.

Vaivre-Douret, L., Papiernik, E., Relier, J.P. (1996). Methode et soins

kangourou. Archives de Pediatrie. 3(12):1262-9, 1996 Dec.
Vial M. 1991. L’unite de surveillance des nouveau-nes a la maternite dite
“Les Kangourous”. In Raimbault G, Manciaux M (Eds.) Enfance menacee. Analyses
et prospectives. Paris: Editions Inserm. P. 137-141.

Vial M. 1995. Organisation d’une unite “Kangourous”. In Papiernik E.,

Cabrol D., Pons JC (eds.) Obstetrique Paris: Flammarion Medicine-Sciences. P.

Vial-Courmont M. 2000. The “kangaroo” ward. Med Wieku Rozwoj, 4 (2 Supple

3), 105-107. Polish report of Paris experience at Clamart academic
hospitalwhere it began in1987. Article discusses organization of KC ward, list
advantages of kc as continuous contact, less maternal anxiety, better well-being
of child, more efficient maternal involvement. Clinical Report, Implementation.,
maternal anxiety,caregiving, well-being of child

Villalon UH, Alvarez CP, Baria HE et al. 1992. Effect of early skin-to-
skin contact on temperature regulation, heart rate, and respiratory rate in
healthy, full-term newborns. Rev Chil Pediatr, 63: 140-144.FULLTERM. See review
under English section.

Villalon, UH, Alvarez, CP. (1993). Short term effects of early skin-to-
skin contact (kangaroo care) on breastfeeding in healthy fullterm newborns. Rev.
Child Pediatr. 64(2), 124-128. FULLTERM. BF and maternal confidence. See review
under English section.

Virgin C, (1987). [Children’s Health. 15. Kangaroo method returns children

to mothers]. Sygeplejersken, 87(19), 10-14.
von Stockhausen, H.B. (1997). Kommentar: Auf Anforderung der
Schriftleitung. Padiatrische Praxis, 52(4): 618-619. Commentary on Fischer
article of 1997 reporting KC in Heidelburg.

Wahlberg V (1985). [The natural incubator. Report on “kangaroo methods” in

Colombia, South America]. Jordemodern, 98(10), 315-319.
Wahlberg, V. (1991). The "Kangaroo method" and breastfeeding in low birth
weight babies. Nu Nytt on U-landshals vard, 5, 23-27.
Wahlberg, V., Persson, B., & Affonso, D. (1987). Kangurumetoden-den
manskliga kuvosen. Lakartidningen,87(5), 288-289.

Warren L, Tan GC, Dixon PD, Ghaus K, (2000). Breastfeeding success and
earl discharge for preterm infants: The results of a dedicated BF programme. J.
Neonatal Nursing 6 (2), 43-48.BF Get this from D. Dowling.

Wieland, Ch., Bauer, K., Bisson, K. & Versmold, H. (1995). Kanguruh-pflege

bei 39 Fruhgeborenen. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd, 143:1099-1103. 39 spontaneously
breathing preterms were given first 30 minute KC session on day 10. Rectal temp
increased during KC by 0.23C (p=<0.01). No other measures changed. Infants
<1000 gram had significant increase in rectal temp. Of 16 infants with elevated
FiO2 in incubator before KC, 13 needed FiO2 to be significantly increased (from
29% to 35%). Of 167 KC sessions, 7 were stopped due to busy nursery, 5 for baby
restlessness, 4 for increasing apnea/bradycardia, 3 for hypothermia, one for
infusion para, and one for rapidly increasing FiO2 need. “Over 90% of preterm
infants remain clinically stable and normothermic. These results justify
continuing KC” (p. 1100). PT, descriptive, HR, RR, FiO2, TcPO2,TcPCO2, SaO2,
Rectal temp., apnea/bradycardia, restlessness

Yin Y, Wang R., Lee MM, Yuh Y. (2000). Influence of kangaroo care and
traditional nursing care on premature physiologic parameters (Chinese). Nursing
Research (China), 8(3), 362-374. Observations 5 min before leaving incubator,
5,15,and 30 min after starting KC (30 min), and 5 min after return to incubator
each day x 7 days.No diff in HR (157.7vs161.4), RR (47.6 vs. 48.9/min), SaO2 (by
HP monitor)(96.2 vs 95.3%), and body temp (36.9 vs.37.0). Both seemed safe.
.Preterm, quasi-experimental pretest-test-posttest, HR,RR,SaO2,Temp.

Yin Y, Wang R,Lee MM, Yuh Y. 2003. Mothers’ satisfaction: KC vs.
traditional nursing care for premature babies (Chinese). J Nurs (China), 50 (2),
37-47. English abstract available: Preterms <2000 g and moms non-randomly
assigned to traditional or KC care. No diff in mat satisfaction before test;
both groups sig. Increased satis after 7 days of 30 min/day KC, but KC group
increased satisfaction more (93.2 vs. 83.2, p<.001). Mothers are more satisfied
with KC. PT, Quasi-Exp, maternal satisfaction.

The following research investigations of Kangaroo Care are reported in the 1990
UNICEF publication of the First International Conference on Mother Kangaroo
Program, Bogota, 1990. The full text is available, free of cost, from UNICEF, 3
UN Plaza, N.Y., NY 10017. Also called Primer Encuentro Internacional-Programa
Madre Canguro.

1. Martinez, H., Rey, E., Navarett, L., & Navarette, C.M. Mother kangaroo
program at the Maternal-Infant Institute in Bogota, Colombia. p. 21-44.

2. Riano de Otalora, E.M.R. Promotion, diagnosis and early intervention for

sensory motor alteration in biologically high risk infants. p. 45-56.

3. Gonzales de Pinzon, L.E. Visual and ocular validation of the mother kangaroo
program at the Maternal-Infant Institute in Bogota. p. 57-62.

4. Correa, J.A., & Ramirez, H. Mother Kangaroo program at the Leon the 8th
Clinic neonatal service at the Social Security Hospital in Antioquia, Colombia.
p. 63-86.

5. Valencia, M.L., & Velez, J.D. Mother kangaroo program at the San Rafael
Yolombo Hospital in Antioquia, Colombia, p. 87-90.

6. Gomez, L.A. Evaluation of two years of mother kangaroo program at the Caldas
Regional Hospital in Antioquia, Colombia. p. 91-102.

7. Restrepo, f., & Lopez, L.S. Mother kangaroo program at the General Hospital
of Medellin, Colombia. p. 103-106.

8. Gaviria, M. Mother kangaroo program: Evaluation and implementation at the

San Juan de Turbo Hospital in Antioquia, Colombia., p. 107-126.

9. Vargas, N.B., & Correa, J.D. Fathers kangarooing and their ideas and
psychological responses. p. 127-132. FATHERS

10. Lopez, J.M. Experiences with the mother kangaroo method at the Joaquin Paz
Borrero Hospital in Cali, Colombia. p. 133-142.

11. Currea, S. Ambulatory care of premature infants. p. 143-152.

12. Feraudy, P.Y. Mother kangaroo program: Ambulatory care of the low birth
weigh newborn at the San Gabriel Hospital in La Paz, Bolivia. p. 153-176.

13. Arandia, R., & Morales, L. Mother kangaroo program at the University of San
Simeon in Cochabamba, Bolivia. p. 177-200.

14. Camacho, L.L. Ambulatory care of premature infants in Maternity Hospitalin

Quito, Ecuador. p. 201-204.

15. Stern, C., Sloan, N.L., & Pinto, E. Mother kangaroo program- Care of low
birth weight neonates in Quito, Ecuador. p. 205-232.

16. Arestegui, R.U. Evaluation of the pilot program of mother kangaroo at the
San Bartolome Hospital in Lima, Peru. p. 233-248.

17. Arestegui, R.U. Information about the mother kangaroo pilot program at the
San Bartolome Hospital in Lima, Peru. p. 249-254.

18. Martinez, J.C. Mother kangaroo program is a great opportunity for modern
neonatal help. p. 255-260.

19. Picon, C. Low birth weight premature infants: An environmental technology

appropriate for resistance. p. 261-278.

20. de Molina, H. Evaluation of mother kangaroo program at the Dr. Luis Edmundo
Vasquez Hospital in Chalatenango, El Salvador. p. 279-282.

21. Diaz-Rosello, J.L.D., Lozano, P.M., & Tenzer, S.M. Impaired growth of low
birth weight infants in an early discharge program. p. 283-306.

22. Meza, G.C., Rosales, J.M., & Pineda, D.P. Efficacy of mother kangaroo
program in the development of low birth weight infants at Roosevelt Hospital in
Guatemala. p. 307-350.

23. Mulet, R.C., Figueroa, de Leon, & Gonzales, J.V. Efficacy of mother
kangaroo program in the development of low birth weight neonates at the Social
Security Obstetric Hospital in Guatemala, p. 351-361.

24. De Leeuw, R. History of kangaroo care in the neonatal department of the

academic medical center. p. 365-370.

25. Anderson, G.C., Overview of current knowledge about skin-to-skin (Kangaroo)

care for preterm infants -p. 371-390.Lit Review.

26. Anderson, G.C. Risk in mother-infant separation postbirth. p. 391-402.

27. Ludington, S.M. Energy conservation during skin-to-skin contact between

premature infants and their mothers. p. 403-416.

28. Whitelaw, A. Kangaroo baby care: Just a nice experience or an important

advance for preterm infants: p. 417-420.

29. Wahlberg, V. Alternative care for premature infants - the Kangaroo method:
Advantages, risks, and ethical questions. p. 421-430.

30. Borel J., B., Mayorga G, V., & Vado L., C. Alternate care for neonates
weighing less than 1800 grams in the Bertha Calderon Roque Women's Hospital,
Managua, Nicaragua. p. 431-450.

31. Davanzo, R. Care of the low birth weight infant with the Kangaroo mother
method in developing countries. p. 451-474.

32. Virgin, C. The kangaroo method brings the child back to its mother: Present
and future in Denmark. p. 475-484.

Agbodjan-Djossou AO, Akue D., Peeira SB, Maboudou AL, Assimadi JK. 2000.
The raising of premature inants by KM: Experience at Tokoin Teaching Hospital
Lome-Togo. Paper presented at 3rd International KM Congress, Jakarta, Indonesia,
Nov. 22-25, 2000. Report of 66 infants, 30-33wksGA given KC. Daily mean wgt
gain was 22.8gs.Mean duration of KC was 13 days. No mortality.

Agostino, R, De Luca., T., Marino, P., Gerardi, R., Patrizi, S.,

d’Apolito, S., & Bucci, G. (1988). La marsupioterapia come nuovo approccio per

favorire l’attaccamento madre-banbino nei neonati di peso molto basso (NPMB):
Risultati preliminari. Italian J of Pediatrics, Supplement 14(5), vol. 14(5): p.

Anderson, G.C. (1989). Kangaroo care and breastfeeding for preterm

infants. Breastfeeding Abstracts, 9(2), 7-8.
Anderson, G.C. (1999). Overview and Introduction to “Insights Gained from
a Randomized Controlled Trial in Progress.” Proceedings of the 23 Annual Midwest
Nursing Research Conference, April 11, 1999, p. 82-83.

Anderson GC, Burkhammer M, Morrison B., Ludington-Hoe, SM, Chiu, S-H.

(2003) Skin-to-skin contact improves breastfeeding outcomes. Research ShowCASE
abstract # 346. Case Western Reserve University, April, 4, 2003, Cleveland, OH.
Report of first 35 mothers who reported BF difficulties. KC was given before
anticipated BF times and throughout BF for 3 consecutive Breastfeeds on
Postpartum Day 1 and then again on Postpartum Day 2 prior to discharge from
hospital. AT discharge, 80% were BF exclusively, 17% partially. 30 dyads
completed one week followup: 20 were exclusively BF, 4 partially, 5 not BF, 2
lost to FU. 200 dyads followed up at 1 month postdischarge, and 11/22
exclusively BF, 4/22 partially, 5 not BF, 2 lost to FU. Fullterm,
descriptive, BF at discharge, 1 week and 1 month of life.

Anderson, G.C., Chiu S-H. (2002). Early kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care

improves preterm infant weight at 6, 12, 18 months. Paper presented at 25th
Annual Conference of Midwest Nursing Research Society. Chicago, IL, March 2002.
Significant improvement in weight gain due to minimal amounts of KC during
hospitalization , KCn=51; control n=49 atw birth, then 42 at 6, 43 @12s, 43 @18
(KC Group n); Control grp n = 29 @6 mos, 33@12 mos, 33 @ 18 mos. Also presented
CORTISOLS salivary which were (KC vs Con): 8.34 vs. 7.74 (p<.005)@ 6 mos; 10.36
vs. 9.89 @ 12 mos (p<.05), 11.61 vs. 11.18 @ 18 mos (p= NS).RCT, preterm, Wgt,

Anderson GC, Chiu S-H, Albert J, Dombrowski MAS. (2002). Types of contact
in a randomized trial of KC. 13th Biennial Conference of International Society of
Infant Studies. April 18-21, Toronto, CANADA.

Anderson GC, Chiu S-H, Dowling DA. (2000). Effect of early skin-to-skin
(Kangaroo) care on toe temperature in preterm infants. Unspecified number of
subjects,Preterm, RCT. Available from Gene Anderson

Anderson GC, Chiu S-H, Morrison B, Burkhammer M, Ludington S. 2003. Skin-

to-skin care for breastfeeding difficulties postbirth. Paper presented at
Midwest Nursing Research Society, Grand Rapids, MI, Feb. 2003. Report of first
35 mothers who reported BF difficulties. KC was given before anticipated BF
times and throughout BF for 3 consecutive Breastfeeds on Postpartum Day 1 and
then again on Postpartum Day 2 prior to discharge from hospital. AT discharge,
80% were BF exclusively, 17% partially. 30 dyads completed one week followup:
20 were exclusively BF, 4 partially, 5 not BF, 2 lost to FU. 200 dyads followed
up at 1 month postdischarge, and 11/22 exclusively BF, 4/22 partially, 5 not BF,
2 lost to FU. Fullterm, descriptive, BF at discharge, 1 week and 1 month of

Anderson, GC, Chiu S-H, Pagliotti F. (2000). Pretest-test-posttest

randomized controlled trial: Effect of early Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care on
toe temperature in preterm infants. 23rd Midwest Nursing Research Society
meeting. N=100 KC time was between 15-150 min; control holding time was 15-90
min and was swaddled holding. Toe temp recorded every 15 minutes. Mean temp was
31.5 (baseline),32.4(pretest), 33.4(test) and 33.0(posttest) for KC and 32.9
(baseline)32.6 (pretest),32.6 (test),32.5 (posttest) for controls.RCT, toe temp.

Anderson GC, Chiu SH, Pagliotti F, Dowling D. (2001). Early kangaroo
(skin-to-skin) care: Effect on toe temperature (Vascular perfusion) in preterm
infants. Proceedings of Midwest Nursing Research Society meeting, Cleveland, OH,
April 2001. Toe temp rose from 32.6 (prekc) to 34.2 (KC) and dropped to 33.9
(postkc), suggesting possibility of increased vascular perfusion of internal
organs in 31 preterms . RCT, Toe Temp.

Anderson GC, Chiu SH, Pagliotti F, Dowling D. (2000). Early kangaroo

(skin-to-skin) care: Effect on toe temperature (Vascular perfusion) in preterm
infants. Presented at 12th Biennial International Congress of Infant Studies in
Brighton, England,July 2000. Same as above.

Anderson, GC, Dombrowski MAS, Swinth JY. 2000. Kangaroo (skin-to-skin)

care in the new millenium: Variations on the theme. Presentation at 3rd
international congress of KMC, Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov 22-25, 2000. Tells that
she will present 11 case studies, including SURROGATE KC, SIBLING KC, VENTILATED
KC, SUBSTANCE ABUSING MOM KC. Same as abstract that follows.

Anderson GC, Dombrowski MAS, Swinth JY. 2001. Extending typical kangaro
(skin-to-skin) care to other vulnerable populations: Why not? Presented at
Midwest Nursing Research society Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH, March 2-5, 2001.
Case study reports of 11 uses of KC,including a respiratory distress baby given
KC and not foregoing ventilatory support.

Anderson, GC, Ludington-Hoe SM, Morrison B, Burhammer M.D. (2002). Closing

the gap in health disparities with skin-to-skin care for breastfeeding
difficulties. 29th Annual meeting of the American Academy of Nursing. Oct. 31-
Nov. 2, Washington, DC. An exploratory study of 50 moms who were supposed to
get 1.5-2.hrs of KC before BF, but could not administer KC because of
interruptions (9-19/hr) during postpartum day 1 with fullterm moms. Fullterm

Anderson, G.C, Marks, L, & Wahlberg, V. (1987). Kangaroo care for preterm
infants around the world: State of the art. Society for Research in Child
Development Biennial Meeting. (not published).

Anderson GC, Morrison B, Ludington-Hoe SM, Burkhammer M, Chiu S-H. (2002).

Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care for breastfeeding difficulty postbirth in mother-
infant dyads. Paper presented at the Touch Research Institute Pre-Conference.
13th Biennial Conference of the International Society on Infant Studies. April
18, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA. Report of pilot work on 10 mothers who get KC for
1.5-2.0 hrs before anticipated feeding and breastfeed in KC position to see if
KC will correct BF difficulty within 1st day postpartum.

Argote, L.A., Rey, H., Ludington, S., Medellin, G., Castro, E., &
Anderson, G. (1991). Dificultad respiratoria transitoria y contacto piel a piel
temprano como manejo. Memorias de XVII Congreso Colombiano de Pediatria, Cali,
Colombia, p. 532.

Bauer K, Pasel K, Versmold H. (1996). Chest skin temperature of mothers

of term and preterm infants is higher than that of men and women. Ped Research,
39(4) Pt. 2,p. 195A. Recorded mean chest skin temperature of 10 women with
premature infants, 10 women with term infants, and l0 men. Chest skin
temperature increased with postnatal age and was significantly higher than that
of men. Axillary temps were same in all groups and did not change over time.
Chest skin temperatures of women is 1°C higher than in men.

Bauer K, Uhrig C, Sperling P, Versmold HT. (1995). One hour of skin-to-

skin care was no cold stress for VLBW infants as oxygen consumption and central-
peripheral temperature gradient did not increase. Ped. Res., 37(2), 196A.
Bier JAB. Ferguson AE, Liebling JA, Morales Y, Archer D., Oh W, Vohr BR.

1995. Skin-to-skin contact improves physiologic states of breast-fed low-
birthweight infants. Ped Res 37 (4)Part 2, 103A.

Bosque, E., Brady, D., & Wahlberg, V. (1988). Continuous physiological

measurements of kangaroo versus incubator care in a tertiary level nursery.
Pediatric Research, 39(4), Part 2, 196A.
Breitbach KM. 1994. Development and validation of the nursing
intervention “Kangaroo Care”. Unpublished master’s thesis, Univ. Iowa.
Definition and activites of Kangaroo Care were delineated.

Charpak, N., Figueroa, Z., Ruiz, J.G., & Charpak, Y. (1997). Kangaroo
mother versus traditional care for newborn infants (<2000 grams). A randomized
controlled trial. Pediatric Research, 41(4), Pt. 2, 192A. 382 KC started KC
upon discharge and practiced it 24 hours/day. 364 infants in incubators in
minimal care unit in hospital were compared to KCs at term, 3,6,9, 12 months.
No differences in growth, developmental indices, or in length of breastfeeding
beyond 3 months (at 3 mos, more KC breastfeeding than controls. Also no
difference in infection.

Charpak N, Ruiz JG, deCalume Z, Charpak Y. 1995. Comparison between two

methods for newborn infant with birthweight under 2000 grams: A randomized
controlled trial. Pediatric Research, 37(4, Part 2), p. 199A.
Chiu S-H, Anderson GC. 2001. Quality of the maternal-infant relationship
during the first year. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Meeting,
Cleveland, OH, March 2-5, 2001. Maternal infant interaction at 6 months using
NCAST Feeding and Teaching Scales on 53 dyads who received early, as often, and
for as long as possible KC during hospitalization who were 32-36 weeks GA were
tested. No differences found. RCT.

Chiu S-H, Anderson GC, (2002). Completion of six-month follow-upp of

mother-infant interaction in a randomized trial of early KC. 25th Annual
Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Chicago, IL., March.

Chiu S-H, Anderson GC (2002). Types of contact and persons providing

contact for preterm infants 0-48 hours postbirth in a RCT of KC. International
State of Science Congress, Sept. 2002, Washington, DC.

Chwo, Miao-Ju, 2000. Early kangaroo care for 34-35 week preterm infants:
Effects on temperature, weight, behavior, and acuity. Presented at Biennial
Convention of the 12th Biennial International Congress of Infant Studies,
Brighton, England, July 2000. 34 healty preterm infants in TAIWAN were randomly
assigned before first feed. KC was done during BF, controls were clothed and
wrapped and held that way for one hour, three times a day during feedings. KC
had higher TYMPANIC temps, more quiet sleep, more inactive awake, less
drowsiness, less crying. No diff in weight loss or acuity (LOS). PT, RCT, temp,
sleep , wght, length of stay.

Chwo, Miao-Ju, & Huang, Li-Hung (2002). Effects of very early kangaroo
care on infant’s extrauterine adaptation and maternal birth-related fatigue.
Presentation at International Conference on Tradition, Evidence, and Innovations
in Nursing, March 21-23, 2002, Phuket, Thailand. 49 fullterm dyads randomly
assigned to KC (n=24)(60 minutes of KC after newborn care) or control (n=25)
(routine newborn care, no skin-to-skin contact). Temp, HR, SaO2 and Beh. State
and maternal fatigue measured at beginning and every 15 minutes. KC had sig.
Higher Temp (37.30 vs. 37.00 at 60 min), no sig diff in HR, or SaO2 at any time,
no Bradycardia in either grp and KC had more quiet sleep (41%vs. 13.5%) and
alert inactivity (27.6% vs. 2.8%) than controls. Controls had more drowsy and
cyring (38.5 vs. 15.1%) than KC.. KC moms had less fatigue @ 60 min (37.67 vs.
42.36) RCT. Fullterm, temp, HR, SaO2, Brady, State, Fatigue. Delivery KC

Dombrowski MAS, Anderson GC. 2001. Salivary cortisol and depression in
postpartum women participating in a study of Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care with
preterm infants. Paper presented at Midwest Nursing Research Society, Cleveland,
OH, March 2-5, 2001. Salivary cortisol collected on filter paper at 6 hrs
postbirth and twice a day on days 1-5 postbirth. RCT.

Dowling, DA., Anderson, GC, Miller MA. Moran M., Radzyminkink, S., &
Higgins, K. (1999). Maternal Kangaroo Care (Skin-to-Skin) Care in the NICU
Beginning Four Hours Postbirth. Proceedings of 23 Annual Midwest Nursing
Research Society Conference., 4/11/99., p. 82.

Dutcher, J. 1996. Nursing Attitudes About Kangaroo Care in the United

States. Abstract presented at National Association of Neonatal Nurses's Annual
Meeting, Nashville, TN, Sept. 15-17, 1996. Available from Janet Dutcher. Address
is on researcher list @ back

Engler, A. & Ludington SM. (1999). Kangaroo care in the United States: A
national survey. J. Investigative Medicine, 47 (2): 168A.

Feldman R, Eidelman AI, Weller A, sirota L. (2001). Mother-infant skin-to-

skin contact promotes self-regulation in premature infants: Sleep-wake
cyclicity, arousal modulation, and sustained exploration. Society for Research
in Child Development biennial meeting, April 2001. Following KC, infants showed
more organized sleep-wake cyclicity $ at term age, spent more time in quiet
sleep and in alert wakefulness. KC has + longterm effect on infant’s arousal
regulation and attention as expressed by more organized sleep-wake cyclicity,
more adaptive responsiveness to environmental stimili, improved m-I attention
and exploratory skills.

Ferreira, C., & Ludington, S. (1994). Does frequent skin contact improve
respiratory pattern in preemies? Respiratory Care, 39(11): 1061.
Gloppestad, K. 1994. Differences between fathers and mothers initial close
contact with their prematurely born infants. Proceedings of the 7th Biennial
Conference of European Nurse Researchers. “The Contribution of Nursing Research:
Past-Present-Future. Vol. 1 July 306 , 1994, p. 297.

Grazel R, Hahn E. (2001). Parental stress during Kangaroo Care. Central

Lines, 16(3), 6. Quasi-experimental, repeated measures, crossover design with
moms as own controls. MG30.4 wks, MBW 141 grm, MmatAge-25 yrs. Listenting to
music by headphone during KC decreased mat. Stress, as did KC without
headphones. Stress reduction was greater with headphones. Used PSS:NICU scale.

Hales D, Kennell J, Klaus M, Mata L., Sosa R, Urrutia J. 1975. The effect
of early skin-to-skin contact on maternal behavior at twelve hours. Pediatric
Research, 9, 259. 9 Guatemalan mothers gave KC for 45 minutes once episiotomy
repair complete and in recovery room under heat panel and then to nursery til 12
hours old; 10 controls got to see swaddled infant 12 hours later. At 12 hours
postbirth, KC moms did more fondling,kissing, en face looking, looking, and
talking to baby but not more caretaking. RCT FULLTERM Maternal Behavior,
attachment behaviors. Abstract only.

Hadeed, A.J., Ludington, S.M., & Siegal, C. (1995). Skin-to-skin contact

(SSC) between mother and infant reduces idiopathic apnea of prematurity.
Pediatric Research, 37(4), Part 2, p. 280A, #1233.
Hake Brooks, SJ, Anderson GC, (2002). Effects of KC on breastfeeding
status of mothers of preterm (32-36 weeks GA) infants. International State of
Science Congress, Sept. 2002, Washington, DC 2002.

Herzenstiel G. 2000. Introduction of KMC in Malawi, East Africa; An
example of successful implementation of KMC in a 2nd/3rd level hospital in a
country without resources. Presentation at 3rd International KMC congress,
Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov. 22-25, 2000. Zomba Gen Hospital cares for 4500
newborns/yr, 20% are Preemies. This is report of how to implement KMC by
building a K ward with 12 beds.

Hsieh, Y-H, & Huang, M-C. 2000. Preliminary study of KC for preterm
infants: Effect on parent-infant relationship. Unknown presentation site.
Write to author at Yu-Hui Hsieh, No. 539, Jong-Shiaw Rd, Chia-Yi City 600,
Taiwan, ROC. 16 parents with KC exerpeince completed 8 item open ended
questionnaire to express experience with KC. Kc decreases parents’ anxiety,
increases self confidence in caring for infants, and promotes relationship. See
manuscript in J. Nursing Research (china) listed under foreign languages for
full report.

Kojasuta, C. 1995. Effect of early skin-to-skin contact on maternal-

infant bonding in different pain management groups. Masters Thesis abstract,
CWRU. 120 mothers in four groups: KC + epidural; KC+ IM/IV; control + epidural;
control + IM/IV. Given KC for 10 minutes within 30 min of birth. Two hours
postpartum moms interviewed about bonding. In epidural group, KC moms had higher
bonding score than controls; in IM/IV group, no different in bonding. FULLTERM,

Kostandy RR, Anderson GC. 2000. Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care in healthy

fullterm neonates: Effect on pain from hepatitis B vaccine injection. Presented
at the Biennial Interntional Congress of Infant Studies meeting in Brighton,
England, July 2000. 30 neonates randomized to 30 min of KC before injection or
bassinette.Infants rotated to supine position in KC for shot in thigh. HR,
behavioral state, crying time measured preinjection, during injection, and
post.FULLTERM, pain

Kostandy RR, Anderson GC. 2003 Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care in healthy

fullterm neonates: Effect on pain from hepatitis B vaccine injection. Presented
at the Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual meeting in St. Paul, MN March
2003. 30 neonates randomized to 30 min of KC before Hepatitis Vaccine
injection or bassinette. Infants rotated to supine position in KC for shot in
thigh, post injection infants rotated back to prone KC. HR, behavioral state,
crying time measured preinjection, during injection, and post.FULLTERM, pain.
This abstract won 2nd place in the Best Abstract category.

Leon-Mendoza,S de. 2000. Impact of KMC on survival of LBW neonates.

Presentation at 3rd Interntl KMC Congress, Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov. 22-25, 2000.
All neonates <2001 gm got KMC and breastmilk feeds only. Discharged in KMC
once fully BF and 3 days of wgt gain. Compared one yr of KMC to previous yr
stats: Sig. More survival of infants <1000gm (0 vs 7%),<1250 gms (11 vs 16%),
<1500 gms (20 vs 26%), <1750gms (45 vs 51%) but not for 1750-2000 g (68 vs 68%).

Ludington, SM. 1990. Energy conservation during skin-to-skin contact

between preterm infants and their mothers. Heart and Lung, 19, 445-451.

Ludington, S.M. (2000). Evidence for restructuring NICU to accommodate

Kangaroo Care. Amer. Academy Nursing 2000 Mtg & Conference,San Diego, 11/2-4 p68

Ludington, S.M. 2000. EEG-basd sleep before and during Kangaroo care.
Presentation at the 12th Biennial meeting of the International Congress of Infant
Studies, Brighton, England, July 2000. Data from 10 subjects shows that quiet
sleep doubles, active sleep drops, delta brushes increase and indeterminate
sleep does not change. Intensification of sleep is seen in KC.

Ludington-Hoe, SM (2002). Pumonary Function during KC. 25th Annual

Midwest Nursing Research Society meeting, Chicago, Il. March. Preterm, RCT

Ludington, S.M., Ferreira, C., Swinth, J. (1999). Skin-to-skin contact

(SSC) effects on pulmonary function tests in ventilated preterm infants. J.
Investigative Medicine, 47(2): 173A. 12 ventilated infants <1000 gm. Temp
decreased slightly during KC but stayed WNL. FiO2 requirements tended to
decrease and pulmonary function test values remained within clinically
acceptable range. Vent KC,not an RCT.

Ludington, S., Hadeed, A. & Anderson, G.C. (1991) Physiologic effects of

kangaroo Care. Pediatric Research April issue, pg.
Ludington, S., Irwin S, Swinth J, Becker J, Rao S, Hadeed A. 1994. Skin
contact and breathing in preterms. Respiratory Care, 39(1): 1060.

Ludington, S.M., Swinth, J., & Nguyen, N. (1996). Skin contact compared
to incubators for prevention of heat loss in preterm infants. Infant Behavior
and Development, 19 (Special ICIS issue), p.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Anderson, G.C., Rey, H., Argote, L.A., & Hosseini, B.
(1992). Transitional physiology and state behavior of Colombian preterm infants
in skin-to-skin (Kangaroo) care and open-air cribs beginning in the delivery
room. Infant Behavior and Development, 15 (Special ICIS issue), 537.

Ludington, S.M., Thompson, C.A., & Swinth, J. (1992). Efficacy of

kangaroo care with preterm infants in open air cribs. Neonatal Network, 11(6),

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Dorsey, S.G. (1998). Meta-analysis of Kangaroo Care

Effects. J. Investigative Medicine.46 (1): p. 175A.
Ludington-Hoe S, Swinth J. 1994. Abnormal breathing reduction in preterm
infants during skin-to-skin contact. Infant Behavior and Development, Special
Issue, vol. 17, p. 792.

Ludington-Hoe S, Swinth J, Nguyen N. 1994. Maternal stress reduction with

skin contact with premature infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 17
(special issue), p. 793.

Martinez, LYR. 2000. KM program in the civil hospital of Guadlajara.

Presentation at 3rd Internt KMC Congress, Jakarta, Indonesai, Nov. 22-25, 2000.
325 LBW given KMC. Many morbidities still found, but KMC improved interaction
and bonding, hospital stay was shorter, reduced nosocomial infections, and
hospital costs. Infections, cost.

Modi, N. & Glover, V. Non-pharmacological redution of hypercortisolemia in

preterm infants. Infant Behavior and Development, vol. 21, April 1998, Special
ICIS issue, pg. 86.

Mowder A, Dombrowski BA, Chiu S-H, Anderson, GC. 2001. Development of

premature infants receiving KC in a randomized controlled trial. Presented at
Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH, March 2-5, 2001.
Conducted Bayley at 18 months corrected age on 50 infants. RCT

Narayana I, Bambroo A. 2000. Alternate methods of feeding LBW infants

during the transition to BF. Presentation at 3rd Intntl KMC Congress, Jakarta,
Indonesia, March22-25, 2000. This is a comparison of the paladai to cup and
bottle feed, and only a reference is made to KMC, saying paladai can be used
with KMC.

Numprasert, W. 1996. Kangaroo care for LBW infants and the bonding and

adaptation roles of mothers. Masters Thesis abstract. First 40 moms assigned to
KC in first two days postpartum; second 40 moms got routine care. Infant
bonding and maternal role adaptation higher in KC group. Bonding, Maternal Role

Punthmatharith B, Anderson GC. (2001) Randomized controlled trial of

early Kangaroo care: Effects on maternal feelings, maternal-infant interaction,
and breastfeeding success in Thailand. Proceedings of Midwest Nursing Research
Society Meeting, Cleveland, OH, April 2001. 196 fullterm newborns (97 KC, 99
control) randomly assigned to KC 60 min. postbirth and continued ad lib for two
days or until discharge; control moms held swaddled infant adlib. On day 2
postbirth, no sig diff in MIBQ, IBS, H&Hlactation Scale; but Bonding Observation
Check List was sig between groups.041. One month postbirth KC had high Attention
and Connection to Infant (a subscale of Mat-Inf Bonding Questionnaire). No sig
diff in BF succeses. KC might have weak effect on Mat-Inf Bonding.Fullterm RCT

Rate AB. 2000. Parents’ experiences of providing KC to their preterm

infants. Presentation at 3rd INTNL KMC Congress, Jakarta, Indoenesia Nov. 22-25,
2000. Phenomenology study of interviews of maternal and PAT KC showed 6
themes; Premature birth experience, Kangaroo care unit/living in, what KMC
meant, being informed, strength and support. Done a Groote Schuur Hospital.PAT

Rey, et al. (1995). Transitorio Difficultad Respiro abstract.

Rojas, M.A., Kaplan, M., Mayes, L., Sherwont, E., Quevedo, M.E.,
Ehrenkranz, R. (1998). Extended traditional holding (*TH) and skin-to-skin care
(SSC) for newborn infants < 1500 GRAMS. A randomized controlled trial. Results
of an interim analysis.Ped Res 43(4), Part 2, 191A. This team at Yale
University had parents hold 45 infants up to 4hrs/day, twice a day until infant
was 2000 gms or discharged. TH was wrapped and held supine; SSC was wearing only
diaper, prone at 45° incline. No sig diff in daily caloric intake, rate of wgt
gain, or incidence of positive cultures (even tho TH had 6 cases of sepsis; KC
had 3 cases of sepsis). No deaths in either group. RCT with M & SD, WGT,
Calories, Sepsis, mortality.

Rojas MA, Kaplan M, Quevedo M, Sherwonit E, FoSter LB,Ehrenkranz RA, &

Mayes, L. 2003. Somatic growth of preterm infants during skin-to-skincare
versus traditional holding: A randomized controlled trial. J Dev Behav Pediatr
24(3), 163-168. Traditional swaddled holding of 4 hrs per time, two times per
day, No difference in weight nor in length, but some difference in head
circumference in SSC and SSC may increase successful BF.
PT, RCT,Weight, length, head growth, BF, LOS.

Roller, C.(1999). Early and Very Early Kangaroo Care: Maternal

Reflections One Week Following Infant Discharge Home. 23 Annual Midwest Nursing
Research Society Conference., 4/11/99, p. 82.

Rozin A, Weller A, Charpak N, Ruiz JG, de Calulme Z., Charpak Y, Sack J.

(1995). Maturation of the pituitary-thyroid axis and the adrenal in low birthw
eight infants (LBWI) raised by the “Kangaroo” method. Ped. Res, 37(4), Part 2,
235A. 144 LBWI randomnly assigned to KC or standard incubator care. Thyroxine,
TSH, and other blood levels taken at randomization, 14 days later, and term. No
sig diff between groups: hormonal maturation of LBWI reared out of incubators is
not compromised.METBOLIC OUTCOMES.

Ruiz JG, Figueroa Z, Charpak N. 2000. Information technology as a tool for

monitoring quality of health care in a development country: the KMC program
experience. Presentation at 3rd Interntl KMC Congress. Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov.
22-25, 2000. They developed an electronic med record for KMC follow-up.

Serenius E, Lindberg I, & Stuge E. (1999). Early Kangaroo Care in sick
very premature infants. Ped Res, 45(4), 224A, Part 2. Same as Tornhage et al.,
1999 study.

Shiao S. 1998. Nursing care for low birthweight infants: Kangaroo Care.
Paper presented at the Health Promotion for Thai Children Conference, Bangkok,
Thailand. KC has been in Thailand since 1994. 34 infants given KC at 7 days
age (about 34 wks) and no hypothermia, no apnea, earlier discharge. Grwth & Dev.
WNL.Developmental outcomes. Randomization unknown.

Shiau, S-H Hwang, Anderson G.C. 2000. Randomized controlled trial of

kangaroo care with fullterm infants: Effects on maternal anxiety, breastmilk
maturation, breast engorgement, and breastfeeding status. Presented at 12th
Biennial International Congress of Infant Studies, Brighton, England, July 2000.

Shiau, S-H Hwang. 2000. The effects of kangaroo care on breastfeeding

status and breastfeeding duration of fullterm newborns from Day 3 after delivery
to one-year of age. Paper presented at 12th Biennial International Congress of
Infant Studies in Brighton, England July, 2000. 52 RCT to early KC (start at 4
hrs postbirth, 8 hrs/day x 1,2,3rd days of life) control had no rooming in dyads
in study. More KC dyads BF longer and at one year, and have better BF status
using Index of Breastfeeding Status. RCT, FULLTERM, BF

Shiau, S-H Hwang, Anderson, GC. 1997. Randomized controlled trial of

kangaroo care with fullterm infants: Effects on maternal anxiety, breastmilk
maturation, breast engorgement, and breastfeeding status. International
Breastfeeding Conference, Sydney, Australia, Oct. 23-25, 1997. KC moms of
fullterms had less state anxiety, less breast engorgement, better BF status. NO
diff in milk maturation.Fuillterm, BF, RCT.

Smith, S. 2000. Physiologic responses of intubated very-low-birth-weight

infants during skin-to-skin care (Kangaroo Care). American Journal of Critical
Care 9(3): 210-211.

Swinth JY, Anderson GC, Hadeed AJ. 2003. Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care with
a preterm infant before, during, and after mechanical ventilation. Neonatal
Network, 22 (6), 33-38. Case study of 33 wk GA infant who required
supplemental O2 at 2 hrs postbirth and with no improvement started KC at 18 hrs
of age for 1.25 hours, and then two hours later for another3.5 hrs. AT 45 hours
of age infant was intubated and then got more KC before extubation at 90 hrs
postbirth. KC given before, during and after ventilation and it assisted in
recovery from respiratory distress, fostered maternal relaxation, and minimized
maternal stress. PT, VENT KC, Resp. distress, Maternal relaxation, Maternal
stress.SaO2, FiO2

Swinth, J.Y. & Ludington-Hoe, S.M. 1998. Kangaroo Mother Care during
Phototherapy: Effect on Bilirubin Profile. Infant Behavior and Development,
vol. 21 Special ICIS issue, April 1998, p. 708.

Syfrett, E.B., Anderson, G.C., Behnke, M., & Neu, J. (1993). Early and
virtually continuous kangaroo care for lower-risk preterm infants: Effect on
temperature, breastfeeding, supplmentation, and weight. Proceedings of the
Biennial Conference of the Council of Nurse Researchers, Washington, D.C.:
American Nurses Association, November 1993.

Syfrett, E.B., Anderson, G.C., Behnke, M. & Neu, J.(1993) Kangaroo care
for 34-38 week infants beginning in the delivery room: Four infants and what we
learned. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Nursing Conference in
Neonatology.Kangaroo Care: Changing Times and Emerging Trends. Boston, MA:

Brigham and Women's Hospital, June 13, 1993.
Syfrett EB, Anderson GC, Behnke M, Neu J, Hilliard ME. (1996). Very early
kangaroo care beginning at birth for healthy preterm infants and mothers who
chose to breastfeed: Effect on outcomes. Paper presented at the workshop on the
kangaroo mother methods for low birth weight infants. World Health Organization.
Maternal-child health collaborating center, Trieste, Italy. This is the same as
the 1993 abstracts, and no paper was published of this report.

Tessier R., Cristo M, Velez S., deC, Zita Figueroa, Charpak Y, Ruiz-Pelaez
JG, Charpak N. (1998). Kangaroo mother care (KMC): A method of protecting high
risk premature infants against development delay. Pediatric Research 43(4),
Supplement 2 April, 1998. Abstract # 1347. pg. 230. KMC and mental and physical
growth at 6 & 12 months. N=553 (280 in KC once adapted to extrauterine life and
able to breastfeed and gets kangaroo nutrition. Carried in KC at home; 273 in
traditional care in incubator, no KC) infants <2001 grams. Results #1: KMC
infants had more stimulating environment being carried in KMC. #2: KMC have
higher IQ than TC.RCT, development

Tessier, R., Cristo, M., Velez, S., Giron, M., Figueroa de Calume, Z.,
Ruiz-Palaez, J.G., Charpak, Y., Charpak, N. (1998). Kangaroo Mother Care and the
Bonding Hypothesis. Pediatrics, 102(2): 390-391.

Whitelaw, A., Sleath, K.,& Acolet,D. (1988). Safety and effectiveness

ofskin-to-skin contact for very low birth weight infants. Pediatric
Research,24,269. 35 kc,36 swaddled infants <1500gr given kc in hosp. KC babes
cried less and moms lactated 4 wks longer. Skin temp well maintained if head cap
and blanket used.

Wilkerson SA, & Crout L.(1998) Kangaroo care with very premature infants.
Midwest Nursing Research Society, 22nd Annual Research Conference, April 1998,
p. A218. Infants were able to tolerate KC even with intubation and Ivs. All
rested for longer periods of time after KC.

All abstracts from the 2nd WHO KC Network meeting in Bogota, Nov. 1998 are
now available on the Kangaroo care website at Javeriana listed under websites on
this bib at the end.


Fanaroff and Martin, 1992. “Chapter 26: Physical environment” in 5th
Edition, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. Vol. 1: St. Louis: Mostby. On page 408
under how to keep the baby warm in the delivery room, it states “ If the mother
desires skin-to-skin contact with her infant, they should be swaddled together
under a warm blanket.”

Fanaroff and Martin, (1997). 6th Edition, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine.

Vol. 1. St. Louis: Mosby, Two chapters, chapter 28 by P.H. Perlstein entitled
The Physical Environment refers to KC on 488 for temperature regulation of
infant, and in chapter 31, Care of Mother, Father, and Infant by M.H. Klaus and
J. H. Kennel, refers to KC on page 556 and on 557 as an intervention to enhance

Kenner C, Lott JW (Eds.)Comprehensive neonatal nursing: A physiologic

perspective has a chapter: Holditch-Davis D Blackburn ST,Vandenberg K. Newborn
and infant neurobehavioral development. St. Louis, Saunders, pp 236-284, has a
recommendation to use KC.

Kenner, C, & McGrath, J.M. (2004). Developmental Care of Newborns and

Infants. A guide for health professionals. N.Y.: Elsevier. In chapter 14

(Tactile interventions) and Chapter 15 (Caregiving and the environment)you’ll
find KC. KC is considered an individualized developmental family centered care
Merenstein G.B., Gardner, S.L. (2002). Handbook of Neonatal Intensive
Care. 5th Edition. In Chapter 12: Pain and Pain Relief on page 210 “skin-to-skin
contact (Kangaroo Care) between mothers and healthy newborns during heelstick is
a potent analgesic intervention that reduces cry (by 82%), grimace (by 65%), and
heart rate.” And in Chapter 13, The Neonate and the Environment: Impact on
Development by Gardner SL and Goldson E. There is a whole paragraph and Box 13-3
called “Benefits of Kangaroo Care/Skin-to-skin contact” that lists parental and
numerous neonatal benefits of KC.

Verklan TM, Walden M (Eds.) 2004. Core Curriculum for Neonatal Intensive
Care Nursing. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. On page 68 it states “13. Provide
Kangaroo Care (skin-to-skin) time if mother desires” as a nursing intervention
for mothers with perinatal substance abuse. On page 243-244 it says that
“therapeutic touch may include: Kangaroo Care,or skin-to-skin holding. NICU
parents performskin-to-skin contact with their diaper-clad infant who is resting
prone and semi-upright against the mother or father’s barechest covered by a
blanket. Warmth, rise and fall of the chest, tactile sensation of skin-to-skin,
smell of parents, and maternal breast, and the parent’s tender, quiet,
vocalizations, breathing sounds, and heartbeat comprise the sensory modalities
stimulated during KC. This provides low-intensity stimulation to the earlier
developing senses and is most appropriate for the nicu infant. It has
controversial use with extremely premature infants during acute illness phase.
Maintaining physiologic and behavioral stability during transfer from bed to
parent and back remains a challenge.” It lists positive physiologic benefits
(pg. 243) and positive developmental benefits on page 244. Review, PT,Substance

Vergara E.R., Bigsby, R. (2003). Developmental and Therapeutic

Interventions in the NICU. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publ. On page 25, 199-208,
234, 235 the authors, occupational therapists, talk about KC as part of
developmental care to promote sleep, breastfeeding, maternal infant contact etc.
This is an interesting book for occupational and physical therapists. Book has
good tips for easing the transition to home too.

Armstrong, H., & Kamau, M. (1986). Feeding low birthweight babies. Co-
produced by IBFAN and UNICEF (ESARO). Videotape available from Tony Tirado,
UNICEF, Division of Information, RTFSH9-F, 3 UN Plaza, N.Y., NY 10017

Bergman, N. 2000. Kangaroo Mother Care: Restoring the Original Paradigm

for Infant Care and Breastfeeding. U.S. $45.00 Available from Dr. Nils
Bergman, 8 Francis Rd, Pinelands, 7405, South Africa or by email at or by calling 27-21-531-5819. (60 minutes). See Bar Yam,
N.B., 2002. Kangaroo mother care: Restoring the original paradigm for infant
care and breastfeeding. J. Human Lactation, 18 (3), 289 for a review of this

Bergman, N. 2001. Kangaroo Mother Care: Rediscover the Natural Way to

Care for your Newborn Baby. U.S. $45.00 Available from Dr. Nils Bergman, 8
Francis Rd, Pinelands, 7405, South Afric a or by email at
or by calling 27-21-531-5819. (26 minutes). See Sywulak, H.C.M. 2002. Kangaroo
mother care: Rediscover the natural way to care for your newborn baby. J. Human
Lactation, 18 (3), 289-290 for a positive review of this film.

Gloppestad, K. (1987). From Separation to Closeness: Parent's
Experiences with Closeness. Available in English or Norwegian from Kari
Gloppestad, Dept. of Pediatrics, National Hospital University of Oslo,
Pilestredet 32, 0027 Oslo 1, Norway (25 minutes) $140.00 Shows parents doing KC
with ventilated infants long before anyone thought this was possible.

INJOY VIDEOS. 1999. Breastfeeding and Kangaroo Care for your NICU Baby.
Order #BP501. Made in 1999, Cost is $129.95. Lasts 8 minutes. InJoy Videos,
1435 Yarmouth, Suite 102-C, Boulder, CO 80304. 303-447-2082 or 800-326-2082.

Kangaroo Foundation (Funacion Canguro). “Piel a Piel en la intimidad”

(U.S. $20.00 24 minutes). Available in NTSC and PAL-SECAN, English, French and
Spanish. Calle 56 No. 40-02, Bloque A13, Apto 416, Edificios azules, Pablo VI,
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia, S.A., 1995.

Morton, J.A. 2003. A Premie Needs His Mother. Available from

Videotransform, Palo Alto, CA whose website is
Cost is $125.00 and you can email the author, a Clinical Professor of
Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Stanford University at
Comes in two parts: Part 1: Benefits of BF which is best for prenatal viewing.
This section includes how to pump your breasts. Part 2: Learning to BF-Coming
Home to be viewed after birth and talks about transition from tube to
breastfeeding. History and integration of KC into care is shown with paternal
KC in NICU and at home, while the father is vacuuming. The challenge to return
to work is also included. 60 minute video. Good review of it by Out, C. , 2003.
Review of “A Premie Needs His Mother” in J. Perinatology, vol. 23, p. 88-89.

Rice, Ruth D. 1998. Kangaroo Care. Available from Ruth D. Rice, Ph.D.,
6455 Meadow Rd., Dallas, TX 75230, (214) 363-7244.

Rosenberg, Susan (1995). Kangaroo Care: A Parent's Touch. Available

from Susan Rosenberg, 333 E. Superior Street, Room 484, Chicago, Ill. 60611
(312) 908-7398. (18 min). $65.00 Fax: 312-926-8081.

Shigeta, Yoshiro (2001). Kangaroo Care in Japan. NHK Japan Broadcasting

Corp. 2-2-1 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-8001, JAPAN. Tel: 81-3-5455-3358.

Warwood, Teresa. (1998). Kangaroo Care Educational Program (KCEP).

This is a video orientation for health professionals. A 28-minute video
covering basic information to be used in orientation of personnel in sites
where Kangaroo Care is offered or planned to be offerred. If one wants
uniform implementation of a treatment, the best way to insure that is to
include the guidelines in the orientation of all new staff and update existing
staff. This video does an excellent job of reflecting the current findings
and clinical issues related to KC implementation in NICUs. Available from
Teresa Warwood, 2638 E. 1600 North, Layton, Utah 84040, 801-546-4253.
Protocols are published in the following journal articles:
Anner, J. (1994). See this on the Lay literature list. The protocol is
from UCSF and is on page 16, and 17.

Children’s Hospital, 300 Longwood Ave., Boston, MA 02115 (617) 355-6000.

Ms. Ann Coangula is the Nurse Manager and they have “Guidelines for Kangaroo
Care for 7 North: Newborn Intensive Care”. It lists eligibility and exclusion
criteria and requires doctor order. The protocol and documentation to follow
are included.

Cleary et al. (1997). Protocol from Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

in Philadelphia, PA. Mechanically Ventilated.

Drosten-Brooks. F. 1993 in MCN on page 253 has elements of a protocol with
any infant, not just those ventilated.

Evanston Hospital, 2650 Ridge Ave., Evanston, Ill. 60201. Protocol lists
criteria,implementation, guidelines for transfer, including transfer of
intubated infant, and documentation.Mechanically ventilated.

Gale, Franck, and Lund 1993 in Neonatal Network.Mechanically Ventilated

Protocol from Children’s Hospital of Oakland.

Gale, G., & VandenBerg, M.A. (1998). Kangaroo Care. Neonatal Network, 17
(5): 69-71. Lists a protocol for KC with preterm infants.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., et al., 1994, Neonatal Network article. See under

first section of the bibliography.

Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Ferreira C, Swinth, J., & Ceccardi, J. (2003) Safe

criteria and procedure for kangaroo care with intubated preterm infants. JOGNN
32 #5. See under first section. Mechanically Ventilated.

Martin Luther Hospital-Anaheim, Ca. Neonatal Intensive Care Kangaroo Care

Policy # NIC302.9 (3 pages) Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Martin Luther
Hospital-Anaheim, 1830 W. Romney Dr., Anaheim, CA 92801-1854.

Nyqvist,KH 2004. How can Kangaroo mother care and high technology care be
compatible? J Human Lactation, 20 (1), 72-75. Includes the policy in use at
Children’s Hospital in Uppsala, Sweden.

The JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL protocol can be obtained from Dr. Ludington, as
can the Univ.of Maryland Medical System protocol.
Page, J. 1995. Kangaroo care; Enhancing infant and parent well-being in
the NICU. The Perinatal Newsletter, 12(1), Jan/Mar 1995. Has protocol with
preterm infants that uses standing transfer method.

Saginaw General Hospital. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Kangaroo Care.

Saginaw General Hospital 1447 N. Harrison St., Saginaw MI 48602

St. Agnes Medical Center, Protocol for Kangaroo Care. Write to Ms. Sheri
Fogarty, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurse Educator, St. Agnes Medical Center,
900 Caton Ave., Baltimore, MD 21229 (410) 368-2630.

St. Joseph’s Hospital, PO Box 4227, Tampa, FLA 33677-4227 has “Protocol:
Kangaroo Care” with assessment, reportable conditions, safety, care, consult,
patient instruction and documentation guidelines included.

St. Mary’s Hospital Med Ctr., Infant ICU,707 S. Mills St. Madison,
Wisconsin 53715-0450. Includes list of inclusion and exclusion criteria.

St. Mary’s Hospital, 901 45th Street, West Palm Beach, FL. 33416-4620.
Includes purpose, description, procedure, parent readiness, implementation, and

Sarasota Memorial Hospital NICU, Ms. Deborah Hanson, RNC, 1700 S. Tamiani
Terrace, Sarasota, FL 34239-3555

York Health System. Kangaroo Care Policy and Procedure. York Health
System. 1001 S. George Street, York, PA 17405, (717) 851-2199.

Breitbach, K. (1993, 2004) What is Kangaroo Care? University of Iowa
Hospitals and Clinics pamphlet. Content is History of KC, Benefits of KC (a
list), When can Baby start KC? How to Get Started. Available from

Hoover, Kay. Post birth care impacts breastfeeding. Has lovely pictures
of how to implement Kangaroo Care. Compiled by Kay Hoover, Med. IBCLC,
Philadelphia Dept. of Public Health, Office of Maternal and Child Health, 500
So. Broad Street, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19146 (215) 685-6825.
Promina Cobb Hospital Special Care Nursery, 3950 Austell Road, Austell,
GA 30001. (404) 732-4414 Fa: (404) 732-4421. Ms. Pat Beckett, RNC, Dept.
Manager of Special Care Nursery.

Larimer, Krisanne 1401 Washington St., #18, Canon City, CO 81212. Has
wonderful pamphlet for parents, done in part by parents of formal premies, and
it tells what KC is all about and how to do it with ventilator infants and all
others, even those of OSCILLATING Ventilation.

Martin Luther Hospital-Anaheim.Patient Information Sheet (in English and

in Spanish)Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, 1830 W. Romney Dr., Anaheim, CA 92801-

Robles, M. (2004) Kangaroo Care: A Pocket Guide to KC. Available from This is a pamphlet from the Univ.
of Manitoba Dept. of OB,Gyn,Reprod. Sciences, Women’s Hospital in Manitoba,
Canada. It covers, What is KC? Why KC? Where is KC practiced? Who can KC? When
can KC be initiated?(Policy is “stable babies who are less than 1500 grams and
breathing on their own. Babies needing O2 OR CPAP may also be eligible.
Cardiorespiratory monitoring and oximetry may be continued during KC. Bedside
nurse will be nearby to monitor the infant as necessary.” How do you do KC? And
concludes with some maternal comments on KC. They did a similar pamphlet in 2000
that was excellent too. Policy/Pamphlet.

Related Articles

Abrams R, Caton D, Calpp J, Barron D. Thermal and metabolic features of

life in utero. This article reports the warm environment of the womb and
Silverman suggests that the warm temp of baby in KC might be advantageous;
perhaps surfactant production proceeds more rapidly at the fetal-like
temperatures, and less apnea when warm than cold. No citation available but the
article is.

Ali Z, & Lowry M. 1981. Early maternal child contact: Effects on later
behavior. Dev. Med Child Neuro 23, 337-345. Not a KC article,but good content
on early contact’s influence on later development.

Craig AD, Chen K, Bandy D, Reiman EM. 2000. Thermosensory activation of

insular cortex. Nature Neuroscience 3, 184-190. Warmth conveyed to the skin is
a pleasant experience as this message is sent to the limbic area of the brain,
seat of emotional, affiliative, love behaviors, and where hormonal responses
(i.e. oxytocin) originate.

Kennell, JH, Jerauld R, Wolfe H, Chesler D, Kreger NC, McAlpine W, Steffa

M, Klaus MH. 1974. Maternal behavior one year after early and extended
postpartum contact. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 16, 172-179. Moms
given swaddled holding in 1st Pospartum hour had more attentive behavior toward
infant during physical exam at one year than controls – but all other maternal
behaviors were similar at one year. Ringler did FU at 2 years and found early
contact moms had different (better) speech patterns (Ringler NM, Kennell JH,

Jarvella R, Navojorsky BJ, Klaus MH 1975, Mother-to-child speech at 2 years –
effects of early postnatal contact. Behavioral Pediatrics 86, 141-144).
FullTerm, RCT, Maternal Behav RCT

Liu D., Diorio J, Day JC, Francis DD, Meaney M. (2000). Maternal care,
hippocampal synaptogenesis and cognitive development in rats. Nature
Neuroscience, 3(8): 799-806. A direct relationship between maternal behavior and
hippocampal devel is present: rat pups who had hi levels of licking, grooming
and nursing showed increased expression of NMDA receptor subunit and brain-
derived neurotrophic fact BDNF mRNA, increased cholinergic innervation of the
hippocampus and enhanced spatial learning and memory.

Olausson H, Lamarre Y., Backlund H, Morin C, Walllin BG, Starch G, Ekholm S, Strigo I, Worsley K, Vallbo
AB, Bushnell MC. 2002. Unmyelinated tactile afferents signal touch and project to insular cortex. Nature Neuroscience 5
(9), 900-904. Human hairy skin has dual tactile innervation: fast-conducting myelinated afferent fibers, and slow
conducting unmyelinated (C) afferents that respond to light touch, creating the sensation of pleasant touch. Thesefibers
activate the insular cortex (LIMBIC system), but not the somatosensory areas S1 and S2. C touch afferents is a system
for limbic touch that may underlie emotional,hormonal, and affiliative responses to caress-like, skin-to-skin contact
(emotional aspects of touch). Gentle, caressing skin-to-skin touch , especially on arm and in palms, is pleasant

Meier, P. (1988). Bottle and breastfeeding: Effects on transcutaneous oxygen pressure and temperature in
preterm infants. Nursing Resesarch, 37(1), 36-41.

Meier, P. & Anderson, G. (1987). Responses of small preterm infants to bottle and breastfeeding. Maternal and
Child Nursing, 12, 97-104.

Meier, P., Engstrom, L.L., Mangurten, H.H., Estrada, E., Zimmerman, B., & Kopparthi, R. (1993). A model to
provide breastfeeding support services in the NICU. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 22, 338-

______, 1995. A sister’s helping hand. Reader’s Digest, condensed from Sheehan, N, Worcester
Telegram and Gazette Nov. 18, 1995.

______. 1997. Cosleeping (bedsharing) among infants and toddlers. J Devel Behav Pediatr 18 (6), 408-

American Academy of Pediatrics, Task Force on Infant Positioning and SIDS. 1997. Does bed sharing
affect the risk of SIDS? Pediatr 100 (2), 272.

Byers JF, Yovaish W, Lowman LB, Francis JD. 2003. Co-bedding versus single bedding premature
multiple-gestation infants in incubators. J. Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 32 (3), 340-347.
Physiologic stability and behavioral effects of cobedding: RCT (16 CB; 21 controls), Sig diff in daily wgt, feeding
amount, high activity HR. No diff in parent state anxiety, mat attachment, parental satisfaction, infant sleep-wake
synchronicity, stress cues. Demonstrates SAFETY of CB, but no clinical improvement in infant or parent
outcomes. Recommends that co-bedding be used. RCT, safety, physiology, sleep wake states between infants.

Epstein R, Here P, Tzischinsky O, Lavie P. 1997. Changing from communcal to familial sleep
arrangement in the Kibbutz: effects on sleep quality. Sleep 20 (5), 334-339.

Hanks CC, Rebelsky FB. 1977. Mommy and the midnight visitor: A study of occasional cosleeping.
Psychiatry 40, 277-280.

Kaplan SL, Poznanski E. 1974. Child psychiatric patients who share abed with a parent. J Am Acad Child
Psychiatr 2, 344-356.

Lozoff B, Wolf AW, Davis NS. 1984. Cosleeping in urban families with young children in the United
States. Pediatr 74, 171-182.

Lutes L. 1996. Bedding twins/multiples together. Neonatal Network, 15 (7), 61-62.

Lutes LM, Altimier LB. 1999. Co-bedding multiple premature infants. J. Investigative Med 47 (2), 168A..

McKenna JJ. 1993. Cosleeping. In Carskadon MA (Ed). Encyclopedia of sleep and dreaming. NY, NY:
Macmillan, pp. 145-148.

McKenna JJ.YEAR? SIDS in cross cultural perspective: Is infant-parent co-sleeping protective? Med
Anthrop 10, 9-53.

McKenna JJ. 2003. Mother-infant co-sleeping with breastfeeding: adaptive behaviors worth fighting for.
Breastfeeding Abstracts 23 (1), 3-5.

McKenna J, Mosko S. 1994. Sleep and arousal, synchrony and independence among mothers and infants
sleeping apart and together (same bed): An experiment in evolutionary medicine. Acta Paediatr Scand Suppl 397,
McKenna, J., Thomas, E., Anders, T., Sadeh, A., Schnectman, V. & Glotzbach, S. (1993). Infant-parent co-
sleeping in an evolutionary perspective: Implications for understanding infant sleep development and the sudden infant
death syndrome. Sleep, 16, 263-282.

McKenna J, Mosko S, Richard C et al., 1994. Mutual behavioraland physiological influences among solitary
and cosleeping mother-infant pairs; Implications for SIDS. Early Hum Dev 38, 182-201.

McKenna, J.J., Mosko, S.S., & Richard, C.A. (1997). Bedsharing promotes breastfeeding. Pediatrics, 100(2):

McKenna J, Mosko S, Richard C. (1999). Breast feeding and mother-infant cosleeping in relation to SIDS
prevention. In Trevathan W, Smith N, McKenna J. (Eds.). Evolutionary Medicine. NY, Ny: Oxford Univ Press, 53-74.

Mosko S, Richard C, McKenna J. 1995. Infant sleep and arousals during bedsharing. Ped Pulmonol 20, 340.

Mosko S, Richard C, McKenna J, Drummond S. 1997. Infant arousals in the bed-sharing environment:
Implications for infant sleep development and SIDS. Pediatr 100, 841-849.

Mosko S, Richard C, McKenna J. 1996. Infant sleep architecture during bedsharing and possible implications
for SIDS. Sleep 19, 677-684.

Mosko S, Richard C, McKenna J. 1997. Maternal sleep and arousals during bedsharing with infants. Sleep, 20
(2), 142-150.

Nyqvist KH, Lutes LM (1998). Co-bedding twins: A developmentally supportive care strategy.
J Obstetric, Gynecologic Neonatal Nursing, 27, 450-456.

Richard CA, Mosko SS. 2004. Mother-infant bedsharing is associated with an increase in infant heart rate.
Sleep. 27(3), 507-511. HR recorded in 15 infants in bed sharing night vs solitary night. 8 infants routinely bedshared
with mother the other 7 slept alone. Fullterm infants at 11-15 weeks old. HR is lower when solitary sleeping. Infant
temperature was significantly the cause (by regression analysis), and HRV was higher during solitary sleeping than bed
sharing in QS and AS and REM sleep. Increased sympathetic activity in states 3,4 (drowsy and awake) and in REM
sleep due to temperature. Sensory differences account for some physiologic differences between infant sleep in the two
conditions. FT. HRV, Temp, HR

Schacter FF, Fuchs ML, Bijur PE, Stone RK. 1989. Cosleeping and sleep problems in Hispanic-American
urban young children. Pediatrics 84, 522-530.

Swinth JS, Nelson LE, Hadeed A, Anderson GC. 2000. Shared kangaroo care for triplets. MCN, Am J
Maternal Child Nursing, 25 (4), 214-216. Speaks to co-bedding on page 216 and states that KC is the ultimate co-
bedding. Case study.

Touch SM, Epstein ML, Pohl CA, Greenspan JS. 2002. The impact of co-bedding on sleep patterns in preterm
twins. Clinical Pediatrics (Phila), 41(6), 425-431. 12 hrs preCB and 12 hrs of CB cardiorespiratory recording. 22 CB
infants (11 sets of twins) at 31.8wks GA studied at 33.5 wks Corrected age. # of central apnea decreased (57 pre CB, 18
CB) with CB, no diff in Bradys, PB, No temp instability, no increase in O2 requirements during CB. Decrease in central
apnea probably due to more frequent arousal by twin. RCT, Apnea,B,PB, temp, oxygen requirements.

Willinger M, Ko C-W, Hoffman HJ, Kessler RC, Corwin MJ. 2003. Trends in infant bed sharing in the United
States, 1993-2000. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 157 (1), 43-49.
______, 1995. Appropriate technologies can help make motherhood safer.
Safe Mother, 18, 4-8. Review of available technologies and KC is one that is
identified as keeping the infant warm against the mother’s skin and is
recommended. Review. Temperature.

Als, H, Gilkerson L. Developmentally supportive care in the neonatal

intensive care unit. 1995. Zero to Three, 15(6): 1-10. This has one small
paragraph on "Opportunities for skin-to-skin holding" on page 5 saying that
these opportunities are regularly provided as a part of developmental care.
Developmental Care.

Anand, KJS, & Scalzo, FM. (2000). Can adverse neonatal experiences alter
brain development and subsequent behavior? Biol Neonate, 77, 69-82. Repetitive
pain, sepsis, maternal separation in rodents and other species have been
associated with multiple alterations in the adult rat brain. He proposes that
NMDA receptor activity from maternal separation leads to increased apoptosis in
multiple areas of the immature brain, and exposure to repetitive pain may cause
excessive NMDA activation resulting in excitotoxic damage to developing neurons.
On pg. 72 “kangaroo care may provide additional physiological and
neurodevelopmental benefits in critically ill neonates.” Pg 73 “Improved
clinical and neuromaturational outcomes have resulted from developmentally
supportive nursing care and “KC” in preterm infants” and cites Ludington and
Swinth, 1996.

Anderson, G.C. (1975). A preliminary report: Severe respiratory distress

in transitional newborn lambs with recovery following nonnutritive sucking.
Journal Nurse Midwifery, Summer p. 20-28.

Anderson, G.C. (1977). The mother and her newborn: Mutual caregivers.
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, Sept/Oct. , 50-57.

Aucott S., Donohue PK, Atkins E., Allen MC. 2002. Neurodevelopmental care
in the NICU. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews,
8(4), 298-308.On page 304 are 1.33 columns of KC, mostly citing the Conde-
Agudelo 2002 Cochrane Review. Says that parent disenfranchisement is biggest
NICU problem, and KC corrects this on page 304. There is a whole column devoted
to KC history (very brief) and outcomes of the 2002 Conde-Agudelo meta-analysis.

Bakewell-Sachs, S., Blackburn, S. 2003. State of the Science:

Achievements and challenges across the spectrum of care for preterm infants. J
Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nursing, 32 #5, 683-695. On page 688 it states “Many
developmental strategies were implemented before undergoing adequate scientific
testing. More research is needed,but the evidence base is growing for
interventions such as cycled lighting, kangaroo care, nonnutritive sucking,
containment, touch, and positioning, due in large part to the work of nurse

Bowie BH, Hall RB, Faulkner J, Anderson B. 2003. Single-room infant care:
future trends in special care nursery planning and design. Neonatal Network 22
(4), 27-34. On page 28 it states: “Also in the early 1990s several articles
were published documenting the benefits of skin-to-skin(kangaroo) care, andfor
the first time in many nurseries, parents were encouraged to participate in the
care of their preterm infant.” And “Privacy became limited;movable screens were
used to give a sense of privacy for breastfeeding mothers and for parents
providing Kangaroo Care.” They have drawing of KC in a single-room on page 31.
PT. Not KC study per se.

Christensson Bhat et al.. 1995

De Chateau. 1979. Effects of Hospital Practices on synchrony in the

development of the infant-parent relationship. Seminars in Perinatology, 3(1),

Drummond T. 1998. Touch early and often. Time July 27, 1998, p. 54-55.
Speaks to Dr. Tiffany Fields work with massaging preterm infants and their
improvement in weight gain.

Epstein, R., Herer, P, Tzischinsky, O., & Lavie, P. (1997). Changing from
communal to familial sleep arrangement in the Kibbutz Effects on sleep quality.
Sleep, 20(5): 334-339. Better quality sleep when they change from communal
sleep to sleeping with families.Communal sleep group slept worse than children
examined during Golf War. Improvement in sleep quality is due to children's
increased sense of security when sleeping with their families.

Feldman R, Eidelman AI. (1998). Intervention programs for premature

infants. How do they affect development? Clinics in Perinatology, 25(3): 613-
626. This review article states that “Kangaroo Care is suggested as the
intervention that most logically meshes the premature infant’s need to develop
state regulation while facilitating sequential sensory development and promoting
mother-infant attachment.

Field, T.F. (1990) Alleviating stress in newborn infants in intensive care

unit. Clinics in Perinatology, 17(1), 1-9.
Freda, M.C. 2003. Nursing’s Contribution to the literature on preterm
labor and birth. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nursing, 32(5), 659-667. On page 664
she writes “Another intervention for the preterm infant that has been studied
often by nurses is skin-to-skin care or kangaroo care (KC). It is thought that
this intervention decreases neonatal energy expenditure and promotes infant
growth. Ludington-Hoe et al. (1999) found that beginning in the delivery room,
KC could be done safely and that infants’ temperatures rose rapidly to the

thermoneutral range while the infants were receiving KC. They concluded that KC
was conducive to recovery from birth fatigue in 34- to 36- week preterm infants.
Chwo et al (2002) randomly assigned preterm infants to groups, those receiving
KC and those not receiving KC, and found that infants receiving KC had higher
mean tympanic temperature, more quiet sleep, and less crying than those who did
not recive KC. In one survey of 537 NICUs in the United States (Engler et al.,
2002), 82% of the NICUs were practicing KC. Enlger found that nurses perceived
some barriers to its use, such as has lack of scientific knowledge about whether
KC care was appropriate for all neonates, as well as some nurses’ concerns about
infant safety.” Then it goes on for another whole paragraph relating Gene
Anderson’s case studies, saying KC has positive parental and infant outcomes
with a depressed mother, when begun within 4 hours of birth in an NICU, for
twins and adolescent parents, for adoptive parents, for triplets and a mom with

Gorski, P., Huntington, L., & Lewkowicz, D. (1990). Handling preterm

infants in hospitals. Clinics in Perinatology, 17(1), 103-112.

Harrison, L. (1997). Research utilization: Handling preterm infants in

the NICU. Neonatal Network, 16(3): 65-69. On page 66 & 67 she discusses
Kangaroo Care and its benefits. On page 68 she states more research is needed to
answer the question: When is it

Harrison L, Woods S. (1991). Early parental touch and preterm infants.

JOGNN, 20, 299-306/

Hill ST, Shronk LK. 1979. The effect of early parent-infant contact on
newborn body temperature. JOGN Nursing Sept/Oct. 1979, 287-290. This was study
comparing 50 dried, wrapped infants in parental arms to 50 dried, wrapped infant
under radiant warmer just after birth. No differences in temperatures.

Kattwinkel, J., Brooks, J., Keenan, M.E., & Malloy, M. (1997). Task force
on infant positioning and SIDS: Does bed sharing affect the risk of SIDS?
Pediatrics, 100(2): 272.

Kenner C, Lott J.W. 2003. Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing: A Physiologic

Perspective. 3rd Ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co. KC was also discussed in
the 1998 2nd edition. Has pictures and protocol of KC. Look pg. 260, chapter 17
(Newborn and Infant Neurobehavioral Development chapter by Diane Holditch-Davis,
S.T. Blackburn, and K. Vandenberg). It is also in Chapter 49, pg. 959-960 on
Assessment and Management of Neonatal Neurobehavioral Development.

Kovach, A.C. (2002)A 5-year follow-up of hospital breastfeeding policies

in the Philadelphia area: A comparison with the ten-steps. J Human Lactation,
18(2), 144-153. On page 145 they list a question in their survey of 35
Philadelphia hospitals, “Are babies’ temperatures stabilized skin-to-skin with
the mother rather than under radiant warmers?” and on page 150 report: “only 3
hospitals(9%) regulated a baby’s temp skin to skin and 11 (31%)reported doing
this sometimes. When asked about skin to skin contact following delivery, most
hospitals placed babies skin to skin with their mothers all or most of the time
(10 or 29%) or sometimes (14, 40%). Some hospitals did the APGAR score while the
baby was skin to skin with the mother all or some of the time (n=10,29%).”(150).

McCain G. 2003. Evidence based practice for neonatal nursing. Neonatal

Network 22 (6), 5-6. On page 5 she states “early Skin-to-skin contact beween
mother and newborn has a positive effect on BF at 1 and 3 months after birth
(citing Anderson et al, 2003 Cochrane review results). She says evidence
supports adoption of skin-to-skin care, but nurses must first be educated about
the benefits of the practice and then develop a guideline or protocol.

Meier P, Engstrom JL, Mingoletti SS, Miracle DJ, & Kiesling S. 2004. The
Rush Mothers’ Milk Club: Breastfeeding interventions for mothers with very-low-
birth-weight infants. J.Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nursing 33 (2), 164-174. On
page 166: “Evidency based nonpharmacologic techniques to help preent low milk
volume, such as pumping at the infant’s bedside, skin-to-skin care, and suckling
at the emptied breast, are routinely employed by bedside nurses. PT,
implementation evaluation, BF.

Mellien, A.C. (2001). Incubators versus mothers’ arms: body temperature

conservation in very-low-birth-weight premature infants. JOGNN, 30(2), 157-164.
Has a big review of KC literature, but this is a study of clothed mothers
holding swaddled infants close. Axillary temps did not differ between incubator
and holding in VLBW infants.VLBW, SWADDLED HOLDING./

Moore J, & Mcermott, J. 2004. “Body Temperature”. In Every Newborn’s

Health: Recommendations for Care for All Newborns. Washington, DC: Save the
Children. Set of guidelines for fullterm newborns. States that KC is best
for warming and rewarming and for BF. FULL TERM, recommends KC>

Mosko, S.S., Richard, C., & McKenna, J. (1997). Maternal sleep and
arousal during bedsharing with infants. Sleep, 20(2): 142-150.

Murdoch, D.R., & Darlow, B.A. (1984). Handling during neonatal intensive
care. Archives of Diseases in Childhood,59, 957-961.

Perlman,JM. 2003. The genesis of cognitive and behavioral deficits in

premature graduates of intensive care. Minerva Pediatrics 55 (2), 89-101.
Increased survival has led to deficits into school age and adolescents. One
cause of deficits is prolonged hospitalization and the stress that it causes.
The stress can be minimized by positive maternal-infant interactions. Positive
interactions enhance neurobehavioral development. KC is recommend as a positive
parent infant interaction and related to improved neurodevelopmental outcome.
Review, development

Schanler, RJ. (1995). Suitability of Human Milk for LBW Infants. Clinics
in Perinatology, 22(1): 207-222. A nursery policy that advocates early skin-
to-skin contact between LBW infant and mother may improve host defense of the
infants”(211). “Guidelines for feeding LBW infants must include skin-to-skin
contact to promote development of maternal antibodies”(217). Premise is that
baby’s skin picks up NICU pathogens and when in contact with mom’s skin passes
them to her. She then makes antibodies, “it is possible that the mother may
make specific IGA antibodies against nosocomial pathogens in the infant’s
environment and pass them along to the infant in her breastmilk”.

Stevens BJ, Franck LS. 2001. Assessment and Management of Pain in

Neonates. Pediatric Drugs 3(7), 539-558. On page.546 it refers to KC, saying it
has “improved survival, increased the incidence and duration of breastfeeding,
resulted in improved respiratory and temperature control, and enhanced maternal-
infant interaction.’ However, only 1 study has investigated KC as a pain
management strategy during acute painful stimuli…given the encouraging results
of this study, further investigation of this technique as a potential source of
analgesia in human neonates is most certainly warranted.”

Stevens BJ, Yamada J, Ohlsson A. 2001. Sucrose for analgesia in newborn

infants undergoing painful procedures. Cochrane Databae Systematic Reviews,
#4,CD001069. “The use of repeated administrations of sucrose in neonates needs
to be investigated as does the use of sucrose incombination with other
behavioural (facilitated tucking, kangaroo care) and pharmacologic (morphine,
fentanyl) interventions.”

Weller A, Feldman R. 2003. Emotion regulation and touch in infants: the

role of cholescystokinin and opioids. Peptides, 24 (5), 779-788. In rats and
humans, maternal proximity enables infant to smell maternal odor. Mat odor
activates cholecystokinin and opioids (neuropeptides) that help infant learn
that this is feeding time and help infant regulate his emotions, particularly
stress reactivity as opioids are endogenous narcotics that calm the infant and
reduces state level. KC is mentioned as it helps infants self-regulate and
moderate effects of some risk factors. Thus,KC is probably quieting due to
opioid secretion.

Whitby C., de Cates, C.R., Roberton, NRC (1982). Infants weighing 1.8-2.5
kg: Should they be cared for in neonatal units or postnatal wards? The Lancet,
1 (Feb. 6, 1982), pp 322-325. Infants without problems do well in cot care in
regular postnatal wards, similar to the very early Kangaroo Care studies.

Forsyth TJ, Maney LA, Ramirez A, Raviotta G, Burts JL, Litzenberger

D..1998. Nursing case management in the NICU: Enhanced coordination for
discharge planning. Neonatal Network, 17(7): 23-34. The clinical pathway on
page 26 has a drawing of KC and lists KC as the first treatment to give the

Weller A, Feldman, R. 2003. Emotion regulation and touch in infants: the

role of cholecystokinin and opioids. Peptides 24, 779-788. this is a review of
the lit on effects of touch on development of emotion regulation in human and
animal models. KC is specifically addressed on pg.782-783.

Wingert P, & Noonan D. 2000. New hope for Preemies. Newsweek Special
Issue, Fall/Winter 2000, , p. 51-52. Has two pixs of KC.

Hackman, PS. 2000. Recognizing and Understanding the Cold-Stressed Term

Infant. Mother-Baby Journal, 5(4), 10-16. On page 13 there is one paragraph that
says “A neutral thermal environment can be achieved by using skin-to-skin
contact, a radiant warmer…” and that “the use of this technique has several
advantages, including stabilizing vital signs and temperature, promoting bonding
between infant and parent, and improving lactation.”
Lay Publications

______. 1998. Kangaroo Care: Research on improving the health of preterm

infants. The Pulse; Univ. of Maryland School of Nursing, 11(2), Fall, 1998, p.

______. (1998). Infant Care. Redbook, Oct. 1998 issue. Refers to the
University of Maryland as a resource site for Kangaroo Care information. The
article has a few paragraphs of KC information.

------. (1997) Bare hugs: Skin-to-skin snuggling aids preemies.

Prevention Magazine, June 1997, pg. 40-41. Quote the findings of a study of 50
moms, 25 who held infants in KC for 10 minutes each day and 25 who held swaddled
infants. Better VS and higher O2 and more stable milk supply were in the KC
group. Citation not provided.

______. (1999). Technology and Tenderness: The Secret of Kangaroo Care.

Vital Signs. Vol. 12 (1): p.4. Newsletter of Anne Arundel Medical Center, Anne
Arundel, M.D. Mar/April/May 1999. Pg. 4
Anner, J. (1994). Kangaroo care: A father’s story of caring for his
premature daughter. Childbirth Instructor Magazine, Spring 1994, pg. 12-17. He
reports that to him “Kangaroo Care was the greatest thing that could have

Arcieri K. (2002). Kangaroo Care gives preterm infants a comforting

jumpstart. Ooh Baby! Spring 2002, p. 18-19. Quotes Dr. Ludington’s book and
gives good input for parents to think about KC in advance of preterm birth.

Bassi J. 1995. Award-winning kangaroo care: Skin-to-skin contact creates

gentle communication Mount Sinai Medical Center and Miami Herald Medical
Reports. January 1995. Reports on Dr. Patricia Messmer's study of physiologic
stability in kangaroo care preterms.

Cary, Annette. 2000. Kangaroo Care Plan Hopping at Kadlec. Tri-City

Herald, vol. 98 #3, Monday, Jan. 3, 2000.Page 1.

Di Caelers. 1999. Kangaroo Care Saves Little Lives. The Argus, April 6th,
1999. Lay report of KC practice at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South

Doster, K. 1999. Kangaroo Care. Circulating News, March 1999. In-house

newsletter for Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, MD. P. 3

Fantin L. 1997. Midwives told kangaroo care for humans too: Professor
describes the benefits of cuddling premature infants. The Salt Lake Tribune,
Sunday March 9, 1997. Reports on Dr. Ludington's presentation about Kangaroo

Fischman, J. (1999). Taking a Cue from Kangaroos. US News & World Report.
June 7, 1999, pg.66 This is an easy to read, one page report of KC in USA.

Funderburg, L. 2000. Saving Jason. LIFE. Collector’s Edition, May 200,

pg. 49-62. Shows pictures of KC at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and all
the pictures show really naked KC, not with the back covered to prevent heat
loss. Good article for mothers to read about KC.

Gonzalez, E.M. (1988). For premature babies: Kangaroo mothers! Arab

News. Saturday, June 25,1988.

Koontz, K. (1998). Hold me tight. Fit Pregnancy, Spring 1998, p. 33-34.

This is general review of KC for preterms and cites Dr. Ludington’s work.

Mettler, L. 2001. Kangaroo Care. Help for Preterm Infants and Hope for
their Parents. Baby Years, Sept. 2001. This is a general article with many
references to Dr. Ludington and her book and how to give KC to premature
infants. Copy available from
Norton, D. (1995). Kangaroo love for preemie babies. Living and Loving,
September 1995. 133-135.

Rosenthal, E. (1992). Kangaroo’s pouch inspires care for premature

babies. The New York Times, June 10, 1992, p.H1.
Siegel-Itzkovich, J. (2000). For tiny prematures, a pouch is home sweet
home. The Jerusalem Post, Sunday, July16, 200, Health Section, page 17.
Sims, C.I. (1988). Kangaroo care. Mothering, 49, 64-69.

Smyth, A. (1992). Kangaroos know that cuddles work best. The Independent.
Tuesday, August 18, 1992, pg. 11.

Soukhanov, a.H. (1992). Word Watch. Atlantic Monthly, (October), p. 127.

Reports Kangaroo Care as a noun and kangarooing as a verb to mean holding the
premature infant skin-to-skin against a chest.

UCLA Nursing. (1989). Kangaroo care adds human element to neonatal

intensive care. UCLA Nursing, 6(1), 10-11.

Ulrich,L. (1998) Our 15-ounce daughter. McCalls. Oct. 1998, p. 64-78.

Article on Micropremie Miracles. Shows picture of KC and talks about how they
did it to help their 15 oz. Daughter born at 23 weeks GA. Show baby being same
size as cellular phone.
Zero to Three. (1991). Pictures about touch: kangaroo care is one of
them. Zero to Three, april 1991, p. 9.

Notable Presentations
de Leon, F. (1992). "The kangaroo care method: Application and use."
Presentation at International Well Start, 8/20/92, San Diego. LOOK FOR HIS

Bergman, N. 2001. Kangaroo Mother Care: Restoring the Original Paradigm

for Infant Care and Breastfeeding. Presentation at La Leche League International
Physician’s Seminar, July 7, 2001. Chicago, Ill.

Gene C. Anderson, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN

Professor and Melon Chair
Case Western Reserve University School of Nursing
Cleveland, OH
office: (216)-368-3343

2002-2003: Studying the effect of KC placement 1-1.5 hours before a

feeding on improving breastfeeding outcomes in fullterm newborns in women who
report breastfeeding difficulty.
2004- Studying the breastfeeding behavior in fullterm newborns who spontaneously
awaken for feeds or are aroused by others for feeds.

Bergman, Nils. Family physician in South Africa who did a study in Zimbabwe and
now runs a maternity hospital where KC is practiced regularly for all fullterm

Best, Paige. Fall 2001 Doctoral student at Johns Hopkins University School of
Public Health. She is studying infant care practices in Bangladesh, identifying
how rural mothers recognize prematurity and then how they care for them to
prevent hypothermia. Second phase of study will be to teach practices to avoid
hypothermia, including KC and use of tempadots (if baby is warm enough, the
tempadot shows a smiley face)to insure warmth. Will try to teach KC to them
Ann Bigelow. July 2002 got approval to study maternal infant interaction in the
newborn period, 1 month, 2, a nd 3 months postbirth. KC grp will KC 6hrs/day
for 1st month beginning KC within 1 hour of birth. Salivary cortisol at birth
and 1 month and measuring developmental outcomes. Contact her at
Joy Browne, R.N. Ph.D.
Children’s Hospital of Denver
Email: (Browne, Joy)
They conducted research on the physiologic disorganization associated with
transfer into and out of kangaroo care (Neu et al., Nursing Research, August

Cattaneo, Adriano.

Unit for Health Services Research and International Cooperation
Instituto per l’Infanzia, Vil dell’Istria 65/1, 34137 Trieste, Italy
Phone; +39 040 3785 236; Fax: +39 040 3785 402, Email:

Chia, Pauline (Summer and Fall 2000- masters student at The University Lodge
(Room B101) La Trobe University, Bundoora, 3083, Australia. Studying nurses
attitudes toward KC. Home address is 1 Brockhampton Drive, Singapore 559095.

Gerard Cleary, D.O.

Division of Neonatology
Abington Memorial Hospital
1200 Old York Rd.
Abington, PA 19001-3788
In 1997, conducting a randomized controllled trial of KC with intbuated infants
and those receiving oxygen support by cannula. Looking at physiologic outcomes.
See his article in J. American Osteopathic Association, vol. 97 #8, p. 457-460.

Ms. Patricia Clifford-See Clifford & Barnsteiner, 2001 citation.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. (215)-590-3083
They are studying 1-2 hours of KMC with ventilated infants as young as 23 weeks
and as small as 550 grams testing weight. Doing chart control comparison,
looking at HR, RR, SaO2, and temp. Results to date show no difference between
KC and chart review infants. I spoke with her in Fall 1997 and she was getting
ready to write her results of 9 infants studied as of Nov. 1997.

Cooper, Sharla, RNC, NNP, MSN. 3247 Woodview Rd. S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018. Email
is Home; 540-772-4456 wk: 540-981-7103. Working on Nursing
Doctoral dissertation called KC at the breast for preterm infants during GAVAGE
FEEDING: Effect on infant physiology and maternal lactation. Began work June

DeMarco, Patrice
79 Beach Rd.
Shelburne, VT 05482
In Dec. 2000 starting a study of KC on serum values (glucose etc.) in
fullterm neonates.

Dutcher, Janet F., RNC, NNP, MN

134 Kirkcaldy Drive
Elkton, MD 21921
In 1997 she conducted a survey of nurses attitudes toward KC in the United
States. She wrote a wonderful paper, but it has not reached publication yet.
Contact her directly.

Marsha L. Ellett, DNS, RN

Asst. Profs Nursing
Indiana University School of Nursing – Pediatric Gastroenterology
1111 Middle Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46202
317-274-0051 Fax is 317-274-4928 email is
Feb. 2001 she is conducting an internet research study of mothers who use KC to
help with colic. It is called the Infant Colic Study. You can learn of
htstudy at Dec. 10,
2002 update: has enrolled only two subjects who completed protocol. Moms keep
record of infant state for 3 days and then they KC at first sign of colic. “In
both babies the amount of crying time was greatly decreased and the amount of
quiet sleep was greatly increased. Parents who quit mid study report that
kangarooing helped decrease crying.” She is now trying to local access to get

more subjects.
Teresa Farley, MSN, CPNP
Developmental Pediatric services
8210 Walnut Hill Lane, suite 604
Presbyterian Hospital
Dallas Texas 75231
(214) 345-4156
Fax: 214-696-3014
In 1995 started a study of HR, RR, SaO2 and temperature during transfer
into and out of KC and during KC and rest periods with ventilated preterm

Goubet, Nathalie, Ph.D.

Dept. of Psychology
Gettysburg College
Ph: 717-337-6148
Fax 717-337-6172 email:
Beginning work Sept. 2000 for two years in the states to study olfactory
learning in preterm newborns who have KC and to measure pain responses during

Hanson, Deborah email: Began in June 1999 studying end tidal
CO2, tidal volume and minute volume of KC vs. incubator condition in ventilated
infants. Also has experience with KC for dying babies.

Pamela Green Henderson CNS/NNP

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Women’s College Hospital
Toronto, CANADA
Email: or phone: 416-323-6400 ext. 4568
Doing research on KC with ventilated infants in Fall, 1998

C. Celeste Johnston
Assoc. Professor, School of Nursing
McGill University
3506 University St.
Montreal QC H2X 3PY
phone: (514) 398-4157
Fax: (514) 398-8455
Doing research on 15 minutes of Kangaroo Care on infant pain using the
Premature Infant Pain Profile, published in PAIN, Nov. 1996. Did 74 infants
with KC, Archives of Diseases in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 2003
published that KC reduced pain. 2004 now examining KC in another study with an
animal model too.

Ms. Lisa Klein, R.N.C., MSN.

Clinician III, FCC
Inova Hospital for Women
3300 Gallows Rd.
Falls Church, VA 22042-3300
Home: 703-264-8943
Began a study with 58 FULL TERM INFANTS who require rewarming when more
than 90 minutes old. Kangaroo Care was compared to radiant warmer for efficacy
in rewarming, using axillary temps. Preliminary data on 4/10/99 show that KC is
as good as radiant warmer when continued for 90 minutes to bring babies from
97.1 –97.5F back to neutral thermal zone.

Juhyun Lee
Doctoral Student, School of Nursing Johns Hopkins University
525 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205-2110
(410) 467-4477; email is
Fall 2000 she is starting study of KC’s efficacy in increasing
breastfeeding in preterm population, and changes in quantity and quality of
milk, and immunological markers.

Susan M. Ludington, CNM, Ph.D., FAAN

Professor and Walters Chair of Pediatric Nursing
Case Western Reserve University, FP Bolton School of Nursing
10900 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH 44106-4904
office: (216) 368-5130
Has studied effect of KC during phototherapy on bilirubin profiles, effect
of one hour of KC with ventilated preterms on pulmonary function test outcomes,
and general physiologic outcomes. Now she is funded (2002-2005) to study effect
of 3 hours of KC on EEG measures of sleep and is piloting a study of effect of
KC on pain responses.

Patricia Messmer, R.N.C, Ph.D.

Director of Nursing Research at Mount Sinai Medical Center
Miami, Florida. Published her study on behavioral state and cardiovascular

Elizabeth Moore, R.N, M.S. (in doctoral program in 1998-1999).

161 Clifftop Drive
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Phone: 615-824-7054
In August 1998 she submitted an NINR NRSA with Gene Anderson as outside
committee member to examine the effects of KC with FULLTERM infants beginning
immediately at birth and continuing for two hours on breastfeeding performance.

Lucila Mora, R.N., BSN, 1421 Clement Street

San Francisco, CA. 94118 (415) 750-1463 email:
Doing some sort of Kangaroo Care research as part of her ms degree at UCSF.

Madalynn Neu, RN, Ph.D., / April 2002 received K award to study 3 seession over
an 8-wk period of KC holding vs. swaddled holding and measuring vagal tone and
salivary cortisol levels of mothers and babies during the three sessions.

Alma Ohl, RN, NNP student

4300 Stratford Drive
Center Valley, PA 18034
Home: (610)-282-4692
In Spring 1999 she will be conducting a master’s thesis study to measure
maternal empowerment during Kangaroo Care. She recommends a listserve on the
email that targets nursing research and reports KC studies: Type in SUBSCRIBE NURSERESSUSAN and send.

Ortman, Bethany : See Schmidt, Catherine below

Jacqueline Page, BScN, MHSc, NNP

and Renee-Louise Franche, Ph.D. Dept. of Psychology
Ottawa General Hospital
501 Smyth Rd.
Canada K1H 8L6
Page: 613-737-8039

Franche: 613-737-8651
Premature infant's physiologic response (50 ventilated preterms- looking
at HR, RR, SaO2, and vent settings) and Maternal stress . Infant stress measured
by physiologic homeostasis.

Vicki Pearce. 200 Joe Westbury Mews Dr. Summerville, So. Carolina 29485 ( 843),
871-3680. Doing a study to determine if NICU babies who get KC stay less long
than those do not get KC. Starting in Feb. 2000.

Hadi Pratomo, MPH, Dr.P.H.

Perinasia, Perumpulan Perinatologi Indonesia
Jl. Tebet Utara IA/22
Jakarta 12820, Indonesia
Phone: (62)(21)828.1243
Fax: (62) (21) 828-1245 or 830-6130
PO Box 8163 JKSTT 12820
Dr. Pratomo and his group have just (nov. 1998) completed two studies on
KC in their country.

Dr. Gherardo Rapisardi – does work in Italy with Dr. Pignotti. Can be reached at
Kathryn Roberts, R.N., Ph.D.
Professor of Nursing, School of HECS, Faculty of SITE
Northern Territory University
Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia 0909
Office: (089) 46-6071
Fax: (089) 46-6595 email:
Studying maternal and infant outcomes of KC. Published in Neonatal
Network, June 2000, vol. 19 #4, 31-35.

Cindy Roller, R.N., MSN. Doctoral student of Gene Anderson’s at Case Western
Reserve who was NRSA funded in Fall 1997 for phenomenology study of the meaning
of Kangaroo Care to teenage mothers.

Margie Sanford, R.N., BSN

Neonatal Intensive Care Staff Nurse
Kadlec Medical Center
333 Swift Ave.
Richland, WA 99352
Studying nursing factors affecting utilization of KC research results.

Schmidt, Catherine (And Ortman, Bethany). 20 Ashbury Court, Dahlonega, GA 30533

email: Two physical therapists who evaluated long term
effects of KC and found no differences in mental and motor functioning in their
work at North Georgia College and State University, Dept. of Physial Therapy.
Abstract appears in A.J. Physical Therapy, 2000.

Schram, Bobbi. 389 N. Amherst Ave., Des Plains, Il 60016. Email: Studying the relationship between KC and breastmilk production
inlactating mothers of 26-30 weeks gestation.” Started work in Sept. 1999.

Shandler, Richard, Nancy Hurst and Chantelle Lau. Have just in 1998 completed
an NIH trial of effect of skin-to-skin contact on maternal milk production.
See Hurst publication in 1997. Working at Texas Children’s Hospital,
Fax for Ms. Nancy Hurst: 713-770-3633.

Shiau, SH. Randomized controlled trial of Kangaroo care with FULLTERM infants.
Effects on maternal anxiety, breastmilk maturation, breast engorgement, and

breastfeeding status.
Sandra Smith, University of Utah. email: Doing a study
looking at RR, SaO2, FiO2 and heart rate variability of ventilated preterm
infants before, during, and after Kangaroo Care. Dissertation finished in spring
1999- expect results soon. Early indications are that KC is infant temperature
rises and that SaO2 might fall. Study was finished June 1999 and is being
reported on Feb. 16, 2000 in Salt Lake city.

Amy Wallig NNP MS, Kathy Leef RNC MS, Susan Imam NNP MS, and Robert Locke DO
Medical Center of Delaware
4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road
Newark, DE 19718
Amy Wallig phone:302-733-2396
Susan Imam phone: 302-733-4387 Page Op:302-733-1900 beeper 2431
This Medical Center of Delaware is a complete NIDCAP unit with several NIDCAP
certified staff RNs and they are doing a study of ventilated KMC with a 15
minute pretest, KMC, 15 minute postest of non-invasive pulmonary function
testing: SaO2,HR, RR, temp, resistance, compliance, pCO2, pO2. Length of KMC
unknown. Study was up and running with 4-5 ventilated preterms at any time in
their nursery in Fall 1997.

Terry Zeilinger doing data collection of age, wgt, Fi02 and Sa02 before and
during KC, along with length of session and skin temp range. Martin Luther
Hospital-Anaheim, 1830 W. Romney Dr., Anaheim, CA 92801-1854.
Christensson, Kyllike NMTD.Dr. Med. Sc. Karolinska Instituet, Dept. of
International Health and Social Medicine, S-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden Phone +46
6 728 77 88; Fax: +46 8 31 15 90; email:
Fundacion Canguro, Carrera 7 No.46-20, Apto. 2001, Bogota, Colombia.
Telephone: +57 1 221-5572; email:

Wahlberg, Vivian. Nodiska Halsovardshogskolan, The Nordic School of

Public Health, Box. 12133, S-402 42, Goteborg, Sweden


Krissanne Larimer has a website for KC and the KC bib is available off
this web site. The site is roopage and a list of Dr.
Ludington’s outcomes chart is at
Krissane Larimer also has another web site, and the document on it is
Kangaroo Care Benefits. This is New York city health site

that reports where one can get Kangaroo Care in New York City and its outcomes.
A very brief site. has some articles by Nils Bergman on it. is the major KC Network website and is maintained by
the Bogota group. It has many updates and should be checked regularly. It
published as version of Dr. Ludington’s KC bib. has Dr. Ludington’s and Dr. Andersons’ bibs on it. is a website that in July 2000 had an article on KC
that reports the opinion of several doctors and developmental specialists on KC
and all opinions are positive.

Natalie Charpak’s email is

1998. BBC. “Kangaroo Care Counters the Cold.” This is a summary of
Christensson’s 1998 article in the LANCET.
2000 Bergman, Nils. “Charge for the future of KC: A public health imperative.”
Available at This is a report of his
presentation at the First International Kangaroo Care Conference held Oct. 23-
25, 1998 in Baltimore, MD.
2003 Bergman, Nils. Kangaroo Mother Care website, listing his tour dates,
the KMC Shop with videos, postcards, Kangacarrier Shirts for sake, and
reference list. Go to
Hospitals with Seasoned, Active Programs of KC

Kadlec Medical Center, 333 Swift Ave., Richland WA 99352
RN: Mrs. Joan Swinth MD: Anthony J. Hadeed
Thomas Jefferson University
NICU: (215)-955-8346
Anne Arundel Medical Center

Franklin Square Medical Center

RN: Ms. Wood MD: Dr.
-Prolac Inc. has created BLIS (breast milk leakage inhibitor system) which
is a soft plastic shield that keeps the nipple dry and limits bacterial growth.

Self Stick breastpads are useful. Two brands are available: \

-Lansinoh disposable nursing pads, 60 pads to a box. Manufactured by
Pigeon Industries (Thailand)Co., LTD. Distributed by Lansinoh Laboratories,
Inc. 599-B Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (800-292-4794) or or

-Soothies Avilable through Puronyx, 990 Park Center Drive, Suite E.,
Vista CA 92083. 800-944-4006 or 760-597-1460, Fax: 760-597-1466,

-Avent Naturally. Similar to Soothies. Available from or

Avent, Suffolk, CO10 7QS, England.

Carrying Devices-
Nurtured by Me, Ellen Shatzkin, 53 Beverly Rd. White Plains, NY 10605, (914)
328-2226 or (914) 686-3203. This is an elaborate blouse and pouch. $65.00

Kanguruproducter, is a lovely little pouch for preemies from Scandinavia.

Address is 4570 Hjortshog, 260 34 Morarp Country:?? Tellophone: 042/23 50 22
(kvallstid), postgiro: 456 98 80-0

Dr. Nils Bergman has a carrying device that includes a blouse that is available
from his website (See under websites, 2000, Nils Bergman).

Dr. Elise Van Rooyen makes a simple carrying device that is used in all northern
province hospitals of South African. It is machine washable, wraps easily, comes

with good instructions, and is available for $10.00 from S. Ludington, Bolton
School of Nursing, 10900 Euclide Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106-4904. email her at to order.

Snug-a-roo. Quilted carrier for preemies (turn down center flap for KC). Has 2
pages instruction (806) 795-8775.

La Napoule or La Fuma Lounge Chair (it goes by both names). All movement is
from legs, not arms and moms love this chair and can stay in it for 24 hours
without fatigue, discomfort, or episiotomy pain. This is the one they use in
Europe and it works well, folds up into extremelly little space and is easy to
move about. Comes in white, black or dark green. This can often be bought in
Patio and Pool or Boat shops. Or you can order it from Hammacher-Schlemmer,
item # 67821G in the SKYMALL catalog of United Airlines, cost is $179.95. call

4/11/04 I just saw the La Fuma/La Napoule chair at COSTCO yesterday for $88.00.
The chair they have there is called the Fabric Lounger and is available from
CWC, PO BOX 34535, Seattle WASHINGTON, 98124-1535, ask for item # ITM ART

-The Kangaroo Care Chair- comes with l0 year warranty. Looks like regular
padded chair. Get it from or write to Mr. Fabio
Delmestri, Executive Vice President, IoA Healthcare, 829 Blair Street,
Thomasville, NC 27360. Phone 336-475-7106 or Fax 336-476-3016.
Fundacion Canguro
Transversal 39A No 46-29
Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA
Tel-fax; 57-1-222-70-45
Tel: 57-1-222-01-30
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