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Testing 320cl

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September 2001

320C Excavator Hydraulic System

ANB1-Up (Machine)
BCB1-Up (Machine)
BDB1-Up (Machine)
AMC1-Up (Machine)
BBC1-Up (Machine)
BDC1-Up (Machine)
CCD1-Up (Machine)
ALF1-Up (Machine)
BEF1-Up (Machine)
AKH1-Up (Machine)
BER1-Up (Machine)
BPR1-Up (Machine)
BRX1-Up (Machine)
Important Safety Information
Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to
observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially
hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This
person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and
could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard
warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death couid occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the "Safety Alert Symbol" and followed by a "Signal Word" such as
"DANGER", "WARNING" or "CAUTION". The Safety Alert "WARNING" label is shown below.


The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or
pictorially presented.
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by "NOTICE" labels on the product and in
this publication.
Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The
warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,
work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Caterpillar is used,
you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that the
product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or
repair procedures that you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that
was available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before
you start any job. Caterpillar dealers have the most current information available. For a list of the most
current publication form numbers available, see the Service Manual Contents Microfiche, REG1139F.

When replacement parts are required for this
product Caterpillar recommends using Caterpil-
lar replacement parts or parts with equivalent
specifications including, but not limited to, phys-
ical dimensions, type, strength and material.

Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-

ture failures, product damage, personal injury or
Hydraulic System
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Testing and Adjusting Section
Testing and Adjusting
General Testing and Adjusting Information 4
Visual Inspection 4
Hydraulic System Pressure - Release 4
Main Hydraulic Pump Air Pressure - Purge 7

Performance Tests
Operational Checks 9
Engine Performance - Test (Engine Speed) 9
Travel on Level Ground - Test (Optional Test) 10
Travel on Level Ground - Test 11
Machine Drift on a Slope - Check 12
Swing Speed and Overswing on Level Ground -
Check 13
Swing Speed and Swing Drift on a Slope - Check ..14
Cylinder Drift - Check (Loaded Bucket) 15
Cylinder Drift - Check (Empty Bucket) 16
Cylinder Speed - Check 17

Hydraulic Pressure Adjustments

Required Tools 19
Relief Valve (Pilot) - Test and Adjust 20
Relief Valve (Main) - Test and Adjust 20
/0-^^ Relief Valve (Crossover) - Test and Adjust 21
MM Relief Valve (Line) - Test and Adjust 24
- ^ ^ Relief Valve (Swing) - Test and Adjust 28
Solenoid Valve (Swing Parking Brake) - Test 29
Control Valve (Boom Lowering) - Test and Adjust.. 30

Pump Flow Measurement and Adjustment

Main Pump (Flow) - Test (Constant Horsepower Flow
Control) 34
Pump Control (Output Flow) - Adjust 40
Pump Control (Negative Flow) -Test 41
Pump Control (Negative Flow) - Adjust 48
Gear Pump (Pilot) - Test 49

Hydraulic Motor and Pump Performance Tests

Swing Motor - Test (Measurement of Case Drain
Oil) 53
Travel Motor - Test (Measurement of Case Drain
Oil) 54

Reference Specifications
Specifications 56

Index Section
Index 60
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Testing and Adjusting

Section Visual Inspection
SMCS Code: 5050-040

Testing and Adjusting A visual inspection of the system is the first step in
order to troubleshoot a problem. Shut off the engine
and lower all implements to the ground before
performing the visual inspection.

General Testing and Adjusting 1. Check the oil level in the hydraulic tank. Slowly
information loosen the fill/vent plug and release the pressure
before the fill/vent plug is removed.
SMCS Code: 5050
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
WARNING during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
systems after the engine and pump have been collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
stopped. Serious injury can be caused if this pres- ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
sure is not released before any service is done on nent containing fluids.
the hydraulic systems. To prevent possible injury,
refer to the section, Testing and Adjusting, "Hy- Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar
draulic System Pressure - Release" before any Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies
fitting, hose or component is loosened, tightened, suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
removed or adjusted. products.

When possible, the work tool must always be low- Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
ered to the ground before service is started. When mandates.
it is necessary for the boom to be in the raised
position while tests or adjustments are done, be 2. Remove the hydraulic filter elements. Inspect the
sure that the boom, stick and work tool have cor- hydraulic filters for material that would give an
rect support. indication of damage to a component.
The swing lock (if equipped) must be engaged be- 3. Inspect all lines and connections for damage
fore service is started. or leaks.

Always move the machine to a location away from 4. Inspect control linkages for bent components,
the travel of other machines. Be sure that other broken components or damaged components.
personnel are not near the machine when the en-
gine is running and tests or adjustments are being
made. i01246594

Hydraulic System Pressure -

The correct oil temperature, flow, and pressure are
necessary for correct operation. Pump output (oil Release
flow) is a function of engine speed (rpm) and valve
adjustment. Oil pressure is caused by resistance to SMCS Code: 4250-553-PX; 5050-553-PX
the flow of oil.
The release of hydraulic pressure in a hydraulic
circuit is required before service is performed to
Visual checks and measurements are the first
that hydraulic circuit. Release the pressure in the
steps during troubleshooting. Refer to Testing And
following hydraulic circuits before any hydraulic
Adjusting, "Visual Inspection". Next, perform the
lines are disconnected or removed from that
operational checks. Refer to Testing And Adjusting,
hydraulic circuit.
"Operational Checks". Finally, perform the required
tests and adjustments on the machine.
• Boom hydraulic circuit

• Stick hydraulic circuit

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

• Bucket hydraulic circuit

• Swing hydraulic circuit

• Travel hydraulic circuit

• Attachment hydraulic circuits (if equipped)

• Pilot hydraulic circuit

• Return hydraulic circuit

Note: Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly

Manual for additional information concerning service
of the components of specific hydraulic circuits.
Illustration 1

Release Of Hydraulic Pressure 2. Fully retract the stick cylinder rod. Adjust the
From A Single Hydraulic Circuit position of the bucket so that the bucket is
parallel to the ground. Lower the boom until the
bucket is flat on the ground. Refer to Illustration

Personal injury can result from hydraulic oil pres- 3. Shut off the engine.
sure and hot oil.
4. Turn the engine start switch to the ON position
Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic without starting the engine.
system after the engine has been stopped. Seri-
ous injury can be caused if this pressure is not re- 5. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in the
leased before any service is done on the hydraulic UNLOCKED position.
6. Move only the joysticks or the pedals of the
Make sure all of the attachments have been low- hydraulic circuit that requires service to the FULL
ered to the ground, and the oil is cool before re- STROKE positions. This will release the high
moving any components or lines. Remove the oil pressure only in that single hydraulic circuit.
filler cap only when the engine is stopped, and the This will also release any pressure that might be
filler cap is cool enough to touch with your bare present in the pilot hydraulic circuit.
Note: if the desired hydraulic circuit that requires
service requires the activation of a switch for
NOTICE operation, activate the necessary switches for the
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained operation of the hydraulic circuit.
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to 7. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in the
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open- LOCKED position.
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids. 8. Turn the engine start switch to the OFF position.
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar 9. Slowly loosen the filler plug on the hydraulic tank
Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies and release the pressure from the hydraulic tank.
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar Leave the filler plug loose for a minimum of 45
products. seconds. This will release the pressure that may
be present in the return hydraulic circuit.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
mandates. 10. Tighten the filler plug on the hydraulic tank to
the specified torque.
Perform the following Steps in order to release the
hydraulic pressure from a single hydraulic circuit of 11. The pressure in the single hydraulic circuit that
the main hydraulic system. requires service is now released and lines and
components can be disconnected or removed
1. Position the machine on level ground. from that hydraulic circuit.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Release Of Hydraulic Pressure 2. Fully retract the stick cylinder rod. Adjust the
position of the bucket so that the bucket is
From Multiple Hydraulic Circuits parallel to the ground. Lower the boom until the
bucket is flat on the ground. Refer to Illustration

Personal injury can result from hydraulic oil pres- 3. Shut off the engine.
sure and hot oil.
4. Turn the engine start switch to the ON position
Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic without starting the engine.
system after the engine has been stopped. Seri-
ous injury can be caused if this pressure is not re- 5. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in the
leased before any service is done on the hydraulic UNLOCKED position.
6. Move only the joysticks or the pedals of the
Make sure all of the attachments have been low- hydraulic circuit that requires service to the FULL
ered to the ground, and the oil is cool before re- STROKE positions. This will release the high
moving any components or lines. Remove the oil pressure only in that hydraulic circuit. This will
filler cap only when the engine is stopped, and the also release any pressure that might be present
filler cap is cool enough to touch with your bare in the pilot hydraulic circuit.
Note: If the hydraulic circuit that requires service
requires the activation of a switch for operation,
NOTICE activate the necessary switches for the operation
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained of the hydraulic circuit.
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to 7. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in the
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open- LOCKED position.
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids. 8. Start the engine.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar 9. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in the
Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies UNLOCKED position. Do not move any joysticks
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar or pedals from the NEUTRAL position during
products. this step. Do not activate any switches during
this Step.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
mandates. 10. Return the hydraulic activation control lever to
the LOCKED position.
Perform the following Steps in order to release the
hydraulic pressure from multiple hydraulic circuits 11. Shut off the engine.
of the main hydraulic system.
12. Repeat Steps 4 through 11 for each additional
1. Position the machine on level ground. hydraulic circuit that requires service.

13. After releasing the hydraulic pressure in each of

the desired hydraulic circuits, place the hydraulic
activation control lever in the LOCKED position.

14. Turn the engine start switch to the OFF position.

15. Slowly loosen the filler plug on the hydraulic

tank and release the pressure. Leave the filler
plug loose for a minimum of 45 seconds. This
will release the pressure that may be present in
the return hydraulic circuit.

16. Tighten the filler plug on the hydraulic tank to

the specified torque.
Illustration 2
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

17. The pressure in the multiple hydraulic circuits

that require service is now released and lines
and components can be disconnected or
removed from those hydraulic circuits.

Main Hydraulic Pump Air

Pressure - Purge
SMCS Code: 5070-542-AI

When the main pumps have been serviced or the

hydraulic oil has been replaced, remove the air
from the hydraulic system. Remove the air from the Illustration 3
hydraulic system in the following manner: Pump compartment
(1) Connector
(2) O-Ring seal
NOTICE (3) Case drain hose
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained (4) Negative flow control hose
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to 1. While the engine is stopped, disconnect hose
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open- (3) from connector (1).
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids. 2. Remove connector (1) and O-Ring seal (2) from
the pump housing.
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar
Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies 3. Fill the main pumps with oil.
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
products. 4. Inspect O-Ring seal (2). If the seal is damaged,
replace the seal.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
mandates. 5. Install O-Ring seal (2) and connector (1) at the
pump housing.

WARNING 6. Connect hose (3) to connector (1). Tighten hose

(3) to the specified torque.
Personal injury can result from hydraulic oil pres-
sure and hot oil.
Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic To avoid system damage, make sure that the hydraulic
system after the engine has been stopped. Seri- pump is properly filled with hydraulic oil before start-
ous injury can be caused if this pressure is not re- up.
leased before any service is done on the hydraulic
system. 7. Start the engine.
Make sure all of the work tools have been lowered 8. Place the engine at low idle position. Raise the
to the ground, and the oil is cool before removing boom and hold the boom in this position.
any components or lines. Remove the oil filler cap
only when the engine is stopped, and the filler cap 9. Slowly loosen hose (4) until oil begins to flow
is cool enough to touch with your bare hand. around the hose connection.

10. Tighten hose (4) to the specified torque.

11. Stop the engine and slowly lower the boom until
the bucket is on the ground. This pressurizes
the hydraulic tank.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Illustration 4
(5) Vent plug

12. Slowly loosen vent plug (5) until oil begins to

flow from the opening.

13. Tighten the vent plug to the specified torque.

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Performance Tests Table 2

320C L Machine Configuration
Boom Stick Bucket

Operational Checks 5.67 m

(18 feet 6 inches)
2.92 m
(9 feet 6 inches)
0.9 m3 (1.17 yd3)

SMCS Code: 5050-535

The operational checks can be used to find

leakage in the system and components that are not
functioning correctly. The speed of rod movement Engine Performance - Test
or the torque on a motor can be used to check the (Engine Speed)
condition of the cylinders, motors and the pumps.
SMCS Code: 1000-081
Perform the following operational checks in order
to troubleshoot problems concerning the hydraulic Table 3
circuits and components on the machine. Required Tools

• Testing and Adjusting, "Engine Performance - Part

Description Qty
Test" Number
9U-7400 Multitach Tool Group 1
• Testing and Adjusting, "Travel On Level Ground -
1. Position the machine on level ground.
• Testing and Adjusting, "Travel On Level Ground
- Test (Optional Test)" 2. Stop the engine.

• Testing and Adjusting, "Machine Drift On A Slope 3. Install 9U-7400 Multitach Tool Group on the
- Check" engine.

• Testing and Adjusting, "Swing Speed And 4. Start the engine.

Overswing On Level Ground - Check"
5. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to
• Testing and Adjusting, "Swing Speed And Swing 55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).
Drift On A Slope - Check"
6. Read the engine speed display (rpm) on the
• Testing and Adjusting, "Cylinder Drift - Check multitach. Refer to Table 4 for the specifications
(Empty Bucket)" for engine speed at the desired engine operation.

• Testing and Adjusting, "Cylinder Drift - Check

(Loaded Bucket)"

• Testing and Adjusting, "Cylinder Speed - Check"

The specifications that are listed in tables for the

operational checks are calculated average values.
The values will vary due to the configuration of the
machine and engine speed. Table 1 and Table 2
contain the machine configurations that were used
in order to obtain these specifications.

Reference: Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Engine

Performance - Test" for the specifications for engine
Table 1
320C Machine Configuration
Boom Stick Bucket
5.67 m 2.92 m
0.8 m3 (1.04 yd3)
(18 feet 6 inches) (9 feet 6 inches)
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Table 4 Table 5
Specifications Required Tools
Item Service Part
New Rebuild Description Qty
Limit Number
1660 to Stopwatch 1
1860 ± 5 0 rpm(1) 1910
No load high idle(2)
1770 to
1970 ± 5 0 rprnP) 2020
rpm (3)
900 ±
No load low idle 900 ± 50 rpm
100 rpm
Maximum speed 1720 1670 1620
with load (4) rpm(5) rpm(5) rpm(5)
1300 ±
No load speed(6) 1300 ± 80 rpm
100 rpm
(1) AEC switch in the OFF position
(2) Three seconds after the engine speed dial was placed at
position "10"
(3) Engine rpm within three seconds after the engine speed dial Illustration 5
was placed at position "10"
(4) Pressure is relieved from both pumps (stall condition). 1. Start the engine.
(5) Minimum rpm
(6) AEC switch in the ON position 2. Position the machine on level ground.
Note: A New specification is the performance that 3. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to
can be expected for a new machine. A Rebuild 55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).
specification is the performance that can be
expected after rebuilding the components of a 4. Raise a track off the ground. Refer to Illustration
system. Performance beyond the Service Limit is an 5.
indication of these problems: improper maintenance
or adjustment, component wear, and failure. 5. Put a mark on a shoe of the raised track.

6. Place the machine controls at the following

settings: Engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch
Travel on Level Ground - Test OFF.
(Optional Test) 7. Place the travel speed control switch in HIGH
SMCS Code: 4351-081
8. Move the travel lever of the raised track to full
Note: When the procedure for the Travel Test On travel position.
Level Ground cannot be performed, this test may
be used as a substitute. 9. Measure the time that is required for the raised
track to make three complete revolutions.
Note: The engine speed and/or the machine Measure the time that is required in each
configuration that is used during this test can direction.
affect the results of this test. Refer to Testing and
Adjusting, "Engine Performance - Test" for the 10. Place the travel speed control switch in the LOW
engine speed that was used for this test. Refer to position and repeat Steps 8 through 9.
Testing and Adjusting, "Operational Checks" for the
machine configurations that were used for this test.

Note: The relief valve pressure settings must be

set to the relief valve pressure specification before
performing this operational check. Refer to Testing
and Adjusting "Specifications".
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Table 6
320C Time For Three Revolutions (time in seconds)
Travel Speed New Rebuild
Forward 17.0 or 18.0 or 19.0 or
Reverse less less less

Forward 27.5 or 28.5 or 30.5 or

Reverse less less less

Table 7
320C L Time For Three Revolutions (time in seconds)
Illustration 6
Travel Speed New Rebuild (A) Preliminary run 5 m (16.4 ft)
(B) Travel distance 20 m (65.6 ft)
Forward 18.5 or 19.6 or 20.7 or
HIGH (C) Bucket height 0.5 to 1 m (1.6 to 3.3 ft)
Reverse less less less

Forward 1. Travel distance must be at least 25 m (82 ft)

30.0 or 31.0 or 33.2 or long. Travel test ground must be hard and as
Reverse less less less level as possible.

2. Draw a 25 m (82 ft) straight line on travel test

ground as a reference line.
Travel on Level Ground - Test 3. Start the engine.
SMCS Code: 4351-081 4. Place the machine controls at the following
settings: Engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch
Note: The engine speed and/or the machine OFF.
configuration that is used during this test can
affect the results of this test. Refer to Testing and 5. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to
Adjusting, "Engine Performance - Test" for the 55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).
engine speed that was used for this test. Refer to
Testing and Adjusting, "Operational Checks" for the 6. The bucket should be empty.
machine configurations that were used for this test.
7. Position the machine so that one track is parallel
Note: The relief valve pressure settings must be with the reference line. Position the machine for
set to the relief valve pressure specification before the travel test. Refer to Illustration 6.
performing this operational check. Refer to Testing
and Adjusting, "Specifications". 8. Place the travel speed control switch in HIGH
Table 8
Required Tools 9. Move the machine by operating both travel
levers at the same time.
Description Qty
10. The first 5 m (16.4 ft) are for a preliminary run.
5P-3277 Measuring Tape 1 Measure the travel time that is required to travel
the remaining 20 m (65.6 ft). Measure the time
that is required in each direction.

11. Measure the travel deviation from the reference


12. Place the travel speed control switch on the

LOW position and repeat Steps 9 through 11.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Table 9 Table 11
Travel Time (time in seconds) Required Tools
Service Part
Travel Speed New Rebuild Description Qty
Limit Number
Forward 14.0 or 15.0 or 16.0 or Stopwatch 1
Reverse less less less Scale150 mm (6 inch) 1
Forward 22.0 or 23.5 or 25.0 or
Reverse less less less

Note: The following table represents the travel

deviation (distance) from the reference line.

Table 10
Travel Deviation
mm (inch)
Travel Speed New Rebuild
Forward 800 1200 1500
HIGH (31.5) or (47.2) or (59.1) or
Reverse less less less Illustration 7

Forward 800 1200 1500 1. Place the machine on a slope of 12 degrees. The
LOW (31.5) or (47.2) or (59.1) or surface of the slope must be hard and smooth.
Reverse less less less
2. Position the implements, as shown. Refer to
Illustration 7.

Machine Drift on a Slope - 3. The bucket should be empty.

SMCS Code: 4095-535

Measuring the amount of drift of the machine on a

slope will determine if there is a need to check the
travel brake.

Note: The engine speed and/or the machine

configuration that is used during this test can
affect the results of this test. Refer to Testing and
Adjusting, "Engine Performance - Test" for the
engine speed that was used for this test. Refer to
Testing and Adjusting, "Operational Checks" for the
machine configurations that were used for this test. Illustration 8

Note: The relief valve pressure settings must be 4. To indicate the machine's relative position to the
set to the relief valve pressure specification before slope, put a mark on both the track and the track
performing this operational check. Refer to Testing roller frame. Refer to Illustration 8.
and Adjusting, "Specifications".
5. Stop the engine.

6. Measure the machine movement on the slope

after three minutes.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Table 12
Drift mm (inch)
New Rebuild Service Limit
0 0 0

Swing Speed and Overswing

on Level Ground - Check
SMCS Code: 5058-535-ZW

Measuring the swing speed and the overswing of Illustration 10

the machine will determine if there is a need to (A) Upper frame
check the swing motor or the anti-reaction valve. (B) Undercarriage frame
The fine swing control switch (if equipped) must (C) Marking
be in the OFF position.
3. To indicate the relationship of the two positions,
Note: The engine speed and/or the machine put a mark (C) on the inner race and the outer
configuration that is used during this test can race of the swing bearing. The mark will be used
affect the results of this test. Refer to Testing and as a target to stop the swing operation. Refer
Adjusting, "Engine Performance - Test" for the to Illustration 10.
engine speed that was used for this test. Refer to
Testing and Adjusting, "Operational Checks" for the 4. The bucket should be empty.
machine configurations that were used for this test.
5. Move the swing joystick in either direction until
Note: The relief valve pressure settings must be the machine completes a 180 degree swing
set to the relief valve pressure specification before operation away from the target.
performing this operational check. Refer to Testing
and Adjusting, "Specifications". 6. Move the swing joystick in either direction until
the machine completes a 180 degree swing
Table 13 operation toward the target. Return the swing
joystick to the NEUTRAL position at the target.
Required Tools
Part 7. Measure the amount of overswing by measuring
Description Qty
Number the distance between the marks on the swing
5P-3277 Measuring Tape 1
bearing. Refer to Illustration 10.

Stopwatch 1 Note: Use a point that is visible from the operator

seat as a reference point for the target.

Illustration 9

1. Position the machine on level ground. Refer to

Illustration 9.

2. Stop the engine.

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Table 14
Item New Rebuild
Right Swing 1100 mm 1200 mm 1400 mm
(43.3 inch) (47.2 inch) (55.1 inch)
Left Swing or less or less or less

8. Move the swing joystick in each direction and

measure the time that is required to complete a
180 degree swing operation.

Table 15
Swing Time Illustration 11 g00298078

Service 1. Complete the following steps in order to measure

Item New Rebuild
Limit the swing speed on a slope.
Right Swing 4.2 seconds 4.6 seconds 5.2 seconds
or less or less or less a. The bucket should be empty.
Left Swing
b. Position the machine on a slope of 12
degrees. Refer to Illustration 11.
c. Position the implements at maximum reach
Swing Speed and Swing Drift and close the bucket. Position the bucket
on a Slope - Check above the ground so that the bucket will not
come in contact with any obstacles.
SMCS Code: 5058-535-ZW

Measuring the swing speed on a slope will

determine if there is a need to check the swing
motor and the anti-reaction valve. Measuring the
swing drift on a slope will determine if there is a
need to check the swing parking brake.

Note: The engine speed and/or the machine

configuration that is used during this test can
affect the results of this test. Refer to Testing and
Adjusting, "Engine Performance - Test" for the
engine speed that was used for this test. Refer to
Testing and Adjusting, "Operational Checks" for the
machine configurations that were used for this test.
Illustration 12 g00298079
Note: The relief valve pressure settings must be
set to the relief valve pressure specification before d. Position the upper structure at position
performing this operational check. Refer to Testing (A). The upper structure should be at a 90
and Adjusting, "Specifications". degree angle to the lower structure. Refer to
Illustration 12.
Table 16
Required Tools e. Measure the time that is required to swing the
upper structure from position (A) to position
Part (B).
Number Description Qty

5P-3277 Measuring Tape 1 f. Position the upper structure at position (C).

The upper structure should be at a 90 degree
Stopwatch 1 angle to the lower structure.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

g. Measure the time that is required to swing the d. Leave the machine in this position for three
upper structure from position (C) to position minutes. Measure the swing drift on the
(B). circumference of the swing bearing.

Table 17 e. Start the engine.

Swing Time (seconds)
f. Position the upper structure at position
Service (C). The upper structure should be at a 90
Item New Rebuild
Limit degree angle to the lower structure. Refer to
Right Swing Illustration 13.
5.2 or less 5.7 or less 6.5 or less
Left Swing g. Repeat Steps 2.b through 2.d.

2. Complete the following steps in order to measure Table 18

the swing drift on a slope. Swing Drift mm (inch)
Item New Rebuild
Right Swing
0 0 0
Left Swing

Cylinder Drift - Check

(Loaded Bucket)
SMCS Code: 7562-535-D9

Illustration 13 Note: The engine speed and/or the machine

configuration that is used during this test can
a. Position the upper structure at position affect the results of this test. Refer to Testing and
(A). The upper structure should be at a 90 Adjusting, "Engine Performance - Test" for the
degree angle to the lower structure. Refer to engine speed that was used for this test. Refer to
Illustration 13. Testing and Adjusting, "Operational Checks" for the
machine configurations that were used for this test.

Note: The relief valve pressure settings must be

set to the relief valve pressure specification before
performing this operational check. Refer to Testing
and Adjusting, "Specifications".

Illustration 14
(A) Upper frame
(B) Undercarriage frame
(C) Marking

b. To indicate the relationship of the two

positions, put a mark (C) on the inner race
and the outer race of the swing bearing. Refer
to Illustration 14.

c. Stop the engine.

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Table 19 Table 20
Required Tools Cylinder Drift (Loaded Bucket)
Part New Boom New Stick New Bucket
Description Qty
Number Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder
5P-3277 Measuring Tape 1 6.0 mm 12.0 mm 18.0 mm
(0.24 inch) or (0.47 inch) or (0.71 inch) or
Stopwatch 1 less less less


Cylinder Drift - Check

(Empty Bucket)
SMCS Code: 7562-535-D9

Note: The engine speed and/or the machine

configuration that is used during this test can
affect the results of this test. Refer to Testing and
Adjusting, "Engine Performance - Test" for the
engine speed that was used for this test. Refer to
Testing and Adjusting, "Operational Checks" for the
Illustration 15
machine configurations that were used for this test.
1. Position the machine on level ground. Refer to
Note: The relief valve pressure settings must be
Illustration 15.
set to the relief valve pressure specification before
performing this operational check. Refer to Testing
2. Load the bucket. and Adjusting, "Specifications".
Weight of bucket load Table 21
320C 1050 kg (2310 lb) Required Tools
320C L 1200 kg (2650 lb)
Description Qty
3. Raise the boom until the top stick pin is the same
height as the boom foot pin. 5P-3277 Measuring Tape 1
Stopwatch 1
4. Fully extend the bucket cylinder.

5. Fully retract the stick cylinder.

6. Extend the stick cylinder rod 70 mm (2.8 inch)

from the fully retracted position.

7. Measure each cylinder's length from cylinder pin

to cylinder pin.

8. Stop the engine.

9. Leave the machine in this position for three

minutes. Measure each cylinder's length from
cylinder pin to cylinder pin for drift.
Illustration 16

1. Position the machine on level ground. Refer to

Illustration 16.

2. Empty the bucket.

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

3. Raise the boom until the top stick pin is the same
height as the boom foot pin.

4. Fully extend the bucket cylinder.

5. Fully retract the stick cylinder.

6. Extend the stick cylinder rod 70 mm (2.8 inch)

from the fully retracted position.

7. Measure each cylinder's length from cylinder pin

to cylinder pin.

8. Stop the engine.

Illustration 17
9. Leave the machine in this position for five
minutes. Measure each cylinder's length from (A) Extension test
cylinder pin to cylinder pin for drift.
(B) Retraction test
Table 22
a. Place the machine on level ground.
Cylinder Drift (Empty Bucket)
Service b. The bucket should be empty.
Item New Rebuild
Limit c. Fully retract the bucket cylinder and the stick
6.0 mm 12.0 mm 24.0 mm
(0.24 inch) (0.47 inch) (0.94 inch)
Cylinder d. Position the bucket on the ground. With a
or less or less or less
stopwatch, measure the time that is required
10.0 mm 15.0 mm 25.0 mm to fully extend the boom cylinders.
(0.39 inch) (0.59 inch) ( 0.98 inch)
or less or less or less e. Position the boom cylinders at full extension.
10.0 mm 15.0 mm 25.0 mm With a stopwatch, measure the time that is
Bucket required for the bucket to come in contact
( 0.39 inch) (0.59 inch) ( 0.98 inch)
or less or less or less with the ground.

f. Refer to the specifications in Table 23 for the

operating speed of the boom cylinders.
Cylinder Speed - Check 2. Perform the following steps in order to test the
operating speed of the stick cylinder.
SMCS Code: 5456-535-VF; 5458-535-VF

Note: The engine speed and/or the machine

configuration that is used during this test can
affect the results of this test. Refer to Testing and
Adjusting, "Engine Performance - Test" for the
engine speed that was used for this test. Refer to
Testing and Adjusting, "Operational Checks" for the
machine configurations that were used for this test.

Note: The relief valve pressure settings must be

set to the relief valve pressure specification before
performing this operational check. Refer to Testing
and Adjusting, "Specifications".

1. Perform the following steps in order to test the Illustration 18

operating speed of the boom cylinders. (A) Extension test

(B) Retraction test

a. Place the machine on level ground.

b. The bucket should be empty.

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

c. Position the upper surface of the boom Table 23

parallel to the ground. Cylinder Operating Speed (seconds)
d. Fully extend the bucket cylinder. Item New Rebuild
e. Retract the stick cylinder. With a stopwatch, Extension 2.8 ± 0.5 3.2(1) 3.6(1)
measure the time that is required to fully Boom
extend the stick cylinder. Retraction 1.9 ±0.5 2.2(1) 2.4 (1)
Extension 3.2 ± 0.5 3.7(1) 4.2 (1)
f. Extend the stick cylinder. With a stopwatch, Stick
measure the time that is required to fully Retraction 2.4 ± 0.5 2.6(1) 3.0(1)
retract the stick cylinder.
Extension 3.3 ± 0.5 3.8(1) 4.3 (1)
g. Refer to the specifications in Table 23 for the Retraction 1.8 ±0.5 2.1(1) 2.3(1)
operating speed of the stick cylinder. (1)
(1) M a x i m u m

3. Perform the following steps in order to test the

operating speed of the bucket cylinder.

Illustration 19
(A) Extension test
(B) Retraction test

a. Place the machine on level ground.

b. The bucket should be empty.

c. Position the upper surface of the boom

parallel to the ground.

d. Position the stick so that the stick is

perpendicular to the ground.

e. Fully retract the bucket cylinder.

f. With a stopwatch, measure the time that is

required to fully extend the bucket cylinder.

g. Position the bucket cylinder at full extension.

With a stopwatch, measure the time that is
required to fully retract the bucket cylinder.

h. Refer to the specifications in Table 23 for the

operating speed of the bucket cylinder.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Hydraulic Pressure (Table 24, contd)

Required Tools
Adjustments Part
Description Qty
6K-6307 O-Ring Seal 18
Required Tools 7M-8485 O-Ring Seal 8

SMCS Code: 0701; 0738; 0770; 0774; 0775; 0784; 1P-3703 Rectangular Seal 2
7320 5P-0201 Hose 4
S/N: ANB1-Up 5P-1010 Sleeve 8

S/N: BCB1-Up 5P-3277 Measuring Tape 1

8T-0470 Thermometer Group 1
S/N: BDB1-Up
8T-0855 Pressure Gauge 2
S/N: AMC1-Up
8T-0856 Pressure Gauge 2
S/N: BBC1-Up
8T-0861 Pressure Gauge 3
S/N: BDC1-Up 8T-4184 Bolt 8
S/N: ALF1-Up 8T-4223 Hard Washer 8
S/N: BEF1-Up 8T-5082 Union 1

S/N: AKH1-Up 8T-8902 Elbow 4

1U-8292 Adapter 2
S/N: BER1-Up
1U-8303 Fitting 2
S/N: BPR1-Up
9U-7335 Blocking Cover 2
S/N: BRX1-Up
9U-7400 Multitach Tool Group 1
Table 24 6V-0400 Half Flange 4
Required Tools
177-7860 Hose 5
Description Qty 6V-3965 Nipple Assembly 2
6V-3989 Unvalved Nipple 5
Container for measuring 1
6V-4143 Coupler Assembly 10
Remote drain hose with
inside diameter of 20 mm 1 6V-8397 O-Ring Seal 8
(0.78 inch)
6V-8398 O-Ring Seal 4
Scale 150 mm (6 inch) 1
6V-8716 Seal Connector 2
Stopwatch 1
6V-9508 Face Seal Plug 2
FT-2542 Track block assembly 1
6V-9509 Face Seal Plug 1
4C-6481 Coupler Assembly 8
6V-9829 Cap 2
4C-6482 Nipple Assembly 8
6V-9830 Cap 1
4C-8767 Coupling 8
6V-9832 Cap 4
Portable Hydraulic Tester 2
(Flow Meter) 6V-9840 Swivel Tee 2
8C-9026 Adapter 4 6V-9854 Swivel Elbow 2
4I-6140 Coupling 1
4I-6141 Coupling 2
3J-1907 O-Ring Seal 4
5K-9090 O-Ring Seal 16
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

11. Turn setscrew (29) until the pressure gauge

reading at pressure tap (30) is 4100 ± 200 kPa •
Relief Valve (Pilot) - Test and (595 ± 29 psi).
Adjust Note: Turning setscrew (29) clockwise increases the
SMCS Code: 5072-025; 5072-081 pressure. Turning setscrew (29) counterclockwise
decreases the pressure.
1. Place the machine on level ground.
Note: Always make final pressure adjustments on
2. Stop the engine. pressure rise.

3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. 12. Tighten locknut (28) to a torque of 49 4.9 N-m
Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Hydraulic (36 ± 4 lb ft).
System Pressure - Release".
Note: Normal operation of the engine and pumps
are necessary for the pressure adjustment. If the
results of the pressure adjustments are not correct,
then the engine and the pump characteristic curve
needs to be checked.

Relief Valve (Main) - Test and

SMCS Code: 5069-025; 5069-081

1. Position the machine on level ground and stop

Illustration 20 the engine.
Pilot oil manifold compartment >
2. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.
(28) Locknut
Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Hydraulic
(29) Setscrew
(30) Pressure tap System Pressure - Release".
(31) Pilot filter

4. Connect a 6000 kPa (870 psi) pressure gauge to

pressure tap (30).

5. Start the engine.

6. Place the machine controls at the following

settings: engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch
OFF Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Engine
Performance - Test" for engine rpm settings.

7. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to

55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).

8. Check the pilot relief valve setting at pressure Illustration 21

tap (30). Pump compartment
(1) Pressure tap (right pump delivery pressure)
9. The pilot relief valve setting should be (2) Pressure tap (left pump delivery pressure)
4100 ± 200 kPa (595 ± 29 psi). If the pilot relief (3) Pressure tap (power shift pressure)
valve setting is not within the specification, adjust
the pilot relief valve. 3. Attach a 60000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge
to pressure tap (1).
10. In order to adjust the pilot relief valve, loosen
locknut (28). 4. Start the engine.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

5. Place the machine controls at the following 1. The main relief valve pressure setting should be
settings: engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch 34300 ± 490 kPa (4950 ± 72 psi). If the main
OFF. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Engine relief valve is not within the specification, adjust
Performance - Test" for engine rpm settings. the main relief valve pressure setting to the
correct pressure specification before performing
6. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to Step 2. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Relief
55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F). Valve (Main) - Test and Adjust".

7. Open the bucket until the bucket cylinder rod

is at the full retraction.

8. Check the main relief valve pressure setting at

pressure tap (1).

9. Return the joystick for the bucket to the

NEUTRAL position.

10. The main relief valve pressure setting should

be 34300 ± 490 kPa (4950 ± 72 psi). If the
main relief valve pressure setting is not within
the specification, adjust the main relief valve
pressure setting.

Top of main control valve

(4) Adjustment screw
(5) Locknut
(6) Main relief valve

2. Loosen locknut (5) and turn adjustment screw (4)

clockwise for one half turn. Tighten locknut (5)
to the specified torque.

Note: Always make final pressure adjustments on

pressure rise.

Relief Valve (Crossover) - Test

(4) Adjustment screw
(5) Locknut and Adjust
(6) Main relief valve
SMCS Code: 5069-036
11. In order to adjust the main relief valve, loosen
locknut (5) and turn adjustment screw (4) until Note: A temporary setting of the main relief valve is
the pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (1) required before travel crossover relief valves can be
is 34300 ± 490 kPa (4950 ± 72 psi). tested. Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Relief Valve
(Main) - Test and Adjust".
Note: Turning adjustment screw (4) clockwise
increases the pressure. Turning adjustment screw 1. Position the machine on level ground.
(4) counterclockwise decreases the pressure.
2. Stop the engine.
Note: Always make final pressure adjustments on
pressure rise.

12.Tighten locknut (5) to a torque of 50 ± 10 N.m

(37 ± 7 lb ft).

Temporary Setting of the Main

Relief Valve
Note: A temporary setting of the main relief valve is
required before any line relief valve can be adjusted.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

8. Place the machine controls at the following

settings: engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch
OFF. Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Engine
Performance - Test" for engine rpm settings.

9. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to

55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).

Pump compartment
(1) Pressure tap (right pump delivery pressure)
(2) Pressure tap (left pump delivery pressure)
(3) Pressure tap (power shift pressure)

3. Connect a 6000 kPa (870 psi) pressure gauge to

pressure tap (3).

4. Connect a 60000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge

to pressure tap (1). Use this pressure gauge
to monitor the crossover relief valve pressure
setting of the right travel motor.

5. Connect a 60000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge

to pressure tap (2). Use this pressure gauge
to monitor the crossover relief valve pressure
setting of the left travel motor.

Illustration 26
(A) Message display
(B) Keypad
(C) Up key
(D) Left key
(E) Down key
(F) Right key
(G) Cancel key
(H) Set key
(I) OK key
(J) Menu key

10. Start Service Mode and input a fixed power shift

Illustration 25 pressure of 2900 kPa (420 psi).
Sprocket (left track)
(16) Sprocket a. Press menu key (J).
(17) FT-2547 Track block assembly
Note: If more than thirty seconds pass between
6. Place track block assembly (17) in sprocket pushing the keys on the keypad, the menu mode
(16) in order to block forward left travel. Refer will be cancelled and the previous display will be
to Illustration 25. restored to message display (A).

7. Start the engine. b. Press down key (E) in order to highlight

the menu item "SERVICE OPTIONS" on the
message display. Press OK key (I).
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

c. Input the password "FFF2". Press left key (D)

or right key (F) in order to change the position
of the flashing character. Press up key (C) or
press down key (E) in order to change the
value of the flashing character. Press OK key
(I) after the correct password is displayed.

d. Press down key (E) once in order to highlight

the second line on the message display.

e. Press right key (F) repeatedly until "DEVICE

TEST" appears on the message display.

f. Press down key (E) in order to move down

one line on the message display.
Illustration 27
g. Press right key (F) until the "PS PRV - FIXED" Travel brake valve (left side)
appears on the message display. (18) Locknut
(19) Adjustment screw
h. Press down key (E). (20) Crossover relief valve (forward left travel)
(21) Crossover relief valve (reverse left travel)
(22) Locknut
i. Press OK key (I). The display on line 4 of (23) Adjustment screw
the message display will now change to a
numeric value. These characters represent 11. Slowly move the left travel control lever to full
the power shift pressure (kPa). FORWARD position and check the pressure
gauge reading at pressure tap (2). The pressure
j. Press left key (D) or right key (F) in order to setting of crossover relief valve (20) should be
increase or decrease the numeric value that 36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ±215 psi).
is displayed on line 4 of the message display.
Pressing left key (D) one time decreases 12. Return the left travel control lever to the
the power shift pressure 10 kPa (1.5 psi). NEUTRAL position.
Pressing right key (F) one time increases the
power shift pressure 10 kPa (1.5 psi). 13. In order to adjust crossover relief valve (20),
loosen locknut (18) and turn adjustment screw
Note: The value for power shift pressure on the (19) until the pressure gauge reading at pressure
monitor may not always match the pressure reading tap (2) is 36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ± 215 psi).
on the pressure gauge. Adjust the value on the
monitor until the desired power shift pressure is Note: Turning adjustment screw (19) clockwise
attained on the pressure gauge that is connected to increases the pressure. Turning adjustment screw
the pressure tap for power shift pressure. The actual (19) counterclockwise decreases the pressure.
power shift pressure must be 2900 kPa (420 psi)
on the pressure gauge. Note: Always make final pressure adjustment on
pressure rise.
k. Press up key (C). "SUCCESS" should appear
on the message display. 14. Tighten locknut (18) to a torque of 130 ± 13 N-m
(95 ± 10 lb ft).
Note: To prevent a change in power shift pressure
during the relief valve adjustment, do not turn the Note: Always make final pressure adjustments on
engine start switch to the OFF position. pressure rise.

Note: Refer to Service Manual, "Engine And Pump 15. Place track block assembly (17) in sprocket (16)
Electronic Control System' for additional information in order to block reverse left travel.
on Service Mode.
16. Slowly move the left travel lever to full REVEF5SE
position and check the pressure gauge
reading at pressure tap (2). The pressure
setting of crossover relief valve (21) should be
36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ± 2 1 5 psi).

17.Re*um the left travel control lever to Hie

NEUTRAL position.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

18. In order to adjust crossover relief valve (21),

loosen locknut (22) and turn adjustment screw
(23) until the pressure gauge reading at pressure
tap (2) is 36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ±215 psi).

Note: Turning adjustment screw (23) clockwise

increases the pressure. Turning adjustment screw
(23) counterclockwise decreases the pressure.

Note: Always make final pressure adjustment on

pressure rise.

19.Tighten locknut (22) to a torque of 130 ± 13 N.m

(95 ± 10 lb ft).
Illustration 28
Note: Always make final pressure adjustments on
pressure rise. Pump compartment
(1) Pressure tap (right pump delivery pressure)
20. After relief valve adjustments, cancel Service (2) Pressure tap (left pump delivery pressure)
Mode. (3) Pressure tap (power shift pressure)

2 1 . Return the main relief valve pressure to the 4. Connect a 60000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge
specified setting after crossover relief valve to pressure tap (1).
pressure setting is attained.
5. Connect a 60000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge
In order to adjust the crossover relief valves on the to pressure tap (2).
right travel motor, place stopper (17) in the sprocket
for right travel. Use the pressure gauge at pressure 6. Connect a 6000 kPa (870 psi) pressure gauge to
tap (1) in order to monitor the crossover relief valve pressure tap (3). This is used to monitor power
pressure settings for the right travel motor. Adjust shift pressure.
the crossover relief valves on the right travel motor
in the same manner as the adjustment for the left 7. Start the engine.
travel motor.
8. Place the machine controls at the following
settings: engine speed dial 10 and AEC switch
OFF. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Engine
Performance - Test" for engine rpm settings.
Relief Valve (Line) - Test and
Adjust 9. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to
55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).
SMCS Code: 5117-025-L9; 5117-081-L9

Note: Adjustment procedures must be performed

before a test and adjustment of any line relief valve
pressure setting is attempted. A temporary setting
of the main relief valve pressure is required before
any line relief valve pressure setting is adjusted.
Refer to the adjustment procedures in Testing And
Adjusting, "Relief Valve (Main) - Test and Adjust".

1. Position the machine on level ground.

2. Stop the engine.

3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.

Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Hydraulic
System Pressure - Release".
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

e. Press right key (F) repeatedly until "DEVICE

TEST" appears on the message display.

f. Press down key (E) in order to move down

one line on the message display.

g. Press right key (F) until the "PS PRV - FIXED"

appears on the message display.

h. Press down key (E).

i. Press OK key (I). The display on line 4 of

the message display will now change to a
numeric value. These characters represent
the power shift pressure (kPa).

j. Press left key (D) or right key (F) in order to

increase or decrease the numeric value that
is displayed on line 4 of the message display.
Pressing left key (D) one time decreases
the power shift pressure 10 kPa (1.5 psi).
Pressing right key (F) one time increases the
power shift pressure 10 kPa (1.5 psi).

Note: The value for power shift pressure on the

monitor may not always match the pressure reading
on the pressure gauge. Adjust the value on the
monitor until the desired power shift pressure is
Illustration 29 attained on the pressure gauge that is connected to
Monitor the pressure tap for power shift pressure. The actual
(A) Message display power shift pressure must be 2900 kPa (420 psi)
(B) Keypad on the pressure gauge.
(C) Up key
(D) Left key
(E) Down key
k. Press up key (C). "SUCCESS" should appear
(F) Right key on the message display.
(G) Cancel key
(H) Set key Note: To prevent a change in power shift pressure
(I) OK key during the relief valve adjustment, do not turn the
(J) Menu key
engine start switch to the OFF position.
10. Start Service Mode and input a fixed power shift Note: Refer to Service Manual, "Engine And Pump
pressure of 2900 kPa (420 psi). Electronic Control System" for additional information
on Service Mode.
a. Press menu key (J).
11. The pressure setting for both the head end and
Note: If more than thirty seconds pass between the rod end for each cylinder is 36800 ± 1470 kPa
pushing the keys on the keypad, the menu mode (5350 ± 215 psi).
AIII be cancelled and the previous display will be
restored to message display (A).

b. Press down key (E) in order to highlight

the menu item "SERVICE OPTIONS" on the
message display. Press OK key (I).

c. Input the password "FFF2". Press left key (D)

or right key (F) in order to change the position
of the flashing character. Press up key (C) or
press down key (E) in order to change the
value of the flashing character. Press OK key
(I) after the correct password is displayed.

d. Press down key (E) once in order to highlight

the second line on the message display.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Illustration 30 Illustration 32
Main control valves (front view) Main control valve (bottom view)
(7) Line relief valve (boom cylinder rod end) (12) Line relief valve (stick cylinder rod end)
(8) Line relief valve (bucket cylinder head end) (13) Stick drift reduction valve
(9) Line relief valve (stick cylinder head end)

The line relief valve (stick cylinder head end) (12) is

The following line relief valves are located on top
located on stick drift reduction valve (13).
of the main control valves: boom cylinder rod end,
bucket cylinder head end, and stick cylinder head
end. The line relief valve for the bucket cylinder rod
end is located under the main control valves and
opposite the line relief valve for bucket cylinder
head end (8).

Illustration 33
Line relief valve (typical example)
(14) Locknut
(15) Adjustment screw

Illustration 31 Note: After relief valve adjustments, cancel Service

Main control valve (bottom view)
(10) Boom drift reduction valve
Note: Return the main relief valve pressure to the
(11) Line relief valve (boom cylinder head end)
specified setting after testing and adjusting any line
relief valve. Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Relief
The line relief valve (boom cylinder head end) (11)
Valve (Main) - Test and Adjust" for the main relief
is located on boom drift reduction valve (10). valve pressure setting.

Adjustment (Stick Cylinder)

1. To adjust the line relief valve pressure setting of
the stick cylinder rod end, move the joystick for
the stick until the stick is at the full STICK OUT
position (full retraction of stick cylinder). Hold the
joystick for the stick in this position.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

2. Check the pressure in the stick cylinder rod end 5. To adjust the line relief valve pressure setting of
on the pressure gauge at pressure tap (2). the bucket cylinder rod end, move the joystick for
the bucket until the bucket is at the full BUCKET
3. Return the joystick for the stick to the NEUTRAL OPEN position (full retraction of bucket cylinder).
position. Hold the joystick for the bucket in this position.

4. Loosen locknut (14) on the stick line relief 6. Check the pressure in the bucket cylinder rod
valve. Turn adjustment screw (15) until the end on the pressure gauge at pressure tap (1).
pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (2) is
36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ±215 psi). 7. Return the joystick for the bucket to the
NEUTRAL position.
5. To adjust the line relief valve pressure setting of
the stick cylinder head end, move the joystick 8. Loosen locknut (14) on the bucket line relief
for the stick until the stick is at the full STICK IN valve. Turn adjustment screw (15) until the
position (full extension of stick cylinder). Hold the pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (1) is
joystick for the stick in this position. 36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ±215 psi).

6. Check the pressure in the stick cylinder head 9. After completion of line relief valve adjustment,
end on the pressure gauge at pressure tap (2). tighten locknut (14).

7. Return the joystick for the stick to the NEUTRAL Note: Turning adjustment screw (15) clockwise
position. increases the pressure. Turning adjustment screw
(15) counterclockwise decreases the pressure.
8. Loosen locknut (14) on the stick line relief
valve. Turn adjustment screw (15) until the Note: Always make final pressure adjustment on
pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (2) is pressure rise.
36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ± 215 psi).

9. After completion of line relief valve adjustment,

Adjustment (Boom Cylinders)
tighten locknut (14).
1. To adjust the line relief valve pressure setting of
the boom cylinder head end, move the joystick
Note: Turning adjustment screw (15) clockwise for the boom until the boom is at the full BOOM
increases the pressure. Turning adjustment screw RAISE position (full extension of boom cylinders).
(15) counterclockwise decreases the pressure. Hold the joystick for the boom in this position.
Note: Always make final pressure adjustment on 2. Check the pressure in the boom cylinder head
pressure rise.
end on the pressure gauge at pressure tap (1).

Adjustment (Bucket Cylinder) 3. Return the joystick for the boom to the NEUTRAL
1. To adjust the line relief valve pressure setting
of the bucket cylinder head end, move the 4. Loosen locknut (14) on the boom line relief
joystick for the bucket until the bucket is at the valve. Turn adjustment screw (15) until the
full BUCKET CLOSE position (full extension of pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (1) is
bucket cylinder). Hold the joystick for the bucket 36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ± 215 psi).
in this position.
Note: In order to adjust the line relief valve pressure
2. Check the pressure in the bucket cylinder head setting for the boom cylinder rod end, a temporary
end on the pressure gauge at pressure tap (1). adjustment of the line relief valve for the bucket
cylinder rod end must be performed.
3. Return the joystick for the bucket to the
NEUTRAL position. 5. Loosen locknut (14) on the line relief valve for the
BUCKET OPEN function. Turn adjustment screw
4. Loosen locknut (14) on the bucket line relief (15) by one half turn in a clockwise direction.
valve. Turn adjustment screw (15) until the Tighten locknut (14) on the line relief valve for
pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (1) is the bucket cylinder.
36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ±215 psi).
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

6. Move the joystick for the bucket until the

bucket is at the full BUCKET OPEN position
(full retraction of the bucket cylinder). Hold the
joystick for the bucket in this position. At the
same time, move the joystick for the boom until
the boom is at the full BOOM DOWN position (full
retraction of boom cylinders). Hold the joystick
for the boom in this position.

7. Check the pressure in the boom cylinder rod end

on the pressure gauge at pressure tap (1).

8. Return the joystick for the boom to the NEUTRAL

Illustration 34 900666193
9. Loosen locknut (14) on the boom line relief
valve. Turn adjustment screw (15) until the Pump compartment
pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (1) is (1) Pressure tap (right pump delivery pressure)
36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ±215 psi). (2) Pressure tap (left pump delivery pressure)
(3) Pressure tap (power shift pressure)
10. Tighten locknut (14) on the boom line relief valve.
4. Connect a 60000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge
Note: Turning adjustment screw (15) clockwise to pressure tap (2).
increases the pressure. Turning adjustment screw
(15) counterclockwise decreases the pressure.

Note: Always make final pressure adjustment on

pressure rise.

11. After completion of line relief valve adjustment

for the boom cylinders, return the line relief valve
pressure setting of the bucket to the specified
pressure setting.

Note: If an appropriate location is not available

to fully extend the boom cylinders, exchange the
functions of the boom line relief valves. Remove the
line relief valve for the boom cylinder head end and
the line relief valve for the boom cylinder rod end Illustration 35 900668854
from the main control valve. Exchange the location Pilot oil manifold
in the main relief valve of the line relief valves. (28) Connector
Adjust the pressure of the boom line relief valve that (29) Swing parking brake solenoid valve
is now attached in the head end. After completion
of line relief valve adjustment, return the respective 5. Disconnect connector (28) from swing parking
line relief valves to the original locations. brake solenoid valve (29).

6. Start the engine.

7. Place the machine controls at the following
Relief Valve (Swing) - Test and settings: engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch
Adjust OFF.

SMCS Code: 5454-036 Reference: Refer to Testing And Adjusting,

"Engine Performance - Test" for engine rpm
1. Position the machine on level ground. settings.

2. Stop the engine. 8. Move the swing joystick slowly and ensure that
the swing parking brake is operating properly.
3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.
Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Hydraulic
System Pressure - Release".
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

17. In order to adjust the swing relief valve, loosen

locknut (27). Turn adjustment plug (26) until the
pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (2) is
26000 ± 980 kPa (3750 ± 140 psi).

Note: Turning adjustment plug (26) clockwise

increases the pressure. Turning adjustment plug
(26) counterclockwise decreases the pressure.

Note: Always make final pressure adjustments on

pressure rise.

18.Tighten locknut (27) to a torque of 117 ± 10 N-m

(85 ± 7 lb ft).
Illustration 36
19. After completing the test and/or the adjustment
Swing motor procedures for the swing relief valves, stop the
(22) Adjustment plug engine.
(23) Locknut
(24) Relief valve (left swing) 20. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.
(25) Relief valve (right swing)
(26) Adjustment plug Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Hydraulic
(27) Locknut System Pressure - Release".

9. Slowly move the swing joystick for a full SWING 21. Connect connector (28) to the solenoid valve for
RIGHT operation and check the pressure for swing parking brake (29).
relief valve (25) at pressure tap (2).

10. Return the swing joystick to the NEUTRAL

Solenoid Valve (Swing Parking
11. The pressure setting of the swing relief valve
is 26000 ± 980 kPa (3750 ± 140 psi). If the
Brake) - Test
pressure reading at pressure tap (2) is not within SMCS Code: 5483-081-OD
the specification, adjust the swing relief valve.
12. In order to adjust the swing relief valve, loosen Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
locknut (23). Turn adjustment plug (22) until the during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (2) is ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
26000 ± 980 kPa (3750 ± 140 psi). collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
Note: Turning adjustment plug (22) clockwise nent containing fluids.
increases the pressure. Turning adjustment plug
(22) counterclockwise decreases the pressure. Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar
Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies
Note: Always make final pressure adjustments on suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
pressure rise. products.

13. Tighten locknut (23) to a torque of 117 ± 10 N-m Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
(85 ± 7 lb ft). mandates.

14. Slowly move the swing joystick for a full SWING

1. Position the machine on level ground.
LEFT operation and check the pressure for relief
valve (24) at pressure tap (2).
2. Stop the engine.
15. Return the swing joystick to the NEUTRAL
3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.
Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Hydraulic
System Pressure - Release".
16. The pressure setting of the swing relief valve
is 26000 ± 980 kPa (3750 ± 140 psi). If the
pressure reading at pressure tap (2) is not within
the specification, adjust the swing relief valve.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

12. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in the

UNLOCKED position.

13. Check the pressure gauge reading at pressure

gauge (1). When all of the joysticks are in the
NEUTRAL position, the swing parking brake
solenoid valve is not energized and the swing
parking brake is engaged. The pressure gauge
reading should be 0.0 kPa (0.0 psi).

14. Slowly move the swing joystick away from the

NEUTRAL position and check the pressure on
pressure gauge (1). The swing parking brake
solenoid valve should now be energized and the
swing parking brake should be released. The
pressure gauge reading should be equal to the
pilot system pressure.

Control Valve (Boom Lowering)

- Test and Adjust
SMCS Code: 5147-025-BM; 5147-081-BM

Two preliminary temporary adjustment procedures

must be performed:
Illustration 37
(1) 8T-0856 Pressure Gauge 1. A temporary setting of the main relief valve
(2) 6V-3989 Fitting pressure is required.
(3) 6V-4143 Coupler
(4) 177-7860 Hose Assembly
(5) Swing motor
2. A temporary line relief setting of the head end of
(6) Connector at rear of swing motor the boom cylinder is required.
(7)6V-8397 0-RingSeal
(8) 6V-3965 Fitting Assembly Four relief valves are involved in this procedure:
(9) 3J -1907 O-Fting Seal
(10) Pilot hose
(11) 8T-8902 Tee • main relief valve

4. Disconnect pilot hose (10) from connector (6) at • head end of the boom line relief valve
the rear of swing motor (5).
• boom lowering control valve of the right cylinder
5. Install seal (7) and tee (11) to connector (6).
• boom lowering control valve of the left cylinder
6. Install seal (7) and pilot hose (10) to tee (11).
Note: A New specification is the performance
7. Install seal (9) and fitting (8) to tee (11). that can be expected for a new machine. A
Rebuild specification is the performance that can
8. Assemble and install the test hose and gauge to be expected after rebuilding the components
fitting (8). of a system. Performance beyond Service Limit
specifications is an indication of these problems:
9. Start the engine. improper adjustment, wear, damage of relief valves,
and damage of pumps.
10. Place the machine controls at the following
settings : engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch
OFF. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Engine
Performance - Test" for engine rpm settings.

11. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to

55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Table 25
Specifications Torque
Relief Valve for
New Rebuild Service Limit Locknut
50 ± 10
34300 ± 490 kPa 34300 ± 490 kPa 32340 to 34790 kPa
(A) Main relief valve Nm (37
(4950 ± 72 psi) (4950 ± 72 psi) (4700 to 5050 psi)
± 7 lb ft)
(B) Boom cylinder line (head end) 20 ± 2
36800 + 1470 kPa 36800 ± 1470 kPa 33850 to 38270 kPa
Nm (14
(C) Boom lowering control valve (5350 ±215 psi) (5350 ± 215 psi) (4920 to 5565 psi)
± 4 lb ft)

Table 26
Required Tools
Description Qty
9U-7400 Multitach Tool Group 1
8T-0470 Thermometer group 1

Table 27
Pressure change With
Relief Valves One Turn Of Adjustment
Main valves 14400 kPa (2100 psi)
Illustration 38
Line relief valve 11000 kPa (1600 psi)
Pump compartment
(1) Pressure tap for delivery pressure from the right pump (drive
Note: Pressure values in Table 27 are approximate pump)
values. Use a pressure gauge for adjustment. (2) Pressure tap for delivery pressure from the left pump (idler
(3) Pressure tap (power shift pressure)
Note: Normal operations of the engine and pumps
are necessary for the pressure adjustments. If the
1. Position the machine on level ground.
results of the pressure adjustment are not correct,
then the engine and the pump characteristic curve
2. Stop the engine.
needs to be checked. Slow output flow from the
pump is an indication of air in the hydraulic system.
3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.
Make sure that no air is present in the hydraulic
Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Hydraulic
system. Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Air (Main
System Pressure - Release".
Hydraulic Pump) - Purge".
4. Connect a 60000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure
Note: Always make final pressure adjustments on gauge to pressure tap (1). Connect a 60000 kPa
pressure rise.
(8700 psi) pressure gauge to pressure tap (2).

5. Connect a 6000 kPa (870 psi) pressure gauge to

pressure tap (3). This is used to monitor power
shift pressure.

6. Start the engine.

7. Place the machine controls at the following

settings: engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch
OFF. Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Engine
Performance Test" for engine rpm settings.

8. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to

55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

9. Slowly move the joystick for the bucket to the 17. Check the pressure in the boom cylinder head
BUCKET OPEN position (bucket cylinder rod at end on the pressure gauge at pressure tap (1).
the fully retracted position).
18. Return the joystick for the boom to the NEUTRAL
10. Check the main relief valve pressure setting at position.
pressure tap (1).
19. The pressure setting of the boom line relief
11. Return the joystick for the bucket to the valve is read at pressure tap (1). The pressure
NEUTRAL position. setting of the boom line relief valve should be
36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ± 2 1 5 psi). If the
12. The main relief valve pressure setting should be boom lowering control valves are set at a lower
34300 ± 490 kPa (4950 ± 72 psi). If the main pressure, the boom lowering control valves will
relief valve is not within the specification, adjust relieve pressure first. A lower pressure will be
the main relief valve pressure setting to the read. Continue to step 20.
correct pressure specification before performing
Step 13. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Main 20. A temporary setting of the head end of the
Relief Valve - Test and Adjust". boom line relief valve is required before the
boom lowering control valve can be adjusted.
To make the temporary setting, loosen locknut
(14) on the line relief valve for the head end of
the boom cylinder. Turn adjustment screw (15)
for one half turn. Tighten the locknut. This should
ensure that the line relief valve is high enough.

21. The following test and adjustment procedures

properly set the boom lowering control valves
on each of the boom cylinders. The temporary
settings of the main relief valve and the line
relief valve must be performed before the boom
lowering control valves are set.

22. During the following procedure, carefully note

Illustration 39 900666196 the number of turns for adjustment screw (19).
Top of main control valve Also, take note of the direction of the turns.
(4) Adjustment screw
(5) Locknut
(6) Main relief valve

13. A temporary setting of the main relief valve

is required before any line relief valve can
be adjusted. To make the temporary setting,
loosen locknut (5) and turn adjustment screw (4)
clockwise for one half turn. Tighten locknut (5).
Use the torque specification in Table 25.

14. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and

Adjusting, RENR 3814, "320C Excavator Engine
and Pump Control", "Using Service Mode". Start
service mode. Adjust the power shift pressure.
Input a fixed power shift pressure of 2900 kPa Illustration 40
(420 psi). (19) Adjustment screw
(20) Locknut
15. The permanent pressure setting for the head (21) Relief valve
(22) Boom lowering control valve
end of the boom cylinder is 36800 ± 1470 kPa (23) Manual valve for boom lowering
(5350 ± 2 1 5 psi).
23. Loosen locknut (20) on the boom lowering
16. To adjust the line relief valve pressure setting of control valve for the left cylinder. Turn adjustment
the boom cylinder head end, move the joystick screw (19) clockwise until the adjustment
for the boom until the boom is at the full BOOM screw contacts the bottom. Do not overtighten
RAISE position (full extension of boom cylinders). adjustment screw (19). Be sure to remember
Hold the joystick for the boom in this position. the number of turns. Tighten locknut (20).
24. Move the joystick for the boom to the full BOOM
RAISE position. Hold the joystick for the boom
in this position and check the pressure gauge
reading at pressure tap (1).

25. Return the joystick for the boom to the NEUTRAL


26. The pressure gauge reading should be

36800 ± 1500 kPa (5350 ± 215 psi). If the
pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (1) is
not within the specification, adjust the relief valve
on the right cylinder. In order to adjust the relief
valve, loosen locknut (20) on the right boom
lowering control valve. Turn adjustment screw
(19). Tighten the locknut.

27. Recall the number of clockwise turns on the left

boom lowering control valve. Loosen locknut (20)
on the left boom lowering control valve. Reverse
adjustment screw (19). Make the recalled
number of turns. Make one additional quarter
turn in order to decrease the pressure setting
below 36800 ± 1500 kPa (5350 ± 215 psi).
Tighten the locknut.

28. Fully extend the boom cylinders. Hold the

implement control lever in the Boom Raise
position. Read the pressure at pressure tap (1).

29. Return the joystick for the boom to the NEUTRAL


30. The pressure gauge reading should be

36800 ± 1500 kPa (5350 ± 2 1 5 psi). If the
pressure gauge reading at pressure tap (1) is not
within the specification, adjust the relief valve. In
order to adjust the relief valve, loosen locknut
(20) on the left boom lowering control valve. Turn
adjustment screw (19). Tighten the locknut.

31. Reset the line relief valve for the head end
of the boom cylinder. Refer to Testing and
Adjusting, RENR3817, "Relief Valve (Line) - Test
and Adjust".

32. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and

Adjusting, RENR3814, "320C Excavator Engine
and Pump Control", "Using Service Mode". Exit
service mode.

33. Reset the main relief valve pressure after

resetting the line relief valve. Refer to Testing
and Adjusting, RENR3817, "Relief Valve (Main) -
Test and Adjust".
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Pump Flow Measurement Note: Before starting main pump flow tests, check
message display (4) on monitor (3) and alarm lamp
and Adjustment (1) on electronic control module (2) for normal
operation. If no faults are present, perform the
operational checks. Refer to Testing And Adjusting,
"Operational Checks".
Main Pump (Flow) - Test Note: If the operational checks (cycle time) indicate
(Constant Horsepower Flow that slow speed of an implement is common to the
circuits of one pump, the problem is most likely in
Control) the hydraulic system. Then perform the pump flow
tests. Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Main Pump
SMCS Code: 5070-081-FW (Flow) - Test".

This test measures individual pump flow at the Note: The engine, the fuel, or the working altitude
pump. Each pump is tested individually for output may be the problem if the operational checks
flow at specified pressures. The pump that is not indicate that slow speed of an implement is common
being tested is not under load and the pump to both pump circuits.
remains at low pressure standby.

Illustration 41
The electronic control module is located in the compartment
behind the cab.
(1) Alarm lamp
(2) Electronic control module

Illustration 42
(3) Monitor
(4) Message display
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Illustration 43
Flow meter tool layout
(1) Swing motor (17) 9U-7335 Blocking cover (36) 4C-6482 Nipple assembly
(2) Connector at swing motor (23) Right pump (37) 4I-6141 Coupling
(3) 6V - 9840 Swivel tee (24) Left pump (38) 8C - 9026 Adapter
(4) Makeup Line (swing motor) (29) 1U-8303 Fitting (39) 6K-6307 O-Ring seal
(6) Negative flow control line (right pump) (30) 5K-9090 O-Ring seal (40) 6V-9854 Swivel elbow
(10) 4C-9910 Portable hydraulic tester (flow (31) 5P-0201 Hose (42) 1P-3703 Rectangular seal
meter) (32) 5P-1010 Sleeve (46) 8T-4184 Bolt
(11) Delivery line (left pump) (33) 4C-8767 Coupling (47) 8T-4223 Hard washer
(12) Delivery line (right pump) (34) 7M-8485 O-Ring seal (48) 6V-0400 Half flange
(13) Negative flow control line (left pump) (35) 4C-6481 Coupler assembly (49) 1U-8292 adapter
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Right Pump
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar

Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


Note: Perform the test for the right pump and the
test for the left pump one at a time.

Illustration 44
Circuit diagram
(1) Swing motor
(2) Connector
(3) Tee
(4) Makeup line
(5) Main control valve
(8) Pressure tap (left pump delivery pressure)
(9) 8T-0861 Pressure gauge
(10) 4C-9910 Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter) Illustration 45
(11) Delivery line for left pump Pump compartment
(12) Delivery line from right pump
(16) Pressure tap (right pump delivery pressure) (8) Pressure tap (left pump delivery pressure)
(17) 9U-7335 Blocking cover (12) Delivery line for right pump
(20) 8T-0856 Pressure gauge (16) Pressure tap (right pump delivery pressure)
(21) Engine (23) Right pump
(22) Multitach (24) Left pump
(23) Right pump (50) Pressure tap (power shift pressure)
(24) Left pump
(40) Elbow 1. Position the machine on level ground.
(50) Pressure tap (power shift pressure)
2. Stop the engine.

3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.

Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Hydraulic
System Pressure - Release".

4. Install the following tools in accordance with the

flow meter tool layout and the circuit diagram.
Refer to Illustration 43 and Illustration 44.

a. Disconnect delivery line (12) from right pump

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

b. Install seal (42), half flanges (48) and blocking Left Pump
cover (17) to the end of delivery line (12) by
using bolts (46) and washers (47).
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
c. Assemble and install seal (42), adapter (49),
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
seals (34), fitting (29) and nipple assembly
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
(36) on right pump (23) by using half flanges collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
(48), bolts (46) and washers (47). ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar

Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


Note: Perform the test for the right pump and the
test for the left pump one at a time.

•ustration 46
Swing motor (top view)
(1) Swing motor
(2) Connector
(3) Tee
(4) Makeup line
(40) Elbow

d. Disconnect makeup line (4) from connector

(2) at swing motor (1).

e. Assemble and install seals (30), tee (3), swivel

elbow (40) and coupling (37) to connector
(2) at swing motor (1). Illustration 47
Pump compartment
f. Install seal (30) and makeup line (4) to tee (3).
(8) Pressure tap (left pump delivery pressure)
(11) Delivery line for left pump
g. Connect portable hydraulic tester (10) and (16) Pressure tap (right pump delivery pressure)
the test hoses between nipple assembly (36) (23) Right pump
at right pump (23) and coupling (37) at the (24) Left pump
swing motor. (50) Pressure tap (power shift pressure)

h. Connect 60000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure 1. Position the machine on level ground.
gauge (9) to pressure tap (16) for right pump
delivery pressure. 2. Stop the engine.

i. Install multitach group (22) on engine (21). 3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.
This is used to monitor engine speed. Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Hydraulic
System Pressure - Release".

4. Install the following tools in accordance with the

flow meter tool layout and the circuit diagram.
Refer to Illustration 43 and Illustration 44.

a. Disconnect delivery line (11) from left pump


b. Install seal (42), half flanges (48) and blocking

cover (17) to the end of delivery line (11) by
using bolts (46) and washers (47).
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

c. Assemble and install seal (42), adapter (49),

seals (34), fitting (29) and nipple assembly WARNING
(36) on left pump (24) by using half flanges
To prevent personal injury and/or equipment dam-
(48), bolts (46) and washers (47).
age from failed lines or components while the hy-
draulic test equipment is returned to the open flow
position, slowly open the hydraulic test equipment
valve while monitoring the pump flow.

If pump flow does not increase as the valve is

opened, shut the engine off and determine what
is preventing the pump from upstroking.

1. Start the engine.

2. Place the machine controls at the following

settings: engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch
OFF, Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Engine
Performance - Test" for engine rpm settings.
illustration 48
Swing motor (top view) 3. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to
(1) Swing motor 55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).
(2) Connector
(3) Tee
(4) Makeup line
(40) Elbow

d. Disconnect makeup line (4) from connector

(2) at swing motor (1).

e. Assemble and install seals (30), tee (3), swivel

elbow (40) and coupling (37) to connector
(2) at swing motor (1).

f. Install seal (30) and makeup line (4) to tee (3).

g. Connect portable hydraulic tester (10) and

the test hoses between nipple assembly (36)
at right pump (23) and coupling (37) at the
swing motor.

h. Connect 60000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure

gauge (9) to pressure tap (8) for left pump
delivery pressure.

i. Install multitach group (22) on engine (21).

This is used to monitor engine speed.

Note: Perform the test for the front pump and the Illustration 49
test for the rear pump one at a time. Monitor
(A) Message display
(B) Keypad
WARNING (C) Up key
(D) Left key
To prevent personal injury or equipment damage (E) Down key
from failure of the hydraulic test equipment or as- (F) Right key
sociated circuit components because of blocked (G) Cancel key
pump flow, make sure that the test equipment (H) Set key
(I) OK key
valves are fully open before starting the engine. (J) Menu key
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

4. Start Service Mode and input a fixed power shift Note: Refer to Service Manual, "Engine And Pump
pressure of 2400 ± 50 kPa (350 ± 7 psi). Electronic Control System" for additional information
on Service Mode.
a. Press menu key (J).
5. In order to perform flow measurements for either
Note: If more than thirty seconds pass between one of the pumps, the other pump must not be
pushing the keys on the keypad, the menu mode under load.
will be cancelled and the previous display will be
restored to message display (A).

b. Press down key (E) in order to highlight

the menu item "SERVICE OPTIONS" on the
message display. Press OK key (I).

c. Input the password "FFF2". Press left key (D)

or right key (F) in order to change the position
of the flashing character. Press up key (C) or
press down key (E) in order to change the
value of the flashing character. Press OK key
(I) after the correct password is displayed.

d. Press down key (E) once in order to highlight

Illustration 50
the second line on the message display.
Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter)
e. Press right key (F) repeatedly until "DEVICE (10) Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter)
TEST" appears on the message display. (22) Multitach
(26) Valve
f. Press down key (E) in order to move down
one line on the message display. 6. Turn valve (26) on portable hydraulic tester (10)
clockwise. Record pump flow at each of the
g. Press right key (F) until the "PS PRV - FIXED" following pressures in Table 28. Use pressure
appears on the message display. gauge (9) at pressure tap (16) to monitor right
pump delivery pressure or use pressure tap (8)
h. Press down key (E). to monitor left pump delivery pressure.

i. Press OK key (I). The display on line 4 of

the message display will now change to a
numeric value. These characters represent
the power shift pressure (kPa).

j. Press left key (D) or right key (F) in order to

increase or decrease the numeric value that
is displayed on line 4 of the message display.
Pressing left key (D) one time decreases
the power shift pressure 10 kPa (1.5 psi).
Pressing right key (F) one time increases the
power shift pressure 10 kPa (1.5 psi).

Note: The value for power shift pressure on the

monitor may not always match the pressure reading
on the pressure gauge. Adjust the value on the
monitor until the desired power shift pressure is
attained on the pressure gauge that is connected
to the pressure tap for power shift pressure. The
actual power shift pressure must be 2400 ± 50 kPa
(350 ± 7 psi) on the pressure gauge. Illustration 51
P-Q characteristic curve
k. Press up key (C). "SUCCESS" should appear
on the message display.

Note: To prevent a change in power shift pressure

during the pump flow test, do not turn the engine
start switch to the OFF position.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Table 28
Pump Flow Test

Measuring Points

9800 kPa 15700 kPa 19600 kPa 25500 kPa 29400 kPa
(1425 psi) (2300 psi) (2850 psi) (3700 psi) (4250 psi)

Flow measured liter/min Right Pump

(US gpm) Left Pump

Oil temperature °C (°F)

Engine speed (rpm)

Flow corrected liter/min Right Pump

(US gpm) Left Pump

172 ± 10 135 ± 10 110 ± 10 ' 86 ±10 75 ± 10

Specification for flow rate New
(45.4 ± 2.6) (35.6 ± 2.6) (29.0 ± 2.6) (22.7 ± 2.6) (19.8 ± 2 . 6 )
liter/min (US gpm)
Service limit 155 (41) 103(27) 83 (22) 56 (15) 48 (13)

Note: Specifications for output flow rates are based

on an engine speed of 1800 rpm. To attain more
accurate test results, measured flow should be Pump Control (Output Flow) -
corrected with the following calculation. Adjust
Table 29
SMCS Code: 3222-025-FW
Corrected flow Adjust the pump output flow if the flow test results
differ greatly from the specifications.

Note: Specifications for output flow rates are

based on a power shift pressure at the pump of
Adjustment of Pump Output Flow
2400 ± 50 kPa (350 ± 7 psi). The output flow rate (Constant Horsepower Control)
changes approximately 6 L/min (1.6 US gpm) for
each 100 kPa (14 psi) of power shift pressure in
the lower range of the constant horsepower control.
The output flow rate changes approximately 3 L/min
(0.8 US gpm) for each 100 kPa (14 psi) of power
shift pressure in the higher range of the constant
horsepower control.

Note: If the output flow rate of the pump is not

within the specification, disconnect the negative
flow control line from the pump that is being tested
and perform the test again.

Note: Flow measurements must be done only during

pressure rise.
Illustration 52
Main pump compartment
(20) Adjustment screw
(21) Locknut
(22) Adjustment screw
(23) Locknut
(24) Adjustment screw
(25) Locknut
(26) Adjustment screw
(27) Locknut
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Adjust the flow of the right pump for the first stage Adjustment of the Maximum Output
of the constant horsepower control. The left pump
must be at no-load condition. Flow of the Pump
1. Loosen locknut (23).

2. Turn adjustment screw (22) in order to adjust

the output flow of the pump. Turning adjustment
screw (22) clockwise will increase the output
flow of the pump. Turning adjustment screw (22)
counterclockwise will decrease the output flow of
the pump. A 1/4 turn of adjustment screw (22)
will change the output flow of the pump at the
following pressure.

• Output flow of the pump will change

approximately 19 L/min (5.0 US gpm) if the
output flow is adjusted in the pressure range of
11800 kPa (1700 psi) to 19600 kPa (2850 psi).
The pump is operating in the first stage of the Main pump compartment
constant horsepower control. (28) Adjustment screw
(29) Locknut
(30) Locknut
3. Tighten locknut (23) to a torque of 98 ± 9.8 N-m (31) Adjustment screw
(70 ± 7 lb ft).
Adjust the maximum output flow of the right pump.
Adjust the flow of the right pump for the second
stage of the constant horsepower control. The left 1. Loosen locknut (30).
pump must be at no-load condition.
2. In order to adjust maximum output flow, turn
1. Loosen locknut (21). adjustment screw (31). Turning adjustment screw
(31) clockwise will decrease the maximum output
2. Turn adjustment screw (20) in order to adjust flow of the pump. Turning adjustment screw (31)
the output flow of the pump. Turning adjustment counterclockwise will increase the maximum
screw (20) clockwise will increase the output output flow of the pump. A 1/4 turn of adjustment
flow of the pump. Turning adjustment screw (20) screw (31) will change the maximum output flow
counterclockwise will decrease the output flow of approximately 5 L/min (1.3 US gpm).
the pump. A 1/4 turn of adjustment screw (20)
will change the output flow of the pump at the 3. Tighten locknut (31) to a torque of 177 ± 15 N-m
following pressure. (130 ± 11 lb ft).
• Output flow of the pump will change Adjust the maximum output flow of the left pump in
approximately 13 L/min (3.4 US gpm) if the the same manner as the right pump. Use locknut
output flow is adjusted in the pressure range of (29) and adjustment screw (28) in order to adjust
27500 kPa (4000 psi) to 34300 kPa (4950 psi). the maximum output flow of the left pump.
The pump is operating in the second stage of
the constant horsepower control.

3. Tighten locknut (20) to a torque of 28 ± 7 N-m

(21 ± 5 lb ft). Pump Control (Negative Flow)
- Test
Adjust the left pump in the same manner as the
right pump. Use locknut (27) and adjustment SMCS Code: 3222-081-FW
screw (26) in order to adjust the first stage of the
constant horsepower control. Use locknut (25) and This test measures individual pump flow at the
adjustment screw (24) in order to adjust the second pump while a fixed negative flow control pressure
stage of the constant horsepower control. is sent to the main pump regulator. Each pump
is tested individually for an output flow rate at a
specified delivery pressure and a specified negative
flow control pressure.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Illustration 54
Flow meter tool layout
(1) Swing motor (17) 9U-7335 Blocking cover (36) 4C-6482 Nipple assembly
(2) Connector at swing motor (23) Right pump (37)4I-6141 Coupling
(3) 6V-9840 Swivel tee (24) Left pump (38) 8C-9026 Adapter
(4) Makeup Line (swing motor) (29) 1U-8303 Fitting (39) 6K-6307O-Ring seal
(6) Negative flow control line (right pump) (30) 5K-9090O-Ring seal (40) 6V-9854 Swivel elbow
(10) 4C-9910 Portable hydraulic tester (flow (31) 5P-0201 Hose (42) 1P-3703 Rectangular seal
meter) (32) 5P-1010 Sleeve (46) 8T-4184Bolt
(11) Delivery line (left pump) (33) 40-8767 Coupling (47) 8T-4223 Hard washer
(12) Delivery line (right pump) (34) 7M-8485 0-Ringseal (48) 6V-0400 Half flange
(13) Negative flow control line (left pump) (35) 4C-6481 Coupler assembly (49) 1U-8292 Adapter
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Right Pump
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar

Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


Note: Perform the test for the right pump and the
test for the left pump one at a time.

Illustration 55
Circuit diagram
(1) Swing motor
(2) Connector
(3) Tee
(4) Makeup line
(5) Main control valves
(6) Negative flow control line (right pump)
(7) Plug
(8) Pressure tap (left pump delivery pressure) Illustration 56
(9) Pressure gauge Pump compartment
(10) Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter)
(11) Delivery line (left pump) (6) Negative flow control line (right pump)
(12) Delivery line (right pump) (12) Delivery line (right pump)
(13) Negative flow control line (left pump) (14) Pressure tap (power shift pressure)
(14) Pressure tap (power shift pressure) (16) Pressure tap (right pump delivery pressure)
(15) Tees (23) Right pump
(16) Pressure tap (right pump delivery pressure) (24) Left pump
(17) Blocking cover
(18) Test line 1. Position the machine on level ground.
(20) Pressure gauge
(21) Engine
(22) Multitach group 2. Stop the engine.
(23) Right pump
(24) Left pump 3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.
(40) Elbow Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Hydraulic
System Pressure - Release".

4. Install the following tools in accordance with the

circuit diagram. Refer to Illustration 55.

a. Disconnect delivery line (12) from right pump


b. Install seal (42), half flanges (48) and blocking

cover (17) to the end of delivery line (12) by
using bolts (46) and washers (47).
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

c. Assemble and install seal (42), adapter (49),

seals (34), fitting (29) and nipple assembly
(36) on right pump (23) by using half flanges
(48), bolts (46) and washers (47).

Illustration 57 g00669270
Swing motor (top view)
(1) Swing motor
(2) Connector
(3) Tee
(4) Makeup line
(40) Elbow

d. Disconnect makeup line (4) from connector

(2) at swing motor (1). Illustration 58
Tool setup
e. Assemble and install seals (30), tee (3), swivel
(6) Negative flow control line (right pump)
elbow (40) and coupling (37) to connector
(7) 6V-9508 Face seal plug
(2) at swing motor (1). (13) Negative flow control line (left pump)
(14) Pressure tap (power shift pressure)
f. Install seal (30) and makeup line (4) to tee (3). (15) 8T-8902 Tee
(18) 177-7860 Hose assembly
(19) Left pump regulator
g. Connect portable hydraulic tester (10) and (20) 8T-0855 Pressure gauge
the test hoses between nipple assembly (36) (23) Right pump
at right pump (23) and coupling (37) at the (24) Left pump
swing motor. (25) 6V-8397 0-Ring seal
(27) 6V-9829 Cap
(28) 3J -1907 O-Ring seal
h. Connect 60000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure (41) 6V-3965 Fitting
gauge (9) to pressure tap (16) for right pump (43) 6V-4143 Coupler
delivery pressure. (44) Test hose
(45) 6V-3989 Fitting
i. Install multitach group (22) on engine (21).
This is used to monitor engine speed. j. Disconnect negative flow control line (6) from
right pump (23). Install seal (25) and plug (7)
to the end of negative flow control line (6).

k. Connect two tees (15) to the elbow at the

negative flow signal pressure port of right
pump (23). Install cap (27) to tee (15).

I. Connect one end of test hose (18) to tee (15).

m. Connect the other end of test hose (18) to

pressure tap (14) for the power shift pressure.

n. Connect one end of test hose (44) to tee (15).

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

o. Connect 6000 kPa (870 psi) pressure gauge b. Install seal (42), half flanges (48) and blocking
(20) to the other end of test hose (44). cover (17) to the end of delivery line (11) by
using bolts (46) and washers (47).
Left Pump c. Assemble and install seal (42), adapter (49),
seals (34), fitting (29) and nipple assembly
NOTICE (36) to left pump (24) by using half flanges
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained (48), bolts (46) and washers (47).
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar

Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


Note: Perform the test for the right pump and the Illustration 60 900669270
test for the left pump one at a time.
Swing motor (top view)
(1) Swing motor
(2) Connector
(3) Tee
(4) Makeup line
(40) Elbow

d. Disconnect makeup line (4) from connector

(2) at swing motor (1).

e. Assemble and install seals (30), tee (3), swivel

elbow (40) and coupling (37) to connector
(2) at swing motor (1).

f. Install seal (30) and makeup line (4)to tee (3).

Illustration 59 g. Connect portable hydraulic tester (10) and

Pump compartment the test hoses between nipple assembly (36)
(8) Pressure tap (left pump delivery pressure) at left pump (24) and coupling (37) at the
(11) Delivery line (left pump) swing motor.
(13) Negative flow control line (left pump)
(14) Pressure tap (power shift pressure) h. Connect 60000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure
(23) Right pump
(24) Left pump gauge (9) to pressure tap (8) for left pump
delivery pressure.
1. Position the machine on level ground.
i. Install multitach group (22) on engine (21).
2. Stop the engine. This is used to monitor engine speed.

3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.

Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Hydraulic
System Pressure - Release".

4. Install the following tools in accordance with the

circuit diagram. Refer to Illustration 55.

a. Disconnect delivery line (11) from left pump

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

o. Connect 6000 kPa (870 psi) pressure gauge

(20) to the other end of test hose (44).

Note: Perform the test for the right pump and the
test for the left pump one at a time.

To prevent personal injury or equipment damage
from failure of the hydraulic test equipment or as-
sociated circuit components because of blocked
pump flow, make sure that the test equipment
valves are fully open before starting the engine.

To prevent personal injury and/or equipment dam-
age from failed lines or components while the hy-
draulic test equipment is returned to the open flow
position, slowly open the hydraulic test equipment
valve while monitoring the pump flow.

If pump flow does not increase as the valve is

opened, shut the engine off and determine what
Illustration 61 is preventing the pump from upstroking.
Tool setup
(6) Negative flow control line (right pump)
1. Start the engine.
(7) 6V-9508 Face Seal Plug
(13) Negative flow control line (left pump)
(14) Pressure tap (power shift pressure) 2. Place the machine controls at the following
(15) 8T-8902 Tee settings: engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch
(18) 177-7860 Hose Assembly OFF. Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Engine
(19) Left pump regulator
(20) 8T-0855 Pressure Gauge
Performance - Test" for engine rpm settings.
(23) Right pump
(24) Left pump 3. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to
(25) 6V-8397 O-Ring Seal 55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).
(27) 6V-9829 Cap
(28) 3J -1907 O-Ring Seal
(41) 6V-3965 Fitting
(43) 6V-4143 Coupler
(44) Test hose
(45) 6V-3989 Fitting

j. Disconnect negative flow control line (13) from

left pump (24). Install seal (25) and plug (7)
to the end of negative flow control line (13).

k. Connect two tees (15) to the elbow at the

negative flow signal pressure port of left pump
(24). Install cap (27) to tee (15).

I. Connect one end of test hose (18) to tee (15).

m. Connect the other end of test hose (18) to

pressure tap (14) for the power shift pressure.

n. Connect one end of test hose (44) to tee (15).

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

e. Press right key (F) repeatedly until 'DEVICE

TEST" appears on the message display.

f. Press down key (E) in order to move down

one line on the message display.

g. Press right key (F) until the "PS PRV - FIXED'

appears on the message display.

h. Press down key (E).

i. Press OK key (I). The display on line 4 of

the message display will now change to a
numeric value. These characters represent
the power shift pressure (kPa).

j. Press left key (D) or right key (F) in order to

increase or decrease the numeric value that
is displayed on line 4 of the message display.
Pressing left key (D) one time decreases
the power shift pressure 10 kPa (1.5 psi).
Pressing right key (F) one time increases the
power shift pressure 10 kPa (1.5 psi).

Note: The value for power shift pressure on the

monitor may not always match the pressure reading
on the pressure gauge. Adjust the value on the
monitor until the desired power shift pressure is
Illustration 62 attained on the pressure gauge that is connected to
Monitor the pressure tap for power shift pressure. The actual
(A) Message display power shift pressure must be 2350 kPa (340 psi)
(B) Keypad on the pressure gauge.
(C) Up key
(D) Left key
Note: To prevent a change in power shift pressure
(E) Down key
(F) Right key during the pump flow test, do not turn the engine
(G) Cancel key start switch to the OFF position.
(H) Set key
(I) OK key Note: Refer to Service Manual, "Engine and Pump
(J) Menu key
Electronic Control System" for additional information
on Service Mode.
4. Start Service Mode and input a fixed power shift
pressure of 2350 kPa (340 psi).

a. Press menu key (J).

Note: If more than thirty seconds pass between

pushing the keys on the keypad, the menu mode
will be cancelled and the previous display will be
restored to message display (A).

b. Press down key (E) in order to highlight the

second menu item "SERVICE OPTIONS" on
the message display. Press OK key (I).

c. Input the password "FFF2". Press left key (D)

or right key (F) in order to change the position Illustration 63
of the flashing character. Press up key (C) or Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter)
press down key (E) in order to change the
(10) Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter)
value of the flashing character. Press OK key (22) Multitach
(I) after the correct password is displayed. (26) Valve

d. Press down key (E) once in order to highlight

the second line on the message display.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

5. Turn valve (26) on portable hydraulic tester (10) Flow measurements must be done in pressure rise.
clockwise until the pump delivery pressure is
6850 kPa (1000 psi).

6. Record the negative flow rate in Table 30. Pump Control (Negative Flow)
- Adjust
SMCS Code: 3222-025-FW

Illustration 64
Pressure/Flow characteristic curve

Table 30
Negative Flow Control at 2350 kPa (340 psi)
Right pump
Oil Temperature °C (°F)
Left pump
Right pump
Engine speed (rpm)
Left pump

Flow measured liter/min Right pump

(US gpm) Left pump

Row corrected liter/min Right pump

(US gpm) Left pump Illustration 65 g00668985
108 ± 10 Pump regulator (right pump)
Specification for negative New (29.0 ± (1) Bolt
flow rate liter/min (US gpm) 2.6) (2) Cover
(3) Seal
Service limit 88 (23) (4) Spring seat
(5) Spring
(6) Shim
Note: Specifications for flow rates are based on an
engine speed of 1800 rpm. To get more accurate
Perform the following steps in order to adjust the
test results, measured flow should be corrected with
right pump.
the following calculation.

Table 31 1. Remove two bolts (1).

2. Remove cover (2) and seal (3).

Corrected flow

3. Remove spring seat (4) and spring (5).

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

4. Add shims (6) in order to increase the negative

flow. Remove shims (6) in order to decrease the
negative flow. Refer to Table 32 for available Gear Pump (Pilot) - Test
shims and shim thickness.
SMCS Code: 5085-081 -GT
Note: A change of 0.1 mm (0.0039 inch) in shim
thickness will change the negative flow rate 3 L/min
(0.8 US gpm) at a negative flow control pressure of
2350 kPa (340 psi).

Table 32
Available Shims
Part Number Shim Thickness
099-3669 Shim 1.00 mm (0.0394 inch)
099-6109 Shim 1.05 mm (0.0413 inch)
099-6110 Shim 1.10 mm (0.0433 inch)
099-6111 Shim 1.15 mm (0.0453 inch)
099-6112 Shim 1.20 mm (0.0472 inch)
099-6113 Shim 1.25 mm (0.0492 inch)
099-6115 Shim 1.30 mm (0.0512 inch)
099-6117 Shim 1.35 mm (0.0531 inch)
099-6118 Shim 1.40 mm (0.0551 inch)
099-6119 Shim 1.45 mm (0.0571 inch)
099-6120 Shim 1.50 mm (0.0591 inch)
099-6121 Shim 1.55 mm (0.0610 inch)
099-6122 Shim 1.60 mm (0.0630 inch)
099-6123 Shim 1.65 mm (0.0650 inch)
099-6124 Shim 1.70 mm (0.0669 inch)
099-6125 Shim 1.75 mm (0.0689 inch)
099-6126 Shim 1.80 mm (0.0709 inch)
099-6127 Shim 1.85 mm (0.0728 inch)
099-6128 Shim 1.90 mm (0.0748 inch)
099-3670 Shim 1.95 mm (0.0768 inch)

5. Install shims (6) in the pump regulator.

6. Install spring (5). Install spring seat (4).

7. Install cover (2) and seal (3).

Note: Inspect seal (3). If the seal is damaged,

replace the damaged seal with a new seal.

8. Install bolts (1). Tighten bolts (1) to a torque of

55 ± 10 N.m (40 ± 7 lb ft).

Adjust the left pump in the same manner as the

right pump.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Illustration 66
Flow meter tool layout
(1) Swing motor (9) Connector at pilot pump (36) 4C-6482 Nipple Assembly
(2) Connector at swing motor (10) Pilot filter (37)41-6141 Coupling
(3) 6V-9840 Swivel Tee (14) Pilot pump (38) 8C-9026 Adapter
(4) Makeup line (swing motor) (30) 5K-9090 O-Ring Seal (39) 6K-6307 O-Ring Seal
(6) 6V-9509 Face Seal Plug (31) 5P-0201 Hose (40) 6V-9854 Swivel Elbow
(7) 4C-9910 Portable hydraulic tester (flow (32) 5P-1010 Sleeve (47) 41-6140 Coupling
meter) (33) 4C-8767 Coupling (48) 8C-8762 Elbow
(8) Pilot line (delivery line from the pilot (34) 7M-8485 O-Ring Seal (49) 6V-8398 O-Ring Seal
pump) (35) 4C-6481 Coupler Assembly

To prevent personal injury or equipment damage
from failure of the hydraulic test equipment or as-
sociated circuit components because of blocked
pump flow, make sure that the test equipment
valves are fully open before starting the engine.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar

Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


1. Position the machine on level ground.

2. Stop the engine.

3. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.

Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Hydraulic
System Pressure - Release".

Illustration 67
Circuit diagram
(1) Swing motor
(2) Connector
(3) Tee
(4) Makeup line
(5) Main control valve
(6) Plug
(7) Portable hydraulic tester
(8) Pilot line
(9) Connector at pilot pump
(10) Pilot filter
(12) Engine
(13) Multitach group
(14) Pilot pump
(40) Elbow

4. Install the following tools in accordance with the

flow meter tool layout and the circuit diagram.
Refer to Illustration 66 and Illustration 67.

a. Install multitach group (13) on engine (12).

b. Remove pilot line (8) from the connector at

pilot pump (14).

c. Install seal (49) and plug (6) to the end of

pilot line (8).

d. Install seal (49) and elbow (48) to connector

(9) at pilot pump (14).

e. Install seal (34), coupling (47), seal (34) and

nipple assembly (36) to elbow (48).
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Illustration 68 Illustration 69
Swing motor Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter)
(1) Swing motor (7) Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter)
(2) Connector (13) Multitach group
(3) Tee (16) Valve (flow meter)
(4) Makeup line
(40) Elbow 8. Turn valve (16) on portable hydraulic tester
(7) clockwise until pressure gauge (11) on the
f. Disconnect makeup line (4) from connector portable hydraulic tester shows a reading of
(2) at swing motor (1). 4100 ± 200 kPa (595 ± 29 psi).
g. Assemble and install seals (30), tee (3), swivel 9. Record the pilot pump flow at 4100 ± 200 kPa
elbow (40) and coupling (37) to connector (595 ± 29 psi) in Table 33.
(2) at swing motor (1).
Table 33
h. Connect portable hydraulic tester (7) and test
Pump Flow Test
hoses between nipple assembly (36) at the
pilot pump and coupling (37) at the swing Oil temperature C° (F°)
Engine speed (rpm)
5. Start the engine. Flow measured liter/min (US gpm)

6. Place the machine controls at the following Flow corrected liter/min (US gpm)
settings: engine speed dial "10" and AEC switch 36 + 2
OFF. Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Engine New (9.5 ±
Performance - Test" for engine rpm settings. Specification for pump flow 0.5)
liter/min (US gpm)
7. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to limit
30 (7.9)
55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).

Note: Specifications for pump flow are based on an

engine speed of 1800 rpm. To get more accurate
test results, measured flow should be corrected by
the following calculation.

Table 34

Flow measurements must be done in pressure rise.

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Hydraulic Motor and Pump 3. Disconnect the case drain hose (1) from tee (2).
Place the open end of the case drain hose (1)
Performance Tests into the container for measuring.

4. Install 6V-8398 O-Ring seal and 6V-9830 Cap

on tee (2) of the swivel.
Swing Motor - Test
(Measurement of Case Drain
SMCS Code: 5058-081-ZW

Table 35
Required Tools
Description Qty
6V-9830 Cap 1
Container for Measuring 1
Illustration 71
Pilot manifold
NOTICE (3) Connector
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained (4) Solenoid valve for swing parking brake
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to 5. Disconnect connector (3) from the solenoid valve
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open- for swing parking brake (4).
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids. 6. Start the engine.
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar 7. Place the engine speed dial at position "10" and
Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies AEC switch OFF. Maintain the maximum no-load
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar speed at 1860 ± 50 rpm.
Reference: Refer to Testing and Adjusting,
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and "Engine Performance - Test" for engine rpm
mandates. settings.

1. Stop the engine. 8. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to

55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).
2. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.
Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Hydraulic 9. Slowly move the swing joystick and make sure
System Pressure - Release". that the swing parking brake is activated.

10. Move the swing joystick fully for one minute.

Measure the case drain oil.

11. Stop the engine.

12. Connect connector (3) to the solenoid valve for

swing parking brake (4).

13. Repeat this test procedure three times in order

to obtain three measurements. For each test
procedure, swing the upper structure to a
different position.

The following values specify the maximum

Illustration 70 acceptable flow of case drain oil when the
Swing motor compartment swing relief pressure is set at 26000 ± 980 kPa
(3750 ± 140 psi).
(1) Case drain hose
(2) Tee
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

New swing motor 30 L/min (7.9 US gpm)

Rebuilt swing motor 35 L/min (9.2 US gpm)

Travel Motor - Test

(Measurement of Case Drain
SMCS Code: 4351-081
Table 36
Required Tools
Illustration 72
Description Qty Sprocket (left track)
(1) Sprocket
FT-2547 Track block assembly 1 (2) FT-2547 Track block assembly
6V-9509 Face Seal Plug 1
3. Place track block assembly (2) in sprocket (1)
6V-8398 O-Ring Seal 1 in order to block forward left travel. Refer to
Remote drain hose with an Illustration 72.
inside diameter of 20 mm 1
(.78 inch)
Container for measuring 1

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar

Tools and Shop Products Guide" fortools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


Illustration 73
1. Stop the engine.
Travel motor
2. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. (3) 6V-9509 Face seal plug
Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Hydraulic (4) 6V-8398 O-Ring seal
(5) Case drain hose
System Pressure - Release". (6) Connector
(7) Remote drain hose
(8) Container for measuring

4. Disconnect case drain hose (5) from connector

(6). Install plug (3) and seal (4) in the open end
of case drain hose (5).

5. Connect one end of remote drain hose (7) to

connector (6). Place the other end of remote
drain hose into the container (8) in order to
measure the case drain oil.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

6. Start the engine.

7. Place the engine speed dial at position "10" and

AEC switch OFF. Maintain the maximum no-load
speed at 1860 ± 50 rpm.

Reference: Refer to Testing and Adjusting,

"Engine Performance - Test" for engine rpm

8. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to

55° ± 5°C (131° ± 9°F).

9. Move the left travel lever forward fully for one


10. Measure the amount of case drain oil.

11. Remove track block assembly (2) from sprocket


12. Move the left travel lever in order to reposition

the travel motor.

13. Place track block assembly (2) in sprocket (1) in

order to block forward left travel.

14. Repeat Steps 9 through 13 in order to obtain

three measurements of case drain oil.

The following values specify the maximum

acceptable flow of case drain oil when the main
relief valve pressure is set at 34300 ± 490 kPa
(4950 ± 72 psi) and the travel crossover relief valves
are set at 36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ±215 psi).
New travel motor 15 L/min (4.0 US gpm)
Rebuilt travel motor 18 L/min (4.78 US gpm)
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Reference Specifications

SMCS Code: 5050

Note: A New specification is the performance

that can be expected for a new machine. A
Rebuild specification is the performance that can
be expected after rebuilding the components
of a system. Performance beyond Service Limit
specifications is an indication of these problems:
improper adjustment, wear, damage of relief valves,
and damage of pumps.

Illustration 74
Relief valve locations
(A) Main relief valve (J) Left travel crossover relief valve for (O) Main control valve
(B) Boom cylinder line (head end) forward travel (upper valve) (P) Pilot filter
(C) Boom cylinder line (rod end) (K) Left travel crossover relief valve for (Q) Travel motor (right)
(D) Stick cylinder line (head end) reverse travel (lower valve) (R) Travel motor (left)
(E) Stick cylinder line (rod end) (L) Right travel crossover relief valve for (S) Swing motor
(F) Bucket cylinder line (head end) forward travel (upper valve)
(G) Bucket cylinder line (rod end) (M) Right travel crossover relief valve for
(H) Swing (right) reverse travel (lower valve)
(I) Swing (left) (N) Pilot relief valve
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Table 37
Torque for CHS Inspection
Relief Valve New
Service Limit Locknut Step NumberO)
32340 to 34790
50 ± 10 N-m
(A) Main relief valve 34300 + 490 kPa (4950 ± 72 psi) kPa (4700 to 115
(37 ± 7 lb ft)
5050 psi)
(B) Boom cylinder line
(head end)
(C) Boom cylinder line (rod
(D) Stick cylinder line
33850 to 38270 136
(head end) 20 ± 2 N-m
36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ±215 psi) kPa (4920 to
(E) Stick cylinder line (rod (14 ± 1 lb ft)
5565 psi) 134
(F) Bucket cylinder line
(head end)
(G) Bucket cylinder line
(rod end)
(H) Swing relief pressure
24040 to 26980 147
(right) 117.6 ± 10 N-m
26000 ± 980 kPa (3750 ± 140 psi) kPa (3465 to
(1) Swing relief pressure (85 ± 7 lb ft)
3890 psi) 145
(J) Left travel crossover
relief valve (forward)
(K) Left travel crossover
33850 to 38270 154
relief valve (reverse) 130 ± 13 N-m
36800 ± 1470 kPa (5350 ± 215 psi) kPa (4920 to
(L) Right travel crossover (95 ± 10 lb ft)
5565 psi) 157
relief valve (forward)
(M) Right travel crossover
relief valve (reverse)
49 ± 4.9 N-m
(N) Pilot relief valve 4100 ± 200 kPa (595 ± 29 psi) 50
(36 ± 4 lb ft)
(1) Custom Hydraulic Service (CHS) is a preventive maintenance program for the machine hydraulic system. CHS is also a valuable part
of any Customer Support Agreement. Refer to Custom Hydraulic Service, SEBF8472.
Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Table 38
Cycle Times (seconds)

Function Factory CHS Inspection Step Number*1)

Boom EXTEND 2.8 ± 0.5 192

Boom RETRACT 1.9 ± 0.5

Stick EXTEND 3.2 ± 0.5 195

Stick RETRACT 2.4 ± 0.5 197

Bucket EXTEND 3.3 ± 0.5 199

Bucket RETRACT 1.8 ± 0.5 201

Swing LEFT
5.2(2) 208

Overswing LEFT
1100 mm (43.3 inch)<2> 209
Overswing RIGHT

Forward travel HIGH (Left)

Reverse travel HIGH (Left)
Forward travel LOW (Left)
Reverse travel LOW (Left)

Forward travel HIGH (Right)

Reverse travel HIGH (Right)
Forward travel LOW (Right)
Reverse travel LOW (Right)
(1) Custom Hydraulic Service (CHS) is a preventive maintenance program for the machine hydraulic system. CHS is also a valuable part
of any Customer Support Agreement. Refer to Custom Hydraulic Service, SEBF8472.
(2) Maximum

Table 39
Cylinder Drift (Empty Bucket)

Function Factory CHS Inspection Step Number*1)

Boom cylinder 6.0 mm (0.24 inch)

Stick cylinder 10.0 mm (0.39 inch)

Bucket cylinder 10.0 mm (0.39 inch) 237

(1) Custom Hydraulic Service (CHS) is a preventive maintenance program for the machine hydraulic system. CHS is also a valuable part
of any Customer Support Agreement. Refer to Custom Hydraulic Service, SEBF8472.

Table 40
Required Tools

Description Qty

9U-7400 Multitach Tool Group 1

8T-0470 Thermometer group 1

Hydraulic System
Testing and Adjusting Section

Table 41
Pressure change With
Relief Valves One Turn Of Adjustment
Main valves 14400 kPa (2100 psi)
Line relief valve 11000kPa(1600psi)
Swing relief valve 6800 kPa (985 psi)
Travel crossover relief valve 3050 kPa (440 psi)
Pilot relief valve 620 kPa (90 psi)

Note: Pressure values in Table 41 are approximate

values. Use a pressure gauge for adjustment.

Note: Normal operations of the engine and pumps

are necessary for the pressure adjustments. If the
results of the pressure adjustment are not correct,
then the engine and the pump characteristic curve
needs to be checked. Slow output flow from the
pump is an indication of air in the hydraulic system.
Make sure that no air is present in the hydraulic
system. Refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Main
Hydraulic Pump Air Pressure - Purge".
c Pump Control (Negative Flow) - Test 41
Left Pump 45
Control Valve (Boom Lowering) - Test and Adjust.. 30 Right Pump 43
Cylinder Drift - Check (Empty Bucket) 16 Test 46
Cylinder Drift - Check (Loaded Bucket) 15 Pump Control (Output Flow) - Adjust 40
Cylinder Speed - Check 17 Adjustment of Pump Output Flow (Constant
Horsepower Control) 40
Adjustment of the Maximum Output Flow of the
E Pump 41
Pump Flow Measurement and Adjustment 34
Engine Performance - Test (Engine Speed) 3

Reference Specifications 56
Gear Pump (Pilot)-Test 49 Relief Valve (Crossover) - Test and Adjust 21
General Testing and Adjusting Information 4 Relief Valve (Line) - Test and Adjust 24
Adjustment (Boom Cylinders) 27
Adjustment (Bucket Cylinder) 27
H Adjustment (Stick Cylinder) 26
Test 24
Hydraulic Motor and Pump Performance Tests 53 Relief Valve (Main) - Test and Adjust 20
Hydraulic Pressure Adjustments 19 Temporary Setting of the Main Relief Valve 21
Hydraulic System Pressure - Release 4 Relief Valve (Pilot) - Test and Adjust 20
Release Of Hydraulic Pressure From A Single Relief Valve (Swing) - Test and Adjust 28
Hydraulic Circuit 5 Required Tools 19
Release Of Hydraulic Pressure From Multiple
Hydraulic Circuits 6

I Solenoid Valve (Swing Parking Brake) - Test 29

Specifications 56
Important Safety Information , 2 Swing Motor - Test (Measurement of Case Drain
Oil) 53
Swing Speed and Overswing on Level Ground -
M Check., 13
Swing Speed and Swing Drift on a Slope - Check.. 14
Machine Drift on a Slope - Check 12
Main Hydraulic Pump Air Pressure - Purge 7
Main Pump (Flow) - Test (Constant Horsepower Flow T
Control) 34
Left Pump , 37 Table of Contents , 3
Right Pump 36 Testing and Adjusting 4
Test 38 Testing and Adjusting Section 4
Travel Motor - Test (Measurement of Case Drain
Oil) 54
o Travel on Level Ground - Test 11
Travel on Level Ground - Test (Optional Test) 10
Operational Checks 9

Visual Inspection 4
Performance Tests 9
Pump Control (Negative Flow) - Adjust... 48

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