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CIBANO 500 CB MC2 CB TN3 Article Nordic Testing OMICRON Magazine 2015 ENU PDF

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24  Application


Nordic testing
Reliable and comprehensive troubleshooting
for circuit breakers

Since its market launch in 2013 customers all over the world have
started to use CIBANO 500 to test their circuit breakers (CBs).
So have EB Elektro AS in Hokksund, Norway. During a mainte-
nance job for one of their customers they found a severe failure
in a CB before any further damage could occur. For EB Elektro AS
CIBANO 500 has once again proven its benefits.

EB Elektro AS is a leading Scandinavian com- the new concept of CIBANO 500, I became
pany for developing, producing and install- curious and asked for a product demonstra-
ing high-voltage devices. Odd Tangen works tion,“ Odd Tangen remembers. “It turned
as a service engineer in the service section of out that the overall concept of CIBANO 500
CB installation, commissioning and main- did a good job of meeting my expectations.“
tenance. In 2012 he saw the necessity for So he ordered the device. “This was a good
a new CB testing instrument. He started to decision on my part as CB testing became so
research the market. “In 2013 I heard about much easier,“ Odd Tangen confirms.

  Magazine | Volume 6 Issue 2 2015


Current condition as a first step Bad measurement results

In September 2014 Odd Tangen and his As requested by the customer, condition
EB Elektro AS
team were asked by a Norwegian customer monitoring was done based on visual
to suggest a maintenance plan for 11 of inspections and measurements only. No EB Elektro AS is a manufacturer
their 362 kV, live-tank SF6 CBs. With almost cost-intensive disassembly should be of high-voltage devices such as
30 years of practical experience in the undertaken. The visual inspections showed disconnectors, earthing switches
field, Odd Tangen didn’t want to begin nothing unusual. and motor operating devices.
maintenance procedures with a cost- A part of their service portfolio is
intensive major overhaul of the breakers Measurements with CIBANO 500 were the installation/refurbishment,
that was only based on their long service done next. Together with the main commissioning and mainte-
life. “For me it was more cost-effective to contact module CB MC2 for the dynamic nance of circuit breakers. The
assess their current condition first. So I contact resistance test and the transducer head office and production faci­
recommended carrying out a condition node CB TN3 for the motion/contact lities are in Hokksund, Norway.
monitoring,“ he explains his decision. “If travel test all measurements were able to
we would find any failures, major overhaul be executed without rewiring between
actions could be taken afterwards.“ the tests.

  Magazine | Volume 6 Issue 2 2015

26  Application

The timing measurement already showed abnormal fact that the instrument can measure contact timing,
timing in one phase of a CB during a close operation travel, static and dynamic contact resistance, coil cur-
and Odd Tangen and his team became suspicious rent, minimum pick up and undervoltage condition
(Fig. 1.). They received further unusual results dur- with the same wiring setup,“ summarizes Odd Tangen.
ing the static and dynamic resistance measurements “This helps me to save a lot of time during my daily
(Fig. 2). The C, O, and CO operation showed closing work, because I don’t need to change the wiring sev-
times that changed in the same phase. eral times as with other test systems,“ he adds. “Anoth-
er great feature is the built-in power supply, because
Gas analysis confirms measurements it gives me independence from a station battery.“
After the measurements with CIBANO 500 an SF6 gas
analysis was done. Different parameters including
dew point, gas volume, SO2 level, and gas pressure
were tested. The results of the gas analysis were really
bad. Especially the SO2 content was abnormally high.
“The gas literally stank,“ remembers Odd Tangen. “This
was additional proof that something was definitely
wrong with one phase.“ The next step was to take the
CB out of operation and replace it with a spare unit.
“It took us four days.“ The defective CB was brought
into a workshop where it was dismantled. Soon the
reason for the failure was found. “A flashover in the
main contact carrier due to loose parts was detected,“ Fig. 1: Timing measurement during a close
operation shows failure in blue phase.
Odd Tangen explains.

Flashover in the main contact carrier due to loose parts.

Fig. 2: Dynamic resistance measurement shows failure in blue phase.
“The reference measurements after the repair
confirmed that the CB worked properly,“ says Odd
Tangen (Fig.3). And he continues: “With CIBANO 500
we can do cost-effective condition monitoring and
begin comparably expensive overhauls only when
necessary – that’s exactly what our customers expect.“

Valuable partner
Since his first practical experiences with CIBANO 500 in
2014 Odd Tangen has been in close cooperation with
OMICRON’s development team. He is always giving the
team his valuable feedback for product enhancements.
“What I personally like most about CIBANO 500 is the Fig. 3: Dynamic resistance measurement after repair.

  Magazine | Volume 6 Issue 2 2015

Application  27

«Thanks to CIBANO 500, the

Odd Tangen
Service engineer for EB Elektro AS, Norway wiring effort is cut down
to a minimum, which
greatly reduces the testing
OM: What was your first impression of CIBANO 500 time and probability of
during the product presentation you saw in 2013?
Odd Tangen: Right from the start I saw the advantages measuring errors.»
of its general design and features which offer several
benefits compared with other instruments.
and only need to measure one motion. When you
Can you give me a rough estimate of the num- have three phases with one interrupter per phase you
ber of tests you have already carried out with can do all your measurements in one turn: timing,
CIBANO 500? travel, DRM, static contact resistance, coil current and
So far I have tested about 150 customer CBs in total on motor current.
site ranging from 12 to 420 kV. In addition I have done
quite a lot of tests in the EB Elektro workshop and with However, when you start testing bigger CBs you really
customers during the development of different trans- save a lot of time. If you have a CB type with indepen-
ducer applications. These were also several hundred dent pole operation, for example, you need to mea-
measurements. sure two interrupters per phase, three motions and
three dampings in the drive mechanism. This means six
What would you say is the best thing for you about travel parameters, three trip plus three close coil cur-
using CIBANO 500? rents, three motors of driving mechanisms and DRM in
One big inconvenience while testing with other CB six interrupters. For such a use case you need to use a
test systems are the time-consuming and failure-prone mobile personnel lift in order to connect your hard-
wiring setups which sometimes need to be changed ware and cables. This is really time consuming. With
several times between the different measurements. So CIBANO 500 you only need to do the wiring once. You
with CIBANO 500 OMICRON’s developers made sure connect to all three phases, you do all your tests and

to cut down the wiring effort to a minimum, which you remove the wiring again. With other equipment
greatly reduces the testing time and probability of you need to do the wiring twice or even three times.
measuring errors. I especially like this aspect of it very I would say you save 50 % of your time when you use
much, because it pays off every day of my working life. CIBANO 500 in such a case.

Can you somehow quantify the time-saving you Are there any general trends you see in circuit
have achieved by using CIBANO 500? breaker testing?
In order to respond to this correctly, I need to split up Looking into the future I am sure that we will see more
the answer. For the smaller breakers from 12 to 24 kV and more cost-effective maintenance based on condi-
you can save 20 to 30 % of time. Normally these break- tion monitoring as customers become more and more
ers are easily accessible and the wiring is no problem. critical of time-based maintenance.
In general you have a CB with ganged pole operation

  Magazine | Volume 6 Issue 2 2015

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