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The document discusses the user manual for the FloWEB Gas Flow Metering System, including technical specifications and safety warnings.

The document provides information on operating the FloWEB Gas Flow Metering System and its components.

The document mentions to wear an earthed wrist-strap when working on parts that could be damaged by static electricity and that the FloWEB is not ATEX approved and can only be used in safe areas.


Gas Flow Metering System

User Manual
Firmware version 10905
ModBus version R11

Edition Revision Date

2 4 05/11/2010
User Manual

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Pietro Fiorentini pursues a policy of continuous development and product improvement. The information
contained in this document is, therefore, subject to change without notice.

To the best of our knowledge, the information contained in this document is accurate. However, Pietro
Fiorentini cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies, or any losses incurred as result
of them.


Because Pietro Fiorentini is continuously improving its products,

some of the menus which appear on your instrument’s display may
not be exactly as illustrated and described in this manual. However,
because the menus are simple and intuitive, this should not cause any
major problems.

This manual is concurrent with embedded software version 10905

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Static precautions

Some parts of the instrument (such as circuit boards) may be damaged by static electricity.
Therefore, when carrying out any work which involves the risk of static damage to the instrument, the
instructions show the following notice:

While carrying out this procedure you must

wear an earthed wrist strap at all times to
protect the instrument against static shock.

At such times you must wear an earthed wrist-strap to protect the instrument.

Important Warnings!!

1. FloWEB is not ATEX approved and, therefore, can only

be used in officially designated safe (non-hazardous) areas.
2. All examples of connections in this manual are designed to be
attempted in a non-hazardous area.
3. Hazardous area considerations are outside the scope of this
manual. Always refer to installation documentation supplied by
the manufacturer for their instrumentation.

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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................8
1.1. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................8
1.1.1. Product Range..................................................................................................................................8
1.1.2. Product identification ........................................................................................................................8
1.2. REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................9
1.2.1. Hardware Configurations ..................................................................................................................9
1.2.2. Firmware Release.............................................................................................................................9
2. OPERATOR’S PANEL ..........................................................................................................................10
2.1. FRONT PANEL ..........................................................................................................................................10
2.1.1. LCD Display....................................................................................................................................10
2.1.2. Diagnostic LEDs .............................................................................................................................11
2.1.3. Operator Keypad ............................................................................................................................11
2.1.4. Ethernet Port...................................................................................................................................11
2.1.5. Programming button .......................................................................................................................11
2.1.6. Functional Keys ..............................................................................................................................11
2.1.7. Memory Card ..................................................................................................................................11
3. BACK PANEL........................................................................................................................................12
3.1. BACK PANEL TERMINATIONS.....................................................................................................................12
3.1.1. Terminal Identification.....................................................................................................................13
3.1.2. FloWEB configurations ...................................................................................................................13 FloWEB single stream .......................................................................................................................... 14 FloWEB two streams............................................................................................................................. 15 FloWEB single stream with Analogue Output option board .................................................................. 16 FloWEB two streams with Analogue Output option board .................................................................... 17 FloWEB two streams with Analogue Output and FieldBus option boards ............................................ 18
4. FLOWEB INPUT CONNECTIONS........................................................................................................19
4.1. OVERVIEW OF FLOWEB INPUTS ...............................................................................................................19
4.2. CHANNELS CONFIGURATION .....................................................................................................................19
4.2.1. Analogue Input Channels Assignments..........................................................................................21
4.3. CONNECTIONS TO FLOW METER ...............................................................................................................22
4.3.1. Turbine (pulses) Flow Meter Inputs ................................................................................................22
4.3.2. Ultrasonic (AGA 9) Flow Meter Inputs ............................................................................................23
4.3.3. Orifice Flow Meter Inputs................................................................................................................23
4.4. CONNECTIONS TO TEMPERATURE TRANSDUCERS .....................................................................................24
4.4.1. mA type Temperature Transmitter..................................................................................................24
4.4.2. RTD type Temperature Transducer................................................................................................24
4.5. CONNECTIONS TO PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS ...........................................................................................25
4.5.1. mA type Pressure Transmitter ........................................................................................................25
4.6. ANALOGUE INPUTS BOARD .......................................................................................................................26
4.7. DIGITAL INPUT CONNECTIONS ...................................................................................................................26
5. FLOWEB OUTPUT CONNECTIONS....................................................................................................27
5.1. OVERVIEW OF FLOWEB OUTPUTS ...........................................................................................................27
5.1.1. Digital/Pulse Outputs Connections .................................................................................................28
5.1.2. Analogue Outputs Connections ......................................................................................................29
5.2. POWER SUPPLY BOARD ...........................................................................................................................30

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5.3. ANALOGUE OUTPUTS BOARD....................................................................................................................31

6. FLOWEB INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................32
6.1. OVERVIEW ...............................................................................................................................................32
6.2. SAFE AND HAZARDOUS ZONES .................................................................................................................32
6.3. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................................32
6.3.1. Step 1: Drawing-up a wiring schedule ............................................................................................32
6.3.2. Step 2: Unpacking the FloWEB ......................................................................................................33
6.3.3. Step 3: Setting the DIP switches ....................................................................................................33
6.3.4. Step 4: Connecting back-up battery ...............................................................................................36
6.3.5. Step 5: Fitting the FloWEB .............................................................................................................37
6.3.6. Step 6: Making FloWEB external connection .................................................................................37
6.3.7. Step 7: Earthing FloWEB................................................................................................................38
6.3.8. Step 8: Connecting power supply ...................................................................................................38
6.4. FLOWEB MARKING AND SEALING .............................................................................................................39
7. FLOWEB USER INTERFACE...............................................................................................................46
7.1. MAIN PAGE ..............................................................................................................................................46
7.1.1. Display Contrast Control.................................................................................................................50
7.2. FLOWEB CONFIGURATION MENU .............................................................................................................51
7.2.1. Date & Time Setting........................................................................................................................52
7.2.2. Engineering Units Configuration .....................................................................................................53
7.2.3. System Configuration .....................................................................................................................54
7.2.4. Analogue Inputs Configuration .......................................................................................................56 Hart Inputs Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 58 Flow Meter Inputs Configuration ........................................................................................................... 59 Flow Meter Error Correction Configuration............................................................................................ 61
7.2.5. Analogues Outputs Configuration...................................................................................................63
7.2.6. Digital Outputs Configuration..........................................................................................................65
7.2.7. Calculations Settings Menu ............................................................................................................67 GAS Composition Menu........................................................................................................................ 68 Totals Counters page ............................................................................................................................ 71 References Settings .............................................................................................................................. 76 Orifice Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 77
7.2.8. Alarms Configuration ......................................................................................................................79
7.2.9. Utility Page......................................................................................................................................81 Virtual printer......................................................................................................................................... 81 Communication Port Configuration ....................................................................................................... 82 Redundancy Configuration.................................................................................................................... 90 Date & Time Settings ............................................................................................................................ 91 Users Login Passwords......................................................................................................................... 92 TCP/IP Network Configuration .............................................................................................................. 94 Log and Report ..................................................................................................................................... 95 Compact Flash Configuration.............................................................................................................. 102
7.3. VISUALIZATIONS MENU ...........................................................................................................................103
7.3.1. Diagnostic and Alarms..................................................................................................................103
7.3.2. Alarms Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................105
7.3.3. Event Register ..............................................................................................................................105
7.3.4. Alarm Register ..............................................................................................................................105
7.3.5. Users Login Passwords ................................................................................................................107
7.3.6. Totalizers page .............................................................................................................................107
7.3.7. Current GAS Composition ............................................................................................................108
7.3.8. Compact Flash..............................................................................................................................109
7.3.9. Instant Print...................................................................................................................................110

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7.3.10. On/Off Date & Time...................................................................................................................111

7.3.11. Ultrasonic information ...............................................................................................................111
7.4. MAINTENANCE SETTINGS MENU .............................................................................................................112
7.4.1. Users Login Passwords ................................................................................................................112
7.4.2. Compact Flash servicing ..............................................................................................................113
7.4.3. Test...............................................................................................................................................114
8. COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING...........................................................................................115
8.1. FLOWEB COMMUNICATION CAPABILITIES ...............................................................................................115
8.1.1. Comm #1 & Comm #2 connections and settings (CPU Board) ....................................................115
8.1.2. Comm #3 connection and setting (Auxiliary Board)......................................................................118
8.1.3. Comm #4 & Comm #5 connections and settings (Analogue Input board)....................................120
8.1.4. Ethernet Connection .....................................................................................................................122
8.1.5. CAN Bus Connection....................................................................................................................123
8.2. FLOWEB MODBUS COMMUNICATION......................................................................................................124
8.2.1. Supported Commands..................................................................................................................124
8.2.2. Register Addressing .....................................................................................................................124
8.2.3. Floating Point Numbers ................................................................................................................125
8.2.4. Connecting FloWEB to a RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 Link ...............................................................125
8.2.5. Connecting FloWEB to a TCP/IP network ....................................................................................128
9. HART, SMART AND FLOWEB ...........................................................................................................129
9.1. INTRODUCTION TO HART, SMART AND THE FLOWEB..............................................................................129
10. REDUNDANCY AND FLOWEB ..........................................................................................................131
10.1. INTRODUCTION TO HOT/STANDBY, REDUNDANCY AND THE FLOWEB....................................................131
10.2. REDUNDANT FLOWEB WIRING REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................132
11. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION .............................................................................................................134
11.1. ACQUISITION ......................................................................................................................................134
11.1.1. Alarms .......................................................................................................................................134
11.1.2. Turbine - Fidelity check .............................................................................................................134
11.2. CALCULATION.....................................................................................................................................134
11.2.1. Compressibility Gas Factor (Z) .................................................................................................134
11.2.2. Calculation of Relative density (Specific gravity) ......................................................................136
11.2.3. TURBINE configuration.............................................................................................................137 Correction of Flow Meter Error (Vc)..................................................................................................... 137 Volume at Base Conditions (Vb) ......................................................................................................... 138 Flow Rates (Q) .................................................................................................................................... 138
11.2.4. ORIFICE configuration ..............................................................................................................139 Flow Rate (Q) ...................................................................................................................................... 139
11.2.5. Mass Flow Rate (Qmb) .............................................................................................................139
11.2.6. Energy Flow Rate (Qeb) ...........................................................................................................140
11.3. COMMUNICATION ................................................................................................................................140
11.3.1. Serial Ports................................................................................................................................140
11.3.2. Ethernet Port .............................................................................................................................140
11.3.3. Communication Protocol ...........................................................................................................140
12. FLOWEB HTTP...................................................................................................................................141

13. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .........................................................................................................145

13.1. OVERALL SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................145
13.2. CPU BOARD .......................................................................................................................................145

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13.3. ANALOGUES INPUTS BOARD ................................................................................................................146

13.3.1. General Specification ................................................................................................................146
13.3.2. Analogues Inputs specifications................................................................................................146
13.3.3. Digital Inputs Specifications ......................................................................................................147
13.4. ANALOGUES OUTPUTS BOARD ............................................................................................................148
13.4.1. General Specifications ..............................................................................................................148
13.4.2. Outputs Specifications ..............................................................................................................148
13.5. DIGITAL OUTPUTS (ON POWER SUPPLY BOARD) ..................................................................................148
13.5.1. Mos-switches Digital outputs.....................................................................................................148
13.5.2. PSU Status Relays....................................................................................................................148
13.6. COMMUNICATION INTERFACES ............................................................................................................148
13.6.1. CPU Board ................................................................................................................................148
13.6.2. Auxiliary Board ..........................................................................................................................148
13.6.3. Analogues Inputs Board............................................................................................................149
13.6.4. Serial ports Specifications.........................................................................................................149
APPENDIX A BLANK WIRING SCHEDULE .............................................................................................150

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1. Introduction

1.1. Background

FloWEB is designed to meet the demand for a reliable, versatile, flexible, user friendly and cost effective
instrument for natural gas metering.
FloWEB can be used in addition to Turbine, Orifice and Ultrasonic flow meter with no hardware specialization.
This document provides information on installation, principal of operation, user interface and hardware
configuration, to support proper setup and use of FloWEB product.

1.1.1. Product Range

FloWEB flow computer can be shipped in different hardware configurations, according to the type and number
of boards installed in the system bus.
The following table provides the list of available configurations and related product codes.

Part Number Description

3480410 Single stream configuration, no analogue outputs
3480411 Single stream configuration with analogue outputs board
3480412 Two stream configuration, no analogue outputs
3480413 Two stream configuration with analogue outputs board

1.1.2. Product identification

FloWEB configuration can be easily identified by checking the label on the right side of the instrument (see Fig.
1-1); please note that thanks to the modularity of hardware and firmware configuration initial set-up can be
upgraded by simply adding the required board in any moment.

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Part Number

Figure 1-1: FloWEB part number identification (side view)

1.2. References

1.2.1. Hardware Configurations

The present document referee to FloWEB part numbers as reported at section 1.1.1; please contact your
product dealer for information on different codes.

1.2.2. Firmware Release

The software version dealt in this manual is given at Chapter 7.1 tells how to find out what software is installed
in the instrument.

Further software upgrades may affect the content of the present manual; please, be sure that the manual
software version be aligned to the product software release installed.

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2. Operator’s Panel

2.1. Front Panel

FloWEB front panel is shown in Fig. 2-1 below. It’s used to display and enter all data. All data can also be
accessed via any of the serial ports or with a browser via Ethernet port.

2.1.1. LCD Display

FloWEB use a graphic back-lit Liquid Crystal TFT Display with ¼ VGA 320 x 240 pixel resolution. Back lighting
and viewing angle are adjustable using the ⇒ key to increase and ⇐ key to decrease when in the Main Page

Diagnostic LEDs LCD Display Keypad

Ethernet Port Programming Button Functional Keys Memory Card

Figure 2-1: FloWEB Front Panel

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2.1.2. Diagnostic LEDs

Six diagnostic LEDs are located in the left side of the front panel. LEDs meaning are the followings:

• ON : glow green when Power Supply is present;

• WD : flash red when Watch Dog is triggered (FloWEB fault): during normal operation it’s off;
• ALM : glow red when the real time diagnostic routine find a faulty condition;
• CFG : glow yellow when the programming button is pressed to enter Configuration mode;
• ERX : glow yellow whenever some activity is present on Ethernet port;
• LNK : glow green when Ethernet connection is established.

2.1.3. Operator Keypad

Control of the FloWEB is via a 24-button membrane keypad with tactile and audio feedback; on the right side
are located 10 numeric and 8 fixed function keys, while on the bottom are located 6 menu driven function keys.
Through the keypad the User has the capability to configure FloWEB, access and modify calibration data and
view process data.

2.1.4. Ethernet Port

On left side a RJ45 connector can be used for Ethernet connection of a Laptop PC with a Web Browser
interface or to a TCP/IP ModBus network. FloWEB has an integrated WEB Server with HTML pages inside.

2.1.5. Programming button

The programming button is located behind the metrological sealed screw on the front panel lower left corner.
Whenever any parameter affecting custody transfer has to be changed, the operator has to remove the screw
and push the programming button; otherwise no change will take place. When programming button is pressed,
CFG LED will light; after 3 minutes without any change to parameters, programming button action will expire.

2.1.6. Functional Keys

In the lower part of the front panel, under the display, there are 6 function keys, F1 to F6; the function of these
keys changes according the menu. In the last row of the display a label indicate the function of each key.

2.1.7. Memory Card

Removing the two screws of the panel in the right side of the front panel, it’s possible to access the memory
card used to store all the logs, alarm and report generated by FloWEB.

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3. Back Panel

3.1. Back Panel Terminations

Figure 3-1 below shows FloWEB Back Panel. Seven slots are available for various board types.
Board positions in the back panel are fixed.

ID Board Type Function
1 Power Supply Power supply board, provides internal supply and auxiliary output for sensors
2 Field Bus Field Bus Interface (future)
3 Analogue Output Six output 4-20mA current Output
4 Analogue Input #2 Six analogue input: 4-20mA / 1-5V /Hart / RTD and Digital Counter/Comm Port #5
Input board – Stream #2
5 Analogue Input #1 Six analogue input: 4-20mA / 1-5V Hart / RTD and Digital Counter/Comm Port #4
Input board – Stream #1
6 CPU Main Processor Unit, Comm Port #1 & #2
7 Auxiliary Auxiliary board, Comm Port #3 and Ethernet front panel connection remainder

Each board has one or two removable terminals block for field signal and power connections.

Power Analogue Analogue Analogue

FieldBus CPU Auxiliary
Supply Output Input #2 Input #1

Board Fixing

FUSE Ethernet

Terminal Ethernet Port

Figure 3-1: FloWEB Back Panel

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3.1.1. Terminal Identification

Each terminal is identified with a letter and a number from A1 to A16 and B1 to B16.
For board with single terminals block the terminal are identified with A1..A16.
(FieldBus board has four terminals only).

Terminals Block Left Side Terminals Block Right Side

A1 B1

A4/12/14/16 B14/16

3.1.2. FloWEB configurations

FloWEB is a modular flow computer and according to the type of boards inserted in the system bus it’s
possible to adapt to different metering needs. Some boards form FloWEB basis and are always present in the
system; these boards are: Power Supply board, CPU board, Auxiliary board and Analogue Input #1 board.
Other boards, Analogue Input #2, Analogue Output and FieldBus, are options.

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FloWEB_UM_UNICIG_R24 ENG.doc Page 14 di 14 FloWEB single stream

In Table 3-1 are shown back panel terminations for a single stream configuration instrument.

Pin Power Supply Analogue Input #1 CPU Auxiliary

1 Relay 2 Relay 1 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Common Common Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX
2 Relay 2 Relay 1 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Open Open Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX
3 Relay 2 Relay 1 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Close Close Common Common Common Common Common
4 N/C N/C Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS
5 Digital Digital Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Out1 Out5 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS
6 Digital Digital Input #1 Input #2 Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out2 Out6 +24V Out +24V Out Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs485/422 TX+
7 Digital Digital Input #1 In+ Input #2 In+ Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out3 Out7 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs485/422 TX-
8 Digital Digital Input #1 In- Input #2 In- Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out4 Out8 Common Common Common
9 Digital Out Digital Out Input #3 Input #4 Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Common Common +24V Out +24V Out Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs485/422 RX+
10 +24V Out N/C Input #3 In+ Input #4 In+ Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs485/422 RX-
11 +24V Gnd UPS Low Input #3 In- Input #4 In- CanBus H CanBus H N/C
Batt Input
12 N/C UPS Input #5 Input #6 CanBus L CanBus L N/C
Power +24V Out PT100
Fail Input Supply +
13 Power UPS Fail Input #5 In+ Input #6 CanBus CanBus N/C
Supply PT100 In+ Common Common
Input +
14 Power UPS Input #5 In- Input #6 N/C N/C N/C
Supply Common PT100 In-
15 Input #7 In+ Input #6
Supply -
16 Input #7 In- +24V Out

Table 3-1: Single stream configuration.

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In Table 3-2 are shown back panel terminations for a two stream configuration instrument.

Pin Power Supply Analogue Input #2 Analogue Input #1 CPU Auxiliary

1 Relay 2 Relay 1 Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Common Common Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX
2 Relay 2 Relay 1 Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Open Open Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX
3 Relay 2 Relay 1 Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Close Close Common Common Common Common Common Common Common
4 N/C N/C Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS
5 Digital Digital Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Out1 Out5 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS
6 Digital Digital Input #1 Input #2 Input #1 Input #2 Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out2 Out6 +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs485/422 TX+
7 Digital Digital Input #1 In+ Input #2 In+ Input #1 In+ Input #2 In+ Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out3 Out7 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs485/422 TX-
8 Digital Digital Input #1 In- Input #2 In- Input #1 In- Input #2 In- Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out4 Out8 Common Common Common
9 Digital Out Digital Out Input #3 Input #4 Input #3 Input #4 Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Common Common +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs485/422 RX+
10 +24V Out N/C Input #3 In+ Input #4 In+ Input #3 In+ Input #4 In+ Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs485/422 RX-
11 +24V Gnd UPS Low Input #3 In- Input #4 In- Input #3 In- Input #4 In- CanBus H CanBus H N/C
Batt Input
12 N/C UPS Input #5 Input #6 Input #5 Input #6 CanBus L CanBus L N/C
Power +24V Out PT100 +24V Out PT100
Fail Input Supply + Supply +
13 Power UPS Fail Input #5 In+ Input #6 Input #5 In+ Input #6 CanBus CanBus N/C
Supply PT100 In+ PT100 In+ Common Common
Input +
14 Power UPS Input #5 In- Input #6 Input #5 In- Input #6 N/C N/C N/C
Supply Common PT100 In- PT100 In-
15 Input #7 In+ Input #6 Input #7 In+ Input #6
PT100 PT100
Supply - Supply -
16 Input #7 In- +24V Out Input #7 In- +24V Out

Table 3-2: Two streams configuration.

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In Table 3-3 are shown back panel terminations for a single stream configuration with Analogue Output option

Pin Power Supply Analogue Output Analogue Input #1 CPU Auxiliary

1 Relay 2 Relay 1 Analog Out 1+ Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Common Common Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX
2 Relay 2 Relay 1 Analog Out 1- Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Open Open Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX
3 Relay 2 Relay 1 Analog Out 2+ Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Close Close Common Common Common Common Common
4 N/C N/C Analog Out 2- Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS
5 Digital Digital Analog Out 3+ Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Out1 Out5 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS
6 Digital Digital Analog Out 3- Input #1 Input #2 Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out2 Out6 +24V Out +24V Out Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs485/422 TX+
7 Digital Digital Analog Out 4+ Input #1 In+ Input #2 In+ Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out3 Out7 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs485/422 TX-
8 Digital Digital Analog Out 4- Input #1 In- Input #2 In- Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out4 Out8 Common Common Common
9 Digital Out Digital Out Analog Out 5+ Input #3 Input #4 Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Common Common +24V Out +24V Out Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs485/422 RX+
10 +24V Out N/C Analog Out 5- Input #3 In+ Input #4 In+ Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs485/422 RX-
11 +24V Gnd UPS Low Analog Out 6+ Input #3 In- Input #4 In- CanBus H CanBus H N/C
Batt Input
12 N/C UPS Analog Out 6- Input #5 Input #6 CanBus L CanBus L N/C
Power +24V Out PT100
Fail Input Supply +
13 Power UPS Fail +24V Out Input #5 In+ Input #6 CanBus CanBus N/C
Supply PT100 In+ Common Common
Input +
14 Power UPS +24V Gnd Input #5 In- Input #6 N/C N/C N/C
Supply Common PT100 In-
15 Input #7 In+ Input #6
Supply -
16 Input #7 In- +24V Out

Table 3-3: Single stream with Analogue Output option board configuration.

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In Table 3-4 are shown back panel terminations for a two stream configuration with Analogue Output option

Pin Power Supply Analogue Analogue Input #2 Analogue Input #1 CPU Auxiliary
1 Relay 2 Relay 1 Analog Out 1+ Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Common Common Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX
2 Relay 2 Relay 1 Analog Out 1- Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Open Open Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX
3 Relay 2 Relay 1 Analog Out 2+ Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Close Close Common Common Common Common Common Common Common
4 N/C N/C Analog Out 2- Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS
5 Digital Digital Analog Out 3+ Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Out1 Out5 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS
6 Digital Digital Analog Out 3- Input #1 Input #2 Input #1 Input #2 Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out2 Out6 +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs485/422 TX+
7 Digital Digital Analog Out 4+ Input #1 In+ Input #2 In+ Input #1 In+ Input #2 In+ Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out3 Out7 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs485/422 TX-
8 Digital Digital Analog Out 4- Input #1 In- Input #2 In- Input #1 In- Input #2 In- Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out4 Out8 Common Common Common
9 Digital Out Digital Out Analog Out 5+ Input #3 Input #4 Input #3 Input #4 Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Common Common +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs485/422 RX+
10 +24V Out N/C Analog Out 5- Input #3 In+ Input #4 In+ Input #3 In+ Input #4 In+ Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs485/422 RX-
11 +24V Gnd UPS Low Analog Out 6+ Input #3 In- Input #4 In- Input #3 In- Input #4 In- CanBus H CanBus H N/C
Batt Input
12 N/C UPS Analog Out 6- Input #5 Input #6 Input #5 Input #6 CanBus L CanBus L N/C
Power +24V Out PT100 +24V Out PT100
Fail Input Supply + Supply +
13 Power UPS Fail +24V Out Input #5 In+ Input #6 Input #5 In+ Input #6 CanBus CanBus N/C
Supply PT100 In+ PT100 In+ Common Common
Input +
14 Power UPS +24V Gnd Input #5 In- Input #6 Input #5 In- Input #6 N/C N/C N/C
Supply Common PT100 In- PT100 In-
15 Input #7 In+ Input #6 Input #7 In+ Input #6
PT100 PT100
Supply - Supply -
16 Input #7 In- +24V Out Input #7 In- +24V Out

Table 3-4: Two streams with Analogue Output option board configuration.

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In Table 3-5 are shown back panel terminations for a two stream configuration with Analogue Output and
FieldBus option boards.

Pin Power Supply FieldBus Analogue Analogue Input #2 Analogue Input #1 CPU Auxiliary
1 Relay 2 Relay 1 FieldBus + Analog Out 1+ Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Common Common Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs232 TX
2 Relay 2 Relay 1 FieldBus - Analog Out 1- Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Open Open Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs232 RX
3 Relay 2 Relay 1 FieldBus Analog Out 2+ Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Close Close Sch Common Common Common Common Common Common Common
4 N/C N/C N/C Analog Out 2- Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs232 RTS
5 Digital Digital Analog Out 3+ Comm #5 Comm #5 Comm #4 Comm #4 Comm #1 Comm #1 Comm #3
Out1 Out5 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs232 CTS
6 Digital Digital Analog Out 3- Input #1 Input #2 Input #1 Input #2 Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out2 Out6 +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out Rs232 TX Rs485/422 Rs485/422 TX+
7 Digital Digital Analog Out 4+ Input #1 In+ Input #2 In+ Input #1 In+ Input #2 In+ Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out3 Out7 Rs232 RX Rs485/422 Rs485/422 TX-
8 Digital Digital Analog Out 4- Input #1 In- Input #2 In- Input #1 In- Input #2 In- Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Out4 Out8 Common Common Common
9 Digital Out Digital Out Analog Out 5+ Input #3 Input #4 Input #3 Input #4 Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Common Common +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out +24V Out Rs232 RTS Rs485/422 Rs485/422 RX+
10 +24V Out N/C Analog Out 5- Input #3 In+ Input #4 In+ Input #3 In+ Input #4 In+ Comm #2 Comm #2 Comm #3
Rs232 CTS Rs485/422 Rs485/422 RX-
11 +24V Gnd UPS Low Analog Out 6+ Input #3 In- Input #4 In- Input #3 In- Input #4 In- CanBus H CanBus H N/C
Batt Input
12 N/C UPS Analog Out 6- Input #5 Input #6 Input #5 Input #6 CanBus L CanBus L N/C
Power +24V Out PT100 +24V Out PT100
Fail Input Supply + Supply +
13 Power UPS Fail +24V Out Input #5 In+ Input #6 Input #5 In+ Input #6 CanBus CanBus N/C
Supply PT100 In+ PT100 In+ Common Common
Input +
14 Power UPS +24V Gnd Input #5 In- Input #6 Input #5 In- Input #6 N/C N/C N/C
Supply Common PT100 In- PT100 In-
15 Input #7 In+ Input #6 Input #7 In+ Input #6
PT100 PT100
Supply - Supply -
16 Input #7 In- +24V Out Input #7 In- +24V Out

Table 3-5: Two streams with Analogue Output and FieldBus option boards configuration.

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4. FloWEB Input Connections

4.1. Overview of FloWEB Inputs

This section features connections with external devices that provide only input signals to the FloWEB.

Use the following list to quickly locate the section of interest:

• 4.2 Channel configuration : page 19

• 4.3 Connection to Flow Meters : page 22
• 4.4 Connection to Temperature Transducers : page 24
• 4.5 Connection to Pressure Transducers : page 25
• 4.6 Digital Input connections : page 26

4.2. Channels Configuration

Each Analogue Input board has 7 input channels; channel IN1 to lN5 need hardware configuration to set input
mode type. Channel IN6 and IN7 are specialized inputs: Channel IN6 is for 4 wires RTD temperature sensor
(PT100) while IN7 will be used for future purposes. Software configurations are also required to complete input
configurations (see Chapter 7). There are three dip switches located on the Input Board for channel
configuration: SW1, SW2 and SW3 (see Fig. 4-1). Set the switches according to Table 4-1.

Input Type SW1 SW2 SW3

Input #
Dip switch # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
IN1 4-20 mA ● ○ ● ○
1-5V ○ ● ○ ○
4-20mA + Hart ● ○ ● ●
IN2 4-20mA ● ○ ●
1-5V ○ ● ○
IN3 4-20mA ● ○ ● ○
1-5V ○ ● ○ ○
Flow meter (Pulse) ○ ○ ○ ●
IN4 4-20mA ● ○ ● ○
1-5V ○ ● ○ ○
Flow meter (Pulse) ○ ○ ○ ●
IN5 4-20mA ● ○ ●
1-5V ○ ● ○
● = ON, ○ = OFF, (void) = don’t care

Table 4-1 – Analogue Input type Dip-switches settings

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123456 123456

3 SW1 SW2 SW3

Figure 4-1 – Analogue Input Board Dip-switches location

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4.2.1. Analogue Input Channels Assignments

Some analogue input channels (AI) are related with specific sensor type depending on FloWEB selected
The table below shows channel number assignments for connection of specific transmitters:

• Turbine Configuration: Pressure, Temperature (transmitter or sensor), Flow Meter

• Orifice Configuration: Pressure, Temperature (transmitter or sensor), Differential Pressure,

Configuration Input Type Sensor Type
Pressure Transmitter (P) 1 Current Loop, Voltage, Hart
Temperature Transmitter (T) 2 (*) Current Loop, Voltage
Turbine Flow Meter pick-up #1 3 Dry contact, Namur
Flow Meter pick-up #2 4 (**) Dry contact, Namur
Temperature Sensor (T) 6 (*) PRT (PT100)
Pressure Transmitter (P) 1 Current Loop, Voltage, Hart
Temperature Transmitter (T) 2 (*) Current Loop, Voltage
Differential Pressure # Cells Used
(***) 1 2 3
DP Low (DP1) X 3 Current Loop, Voltage
DP Medium (DP2) X X 4 Current Loop, Voltage
DP High (DP3) X X X 5 Current Loop, Voltage
Temperature Sensor
6 (*) PRT (PT100)

(*) Ch. #2 is for connection of Temperature Transmitter; Ch #6 is for connection of PT100 sensor.
(see §4.4 for details)
(**) Refer to § for details on the use of double pick-ups.
(***) Refer to §7.2.2 for details on the number of Differential Pressure Cells used.

Table 4-2: Analog Input Channels assignment

When digital (HART) transmitters are used, these all have to be connected to channel #1.

Warning!! Connecting up “SMART” transducers has to be done with great care. Powering-up more than
one point-to-point configured transmitter on a HART network loop can produce an electrical
current (20mA per transmitter) that can damage the FloWEB Analogue Inputs board.

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4.3. Connections to Flow Meter

Support is provided for wiring up to 2 (pulse) outputs from Flow Meter to each Analogue board of FloWEB.

4.3.1. Turbine (pulses) Flow Meter Inputs

FloWEB can accept either single or dual pulse signal trains from the flow meter. There are ± signal pins for
each pulse trains. Input channel 3 and 4 of each analog input board can be independently jumpered to accept
pulse flow meters (set SW2 on flow meter position). No hardware setting is necessary to interface low
frequency (LF) or high frequency (HF) flow meters. Reed, open collector and Namur type are accepted.
When Flow meters need power supply it can be powered by the on board isolated power supply pin (+24V).

back panel


Common Reed/Open Collector/Namur output Flow Meter

Figure 4-2: Turbine Meter wiring connection


When interfacing Transmitters/Instruments in Hazardous Area, ATEX Safety Barrier or explosion proof
installation MUST be used

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4.3.2. Ultrasonic (AGA 9) Flow Meter Inputs

FloWEB can accept single pulse signal train from ultrasonic flow meter.

back panel


Common Ultrasonic Pulse Output Flow Meter

Figure 4-3: Ultrasonic (pulse) Meter wiring connection


When interfacing Transmitters/Instruments in Hazardous Area, ATEX Safety Barrier or explosion proof
installation MUST be used

4.3.3. Orifice Flow Meter Inputs

Up to 3 loop powered differential pressure cells can be used to interface orifice plate flow meters.
Refer to Table 4-2 for the input channel assignment in case of 1-3 differential pressure transducers use.

Transmitter can be wired in loop mode with power supply feed by FloWEB or from an external source. When
transmitters are powered by FloWEB the power supply voltage is 24V +/-5% isolated. Input channels can be
configured for 4-20mA or 1-5V signal. If digital (HART) transmitters are used, these have to be connected to
channel #1.

Figure 4-4: Passive Mode (Transmitter power supply feed by FloWEB)

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Figure 4-5: Active Mode (External Transmitter power supply)


When interfacing Transmitters/Instruments in Hazardous Area, ATEX Safety Barrier or explosion proof
installation MUST be used

4.4. Connections to Temperature Transducers

4.4.1. mA type Temperature Transmitter

Loop powered temperature transmitter has to be connected to Input Channel #2.

Transmitter can be wired in loop mode with power supply feed by FloWEB or from an external source. When
transmitters are powered by FloWEB the power supply voltage is 24V +/-5% isolated. Input channels can be
configured for 4-20mA or 1-5V signal. For connection details refer to Fig. 4-4 and Fig. 4-5. If digital (HART)
transmitter is used, this has to be connected to channel #1.

According to the 2004/22/CE-MID (Measuring Instruments Directive) regarding measuring instruments, for
areas where enforceable, the MID homologation foresees the employment of the following temperature

 Temperature transmitter 3144P Emerson-Rosemount

In other countries, where MID is not enforceable, an equivalent temperature transmitter can be installed.

4.4.2. RTD type Temperature Transducer

RTD type temperature transducer has to be connected to Input Channel #6. For connection details refer to Fig.
4-6. The energization current used is 1 mA (typical).

Figure 4-6: RTD Transducer wiring connection.

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When interfacing Transmitters/Instruments in Hazardous Area, ATEX Safety Barrier or explosion proof
installation MUST be used

According to the 2004/22/CE-MID (Measuring Instruments Directive) regarding measuring instruments, for
areas where enforceable, the MID homologation foresees the employment of one of the following Platinum
Temperature Transducer (RTD PT100):

 Pt100 Master
 Pt100 Corai
 Pt100 Westeam

In other countries, where MID is not enforceable, an equivalent Platinum Temperature Transducer can be

4.5. Connections to Pressure Transducers

4.5.1. mA type Pressure Transmitter

Loop powered pressure transmitter has to be connected to Input Channel #1.

Transmitter can be wired in loop mode with power supply feed by FloWEB or from an external source. When
transmitters are powered by FloWEB the power supply voltage is 24V +/-5% isolated. Input channels can be
configured for 4-20mA or 1-5V signal. For connection details refer to Fig. 4-4 and Fig. 4-5. If digital (HART)
transmitter is used, this has to be connected to channel #1.

According to the 2004/22/CE-MID (Measuring Instruments Directive) regarding measuring instruments, for
areas where enforceable, the MID homologation foresees the employment of one of the following Pressure

 Pressure Transmitter 3051 CA2/CA3/CA4 Emerson Rosemount

 Pressure Transmitter 3051 TA2/TA3/TA4 Emerson Rosemount

In other countries, where MID is not enforceable, an equivalent Platinum Temperature Transmitter can be

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4.6. Analogue Inputs Board

Table 4-3 list all the connections to the Analogue Inputs Board (Part Number: SK0707T07M01).

Term# Name Function I/O Term# Name Function I/O

A1 TXD Comm #4 RS232 TX O B1 RTX+ Comm #4 RS485/422 TX+ I/O
A2 RXD Comm #4 RS232 RX I B2 RTX- Comm #4 RS485/422 TX- I/O
A3 COMS Comm #4 Common B3 COMS Comm #4 Common
A4 RTS Comm #4 RS232 RTS O B4 RX+ Comm #4 RS485/422 RX+ I
A5 CTS Comm #4 RS232 CTS I B5 RX- Comm #4 RS485/422 RX- I
A6 IN1P Input #1 +24V Out O B6 INP2 Input #2 +24V Out O
A7 IN1+ Input #1 In+ I B7 INP2+ Input #2 In+ I
A8 IN1- Input #1 In- I B8 INP2- Input #2 In- I
A9 IN3P Input #3 +24V Out O B9 IN4P Input #4 +24V Out O
A10 IN3+ Input #3 In+ I B10 IN4+ Input #4 In+ I
A11 IN3- Input #3 In- I B11 IN4- Input #4 In- I
A12 IN5P Input #5 +24V Out O B12 PTF+ Input #6 PT100 Supply + (O)
A13 IN5+ Input #5 In+ I B13 PT+ Input #6 PT100 In+ I
A14 IN5- Input #5 In- I B14 PT- Input #6 PT100 In- I
A15 IN7+ Input #7 In+ I B15 PTF- Input #6 PT100 Supply - (O)
A16 IN7- Input #7 In- I B16 P24 +24V Out O

Table 4-3: Analog Input Board connections list.

4.7. Digital Input Connections

The FloWEB Power Supply board has 3 digital inputs for optional UPS module status control. Such inputs can
be connected to free voltage contact or open collector, for remote alarming and/or local action through Relay 1.
When no external UPS is used, these digital inputs should be wired (“closed”) to common terminal in order to
avoid false alarm indications in corresponding ModBus COIL registers and activation of Relay 1 relay.
Should they remain open by chance, however, there is no influence on flow meter functions and/or

Term# Name Function

B11 Low Batt normally closed, open when UPS battery is low
B12 Pwr Fail normally closed, open when power to UPS fail
B13 UPS failure normally closed, open when UPS fail
B14l Common 0V UPS common return terminal

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5. FloWEB Output Connections

5.1. Overview of FloWEB Outputs

This section features connections with external devices that take signals from FloWEB.

Use the following list to quickly locate the section of interest:

• 5.1.1 Digital/Pulse Outputs connections : page 28

• 5.1.2 Analogue Outputs connections : page 29

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5.1.1. Digital/Pulse Outputs Connections

On the Power Supply board are available 2 Digital Outputs, Relay type, with 2 contacts and 8 Digital Outputs,
Solid State type, with single contact.
The 2 relay outputs have maximum contact ratings of 120 Vac/30 Vdc @ 1 A.
The 8 solid state outputs have a maximum contact rating of 60 V @ 0,5 A.
Solid state Digital Outputs can be configured by the Operator from the menu; all such outputs can be
configured as Pulse Outputs or Digital Outputs (see § for details on configuration).

The Relays’ coils are kept energized in the normal (not alarmed) state, which is therefore called the INACTIVE
As a consequence of that, any electric fault condition results in the contacts going in the “alarm” position, which
is called the ACTIVE state even if in such state the relays’ coils are de-energized.
This means that a board which is not powered has both Relays contacts in the so-called ACTIVE position!

Relay Output #1 is activated if is active the UPS Low Battery digital input (when used, or LB input hasn’t been
wired while not used) and/or the FloWEB power supply voltage is under 19 Volts.

Relay Output #2 starts at the Inactive state, then goes in the Active state when the firmware has been loaded
and has finished starting checks. It is inactivated again when FloWEB CPU board is in a fault condition leading
to reset, preventing the CPU firmware from keeping the CPU OK signal present.

RL1: Active (NC) if Low Input Voltage OR UPS Low Batt detect
(Inactive position shown)

RL2: Active (NC) if main processor and application are running
(Active position shown)

Figure 5-1: Relay Outputs connection

DOCA/B DOX=Output 1 to 4 DOCA = Common for DO1 to DO4

DOY=Output 5 to 8 DOCB = Common for DO5 to DO8
(Deactivate position shown)
Mos Relay

Figure 5-2: Solid State Outputs wiring connection (MOS)

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5.1.2. Analogue Outputs Connections

With the optional output board there are 6 Analogue Outputs of 4-20 mA type. All outputs can be configured by
the Operator from the menu.
The external load can be referred either to the internal, or an external, power supply or can be referred to
internal 0 V reference.
Fig. 5-3 shows the recommended method for wiring up one analogue output in both situations.

Load referred to Power Supply (+24V Out) Load referred to Ground (+24V Gnd)

Figure 5-3: Analogues Outputs wiring connections

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5.2. Power Supply Board

Table 5-1 lists all the connections to the Power Supply Board (Part Number: SK0707T06M01).

Term # Name Function I/O Term# Name Function I/O

A1 RL2C Relays 2 Common O B1 RL1C Relays 1 Common O
A2 RL2NO Relays 2 Open O B2 RL1NO Relays 1 Open O
A3 RL2NC Relays 2 Close O B3 RL1NC Relays 1 Close O
A4 N/C N/C B4 N/C N/C
A5 DO1 Digital Out 1 O B5 DO5 Digital Out 5 O
A6 DO2 Digital Out 2 O B6 DO6 Digital Out 6 O
A7 DO3 Digital Out 3 O B7 DO7 Digital Out 7 O
A8 DO4 Digital Out 4 O B8 DO8 Digital Out 8 O
A9 DOCA Digital Out Common O B9 DOCB Digital Out Common O
A10 +24VOut 24V Out O B10 N/C N/C
A11 +24VGnd 24V Out O B11 LB UPS Low Batt Input I
A12 N/C N/C B12 PF UPS Power Fail Input I
A13 VS+ Power Supply Input+ I B13 UPSKO UPS Fail I
A14 VS- Power Supply Gnd I B14 COM UPS Common I

Table 5-1: Power Supply Board connections list

The isolated 24V power supply available on terminals A10 and A11 has a maximum rating of 24V +/-5% @
600mA; it can be used for external instruments power supply or digital outputs energization.

Power Supply Input Voltage for FloWEB power supply is any DC external source with at least 18-36Vdc @ 2A.
FloWEB is fuse protected (3.15AT / 250V glass 5x20mm); the fuse can be accessed from the back panel on
the power supply board.

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5.3. Analogue Outputs Board

Table 5-2 lists all the connections to the Analogues Outputs Board (Part Number: SK0707T08M01).

Term # Name Function I/O

A1 AO1+ Analogue Output 1+ O
A2 AO1- Analogue Output 1- O
A3 AO2+ Analogue Output 2- O
A4 AO2- Analogue Output 2+ O
A5 AO3+ Analogue Output 3- O
A6 AO3- Analogue Output 3- O
A7 AO4+ Analogue Output 4+ O
A8 AO4- Analogue Output 4- O
A9 AO5+ Analogue Output 5+ O
A10 AO5- Analogue Output 5- O
A11 AO6+ Analogue Output 6+ O
A12 AO6- Analogue Output 6- O
A13 +24Vout 24V Out O
A14 +24VGnd 24V Gnd O

Table 5-2: Analogue Outputs Board connections list

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6. FloWEB installation

6.1. Overview

This chapter will explain FloWEB installation best sequence; it doesn’t go into detail about how to install any
peripheral devices (such as transducers, analysis instruments or computer), which are connected to the
FloWEB. For this information please refer to the documentation supplied with these items.

6.2. Safe and Hazardous Zones

FloWEB must be installed in a Safe zone; that means that it cannot be installed in an area where there is the
risk of fire or explosion (hazardous zone, which is almost always the case when gases are involved). When
FloWEB have to be connected to transducers or instruments that are installed in an hazardous area then
safety barriers (ATEX approved) usually have to be wired into the circuit. However some instruments or
installations are explosion-proof and barriers aren’t, therefore, needed.

Always follow the manufacturers instructions and safety recommendations fully.

6.3. Installation procedure

For FloWEB installation refer to the following procedure:

Step 1: draw a wiring schedule

Step 2: unpack the FloWEB
Step 3: set the DIP switches
Step 4: connect back-up battery
Step 5: fit the FloWEB
Step 6: make all external connections
Step 7: earth the installation
Step 8: connect power supply

The following sections will explain the steps in the procedure.

6.3.1. Step 1: Drawing-up a wiring schedule

Before starting to make any connection to the FloWEB we suggest to draw-up a wiring schedule to help the
wiring colors and terminal connections identification.

In Appendix A a blank wiring schedule is supplied.

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6.3.2. Step 2: Unpacking the FloWEB

Remove the FloWEB from its packing and check, with the help of Table 6-1, that all items on the shipping list
are present or to see if any items are loose or if it is been damaged in the shipment. If any items are missing or
if the FloWEB is damaged, contact Pietro Fiorentini for further advice.

Item Quantity
FloWEB 1
User Manual 1
Panel mounting bracket 4
3.15AT fuse (this is a spare) 1

Table 6-1: Shipping list

6.3.3. Step 3: Setting the DIP switches

FloWEB has 3 blocks of DIP switches on each Analogue Input Board, as shown in Fig. 6-1, for Input type

• SW1 switches: select whether Input #1 and Input #2 is 4-20 mA or 1-5 V

• SW2 switches: select whether Input #3 and Input #4 is 4-20 mA or 1-5 V
• SW3 switches: select whether Input #5 is 4-20 mA or 1-5 V, or Input #1 is HART, or Input #3 and
Input #4 are Flow Meter

FloWEB has 2 block of DIP switches on each Analogue Input Board, as shown in Fig. 6-1, for serial Comm
Port type selection (Comm #4 on Analogue Input board #1, Comm #5 on Analogue Input board #2):

• SW4 switches: select whether Comm #4 or #5 is RS232/422/485

• SW5 switches: select whether Comm #4 or #5 is terminated/biased in RS422/485 configuration

FloWEB is supplied with the DIP switches in these default setting:

• Input #1, #2, #4 and #5 : 4-20 mA

• Input #3 : Flow Meter
• Comm #4 or #5 : RS232

If any change to these DIP switches setting is necessary, please refer to §8 for Comm Ports settings and to
§4.2 for channels configuration.

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123456 123456

3 SW1 SW2 SW3

Figure 6-1: Analogue Input board Dip switches location

FloWEB has 4 blocks of DIP switches on CPU Board, as shown in Fig. 6-2, for serial Comm Port type selection
(Comm #1 and Comm #2):

• SW1 switches: select whether Comm #1 is RS232/422/485

• SW2 switches: select whether Comm #1 is terminated/biased in RS422/485 configuration
• SW3 switches: select whether Comm #2 is RS232/422/485
• SW4 switches: select whether Comm #2 is terminated/biased in RS422/485 configuration

FloWEB is supplied with the DIP switches in these default setting:

• Comm #1 and #2 : RS232

If any change to these DIP switches setting is necessary, please refer to §8.

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123456 123456
123456 123456
JP3 JP24

Figure 6-2: CPU board Dip switches location

FloWEB has 2 blocks of DIP switches on Auxiliary Board, as shown in Fig. 6-3, for serial Comm Port type
selection (Comm #3):

• SW1 switches: select whether Comm #3 is RS232/422/485

• SW2 switches: select whether Comm #3 is terminated/biased in RS422/485 configuration

FloWEB is supplied with the DIP switches in these default setting:

• Comm #3 : RS232

If any change to these DIP switches setting is necessary, please refer to §8.


Figure 6-3: Auxiliary board Dip switches location

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6.3.4. Step 4: Connecting back-up battery

FloWEB is shipped with Backup Battery disconnected. Make sure to insert the jumper JP3 (see Fig. 6-4) at this
step otherwise date & time and some other important data will be lost in case of power Off.

123456 123456
123456 123456

JP3 JP24

Figure 6-4: CPU board back-up battery JP3 jumper location

Back-up battery data maintains the following data:

• Date & Hour
• TCP/IP configuration
• MAC address
• User configured parameters in Main Page
• COMM ports baud rate and configuration
• User passwords
• Totalizer values
• Redundancy configuration
• Display contrast
• Reports

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6.3.5. Step 5: Fitting the FloWEB

Firstly, referring to Fig. 6-5 and Fig. 6-6, cut out an aperture in the front panel for each instrument which is to
be mounted on it.

Figure 6-5: Minimum dimensions in mm for a panel with aperture to fit one FloWEB

Figure 6-6: Minimum dimensions in mm for a panel with aperture to fit four FloWEB’s

Each instrument is mounted with four mounting brackets inserted in the holes on the side of the FloWEB and
fixed on the rear of the front panel.

6.3.6. Step 6: Making FloWEB external connection

1. Refer to the documentation supplied with the external equipments to see if any special procedures
have to be carried out when connecting them to the FloWEB. Take special notice of any information
about safety requirements in hazardous area and to comply with EMC regulations.
2. FloWEB back panel terminations are composed by a male connector on each boards and a female
detachable connector; female connector has screw type terminations and can accept 1mmq wire.
3. Check the wirings thoroughly against the schedule and wiring diagram.
4. Attach all female connectors to the boards male connectors.

Refer to Chapter 3 for a detailed table of all back panel terminations.

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6.3.7. Step 7: Earthing FloWEB

FloWEB chassis must be earthed in all cases; both for safety reasons and to ensure that the installations
comply with EMC regulations. Do this by connecting an earth lead with the screw located in one of the four
corners on the rear panel to a local good safety earth terminal (see Fig. 6-7).

Figure 6-7: Earthing the instrument chassis


Incorrect earthing can cause many unpredictable problems, so a good earthing of the chassis and the
electronics is a MUST. However the way to do this correctly depends almost entirely on the type of
installation done and the conditions under which the system operates. Therefore, because these
instructions cannot cover every possible situation, Pietro Fiorentini recommends that earthing
procedures should only be carried out by personnel who are skilled in such work.

6.3.8. Step 8: Connecting power supply

FloWEB is DC powered from any external source in the range 18-36 V with a minimum current of 2,5 A. The
external source can be an UPS too; in such case FloWEB offers 3 Digital Inputs to monitor the UPS status.
The External power supply positive lead must be connected to terminals A13 of the Power Supply board, while
the negative lead must be connected to terminal A14. FloWEB don’t have any power switch so, for
maintenance reasons, an external breaker has to be used to power the instrument.
After switching on the power, FloWEB loads the Operating System and starts a power on self-test.

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6.4. FloWEB Marking and Sealing

FloWEB is a metering device compliant with 2004/22/CE-MID (Measuring Instruments Directive). FloWEB is
suitable for custody transfer applications in areas where the 2004/22/CE is enforceable.

Following there is a description of FloWEB marking and sealing for two kinds of housing; cabinet and rack.

Nameplate: manufacturer, serial CE and Notified Body

number, year of manufacture EC type supplementary Identification
approval metrology marking Code


To prevent any change of the FloWEB parameters, a lead seal is apposed on the prog. button.
Stickers seal are apposed between the inputs and CPU boards, as showed in the following picture.

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Following there are two examples of housings, cabinet and rack.

In both of case the inside components are:

1. Meanwell AD-55B. It is a charger for the inside battery. The batteries are proportionate for power the
FloWEB for a minimum of six hours.
2. UPS Module. It is a 24V power supply and circuit diagnostic.
3. Intrinsic Safety Barriers. For the safety isolation, all the input signals from the field are protect through
the intrinsic safety barriers. Both connectors, FloWEB side and barriers side, are protect against
intentional and unintentional manipulations by covers and customers seals.
4. In alternative three kind of modem is possible to install: ADSL modem, GSM modem and PSTN

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Customer Seals (input connectors)

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Customer seals (barriers and the internal door)

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Customer Seals (input connectors)

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7. FloWEB User Interface

7.1. Main Page

When FloWEB is switched on the first time after a reset or if no configuration is made (in this case the label
“NO CFG” is visible at top of the page), the Setup Page appears.
From This page, when the language label is selected, by pressing ↵ [Ret] key you will be able to change the
FloWEB Man Machine Interface language. FloWEB has 2 different languages for the MMI interface: English
and Italian. By pressing ↵ [Ret] key the MMI languages will change following this order:

↵ [Ret]

English Italian

↵ [Ret]

At bottom of the page is visible the FloWEB CRC, the Serial Number and the Firmware Release.

The FloWEB CRC is a CRC 32bit witch is calculated directly on the FloWEB firmware binary code and is
reported at bottom of the binary file. When a new firmware release is downloaded on the FloWEB, the CRC is
recalculated and is compared with the one reported on the file. If the two values are identical, the new release
is saved in the flash memory and will be ready to run after a reboot. The new value of CRC will be displayed.

The Serial Number is factory-set, through a boot-loader menu (accessible only when the device is un-sealed,
since it requires access to the PROG push button), the Firmware Release is fixed and inextricably linked with
the firmware itself, since it is a constant embedded in the binary code and his position is compiler-chosen (i.e.
not known to be at a fixed address, and subject to the CRC control as described in extension D document
“WELMEC_ext_D_SSWR01.doc”, so that it cannot be tempered without blocking the loading of the application

In the FloWEB application (i.e. outside of the boot-loader interface), they are both visible only.

Just the Administrator can start the first configuration section.

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When the configuration section is terminate (see §7.2), the page that appears is the Main Page; when this
page contains more line than can fit in the display, it is possible to scroll up or down between the pages by
using the function keys F5 [Prev.] and F6 [Next].
If the instrument has 2 Analogue Input boards, with the keys [1], [2] and [3] is possible to swap the Main Page
on STREAM 1, STREAM 2 and STATION when more streams are configured. The label on the Main Page title
shows to which stream the displayed data are referred.
In the lower line of the display appears the action that can be done using the function keys. Each page is
composed by a maximum of 4 row displaying, 4 values per page are shown in the Main Page. Inside each row
it’s displayed the abbreviation with the meaning, the value and the engineering unit selected; if the value is
outside the limit set in the Alarm Configuration Page, an exclamation mark (!) will be showed near the value. If
a OVR is displayed, it means that the value isn’t a live value from the transmitter, but a user manual input
value; if a DFT is displayed and the ALM LED glows red, it means that the value isn’t a live value from the
transmitter, but a default value (if enabled). The first values displayed are the 4 mains Volume counters.

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Scrolling the Main Page the following list of data can be displayed:

1. Vb Base volume = Flow Meter Net Volume at Base conditions

2. Vm Meas. Volume = Flow Meter Gross measured volume
3. Vc Corr. Volume = Flow Meter Gross corrected volume (linearized for turbine error)
4. Vem Meas. Error Volume = Flow Meter Gross measured volume during error conditions
5. Veb base Error Volume = Flow Meter Gross Net volume @base conditions, during error conditions
6. Vec corr. Error Volume = Flow Meter Gross corrected volume @base conditions, during error
7. P Meas. Pressure = Live pressure (gauge or absolute according to pressure transmitter used)
8. T Meas. Temperature = Live Temperature
9. M Mass Counter = measured mass (total)
10. E Energy Counter = measured energy (total)
11. f(Z) Z-Formula = compressibility calculation method used
12. f(Q) Q-Formula = current method
13. Zb base Z = Gas Compressibility at base conditions
14. Z operating Z = Gas Compressibility at operating conditions
15. RHOb Base Density = base density
16. Grb Rel. Density = relative density
17. HVb Heating Value = heating value
18. C Conversion factor = Conversion factor
19. Cf Correction factor = Correction factor (Turbine mode only)
20. Pulse Weight = meter pulse weight (Turbine mode only)
21. Qb Base FlowRate = base volume flow rate
22. Qm Meas. FlowRate = measured volume flow rate
23. M Mass FlowRate = measured mass flow rate
24. E Energy FlowRate = measured energy flow rate
25. DP Press. = Pressure DP value (Orifice mode only)
26. DP1 Pres1 = Pressure DP of transmitter 1 (Orifice mode only)
27. DP2 Pres2 = Pressure DP of transmitter 2 (Orifice mode only)
28. DP3 Pres3 = Pressure DP of transmitter 3 (Orifice mode only)
29. RD Reynolds Number = Reynolds Number (Orifice mode only)
30. BETA Operating Beta = Operating Beta (Orifice mode only)
31. VISC Absolute Viscosity = Absolute Viscosity (Orifice mode only)
32. k Isentropic Exponent = Isentropic Exponent (Orifice mode only)
33. C Discharge Coefficient = Discharge Coefficient (Orifice mode only)
34. E Approach Velocity = Approach Velocity (Orifice mode only)
35. Y Expansion Factor = Expansion Factor (Orifice mode only)
36. ALPHA Alpha Coefficient = Alpha Coefficient (Orifice mode only)

In addition there is a blank page at the end; this last page is composed by four sections: the values to display in
each section can be programmed by the user. By pressing the ↵ [Ret] key a scroll down menu will appear
where is possible to select which group of information you want show between the following parameters:

• Volumes
• Measurement (live values only)
• Calculations
• Vb Partial

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⇑] up and [⇓
Use the [⇑ ⇓] down arrow keys to move between the menu items. Then press the ↵ [Ret] key to
select one. To select the parameter to display, press the [⇓ ⇓] down arrow keys again to highlight the variable
name, then press the ↵ [Ret] key to show a list of variables that is possible to select.

⇓] down arrow keys to move within the list; press the ↵ [Ret] key to select one.
⇑] up and [⇓
Use the [⇑

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Repeat the preceding steps if you want to program the other sections.

7.1.1. Display Contrast Control

⇐] [⇒
In the main pages the arrow keys [⇐ ⇒] allows the user to increase or decrease display contrast. Since LCD
display contrast is temperature dependent, contrast is automatically compensated according to the working
temperature of the instrument. Special care must be paid when installing the FloWEB stacked: allow at least
65,25 mm between two adjacent instruments.

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7.2. FloWEB Configuration Menu

From the Main Page, by pressing F2 [Config] key, the Setup Page will be reached; at this point is required an
user Administrator password to start a Configuration Section.
Push ↵ [Ret] key and select the user, then press ↵ [Ret] key again to confirm the choice. With the [⇓ ⇓] down
key move to the Password field, then press ↵ [Ret] key and insert the four digit password and press ↵ [Ret]
⇓] down key move to the OK field, then press ↵ [Ret] key to complete Login.
key to confirm; with the [⇓

Access is granted to modification of calculation parameters only if the “PROG” push button has been
pressed and the proper level of user rights has been achieved. When the Program Mode is entered
by pressing the “PROG” push button, the CFG LED glows yellow. Once the configuration section is
terminate, the CFG LED is turned off.
In the future, by using a modem for remote access to the FloWEB serial port configured for UNI_CIG
protocol, will be possible to change the FloWEB configuration without removing the physical
seals. The usage of the UNI_CIG protocol intrinsically fulfills access security requirements by means
of user and password identification; upon access is granted all modifications performed are logged in
the event register; information recorded are compliant to audit trail specification according to Welmec
7.2 definition.
Refer to paragraph 7.3.3 of present document for further details.

At the end of the configuration session, a confirmation pop-up will permit to save or discard all changes made
during the current session. When asked if modifications should be saved or cancelled, choosing the “Save”
button will immediately update the configuration database residing in battery back upped CPU internal RAM. If
the system is configured as “Double Line” or Station” a pop-up message will permit to save or discard the
same configuration that you made to the other stream except SNAM parameter protocol and the LOG

N.B. This memory cannot be cleared by any means, except by un-sealing the device, extracting the CPU
board, and opening the on-board dedicated jumper.

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7.2.1. Date & Time Setting

When the Configuration Section is open, the first page that appears is the Date & Time page and the label
“Config” is showed on top of the page.
In the Date & Time page is possible to set FloWEB RTC (Real Time Clock) solar date & time and to program
the DST (Daylight Saving Time) configuration. Just the user “Administrator” has the capability to make change
to date & time. A remote adjustment of Date & Time (via serial Port or via LAN) can be performed within a
maximum of ±10 minutes (± 600 sec). The amount of adjustment is not made in one step, but it is spread for
two seconds every minute, so to be effective, the maximum time adjustment of 600 seconds will take 5 hours.
The “Time Adjustment” indicates the number of seconds to adjust (± 600 sec) after the first time setting.
When the Date & Time are changed, press F3 [OK] to confirm and ESC and then OK to save changes.
The Contract Hour (Initial Day Hour) is used to set the contract starting hour (0 = midnight); take note that the
contract hour is used to define the end of day time (that when different from zero doesn’t correspond to solar
day), so many ModBus registers are updated at the contract hour (previous day, current day, previous month,
current month) and the printing are generated at this time too.
FloWEB RTC can be synchronized with a master reference clock; if you want to activate such feature, you
must set the difference in time between your area and GMT (Greenwich Meridian Time), since usually time
server give the time information with reference to GMT. Time synchronization is available through the TCP/IP
port. Time server IP address has to be configured in the Net Configuration (see § page. Once you have
entered the date & time, press F3 [OK] key to confirm the new settings.

If in your area is active the DST, you can enable this function. You can program the month and day that the
daylight saving time begins and ends; if you don’t set the day, FloWEB will automatically use as Start Day the
last Sunday of the Start Month and the last Sunday of the End Month as End Day.

From the Date & Time page by pressing F2 [On/Off] key, you can see FloWEB last ON and/or OFF state date
& time and date & time of the last configuration session.

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7.2.2. Engineering Units Configuration

After the Date & Time settings you will reach the Engineering Units configuration.

All the data can be displayed with different engineering units; three sets of engineering units are available, the
user can make a choice between the International System (S.I.), Imperial System (U.S.) and Custom set.
The Custom set can be modified, starting from the factory default, by scrolling the parameters using the [⇑ ⇑] up
and [⇓⇓] down arrow keys and than pressing the ↵ [Ret] key on parameter than has to be changed and
selecting the new engineering unit inside the popup list.


When engineering units are modified all totalizers are resetted

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7.2.3. System Configuration

From the Engineering Units configuration, you will reach the System Configuration page, by pressing F1 [OK]

With this menu is possible to modify the following configurations:

1. The FloWEB system configuration.
2. The unit settings.
3. The analogue inputs.
4. The Flow Meter inputs.
5. The analogue outputs.
6. The digital outputs.
7. The calculation settings.
8. The alarm configuration.
9. The utility configuration.

The utility configuration is composed by:

1. The com port settings.
2. The redundancy settings.
3. The Date & Time settings.
4. The users configuration.
5. The NET configuration.
6. The Log & Report configuration.

Within System Configuration page, when the Product Type field is highlighted, by pressing the ↵ [Ret] key, you
can select FloWEB configuration.

The configurations that you can select are:

1. Single Line (one Analogue Inputs board installed)

2. Dual Line (two Analogue Inputs board installed)
3. Station (two Analogue Inputs board installed)

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Use the arrow keys ([⇑ ⇓] down), to move between the selections then, by pressing ↵ [Ret] key,
⇑] up and [⇓
confirm the selection.

After the Product Type, the Measuring System has to be configured; the selection available are:

1. Turbine
2. Orifice
3. Ultrasonic


Any change of FloWEB Measuring System will reset all the Totalizers

FloWEB will display, by default, the Base Volume with m engineering unit; the user can change the unit prefix
3 3 3
with Nm (Normal cubic meter) or Sm (Standard cubic meter). When the Base Volume unit [N/S] m field is
highlighted, by pressing the ↵ [Ret] key, a menu will be displayed, where is possible to choose the volume unit
⇓] down), to move between the selections then, by pressing ↵
⇑] up and [⇓
label to display. Use the arrow keys ([⇑
[Ret] key, confirm the selection.

When a fault condition related to Base Volume calculation is detected (pressure, temperature and/or
calculations alarm), by default FloWEB updates all the Error Volume totalize (Vem, Vec & Veb) as long as it’s
possible: this means that e.g. in Turbine configuration, Vem & Vec will be updated with counted pulses if
present, while Veb will be updated only if also pressure and temperature are available for the calculation.
In Orifice configuration, whenever the conditions for their calculation will exist, all of them are updated too.

In the main page of FloWEB only Vem is shown; by pressing “Next” button and going in the second page the
user can show also Veb and Vec with P and T.

For each stream it’s also possible to select the strategy FloWEB will use when a Blade Failure Alarm is
detected (turbine system only):

1. Normal Counting
2. Stop Counting

When Normal Counting strategy is selected, in case of Blade Failure Alarm, all the counters will be updated.
That means Vm and Vc will be calculated from pulses counted on first channel, while Vb is updated only if
calculation is possible with valid parameters; otherwise the related Vem, Vec & Veb will be updated in case
errors are such, that calculation is still possible but only with “default” parameters, as configured in “On error
use Default” options.

When Stop Counting strategy is selected, in case of Blade Failure, all calculation will be stopped: that means
that pulses counted are ignored, instantaneous volumes and flows are zeroed.

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7.2.4. Analogue Inputs Configuration

To access Analogue Inputs Configuration page push F2 [Input] key.

The list of the input signals is compiled automatically according to the FloWEB configuration made in the
System Configuration Page (Turbine or Orifice).

The Analogue Inputs supported by FloWEB are:

4-20mA input channels: analogue inputs #1, #2, #3, #4, #5;
1-5V input channels: analogue inputs #1, #2, #3, #4, #5;
RTD/PT100 input channel #6.

Input channel #1 supports “SMART” transducers; such transducers use HART digital protocol to transmit digital
values on the 4-20mA current loop.

According to the type of transducers wired to the FloWEB some hardware settings can be required; in addition,
for each signal, the channel type must be selected between analogue 4-20 mA, analogue 1-5V and PT100. To
move between the input signals use the [⇓ ⇓] down key: when the field to configure is highlighted, press ↵ [Ret]
key to enter a selection list or to insert the value with the numeric keyboard. When the input type field is
highlighted, only the available selections for the selected signal will be showed: make the selection according
to the type of transducer wired to the FloWEB. The input channel number will automatically change according
to the type selected. When the selection has been made, or the value has been inserted, press ↵ [Ret] key to
confirm and use the [⇓⇓] down key to move to next field.

The minimum & maximum values of the transducer range has to be entered according to the transducer wired
to that channel; the values have to be entered using the engineering unit configured in the Calculation Settings
Menu (see §7.2.2).

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In the Orifice configuration FloWEB calculates the flow rate from a differential pressure measurement. To
improve the dynamic in measuring the flow rate, it is possible to use more than one differential pressure
transducer (up to three).

Differential pressure is acquired by one or more probes (maximum three: low, medium and high). When two or
three probes operation is selected, the differential pressure displayed by FloWEB will be the one of the probe
active at the moment.
The selection of the probe in use is done with the following method:

- When the differential pressure is above the 95% of DP Low Max, the DP Medium
probe is used;
- When the differential pressure is above the 95% of DP Medium Max, the DP High
probe is used;
- When the differential pressure return below the 90% of DP Medium Max, the DP
Medium probe is used again;
- When the differential pressure return below the 90% of DP Low, the DP Low probe
is used again.

If the value acquired by a probe is not valid (the measurement is out of range) the upper probe is used.

Fig. 7-1 shows graphically how is made the selection of the differential pressure probe.

Figure 7-1: Differential Transducers selection method

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Table 7-2 show the relationship between the number of differential pressure transducers used and the
configuration that must be made.

# Sensors Configuration
1 DP = DP1
3 DPM = DP2

Table 7-2: Differential Transducers configuration Hart Inputs Configuration

In case the physical input #1 has been configured with dip-switches for Hart protocol, and Hart input type has
been selected for one or more input acquisition channel numbers in the Analogue Configuration menu page,
it’s then necessary to go in the Hart Configuration Page by pressing the F2 [Hart] key, to set the Hart device
address and the number of the register variable to read (up to 4 variables can be read for each SMART field
Each Hart variable is associated to the Analogue Configuration’s corresponding input channel: for example, if
you want to read the Temperature (which is on input channel #2), Hart Device and Register have to be
configured on channel number #2, irrespective of the physical wiring of Hart transmitters, which are all
connected on the Hart bus on physical board input #1.

In the Device column, for each SMART field transmitter, the corresponding address number has to be inserted
(the –1 value disables Hart protocol on an input channel, valid values are 0-15: if more than one SMART
transmitter is used, don’t use 0 value), while the Register column number is set to a value between 0 and 3, to
extract the corresponding variable value from the set of 4 process variables read from each device.

Press the ESC[ESC] key to return to the Analogue Configuration page when finished.

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From the Input Configuration Page, when you press the F3 [Dig.] key the Flow Meter Configuration Page is
entered. In this page the number of Flow Meter pick-up used has to be configured; if a single pick-up Flow
Meter is connected to the FloWEB then input channel #3 (Ch 0) has to be enabled, while if a double pick-up
Flow Meter is used input channel #4 (Ch 1) must be enabled too. For each input channel the Pulse Weight and
the frequency type (Low = 2 Hz max., High = 5 KHz max) have to be configured.

When a Low Frequency Flow Meter with a mechanical reed contact output is used and configured, then a filter
has to be used, to avoid wrong pulse count; FloWEB implements a software filter algorithm with duty-cycle
awareness, therefore TWO filter integration times have to be configured, one for input signal in High state and
one for input signal in Low state.

N.B. The filter parameters are not shown, unless at least one channel is put in Low Frequency mode first.

Minimum Pulse Length represents the minimum duration that the incoming pulse must have to be considered
valid (default value = 100 mSec). Any pulse shorter than Minimum Pulse Length will not be counted. The
parameter Filter represents the time in milliseconds after a valid pulse receiving, during which other pulses will
not be valid (default value = 50 mSec).

Note: when a low frequency input is used, the Flow Rate calculation is made by integrating the pulses received
on a 5 minutes sliding window (see §

If a turbine with 2 pick-up is used (both counting inputs enabled), the parameters needed to enable and
configure the Blade Failure detection are made visible (otherwise they are not shown); in such case the pulses
from high frequency input are compared with the pulses coming from the reference input, also called monitor.
The ratio between the high frequency pulse weight and low frequency pulse weight is defined as Blade Ratio:

Blade Ratio BR = High frequency pulse weight (Ch 0) (calculated by FloWEB)

Low frequency pulse weight (Ch 1)

The number of pulses used in BR calculation is the total number of pulses counted in a sliding window
comprising the last 10 (ten) seconds.

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The algorithm is performed and updates the current alarm status only if at least 10 (ten) pulses have been
counted in the last ten seconds’ window in the Low frequency channel, and at least (BR * 10) pulses in the High
frequency channel.
The percentage error to be considered as maximum difference acceptable between the two channels without
rising an alarm, can also be set in the “Pulse Error %” field, with up to three decimal digits: the default value is
2.0 %.

The Blade Failure alarm is triggered when:

(LF x BR) - HF >= (ErrPerc x MaxF)

LF = Number of pulses from the low frequency pick-up in a given time.
HF = Number of pulses from the high frequency pick-up in the same time.
ErrPerc = value set in Pulse Error % field
MaxF = higher value between HF and (LF x BR)

Once the Blade Failure alarm has been triggered, the alarm condition will remain active until the following test

(LF x BR) - HF <= ((ErrPerc / 2) x MaxF)

This effectively means that we have an hysteresis before exiting from the alarm condition, which is equal to half
the percentage error used to trigger it.

If the uncorrected flow rate is less than the value of the low flow alarm then the blade failure alarm is inhibited
from operating.

NOTICE: The Blade Failure is applicable (and the corresponding parameters will be shown in the
configuration page) for turbine with at least one High Frequency (HF) emitter only.

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From the Flow Meter Configuration Page, pressing F1 [Corr] key the Flow Meter error correction page is
reached. This page however is available only when the measuring input has been configured in HIGH

Flow Meters with High Frequency emitter may be supplied with a calibration certificate that describes the actual
flow rates against percentage error in reading by a test meter. The raw data on the certificate can be turned
into corrected values by the FloWEB; to do this, a single curve profile of up to 10 Flow % (% of maximum flow
Q max) and corresponding Error % points have to be entered (Warning!!: the unused Flow % points have to
be set to zero).

When the flow rate is lower than the minimum value programmed (Q Min), no adjustments is made, while
when flow rate is grater than the maximum value programmed (Q Max), the Q MaxErr % is applied.

NOTICE: the Error Correction of Flow Meter is applicable for turbine with at least one High Frequency
(HF) emitter only. The “Corr” key will not enter the correction page display (shown below) if counter
frequency is configured as “Low”.

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Example of Calibration Certificate data:

Flow rate% 5,2 10 25 40 70 100

Error % 0,5 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 -0,1

Calibration Curve




Error [%]

0,2% Error %


5,2% 10,0% 25,0% 40,0% 70,0% 100,0%

Flow rate [%]

The raw data on the certificate has to be turned into corrected values by the FloWEB. To do this, a single curve
profile must be programmed in the FloWEB in the following way:

Num. Flow Err. %

0 5,2 0,5
1 10 0,2
2 25 0,0
3 40 0,0
4 70 0,0
5 100 -0,1
6 0,0 0,0
7 0,0 0,0
8 0,0 0,0
9 0,0 0,0

FloWEB calculates the measured flow rate % using the following formula:

Qm% (Measured flow rate %) = Qm measured / Qmax x 100

It compares Qm% to the Flow rate% table in order to identify the point before Qm% and the point after Qm%
with the related Error %. Finally FloWEB interpolates the two Error % to calculate the error that has to be
applied to the measured flow rate.

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7.2.5. Analogues Outputs Configuration

From System Configuration page, by pressing F3 [Output] key you can access the Outputs configuration
In this menu 2 items are included: Analogue Outputs and Digital Outputs. Press ↵ [Ret] key when the
Analogue Outputs field is highlighted to enter the analogues outputs configuration page.

⇑] up and [⇓
FloWEB has six analogue outputs; select the one you want to configure by using the arrow keys ([⇑ ⇓]
down) and then press ↵ [Ret] key to confirm the choice.

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This page allows you to configure the parameter to transmit values to external device. Firstly you have to select
the stream to which the variable belongs, then in the “Var. To Assign” list you can choose the variable. The
variables that can be assigned to an analog output are:

 Pressure (absolute or gauge according to the pressure transmitter used);

 Differential pressures;
 Base flow rate (Qb);
 Flow rate (Qm);
 Mass flow rate;
 Energy flow rate;
 ModBus Register Number

When ModBus Register Number is selected, you have to insert the ModBus register number of the analog
variable you want to transmit.
To complete the programming, the minimum (4 mA) and maximum (20 mA) value of the scale, in engineering
units, have to be inserted.

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7.2.6. Digital Outputs Configuration

From System Configuration page, by pressing F3 [Output] key you can access to the Outputs configuration
In this menu 2 items are included: Analog Outputs and Digital Outputs. Using the [⇓ ⇓] down key the Digital
Outputs field became highlighted; press ↵ [Ret] to enter the digital outputs configuration page.
There are eight digital outputs; select the one you want to configure by using the arrow keys ([⇑ ⇑] up and [⇓
down) and then press ↵ [Ret] key to confirm the choice.

This page allows you to configure the parameter to transmit to external device. Firstly you have to select the
stream to which the variable belongs; the digital output can be configured for 2 different operating modes:
Pulse or Diagnostic.
Pulses Mode has to be used when digital output channel has to transmit a “volume” in the form of a pulse;
Status Mode has to be used when digital output channel has to transmit a “status” condition.

When Pulses Mode are selected, “Vol. Var.” and “Prescaler” items are displayed; in the Volume Variables list
⇑] up and [⇓
you can select one of 10 total counters (Vb, Vm, Vc, Vem, Veb, Vec, Energy and Mass). Use the [⇑ ⇓]
down keys to select a volume variable, then press ↵ [Ret] to confirm the choice.

Use this mode to configure data for the pulse output channels that are to transmit a rate of flow in the form of a
pulse rate. Each pulse has a significance that equates to a certain volume, mass or energy in the units of
measurement already selected for the rate.

In Pulse Mode the pulse length is 200 mS and the maximum output frequency is 2,5 Hz (resulting in a 50%
duty-cycle: 200 mS ON – 200 mS OFF); if pulse rate exceeds 2,5 Hz, a “pulse buffer” is used to keep count of
the excess. Always set a large enough prescaler to avoid this occurring with the risk to loose pulses. The
Prescaler allow you to reduce the output frequency; for example, with a prescaler value set to 1, you have one
output pulse for each volume unit (max 9.000 pulses @ 2,5 Hz before the pulse buffer entering in action), while
with a prescaler value set to 10, you have one output pulse each 10 volume units. If an excess does occur,
increase the prescaler value and wait for things to calm down again.

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Switching off the FloWEB will cause the clearing of the pulse buffer for all pulse outputs.

When Diagnostic Mode is selected, the “Diag. Var.” list is displayed; in the Diagnostic list you can select 6
different conditions: Hardware, Z, Pressure, Temperature, Differential Pressure and ModBus Register Number.

⇓] down keys to select a diagnostic variable, then press ↵ [Ret] to confirm the choice.
⇑] up and [⇓
Use the [⇑

When ModBus Register Number is selected, you have to insert the ModBus register number of the diagnostic
variable you want to transmit (only status registers are allowed). The register number has to be programmed
according to the stream diagnostic to be transmitted: i.e. register 1x20 is for stream 1 (the first digit is the
stream number), register 2x20 is the same register for stream 2.

In both mode (pulse and diagnostic) is possible to invert the pulse by simply check Norm. Hi flag.

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7.2.7. Calculations Settings Menu

From System Configuration page, by pressing F4 [Calc] key you can access to the Calculation Settings menu.

In the Calculation Settings page all the data relevant to the FloWEB calculation can be configured.

The first data to be programmed is the Z factor calculation method (Z-Formula); the following methods can be

• AGA NX19mod
• AGA 8 Gross 1
• AGA 8 Gross 2
• AGA 8 Detailed
• ISO 12213-3 (SGERG91)

To change the method to be used, press the ↵ [Ret] key on the value of the field Z-Formula and using the [⇑
up and [⇓⇓] down arrow keys scroll the selections in the menu parameters, then press the ↵ [Ret] key on the
value to be used.

In the same way, you can change the Flow Rate calculation method in the field Q-Formula; here, according to
the FloWEB configuration (Turbine or Orifice), the selections will be different:

• AGA 3 (Orifice)
• ISO 5167-1 Amd. 1 (1998 Orifice)
• ISO 5167-2 (2003 Orifice)
• AGA 7 (Turbine)

These algorithms have a minimum accuracy of ±10 .


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The Z Factor calculation can be disabled and the user can program a fixed value; to insert a fixed value press
the ↵ [Ret] key on the value of the field Z Ratio and using the numeric keyboard insert the wanted value (value
= 0 means that the Z Ratio is calculated with the method selected in the Z-Formula field.

In case the pressure transducer used is a relative type, the Atmospheric Pressure value have to be
programmed (the atmospheric pressure value will be added to the live value from the transducer for the
calculations). For absolute pressure transducer, the atmospheric pressure value has to be 0 (zero).

When the “On Error use dft” is enabled, any value out of the validity range for the line Pressure, Temperature,
Differential Pressure (for Orifice configuration) or GAS composition data (for live data received from a Gas
Chromatograph instrument) will be substituted by FloWEB with the default value programmed by the user in
the Default column.

In the column User, can be inserted a value for the line Pressure, Temperature or Differential Pressure (for
Orifice configuration) that will be used by FloWEB when the Parameter is changed to “OVR” (Override) from
“ACQ” (Acquired).

In the standard “ACQ” configuration the live value from the transducer will be used, unless “On Error use dft”
has been enabled and the measure is in error, in which case the corresponding value in the “Default” column
will be used. GAS Composition Menu

FloWEB can operate with fixed or live gas composition data; from the Calculation Settings page, press F1
[Comp] key to access to the “Gas Composition” menu.

The first page shows the values of GAS Composition used by FloWEB for calculations.

When the “GAS Composition” selector is set on “Local”, the current values correspond to the GAS
Composition values set by the user.

When FloWEB is connected to a gas chromatography device (or to a RTU, PLC or PC that can supply gas
composition data) the “GAS Composition” selector have to be set on “Measured” (see § for
communication settings); FloWEB will regularly request raw gas composition information, the gas calorific
value (HV) and the gas specific gravity (defined also as relative density: GRb) value directly from the gas
chromatography device. In such case, requests are first made to the chromatograph for some status flag
(MODBUS registers) so that some preliminary checks can be performed. In the “Measured” configuration,
current values correspond to the GAS Composition values received from the chromatograph, if they are valid;
otherwise they correspond to the default values set by the user when the “On Error use dft” selector is enabled.
In this case a Z alarm will be arising and the ALM LED glows red.

The “HV calc. mode” selector, available only when the appropriate Z-formula has been selected, allows you to
choose to use a local, measured or calculated Heating Value.
The “GR calc. mode” selector allows you to choose to use a local or measured GAS Relative Density.

The raw gas composition values are expressed as a % mole fraction.

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Table 7-1 give the gas components used according to the Z factor calculation method and the range of each
component; in addition it presents the pressure and temperature validity range too.


Component NX19mod Gross 1 Gross 2 Detailed 12213-3
Range Range Range Range Range Range
Methane CH4 70 – 100% 50 – 100% 50 – 100% 50 – 100% 60 – 100% 50 – 100%
Nitrogen N2 0 – 15% 0 – 15% 0 – 15% 0 – 100% 0 – 50%
Carbon Dioxide CO2 0 – 15% 0 – 30% 0 – 30% 0 – 100% 0 – 30% 0 – 30%
Ethane C2H6 0 – 100% 0 – 20%
Propane C3H8 0 – 12% 0 – 5%
Iso- Butane iC4H10 0 – 6% 0 – 1,5%
Neo Butane nC4H10 0 – 6% 0 – 1,5%
Iso Pentane iC5H12 0 – 4% 0 – 0,5%
Neo Pentane nC5H12 0 – 4% 0 – 0,5%
Neo Hexane nC6H14 0 – 10% 0 – 0,1%
Neo Heptane nC7H16 0 – 0,1% 0 – 0,1%
Neo Octane nC8H18 0 – 0,1% 0 – 0,1%
Neo Nonane nC9H20 0 – 0,1% 0 – 0,1%
Neo Decane nC10H22 0 – 0,1% 0 – 0,1%
Helium He 0 – 3% 0 – 0,5%
Hydrogen H2 0 – 10% 0 – 10% 0 – 100% 0 – 10% 0 – 10%
Carbon Monoxide CO 0 – 30% 0 – 30% 0 – 3% 0 – 3%
Argon Ar 0 – 100%
Oxygen O2 0 – 21%
Water H2O 0 – 10%
Hydrogen Sulfide H2S 0 – 100%
Pressure 0 – 75 Bar 0 – 75 Bar 0 – 75 Bar 0 – 100 Bar 0 – 75 Bar 0 – 100 Bar
Temperature -20 - +50°C -10 - +50°C -10 - +50°C -30 - +70°C -20 - +50°C -23 - +60°C

Table 7-1: Gas components range according to Z factor calculation method

If a component value is programmed outside the range in Table 7-1, a Z alarm will be generated.

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In these pages is possible to configure the user and default GAS Composition. Press F1 [Dflt] keys to reach
the default GAS Composition pages. Use F5 [Prev.] or F6 [Next] keys, to scroll through all the GAS
Composition components.

Warning!! When the “GAS Composition” selector has been set on “Measured” and the data are written in the
ModBus registers by a PLC, RTU or PC, these must be validated by the Master device before FloWEB will be
use them.

Warning!! When programming GAS Composition pay attention to the sum of all gas components: it must be

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From System Calculation page, by pressing F2 [Count] key you can access to the “Counters Menu”. In the
main page all the following totals are displayed:

• Vb Base volume = Net Volume at Base conditions

• Vm Meas. volume = Flow Meter Gross Measured volume
• Vc Corr. volume = Flow Meter corrected volume (linearized for turbine error)
• Vem Error Meas. volume = Flow Meter Gross Measured volume during error conditions
• Veb Error Base volume = Flow Meter Net volume during error conditions
• Vec Error Corr. volume = Flow Meter corrected volume during error conditions

From here pressing F6 [Next] another page with the following totals is displayed:

• Ms Mass counter = measured mass

• Es Energy counter= measured energy
• Me Error Mass counter= measured mass during error conditions
• Ee Error Energy counter= measured energy during error conditions

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Pressing F5 [Prev.] goes back to the previous page from where we entered.

In both these pages is possible to preset or clear (preset to ZERO) all the counters:

1. Select the counter using the arrows keys.

2. Press ↵ [Ret] key
3. Insert the preset value
4. Press ↵ [Ret] key to confirm or Esc key to abort

N.B. The format for all counters (volumes, energy, mass) is kept internally in fixed point, limited to 9 (nine)
integral ciphers, plus 8 (eight) decimal ciphers of which only the first three are displayed, but all are kept in
consideration during calculations.
To prevent premature overflows of the counters, the appropriate unit of measure should be selected during
Values in overflow are displayed as asterisks in the displayed field.

N.B. The modification is ONLY possible when user has entered a configuration session, with Administrator
privileges and device un-sealed. No preset/clear is possible during normal use.

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From the Counters page, by pressing F1 [Hour] key, the Hourly Counters page will be displayed; for all the
counters, the Current and the Previous hour totalizes will be displayed.

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From the Counters page, by pressing F2 [Day] key, the Daily Counters page will be displayed; for all the
counters, the Current and the Previous day totalizes will be displayed.

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From the Counters page, by pressing F3 [Month] key, the Monthly Counters page will be displayed; for all the
counters, the Current and the Previous month totalizes will be displayed.

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From the Calculation Settings menu, by pressing F3 [Ref.] key you can access to the Reference settings page.
For each stream you can configure the Base reference values (Pressure, Temperature and Combustion
Temperature), the Specific Gravity/Relative Density Gr References (Pressure and Temperature) and the
Heating Value HV References (Pressure, Temperature and Combustion Temperature).

1. Select the References using the arrows keys.

2. Press ↵ [Ret] key
3. Select the value.
4. Press ↵ [Ret] key to confirm or Esc to abort

When you need to program a value not included in the list, you have to choose ”user-defined”.

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From the Calculation Settings menu, when the FloWEB is configured as “Orifice”, by pressing the F4 [Orif] key
the Orifice page settings can be reached.
In this page is possible to change all the orifice parameters settings:

• Pipe: Diameter, Measuring Temperature and Material

• Orifice: Diameter, Measuring Temperature and Material
• Type of Tap
• Tap Location
• Dynamic Viscosity (0 = Calculated)
• Isentropic (0 = Calculated)
• Cut-Off threshold
• Cut-Off hysteresis

The Cut-Off threshold is the flow stop limit; when the measured differential pressure is below the Cut-Off
threshold value, the flow rate will be set to zero and a Cut-Off alarm will appear (alarm LED will not glow red!!).
The Cut-Off hysteresis is expressed as a percentage of the Cut-Off threshold.

Example: Cut-Off threshold = 100mBar, Cut-Off hysteresis = ±5% -> 95 – 105mBar

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Note: The Cut-Off low range value is 0.01% but is strictly recommended do not use values below 1%. A
popup form is shoved if a value below 1% is inserted.

If the Orifice Diameter is greater than, or equal, to the Pipe Diameter a popup page will appear with the warning
for inconsistent data.

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7.2.8. Alarms Configuration

By pressing F5 [AlmCfg] key in the System Configuration page a pop-up menu will appear where is possible to
select which parameter to configure. In this page the limits on analogues inputs or calculated values can be

Use the [⇑ ⇓] down arrow keys to move within the list. Then, press the ↵ [Ret] key on the parameter
⇑] up and [⇓
to configure.

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For each parameter up to 7 different alarm limits can be configured; there are 4 working limits (very low, low,
high, very high), 2 fault limits (low fault, high fault) and an excursion limit. In addition, it’s possible to configure
FloWEB to get an alarm on the speed of change of the analog input (DeltaValue/DeltaTime); the excursion
limit value is the maximum difference between the actual and the last value (DeltaValue) in the period
(DeltaTime) of analysis (DeltaTime = 1 second for single stream FloWEB, DeltaTime = 2 seconds for double
streams FloWEB). The hysteresis is programmed with the aid of 2 additional parameters: Full Range (= full
scale value of the sensor in engineering units) and % Scale (=% of Full Range = hysteresis).
To set a limit, a value has to be entered and the associated enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF) has to be
checked; when in the box next to each limit a check is displayed, it means that the alarm limit has been
passed. It’s possible to change the Status from Enabled to Disabled too.

N.B. Alarm LED on front panel doesn’t glow red when alarm on measure are triggered.

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7.2.9. Utility Page

From the System Configuration menu, by pressing F6 [Utilt.] key you can access to the Utility settings page.
Here, you will be able to access the following setting pages:

1. Virtual Printer
2. Communication Port Configuration
3. Redundancy Configuration
4. Date & Time
5. Users Password
6. TCP/IP Network configuration
7. Log & Report
8. Compact Flash Configuration Virtual printer

Use this selector to enable the virtual printer feature, it allows you to write in files instead of print it using a real
printer. The files are named “VirtP.vp1” and “VirtP.vp1” and they are saved in internal flash in the “VIRTP”
The maximum file size is 40 Kbyte, the files are updated until the size become 40 Kbyte then the file is closed
and at the same time the other file is opened, eventually cleared and updated.

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Use the [⇑ ⇓] down keys, to select the COM #, then press ↵ [Ret] key on the selected communication
⇑] up and [⇓
port to enter the configuration.
FloWEB can have 4 or 5 communication ports according to hardware configuration (1 or 2 Analog Input
Board). Within the Comm Configuration menu, you can set the following communication parameters:

• Mode: ModBus, Print, GAS Chromatograph, US, SNAM;

• Baud Rate: from 300 to 38400;
• Bit: 7 or 8;
• Parity: None, Odd or Even;
• Stop Bit: 1 or 2.

Warning!!: For the changes to have effect, after exiting the configuration and confirming to save the changed
configuration, the FloWEB must be powered off and then powered on again.

The Mode parameter is used to select the device connected to any Comm port: the possibilities are the

• Mode = ModBus: FloWEB is a ModBus Slave device connected to a RTU or PC

• Mode = Print: when ASCII serial printer is connected to the Comm port
• Mode = GasCr.: FloWEB is a ModBus Master device connected to a Gas Chromatograph
• Mode = US: Ultra Sonic.
• Mode = SNAM: protocol for Italian market.

The communication parameters (Baud rate, number of bit, parity and stop bit) have to be configured to match
the corresponding parameters on the connected device.
When the Comm port is configured as “ModBus”, in the configuration page additional parameters are
displayed, as in the following pictures:

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• ModBus Address: enter the ModBus Slave ID number that this serial port will respond to (1 through 247
• Protocol type: default choice is “User”, which gives you the possibility of setting the number of bits per
character and the stop bits freely, to accommodate for devices that use ModBus protocol but do not adhere
to ModBus standard frame format. For full ModBus standard implementations, select ASCII or RTU
options, in correspondence to the ModBus device connected to FloWEB; the “Bit#” and “StopBits”
parameters will not be visible, because they will be forced to the ModBus standard frame values, as seen
in the following image.
• Modicon Compatible: select NoModic or Modicon to configure the ModBus port to be compatible with
Modicon PLC equipment and DCS systems.

ModBus Mode has to be used when a ModBus Master device, like RTU, PLC or PC, is connected to FloWEB
to read and/or write data from the device memory. Typical applications are SCADA supervisory system, data
and time synchronization, raw gas composition data update (“GAS Composition” selector has to be set on
“Measured”: (see §, etc.

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When the Comm port is configured as “Print” like in figure, in the configuration page no additional
configuration parameters are displayed.

Attention: currently only one port can be configured as “Print”, whichever you want. The virtual printer is
considered as a Comm; therefore it is not allowed to have the virtual printer enabled and a comm. Port
configured as “Printer”. Should you want to change the printer port, you must follow the following procedure:

• Change the currently setted “Print” port Mode (e.g. “ModBus”);

• Save the configuration;
• Configure the new Comm as “Print”

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When the Comm port is configured as “GAS Chromatograph”, in the configuration page the following
additional parameters are displayed:

• ModBus Address: enter the ModBus address of the Gas Chromatograph;

• Brand: select between Daniel 2360, Yamatake or Varian 4900 according to the model of gas
chromatograph connected to FloWEB;

• Time Out: represents the maximum time in minutes between two gas analysis performed by the Gas
Chromatograph; the FloWEB make a request for gas composition data each minute to the chromatograph
(check on gas chromatograph user manual for the time necessary to complete the analysis). If there is a
fault on the gas chromatograph response (a fault can be: incomplete or corrupted data), the FloWEB try to
restore the communication. If the faults persist for the time specified by “Time Out”, there are two actions
that the FloWEB can take.
1. The flag “On Error use dft” is set to true. All the data will be substituted by FloWEB with the default
value programmed by the user in the Default column (refer to § 7.2.7) and the calculation will
2. The flag “On Error use dft” is set to false. The calculation will be stopped.

In both of the case, the “Zeta” alarm is raised, the red led (ALM) on the front panel is lighted and an
event is generated.

• GAS Comp. Table: this parameter has an effect just for double stream configuration, use “Single” if the
GAS composition data are the same for each stream. If the GAS that flow in the two streams is different,
the GAS chromatograph have to be configured for make two GAS analysis, in this case, use “Double” in
the selector, the FloWEB will read alternatively the GAS composition for a stream 1 and for the stream 2.
In this case the FloWEB is expected to receive the GAS composition alternatively for stream 1 and stream
2, if this do not happen, an alarm is risen.

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Yamatake/Varian Flowchart


NW = Read 3058
New data flag

NW = 1


AC = Read 3059 TimeOut = TimeOut -1

Ana/Cal flag New data flag

No No
NW = 1 TimeOut = 0
Yes Yes
Bit 0° 6°and 8° Err = Read 3047
are mascherate Error flag TimeOut Error Raising

No GC Error Raising
Err = 0

Read 3001 to 3016

Comp. Index

Read 7001 to 7016

Comp. Value

Read 7012 Heat Value

Read 7013 Relative Density
Read 7014 Wobbe Index
Read 7035 He



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Daniel Flochart


NW = Read 3058
New data flag

NW = 1


AC = Read 3059 TimeOut = TimeOut -1

Ana/Cal flag New data flag

No No
NW = 1 TimeOut = 0
Yes Yes
Bit 0° 6°and 8° Err = Read 3046
are mascherate Error flag TimeOut Error Raising

GC Error Raising
Err = 0

Read 3001 to 3016

Comp. Index

Read 7001 to 7016

Comp. Value

Read 7012 Heat Value

Read 7013 Relative Density
Read 7014 Wobbe Index



When the Comm port is configured as “Ultrasonic”, in the configuration page the following additional
parameters are displayed:

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• ModBus Address: enter the ModBus address of the Ultrasonic Meter;

• Model: If different brand is supported, here is possible to choice the one that is physically connected to the

• Ref. Time (min): insert the fixed interval in minutes between requests for data ultrasonic meter data.

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When the Comm port is configured as “SNAM”, in the configuration page the following additional parameters
are displayed:

• REMI code: insert the numeric plant code assigned by SNAM authority (Italian Market);
• Qmax. Limit: Maximum Flow Limit for SNAM remote diagnostic ONLY (Italian Market);
• Qmin. Limit: Minimum Flow Limit for SNAM remote diagnostic ONLY (Italian Market);
• Password check: select between Disabled or Enabled to request the access password or not (Italian
• Link type: select between Direct connection or Modem connection (Italian Market).

REMI code, Qmax Limit and Qmin Limit can by different between stream 1 and stream 2, than if the FloWEB is
configured as double stream, the form change and allow the user to insert this parameter respectively for
stream 1 and stream 2.

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FloWEB_UM_UNICIG_R24 ENG.doc Page 90 di 90 Redundancy Configuration

From the Utility Configuration page, by pressing F1 [Redund] key, you can access the Hot/Standby
Redundancy configuration page. For details on this configuration refer to § 10.

From this page you can enable, or disable, the Hot/Standby, or Redundancy, configuration of two FloWEB
interconnected between them.
In the “Redund ID” parameter has to be configured the same value for the Master and the Slave FloWEB
(default 1); if the Master and the Slave “Redund ID” aren’t the same, redundancy will not operate.
When you have to connect the redundant FloWEB flow computers to a supervisory computer and you want
that only the promoted Master will communicate, you have to program the “Redund ModBus ID” parameter
(this parameter is common to all COMM ports); this is the dedicated ModBus address common to both flow
computers; when the supervisory computer will send a ModBus read/write message, only the promoted Master
will answer, on all COMM ports.
When you configure the redundancy, you have to choose what FloWEB flow computer will be the preferred
Master; set the “Redund Master Pref.” check box on the FloWEB that you want to be the preferred Master.

Warning!!: When Redundancy configuration is activated one of the two FloWEB MUST be configured as
preferred Master. If both or neither FloWEB are configured as preferred Master the Redundancy will not work

The last two parameters in the page are a read only type; “Redund Status” will display the redundancy status of
the two flow computers and the “Partner Status” of the other flow computer.

Warning!!: To make active any change, FloWEB must be powered off and then powered on again.

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Redundancy Symbols

Redund Disable

Status Master M
Status Slave S
Initialization I
Alignment A
Slave Out Of Service S

Configuration not aligned C

After the redundancy initialization, the Master FloWEB will check the Slave configuration for alignment with its
own. When Master and Slave flow computers are aligned, the Slave will not accept any configuration change.
In fact, it will not be possible to make the Login on the Slave. The two redundant FloWEB have to be
configured with the same ModBus ID, but only the promoted Master will answer to the ModBus messages.
The Slave FloWEB will have the same inputs of the Master FloWEB; it performs all the calculation but the
totals will be send by the Master. In this way, Master and Slave flow computers will be always aligned. Date & Time Settings

From the Utility Configuration page, by pressing F2 [Date] key, you can access the Date & Time configuration
page. For details on this configuration refer to §7.2.1.

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FloWEB_UM_UNICIG_R24 ENG.doc Page 92 di 92 Users Login Passwords

From Utility Configuration page, by pressing F3 [Users] key, you will access the User Login Password

The instrument implements a password system that restricts access to its facilities to those people with certain
levels of authority. There are 5 different levels of authority, from the highest to the lowest:

• Administrator
• Installer
• Engineer
• Maintenance
• Operator

For each levels there are ten passwords that are possible to choice. The empty password and “0000” are not
valid, for default there is just one password “1111” associate to the Administrator, The Administrator that make
the login using the first password has the capability to change, his own password, the other Administrator
password and the firsts passwords of the other users.
Each user that makes the login using the first password has the capability to change, his own password and
the other password of the same user.

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A user that make a login without using the first password, have just the capability to change his own password
and in case the user is the Administrator, he can also change the firsts password of the other levels.

⇓] down keys to select the user than press ↵ [Ret] key to confirm the choice.
⇑] up and [⇓
Use the [⇑

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FloWEB_UM_UNICIG_R24 ENG.doc Page 94 di 94 TCP/IP Network Configuration

FloWEB has an Ethernet port that supports ModBus and HTTP protocols. From Utility Configuration page, by
pressing F4 [Net] key, you will reach Network Configuration Page.

The MAC address is the Ethernet port address and it’s unique for each FloWEB; it’s factory set and is
displayed for information only.

DHCP active is not yet implemented in the actual software version: must be left to OFF.

The following two parameters are the IP address and the Network mask: they have to be configured when
FloWEB is connected on an Ethernet network. Select parameter by using the [⇓ ⇓] down key, when the value is
highlighted, pressing the ↵ [Ret] key, the field will be erased: using the keyboard insert the IP address or the
Network mask composed by four numbers, composed by 3 digit each (i.e. to insert 1 you have to set 001),
from 0 to 255 separated by periods, then press the ↵ [Ret] key to confirm. If you will hear a beep, it means that
the format of the address is not correct, and the inserted value will be not accepted.

When a valid IP address is programmed for the Time server, and the FloWEB is connected to a network, it will
try to synchronize its RTC with the Time server every two minutes: when the synchronization has been
established, the frequency of sync will be 60 minutes.

Warning!!: To make active any change, FloWEB must be powered off and then powered on again.

Warning!!: The DST option has to be disabled on the Time server, since FloWEB accept only time difference
less than 10 minutes; the DST has to be enabled on FloWEB only (see § 7.2.1.).

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FloWEB_UM_UNICIG_R24 ENG.doc Page 95 di 95 Log and Report

FloWEB can perform data logging (according to API MPMS 21.1) to generate historical records (archives) of
parameter data, and can print pre-defined or user-defined reports. The archived data can be exported through
file download and retrieved by ModBus protocol devices. The archived data values in logs and reports are the
mean values or mean, maximum and minimum values in the chosen log/report period.

From the Utility Configuration page, by pressing F5 [LogRep] key a pop-up window will be displayed: use the
⇓] down keys to select the Report page or Log page; to confirm the choice press ↵ [Ret] key.
⇑] up and [⇓

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By selecting Report Select, you will enter the page where up to 3 reports can be configured, for each stream
and also for station totals, according to system type as shown below.

Each Report can be of any of the 3 different types: Extended (Ex.), Short (Sh.) or User defined (R1, R2 and

According to the system configuration you can select report for the stream 1 (only L1 choice boxes are shown,
if the system type is “Single Line”), stream 2 (L2 shown if the system type is “Double Line” or “Station”) or
station (ST shown only when the system type is “Station”).

The time span interval of each report can be 15 minute, 1 hour, 1 day or 1 month.
If the choice “none” is selected, the corresponding reports are effectively disabled.

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The following table lists all the parameters included in the extended and short report types and all the
parameters that can be user selectable for Reports R1, R2 and R3.

Parameter Extended report Short report R1, R2, R3

Vb Base Volume √ √ User select
Vm Gross Volume √ √ User select
Vc Flow Meter Corrected Volume √ √ User select
Veb Base Volume in Error Condition √ √ User select
Vem Meter Volume in Error Condition √ √ User select
Vec Meter Corrected Volume in Error Condition √ √ User select
Es Energy Volume √ √ User select
Ms Mass Volume √ √ User select
Ee Energy Volume in Error Condition √ √ User select
Me Mass Volume in Error Condition √ √ User select
Zb Base Compressibility √ √ User select
T Temperature √ √ User select
P Pressure √ √ User select
DP Differential Pressure √ √ User select
Qb Base Flow Rate √ √ User select
Qm Gross Flow Rate √ √ User select
Qc Meter Corrected Flow Rate √ √ User select
Mass Flow Rate √ √ User select
Energy Flow Rate √ √ User select
N2 √ √ User select
CO2 √ √ User select
H2S √ User select
H2O √ User select
He √ User select
CH4 √ User select
C2H6 √ User select
C3H8 √ User select
C4H10 √ User select
N_C4H10 √ User select
I_C4H10 √ User select
C5H12 √ User select
N_C5H12 √ User select
I_C5H12 √ User select
C6H14 √ User select
C7H16 √ User select
C8H18 √ User select
C9H20 √ User select
C10H22 √ User select
O2 √ User select
CO √ User select
H2 √ User select
Ar √ User select

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To include a parameter in the User defined Report, select the report you want to configure (F1 [Rep.1], F2
[Rep.2] and F3 [Rep.3]), and check the parameters that have to be included in the report.

By pressing F6 [Next] key in the Report Selection page, you will enter the second Report Selection page where
up to 3 reports can be configured, for each stream and also for station totals, according to system type. These
reports are compliant to the Italian market gas regulation (SNAM reports).

Daily and Monthly Reports (both printed and archived) will be generated at the Contract Hour (see § 7.2.1).

Attention: the maximum number of active report is 16.

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FloWEB_UM_UNICIG_R24 ENG.doc Page 99 di 99 Log Configuration

FloWEB can perform data logging to generate historical records in log files, which adhere to the MID and
Welmec requirements for validity checking against corruption and/or tampering.

The archived data can be retrieved and copied locally through the built-in HTTP protocol and web interface
using any PC with a web browser.

For each stream and each of the six time intervals (30 seconds, 1 minute, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day and 1
month) the page gives information on the space occupied in the internal on-board disk.

Attention: the total space occupied “Total Space” shown should never be allowed to be greater than the
reserved space for this function “Reserved Space”.

⇑] up and [⇓
The log for which the “Num. of Files” fields is zero are disabled; to enable such logs, use the [⇑ ⇓]
down keys to highlight the corresponding time box and push the ↵ [Ret] button.

In the configuration page that opens you have to select a value for the following four choices:

• Policy
• Record time
• Unit
• Exec. Status
• Delete Files

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In the “Policy” field you can choose between “Circular” and “Fill”: the first choice will cause the older files to be
deleted to make space for the new ones, when the space limit has been reached. The second choice will stop
logging when full.

The space limit for each log is given in the “Space (bytes)” fields of the preceding log select page.
The number of samples “Samp. x File” multiplied for the number of files “Num. of Files” gives the total number
of records hold in the onboard disk for the selected log. Those information are accessible only for local

The “Record time” and “Unit” fields together give the total time span of the log: choose in “Unit” fields between
Hour, Day and Month, and in the “Record time” how many of that must be kept in the log.
Check the “Delete Files” check box to erase the old log files.

Push the F1 [LogVar] button to access the variables configuration page.

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The corresponding number of necessary samples per file and total files needed to keep all that data will be
automatically calculated and updated, when the measures to be logged will be selected in the following page.

When first configured, all the choices will be on “DIS” that stands for “Disabled”; therefore no data will be
logged in the report, even if configured, until you choose in this page which fields make up the record to be
logged for each time period.

For each measure or value shown that must be logged, you must select the “ENA” or “STA” option.
“ENA” means “Enabled”, and enables the logging of the measure at his right, given as average value in the log
time period. For a one-second period only, the average is the same as the instantaneous value, since the
FloWEB has a minimum one-second cycle period for calculations.
“STA” means “Statistics”, and also logs minimum and maximum values in the period.
For the intervals 30 sec. and 1 min a set of variable that can be logged is restricted as show below.

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FloWEB_UM_UNICIG_R24 ENG.doc Page 102 di 102 Compact Flash Configuration

FloWEB has a removable Compact Flash memory. From Utility Configuration page, by pressing F6 [CFlash]
key, you will reach the Compact Flash configuration page.

In this page is possible to format the compact flash. This operation is allowed only if the compact flash is
inserted but inactivated.
It is also possible enable the above command in the maintenance mode and than perform the command
without broken the program seal.

Attention!!: Format the Compact Flash exclusively using FloWEB.

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7.3. Visualizations Menu

From the default pages, by pressing F3 [Vis], after the login, you will reach the Visualization Menu.

With this menu is possible to view the following information:

1. The FloWEB current configuration.
2. The Diagnostic and Alarms situation.
3. View the event register.
4. View/Modify the current user password.
5. View the current totalizers.
6. View the current GAS composition.
7. View the Ultrasonic information.

The information related to the current configuration that is possible to see, depends on witch user has made
the login. Some information could be not visible for certain user profile.

The information are logically grouped in the rows, you can use the [⇐ ⇐] left and [⇒
⇒] right keys to select the
information grouped in the row, then you can expand it simply by pressing ↵ [Ret] key when the row is
selected. For each configuration parameter is possible to see, the current value and the default value.

7.3.1. Diagnostic and Alarms

FloWEB runs real time diagnostic routines to verify proper behavior of all functionalities; whenever a faulty
condition is verified the red LED “ALM” on the front panel glows and a specific alarm condition is raised.
Detailed diagnostic and alarms information can be reached from the Main Page or from the Visualization menu
Main Page with F1 [Alarms] key; according to the stream displayed in the Main Page (Stream 1, Stream 2 or
Station) the corresponding alarm page will be displayed:

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The type of alarm that are detected and recorded are:

Hardware alarm, caused by:

• Analogue Input board failure

Measure limit alarms, caused by one or more of:

• Pressure transducer alarm: value out of range (<4mA o >20mA)

• Temperature transducer alarm
• Differential Pressure transducer alarm (Orifice configuration)
• Differential Pressure Cut-Off (Orifice configuration)

Calculation alarm, caused by:

• Zeta calculation parameter error (invalid value for gas composition and/or pressure,
temperature out of range)
• Blade failure (Turbine configuration)

Event alarm, caused by:

• When the event register is filled up for the 90% of its size.
• When the event register is full

Alarm alarm, caused by:

• When the alarm register is filled up for the 90% of its size.
• When the alarm register is full

Compact Flash alarm, caused by:

• When the compact flash card is full

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Whenever an alarm condition is detected the related check box is ticked and in the Main Page on the upper
line of the display, after the Time, one or more alarm icons (see Table 7-1) are displayed. The column
“Current” provides information on actual alarm conditions, and the column “Historical” logs alarms conditions
which may not be active at the time the alarm page is displayed.




Table 7-1: Alarm Icons

7.3.2. Alarms Acknowledgement

Alarms can be acknowledged and reset by means of the F6 [Reset] key, provided that the proper level of
access is being granted to the operator, upon login recognition.
Alarm conditions that are active when the “Reset” key is pressed cannot be cleared.

7.3.3. Event Register

From the Visualization Menu, by pressing F2 [Events] key you can access the events register and the alarms

In this page you can browse for the events of your interest, by insert the “date from” and “date to”, is possible to
select all the events in that period of time. You can also choose the kind of event and show all the events of a
specific kind that occurs in that specific period of time. Use the F1 [Find] key to confirm the selection (see
Figure 7-3)

By using the arrow keys [⇑ ⇑] up and [⇓ ⇓] down is possible to select the event grid, one’s the grid is selected
using the arrow keys [⇐ ⇐] [⇒ ⇒] allows you to select the particular event, by press the ↵ [Ret] key you can
visualize all the information for that specific event.

With using the F2 [Del] and F3 [Print], you can respectively delete the all events or print the selected events.
N.B. you can delete the events just if the current user is the Administrator. Before clear the event register a
backup is made and the new event register start with a registration of the delete event.
The percentage on top of the page indicates the amount of space that the events take. When that value reach
the 90% an alarm is raised, when the events take a 100% of the space an other alarm is raised and the
eventually new event is overwrite to the last one.

7.3.4. Alarm Register

From the Visualization Menu, by pressing F2 [Events] key you can access the events register and the alarms

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In this page you can browse for the alarms of your interest, by insert the date from and date to, is possible to
select all the alarms in that period of time. You can also choose the kind of alarm and show all the alarms of a
specific kind that occurs in that specific period of time. Use the F1 [Find] key to confirm the selection (see
Figure 7-3).

By using the arrow keys [⇑ ⇑] up and [⇓ ⇓] down is possible to select the alarm grid, one’s the grid is selected
using the arrow keys [⇐ ⇐] [⇒ ⇒] allows you to select the particular alarm, by press the ↵ [Ret] key you can
visualize all the information for that specific alarm.

With using the F2 [Del] and F3 [Print], you can respectively delete the all alarms or print the selected alarms.
N.B. you can delete the alarms just if the current user is the Administrator. Before clear the alarm register a
backup is made.
The percentage on top of the page indicates the amount of space that the alarms take. When that value reach
the 90% an alarm is raised, when the alarms take a 100% of the space an other alarm is raised and the new
alarm is overwrite to the last one.

Reference structure of event/alarm record is reported in the followings:

Field Meaning
Date and Time Time stamp of logged event/alarm
User User who performed the logged action
Event type Type of event (Field Alarms, Parameters Modification, Date and time
update, Event deletion, Totalizers preset)
Vb – Base Volume Base Volume Totalizer on event occurrence
Modifications log List of parameters affected by modification, previous and updated value.

Contents of event registers can be accessed through user interface and in the future, collected via serial port
using UNI-CIG protocol.
Event/alarm register display is showed in the following example.

Figure 7-3: Events (or Alarm) register display

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7.3.5. Users Login Passwords

From the Visualization Menu, by pressing F3 [Users] key, you will access the User Login Password
Configuration. For details on this configuration refer to §

7.3.6. Totalizers page

From the Visualization Menu, by pressing F4 [Count] key you can access the “Counters Menu”. In the main
page all the following totalizers are displayed:

• Vb Base volume = Net Volume at Base conditions

• Vm Meas. volume = Flow Meter Gross Measured volume
• Vc Corr. volume = Flow Meter corrected volume (linearized for turbine error)
• Vem Error Meas. volume = Flow Meter Gross Measured volume during error conditions
• Veb Error Base volume = Flow Meter Net volume during error conditions
• Vec Error Corr. volume = Flow Meter corrected volume during error conditions

From here pressing F6 [Next] another page with the following totals is displayed:

• Ms Mass Flow = measured mass flow

• Es Energy Flow = measured energy flow
• Me Error Mass Flow = measured mass flow during error conditions
• Ee Error Energy Flow = measured energy flow during error conditions

From the these pages, by pressing F1 [Hour], F2 [Day] or F3 [Month] keys, the related Counters pages will
be displayed; for all the counters, the Current and the Previous hour totalizers will be displayed.

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7.3.7. Current GAS Composition

From the Visualization Menu, by pressing F5 [ComGas] key you can access the gas composition page.

This page shows the values of GAS Composition used by FloWEB for calculations. When the “GAS
Composition” selector is set on “Local”, the current values correspond to the GAS Composition values set by
the user. When FloWEB is connected to a gas chromatography device (or to a RTU, PLC or PC that can
supply gas composition data) the “GAS Composition” selector have to be set on “Measured”; FloWEB will
regularly request raw gas composition information, the gas calorific value (HV) and the gas specific gravity
(defined also as relative density: GRb) value directly from the gas chromatography device. In such case,
requests are first made to the chromatograph for some status flag (MODBUS registers) so that some
preliminary checks can be performed. In the “Measured” configuration, current values correspond to the GAS
Composition values received from the chromatograph, if they are valid; otherwise they correspond to the
default values set by the user when the “On Error use dft” selector is enabled. The label between the
component value and his unit, tells you if that value is a local value “O”, the default value “D” or measured
value “” (empty).

The “GC Time Out” is set to true if no GAS composition data is read within a time out time. The “GC Error” is
set to true if there is no response from GC.
While in normal condition, both the flags are set to false, as represented in the following figure.

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7.3.8. Compact Flash

From the second page of the Visualization Menu, by pressing F1 [CFlash] key you can access the Compact
Flash data.

In this page is possible to access at the compact flash status and information; all the information are read only

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7.3.9. Instant Print

From the second page of the Visualization Menu, by pressing F2 [Print] key you can access the Print Selection

In this page is possible to select and print the current configuration and the current data. The entire system
configuration is divided in the followings sections:

 System Configuration
 Inputs Configuration
 Calculation Parameters
 Default Parameters
 User Parameters
 Turbine Calibration Curve
 Analog Out Configuration
 Digital Out Configuration
 COM Configuration
 Redund Configuration

Select one or both the following items print the current volume values:

 Volume Print
 Print Partial Volume Vb

Select the section you want print and then press “Print” button.

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7.3.10. On/Off Date & Time

From the second page of the Visualization Menu, by pressing F3 [On/Off] key, you can see FloWEB last ON
and/or OFF state date & time and date & time of the last configuration session.

7.3.11. Ultrasonic information

From the second page of the Visualization Menu, by pressing F4 [Ultra] key you can access the Ultrasonic
When the Measure System is selected as “Ultrasonic”, you can see in this pages all the information related to
the ultrasonic gas flow meter.

The first field indicates the status of the ModBus communication with the ultrasonic system.

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7.4. Maintenance Settings Menu

From the default pages, by pressing F4 [Maint], after the login, you will reach the Maintenance Settings Menu.
Only the “Maint.” user has the capability to do that, when the FloWEB is in the maintenance state, it can be
visible by the label “MAINT” on top of the page.

In this state:

1. The alarms are inhibited.

2. There is no update of the events register.
3. The FloWEB continue to make is calculations but the results are saved with maintenance mark state.

Press F1 [LogOut] to close a Maintenance section, F2 [Date], F3 [User], F4 [Lang.] respectively for change
date, user password, and language.

7.4.1. Users Login Passwords

From the Maintenance Menu, by pressing F3 [Users] key, you will access the User Login Password
Configuration. For details on this configuration refer to §

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7.4.2. Compact Flash servicing

From Maintenance Settings menu, by pressing F5 [CFlash] key the Compact Flash servicing page will be
displayed; from this page operations required for the extraction and/or insertion of a Compact Flash Card in the
dedicated Card Slot can be performed.

On the Compact Flash Card, when properly formatted and inserted using the procedures shown in the
following pages, two separate trees of sub-directories are maintained, one for long-time archiving of log files
and the other for archiving of the “virtual print rolls” generated by the virtual printer.

When a Flash Card is already inserted in the Slot, it is necessary to inform the system of the intention of
extracting it in order to guarantee that all operations eventually active, either for log files backup or virtual
printer rolls backup are properly terminated.

Warning: failure to properly extract the CF-Card can lead to data corruption, file-system corruption and in
extreme cases damage to the Compact Card itself.

To remove the CF Card you must make a “Removal” request, this command will stop all the activity on the CF
Card and than put the Operating state in “Inactivated”.
Reestablishing the activity of the CF Card, after physical insertion you must press the “Insertion” button, the
operating state will begun “Active”.
Finally, the “Removal” request may be used to disable the long-time archiving, in fact the “Removal” request
stops all the activity on the CF Card.

N.B. When the “Removal” request has been fulfilled, even if the CF Card is left in the slot, no archiving will
be done. To enable long-time archiving, an “Insertion” operation must be done.

With the last command “CF Format”, the CF Card can be formatted. This command is available only it has
been enabled during configuration (see §

By pressing F1 [CFInfo] key the CF Dataset page will be displayed.

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7.4.3. Test

From Maintenance Settings menu, by pressing F6 [Test] key the Test page will be displayed; from this page
some diagnostic test of FloWEB can be performed:

• Video test: checks display regular operation;

• Kbd test: checks all keyboard keys regular operation;
• Revert: allows to restore factory configuration;
• GoBoot: starts FloWEB in Floboot mode;

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8. Communication and Networking

This chapter will guide the user to FloWEB serial communications and networking.

Since this subject area is vast, only FloWEB point of view will be covered. Therefore, it is assumed that the
reader has a reasonable working knowledge of data communication and networking.

8.1. FloWEB Communication Capabilities

FloWEB has extensive facilities that allow it to communicate with almost any device that has support for
ModBus protocol.

According to FloWEB hardware, configuration of 4 or 5 serial communication ports will be available, other than
an high speed Ethernet port and a dedicated CAN bus port.

Table 8-1 shows there are 3 physical layer interfaces supported by FloWEB: RS232C, RS422 and RS485 (2 or
4 wires).

Comm #1 Comm #2 Comm #3 Comm #4 Comm #5

(CPU board) (CPU board) (Aux board) (Analog Input (Analog Input
board #1) board #2)
RS-232C or RS-232C or RS-232C or RS-232C or RS-232C or
RS-422 or RS-422 or RS-422 or RS-422 or RS- RS-422 or
RS-485 RS-485 RS-485 485 RS-485

Table 8-1: Serial Ports and supported interfaces

8.1.1. Comm #1 & Comm #2 connections and settings (CPU Board)

Table 8-2 lists all the connections to the CPU Board (Part Number: SK0707T03M01).

Term# Name Function I/O Term# Name Function I/O

A1 TXD1 Comm #1 RS232 TX O B1 RTX1+ Comm #1 RS485/422 TX+ I/O
A2 RXD1 Comm #1 RS232 RX I B2 RTX1- Comm #1 RS485/422 TX- I/O
A3 COMS1 Comm #1 Common B3 COMS1 Comm #1 Common
A4 RTS1 Comm #1 RS232 RTS O B4 RX1+ Comm #1 RS485/422 RX+ I
A5 CTS1 Comm #1 RS232 CTS I B5 RX1- Comm #1 RS485/422 RX- I
A6 TXD2 Comm #2 RS232 TX O B6 RTX2+ Comm #2 RS485/422 TX+ I/O
A7 RXD2 Comm #2 RS232 RX I B7 RTX2- Comm #2 RS485/422 TX- I/O
A8 COMS2 Comm #2 Common B8 COMS2 Comm #2 Common
A9 RTS2 Comm #2 RS232 RTS O B9 RX2+ Comm #2 RS485/422 RX+ I
A10 CTS2 Comm #2 RS232 CTS I B10 RX2- Comm #2 RS485/422 RX- I
A11 CANH CanBus H I/O B11 CANH CanBus H I/O
A12 CANL CanBus L I/O B12 CANL CanBus L I/O
A13 COMC CanBus Common B13 COMC CanBus Common
A14 N/C N/C B14 N/C N/C

Table 8-2: CPU board connections list

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Table 8-3 gives the connections according to the physical interface:

Serial Type Signal Function
Comm#1 Comm#2
A1 A6 TX TX (O)
A2 A7 RX RX (I)
RS-232 A3 A8 COM Common
A4 A9 RTS Request To Send (O)
A5 A10 CTS Clear To Send (I)
B1 B6 TX+ TX not inverting (O) (A)
B2 B7 TX- TX inverting (O) (B)
RS-485 (4 wires) B3 B8 COM Common
B4 B9 RX+ RX not inverting (I) (A)
B5 B10 RX- RX inverting (I) (B)
B1 B6 TX+ RX/TX not inverting (A)
RS-485 (2 wires) B2 B7 TX- RX/TX inverting (B)
B3 B8 COM Common

Table 8-3: CPU board RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 connections list

Fig. 8-1 shows the 4 DIP switches banks position on the CPU board; the settings of these DIP switches defines
the physical interfaces of the Comm #1 and Comm #2 serial ports.


123456 123456
123456 123456

JP3 JP24

Figure 8-1: CPU board Dip switches location

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Table 8-4 gives the DIP switches settings for the four different physical interfaces of each serial port:

Serial Type SW1 (Comm #1) or SW3 (Comm #2)

1 2 3 4 5 6
RS232 ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
RS422 ○ ○ ● ○ ● ○
RS485 (2 wires) ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ●
RS485 (4 wires) ○ ○ ● ● ○ ○
●= ON, ○=OFF

Table 8-4: CPU board RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 DIP switches settings

Table 8-5 gives the DIP switches settings for the insertion of the termination resistor for RS-422 and RS-485
and for the insertion of the polarization for RS-485:

SW2 (serial #1) or SW4 (serial #2)

Serial Type Termination / Polarization
1 2 3 4 5 6
Inserted ● ●
RS422 Termination
Not Inserted ○ ○
Inserted ●
RS485 Not Inserted ○
(2 wires) Inserted ● ●
Not Inserted ○ ○
Inserted ● ●
RS485 Not Inserted ○ ○
(4 wires) Inserted ● ● ● ●
Not Inserted ○ ○ ○ ○
●=ON, ○=OFF, (void)=don’t care

Table 8-5: CPU board RS-422 and RS-485 termination and polarization DIP switches settings

Termination resistors have to be inserted on the first and on the last devices on the network; terminations
reduce voltage reflections that can cause the RS-485 receiver to misread logic levels.
The Biasing resistor is useful to hold the RS-485 line in a known state when all the drivers in the FloWEB are
disabled; the Biasing resistor has to be inserted on the first device of the network only.

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8.1.2. Comm #3 connection and setting (Auxiliary Board)

Table 8-6 lists all the connections to the Auxiliary Board (Part Number: SK0707T08M01).

Term # Name Function I/O

A1 TXD3 Comm #3 RS232 TX O
A2 RXD3 Comm #3 RS232 RX I
A3 COMS3 Comm #3 Common
A4 RTS3 Comm #3 RS232 RTS O
A5 CTS3 Comm # 3 RS232 CTS I
A6 RTX3+ Comm #3 RS485/422 TX+ I/O
A7 RTX3- Comm #3 RS485/422 TX- I/O
A8 COMS3 Comm #3 Common
A9 RX3+ Comm #3 RS485/422 RX+ I
A10 RX3- Comm #3 RS485/422 RX- I
A11 N/C N/C
A12 N/C N/C
A13 N/C N/C
A14 N/C N/C

Table 8-6: Auxiliary board connections list

Table 8-7 gives the connections according to the physical interface:

Serial Type Terminal Signal Function

A1 TX TX (O)
A2 RX RX (I)
RS232 A3 COM Common
A4 RTS Request To Send (O)
A5 CTS Clear To Send (I)
A6 TX+ TX not inverting (O) (A)
A7 TX- TX inverting (O) (B)
RS485 (4 wires) A8 COM Common
A9 RX+ RX not inverting (I) (A)
A10 RX- RX inverting (I) (B)
A6 TX+ RX/TX not inverting (A)
RS485 (2 wires) A7 TX- RX/TX inverting (B)
A8 COM Common

Table 8-7: Auxiliary board RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 connections list

Fig. 8-2 shows the 2 DIP switches banks position on the Auxiliary board; the settings of these DIP switches
define the physical interfaces of the Comm #3 serial port.

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Figure 8-2: Auxiliary board Dip switches location

Table 8-8 gives the DIP switches settings for the four different physical interfaces of the serial port:

Serial Type SW1

1 2 3 4 5 6
RS232 ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
RS422 ○ ○ ● ○ ● ○
RS485 (2 wires) ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ●
RS485 (4 wires) ○ ○ ● ● ○ ○
●=ON, ○=OFF

Table 8-8: Auxiliary board RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 DIP switches settings

Table 8-9 gives the DIP switches settings for the insertion of the termination resistor for RS-422 and RS-485
and for the insertion of the polarization for RS-485:

Interface Termination / Polarization
1 2 3 4 5 6
Inserted ● ●
RS422 Termination
Not Inserted ○ ○
Inserted ●
RS485 Not Inserted ○
(2 Wires) Inserted ● ●
Not Inserted ○ ○
Inserted ● ●
RS485 Not Inserted ○ ○
(4 wires) Inserted ● ● ● ●
Not Inserted ○ ○ ○ ○
●=ON, ○=OFF, (void)=don’t care

Table 8-9: Auxiliary board RS-422 and RS-485 termination and polarization DIP switches settings

Termination resistors have to be inserted on the first and on the last devices on the network; terminations
reduce voltage reflections that can cause the RS-485 receiver to misread logic levels.
The Biasing resistor is useful to hold the RS-485 line in a known state when all the drivers in the FloWEB are
disabled; the Biasing resistor has to be inserted on the first device of the network only.

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8.1.3. Comm #4 & Comm #5 connections and settings (Analogue Input board)

Table 8-10 lists all the connections to the Analogue Inputs Board (Part Number: SK0707T07M01).

Term# Name Function I/O Term# Name Function I/O

A1 TXD Comm #4/5 RS232 TX O B1 RTX+ Comm #4/5 RS485/422 RTX+ I/O
A2 RXD Comm #4/5 RS232 RX I B2 RTX- Comm #4/5 RS485/422 RTX- I/O
A3 COMS Comm #4/5 Common B3 COMS Comm #4/5 Common
A4 RTS Comm #4/5 RS232 RTS O B4 RX+ Comm #4/5 RS485/422 RX+ I
A5 CTS Comm #4/5 RS232 CTS I B5 RX- Comm #4/5 RS485/422 RX- I
A6 IN1P Input #1 +24V out O B6 INP2 Input #2 +24V out O
A7 IN1+ Input #1 In+ I B7 INP2+ Input #2 In+ I
A8 IN1- Input #1 In- I B8 INP2- Input #2 In- I
A9 IN3P Input #3 +24V out O B9 IN4P Input #4 +24V out O
A10 IN3+ Input #3 In+ I B10 IN4+ Input #4 In+ I
A11 IN3- Input #3 In- I B11 IN4- Input #4 In- I
A12 IN5P Input #5 +24V out O B12 PTF+ Input #6 PT100 Supply + (O)
A13 IN5+ Input #5 In+ I B13 PT+ Input #6 PT100 In+ I
A14 IN5- Input #5 In- I B14 PT- Input #6 PT100 In- I
A15 IN7+ Input #7 In+ I B15 PTF- Input #6 PT100 Supply - (O)
A16 IN7- Input #7 In- I B16 P24 +24V Out O

Table 8-10: Analogue Input Board connections list.

Table 8-11 gives the connections according to the physical interface:

Serial Type Terminal Signal Function

RS232 A3 COM Common
A4 RTS Request To Send (O)
A5 CTS Clear To Send (I)
B1 TX+ not inverting TX (O) (A)
B2 TX- inverting TX (O) (B)
B3 COM Common
RS485 (4 wires)
B4 RX+ not inverting RX (I) (A)
B5 RX- inverting RX (I) (B)
B1 RTX+ RX/TX not inverting (A)
RS485 (2 wires) B2 RTX- RX/TX inverting (B)
B3 COM Common

Table 8-11: Analogue Input board RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 connections list

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Fig. 8-3 shows the 2 DIP switches banks position on the Analogue Input boards; the settings of these DIP
switches define the physical interfaces of the Comm #4 (for Analogue Input board #1) and of Comm #5 (for
Analogue Input board #2) serial ports.


123456 123456

3 SW1 SW2 SW3

Figure 8-3 – Analogue Input Board Dip switches location

Table 8-12 gives the connections according to the physical interface:

Interface type SW4

1 2 3 4 5 6
RS232 ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
RS422 ○ ○ ● ○ ● ○
RS485 (2 wires) ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ●
RS485 (4 wires) ○ ○ ● ● ○ ○
● = ON, ○ = OFF, (void)=don’t care

Table 8-12: Analogue Input board RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 DIP switches settings

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Table 8-13 gives the DIP switches settings for the insertion of the termination resistor for RS-422 and RS-485
and for the insertion of the polarization for RS-485:

Serial Type Termination / Polarization
1 2 3 4 5 6
Inserted ● ●
RS422 Termination
Not Inserted ○ ○
Inserted ●
RS485 Not Inserted ○
(2 wires) Inserted ● ●
Not Inserted ○ ○
Inserted ● ●
RS485 Not Inserted ○ ○
(4 wires) Inserted ● ● ● ●
Not Inserted ○ ○ ○ ○
●=ON, ○=OFF, (void)= don’t care

Table 8-13: Analogue Input board RS-422/RS-485 termination and polarization DIP switches settings

Termination resistors have to be inserted on the first and on the last devices on the network; terminations
reduce voltage reflections that can cause the RS-485 receiver to misread logic levels.
The Biasing resistor is useful to hold the RS-485 line in a known state when all the drivers in the FloWEB are
disabled; the Biasing resistor has to be inserted on the first device of the network only.

8.1.4. Ethernet Connection

FloWEB has an high speed Ethernet port on the CPU board; such port can be connected on the rear panel
(directly on CPU board Ethernet receptacle) or on the front panel (by using a short Ethernet cable that bridges
CPU board and Auxiliary board receptacle). Fig. 8-4 shows both connections. The Ethernet cable to use for the
connection to this port is a crossed type for point-to-point connection and standard type for network connection.

Bridge for Front

Rear Panel
Ethernet Ethernet
Connection Connection

Figure 8-4: Ethernet port rear panel connection and front panel bridge cable

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8.1.5. CAN Bus Connection

FloWEB has a high speed CAN (Controller Area Network) communication port on the CPU board; this
communication port is used when redundant FloWEB configuration is required. Table 8-14 gives the
connection of CAN interface. All connections are duplicated on terminal A and B line to allow an easy FloWEB
chain build-up.

Port Terminal Signal Function

A11/B11 CAN H H signal (I/O)
CAN A12/B12 CAN L L signal (I/O)
A13/B13 CAN COM Common

Table 8-14: CPU board CAN connection list

The CAN network requires a bus termination placed on the first and last FloWEB on the chain; on the CPU
board JP24, when closed, insert bus termination (see Fig. 8-5).


123456 123456
123456 123456

JP3 JP24

Figure 8-5: CAN termination jumper

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8.2. FloWEB ModBus Communication

The FloWEB has extensive facilities that allow it to communicate with almost any device that has support for
Gould Modicon ModBus protocol.

FloWEB supports ModBus protocol on four physical layer interfaces:

• RS232C
• RS422
• RS485

FloWEB implements the two standard modes of transmission: ASCII (7 data bit, parity odd, 2 stop bit) or RTU
(Remote Terminal Unit, 8 data bit, parity none, 1 stop bit). Additionally, a non-standard mode (called “User
Mode”) is implemented, that permits to choose each physical transmission parameter independently from the
others (user-defined byte-frame).
Usually, FloWEB acts as a Slave device on a ModBus network; the Slave address is user programmable.
When connected directly to a gas chromatograph or ultrasonic meter, FloWEB operates as a Master device in
the ModBus network.

The Gould Modicon ModBus specification is designed to transfer data in 1-bit (coil) or 16-bit (register) blocks.
This protocol has not been designed to deal with data, which require a minimum of 32-bit blocks, such as
floating point numbers. For this reason, every manufacturer of computer equipments, which deals with this type
of data, must decide in which way the protocol should be extended. As a result, many different
implementations exist for the transfer of 32-bit floating-point data.

In the following the main features of the ModBus communication will be described; refer to the document
FloWEB ModBus – ModBus TCP Protocol manual for more detailed information.

8.2.1. Supported Commands

The FloWEB supports the following ModBus protocol commands:

1. Command 01 – Read multiple Boolean points

2. Command 02 – Read single Boolean point
3. Command 03 – Read multiple registers
4. Command 04 – Read single register
5. Command 05 – Write single Boolean point
6. Command 06 – Write single register
7. Command 15 – Write multiple Boolean point
8. Command 16 – Write multiple registers

All data stored within the FloWEB is represented by one or more 16-bit registers. There may be registers which
contain a collection of bits.

8.2.2. Register Addressing

The database in the FloWEB uses a unique index, called location number, for every software parameter.
ModBus register numbers are always expressed as database location number minus 1. Therefore, a master
device will ask for ModBus register 1519 in order to read the data in FloWEB database location 1520.

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8.2.3. Floating Point Numbers

The FloWEB uses the 32-bit IEEE format for floating point numbers. Since Gould Modicon doesn’t define 32-
bit transfers, the order of transmission for (16-bit) words of 32-bit value is also not defined. When FloWEB
send 32-bit data, the first word is the most significant.

8.2.4. Connecting FloWEB to a RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 Link

A simple ModBus network can consist of just two devices. They could be a Personal Computer (PC), a Gas
Chromatograph or an ultrasonic meter, and a FloWEB connected by a RS-232C “straight through” cable.

PC Com Port connection to FloWEB COMM #1, COMM #3, COMM #4 and COMM #5
RS-232 wiring with no RTS/CTS handshaking

PC Com Port connection to FloWEB COMM #2

RS-232 wiring with no RTS/CTS handshaking

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PC Com Port connection to FloWEB COMM #1, COMM #3, COMM #4 and COMM #5
RS-232 wiring with RTS/CTS handshaking

PC Com Port connection to FloWEB COMM #2

RS-232 wiring with RTS/CTS handshaking

Larger and more intricate networks are possible. For example a SCADA system may want to get flow rate from
each FloWEB dedicated to a stream. In such cases a RS-422/RS-485 connection is the best choice.

Gas Chromatograph connection to two FloWEB COMM #1, COMM #4, and COMM #5 RS-485 wiring

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Gas Chromatograph connection to two FloWEB COMM #2 and COMM #3 RS-485 wiring

Gas Chromatograph connection to two FloWEB COMM #1, COMM #4, and COMM #5 RS-422 wiring

Gas Chromatograph connection to two FloWEB COMM #2 and COMM #3 RS-422 wiring

After all the wiring to external communication devices is completed, follow the instructions on § to
configure the communication port.

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8.2.5. Connecting FloWEB to a TCP/IP network

FloWEB implements ModBus protocol on the TCP/IP protocol too, so it can be connected to any TCP/IP
network. A ModBus messaging service provides a Client/Server communication between devices connected
on the network.

A ModBus TCP/IP network usually consist of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), RTU (Remote Terminal
Unit), Gas chromatograph and SCADA supervisory System than can exchange or retrieve data from FloWEB.

To configure the TCP/IP port follows the instructions on §

The ModBus TCP implementation follows the guidelines of the Modicon/Schneider ModBus TCP/IP
specifications, except for the “Gateway” service, which isn’t applicable to the FloWEB since it is not meant to
be used as a gateway device.

A maximum of 5 (five) simultaneous ModBus TCP connections are possible; the FloWEB acts as a server on
fixed TCP port 502 for this protocol.

N.B. The ModBus TCP protocol is not to be confused with the ModBus Ethernet protocol: both protocols use
Ethernet interfaces as a physical transport medium, but they are different and incompatible. The so-called
“Industrial Ethernet” protocol is still another, different and incompatible too.

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9. HART, Smart and FloWEB

FloWEB has a native facility to use digital communications with “Smart” field transmitters; no special add-on
board is required. A “SMART” transmitter is said to be intelligent because it contains a microprocessor that
provides extra functionality. This may take various forms, such as on-board calculations, handling multiple
sensors, combining types of measurement, measurement integrity indicators, and so on. “SMART” is also used
for the ability to re-use existing field wiring.

9.1. Introduction to HART, Smart and the FloWEB

FloWEB is able to communicate as a Current Input Device (Primary Master) on a network (two-wire 4-20mA
loop) of “SMART” field transmitters (Slaves) for each Analogue Inputs board.

Warning!! Each network loop must have no more than five “SMART” field transmitters connected at any
one time. Exceeding this number will damage Analogue Inputs boards.

Fig. 9-1 shows a “safe area only” diagram with all the HART network loops with the maximum number of
“Smart” field transmitters. In practice, far fewer transmitters are used.

Figure 9-1: Smart field transmitters

Warning!! Connecting up “SMART” transducers has to be done with great care. Powering-up more than
one point-to-point configured transmitter on a HART network loop can produce an electrical
current (20mA per transmitter) that can damage the FloWEB Analogue Inputs board.

The communications standard for each network loop is the HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer)
Protocol. A full technical discussion of this standard is outside the scope of this User Manual.

FloWEB application software is able to request data from dynamic variables that are kept and maintained by a
“SMART” transmitter. These dynamic variables can be thought of as being very much like virtual analogue
inputs for FloWEB. Four dynamic variables per “SMART” field transmitter can be requested. A total of twenty
dynamic variables can be input to the FloWEB.

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Fig. 9-2 gives an example of an HART network loop with four field transmitters; from the HART transmitter with
address 1 two variables are retrieved, primary and secondary, and assigned to FloWEB inputs 1 and 2
respectively. From the HART transmitter with address 5 the fourth variable is retrieved and assigned to
FloWEB input 5, from the HART transmitter with address 3 the secondary variable is retrieved and assigned to
FloWEB input 4 and from the HART transmitter with address 8 the third variable is retrieved and assigned to
FloWEB input 9.

Transmitter Transmitter
Variables Variables
Primary Primary

HART 2 Secondary Secondary

Third Third

Fourth Fourth

Address = 1
HART loop


Transmitter Transmitter
Figure 9-2: Example of HART network loop with four transmitters
HART 7 Variables Variables

Primary Primary
Secondary Secondary
Third Third

HART !0 Fourth Fourth

Address = 3 Address = 8

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10. Redundancy and FloWEB

Redundancy involves using two identically equipped FloWEB flow computers and connecting them in such a
way to ensure uninterrupted measurement in the event of failure of one of the units. This requires that all input
signals are connected to both computers. During normal operation, one computer is designated the Master (or
Hot) and the other computer the Slave (or Standby). To ensure synchronization between both devices,
important variables such as totals, date and time must be transmitted from the Master flow computer via the
peer-to-peer link to the Slave flow computer. Should a failure of the Master flow computer occur, the Slave flow
computer is automatically promoted to Master and assumes all measurement functions. In this case the data
flow on the peer-to-peer link reverses automatically and the new master begins to transmit critical data to the
slave, assuming that it is functioning.

10.1. Introduction to Hot/Standby, Redundancy and the FloWEB

Redundancy (or Hot/Standby) controls the selection of a flow computer that is to be the main fiscal
accounting device (‘Master FloWEB’) and a flow computer that is to be the backup device (‘Slave FloWEB’).

In the event of any system alarm, such as those in Table 10-1, a hand-over will take place. On completion of
the hand-over, the ‘Slave FloWEB’ becomes the ‘Master FloWEB’.

Power fail Blade failure

RTD out of range Z calculation error
mA sensors out of range Master CPU error

Table 10-1: System alarms for flow computers hand-over

The main feature of Redundancy is to provide synchronization of fiscal totals (Vb, Vm, Vc, Ve, Es and Ms)
between the two FloWEB.
Communications between the two flow computers is accomplished using the peer-to-peer function. This
function is available only on the dedicated CAN communication bus. The Master FloWEB sends periodically,
every 10 seconds, a “I am the Master” message on the peer-to-peer communication bus; should a failure of the
Master flow computer or any of the alarms of Table 10-1 occur, after a 10 seconds timeout, the Slave flow
computer is automatically promoted to Master and assumes all measurement functions.

The totals from the ‘Master FloWEB’ are copied to the ‘Standby FloWEB’ with a periodic time interval of 5
minutes. It’s important that the two flow computer have exactly the same configuration; in case of small
differences in the configuration, the Slave flow computer will go in a “Not aligned configuration” status and the
totals will not be updated from the Master. In this situation, and only in this case, it will be possible to Login in
the Slave and change its configuration to be aligned with the Master; when the Salve configuration will be
aligned with the Master, the latter will start again to align the totals to the Slave.
When everything work correctly, the Login will be possible only in the promoted Master.

The two Redundant FloWEB flow computers have a dedicate ModBus address common to both flow
computers. This feature is particularly useful in metering systems applications whereby only the ‘Master’ flow
computer is required to communicate with the supervisory computer. When the supervisory computer will send
a read/write message, only the promoted Master will answer.

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10.2. Redundant FloWEB wiring requirements

Fig. 10-1 shows the wiring needed when flow computers are applied in a redundancy scheme via the peer-to-
peer feature and using the proprietary CAN communication bus.

Figure 10-1: CAN communication bus wiring for redundant FloWEB connection

There are two typical connections of two FloWEB for Hot/Standby, or Redundancy, architecture; Fig. 10-2
show the base architecture with shared transmitters between the two flow computers; in a redundant system all
input signals must be connected to both Master and Slave flow computers. Voltage pulse signals such as flow
meters devices must be connected in parallel to the appropriate inputs of both flow Master and Slave
Analogue 4-20 mA signals should be converted to 1-5 V; as a general rule, follow the wiring recommendations
shown for a normal single flow computer installation (see § 4.) and then simply wire the second flow computer
terminals in parallel with the first computer.

Warning!! With shared input signals, only the power fail or Master CPU fault situations can be handled;
any fault in the input transducers cannot be managed.

Figure 10-2: Hot/Standby scheme with shared transmitters

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Fig. 10-3 shows the preferred architecture that use redundant transmitters connected to each flow computer;
with such wiring arrangement any fault in the input transducers can be managed correctly.

Figure 10-3: Hot/Standby scheme with redundant transmitters

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11. Principle of Operation

The FloWEB Gas Flow Computer is designed to calculate the total energy, volume and instantaneous flow
rates of natural gas. Calculation is carried out using inputs from pulse generating turbine meters or from
differential pressure measurement across orifice plates together with temperature sensors and transmitters for
line pressure.
Turbine and Orifice configurations are both supported by the same FloWEB configuration, thus allowing
supporting both measurement setups with the same unit; measurement configuration is selected by means of
the user interface.
Single stream, Double stream and Station configurations are also selectable by the user, providing enhanced
application flexibility with a unique device.
Since acquisitions and calculations are repeated at each cycle, together with re-reading, update and
memorization in non-volatile storage of all new values, no transitional disturbance can have lasting effect; the
fault recovery from such disturbances is therefore automatic, one or two seconds after the disturbance has
ceased (for single and double stream, respectively).

The following sections provide description of FloWEB operation and overall functionalities.

11.1. Acquisition
Input variables, such as Pressure, Temperature, Status and Flow Meter inputs are being updated every 500
milliseconds, according to acquisition cycle defined by CPU and forwarded to Analogue Inputs boards.
Transmitters can be both interfaced as traditional analogue variables, such as 4-20 mA or RTD inputs, and by
means of HART digital interface, to overcome periodic recalibration needs.

11.1.1. Alarms
All input and output signals are tested to ensure that they are within the designed operating limits; an alarm
display records the time when alarms occur and clear. During an alarm condition the total flow is displayed on a
separate counter.
Specific functional module provides FloWEB with the capability of generating alarms upon user defined
conditions, such as threshold trespassing for analog variables, variations of status contacts, etc.
Each variable can be independently configured to generate an alarm.

11.1.2. Turbine - Fidelity check

Whenever Turbine metering is being selected fidelity check on double pulse emitters can be enabled, providing
real time verification of proper emitter connection, according to defined blade ratio.
If a mismatch is detected an alarm is raised and acquisition can be configured to either stop or keep on going.

11.2. Calculation
11.2.1. Compressibility Gas Factor (Z)
Compressibility Gas factor (Z) is calculated according to selected algorithm, as follows:

− AGA-NX19mod
− ISO12213-3: 1997 (SGERG91)
− AGA8 gross 1
− AGA8 gross 2
− AGA8 Detailed

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Compressibility algorithm is performed only if gas analysis parameters and input sensors (pressure and
temperature) are in a valid range. Outside the valid range a faulty condition is detected and Volumes at base
condition are not computed.
Alternatively use can select to use default values instead of live values, so that calculation is kept ongoing; also
in this case volume at measurement conditions are computed in a separate error counter (Veb).

Range of input gas analysis parameters and input sensors (pressure and temperature) for each selected
formula are reported in the following:

Relative density = 0.554 - 1.00
Carbon dioxide = 0 - 15%
Nitrogen = 0 - 15%
Meas. Pressure = 0..75 Bar
Meas. Temperature = -20..+50 °C

ISO12213-3 (SGERG91):
Relative density = 0.55 - 0.9
Heating value = 20 - 48Mj/m^3
Carbon dioxide = 0 - 30%
Hydrogen = 0 - 10%
Meas. Pressure = 0..75 Bar
Meas. Temperature = -20..+50 °C

Relative density = 0.55 - 0.9
Methane = 50 – 100%
Nitrogen = 0 - 50%
Carbon dioxide = 0 - 30%
Ethane = 0 – 20%
Hydrogen = 0 - 10%
Propane = 0- 5%
Carbon Monoxide = 0 - 3%
Butanes = 0 – 1,5%
Helium = 0 – 0,5%
Pentanes = 0 – 0,5%
Hexanes = 0 –0,1%
Heptane = 0 – 0,1%
Octanes = 0 – 0,1%
Meas. Pressure = 0..100 Bar
Meas. Temperature = -23..+60 °C

AGA8 gross 1 and gross 2:

Relative density = 0.55 - 0.87
Heating value = 16.65 - 45.12 MJ/m^3
Carbon dioxide = 0 - 30%
Hydrogen = 0 - 10%
Nitrogen = 0 - 15%
Carbon monoxide = 0 - 30%
Meas. Pressure = 0..75 Bar
Meas. Temperature = -10..+50 °C

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AGA8 Detailed:
Nitrogen = 0 –100%
Carbon Dioxide = 0 – 100%
Ethane = 0 – 100%
Propane = 0- 12%
Water = 0 – 10%
H2S = 0 – 100%
Hydrogen = 0 – 100%
Carbon Monoxide = 0 - 3%
Oxygen = 0 – 21%
Butanes = 0 – 6%
Pentanes = 0 – 4%
Hexanes = 0 – 10%
Helium = 0 – 3%
Argon = 0 - 100%
Meas. Pressure = 0..100 Bar
Meas. Temperature = -30..+70 °C

Acquisition of new measures and calculation is performed every 1 second.

11.2.2. Calculation of Relative density (Specific gravity)

The relative density is the ratio between the density of the specific gas and the density of air at the same stated
conditions (reference temperature and pressure).

Density = RHOgas / RHOair

Table 9-1 shows the air density (RHOair) considered by FloWEB according to reference pressure and
temperature conditions:

Reference Reference RHO

Pressure Temperature air(*)
1,01325 bar 0°C 1,292923
1,01325 bar 15°C 1,22541
1,01325 bar 20°C 1,204449
14,73 psi 60°F 1,225878

(*) Tabled values according to ISO and AGA standards.

Table 9-1: Air Density at different reference conditions

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11.2.3. TURBINE configuration

Calculations performed depend on type of measurement system being selected; the following sections provide
description of supported algorithms whenever Turbine is selected. of Flow Meter Error (Vc)

FloWEB can perform automatic correction of Flow Meter error, by applying the following formula:

Vc = Vm ×
100 + Err %
Vc = Flow Meter Error Corrected Volume at Operating Conditions
Vm = Flow Meter Measured Volume at Operating Conditions
Err% = Flow Meter Error Percentage at working frequency

As a result a Correction Factor Cf is defined as follows:

Cf = Vc / Vm =
100 + Err %
Whenever Flow Meter error correction shall apply, operator is being asked to enter Flow Meter calibration
certificate values, as follows:
Qmin = minimum gas flow rate
Qmax = maximum gas flow rate
Err% / Q (10 couples max.) = Flow Meter error percentage (Err%) at the defined flow rate (Q), as percentage
of Qmax (Qmax%).

Correction applies within the defined range only, while actual Flow Meter error is calculated according to actual
flow rate Q, as a result of linear interpolation upon the entered curve.
When no setup is performed Err% is by default set to 0, so that Vc = Vm.
No correction applies whenever input frequency < 10 Hz and Q ≤ Qmin, while correction factor remains at the
value obtained for Qmax when Q ≥ Qmax.

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FloWEB performs Measured Volume (Vm) conversion to Volume at reference conditions (base conditions, Vb)
by applying AGA7 formula, as follows:

p tb + To Zb
Vb = Vc × × ×
pb t + To Z

Vb = Volume at reference conditions
Vc = Flow Meter Volume corrected at operating conditions
p = Operating Gas pressure
pb = Reference Pressure
t = Operating Gas temperature
tb = Reference Temperature
To = Absolute Temperature conversion factor (273,15°K)
Z = Compressibility factor at operating conditions
Zb = Compressibility factor at reference conditions

As a result of calculation above, conversion factor C is defined as follows:

p tb + To Zb
C = Vb / Vc = × ×
pb t + To Z Rates (Q)

FloWEB performs calculation of Hourly Gas flow rates (Q) as a result of either volume acquisition (turbine
input) or calculation (orifice), as follows:

Qm = f (Vm)
Qc = f (Vc)
Qb = f (Vb)

In order to provide effective flow rate measurement, a different calculation algorithm is used according to the
type of input signal, as follows:

• Low Frequency (Max 2 Hz):

While Flow rate calculation is performed every 1 second, in order to provide a stable measurement
even for very low frequency inputs, pulses are integrated over a “running-window” width of 5 minutes,
with totalizers updated at each 30-seconds sub-step.

As a result hourly flow rate Q is computed multiplying the pulses computed in the last 30 seconds for
120, as follows:
Q = Σn Vn(1) * 120

Where Vn(1) are the volume computed in the considered 30” period.
The formula above applies to Vm, Vc and Vb for the calculation of Qm, Qc and Qb respectively.

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• High Frequency (Max 5 kHz)

Since input frequency is supposed to allow better resolutions, hourly flow rate is simply calculated
every second as follows:

Q = Vn(1) * 3600

Where Vn(1) are the volume computed in the last 1” period.

The formula above applies to Vm, Vc and Vb for the calculation of Qm, Qc and Qb respectively.

11.2.4. ORIFICE configuration

Calculations performed depend on type of measurement system being selected; the following sections provide
description of supported algorithms whenever Orifice is selected. Rate (Q)

FloWEB performs Measured Flow (Qm) conversion to Flow at reference conditions (base conditions, Qb) by
applying the selected formula, as follows:

• AGA3
• ISO5167-1 amd1 - 1998
• ISO5167 - 2 – 2003

Calculated quantities are directly dependent on measured differential pressure, as a result of Orifice flow
measurement principle; to avoid calculation errors whenever the cut off (flow rate = 0) condition is being
approached, FloWEB manages a so defined “cut off” threshold, below which flow rate is set to 0.
Cut off threshold value is set by the user.

11.2.5. Mass Flow Rate (Qmb)

Mass Flow Rate calculation is performed on the basis of Volume Flow Rate, considering gas density at base
conditions, as follows:

Qmb = Qb x rhob

Qmb = Mass Flow Rate at Base conditions
Qb = Volume Flow at Base conditions
rhob = Gas density at base conditions

Calculation algorithm above applies for both Turbine and Orifice setups.

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11.2.6. Energy Flow Rate (Qeb)

Energy Flow Rate calculation is performed on the basis of Volume Flow Rate, considering Heating Value at
base conditions, as follows:

Qeb = Qb x HVb

Qeb = Mass Flow Rate at Base conditions
Qb = Volume Flow at Base conditions
HVb = Gas Heating Value at base conditions

Calculation algorithm above applies for both Turbine and Orifice setups.

11.3. Communication

11.3.1. Serial Ports

FloWEB provides up to five RS232/RS422/RS485 serial data lines which support ModBus RTU/ASCII Slave
communication protocol to allow remote reading and SCADA applications; furthermore each port can be
alternatively setup for Printer, Ultrasonic meter or Gas Chromatograph operation, namely supporting ASCII text
output and ModBus RTU/ASCII Master protocols, or for SNAM gas data collection protocol.

11.3.2. Ethernet Port

FloWEB provides an Ethernet Port on which both ModBus TCP and WEB browsing operations are
simultaneously supported.

11.3.3. Communication Protocol

For details on supported communication protocols and related data structure please refer to “FloWEB ModBus
/ ModBus TCP protocol” Ed.1, Rev.1, related to FMW release referred herein.

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FloWEB has a built-in Web server, accessible on the machine’s 10 Mbps Ethernet 802.3 compliant connection
at standard Port 80 with standard HTTP protocol. Built-in Web pages provide a way to upload firmware
upgrades to the machine, as well as access to local files for download. Built-in IP address when FloWEB is
switched on, if not programmed, is set to with network mask set to

A laptop PC can be directly connected to the Ethernet port through use of a crossed Ethernet patch cable for
direct connection. The PC Ethernet board/internet protocol settings must be configured with the same network
mask and local IP address in the range 10.3.x.x (excluding FloWEB own address). When correct electrical
connection is achieved, led “LNK” on FloWEB front panel lights on: logical connection can then be tested by
pinging address before opening a web browser to said address as in the following picture:

Warning!!: for regular operation when using Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, go to Tools -> Internet Options ->
Advanced and under Browsing un-check the 'Show friendly HTTP error messages' check box.

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Click on the arrow next to “File Upload” description: this will open the following page where you can enter files
information to upload new firmware revisions.

To upload a new firmware version, in the “DESTINATION filename” box write the result name of the code file to
upload (currently “Floweb.bin”). Click the “Browse” button next to the “SOURCE filename” box to open a
Windows explorer file selection window, and select the path and name of the file, containing the new firmware
application code, to upload. Then click the “Send File” button and wait for the file to upload.

Warning!!: to upload a file in the FloWEB, the programming button has to be pressed, otherwise an error
message will be displayed.

When a message appears stating that the upload was successfully completed, switch Off and then On the
FloWEB to start with the new application firmware just uploaded.

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Select “FloWEB directory listing” at the bottom of the page to list files currently residing in the Flash file system
of the FloWEB.

In factory configuration, a few files and directories will be displayed in FloWEB main directory. The most
important file is “Floweb.bin”: this is the FloWEB application software file. The second most important file is
“vars.sav”, the file containing the entire FloWEB configuration made by the user. After FloWEB configuration
has been completed, we suggest to back-up “vars.sav” file for future use (i.e., to configure another FloWEB in
case of multiple streams).

Other files in the root directory are part of the Factory Built-In Web Interface.

There are also some subdirectories, each dedicated to the files connected with a specific function: the
“DBSNAM” sub-dir for instance holds the data files necessary to the proprietary SNAM protocol required for
Italian market, while the “DBLOG” sub-dir holds logs (produced when they’re configured and enabled in the
related Config. Menu).

The “VIRTP” sub-dir will contain virtual print rolls, if the “Virtual Printer” function has been enabled and report
configured for it.

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The “WUI” sub-dir holds the WEB USER INTERFACE files, distinct from the Factory Built-In Interface: the WUI
sub-dir files can optionally be absent or even personalized so as to give a different Web User Interface from
the Standard WUI provided, in which case it’s advisable to download the factory provided files for backup
before trying to do any change.

When WUI sub-dir is present with all the files, writing FloWEB IP address on the address bar of the browser
(e.g., the browser will be automatically redirected to the WUI main page.

To access the WUI interface from Factory Built-In Interface, go to the WUI sub-dir by clicking on it in the web
browser file root dir file list, then click the “index.html” file to load the WUI Main Page (N.B. This is a different
file from the “Index.htm” in the root directory, which is the Factory Interface main page instead).

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13. Technical Specifications

13.1. Overall Specifications

Dimension : 213 x 232 x 128.4 mm (see figure)

19” Rack Mounting : possible (fixing screw supplied)
Weight : 2Kg
Case Material : Aluminum
Environmental rating : IP20
Operating Temperature : -10°C to +50°C (condensing humidity)
Storage Temperature : -20°C to +60°C
PowerSupply : 18 to 36VDC / 2A max
Fuse : 5x20mm glass 3.15AT / 250V slow blow


7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3


PROG F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 -

I/O Connectors : Multiple (14 or 16 pole) removable connectors

Max wire section : 1mm
Pitch : 3.81mm

Type : Monochrome (blue background) ¼ VGA size graphic TFT display
Backlight : White led type backlight (always active)

Keyboard : Numeric, selection and six Soft-Function keys

13.2. CPU board

CPU Architecture : 32bit Cold Fire processor

CPU RAM : 64Kbyte (battery back-up)
On board RAM : 16Mbyte
On board Flash : 4Mbyte
Supported external memory : Compact Flash Type I

Clock & Calendar : Real-time clock calendar with DST management

Clock accuracy
Reference condition (+25°C) : +/- 3 minutes/year
Thermal drift(-10°C to +50°C) : -50ppm/°C

Backup battery : Type: CR2032 (lithium) / Estimated backup time: 4.5 years

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13.3. Analogues Inputs board

Analogue Input Board: SK0707T07M01

13.3.1. General Specification

Analogue Input channels : 5 multifunction input channels: voltage, current loop

: 1 PT100 input channel
Digital Input channels : 1 ultrasonic flow meter input
: 2 Flow Meter inputs (part of the multifunction input channels)
Hart : 1 HART input

A/D converter resolution : 16bit

Conversion Time : 500mS (all channels)
Isolation : all inputs channels are isolated from earth logic
Isolation Voltage : 500Vdc

13.3.2. Analogues Inputs specifications

Current loop (4-20mA)

Input Range : 0 - 21mA (nominal 4-20mA)
Input Load : 250Ω
On board Energization Supply Voltage : 24V +/-5%
External Energization : 30V max
Reference condition (+25°C) : +/- 0.02% FS
Thermal drift (-10°C to +50°C) : +/- 6 ppm/°C

DC Voltage input
Input range : 0 - 5.25V (nominal: 1 - 5V)
Input impedance : ≥1 MΩ
Reference conditions (+25°C) : +/-0.01% FS
Thermal drift (-10°C to +50°C) : +/-4 ppm/°C

PT100 Input
Input type : 4 wires RDT 100
Energization current : 1mA typical
Input range : -30°C to +70°C
Reference condition (+25°C) : +/-0.08°C
Thermal Drift 8-10°C to +50°C) : +/-600 µ°C/°C

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13.3.3. Digital Inputs Specifications

Flow Meter Inputs

Input Type : voltage free contact / Namur (8V/1.2mA)
Frequency range
BF : up to 2Hz
HF : up to 5KHz
Ultrasonic Input : up to 10Khz
Frequency accuracy : +/-50ppm


The manufacturer recommends a periodical (max two years) metrological verification.

Such verification can be performed on the site.

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13.4. Analogues Outputs board

Analogue output board: SK0707T08M01

13.4.1. General Specifications

Output channels : 6 4-20mA current
D/A converter resolution : 12bit
Refresh rate : 100mS
Isolation : all output channels are singularly isolated from earth logic
Isolation Voltage : 500Vdc

13.4.2. Outputs Specifications

Output type : current sink (passive mode)
Current range : 4-20mA
External Supply Voltage : 5-30V
Max load : 1KΩ
Reference condition (+25°C) : +/- 0. 1% FS
Thermal Drift (-10 to +50°C) : +/-0.01%/°C

13.5. Digital Outputs (on Power Supply board)

Available on PSU Board SK0707T06M01

13.5.1. Mos-switches Digital outputs

Output type : 4+4 Mos Relays not polarized
Voltage/Current ratings : 60Vdc / 500mA
Isolation : group of 4 to other group and earth logic
Isolation voltage : 500Vdc

13.5.2. PSU Status Relays

Contact Voltage/Current ratings : 130Vac –30Vdc / 1A
Isolation (contacts /coil) : 1500Vac 50Hz (1 minute)
Expected electrical life : 100000 operations

13.6. Communication Interfaces

13.6.1. CPU Board
Ethernet : Ethernet 10 Base T
Connector : RJ45 (twisted pair cable)
Serial port : two selectable mode serial ports
CAN port : up to 512Kbit/s

13.6.2. Auxiliary Board

Ethernet : front panel connector (RJ45) for CPU Ethernet port
Serial port : 1 selectable mode serial port

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13.6.3. Analogues Inputs Board

Serial port : 1 selectable mode serial port

13.6.4. Serial ports Specifications

Specifications applied to all serial ports
RS232 signal : Tx, Rx, RTS, CTS
Output Level : ≥ +/- 5V
connections : 2 and 4 wires
termination : selectable (120Ω)
polarization : selectable (680Ω)
Speed (all mode) : 300 to 38400baud
Selection : by DIP switches
Connections : terminals block

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APPENDIX A Blank wiring schedule




& pin no.


& pin no.
Wiring schedule

External connections


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