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2.GURU, A Word and Beyond ..

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GURU, A Word and Beyond……..

NAMSTE All beautiful souls,

Generally, a person who teaches is called a teacher and when Indian words were taken to use in
spiritual sense people call him a guru. So again the same thing happened as I explained in earlier
post, the weight of the word, the depth of the meaning it conveys gets decreased by use. For every
words that we use has a certain level or depth or weight it holds, there are many levels to reach the
level of GURU in Indian culture.

Sanskrit is not just a language, it is more over a culture, the way of living.

In Sanskrit culture,

a person who simply accumulate knowledge or information and gives or pass it to others, we call

SHikshya means information, knowledge. “Shikshya dadati iti SHIKSHYAK.” So the person who gives
you knowledge or information is called “SHIKSHYAK”.

Then the next higher level is called “ACHARYA”. A person who shows in his action what he teaches.
“ACHARAYATI ITI ACHARYA”. A person who practices what exactly he preaches is called “ACHARYA”.

then after practicing honestly the perfection happens in thoughts and words and deeds of an
ACHARYA. When there is a purity and perfections happened in thoughts, words and actions, then the
clouds in the sky becomes clear in his consciousness and the sunrays of Divinity started to shine in
his action and with the divine grace he becomes beyond what he used have been, he becomes The
HE, The Divinity himself, he is beyond everything and everything becomes him. He becomes a level
himself beyond all the levels a mind can map. He becomes the GURU, The incarnation of GOD
himself. This journey is not simple as we think, To reach this level of consciousness, one may have to
take many births in many forms of bodies, it is the grace of GOD himself that HE blessed him to be
HIM. So GURU is none other than GOD himself.


GUNA RUPA dwayam nasti tasmaishree GURAVE NAMAH.”

Let me explain this Sanskrit verse into English,

“ the word GU means, far beyond GUNA ( state/quality ),

the word RU means, far beyond RUPA ( stature/body ),

I renounce myself and bow down to that DIVINE presence,

who can defined neither by the state nor by the stature.”

so GURU is not a body, not a state. To become a GURU, one has to reach this level. so indirectly,
GURU is no other than GOD. Who is complete.

Few words from an honest hypocrite guru……..

Before writing this post I was thinking how will I introduce myself, I can say myself as a guru
according to what most of the people understand the meaning of guru but according to me as I feel
the meaning of guru I only can call myself a hypocrite guru. like a blind person can't show the way to
other blind one, so a hypocritical guru can’t make a true guru. Then I tried to judge myself, I have
information and knowledge that I can share with you, so I can call myself a “SHIKSHYAK”, then yes, I
have been practicing yoga but if I preach what I practice then I can’t share a lot because I am not
able to do fulltime SADHANA (the practice and penance), but yes, I can be an Acharya in small scale.
So it’s up to you my dear readers what you can call me whether a SHIKSHYAK or ACHARYA. For me it
doesn’t matter what you call me, what matters is what I am really and whether our beloved lord
blesses me and allow me to share knowledge or not. Yes, without GOD’s will nothing happens. My
beloved GOD and GURU has clearly instructed that “practice before you preach”. So in the posts if I
preach something that I practice, then it will be my beloved guru’s permission and if I preach some
knowledge without practicing then I am just an instrument to share information.

Around 18 years I have been practicing yoga since the day my father showed me some ASANAs
for first time and with my god’s and gurus’ grace and guidance, I am still walking on this path, and I
have been guiding others for 12 years as a social service. If you think you can learn from my
experience, then I am ready to teach you and if you think you can teach from your experiences then
I will be very glad to learn from you. I will try my best to make this session interactive so we all will
care for others and share with others.

With god’s grace anyone can become an instrument, even a stone can pass the divine
knowledge and yes even a hypocrite can become an instrument if god wants to bless knowledge to
someone. ISLAM religion came to India by some hypocrite Islamic people who tried to invade and
tortured other people and religion which is completely against the ISLAMIC rules written in QUARAN
but still the knowledge of QUARAN came to India because of god’s wish. Like that hypocrite Christian
people came to India for business purpose encroached the land and spread the religion but we got
the knowledge of bible. So GOD’s grace is the ultimate power that spread the knowledge and
blessings to HIS disciples by any means.

Let me tell you a story in next post how and why GOD’s grace is the ultimate…

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