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Mos - RPR Pipe Jacking

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The document outlines the proposed construction method and safety precautions for laying pipes along median roads and using pipe jacking at Kidurong Junction in Bintulu, Sarawak. It involves activities such as setting out, excavation, pipe laying, backfilling and welding.

The main construction activities involved are setting out, preparation on site, excavation, pipe laying, backfilling, lifting works, welding works and housekeeping.

Safety precautions for excavation works include keeping excavated materials at a safe distance from edges, increasing protections against slides after rain, supervision by supervisors, and wearing proper PPE.



Contract No.: JBALB/HQ/K017/2018






TEL : 084-333123/339089

FAX : 084-333621


The project of Construction and Completion of Proposed 800mm ND MSCL Pipeline from
Nyabau Water Treatment Plant to Kidurong Industrial Estate, Bintulu Division, Sarawak
is implemented by Jabatan Bekalan Air Luar Bandar (JBALB). The site of proposed works
is along Jalan Bukit Nyabau and Jalan Kidurong where the total pipe route is around
9.71km following by road side within road reserve from Nyabau Treatment Plant. Pipe
route A along Jalan Bukit Nyabau is about 3.5km and Pipe route B along Jalan Kidurong
is about 6.21km.



The document describes the typical construction method with its governing vectors to
enable the work to be executed smoothly and efficiently. The details of the documents may
be refined, enriched and further improvised based on the actual site scenario and
requirements. Please refer to Figure 1, Layout plan, the application for the above works to
BDA and JKR are supported by the pertinent documents as follows:

 Proposed Shop Drawing as per Attachment A

 Machinery & Material Resources
 Construction Method Statement
 Safety, Health & Environment Compliance
 Traffic Management Plan as per Attachment B


 Excavator
 Backhoe
 Breaker
 Mobile Crane
 800mm diameter MSCL pipes × 9.3m long
 Sand
 Cable detector
 Lorry / Truck
 Genset
 Welding Machine
 Water pump

1. Setting Out
 Prior to any commencement of any physical works, a professional land surveyor shall
be appointed to carry out demarcation works and establish temporary bench marks on
site, upon obtaining all the necessary survey data. A joint survey to check existing
ground levels shall be carried out under the inspection of resident engineer.
 The alignment of the proposed pipe shall be pegged and jointly reviewed and confirmed
by the SO and relevant authorities.

2. Preparation on Site
 When any material is disposed outside the site, the disposal material shall be graded to
a neat appearance and shall not obstruct natural drainage or cause damage to road
highways or property. All precautions shall be taken to prevent any erosion of the soil
on the affected areas.
 All unsuitable material and surplus suitable material shall be run to spoil in tips
approved by the engineer.
 All necessary machineries, materials and resources shall be mobilized to site
 Temporary bridges, barriers, traffic signals, lighting, reflective warning signs and
watchmen shall be provided to ensure the safety and convenience to public users.
 Any necessary relocation or realignment of the pipe alignment of affected utilities shall
be carried out by the respective utility agencies prior to commencement of pipe laying
 Detecting or locating the underground utilities with related authorities such as SEB,
SACOFA, TM and LAKU shall be done. The plan layout with the marking of the cables
and pipe is shown in Attachment D.

3. Delivery, Handling and Stringing of Pipes

 Pipe shall be sufficiently secured and supported using wooden stoppers and held firmly
using straps during transit.
 Lifting of pipes shall be using canvas slings to avoid damages to the external coating.
 The pipes shall be strung along the proposed pipeline routes.

4. Pilot Trenching
 Prior to excavation works, pilot trenching shall be done to expose all the underground
utilities and shall not be left uncovered overnight if possible.

5. Sequence of Construction
 Refer to Figure 1, the highlighted RPR Kidurong Junction has 4 lanes. During
construction, it is proposed that the lanes will not be fully closed but will be closed by
following the stages as shown in Traffic Management Plan in Attachment B. Details
below are the methods for Stage 1–Stage 4 that was include in this construction:

5.1 Excavation Works

- For road crossings, the premix shall be measures and cut using road saw diamond
blade cutting prior to excavation works.
- Excavation of the pipe trench shall be carried out by means of excavator. The
reduced level and trench width shall be periodically monitored and compared
against the construction drawings to prevent over-excavation.
- The jointing excavation area shall be larger to allow for joint preparation and
welding works.
- For excavation in areas with poor ground condition, shoring by timber planks or
sheet piles shall be provided at the trench sides.
- Dewatering pumps shall be used to remove water within the pipe trench if required.
- Temporary steel plate on road surface will be provided as an alternative way to
allow public users to enter or exit the junction during construction.
- Typical trenching details are indicated as per Attachment C.

5.2 Pipelaying Works

- The pipe shall be lowered using canvas slings into the trench and laid in the levels
shown in the drawings or as otherwise directed by the SO.
- Jointing surface shall be cleaned and free from any debris prior to welding of the
- Then, air test at welded joint, cement lining patching at welded joint, joint
undercoat and bitumen wrapping work shall take place.

5.3 Welding Works

- The 800mm MSCL pipe shall be welded internally and externally as required by
the JKR Standards of Specification.
- Before placing the pipes together, the portion of the socket and spigot to be welded
will be cleaned to a metallic finish, the spigot end will be placed in the socket and
pushed inside to the required engagement depth.
- Where pipes are to be joined by a steel collar, the pipe ends shall be cleaned to a
metallic finish. The collar will then be placed on the joint so that the distance
between each pipe end and the collar centreline will be about 25mm. the collar shall
then be clamped tightly onto the pipes using the lugs and welded longitudinally.
- The weld shall then be cleaned using wire brush, removing any slags and welding
- Air test shall be carried out with up to 1.7 MPa pressure applied to the welding joint
for a duration of 20 minutes. Any welding defects observed will be repaired until
there is no more air leakage.
- Upon welding of joints, the bare metal joints will be thoroughly cleaned to a
metallic finish and coated using primer solutions and wrapped using Bitumen
- For the internal pipe joint, cement lining of mix 1:3 will be applied on all bare
metals to the same thickness of the existing pipe cement lining.

5.4 Backfilling and Reinstatement Works

- After laying the MSCL pipe, the trench shall be backfilled with approved fill
material, free from rock and other hard material, well compacted around the pipe
up to a level of at least 300mm above the top of the pipe.
- Underground pipe marker shall be laid on top of compacted soil.
- For road crossings, the subgrade shall be filled with sand up to the sub-base level.
Crusher run will then be placed and compacted into the pipe trench. Pending
availability of premix, it might not be possible to premix the excavated area and in
such cases the crusher run will be filled to the same level as the existing premix.
- In-situ test shall be carried out to confirm compliance to the specification either
upon completion of spreading, laying and compacting of material or, at later stage
when premix work is ready to commence.
- Compaction test shall be carried out in a single layer of full thickness.


Workers & Operators
 Operator with valid driving license with certificate of competency.
 Alcohol and drug were strictly prohibited from project area.
 Usage of PPE are mandatory to be used at all time when entering work site based on
activity involved.

 Conduct Safety Toolbox meeting.

 Ensure equipment in proper working condition and well maintained.
 Equipped with fire extinguisher.
 Daily equipment checks before commencement of work.
 Only authorized specialists are allowed to repair, maintain, clean and execute
modification on the machines.
Safety Precautions

1. Pilot Trenching
Activity Hazard Safety Precaution
Pilot trenching 1. Underground 1. Excavation activities for pilot trenching must always
cable supervised by supervisor
2. Slowly excavate and don’t excavate too deep at once
3. If any underground cable being accidentally
excavated, immediately stop and go far from the area.
4. Supervisor must immediately inform HSE personnel
for further action.
5. Inform SEB and ask for their supervision during pilot

2. Road surface cutting

Activity Hazards Safety Precaution

Road closing 1. Workers being 1. Advanced warning signage must be put in place
hit by public before any road closing activities to warn motorist of
motorist. construction activities.
2. Motorist not 2. Proper barrier must be put along road cutting
aware of activities to warn the motorist of construction area.
construction area 3. Beacon lights and blinker arrow must be install if
and accidentally construction of road cutting will be left over night.
hit construction 4. Flagman to be in control in front of the road cutting
area materials or activities to warn the motorists.
Road cutting 1. Noise hazards 1. Road cutting machine must be inspected before usage.
from road cutting 2. Full PPE must be wear during handling road cutting
machine machine and any work near to the machine.
2. Flying objects 3. Hoarding to be put around cutting machine to prevent
3. Rotating flying object hit public motorist
4. Oil leakage
from road cutting

Housekeeping 1. Slip, trip and 1. Always aware of public motorist during housekeeping
fall hazards after work done
2. Hit by public 2. Ensure no tools or work equipment left at work site
motorist area to prevent hazards to public motorist
3. Excavation

Activity Hazards Safety Precaution

Excavation 1. Soft and 1. Keep excavated materials and other super
work unstable ground imposed load at safe distance from the edge of
2. Accidentally open excavation and trenches.
excavated live 2. The excavation site and its vicinity shall be
cable of touch checked after every rainstorm and the protection
overhead live against slide in shall be increased if necessary
power line. 3. All excavation must be supervised by supervisor.
3. Swing and hit 4. Immediately inform HSE personnel if any
emergency case happens during excavation work.
5. Un-related workers must not go near to
excavator or excavation activities
6. All workers must wear proper PPE to prevent
any injury.

Trenching 1. Insufficient air 1. Provide adequate and continuous ventilation

2. Working using air blower.
inside the 2. A designated worker must standby at the
confined space entrance of excavation to alerts the workers who
3. No safe access working inside the excavation
and egress 3. In every excavation of more than 1.2m deep
there shall be provided ladders to furnish safe
access and egress from such excavation.
4. Trenching more than 1.5 depth need shoring
unless the excavation is made entirely in stable
5. Proper PPE must be wear when working inside

Backfilling 1. Workers 1. To ensure that all worker not inside trench

trapped inside during backfilling activity.
trenching 2. To barricade work area and display suitable
signage at proper distance to prevent entry.
4. Water pumping out

Activity Hazards Safety precaution

Pumping out 1. Slip, trip and 1. Slowly go down to trenching/holes during pumping
stagnant water fall out water.
from 2. Electrical 2. Water pump machine must be checked or inspected
excavation hazard before use
trenching or 3. Check if any cut/damage cable/wire of the water pump
hole 4. Adequate PPE must be used during pumping out water.

5. Lifting work

Activity Hazard Safety Precaution

Lifting pipe 1. Falling object 1. Never walk, stand and work under suspended
2. Damage/broken load
sling 2. Not related workers must not go near to lifting
3. Flagman must be in control if any lifting work
was near to road.
4. Inspect all sling used for lifting work before start
lifting activities.
5. No work shall proceed with broken/damage sling.
6. If pipe lifting using excavator, ensure the hook
used to hook sling at the bucket in good condition
7. Proper PPE must be wear.

6. Welding work

Activity Hazard Precaution

Pipe jointing 1. Electrocution 1. Always inspect welding machine part i.e electrode
welding 2. Fumes holder, work piece connection clamp, wire, power
3. Confined space source and etc.
2. Do not do welding work if there was presence of
any stagnant water at the area.
3. Wear proper PPE such as respirator to prevent
excessive inhalation of welding fumes
4. Standby person must be designated for welding
inside the pipe as it was confined space.
4. Provide adequate ventilation during welding
inside the pipe.

A. Proposed Shop Drawing

B. Traffic Management Plan
C. Typical Trenching Details
D. Existing Utility Services Plan

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