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Experimental Determination of Parameters of Synchronous Generator

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o DawGhanim

A thesis

submitted to the School of Graduate Studies

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Memorial University of Newfoundland

September 2012

S1. John's, Newfoundland, Canada


Nearly all of the electric energy used for numerous applications in today' s world,

regardless of the assembly of the used prime movers, is generated by means of

synchronous generators. These generators can be connected together in small-scale or

large-scale generation power systems depending on the load demand. Indeed, it is of

utmost necessity to pay serious attention to those electric machines, their pcrfonnance

characteristics, various operation conditions and their design parameters. One of the most

important parameters of the synchronous generator that can be a good asset fo r

synchronous machines designers is the synchronous reactance. The importance of this

reactance lies in the significant role it plays in the quality of the produced electric power

and thus the stability of the voltage obtained across the terminals of a synchronous

generator. The synchronous reactance of a synchronous generator may have different

values based on the mode of the operation or the loading conditions. The primary purpose

of this thesis is to determine the direct-axis synchronous reactance values as well as the

identification of stator leakage reactance of a real synchronous generator from the so-

called Potier triangle method. A set of standard tests based on the IEEE standard 115 is

set forth and conducted on the machine under test which is a laboratory synchronous

generator of a salient-pole type, or so-called hydroelectric or waterwheel generator. The

experimental test data and results are provided and analyzed with full details, and then the

relevant machi ne parameters are calculated at the end of this thesis.


I have been indebted in the preparation of this thesis to my supervisor Dr. M. A.

Rahman for his patience, kindness and invaluable guidance and encouragement. I am also

truly grateful to the School of Graduate Studies and Faculty of Engineering and Applied

Science at Memorial University of Newfound land for the considerable effort they made to

facilitate my study at MUN. AI this point, special thanks go to Ms. Moya Crocker and

Ms. Colleen Mahoney at the Office of the Associate Dean at the Faculty of Engineering

and Applied Science. 1 would like to acknowledge my fellow graduate students for their

useful suggestions during various stages orlhis research work.

Furthennore, I am truly grateful to the Ministry of Higher Education and

Scientific Research of Libya for financially supporting my study in Canada. Also, the

considerable effort made by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE),

especially by my Academic Manager Ms. Diane Cyr., is indeed highly acknowledged.

FinaJIy, my great thanks go to my parents, brother and sisters for being sustainable

sources of inspiration all through my life. It is to them this thesis is dedicated.

Table of Contents

Abstract ........................................................................................................................... ii

Acknowledgements ... ...................... iii

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ iv

List of Figures ............................................................................................................ vii

List of Tables .................................................................................................................... ix

List of Symbols .................................................................................................................. x

List of Abbreviations .. . .... xiii

Chapter I: Introduction .. .. .... . ............... 1

1.1 General Background... ...................................................................................... 1

1.2 Literature Review ................................................................................................. 3

1.2.1 Historical Overview of the Two-Axis (dq-Axis) Theory ................................ 3

1.2.2 Detennination of Synchronous Machine Parameters ...................................... 7

1.3 Thesis Objectives ... . .................................................................................... 14

1.4 Outline of the Thesis ....................................................................................... 14

Chapter 2: Rotating AC Machinery Fundamentals .. ..................................... 16

2.1 Basics of Magnetic Circuits .. ...................................................... 16

2.2 Induced Voltage Equation .................................................................................. 19

2.3 Rotating Magnetic Field in AC Machinery ...................................................... 23

Chapter 3: Analysis of Synchronous Generator ......................................................... 30

3.1 Brief Overview ................................................................................................. 30

3.2 Physical Construclion ......................................................................................... 31

3.2.1 The Stator ... ....................................... 31

3.2.2 The Rotor ...................................................................................................... 32

3.3 Principle of Operation ........................................................................................ 33

3.4 Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Generator ................................................ 34

3.4.1 Annature Reaction ........................................................................................ 36

3.4.2 Equivalent Circuit Representation Including Annature Reaction ................ 36

3.5 Effect of Load Changes on the Excitation ......................................................... 39

3.5.1 Lagging Power Factor Load ... . .................. 41

3.5.2 Unity Power Factor Load .. . ................................................... .42

3.5.3 Leading Power Factor Load ... ................ 42

3.6 D-Q Axis Analysis of Salient-Pole Synchronous Generator ........................... .43

3.6.1 Flux and MMF Wavefonns in a Salient-Pole Synchronous Generator ....... .43

3.6.2 Phasor Diagram Representation .................................................................... 46

3.6.3 Steady-State Power-Angle Characteristic .................................................... 50

3.7 Synchronous Generator Transients .................................................................... 53

3.7.1 Steady-State Direct-Axis and Quadrature-Axis Synchronous Reactances

~~~ ................ ~~~~~~~~~~~

3.7.2 Direct-Axis Transient and Subtransient Synchronous Reactances (Xd and

X;;).. ........................................................................................... 55
3.7.3 Quadrature-Axis Transient and Subtransient Synchronous Reactances

(X~ and X~') ...................................................................................................... 57

3.8 Potier Reactance Concept ................................................................................. 58

Chapter 4: Experimental Determination of Synchronous Machine Parameters ..... 60

4.1 The Electric Machine under Consideration ...................................................... 60

4.2 The Base Impedance .......................................................................................... 61

4.3 Measurement of Stator Resistance Rs ................................................................ 61

4.4 The Perfonned Standard Tests .......................................................................... 62

4.4.1 Open-Circuit Test... .......... 62

4.4.2 The Sustained Short-Circuit Test... . ................................................ 63

4.4.3 The Slip Test ... . .................................................................................. 67

4.4.4 Zero Power-Factor Test .. ...................... 70

4.4.5 Sudden Three-Phase Short-Circuit Test... ..................................... 75

4.5 Summary .. ........................................................... 83

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work .... .......................... 84

5.1 Conclusion.... . ................................................................................................ 84

5.2 Future Work.. .. ....................................... 84

References ... .............................................................................. 86

Appendix A: Constants of Synchronous Machines ............................................ 95

Appendix B: Three-Phase Short-Circuit at 0.6 pU of Rated Tenninal Voltage ........... 97

List of Figures

Fig. 2.1. (a) Typical magnetic circuit elements, (b) Equivalent circuit diagram .............. 17

Fig. 2.2. A conductor moving with an angle (0") through a magnetic field ..................... 20

Fig. 2.3. Schematic diagram ofa 2-pole 3-phase ac machine .......................................... 21

Fig. 2.4. Balanced 3-phase current applied to the stator of ac machine .. ................. .. ... 25

Fig. 2.5. Production of the armature (stator) mmf wave in ac rotating machines; (a) Cross-
sectional view of2-pole ac machine, (field windings are not shown), (b)The resultant
stator mmfwave with its components . . ...................................... 26

Fig. 2.6. Vector diagram of the resultant mmfwave ........................................................ 27

Fig. 3.1. Basic Stator Scheme for a 2-pole 3-phase synchronous generator ..................... 32

Fig. 3.2. Elementary rotor structure of2-pole alternator: (a) cylindrical rotor, (b) salient-

pole rotor. .. .................. 33

Fig. 3.3. Y-connected 3-phase stator distributed windings of a synchronous machine .... 35

Fig. 3.4. Single-phase equivalent circuit of a cylindrical rotor synchronous generator: (a)

including armature reaction effect, (b) comprising the synchronous reactance .............. 36

Fig. 3.5. Phasor diagram of a cylindrical rotor synchronous generator: (a) lagging power

factor load, (b) unity power factor load, (c) leading power factor load ............................ 40

Fig. 3.6. mmfs distribution in a salient-pole synchronous generator: (a) physical view

(only phase-a is shown on the stator), (b) space-fundamental mmf waves with the

respective d-q axes ........................... .......... ..... ............................................................ 45

Fig. 3.7. d-q axis steady-state phasor diagram of a salient pole synchronous generator

with lagging power factor load ......................................................................................... 47

Fig. 3.8. Steady-state power-angle characteristic of a salient-pole synchronous generator

Fig. 4.1. Laboratory salient-pole synchronous machine ................................................... 60

Fig. 4.2. Open- and Short-Circuit Characteristics for the laboratory synchronous generator


Fig. 4.3. Typical oscillogram from the slip test.. .... .................... 68

Fig. 4.4. Adjustable 3-phase reactor used as a load in the zero power-factor test ............ 71

Fig. 4.5. Potier triangle method for the laboratory salient-pole synchronous generator .. 72

Fig. 4.6. Test set up for the sudden three-phase short-circuit test .................................. 75

Fig. 4.7. Typical short-circuit phase current waveform .................................................... 76

Fig. 4.8. Currents oscillogram from sudden three-phase short-circuit test ....................... 80

Fig. 4.9. Phase-b short-circuit stator current alone with the de field current .................... 80

Fig. 4.10. Polynomial curve fitting ofphase-b short-circuit current envelope ...... .... ... .... 82

Fig. B.I. Typical oscillograms of sudden three-phase short-circuit at 0.6 pu rated voltage


List of Tables

Table 4.1 Test data from open- and short-circuit tests ... . .................... 64

Table 4.2 Experimental test result from the zero power-factor test ....... .... ........ .. ..... ... .... 72

Table 4.3 Measured constants for the laboratory salient-pole synchronous generator ..... 83

Table A.I Typical constants of three-phase synchronous machines.. . ................... 95

List of Symbols

Xc Characteristic reactance

Magnetic flux

B Magnetic flux density

H Magnetic field intensity

N Number of turns of an electric coil

The length of the magnetic path in metre

'F Magnetomotive force

Magnetic permeability in Henrys per metre

~ Magnetic reluctance in Ampere-turns per Weber

The velocity in metre per second

Flux linkage for a stator phase in (Weber-turns)

The angular velocity of the rotor (rad/s)

Radius of the stator inner surface

ea Phase-a stator induced voltage

Kd Distribution factor

Kp Pitch factor

K... Winding factor

i. , ib, Ie Stator phase currents

p Number of poles for the machine

Ws Synchronous speed in (rad/s)

wm Angular velocity in mechanical radians per second

Speed in revolutions per minute (rpm)

f Electric frequency of the stator current in Hz

ns Synchronous speed in (rpm)

Rs Stator winding resistance

XI Stator leakage reactance

Xar Armature reaction reactance

Xp Potier reactance

Eg Per-phase induced voltage in the stator winding

Ear Air-gap voltage

Vt Terminal voltage of a synchronous generator

Xs Synchronous reactance

Ls Synchronous inductance

Zs Synchronous impedance

Vt ( n l) No-load terminal voltage

Vt{fl) Full-load terminal voltage

Km Machine constant

'Fa Armature (stator) mmf

'Fd Direct axis ·component of armature mmf

'Fq Quadrature axis component of armature mmf

Xad Direct axis armature reaction reactance

Xaq Quadrature axis armature reaction reactance

Xd Steady-state direct axis synchronous reactance

Xq Steady-state quadrature axis synchronous reactance

Xd Direct axis transient synchronous reactance

X;: Direct axis subtransient synchronous reactance

X~ Quadrature axis transient synchronous reactance

X~' Quadrature axis subtransient synchronous reactance

Id Direct axis component of stator current

Iq Quadrature axis component of stator current

Is Steady-state component of stator current

/' Transient component of short-circuit stator current

I" Subtransient component of short-circuit stator current

Ta Short-circuit armature time constant

Td, Direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant

T~' Direct-axis subtransicnt short-circuit time constant

Power angle

Power factor angle

Zb Base impedance

List of Abbreviations

AC Alternating Current

DC Direct Current

MVA Megavolt-Ampere

IEEE The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

AlEE The American Institute of Electrical Engineers

IEC The International Electrotechnical Commission

mmf Magnetomotive force

emf Electromotive force

BP Blondel-Park

EBP Extended Blondel-Park transfonnation

SSFR Standstill Frequency Response Test

RSM Rotary Synchronous Machine

LSM Linear Synchronous Machine

FEM Finite Element Method

AT Ampere-Turns

Wb Weber

VR Voltage Regulation

PF Power Factor

DQ Direct and Quadrature

OCC Open-Ci rcuit Characteristic

SCC Short-Circuit Characteristic

SCR Short-Circuit Ratio

ZPFC Zero Power-Factor Characteristic

Chapter 1


1.1 General Background

In recent decades, synchronous generators, also called alternators, have become mOTC and

more a sustainable and principal source for the three-phase electric power. Synchronous

generators of large power capacity (50MVA and above) normally have a high efficiency

that can be greater than 98% [1]. The term synchronous stems from the fact that these

machines, under steady-state operation, arc precisely operated at a constant speed referred

to as synchronous speed. They can mainly be classified into two different types; high-

speed generators with a round or non-salient pole rotor structure and low-speed

generators having a salient-pole rotor structure and relatively large nwnber of poles. The

former type is commonly known as a cylindrical rotor or turbo synchronous generator

whereas the latter type is known as a salient-pole or hydroelectric synchronous generator.

More details about the two generator types will be provided later in chapter 3.

For secure, rel iable power delivery, a synchronous generator, whether it is operated alone

to supply independent loads or interconnected with many others in large power grids,

must be operated within certain operational limits (stability limits) that maintain its

synchronism. Such operation modes are referred to as the steady-state operation of the

synchronous generators. The analysis of synchronous machine perfonnance under this

condition can be made in a straightforward fash ion. However, this is not always a trivial
task since abnonnal conditions do take place frequently in typical power systems for a

variety of causes. Therefore, it is crucial to predict and investigate the behaviour of

synchronous machines during the abnonnal or transient phenomena for better analysis

and design results.

In a salient-pole generator, due to the non-unifonn air gap geometry or rotor

saliency, the air-gap inductances and thereby reactances will be time-varying with respect

to the rotor angular position. This fact makes the analysis of such a generator a step more

problematic than that of the cylindrical rotor synchronous generator where a uniform air-

gap does exist. The synchronous reactance of a synchronous generator is defined as the

algebraic sum of the leakage reactance of the stator winding and the magnetizing

reactance due to the air-gap flux [2]. For a cylindrical rotor synchronous generator,

synchronous reactance can be regarded as having one value at any instant of time. In

contrast, the synchronous reactance can be resolved into two dilTerent components based

on the two-axis theory proposed by Park [3] in the case of the salient-pole synchronous

generator. Those components are commonly tenned as direct-axis and quadrature-axis

synchronous reactances as will be illustrated later on.

Synchronous reactance is one of the most significant parameters that affects and

characterizes the performance of synchronous generators during various operational

conditions. Its value is a function of the armature inductances and the angular frequency

of the generated voltage. For a well-designed synchronous machine, synchronous

reactance is supposed to have a small value to achieve high output power capability and

thus high steady-state performance. However, as it plays a major role in eliminating the
large currents during transient conditions, a reduction of synchronous reactance should be

limited to the machine's ability to overcome the transient state [4]. Knowing the cutting-

edge methods to determine the various values of this reactance is therefore a very

desirable objective for synchronous machines designers.

The focus of attention of this thesis is to find the direct-axis synchronous reactance values

of a small practical salient-pole synchronous generator for various operation modes as

well as the so-called Potier triangle method, which has been found to be a valuable means

to compute the stator leakage reactance and armature reaction voltage drop of

synchronous generators.

1.2 Literature Review

The following is a recent review of the previously done work about the studied topic.

Much of the provided literature fOnTIS the major contributions of the IEEE and AlEE

scholars and their associates to the art of synchronous machines analysis and design.

1.2.1 Historical Ovcn-iew of the Two-Axis (dq-Axis) Theory

It is essential for synchronous machines analysis and design to develop a mathematical

model that satisfactorily simulates their electric and mechanical behaviour during

different operations and can be used with sufficient accuracy in various aspects. In

general, most of the differential equations describing the electric and dynamic behaviour

of a synchronous machine are highly nonlinear because of the existence of the time-

varying inductances due to the rotor position. This fact often leads to more complexity in

the analysis of those machines. A change of machine variables (flux linkages, currents
and voltages) has been found to be an effective way to reduce the complexity in the

analysis of synchronous machines by eliminating the time~varying inductances from the

voltage equations of the synchronous machine. This technique is referred to as reference

frame theory l5].

In 1913, Andrew Blondel [6] in France suggested a new technique to facilitate the

analysis of synchronous machines. This has been referred to as Blondel two-reaction

theory ever since. The two~rcaction theory [6J states that: "When an alternator supplies a

current dephased by an angle tjI with respect to the internal induced E.MF, the armature

reaction may be considered as the resultant of a direct reaction produced by the reactive

current / sintjl and a transverse reaction due to the active current / COStjl". In addition, it

states that: "The two reactions (direct and transverse) and the stray flux rake place in

Ihree difJerent magnetic paths: only the direcl reaclion acts in the main circuit of the field

magnets, while the transverse reaction and Ihe stray fields act. in general, upon circuits

oflow magnelic density" , To sum up, the principle behind Blondel's finding is to resolve

the annature magnetomotive force (mmfs) and fluxes in a salient-pole synchronous

machine into two different space components aligned with two orthogonal fictitious axes

on the rotor [7]. Those axes are referred to as the direct-axis or d-axis, the magnetic axis

of field winding, and the quadrature-axis or q-axis found in the interpolar space between

salient poles and frequently assumed to lead the direct-axis by 90°,

Blondel's theory opened the door to several new research areas, especially in

synchronous machines analysis and design. Consequently, a further exposition was

presented in the USA by the AlEE members Doherty and Nickle [7] who tried to modify
the two-reaction theory and include some new considerations that Blondel did not account

for in his fundamental proposition, such as the effect of mmfharmonics in both direct and

quadrature axes.

Taking advantage of the work done by Blondel, Doherty and Nickle, R.H. Park [31 came

up with a new means to analyze synchronous machines in the late 1920's. A traditional

practice is to analyze three-phase synchronous machines in terms of phase variables (abc

variables). However, Park made an attempt to simplify the analysis by proposing a certain

mathematical transformation that tends to refer three-phase stator variables into new

variables in a frame of reference fixed on a salient-pole rotor whose imaginary axes are

the well-known direct- and quadrature- and zero-axis (dqO coordinate system).

Nowadays, this transformation is well recognized as Park's transformation, or the dqO

axis transformation. Under balanced three-phase conditions, Park's transformation can be

regarded as a means of reducing three ac stator quantities into two dc quantities that are

called dq-axis quantities, and the zero-axis quantities do disappear in such modes of

operation [8, 9].

In 1933 [10], Park once again extended his previous contribution to the two-reaction

theory to include the effect of the synchronizing and damping torque of a synchronous

machine during the transients. Park's two-axis theory was further improved by Crary,

Lewis and Zhang Liu and his associates [I 1,12, 13). In reference [II], Crary extended

Park's previous work to include the effect of armature capacitance in the analysis of a

salient-pole synchronous machine. He applied his new set of equations to solve problems

involving the performance of a synchronous machine with capacitance circuits such as the
problem of self-excitation of a synchronous machine connected to a capacitance load or

to a system through series capacitance. In reference [12], Lewis presented a new concept

seeking to sweep away some further confusion that had been brought to attention due to

Park ' s basic equations, such as having nonreciprocal mutual inductances in the derivation

of an equivalent circuit and the use of per-unit system of notation. Basically, his work

was devoted to the modification of the dq-axis equivalent circuit and corresponding

equations previously obtained by R.H. Park and the others to be as straightforward and

convenient as possible for further studies of synchronous machines.

Zhang Liu and his associates [13] proposed another extension of the Blondel-Park (BP)

transformation that was referred to in their work as the EBP transformation. The new

transformation is trying to not only consider the electric subsystem of the ac electric

machines as Park's transformation does, but also to include the mechanical dynamics or

the dynamics of the mechanical variables in the machine analysis.

V.H. Ku f14] offered the rotating-field theory of ac rotating machines as a crucial

alternative to the two-reaction theory in the electric machinery analysis. His analysis of

synchronous machines included the hunting conditions besides the routine steady-state

and transient analysis. He presented new components, called the forward and backward

components, which are correlated to the familiar direct and quadrature components of the

two-reaction theory. He showed how the new approach of analysis can form a basis of

interconnection between synchronous and induction machines. More recently in 2004, an

algebraic and geometric point of view of Park' s transformation was presented by

Emmanuel Del for a permanent magnet synchronous machine [151. In general , Park's dq-
model and its numerous extensions have gained ground as a key tool in several computer

representations and simulation studies on a wide variety of ac machinery ever since [8, 9.


1.2.2 Determination of Synchronous Machine Parameters

The study of the behaviour of synchronous machines during steady-state and transient

conditions requires an accurate knowledge of the equivalent circuit parameters of the

machine. Synchronous machines are characterized by a number of constants, reactances

and time constants. In particular, the direct-axis synchronous reactance is of tremendous

importance as the capability chart. power transferred limitations and the short-circuit

phenomenon of a synchronous machine are strictly defined by this parameter [26].

During the past several decades, many laboratory test procedures for practical

determination of synchronous machine parameters have been initiated and documented in

IEEE standard \\5-\995 [27) and lEe standard 34-4 [28]. The standstill frequency

response test (SSFR) [29-32] and the load rejection test [33, 34] have gained prominence

due to their practically harmless effect on the tested machine and accuracy of the

extracted test measurements. Standstill measurements have an advantage over the other

testing methods, in that they can provide a significant amount of information about the

tested machine. These are applicable to the d-axis and q-axis models and can provide a

complete picture of both while most standard tests do not do so, especially with respect to

the q-ax is parameters [35].

The standstill frequency response test is performed by applying stator currents to the

tested machine terminal at various levels of frequency, typically in a range from 0.001 Hz

to 200 Hz. Thereafter, the machine parameters both in direct-axis and quadrature-axis can

be evaluated by using the frequency response test data [36J. The load rejection test

requires applying load rejection at two special operating points, in which the current

components appear in the axis of interest only. At this point, for determination of direct-

axis parameters, the tested machine, under-excited, has to be connected to a purely

reactive power load to ensure that the fluxes and thus stator current components exist only

in the direct-axis. In order to determine the quadrature-axis parameters, successive load

rejection is needed to obtain a proper loading condition in such a way that only the q-axis

component of the stator current is present. [34].

In 1918, R. E. Doheny and O. E. Shirley [37] developed a considerable refinement

regarding the application of reactances in synchronous machines. They provided a broad

study that provides several new fundamental concepts of armature reactance of

synchronous machines. In addition, they presented a general formula for calculation of

stator self-i nductive reactance of synchronous machines and showed that the initial value

of the short-circuit current of a synchronous machine is not only defined by stator self-

induction, as is frequently assumed, but rather by a combination of both stator and field

self-inductive reactances.

In [38], V. KarapetofT outlined the fact that the assumption of a constant armature leakage

reactance in synchronous machines analysis may lead to wide deviation between the
computed and design data. Instead, he showed that the cyclic variation of the leakage

reactance should be taken into account for higher accuracy levels in the analysis.

In 1928, R. H. Park and B. L. Robertson [39] gave a classification of the armature

reactance in synchronous machines according to three categories: (1)- In terms of phase-

sequence of stator current that can either be positive, negative or zero phase-sequence

reactance. (2)- Methods of application in time of positive-sequence stator current that

yields sustained, transient and sub-transient reactance. (3)- In the position of the rotor that

gives rise to direct-axis and quadrature-axis reactance. Stator reactance due to the

armature reaction and the stator leakage reactance are combined in one quantity that is

commonly known as the synchronous reactance.

The three-phase short-circuit test has been recognized as a vital test procedure to study

transient characteristics of synchronous generators. The test is made 10 determine test

values for specified machine parameters, thus reactances and time constants, of

synchronous generators. Briefly, the sudden three-phase short-circuit test can be carried

out by developing a symmetrical thrce-phase short-circuit at the terminals of the tested

generator when it is operated at rated speed and at various percentages of the rated

terminal voltage. The most usual practice has been to Perform the test at a no-load

condition. Nevertheless, it can be made under various loading conditions. An oscillogram

of the instantaneous stator phase currents following the short circuit can then be recorded

and analyzed by an appropriate method of analysis to extract the relevant subtransient and

transient machine reactances and time constants [40].

A discussion about the three-phase short-circuit method is given fo r both no-load and

load cases, for both a cylindrical rotor and salient-pole synchronous machine, by R. E.

Doherty and C. A. Nickle in [41]. The effect of stator resistance on short-circuit currents

is ill ustrated by two cases; resistance is at first negligible and then it is considered. Also,

the effect of the load's nature on the short-circuit current is absorbed .The investigations

showed that short circuits under load may generate less current that those applied at no-

load. It has also been shown that the second hannonic components in the short-circuit

current depend on the difference between the sub-transient direct-axis and quadrature-axis

reactances and may be eliminated by proper damper windings.

Primary concepts and practical considerations of test methods to compute synchronous

machine parameters are discussed by Sherwin H. Wright in [42). Test procedures to

obtain the most important machine constants, the machine reactances, resistance and time

constants, are illustrated and tabulated test results are given. Tests included the three-

phase short-circuit test and slip test.

L. A. March and S. B. Crary [43] discussed the detennination of armature leakage

reactance using the so-called Potier me/hod. They showed how Potier reactance varies

with the increase in the fie ld current for a salient-pole machine and how it can practically

be a constant value for a synchronous machine with a cylindrical rotor. They mentioned

that the Potier reactance when measured at rated tenninal voltage could be much greater

than the actual annature leakage reactance for a synchronous machine. Alternatively, they

suggested that the Potier reactance when measured at a higher value of tenninal voltage

and thus a higher field current can result in a more accurate approx imation of the

annature leakage reactance than the classical measuring at nonnal voltage. However, thi s

approach has been found 10 be somewhat risky as the machine under test may not tolerate

the increased high values of field current at which the detennination of armature leakage

reactance by the Potier method can be accurate. As a consequence, A. M. El-Serafi and J.

Wu [44] proposed an alternative testing method to accurately detennine the annature

leakage reactance that can be applied without any risk to the tested machine, unlike the

preceding approach in [43]. In the proposed method, the curve of the terminal

voltage/armature current characteristic with the machine unloaded and unexcited is

required along with the open circuit characteristic.

Canay has contributed significantly to the art of detennination of synchronous machine

parameters with a series of important papers [45-48). He obviously focused his attention

to more correct determinations of rotor circuit parameters. Throughout his investigation,

Canay showed how one would make an accurate estimation of the synchronous machine

equivalent circuit parameters without making the usual simplifying assumptions or

iterations that can be a source of wide discrepancies in the results of the analysis.

It has been realized that the conventional equivalent circuit diagram found in the earlier

theory of the synchronous machine does accurately represent the stator circuit only.

However, Canay revealed that transients for rotor quantities (i.e. field current, field

voltage, etc.) can also be specified if a suitable equivalent circuit diagram that represents

both the stator and rotor circuits is used. For this purpose, he employed a new reactance,

tenned as the characlerisric reactance Xc to be used instead of the traditional stator

leakage reactance in the newly developed equivalent circuit diagram of a synchronous

machine. The characteristic reactance Xc is independent of rotor reference quantities and

can be found directly from the measurement of the alternating current transfer between

stator and field windings. This can easily be done by measuring field current variations

during a sudden three-phase short-circuit test. In general, Xc for turbomachines is greater

than the stator leakage reactance whereas it is much lower than the stator leakage

reactance for a salient-pole synchronous machine. It is noteworthy that, unlike the

generalized Parks' dq-axis model which has only two rotor circuits (one field winding

and one damper winding), Canay's model can be valid for higher order machine models

with more than two rotor circuits in both direct-axis and quadrature-axis [49J.

In [50], L. Salvatore and M. Savino attempted to remove some simplifying assumptions

that have been set forth in the traditional analysis of synchronous machines and which

resulted in inaccurate detennination of the machine parameters. They used a model of

analysis with two windings (field and damper) in the direct-axis circuit. Then, they

examined their model with two standard tests; the sudden three-phase short circuit and

stator decrement test with short-circuited field windings. They demonstrated that it is

possible to detennine the model parameters in terms of a set of measurable time constants

regardless of whether equal or unequal direct-axis mutual reactance between the stator,

field and damper windings was assumed.

A general survey of methods for detennination of machine parameters of the electric

equivalent circuit of rotary synchronous machines (RSM) is conducted in [5 IJ. It gives an

overview of the most used testing methods for detennination of synchronous machine

parameters that are defined in IEEE standards liS and liS-A, besides some other

traditional testing methods. Thereafter, the paper uses the reviewed methods to propose

analogous techniques for estimating machine parameters for linear synchronous machines


Detennination of synchronous machine parameters using network synthesis techniques is

given in reference [49J. The paper used a d-axis model that contains more than one

damper winding that is based on the direct-axis equivalent circuit of Canay's generalized

model of synchronous machines to prove that no unique direct-axis circuit can be

detennined from two-port infonnation. Also, shown in the paper is the noteworthy

observation that only limited d-axis parameters can be found in a unique way for a

synchronous machine model with more than one damper winding in the rotor circuit.

In [52], the authors proposed a new estimation procedure for detennination of direct-axis

parameters of a synchronous machine. In this method, all the parameters derivation was

done using the Matlab derivation program. For more accurate results, a gradient-based

optimisation algorithm was also employed to adjust the machine parameters so that a

close agreement between the simulated tenninal voltage response and the measured

voltage response could be reached. A better detennination of synchronous machine

parameters was also presented by a group of IEEE authors [36]. They suggested a simple

and accurate approach to estimate the direct-axis and quadrature-axis stator inductances

of a synchronous machine by applying a hysteresis based current control of the direct and

quadrature components of stator current.

In recent times, the finite element method (FEM) is found to be a valuable means for

estimating most synchronous machine parameters due to its advantages over the classical

testing methods in its abi lity to consider more important facto rs and avoid many

hypotheses by the analysis of the electromagnctic field in the machine's iron core [53·56].

1.3 T hesis Obj ectives

The major contribution of this research work is to determine the steady-state, transient,

and subtransient values of the direct-axis synchronous reactance of a practical salient-pole

synchronous generator. Moreover, the Potier triangle method is developed and presented

for a laboratory salient-pole synchronous generator in this thesis. This method makes it

possible to compute the Potier reactance, the drop in the terminal voltage due to annature

reaction and the required excitation corresponding to the rated voltage for any specified

load current of a synchronous generator. For those objectives, certain standard tests

corresponding to the IEEE standard 115-1995 [27] are carried out on the studied

generator, among them the implementation of the well-recognized sudden three-phase

short-circuit test.

1.4 O ulline of lhe Thesis

This thesis is broken down into five chapters that can be stated as follows:

Chapter 1 provides a general introduction and a recent review of the previous literature

related to the scope of the thesis.

Chapter 2 describes the fundamental concepts of rotating electric machines.

Chapler 3 gives a full explanation about the theory of synchronous generators within the

scope of this thesis.

Chapler 4 provides the experimental test results that were obtained in the laboratory by

pcrfonning specific standard tests on the considered synchronous generator.

Chapler 5 is the conclusion and recommendations of the work that may be done in the

foreseeable future regarding the selected research topic.

Chapter 2

Rotating AC Machinery Fundamentals

The rotating ae electric machines can mainly be divided into two types: synchronous

machines and induction machines. These machines are widely used in the industry for

both generator and motor applications. As its name implies, the rotating machinery

principle is based on the production of the rotating magnetic field inside the machine. The

object of this chapter is to provide an essential description of the fundamental concepts of

the rotating machines.

2. 1 Basics of Magnetic Circuits

It is of utmost importance in electric machinery design and analysis to have a basic

knowledge of magnetic circuits. The principle of such circuits is in fact similar to that of

electric circuits. An electric circuit provides a path for the electric current to flow through.

Simi larly, a magnetic ci rcuit yields a closed path to flow for the magnetic fl ux traveling

through it. The electric current flowing in an electric circuit is generated by the voltage

source or the electromotive force (em!) of that circuit. By analogy, the magnetomotive

force (mmf) is responsible for establishing the magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit. For

proceeding with this discussion, let us refer to the magnetic circuit in Fig.2.1.

Iron Core

L.:_--<---- _ _ J
(a) (b)

Fig.2.t (a) Typical magnetic circuit clcments, (b) Equivalent circuit diagram

Fig.2.l shows a simple magnetic circuit with its equivalent circuit. It can be noted that

this is basically identical to the transformer configuration except for the absence of the

secondary winding. As a current (I) flows through a coil of (N) turns around the iron core,

a significant amount of the net flux established by this current will be confined by the iron

core due to the very high permeability of the iron. There is still a small portion of the flux

that spreads out in the air around the iron core. This flux is commonly known as the

leakage flux. The leakage flux might have a noticeable impact on the performance of such

electromagnetic devices.

The magnetic flux density is defined as the ratio of the total flux (ftI) to the area (A) of the

ferromagnetic material in which the flux is confined. Thus, '

B =;. Weber per square meter (Wb/m2) (2.1)

The unit (Wb/m2) is now denoted by the IEEE standard symbol (T) or Tesla.

The magnetomotive force (mmf), denoted by ('F), in a current-carrying conductor is equal

to the product of the current in the electrical conductor times the number of its turns. Thus

mmf = :F =N x I Ampere-Turns (AT) (2.2)

In terms of the magnetic field intensity (H), the above equation can be rewritten as:

:F= Hx l (2.3)

where H is measured in ampere-turns per metre (AT/m).

I is the length of the magnetic path in metre.

It is evident from Fig.2.1 (b) that there is an analogy between electric and magnetic

circuits regardless of the difference in the nature of their parameters. The magnetomotive

force, mmf, can now be expressed in terms of the equivalent magnetic circuit parameters

as follows:


where qJ is t he flux in Weber (Wb).

1? is called the reluctance of the magnetic circuit that corresponds to the resistance in an

electric circuit. The reluctance is generally defined by the following relationship:

J? = ~ Ampere-tumsperWeber(AT/Wb) (2.5)


I: The length of the closed magnetic path (m).

A: The cross-sectional area of the magnetic material (m 2).

).I: The permeability of the magnetic material in Henrys per metre (HIm).

2.2 Induced Voltage Equation

If a current-carrying conductor of length (I) moves in a magnetic flux area of density B.

the conductor will then experience a force (F) that tends to rotate it. The direction of the

rotation is given by Fleming's left-hand rule [57]. This is actually the basis of a molor

action electric machine. Wi th this in mind, it can be written:

F=Bxlx i (N) (2.6)

where (i) is the current through the conductor in Amps.

In contrast. the basic principle of an electric generator is based on the flux-cuffing action

of Faraday's law, which states that whenever a conductor cuts constant magnetic field

lines, a voltage will be induced across the conductor terminals. The voltage will also be

induced if the flux is time-varying while the conductor is held stationary. The polarity of

this voltage is determined by the right-hand rule of Fleming. The induced or generated

voltage is referred to as the counter emf for the mOlar case. The induced voltage is thus

defined as:

emf =Bx Ix v (Volt) (2.7)

where B. v and I are mutually perpendicular [58].

B: The flux density of the magnetic field in Tesla.

v: The velocity by which the conductor crosses the flux lines in (mls).

I: The length of the conductor in metre.

Generally, if the conductor moves at an angle (eO) with respect to the flux lines as seen in

Fig.2.2, the induced voltage equalion will then be:

emf = B x v x l x sin (9) (Volt) (2.8)

Fig.2.2 A conductor moving with an angle (9°) through a magnetic field [57J

This is only the emf induced in a si ngle wire; let us now find the expression of the

equation governing the induced emf in a set of three-phase windings such as those

accommodated by the stator of synchronous and 3-phase induction machines.

[n the three-phase rotating machines, three-phase windings are placed on the stator 120

electrical degrees apart in the space from each other in order to produce as sinusoidal as

possible induced voltage. Consequently, the induced voltages in the stator windings have

an equal magnitude and they are 120° out of phase from each other. Fig.2.3 shows a

cross-sectional view of a typical 2-pole 3-phase ac machine. The rotor poles are assumed

to spin at an angle (eO) with respect to the phase a stator winding.

Field Winding

Induced Voltage
Phase a
'. Stator Winding Axis
Phase a

Fig.2.3 Schematic diagram ofa 2-pole J-phase ac machine [58]

The nux density wave distributing in the air-gap of the machine is assumed sinusoidal in

space and therefore defined as follows:

B "" B",cosS (2.9)

Thus, it has a maximum value (B",) at 0= 0, and it decays 10 zero at S = 90"

The air-gap nux per pole can be obtained by the linear integral of the flux density over

the area covered by one pole (0 = 1t radians). Thus,


where (I) is the axial length of the stator, (r) is the radius of the stator inner surface.

The above equation compules the per pole flux for a two-pole ac machine. More

generally, for a machine with p-number of poles, the flux equation can be rewritten as:


In accordance with Faraday's law, the induced emf in one phase of the stator windings

can be expressed as follows:

e::: -*::: -N* (Volts) (2.12)

where A is the flux linkage for a stator phase in (Weber-turns) and is equal to

A = Ntpcoswt (2.13)

whcre ()) =27tf is the angular velocity of the rotor (rad/s), N: number of turns per stator


The phase-a induced voltage (emf) is thus:

ea = w N tpsinwt = 21[fN tpsinwt (2.14)

from which the maximum value of the induced voltage per phase is


Therefore, the rms per phase induced voltage is

E~,~~ ~4.44fNrp (2.16)

In a practical ac machine, the armature windings on the stator are often distributed in slots

and made short-pitch to improve the sinusoidal shape of the induced voltage. Therefore,

the distribution and pitch factors denoted by Kd and Kp , respectively must be taken into

account. Hence, we have:

E,nu {per phase) = 4. 44 Nf rp KdKp = 4.44 Nfrp Kw (2.17)

Kwis known as the winding factor for the stator distributed windings which equals the

value of(Kd Kp ) and falls in the range of (0.85 - 0. 95 ) [59].

Eventually, the three-phase set of the induced voltage can be expressed as:

ea = Emsin wt (2. 18)

(2. 19)

ec = Emsin (wt + 120°) (2.20)

2.3 Rotati ng Magnetic Field in AC Machinery

As pointed out earlier, in ac machines, a three-phase voltage can be induced by means of

flux-cutting action or the presence of the magnetic field in the machine air-gap. Similarly,

a balanced three-phase set of currents can produce a rotating magnetic field when flowing

through a set of three-phase windings. Hence, the revolving magnetic field is created by

the stator supply current in a motor action ac machine, whereas it is established by the

load current in a generator action ac machine. Knowing the nature of the wavefonn of this

magnetic field is an important aspect of understanding the behaviour of ac machinery . In

rotating ae machines, such as three-phase synchronous and induction machines, three-

phase windings, each 120 electrical degrees apart, are placed on the stator as shown in

Fig.2.5(a). These windings are commonly distributed in the stator slots. A balanced three-

phase current is then applied to the stator distributed windings so that a revolving

magnetic field is established in the air-gap. It is actually the sinusiodally distributed mmf

induced in the stator windings that is the source whereby the rotating magnetic field is

created. Its amplitude and direction depend on the instantaneous current in each phase of

the stator windings. The currents' reference directions are indicated by dots and crosses in

Fig.2.S(a). The balanced three-phase stator current, as shown in Fig.2.4, may be defined

as follows:

ia== 1m cos rot (2.21)



Each of these currents wil l produce a sinusoidally distributed mmf wave in the individual

phase winding through which it is flowing . Therefore, the resultant mmf distributing in

the air-gap of the machine is the sum of the three mmf waves from each phase winding

alone as seen in Fig.2.S(b). Since the applied three-phase currents are balanced and the

stator windings are shifted by 120° in the space from each other, the three components of

the resultant mmfwave also have a 120° displacement in time from each other.

.:. Graphical Approach of the Distributed Stator MMF Wave

Let us now investigate the amplitude of the travelling mmf wave in ac machines. From

Fig.2.4, at instant of time (rot= 0°), the phase a current is at its maximum value. As a

result, the mmf wave of phase a, represented by the vector (F.) in Fig.2.S, also has its

maximum value (Fma.~ - Nlm) and is aligned with the magnetic axis of phase a. At the same

moment, the corresponding mmf waves of the other two phases have equal magnitude

which can be expressed as follows (59):

Fig.2.4 Balanced J-phase current applied to the stator of ac machine


The resultant stator mmf (FT) can now be found by the vector sum of its three

components as seen in Fig. 2.6 (a) as:

FT = Fmn + F~ax cos 600 + F~ax cos 60 0 = ~ Fml)(= ~ N 1m (2.26)

where N is the number of turns per stator phase.

1m the maximum value of the phase current.


<--+--4+-I- ~~ Axis of
phase a



Fig.2.S Production of the annaturc (stator) mmfwave in ac rotating machines; (a) Cross-sectional
view of2-pole ac machine, (field windings arc not shown) [58], (b)The resultant stator mmfwave
with its components [591

It is obvious from Eq. (2.26) that the net mmf wave is a sinusoidally distributed wave

moving in the positive direction along the magnetic axis of phase a with an amplitude

equal to (3/2) limes the amplitude of the phase a mmfwave alone.

At a later time (wt= 90°), the instantaneous value of the phase currents are

i.=O (2.27)


F.= 0 (2.28)

Sim ilarly, the total mmfwave is the vector sum of the three components as in Fig. 2.6 (b).

FT=O+q.. Fma~ cos 30° +q.. Fma~ cos 30° =~ Fmox - ~N 1m (2.29)

Again, the resultant mmfwave has the same amplitude and sinusoidal wavefonn as those

found in the preceding instant.

~':1 fT

F.~ j..
Positive sequence \ Fe
of phase c axis \

Positive sequence
of phase b axis

(a) col= O°

l<' ig.2.6 Vector diagram of the resultant mmfwave [57]

Another example demonstrating this fact is the instant of time (cot= 120°) when phase b

current has its positive peak value as illustrated in Fig.2.4. The instantaneous value of the

phase currents and the associated mmf components are now as follows:

ia "' -~ Im . ,
F '" _ "max (2 .30)

ib "" 1m Fb '" Fmn (2.31)

ic "' -~ 1m ,
F, '" _ "max (2.32)

The resultant mmfwave (F T) is

FT '" "~n cos 60° + Fmax + F~>x cos 60° = ~ Fmax '" ~ N 1m (2.33)

Thus, the resultant mmf wave is once again sinusoidally distributed havi ng the same

amplitude, but this time is centred on the magnetic axis of the phase b winding.

It can clearly be seen that as time passes, the resultant mmf wave distri buting in the air-

gap of an ac machine retains its sinusoidal fonn with a constant amplitude of (~Fm,..,),

where Fmax is the maximum value of the mmf wave produced by any individual phase

winding. It is also moving around the air-gap at a constant angular velocity Ws '" 2nf(rad


In general , for a p-pole machine, the mechanical speed of rotation for the travelling mmf

wave is:

Wm = -; Ws '" 4:1 (rad/s) (2.34)

n=lZ;' (rpm) (2.35)


lis the electric frequency of the stator current in Hz.

p is the number of poles for the machine.

wm is the angular velocity in mechanical radians per second.

n is the speed in revolutions per minute (rpm).

In fact, in the synchronous machine theory, the speed at which the rotating magnetic field

rotates in the air-gap is precisely equal to the rotor speed and is referred to as Ihe

synchronous speed (ns).

Chapter 3

Analysis ofthe Synchronous Generator

Over the years, synchronous generators, also called alternators, have been used as a

reliable ae electric power source. Therefore, it is of great importance to have a basic

knowledge of this kind of ae machinery, its construction. principles of operation and

perfonnance characteristics. For this object, this chapter is developed. The focus of

anention wi ll particularly be the salient-pole synchronous generator since it represents the

machine being dealt \'lith in this thesis.

3.1 Brief Overview

A synchronous generator is a three-phase ae electric machine that converts mechanical

input power into electric output power and rotates at a constant speed referred to as the

synchronous !!'peed. The word 'synchronous' comes from the ract that in this kind or ac

machine, the rotor and its associated dc magnetic field must have precisely the same

speed as the rotating magnetic field produced by the stator currents. Thus, the rotor speed

is a runction or the number or poles orthe machine and the electric rrequency (Hz) or the

stator current. Synchronous generators operate a large number or various loads with wide

rating ranges. They have been extensively studied and examined in the literatures.

Synchronous generators, based on their speed of rotation, can be divided into two

categories: high-speed and low-speed generators. The high speed generators are often

driven by means of steam or gas turbines. They are knov.rn as turbo or turbine-generators.

The low speed generators, on the other hand, are driven by means of waterwheel

(hydraulic) turbines. Hence, they are named hydro-turbine or water-wheel synchronous

generators. The actual distinction between the two types of synchronous generators lies in

the rotor structure, as will be clarified later in this chapter.

3.2 Physical Construction

A typical synchronous generator consists of the following essential clements:

3.2.1 The Stator

The stator of a synchronous generator is identical to that for an induction machine. It is

built of thin iron laminations of highly permeable steel core. The laminated core is to

reduce the magnetizing losses such as the eddy current and hysteresis losses. The stator

accommodates the three-phase armature windings which are the distributed stator

windings. The distributed windings are embedded in the slots inside the stator core 120

electrical dcgrees apart in the space to minimize the space harmonics in the resultant air-

gap flux waveform. They are also made short-pitch in order to produce a smooth

sinusoidal voltage waveform at the stator terminals. The reason behind having the

annature windings fixed on the stator is that they need to be well-insulated due \0 the high

voltagcs and transient currents they may experience during different operation modes. A

cross-sectional sketch of a stator of a synchronous machine is shown below in Fig.3.l

Stator core

Fig.3.t Basic Stator Scheme for a 2-pole 3-phase synchronous generator

3.2.2 The Rotor

The rotor of the synchronous generator hosts windings which carry the dc field current

and are connected to the excitation source of the generator via brushes and the slip rings

assembly. The synchronous generator has two different rotor configurations based on its

speed. Turbo- generators used for high speed operation have a round rotor structure.

These generators are commonly referred to as non-salient pole or cylindricaJ-rotor

synchronous generators. They have a uniform air-gap and normally have either two or

four field poles, depending on the required speed of operation. Hydro-generators used for

low speed operation have rotors with salient poles structure. These generators are known

as salient·pole synchronous generators. Because of the rotor saliency, a non-uniform air-

gap is formed between the rotor and stator inner surface. The salient-pole rotor has a

comparatively larger number of poles. A common practice is to have damper or

amortisseur windings equipped to the rotor of this type in order 10 damp out the speed

oscillation in the rotor. Damper windings are copper or brass bars embedded in the salient

pole faces with both their ends shorted-circuited by means of shorting rings to fonn a

cage structure similar to that for a squirrel cage rotor of an induction machine. These

windings playa major role in retaining the generator synchronism during the dynamic

transient or hunting. The cross-sectional view of two rotor structures of the synchronous

generator are shown in Fig.3.2

N ~ Pole Face ~crDamperWinding

. . "..--..
oN 0

I 0, .
, • 0
Slot~ .

. s / I S
Winding 0 0
(a) (b)

Fig.3.2 Elementary rotor structure of2-pole alternator: (a) cylindrical rotor, (b) salient-pole rotor


3.3 Principle of Operation

The field winding on the rotor of a synchronous generator is supplied by dc field current

from an external dc source which is called the exciter for the generator. Based on the

exciter arrangement, use of sl ip rings mayor may not be ,needed for this purpose. The

field current will then produce a constant magnetic flux around the rotor in the air-gap.

The rotor is rotated by means of a prime mover at the synchronous speed (ns) of the

generator. As a result, a sct of balanced three-phase voltages will be induced in the

distributed stator (annature) windings in the stator due to the flux-cutting action or

Faraday's law. If a load is connected to the generator tenninals, a time-varying current

will flow through the three-phase stator windings causing a synchronously revolving

magnetic field to be established in the air-gap. For maintaining the synchronism, the

rotating magnetic field must be locked in or synchronized with the mechanical constant

speed of the rotor magnetic field. In other words, the revolving magnetic field produced

by the stator rotates at the same synchronous speed as the rotor and is therefore stationary

with respect to it. The synchronous speed can be defined by the following relationship:

n s= - p - ('Pm) (3.1)


WS= p (cadis) (3.2)


lis the stator electric frequency in Hz.

P is the number of poles for the machine.

((), is the synchronous speed in radians per second.

n, is the synchronous speed in rpm.

3.4. Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Generator

As pointed out earlier, the stator of a synchronous generator has three-phase armature

windings distributed inside the slots of its core. These stator windings can be either Y- or

Ct.-connected. However, they are often connected in Y-form for convenience. Fig.3 .3

indicates the typical Y-connected stator windings with their parameters. The stator

windings have a resistance (Rs) and reactance due to the leakage flux linking the winding

called leakage reactance of the stator winding (XI =21[1 L), where L is the leakage

inductance of the armature winding in Henry. The armature resistance is very small

compared to the annature leakage reactance and may thus be neglected.

R, v.


Fig.3.3 Y-connected 3-phase stator distributed windings ofa synchronous machine

The value of the per phase stator resistance (Rs) can easily be found by a simple dc

measunnent of the resistance between any two phases at a time. The line-to-line average

dc resistance (RIc) is obtained. For Y-connected stator windings, the per phase effective

(ac) stator resistance is then equal to:


where K is a factor which rises due to the sk in effect caused by the alternating (ac) stator

current and is approximated to be 1.6 for 60 Hz operation [59]. The thermal effect of the

stator current is also included in this factor.

3.4.1 Armature Reaction

The load current when flowing in the stator windings of a synchronous generator

produces its own magnetic field. This magnetic field will distort the main air-gap flux set

up by the rotor field winding. In other respects, the magnetic field due to the load current

is said to be either demagnetizing or magnetizing the original air-gap flux depending on

the power factor of the load. The magnetizing effect of the annature or stator flux on the

air-gap fl ux is referred to as the armature reaction. The effect of the annature reaction in

synchronous generators is taken into consideration by assigning to it a corresponding

fictitious reactance called annature reaction reactance or simply the magnetizing

reactance (Xar)'

3.4.2 Equivalent C ircuit Representation Including Armature Reaction

For the sake of deriving the steady state machine equations for the synchronous generator,

a proper equivalent circuit should be developed. Fig.3.4(a) shows the per-phase

equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator in tenns of the annature reaction reactance

(Xar ) and the annature leakage reactance (X,),

jX' + jX, R' ~+
~ +

' ~'
(.) (b)
Fig.3.4 Single-phase equivalent circuit of a cylindrical rotor synchronous generalOr: (a)
including annature reaction efTect, (b) comprising the synchronous reactance

Note that this representation only includes the stator circuit. Since it carries the dc field

current, the rotor circuit may however be modeled simply by a single coil of (Nj) turns

connected to a dc voltage source (Vj ).

In Fi g.3.4; is is the phasor stator current per phase.

E9: is the per phase induced voltage

Vt: is the per phase terminal voltage

Ear is caJ1ed thc air-gap vollage or the vollage behind Ihe armature leakage reactance. It

is induced to account for the resultant air-gap flux [58].

The reactance due to the armature reaction Xar and armature leakage reactance XI are

normally combined in one reactance known as synchronous reactance Xs' Hence,

The synchronous reactance can also be expressed in terms of the synchronous inductance



The synchronous inductance (Ls) is defined as the effective inductance as viewed from

the armature windings under steady-state operation. Neglecting the effects of saliency, as

with the cylindrical rotor synchronous machine, the synchronous inductance and thereby

the reactance of the armature winding are independent of the rotor position (8 m ). Thus,

they can be assumed as a constant [58].

The synchronous impedance is defined as


Rs is often omilled for its relatively very small value for large synchronous machine


The per-phase equivalent circuit comprising the synchronous reactance of the stator

windings in series with the stator resistance is shown in Fig.3.4 (b). Note that this model

is essentially employed for a cylindrical rotor (non-salient pole) synchronous generator.

For a salient-pole synchronous generator, the synchronous reactance has two different

components perpendicular to each other as will be seen later in this chapter.

Using the developed equivalent circuit, let us now find the expression of the air-gap

induced voltage. This can be stated as:

where the script (-) denotes the phasor form of the associated quantities.

The change in the terminal voltage magn itude from the no-load to full-load operation of a

synchronous generator with constant speed and excitation is visualized by a percentage

value known as the vollage regula/ion, VR(%). The expression of voltage regulation is

given as follows:

VR(%) = (Vt(n!) - VtCf!)) x 100% (3.9)


Vt(nl) is the no·load terminal voltage (equals the induced voltage Eg)

Vt{fI) is the fulJ·load terminal voltage.

The voltage regulation (VR%) may be a negative or positive value based on the nature of

the load current. For a synchronous machine operating as a generator, the percentage

voltage regulation is normally a large positive value for a lagging load, a small positive

value for a unity power factor load and a negative value for a leading power factor load.

The reasons behind that will be explained in the next section.

3.5 Effect of Load C hanges on the Excitation

At no·load operation, the terminal voltage of a synchronous generator is equal to the

induced voltage because there will be no voltage drop in the armature windings.

However, for a loaded generator, due to the armature reaction associated with the load

current, there will be either a reduction or increase in the terminal voltage. Fig.3.5 shows

the phasor diagram of a cylindrical rotor synchronous generator with various loads

(lagging, unity and leading PF).

~ Is VI IsRs


Fig.3.5 Phasor diagram of a cylindrical rotor synchronous generator: (a) lagging power factor

load, (b) unity power factor load, (e) leading power factor load [61]

In the above phasor diagram, the angle G5°) between the induced voltage and terminal

voltage is referred to as the lorque or power angle. The angle (0°) between the load

current and the terminal voltage is the power factor (PF) angle of the load.

To restore the terminal voltage of a loaded synchronous generator to its rated

value, a course of action must be taken. Thus, the induced voltage must be changed in

correspondence with the varialions in the terminal voltage to overcome the armature

reaction voltage drop. Referring to Eq. (2.17) in chapter 2, the rms per-phase induced

voltage can simply be rewritten as:

Erm!= K", rpw (3.10)


Km is known as machine constant, ({J is the flux per stator pole in (Weber).

c:o ==2nfis the angular speed of the rotor (electrical radls)

It is evident that the induced voltage is proportional to the resultant flux in the machine

and speed of operation. The induced voltage can thereby be changed either by controlling

the flux or the speed of rotation of the generator. The speed must be held constant for a

constant frequency operation. The induced voltage may then be changed by varying the

net flux in the air-gap. This can be made achievable by a proper adjustment to the dc field

current fed into the rotor winding. This approach to maintain the tenninal voltage at the

desired level is known as excitation control of the synchronous generator. This discussion

may be illustrated by the following three cases:

3.5.1 Lagging Power Factor Load

It can be seen from Fig.3.5(a) that for a lagging PF load (inductive load), the terminal

voltage will be reduced. Therefore, the induced voltage must be increased to keep the

rated terminal voltage. The reason for this reduction in the terminal voltage is that the

armature reaction due to the lagging load current is said to be demagnetizing or

weakening the air-gap flux. As a result, a large amount of excitation (over-excitation) is

needed to overcome the air-gap flux demagnetization. Ir more loads are now added to the
generator at the same PF, then the armature voltage drop IsXs will be even greater,

causing a significant reduction in the terminal voltage. In this respect, the voltage

regulation has a large positive value for a synchronous generator with a lagging PF load.

3.5.2 Unity Power Factor Load

In the case of unity power factor loads (zero reactive power), Fig.3.S(b), there will be a

slight reduction in the terminal voltage due to the armature reaction effect of the unity PF

load current. Therefore, the induced voltage of the generator should also be increased to

retain the rated terminal voltage. In fact, the increase in the induced voltage needed here

is less than that for the lagging PF case. As a result, the voltage regulation under such an

operation mode is a small positive value [61J.

3.5.3 Leading Power Factor Load

From the phasor diagram in Fig.3.S(c), it can be observed that the terminal voltage can be

greater than the induced voltage of a synchronous generator operating with a leading PF

load (capacitive load). The increase in the terminal voltage can be justified by the fact that

the armature reaction due to the leading PF load current is said to be magnetizing or

strengthening the total air-gap flux. That is the reason that less amount of excitation

(under-excitation) is required to return the terminal voltage to the desired rated value.

Based on that, the voltage regulation has a negative value for a synchronous generator

with leading PF load.

It can be concluded that the growth of unity and lagging power factor loads at

synchronous generator terminals will require an increase in field excitation to maintain

the generator's terminal voltage within the desired limits. In contrast, the field excitation

may need to be reduced to keep the required terminal voltage for leading power factor


It should be emphasized that the opposite of the above discussion is true for a motor

action synchronous machine. Thus, for a synchronous motor, the armature reaction

increases the main air-gap flux for the lagging power factor stator current (under-

excitation mode) and decreases the flux for the leading power factor stator current (over-

excitation mode) [57].

3.6 D-Q Axis Analysis of Salient-Pole Synchronous Generator

So far, initial consideration has been given to the cylindrical rotor theory where all the

armature inductances and thereby thc synchronous reactance were assumed to be a

constant, regardless of the rotor position, due to the uniform air-gap geometry. In

addition, both the armature and main-field flux waves were to act on the same magnetic

circuit for the same reason. In a salient-pole generator, this, however, cannot be the case

because of the saliency effect of the rotor. Thus, the non-uniform air-gap of the salient-

pole generator will cause the air-gap inductances and reactances to be time-varying based

on the rotor angular position with rcgard to the armature rotating mmf wave.

Consequently, the armature reaction flux created in the air-gap by the stator current

cannot be the same at any instant of time. This fact makes the analysis of such salient-

pole electric machines even more complicated and needs careful consideration.

3.6. t Flux and MMF W aveforms in a Salient-Pole Synchronous Generator

Two-reaction theory was proposed by Andrew Blondel as an effective approach to

analyze the theory of salient-pole synchronous machines [6]. Its principle is to separate all

the machine variables (fluxes, currents and voltages) into two mutuaJly perpendicular

components acting along two different axes on a salient·pole rotor. The two relevant axes,

as shown in Fig.3.6, are commonly called the direct axis and quadrature axis, and are

denoted by d·axis and q-axis, respectively. The fonner (d·axis) is aligned with the axis of

symmetry ofa field pole while the other (q-axis) exists in the region midway between the

salient poles (inter·polar air-gap space). It is arbitrarily chosen, based on the IEEE

standard definition [60], that the q·axis leads the d·ax is by 90°. With this in mind, the

armature mmf (r.) due to the stator current can be resolved into two different

components as indicated in Fig.3.6(a); one acts along the d·axis (.:Fd) whereas the other

(.:F q) acts along the q·axis of the salient pole rotor.

Since it coincides with the field pole axis and is thereby assumed to act over the same

magnetic circuit as the fie ld mmf, the (.:Fd) component of the armature mmf distributes

similarly to the main field mmf and may result in either a magnetizing or demagnetizing

effect. The (rq) component, as its magnetic effect is found in the space between the

salient poles, distributes quite differently from the field mmf and may therefore cause a

cross-magnetizing effect [58}.


Cal q-Axis <f---+----=-+t-+ Stator


Stator Surface

(b) I

rr ____~) wt

Fig.3.6 mmfs distribution in a salient-pole synchronous generator: (a) physical view (only phase-
a is shown on the stator), (b) space-fundamental mmfwaves with the respective d-q axes [60]

The space-fundamental annature mmf and field mmf waves distributing in a salient-pole

generator are shown in FigJ.6(b) with both the stator and rotor structure rolled out for


Accordingly, the annature reaction effect can be accounted for by two corresponding

magnetizing reactances; d-axis annature reaction reactance (Xad ) and q-axis annature

reaction reactance (X aq ). The leakage reactance of the armature winding (XI) is the same

for both the direct and quadrature axis (since it is independent of the rotor angle) and

therefore can be equally added to the armature reaction reactance to obtain the

synchronous reactance components as:

Xd= Xad+XI (3.11)

Xq = Xaq + XI (3.12)


Xd is the direct axis synchronous reactance.

Xq is the quadrature axis synchronous reactance.

Because of the saliency of the rotor, the established air-gap fl ux due to a given annature

mmf (:F.) will be created more at some points than others. In other words, the annature

flux is greater in the short air-gap along the d-axis and smaller in the longer ai r-gap

between the salient poles along the q-axis, (qJd> qJq). In fact, this aspect takes place

because the air-gap magnetic reluctance of the flux path is smaller for the polar or d-axis

than that fo r the inter-polar or q-axis, (R.J < Rq). This also explains the reason why the
direct axis synchronous reactance (X d ) is larger than the quadrature axis synchronous

reactance (Xq) [1].

3.6.2 Phasor Diagram Represenlation

The steady-state phasor diagram for a salient-pole synchronous generator based on two-

axis theory is set forth and shown in Fig.3.7. The diagram considers the Jagging power

factor load case. It is of interest at this stage to derive the steady-state voltage equation

using the developed phasor diagram.

Fig.3.7 d-q axis steady-state phasor diagram of a salient pole synchronous generator with lagging

power factor load

As seen in Fig.3.7, the stator current (I.) has two orthogonal components centred on the d-

axis and q-axis. These components are defined as:

fa = lssin (6 + 8) (3.13)

Iq = lscos (6 + 8) (3.14)

Thus, (3.15)

It must also be noticed that the q-axis component of the stator current fq is in phase with

the induced voltage vector (8g ) whereas the d-axis component fa is in time-quadrature

(90°) with it. In the case of no-load, the only generated voltage in the stator wind ing is

that induced by the field excitation (8g ) [62]. However, if a load is connected, the

armature reaction associated with d-axis and q-axis annature currents will cause two

relevant components of voltage to be induced in the stator windings. Each of these

voltages lags by 90° behind the stator current component producing it and can be given



As a result, the net generated voltage per one phase in the stator winding is the phasor

sum of the induced emf due to the field excitation plus both the components of the

annature reaction voltage on d-axis and q-axis. Thus,

Again, the total generated voltage is also equal 10 the phasor sum of the tenninal voltage

(Vt ) and the voltage drop in the annature winding. Hence,

Comparing Eq.(3.18) with Eq.(3.19), the phasor excitation voltage or induced emf can be
found as:

Noting the Eqs.(3.11 and 3.12); this can be written in tenns of the synchronous reactance

components as the following:

For more clarity, a similar expression for the induced voltage equation can be derived

referring to the Fig.3.7 as follows:

The magnitude of the induced voltage phasor (E9 ) in Fig.3.7 is equal to the length (OF).



Let the length ( DC) be equal to the magnitude of the vector ( Eo ) and defined from the
phasor·diagram as:

DC = IEo l = IV, + i, (R, + jXq)1 (3.23)

where Is is defined as in Eq.(3.15).

Moreover, from the phasor diagram the length (Be) equals the quantity (Is Xq) , and

similarly (liD) equals (Is Xd). Now, the length (CF) can be found as:

CF = liiG - BH I (3.24)

CF = I/,X, 5;n(6 + e) - I,Xq 5;n(6 + e)1 (3.25)

CF = I/,(X, - Xq)1 (3.26)

The final expression of the per-phase induced voltage now be obtained by

substituting the Eqs. (3.23 and 3.26) into Eq. (3.22) so:

E, = IV, + i, (R, + jXq)1 + 1/,(x, - Xq)1 (3.27)

Note that the above equation calculates only the magnitude or nns value of the induced

voltage. The direction of Eg or the power angle (5°) can be obtained from the phasor

diagram as follows:

Thc stator current for the lagging pfload can be expressed as:

Since Eo is in phase with Eg , the power angle (5°) may be found substituting the above
value of the stator current into Eq.(3.23) as:

5 = tan-t IsXqcos8 - IsRssin8

Vt + IsXqsin8 + IsRscos8

Neglecting the stator resistance for large synchronous generators. the power angle can be

rewritten as:


3.6.3 Steady-State Power-Angle C haracter istic

The phasor diagram provided in thc previous section can be used for the sake of deriving

the expression of the power developed by a salient-pole synchronous generator. The

curve that describes the real output power as a function of the power angle (5°) is called

the power-angle characteristic of a synchronous generator as shown in Fig.3.8.

The total three-phase output power delivered by a salient-pole synchronous generator

consists of two components resulting from the d-q axis components of the stator current

and voltage. Hence,

Alternatively, the same power equation can be obtained from the phasor diagram in

Fig.3.7 as:



Is cosO = la cos(90° - 0) + fq coso = fa sino + Iq coso (3.36)


and (3.39)

For large synchronous generators, Rs « (Xa.Xq) and thus it is ignored, then we have:

la = E9 - Vtcoso (3.40)

Substituting Eqs.(3.40 and 3.41) into Eq.(3.37) and using the trigonometric identity:

sin26 = 2 sin6 cos6 (3.42)

sino cos6 = i sin20 (3.43)

Finally, the output power relation for a salient-pole synchronous generator is thus:

The above equation is the expression of the power-angle characteristic curve of a salient-

pole synchronous generator. It gives the three-phase output power of the generator when

the voltage and reactance quantities are used as the per-phase basis. The first part of the

right-hand side of Eq.(3.44) represents the developed electric power due to the field

excitation of the synchronous generator, whereas the second part, which is totally

independent of the field excitation, is known as the reluctance power of the salient-pole

synchronous generator. The resultant power is thereby the algebraic sum of the electric

and reluctance power as shown in Fig.3.8. The reluctance power is basically an additional

power generated due to the variations in the air-gap magnetic reluctances as a function of

the rotor position (i.e. the power developed due to the saliency effect). This power will in

tum develop a torque of its own known as the reluctance torque. Only at small excitation

does the reluctance power or torque have a significant impact. If that is not the case, the

analysis of a salient-pole synchronous machine may otherwise be made on the same basis

as the cylindrical rotor theory [58].

The machine is still able to develop power or torque even when the excitation is removed.

However, it is obvious that if the saliency is neglected (Le. Xd = Xq ), the reluctance

power would disappear and one would end up with the fi rst term of Eq.(3.44) alone,

which is in fact the same as the power developed by a cylindrical rotor (nonsalient-pole)

synchronous generator.

Resultant power

· ----~ O'

Fig.3.B Steady-state power-angle characteristic ora sal ient-pole synchronous generator

3.7. Synchronous Generator Transients

The previous discussions are explicitly concentrated on the steady-state operation of a

synchronous generator. The machine behaviour is however quite differe nt during

disturbances or abnormal conditions. Disturbances may occur for many reasons such as

the accidental occurrence of symmetrical or unsymmetrical faults, or a sudden change in

the mechanical torque on the generator shaft or in the electric load applied to the

generator termi nals and so forth. A synchronous generator is most likely to lose its

synchronism during these awkward conditions unless certain procedures are quickly


The synchronous generator response or behaviour during the disturbances is known as

synchronous generator fransients. The synchronous generator transients can be either

electric transient or mechanical (dynamic) transient in nature. The time needed by the

generator to overcome the transient operation and return to its steady·state operation is

called the transient period which may last for a finite period of time. The principle reason

for the increased chance of losing the generator synchronism during the transient period is

that the speed oscillation, also called hunting, would take place on the rotor shaft due to

the fluctuation of the rotor around its new angular position (torque-angle) making the

rotor speed up and thus pulling it out of the synchronism. Various techniques are applied

by synchronous machines designers to reduce the hunting phenomenon effect; among

them are the use of damper windings and fly wheels [57].

3.7.1 Steady-State Direct-Axis and Quadrature-Axis Synchronous Reactances

(Xd and Xq)

It has already been noted that the direct and quadrature axis synchronous reactance

mentioned in the preceding sections were intended only for the steady-state operation

where a positive sequence annature current was to flow in the stator windings after

reaching its sustained val ue. At this point, it is desirable to visualize the physical

definition of these steady-state synchronous reactances. To do so, consider that a positive-

sequence (steady-state) stator current is applied at an instant of time when the rotor is

synchronously driven and in a position so that its polar or direct axis is directly in line

with the peak of the rotating armature fundamental mmf. Also, assume that this current is

acting alone (all the field circuits are opened). As a result of this operation mode, a path

of high penneance will be offered in the air-gap and thereby the flux linkage of the

annature winding is the greatest for any rotor position. Under this condition, the ratio of

the net armature flux linkage per one phase winding to the current through the same

phase, times the angular frequency (2Tif) yields the steady-state value of the direct-axis

synchronous reactance (Xa) [63].

Similarly, the same stator current is now applied but at a different instant, at which the

rotor has its interpolar or quadrature-axis aligned with the axis of the annature mmf wave.

With this in mind, minimum air-gap penneanee is therefore presented resulting in much

smaller flux linkage of the stator windings. Under this condition, the offered air-gap

reactance is the quadrature-axis steady-state synchronous reactance (X q ). It is apparent

that (Xa > Xq ) .

3.7.2 Direct-Axis Transient and Subtransient Synchronous Reactances (X d and X:t)

During the transient conditions, the components of the synchronous reactance would not

have the same values as those for the steady-state conditions. Associated with transient

value, suppose that a positive-sequence current is now suddenly applied to the stator

windings. Furthermore, the rotor field winding is short-circuited and not excited (also, the

damper circuit, if found, is somehow opened). The rotor is synchronously driven and in a

position such that its direct-ax is is in line with the stator mmf wave. The current will be

induced in the closed field ci rcuit opposing the suddenly appearing annature mmf and

tending to keep the field linkage at almost zero (constant flux linkage law: the tota/flux

linkage in any closed e/eclrical circuit cannot be changed instantly) at the first short

duration [63]. Therefore, the annature flux will be alternatively restricted to the low

penneance path offered by the interpolar space. The net annature flux linkage is thereby

less than that in the steady-state condition. If that is the case, the ratio of the total

annature flux linkage to the annature current per phase times the angular frequency (2Jrj)

gives the direct-axis transient synchronous reactance (X~). It should be emphasized that

the transient current induced in the field windings will decay to zero after just a short time

from the appearance of the suddenly applied annature current due to the fi eld winding


For the subtransient direct-axis reactance, the exact same conditions specified for defining

(X~) are still valid except that the damper circui t effect would definitely take place. Thus,

during the subtransient interval, besides the current induced in the closed field windings,

an extra current will also be induced in the shorted damper windings. Because those

wind ings are in a position that is, compared to the field windings, closer to the armature

structure, the annature flux linkage per phase winding is much less than thai which

corresponds to the transient period. The associated annalure winding reactance due to

such a case is referred to as the direct-axis sublransient synchronous reactance (X;;).

Again, the subtransienl current induced in the damper windings will die out more rapidly

than that induced in field windings due to the comparatively higher resistance of the

damper windings. It is evident that for a salient-pole synchronous generator with damper

or amortisseur windings (Xd > Xd > Xd'), whereas (Xd == X;j) for one without damper
windings [64].

3.7.3 Quad.-atu.-e-Axis T.-ansient and Subt.-ansient Synch.-onous Reactances (Xq and

X~ )

The conditions for defining the transient and subtransient quadrature-axis synchronous

reactance are quite analogous to those specified above for both transient and subtransient

direct-axis synchronous reactance. The only difference between the two cases lies in the

rotor position at the time the sudden positive-sequence annature current is applied.

Hence, for X~ and X~' , it is assumed that the annature current is suddenly applied at such

an instant that the rotor is synchronously rotated so that its quadrature-axis (interpolar

space) is now aligned with the axis of the rotating annature mmf wave. Likewise, a

similar definition for both quadrature-axis reactances can be given.

For the transient value, consider the same assumptions that the field windings are

unexcited and closed and the damper or amortisseur windings, if found, are imagined to

be open. In this case, unlike the direct-axis transient reactance case, the current will not be

induced in the closed field windings as the field linkage due to the annature flux is

already zero. Therefore, the annature flux will distribute through the same low penneance

path between the field poles as that presented in the definition of the quadrature-axis

steady-state synchronous reactance. The presented synchronous reactance due to such

conditions is the quadrature-axis transient synchronous reactance (X~). It can therefore be

written that (Xq ~ X~ ) for a laminated salient-pole synchronous generator. For a solid

rotor synchronous machine, this comment is incorrect, because the transient currents

might be induced in t h e rotor core, making (X~ < Xq) .

For the subtransient value, the damper windings are assumed to be close-circuited in

addition to the closed field windings. In this respect, a subtransient current will flow in

the damper circuit trying to maintain its flux linkage at approx imately zero and thereby

mak ing the armature flux pass through the minimum permeance path of the interpolar

space. The result of this is much lower net armature flux linkage in one phase winding per

ampere. The corresponding quadrature-axis reactance is then the quadrature-axis

subtransient synchronous reactance (X~'). In general, for a salient-pole synchronous

generator with no damper windings (Xq = X~ = X~') [63].

3.8 Potier Reactance Concept

Potier reactance, denoted by (Xp), is a fictitious reactance that comprises the armature

leakage flux and the extra leakage flux of the field windings due to the fi eld current of a

synchronous machine [28]. It is sometimes used instead of the armature leakage reactance

(XI) in the phasor representation of synchronous machines. For a solid (cylindrical) rotor

synchronous machine, the Potier reactance is almost equal to the stator leakage reactance.

However, it is onen greater than the stator leakage reactance for one of a salient-pole

type. The purpose of employing this reactance is to determine the armature reaction

voltage drop for any given toad current. The Potier reactance cannot be directly

measured. Nevertheless, it can be obtained graphically from both the no-load saturation

curve and the zero-power factor rated current saluration curve; (Polier Triangle Method)

as will be provided later on.

In the determination of the steady-state and transient parameters of a synchronous

machine, a variety of tests may be conducted. The IEEE and lEe organizations have

published a standardized guide to describe those tests in great detail; [27] and [28],

respectively. The most commonly used test among the group is the sudden three-phase

shon circuit. This test can provide accurate enough results that help to investigate the

mach ine behaviour during the transient condit ions. The sudden three-phase shon circuit

test is carried out in the laboratory on a practical salient-pole synchronous generator as a

pan of the contribution of this thesis.

Chapter 4

Experimental Determination of Synch ro nous Machine Parameters

In the foregoing part of this thesis, a reasonable effort has gone into providing a clear

picture about the synchronous machine theory, especially the theory of a salient-pole

synchronous mach ine. Now, it is time to introduce the essential work which has been

done in this research. This chapter presents the experimental test results that were

obtained in the laboratory by performing particular tests 10 determine the machine

parameters of a salient-pole synchronous generator. The main aim is to find the steady-

state and transient direct-axis synchronous reactance as well as the armature reaction

voltage drop (Potier reaclance milage drop) for the synchronous generator to be tested.

4.1 The Electric Machine under Consideration

ri gA . ! Laboratory salient-pole synchronous machine

The machine being treated, as shown in FigA.I, is a salient-pole synchronous generator

with damper bar windings. The nameplate quantities of this synchronous generator are:

3-phase 2 KVA, 208 V (line-to-line), 4-pole, 1800 rpm, 60 Hz, 5.5 A, PF: 0.8

In FigA.I, the machine to the left-hand side is a dc motor (shunt connection) that is used

as a prime mover for the synchronous generator on the right-hand side. Also, it can be

seen that a rheostat is connected to the armature circuit of the dc motor to achieve more

adjustable speed control.

4.2 The Base Impedance

It is always convenient to calculate machine parameters on a per-unit basis as this has

been the usual practice in electric machinery design and analysis. Therefore, before

proceeding in this chapter, it is better to first determine the base impedance (Zb) for the

studied generator. This can be done using the given rated values as follows:

Z _ Vb rated (L-L)
b - .f3 X Ib rated

Zb =";3 X 5.5 = 21 .83 n

Then, the per-unit reactance is defined as:

Xpu = Xactual (n) (4.2)


4.3 Measuremenl of Stator Resislance Rs

As outlined earlier in chapter three (See.3A) the per-phase ac stator resistance for Y-

connected stator windings can be found as follows:

Rs = iRdC(L-L) x 1.6 n (4.3)

where RdC is the average line-to-line dc resistance that was measured to be (2.2 Q) for the

tested generator. It is to be noted that 1.6 is the skin effeet of the alternating stator current

for 60 Hz operation. Therefore,

R, ~"2 x (2.2) x (1.6) ~ 1.76 n ~ 0.081 pu

4.4 The Performed Standard Tesls

The tests conducted on the chosen electric machine in this thesis are:

1- Open-Circuit Test.
2- Sustained Short-Circuit Test.
3- Slip Test.
4- Zero Power-Factor Test.
5- Sudden Three-Phase Short-Circuit Test.

All five tests are discussed in full detail with an analytical approach in the next sections.

The test resulls from the first two tests are provided together since they are

complementary to each other and need to be simultaneously presented. The rest of the

results are however introduced individually.

4.4.1 Open-Circuit Test

The open-circuit test is carried out on a synchronous generator at no load. The reason is to

obtain the no-load saturation curve, or as commonly termed, the Open-Circuit

Characleri~'lic (OCC) for the tesled synchronous generator. Thereafter, the ace is used

graphically to determine the saturated and unsaturated steady·state values of the

synchronous reactance as well as the machine Short-Circuit Ratio (SCR). The short-

circuit ratio (SCR) for a synchronous generator is defined as the rat io of the fi eld current

required to obtain the rated terminal voltage at open circuit to the field current required

for the rated armature current at short circuit.

Test Procedures

During the open-circuit test, the rotor of the unloaded generator is first run at its rated

synchronous speed of 1800 rpm with no excitation being appl ied to the rotor (field)

windings. The field current is then gradually supplied to the fie ld windings while

measuring the open-circuit terminal voltage till reaching its saturation condition (i.e. the

generated voltage increases very slowly or not at all with the increase in the field current).

The readings of the no-load terminal voltage versus the field current are recorded. After

fini shing, a curve of the no-load terminal voltage with the change in the field current is

plotted using the test data as shown in FigA.2. This curve represents the no-load

saturation curve or the open-circuit characteristic (acC) for the tested generator. The no-

load saturation curve obeys a linear relationship (straight line) as long as the machine's

magnetic core is not yet saturated. The extension of this straight portion for higher values

of the field current gives the air-gap line.

4.4.2 The Sustained Short-Circuit Test

The object of the sustained short-circuit test is to find the short-c ircuit saturation curve or

the so-called Short-Circuit Characteristic (SeC) for a synchronous generator. This curve

is then used with the no- load saturation curve for the same purpose. One has to keep an

eye on the value of the stator current not to exceed its rated value while performing this

test. Generally, during the test, the rated value of the stator current of the tested generator

might be exceeded by only a small tolerance to avoid stator windings damage.

Test Procedures

The generator under test is operated at the rated synchronous speed with its stator

terminals permanently short-circuited through a proper switching assembly. The field

current is then gradually increased while measuring the short-circuit current flowing in

the stator windings. The variation of the short-circuit stator current with the field current

yields the short-c ircuit characteristic (SCC) of the tested generator. The field current

reading at which the rated stator current is obtained should be precisely recorded for

finding the value of the short circuit ratio (SCR) as will be provided later on. The see for
the tested generator is shown below in Fig.4.2.

);> Experimental Results from the Open-Circuit and Short-Circuit Tests

The following table provides the test data obtained from the open- and short-circuit tests:

Tablc.4.1 Test data from open- and short-circu it tests

Field Current (A) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.81 0.9 1.5 1.6
L-L Terminal Voltage
(Vi 30 56 82 111 137 187 208 223 274 279
Field Current (A) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.53 0.6 0.7
Armature Current (A)
SC Test 1.2 2.2 3.25 4.26 5.5 6.25 7.28

From the above table the following graph is plotted:

Air-Gap Line
300 /
H 250
, /

~ Rated Voltage (V,) ~'

«i 200 -----------------;r.:-A
150 ----':!~,~g~----

Rated Current (I. )

---- -..,: -------- --- --- -- --- -- -- -----

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Field Current (A)

Fig.4.2 Open- and Short-Circuit Characteristics for the laboratory synchronous generator

The direct-axis saturated synchronous impedance Za(sat) can be detcnnined from point A

with reference to FigA.2. This point corresponds to the no-load rated voltage on the open-

circuit characteristic. Therefore, la(sat) is obtained as a quotient of the rated voltage on

the acc (taken at point A) and the short-circuit armature current on the sec
corresponding to the field current at the same point as can be seen in FigA.2. Thus.

z _ VT rated (L - L)
d(sat) - {3x Isc corresponding to the field current at rated voltage

Vr 208
thus, Zd(sat) = ~ = v'3x8.32 = 14.43 n
The direct-axis saturated synchronous reactance Xd(sat) is therefore:

Xd(sat) = JZd(Sat) 2 - Rs 2 (4.5)

X'C'"') = J(14.43)' - (1.76)' - 14.32 n

In per-unit,

xd(sat) -_ -Xd(sat)actllal
-Z-,-- (4.6)

Xd(sat) = 21.83 = 0.656 pu

The direct-ax is unsaturated synchronous impedance Zd(llnsat) can be found in a similar

way, though from any point on the air-gap line, such as point B in Fig.4.2 which

corresponds to the field current for rated short-circuit armature current. Then,

z _V air-gap (L-L)
d(unsat) - ..fjx 101 SC rated

Zd(unsat) = ../3 X 5.5 = 15.43 n
The direct-axis unsaturated synchronous reactance Xd(unsat) is:

X d (llnsat) = JZd{llnsat)2 - Rs2 (4.8)

X'CU",") = J(15.43)' - (1.76)' = 15.33 n = 0.702 pu

It should be mentioned that both of the reactance values, just calculated above, are only

intended for the steady-state condition.

The short-circuit ratio SCR is given as:

SCR = If(atOCratedvo 1ta9 e )

I[(at SC rated current)

SCR = 0.53 = 1.528

One should note that the reciprocal of the SCR is equal to the saturated value of the d-axis

synchronous reactance expressed in per unit!

4.4.3 The Slip Test

The objective of the sl ip test is to find the value of the quadrature-axis synchronous

reactance Xq by finding the saliency ratio (Xq/Xd,). This ratio is then to be multiplied by

the value of the direct-axis synchronous reactance Xd obtained from the open-circuit and

short-circuit characteristics to compute the quadrature-axis synchronous reactance Xq . If a

saturated value of Xd, is used, the result will be a saturated value of Xq. A sim ilar

statement can be made if an unsaturated value of Xd, from the open-circuit and short-

circuit characteristics is used.

Test Procedures

During the slip test, the generator being tested is driven by means of a prime mover at a

speed slightl y different from the synchronous speed, about 1% more or less, to achieve a

very small slip. The field windings on the rotor must be kept open-circuited so that

current is not induced in them. Thereafter, a baJanced three-phase voltage is applied

across the generator terminals. At this point, the applied voltage should not be more than

approx imately 25% of the rated voltage of the generator [57]. An oscillogram of the

reduced armature (stator) voltage and current can then be recorded as shown in FigA.3.

)I- Experimental Results from the Slip Test

Fig.4.3 shows the oscillation of the stator current and voltage for the tested generator

during the slip test. It can be clearly noticed from this figure that both the stator voltage

and current oscillate, having minimum and maximum values as time passes.

d-axis q-axis

Fig.4.3 Typical oscillogram from the slip test

At an instant of time when the stator voltage has its maximum amplitude, the stator

current has its minimum value. This is the time when the rotor has its direct-axis in line

with the armature magnetomotivc force mmf and thereby the offered air-gap reactance

represents the direct-axis synchronous reactance. In a similar manner, at the moment

when the stator voltage is minimum, the stator current is maximum. The rotor quadrature-

axis at this specific time is aligned with the armature mmf and thus the presented air-gap

reactance is the quadrature-axis synchronous reactance [64].

From the stator current and voltage waveforms found from the slip test, the following

calculations can be made.

x . _ Vt(L-Llmax (4.10)
d(sllp) - x ' min

Xd(slip) = ..[3 x 9.5 = 3.83 n

x . _ Vt(L-L) min (4.11)

q(sllp) - X 'max

Xq(slip) = ..[3 X 12.5 = 2.41 n

The saliency ratio is thus

Xq] 2.41
[j( . = 3.83 = 0.63 (4.12)
d slip

Finally, as mentioned earlier, the saliency ratio can be used with the Xd value previously

obtained from DCC and SCC to compute the actual steady·state saturated and unsaturated

value of the quadrature·axis synchronous reactance for the tested generator. That is,


Xq(S3t) = 14.32 x 0.63 = 9.02 n = 0.413 pu


Xq ( unsat) = 15.33 x 0.63 = 9.66 n = 0.442 pu

4.4.4 Zero Power-Factor Test

This test is perfonned to obtain the zero power· factor saturation curve or, as it is called,

the Zero Power·Facfor Characteristic (ZPFC) that is used with the DCC to detennine the

annature leakage or Potier reactance drop (annature·reaction drop) for a synchronous

generator at any given load current. The ZPFC is a graph of the tenninal voltage against

the field current with the stator current held constant (mostly at the rated value) and with

zero lagging power factor operation (9=90°). Consequently, the Potier reactance (defined

in Ch.3, Sec.3.8) is found using any point on the ZPFC. It is often sufficiently accurate to

use the point that corresponds to the rated voltage and rated current, as is the case in this

research work [65].

Fig.4.4 Adjustable 3-phase reactor used as a load in the zero power-factor test

Test Procedures

The zero power-factor test is a straightforward test carried out by loading the tested

generator with either a pure reactor (inductive load) or an underexcited synchronous

motor to achieve a zero lagging power-factor loading condition. The two-wattmeter

method is used to ensure zero delivered real power from the generator to the load during

the test. The reactor used as a load for the tested generator is shown above in FigAA. By

a proper adjustment to the field excitation and the load, both al the same time, readings of

the tenninal voltage variation with the field current when a constant rated armature

current is drawn can be measured in steps. From those readings, the zero power-factor

characteristic ZPFC is developed as in FigA.5. If plotted together on one graph, it can be

noticed that the ZPFC is nearly parallel to the acc and shifted by a constant distance to
the right.

}:> Experimental Results from the Zero Power-Factor Test

Provided below is the test data from the zero power-factor test conducted at rated stator


Table.4.2 Experimenlal test result from the zero power-factor test

Field Curreltt (A) 0.53 1.32 1.38 1.4 1.55 1.8\ 2

L-L Termillal Voltage (J1
ZPFC Test 205 208 210 228 250 258

The zero power-factor rated current saturation curve or (ZPFC) is plotted on the same

graph with the previously obtained open-circuit characteristic (OCC) as shown in Fig.4.5


Air-Gap Line
"0 260 R
> Ruter/ Cllrre,,'

Field Current (A)

Fig.4.S Potier triangle method for the laboratory salient-pole synchronous generator
.:. Determination of Potier Reactance (Potier Triangle Method)

The Potier reactance can be calculated in reference to Fig.4.S by the following steps:

• First, the OCC and ZPFC are plotted against the dc excitation current on the same


Point A, the ordinate of which is the rated voltage, is detennined on the ZPFC.

To the left of A, a horizontal line BA equals OH is drawn towards the OCC. The

length OH is equal to the field current corresponding to zero tenninal voltage on

the ZPFC. This field current is also equal to that needed to circulate the rated

stator current under a sustained short-circuit condition [27].

Line BC parallel to the air-gap line is drawn upwards from point B. The

intersection of this line with the knee of the OCC is point C.

From C, a perpendicular line is drawn downwards till it intersects with the line

BA, at the point F. The fonned triangle AFC between the two curves is known as

the Potier triangle.

• Finally, the vertical leg CF of the Potier triangle represents the leakage or Potier

reactance drop (laX,,) at the rated annature current. Thus, for the laboratory

salient-pole synchronous generator:

CF = laX" = 22 V (line to line) = 12.7 V (per phase) (4.14)

and therefore, the Potier reactance X" (stator leakage reactance XI) is equal to:

Xp = X, = 55 = 2.31 n = 0.106 pu

Adding the Potier reactance drop UaXp) to the rated terminal voltage gives the

length OR which represents the voltage behind Potier reactance Ep. Thus,


Ep = 208 + 22 = 230 V (line to line)

With reference to FigA.5, the distance BA represents the total field current required to

circulate the rated stator current at short-circuit condition. This current can be resolved

into: the field current BF necessary to overcome the leakage reactance drop, and the

current FA required to overcome the demagnetizing efTects (armature reactions) of stator


The voltage drop due to the Potier reactance is laXp. If the Potier triangle is slid down

(i.e. Potier triangle is developed at a voltage value which is less than the rated terminal

vo ltage), the Potier reactance voltage drop laXp would obviously be larger than that

obtained at the rated terminal voltage which in tum results in less accurate approximation

of the stator leakage reactance XI' In fact, the quantity UaXp) is comprised of both the

annature reaction voltage drop and voltage drop due to stator leakage reactance. If the

ZPFC is developed at value of stator current which is difTerent from the rated value, the

voltage drop due to annature reaction would vary, whereas that due to stator leakage

reactance would remain constant.

4.4.5 Sudden Three-Phase Short-Circuit Test

One important aspect to visualize the behaviour of the synchronous generators during the

dynamic and electric transients is the sudden three-phase short-ci rcuit. Many of the

transient and subtransient reactance parameters can be computed from a suitable

oscillogram of a short-ci rcuit current suddenly applied to the generator terminals. The

interest here is to calculate the direct-axis transient and s ubtransient synchronous

reactance Xd and X;; , respectively. The quadrature-axis transient and subtransient

synchronous reactances are often of little significance during the short-circuit conditions

[66J, and therefore they are beyond the scope of this thesis.

Test Procedures

Fig.4.6 Test set up for the sudden three-phase short-circuit test.

The sudden three·phase short·circuit test is perfonned on the laboratory generator at rated

tenninal voltage and with no· load operation. That is, the tested salient·pole generator is

driven at the synchronous speed and is excited so that the rated tenninal voltage (208V) is

obtained at a no·load condition. Thereafter, a three-phase short-circuit is suddenly applied

at the generator tenninals. The test set up is as shown in FigA.6 .

•:. Desc r iption of T hree-Ph ase Short-Circuit Current


Pre/aull Period

---H-++H-++H-++Hr':f++-'\-~ time

FigA.7 Typical short-circuit phase current wavcronn

Fig.4.7 shows a typical short·circuit current wavefonn suddenly nowing in one stator

phase. It consists of two main components: one is a symmetrical or alternating

component, the so-called ac component, while the second is the asymmetrical or

unidirectional component (dc component). The ac component may in tum be resolved

into three distinct periods of time, associated with them are three different components of

the short·circuit current. Those are the subtransient component /" , transient component /' ,

and sustained or steady·state component /s- The subtransient period results in the largest

initial value of the short·circuit current, mainly caused by currents induced in damper

windings, and lasting for a very short time (only the first few cycles) from the instant of

the short·circuit. The transient period immediately follows the subtransient period and

spans a relatively longer time. Right after and ultimately, the steady·state period does

appear during which the short·circuit current approaches its sustained value [60J.

11 should be noticed from Fig.4.7 that the current waveform envelope obeys an

exponential decay. Moreover, the decay is very fast at the first couple of cycles (the

subtransient period) and gradually slows down during the following few cycles (transient

period) till it becomes almost constant at the steady·state period. The time constant

controlling the rapid decay during the subtransient period is called the direct·axis

subtransient short·circuit time constant T~' while that controlling the slower decay during

the transient period is called the direct·axis transient short-circuit time constant T~. It is

evident that T~' is comparatively less than T~.

The unidirectional de component of the short-circuit stator current is also exponentially

decaying, though to zero, with a time constant known as the short·circuit armature time

constant Ta. The initial value of each component depends on which point of the cycle the

short-circuit takes place. Sometimes, the de component results in an asymmetrical short·

circuit current (thus, the current waveform has either a negative or positive dc-offset)

unlike the current waveform shown in Fig.4.7.

In some cases, second hannonic components do exist (the value of which depends on the

difference between X~' and X~' ) in the short-circuit current, especially for a salient-pole

generator without damper windings. For a generator with damper windings, subtransient

currents would flow in them preventing the existence of the second hannonic armature

currents. However, those components are nonnally very small and can be regarded as

negligible [64].

From the above discussion, the nns amplitude of the total ac component of the short-

circuit current in one phase at any instant of time can be defined as follows:

I"Ct) = (I" - !,)e- tIT,' + (I' -ls)e-tIT, + Is (4.16)

I Ct) = E [C--'-- - -'-)e- tIT,' + C-'- - -'-)e- tIT, + -,-] (4.17)

sc 0 X~' x~ x~ Xd Xd

where Eo is the nns line-to-neutral open-circuit prefault tenninal voltage.

The initial value of the subtransient short-circuit current (I") can be estimated by

extending the line connecting the rapidly decaying peaks of th9 ac component back to the

zero-time point or the instant of the short circuit. In a similar approach, the initial value of

the transient short-circuit current (I') is found, although it neglects the rapidly decaying

peaks as shown in FigA.I0. The direct-axis transient and subtransient synchronous

reactance X~ and X~' can now be found, with reference to Eqs. (4.16 and 4.17), as the

ratio of the prefault open-circuit voltage to the associated components of short-circuit

current. That is,

X'd ~ (4.18)

X"d ~ (4.19)

The time constants Td and Td' are defined as the time requi red for the related current

component to decrease to (l ie) or 0.368 times its initial value [65] , as is clear from


The field current following the sudden short-circuit also has both ac and dc components.

The ac component of the field current is said to be produced by the dc component of the

stator current and thereby decays with the same time constant Ta. Conversely, the dc

component of the fie ld current can be regarded as the reason fo r the appearance of the ac

component in the armature current [65]. The dc component of the field current, like the ac

component of the armature current, also is compri sed of transient, subtransient and

steady-state components with the same associated time constants, Td and rd'.

}I;o Experim ental Results from the Sudd en Three-Phase Short-Circuit Test

The fo llowing test results were experimentally obtained from a sudden three-phase short-

circuit developed at the term inals of the laboratory salient-pole synchronous generator at

rated voltage for no load. Fig.4.8 shows the stator phase currents with the dc fie ld current

after the short circuit while Fig.4.9 indicates phase-b short-c ircuit stator current alone

with the dc field current.

Phase a
i l"

Phau b
- -

Field Current I,

T ime Scale (s) - - +

Fig.4.8 Currents oscillogram from sudden three- phase short-circuit test al I pu rated vo ltage

Phase b

Field Current I,

Time Scale (5) ---+

Fig.4.9 Phase-b short-circuit stator current alone with the de field current at I pu rated voltage

Referring to the obtained test results as in Figs.4.8 and 4.9 the following discussion can

be provided. Before the instant of short-circuit, the flux linkage of the excited field

windings is constant whereas that of the armature windings is sinusoidally time-varying.

Immediately after the short-circuit happens and by the principle of constant flux linkage,

which states: "the flux linkage of any closed circuit offinite resistance and cannot

change instantly" (8], the suddenly appearing annature mmfwill be resisted by ajump or

sudden increase in the field current over its initial value before the short circuit as seen in

Fig.4.8. In other words, the field current will be increased simultaneously at the short-

circuit moment to overcome the demagnetizing effect of the large current and maintain

the air-gap flux linkage constant for a short time following the short-circuit [65].

Subtransient current flows in the damper windings for similar reasons. This current would

however die out very rapidly due to the high resistance of damper windings. Again, as per

the theorem of constant flux linkage, the terminal voltage is zero at the short circuit. The

change of flux linkage with the stator current must also be zero [63]. This fact justifies the

large initial values of the short-circuit current; that is, current components must be

induced in the stator windings in order for the air-gap flux linkage to remain constant for

a short time after the short-circuit.

The phase-b current waveform in Fig.4.9 is used to obtain the exponential decay or the

envelope of the short-circuit current. A set of points which arc the positive peaks of this

phase current is estimated whereby the short-circuit current envelope is drawn as shown

in Fig.4.10. Polynomial curve-fitting technique using Matlab was applied to obtain an

accurate shape of the current envelope around the selected points indicated by the nodes

or script "0" in FigA.l0. As pointed out earlier, by extrapolating the subtransient and

transient current envelope back to zero-time or the time of the short-circuit occurrence,

the subtransient and transient current components can be evaluated, whereby X~ and

x:; are detennined.

1.4 , - - - _ - _ - - _ - _ - - _ - _ - - _ - ,

0.368 (I"-I')


0.368 (I' -I,)

0.6 Til I"
I' ~"'''''''''''''''

. -~0~.0~
. -~0~.,~~0.~,2~~0.~'4~~O.16

Fig.4.10 Polynomial cUlVe fitting ofphase-b short-circuit current envelope

Therefore, X~ and X:; are determined using Eqs. (4.18 and 4.19 ) as follows:

Xd = J3 x 53.03 = 2.2611 = 0.104 pu

X~ = J3 x 80.61 = 1.4911 = 0.068 pu

The time constants T~ and T~' arc estimated to be 50ms and 15ms, respectively.

The total rms ac component of the short·circuit current can now be expressed, referring to

Eq.(4. I 6), as a function of time as follows:

IscCt) = C27.58)e-tjO.01SS + C42 .28)e -tjo.oss + 10.75 Amps.

4.5 Summary

The following table summarizes the parameters that have been determined for the

laboratory synchronous generator.

Tablc.4.3 Measured constants for the laboratory salient·po le synchronous generator

Parameter Quantity (per unit)

R, 0.081

Xa(sat) 0.656

Xa(unsat) 0.702

Xq(sat) 0.413

Xq(unsac) 0.442

X; 0.104

d 0.068

Xp 0.106

T; 0.05 (s)

d 0.015 (s)

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Future Work

5.1 Conclusion

This research work has been devoted to the experimental determination of equivalent

circuit parameters for a laboratory salient-pole generator. Direct-axis synchronous

reactance as well as stator leakage reactance arc of paramount importance for

synchronous machine analysis and design as the synchronous machines performance

during steady-state and transient operation is, in particular, largely affected by these

parameters. The investigation starts by providing a clear insight into the scope of

synchronous machines theory. At this point, special attention has been given to the

synchronous generator of a salient-pole type as it is the machine being dealt with in this

thesis. Thereafter, a set of standard tests as defined by the IEEE standard 11 5· 1995 is

conducted in the laboratory for the purpose of the estimation of the machine parameters.

The experimental test results are then analyzed, whereby the required machine parameters

are extracted. The accurate determination of synchronous machine parameters has

increasingly been a fascinating challenge to face for graduate scholars as well as

professional machine designers.

S.2 Future Work

The further work that would be suggested in regard to this thesis is that veri fication of the

obtained machine parameters using the available engineering software would be of


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Appendix A

Constants of Synchronous Machines

Table A.I Typical constants of th ree- phase synchronous mach ines (Adapted from Refs. 42 and

IType X. X. X. X;; X,
2- Po le tu rbine 1.10 1.07 O. I S 0.09
(= X;)
generators 0.95 - 1.45 0.92 - 1.42 0.12 - 0.21 0.07 - 0.14

4- Po le turbine 1.10 1.08 0.23 0.14

(= X;)
generators 1.00 -1.45 0.97 - 1.42 0.20 - 0.28 0.12 - 0.17

Sa lient-pole gen. 1.15 0.75 0.37 0.24 0.24

and motors (with 0.60 - 1.45 0.40 - 1.00 0.20 - 0.50 0.13 - 0.35 0.13 - 0.35

0.35 0.55
Salient-pole 1.15 0.75
(= X~)
generators (without 0.60 - lAS 0.40 - 0.95 0.20 - 0.45 0.30 - 0.70

Condensers 1.80 1.15 0.40 0.25 0.24

1.50 - 2.20 0.95 -1.40 0.30 - 0.60 0. 18 - 0.38 0.17 - 0.37

Table A.I Cont.

ITypo K o' 1".. r.. T',i" T.

2-Pole turbine 0.Ql- 0.08 4.40 0.60 0.035 0.09

generators 2.80 - 6.20 0.35 - 0.90 0.02 -0.05 0.04 - 0.15

4-Pole turbine 0.015- 0.14 6.20 1.3 0.035 0.2

generators 4.00 - 9.20 0.80 - 1.80 0.02 - 0.05 0.15 - 0.35

Salient-pole gen. 0.02- 0.20 5.60 1.80 0.035 0.15

and motors (with 1.50 -9.50 0.50- 3.30 0.Q1 - 0.05 0.03 - 0.25

Salient-pole 0.04- 0.25 6.60 2.00 0.30

generators (without 3.00 - 10.50 1.00 - 3.30 0.10 - 0.50

Condensers 0.02- 0.15 9.00 2.00 0.035 0.17

6.00 -1150 1.20 - 2.80 0.02 - 0.05 0.10- 0.30

(.) Xo varies so critically with stator winding pitch that an average value can hardly be given.

(A) For single-phase machines (or three-phase machines designed for single-phase operation),
T~' may have much higher values than listed.

Appendix 8

Three-Phase Short-Circuit at 0.6 pu of Rated Terminal Voltage

Field Current If

Time Scale (s) ~

Field Current I f

Fig. 8 . 1 Typical oscillograms of sudden three-phase shon-circuit at 0.6 pu rated voltage


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