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The Appraisal-Tendency Framework

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Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 1


Feelings and Consumer Decision Making:

The Appraisal-Tendency Framework

Seunghee Han, Jennifer S. Lerner

Carnegie Mellon University
Dacher Keltner
University of California, Berkeley

Invited article for the Journal of Consumer Psychology

Draft Date: January 3rd, 2006

Correspondence Address: Seunghee Han

Department of Social and Decision Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: 412-268-2869, Fax: 412-268-6938
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 2


This article presents the Appraisal Tendency Framework (ATF) (Lerner &

Keltner, 2000, 2001; Lerner & Tiedens, 2006) as a basis for predicting the

influence of specific emotions on consumer decision making. In particular,

the ATF addresses how and why specific emotions carry over from past

situations to color future judgments and choices. After reviewing the main

assumptions and the five main principles of the framework, two streams of

research are presented. One stream addresses emotional carry-over effects

on the assessment of risk; the other addresses carry-over effects on the

assessment of monetary value. Because risk assessment and value

assessment are fundamental psychological processes, understanding them

has the potential to yield manifold implications for consumer judgment and

decision making. The concluding sections highlight limitations and future

directions of the framework.

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 3

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making:

The Appraisal-Tendency Framework


Marketing experts have long known that people behave differently in

good moods versus bad moods. A large industry is devoted to creating

associations between emotionally filled “atmospheres” and specific products.

In this paper, we present the Appraisal-Tendency Framework (Lerner &

Keltner, 2000, 2001; Lerner & Tiedens, 2006) as a general theory of emotion-

specific influences on consumer judgments and choices. We argue that the

framework goes beyond common intuition and prior research, specifying, for

example, the conditions under which emotions of the same valence will have

similar versus opposite effects as a function of multiple factors in the

framework. It is our hope that not only marketing researchers but also

consumers themselves will benefit from a greater understanding of these

processes by which emotions shape decision making.

The present paper will briefly summarize the main assumptions of the

framework and delineate five principles. After reviewing the assumptions

and principles, two streams of research will be presented. One stream

addresses the assessment of risk; the other addresses the assessment of

monetary value. These streams have been selected to exemplify the

framework because of their direct relevance to consumer judgment and

decision making.
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 4


Lerner and Keltner (2000, 2001) proposed the Appraisal-Tendency

Framework (ATF) as a basis for distinguishing the effects of specific emotions

on judgment and decision making. The ATF assumes that specific emotions

give rise to specific cognitive and motivational processes, which account for

the effects of each emotion upon judgment and decision making. Here we

briefly review the five principles that have emerged in empirical tests of this


Principle 1. Integral and Incidental Emotions

The ATF distinguishes between two kinds of affective influences on

judgment and choice. The first, integral emotion, encompasses influences of

subjective experiences that are normatively relevant to present judgments

and choices (for discussion, see Loewenstein & Lerner, 2003). For example,

experienced fear and anticipated regret when evaluating a gamble have been

shown to influence how much one is willing to gamble (Larrick & Boles, 1995;

Loewenstein & Lerner, 2003; Loomes & Sugden, 1982; Mellers Schwarz, Ho,

& Ritov, 1997). The second, incidental emotion, encompasses the (sometimes)

puzzling influence of subjective emotional experiences that should be

normatively irrelevant to present judgments and choices. For example,

emotions produced by listening to music, experiencing bad weather, or

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 5

reliving stressful events have been shown to influence judgments of unrelated

topics and objects (Bodenhausen, Kramer, & Susser, 1994; Forgas & Bower,

1988; Schwarz & Clore, 1983). Such incidental carryover occurs even when

decision-makers are unaware of such influences and even when concrete

economic outcomes are at stake (Lerner, Small, & Loewenstein, 2004).

Although both kinds of influences can exert strong effects on

consumer judgment and decision making, the ATF has primarily focused on

incidental influences, for two reasons. First, incidental emotions can be

experimentally manipulated independently from the judgments and decisions

at hand, allowing one to test causal effects of emotions on judgments and

choices. Second, from a normative standpoint in judgment and decision

making, incidental influences are significantly less defensible influences.

Indeed decision-makers themselves regard such influences as unwanted

(Wilson & Brekke, 1994). In our own studies, decision-makers deny that such

influences affect their own decision making even when the evidence indicates

otherwise (Han & Lerner, 2006). In sum, the ATF concentrates on incidental

influences in order to gain leverage for making causal inferences and in order

to help decision-makers attenuate unwanted influences.

Principle 2. Beyond Valence

Regardless of whether one focuses on integral or incidental influences,

the majority of studies within the literature on affect and judgment have
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 6

taken a valence approach, focusing on the effects of good and bad moods upon

judgment and decision making (e.g., Bower, 1991; Isen, Shalker, Clark, &

Karp, 1978; Johnson & Tversky, 1983; Kavanagh & Bower, 1985; Mayer,

Gaschke, Braveman, & Evans, 1992; Wright & Bower, 1992). That is,

positive and negative moods have been experimentally induced or observed

naturalistically and these general feeling states have been expected to

produce more positive and negative judgments respectively. Not long ago,

readers of the affect-judgment literature could conclude that “the only

relevant aspect of emotion is their valence” (Elster, 1998, p. 64). Indeed, a

valence perspective on emotional influences has been productive,

documenting a wide array of influences of good and bad moods upon

judgments of satisfaction, causal judgments, and social cognitive processes

such as stereotyping (for review, Forgas, 2003). Some argue that valence

remains the organizing principle for emotion effects on judgment and decision

making. For example, in his authoritative chapter in the handbook of

affective sciences, Forgas concluded that “…most of the research suggests a

fundamental affect-congruent pattern: positive affect improves, and negative

affect impairs, the value of self conceptions” (Forgas, 2003, p. 602). Although

valence has been a powerful dimension for predicting emotion effects, it is

only one dimension of emotion. The ATF harnesses the predictive power of

this dimension and embeds it within a multi-dimensional theoretical

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 7

Cognitive appraisal dimensions. Many emotion theorists have

argued that a range of cognitive dimensions (including, but not limited to,

valence/pleasantness) usefully differentiates emotional experience. Of the

many excellent appraisal theories, one by Smith and Ellsworth (1985) is

particularly useful for our present concerns. In an empirical examination of

appraisal dimensions, Smith and Ellsworth (1985) identified six cognitive

dimensions that define the underlying appraisal patterns of different

emotions: certainty, pleasantness, attentional activity, control, anticipated

effort, and responsibility. Numerous other studies have found similar results

regarding emotion-specific appraisal patterns (Ortony, Clore, & Collins, 1988;

Roseman, 1984; Scherer, 1988; Weiner, 1980; 1986). Patterns of appraisals

along these dimensions, thus, provide a basis for comparing and contrasting

discrete emotions. For example, certainty and control are the central

dimensions that distinguish anger from fear. Anger is associated with

appraisals of certainty about what happened and individual control for

negative events. Fear, on the contrary, is associated with appraisals of

uncertainty about what happened and situational control for negative events.

Happiness, although of positive valence, is associated with an elevated sense

of certainty and individual control, just like anger (Averill, 1983; Smith &

Ellsworth, 1985; Weiner, 1986). Therefore, happiness, at least in one respect,

resembles anger more so than fear.

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 8

Core appraisal themes. At a more macro level of analysis, each

emotion can also be defined by core appraisal themes. Appraisal themes,

first proposed by Lazarus (1991), are thought to provide a convenient

summary of specific harms or benefits that arise in the individual’s ongoing

interaction with the social environment. Emotion-specific core appraisal

themes, in turn, influence the likelihood of specific courses of action (Lazarus,

1991; Frijda, 1986; Roseman, Wiest, & Swartz, 1994; Scherer, 1999, 2001).

For example, anxiety is characterized by appraisals of facing uncertain

existential threats (Lazarus, 1991) and thus accompanies the action

tendencies to reduce uncertainties (Raghunathan & Pham, 1999). Sadness,

on the other hand, is characterized by appraisals of experiencing irrevocable

loss (Lazarus, 1991) and thus accompanies the action tendencies to change

circumstances, perhaps by seeking rewards (Lerner et al, 2004).

Although cognitive appraisals were traditionally conceptualized as

causes of emotion (cognition-to-emotion), it should be emphasized that

emotions may arise in any number of ways. Non-cognitive methods, such as

bodily feedback or unconscious priming, have successfully induced emotion

(Berkowitz & Harmon-Jones, 2004; Keltner, Ellsworth, & Edwards, 1993). In

these cases, appraisals do not play a causal role in creating the emotion, but

nonetheless the corresponding appraisals will ultimately be experienced to

influence subsequent choices and judgments. For example, Keltner et al.

(1993) have shown that emotions induced via facial muscle movements (i.e.
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 9

anger and sadness) can give rise to appraisal tendencies that shape

subsequent judgments in a fashion consistent with the underlying cognitive

appraisal dimension. More generally, emotions and appraisals have a

recursive relationship, each making the other more likely. Because of the

recursive relationship of appraisals and emotion, we believe that in most

cases, fully experiencing an emotion also means experiencing the cognitive

appraisals that comprise that emotional state (Clore, 1994; Frijda, 1994;

Lazarus, 1994). It is important to point out, however, that a primary causal

role for appraisals in emotion is not a necessary condition for the ATF. It is

sufficient to assume that a discrete set of cognitive dimensions differentiates

emotional experience and effects (also see review by Ellsworth & Scherer,


Principle 3. Appraisal Tendencies

The ATF predicts that each emotion carries with it motivational

properties that fuel carryover to subsequent judgments and decisions. The

particular form of that carryover takes shape through cognitive appraisal

patterns and appraisal themes of specific emotions. According to the ATF,

emotions not only can arise from but give rise to an implicit cognitive

predisposition to appraise future events in line with the central appraisal

patterns or appraisal themes that characterize the emotions (emotion-to-

cognition). The ATF summarizes these processes as “appraisal tendencies.”

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 10

Appraisal tendencies, although tailored to help the individual respond to the

event that evoked the emotion, persist beyond the eliciting situation and

affect content as well as depth of people’s thought (Figure 1). Broadly

speaking, appraisal-tendency influences on judgment and decision making

fall into two categories: content effects and depth-of-processing effects.

Specific Emotion

Appraisal Appraisal
Dimensions Themes


Content and Depth

of Thought

Judgment or

Figure 1. Main constructs of the ATF

Appraisal tendencies influence the content of thought. To

illustrate how appraisal dimensions of specific emotions drive the content of

thought, consider the effects of sadness and anger on judgments of blame.

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 11

Sadness not only co-occurs with appraisals of situational control in the

immediate situation, but also triggers appraisal tendencies to perceive

situational control even in novel situations. Anger, on the other hand, co-

occurs with appraisals of individual control and triggers appraisal tendencies

to perceive individual control. Thus, sad people will attribute blame to

situational factors whereas angry people will attribute blame to other

individuals within the environment. In fact, in one of the first studies

examining effects of specific emotions upon subsequent social judgment,

sadness and anger were found to have opposite effects (Keltner et al., 1993).

Specifically, sadness and anger were induced by presenting emotionally-

charged vignettes or by having participants configure their facial expressions

(unbeknownst to participants) into prototypic expressions of the target

emotion. In an ostensibly unrelated study, participants were asked to make

judgments and choices concerning causality. Consistent with the researchers’

expectations, sad participants perceived situationally-caused negative events

as more likely than did angry participants. In addition, sad participants

perceived situational forces as more responsible for an ambiguous event than

did angry participants; angry participants tended to attribute blame to

another individual.

To illustrate how appraisal themes of specific emotions drive the

contents of thought, consider the effects of anxiety and sadness on the

tradeoff between risk and reward. Anxiety is characterized by appraisal

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 12

themes of uncertain existential threats (Lazarus, 1991). Sadness, on the

other hand, is characterized by appraisal themes of loss (Lazarus, 1991).

Thus, when debating between a high-risk / high-reward option and a low-risk

/ low-reward option, anxious people may choose an option that reduces risk

whereas sad people may choose an option that maximizes reward.

Raghunathan and Pham (1999) tested these ideas in a study where they

presented a choice between a high-risk / high-reward job and a low-risk / low-

reward job to participants who were experimentally induced to feel anxious

or sad. Consistent with the foregoing analysis, they found that anxious

decision-makers preferred the uncertainty reducing option (i.e. the low-

risk/low-reward job) whereas sad decision-makers preferred the reward

seeking option (i.e. the high-risk/high-reward job) (see also Pham, 2004) .

Appraisal tendencies influence depth of thought. Although the

original statement of the ATF (Lerner & Keltner, 2000, 2001) addressed

emotion effects only on the content of thought, Lerner and Tiedens (2006)

introduced new concepts in the framework, specifying emotion effects on

depth of thought as well. To illustrate how appraisal dimensions drive depth

of thought, consider the effects of certain emotions and uncertain emotions on

the use of simple, heuristic judgment cues, such as the expertise of the source.

In a clever series of studies, Tiedens and Linton (2001) predicted that

incidental emotions associated with certainty appraisals (such as anger and

happiness) would result in heuristic (i.e., simple, shallow) processing by

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 13

making people feel certain in subsequent situations whereas emotions

associated with uncertainty appraisals (such as fear and hope) would result

in systematic (i.e., complex, deep) processing by making people feel uncertain

in subsequent situations. For example, one study manipulated whether

participants experienced anger, a high-certainty emotion, or anxiety, a low-

certainty emotion, by asking them to write about past events that made them

angry or worried. Then, in an ostensibly unrelated study, participants filled

out an opinion survey designed to measure the extent to which people relied

on expertise of the source in making judgments. Consistent with the

researchers’ expectations, angry participants demonstrated greater reliance

on the heuristic source cue than anxious participants. Moreover, they found

that the appraisal of certainty played a mediating role in determining

whether people engaged in heuristic or systematic thinking (for similar

results comparing anger vs. sadness, see Bodenhausen, Sheppard, & Kramer,


In another example, Small and Lerner (2006) compared the effects of

sadness, a low-certainty emotion, with anger, a high-certainty emotion, on

welfare policy preferences. They found that sad participants recommended

significantly greater welfare support than did neutral or angry participants

unless the participants’ capacity to process information was constrained.

When constrained by cognitive load, the recommendations of sad and angry

participants were indistinguishable from each other. One can infer,

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 14

therefore, that differences in depth of processing in sadness and anger drove

the differences in welfare policy preferences.

Taken together, these lines of research make clear that appraisal

tendencies shape not only the content, but also the process, of thought.

Principle 4. Matching Constraint

The ATF predicts domain specificity for the effects of distinct emotions

upon judgment and choice. The influence of emotion is limited to spheres of

judgment related to the emotion’s appraisals. That is, carryover is

constrained by a match between the core appraisal dimensions or appraisal

themes of the emotion and the salient cognitive dimensions of the judgment

and choice at hand. To illustrate this matching principle, consider the case of

risk assessment. An elegant literature in cognitive psychology has shown

that perceptions of predictability / certainty and perceptions of control drive

people’s risk perceptions (Slovic, 1987). Thus, an emotion such as fear—

defined by the appraisals of uncertainty and lack of individual control—

should influence judgments of risk. Indeed, it has been shown to do so — a

topic about which we elaborate in Section 3. Fear, however, should not

influence judgments of fairness, which is not associated with appraisals of

uncertainty or control. The methodological implications of this matching

principle are clear. Research should compare emotions that are highly

differentiated in their appraisals on judgments / choices that relate to those

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 15

appraisals. Importantly, this principle highlights again why it is crucial to

look beyond valence of emotion and identify appraisal dimensions and themes

of discrete emotions. They are useful not only because they differentiate

emotions in a more fine-grained way than valence approaches but also

because they break down emotions into cognitive elements (or dimensions)

that map emotions onto judgment and decision making processes.

Principle 5. Deactivating Conditions

It is almost definitional that emotional carry-over effects wane when

the emotion itself wanes. There are also other ways to deactivate the

carryover even when the emotion exists experientially. The ATF points to

two hypotheses concerning conditions that will deactivate influences of

emotion on judgment and choice. Both pertain primarily to the role of

incidental rather than integral emotion.

Goal-attainment hypothesis. Drawing on the idea that emotions

guide specific judgments and choices to respond to significant problems or

opportunities (Barrett & Campos, 1987; Schwarz, 1990), the goal-attainment

hypothesis assumes that appraisal tendencies will be deactivated when an

emotion-eliciting problem is solved, even if the emotion persists

experientially (See Frijda, 1988). For example, Goldberg, Lerner, and Tetlock

(1999) demonstrated that anger induced by a previous situation increased

punitive judgments of unrelated cases, but only when the emotion-eliciting

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 16

situation remained to be solved. That is, when people learned that the

perpetrator of the original anger-inducing crime was punished – and,

therefore, the goal of anger served -- anger did not carry over to influence

future judgments (Goldberg et al, 1999). More generally, events that lead to

the attainment of the goal associated with the original evocation of the

emotion will attenuate the effects of that emotion upon subsequent


Cognitive-awareness hypothesis. Drawing on the idea that initial

emotion-related appraisals are automatic in nature (Ekman, 1992; Lazarus,

1991; LeDoux, 1996), the cognitive-awareness hypothesis assumes that

appraisal tendencies will be deactivated when decision-makers become aware

of their own judgment and choice processes. For example, in a now classic

study, Schwarz & Clore (1983) demonstrated that mood effects on judgments

of subjective well-being disappeared when people became aware of inputs to

their judgments (for an updated review on these mechanisms, see Schwarz &

Clore, 2003). Specifically, being reminded of ambient weather conditions

reduced the effects of weather on judgments of well-being (see also Keltner,

Locke, & Audrain, 1993; Gasper & Clore, 1998). More generally, emotional

carryover can be deactivated by becoming aware of the judgment processes

one generally uses. For example, Lerner, Goldberg, and Tetlock (1998)

demonstrated that conscious monitoring of mental processes reduced the

impact of incidental anger on punitive attributions and on actual punishment

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 17

by leading people to focus on judgment-relevant information and discount

such judgment-irrelevant information as incidental affect. Specifically, when

encouraged to become aware of one’s mental processes by an accountability

manipulation, anger over past, irrelevant events no longer predicted the

amount of punishment assigned in fictional tort cases.

It should be noted, however, that deactivation of emotional carryover

(i.e. bias correction) may be more the exception than the rule.1 In terms of

the goal-attainment hypothesis, numerous factors can thwart bias correction.

Many emotional goals remain unattained. In addition, even if a goal is

attained, its attainment may be unknown to the decision-maker. In terms of

the cognitive-awareness hypothesis, numerous factors can also thwart bias

correction. Decision-makers often lack sufficient motivation to monitor their

judgment processes. Moreover, even when decision-makers are motivated,

achieving accurate awareness of one’s judgment process is difficult for the

human mind (for review, see Wilson & Brekke, 1994). The carryover of

emotion, therefore, often goes unscreened (see also Wegener & Petty, 1997 for

further discussion on bias correction). In a recent study, for example, Han &

Lerner (2006) found that incidental disgust led decision makers to dispose of

their possessions even when participants were explicitly warned to avoid that

particular tendency.
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 18


In this section, we present two streams of research that readily apply

to consumer decision making. One stream addresses the assessment of risk;

the other addresses the assessment of monetary value. Because risk

assessment and value assessment are among fundamental psychological

processes underlying a host of consumer judgments and choices,

understanding them has the potential to yield manifold implications for

consumer decision making.

Assessment of Risk

A growing literature considers the interplay between emotion and risk

perception (e.g., Holtgrave & Weber, 1993; Loewenstein, Weber, Hsee, &

Welch, 2001; Mellers, Schwartz, & Ritov, 1999; Slovic, Finucane, Peters, &

MacGregor, 2002). Lerner and Keltner (2000, 2001) applied the ATF as a

lens for predicting emotion-specific influences in judgments and choices

involving risk. Fear and anger, as outlined earlier, differ markedly in

appraisal dimensions of certainty and control. Whereas fear is defined by the

appraisal pattern of low certainty and situational control, anger is defined by

the appraisal pattern of high certainty and individual control (Smith &

Ellsworth, 1985). Certainty and control, in turn, resemble cognitive meta-

factors that determine judgments of risk, namely “unknown risk” (hazards

judged to be uncertain) and “dread risk” (hazards judged to be out of

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 19

individual control) (McDaniels, Axelrod, Cavanagh, & Slovic, 1997; Slovic,

1987). Fear and anger, the researchers reasoned, should therefore exert

different influences upon risk perception. To test this, they asked

participants to estimate the number of annual fatalities due to 12 events that

lead to a certain number of death each year in the United States (e.g., brain

cancer, strokes, floods) (Lerner & Keltner, 2000), or to estimate the likelihood

that specific positive and negative events would occur in their own life

compared to the lives of relevant peers (Lerner & Keltner, 2001). The results

of their empirical tests were consistent with the ATF prediction: fearful

people made pessimistic risk assessments, whereas angry people made

optimistic risk assessments. The contrasting appraisal tendencies of fear and

anger lie at the core of the diverging influences on risk assessment. The

experience of fear is associated with the tendency to perceive uncertainty and

situational control in new situations and thus fearful people tend to perceive

greater risk across new situations. The experience of anger, by contrast, is

associated with the tendency to perceive certainty and individual control in

new situations and thus angry people tend to perceive less risk across new

situations. (Figure 2) 2 Moreover, appraisals of certainty and control were

shown to mediate the link from emotion condition to risk assessment.

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 20

Control Appraisal Certainty Appraisal Optim istic Risk Estim ate

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2 Anger
0 0 0 Fear

-0.2 -0.2 -0.2

-0.4 -0.4 -0.4

-0.6 -0.6 -0.6

Figure 2. Fear and anger had opposite effects on cognitive appraisals

and on optimistic risk estimates. (from Lerner & Keltner, 2001, Study


A national field experiment conducted right after September 11th

confirmed and extended the prior findings. Fear increased perceived risk of

terrorism and the plans for precautionary measures whereas anger did the

opposite. Interestingly, these effects also held across non-terror related risks.

(e.g., getting the flu) (Lerner, Gonzalez, Small, & Fischhoff, 2003). Moreover,

a recent study revealed that these appraisal tendencies influenced not only

perceptions of the future but also perceptions of past, concrete outcomes.

When induced one year after September 11th to experience fear about the

terrorist attacks, people recollected having experienced high levels of risk

during that time. When induced to experience anger, in contrast, people

recollected having experienced low levels of risk during that time (Fischhoff,

Gonzalez, Lerner, & Small, 2005). Similarly, for anger, Hemenover and

Zhang (2004) demonstrated that anger made people perceive negative events
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 21

that had already occurred more positively. That is, anger elicited a kind of

“defensive optimism,” in which angry people systematically de-emphasize the

importance and potential impact of the negative events on the self.

Interestingly, the effects are not limited to judgment outcomes. The

contrasting appraisal tendencies of fear and anger appear to influence

decision outcomes as well (Fessler, Pillsworth, & Flamson, 2004; Lerner &

Keltner, 2001). For example, when asked to indicate their preferences

between a risk-averse and a risk-seeking solution to a hypothetical Asian

Disease problem (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981), fearful people favored the

risk-averse option while angry people favored the risk-seeking option.

In sum, these studies reveal that emotions sharing the same valence –

namely fear and anger – influence risk assessment in ways that are more

specific than global valence, and in ways that follow emotion-specific

appraisal tendencies.

Assessment of Monetary Value

Assessing the monetary value of goods underlies numerous consumer

decisions. Although conventional wisdom holds that global moods influence

buying and selling decisions, the role of specific emotions remains relatively

understudied. Drawing on the ATF, Lerner, Small, & Loewenstein (2004)

examined the effects of disgust and sadness on routine economic transactions.

Disgust and sadness, though sharing the same valence, differ markedly in
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 22

their appraisal themes. Disgust revolves around the appraisal theme of

being too close to an indigestible object or idea (Lazarus, 1991), and thus is

expected to evoke an implicit action tendency to expel current objects and

avoid taking in anything new (Rozin, Haidt, & McCauley, 1993). Sadness, on

the other hand, revolves around the appraisal theme of loss (Lazarus, 1991),

and thus is expected to evoke an implicit action tendency to change one’s

circumstances by seeking reward (Raghunathan & Pham, 1999). Disgust and

sadness, the researchers reasoned, would therefore exert different influences

upon choice prices — i.e. the amounts of cash participants are willing to

forego to receive a commodity.3 Specifically, they expected that disgust would

reduce, while sadness would increase, choice prices. This was presumably

because, for disgusted people, the act of buying represented a potential source

of contamination whereas, for sad people, buying represented an opportunity

to change circumstances (by acquiring new goods). On the other hand, the

researchers reasoned that disgust and sadness would exert similar influences

on selling prices. Specifically, they expected that both disgust and sadness

would decrease selling prices. The rationale was as follows. For disgusted

people, selling represented an opportunity to get rid of one’s current objects

and, for sad people, it represented an opportunity to change circumstances.

The results of their empirical tests were consistent with the ATF prediction

(Figure 3).
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 23

3 Neutral
2.5 Disgust
2 Sad
Selling Condition Choice Condition

Figure 3. Mean selling and choice prices (from Lerner, Small, &

Loewenstein, 2004)

A recent set of studies examined whether the effects of sadness would

hold not only with choice prices (the amount of cash participants are willing

to forego to receive a commodity) but also with real purchasing decisions —

i.e. paying money out of one’s own pocket. Results replicated and extended

the prior findings. Participants in an incidentally sad state paid more to

acquire an experimental commodity (e.g., a waterbottle) (than they otherwise

would in a neutral state) even when it meant taking more money out of their

own pocket (Cryder, Lerner, Gross, & Dahl, 2006).

In sum, these studies reveal that specific emotions influence the

assessment of monetary value in ways that are more specific than global

valence, and in ways that follow emotion-specific appraisal tendencies.


The foregoing review selectively presented two streams of research

that readily apply to consumer decision making. There are, however, many
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 24

blossoming lines of research that can be framed within an appraisal tendency

perspective. Here we sketch some developing lines of research.

Two promising emotions for future work are compassion and pride.

Compassion is based on a connection to those who are suffering or in need;

pride, on the other hand, is based on a sense that the self is strong and

separate from others (Oveis, Horberg, & Keltner, 2006). Drawing on such

differences in the underlying appraisal themes of compassion and pride,

Oveis et. al. (2006) hypothesized that compassion and pride would exert

different influences upon the perceived similarity between self and other. To

test this idea, participants were induced to experience compassion or pride

through exposure to images depicting harm (e.g., a malnourished child) or

sources of pride (e.g., pictures of the participants’ university). After the

emotion manipulation, individuals rated how similar they were to a wide

variety of social groups, including groups presumably very similar to the

participant (e.g. young adults, United States citizens) and those presumed to

be very different from the participant (e.g. the elderly, citizens of other

countries). Compared to those individuals feeling pride, those feeling

compassion displayed elevated perceptions of similarity to the set of groups

overall. Moreover, consistent with the notion that emotions influence more

pronounced effects in domains that match the underlying appraisal themes of

the emotion (see our discussion of the matching constraint), people feeling

compassion indicated a stronger sense of connection to groups perceived as

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 25

relatively weak (e.g., orphaned children), but less connection to groups

perceived as relatively strong (e.g., corporate lawyers).

Importantly, the perceived similarity between the self and the other is

central to the calculus of several outcomes, including the likelihood of being

persuaded by communication and felt attraction. It is possible, therefore,

that compassion and pride exert diverging influences on people’s decisions to

participate in consumption behavior in which their peers engage —

compassion would encourage participation in the behavior whereas pride

would discourage it. That is, when consumers are feeling compassion, they

see themselves as more like others, and therefore they may be more likely to

succumb to group consumption experiences. Conversely, when consumers are

feeling pride, they see themselves as less like others. They may, therefore, be

more likely to resist consuming what others are consuming. In the case of

undesirable group consumption experiences (e.g., teenage binge drinking),

priming pride may reduce the behavior. Similarly, in the case of desirable

social consumption experiences (e.g., teenage use of contraception) priming

compassion may increase the behavior.

Another promising emotion for future work is disgust – one of the most

influential emotions in consumer culture (Heath, Bell, & Sternberg, 2001). In

a series of recent studies, Han and Lerner (2006) examined the effect of

incidental disgust on the status quo bias. The status quo bias, the tendency

for people to prefer status quo options over other options (see Samuelson &
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 26

Zeckhauser, 1988), is one of the most robust and powerful forces in consumer

decision making. In fact, literature reviews found no published studies that

have successfully eliminated the robust status quo bias.4 Drawing on

disgust’s appraisal theme of being too close to an indigestible idea or object

and its accompanying tendency to expel current objects, the researchers

hypothesized that disgust would make people trade away a status quo

commodity for another commodity, eliminating the status quo effect. They

tested this in a choice paradigm where participants were asked to make a

choice between a status quo object and a new object after having been

experimentally induced to feel disgusted or neutral emotion. Results

supported their prediction. Specifically, participants in an incidental disgust

condition traded away their status-quo commodity (i.e. a waterbottle) for a

new commodity (i.e. a highlighter set) at a higher rate than those in a neutral

condition (Han and Lerner, 2006). A separate study tested whether disgust

would eliminate the status quo effect even when the commodities in question

were generic boxes of equal weight and volume containing undisclosed school

supplies — i.e. ludicrous stimuli for forming strong preferences. Even when

the choices appeared in a generic way with options barely distinguishable

from one another, disgust strongly increased decision makers’ choice to trade

away what they had, thus eliminating the status quo effect. In sum, disgust’s

implicit goal to expel prompted disgusted people to trade away their status-

quo commodity in exchange for a new commodity. This result would not have
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 27

been predicted from valence-based models of affect and decision making,

which would instead argue that disgust –a negatively valenced emotion—

would have elicited a generalized devaluation of both present possessions and

potential possessions. This would lead decision makers to simply retain their

status quo because, from a valence-perspective, a negative mood state

renders both what one has, and what one might acquire, undesirable.

In related work focusing on the characteristics specific to disgust,

Morales and Fitzsimons (2006) examined the effects of disgust on consumer

product evaluation. They hypothesized that disgusting products would

transfer offensive properties to other products they touch, lowering

valuations of such products. To test this idea, participants were asked to

observe four items in a shopping cart: a source product (pilot-tested to induce

disgust), a target product (in physical contact with the source product), and

two non-target products (not in physical contact with the source product).

The participants’ task was to report how much they would like to try / use

each of the target products they just saw in the shopping cart. Consistent

with the hypothesis, they found that any product which touched the

disgusting product, even though through packaging, dropped in value (other

products that did not touch the disgusting product did not drop in value). In

the case of packaged products, this emotional carryover represents a non-

normative influence of emotion. In sum, the results are consistent with the
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 28

idea that disgust automatically triggers strong appraisal themes of expulsion

that carry over to new judgments and decisions.

Taken together, these results exemplify how consumer judgments and

choices are meaningfully shaped by a wide array of discrete emotions. They

further demonstrate that the ATF provides a flexible yet specific framework

for developing a host of testable hypotheses. It systematically describes

differences among emotions at a much more specific level than mere valence.

These attributes make the ATF a useful tool for studying the effects

of emotions on consumer judgment and decision making.

The ATF, however, as a developing framework, has limitations and

raises questions that warrant further research. First, studies to date have

addressed only the effects of one appraisal dimension or the additive effects of

two appraisal dimensions as they interact with decision outcomes. Three-

way interactions wherein appraisal dimensions have multiplicative rather

than additive effects on decision outcomes, however, have been relatively

unexplored. A recent study by Agrawal, Menon, & Aaker (2006) suggests,

however, that this could be a rich area for future research. They examined

interactions among the valence of emotions, self-other relatedness of a health

message, and self-other relatedness of emotions. Results found that when

individuals were primed with a positive emotion, a message framed

consistent with the experienced emotion (e.g. happiness & self-related

message, peacefulness & other-related message) fostered the processing of

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 29

health information. Conversely, when primed with negative emotion, a

message framed consistent with the experienced emotion (e.g. sadness & self-

related message, anxiety & other-related message) hindered the processing of

the message. These results highlight the need to understand interaction

patterns among multiple appraisal dimensions. They also highlight an

important domain of application: the ATF could be harnessed to improve

health marketing given that consumers sometimes make health decisions

under intense emotional states.

Another limitation of research within the ATF involves temporal

specificity. Almost all the studies have examined emotional impacts on

judgment and choice outcomes at one point in time. An exception to this is a

study by Fischhoff and his colleagues (2005) which found that fear and anger

from September 11th affected risk assessment one year later. However, in

this case, the emotions were reactivated a year later. What remains to be

done, particularly in the case of consumer judgment and decision making, is

to examine whether an induced emotion such as disgust can leave a

permanent stain on a commodity. For example, in the case where incidental

disgust carried over to eliminate preferences for a status quo commodity,

would decision-makers continue to reject the status quo commodity even

weeks and months later?5 In addition, it would be interesting to know what

it would take to undo such a stain. Answers to these questions would have
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 30

important implications for health promotion given that some necessary

treatments involve potentially disgusting characteristics such as nausea.


We have presented the Appraisal Tendency Framework (ATF) as a

basis for predicting the influence of specific emotions on consumer decision

making. Specifically, we have delineated the five key principles of the

framework and have offered evidence consistent with the framework. The

emerging picture of emotional influences on judgment and choice is more

complex than one would have predicted based on valence alone. Instead of

producing globally pessimistic / negative or optimistic / positive evaluations,

incidental discrete emotions produce nuanced effects, consistent with

underlying appraisal tendencies. Moreover, such carry-over effects are

sufficiently powerful to alter judgments and choices even when real money is

at stake and, sometimes, even when decision-makers have been explicitly

instructed how to discount incidental emotion.

Although the ATF uniquely focuses on the carryover of specific

emotions to judgment and decision making, it shares features with other

theories of affect and judgment. For example, it shares with the Mood as

Information Model (Schwarz, 1990; Schwarz & Clore, 1988) and the Affect

Infusion Model (Forgas, 1995) the general assumption that affect powerfully

guides decision making and behavior even without conscious awareness.

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 31

More broadly, the ATF rests squarely within a constructivist approach to

consumer decision making. As Bettman (1979) and colleagues have argued,

consumer preferences arise not only from fixed properties of commodities, but

also from the particular choice set in which they appear, as well as the

broader context in which decision-makers find themselves (for review, see

Bettman, Luce, & Payne, 1998; Payne, Bettman, and Johnson 1993).

Stepping back, one might want to consider what percentage of

consumer judgments and decisions are influenced by emotions. Is it a small

subset of choices, such as when one decides which perfume to buy? Or, is it a

wider array of choices ranging from when one decides which health plan to

select to when one decides which car to buy? In our view, the wider set

characterizes consumer decision making. Emotions, nearly ever-present,

pervade our thoughts and guide our behaviors, as some philosophers have

long suspected (e.g., Aristotle, 350 BCE/1991; Hume, 1739/1978). Though

emotion research was mostly dormant in the 20th century (for discussion, see

Ekman, 1998; Ekman & Davidson, 1994), it is now a vibrant area, generating

new insights. The Appraisal-Tendency Framework can hopefully elucidate

these powerful processes as research develops.

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 32


A grant from the National Science Foundation (PECASE SES0239637)

awarded to Jennifer S. Lerner supported preparation of this article. We

thank Larissa Tiedens for her insightful intellectual contributions to the

development of the framework. We thank Cynthia Cryder, Larissa Chopyk,

and Sarah Scholl for comments on an earlier draft.

Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 33


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Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 46


1. It is important to point out that emotional influences do not always

bias judgment and decision making. Integral emotions, for example, are a

necessary component for effective moral decision making (Solomon, 1990).

Moreover, research has suggested that affective influences, broadly speaking,

can improve certain kinds of decisions – at least, those that are hedonically

based (Wilson & Schooler, 1991).

2. Changes in risk perception elicited by fear and anger occur not only

in a relative sense but also in an absolute sense. Specifically, research

showed that angry and happy individuals reported similar levels of optimism

about the self ( Lerner & Keltner, 2001).

3. Note that a choice price differs from a buying price. A choice price

involves a choice between an object versus money, rather than deciding

whether to give up one’s own money to obtain an object. Yet, a choice price is

sufficiently similar to a buying price and is often more practical to employ in

experimental settings for the following reasons: (a) it does not require

participants to give up money, and hence is not limited by the amount of

money participants bring to a study; (b) it confronts participants with a

choice that is formerly identical to, but framed differently from, selling; (c) it

holds constant the money side of the equation – both selling and choice

involves choices between receiving or not receiving money. Holding the

money side of the equation constant ensures that the effects of the emotions
Feelings and Consumer Decision Making 47

are not operating through feelings about gaining or losing money (Kahneman,

Knetsch, & Thaler, 1990; Lerner et al., 2004). Therefore, a choice price is a

useful and practical proxy for a buying price.

4. To be sure, studies have attenuated and even eliminated the

endowment effect (e.g. Braga & Starmer, 2005; Lerner et al., 2004;

Loewenstein & Issacharoff, 1994) – which may, on the surface, appear to be a

close cousin of the status quo effect. However, the decision literature

provides evidence that the two should not be equated. By convention, the

endowment effect is measured by a pricing task (e.g. Becker, DeGroot, &

Marschak, 1964) whereas the status quo effect is measured by a choice task --

a consequential difference. Studies have found numerous cases wherein

preferences obtained with a choice task are the reverse of preferences

revealed by a pricing task (e.g. Lichtenstein & Slovic, 1971). Elimination of

status quo preferences, therefore, cannot be equated with elimination of the

endowment effect.

5. We thank John Lynch for this idea.

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