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Data Dictionary Example

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Owner of this document: Mike Scott

Department Term Term Owner

M New Visitor
r Returning Visitor
k Session John Doe (VP Marketing)
t Landing Page
n Lead
Blog Subscriber Jessica (Blog Manager)

Onboarded User
Active User

Inactivate User
James Brown (VP Product)
Qualified User
Trial User
Paying User
Churned User
Last Updated On: 6th July 2018
A visitor is an individual that visits any of our online assets. Visitor is an umbrella term which includes
both new and returning visitors.
A new visitor is an individual which has visited any of our online assets for the first time (in other
words, only one session). A visitor can only be a new visitor once.
A returning visitor is an individual which has visited any of our online assets more than once (in other
words, having more than one session). A visitor can only be a new visitor once.
online assets. If there is a gap of more than 60 minutes between page views, the previous session will
end and a new session will begin.
A landing page is defined as the web page where a session begins.
A lead is defined as an individual that has deliberately provided us with an email.
qualified for sales. At time of writing this meant that a lead had to reach a qualification score of 50 OR
fill out any of our "Request A Demo" forms.
A blog subscriber is a lead which has deliberately opted into receiving new posts and/or newsletters in
association with our blog.

A user is an individual that has signed up to our service by providing us with an email address.
An onboarded user is a user which has completed the registration process and confirmed ownership of
his email.
An active user is a user which completed onboarding (become an onboarded user) AND connected his
Gmail to his account.
An inactive user is a user which has completed onboarding (become an onboarded user) BUT currently
does not have his Gmail connected to his account.
paid plans. At time of writing this included having an organization with 5 or more employees OR sales
in excess of $100,000 per year.
A trial user is a user which has opted into our paid plan trial period. A user can only be a trial user once
and will remain a trial user until either the trial finishes or the user deletes his account.
A paying user is a user which is currently on a paid plan which is not in the trial period. A user can
become a paying user more than once.
A churned user is a user which is currently on a free plan or has deleted his account AND has paid us
any amount at least once.
Single Source Of Truth How to calculate?
Google Analytics Audience Report in Google Analytics
Google Analytics Audience Report in Google Analytics
Google Analytics Audience Report in Google Analytics
Google Analytics Audience Report in Google Analytics
Google Analytics Landing Page Report in Google Analytics
Marketo Run a query on the leads table in the data warehouse
Run a query on the leads table in the data warehouse, use the is_mql
Marketo flag
Run a query on the leads table in the data warehouse, use the
Marketo is_blog_subscriber flag

MySQL Database Run a query on the users table.

company_size and company_type are not null, and
MySQL Database is_confirmed_email is equal to 1.
is_confirmed_email is equal to 1 AND gmail token is not null (in
MySQL Database integrations table).
is_confirmed_email is equal to 1 AND gmail_token_updated is null (in
MySQL Database integrations table).
company_size = "5-10" OR "10 - 50" OR "More than 50", OR
MySQL Database total_revenue > 100000 (from sales_stats table).
Run a query on the users table. Check that user_account_status =
MySQL Database "trial".
MySQL Database Run a query on the users table. Check that is_paying_user = 1.
Will need to export data from Stripe. THIS INFO ISN'T IN DATA

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