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The purpose of this project is to create an interactive tool using the Visual Basic toolkit. The

report will contain background information, which summarizes the literature associated with the

application and within the area of intelligent multimedia as a whole. The analysis section of the

report will describe the user requirements, functional requirements and nonfunctional

requirements of the system and an analysis of other similar systems. This section will also

contain details of the hardware and software requirements of the system. The design section will

contain an explanation of the system architecture, storyboards of the system, which will include

all features and relevant Unified Modeling Language models. The implementation and testing

section will give a detailed explanation of how the Visual Basic toolkit was used to implement

the system and relevant testing documentation. The final part of the report contains a conclusion

which summaries the report and gives a critical analysis of the system and how it could be

developed further.

2. Background

2.1. What is Intelligent Multimedia?

“IntelliMedia, which involves the computer processing and understanding of perceptual input

fromat least speech, text and visual images and then reacting to it, is complex and involves

signal and symbol processing techniques from not just engineering and computer science but

also artificial intelligence and cognitive science” (Mc Kevitt, 1994)

The field of intelligent multimedia is concerned with the interaction between humans and

working systems. Humans can interact with systems via spoken language, movement and

keyboard input. Intelligent multimedia attempts to understand the context of the interaction,

while multimedia is only concerned with the response to the interaction.

Intelligent multimedia focuses on the computer processing and understanding of signal and

symbol input from at least speech, text and visual images in terms of semantic representations.

Multimodality refers to joining various sources of information, multiple channels of

communication, auditory (words, dialogue acts, rhetorical structure) and visual (gesture, posture,

graphics). A multimodal interface is the natural extension of spoken dialogue systems where the

user can communicate with speech and gesture and in return gets multimodal output.

2.2 Introduction to Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Basic is one very powerful programming system that helps one develop sophisticated ,

graphical applications that can be run on Microsoft windows environment. Visual Basic is

actually BASIC language, which is visual in its nature. In general, Visual is the method used to

create GUI applications i.e., visual programming style involves a lot of illustrations ( graphic

entities ), rather than writing numerous lines of code to describe the appearance , functioning etc,

of the application’s interface.

VB programming environment provides all the features that are required to develop a GUI

(graphical user interface ) as ready to use components . In developing such an interface, the

programmer, employees user- friendly components such as windows , menus, buttons, list boxes

etc. And the amazing thing is that the programmer does not have to write code to create and

display these components. VB 6.0 provides many more powerful features . Some prominent ones

are listed below:

 It is successor of BASIC language.

 VB supports event driven programming.

 Common Programming Platform: VB provides a common programming platform across

all MS-Office applications.

 Quick Development: VB offers many tools that provide a quick and easy way to develop


 Wizards: VB also provides many wizards that can automate tasks or even automate


 ActiveX Support: VB allows you to migrate application (developed with VB) to an

ActiveX document enables the application to install and run from a web browser such as

MS Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. Thus, even if applications that can be run

from a web browser.

 N-Tier Architecture: A traditional client/ server model has 2 layers i.e. two tiers of

application- the client application, which requests for something and the server

application, which servers that requests , e.g.- the client application may request the

print out of report stored on disk and the server application ensures its execution.

 Quick Error Detection /Correction: The VB development environment provides tools for

quick editing, testing and debugging.

The Event driven model: In an event driven application, the code doesn’t follow a predetermined

path rather it executes different code section in response to events. Events can be triggered by the

user’s actions, by messages from the system or other applications, or even from the applications

itself. The sequence of these events determines the sequence in which the code executes, thus the

path through the application’s code or the sequence of execution differs each time the program


Interactive Environment: The application development process can be broken into 3 distinct


i) Writing.

ii) Compiling.

iii) Testing Code.

Unlike , traditional languages , Visual Basic uses an interactive approach to development that

merges these 3 steps. Let us see how:

With most of the languages , if you make mistake in writing your code, the error is caught by the

compiler when you compile your application. You must then find and fix the error and begin the

compile cycle again, repeating the process for each error found. Visual Basic interprets your

code as you enter it, catching and highlighting most syntax or spelling errors there and then. It’s

almost like having an expert watching over your shoulder as you enter your code.

In addition to catching error on the fly, Visual Basic also partially compiles the code as it is

entered. If the compiler finds an error , it is highlighted in your code. You can fix the error

and continue compiling without having to start over.

Because of the interactive nature of Visual Basic, we will find our self running our application

frequently as we develop it. This way you can test the effects of your code as you work rather

than waiting to compile later.

2.3. “Kaun Banega Crorepati?”

The “Kaun Banega Crorepati” game show was first introduced in October 2000. The show is

currently on its fourth series.The game begins with 10 contestants who participate in the “fastest

finger first” round competing to answer a question in the quickest. The winner then goes on to

play for the Rs. 10,000,000 trying to answer 15 questions successfully, with each correct answer

giving an increase in the amount of money won. To aid the contestant with the question answers,

4 help facilities are provided known as “life lines”. These “life lines” include; “phone a friend”,

the contestant can phone a pre-selected friend to assist with the question answer, “ask the

audience”, the studio audience help by voting for the correct answer, “fifty fifty” two wrong

answers get removed; “flip a question” ;contestant can get another question in lieu of the present

question if he is not able to answer the present question . When a contestant answers a question

incorrectly they return to the last “safe zone”. The game has 2 safe zones, amounts that a

contestant can get to were the money won to that stage is banked and cannot be lost. The safe

zones are Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 3,20,000. The game concludes with the contest answering all

questions correct winning the Rs. 10,000,000 or answering a question wrong.

3. Understanding the problem:

There is a tendency to sale and collection to the solution, even before the problem is understood.

This often leads to a software solution a wrong problem. To overcome this approach of software

development we spent a good amount of time to understand the problem.. In fact we identified

and listed all the tasks performed manually, and sorted out the tasks which can be accommodated

in our software. List of various tasks performed is given below:

Step 1: Developing prototypes that enable a user to understand how human machine interaction

will occur:

Since the perception of the quality of software based on the perception of the friendliness of the

interface, prototyping is highly recommended. This project is basically developed for recrational

purpose not for any commercial purpose, and it has to be completed within very limited

resources and time. Moreover the need to build any prototype would have cost extra effort and

time. Moreover the need to build a prototype was not felt necessary, because we were going to

use visual basic-6 as our front end development tool which can create a user friendly

environment same as the any Windows based application and it will support all the function and

shortcut key commands supported by any other Windows based application such as Ms-Word or


Step 2: Record the origin of and the reason for every requirement:

This is the first step in establishing trace ability back to the customer. To accomplish this task

we traced down the work flow of various activity of F&A section and interrelation between

different activities. We can summarize our findings in following flow charts which depicts the

two main streams of work flow in F&A section.

Step 3: Use multiple Views of Requirements:

Building data function and behaviors models provide the software engineer with three different

views. This reduces the likelihood that something will be missed and increases the inconsistency

will be recognized.

The data dictionary is a repository that contains description of all data objects consumed or

produced by the software. Three different diagrams surround the core. The entity relationship

diagram (ERD) depicts relationship between data object. The ERD is the notation that is used to

conduct the data modeling activity. The attributes of each data object noted in the ERD can be

described using a data object description. The dataflow diagram (DFD) serves two purposes (1)to

provide an indication of how data are transformed as they move through the system, and (2)to

depict the functions(and sub functions) that transform the data flow. The DFD provides the

additional information domain and serves as a basis for the modeling of function. A description

of each function presented in the DFD is contained in a process specification (PSPEC). Various

DFD related to current project are shown in annexure B.

The state transition diagram (STD) includes how the system behaves as a consequence of

external event. To accomplish this, the STD represents the various modes of behavior (called

states) of the system and the manner in which transactions are made from state to state. The STD

serves as the basis for behavioral modeling. Additional information about I control aspects of the

software is contained in the control specification (CSPEC). Our project deals mainly with

RDBMS and does not interact much with external events, so the control aspect of our project is

not significant. We have not paid much attention to the behavioral model and have not prepared

any state transition diagram.

Step4: Prioritize Requirements:

Tight deadline may preclude the implementation of every software requirement. But there were

no such constraints in our project so we have not decided that we will implement our final

software product in one piece. It was not possible to divide the various functions in different

categories such as vital functions, essential functions, desirable functions etc. so there was no

prioritization of requirement in our project.

4. Analysis:

4.1. User Requirements:

User requirements are processes that the user of the application should be able to carry out. They

are also contributing factors that are not related to application functionality like cost, time, safety

and standards. User requirements can be split into two distinct subcategories these are functional

and non-functional.

Functional requirements for the user should describe the services which the system should

provide in a general way. They should be explained in a plain language so the user can

understand them as well as the technical expert. They should include all the services the system

needs to carry out for the user and this should be down in a consistent and non – ambiguous


Non Functional requirements for the user are not directly concerned with the specific functions

of the system. Below are the requirements which our group has defined for the “Who Wants to

be a Millionaire system”.

4.1.1. Functional Requirements:

• The user should be able to log into the system using a username.

• The user should be able to answer the question displayed by voice input in a multiple of ways.

They may answer by speaking the letter associated with the actual answer or by speaking the

answer itself.

• The user should be able to choose a life line to help them answer a question.

• If a user has already selected a life line they will be unable to select it again.

• The user should be able to quit the game at any time.

• The user should be able to retire with their winnings at any given time during the


4.1.2. Non – Functional Requirements

• The user should be able to access the application via a PC.

• The system should have a GUI that is user friendly.

• The system will have no financial constraints.

4.2. System Requirements:

System requirements will describe the functionality of the system in a detailed and technical

way. System requirements should outline exactly what functional process the system must do

and detail these processes logical and highly detailed manner. System requirements can be sub-

categorized into functional and non-functional requirements.

Functional requirements for the system should describe the services which the system should

provide in a technical way. They should include all the services the system needs to carry out and

this should be done in a consistent and non–ambiguous manner.

Non Functional requirements for the system are not directly concerned with the specific

functions of the system.

4.2.1. Functional Requirements:

• The system should notify the user if they answered a question correctly or incorrectly.

• The system should display a running total of the user’s winnings.

• The system should provide the user with three help facilities to aid them in answering the

question correctly.

• The system should generate a results report. This should be an image or a voice response which

displays the current amount won.

• The system will store the username.

• The system should be intelligently aware if a user answers a question wrong they will return to

the minimum amount. If a user is on any amount and answers a question incorrectly they will

return to the limit relevant to them. These are Rs.10,000 or Rs. 3,20,000.

4.2.2. Non-functional Requirements:

• The Application should be accessed using the CSLU toolkit.



The hardware details include the basic configuration of the computer system (i.e. all the devices

are interconnected to form a system) as well as details about the network connection, if any. The

system, on which this project has been designed, is a personal computer to the internet or the

web, as it is better known. Following are the grass root details of the system configuration: -

Personal Computer


We need at least a P-IV computer with the following specifications:-


RAM 512 MB or above

Hard disk 40 GB or above

CD-ROM Combo Drive

Color Monitor 14 inch or above

Keyboard Logitech

Mouse Scrolling Logitech TM

UPS 600 VA

During the development of the project, we need WINDOWS XP with the
following software utilities:

Visual Basic 6.0 - Front end.

MS-Access- Back end database (RDBMS).

MS – Office.

Windows 2000, XP etc..

5. Design:

Design describes the way in which a system is to be developed according to its requirements.

Preece (1994) states that “’design’ refers to both the process of developing a product, artifact or

system and to the various representations (simulations or models) of the product that are

produced during the design process” (Preece et al, 1994, p.352) .

The design stage incorporates a lot of different representations of the system that would be

particularly suitable for the specific stage. It is important for designers to remember this in that

they must understand and know how functions are available at various different stages of design.

5.1. System Architecture:

5.1.1. Presentation Layer:

The interface to the “Kaun Banega Crorepati” game will be designed using the VB 6.0. Graphics

and images for the game will be downloaded from the official “Kaun Banega Crorepati” game

website on the internet. The images will be imported into the VB 6.0 toolkit to create the

interface so the game is as realistic as possible. The images will include the question tables, the

winnings table and the life line table. All of these will be incorporated to provide a fully

functional system.

5.1.2. Data Management Layer:

The Data Management Layer is concerned with the design and development of the game using

the VB 6.0 toolkit. The game will be programmed using VB 6.0. Through this language the game

can be manipulated to display the questions to the user and then prompting the consecutive


5.1.3. The Processing Layer:

The processing layer is the combination of the data management layer and the presentation layer

showing how these two layers interact with each other to provide a working system. The VB 6.0

toolkit was chosen as the software to develop and implement the “Kaun Banega Crorepati

game”. The game will be designed following HCI guidelines to ensure that the interface is

accessible to all users of the system.

Through the VB 6.0 toolkit the user can request to play the game. The user can choose to either

answer the question or not or to choose a life line to aid them in answering the displayed

question. The system will display these options promptly to the user. The user will interact with

the system by choosing the relevant answer to the questions.

5.2. HCI Guidelines:

The user interface design should be one that relates to all types of users, that being novices and

knowledgeable users. A good human-computer interface should provide a good structure for

finding, viewing, and invoking the different components of a system.

The term human-computer interaction (HCI) refers to how the user interacts with the system and

the design behind it. The central aim of HCI is to maximise performance of humans and

computers together as a system. This system is solely dependant on users so the interface has to

be usable and efficient.

It is very important to abide by the HCI guidelines when designing a system. Below, each

guideline is discussed in detail and how they are implemented into this system:

• Consistency

Consistency relates to the likeness in behaviour arising from similar situations or similar task

objectives. Consistency is probably the most widely mentioned principle in the literature on user

interface design (Dix, 1998). Use of consistency will ensure that the learning will be reduced if

objects with similar functions look and behave the same. The application is laid out in a manner

that is consistent so that the user can freely and easily navigate it.

• Compatibility with User’s expectations

The main aim of this application was to develop an interface which allows a user to select a

contestants name and to answer as many questions as possible correctly. The dialogue used

throughout the interface is simple and natural. The application uses WYSIWYG properties. For

example, if the user wishes to select the username “Kiera” they press the appropriate button on

the screen.

• Flexibility and Control

Flexibility refers to the multiplicity of ways the end-user and the system exchange information.

The system is designed to be suitable for novice users as well as more advanced users. The user

decides if they want to answer a question or not, they also have the option to select a lifeline.

• Explicit Structure

Each page contains the relevant information that the user requires. This prevents “bloatware” and

promotes ease of use for the user. The interface is very easily navigated, it does not contain too

much information nor too little. Both cases would cause the user to spend considerable time

either scanning through a cluttered screen or numerous screens of information (Preece et al,


• Error Prevention and Control

The system also contains error prevention, when the user ends the game they are asked whether

or not they wish to play the game further. If they wish to proceed they press the ‘Next Question’

button or if they decide they want to exit the application they press the ‘Exit’ button.

• User Documentation and Support

The system contains a well documented help file on how to use the application and the option to

ask any queries which they may have.



This document aims at defining the overall software requirements for “Kaun Banega Crorepati

Game Show”. The layout and interface designed is very pleasant and care is taken to include all

the functionalities as close as possible. After login the contestant is asked a series of general

knowledge questions consistently rising in difficulty with every question. Each question has four

options with only one correct answer. The contestant wins a certain amount of money with each

correct answer, and may choose to give up and retain the money they have already won if they

decide not to answer the currently shown question.

The money won after each question is roughly doubled from the previous amount won,

exponentially increasing the amount won after each correct answer until the contestant reaches

the final question, after which they win the maximum prize.

The whole Game Show is divided into three stages and after completing a particular stage the

contestant is guaranteed to win that minimum amount which is allotted to that particular stage

even after he goes wrong for any question in the succeeding stage. Stages are divided according

to difficulty levels , the first being easiest and last being toughest. Efforts have been made to

define the requirements exhaustively and accurately. The final product will be having only

features/functionalities mentioned in this document and assumptions for any additional

functionality/feature should not be made by any of the parties involved in

developing/testing/implementing/using this product. In case it is required to have some

additional features, a formal change request will need to be raised and subsequently a new

release of this document and/or product will be produced.

6.1.1 PURPOSE:

This specification document describes the capabilities that will be provided by the software

application “Kaun Banega Crorepati”. It also states the various required constraints by which the

system will abide. The intended audience for this document is the development team, testing

team and end users of the product.

6.1.2 SCOPE:

The software product (Game Show) “Kaun Banega Crorepati” which shows integration of login

and information display modules into one application. In this application, if the user is valid then

it enters successfully in order to play the game otherwise he can only watch the game

proceedings. The central repository of all records helps Oraganizer (administrator) to add new

questions ,delete previously asked questions easily and helps in reductions any anomalies and



VB 6- Visual Basic 6.0

GUI – Graphical User Interface
BASIC- Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code


IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Reqirements Specifications-IEEE Std 830-1993.


The rest of this SRS document describes the various system requirements, interfaces, features

and functionalities in detail.


At its core, the system should offer the following basic functionalities:

 The system requests that the administrator to enter his/her name, password.

 The administrator enters his/her name, password.

 The system validates the entered name, password, logs the actor into the system.

 The administrator maintains the record of information of various database tables by

adding new questions or deleting previously asked questions.

 If in the basic flow, the actor enters an invalid name, password , the system displays an

error message. The actor can return to the beginning of the basic flow.

 A Game Show has to be developed that can be used to conduct Kaun Banega Crorepati

Game Show.

 The person who has to play the game can register himself and play.

 Each player has a unique user id which stores his score.

 The questions will be generated from a database table.

 As the game proceeds the result of the amount won by him will be continuously

displayed on the screen.


The application will be a windows based, dependent software product.

Front end client application

(with data entry/update/delete/view facility)
Backend database SYSTEM INTERFACES:


(i) There will be a label to display the total amount won as the game proceeds.

(ii) A login screen for entering username, user_id, password will be provided.

(iii) There will be an interface for adding new question at any specific level, deleting data

record and exiting from the game.


Screen resolution of at least 1024 x768- required for proper and complete viewing of screens.


RAM 512 MB or above

Hard disk 40 GB or above

CD-ROM Combo Drive

Color Monitor 14 inch or above

Keyboard Logitech

Mouse Scrolling Logitech TM SOFTWARE INTERFACES:

1. Visual Basic 6.0 - Front end.

2. MS-Access- Back end database (RDBMS).

3. MS – Office.

4. Windows 2000, XP etc.. COMMUNICATION INTERFACES :


At least 64 MB RAM and 2 GB space on hard disk will be required for running the application


1. Play Game

2. Addition question to level 1

3. Adding question to level 2.

4. Adding question to level 3

5. Delete the records




 Accepting information correctly.

 Storing the correct records in the database.

 Accessing the questions in the database according to the level at which the game is going.

 Displaying the current amount won .

 Implementing the time restrictions for various lifelines.

 Accepting the updated information from administrator.

Storing the updated record in database to make it consistent


Naïve users can also handle the system if they are made friendly with the interface.


 Any Windows Operating system.

 Interface is in English


The login and the password is assumed to be “admin”. There is also an option for sign up.


Not required.


This section contains the software requirements to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers

to design the system, and testers to test the system.

 Functional Requirement no 1:

 Introduction Adding question at level 1.

 Input : Question with four choices and entry for right answer by checking it.

 Processing : validation checks are performed on the input question by the user like :

1. mandatory fields should not be kept blank

2. No special symbols are allowed in questions or answers.

3. message box must prompt “Record Added Successfully”

After validating when submit button is pressed the data gets stored in the database .

All the entries in database should be correct

 Functional Requirement no 2:

 Introduction Adding question at level 2.

 Input : Question with four choices and entry for right answer by checking it.

 Processing : validation checks are performed on the input question by the user like :

1. mandatory fields should not be kept blank

2. No special symbols are allowed in questions or answers.

3. message box must prompt “Record Added Successfully”

After validating when submit button is pressed the data gets stored in the database .

All the entries in database should be correct

 Functional Requirement No 3:

 Introduction Adding question at level 3.

 Input : Question with four choices and entry for right answer by checking it.

 Processing : validation checks are performed on the input question by the user like :

1. mandatory fields should not be kept blank

2. No special symbols are allowed in questions or answers.

3. message box must prompt “Record Added Successfully”

After validating when submit button is pressed the data gets stored in the database .

All the entries in database should be correct

 Functional Requirement No 4:

 Introduction : Deletion of Records.

 Input : click on the Record to be deleted

 Processing : After clicking the particular record is deleted from the database.

 Output : The updated information is reflected in the stored database

 Functional Requirement No 5:

 Introduction : Deletion of questions

 Input : click on the Question to be deleted

 Processing : After clicking the particular Question and associated record in answer

table questions are deleted from the database.

 Output : The updated information is reflected in the stored database

 Functional Requirement No 6:

 Introduction : Exit from the game

 Input : clicking at the command button

 Processing : After clicking the command button “EXIT” form unloads.

 Output : End of Game

 Functional Requirement No 7:

 Introduction : Create User Account.

 Input : Personal information of user: Uaer Name, user_id, password

 Processing : After entering the required information the various validation checks are

performed on submission of the information the updations are made to the database.

 Duplicate User can’t be created.

 Output : The updated information is reflected in the stored database and the new

user can log.

 Functional Requirement 8:

 Introduction : Play Game

 Input : none.

 Processing : on clicking the play game comand the system loads the game.

 Output : The Welcome Screen flashes.

 Functional Requirement no 9:

 Introduction : AdminLogin

 Input Admin Name,Passsword.

 Processing : After inputting data validation checks on various fields is performed .

 Output : on submission of the information the updation mode is available for the


6.4.Performance requirements :

The system must produce correct results for all the queries made at any time.

6.5. Design Constraints :

 Standard compliance such as IEEE for the development of SRS report.

6.6. Attributes :

6.6.1 Reliability and Recovery:

It is imperative that database should be always up when put into the product. During period of

intense activities like submission and verification and updation of data, back up should be taken.

It will help to minimize downtime in case of failure. Any abnormal operations shall result in the

shutting down of the system.

But as our system is standalone and does not perform complicated tasks and not much hard to

built again so its not imperative to take a backup for this small system.

6.6.2 Security:

The database should be protected physically by having server (if its not a stand alone system)

located in an enclosed and guarded facility. Virus scanning software should be installed to

protect from viruses. The server should be installed under firewall so that server only internal

users can access it.. There should be terms and conditions and a check on the content added by

the users. Duplicate record must be discarded by the administrator.

6.6.3 Maintenance:

New additional features can be added if required and also the system components i.e. memory,
disk, drives shall be easily serviceable without much alteration in the code.


7.1. login

7.1.1. Brief Description

This use case describes how the user logs into the game show.

7.1.2. Actors

Admin, user

7.1.3 Basic Flow :

This use case starts when the actor wishes to login to the game.

(i) System requests that the actor enter his/her name and password.

(ii) The actor enters his/her name & password.

(iii) System validates name & password, and if finds correct allow the actor to

logs into the system.

7.1.4 Alternate Flows

Invalid name & password.

If in the basic flow, the actor enters an invalid name and/or password, the system

displays an error message. The actor can choose to either return to the

beginning of the basic flow or cancel the login, at that point, the use case ends.

7.1.5 Pre Conditions :


7.1.6 Post Conditions : If the use case is successful, the actor is logged into the system. If

not, the system state is unchanged.

7.1.7 Special Requirements:


7.2 create user account :

7.2.1 Brief Description:

It allows the player to register himself to play game.

7.2.2 Actors :


7.2.3 Basic flow:

The player will provide information about his name, id, password.

7.2.4 Alternate flow

Invalid role:If the user is registering himself for more then one time then error

message will prompt.

7.2.5 Pre-Conditions: user must not already have an user account.

7.2.6 Post-conditions :

Actor will be registered successfully.

7.2.7 Special requirements :


7.3 Update Database :

7.3.1. Brief Description

This use case allows the Admin to update the database of the system

7.3.2. Actors


7.3.3 Basic Flow

This use case starts when the Admin wishes to update the database. Administrator

can edit the database directly at back end and then deploy/run the application for

the other users

7.3.4 Alternate Flows

Invalid username/passwod

If the actor is not administrator, then he cannot update the database.

7.3.5. Pre Conditions.

Actor must be login.

7.3.6. Post conditions.

Database will be updated.

7.3.7. Special Requirements


7.4 Add questions at run time :

7.4.1 Basic description:

The actor can add question to database at run time using this use case.

7.4.2 Actor


7.4.3 Basic flow:

This use case includes:-

a. Actor will choose the level where question can be added.

b. Actor fills the required fields and then submits the data.

7.4.4 Alternate flow:

Invalid role:

If the user is not an Administrator, then he will not be redirected to the login page.

If the administrator entered the question that already exists then the system will

generate a message ‘Question Exists’.

If the administrator left blank the text boxes that are mandatory to be filled by

him then the system will remind to fill the respective detail through a message.

7.4.5 Precondition

All the fields must be appropriately filled

Actor must be logged in and must be an administrator

7.4.6 Post condition

Question will be added in the database

7.4.7 Special requirement


7.5 Play Game and win amount

7.5.1 Basic description:

The actor can play game through the application and view his performance

through result.

7.5.2 Actor


7.5.3 Basic flow

This use case will include these steps:-

a. The actor will go to the welcome page and start playing the game.

b. After giving answer to the questions, actor will submit the question and result will

be shown

7.5.4 Alternate flow

Invalid username/password

If in the basic flow, the actor enters an invalid name and/or password, the system

displays an error message. The actor can choose to either return to the beginning

of the basic flow or cancel the login, at that point, the use case ends.

7.5.5 Precondition

Actor must be logged in

7.5.6 Post condition

Result will be displayed to the actor

7.5.7 Special requirement


7.6 Delete Record:

7.6.1 Basic Description:

The administrator can delete the records in which already asked questions are there. This

use case starts when the actor wishes to delete a specific question from the database.

1. The system requests the administrator to click on the question to be deleted.

2. On click the question id is fetched by the application.

7.6.2 Actor


7.6.3 Basic flow:

This use case includes:-

c. Actor will choose the question to be deleted.

d. Actor must also delete the the corresponding answer table to that question.

7.6.4 Alternate flow:

Invalid role:

If the user is not an Administrator, then he will not be redirected to the login page.

7.6.5 Precondition

Actor must be logged in and must be an administrator

7.6.6 Post condition

Question will be deleted from the database

7.6.7 Special requirement


7.7. EXIT :

7.7.1 Brief description

This use case allows the actor to to log out of the updation mode /playing mode in

the application.

7.7.2 Actors

There is only one actor (administrator) which interacts and participates with this

use case.

7.7.3 Basic flow

This use case starts when the actor wishes to go out of the updation mode/playing


 When the user selects the exit option , the updation mode in which the

administrator was working is terminated.

7.7.4. Alternative flow


7.7.5 Special requirements


7.7.6 Pre-condition

The Administrator must be logged into updation mode

7.7.7 Post-condition

If the use case was successful, the updation mode is terminated. Otherwise,the

system state is unchanged.

7.7.8 Extension points


8.Data-Flow Diagrams (DFD)

Data-flow diagrams is a graphical representation of the “Flow” of the data through an

Information System and also used for the visualization of the data processing. In the late 1970s

Data-flow diagrams (DFDs) were introduced and popularized for structured analysis and design

(Gane and Sarson 1979).  DFDs show the flow of data from external entities into the system,

showed how the data moved from one process to another, as well as its logical storage.

Representantion of an example of a DFD is using the Gane and Sarson notation.  The Data flow

Diagram shows the flow of data. It is generally made of symbols given below:

1. A square shows the Entity.

2. A Circle shows the Process

3. An open Ended Rectangle shows the data store.

4. An arrow shows the data flow.

5. The DFD can be up to several levels. The 0 level DFD states the flow of data in the

system as seen from the outward in each module.

6. The first level DFD show more detail, about the single process of the 0 level DFD

7. The second level DFD can show even more details and so on.

Level 0 DFD

Quiz Result

Level 2 Data Flow Diagram


Definition: An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the

interrelationships between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use symbols to represent

three different types of information. Boxes are commonly used to represent entities. Diamonds

are normally used to represent relationships and ovals are used to represent attributes.

Also Known As: ER Diagram, E-R Diagram, entity-relationship model

Examples: Consider the example of a our project “Kaun Banega Crorepati” and its database. The

ER diagram shown in the image below contains two entities -- user and Game. There is a single

"Plays" relationship. In our example there are many attributes associated with each entity. User

have user_id, user_name, passoword, game_id and game have game_id and category. In a real-

world example, each one of these would likely have many different attributes.

THE Entity –Relationship Diagram

Password Game_id Category


1 plays
User 1
Game_id User Name


Game questions

Question Table

Option1 Option 4
Option 2 Option 3

10. Use Case Diagram :

Use Cases, also called ‘user scenarios’, can provide a useful way of documenting:

• What the user will do with the planned software application.

• How the application will respond.

In UML, use cases are represented with a Use Case diagram. Within the diagram, a Use Case is

represented by an ellipse with the name of the use case below this. A number of Use Cases are

connected with various user/actors in the diagram with an interaction arrow. These diagrams are

developed using an application called Rational Rose

Enterprise Edition.

The Use Case diagram, as shown represents what actions are taken by the user within the

working system.

Kaun Banega Crorepati Use Case

11. Sequence Diagrams :

Sequence diagrams can be drawn at different levels of detail and also to meet different purposes

at several stages in the development life cycle. Sequence diagrams show the sequence of

interactions between objects that are arranged in a time sequence, and an actor usually initiates

these interactions.

The select contestant sequence diagram, as shown in the figure below represents what actions are

taken by the user to select a contestant within the application.

The answer question sequence diagram represents what actions are taken by the user when

answering a question.

The select life line sequence diagram represents what actions are taken by the user uses a lifeline

within the application.

The terminate game sequence diagram, represents what actions are taken by the user when they

terminate the game.

Terminate Game Sequence Diagram

12. Implementation and Testing :

The implementation phase involves translating the logical design of the system as laid down in

the design phase into an actual working “Kaun Banega Crorepati” game that should fulfill the

requirements of the system both functional and non-functional. The

construction of the game was implemented using the VB 6.0 toolkit.

12.1. How the system was implemented :

The system was implemented using the VB 6.0 toolkit to create a version of the “Kaun Banega

Crorepati” game show. The system is comprised of images taken from the online version of the

game. The user interacts with the application via Graphical User Interface. A map of the working

system is illustrated below.

The system was implemented using MS Access Database and connecting it with the application

using ADODB (Active Data Objects Database) connectivity. This contains list of the questions,

answers, phone a friend recordings and ask the audience lifeline.

1). The application consists of a non-sequential motion whereby all the questions stored in the

database are accessed in a random manner.

When the application runs initially the user is prompted to register himself. After the user

successfully selects a username a message is prompted to the user welcoming them to the

system. A question screen is displayed, the system prompts to the user the three available

options; Answer a question, Quit or select a lifeline. If the user chooses to answer the question

they prompt the relevant answer choices to the application. The user will be informed if they

have answered correctly or incorrectly. If the user answers incorrectly the game will terminate, a

total winnings amount appears and they will be asked if they wish to play again. If they answer

correctly a running total is displayed and another question is asked. If the user decides not to

answer the question a total winnings amount is displayed and they leave the game. If the user

decides to use a life line an image is displayed containing the three lifelines; 50:50, phone a

friend and ask the audience. The user also has the option to answer the question and not use a life

line. If the user selects the “50:50” option the question screen is re-displayed containing only two

answers. The user then prompts the relevant answer to the system. If the user selects the “phone

a friend” option an audio recording of a telephone conversation is played. The user then prompts

the answer to the system.

If the user selects the “ask the audience” life line an image is displayed containing a bar chart of

the answers given by the audience. The user then prompts their answer to the system. It does not

need to be the answer provided by the audience. If a user uses any of the life lines provided and

they answer correctly, a running total appears and then a new question is asked, if they answer

incorrectly the game terminates, a total winnings amount is displayed and the user is asked to


12.2. Testing Documentation :

Testing has a dual function within a system. It is used to ascertain the presence of defects in a

system and it is used to help judge whether or not the system is usable. The testing process can

demonstrate the presence of errors but can not show that there are no errors within the system.

Within this different testing techniques will be discussed and the preferred testing method for the

Kaun Banega Crorepati will be detailed.

Black Box

Black box testing is defined by Sommerville as “testing which relies on the specification of the

system or component which is being tested to derive test cases” (Sommerville, 2001, p.466). The

system is a ‘black box’ in that the internal workings of the item being

tested are not known to the tester. The tester will only know the inputs to the system and the

expected outcomes, but will not know how the system arrives at those outcomes.

White Box testing

White box testing is a method which requires the tester to have explicit knowledge of the internal

workings of a system. Sommerville cites that “the tester can analyse the code and use knowledge

about the structure of a component to derive test data”.

(Sommerville, 2001, p.471). In this case the tests are only accurate if the tester knows what the

program is supposed to do.

Unit Testing

Testing of the Kaun Banega Crorepati game was carried out following the Unit Testing

methodology. Each individual function of the system was thoroughly tested and evaluated to

ensure that the working system meets user requirements. Sommerville (2001, p.449) states that

“individual components are tested to ensure that they operate correctly. Each component is tested

independently, without other system components.”

Test Plans

The test scripts for the Kaun Banega Crorepati game are written to satisfy the unit testing

method. The aim of these scripts is to find out if the system meets its specification which is

outlined in the specification. This section will discuss the test plans that have been created, the

expected result from the test plans and the actual result achieved.

12.2.1. Test Plan :


This document details the specific tests that are to be executed against the Kaun Banega

Crorepati game when using the system as a User.


To set out a strict set of tests which are to be executed against the Kaun Banega Crorepati game,

in order to ensure it functions as it should. The tests will define a structured means of unit testing

for the User aspects of the project.

Intended Audience

Kaun Banega Crorepati game designer.


The purpose of this test plan is to provide a reference for the Kaun Banega Crorepati game or

developer when testing the Kaun Banega Crorepati game. It provides a structured set of tests that

should be executed against the interaction is carried out by the User.


This document will cover all tests that should be executed against the Kaun Banega Crorepati

game Environment. Kaun Banega Crorepati game is developed by the VB 6.0 toolkit running on

Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional. When the project is running it can be

tested using the VB 6.0 toolkit.

Load Game:

Ref. Purpose Test Data Expected Actual Date Comment

Result Result

1. Test Load VB System As 8/12/2010

if the game loads Expected
loads 6.0 and game

Login Screen:
Ref. Purpose Test Data Expected Actual Date Comment
Result Result
1. Test Click on System As 8/12/2010
Username relevant prompts a Expected
Login username Welcome
button message

Question Screen:
Ref. Purpose Test Data Expected Actual Date Comment
Result Result
1. Test Answer System As 8/12/2010
Questions relevant displays
question Total Expected
displayed Winnings
stating A , Screen
B,C or D.

2. Test Answer System As 8/12/2010
Questions question displays
displayed Running Expected
stating the Totals
actual Screen

3. Answer System System As 8/12/2010

question displays displays
incorrectly Total Total Expected
Winnings Winnings
Amount Amount

4. Test Choose Displays life As 8/12/2010

Questions lifeline line screen

LifeLine Screen:
Ref. Purpose Test Data Expected Actual Date Comment
Result Result

1. Test Choose Message As 8/12/2010

Life line phone Box
options friend life appears Expected
line with a
Phone A

2. Test Choose Displays As 8/12/2010

Life line 50:50 the
options option question Expected
with two
from the

3. Test Choose Displays As 8/12/2010

Life line Ask the the Table
options Audience showing Expected
option results from

Running Total And Total Winning:

Ref. Purpose Test Data Expected Actual Date Comment
Result Result
1. Test if Answer a System As 8/12/2010

winnings question displays Expected
MsgBox correctly updated
displays total of
correctly cash won in
the running

2. Test if Answer a System As 8/12/2010

winnings question displays
MsgBox incorrectly amount of Expected
displays cash won in
correctly total

3. Test if Answer a System As 8/12/2010

winnings question displays a
MsgBox incorrectly “Game Expected
displays Over”
correctly Label


Login Form:

Coding Login form:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim userid As String
Set rs = con.Execute("select uid,password from useraccount where uid='" & Text1.Text & "' and password='" &
Text2.Text & "'")
While (Not rs.EOF)
If (Text1.Text = rs(0)) Then
userid = rs(0)
wgame.playernamelabel.Caption = userid
End If
If (Text1.Text = userid) Then
MsgBox ("Invalid UserID and Password")
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

End Sub

Private Sub Label4_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Login form Invalid User or ID

Welcome Form

Coding: welcome form

Private Sub Label1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Label2_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Label3_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Label4_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Label5_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Label6_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Label7_Click()

End Sub

Question 1

Dim question1 As String
Dim a As String
Dim b As String
Dim c As String
Dim d As String
Dim n As Integer
Dim ql As Integer
Dim s1 As Integer
Dim ano As Integer
Dim ans As String
Dim amount As String
Dim counter As Integer
Dim mav As String
Dim waav As String
Dim wav As String

Private Sub c1_Click()

c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0
End Sub

Private Sub c2_Click()

c1.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0
End Sub

Private Sub c3_Click()

c2.Value = 0
c1.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0
End Sub

Private Sub c4_Click()

c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c1.Value = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If c1.Value = 0 And c2.Value = 0 And c3.Value = 0 And c4.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Ans Not Checked")
GoTo eend
End If
If c1.Value = 1 Then
ano = 0
End If
If c2.Value = 1 Then
ano = 1
End If
If c3.Value = 1 Then
ano = 2
End If
If c4.Value = 1 Then
ano = 3
End If
'ano value of ans
Set rs = con.Execute("select *from ans")
Do While (Not rs.EOF)

If (Text1.Text = rs(5)) Then

ans = rs(ano)
End If
If (ans = "True") Then
MsgBox ("Ans is True")
counter = counter + 1
Select Case counter
Case 1:
amount = "1,000"
mav = "0"
waav = "0"
Label12.BackColor = &HFF&
Label11.BackColor = &HC0E0FF

Case 2:
mav = "0"
waav = "1,000"
Label13.BackColor = &HFF&
Label12.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "2,000"
Case 3:
mav = "0"
waav = "2,000"
Label14.BackColor = &HFF&
Label13.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "3,000"
Case 4:
mav = "0"
waav = "3,000"

Label15.BackColor = &HFF&
Label14.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "5,000"
Case 5:
mav = "0"
waav = "5,000"
s1 = 2
Label16.BackColor = &HFF&
Label15.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "10,000"
Case 6:
Command6.Enabled = True
mav = "10,000"
waav = "10,000"
Label17.BackColor = &HFF&
Label16.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "20,000"
Case 7:
mav = "10,000"
waav = "20,000"
Label18.BackColor = &HFF&
Label17.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "40,000"
Case 8:
mav = "10,000"
waav = "40,000"
Label19.BackColor = &HFF&
Label18.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "80,000"
Case 9:
mav = "10,000"
waav = "80,000"
Label20.BackColor = &HFF&
Label19.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "1,60,000"
Case 10:
mav = "10,000"

waav = "1,60,000"
s1 = 3
Label21.BackColor = &HFF&
Label20.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "3,20,000"
Case 11:
mav = "3,20,000"
waav = "3,20,000"
Label22.BackColor = &HFF&
Label21.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "6,40,000"
Case 12:
mav = "3,20,000"
waav = "6,40,000"
Label23.BackColor = &HFF&
Label22.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "12,50,000"
Case 13:
mav = "3,20,000"
waav = "1,250,000"
Label24.BackColor = &HFF&
Label23.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "25,00,000"
Case 14:
mav = "3,20,000"
waav = "2,500,000"
Label25.BackColor = &HFF&
Label24.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "50,00,000"
Case 15:
mav = "3,20,000"
waav = "5,000,000"
Label25.BackColor = &HFF&
Label24.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
amount = "1,00,00,000"
Case Else
amount = 0
End Select
totallabel.Caption = amount
Text8.Text = amount
Text9.Text = ans
Text10.Text = playernamelabel.Caption
con.Execute ("insert into qans values('" + Text1.Text + "','" + Text8.Text + "','" + Text9.Text + "','" + Text10.Text +
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
c1.Value = 0
c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0

Label28.Caption = "Your Amount is: " & mav
Text1.Enabled = False
Text2.Enabled = False
Text3.Enabled = False
Text4.Enabled = False
Text5.Enabled = False
c1.Enabled = False
c2.Enabled = False
c3.Enabled = False
c4.Enabled = False

Label27.Caption = "Game Over!"

Command1.Enabled = False
Command2.Enabled = False
con.Execute ("insert into qans values('" + Text1.Text + "','" + Text8.Text + "','" + Text9.Text + "','" + Text10.Text +

'Label28.Caption = "Your Amount is: " & wav

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1.Visible = True
Text2.Visible = True
Text3.Visible = True
Text4.Visible = True
Text5.Visible = True
c1.Visible = True
c2.Visible = True
c3.Visible = True
c4.Visible = True

Select Case s1

'....................Ist Lable.......................

Case 1:
Text7.Text = "Ist"
Set rs = con.Execute("select *from Istlabel")
Do While (Not rs.EOF)
Text6.Text = rs(0)
If (Text7.Text = rs(5)) Then
Set rs1 = con.Execute("select question from qans")
Do While (Not rs1.EOF)
If (Text6.Text = rs1(0)) Then

End If
If (n = 0) Then
Text1.Text = rs(0)
Text2.Text = rs(1)
Text3.Text = rs(2)
Text4.Text = rs(3)
Text5.Text = rs(4)
End If
End If

'.............................IInd Lalel...................

Case 2:
Text7.Text = "Iind"
Set rs = con.Execute("select *from Istlabel")
Do While (Not rs.EOF)
Text6.Text = rs(0)
If (Text7.Text = rs(5)) Then
Set rs1 = con.Execute("select question from qans")
Do While (Not rs1.EOF)
If (Text6.Text = rs1(0)) Then
End If
If (n = 0) Then
Text1.Text = rs(0)
Text2.Text = rs(1)
Text3.Text = rs(2)
Text4.Text = rs(3)
Text5.Text = rs(4)
End If
End If

'............................IIrd Lable....................

Case 3:
Text7.Text = "IIIrd"
Set rs = con.Execute("select *from Istlabel")
Do While (Not rs.EOF)
Text6.Text = rs(0)
If (Text7.Text = rs(5)) Then
Set rs1 = con.Execute("select question from qans")
Do While (Not rs1.EOF)

If (Text6.Text = rs1(0)) Then
End If
If (n = 0) Then
Text1.Text = rs(0)
Text2.Text = rs(1)
Text3.Text = rs(2)
Text4.Text = rs(3)
Text5.Text = rs(4)
End If
End If
Case Else
MsgBox ("Game is Complete")
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

Command4.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

Command5.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

con.Execute ("insert into qans values('" + Text1.Text + "','" + Text8.Text + "','" + Text9.Text + "','" + Text10.Text +
Command6.Enabled = False
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

Set rs = con.Execute("select *from ans")

Do While (Not rs.EOF)

If (Text1.Text = rs(5)) Then

a = rs(0)
b = rs(1)
c = rs(2)
d = rs(3)

If (a = "True") Then
c3.Visible = False
c2.Visible = False
Text4.Visible = False
Text3.Visible = False
End If
If (b = "True") Then
c1.Visible = False
c4.Visible = False
Text2.Visible = False
Text5.Visible = False
End If
If (c = "True") Then
c1.Visible = False
c2.Visible = False
Text2.Visible = False
Text3.Visible = True
End If
If (d = "True") Then
c3.Visible = False
c2.Visible = False
Text3.Visible = False
Text4.Visible = False
End If
End If
Command7.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

Label28.Caption = "Your Amount is: " & waav
Text1.Enabled = False
Text2.Enabled = False
Text3.Enabled = False
Text4.Enabled = False
Text5.Enabled = False
c1.Enabled = False
c2.Enabled = False
c3.Enabled = False
c4.Enabled = False

Label27.Caption = "Game Over!"

Command1.Enabled = False
Command2.Enabled = False
con.Execute ("insert into qans values('" + Text1.Text + "','" + Text8.Text + "','" + Text9.Text + "','" + Text10.Text +

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()


s1 = 1
counter = 0
Label11.BackColor = &HFF&
amount = "0"
End Sub

Private Sub Label26_Click()

End Sub


Right Answer

Next Question :

Phone A friend


Dim i As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
Label2.Caption = "Time: " & i
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

If (i > 30) Then

End If
Label2.Caption = "Time: " & i
End Sub

Audience Poll:

Audience Poll with data:

Dim i As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Label8.Caption = "A:" & Text1.Text & "%"
Label9.Caption = "B:" & Text2.Text & "%"
Label10.Caption = "C:" & Text3.Text & "%"
Label11.Caption = "D:" & Text4.Text & "%"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Label2.Caption = "Time: " & i
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

If (i > 30) Then
End If
Label2.Caption = "Time: " & i
End Sub


Flip Question

Game Over:

Quit Game:

Add User

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim userid As String
Set rs = con.Execute("select uid from useraccount")
While (Not rs.EOF)
If (Text2.Text = rs(0)) Then
userid = rs(0)
End If
If (Text2.Text = userid) Then
MsgBox ("Duplicate User")
con.Execute ("insert into useraccount values('" + Text1.Text + "','" + Text2.Text + "','" + Text3.Text + "')")
MsgBox "Record Added successfully", vbInformation, "KBC User"
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

End Sub

Private Sub Label3_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Add Question At level-1

Dim a As String
Dim b As String
Dim c As String
Dim d As String
Dim ql As String

Private Sub c1_Click()

c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0

End Sub

Private Sub c2_Click()

c1.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0

End Sub

Private Sub c3_Click()

c2.Value = 0
c1.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0

End Sub

Private Sub c4_Click()

c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c1.Value = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If c1.Value = 0 And c2.Value = 0 And c3.Value = 0 And c4.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Ans Not Checked")
GoTo eend
End If
If c1.Value = 1 Then
a = "True"
a = "False"
End If
If c2.Value = 1 Then
b = "True"
b = "False"
End If
If c3.Value = 1 Then
c = "True"
c = "False"
End If
If c4.Value = 1 Then
d = "True"
d = "False"
End If
If (Text1.Text = "") Then
MsgBox ("Question is Empty ")
On Error GoTo nn
ql = "Ist"

con.Execute ("insert into Istlabel values('" + Text1.Text + _

"','" + Text2.Text + "','" + Text3.Text + "','" + Text4.Text + "','" + Text5.Text + "','" + ql + "')")
con.Execute ("insert into ans values('" + a + _
"','" + b + "','" + c + "','" + d + "','" + ql + "','" + Text1.Text + "')")
MsgBox "Record Added successfully", vbInformation, "KBC Ist Label"

Text1.Text = ""

Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
c1.Value = 0
c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()


End Sub

Private Sub Label2_Click()

End Sub

Add Question At Level -2


Dim a As String
Dim b As String
Dim c As String
Dim d As String
Dim ql As String

Private Sub c1_Click()

c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0

End Sub

Private Sub c2_Click()

c1.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0

End Sub

Private Sub c3_Click()

c2.Value = 0
c1.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0

End Sub

Private Sub c4_Click()

c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c1.Value = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If c1.Value = 0 And c2.Value = 0 And c3.Value = 0 And c4.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Ans Not Checked")
GoTo eend
End If
If c1.Value = 1 Then
a = "True"
a = "False"
End If
If c2.Value = 1 Then
b = "True"
b = "False"
End If
If c3.Value = 1 Then
c = "True"
c = "False"
End If
If c4.Value = 1 Then
d = "True"
d = "False"
End If
If (Text1.Text = "") Then
MsgBox ("Question is Empty ")
On Error GoTo nn
ql = "Iind"
con.Execute ("insert into istlabel values('" + Text1.Text + _
"','" + Text2.Text + "','" + Text3.Text + "','" + Text4.Text + "','" + Text5.Text + "','" + ql + "')")
con.Execute ("insert into ans values('" + a + _
"','" + b + "','" + c + "','" + d + "','" + ql + "','" + Text1.Text + "')")

MsgBox "Record Added successfully", vbInformation, "KBC IInd Label"

Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
c1.Value = 0
c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()


End Sub

Private Sub Label1_Click()

End Sub

Add Question At Level-3 :

Dim a As String
Dim b As String
Dim c As String
Dim d As String
Dim ql As String

Private Sub c1_Click()

c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0

End Sub

Private Sub c2_Click()

c1.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0

End Sub

Private Sub c3_Click()
c2.Value = 0
c1.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0

End Sub

Private Sub c4_Click()

c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c1.Value = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If c1.Value = 0 And c2.Value = 0 And c3.Value = 0 And c4.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Ans Not Checked")
GoTo eend
End If
If c1.Value = 1 Then
a = "True"
a = "False"
End If
If c2.Value = 1 Then
b = "True"
b = "False"
End If
If c3.Value = 1 Then
c = "True"
c = "False"
End If
If c4.Value = 1 Then
d = "True"
d = "False"
End If
If (Text1.Text = "") Then
MsgBox ("Question is Empty ")
On Error GoTo nn
ql = "IIIrd"
con.Execute ("insert into Istlabel values('" + Text1.Text + _
"','" + Text2.Text + "','" + Text3.Text + "','" + Text4.Text + "','" + Text5.Text + "','" + ql + "')")
con.Execute ("insert into ans values('" + a + _
"','" + b + "','" + c + "','" + d + "','" + ql + "','" + Text1.Text + "')")
MsgBox "Record Added successfully", vbInformation, "KBC IIIrd Label"

Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""

Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
c1.Value = 0
c2.Value = 0
c3.Value = 0
c4.Value = 0
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()


End Sub

Private Sub Label3_Click()

End Sub

13. Conclusion:

This section will detail whether initial objectives of the project were met and will suggest any

future recommendations for the system, The background section discussed the area of intelligent

multimedia and the VB 6.0 toolkit which was used to implement the system. The tool command

language was introduced and discussed as well as an introduction to the Kaun Banega Crorepati

game.To fully implement a successfully system it was necessary to find out what the system

should require. Functional and non – functional user and system requirements were detailed.

These requirements showed what the user and system should be able to do and were specified in

the requirements specification. Use case, sequence diagrams and descriptions were used to

illustrate the functions of the users and the system as a whole.

In the design of the “Kaun Banega Crorepati” game, a storyboard was designed to show the

initial layout of the interface to be developed and the HCI guidelines which were examined.

The implementation of the “Kaun Banega Crorepati” game was carried out using the VB 6.0

Toolkit. This software was chosen as the implementation tool as the toolkit is used throughout

the Intelligent Multimedia module and is and effective tool to use to demonstrate GUI

interaction. The system was implemented with the use of images extracted from the “Kaun

Banega Crorepati” online game. Testing of the system was carried out using the Unit Testing

methodology. Each function of the system was taken in turn and tested. During the testing of the

system all of the tests conducted were successful.

14. References :

1. Dix et al (1993) Human Computer Interaction – Prentice Hall

2. Pressman, R (2000), Software Engineering - A Practitioner's Approach, 5th edition,


3. Preece, J. et al, (1994) Human Computer Interaction First Edition, Addison-Wesley

4. Sommerville, I (2001), Software Engineering, 6th edition, Addison Wesley

5. McVevitt, P (1998), The IntelliMedia Workbench – An Environment for Building

Multimodal Systems.


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