Attract Prosperity
Attract Prosperity
Attract Prosperity
By Naran Balakumar
Lack of money:
“I RELEASE the part of me which is trapped in lack of money”
“I ALIGN with the part of me to FIND REACH COUNT”.
Fear of Poverty:
“I RELEASE the part of me which fears poverty”
“I ALIGN with the part of me which THANKS all the money I COUNT”
Saving mentality:
“I RELEASE the part of me which desires to save and possess money”
“I ALIGN with the part of me with generosity to GIVE CIRCULATE COUNT”
Owning up money:
“I RELEASE the part of me which owns up money”
“I ALIGN with the part of me which surrenders ownership to the supreme Divine.
One can write or chant, NO rule for the number of times. Chant for 5 minutes a day x 3 times works
In addition, write "CHERRYPLUM" in a paper and keep in the purse. There will be always some
amount for spending.