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ay ae ELEMENTARY with mini-dictionary ita Leyte sarah cunningham peter moor ee i ek corre CONTENTS CCC ecard Rea Coot emer Module 0 Common words 6 Numbers 1-100 Numbers 0-21 7 Days of the week 3 Plurals 8 Saying hello and goodbye The alphabet 9. Classroom instructions Prorouns and possessive adjectives Tbe: normes and countries Names and counties Reading and listening 2 be: personal information Pronunciation: Word stress General knowiedge quiz Pronunclaton: short ferms Nationalities 3. Articles (1): a/an + obs Pronunelaton: Word stress 4. be: personal questions Jobs Pronunciation: Sentence stress questions and Pronunciation; Word stress short answers 1 this, that, these, those Everyday objects Reading and listening: My Pronunciation: this wi, that baw, these Riz/ Pronunciation: Word stress fovowrite thing ‘and those faeue/ Pronunciation: Short forms pie oe Family vocabulary 2 have got 3 Possessive 's jodule 3.1 Present simple questions Common verbs Reading and vocabulary: fe Pronunciation: Sentence stress in questions Vocabslary and speaking: fin Artain page26 2 Present simple (positive and negative) Daily routines Listening: Life in Australia 1 Present simple: he and she, like ing, Activites, Listening: Celebrity loves questions fond hates Pronunciation: Thtd person verb forms Reading: An American star 2 Present simple questions: he and she In tendon and a Bath star in Hollpwo 3 Activity verbs and adverbs of frequency 1 can and can’t Vocabulary and reading: Listening and vocabulary: Pronunciation: can and con't Transport At the arport 2 Articles (2): /an, the and zero ee nen rn Perens Seer ee eR acne eater cea or 1 There is and There are Food (countable ond Listening: Breakfasts Pronunciation: Linking uncountable nouns) around the world 2 some and any Reading and speaking: Pronunciation: Sentence stress Food: Facts and myths 3. How much and How many due? 1 Past simple: was and were Years, decades and Reading: An ordinary life rear Pronunciation: Past forms of be centuries ‘an amazing idea A 2 Past simple: regular and irregular verbs Pronunciation: Sentence Listening: A true story stress Pronunciation: Regular past simple forms cca Cr ecg Task: Find Information fom documents Realife: Answering questions Study tip: Capnal Tenens Preparation: reading Pronunciation: Stress ond intonation in Pronunciation spot: The sound /a/ (schwa) Task speating questions Fol up: writing improve your wetting Addresses in English, Task Talk about your family tee Teal life: Closroom language Study tp: Learning grammar words Prepartion sering Pronunciation: Sounding paite Pronunciation spot The sound A and fy Task: speaking I improve your writing: Follow up witing Whiting about your family Task: Find things n common Real life: Days and times Study tip: Remembering spelling Preparation: listening Pronunciation Sentence ress Pronunciation spt Sent ables Task speaking Gl improve your writing Commas, full stops, and and but Task: Find on e-mail fiend Reol life: Asking patitely ‘Study tip: Finding spelling in a Preparation: reading Pronunciation: Sounding polite dictionary (1) Task: reading ond speaking improve your writing: Pronunciation spot: Words ending in s {A pasograph about « friend “Task: Complete a survey about transport Real life: Buying a ticket Preparation: reading ond writing Bh improve your writing: Task: speaking Completing an immigration form Follow up: writing ‘Task: Describe the differences berween Real life: Ordering food and drink Study tip: finding grammar in a two pletures Pronunciation: intemational words: dictionary (1) Preparotion: listening Sounding polite Pronunciation spot: International words Task: speaking Improve your writing Describing food Task Tell your ie tory Teal ife: Dates and other pastime Study up: nding grammar na Preparation: listening phrases dictionary (2) Teak speoting Pramuncain: Sentence tress Pronunciation pot: The sounds /s/ ond! Folow up: wing improve your writing Time linkers: before, after, then Reus Bre cing 1 Past simple negative forms Describing Alms Pronunciation: Sentence stress Pronunciation: Word stress 2 Post simple ques DCCC Reading: Film facts! LUstening: The author behind the legend 1 Comparative adjectives Pronunciation: Stressed and weok stables 2 Superlative adjectives Shops and shopping Reading: The world's most famous markets Con Seeniees 1 Present continuous Clothes Pronunciation: The sound // Pronunciation: Vowel sounds 2 Present simple or Present continuous? Vocabulary and writing: Describing people eee sung: Song: Ret corer ee ading and speaking: Comparatives and Rrra none a ey Peete ett We 1 cam and can’t for ability Animals and natural Pronunciation: Sentence stress and weak forms Features 2 Question words 3. Use of articles (3) Pronunciation: Different pronunciations ofthe 1 Future intentions: going to, would like to Vocabulary and speaking: ‘and want to Going out and staying in Pronunciation: Weak form of to 2 Suggestions and offers Promunciation: Sounding polite 1 Infinitive of purpose Vocabulary and speaking: 2 might ana wit Education and careers Pronunciation: Present and future forms Pronunciation: Silent vowel ret Listening: People who wear uniforms Reading: Amazing facts ‘about the natural world Listening: Man's best fiends? Reading: Easy English? Listening: My career Coes Perienrery sounds 1 Present perfect Ways of communicating Reading: Getting in touch Pronunciation: Sentence stress through the ages 2 Time phrases with the Present perfect end Post simple 1. Prepositions of movement Things in a town, Listening; A tour of Pronunciation: Sentence stress Pronunciation: Word stress ‘Edinburgh 2 have to, don’t have to, can and can’t Pronunciation: have t© woe rae ey eee ace Task: Interview other students about arts and entertainment Preparation: listening Task: speaking Follow up: writing Task: Choose souvenirs from your country Preparation: stening Taste speoking rT Real life: Arranging a Bh improve your waiting: Ralory Real life: Asking in shops Pronunciation: Sentence stress in questions BW Improve your writing: Describing a place MCE Cu Tg Study tip: Checking and revising Pronunciation spot: Sressed sylabies ‘Study tip: Finding spelling in a dictionary (2) Pronunciation spot: The sound fi/ “Task: Complete and describe a picture Preparation: listening Task: speaking “Task: Devise a general knowledge quiz Preparation: listening Task: writing and speaking ‘Real life: Street talk Pronunciation: Sounding polite B improve your writing: Comecting mistakes Reol life: Saying quantiles and big pumbers BE improve your writing: Panctution ‘Study up: Recording new vocabulary Pronunciation spot: The sounds Av/ and /a/ “Task: Plan a weekend away Preparation: reading and listening Task: speaking Real life: Talk about the weather improve your writing Wote about noiday place ‘Study tip: Remembering cotlacations Pronunciation spot: Short forms Task: Find the right course Preparation: reading and speaking Task speaking Task: Analyse a questionnai Preparation: reading Task: speaking Real life: Applying for a course improve your writing Boretiouons tt Mis, Dn Real life: Telephoning Pronunciation: Sounding polite improve your writing: Writing a note Study tip: English outside the elasstoom Pronunciation spot: The sounds /o, /au/ and /s/ Study tip: Revising Pronunciation spot: The sounds fx! and /s/ ‘Task: Plan a website about your town, Preparation: vocabulary ond reading Task: speaking Follow up: writing Real life: Following directions improve your writing Rposteard i l 1 aman 4 achair 5 adoor 6 apen : i 2 adesk ba student © 8women’ d_ anctebook e agil f awindow Match the pairs of words above. Listen and check, then repeat, Le aman a woman a ° Numbe f a Write the numbers. wweny20 ght neu Steen fees wet thee te Seno b @EED Listen and say the numbers 0 to 21 1 book 4 choir 7 boy 2 teacher § student 8 man 3 desk 6 gid 9 woman b Spel: bb How many can you see in your classroom? 1 Your firstname Seu ot ye + the name of your street + the name of your city five students + your teacher's name 6 5 Pronouns and possessive adjectives What are the pronouns in A in your language? Match them to the possessive adjectives in B so 8 : a your > yoo \ ies che our d she my CE cit her (Myteacher!) \, fowe their = o they his 6 Numbers 1-100 a Write the next three numbers. Listen and check, then repeat. 21 twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four twenty-one (21) sixtysix (66) thirty-five (35) seventy-four (74) forty-three (43) eighty-one (81) flty-six (56) ninety-seven (97) b Listen and write the twelve numbers, Say the number and the number before, twenty) Ciwenty-one 217 6586 13 100 25 90 7 «3318 7 Days of the week ‘Write the days in the correct place. Listen and check, then repeat. Thursday 8 Saying hello and goodbye a @QED Match the sentences to the pictures. Listen and check | Bye, Kate. See you later. Fine thants, and you? | Hello, Tom. How 3 Goodbye, Tom are you? b Practise the conversations. Use your names. 9 Classroom instructions 2 Match the teacher's instructions to the pictures. Open your books at page 10, please. # Listen. Write this in your notebooks Look at the picture. Put your books here, please, Work in pairs. b Listen and follow the instructions. People and places v be (positive, negative, questions and short answers): personal information Articles: a/an + jobs Vocabulary: Names, countries and nationalities Reading and listening: Generol knowledge quiz ‘Task: Find information from documents Real fife: Answering questions yvvyy i a be: names and countries Work in pairs. Practise this conversation. /Hello, my name's What's your name? _, Nice to meet you. “ conversation on the right. Then listen and check ‘No, no! Fm rom Buenos Aires. Hit Nice to meet you, Carla. Nice to meet you, too } Really? Manchester’ a fantastic city. Are these sentences true (v) or false (X)? 1 Corla's from Italy. 3. Ben and Emily are English. 2 Ace's from Italy. 4 They're from London. 1 be: positive forms Complete the gaps i rom tin. am) You you trom Mian 00? He Het" from Buenos Ares. Hes) She Carla tom aly (carla) They Ben andEmiy trom Manchester 2 Questions | 's your name? are you rom? \ Read Language summary A on page 150. patty: canta: Ew: cara: exitv: ante: niet: mic: rawy: Hi, Carla, (1) Hi tow are you? Fine, thanks. Carlo, this is Ben. Ben, this is Carla, from my class. She's from Milan. @ Hello, Ben. Nice to meet you. This is my friend Ariel Hello, Ariel. Where are you from? Are you from Italy, too? — ‘Well, nice to meet you ) —___ Emily and Ben are from Manchester. (9 ——_ Thank you. Practice Walk around the class. Ask and answer these questions. What's your name? ‘Where are you from? Introduce a student to the class. This is Ramon. He's frome . Pronunciation Listen and practise saying these counties ttaly Mexico aitain the USA Argentina Rassia. china apt .- . eee we Poland Spain. Germany Thailand \ i ™ Work in pairs. Point to the photos. Ask and answer questions like this. He's from the USA. Where's he from? Where are they from?) (They're from Argentina a Where are these cities? Which are capital cities? Ask and answer with your partner. Hamburg Bangkok San Diego Liverpool Warsaw StPetersburg Beijing Buenos Aires cairo Barcelona Rome Monterrey (Where's Hamburg? >) ¢ Hamburg's in Germany. Where's Bangkok? >) (Bangkok's the capital Where's Bangkok) (_ Bantoks the b GGEEB uisten and check, mf SQ module 1 People and places a Vocabulary Nationalities @ Match the nationalities to the countries Country Nationality 1 Spain British 2 china \ meron 3 theusA | Japanese 4 Tutey | chinese 5 taly Polish 6 Britain Italian 7 Poland | Korean 8 Australia | Russian 9 Japon French 10 Korea “Spanish 11 France Turkish 12 Russio Australian b Listen and check. Pronunciation GED Listen, Can you hear y the stress? British American Ja-pa-nese ‘Mark the stress on the other nationalities in exercise 1 Listen, check and repeat. Reading and listening 2 Work in pairs. Do the general knowledge quiz. 6 Listen and check your answers. Count your marks. 10 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ [EJ Maten the currencies to the countries. (4 marks) Austratia Japan France Turkey | ine HI Match tne stomps to the countries. (4 marks) Poland Egypt Thailand Britain iil [BQ Mich of these companies is alin? Korean? German? Japanese? A _@® sony HyunoAl {BQ which word below is in: (5 marks) Arabic? Chinese? Russian? Italian? Spanish? dollar (4 marks) z Hola [3] a SSIES 2Kull Sppanernyiire 4k4F Ciao (GQ Wat nationality are these actresses? (3 marks) Language focus 2 Pronunciation be: personal information Look at the tapescript for recording 8 on page 164. Listen | again. Practise saying the short | formsin sentences. 4 GD Look at photos 1-3, Match the sentences below to the people Practice 4,2 Write four tue and four false sentences about the people in the photos. b Work in pairs, Read out your sentences. Your partner corrects the false ones. (Toshi and Mariko \ are married. 2-—— . Toshi and Mariko co False. They : (aren't married. Hisname’s Andre. 2 He's nineteen \roretents. / b Her name's Marisol. ‘She's ot the ai Ma - ¢ Their names are Toshi and Mariko, * She isn’t on holiday. she's on d_ They're from Tokyo. business, He's from Russia 1 They're tourists. 2 ED We the semences £ She's from Valencia in Spain, _-_-m™ She's thirty-five and she's martied that are true for you. Correct 4g He's twenty-two m1 Heisn't married. He single the false ones in HeéSasmdent at Moscow University, © They aren't married They're fiends You're in an English lesson. 7 2 GERD Listen to Andrei, Marisol and Toshi. Check your answers, b You're fromChina, in not from China. Ue from Grammar You're Italian. Your school’s in New York be: positive and negative short forms. Your lossroons very snl Complete the table. Then listen and check Your tadhers Rows Jotlond. Your teacher's married. short form shore form 9 8 Your father’s a politician. Your parents ore on holiday ju are ure are not feis " fetenee Your English lessons are in the sheis I she isnot a evening itis itisnot —_—_ You're thirty-five yeors old we are we ae not we aren't 1 You're at work they are they ae not Tam Tam not mm not > Read Language summaries A, 8 and E on page 150. " =~ module 1 People and places rs Language focus 3 Pronunciation | Articles (1): a/an + jobs GED Listen and mark the stress on the words in GHED Mateh the jobs tothe pictures, Then listen exercise 1. Practise saying the words and check. ° . footballer musician engineer footballer @musicisn anengineer a lawyer 2 police officer a PA (personal assistant) a singer an electrician a shop assistant a doctor and anurse an actor and an actress a walter and a waltress a businessman and a businesswoman work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the people in the pictures. With jobs we use the articles a/an. fon + vowel a, e,1,0,u) a+ other letters He's an engineer 1m awoiter | She's an actress He's a police officer. > Read Language summary F on page 150. Practice Moke four true sentences. Compare sentences with a partner. Examples: V'm a low student. My mother's a doctor, My father’s an electrician. My friend Yusefs a student. 22 Wie a short paragraph about yoursl My naree’s ra. years old trea Ue from in Wnt. (ruarried) my mother/husband is a 3 2 Workin pairs. udent A: Read about two famous people on page 138. Student B: Read about two famous people on page 140. b Give three pieces of information about each person but do not say hisiher name. Can your partner guess who heishe is. ies an actor. He's 16) conn bicapa?) 4 A. He isn't marr Leona ~the USA He isnt mari ponee ae € Play again. This time you think of the famous people. 12 Language focus 4 be: personal questions 8 QD) Read the market research interview. Which is the best answer to each question? EB What's your full name? a My name's Will Db It’s William Anthony Barker. EA where are you from? I'm from Wellington in New Zealand. b I'm French. Are you here on holiday? @ No,I'ma tourist. b Yes, lam. 5B 8 How old are you? a It’s thirty-two. ‘What's your job? a I'ma musician. brrm twenty-six b You're a student. Are you married? @ Yes,I'msingle. b No, I'm not. 5 What's your address in England? @ It’s 25 Manor Road, London N10. b It's What's your telephone number? @ It’s 020 7535 3555. b No, itisn’t b Listen to the interview and check. 1 Questions with be Notice the word order answer uestion a — How old are you? ae What'S your phone number? rm twenty-six ‘My phone number's 0171 53385. Short answers to yesino questions Are you married? Yes, 1am. No, I'm not, Yes, he is. No, he isn't Is he on holiday? > Read Language summaries C and D on page 150. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from exercise 1. Answer for yourself. Pronunciation 1 Look at the tapeseript on page 164. Listen to the stzess in the questions and short answers. oo . Are you on holiday? Yes, !am. 4 . Are you married? No, I'm not. 2. Listen and practise the questions and answers. Practice 1 Put the questions into the correct order. you /a student fare? Are you @ student? you / are / twenty-one? from / is / Britain / your teacher? what / your / e-mail address /’s? old / how / 1s / your mother? where / from / Jennifer Lopez / 8? where / Manchester /'s? you / single / are? you / from J are / a big clty? your father / a businessman / is? serene ance 2 Work in pairs. Choose five questions to ask your partner. Wat's your full name? Chrevou tom) 13 ZEB module 1 People and places information from 3 documents Preparation: reading Employee Personal Data Full name Hana Antonia Vincent 1 Se fend ana’semvoloyee Address 784 Elm Road, York, YOIS 5US ear 1 sentence: ees Home phone number (01904) 8763973 true (V) oF false (x) Mobile ¢77+4684608: 01945 3235t1 Her first name's Antonia, Her surname’s Vincent Date of birth 22.11.79 Her mobile number's 07711 Place of birth Prague, Czech Republic 681608. She's thirty-three years old. Contact in an emergency Pau? Vincent (husband) € She's from Britain Home number as above F Paul Vincent is her husband. Work number (01904) 776 54 9 His work number is 776544 ork nu (01804) 776 S44 hy Her doctor's name is Dr Elm. Mobile 0795 768879 2D Workin pairs. Look atthe Doctor's name, adtkess and telephone number questions in the Useful Dr Jo Boxer, Elm Medical Centre, 3 Elm Road, York, YO6 4EJ language box. Then ask and answer about Hana. 01904 998 788 Task: speaking 4, Work in pairs. Student A Look at Jamie's documents on page 15. Complete the table about Jamie, Student 8: Look at Chrissie's documents on page 139. Complete the table about Chrissie. AP «a —s ~ ie ae Clon Fullname Age Address. | Job t Where from? | E-mail address [ Telephone number Married / Single? N14 ee CURRENT ACCOUNT STATEMENT JS Burden 89387239 Glasgow, Dumbarton Road Tel 0141 663 1890 ‘Account name Account number Branch 2251 of 3 wo42 UPA3 57033 006383 Mr JS Burden 233b Park Street Glasgow G12 AG —— ‘Sumane Het BURDEN a Jamie Stuare Burden Puce OF stay Uni versity of Glasgow ‘OURSE OF stuby Art History CONTACE TELEPHONE MuMBeR 0141 228 4275 E-MAIL pores / burden This card en 4 entes you to use the flies of ch ‘Students’ Union, including the library, ter entre, and the bar, ‘e computer United Kingd tai a. of Great aii and Northern Ireland P GBR eR Mo (Pacey Ho 700253853 Gen names / Pinos JANES STUART atonal nationals) BRITISH CITIZEN Date of bh tn de aesane bead Et 24 AUG / AOUT 86 a ese) 4 Pe tithe de oan) GLASGOW 2) Student : Ask Student B questions about Chrissie. Student B: Ask Student A questions about Jamie, Write the information in the table. > Useful language a and b Follow up: writing Write a short paragraph about Hana, Chrissie or Jamie, Hic/Her name's Hes/she's ... years old He's/She's frome. His/Her address is Hes/she's TARE ete a Questions What's his first name / surname / full name? How do you spell it? What's her work / home / mobile number? What's his Job? How old is she? Where's he from? Is she married? b Other useful phrases | don’t know. Sorry, | don't understand, 15 QPS module 1 People and places Real life Answering questions Do you remember hove to say the alphabet and numbers? Look back at page 6, if necessary. (GHEBD Listen anc match the conversations to the pictures, Where are the people? @ Look at the forms. What questions can you ask to find the missing information? tb Listen again and complete the forms Full name: Shireen (a) ‘Address: (b] Abbot's Road, Colchester co2 Phone numbers: home (d) ——______ work (e} E-mail: Nationality: (f) —_______ Married: (a) Yes No Occupation: (h} Age: () ——__ a GEEED Listen and stop after each question. Answer for yourself b Practise the questions. Pronunciation Look at recording 14 on page 165. Listen to the stress ‘and intonation of the questions. ° ° oa What's your smame? How do you spell that? ° eo 8y What's your fitst name? Work in pairs, Act out the conversations in the pictures. Use your own name, address, etc. © @ The Royal Spa Name: () Emma Passport number: (K) —__ Room number: () . 16 Capital letters 1 Which underlined letters need capital letters? Look back through Module 1 to help you correct the sentences. 2 what's your name? b ifm here on business. this is emily 4. are you ms team? 2 Use your mini- dictionary to find which of these need capital letters. english arabic poland teacher saturday notebook december > Read Language summary G on page 150. Pronunciation spot The sound /a/ (schwa) a Jolis a very important sound in English. It isn't stressed. Listen and repeat. le oe fl ‘American German ble bl bf ble adoctor —_anengineer asl holiday b Listen and mark the stress. Then listen again and mark the /a/ sounds. Britain London Russia Australian Italian aupiter anactor astudent a businessman an electrician 4 Short forms of be Rewrite the sentences using short farms, She's a Shets on business. d You are on holiday, 9 We are from Malaga. b Heisastudent, —@ )amnot married. 'h She is not at school ¢ Lam Marta. f Weare not from Madrid. i They are not American, > Need to check? Language summaries A and 8, page 150. 26e0 Put the correct form of be in the correct place, Use short forms, where possible. Ave 2 *youmarried? Where you from? _g She twenty-three years old b This Pablo. € They Italian. b We on holiday. © What yourname? f Inotastudent. i Howold he? > Need to check? Language summaries A, B and C page 150. 3 Countries and nationalities 1) Write the country and nationality for each capital city a Paris _Fravce, French fe Madrid London f Beijing © Moscow 9 Warsaw _ Rome Tokyo _—__ > Need to check? Vocabulary, page 10 4 a/an + jobs 1 Complete the jobs and add a or an. 2 an actor b bis_n_ss © nu d_ e_gin > Need to check? Language focus 3, page 12. 5 Question words 0 Complete the questions with How, Where or What. @ What 'syourname? sd are you from? bold are you? @ ____ do you spell your surname? © ___‘syour job? { 's your work number? D Need to check? Real if, page 16. Took back at the areas you have prac a EAN ey ne worcnei ona 0 ke what you know! 7 MODULE 2 You and yours 2° (Who's that | his ove? hat’! This is Marco A there? He's lovely! my new boyfri > this, that, these, those ver esto > have got > Possessives > Vocabulary: Everyday objects, Farry vocabulary > Reading and listening: My favourite thing | > Task: Tak about your family tree > Real life: Ciassroor language | Language focus 1 this, that, these, those Circle the correct words. Then listen and check @ Aimed, this that, Coareelstoryou)— oirighs tanks > ((irethese!thos®, 6h, yes Thank © (your car keys. sie) you very mucht Cee a“ wes this book these books that book those books Cin suanna) 277 Hi Philip. How are you? ih Suzanna ¢ am These / Those are my children. =< is Tomas, and this / that is Anna, > Read Language summaries A and B on page 150. | Pronunciation (6, tomasS ics 1 ERD Listen wo the pronunciation, den repeat ssn } this sf parcel these iy children | that fea! man those fBou2! keys 2 Listen and write the eight sentences. Then listen again and repeat. 18 Practice Choose the correct alternatives. | | 1 Loold This / Thot letter’ from on. 2. Marianne, this s / that’s Katte Katie, this is / that’s Marianne eae 3 Look a this that man over there! “ENGLISH 4 Who are that / those peopie Pre iroht0g with Julio? Vocabulary Everyday objects 4 Find these things in the photo, Then test your partner. photos acamera abottlecfwater acreditcard keys stamps | amobile phone —abrush adiary coins a packet of chewing gum 5 Exause me, what's this//that watch —acheque book —aphone card postcards a dictionary > anidentity card apacketoftissues awallet sweets : word here? Y B is glasses 6 Are this / these your books, OO Charlie? a — , 4 otra’ tis») What are these? > (Gn engi ) La a Oe it's a credit card. 1 don't know. ) CThey'e coins) — AG A Look at the words in the box above. Listen and mark the stress. Then listen and repeat, photos camera bottle of water 7 Is this / that Tanya in that car? 8 Look at these / those photos over here. ‘2 Workin pairs. Point to things in the classroom and ask your partner. (Wrarstia, (Aasene >) (Watae>) — Ga Erglste ) lave think) Citoe" ) Crain. 2 ar > No 19 module 2 You and yours Language focus 2 have got 1 Listen and complete the gaps with the phrases. lve got Have you got_ (haven't got phone card with me 0) one? ( Con, tas Listen and answer the questions for yourself with av or aX. eO ¢-O eO gO iQ ’o ¢O fO ho i0 2 Work in pairs. Guess what your partner has got in histher pocket or bag. ———_ ——™~ ney gis) Gettin teens) (dictionary with you?, = SS we anywith yours ———_ ot haven'. sat home) ™SL Tell the class about your partner. Paulo's gota mobilen is > bag, but he hast gota pen, (ag buthe has > 20 + Complete the gaps. @ tye Gok my mobi phone with me, He’s/She’s __ his credit car We'verTheyve the bag, @ thaven't my watch with me. Hershe has his money ‘Werthey "the keys. @ you phone cara? TT heishe ——her camera? — werthey — the photos? 2 Notice: He's French. (= hes} \__ he's gota French cor. has) > Read Language summary C on page 151 Practice Complete the gaps with the correct form of have got. 4. I think her parents are rich ~ they four cars b Sony, pen with me © We dog. His name's Alfie 4 Annie's rom o very big family. She six brothers e' you your cheque book with you?” ‘No, but I my credit card," f your brother ‘a new motorbike? 2 @ Match the questions with the answers. Then complete the gaps. you gota car? How old What colour What make t's a Fiat. Ws red, Yes, Ihave. Ws very old — about ten years old, ange eune b work in pairs. Use some of the questions above to ask about these things, cara TVinyour bedroom a bicycle pet amobile phone ‘a computer apiane a OVD player a camera Reading and listening My favourite thing Look at the photos. What are Kemal, Lisa, Tom and Mo's favourite things? Listen and read to check your answers. G this is my car and [love itt “ It’s a German car and it’s my favourite colour, silver. Ie’ really, really fast, really comfortable and it’s got @ fantastic CD player — it’s just great. fo © My favourite thing isn’t really a thing, it's our pet cat, Billy. We've got four cats in our family, but Billy's my favourite, He's black and white and he's got beautiful green eyes. He isn't very friendly with other people, but he loves me! 9 rm. professional musician, so my trumpet’s really important to me, Actually, Tve got three, but this one’s my favourite: it's a Bach trampet_ made in ‘America - and it’s about forty years old! 9) ae My favourite thing is my computer ~ my laptop. It isn’t new but [ really like it. I really like the orange colour. And it's got everything I want ~ e-mail, the Internet, a DVD player and I've got some really good games on it. Tove my laptop! 9, Work in pairs, Answer the questions. a What is + German? + orange? + about forty years old? + fast and comfortable? > Whois + black and white? * a musician? + not very friendly? Who has got + green eyes? ‘+ three cumpets? + four cats? d- What has got + a great CD player? + good games? Cover the texts. Talk about each person's favourite thing. Fema favourite things his car W's German. i's reall fast and it’s gota fantastic C player. I's silver and it's comfortable. 7 2 Pronunciation 1 Look at Kemal and Lisa's section of the tapesciipt on page 165. Change the full vverbs to short forms Itis.@ German car. 2 Listen and check. Practise saying the short forms, G2 Write about your favourite thing(s my favourite thing is may 1S (American / 2 Honda / very old) IW (fantastic / very inportant to me / beautiful) tes got Workin small groups. Tell other students about your favourite thing > Read Language summaries D and E on page 151 21 You and yours Language focus 3 Family vocabulary; Possessive ’s fll Put the family words in the box into the correct column. ofthe table. (Write each word only once) brother and sister husband andwife sisters tousins boylriend and giririend grandmother and grandson mother and daughter mother and son _ father and daughter = per endowener female bath brother sister cousin, a Look at the famous people and their relations. Can you ‘guess the relationship? Use the ideas in the box in exercise 1 _————— oo Biayee they'e cousins) (7 Theyaren't A husband and witer_) _ * oO (1m sure they're >) (brother and sister.) FNL b @EEB Listen and check your ideas. Notice: William is Queen Elizabeth's grandson, NOT: the-grandson oF Queer tiabeth >» Read Language summary F on page 151 Practice 1 Wht five sentences about the people i the photos uten Elizabeth is Prince Willian’ grandmother Add these words to the table atthe top of the page [Fe parents = | grandfather granddaughter unt uncle nephew lece 3 ® Study the family words. Then try the puzzle on page 14 'b Work in pairs. Test your partner like this. _ — Who's your matherstather) Your grandfather 2 A {20 youknow anymore fous people who ae relate? Tell the class. 22 eer ae | Elena Task: Talk about your family tree Preparation: listening 4 2 Find Alex above and look a the photos of his family. What are the relationships between the people, do you think? b Look at the family tree on page 146 and check your ideas. 2 Listen and number the people above in the order that Alex talks about thern. 3 Cheek the words in bold. Then listen again and answer the questions. Who @ isan economics student? f isolawyer? is forty-one? 9. is very clever? © has got a computer business? hh hasn't got children? Isat school? i is quite rich? i © Isreally funny? is really nice and funny? Task: speaking 1 Either Make 2 family tee for your family. Write inthe names of at least six people Or Bring in some photos of your family to show other students. 2 Decide what information to give about each person in your family twee / photos. Ask your teacher for any words or phrases you need. > Useful language a & Work in small groups. Show your family tree / photos to other students, Tell them about your family 'b Ask questions about the people in other students’ family trees > Useful language b coer | TRC) —_—___— a Describing your family Wve gat (two sisters / five cousins) This is my nieceruncle She's (five) years old. He's (not) married. His wife's name's (Sara). Their names are (Ann and Ber). b Asking questions ‘Who's this? How old is (Karina)? What's (your uncle's) job? Follow up: writing 41 Write a paragraph about your family Vive got (three sisters). my older sister's nance is Mig mother's got owe brother His name's... He's married to Tmey/ve got .. children, She's 2D Putt on the wall or a table for the lass to read, together with your photos / family tree. Answer other students! questions. 23 MPSS module 2 You and yours Real life Classroom language 1 GD Read the classroom conversations and tick (v) the best reply. @ STUDENT: Excuse me, how do you say this word? ‘Teacher: 1 | understand. 2 Emm... it's ‘uncle’ b stupenr: Can you say that again, please? Teacher: 1 Yes, it's ‘uncle 2 No, thank you. © STUDENT: How do you spell ‘cousin’? ‘Teacher: 1 She's fine, thank you, 2 CO.US d sTupeNT: Can you write it on the boerd, please? TEACHER: 1 Yes, sure. 2 | don't understand. GEA Listen and check your answers. Cross out the wrong replies. Pronunciation Look at the tapescript on page 165. Listen these things politely 2 Listen again and practise the polite intonation. 24 © STUDENT What does this word ‘aunt! mean? TEACHER: 1 | don't remember. 2 Your aunt is your mether or your father’s sister. f STUDENT: What's the English word for ‘calcio’? ‘eacer: 1 | don't know 2 t's football 9 STUDENT: Can you play the recording again? Teacher: 1 Yes, please. 2 Yes, of course. hh sTupenr: Excuse me, what page are we on? yeacuer: 1 Twenty-four. 2 Open your book and look at this picture. 2 Work in pairs. Student A: You are a student. Student B: You are the teacher, Make four short classroom conversations, like the ones in exercise 1 b Now swap roles. Make four more conversations. Learning grammar words 1. Use a monolingual dictionary to match the grammar words in A with the examples in B, A B 3 nouns, fram, on b verbs beautiful, rich, ‘important ¢ adjectives \-an uncle, a cat pronouns it e prepositions I, you, we f syllables dicction-arry @ short forms say, write (contractions) h question What? Where? words the stress cSmfortable } punctuation Tye, he's, they/re 2 Look through Modules 0 to 2 and find at least one more example of a-h above. wouns: teacher, fancily Pronunciation spot The sounds 6/ and /3/ 2 GESED Usten and notice the ‘two ‘th’ sounds 0) and (EY. ‘av this, that, these, those, thero, they the, mother, father, brother /@) thank you, theee, thirty, thirteen, thing, Thursday This is how you make the sounds. bb Listen again and repeat the words. © Listen and repeat the eight sentences. 1 Word groups ‘Add three words or phrases from the box to each group. @ daughier— an aunt ariece beautiful cousins computer a0VD player friends a mobile phone ason friendly _agrandfather_anephew grandparents clever a aTVastereo b rich, fantastic ¢ a mother, a sister __ da father, an uncle € children, parents > Need to check? Vocabulary, pages 19 and 22, 2 this, that, these, those C) Complete the gaps With this, that, these or those, 2 Look at these photos of my holiday. b ls__man over there okay? « Sonia, is my friend Mariko. dare your keys? 2 Are _ glasses here yours, Samia? € What's the English word for _? D> Need to check? Language summary A, page 150, 3 have got 0 ‘a Write questions with you and the correct form of have got or be. 1 Have you gat acar? 5 at university? 2 married? 6 a job? 3 ____abigfamilyy 7 a garden? 4 How olé > 8 ape? bb Ask and answer the questions in pairs, or write answers for yourselt D> Need to check? Language summary C, page 151 40 Put in apostrophes (') before the ‘a Are these your keys? ¢ Shes got three sisters. b Thats Annas bag. od Whats the matter? D> Need to check? Language summary G, page 151. where necessary. @ Hes Lauras cousin. 5 Classroom language (I Put the words in the correct order. 2 do you spell /how /‘nephew"? How do you spell ‘nephew’? bb again /say that /can you € what / mean /does this word? 4 do you say / how J this word? D> Need to check? Real life, page 24. Look back at the areas you have practised, Yok the ones you feel confident about, Now uy the MINI-CHECK on page 160 to check what you know! 25 > Present simple (positive, negative, questions and short answers: | you, we, they Vocabulary: Common verbs Reading and vocabulary: Life in Britain Ustening: Ufein Australia Real life: Days and times Vocabulary and speaking: Daily routines Task: Find things in common vVv¥VVVY Common verbs GD write the verbs in the circles below. Which | verbs in the box do the photos show? [ work go te speak study eat drink - ina fiat in a big city. \ > in London, O | (lve 4 _= for a big company Y— long tours = at university a eo C2 alot > economies fish = @ iC FY aiat of chocolate 26 = MODULES Everyday life GERD Listen and check. Practise saying the sentences. Add these words and phrases to the diagrams in exercise 1 Chinese meat law with my parents inan office bbeer lemonade ina smalltown to the cinema #lot Language focus 1 Present simple questions (GED Listen and answer the questions for yourselt es,1do, X= No,} don't. 1 Present simple: , you, we, they H tive in Dubai You | work long hours. We | goto English classes They _| speak italian 2 Questions and short answers ‘To make questions and negatives we use do/don't De |you | speakenglish? | Yes, 1do livein afar? — | No, don" > Read Language summary A on page 151 Practice Pronunciation 1 Listen to the questions in Recording 2 again. We stress the important words. Do you Ja) is weak. hij) ee Do you live in a big city? ijl) © ew Do you go to English classes? 2 Look at the tapescript on page 166 Practise soying the questions. 11, Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions Cooveutteinatigan®) 2 @ Look back at the diagrams on page 26. Write five more questions, Do you goto the cinenua a Lt? b Walk around the class, Ask and answer your questions 3 can you complete the questions and answers? Listen and check oA: you meat? B: No, Tonly fish b A: ‘nd your family —_— house? We a fat. English? your parents, big company? ‘a small company. and your friends cinema a lot? We love the cinema: B: Yes, Ga White eight tue sentences about yoursel, your parents, your family, or you and your friends study eoononeics at we we live a flat. My parents worke Long hours. We go out a Lot: “They eat a lot of chocolate. ivevsity, b Compare your sentences with a partner. 27 1 d vocabula 2 HD Which things can you see in the photos? thebeach afiat apub ashop thecitycentre | ahouse agerden anoffice a swimming pool school avestaurant a supermarket Listen and practise the words. Do the places in the photos look the same or diferent in your country? The school is The house is the same, _very diferent ‘Match the words and phrases in A and B. A 8 @ stan — aasmock open. inthe morning € big meat go home a inthe evening \ close @ goto wark — nish Read about life in Britain. Complete the text with a word or phrase from exercise 3. Mica Britain res Most British people live in houses not flats. Most houses have gardens. Most office workers (a) ga.te warke, ar about nine o'clack in the morning and finish ac about five or six (b) —___ People don’t go home for lunch, People usually ¢ata big meal in the evening ~ they just have (¢) Children stare school ar about nine o'clock and (@) at about half past three, Mos: children have funch at school Children (e) —___ school when they are four or five years old and leave when chey are sisceen or eighteen. at lunchtime. RISEN Ue Shops (f) —_______ at aboot nine o'clock in the morning and (@ ——_____arabour six in the evening. Normally, they don't close for luneh. Most shops open on a Sunday, coo. Many supermarkets sty open twenty-four hours, but most pubs and restaurants close at about cleven o'tlock in the evening. Listening Life in Australia 41 GERD Nicky is asking about daily life in Australia. Listen and number the questions. Do most people live in flats or houses? What time do children go to school? ‘What time do people start wore? Do they go home for lunch? ‘When do shops open and close in Australia? 1 What time do pubs and restaurants close? ‘What do peaple do at the weekend? 2 Listen again. Tick the sentences which are true Shops open at 9.00 and close at about 5.00. 7 Supermarkets close at midnight. Pubs ond restaurants close at about eleven o'clock. Most people go home for lunch. People have lunch in cafés. Children finish school at half past eight: At the weekend most people go to the beach. In the city centze, people live in houses. A lot of people have got swimming pools. Language focus 2 Present simple (positive and negative) Look back at the text about life in Britain, Find three positive sentences and two negative sentences, Complete the gaps. °: live ina house. You go to work at about 9.00, we hhave lunch in a café They start school at about 9.00. e hhave a big lunch, You work in an office, we live in a fat. They gto school. > Read Language summary B on page 152. Practice 4 Complete the sentences fr your country. Use either the positive or negative form. Correct the information, where necessary, most people don't Live iv houses, They live in flats my country Most people tive) in houses. WEY Most people (have) gardens. BE Mest office workers (tard) work at 9.00, WY Mos: people —__ (go) home for lunch. WHS Most people —___ (have) a big meal in the evening, Children (go) to schoo! in the afternoon, HE Most young people —___ (leave) school at sixteen, Most shops __ (stay) open twenty-four hours, HB Mose shops (close) at lunchtime. BET Most shops (open) an Sundays. HY Restaurants (close) ar eleven in the evening, 2 a Write about three things that are different between your country and Britain. (Britain children start school at about nine o'clock, but in Poland they start at eight o’ctock. bb Write about three things that are the same in Britain and Australia Children. finish school at half past three. 3 Use the ideas below to make six true sentences about yourself. Compare sentences with a partner. have a swimming pool in my garden have a big meal in the evening live in house have lunch at home eatalotof meat drink alot of coffee speak Spanish study a lot at the weekend, gotorestaurants alot work in an office (© Idon't have lunch at home. \\ have lunch in a café 29 module 3 Everyday life Real life Days and times 12 It’s four o'clock in London. Listen and matk the time around the world on the clocks. b Work in pairs. Ask and answer. “tha ap) (Wenine (Wiat time is it in Los Angeles?) ee ie pre o' dlock. 2 Match the times with the watches. 2 Is twenty tocleven. d_ I's twenty-five past three, I's quarter past eight. t's half past nine ¢_ Its five past six, fF tsten to four, 3 GERD write the times. Then listen and check 0955 fvetoten 9 245 — b 74s b 310 © 9.30 i 9.25 4840 j 7.50 e 6.45 ik 28s £1205 1 9.3 Prenunciation 1 Listen again and notice the stress. to is weak. sitole 8 . fivetoten quarter past seven. 2 Practise saying the times. Work in pairs. Student A: Look at the TV guide on page 140, Student B: Look at the TV guide on page 142 15, Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. @ Do banks open at the weekend in your county? ‘What time do they normally open and close? b_ Do shops in your country open on Sunday? What time do they open and close? € Do people have a big lunch on Sunday? What time do they normally have junch? 4. Winich days do you have English lessons? ‘What time do your lessons start and finish? > Read Language summary C on page 152. Vocabulary and speaking Daily routines DD Tick (V) the things below that you do every day. Cross out the things you don't do. sleep v {90 to school/untversity get up early catch the bus {90 to bed late {ge to work have breakfast come home have lunch watch TV have dinner have a bath. read the newspaper _—_—have a shower 2 Write the activities in exercise 1 in the correct place for you on a 24-hour clock. Go to_bed ‘\ 2 BOTIN 3 Sleep 4 As 6 ; 8 / \S79 Win 0 3 Work inpairs. Ask and answer about your typical day atc menCa lod sae at time do you get ub?) Cit about seven aloe) < vouget up?) At abo Work with a new partner. Use the prompts on the right to make questions. Ask and answer. “De you have ~ ea ae fon) breakfast athome2,) Yes 10.) Comets, plana Ma 4 < 5 Write a paragraph about yourself and your life. 1 study/work ... (eeomontics / for a big company) I get up at have breakefast/Lunch/dinuer .. (at hone / at work) cone hone at... (Vout six otocke) 1 go to bed at 1 go to English classes on... (Tuesday) I study a lot ... (in the evening / at the weeleend) alot in the evening? t go oul 31 _— module 3 Everyday life rn, Preparation: listening Task: speaking ' ' Listen and number the topics your hear 1-7. Work in pairs. Use the prompts | below to write eight questions nationality [J brothers and sisters C] age C to ask another student. where you live meat [] breakfast ‘amy married or single? ale? oe ~ school/university/work Listen again and tick (¥) the topics if the speakers have something in _ Som nh vis common andl write a cross (X) if they are different. languages daily routine Look at the four conversations. Which speakers are the same? Which are different? Useful language a a Ha student I'm not married Work with a new partner. Ask & Me, too. b: Me, neither. ‘and answer your questions bs: Idon'thove breakfast. dx I get up very eat. ary to find five things wn common, Really? Ido. 8: Oh, I don't vie ting ven Useful language b Tell the class three things you have in common with your partner. Useful language ¢ aren language a Asking questions ‘Are you (a student)? Have you got (a pet? Do you (go to bed late}? Do you work (long hours)? Do you eat (meat)? Do you speak (German)? What time do you (get up)? b Finding things in common Me, too. Me, neither. How about you? ¢ Telling the class We both live with our parents. We don't get up early. 32 y Remembering spelling 1 Many words in English have double consonants, but you can’t hear the difference between double and single consonants. Underline the double consonants in these words, office hotiday wallet address business normally cousin camera dinner tissues married parents bottle waitress 2 You have two minutes to study the words and remember the double consonants, 3 GERD Listen and write down the fourteen words you hear. Be careful with the spelling! G junciation spot ilent syllables comfortable dictionary Cross through the silent lables like this: Listen again and repeat. 1 Common verbs C Match the pairs of verbs. finish “dink have breakfast go home read a book study 0 to bed @ eat drive e start b open __ close f getup © go to work 9 have lunch work h watch TV D> Need to check? Vocabulary, pages 28 and 31. 2 Verb forms (7 Complete the gaps with do/don’t, are/aren't or havehaven't. 2 '_Bo__ you live in a big city?" ‘No, we . be you got brothers and sisters?” ‘ve got a brother but ! got a sister’ © Where ____ you work? J How ald your children? Marek and Monica ___ married. They're just friends. > Need to check? Language summaries A and B, pages 151 and 152, 3 Vocabulary Circle the odd one out. 2 coffee /Gead! tea 4 a newspaper /a school /@ university b aflat/ahouse/ an office © a city/a shop/a town ¢ abath /a garden /a shower a besch/a café / restaurant > Need to check? Reading, Vocabulary and Listening, pages 28 and 29. 4 Times 0 Write the times, a 1.25 bwes ive pastone ¢ 11.00 b 330 Sa © 6.15 g 935 d 510 h 355 D> Need to check? Real life, page 30. 5 Prepositions () ‘Complete the gaps with in, at or on. 8 Do you catch a bus i the morning? b Where are you normally __ four o'clock ___ the afternoon? ¢ Do you study __ the weekend? d What time do you get up __ Sundays? @ Do you read in bed __ night? D> Need to check? Language summary C, page 152. Look back at the areas you have practised. ede) BSN ey ne ccm gee 0 to check what you know! 33 Loves and hates Present simple: he and she; ke ..1ng, questions Activity verbs and adverbs of frequency Listening: Celebrity loves and hates Vocabulary: Activities Reading: An American star in Landon ‘ond o British star in Hollywood Task: Find an email friend Real life: Asking politely Listening Celebrity loves and hates ‘Match the things in the box to the pictures. Which do you like / do you hate / are you frightened of? dog doll clown crowd spider TV. flying doing housework “GERD The people in the photos love or hate these things. Listen ‘and match the people to the things, 3 Usten again. Tick (the things they love and write a cross (xj next to the things they hate. (One person hates three of the things!) A, Complete the sentences withthe verbsin the box. loves hates goes has doesn't have _-deesntt-wateh- 4 Cameron Diaz doesw/t wateh Ty, > she a TVin her house, © Johnny Depp clowns Harrison Ford doing housework, @ Dean Cain never —____ on. planes, f Britney Spears hundreds of dotls. 34 (eid Word Language focus 1 Present simple: he and she; like, Activities ° ° He hates spiders. He doesn't ike clowns, (=does not) She joves dolls. She doesn't wotch TV. Notice these he/she forms: have She has hundreds of doll go He never goes on planes. do He often does the housework > Read Language summary A on page 152. Practice 4 Workin pairs. lose your books. Test your partner. Cameron dia) Che does’ ike W. 2 — ® Look at the tapescript on page 166. Listen and practise the positive and negative verbs in sentences. 2 2 GD Match the words to the pictures. cats computer games cooking cycling driving reading running salad swimming b Work in pairs, Ask and answer what your partner likes and doesn't like. Use the pictures on these pages. mo Co you like cooking? > 3 8 Use the ideas below to write about yourself on a piece of paper. Give your paper to the teacher. FACT FILE Food and drink Hove ... | also like Sports and acti I don't like ies Hove ... and ... think ... is okay | hate Other things Tove ... Ihate NAME: Your teacher will give you another student's paper. Tell the class about this person. The other students guess who itis This person loves Italian food. She also likes playing basketball and watching football She doesn’t like dogs and she hates spiders. Wha is it? Pronunciation 1 @EED Look ot the tapescript on page 166 and listen to some third person forms in sentences. How many syllables are there: 1, 2 or 3? likes < watches 2 2 Practise the verb forms. Then practise the sentences. Reading 1 Lookat the photos. Do you know who they are? Read the text quickly. What nationality is each. person? Where do they live? out British SEU educa aes Moi 36 Son 3, 2 GD Check the words in bold. Then read the text again. who goes to the pub a lot? comes from an ordinary town? likes cycling with her children? loves rugby? thinks Americans work very hord? 6 enjoys the art and theatre in Britain? misses her family? 8 misses her friends? 1 3 Compare your answers with a partner Soo oo Actress Catherine Zeta Jones comes from an Cee Re Rea nae Ree eu coe er) ee eae Seach Pee ae ed utc ‘and their two children. The couple also have Deere er a Cane Bermuda and Majorca. DRC eeaCCar Dee See ar Pee eae ae Ie ea ee aso misses her family and often goes back to Peet a cai Lc Pea ee eel Language focus 2 Present simple questions: he and she 1. Questions and short answers with he and she Does she like London? Yes, she does. Does she miss the USA? No, she doesn't. (NOT: Does she likes?) Wh- questions What does she think obout British people? Where does she come from? > Read Language summary 8 on page 152. Practice 1 a Use the prompts to make questions. 1 where Madonna live? Where dees Madore live? whot her husband do? she like Britoin? what she love? she miss the USA? where Catherine Zeta Jones come from? where she live now? she go back to Wales? 9 why she miss Wales? 'b Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. (Where does ( gatena ve 2 —— Ge lives in London. EN 2 Choose the correct verb form. This (1) is / ate my friend Sarinder. He (2) ‘s/ ‘reat college with me. He (3) come / comes from Detht in India, but now he (4) Sve / lives in Brighton with his parents and brother. His parents (S) is are both doctors ot our local hospital. After Sarinder (6) finish / finishes college, his parents (7) want / wants to go back to India because Sarinder’s grondfather (8) ovm / owns a small children’s hospital near Delhi, and they (9) want / wants to work there. Every year they (10) go / goes back to India and (11) stay / stays with Sasinder’s grandparents. Sarinder (12) lave / loves Brighton because he (13) got / ‘ve got lots of friends here, but he (14) live /lives in a very small house here and sometimes he (15) miss / misses his grandparents’ big house in Delhi. They (16) 's got / ‘ve got a fantastic garden with monkeys in it! b @ZED Listen and check your answers. a Think of @ person from another country, city or culture (a person you know or 3 famous person). b Work in pairs. Use the prompts to ask your partner questions about the person. Chath ae?) oe 4 What... his/her name? b Where ... he/she come from? © Where .., he/she live (in your country)? d he/she here with his/her family? he/she work in your country? 1. he/she like (your country)? 4... he/she like the weather and the food? hh... he/she miss his/her awn countey? A Wirite @ paragraph about the person in exercise 3a, 37 | WY module 4 Loves and hates Language focus 3 Activity verbs and adverbs of frequency cal f ex re N (CE CL Tae ‘Co ‘CY ‘CE 2 GD Add these words to the diagrams in exercise 1 (There may be more than one possibility.) chopping amagazine thecinema—anemal —— the guitar Ds avideo computer games } b Practise saying the phrases above. Then work in pairs and test, each other, Cay) CBilay football... play the guitav~ play computer games > RS 38 3B @ Putthe adverbs in the correct place Usually often sometimes not. often ae no OM — — > 100% never olwoys b Which sentences are true for you? 1 Toften go shopping on Saturday. 2. Valways read the newspaper in the morning. 3. never watch football on television. 4 s I don't often write leters. J usually listen to the radio in the car. | Look back at the sentences in exercise ‘ab and complete the rules, Adverbs of frequency (always, often, never, etc) come betore ! after the verb in positive sentences and come before / after don't in negative sentences, > Read language summary C on page 152. Practice 4 Write sentences about something you never do, you sometimes do in the evening you often do at the weekend. ‘you usually do in the morning, You always do on Sunday. D Work inpairs. Ask and answer the questions below. _— ( you ever go) (Sot often. How) ) about you? A Do you ever... © go toconcerts? visit relarives at the weekend? read poetry? ® listen to the radio at night? * go swinnming in the sea? = play tennis? © read computer migazines? © do your homework on the bus? Ca es era tramestrondcom Findmeatriend, Hil My name's Teresa and I'm from Cork, a city in Ireland. I'm a music student at the university here, and I'm twenty-one years old. Es I LOVE all types of music, of course! like both writing and playing. | play the piano and guitar and write songs, too. | also like going to the cinema, reading, the Internet, dogs, driving my car, going out with my friends, travelling, speaking Spanish. (I study Spanish at university, 00) wares ooaderss HATE football (and ail types of sport), spiders, cats, eating meat and doing nothing! sapien abe Hove writing and receiving e-mails and I want to make friends from all over the world. Please write! Task: Find an e-mail friend Preparation: reading Teresa wants to find friends from other countries. Read what she writes about herself on the Internet. Answer the questions. a Where |s Teresa from? d Does she like music? ee b Isshe a student? Does she enjoy reading? Useful language c How old is she? f Does she have any hobbies? ESE a Asking for information Task: reading and speaking Where is .. from? How olds ...? 1 Four people write to Teresa, Work in pairs. Is... a student? What... ike? ‘What languages ... speak? Student A: Look at page 138. 2 Ask Student B about Peter and Sofia. Complete the table. Answer Student 8's questions about Marina and Joao. b Discussing I think ... is best because (he likes music, too) isn't good because (he Student B: Look at page 140. a Answer Student A's questions about Peter and Sofia Ask Student A about Marina and Joao. Complete the table. > Usetul language 2 doesn't like classical music) Peter Sofiia | Marina Joao | Vagree. /\ don't agree. | [Mera Pte) ioe, |nationality/city, Ye = et ee = es, bul age occupation i | 2 Who is the best e-mail friend eae 1 for Teresa? Compare answers | 7 | with ather students. Do you agree? languages aa | > useful anguage b e 397 PSS module 4 Loves and hates Real life Asking politely | Look at the five conversations in a café, Match the first lines of each to the pictures. Then listen and check, [7 Breuse me Vale the bil please 4 Take one of those please | 2 Do you want milk? 5 Do you want a drink? 3 Excuse me, I'd lke three lemonades, please, 2 CN 6F course, sir —~ Just a minute, / Work in pairs Practise the conversations. Pronunciation 2 P 1 Listen to the sentences from exercise 1 3 Imagine you are in a café, Take turmsto ask and Notice how the speakers use intonation to answer politely, using the ideas below. sound polite Tell the waiter you wants Ask your partner wants: Excuse me, 1d like the bil, please wees watery a ioee Bo you want milk? * another drink * another coffee 2 Practise the sentences, copying the intonation. + more milk * asandwich +a clean spoon + atissue 40 Finding spetting in a dictionary (1) You can use your dichonory to find the spelling of he/she Present simple forms, visit viz vrs Gi wsteng, visited, have visted 1 te go and spend time with someone: Granny is visitng us next weekend. {wont to vst San in hosp ou must como and visit me some time 2 Use your mini-dictionary to find the he/she forms of these verbs. run e work finish fy swim g say miss h watch Complete the rules with the hrases in the box. [ke ake oh age to ] 2 Most verbs (e.g. work) b Verbs that end with -s5,-sh, -ch (0.9. watch) © Verbs that end with consonant +y (e.9- fy) 4 ‘Verbs that end with vowel + y (e.g. play) 4 Use the rules to write the he/she forms. Use your mini- dictionary to check. seat d stay b leave catch © stuly Ff camry CO Pronunciation spot Words ending ins @ (ELEM Listen to the three different pronunciations of wards that end with s. ‘s/ books, likes, Mark's /2/ newspapers, loves, Anna's fra} places, watches, Tomas's b Listen and add the words to the categories above. _¢ Practise saying all the words. 1 Present simple he/she forms C1 Write the helshe forms of these verbs. 3 know fenows dd watch _ 990 study e do work « listen f hate i have D Need to check? Language summary A, page 152. 2 Present simple auniliaries Complete the gaps with da/don’t or does/doesn’t 2 ‘Bo ___ you ike swimming?" ‘No, |_ . b What time the film finish? ct your parents live near here?’ ‘Yes, they . d Where your boyfriend work? e your mother speak English?’ ‘No, she : D> Need to check? Language summary 8, page 152. 3 Words that go together C) ‘Match words to make phrases. a play dinner 90 a restaurant b visit the violin f goto acd have your aunt g listen to the newspaper ddo your homework h read shopping D> Need to check? Language focus 3. page 38. 4 Adverbs of frequency (1 Put the words in the correct order 2 in the evening /never/ Ellen /studies Ellen never studies in the evening, b me / you /listen to / never € {eaten don't the bus often dd me /usually/on Sunday J my sister / visits D> Need to check? Language summary C, page 152. 5 Activities 0 Unjumble the letters to make activities. aPISOPHNG shopping = d MMNIISWG 5 bGoKonc! « evRolInG ENNNIRGU fF. fIEARDNG D- Need to check? Language focus 1, page 35. 6 Do you want...?/I'd like... Match the two lines of the conversations. a Do you want the sugar? inute. b boyeuwentacistonen? 2 verge, € Ud like another coffee, please 3 Large ones or small ones? U9 like two chocolate ice creams. 4 it’s okay, 've got one, thank you, D Need to check? Real life, page 40. Look back at the areas you have practised ‘Tick the ones you fee) confident about ov try the MINI-CHBCK on page 181 to check what you know! REMEMBER! Getting from A toB con and can’t Articles: a/on, the and zero Vocabulary and reading: Transport Listening and vocabulary: At the airport Task: Complete a survey about transport > Reallife: Buying a ticket vvVyY v Transport Find these types of transport in the photos, ‘motorbike abu atrain atm | | stax anaeroplne car ashe ascooter aferry abicycle an underground 2 subway train Put the types of transport in order from fast to slow. Then compare your answers with another student. 1 = aeroplane 3 How do these people usually travel in your town? = schoolchildren ~ students and young peopie ~ businesspeople ~ old people = police officers bycar) Cbybus Find these things in the photos, people waiting in aqueue passengers acrowded train travelling fast travelling slowly bad tratlic 42 ¥v Transport facts! ») Peopie in most countries drive on the right ~ but people drive on the left in (a) ___ countries, including Japan, India, Australia and Britain, @®) inthe usa (b) _____ people in every thousand drive a car. In Japan, it's {640 and in Germany i's $70. More than (c) people in the world ride a bicycle! ©@) In Tokyo, people never wait for more than (d) minutes for an underground train, The only prablom is i's often difficult to get on or off a train because they're so crowded! @) (©) —___ people tly ta Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta, USA every year! (That's about one hundred and fifty people every minute! ©) 1n Chino, te 30 km journey from Shanghai city centre to Pudong Airport takes ‘only (f) ______. minutes on the new Magnetic Levitation (Mag Lev) train. ' @®) ost people in Moscow go to work by underground. The Moscow Metra - acto ie has 165 stations and about (g) _______ passengers every day. The ) Which sentences are true for your country? Correct the false ones. Then compare with other students. 2 Mast people drive small cars. Not many people walk to the shops False. most people drive big Alot of people ride bicycles to cars! work = People always wott in o queue to ¢ Trafic Is @ problem all day ue gst on a bus 4 The buses are very crowded € People often fy from one city toh Taxis drive very slowly another Read Language summary A on page 152 43 Pee en ete oa Ree aay Tees ee ce) Boge neers Look at the phiotos and read about Karen. Where is she? Where does she want to go? Read about four ways to get to JFK Airport and. © complete the table, ‘time (in hours’ | cost minutes) typets) of transport Work in pairs. Decide the best way for Karen to go to the airport. GEEED Listen to someone working out how she should travel, Was your answer the same? Complete the gaps with can or can't (cannot). she take a bus at twenty past three. She take a taxi because she's only got $25. ‘ she take the subway to the airport? Read Language summary B on page 153. Pronunciation Listen and mark the ten sentences +, -or ? Look at the tapescript on page 167 and practise saying the sentences. 44 o You can take a taxi but itis often slow because of the traffic. The journey takes about an hour and costs $35 (and also a tip of 15-20% for the driver!) ® You can take a subway the ‘A train) to Howard Beach-JFK ome i Station and then a bus to the I airport terminal, a journey of . about 90 minutes. The subway costs $2 and the bus is free ° You can walk -_ through Central ee Tit we Park to the a 8 a" —— Se Museum of SPIE ee Natural History {about twenty minutes) From there, you can take the subway to Howard Beach-JFK Station ($2) and then an AirTrain to JFK Aiport Station ($5) I takes about an hour on the subway and another twehe minutes onthe Alain, Oo You can take the i subway to Grand Centra Station. it e : takes five minutes 7 and costs $2. From there you can take the New York Airport Express bus. The journey takes about an hour and costs $13. In the afternoon, the buses leave every twenty minutes at three o’dock, twenty past three, twenty to four, etc Practice 1 Gina is asking about things you can and can't do in New York. Listen and mark the sentences if you can do this. x if you can't 2 fit depends. travel by tram x smoke in the subway © eatona train d_ finda taxi easily have five people in a taxi f drive at sixty kilometres an hour 4g ridea bicycle safely hh eat in a restourant at midnight 1 smoke in a restaurant 2 Work in pairs. ask and answer about the things in exercise 1 Either Ask and answer about New York Or Ask and answer about your cityrtown. (“Gan you travel by >) \ team in New York? “Gan you find a taxi) easily in Hamburg?_/ 2 C Wedepends. Wiite eight sentences about things you can and can't do in your city You can’t smolet on buses. You cam drive im the city centre Listening and vocabulary At the airport Keren is at JFK Airport, Look at her travel itinerary and answer the questions a What times are her flights? b_ Which oirports do they go to? What are the flight numbers? Penne Sun 02Nov | Checkin by 16.30 American Airlines Desk Terminal X, Flight A100 | Scheduled departure: 18.30 JFK ‘Scheduled arrival 07.25 Londen Heathrow (LHR) Mon 03 Nov | Check in by 08.00 British Airways Desk Flight 840572| Scheduled departure: 09.35 LHR ‘Scheduled arrival: 12.30 Milan: Malpensa MXP 2D. GB match the phrases in with the meanings in 8 A 8 @ intransi 1 isto b checkin \_2- goto © boarding 2 Ghanging fom one pane to another te delayed 4 lel last call 5 show your ticket and passport at a desk 1 proceed to 6 geting om (a plane) 38 Listen to the announcements at JFK Airport and answer the questions. (You do not need to understand every announcement.) 1 Where does Karen check in? 2. What is the problem with her fight? 3. What is the gate number for her flight? b Listen to the announcements at Heathrow Airport and answer the questions 1 At Heathrow Airport, where does Karen go? 2 What is her gate number? 45, aS module 5 Getting from A to B , | vy NDS) Remerryirniy fii Salem Al-Romeithi is twenty-three years old. He's an (2) and he lives with his family in a targe house in (b) works for an international company from (d) alarge city in ©) wo He but at the O) he spends all his time playing (g) ___ Articles (2): a/an, the and zero ERB Look at the photos and complete the text about Salem Al-Romeithi with the words in the box. Then listen and check. gor the United Arab Emirates Saturday Dubai Wednesday weekend engineer 1. Underline the articles a/anvthe in the text about Salem. When do we use on? 2 Complete the gaps with a/an, the or zero (no 2 word. 2 we've got @ new car, he lives in apartment in __bigcity — Salem, hes ‘Mrs wilson, Doctor Singh 1 _ politicin, she's —teacher,m_—_artst | 2 its — capital ity, t’sin — city centre, 3 it's on rightiett 4 5 jin Bangkok, in Dubai, in Spain In — UAE, in USA, in — UK In morning, in — afternoon, at __ weekend 6 ‘on Saturday, from __ Monday to Friday 010 work go —fome,at_—sehool | 7 by bus, by —car,on fot (1 by busty 9 10 Read Language summary C on page 153 Hive in (2) = city but we have (3) traffic. Most people come to work by (4) so it's very busy in (5) ___— morning when they come into (6) evening when they go (8) 9) car. My journey to (11) twenty-five minutes. | also use my car at (12) weekend when | play golf. guage fo 2 Practice a Complete the gaps with a/an, the or ~ (no word). Dubai. It's (2) __— fantastic real problem with car city centre, and in (7) — home. I'm engineer and | have (10) ___ company work takes about [ED uisten and check. a Write the answers to these questions using a phrase with a/an, the or zero (no word) ‘What's your father’s jab? What's your mother's job? Where do your parents live? How do you come to school? What other ways can you travel 10 school if you want to? Which day(s) do you usually do your English homework? When do you usually watch TV? Which things do you usually carry in your bag? ‘What is your favourite day of the week? Why? What do you usually do in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening? b Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 46 2 Work in small groups or teams. Answer the quiz questions with clan, the or ~ (no word}. Then check your answers on page 147, HG] what are the capital cities of these countries? a Korea Argentina ¢ Poland =~ d Canada HE what are these people's jobs? HEE) 0n which side of the road do people drive in these countries? (Do not look at page 431) a Australia b USA © UK BY what are these objects? HEE] where are these cities? a Boston b Sao Paulo ¢ Cape Town d Seville HG in which countries/cities are these buildings? a7 <—~ module 5 Getting from Ato B Task: Complete a survey about transport Task: speaking Preparation: reading and writing 4] Work in the same pairs Student A and Student 8. Ask 4 Work in pairs. Student A: Look at the survey on this page and answer your questions Student B: Look at the survey on page 141 Check any unknown words with your teacher or in your dictionary. > Useful language a 2 a Write the questions in the survey in ful Work with a group of three or four students. Student As you/driveacar? can you drive @ car? work together. Student Bs work How far / walk every week? How far do you walk every weele? together. Tell the group what you learnt about your partner. b Practise reading the questions clearly. Ask your teacher if you need help with pronunciation. TRANSPORT SURVEY @ iow far walk every week? —-»- Brida scooter? O > Useful language b 0 to Skilometres Q 6 to 10 kilometres @ ‘ide a motorbike? O 11 to 20 kilometres © more than 20 kilometres © @ How / usually travel when you go @ How often / travel by car? on holiday? ¥ several hours every day ©) + by plane Oe + every day or nearly every day © several times every week ©) not very often © © What / think of the roadsitYour ED Which of these types of transport / town? like best? . * plane O * good » boat © + okay O + motorbike Q + poor O + bigyle O I don't know © @ ever take / taxis? + often + sometimes OQ + not very often O s never gai as Ces a Answering questions Yes, often / sometimes / every day. No, never. About (five kilometresiminutes/hours. | walk to (the city centre). | think it's (good) Like (travelling by car / walking) best. b Talking about your partner Giulio likes travelling (by train), Marina doesn'tican't (ride a bicycle). Yurniko thinks taxis are (expensive) Follow up: writing Write about how you use public transport. | travel to sehool by the journey is about use public transport I thine public transport in ney town is Buying a ticket Florence is in London. She wants to travel to Paris. Put the conversation in a ticket office in the correct order. Oi Here yc Platform eighteen. D Single ] Single or return? Thor's £94.50. ticket s, please ... the six. 160 hank you. Sign there, please. Listen and check. Practise the conversation in pairs D Listen to two conversations and answer the questions below for each one. ‘Where does the person want to go? Does he/she want a single or o return ticket? ‘What time is the train? Which platforrn Is it? What time does it arrive? ‘Work in pairs. Student A: Read the information below. Student B: You are the ticket clerk. Read the information on page 144 5, Change roles. Student B: Read the information below. Student A: You are the ticket clerk. Read the information on page 138. 49 CONSOLIDATION o Listening and speaking: Personal information 1 Write one word in each gap. Elspeth (2) is a really good friend of mine. She! (b) _____. about twenty-five years old and she (¢} in Edinburgh, in (d) __ big flat near (e) city centre. She (f) at the Scottish Museum and her job (g) —__ very important to her. She isr't (h) but she's (i) ____ a boyfriend, Nick. They (i) got a car because they (k) — like driving, but they (I) their bicycles alll round the city. Elspeth (m) —______ going to restaurants, (n) meeting people and she’ (0) to the cinema, and very friendly 2 Listen and check. 3 Take two minutes to think about one of your friends. Think about: + hissher age + where he/she lives + his/her work ‘+ married or not? + his/her family his/her likes and dislikes, + travel ‘+ possessions 4 Work with a partner. Speak about your friend for one minute! © Question words 1 Complete each question in the quiz opposite with one of the question words from the box. Then chaose the correct answer. Who When Where Howold What 2. In groups, make some more questions about people and places in your country. (Use the verb be.) '3 Ask your questions to the other groups. Then check your answers at the bottom of the page. 50 How much do you know about the English-speaking world? 1 is Ontario? ain Canada bin the USA : in Britain 2 a black bred yellow colour are the buses in London? 3 is the Sydney Opera House? a about thirty years old b about forty years old about fifty years old 4 a December 25th December 31st Christmas Day? c January 6th 5______is the singer George Michael from? a Britain b the United States € Greece 6 is the White House in Washington? 2 about 100 years old bb about 200 years old 1c about 500 years old 7 is not an actress? alivTyler ‘b Kiera Knightley « Serena Wiliams 8 __is the capital city of New Zealand? 2 Christchurch bb Auckland Wellington 1 me eS em 4 A AL siomsuy MODUL eS 1-5 @ Listening: Information about times and prices la Usten to the three conversations. What are the people talking about? Listen and tick (¥) the topics. ‘vaveling byplane thez00 the cinema vyaveling by rain television programmes _ajazz concert 'b Put the words in order to make questions. Conversation 1 1. the first tain / Belfast / What time / leave / does? what time does the first train leave Belfast? 2. does / artive / When /it/ in Dublin? 3. it/ How / is / much? Conversation 2 4 open / What time / the 200 / does? 5 it/ What time / does / close? 6 How much / it / does / for a ten-year-old child / cost? 7 you/can / there / travel / How? Conversation 3 8 the football / When / does / start? 9) finish / does / When / it? JO is/ What time / the film? ¢ Listen again and answer questions 1-10. © can and can't Use can and can’t to make sentences about your school. ‘0. buy drinks and snacks You oan, buy avines, but you cant buy snacks. study other languages (not only English) © park your car come to evening classes study on computers 4 use the library at the weekend @ Vocabulary: Alphabet quiz Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with words from ‘Modules 1-5. The first letter of each words given. @ My father's sister is my aunt My mother’s son is my b___ Every night | write in my d___ b © What time does the shop c. d e Her brother's an e. he works for a big building company. Myf colour is red Their new house has got a beautiful g with a swimming pool ‘When does Alan h. lunch? Gan | see your i card, Madam? Sonyis J company, I'm sorry, | don't k____ your name. Ludrmita studies | at university. My sister's a m_____ - she plays the piano. Underground trains stop at n. Banks 0 at 9.30 in Britain. My son's a p. officer. In Britain people wait in a q tickets for the cinema. to buy A lot of people r Netherlands. bicycles in the Jennifer's not married. She's s. Many people t. to work by train. My cousin’s father is my u . Kieron v_____ his grandfather every week. | often w. for a bus for one hour! Liam is two y old. 2 This z, hasn't got many animals. 51 There is and There ore some and ony How much and How mony Vocabulary: Food {countable and uncountable nouns) Listening: Breakfasts around the world Reading and speaking: Food: Facts and myths ‘Task: Describe the differences between two pictures Real life: Ordering food and drink vVYVVYVVY Vocabulary Food (countable and uncountable nouns) Look at the picture from a hotel restaurant. Isit breakfast, lunch or dinner? 2 Find these things inthe pieture. ik eggs butter cereal oranges jam fares” ateni."chase’ yor osngelvee ee ea eat teen 52 MODULE 6 Eating and drinking 3 2 Put the words in exercise 2 into two groups. Practise saying the words. things you can count (countable nouns) * egos . . things you can't count (uncountable nouns) + mite . . i. + . ] b Can uncountable nouns be plural? > Read Language summary A on page 153, Language focus 1 There is and There are GEED Listen to eight sentences about the picture, Are they true (V) or false (x)? 1. Choose the correct alternatives Singular: There's There are a banana, | | | Pra: Theres tere ae ght eggs, Uncountable: There's There are same butter. 2 We often make negative sentences using no, There's no opple juice There are na strawberries. > Reed Language surnmary B on page 153. Look at recording 1 on page 168 and listen again, Notice how the sounds at the end of one word link onto the next word There' apple. There.are a Jot of grapes. Practise saying the sentences, Practice 2 Write five true sentences and four false sentences about the picture. b Work in pairs. Test your partner using your sentences. Your partner closes his/her book - G Crenaeas) Ge) LD ~ XC here's some rice) False. There’ no rice) S — co 2 AE 2) Tick (W) the sentences that are true about your school. Correct the ones that are false. There ore twenty students in my class No, there aren't. there ave fifteen: students There's a video in our classroorn. There ate pictures on the walls. 4 There's some paper inthe bin © There's half an hour left before the end of the lesson There are some plants in the cassroom 4g There's a coffee machine on this Noor Listening Breakfasts around the world 1 Listen to five people talking about their breakfast, Write down what they have. Soret or eave ae aa Peas eet 2 Discuss these questions, a What do you usually have for breakfast? b Are the breakfasts in the recording the some or different from yours? © Which ones would you like ‘o try? 3 Write about your normal breakfast, lunch and dinner. What snacks do you have? 53 SJ module 6 Eating and drinking Reading and speaking 412 Match these foods to the pictures carrots chocolate green vegetables grilled fish lemons melon noodles nuts pasta rice b Which of these foods contain + vitamins? + protein? + minerals? + alot of calories? Work in pairs. Make a list of eight foods that are healthy and eight that are unhealthy. healthy green vegetables ‘unhealthy chocolate, 3 2 GD Read these ideas about healthy eating. Do you think they are true? Compare ideas with other students. Coffee and tea are bad for you. There are ‘good’ foods and ‘bad’ foods. Vegetarian food is always healthy. Fruit juice is good for you. Carrots help you see in the dark. I's okay not to eat breakfast. nk thisis true, > Fev ie abo > S caumennine b GUD Read the text quickly and match the ideas to the paragraphs. A Read the text again. Were you right in exercise 3a? Which information is surprising? 5 What are your favourite foods? Which foods don't you like? 54 Food: Facts and myths 1 Fruit juice is good for you. True and false, Natural fruit juice is good for you, but it can be bac for your teeth. So yes, have some orange juice with your breaktast ‘or lunch, but don't drink eny juice between meals. Try water instead. Up 10 eight glasses of water a day is good for you, and ‘water hasn't got any calories! 2 False. When you sleep you don't eat for a long time and in the morning its important to start the day with a good breaktast. \Without breakfast you often feel hungry later in the morning ane! start eating biscuits or chocolate. These sugary snacks are not a 00d idea. (If you want a healthy snack, try some nuts or melon.) < Tive and false. People drink coffee when they are tired, but it isn't very healthy so con't have more than two cups a day and don't drink any cotfee before you go to bad. Tea is generally good for you, but drink it with lemon and don't put any milk or sugar in it! Green tea is especially healthy. 4 — False. Vegetarian dishes often contain a lot of cheese and cil and these can be very fattening. It's important to eat some vegetables every day. (Doctors say five portions of vegetables and/or fruit). We need the vitamins and minerals, especially frorn green vegetables. 5 False. Carrots have a lot of vitamin A and vitamin A is good for your eyes, out nobody can really see in the dark! 6 False. There are good and bad ciets. For example, real chocolate contains vitamins and minerals and can help you when you are tired. But it also has a (ot of suger, So don't cat it offen. Eat a balanced cit with some rice, pasta, bread or noodles and lols of vegetables and fruit. You also ned protein, from meat, griled fish, cheese or nuts. And you need oll: olive oil ang fish all are particularly good, Language focus 2 some and any 1) We use some and ony with uncountable and plural nouns, Complete the sentences with some and any, using the text to help you. Have ‘orange juice with your breakfast. Don't drink __- juice between meols, Woter hasn't got calories. Myou want a snack, try ruts. Circle the correct alternative. We normally use some / any in positive sentences. ‘We normally use some / ony in negative sentences. Find two more examples of some and any in the text and underline them, Notice that, in questions, we normally use any. Is there any milk? Have we got any eggs? > Read Language summary C on page 153 Practice 4 2 Complete the sentences with some or any 1 It's a goad idea to drink meals. fruit juice between Water hasa’t got calories. 3. Fora healthy snack, you can eat —____ nuts or melon. 4 Don't drink coffee before you go to bed — it's ‘bad for you. It’s healthy to put Chocolate hasn't got It's good to eat Don't eat sugar in your tea. vitamins or minerals in I pasta, rice or bread every day. oll - It's very bed for you, b Are the sentences true or false, according to the text? Pronunciation Listen and notice the stress. © jsom/ @ oe feni/ Eat some fruit. Don’t eat any biscuits. Listen to the other sentences and practise the stress, (Look at the tapescript on page 168 to help you.) 2 Katie wants to eat healthily. Look at her shopping list on page 147 for two minutes, then close your book. b Work in pairs. Can you remember what Katie wants to buy? There are twelve things. ‘She wants to buy some apples and some 2 3 When Katie goes shopping she forgets about her list! Look at the things she brings home and answer the questions. ‘4. Which things froma her lst has she got? 'b Which things from her list hasn’t she got? She's got some: zen) she hasn’ got any oranges 2 b Is there any unhealthy food in her shopping bag? 55 1 How many McDonald's restaurants are there in the world? Pan b 50,000 Retry 2. How much blood is there in the human body? re Ed Od uur LCi Pro rou Eero Pero Cech) deen coe Pend Pe cus] Oe 7 EER) Practice Language focus 3 How much and How many GBD Read the questionnaire above and 1, discuss the answers in pairs. 2 3 4 s Choose the correct alternative 6 When we ask questions we use: 7 — + how many with countable uncountable ¢ —_ ssouns and 9 + how much with countable uncountable 10 nouns. n 2 > Read Language summary Don page isa. 13 4 1s @ Complete the questions with Mow much or How many. water do you drink every day? cups of coffee do you drink every day? sugar do you have with your coffee or tea? oll ond butter do you eat with your food? red meat do you eat every week? bread/rice/pasta do you have every day? vegetables do you eat every day? fruit do you eat every day? sweets and biscuits do you eat every week? cigarettes do you smoke every day? alcohol do you drink every week? houss' sleep do you have every night? ‘time do you work on a computer every day? rimes do you go to the gym or play sport every week? kilometres do you walk every day? b Work in pairs, Ask and answer the questions. Is your partner's lifestyle healthy or unhealthy? 56 Task: Describe the differences between two pictures Preparation: listening Look atthe picture. Where are the people? Find these things, knives forks pealloons drums ‘Soup prawns chicken sunglasses ahat adress plates cups ‘cathers ‘spoons Listen to someone describing the picture. Number the things in the picture she describes. Task: speaking 41 Workin pairs. Student A: Look at picture A on this page. Student B: Look at picture B on page 148, Do not look at your partner's picture. 2 Youhave ten minutes to find ten cifferences between the two pictures. Describe your picture and ask questions. > Useful language a and b 3, How many differences can you find? Compare answers with the class. Did you find all the differences? > Useful language ¢ V a Describing your own picture tn my picture there's a (small boy). there's some (soup). there aren't any (balloons) On the left / On the right In the | middie, there's ) b Asking questions Inyour picture, is there a (man) / any (rice)? Has the man got a (cap)? How many (spoons) are there? What colour isthe (mother’s dress)? ¢ Talking about differences In picture A, there's (a balloon / some soup) but in Picture B Real life Ordering food and drink Where do you most like to eat and drink? What do you usually order when you eatin a restaurant? rc >ronunciation GEED Which food and drink words below ore similar in your language? Listen to the pronunciation in English. Is it the same or different? Practise saying the words. sandwich chocolate salad burger yoghurt orange juice pizza mayonnaise biscuits fruit Temonade banana tea spaghetts 2 Look at the photos. Which restaurant sells pizzas? hamburgers? coffee and cakes? b GEEB Listen to three conversations and answer the questions. 1 Which of the restaurants are they in? 2 What do the people order? 3. How much does it cost? 58 3 Listen and complete the sentences. Then practise saying them, © Can take your order, please? > ____T have two Super King-Size burgers, please? © to drink with that? 4 Eatinortake _? @ Would you like anything 2 f Canwe the bill, please? 9 the change, h Vailiketo a pizza, § _____ would you like? j How —___ is that altogether? / on ELED 100k ot the tapescript om page 168. Listen ‘and notice the polite intonation in these sentences. \_ Practise saying them G Work in pairs. Look at the menu on page 138 nding grammar in a dictionary (1) 1 You can use your mini- dictionary to find out if nouns ‘are countable or uncountable. grape /oreip/rcun(@).a small ound cy fru that grows in bunches ands sed to make wine: @ bunch of Bleck ropes ce-re-al /'sisrial! noun Gal) 1 a food You et for breakfast that contains 9 mistue of wheat, rice, nuts ete, and ‘at yu usually me wth mike 2 Find if these words are countable or uncountable. job money traffic flight platform economics tennis ‘music coin game transport work chewing gum trafic jam 3 For countable nouns you can ‘use your mini-dictionary to find their plural form. grandchild grant fasta’ noun tc} Dural fandehiidry/-¢fdron/ the chi af your son or daughter: Rosa is his youngest grandchid 4 Write the plurals. Check in your mini-dictionary. (0 knife match person woman tourist. glass office way meal baby wife Pronunciation spot International words 22 Which words are the same in your language? restaurant airport hospital café hotel university snack bar platform terminal college. information desk b GLE Usten to the English pronunciation. Is it the same or different? © Listen again and mark the stress on the words. Practise saying them, . restaurant 1 Food and drink 0 ‘Complete the food and drink words. a cereal dfrit bbtor eb sc_ts hy.g_t ctist fori. j inal > Need to check? Vocabulary, pages 52 and 54. 2 There is and There are C Write true sentences about your town using There is or There are. @ There ave a lot of restaurants. d trams, b airport e university < station i cinemas. D> Need to check? Language summary B, page 153. 3 some and any (1 Complete the sentences with some or any. a Are there _ax4y Mexican students in your class? b Md fike water, please. € Thaven't got brothers or sisters. d lve got____ e-mails from my students. @ I'm sorry but there isn’t f Are there films on TV tonight? milk. > Need to check? Language summary C, page 153. 4 How much and How many (1 Choose the correct alternatives. a How@@iacip! much brothers and sisters have you got? b> How many / much students is/are there in your class? ¢ How many / much money have you gat with you taday? 4 How many / much languages can you speak? ¢ How many / much football do you watch on TV every week? 1 How many / much homework is ¢re there tonight? D> Need to check? Language summary D, page 154. 5 Ordering food and drink [1 Put the sentences in the correct order. a: ready / order /you/ Are/to ? Are you ready to urder? soup, /can / Yes / some Ihave / chicken / please /17 at else / Anything ? sandwich /a/like / Yes cheese /'d 4: drink / you / Would / to / Tike / anything ? ®: please / mineral water, /A D> Need to check? Real life, page 58 Look back at the areas you have practised. Tick the ones you feal confident about REMEMBER! Now try the MIN-CHECK on page 161 to check what you know! 59 > Past simple: wos and were, regular and irregular verbs > Vocabulary: Years, decades and centuries > Reading: An ordinary life... on amazing idea > Listening: A true story > Real life: Dates and other past time phrases > Task: Tell your lie story Past simple: was and were Think of a famous person for each of the following. Compare answers with other students. + scientist + political ieader + artist + comedian + writer + composer a @ID work in pairs. How many questions can you answer about the famous people in the photos? b Listen and check. What else did you learn? 1 Notice the past forms of be. | Kennedy was president of the USA for three years. The Beatles were schoo! friends. Beethoven wasn't born deaf Lovret and Hardy weren't singers. 2 | complete the gaps. (was | hevsherit wos youlwe/they ' heisherit youlwerthey helshent? youlweithey? ) Sy Read Language summary A on page 154. 60 LEGEND DS 1 John F Kennedy was President of the United States in: 2 the 1950s b the 1960s the 1970s 2 The scientist Marie Curie was born in: a Paris b Warsaw ¢ Geneva 3 Laurel and Hardy were: a singers b businessmen ¢ comedians. 4 The Beatles were originally from: @ London b Manchester Liverpool Practice Write seven sentences about the peopie in the photos. marie Curie wasw't French, she was Polish 7 Pronunciation Listen and write down the ten sentences, 2. Notice the weak forms of was and were and the Pronunciation of wasn’t and weren't waa! wal He was born in New York. Where were you born? Avozm/ Iwai! He wasn't French, They weren't from London. 3 Listen again and practise the sentences. See 5 The composer Beethoven was: a blind b deat ¢ both The Chinese communist leader Mao Ze Dong was born: a in 1793 in 1893, ¢ in 1993 7 Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and Chekhov were: 1a Russian composers bb Russian writers Russian ballet dancers Galileo was: a an Italian mathematician and scientist b an talian opera singer < agreat Italian footballer 22 aComplete tne questions with was or were 1 Where your parents born? 2. How ald your parents when you bom? 3 Where you born ~ at home or in hospital? 4 What time of day you born? 5 What day of the week you born on? 6 What your favourite food when you ire? 7 Who your bestfriend when you young? 8 What the name of your first teacher at school? 9... you frightened of anything when you a small child? b Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Vocabulary Years, decades and centuries 4] GED Listen and circle the year you her. GAB! 2001 d 1989/1999 g 1804/1908 b 1984/1985 © 1978/1878 bh 1917/1970 © 1919/1990 fF 1914/1940 i 2020/2030 Pronunciation 1 Listen again. Notice the stress ‘Wo thousand and sfx nineteen eighty-five nineteen ninety 2 Listen again and practise saying the dates. Check the words in bold in a bilingual dictionary. Work in pairs. How many sentences below can you complete? Listen and check. The Beatles were fist popular... ix the 29605 Napoleon was Emperor of France Bill Clingon was President of the USA Williom Shakespeare was born The Russion Revolution vas. The first landing on the moon was The Second World War was Mozart was born Madonna's frst hit single wos Leonardo da Vinci was bom b < a é 9 d i from 1804 to 1815 in 97 from 1939 to 1945, in 1969 inthe eighteenth century aa thet960s, in the fifteenth century inthe 90s inthe sixteenth century inthe eas 3 Use another phrase to say these 1970-1979 the wimeteen-cevensies 1930-1939 1960-1969 1920-1929 1600-1699 Work in pairs, Write five sentences like the ones in exercise 2 about famous people in your country. > Read Language summary C on page 155, 61 module 7 Extraordinary lives Reading Tim Berners-Lee invented something very important. Do you know what it was? GBD Check the meaning of the words and phrases in the box. ordinary surprising to become tobe intarestedin to graduate anetwork todecide to be linked 3 Read the text. Then complete the factfile at the bottom of the text. Language focus 2 Past simple: regular and irregular verbs 4 book back at the text about Tim Berners-Lee. Find two sentences about his life now and four sentences about his life in the past. 2 Underine the verbs in the sentences about his life in the past. Are they regular or irregular? 1 Regular verbs ‘a Find the past form of these verbs in the text, invent study work graduate love decide b How do we form the Past simple of regular verbs? Irregular verbs Find the past form of these verbs in the text. have make go get leave write become > Read Language summary B on page 154. 62 An ordinary life)... an amazing idea Tim Berners-Lee tooks very ordinary. He's about fifty years old and has brown hair. He was born in England but now lives in Massachusetts in the USA. But in 1989 Tim had a very important idea. He invented the il: world wide web (www). Tim went to school in London. Both his parents worked with computers so it isn’t surprising that he loved computers from an early age, When he was eighteen, he left school and went to Oxford University where he studied physics. At Oxtord, he became more and more interested in computers, and he made his first computer from an old television. He graduated in 1876 end got a job with a computer company in Dorset, England. In 1989, he went to work in Switzerland where he first had the idea of an international information network linked by computer. He decided to call it the world wide web, and he also decided to make his ideas free to everyone - that is why today we do not pay to use the Internet. In 1994 he went to live in the United States where he now works. In 1995 he wrote an article in the New York Times where he said, ‘The web is @ universe of information and it is for everyone! Today his ides of a web, where people from all over the world can exchange information, [s real foe His important idea Place of birth Place(s) of study Placels) of work Personal details Now lives in Practice Use the prompts to make sentences about Tim Berners-Lee © born /England He was born in. England go to school / London € when / 18 / go to Oxford University 4 at university / become / interested in computers emake / his first computer from a television F graduate / 1976 9 get a job / computer company / Englond hy go / Switzerland / 1989 Work in pairs. Close your books and tell your partner six things you remember about Tim's life. a @D Use your mini-dictionary to 7 {ind the Past simple forms of these verbs. Which are regularlirregular? ‘arrive begin believe can take share need die describe steal want win b @EEB Do you know who invented the telephone? the radio? Listen and read to find if you were correct © Complete the text with the Past simple forms. Listen again and check. + Pronunciation Look at the tapescript on page 169. Listen and count the number of syllables you hear worked 1 studied 2 2. Notice that only verbs that end in the sounds /t/ or /d/ have an ‘extra’ syllable in the Past simple. wanted waited needed decid-ed. 3 GERD Listen to eight pairs of sentences. Write 1 if you hear the Past simple first, and 2 if you hear the Past simple second, 4 Look at the tapescript on page 169. Listen again and practise the Past simple sentences. AWA eR mth cot mart telephone and the radio? any schoolchildren learn that the Scotsman Alexander Graham Bell (1) invent) the celephone in 1876. Bur the real inventor (2) (be) Antonio Meucci, a poor Italian American. He 3) (share) a workshop with Bell in the 1860s, and (4) (make) ‘talking telegraph’ for his wife who was ill in bed, so that she (5) (can) call him when she (6) (wane) something. But Meucci never (7) (ake) his idea co the US Patent Office, because he was t00 poor to pay the $250 that he (8) (need). So on February 14th 1876 Alexander Graham Bel (2) (ake) the invention to the Patent Office instead. Just two hours later another inventor, Elisha Gray (10) (arrive) with the same idea ~ too late! reno erent Acthe time, nobody (11) believe) that the telephone was an important invention. Bell’s father-in-law, also a scientist, (12) (describe) the invention as'a beautiful toy’. And it was 2002 before the US Congress (13) (decide) that Meucei was the true inventor of the telephone! But everyone knows that the Italian Marconi (14) Govenc) che radio, right? Wrong. Actually, Guglielmo Marconi (15) —____ (steal) his great idea from Nikola Tesla, a Croatian scientist. Tesla (16) (write) an article in 1893 and ie iehe (17) (describe) his important new invention — the radio, But just two years later, Marconi (18) (take) the idea to the US Patent Office and soon (19) (begin) to sell ic. In 1909 he even (20) ____ (win) a Nobel Prize for his invention. In 1943 Nikola Tesla (21) ‘That year, the US Congress (22) was the crue father of the radio’ (die) in New York, a poor man. (decide) that Nikola Tesla 63 bars module 7 Extraordinary lives Listening A true story You are going to hear the true story of how David Platonoff’s Russian grandmother came to five in London. Look at the photos and discuss these questions, ‘© Which country do you think they show and which period? > What kind of life do you think David's grandmother had in Russia? om Read the statements below and check the words in bold, Then listen and mark the statements true or false. b Listen again and read the tapescript on page 169. What is your reaction to the story? 3, What do you know about the lives of your grandparents? Do you know any other older people who had an interesting life? What happened to them? Part 1 1 David's grandparents met in Moscow. 2 His grandmother's family were rich. 3. His grandmother was a servant girl 4 The family came to London during the First ‘World War. 5. When they arrived in London, they decided they had too many servants Part 2 1 The family took David's grandmother for a walk in the centre of London. 2 They told her to wait for them and then went away. 3 They never came back for her. 4 His grandmother was twenty years old. 5. She spoke good English. Part 3 1 Some English people found her 2 They took her to the Russian community in. east London. 3 There she met David’s grandfather. 4 He was eighteen years old. 5 They got married and had three children. Real life Dates and other past time phrases 42 Practise saying the months on the calendars below. e ) JANUARY FEBRUARY 1 2 ° , MARCH APRIL 3 5 ° MAY JUNE 7 10 oe o JULY AUGUST 12. «15 © SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2. «(21 @ NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2 «31 b Match the dates with the ordinal ‘numbers in the box. °o ® | the third the twenty-first | ne second the fst the twetth the ith Uthethinysivst——thetenth | tne twenty-second — the seventh fifteenth the twentieth > Read Language summary E on page 155. G Work in smal groups. Play the board game using 2 die, Take turns. When you land on a question, choose which member of the group to ask Pronunciation 1 Notice the two ways of saying dates in English. a ~ _— ~ Do. Blo. (Tania, when was the last time) “about a month ago —> the seventh of May \ you bought some new clothes?) bought some jeans. + Be (0 ‘May the seventh, — a 2 GBD Listen ond say the dates Im exercise 1a, Pay attention to the pronunciation of th’, 3 ‘What are these dates? Listen and check, then repeat a 12/1943 13/9/2002 b 3/9/1993 & 23/7/1933 © 31/12/1963 f 30/12/2004 2 Work in pars. Ask your partner about the birthdays in histher family. “What dateis >) When's your your birthday?) brothers birthday? ) —— Se Put these time phrases in order from now going back into the past. Compare answers with a partner. falar orina when |was twelve yesterday morning twenty years ago ten-minutes-ago lastTuesday lastnight, tenyeors go when was eight when wasborn—twoweeks age fostweetend” —yourlstorehiey | isctmonth lost year last august ten minutes ago last month eencs past > Read Language summary 0 on page 155, 65 module 7 Extraordinary lives —___ Task: speaking Preparation: listening Either Draw six simpie pictures for Extroct A= picture] Extract C= picture EJ Extract & Extract B= picture] Extract D= picture] Extract 66 different times in your life and think Marlene is a singer, trom Swansea in Wales. Look atthe plctures state what to say about each pltute showing her life story. What can you see? " | Or Make notes about six important events in your life story. > Useful language ‘Ask your teacher about any important words or phrases you need, Work in pairs. Tell each other about “ your life story using your pictures! notes to help you Choose three things to tell the class about your partner's life story. | was born in (1987). went to school in (Warsaw) Asa child | loved (playing tennis). When Iwas {thirteen}, | became interested in (photography) Heft school when | was (seventeen). | studied (maths) at university | graduated in (2002) | got a job with (a large company). went to work in (Tokyo), | got married in (1999) In (1995) | started work (as a receptionist) Follow up: writing D Listen to Marlene talking about her lite, Which picture Write your biography, but do not write relates to each extract? your name on it. Put your biographies on the wall or a desk. Read other students’ biographies and guess whose they are. Finding grammar in a dictionary (2) 1 GD You can use your mini- dictionary to find the past forms of verbs. buy /bai/ vero buys, buying Gough have bought if you buy something you ge someone money ana they give you te thing metry 2 ID Find the past form of these verbs. see open live read stop study play know 3 Match A and B to make rules for the spellings of regular past forms. a Most verbs (e.g. open) [) Verbs that end in 2 (e.gafive) Verbs that end in a consonant + vowel + consonant (e.a. stop) C] 4. Verbs that end with a vowel + ¥ (eg. ploy) Verbs that end with a consonant +’ (e.g. study) take ’é: take ‘ed. change the 'y to ‘ied: double the Final consonant and add ed 4 Write past forms. Then check in your mini-dictionary. watch try hate cook travel close finish stay Pronunciation spot The sounds /o:/ and /si) 2 @iXED Listen and notice the sounds /o:/ and /s: />} walk, born, August ‘| frst, birthday, work 'b Which sounds are these? daughter girl morning learn ‘third law quarter Turkey ¢ GEAED Listen and check. Then practise the words. 1 was and were (1 2 Do you remember the famous people in the photos on page 60? Complete the questions with was, were, wasn’t ar weren’t. 1 There were _ four English men. Who they? 2 There ___ one woman. She __ a writer. What her job? 3 How many politicians there? 4 there anyone from Russia? S There any Italian composers but there fone from Germany. Who he? | b Now write the answers. > Need to check? Language focus 1, pages 60 and 61. 2 Dates 0 Write the dates, years, decades or centuries 2 The Athens Olympic Games were in two thousand and four . (2004) b Mahatma Gandhi lived fram (1869-1948) € The film director Steven Spielberg was born (1946) 4 Chvistmas Day ison @ The American comedy Friends was popular in (1980-2000) f The economist Kari Marx lived in (sina) (1800-1900) D> Need to check? Vocabulary, page 61 and Real life, page 64. 3 Past simple Write the past form of the verbs. @ attive arrived © have i get — bg f want j decide © make 9 become k take d begin h leave die D> Need to check? Language summary 8, page 154. 4 Past time phrases 1) Put a word from the box in the correct place in the sentences, were ago last when yesterday wher a Lwent to Sdo Pacio "was twenty bb The concert started half an hour. € Itelephoned Jim merning We were in class together year € She come to Spain 2003 1 We took the photograph when we on holiday 9 My birthday is May 16th > Need to check? Language summaries C and D, page 155. Look back af the areas you have practised. Tick the ones you feel confident about Now try the MIN-CHRCK on page 161 to chects what you know REMEMBER! 67 Fact or fiction? Past simple negative forms and questions Vocabulary: Describing fis Reading: Film focts! Listening: The author behind the legend Task: nterview other students about arts and entertainment Real life: Arranging a night out ———— — Important firsts ¥895 The Lumiére brothers showed the first film in a Paris o: Vocabulary 1927 The frst talking iim The daze Singer appeared. tt was a Describing films the first musical film, Other popular musicals include ‘Singing in the Rain, West Side Story and Grease. 4, 20k tthe photos trom fms. Which firm Walt Disney made the fist fulblength + acartoon? + amusical? cartoon Snow + alovestory? + ascience fiction film? White and the + acomedy? + anaction film? Seven Dwarfs. + ahorrorfilm? + ahistorical film? The first Star Wars film appeared. 1888 Toy Storywas the first film made by computer. 2 2 GD Which adjectivets) describes each type of film? Compare answers with other students, sad frightening exciting violent interesting romantic funny enjoyable boring ily Reading 418 GD check the meaning of the words in bold delow. ~__Pronun [ERD Lixeniotbeoojeavesorapue | Me Dey made his Meng fm n 19 —— them in the correct column according to 5 Tettc Chaplin wastenn the stress, Practise saying the adjectives, 4 In they make about 850 films every year. o [ee] on 5 Thonewon Oscar aad 6 Cameron Boz earned for ern AJ] 7 tpStay pocorn 9 oe 8 The average Lebanese person goes to the cinema —___ times eer yea J 9 Theva meat stony of Robin Hood a | 10 The Lumiére brothers showed the first film in in b Work in pairs. Say the name of a film (or a __— in Paris. TV programe) and your partner sas which adjective(s) describes it. b Reading race. Work in small groups. Read the text and complete the sentences. Who is first to find the answers? Sek od oman oe Eonwya and ro " => 2 Which films in the text have you seen? Were they good? 68 1997 film Titanic, starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo prio, was the most expensive film ever. It cost $200 lion fo make. But it was also the most successful. It ‘ade $1,750 million and won eleven Oscars! The top-paid act Arnold Schwarzenegger is probably the best-paid actor in the world ~ he earned $80 million for his last movie, Cameron Diaz and Julia Roberts are the best-paid actresses — both earned $20 million for their last films. Favourite stories Some of the most popular stories for films are: Alice in Wonderland (19 films made) Oracula (15 films made) Frankenstein (14 films made) Robin Hood (20 films mace) Romeo and Juliet (32 films) The great star of the silent movies Charlie Chaplin was the most farrous star of the silent movies. He was born in 1889 and acted in 94 films before he died in 1977. TD They make many more films in Bollywood (Mumbai, in India) than in Hollywood. Every year the Indians make about 850 new films —the Americans only make about 580. The Lebanese go to the cinema the mast. The average person in the Lebanon goes thirty-five times every year. The average Ameritan goes just four times every year! Language focus 1 Past simple negative forms QD Use your mini-dictionary to find the Past. simple of these verbs. Which are irregular? sleep create Tallow give find rink fallin love 2 EEED There are mistakes in the descriptions of the films in the photos. Can you find them? Then fisten and check, BD Dracula was a vampire who lived in a castle in Poland. He always slept during the day, but at night he became a vampire and drank vodka, (2 mistakes) BD) Alice followed a white cat down a hole and had lots of adventures. (1 mistake) [HD Robin Hood lived in a forest in China. He took money from rich people and gave it to his girlfriend, Maid Marion. (2 mistakes) [ED 0: Frankenstein created a monster. The monster was very handsome and people loved it | (2 mistakes) [ED Romeo and Juliet were forty years od. Their families hated each other, but Romeo and Juliet fell in love and got married. Their families were very pleased and Romeo and Juliet lived ; happily together. ( mistakes) 3 Complete the gaps Dracula didi*t tive in Poland, he —_______ in. Tronsylvania, He —______vodko, he — blood. We make the Past simple negative with didn't not) + verb. He didn’t lve in Poland, (NOT: He-didn't ved.) He didn’t drink vodko, > Read Language summary A on page 155. 70 Practice 1 Mite sentences correcting the mistakes about the other films. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you. ‘abit poor aly tobe rightened of angey Kil themeenves | 2 8 The picture shows a scene fom Romeo and Juliet 500 years ago, but there are twelve mistakes. Can you find thera? b Make sentences using the verbs in the box. wear ride use listento have eat read drink People didn’t have vollerblades 500 years ago. c Listen and check your answers Pronunciation GERD Listen and notice the stress in negative sentences. ee 8 They didn’t have rollerblades. Listen again and practise the negative sentences. 3 & Putthese verbs in the correct form to make sentences true for you. 1 (go) to the cinema last weekend. T (watch) TV last night. 1 (rent) a video last weekend, I (see) the news yesterday. J (listen to) the radio this moming. I (read) in bed last night. 1 (play) computer games yesterday. 1 (buy) a new CD lost week (buy) a newspaper this morning, 1 (listen) to music on my way to school. 1 b Compare your sentences with other students. 7 Me too. | didn't watch TV last nen $< Twent to the cinema __ last weekend > n A Nel . + 4 TOrp © The three Lord of the Rings fil TURE ema ema Ree eet os acolo Cr ee ees Zealand. They cost more than $300 million to make, and, in all, more than 20,000 actors Pee ee treat att Cees ecuten om nee ae tect ee een oer nay erent eet ecg Listening The author behind the legend 4 Discuss these questions with other students. Read the text above about the Lord of the Rings films a You are going to hear a radio programe about JRR Tolkien, the author of the Lord of the Rings books. Read the statements on the right about his life and check the meaning of the words in bold. b GEED Listen and mark the statements true (¥) or 2 (x), ¢ Listen again and correct the false information, He didn’t have a>) happy childhood, RINGS * ,) i ¥ 4 ‘The final film The Return of the King won 11 Oscars. In some countries, fans queued for three Senos In New Zealand they had an enormous party for the first night of The Return of the King. oe ss ea eee nas capital city to “Middle Earth’ for the evening! Idhood. His parents died when he was 1 Tolkien had 2 happy e young, He was very interested in ancient langua He was a professor at Cambridge University He invented his own languages. He wrote his firs stories to create a fantasy world for his Ianguag His children didn’t like his stories The Lord of the Rings b Only children liked his to He saw the films of his books before he died. His family made a lot of money His great-grandson acted in one of the films frst appeared in 1974 from the fi Language focus 2 Past simple questions Put the interviewer's questions in the correct order. Then look at the tapescript on page 170 and check 1 have / did / a happy childhood / he? Did ne have a happy childhood? start writing / did / at a young age / he? ‘a fomous writer / how / become / he / did? Tolkien / die / did / when? he / did / the films of his books / see? moke / did /a tot of money / his family? 1. We farm Past simple questions with did + verb. Did Tolkien have « happy childhood? Did he see the films of his books? When did he die? (NOT Wherrdidt-he died?) Notice the short answers. Did his family make o lot of money? Yes, they did, ‘No, they didn’t, > Read Language summary 8 on page 155. Practice 1? Puta tick (¥) next to the things you did when you were ten years old and a cross (x) next to the things you didn’t do. 1 like sport 2 go abroad for your holidays 3. wear fashionable clothes, 4 play out in the street 5 ride a bicycle 6 play o musical instrument 7 work hard at school 8 drink ea and coffee 9 read a lot 10 watch o lot of TV U1 like rock music 12 have a mobile phone b Work in pairs. Ask your partner about these things (when you fot didn't) /Vean' Siem Nc ¢ Tell the class about your partner. 2D Anna is asking Helena about her weekend Write the questions in A. Then match them with, the answers in B. Where / go? where did you go? Who / go with? How / get there? Why / go there? What / think of 1? What / do there? ‘When come back? ne ercancey ‘We went to the old town, and to club in the evening, By plane Because someone told us about it. We went to Prague Early this morning! twas fantastic with my friend. Work in pairs, Ask your partner about an interesting place he/she visited recently. A Write sentences about yaur partner. Alain went to Madrid last month for a holisay, He went with his faraity He went there by car. ‘Tey went because they Like cities, “Tey visited the old town and wert to @ concert They came back three weeles 990, ‘They Lover madrid! 73 MESS module 8 Fact or fiction? Task: Interview other students about arts and entertainment Preparation: listening music films What kind of| books | like? games | GERD Listen to si people taking about their favourite films, books, music, etc. Match their answers to the questions below. Who's your favourite actress? When did you last go to a concert? Did you enjoy the film? ‘whet kind of music do you like? Do you like ballet? What was the last book you read? Work in pairs or small groups. Use the prompts in the circles to write a questionnaire about arts and entertainment. D> Useful language a Task: speaking Choose seven questions from your questionnaire. interview two students from another group. Make @ note of their answers. go to the cinema / a concert? When last | read a book? ! buy a CD/ gam > Useful language b 2 Tellthe class three things you learnt about one student. Follow up: writing Write about your answers to the me questions, Moy favourite booke is... W's by he Last booke tread was ... By (thought dt was... (ikke .. and .. music, My favourite singer is my favourite group is “The last concert | went to was Udlid't really enjoy it N74 What / see? Who / by? Who / in it? reading? rock / classical music? Like | golng to:the cinema? ballet / theatre? computer games? | | | | @ Questions Who's your favourite (actor)? What kind of (books) do you like? When did you last go to (the cinema)? Setar iaaress A What did you see? Who | ¢ ee een ae af ae Who was in it? What | f@Vourite | singer / group / musica film / book / play / opera / Did you enjoy it? Who was it by? b Answers My favourite (actor) is. twas briliant. It was really funny/sadiexciting, etc Itwas okay, | really enjoyed it. | didn’t really enjoy it. hated it MS es vf Real life Arranging a night out Anna and her friend Tara often go out together. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions. 2 What film do they decide to watch? bb) What time does the film start? Where do they decide to meet ‘ond at what time? Put their conversation in order. Then listen again and check. a Listen and complete the sentences. Ler's cinema’ What why that? the new Johnny Depp film? 5 What on? 6 Why first? 7 That's 8 ‘at about eight o'dlock bb Practise saying the sentences, copying the recording, @ Work in pairs. write a dialogue arranging to go to the cinema together. b Act out your dialogue in front of the class. 76 a 7 Well, et’s go to the cinema! What's on, do you know? © © 8.00. Yeah, perfect Tara, do you want to go out tomorrow night? Yeah, great. | love Johnny Depp! What time is it on? Have you got a newspaper? € CF Okay, that's 2 good idea. Where do you want to meet for a drink? £ Well, wy don’t we have 2 drink frst, then go at 9.307 9 LI Yeah here. Erm, let’s see. its on at either 7.30 o 9.30. What do you think? h EB Okay, but | haven't got much money. iC Mmm, | don’t really ike that sort of thing. How about the new Johnny Depp film? My sister saw it ast weekend and she thought it was really good. iD There's an old Star Wars film ~ why dort we go and see that? k 1 How about Macy’? It's near the cinema. Let's meet at about 8.00. 1s that okay for you? OTUDY... Checking and revising 1 Can you make these sentences negative? Ehab isa doctor. isw’t Sue and Paut are teachers He was born in 1960. They were at university, He works in Damascus They come from Ireland. He lived in Cairo in 1987 They got married last year. He's got three children, They've got 2 big house. 2 GERD Listen and tick the sentence you hear. 2 She isn’t married, She wasn’t married b He doesn't speak Enalish. He didn’t speak English, ¢ They aren't at home, ‘They weren't at hame. 1 I've got a pen. Thaven’t got a pen. eT don't like sport. I didn’t like sport. F She's got a car. She hasn't got 2 cat Listen again and repeat. GC Pronunciation spot Stressed syllables 4 @D You can use your mini- dictionary to find the stress. (ecteresting Gosrosiny oofecrve ‘unusual or excting in wey that makes You think, and want to know more: A 00d teacher con make any subject Interesting. There's o realy interesting Gite about foxes In this months ‘Noture' magazine. ‘The ' means that the next syllable isstressed. b Find the stress in these words. cartoon comedy historical average successful popular qeate appear romantic isten and repeat. 1 Describing films 0 Complete the words to make films and adjectives 2A cartponisusuallye_j_y_b_e b A h_r_o_ filmisalwaysf_igh_e_i_g c Ac m_d_isf_n_y. GAI_v_ sor. isalwayse_m_nt_c eA m_s_¢_lhas often got as_I_y story f An a_t_o_film canbe veryv_o_e_t gAsc__nc_f_c_i_nfilmisoftene_¢_t_ng, hAh_st_r_c_Ifilmeanbei_t_r_st_agorb D> Need to check? Vocabulary, page 68. 2 Past simple forms C] Write the Past simple forms. a appear appeaved ¢ fall e sive 9 drink b find d steep F eam h cost D> Need to check? Irregular verbs, page 149, 3 Past simple negatives CJ Complete the sentences about your country 100 years ago with a suitable verb in the negative. 2 People didu’t play computer games. d People hamburgers b People popmusic. _¢ People television ¢ People cars, f People Jeans, > Need to check? Language summary A, page 155. 4 Past simple questions [ Write the questions for these answers a My last holiday was in August. When was your Lact iolidayy? b I went to Pars, ¢ Lwent with my sister d | got there by plane. ¢ We climbed the Eifel Tower 1 I thought it was fantastic > Need to check? Language summary B, page 155. 5 Arranging a night out (1 Put the words in the correct order. ranas: on Saturday / you / go to/ want to/ the cinema / Do ? 406: a good idea / That's ! on / What's? anas: Bollywood / new / There's) a/ musical 406: that sort of thing /I/ lke / really / don’t we / don’t / Why / go / film / to the new Will Smith? paras: OK. / cinema / eight / meet / the / Let's / outside / at D> Need to check? Real life, page 76. Look back at the areas you have practised SEMEL sory Sect me to check what you know! 7 Buying and selling > Comparative and superlative adjectives > Reading: The world’s most famous markets D Vocabulary: Shops and shopping b> Real life: Asking in shops D Task: Choose souvenirs from your country lage focu Comparative adjectives 4 2 GHD What do you know about cars? Think of an example for the following. © afastcar a Ferrari + an expensive cor +a small car +a very comfortable cor © avery ugly car = anol car + an easy car to park b @D Look at the adjectives in bold. Match them with their opposites in the box. cheap uncomfortable difficult new slow attractive big fast — slow Read about Juliana on the right. Answer the ~ questions. @ What does she want to buy? Why? How much does she want to spend? 2 Look at the advertisements and the pictures. Which of these sentences are true? The Deluxe is older than the Micro, v7 The Micro Is bigger than the Deluxe, The Deluxe is more expensive than the Micro. ‘Ve Micio js eosier to park than the Deuse. ‘The Deluxe is better for Juliana than the Micro, 78 Grom ta Margelien Micro ‘€650 phone 566 4635 evenings only ee ee ec Oey ce er ke Es CER eeeeku eur 1 Complete the gaps in the comparative sentences, 2 The Deluxe Is older the Micro, bb The Deluxe is expensive the Micro, 2 Look at these three types of comparatives 2 One syllable: old ~ older b Two syllables ending in-y: easy ~ easier Three (syllables: expensive ~* more expensive Write the comparative form of the adjectives in exercise 1 3 Irregular comparatives: (good — better, bad ~ worse ) Read Language summary A on page 155, Practice Pronunciation 1 Compare the cars. 1 Listen and notice the stressed and weak syllables, a The Micro Is (slow) than the Deluxe. © eb A . The Micro is slower than the Deluxe ‘A Ferrari is faster than a Rolls Royce. b The Micro is (cheap) the Deluxe . eb hl oe The Deluxe is (comfortable) the Micro. A Swatch is cheaper than a Rolex. _ The Micro is (small) the Deluxe. fe The Deluxe is (difficult to park) the Micro, 2 Look at the tapescript on poge 170 and listen to more sentences about the photos. Practise the sentences paying attention (o the stressed and. weak syllables, £ The Deluxe is (in good condition) the Micro, 9. The Micro is {in bad condition) the Deluxe, 2D 2 GBD Look at the photos and check the meaning of the adjectives in the boxes. ° b Work in pairs. Use the adjectives to compare the products ‘A Ferraris faster than a Rolls Royce a Rolls Royce aFerrari [fat expensive atracive a Harley-Davidson ‘mineral water Siow easy 10 beaul | [sweet heathy ice] 79 a Vespa module 9 Buying and selling Language focus 2 Superlative adjectives Why are these things famous? Read and check |The King of Thailand owns the biggest diamond in the world. itis called The | Golden Jubilee and it weighs 2.6 kg The most expensive car in the world is "the Ferrari Enzo Coupé. It costs about $650,000 and it is also one of the fastest cars: it can go from 0-100 kmh in 3.65 seconds. Macy's, in Manhattan, New York, is the busiest (and some people say the best) department store in the world. tt has ten shopping floors and half a million eleclalurls 1 Complete the superlative sentences, 2 The Jubilee Diamond is big. diomond in the word. bb The Ferrari Enzo Is in the world expensive cor 2 Use the text to complete the table. adjecti ‘comparative | superlative Practice 1 Complete the questions with superlative adjectives. Choose the answers. Listen and check 1 Where is — (all) hotel in the world? @ Dubai b Bangkok —c Hong Kong 2 Who is (ich) person in the world? Bill Gates The Sultan of Brune! Ingvar Kamprad, head of IKEA 3. Which is (expensive) city in the world to buy a house or lat? ‘Tokyo blondon ¢ Vienna 4 Where is — (old) university in the world? c Bologna b Karueein ¢ Oxford S What was (successful) Evropean football lub in the twentieth century? ‘@ Bayem Munich b Real Madrid ¢ Manchester United 6 Where is — (high) town or city in the world? a Cuzco, in Pert b La Paz, in Bolivia ¢ Lhoso, in Tibet 7 What is — (common) word in the English language? ato ba cthe 8 Who were (popular) group in the twentieth century? a the Rolling Stones b the Eagles ¢ the Beatles 2 2 Look at nage 147. Choose one ofthe topes b Write sentences about five of the questions. my brother is the most untidy person | Row. Reading 4 D2 you like going to street markets? Which is your favourite market? What can you buy there? 2D. 2 GD 00k at the photos of markets around the world. Which do you think is: + the oldest? + the most lively? + the most colourful? + the most unusual? + the most similar to markets in your country? b GID Check the meaning of these words. Can you see any in the photos? Tast faster the big bigger the busy busier the expensive | more expensive | the good | better the ___ > Read Language summary 8 on page 156. 80 aearpet arug abied — aherb aflower —atoy agift adecoration medicine Q Fead the text and answer the questions about ‘each market. @ Whatisthename? ¢ What can you buy there? b) Where isi 4) When is it open? new pair of sunglasses? The Or something for your dinner this Nowadays you can shop by telephone, by or by Internet; but for many people, the most evening the Iso the most traditional friends and an find markets anywhere in the world. Here are five of them ... You can bu nnnany ‘floating markers nas ig in Thailand, at a place called Damm ipo de’ Fiori. in the oldese util square (or ‘pinzza") SS module 9 Buying and selling Vocabulary Shops and shopping Match the shops in the box to the pictures. Real life Asking in shops 8 @D Lookat pictures aeina department store and the store directory. Which departments are they? Which floors are they on? Store Directory Basement Food hall Cook and Kitchenware Luggage _ Ground floor _ Perfumery Cosmetics Hand bR enminae. Stationery First floor Ladies’ clothes Shoes Children’s clothes Jewellery Electrical goods ‘a clothes shop. a post office ‘a pharmacy abakery ‘drycleaners abutcher’s a hairdresser’s a local shop a gift shop GD Check the meaning of the words in bold and answer the questions, ‘Where can you take your clothes when they're dirty? @ dry-eleaner’s ‘Where can you have a haircut? ‘Where do they sell cakes and bread? Where can yon go for new jeans? Where con you get a present for a friend? Where do you post letters and parcels? Where can you buy sausages? Where can you find everything (food, drink, newspapers and magazines) in one srnall shop? i Where can you buy toothpaste and medicine? 3, Think of one more thing you can buy or doin each shop, 82 dens cloihss, b Anna visits five different departments. Match the recordings to the pictures. Recording 1 = picture Recording 4 = picture [) Recording § = picture 0 2D «Match the questions in A with the answers in & Do you take credit cards? g Have you got this in a medium? Do you sell diaries? Which floor is that? How much Is i? Can Ihave one of those, please? ‘What time does the store close? Is there a restaurant or café here? It’ on the ground floor. ws £25, This one? At eight o'clock, Yes, there’sa restaurant on the fourth floor. Let me check for you. Yes, Visa or Mastercard, No, we don't. Try the stationery department, nek @ @Vaneenay Listen again and check. Pronunciation 1 Listen to the questions in exercise 20 and. notice the stress on the important words. 2 Mark the stresses on the other questions. 3 Practise saying the questions. Copy the polite intonation. 3 2 Peterson holiday. Look a his shopping list. postcards ¥ sunglasses T-shirt toothpaste stamps bread Frait cake batteries for camera b GELB Listen to his conversations in four different shops and tick the things on the list he buys. c Work in pairs. Look at the Lapeseript on page 171 ‘and practise the conversations. A Student A: Look at page 142. Student B: Look at age 145. Practise two conversations with a customer and shop assistant in a local shop. 83 -—< module 9 Buying and selling SSS] Task: Choose souvenirs from your country Preparation: listening Task: speaking 4 Match the words and phrases in the Lox withthe photos. Work individually, Read about the ee = people on page 143. Write down [eleatherbag CD adoll alamp asikscarf cheese some souvenirs from your country (or from the country where you are now) b Which country do you think these souvenirs come from? for the people. Listen to six people talking about the souvenirs in the {2 Workin small groups. Decide the photos. Number the souvenirs in the order they are mentioned. best souvenir for each person. TRIBUTO FLAMENCO A DON JUAN VALDERRAMA 3 > Useful language a and b Tell the class what your group decided, Did you choose the same souvenirs? > Useful language c USAIN Laeat eto a Giving your ideas | think (@ doll is a good souvenir for (Anna). (Thailand) is famous for (silk) so You can buy some (really good cheese). How about (a book)? b Discussing What do you think? { think a (CD) is better because I think the best thing to buy is a (book, Yes, that's a good idea. Yes, but c Saying what you decided For (Amy) we want to buy 2 The best souvenir for (Tom) is 2 In Italy) we makeihave the best (leather) s0 we decided to give (Helen) (2 leather handbag) Finding spelling in a dictionary (2) 1 You can use your mini dictionary to find comparative and superlative forms. cheap /tfisp! ox) os Sorting that is cheap doesnot cost very much money, oF costs ss money than you expect 2 Match A and B to make rules for the spellings of short adjectives. Most one syllable adjectives (e9. nch) D b Adjectives ending ine’ (e.g nice) D) © Adjectives ending in one consonant + vowel + consonant (e9. sod) 0 4. Adjectives ending in ‘y’ (0.9 JSriendy) C) 8 1 change to “ier or ‘the -iest. 2 take “er or ‘the -est 3. double the final consonant and add ‘er’ or ‘the -est. 4 take or ‘the -st. 3 GD Write the comparative and superlative forms. Check in your mini-dictionary. silly great tue fot young thin old Friendly C Pronunciation spot The sound ji) a (ELD Listen to the /1/ sound in these superlative adjectives. Listen again and repeat, oldest smallest fastest newest easiest slowest busiest b Listen to these words and underline the /t/ sounds. Then listen again and repeat. this English tissues business married. places matches lived women dictionary minute 1 Comparative adjectives 1) ‘2 Complete the questions with a comparative form. 1 Who's __taller (tall, you or your teacher? 2 Who's (young), you or your best friend? 3 Which is (g00d), watching @ OVD or going to the cinema? 4 Which is (easy) for you, speaking or understanding English? 5 Which is (important) for you, having a well-paid job or an interesting job? 6 Which month is (hot) in your country, May or September? b Now write your answers, D> Need to check? Language summary A, page 155. 2 Superlative adjectives 0 Write the superlative form and complete the sentences to make them true for you a The busiest (busy) month of the year is December b The (good) day of the week is The (bad) day of the week is d The (Violent) film 1 know is e The (sad) film know is f The (exciting) holiday in my life was in 9 The (boring) holiday in my life was in > Need to check? Language summary 8, page 156. 3 Shops 0 ‘Write the shops where you bought these things. Yesterday |went to the shops and! a local shop. bought some (a) breakfast cereal and 5 b anevsoaper. Then | bought some ()chiccen and some (¢) cokes and bread. | also bought some new {6) jeans and left my (e) coat for cleaning, Then | had a (f) haircut. th D> Need to check? Vocabulary, page 82. 4 Asking In shops C1 Put the questions in the correct order. 2 take /cards /you/ Do/ credit? bo you take credit cards? b I/of/ have / one / Can / please / those? ¢ alarge /this/ got / Have /in/ you? d this /is /much / How? @ you /time / What / do/ close? D Need to check? Real life, page 82. de. 5 ed « Took back at the arcas you have practised. Tick the ones you feel confident about. Now try the MINI-CHECK on page 162 check what you know! REMEMBER! 85 Street life Present continuous > Present simple or continuous? Vocabulary: Clothes Listening: Peopte who wear uniforms Vocabulary and writing: Describing people ‘Task: Complete andi describe 2 picture Real life: Street talk Language focus 1 Present continuous 4 Lookat the three people who are talking on their mobiles, Do thay look happy or not? 2 Listen to their conversations and answer the questions a Who are they talking to? What do they say they are doing? ¢ Are they telling the truth or not? 3 Listen and compiete the sentences ot for « bus. b 1____ an important report for my boss, cl home, cle Ture 1 We use the Present continuous for actions happering now or around now. 2 Complete the gaps in the Present continuous forms, Om Hershe working late YourWeithey’ © Mrmnot Hesshe tell__ the ttn, YouWerthey © what jai ' ——heishert | doing? ‘youwentey | > Read Language summary A on page 156. 86 1 GILED Listen to ten sentences. Which picture(s) above do they describe? 2 Listen and practise the /n/ sound at the end of the -ing forms © fin) of oi laughing chatting raining 3 Look at the tapescript for recording 3 on page 171 Listen again and practise the sentences. i Make true sentences for you Practice, 3 Thon compare ithe partner 4] GB Use yourrinidictionary to ches the speling of th wear the read =e sit 9. drive 5 dein hoe | (wear) trainers Hchew) g 2 Work in pairs, Ask and answer about the photos below 1 (hold) © penal Our teacher (w voard We (work) hard today. resuvewn ones, Vocabulary 2 Workin pois. Take turns to describe one ofthe people inthe pictures. Do not say who iti. Your partner guesses Clothes _ _ Chis person is wearing a suit, a blue shirt > a Look at the people in the STi person swearing sua Blue shirt 9 pictures. Where are they going? b GID Tick the things you can see in the pictures? Which things are the people ‘wearing? Which are they carrying? onuncia ) [Trousers ashe | 1 Look at the pairs of words. Are the vowel sounds jeans shorts earrings underlined the same (S) or different (D)? Listen and check. sandals ascarf shoes @ te / tights s f shirt / shorts | | tights boots a shirt cont / scarf B 9 skiet suit i ahat trainers asuit | shoes / boats hy sandals / handbag | | atie ajumper —ajacket 4 belt / dress i jumper / jacket | acoat socks aT-shirt | © socks / gloves i jeans / garrings | abelt ahandbag a backpack fbriefease gloves asportsvag | _ (_2 Practise saying the words. Pay attention tothe vowel sounds.) Dimitri, 22, tourist 4 Camilla, 28. © Mol, 20, art Going to: The H Going to: her hest stud Gallery. friend’s wedding. Going to: college) Listening People who wear uniforms fe 1, 2 Andy and michelle wear a uniform in their jo. What are their jobs? bb GD What clothes do they wear in their job? Are their uniforms smart / ugly / heavy / uncomfortable? < Who do you think wears the following? Listen and check. ‘ablackand white hat a hat that is 00 years old avhite shir leathertrousers black trousers very big shoes tights 2 Listen again ana answer the questions Why is Andy's uniform uncornfortable? Why does he wear women’s tights? Do you think he likes his uniform? Does Michelle like her uniform generally? Why? Which part of her uniform doesn’t she like? Why? 3 Discuss these questions. + Do you wear a uniform at school oF work? Do you like i? If not, would you like to wear a uniform? + Who wears @ uniform in your country? Which uniforms do you like best? Language focus 2 Present simple or continuous? eer eerie en GD Look back at the photo of Michelle in uniform and the photo of her above. In what ways does she look different? Read and answer the questions. What's Michelle doing at the moment? What's she wearing? What kind of colours does she usually wear at work? ‘What colours does she wear to go out? Does she wear @ lot of make-up at work? Is she wearing make-up tonight? Choose the correct alternative. Present simple: ‘She wears dark colours ot work. ‘his is usvally true / happening now. Present continuous: ‘She's wearing a pink top tonight. ‘his is usualy true /hapoening now. a Words we use with the Present simple: usually always often normally every day b Words we use with the Present continuous: now todey at the moment > Read Language summary B on page 156. 89 module 10 Street life Practice 41 2 Choose the correct tense for the questions. What do you wear? 1 Do you usually weer / Are you usually wearing smart of casual clothes at college/work? What kind of clothes do you wear / are you wearing today? 2 Do you wear / Are you wearing boots, trainers, sandals or shoes today? What kind of shoes do you normally wear / are you normally wearing? 3 Do you usually wear / Are you usually wearing a watch? 4 Do you wear / Are you wearing socks when the weather's hot? 5 Do you normally wear / Are you normally wearing perfume ‘or aftershave? Do you wear / Are you wearing any at the moment? Do you ever wear / Are you ever wearing glasses? Do you wear / Are you wearing any jewellery today? Do you wear / Are you wearing shorts a lot in the summer? Do you wear / Are you wearing make-up at the moment? Do you normally wear / Are you normally wearing make-up? 10 Do you ever wear / Are you ever wearing a hat? When? b Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 2 2 Which questions are the people below discussing? Put the verbs in the correct tense, Present simple or Present continuous. 1 @rusuatly @ (wear) make-up when I (6) (go) to work, and when T(__ (0) out inthe evening of course, but 1 (@) (not wear) any at the moment because I(@) (work) at home today. @) 2 @rm quite lucky ~in my office everyone's quite casual. People normally (f)____ (wear) jeans and maybe a shitt or jumper. Even the boss (g) (not wear) a suit. Today it’ really hot so 1 (ear) shorts and sondals, and 1(i)____(not wear) 3 ©1G___ wean shorts today becouse I (k)__ (go) to the gym and its very hot, but I () (not normally wear) them because I (rn) hate) my legal @ b Listen and check your answers. Work in groups. Tell other students about what you normally wear at work/school, at the weekend and when you go out in the evening 90 Vocabulary and writing Describing people 1 Look at the pictures. Who: hhas got a moustache? Mikee has got long hair? hhas got blue eyes? is in his/her thirties? {is wearing casual clothes? is block? js shim? has got a beard? vhas got a shaved head? has got short hair? hhas got blond(e) hatt? is well-built? {is weering smart clothes? ras got medium-length hair? thas got a pony-tail? is in his/her twenties? fs very good-looking? ee osg oR oo rere anes Which other words can replace the blue words? bo He's got blond hair She's got blue eyes He's got a moustache. She's in her thirties, She's tall and slim. nance 3 Work in pars. Use the sentences in exercises 1 and 2 to describe the six people. Write a description of yourself or of 2 famous person you all know. Describe your (or their) appearance and iow you (or they} dress. trae (not very tat) ve got (chore blond hair and green eyes) Ve ine mey (thirties) wear (glasses) Lusually wear (Jeans and jumpers) Today i'm weaving (a suit and tie) = module 10 Street life Task: Complete and describe a picture Preparation: listening {| Pictur [| 41 took at picture A and answer the questions an the 0. Is it morning or right. hi 2) AED Listen to someone describing picture A and find four mistakes. Picture B Task: speaking Look at picture B showing 1 fPeame sect nthe evening. ‘Add ten new things from the box below to the picture. Do not show anybody your picture. {ood and drinks shortilong hair happylunhappy faces beards or moustaches extra clothes thats, ties, belts) peoole at the windows -essories (sunglasses, mobiles) Work in pairs. Take turns to describe your picture and your partner draws it on the extra copy of Picture B on page 146, Don't look at your partner's picture. Ask questions to complete the picture. > Useful language @ and b 3 When you have both finished, compare your picture with your partner's original. Are they the same or not? What are the differences? UT e ante te ——— ‘a Asking questions What's the woman (on the right) doing? What's the man (in the middle) holding? What's he/she wearing? What's happening in the rooms (above) the café? What kind of hair has he/she got? Is he/she smiling? b Describing your picture ie raining He's got long hair. She's eating (an ice cream) Real life Street talk 13 DD Tick (7) the correct thing to sey in each situation, Listen and check You are in the street and ... 11 You don’t know the time. How do you ask? @ Excuse me, have you got the time, please? b Pleose what time is it, sir? € Tell me the time, please 22 You ore looking for 0 seat in a cofé. Whot do you say? I'd like to sit here. B Is onyone sitting here? © Con you move, please? 3 Abus is coming. You want to know if itis going to the city centre. 4 Would you like to go to the city centre? b How much is it fo the city centre? € Is this bus going fo the city centre? 4 You want 1o pork your car but you do not understand the sign on the road. What do you ask? © Am | parking here? b Is itokay to pork here? ¢ Do you want to park here? 5 You only have « five-pound nole and you need some coins to pay for the cor park. What do you soy? 4 Excuse me, have you got any change, please? b I'd like some change, please ‘© Give me some change, please. 6 You are trying to find the station in a strange town. Whot do you ack? 1 What's the station? b How long is the station? € Is this the way to the station? 7 You want to know when the shops close on Soturdoys. What do you ask 1 Are the shops closed on Solurdays? b What time do the shops close on Saturdays? € Whot fime ove the shape elosing on Saturdoys? b Listen again and write the answers. Pronunciation 1 Listen and notice the polite intonation in the questions. Listen again and repeat, copying the voices on the recording, 2. Practise the conversations with partner. 2. choose five of the questions. Walk around the class imagining that you are in the street. Ask the questions to other students, They must answer politely. 93 CONSOLIDATION ® Grammar: Present simple, Present continuous, Past simple Choose the correct form of the verb, la ag a ze gor oe Pr on oP Hide, 1) write KG wria@Y wrote this e-mail rom sunny Rome where |) sit “m sitting / saU'or a balcony in the ety centre and 've got some brant nows! Last Saturday |(8) get‘ getting / got married! My wife's name is Laura and she (4) comes /'s comina / came from Sicily ‘She's a photographer and she (5) works /’s working / worked for ‘Amica’, a famous Italian magazine. We (6) meet / ‘re meeting / met at a party in Milan about a month ago and one week later we (7) decide / te deciding / decided to gat marries! We (8) don't have / aren't having / didn't have a big wedding ~ only her parents and a few Italian fiends, We (0) come back / re coming back / came back to Rome two days 290 and at the moment we (10) stay / ‘re staying / stayed in Laura's apartment because i's bigger than mine and nearer Laura's workplace. Come and visit ust I'm sure you'l ike Laura and she (14) wants /’s wanting / wanted to meet all my friends. Our address is @ Reading and speaking: Snacks around the world 1 Read about snacks in Germany, Brazil and Japan. Complete the gaps with avan, some, any of - (no word) ‘Well | often have (1) snack at about eleven in the moming, | usually go to a kiosk near here and buy (2). sausage, and then I eat it, standing up at a small table near the kiosk, Then at about four o'clock we usually stop work and have (3) ‘cup of coffee and (4) cakes.” Suzanne, Germany ‘1don’t usually have (5) food in the middle of the morning, but in the afternoon, at about five o'clock, I sometimes have a coffee. Yesterday, for example, I had (6). bread roll and (7). cheese, {get very uagry in the afternoons! Oh, yes, and | had (8). iced tea, You can Duy itt the beach or on the streets ~ it’s very popular in Brazil.” Renato, Brazil “tn Japan we eat food from all over the world, and young people like European snacks. Older people like more traditional food. For example, ‘every afternoon my grandfather has (9) Jopanese sweets with ‘traditional green tea, At work, on weekdays we usually have a ‘three o'clock snack’. Today T had (10). biscuits and tea, but no milk! I find it very strange that English people have milk in their tea!” Mariko, Fapan 2 Workin pairs. Discuss these questions, 4 Do you have snacks between meals? b_ What did you have yesterday? 94 e Speaking: Real life 1. what do you say in the following situations? You are in a restaurant and you want to pay. What do you say to the waiter? bb You are in a street market. You want to buy a T-shirt, Ask about the price © You are phoning a pizza restauront. You want two large pizzas. What do you say? 4 You are buying a ticket in a railway station. The clerk says the price of the ticket but you don’t understand him, What do you soy? © You are in a shop. You want buy some shampoo but you can’t see any. Whot do you ask the shop assistant? {You are in a shop and you want tobuy a T-shirt, but it's too small for you. What do you ask the shop assistant? @ You are in a shop. An assistant ‘asks you ‘Can t help you?" but you don't want to buy anything at the moment. What do you say? 2 Listen and check. Are your questions the same? 3 Practise the situations in pairs. O Listening: Song: Return to Sender Work in pairs. Student A Look at page 143. Student 8: Look at page 144, Listen to the song and complete the gaps. Then compare your answers with your partner. MODUL “5 6-10 @ Reading and speaking: Comparatives and superlatives 1 Read about four holidays. Which country is each holiday in? Where can you: see a lot of animals? go skiing? goto the beach? d. visita historic town? Skiing holiday ‘courchevel, in the French nips. has the terest Skt grea in the world with 280 Jifts and 600 km of perfect '] snow. The night life is very } active, there are bars and Clubs open till ate, and fantastic restaurants for ll tastes. The Hotel o'Armor is. modern building with 350 fooms, @ swimming pool and sauna, and it's only five ‘minutes from the nearest skiff Prices from €699.00 8 week, including ski pass and ski hire MHolia mM Turkey Eiuated in bead lideniz, we are onl five minutes from the sea. Our very modern Turkish apartment sleeps five and has its own small garden, The town of Fethiye, with its old streets and buildings, is only fifteen km away. you want a quiet, peaceful break near the sea, then this is perfect for you! £650 a week, Emiiitooe Holiday in Greece wee One and two bedroom taditonal apartments neor ‘the small but cosmopolitan town of Agios oenns on | the Pelion peninsula. Enjoy the sun anv the wonder Greek food! The apartments are seif- catering and are ony tty minutes’ walk from the. ‘beautiful Papa Nero beach. ‘Only €450 a week fora to Bedroom apartment wnuhllstavelcouk African Safari Kenya ~Tanzania ~ Namibia ~ Boswana — South Aftiea ~ Uganda Zambia and Malaws We are simply the bese for safaris. Snull groups, friendly guides. Come emoeing, riking and camping! See clephanss, ons and other imal in the wild! Tonnes ate h Prices from €1,350 for tee weeks. Tel 020 7482 142 ‘ 2 Make eight sentences comparing the holidays Using the adjectives in the box expensive cheap long quiet exciting good for families Tne skiing holiday is better for sport than the holiday in crevce. Tne holiday in Greece is the cheapest. 3a Which two holidays might be suitable for these people? 1 Adriana (22) ond Sueli (23) are from Mexico. They ike exciting holidays and want 19 meet other young people. They like dancing and sport. They want to go ‘on holiday for two or three weeks, but they don't ‘want to spend a lot of money. 2. Tanya and Rod Kilroy are from Canada. They've got two children, Jayne, aged 6, and Tom, aged 8, and they ‘are looking for a quiet family holiday near the sea. ‘They like old places, They haven't got a lot of raoney, b Compare the two holidays you chose and decide Which is the best. @ Vocabulary Find three words in the word square for each topic. OR GE EC BAKERY No rec AS PO BU DW oT oOpUNUT TH UBIWAT ae GATITR xs HWINEX al TROFEL Plo uo RD E\P NT UT S)U BE EV ER fod grapes 4 frame 6 regular verbs past verbs fadject @ shops 95 MODULE 11 \ vV¥VVVYTY Al con and can't for ability Question words Use of articles (3) Vocabulary: Animals and natural features Reading: Amazing facts about the natural world Real life: Saying quantities and big numbers, Listening: Man's best trends? Task: Devise a general knowledge quiz nimals and natural features ‘a Which things in the box can you see in the photos? Write the words in the correct colurmn a ai a = nimais) | geographical { planets, etc. “living things _| features a bird | pa 3 40,000 km 18,000,000 _10,000,000,000,000 96 bird amountain ——ariver n insect ahuman being the earth chimpanzee anelephant the moon volcana alake ‘a kangaroo snait a donkey a dolphin Can you add any more words to each category? DD Read the facts in the text. One is false Can you guess which? (Check your answer on wwe 143.) Why are these numbers mentioned in the text? Look back and check, if necessary. years Big tox 340150010 Which facts do you find most amazing? Why? AMAZING FAGIS ABOU Perce + You share your birthday with around eighteen milion other Peers ee eet ees + Donkeys kill more people in the world every year than ers + The Arctic Ter, a bird which ives in North America and the Pa er Una ease ae ten reece Re ru Gruen eA rs Se etre there are around one thousand five hundred ants for every rus + The Earth rotates at around one thousand five hundred ra DL ate ete ee nent Pe ness za THE NATURAL WORLD CS ar ace eee Ceara ae ec Africa is the only continent in the world that doesn’t have Sees Dogs can't see colours. Guide dogs watch the traffic to see pete Ree Ce ad Cee eae eae cuted ‘Some chimps learn up to two hundred and forty eee ad About ten per cent of people in the world are left-han« Studies show that dogs and cats also prefer to use either their right or left paws. So check if you have aright or aleft- Prec The average person eats around 8 kilos of dirt during their lifetime. This is because of badly washed fruit and vegetables. can and can’t for ability 1 Underline three facts in the text that tell you about animals’ abilities. 2 Complete the gaps with can or can't Chimpanzees —_ read sign language, Elephants ____ jump. dogs see colours? Read Language summary A on page 156 Practice Make at least six sentences that you know are true using words from each of the boxes and can or can't. chimpanzees kangaroos dolphins dogs parrots elephants ants newborn babies fly jump (high) swim talk run fast seecolours walk climb trees carry heavy things Dog's can't see colours. SSS oy Pronunciation ‘Look at the tapescript on page 172. Listen and notice the stress and weak forms. Listen again and repeat. © Kono © kon @ Dogs can swim, _Flephants can't jump. ‘Ask and answer with other students. Try to find one student for each activity. @ play the guitar? fe make clothes? b mend acar? 4 pley chess? © write with their other hand? g read music? d cead really fest? hi sing well? Yes, but not very well Can you play chess? No, can't 97 module 11 The world around us Language focus 2 Question words 1 Work in pairs. How many questions in the ‘Animal quiz can you answer without looking back atthe text? b Look back at the text and check your answers. 2 Circle the question word in each question. 1 There are many two-word questions with how, what and which, Match the question words to the answers. a How far ..? Los Angeles, bb How tall. Every day, ¢ How often Lions. d How long ...? Ten metres. fe How fast ..? Forty kilometres an hour. # Which city Ten kilometres, g Which animals ..2- Rock and pop, hh Whatkinds of music... Three hours Do you remember? Choose the correct alternative. We use How many with countable / uncountable nouns + How much with countable / uncountable nouns We use what when there are a iarge number of possible answers, What isthe population of china? We use which when there are only a few possible answers. Which continent has no active volcanoes? Animal quiz 1. How much dirt does the average person eat ® > Read Language summary 8 on page 157, during their life? 2 what kind of animals can't jump? Practice 3 Which continent has no active volcanoes? 1 Choose the correct question word 4 How fast does the earth rotate? Which / Whot do kangaroos eat? How much / How many water do people need to drink every day? What / Which da you like best, dogs or cats? How much / How many pets have you got? How much / How long do elephants usually live? How fac / How often do you need ta feed a baby? How fast / How tong does the average person walk? How far / How mony can you swim? How long / How often do you go swimming? Which / What is your dog's name? 5 How many ants are there in the world? 6 How long can snails sleep? 7 How do guide dogs know when to cross the road? 8 How far do Arctic Terns fly every year? ‘9 What is the present population of the world? 98 2. 2 Make questions to ask your partner, Complete each question in A with words from B, C and, if necessary, D. oe Qe e How far read “ study Which languages ue How often a How fast all What kind of food do you oo Which sports can you ie How many cups of cottee ne How many hours doe Which newspaper ania How well type walk b Work in pairs, Ask and answer your questions. Real life Saying quantities and big numbers Match the numbers in A with how you say them in A B @ 50 kph five thousand b 500 kg five billion ¢ 505 five hundred kilos d 5,000 five million e 50,000 five point five £ 500,000 five hundred thousand g 5,000,000 one meite fifty-five centimetres hh 5,000,000,000 fifty thousand. i 556 fifty kilometres per hour j lm55cm five hundred and five 9 Listen and write down the ten numbers you hear. Then listen again and repeat. a 400 every day every night every week 3 aComplete the questions with the words in the box. How far How fast How many (x2) How much x2) How old How tal! What 2) 1 is the speed limit on. ‘motorways in your country? 2 can you drive in town centres? 3 is the population of your country, approximately? 4 ‘people live In your town? 5 is the average woman? ‘ does the average man weigh? 7 4s your city from the coast? 8 students ote there in your school, approximately? 9 approximately, is your house? 10 does the average person earn in your country? b Work in pairs. ask and answer the questions. Don't worry if our answers are not exact 99 SS module 11 The world around us Man’s best friends? u 100 ——— Discuss these questions. * Do you have a pet cat or dag? If not, would you like one? Why / Why not? + Do you have any other pets? + Do you know any pets that can do clever things? Look at the activities below. Which can you see in = the photos? Which do you associate with cats (Cl, which with dogs (D) an which with both (8)? being pregnant having kittens racing helping the blind sleeping alot hunting finding drugs for customs officers keeping themselves very clean a How many questions can you answer? How many domestic cats are there in the world today? What do they eat? How many hours « day do they sleep? How long are female cats pregnant? How many kittens do they have at one time? How many breeds (kinds) of cats are there? What is special about sphinx cats? } Listen to the first part of a radio programme about pets, and check your answers. Did anything surprise you? D The second part of the programme is about dogs. Read, then listen and complete the gaps. People sey that (a) a dog is a meawie best frignal People and dogs fist scarted living together about cen, thousand years ago. Now there are (b) dogs just in the USA. The Americans spend over © con dog food every year ~ four times what they spend on baby food! Altogether there are about (4) dog. Many dogs work for humans, doing jobs such as helping the blind, helping the police and customs breeds of officers to find drugs and even racing! Greyhound racing fs popular (e) The fastest greyhounds can nun as fast as (6) Perhaps the most famous working dog was Rin Tin Tin, who died in (g) He eamed his money by th) He made fify films and eared about 0) for each one! Language focus 3 Use of articles (3) Read what three people say about pets. Who do you agree with? Jack, 8 3 @ 1 tove 09s, especially big dogs, butt haven't got one because I think i's eruel to Keep big dogs in flats. The dog in the Nat next door to me is really unhappy ~ it just wolks up and down the balcony all day wiven the owners are at work 1's really sad ow $ © con realy tke animate much, especialy cats. hate cals. hate the way they rab cgainst your legs ugh! @ Paula, 23 2. Underline the animals in the text above. Do they have a, the or no article? Read the rules about the use of the article in English, Tick () the rules if they are the Same in your language, and write a cross (X) if they are different. 1. We use a/on te talk about things for the first time or when we don't know which one. We've got a dog, a cat and a rabbit. ‘We use the to talk about specific things, or when we know which one, ur dog's really friendly to the cat and the rebbit. The dog in the flot next door is reaily unhappy ‘We use no article to talk about things in general. Dogs dant like cats. > Read Language summary C on page 157. Practice 1] Which ofthese things de you like /love /hate/ not mind? Write sentences, then compare with a partner. ar | kittens bigdogs stakes splders, | windy weather snow really hot weather bigcities mountains long walks in the country << tdon't mind spiders. > << Adan't mind spiders. > 2D # Complete the gaps with a, the or ~(n0 wore 1 Ihaven't got __pet. 2 When I was child hod pet 3 al people in my family are animal lovers 4 ___ rabbits ore popular pets in my country. 5 Heamt to ride horse when I was young. 6 people in my street/area have a lot of pets. 7 Twos frightened of dogs when | was small child. 8 teacher (of this class) loves animals, 9 I'm allergic to cats bb Which sentences are true for you? Correct the ones that are wrong. (Wasn't frightened of dogs > \\ when Iwasa small child, 7 Pronunciation 1 Listen to the two different pronunciations ofthe Pal Bil 1thesun 2 the earth 2 Here are some more words often found ‘with the. Listen to the pronunciation of the and write 1 or 2 next to them the east the west b thelett the right, © the beginning the end 4 thermoming the afternoon the president the prime minister ¥ theking the queen 4g the EU the USA h the Arctic the Antarctic Look at the examples with pronunciation 2. What kind of sound follows the? Listen again and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the. 101 aS module 11 The world around us — 102 Task: Devise a general knowledge quiz PAC MUU em Ly planets are there in our solar system? a seven b eight ¢ nine is Chow Mein? a aChinese food b a Chinese city ¢ a Chinese game litres of blood are there in the average human body? a 3t04litres b Sto6lites ¢ 10to12 litres is it from the earth to the sun? a 15 million kilometres b 150 million kilometres ¢ 1.5 billion kilometres is the Islamic holy city of Mecca? a Egypt. b Iran ¢ Saudi Arabia did France win the world cup in football? a 1966 b 1998 c 1966 and 1998 kilometres are there in one mile? b13 ¢16 was the American politician and actor Amold Schwarzenegger born? a Austria b Germany _¢ The Czech Republic __ official languages does Switzerland have? atwo |b three ¢ four Preparation: listening Complete the general knowledge quiz with question words. Work in groups. Answer the questions. Then isten and check, Task: writing and speaking ‘8 Workin three teams: A, B and C. You are going to invent your own general knowledge quiz, using the categories in the box geography history nature science sport food anddrink famous people music art literature numbers other b Write at least eight questions, giving three possible answers for each. (You can use the antastic facts’ at the back of the book for ideas. Team A: Look at page 144, Team B: Losk at page 142. Team C: Look at page 141,) > useful language a 2D Practise saying your questions clearly, so that the other teams can understand Play your quiz game in teams. Which team won? > Useful language b Useful language a Asking questions When did (italy) win the European cup? Where was (Albert Einstein) born? ‘What's the capital of (Canada)? How far is it from (Berlin) to Warsaw)? Where does (sushi) come from? Who wrote (War and Peace}? b Answering questions {t's definitely (a) {think it's (French). ''m nt sure but | think it was ve got no idea, Recording new vocabulary 1 Ts a good idea to have a vocabulary notebook. You can record new vocabulary in different ways: 2 a picture: a scarf b a translation: a butcher's = earniceria ¢ a diagram: a station a poet office (ies inataonna einema a library 2 Find three different groups of vocabulary. potato eye walk fly nose jump run carrot climb head bean mouth mushroom walk 3. Use three pages in your notebook and record each group in a different way. Which way do you think is best? G Pronunciation spot “The sounds /\#/ and /i/ a @@IED Listen and notice the sounds // and /h. Listen again ‘and practise the words. Jw/ when, where, what, which, why - I how, how often, who, how much b G@URED Listen and practise words and phrases with /w/. < Listen and practise words and phrases with /n/. 1 Animals and natural features 0 Circle the odd one out. 2 a fish KE kangaroBy a dolphin ba mountain 7a river /a lake © an insect / an ant /an elephant D> Need to check? Vocabulary, page 96. d the earth /a volcano / the moon © a donkey /a cheetah /a snail f a parrot /a chimpanzee /a bird 2 can for ability O Put the words in the correct order 2 speak / you /Japanese? /Can Cam you speake japanese? b can't/ drive / You very well/ can /She / cook d you /They// understand / can't fe but /music/1/ can't read /can/sing /1 > Need to check? Language summary A, page 156. 3 Question words (1 ‘Write a different question word (or words) in each gap, 2 _Where_ were you born? b do you like best, coffee or tea? © _____ cousins have you got? ¢ do you go to the hairdresser's? e is the station from here? f does it take you to come to school? @ —____ sugar do you take in your coffee? D> Need to check? Language summary 8, page 157. 4 Saying quantities and big numbers 0 Write the numbers. 2 250,000 two hundred and fifty thousand 20,000,000 © 40 koh 399.9 fe 12m 30cm > Need to check? Real life, page 99, 5 Articles O Complete the conversations with a/an, the or - (no werd). vic: We had (a) a great holiday. We stayed in (b) oe: Yeah? What kind of things did you do? vic: Well, () ___ hotel had (¢) swimming pool and (e)___ children loved it so we just relaxed there most days. 208: Jol There's () spider in (a) batht Jo: Ican’t help you. | hate (h) spiders! D> Need to check? Language focus C, page 157. brilliant hotel Look back at the areas you have practised. Tick the ones you feel confident about. Now try the MINI-CHECK on page 162 to check what you know! REMEM2ER! 103 Future intentions: going to, would fike to and want to Suggestions and offers Vocabulary and speaking: Going o Task: Plan a weekend away Real life: Tak about the weather nd staying in Language focus 1 Future intentions: going to, would like to and want to 4 @D Look at the photos. n which can you see people who are ata wedding? + relaxing at home? atthe hairdresser's? + having a barbecue? ata swimming pool? + going for a walk? dancing in aclub? + having a family meal? a Listen to six people talking about their plans for the weekend and complete the table. Name plans for Saturday | plans for Sunday Neca Saturday wight - club with friends, Phil Megan | Jamie | ‘awa — Shari b Listen and compiete the sentences. On Saturday night I'm going out with a of friends. (On Sunday I'm going to my grandparents. The whole family are going to there because it’s my grandmother's 'm not going to this weekend, Twant to ____ the __ I'm reading, It’s my boytriend’s birthday and 1 want to him a digital T’d like to go away somewhere (On Sunday afternoon I'm going to a with This weekend? Nothing special. On Saturday afternoon { want to the 104 3 Complete the questions with are, do or would. Then listen and check 2 To talk about future intentions, we often use a Are _ you going straight home after this lesson? be + going to + verb. If not, where ______-. you going? @ 'm going to have lunch with my grandparents. b ‘you going to do any homework tonight? © 1m not going to do much his weekend. What you going to do? @ Are you going to watch the football tonight? < you want to watch TV this evening ” ~~ you want to wateh anything special? b With the verb go we usuaity use be + going to-go. dd ______ you going to have a busy weekend? What Ym going out with a group of friends. you like to do? you going out anywhere this week? If so, ‘where you going? We can use other verbs to talk about future intentions, too. a want to «verb f Ate there any films that you like to see at Iwant to finish my book. the moment? Which ones? b would like to + ver’ g you want to buy anything special in the 1 like to do something withthe children. next few weeks? What? h you want to go on holiday this year? Where you like to go? > Read Language summaries A and 8 on pages 157 and 158, Pronunciation 1 Listen and notice that fo has o weok pronunciation in the middle of a sentence. ol | [Are you going to have a busy weekend? fal What do you want to do? Practice Write sentences about the people in exercise 28 using going to. On Saturday Phils going to stay at howe and velax 7 Wat are the people inthe pictures going todo? 2 Listen to recording 3 again and repeat Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 3. module 12 A weekend away Vocabulary and speaking Going out and staying in 1 What did you do last weekend? Was it busy or quiet? tiring or relaxing? boring or fun? (Ty weekend was really boring, \ stayed at home and si nothinel_? 2 Read the questionnaire about the weekend, Mark the activities 1~4 1 =I never do this occasionally do this sometimes / quite often do this 41 usually / always do this Compare your answers in small groups. Explain what you do and why. Toten study atthe weekend, (because I don't have time in the ‘week. How about you? @ Match the words and phrases that go ' together in A and 8. Use the questionnaire to check | a 8 1 a stay— ‘walk 2 stay TN for the weekend 3 do ~ at home 4 havea swimming | 5 9 the county | 6 goto the gym | 7 goto with friends 8 go for in bed 9 gout the housework 10 gooway party b Spend a few minutes remembering the phrases, Then test your partner. the country > Caetomecounty > 5 Whats your idea of a perfect weekend? 2— ‘Which of the activities above does it include? 106 A Work and rest At the weekend, do you ever: © work or study? * do the housework OF the shopping? * stay in bed until lunchtime? * stay at home and just relax? B Sport and exercise How often do you: + “g0 to the gym or go swimming? go for along walk? * play football or another game? watch sport on TV? © Social life How often do you: > * goout for ameal? + see relatives? aii * have a party or a barbecue at your house? * go out with a group of friends to a bar or a club? D Culture you ever: Migo to a concent? ‘#"go to an exhibition or a museum? * goto the cinema or the theatre? * read a book? E Going away for the weekend Do you ever: + Go away on business for the weekend? © Visit relatives in another part of the country? * goto the country or to the beach? Language focus 2 Suggestions and offers 1 Its Lia's birthday on Saturday. Listen to her conversation with Amy without reading. What. do they decide to do? 2. Write the numbers of the missing lines in the gaps. Then listen again and check. 1 How about that new French restaurant I'll speak to Martin and the others Let's book it for eight Where shail we go why don't we all go out for a meal somewhere shall | phone the restaurant and book a table A: It’s your birthday next Saturday, isn't it? t: Yeah, but I don’t really know what I want to do, Maybe Ill stay at home and have a quiet night in A: Don’t be sily, you can’t do that! I know, (a) . You, me, Martin, Ben and some of the others maybe? 1: Yeah, okay. That sounds more fun! a) —? 1: There's Bagatti’s but we always go there. (¢) __? can’t remember its name .., 2: The French Table? 1: Let's go there. I'd really like t0 try it. 1: Yeah, it sounds good. (4) __- and check that they can come. Then (€) 1: Yes, please, if that's okay. ‘x: What time? Eight, half eight? 1: () ——, and then we can go somewhere else later. 2 Yes, good idea! Work in pairs. Look at the tapescript on page 173 and practise the dialogue. Grammar 1 a We make suggestions like this: Why don't we all go out for a meal? How about (trying) that new French restaurant? Shall phone and book a table? Let's book It for eight o'clock. b How does the other person in the conversation answer? 2 We make offers like this: | speak to Martin and the others. ‘Shall phone ond book a table? How does the other person answer? > Read Language summaries ¢ and D on page 158. Practice 1 & Put the words in the correct order to make b suggestions and offers. coffee /a / about / How? facket / take /I/ your / Shall? the bill / ask / we Shall / tor? home / you /ll/ take 90 / we / Why /don't / cinema / the / to? another / Let’s/ drink / have you / tomorrew / call /1/ Shall? we / Why / meet / the station / don’t / at? the tickets / book / Tl Listen and check, How did the other person answer? Did they accept the offerisuggestion? Pronunciation Look at Recording 6 on page 173. Listen again and Proctise. Pay attention to the polite intonation. 2D Which suggestionsiotfers in exercise 1 might you 3 make in these situations? You are arranging a night out at the cinema, A friend is spending the evening at your house. You meet an old friend in the street. You are in a restaurant with a friend. Work with a partner. Write a dialogue for one of the situations in exercise 2. Act it out in front of the class. 107 Leeon module 12 A weekend away | Task: Plan a weekend away | Preparation: reading and listening ‘Check the meaning of the ‘words in bold. Which of the things in the box can you see in the photos? [2 magnificent cathedral acastle beautiful views salling cliffs and beaches Baas traditional live music a golf course alake with anisland __alively bar 2 Read the descriptions of three places and answer the questions. 2 Which photos go with each place? 1b Which of the things in exercise 1 can you find in each place? Which would you most like to visit? a weekend away. Listen and circle Three friends are planning | the correct information. 1 a They decide to goto (0) the Isle of Wight (2 Canterbury and Leeds Caste | (Dubin b ... because (1) it’s nat to for. @) its really beaunful. {@) there's something for everyone. | € They are going to travel by (tery. 2) train.) plane. | 6 Allof them like .. | (1) cities ! @) walking ) going out in the evening, @ On Friday evening they are going to leave at (1) 6.00, (2)8.00. (3) 10000. £ They are going to come back on Sunday evening at (2) 6.00. (2)8.00. (3) 10.00 g They are going to stay in (yacollege. GQ) OBSB. () ahotel Look at the tapescript on page 173. Listen and practise the sentences. _108 The Isle of Wight Just two and a half hours’journey from London, the Isle of Wight is perfect for a weekend break, with its three hundred and eighty square kilometres of farmland, cliffs and beaches. You can stay in a B&B at Freshwater Bay and go for long walks along the cliff paths, and beaches. Or hire a bicycle and ride around the island, stopping at Carisbrooke Castle with its magnificent views over the island, If you want something mote exciting try a one-day paragliding course or go sailing: the Isle ‘of Wight is a paradise for sailors. For children, there is a steatn railway which starts from Ryde on the north coast. In the ‘evenings you can relax after a good day's watking in one of the ‘many excellent fish restaurants. nterbury and Leeds Castle With its magnificent cathedral, many museums and old city walls, Canterbury is one of the most historic and beautiful cities in the country: You can stay at a hotel or a B&B and spend your day visiting the nine hundred-year-old cathedral and shopping. Orvisit nearby Leeds Castle, which is situated on two islands in the middle of a small lake and is one of the loveliest castles in the country. It was first built in the ninth century and later became the home of King Hensy VIIl Today itis @ favourite with visiters, with beautiful parks to walk in, as well as gardens, a golf course, a museum, and, in summer, outdoor concerts. | Dublin Dublin, the capital city of the Republic of Ireland, is situated on the east coast, on the River Liffey, and has an international airport with cheap, frequent flights from London. It's a lively and cosmopolitan city, and if you wall along the famous (O'Connell Street you will find exciting shops, bars and restaurants. Ifyou like sightseeing, you can also visit the famous Dublin Castle, Trinity College and Phoenix Park, one of the largest city parks in the world. In the evening you can listen to traditional Irish music in the bars and you can try the most popular drink in Ireland: Guinness, a black beer. Close by the city there are lovely beaches, and just over an hour away are the Wicklow Mountains for walks and beautiful views. And you will have no problems finding good accommodation: Dublin is famous for its excellent B&Bs. Task: speaking You are going to plan a weekend ‘away with some other students. Make a list of possible places to visit, ‘@ Work in groups and decide where you wauld like to go. Think about the following things. + how to travel + where to stay + what to do there ‘+ when to leave / get home > Useful language bb Plan how you will describe your ‘weekend away to other students. Ask your teacher for any words or phrases you need 3 & Workin new groups. reli the ‘8Y0Up what you have planned. (We're aoing to... because >) wwe want to visit a 2 'b Which weekend away sounds the most interesting? arcs) Where to go Ved really like to go to Its a long way / not too far. It takes about two hours to get there, How to travel We can fly What time shall we leave? What time do we want to get home? What to do What can we do there? Let's visit the museum. "dike to Where to stay Where shall we stay? Vil book a B&B. 109 Real life Talk about the weather How many seasons are there in your country? Which seasons are January, April July and October in? 2 aMatch the phrases and pictures Wscloudy. its sunny. Svinte] Its snowing. It's raining. t's cold. lesfoggy. Its hot. les wet. leswarm, Wool, e's icy. b Listen and check, then repeat 110 Libya. In 1922 it had the highest temperature ever - 58°C. 2 Chicago in the north of the United States is h ‘The hottest place in the world is El called ‘the Windy City’. Florida in the south is known as ‘the Sunny State’ QB never snows in Brazil QB The wettest place in the world is Mawisynram € gai" India, which has around 1.2 m of rain every year! On July 21st 1983 Vostok in Antarctica had a temperature of -89°C, the coldest temperature ever recorded. ‘Counties near the Equator, like Malaysia and the Philippines, have only «wa seasons a year, the wet season and the dry season. 3, GB Read the fact file, Why are these places mentioned? Brazil Chicago EiAzizie Malaysia _Mawsynram — Vostok 4. GERD Listen to Sumatee from Bangkok in Thalland and Cathy from Vancouver in Canada talking about the weather in their countries. Which of these statements are true? Thailand 1 Thailand hos three seasons. 2 The cool season is in April and May, 3. The rainy season is from June to October. 4 When it rains, it usually lasts for about four hours. S Bangkok gets very hot in April. 6 The coldest daye are in December. Canada 1 Inthe north af Canada, there's snow for around eight months of the year. 2. The winters in Vancouver are very bad. 3. Its often cloudy and wet in Vancouver in the winter, but it isn’t very cold 4. The summers in Vancouver aren’t very sunny and warm, b Listen again and correct the statements that are false. 5 Either write a paragraph about the weather in your country, thre AYE. SEASONS. From to. i's ive The average tencperature in mey city is about Wes very in (winter) and. in (Sumner) From. to Or Tell other students about the weather in your country, Remembering collocations 1 Collocations are words that go together, for example: stay at home have breakfast do my homework 2 It's important to record collocations. You can write them like this and then cover one column and test yourself .. ge out | with friends see | a film miss | my family, ss OF you can make a diagram, away forthe — for a walle weekend - to the shopping” — | tocollege cinema 3 Can you remember verbs which go with each of these nouns? a _wateh television b ‘economics computer games nothing the radio a new job ‘school by underground a parcel a motorbike to the airport married “Short forms: a GED Uisten and notice the i Llhelp you. Id like a coffee. Let's go out somewhere. b GERD Listen and write down the number of words you hear. ('l=2 words.) «Listen again and write the ‘sentences. Then practise them. 1 Future intentions 1] Put the words in the box in the correct place in the sentences. to do ‘d would % are 's 2 Lena going to study law. b What you want to do tonight? © What you like for your birthday? d Miko wants visit us next month € 1 like to go for a long walk tomorrow. f Where you going on holiday? 9 I going out for a meal. > Need to check? Language summary A, page 157. 2 Going out and staying in C1 Cross out the noun that doesn’t go with each verb 2 play football /a game /sport bdo a party /the shopping / the housework ¢ stay athome/relatives/ in bed d have a barbecue /a meal /the gym © 90 school /to an exhibition / swimming > Need to check? Vocabulary, page 106 3 Suggestions and offers O Put the words in the conversation in the correct order. 4: (@) we /for / don't/ go /a/ Why / walk ? Why don't we go for a walk? () idea i Good (© we/ shall go / where? () beach J about / How / the ? {@) ring / Steve / shall OK, /77 (D he/ to / Maybe / like /come /'d (g) and ss / Yeah / some / take / let / food (h) make / Right, /sandwiches /“II/ some /1 > Need to check? Language summaries C and D, page 158. 4 The weather 1 Write the missing letters ta make weather words. crn ect dsn_, fel asin bf_gy D> Need to check? Real life, page 110. gw_im hw Look back at the areas you have practised. ‘Tick the ones you feel confident about aia ela) Now ty the MINI-CHECK on page 163 te check what you know! am Learning for the future wy Infinitive of purpose might and will Vocabulary and speaking: Education and careers Listening: My career Reading: Easy English? Task: Find the right course Real life: Applying lor a course VVYVVYY Education and careers @D Which of these subjects doidid you study at school or university? Can you add any other subjects to the list? polities ‘management science history Merature business studies languages economics law design ‘medicine Information technology geography maths engineering b Which of the subjects interest you mostleast? I'm not very interested in history. 1 GEEBD Listen ond notice the pronunciation of the subjects. Which letters are silent? 2 Listen again and mark the stress, Then practise the words. DD Put the phrases in the three categories below. (Some can go in more than one column.) doa (business studies) course —_passifall an exam choose a career get a degree 0 to primaryisecondary school take an exam have aninterview get into university apply for ajobia course train to be (a chef) earn money be unemployed [school ____[ univer work take ai exe | pp 112 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. stening a When did you start primary school? When did you go to My career secondary school? Which did/do you like best? Why? b_ What were/are your best subjects at school? Which | GEEBD Listen to four people talking about were/are your worst? thelr careers. Which subjects and jobs did © Are you doing any courses at the moment (apart from each person mention? this one)? @_ Is there anything that you would really like to study? @ Are you taking any exams this year? Do you think you will pass or foil? Why? £ Is itdifficult to get into university and get a degree in your country? Which courses are the most difficult to get on? 9 What other kinds of training do people do? Where do. they do this? h_ What are the good/bad things about the education system in your country, do you think? ‘age do they start? J Is iteasy or difficult to get a job at the moment? Are many people unemployed? k Which careers are most popular with young people? Why will, 28 erry) are they popular, do you think? m Which careers are most popular with men/women? 1 Which professions earn the most money? Is money important to you in choosing a career? © What else do you lock for in a career? Do you have an “ideal job’? i Isit important to learn foreign languages in your country? Which languages do most people learn? At what 1 Ifyou apply for a job in your country, do you normally hhave an interview? What happens? a Work in pairs, Who failed all his exams at school? Jeamt French at primary school? worked for a big finance company? wants to do a career that is very difficult to get into? Is going to Lisbon soon? stopped work for a few years? worked as a van driver? ‘owns his own company now? writes for his schtool magazine? is training to be a teacher? > Listen again and check. 113 module 13 Learning for the future Language focus 1 Infinitive of purpose ‘Match the two parts oi the sentences. Which people in the photos on page 113 do they descrite? He went back to college She stopped work He's writing for his school magazine She's going to Lisbon to study Portuguese. to get some qualifications. to look after her children. to get some experience. (felis We often use an infinitive (to + verb) to say why we do things. She's going to Lisbon to study Portuguese Underine the other examples lke ths Inthe exercise above > Read Language summary A on page 158. Practice 1 Finish the sentences in as many ways a you can, using the ideas in the box. [ check my emails pass his exams meet some friends look up @ word find some information study French do some studying buy a train ticket ‘get a book train as a nurse ‘check something do same shopping a Lwenton the Intemet... to check muy e-neails. to find conce information. to buy a train. ticket to do some shopping. She went to the library {'m going upstairs . He went to Parts Can borrow your dictionary She's going back to college .. ’m going into town He worked very hard He went to the station Can you lend me some money . I need some time . 1'm phoning the office Q Work in pairs. Can you think of any other ideas? ‘You can go on the Internet >, togetsomemusic. 5 4 Reading 1 Discuss these questions. 2 Which foreign languages do most people learn in yout country? 'b Do you think English is an easy Janguage to lear or not? ¢ Which of these areas of the language are easiest/hardest for foreign students do you think: grammar, pronunciation, spelling or vocabulary? Why? _ Isyour language easy for foreigners to learn? Why / Why not? QD GB Fead the text. which paragraph: is obout a man who invented a new form of English with a smaller vocabulary? b_ Isabout a man who tried to change the spelling of English? introduces the topic? d_ is about how e-mail is changing English? € is about a form of English that people use at sea? 3 Workin pairs. Answer the questions, 2 When did Professor Ogden invent Basic English? How many words did ithave? b_ Why did Professor Zachrisson invent Anglic? What happened to it? ¢ Why's Seospeak easier than ‘ordinary English? ‘What is ‘Internetish’, do you think? € [sit a good idea to lear Anglic or Seaspeak instead of English? £ How would you change English to make it easier? Tp UKE A LARGE ofan rat wile THE FR OF AN. Eine Wntctt HAS A SWEET RED, {ASIDE AND G200 TASTE HK) English is an important global language, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to learn. Many experts have «ried to make English easier for studeats to learn ~ but they weren't always successful. In 1930, Professor CK Ogden of Cambridge ity invented Basic English, Ic had only 850 words (and juse eighteen verbs) and Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hours. The problem ‘was that people who learned Basic English could write and say simple messages, but they couldn’t understand the answers in ‘real’ English! It was also impossible to explain a word if it wasn’t in che Basic English word list. For example, if you wanted a water melon, you asked for ‘a large green fruit with the form of an egg, which has a sweet red inside and a good taste’! ERE Zachrisson, a university professor in Sweden, decided that the biggest problem for learners of English was spelling, so he invented a language called Anglic. Anglic was similar to English, but with much simpler spelling. ‘Father’ became ‘faadher, ‘new became ‘nue’ and ‘years’ became ‘eer?’ Unfortunately for some students of English, Anglic never became popular. BW Even easier is the language which ships’ captains use it's called ‘Seaspeak’. Seaspeak uses a few simple phrases for every possible situation. In Seaspeak, for example you don’t say, ‘I'm sorry what did you or ‘I didn't understand, can you repeat that?” ... its just, ‘Say again.” No more grammar! [In the age of international communication through the Internet who knows? ... a new form of English might appear. A large number of the world’s ¢-mails are in English and include examples of ‘NetLingo’ like OC (Oh, I see) and TTYL (Talk to you later). In another fifty years, English as we know it might not exist ‘we will probably all speak fluent Internetish! aes module 13 Learning for the future Language focus 2 might and will Read the statements. Do you agree? Compare answers with 2 partner. 1 People won't learn Latin any more in a few years. 2 Ina few years, everyone will speak English. 3. English might not be the global language in a hundred years’ time = it might be Chinese instead. 4. Inthe next hundred years many smaller languages will disappear, 1 Look at the verbs in bold in the sentences above. Which verb(s) means that the speaker: a is sure this will happen? « that maybe this will not happen? b thinks that maybe this will happen? dis sure that this wil not happen? 2 Notice these short forms: They'll (= will disappear. They won't (= will not) disappear. > Read Language summary 8 on page 158. Practice 4 Complete the sentences with might (nat) or wil Ina few years time everyone know how to use the Internet, b In the future people {go to school or university. They — study at home using their computer. ¢ Tom isn’t sure what he wants to do when he leaves school. He go to university, or he _ travel abroad for a year. d_ Why not do a course in Japanese? You never know ~ you need to speak it one day. & Denise doest't like her teacher. She thinks she ‘change her lass soon, £ Some teachers are worried that computers take there jobs one day, 2 Complete the sentences for you using the ideas in the box career and education holidays and travel being rich marriage and children _speakingEnglish _other things Next winter { might © Tmight never Next summer think I'l... Til definitely never Next year I hope I'll 9 One day hope It. In ten years’ time I might... h_ When I'm sixty-five l probably Pronunciation a Listen to ten sentences. Write P if they ore in the present ‘ond Fif they are in the future, 2 Listen again and practise the pronunciation of Fl and won't 116 Task: Find the right course Preparation: reading and speaking 1 Read the college brochure and answer the questions, 2 Which career(s) does each course train you for? 1b Which courses are full-time, which are part-time and which are both? Which courses last for two years? Da Three students, Taka, Oliver and Gaby want to choose a course. Work in groups of three. Student A: Read about Taka on page 141 Student B: Read about Oliver on page 148. Student C: Read about Gaby on page 145. bb Tell the group about your student and what they want to study. Listen to your partners and make notes about each student. Task: speaking 2 Work individually: Read the brochure again. Decide which courses are suitable for each person, b Which do you think each person will choose? Why? 2 Workin groups and compare ideas. Try to agree on the best course for each person. > Useful language 3 GEED Listen to the three students talking about the course they chose. Did they choose the same one as you? {Which ofthe courses would you like / not like to do? Why?

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