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Ce8611 Highway Lab PDF

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Regulation : 2017
Branch : B.E. – Civil Engineering

Year & Semester : III Year / VI Semester


Mr.R.Roobankumar, Assistant Professor, DACE

 To learn the principles and procedures of testing of highway materials


a) Specific Gravity
b) Los Angeles Abrasion Test
c) Water Absorption of Aggregates

a) Specific Gravity of Bitumen
b) Penetration Test
c) Viscosity Test
d) Softening Point Test
e) Ductility Test


a) Stripping Test
b) Determination of Binder Content
c) Marshall Stability and Flow Values



 Student knows the techniques to characterize various pavement materials through relevant tests.

1. Highway Materials and Pavement Testing, Nem Chand and Bros., Roorkee, Revised Fifth Edition, 2009
2. Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials, IS 1201–1978 to IS 1220– 1978, Bureau of Indian
3. Methods of test for aggregates, IS 2386 – 1978, Bureau of Indian Standards
4. Mix Design Methods Asphalt Institute Manual Series No. 2, Sixth Edition,1997, Lexington, KY, USA.

Mr.R.Roobankumar, Assistant Professor, DACE


Exp.No: 1 Date:

To determine the specific gravity of aggregate.

Apparatus required:
Pycnometer, IS sieve, Weighing balance, Oven

1. Dry the pycnometer and weigh it with its cap. (W1)
2. Take about 200 gm of oven dried aggregate passing through 10 mm sieve into the pycnometer and
weigh again (W2).
3. Add sufficient de-aired water to cover the aggregate and screw on the cap.
4. Shake the pycnometer well and remove entrapped air if any.
5. After the air has been removed, fill the pycnometer with water completely.
6. Thoroughly dry the pycnometer from out side and weigh it (W3).
7. Clean the pycnometer by washing thoroughly.
8. Fill the cleaned pycnometer completely with water up to its top with cap screw on.
9. Weigh the pycnometer after drying it on the outside thoroughly (W4).
10. Repeat the procedure for three samples and obtain the average value of specific gravity.

(W3 – W1)
Specific gravity (G) = -----------------------------
(W2 – W1) - (W4 – W3)

The specific gravity of coarse aggregate (G) is ___________

Mr.R.Roobankumar, Assistant Professor, DACE


Exp.No: 2 Date:

To determine the abrasion value of given aggregate sample by conducting Los Angles abrasion test.

Apparatus required:
Los Angles apparatus, IS Sieve, Weighting Balance.

1. Clean and dry aggregate sample confirming to one of the grading A to G is used for the test.
2. Aggregate weighing 5kg for grading A, B, C or D and 10Kg for grading E, F or G may be taken as
test specimen and placed in the cylinder.
3. The abrasive charge is also chosen in accordance and placed in the cylinder of the machine, and cover
is fixed to make dust tight.
4. The machine is rotated at a speed of 30 to 33 revolutions per minute.
5. The machine is rotated for 500 revolutions for gradings A, B, C and D, for gradings E, F and G, it
shall be rotated for 1000 revolutions.
6. After the desired number of revolutions the machine is stopped and the material is discharged from
the machine taking care to take out entire stone dust.
7. Using a sieve of size larger than 1.70mm IS sieve, the material is first separated into two parts and the
finer position is taken out and sieved further on a 1.7mm IS sieve.
8. Let the original weight of aggregate be W1gm, weight of aggregate retained on 1.70mm IS sieve after
the test be W2gm.

Weight of sample = W1g

Weight of sample after abrasion test, coarser than 1.70mm IS sieve = W2g
Percentage wear = ((W1 – W2)/W1)*100

The average value of Los Angles Abrasion Test is ________________%

Mr.R.Roobankumar, Assistant Professor, DACE


Exp.No: 3 Date:

To determine the water absorption of given coarse aggregate.

Apparatus required:
Container, Balance, Electric Oven.

1. The coarse aggregate passing through IS 10mm sieve is taken about 200g.
2. They are dried in an oven at a temperature of 110º ±5ºC for 24 hours.
3. The coarse aggregate is cooled to room temperature.
4. Its weight is taken as (W1g)
5. The dried coarse aggregate is immersed in clean water at a temperature 27º±2ºC for 24 hours.
6. The coarse aggregate is removed from water and wiped out of traces of water with a cloth
7. Within three minutes from the removal of water, the weight of coarse aggregate W2 is found out.
8. The above procedure is repeated for various samples.

Weight of dry sample of aggregate W1 =

Wight of saturated specimen W2 =

(W2 – W1)
Percentage of water absorption = --------------- × 100

Water absorption of the coarse aggregate is ____________

Mr.R.Roobankumar, Assistant Professor, DACE


Exp.No: 4 Date:

To determine the specific gravity of given Bituminous material.

Apparatus required:
Specific gravity bottle, balance and distilled water.

1. The clean, dried specific gravity bottle is weighed let that be W1gm
2. Than it is filled with freah distilled water and then kept in water bath for at least half an hour at
temperature 27C.
3. The bottle is then removed and cleaned from outside. The specific gravity bottle containing distilled
water is now weighed. Let this be W2gm.
4. Then the specific gravity bottle is emptied and cleaned. The bituminous material is heated to a pouring
temperature and the material is poured half the bottle, by taking care to prevent entry of air bubbles.
Then it is weighed. Let this be W3gm.
5. The remaining space in specific gravity bottle is filled with distilled water at 27 C and is weighed. Let
this be W4gm.

(W3 – W1)
Specific gravity of bituminous material = ----------------------------------
(W2 – W1) – (W4 – W3)

The specific gravity of given bituminous binder is
Mr.R.Roobankumar, Assistant Professor, DACE

Exp.No: 5 Date:

To determine the consistency of bituminous material

Apparatus required:
Penetration apparatus, thermometer, time measuring device, transfer dish, water bath,needle, container.

1. Soften the material to a pouring consistency at a temperature not more than 60ºC for tars and 90ºC for
bitumen above the approximate softening point and stir it thoroughly until it is homogenous and is
free from air bubbles and water. Pour the melt into the container to a depth at least 10mm in excess of
the expected penetration. Protect the sample from dust and allow it to cool in an atmosphere at a
temperature between 15º to 30ºC for one hour.Then place it along with the transfer dish in the water
bath at 25º ±0.1ºC and allow it to remain for 1 to 11/2 hour. The test is carried out at 25º ±0.1ºC,
unless otherwise stated.
2. Fill the transfer dish water from the water bath to depth sufficient to cover the container completely.
Place the sample in it and put it upon the stand of the penetration apparatus.
3. Clean the needle with benzene, dry it and load with weight. The total moving load required is
100±0.25gms, including the weight of the needle, carrier and super-imposed weights.
4. Adjust the needle to make contact with the surface of the sample. This may be done by placing the
needle point with its image reflected by the surface of the bituminous material.
5. Make the pointer of the dial to read zero or note the initial dial reading.
6. Release the needle for exactly five seconds.
7. Adjust the penetration machine to measure the distance penetrated.
8. Make at least 3 reading at points on the surface of the sample not less than 10mm apart and not less
than 10mm from the side of the dish. After each test return the sample and transfer dish to the water
bath and wash the needle clean with benzene and dry it. In case of material of penetration greater than
225 three determinations on each of the two identical tests specimens using a separate needle for each
determination should be made, leaving the needle in the sample on completion of each determinations
to avoid disturbance of the specimen.


The Penetration value of given bitumen is ________________

Mr.R.Roobankumar, Assistant Professor, DACE


Exp.No: 6 Date:

To determine the viscosity of bituminous binder.

Apparatus required:
A orifice viscometer (one of 4.0mm diameter used to test cut back grades 0 and 1 and 10mm orifice to test all
other grades), water bath, stirrer and thermometer.

1. Adjust the tar viscometer so that the top of the tar cup is leveled. Select the test temperature. Heat the
water in water bath to the temperature specified for the test and maintains it within ±0.1ºC of the
specified temperature throughout the duration of test. Rotate the stirrer gently at frequent intervals or
perfectly continuously
2. Clean the tar cup orifice of the viscometer with a suitable solvent and dry thoroughly.
3. Warm and stir the material under examination to 20ºC above the temperature specified for test and
cool, while continuing the stirring.
4. When the temperature falls slightly above the specified temperature, pour the tar into the cup until the
leveling peg on the valve rod is just immersed when the latter is vertical.
5. Pour into the graduated receiver 20ml of mineral oil, or one percent by weight solution of soft soap,
and place it under the orifice of the tar cup.
6. Place the other thermometer in the tar and stir until the temperature is within ±0.1ºC of the specified
temperature. When this temperature has been reached, suspend the thermometer coaxially with the
cup and with its bulb approximately at the geometric center of the tar.
7. Allow the assembled apparatus to stand for five minutes during which period the thermometer reading
should remain within 0.05ºC of the specified temperature. Remove the thermometer and quickly
remove any excess of tar so that the final level is on the central line of the leveling peg when the valve
is in vertical position.
8. Lift the valve and suspend it on valve support.
9. Start the stop watch when the reading in the cylinder is 25ml and stop it when it is 75ml. note the time
in seconds.
10. Report the viscosity as the time taken in seconds by 50ml of tar to flow out at the temperature
specified for the test.

The Viscosity value of given bitumen is ________________

Mr.R.Roobankumar, Assistant Professor, DACE


Exp.No: 7 Date:

To determine the softening point of bitumen.

Apparatus required:
Ring and Ball apparatus, Water bath with stirrer, Thermometer, Glycerin, etc. Steel balls each of 9.5mm and
weight of 2.5±0.08gm.

1. Heat the material to a temperature between 75º – 100ºC above its softening point, stir until, it is
completely fluid and free from air bubbles and water. If necessary filter it through IS sieve 30. Place
the rings, previously heated to a temperature approximating to that of the molten material. On a metal
plate which has been coated with a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and dextrin. After cooling for 30
minutes in air, level the material in the ring by removing the excess with a warmed, sharp knife.
2. Assemble the apparatus with the rings, thermometer and ball guides in position.
3. Fill the bath with distilled water to a height of 50mm above the upper surface of the rings. The starting
temperature should be 5ºC
4. Apply heat to the bath and stir the liquid so that the temperature rises at a uniform rate of 5º±0.5ºC per
5. Note down the temperature when any of the steel ball with bituminous coating touches the bottom

Trial 1 2
Temperature when the ball touches bottom, ºC
Softening point of bitumen

The Softening value of given bitumen is ________________

Mr.R.Roobankumar, Assistant Professor, DACE

Exp.No: 8 Date:

To measure the ductility of a given sample of bitumen.
To determine the suitability of bitumen for its use in road construction.
Apparatus required:
Briquette mould, (length – 75mm, distance between clips – 30mm, width at
mouth of clips – 20mm, cross section at minimum width – 10mm x10mm), Ductility machine with water bath
and a pulling device at a precalibrated rate, a putty knife, thermometer.
1. Melt the bituminous test material completely at a temperature of 75ºC to 100ºC above the approximate
softening point until it becomes thoroughly fluid.
2. Strain the fluid through IS sieve 30.
3. After stirring the fluid, pour it in the mould assembly and place it on a brass plate.
4. In order to prevent the material under test from sticking, coat the surface of the plate and interior
surface of the sides of the mould with mercury or by a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and dextrin.
5. After about 30 – 40 minutes, keep the plate assembly along with the sample in a water bath. Maintain
the temperature of the water bath at 27ºC for half an hour.
6. Remove the sample and mould assembly from the water bath and trim the specimen by leveling the
surface using a hot knife.
7. Replace the mould assembly in water bath maintained at 27ºC for 80 to 90 minutes.
8. Remove the sides of the moulds.
9. Hook the clips carefully on the machine without causing any initial strain.
10. Adjust the pointer to read zero.
11. Start the machine and pull two clips horizontally at a speed of 50mm per minute.
12. Note the distance at which the bitumen thread of specimen breaks.
13. Record the observations in the proforma and compute the ductility value report the mean of two
observations, rounded to nearest whole number as the “Ductility Value”
Record and observations:
i. Bitumen grade =
ii. Pouring temperature ºC =
iii. Test temperature ºC =
iv. Periods of cooling, minutes =
a. In air =
b. In water bath before trimming =
c. In water bath after trimming =
Trial 1 2
a) Initial reading
b) Final reading
c) Ductility = b-a (cm)
Ductility Value
The Ductility value of given bitumen is _______________
Mr.R.Roobankumar, Assistant Professor, DACE

Exp.No: 9 Date:

To determine optimum binder content of given bituminous mix by marshall method of mix design.

Apparatus required:
Mould assembly, sample extractor, compaction pedestal and hammer, breaking head, loading machine flow
meter, thermometers water bath and oven.

1. The coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and mineral filler material should be proportioned and mixed
in such a way that final mix after blending has the graduation within the specified range.
2. Approximately 1200 grams of aggregates and filler are taken and heated to a temperature of 175ºC to
3. The compaction mould assembly and rammer are cleaned and kept pre- heated to a temperature of
100ºC to 145ºC. The bitumen is heated to temperature of 121ºC to 138ºC and the required quantity of
first trial percentage o f bitumen is added to the heated aggregate and thoroughly mixed using a
mechanical mixer or by hand mixing with trowel.
4. Then the mix is heated and a temperature of 150º to 160ºC is maintained and then the mix is
transferred into the pre-heated mould and compacted by giving seventy five blows on each side.
5. The specific gravity values of different aggregates, filler and bitumen used are.
6. Determined first. The theoretical specific gravity of the mix is determined.
7. Soon after the compacted bituminous mix specimens have cooled to room temperature, the weight,
average thickness and diameter of the specimen are noted. The specimens are weighted in air and then
in water.
8. The bulk density value of the specimen if calculated from weight and volume
9. Then the specimen to be tested is kept immersed under water in a thermostatically controlled water
bath maintained at 60º ±1ºC for 30 to 40 minutes.
10. The specimens are taken out one, placed in the marshal test and the marshal stability value and flow
are noted.
11. The corrected Marshall Stability value of each specimen is determined by applying the appropriate
correction factor, if the average height of the specimen is not exactly 63.5mm.
12. Five graphs are plotted with values of bitumen content against the values of density, Marshall
Stability, voids in total mix, flow value, voids filled by bitumen.
13. Let the bitumen contents corresponding to maximum density be B1, corresponding to maximum
stability be B2 and that corresponding to the specified voids content (at 4.0%) be B3. Then the
optimum bitumen content for mix design is given by: B0 = (B1+B2+B3)/3.

The optimum binder content of the given mix is _____________
Mr.R.Roobankumar, Assistant Professor, DACE

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