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CIV 2213 - Fluid Mechanics II At-Home Test No. 1 Date & Start Time: Time Allowed

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University of Guyana

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Department of Civil Engineering
Semester II: 2020 – 2021

CIV 2213 – Fluid Mechanics II

At-Home Test No. 1

Date & Start Time: May 20, 2021 (11:15 am.)

Time Allowed: 1 Hour

Instructions & Information:

1. This is an individual assessment, work independently.

2. Any indication of plagiarism will be dealt with on a case by case basis and consequent grading

will be done at the Instructor’s discretion.

3. THREE (3) pages and EIGHT (8) questions constitute a complete question paper. You are

responsible for checking that your question paper is complete.

4. You are required to answer ALL questions.

5. A 10% per hour penalty will be applied to late submissions.

6. Submissions must be handwritten in a clear, coherent and concise manner. However, you

are required to submit in PDF format.

7. The submission must be made via Moodle. Any submission made via email will NOT be


8. If doubt exists as to the interpretation of any question, a clear statement must be provided

upon which assumptions are made.

9. In calculations, show all steps clearly in your working. Partial credit is available for each


10. The initial submission of the test will take precedence.

11. The use of an electronic calculator (non-programmable) is permitted.

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1. Water flows through a pipe 25 mm in diameter at a velocity of 6 m/s. Determine whether

the flow will be laminar or turbulent assuming that the dynamic viscosity of water is taken as

1.30 × 10−3 kg/ms and its mass density as 1000 kg/m3 . If oil of specific gravity 0.9 and

dynamic viscosity 9.6 × 10−2 kg/ms is pumped through the same pipe, what type of flow will

occur? [5 Marks]

2. A patient recovering from surgery is being given fluid intravenously. The fluid has a density of

1030 kg/m3 , and 9.5 × 10−4 m3 of it flows into the patient every six hours. Find the mass

flow rate. [4 Marks]

3. In your kitchen, the sink is 2 ft × 18 in.× 12 in. deep. You are filling it with water at the rate

of 4 gpm. How long will it take (in min) to half fill the sink? [4 Marks]

4. The ventilating fan of the bathroom of a building has a volume flow rate of 30 L/s and runs

continuously. If the density of air inside is 1.20 kg/m3 , determine the mass of air vented out

in one day. [4 Marks]

5. A garden hose attached with a nozzle is used to fill a 20 gal. bucket. The inner diameter of

the hose is 1 in and it reduces to 0.5 in at the nozzle exit. If the average velocity in the hose

is 8 ft/s, determine:

a) The volume and mass flow rates of water through the hose,

b) How long it will take to fill the bucket with water, and

c) The average velocity of water at the nozzle exit.

[8 Marks]

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6. The aorta carries blood away from the heart at a speed of about 40 cm/s and has a radius of

approximately 1.1 cm. The aorta branches eventually into a large number of tiny capillaries

that distribute the blood to the various body organs. In a capillary, the blood speed is

approximately 0.07 cm/s, and the radius is about 6 × 10−4 cm. Treat the blood as an

incompressible fluid, and use these data to determine the approximate number of capillaries

in the human body. [5 Marks]

7. A rice farmer needs to fill her 150 m × 400 m field with water to a depth of 7.5 cm in 1 hr.

How many 37.5 cm diameter supply pipes are needed if the average velocity in each must be

less than 2.5 m/s? [5 Marks]

8. A room has a volume of 120 𝑚3 . An air-conditioning system is to replace the air in this room

every twenty minutes, using ducts that have a square cross section. Assuming that air can be

treated as an incompressible fluid, find the length of a side of the square if the air speed within

the ducts is:

a) 3.0 m/s and

b) 5.0 m/s.

[5 Marks]

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