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Shear Lag Factors For Connections To Tension Members

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16.1 –28 BUILT-UP MEMBERS [Sect. D4.

Shear Lag Factors for Connections
to Tension Members
Case Description of Element Shear Lag Factor, U Example
1 All tension members where the tension
load is transmitted directly to each of the U = 1.0
cross-sectional elements by fasteners or
welds (except as in Cases 4, 5 and 6).
2 All tension members, except plates
and HSS, where the tension load is trans-
mitted to some but not all of the cross-
sectional elements by fasteners or longitu- U = 1− x l
dinal welds or by longitudinal welds in
combination with transverse welds. (Alter-
natively, for W, M, S and HP, Case 7 may
be used. For angles, Case 8 may be used.)
3 All tension members where the tension U = 1.0
load is transmitted only by transverse and
welds to some but not all of the An = area of the directly
cross-sectional elements. connected elements
4 Plates where the tension load is / ≥ 2w…U = 1.0
transmitted by longitudinal welds only.
2w > / ≥ 1.5w…U = 0.87
1.5w > / ≥ w…U = 0.75
5 Round HSS with a single concentric / ≥ 1.3D…U = 1.0
gusset plate
D ≤ l < 1.3D …U = 1− x l
x =D π
6 Rectangular HSS with a single l ≥ H …U = 1− x l
concentric gusset
plate 2
x = B + 2BH
4(B + H )
with two side gusset l ≥ H …U = 1− x l
x= B
4(B + H )
7 W, M, S or HP with flange con-
Shapes or Tees cut nected with 3 or bf ≥ 2/3d…U = 0.90
from these shapes. more fasteners per
(If U is calculated line in the direction bf < 2/3d…U = 0.85
per Case 2, the of loading
larger value is per- with web connected
mitted to be used.) with 4 or more fas- U = 0.70
teners per line in the
direction of loading
8 Single and double with 4 or more fas-
angles (If U is teners per line in the U = 0.80
calculated per direction of loading
Case 2, the larger with 3 fasteners per
value is permitted line in the direction
to be used.) of loading (With
fewer than 3 fasten- U = 0.60
ers per line in the
direction of loading,
use Case 2.)
l = length of connection, in. (mm); w = plate width, in. (mm); x– = eccentricity of connection, in. (mm); B = overall width
of rectangular HSS member, measured 90° to the plane of the connection, in. (mm); H = overall height of rectangular
HSS member, measured in the plane of the connection, in. (mm)
Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, June 22, 2010

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