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DCC 3113 Nota Bab 10

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Definition Highway Maintenance

Road maintenance is a continuous process that involves keeping and repairing the existing road. So, it is carried
out to control the rate of damage and to ensure the safety towards the road users or the public.

Objectives Highway Maintenance

1.Ensure the durability( tahanlasak) of a road

2.To maintain the usage for the traffic user

3.To improve the traffic system operation

Objektif Penyenggaraan

Mengenalpasti kerosakan dgn melakukan pemantauan berterusan & ujian penilaian mutu jalan.

Memastikan jalanraya sentiasa dalam keadaan bersih ,selesa & selamat.

Menghadkan proses kemerosotan jalan dgn mengadakan langkah perlindungan dan pembaikan .

Memanjang tempoh jangkahayat rekabentuk jln

The types of highway maintenance in Malaysia

a. Emergency maintenance

b. Present/routine maintenance

c. Periodic maintenance

Present/routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance are implemented in order to avoid massive destruction that was caused by heavy traffic
and weather condition.

Cycle for the Routine maintenance activities plan carried out in more frequent.

Example : Grass cutting. Drainage cleaning, Road shoulder maintenance. Sign board cleaning.

Periodic Maintenance

Periodic maintenance are also implemented in order to avoid massive destruction that was caused by heavy
traffic and weather

condition. But cycle for the Routine maintenance activities plan carried out in longer frequency.

Typically components are still in good Condition.

Example : Rebuild road surface with premix. Surface dressing. Paint the center road line, Replace the members
of wooden bridge.

Emergency Maintenance

To solve the problems that occurred outside expectations and outside maintenance schedule Involves work such

Land slide , Surface erosion and road shoulders, fallen trees, bridge collapse, damage to sewers, Damage due to


a. Penyediaan inventori/ inventory prepareration

b. Pemeriksaan kerosakan / damaged inspection

c. Penentuan keperluan & penyenggaraan./ determination of the need of maintenance

d. Penganggaran kos & sumber utk melaksanakan kerja / cost estimation and sourcesto execute work

e. Pengenalpastian keutamaan / identify priority

f. Penyediaan jadual & program kerja / preparation of work schedule

g. Pemantauan (monitoring)

Identify the maintenance techniques for

a. Flexible pavement

b. Rigid pavement

Maintenance techniques for Flexible pavement

i. Reification (temporary maintenance)

ii. Surface dressing/ make up

iii. Resurfacing ( Penurapan semula)

iv. Recycling ( kitar semula )

v. Reconstruction ( Pembinaan semula )

i. Reification (temporary maintenance)

a. Penutupan retak (crack sealing )

-Menutup retakan pd turapan & melindungi tapak jln drpd dimasuki air.

-Dilakukan dgn membersih & mengisi retak dgn campuran buburan (slurrymixture) @ bitumen& litupan pasir.

-Rawatan ini memanjangkan tempoh sblm kerja membaikpulih penuh dijlnkan

b. Tampalan (patching)

-Menggantikan permukaan bitumen yg rosak dgn campuran berbitumen utkmengekalkan permukaan .

-Bhn yg diguna : asfal campuran panas & asfal campuran sejuk

c. Tindihan nipis berbitumen (thin bituminous overlay)

-Baiki kualiti pemanduan & memanjangkan hayat khidmat turapan

ii. Surface dressing/ make up

Penyenggaraan berkala utk mengkedapkan permukaan jln , menutup lekukan kecil @ menguatkan turapan jln.

Campuran panas nipis (thin hot mix )- 1 lapisan tebal kurang dr 40 mm utk memperbaiki permukaan tetapi tidak
menyumbang kpd penambahan kekuatan

♦Teknik penyemburan pengikat dgn serpihan batuan (stone chippings )

-Bt baur saiz tunggal ditaburkan @ dihampar di atas lapisan nipis bitumen yg telah disiram di atas permukaan jln
sedia ada @ atas lapisan tapak jln yg baru dibina.

Bitumen dipanaskan terlebih dahulu ke suhu tertentu bergantung kepada jenis bitumen ( 80/100 penetration
grade , cut-back RC-3 , Road-tar RT-2 ,emulsions )

iii. Resurfacing A2 class by premix.

Pavement resurfacing (also known as an overlay, asphalt overlay or pavement overlay) is the process of installing
a new layer of asphalt over the existing pavement. This new layer is generally 1.5 – 2 inch in depth.

♦During the resurfacing of the road , heat or temperature control is a stringent step. Since premix is a hot
substance ,all processes involved such as transporting, premixing and rolling ,should be carried out instantly
before its temperature drop. Before premixing is done, the substance’s temperature should not be under 1350 C
( 2750 F ). While during premixing, it is not wise to resurfacing the road under humid surface or during raining

♦Standard BS 1621 bitumen macadam premix is seldom used by JKR. While premix quarries is becoming less in
usage compared to Asphalt Concrete Premix . This is because it is , stronger and lasting

iv. Recycling

bhn asal diguna semula utk tingkatkan keupayaan & membaiki pengikisan(ravelling) , lelehan & rintangan gelincir.

Jenis kitar semula :

i. Kitar semula panas ( hot recycling)- Membaiki permukaan retak (bhgn yg rosak shj).

Tapak jalan masih kuat & kerosakan hanya berlaku pd lapisan permukaan shj.- Haba diguna utk melembutkan
permukaan . Bhn baru dicampur bersamabahan kitar semula.

ii. Kitar semula sejuk (cold recycling)- Memotong @ mengisar (mill) permukaan yg retak & guna semula bhn
sbglapisan permukaan dgn menambah agen penstabil ,pembalikmuda(rejuvenator) @ bitumen

iii. Kitar semula tapak (base recycling )

Tapak jln rosak .

Punca utama :-penyaliran sub-permukaan tdk cukup.

Guna semula lapisan permukaan sedia ada sbg tapak jln , ditambah bhn penstabil.

Penambahan tebal turapan & sediakan kekuatan struktur tambahan kpd turapan
v. Reconstruction (pembinaan semula)

Pavement reconstruction is the process of installing both the subgrade asphalt layer as well as the top pavement
overlay layer.

-Removal and rebuilding of all or part of pavement using new material and construction specification

-Reconstruction can be categorized into two:

Full reconstruction – is needed when all pavement layers including subgrade havedeteriorated beyond repair.

Partial reconstruction – is needed when pavement layer (except subgrade) have lost their stability and strength.

-If the failure of the road base is too expensive, recycling of the surfacing and part of the road base usually carried

When should pavement be reconstructed?

When there is extensive damage or alligator cracks, it is more effective and cost-efficient to completely
reconstruct than to do an overlay.

Maintenance techniques for Rigid pavement

a. Diamond Grinding

b. Joint Repair

c. Slab Stabilization

d. PCC Joint and Crack Sealing

a. Diamond Grinding

Diamond grinding refers to a process where gang-mounted diamond saw blades are used to shave off a thin, 1.5
– 19 mm (0.06 – 0.75 inch) top layer of an existing PCC surface in order to restore smoothness and friction

Most often, it is used to restore roadway friction or remove roughness caused by faulting, studded tire wear, and
slab warping and curling.

b. Joint Repair

The concrete movement at the joints could be substantial, and joint sealants are provided to seal and protect the
joints from the infiltration of water and incompressible foreign materials.

c. Slab Stabilization

Slab stabilization seeks to fill voids beneath the slab caused by pumping, consolidation or other means. If left
untreated, these voids, which are often quite small (on the order of 3 mm (0.125 inches) deep), may cause other
problems such as faulting, corner breaks or cracking (ACPA, 1995[1]). Voids are typically filled by pumping grout
through holes drilled through the slab.

Slab stabilization only fills the voids under a slab, it should not be confused with slab jacking, which is used to
raise the elevation of a depressed slab.


Preventive and corrective maintenance. Restores proper base/subgrade slab support to prevent more serious
distresses such as faulting, corner breaks and cracking.

Materials - Pozzolan-cement grout.

d. PCC Joint and Crack Sealing

Sealant products are used to fill joints and cracks in order to prevent entry of water or other non-compressible
substances. Although most PCC pavement joints are sealed at the time of new construction, the useful sealant
life is limited.

Crack sealant is typically used on early stage, isolated panel cracks; extensive or advanced panel cracking is a
symptom of larger problem (e.g., lack of panel support, inadequate structural design or poor construction) that
cannot be addressed by simple crack sealing


Preventive maintenance. Joint and crack filling to prevent entry of water or other non-compressible substances
into the pavement.

Materials - Hot-pour seals, compression seals, silicone seals

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