Manual de Serviço Niva - 4x4
Manual de Serviço Niva - 4x4
Manual de Serviço Niva - 4x4
Lada Niva 4x4
Service Manual
Fuel Injection
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Tom Grealey
The design of the clutch is shown on fig. 3-1. The clutch release fork 11 (fig. 3-1) can be of two types: with a leaf or wire spring.
Clutch judder
1. Jammed clutch disc hub on primary shaft splines 1. Clean splines, apply grease ãëñ-15 or îËÓÎ-1, îËÓÎ-2. In case of badly
worn splines causing seizure, renew input shaft or clutch disc
2. Excessive oil on clutch disc friction linings, surfaces of flywheel and 2. Clean oily surfaces with white-spirit, remedy the situation
pressure plate
3. Jammed clutch release drive mechanism 3. Replace damaged parts, rectify malfunctions causing jamming
4. Badly worn clutch disc friction linings 4. Renew linings, check for damages on disc surfaces
5. Loose rivets on clutch disc friction linings 5. Renew damaged rivets and linings, if necessary
6. Damaged surface or buckling of pressure plate 6. Renew clutch cover/pressure plate assembly
Bleeding the clutch hydraulic system - depress the pedal and fully tighten the bleeder. Remove the
hose and refit the bleeder cap.
Air in the clutch hydraulic system is indicated by incomplete
If, despite a continuos bleeding, there are still air bubbles in
clutch release, and also by "sponginess" and "failure" of clutch
the hose, check the tightness of connections, find out if there are
cracks on tubes or leaks in places of connections. Air inleak is
To expel air from the hydraulic drive:
possible through damaged sealing rings of the master or slave
- clean the tank and the bleeder from dust and dirt; cylinders.
- check the liquid level in the hydraulic system tank and top
During bleeding:
up if necessary;
- the liquid level in the reservoir should be higher than the
- put a hose on bleeder 9 (see fig. 3-3) of the slave cylinder
opening of the tube connecting the reservoir with the master
and place its lower end into a container with hydrodrive liquid (30-
50 gr);
- undo bleeder 9 by 1/2-3/4 turn, several times rapidly - the end of the bleeding hose should be always dipped in liquid;
depress and smoothly release the pedal until there will be no air - after bleeding, top-up liquid in the reservoir to the lower
bubbles coming out from the hose; edge of the filler neck.
Clutch assembly - removal and refitting - inspect the splines on the clutch disc hub and the gearbox
input shaft, clean the splines and grease with a thin layer of
Removal. First remove the gearbox (see "Gearbox"). Undo the greasing ãëñ-15 or îàéã-1, îàéã-2;
bolts and remove the clutch cover in assembly with the pressure
- refit the clutch disc with the hub protruding part facing the gear-
plate. Do not lift this unit by holding the pressure plate thrust flange.
box and centralise the plate against the bearing using tool A.70081,
Refitting is a reversal of removal, providing the following: simulating the gearbox input shaft splined end (fig. 3-4).
- inspect the bearing on the crankshaft end face, if necessary
replace the bearing;
Removal and refitting ATTENTION. So that not to deform the clutch straps, do
not rest the end of the input shaft on the clutch diaphragm
Removal. Place the vehicle over an inspection pit or on a lift, spring flange when removing or refitting the gearbox.
put blocks under front wheels and raise the rear axle from one or
Refitting the gearbox is a reversal of removal. Before refit-
two sides. Let off the handbrake and place the gearshift lever in
ting, apply a thin layer of greasing ãëñ-15 (ãàíéã-24) on the
neutral. Disconnect the wires from the battery.
spline end of the input shaft and centralize the clutch disc using
Take out the front floor mat and the gaiters from the transfer-
tool A.70081 (see fig. 3-4).
and gearbox levers. Remove the aperture covers and sealings.
Unscrew the handles from the transfer box levers.
Fig. 3-14. Flexible coupling between the propeller shaft and the gearbox:
1 - propeller shaft flange-to-flexible coupling fastening nuts; 2 - clamp A.70025;
3 - flexible coupling; 4 - rear engine mounting crossmember Fig. 3-17. Removing the coupling centering ring from the propeller shaft
Turn out the 3rd/4th gearshift fork fastening bolt. Install lock After removing the output shaft rear bearing inner ring 43
41.7816. 4068 on the input shaft or simultaneously engage both (see fig. 3-12) and distance sleeve 44, loosen the cover fastening
bolts 5 (fig. 3-20) and undo bolts 2 and 4 that are securing the fifth
gears. This will prevent the turning of the input, output and inter-
speed/reverse gear unit. Remove the oil deflector washer 45 (see
mediate shafts and will allow to do the subsequent operations on
fig. 3-12), then bush 1 (fig. 3-21) from the fifth speed gear and
take out rod 1 (fig. 3-22) from fork 2. Thus, distance bush 3 is
ATTENTION. Since 1997, on the rear end of the gearbox removed from the rod. Then remove the gear unit 4 from the inter-
output shaft the design of the following parts was changed: mediate shaft splines.
- instead of a metal centering ring 26 (see fig. 3-31) and
circlip 1, a rubber centering bush is installed;
- instead of sealing 25 with spring 24, a sealing without a
spring is installed;
- lock washer 22 is replaced with a spring washer;
- nut 23 is sealed with ìÉ-9 or ìÉ-10.
Fig. 3-20. Undoing the fastening bolts of the gear unit and the
5th/reverse fork:
1 - reverse idler gear; 2 - gear unit fastening bolt; 3 - fork rod; 4 - fork fastening
Fig. 3-19. Removing the gear selector mechanism bolt; 5 - detent cover
Fig. 3-24. Removing the 5th synchro unit hub/reverse driven gear:
Fig. 3-22. Removing the 5th speed/reverse selector rod: 1 - intermediate shaft; 2 - reverse driven gear; 3 - reverse idler gear shaft;
1 - 5th/reverse selector rod; 2 - 5th/reverse fork; 3 - distance sleeve; 4 - gear 4 - 5th synchro unit hub; 5 - output shaft; 6 - 1st/2nd selector rod; 7 - 3rd/4th
unit selector rod
Remove the bearing setting rings from the front and rear
drive shafts. Take the front axle drive shaft 11 (see fig. 3-35) out
from the casing together with bearing 8, thrust ring and oil deflec-
tor 9. Take the rear axle drive shaft out from the rear cover 31
together with bearing 36, thrust ring and oil deflector.
Remove cover 21 from the input shaft front bearing and the
inspection hatch cover.
Remove the gear switch lever bracket 13 (see fig. 3-36) in
assembly with the lever. After removing the lock washer, take out
the shaft and remove lever 14.
Undo the locking bolt of the gear shift fork 17, close the
Fig. 3-37. Transfer box mounting on vehicle: detent socket with a finger and carefully take out rod 12 and the
1 - transfer box mounting bracket; 2 - filler plug; 3 - bracket fastening nut; detent components.
4 - drain orifice plug; 5 - shims
- remove circlips 8 (see fig. 3-42) and spring washer 14, then
press out the differential pinion shaft and remove the differential
pinions and the drive shaft gears with support washers.
Press out worn or damaged oil seals from the front axle case,
from the front bearing cover and from the rear cover. Undo the
Fig. 3-43. Pressing off the bearing from the differential housing:
1 - puller A.40005/1/6; 2 - rest 67.7853.9559; 3 - bearing
nuts from the axle support pad and remove brackets assembly.
The reassembly of the transfer box is carried out in
reverse sequence. Pay attention to the following:
- reassemble the interaxial differential, having matched the
marks on its cases so that not to disturb the balance of this unit;
- the spring washer on the differential pinion shaft should be
placed from the blind hole side on the shaft end face;
- the axial gap of each axle drive gear should be 0-0.10 mm,
and the gear moment of resistance to rotation should not exceed
14.7 N•m (1.5 kgf•m). If the gap is greater, renew the support
washers with those having bigger thickness; if this will not help to
obtain the specified gap, renew the gears because of their exces-
sive wear;
- drive- and layshafts are installed in the transfer box casing
simultaneously (see fig. 3-44);
- bearings are press fitted on the differential casing with tool
67.7853.9558 (see fig. 3-45);
- the working surfaces of oil seals are greased with ãàíéã-
24 before their refitting in the covers and casings;
- threaded connections are tightened with torque specified in
appendix 1;
Fig. 3-44. Refitting the drive- and layshafts into the housing: - use tool 67.7820.9520 to reduce the transfer box shaft nuts
1 - layshaft; 2 - drive shaft (see fig. 3-46).
The reassembly is a reversal of dismantle, providing the fol-
- evenly grease the spline joints with 3-4 gr of îàéã-1 or
- match the marks on the dismantled parts;
- after reassembling the spline joint, apply axial load to press
the seal by 0.3-0.5 mm and crimp the retainer on the yoke
Fig. 3-48. Front propeller shaft, exploded view:
1 - U-joint flange; 2 - grease cup; 3 - circlip; 4 - spider; 5 - sliding yoke; 6 - seal; The reassembly of the U-joint is carried out in the following
7 - seal retainer; 8 - propeller shaft sequence:
- remove old greasing, lubricate the inner surface of the bear-
Spline joint. Check the gap in the spline joint of the sliding
ing housing with grease ‹ 158 or îàéã-2ì (0.8-1.2 gr on each
yoke of the forward and rear shafts. The maximum allowable
bearing). Do not grease the spider thorns, to avoid an air plug
backlash on the spline middle diameter is 0.30 mm.
during reassembly. Mount the spider into fork apertures. Insert a
Check for the plug in yoke 5 (fig. 3-48), inspect retainer 7 and bearing in one of the yoke openings and place circlip1 (fig. 3-52)
seal 6 of the sliding yoke. If necessary, renew the seal, and the with thickness of 1.56 mm in the yoke groove. Insert a bearing in
retainer if damaged. the other yoke opening until the opposite bearing will thrust
U-joint. Inspect the bearing housing, needles and thorns of against the circlip end face. The pressing force should not exceed
the spider, seals, end face washers. 15000 N (1500 kgf).
Using two feeler gauges 2, with 4 and 3 blades of different 0.01-0.04 mm. After reassembly, check for easy rotation of the U-
thickness accordingly, determine which will tightly fit in the clear- joint yokes and the shaft balance.
ance H between the base of the bearing and the yoke groove end To reassemble the layshaft U-joint follow the procedure
face, and install a circlip of the same thickness. described in chapter "Front wheel drive". When reassembling,
install retainer 7 (see fig. 3-49) with the chamfer facing the trans-
Note. One feeler gauge has blades with thickness of 1.45;
fer box input shaft, and grease the U-joint with 20 cm3 of
1.48; 1.52; 1.56 mm, the other one - 1.60; 1.64; 1.67 mm.
Longtern-00 from "Dow corning".
If the blade of the smallest thickness (1.45 mm) does not fit
into gap ç, replace circlip 1 with the one having thickness of 1.4 Shaft balance
mm and repeat the procedure.
The front and rear propeller shafts are balanced on special
If the blade of the greatest thickness (1.67 mm) loosely fits machines by welding metal plates.
into backlash H, it is necessary to remove ring 1 and insert in this
At speed of 5500 min - 1 the shaft misalignment, checked on
gap a ring with thickness of 1.67 mm, and repeat all specified
surfaces A and B (fig. 3-53), should not exceed 1.72 N•mm (175
grf•mm), and at the balance check - 2.16 N•mm (220 grf•mm).
Note. It is recommended to carry out the gap measurement The layshaft balance is checked at speed of 800 min - 1 on
from the side of the pipe. The circlips are provided in eight size surfaces E and F. Equilibration is provided by balance washers 1
sets (according to their thickness), each of them has a certain (see fig. 3-53) and drilling the U-joint housing. The out-of-balance
colour: 1.45 - not painted; 1.48 - yellow; 1.52 - brown; 1.56 - dark condition should not exceed 1.96 N•mm (200 grf•mm).
blue; 1.60 - black; 1.64; 1.67; 1.40 - colors are not designated and ATTENTION. If any of the shaft components were
their thickness is determined by measuring. replaced during repair, it is necessary to balance the shafts.
After inserting the circlips, hit the yoke forks with a hammer After balancing, lubricate the U-joint bearings with grease
with plastic head. After the impact the backlash between the N158 or îàéã-2ì through oilers. Force in the grease until it will
bearing bottom and the circlip will be taken up, and formed start coming out through the sealings.
between the bearing housing and spider thorn end faces within
The design of the rear axle is shown on fig. 3-54. The removal and refitting of the rear axle beam is described
in subsection "Rear suspension". To remove the rear axle it is
Fault diagnosis enough to disconnect the suspension arm and the shock-
absorbers only from the rear axle beam. When refitting the rear
Diagnosis Remedy
axle the bar fastening bolts should be tightened according to the
Excessive noise from the rear wheels regulations in subsection "Rear suspension". After refitting, bleed
1. Loose wheel fastening 1. Tighten wheel securing nuts the brakes and adjust the main and handbrake systems as direct-
2. Worn or failed axle shaft ball 2. Inspect axle shaft and replace ed in section "Brakes". Fill the rear axle with transmission oil
bearing bearing through oil fillers.
Noise at cornering
- grease the axle shaft bearing seal with ãàíéã-24 before
1. Damaged axle shaft bearings 1. Renew bearings refitting, and use tool A.70157 to refit the seal in the beam flange;
- grease the landing shoulder of the axle shaft and the drum-
mating surface of the flange with graphite or ãëñ-15.
Knock at the beginning of movement
1. Worn opening in differential 1. Replace differential box
The brake drums are installed after refitting the rear axle on
box for differential pinion shaft the vehicle and fastening the cable ends to the handbrake link-
2. Loose rear suspension arm 2. Tighten bolts age levers.
fastening bolt
Rear axle beam - inspection
Oil leak
1. Worn or damaged driving gear 1. Renew oil seal Carefully inspect the beam, especially on a vehicle after col-
seal lision. A damaged beam can become the reason of noise in the
2. Worn axle shaft seal, deter- 2. Check axle shaft runout, beam rear axle and quick wear of tyres.
mined by excessive oil on braking sag. Straighten or replace damaged
The deformation of the axle beam is checked both horizon-
plates, drums and pads parts
3. Loose fastening bolts on rear 3. Tighten bolts, replace gaskets tally and vertically.
axle reduction gear casing, dam- Attach flange A.70172 to each end of the beam, place the
aged sealings beam with the flanges on identical V-blocks located on a surface
plate with length no less than 1600 mm so that the abutment sur-
face between the casing and the beam will be vertical.
If deformation exceeds this size, straighten the beam, follow- the arrow of the indicator will point to the division equal to the size
ing the procedure given below. of beam deformation measured by a feeler gauge when checking
After straightening, carefully wash the beam, clean the mag- the beam. On the other end of the beam place either a rack with
netic plug, put it in place and check the following: an indicator or a try square 4.
- quality of weld seams and leak-proofness of the beam; Place rests 6 under the beam (in the zone of deformation),
straighten the beam on a hydraulic press first horizontally and
- the beam breather and the beam should be clean inside (no
then vertically, monitoring the results by an indicator or a feeler
burrs, chippings or oil residues).
gauge with a try square 4.
After that paint the beam to protect from corrosion.
The maximum pressing force during straightening should not
exceed 98 kN (10000 kgf), so that not to affect the housing pro-
Straightening the rear axle beam file.
Note. If the height of the rest was experimentally correctly
Attach to each end of the beam flanges A.70172 (the set
adjusted, the beam can be straightened without monitoring by a
used for straightening and not for checking the beams) and place
try square or an indicator.
it on supports of a hydraulic press so that the ends of the clamp-
ing crossrail 2 (fig. 3-60) were in the zone of deformation. The Remove the beam from the press and check as mentioned
most probable location of the zone is in 200-300 mm from the end above, having replaced flanges A.70172 with "test" ones.
faces of the beam flange. In case there is no necessary equipment available, as an
Establish rack 7 with the indicator so that the leg of the indi- exception, it is possible to straighten the rear axle beam first from
cator will rest against the top part of the flange side surface, and one side, then from the other, but with an obligatory deformation
check from both sides (see "Rear axle beam check").
Axle shafts
graphite greasing or ãëñ-15. After refitting, check the operation flange end face measured in the centers, should not exceed 0.05
of axle shafts during an actual road test. mm, if the runout is above the specified value, but no more than
0.08 mm, it can be lathed to eliminate runout. The reduction of
Inspection flange thickness due to turning should be no more than 0.2 mm.
After checking the press fitting of the stop ring, replace the
fastening bolts of the plate and oil screen 6 (see fig. 3-62) and fix
them in place by bending back the bolt retainers.
Fig. 3-67. Removing the drive gear rear bearing inner ring using puller Fig. 3-68. Removing the differential housing bearing inner ring using
A.40005/1/7: puller A.40005/1/6:
1 - puller; 2 - drive gear; 3 - bearing ring; 4 - fixture A.45008 1 - puller; 2 - bearing inner ring; 3 - differential housing; 4 - rest A.45028
fails to be achieved even by increasing the washer thickness, Fit the front bearing inner ring, the driving gear flange and,
renew the gears due to their excessive wear. while turning the tool to refit the bearing rollers correctly, tighten
Fix the gear on the differential box. the nut with torque to 7.85-9.8 N•m (0.8-1 kgf•m).
Using tool A.70152 press-fit the roller bearing inner rings on Fix tool A.95690 on tool face 4 and adjust the indicator with
the differential box. a 0.01 mm scale to zero having established its leg on the same
end face of tool A.70184. Then move indicator 1 so that its leg
Drive gear - refitting and adjustment will be on the landing surface of the differential housing bearing.
The correct location of the drive gear against the driven gear Turn tool 4 with indicator left and right, and find a position in
is provided by selecting the thickness of the adjusting ring fitted which the arrow of the indicator will show the minimum reading of
between the driving gear face and the rear bearing inner ring. "a1" (fig. 3-72) and record. Repeat this operation on the landing
Select the thickness of the adjusting ring with the help of tool surface of the second bearing and record the reading of "a2".
A.70184 and tool A.95690 with an indicator. The procedure is Define thickness "S" of the driving gear adjusting ring, which
carried out in the following sequence. is an algebraic difference between "a" and "b":
Fix the reduction gear casing on a bench, use tool A.70185 S=a-b
to press-fit the outer rings of the drive gear front bearing in the Where:
casing, and tool A.70171 (fig. 3-70) - for the rear bearing.
a - average arithmetic distance from the tool 1 face (fig. 3-64)
On tool A.70184, simulating the driving gear, with the help of to the differential bearing journals
tool A.70152, fit the rear bearing inner ring and insert the tool into
a = (a1 + a2) : 2
the reduction gear casing (fig. 3-71).
b - deviation of the driving gear from the nominal position in
terms of mm. The size of deviation is marked on the driving gear
(fig. 3-73) in hundredth of a millimeter with a plus or minus sign.
When finding the thickness of the adjusting ring pay attention
to the "b" sign and unit of measurement.
tance sleeve can be used. tool end face to differential bearing journal
Fit the driving gear into the reduction gear casing and place make a few turns clockwise with handle 4. During rotation of the
on it the front bearing inner ring, the oil deflector, sealing, the dri- driving gear the movable indicator 1 should not pass indicator 2
ving gear flange and washer. Screw a nut on the gear end and, and should show no less than 157 N•cm (16 kgf•cm).
having locked the driving gear flange, tighten it (tightening torque If the moment of resistance to rotation is less than 157 N•cm
is specified below). (16 kgf•cm), and for bearings after 30 km - 39.2 N•cm (4 kgf•cm),
tighten the driving gear flange nut (but do not exceed the rated
Adjustment of the driving gear bearings
tightening torque) and check again the driving gear moment of
To restrict the axial shifts of the driving gear under working
resistance to rotation.
loads, it is very important to create the bearing preload within the
If the moment of resistance to rotation has appeared to be
given limits. Tension is monitored by a dynamometer
more than 196 N•cm (20 kgf•cm), and for run-in bearings 58.8
02.7812.9501 (fig. 3-75), which measures the driving gear
N•cm (6 kgf•cm), this will indicate excessive bearing preload.
moment of resistance to rotation.
Renew the deformed distance sleeve. After replacing the dis-
The moment of resistance to rotation determines the tight- tance sleeve, re-assemble the unit with the appropriate adjust-
ness of the bearing. It should be 157 - 196 N•cm (16 - 20 kgf•cm) ments and checks.
for new bearings, and 39.2 - 58.8 N•cm (4 - 6 kgf•cm) - for bear-
ings after mileage of 30 km and more. Refitting the differential housing
The flange nut should be tightened to torque 118 - 255 N•m Fit in the casing previously assembled differential housing
(12 - 26 kgf•m), periodically checking with the dynamometer the together with the outer bearing rings.
bearing`s moment of resistance to the rotation of the driving gear. Place two adjusting nuts 4 (fig. 3-77) so that they adjoin the
To check the resistance torque, fix the dynamometer on bearing rings.
sleeve 3 (fig. 3-76), place the torque limit indicator 2 (fig. 3-75) on Fit the bearing covers and tighten the fastening bolts with a
the scale division corresponding to 196 N•cm (20 kgf•cm), and torque wrench.
Fig. 3-78. Checking the side gap in final drive gear mesh using tool
1 - bracket securing screw; 2 - indicator for checking the gear mesh side gap;
3 - indicator rod securing screw; 4 - indicator bracket; 5 - retaining screw; Fig. 3-79. Checking the differential housing bearing preload:
6 -driven gear D - distance between two covers of the differential bearings; 1, 2 - shims
In case of heavy drop formation inspect the sealing: - undo the nuts that are fastening the braking plate to the axle
beam and using a pusher remove the axle shafts from the differ-
- put the vehicle on the lift or over an inspection pit;
ential box;
- clean the breather from dirt and inspect;
- disconnect the propeller shaft from the driving gear flange
- undo the control plug, check the oil level in the axle casing;
and move the shaft aside;
top up if necessary;
- using a dynamometer check the driving gear moment of
resistance to rotation and note;
- hold the flange with a special key, undo the driving gear
flange fastening nut and remove the flange with the washer;
- remove the driving gear sealing;
- grease the seal working surface with ãàíéã-24 and press
fit with a mandrel into the reduction gear casing on depth of 2-0.3
mm between the end face of the reduction gear casing and the
sealing outer surface;
- fit the flange with a washer on the driving gear, hold it with
a special key and tighten the flange fastening nut, controlling the
moment of resistance to rotation by a dynamometer from time to
If the initial value of moment of resistance to rotation was 58.8
N•cm (6 kgf•cm) or more, the new one should exceed the initial
by 9.8-19.6 N•cm (1-2 kgf•cm). If the initial moment of resistance
to rotation was less than 58.8 N•cm (6 kgf•cm), the flange fas-
tening nut should be tightened to 58.8-88.2 N•cm (6-9 kgf•cm).
If the moment of resistance to rotation was exceeded when
tightening the nut, dismantle the reduction gear, renew the dis-
Fig. 3-80. Bearing pattern in final drive gear mesh: tance sleeve, then reassemble the reduction gear and adjust as
I - front side; II - rear side; «a» and «b» - improper contact in gear mesh: move
described in chapter "Assembly and adjustment".
the drive gear away from the driven gear by reducing the shim thickness; «c»
and «d» - improper contact, move the drive gear closer to the driven by increas- The reassembly of the rear axle is carried out in sequence
ing the shim thickness; «e» - right contact in gear mesh reverse to dismantle.
ing the guidelines given in subsection "Rear axle", distance "D" Front wheel drive
(see fig. 3-79) should increase by 0.08 - 0.11 mm. For adjustment
use bracket 67.8701.9508 with a measuring end piece and key Torque from the front axle is transferred to the front wheels
67.7812.9520. through the right and left drives, each consisting of shaft 4 (fig. 3-
82) and two CV-joints.
Place cover 12 with sealing 8 on the inner joint bearing cas-
The joints are mounted on the ends of shaft 4. The outer joint
ing 9 (see fig. 3-81), then press fit bearing 7. Refit spring washer
is connected with the front wheel hub; it is of a rigid type with
10 and circlip11.
angular degree of freedom. The inner joint is of universal type,
Note. The left sealing of the inner joint (axle shaft) for dis-
with an angular and axial degree of freedom. It is connected with
tinction has a mark in form of a circular groove on the body.
the front axle shaft gear.
Fit the front axle mounting bracket 22 with cover on the inner The outer joint consists of case 13, race 11, cage 8 with balls
joint right casing. 10, lock ring 12 and thrust ring 7. Race 11 is connected with case
Place the inner joint assembly in the casing, previously hav- 13 through balls, which come into race grooves made on the
ing fit the sealings on the pins. Tighten the fastening nuts of the radius, and in the case grooves. The race is fixed on shaft 4
joint bearing covers. splines against ring 7 and is secured by circlip 12. In compressed
- using a knock-out and a hammer, beat the inner joint race Take the race out from the cage, to do that, place one of the
from shaft 4; race ledges in the elongated opening of the cage (see fig. 3-86)
- after removing the thrust ring, move the shroud from the and then roll out the race in the direction of the straight edge of
shaft; the aperture. Wash all components and blow with compressed
- wash the inner cavities of the joint housings and other com-
The reassembly of the outer joint is carried out in reverse
sequence, paying attention to the following:
The most difficult and crucial are the operations on disman-
- grease all components with òêìë-4 before reassembly;
tling and reassembling the outer joint, the components of which
are shown on fig. 3-83. The high quality of dismantling-reassem- - when refitting the cage/race assembly in the joint casing,
bly works is provided with observance of below instructions. ensure the matching of labels made before dismantle, the race
should be fitted with the ring groove (for the thrust ring) facing the
Mark with paint the mutual arrangement of the race, cage and
the joint housing. Fix the outer joint in vice, as shown on fig. 3-84.
- when refitting the balls in the cage, incline the race approx-
Incline the race and cage so that one ball will go out from the
imately by an angle twice bigger, than the cage;
groove in the case of the joint as far as possible. Using a screw-
driver made of soft metal, push the ball out from the cage. Then - fill the joint with 60 cm3 of òêìë-4;
turn all components so that the next ball will occupy the same - before striking the shaft 4 (see fig. 3-82) to connect it with
position, and take it out from the cage. Using the above proce- the inner race 11, it is necessary to fit a new circlip 12 strictly in
dure, take out other balls. The sequence of removing the balls the centre, and then sharply strike downward on the shaft end;
from the cage can be different - every other ball. the circlip will compress and slip through the race spline opening;
Slight tapping on the cage or race with a tool made of soft - use tool 67.7853.9533 to press-fit the sealing ring in the joint
material is allowed. No excessive effort when turning the cage is housing.
admissible, as the balls may be blocked what will complicate the After reassembly, the race might be blocking at shaft rolling,
further dismantle. when the ball does not rotate. This does not indicate a poor-qual-
ity assembly, as such blocking will not appear at the joint rotation
Place the cage/race unit so that the elongated apertures of
during operation.
the cage are situated against the ledges of the joint case (see fig.
3-85) and take out the cage in assembly with the race. Using the above mentioned procedure, dismantle completely
the inner joint. The race should be taken out in the direction of the
larger diameter of the cage.
The reassembly of the inner joint is carried out in reverse
sequence. It is necessary to match the labels made before dis-
mantle. The elongated cone part of the cage should be facing
shaft 4. When reassembling, fill 150 cm3 of òêìë-4 into the joint.
Use tool 67.7853.9537 to refit the joints protective covers.
If there are no knocks and vibrations, the shrouds are in good
condition, the dismantle of the front wheels drive is not recom-
Fig. 3-86. Removing the race from the cage mended.
Vehicle wandering
1. Different pressure in tyres 1. Adjust pressure in tyres
2. Misalignment of front wheels 2. Align wheels
3. Wrong gap in front wheel bearings 3. Adjust bearing clearance
4. Deformed suspension arms 4. Replace deformed arms
5. Unequal tension of suspension springs 5. Renew weak spring
6. Incomplete release of wheel brake mechanism 6. Rectify fault
7. Significant difference in tyres wear 7. Replace worn tyres
8. Front wheels significantly out-of-balance 8. Balance wheels
9. Displacement of rear axle due to deformation of rear suspension bar 9. Straighten or replace suspension arms
1. Insufficient tyres pressure 1. Adjust pressure in tyres
2. Excessive gap in front wheel hub bearings 2. Adjust clearance
3. Shock-absorbers do not work 3. Renew shock absorbers or repair
4. Loose fastening nuts on balljoint pins 4. Tighten nuts
5. Misalignment of front wheels 5. Align wheels
6. Worn arm shaft silent blocks 6. Renew silent blocks
7. Wheels are significantly out of balance 7. Check and balance wheels
8. Worn arm balljoints 8. Replace joints
Wheel runout
1. Wheel out of balance: 1. Do the following:
- uneven tread wear - balance or replace wheels
- displacement of balance weights and tyres at installation - balance wheels
- deformed rim - rectify rim or replace, balance wheels
- damaged tyres - replace tyre and balance wheels
2. Excessive gap in wheel hub bearings 2. Adjust clearance
Camber 0°30' ± 20' (0°30' +40' -30') * 0°20' ± 20' (0°20' +40' -30') *
ATTENTION. It is necessary to check the wheel align-
ment angle after replacement or repair of suspension com-
ponents, that could have caused the misalignment of wheel
Caster 3°30' ± 30' (3°30' +60' -90') * 1°30' ± 30' (1°30' +60' -90') *
The check and adjustment of wheel angles is carried out on
a vehicle under static load of 3140 N (320 kgf) (four men and 40 Toe-in 2... 4 mm (1... 7 mm) * 4.5.... 6.5 mm (3.5... 9.5 mm) *
kg in boot).
Follow the parameters specified in tab. 4-1 to check and * permissible front wheel alignment angle for the elastic elements stabilization time before
adjust the wheel alignment angles. the first maintenance (2000-3000 km).
Note. Data are given for washers with thickness of 0.75 mm. Front wheel camber. If the camber angle differs from nor-
Plus - adding a washer, minus - removing a washer. mal, it should be adjusted by changing the amount of washers 50
(see fig. 4-1) between the upper arm shaft and crossmember
To adjust the caster angle: bracket.
- undo the fastening nuts of the front suspension upper arm To reduce the camber angle remove the same amount of
shaft and replace the washers from one bolt to the other one until washers from both bolts, and to increase - add.
a normal reading of the angle will be obtained. The caster angle Front wheel toe-in. If the toe-in differs from normal value, it
increases at rearrangement of washers from the rear bolt to the is necessary to slacken the fastening clamps on the side tie-rods
front one and decreases at reverse swapping; and using tool 67.7813.9504 identically turn both adjuster pins in
- tighten the nuts with a torque wrench and check the caster opposite directions; thus the pins are turned on or off and change
angle. the length of side tie-rods.
- remove old greasing and wash with kerosine the inner cav- Front suspension - removal and refitting
ity of the steering knuckle, the outer and inner cavities of the hub,
the CV-join case tail and bearings; Place the vehicle on the lift or over an inspection pit, set the
parking brake, open the hood and take out the spare wheel.
- fill 40 gr of fresh ãàíéã-24 in bearing cages, spread even-
ly in the cavity of the steering knuckle between the bearings, Place supports under rear wheels and take off front wheels.
grease the splines of the joint casing tail; Using remover 67.7824.9516 (see fig. 5-10) press out pins
- fit the bearing inner rings, the oil seal bush and press fit the from the steering knuckle arms and draw aside the steering tie-
sealings; rods.
- fit the steering knuckle on the joint case tail and connect the Disconnect the anti-roll bar 6 (fig. 4-6) from the suspension
balljoint to the lower arm; lower arms.
Disconnect the tie rods 5 from body brackets and the cross-
- fix the shock-absorber and attach the side tie-rod of the
steering mechanism to the steering knuckle arm;
Disconnect the shock-absorbers from the suspension lower
- fit the hub in assembly with brake disc on the joint case tail
and establish the taper bush 21;
Remove the engine crankcase protective plate and the
- turn the new adjusting nut and adjust the gaps in wheel hub
splash guard.
Remove from each side the front brake caliper without dis-
- using tool 67.7853.9528 fit the wheel hub cap;
connecting the brake hoses, and suspend it so that the caliper will
- replace the brake caliper and the wheel. not hang on hoses.
Note. In all cases, when the nut is unscrewed from the tail of Compress the suspension spring to completely unload the
the outer joint case, renew the nut or use one from another vehicle lower arm.
Disconnect from the lower arm the balljoint and take off the
spring, having smoothly unloaded it, repeat the procedure for the
Balancing the wheels
other unit of the suspension.
The wheels are balanced on special benches according to Disconnect the upper arm shaft 49 (see fig. 4-1) from sus-
the instructions attached to the test-bench. The wheel out-of-bal- pension crossmember bracket 7 and remove the upper arm 46 in
ance is eliminated by balance weights, which are fastened on the assembly with the steering knuckle, wheel hub, front brake and
rim with special springs. the outer joint case.
Note. When removing the upper arm shaft, note the amount After reassembly and suspension refitting, check the wheel
and arrangement of washers between the upper arm shaft and alignment angles and toe-in.
the crossmember, and also the number of shims between the
crossmember and car body chassis arm, so that at refitting all Suspension units - dismantle and reassembly
washers and shims will be properly replaced.
Dismantle. If the suspension repair requires complete dis-
Disconnect the engine mounting rubber pads from the cross- mantle of the units, it is more convenient to begin directly on the
member brackets. vehicle after removing the crankcase protective plate and the
Place a hydraulic jack with a fixing tool under the suspension splash guard.
crossmember, support the engine with arm 67.7820.9514 or Proceed as follows:
hoist, disconnect the recoil bumper bracket 47 and the cross- - undo the upper balljoint 41 (see fig. 4-1) pin nut and remove
member from the body chassis. the clips from hoses;
Remove the crossmember 1 in assembly with lower arms 4. - unbend the protective casing blades, turn out the fastening
The installation of suspension parts and units is done in bolt of the caliper carrier and move the whole assembly aside;
reverse order. The springs on the suspension should be installed
ATTENTION. To avoid damaging the hoses do not leave
only of one class (class A - not marked or has marks by white
the caliper to hang on hoses.
paint, class B - with black marks on the outer surface of the coils).
It is permissible to install springs of A class on the front suspen- - using tool 67.7823.9514 remove the hub cap and undo the
sion, if B class springs are fitted on the rear suspension. wheel hub bearing nut;
Suspension removal and refitting - disconnect the longitudinal and transverse arms from the
brackets on the axle beam.
Removal. Lift the rear part of the vehicle and place it on sup- The rear suspension components are shown on fig. 4-15.
ports. Take off the rear wheels.
The rear suspension refitting is carried out in reverse
Disconnect the propeller shaft from the final drive gear sequence. On the rear suspension the springs of the same class,
flange. as on the front suspension, should be installed. In exceptional
Disconnect the hose of the brake hydraulic system from the cases, if the springs of A class (not marked or with marks by
steel tube on the axle, and make arrangements to prevent liquid white paint on the external side of coils) are installed on the front
leaking from the brake system. suspension, and there are no springs of the same class available
Before inspection thoroughly wash all components. Fig. 4-15. Rear suspension, exploded view:
Protect the rubber components, bushes and protective cov- 1 - lower longitudinal arm; 2 - rubber bush; 3 - bracket; 4 - spacer sleeve;
5 - upper longitudinal arm; 6 - additional compression buffer; 7 - spring;
ers from solvents. 8 - spring seat, upper; 9 - compression buffer; 10 - spring insulating gasket,
Springs. Check the tension characteristic of the spring on upper; 11 - shock absorber; 12 - spring insulating gasket, lower; 13 - transverse
control points (fig. 4-17), previously having depressed it to bring arm
The design of shock-absorbers of front and rear suspensions
is shown on fig. 4-18.
Shock-absorbers bench-test
To test the efficiency of the shock-absorber, make an oper-
ating diagram check on a dynamometer bench.
The working diagram is made according to the instruction
attached to the test-bench, after no less than 5 working cycles, at
the shock-absorber liquid temperature of (20±5) °C, the flywheel Fig. 4-17. Main parameters for checking the rear suspension spring
Steering - inspection, Turn the steering wheel in both directions, and ensure:
- the steering wheel free play does not exceed 5° (when mea-
check and adjustment
sured on the wheel rim, no more than 18-20 mm). To perform this
General inspection operation use tool 67.8720.9501;
The steering system should be examined at any signs of mal- - there is no rattle in joints, connections and steering mecha-
function (rattle, excessive free play of the steering wheel or, on nism;
the contrary, its hard rotation, and so on). The inspection is car- - reliable fastening of the steering box and the slave arm
ried out on the trestles or an inspection pit in the following order. bracket (tighten the threaded connections if necessary);
Clean the components of the steering mechanism and the - there is no free play in the tie-rod balljoint and in the slave
steering box. Place the wheels in position corresponding to arm bracket, and there is no axial displacement of the worm
straight movement. shaft;
- the steering wheel turns with the effort (with the front wheels
standing on smooth surface) not exceeding 196 N (20 kgf), 245*
N (25* kgf).
Check the tie-rod adjuster pins, ensure reliable tightening of
the clamps.
Inspect the balljoint and protective caps, as set forth below.
tening nut and fix it in three points. Move the combination switch
case fully towards the steering wheel, and tighten the switch fas-
tening clip.
Reconnect the wires of the ignition switch and fix the switch
on the steering column bracket with screws.
Reconnect the combination switch plugs to the vehicle har-
ness plugs.
Refit both halves of the shaft shroud and fasten them with
screws. Apply a thin layer of greasing on the lower contact ring
Fig. 5-5. Steering mechanism, exploded view:
1 - steering box; 2 - drop arm; 3 - box cover, lower; 4 - shims; 5 - worm shaft and refit the horn push-pad trim on the steering wheel.
bearing ring, outer; 6 - race with balls; 7 - drop arm shaft; 8 - adjusting screw; Refit the ballpins of the middle and left tie-rods on the pitman
9 - adjusting plate; 10 - lockwasher; 11 - worm shaft; 12 - top cover; 13 - gas-
ket; 14 - pitman shaft bush; 15 - worm shaft oil seal; 16 - pitman shaft oil seal
arm and fix them with nuts.
Adjust the front wheels toe-in and check the effort on the
steering wheel, which should not exceed 196 N (20 kgf), 245* N
(25* kgf) (measured on the wheel rim) when tested on a smooth
metal plate.
6). Undo the fastening bolt, take off cover 12 (see fig. 5-5) of the will appear less than specified, reduce the thickness of shim 2
steering box together with cap, adjusting screw 8, adjusting plate (see fig. 5-8), and if more - increase.
9, lock washer 10 and jam nut. Take out from the steering box 1 After refitting the pitman arm, ensure there is no clearance in
the pitman arm shaft 7 in assembly with the roller. the roller-to-worm mesh in position when the worm shaft is turned
Undo the fastening bolt, remove cover 3 from the worm shaft right and left by 30° from the pitman arm middle position. Take up
thrust bearings together with shims 4. any possible clearance by adjusting screw 2 (see fig. 5-2) and
With the worm shaft 11 push out from the box the bearing tighten jam nut 4.
outer ring 5 and take out the shaft together with bearing cage 6. After adjusting the roller-to-worm mesh gap, use a
Remove worm shaft sealing 15 and the pitman arm sealing 16. dynamometer to check the worm friction, which should be equal
to 68.7-88.3 N•cm (7-9 kgf•cm) when turning the worm shaft by
Using tool 67.7853.9541 take out the top bearing outer ring
30° both to the left and to the right from the middle position and
(fig. 5-7).
should smoothly reduce to 49 N•cm (5 kgf•cm) when turned from
Reassembly. The reassembly of the steering mechanism is
the 30° position further to the stop.
carried out on bracket A.74076/R in sequence, reverse to dis-
After the reassembly, check the angles of pitman rotation from
the neutral position, which should make 32°10' ± 1° both to the left
The outer ring of the worm upper bearing is press-fitted with and to the right until the pitman arm will get pressed against the
tool 67.7853.9541, having rearranged the fixture on the tool han- bolt head; fill the steering box with 0.215 l of transmission oil.
dle in reverse order.
Refit the worm in the steering box and fasten the bottom Check and repair
cover (fig. 5-8), use dynamometer 02.7812.9501 and head
A.95697/5 (fig. 5-9) to check the worm friction moment; it should Carefully examine the working surfaces of the roller and the
be within the limits of 19.6-49 N•cm (2-5 kgf•cm). If the moment worm for traces of wear, jamming or risks. Renew worn and dam-
aged components.
Check the size of the clearance between the bushes and the
pitman arm shaft, which should not exceed 0.10 mm. If the clear-
ance is more than specified, renew the bushes using tool
On the inner surfaces of the pitman arm bushes there are spi-
ral flutes, which come out only from one side. When press-fitting,
the bushes should be located so that their end faces with the flutes
were inside the aperture of the steering box, and the outputs of the
flutes were facing each other. The end faces of the bushes should
be deep inside the steering box aperture by 1.5 mm.
New bushes should be greased with transmission oil before
Fig. 5-10. Removing the ballpins press-fitting.
Note. In the spare parts the adjusting plates are supplied of Idler arm bracket
eleven sizes, with thickness from 1.95 mm up to 2.20 mm, ; the
Removal and dismantle. Separate the idler arm from
increase in each size makes 0.025 mm.
ballpins on the middle and side tie-rods, remove the cotter pins,
Inspect locking plates 5 (see fig. 5-3). Renew if they are having previously undone the nuts and taken out the ballpins
deformed. from the arm using puller 67.7824.9516. Then undo the bolt fas-
tening the bracket to the body chassis arm and remove the
Steering shaft - dismantle and reassembly
Dismantle. Undo the U-joint fork fastening bolt and separate Fix the bracket in vice, remove the cotter pins and undo nut
the intermediate and upper shafts of the steering mechanism. 4 (fig. 5-12), then remove washers 3 and 6 and the idler arm 1 in
If the upper shaft or its bearings are damaged, flare the assembly with shaft 9, washer 10 and self-locking nut 11, remove
places of the bracket pipe punching and take out the pipe from sealings 7 and press out bushes 8.
the shaft 15 (see fig. 5-1) in assembly with bearings 11.
Inspection. Inspect the idler arm shaft bushes; in case of
If the shaft rotates in the bearings without jamming and there
out-of-roundness or inadmissible gap between them and the
is no radial free play in the bearings (the resilient radial move-
ments of the steering shaft are allowed), it is not recommended shaft, renew the bushes. Also renew sealings 7.
to dismantle the upper steering shaft. Check the shaft for out-of-roundness and damages, renew if
Renew the shaft and the bearing in case of wear or damage. necessary. Ensure the idler arm has no deformations, otherwise
The reassembly is carried out in reverse order, paying atten- renew.
tion that the U-joint lock bolt passes through the ring groove on Assembly and refitting. Before reassembly grease the
the upper shaft. Then punch the bracket pipe in two points from bushes of the idler arm shaft and fill the space between them with
both sides to fix the shaft bearings.
ãàíéã-24. The reassembly order of the idler arm bracket is a
Ask an assistant to press the brake pedal with effort of 686- housing, apply a thin layer of Ñí-1 on the shaft and the acting part
784 N (70-80 kgf) and simultaneously observe the outcoming part of the piston, fill 5-6 gr. of this greasing in the rubber boot and refit
of the pressure regulator piston. If the piston moves by 0.5-0.9 the cover.
mm in relation to the regulator housing, thus twisting the torsion
arm, the pressure regulator is efficient. Repeat the pedal Pressure regulator position adjustment
depressing 2-3 times to completely ensure the serviceability of
The pressure regulator position adjustment is required if the
the pressure regulator.
fastening bolts became loose. Raise the vehicle rear axle.
If during pedal depressing the piston remains motionless, this Disconnect arm 4 (fig. 6-5) from tie-rod 8 and fix on its end tool
means that the piston became stuck to the housing due to corro- 67.7820.9519. Direct the core of the tool upwards until it will get
sion, and pressure regulator renewal is required. pressed against the car floor (fig. 6-6). This will be distance "X"
After ensuring the pressure regulator serviceability and no from the arm end to the body chassis arm (see fig. 6-5), equal to
brake liquid leaks between the piston and the pressure regulator (150±5) mm.
Fig. 6-5. Installation of the rear brake pressure regulator and adjustments:
1, 7 - regulator securing bolts; 2 - piston; 3 - thrust washer bracket; 4 - pressure regulator control arm; 5 - shaft; 6 - cap; 8 - tie rod; 9 - pressure regulator;X = 150 ± 5 mm
Note. Time of washing the sealing rings in isopropyl alcohol Fig. 6-12. Front wheel brake system:
1 - cylinder block; 2 - brake pads; 3 - caliper clamping lever; 4 - splash guard;
is no more than 20 seconds with subsequent drying by com-
5 - clamping lever shaft; 6 - carrier; 7 - caliper; 8 - brake disc; 9 - bleeders;
pressed air. 10 - brake hoses
The cylinder mirror and working surfaces of pistons should be ATTENTION. Do not use petrol, diesel fuel, trichloroeth-
completely clean, without rust, marks and other defects. No ylene or any other mineral solvents to clean the brakes, as
excessive gap between the cylinder and pistons is allowed. these materials damage the cylinder sealings.
Every time, when dismantling the cylinder, renew the seal-
ings, even if they are in good condition. Removal and refitting
Check the piston spring tension, the length of which should
Removal. Lift the front part of the vehicle, place it on supports
be 41.7 mm under load of 42.18±3.92 N (4.3±0.4 kgf), 21 mm
and remove the wheel.
under load of 90.64±8.83 N (9.24±0.9 kgf), in free state - 59.7
Remove the hose guide brackets. Undo the bypass bolts, dis-
connect from the cylinder block hoses 10 (see fig. 6-12), avoid
Master cylinder leak-proofness check. Place the master penetration of dirt into the cylinder cavities. Plug the openings of
cylinder on a test bench and connect it to the bench elements, as the cylinder block and hoses.
shown on fig. 6-11.
Unbend the edges of the front brake splash guard, undo the
Open the bench bleeding valves 1 and, by moving the mas- bolt fastening the brake to the steering knuckle (fig. 6-13) and
ter cylinder piston several times by its full stroke, bleed the sys- remove the brake assembly.
tem. Then close valves 1. Rotate flywheel 5, slowly move the
The refitting of the front brake is carried out in sequence
master cylinder pistons until pressure monitored by manometer 2 reverse to removal.
will reach 12.5 MPA (125 kgf/cm2). In this position block the mas-
After refitting, fill the brake liquid in the reservoir and bleed
ter cylinder push rod. Specified pressure should remain constant
the system to expel air from the hydraulic drive.
for no less than 5 seconds.
In case of liquid leaks or drop of established pressure during Dismantle and reassembly
5 seconds, renew the cylinder piston sealings.
Take out pins, then shafts 5 (see fig. 6-12), hold the clamping
Front brakes levers 3 so that not to loose the springs. Remove the clamping
levers and their springs, and then caliper 7 in assembly with block
The design of the front brake is shown on fig. 6-12. 1. Remove brake pads 2.
Before repairing the brakes, carefully wash them in warm Take out cylinder block 1 from the caliper grooves by moving
water with washing liquids and immediately dry with a jet of com- apart the caliper grooves up to 118.5 mm and pressing on lock
pressed air. 12. Remove the dust caps 3 (fig. 6-14) from cylinders.
Forcing a jet of compressed air through the aperture for Replacement of brake pads
brake liquid, push out pistons 14 from the cylinder block and take
out sealing rings 4. Renew the pads, if the friction lining thickness has decreased
The reassembly of the front brake is carried out in sequence to 1.5 mm.
reverse to dismantle. When assembling, lubricate the sealing To replace the pads do the following:
rings, pistons and cylinder mirrors with brake liquid, and grease - remove the pins from the shaft of the upper clamping lever,
the protective caps with Ñí-1. take out the shaft and remove the lever; remove the caliper
The reassembly of the automatic adjuster and the wheel Component inspection
cylinder is carried out in reverse sequence, paying attention to
the following: Wheel cylinders. Ensure the cleanness of working surfaces
of the cylinder, pistons and thrust rings. The surfaces should be
- piston thrust screws are tightened to torque 4-7 N•m (0.4-
absolutely smooth, without roughness, to avoid liquid leak and
0.7 kgf•m);
premature wear of sealings and pistons. The defects on the cylin-
- slot A (see fig. 6-19) on thrust rings should be directed ver- der mirror can be eliminated by lapping or polishing. However, no
tically upward; vertical deviation should be no more than 30°. increase of the cylinder inner diameter is allowed.
Such position of the slot provides complete air bleeding from the Inspect screw 3 (see fig. 6-20), spring 6, thrust cup 7 and
brake mechanism; retainers 5. If necessary, renew damaged components.
- for preliminary compression of thrust rings the pistons are Renew sealings 8. Inspect protective caps 10 and renew if
press-fitted in the cylinder body with a special tool having the necessary.
form of a cylinder with a cone inner aperture; Shoes. Carefully check the shoes for damages or deforma-
- the effort of press-fitting the piston in the cylinder should be tions.
no less than 350 N (35 kgf); in case effort was less than 350 N Check the tension of the upper and lower return springs; if
(35 kgf) - replace the thrust ring; necessary, renew.
- when press-fitting the piston in the cylinder it is necessary to The springs should have no residual deformations when
maintain the sizes of 4.5-4.8 mm and 67 mm (maximum) (see fig. stretched with effort of 350 N (35 kgf) for lower springs and 420
6-19) for free landing of the brake drum; N (42 kgf) - the upper ones.
- before refitting the components in the cylinder body thickly Check the linings for dirt or traces of greasing, if necessary,
grease them with brake liquid. carefully clean with metal brush and wash with white-spirit,
After reassembly check the movement of each piston in the besides, check for leaks of greasing inside the drum; eliminate
malfunctions. Renew shoes, if the friction lining thickness is less
cylinder body. They should freely move within the limits of 1.25-
than 1.5-2 mm.
1.65 mm. The last established in place is the protective cap 2.
Brake drums. Examine the brake drums. If the working sur- Reduce pressure and connect a high pressure manometer 5.
faces have deep risks or excessive ovality, chisel the drums. Ensure that pressure holds steady for 5 minutes, repeat similar
Then grind on a machine tool with abrasive fine stones. This will test at liquid pressure of 5 - 10 - 15 MPA (50 - 100 - 150 kgf/cm2).
help to increase the lining durability, and improve the uniformity There should be no pressure decrease due to liquid leak
and efficiency of braking. through sealing elements, pipeline connections, bleeding con-
The maximum allowable increase of drum nominal diameter nectors or through casting pores.
(250 mm) after turning and polishing is 1 mm. These dimension An insignificant reduction of pressure (no more than 0.5 MPA
limits should be strictly observed, otherwise, the durability of the (5 kgf/cm2) during 5 minutes is permissible, especially at high
drum, and the efficiency of braking will be decreased due to pressure, due to shrinkage of sealings.
reduction of drum rigidity.
Rear brake pressure regulator
Rear brake wheel cylinder -test-bench inspection
Removal and refitting. Disconnect arm 12 (fig. 6-22) from
Position cylinder 2 (fig. 6-21) on the test bench, attach the tie-rod 7, and holder 18 from bracket 14 and shackle that is fas-
pipeline from the manometers and bleed the system. tening the pipelines going to the pressure regulator.
Adjust rests1 so that the wheel cylinder pistons are rested Disconnect the components of muffler mounting from the
against them. body and move the pipeline with the mufflers aside.
Check for liquid leak. Connect a low pressure manometer 4. Undo the bolts fastening the regulator on the bracket and the
Slowly rotate flywheel 8 to obtain liquid pressure of 0.05 MPA bracket on the car body, remove the regulator bracket, and then,
(0.5 kgf/cm2) as read by the pressure gauge 4. having lowered the regulator downward, disconnect the
Ensure that pressure holds steady for 5 minutes. Repeat sim- pipelines.
ilar test at liquid pressure of 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.5 MPA (1 - 2
- 3 - 4 - 5 kgf/cm2).
Remove the regulator and disconnect the arm. Plug all open-
ings of the pressure regulator and pipelines.
Refitting of the pressure regulator is carried out in reverse
sequence. Before tightening the regulator fastening bolt place
tool 67.7820.9519 (see fig. 6-6) on the end of the regulator arm.
Direct the tool bar upwards to the car body. Thus, the distance of
(150+5) mm (see "Pressure regulator position adjustment")
between the end of arm 2 and underframe side member is
Raise protective cap 3 (see fig. 6-22) and by turning the reg-
ulator on the fastening bolts, obtain a slight contact between the
arm end and the regulator piston.
Fix the regulator in this position, fully tighten the fastening Fig. 6-23. Rear brake pressure regulator, non-operating position:
bolts, then apply a layer of greasing Ñí-1 or "Ñàíéê" on shaft 2 A - normal pressure chamber; B - adjustable pressure chamber; P - force from
arm 4; 1 - regulator housing; 2 - distance sleeve; 3 - sealing ring; 4 - regulator
and the protruding part of the piston. Refit rubber cap 3 having
control arm; 5 - gasket; 6 - plug; 7 - seal; 8 - spring cup; 9 - piston spring;
applied 5-6 gr of the same greasing. 10 - piston
Remove tool 67.7820.9519 and reconnect the arm end to tie-
rod 7, previously having covered the bushes of the rod-to-arm
connection with greasing Ñí-1 or Ñàíéê.
Attach the gas release system pipelines to the car body.
Bleed the brakes to expel air from the rear brakes.
Dismantle and reassembly. Use key A.56124 to turn out the
plug, remove lining 5 (fig. 6-23), take out piston 10, distance
sleeve 2, sealing 7, plate 8, spring 9 and thrust washer with seal-
ing ring 3.
When reassembling, which is carried out in reverse
sequence, grease all components with brake liquid.
ATTENTION. To differentiate the VAZ-2121 and -21213
pressure regulators from others of similar design, there is a
groove on the bottom part of the piston.
Wash the components with isopropyl alcohol or brake liquid
Fig. 6-22. Pressure regulator linkage components:
and inspect. The components surfaces should have no marks 1 - pressure regulator; 2 - regulator control arm shaft; 3 - cap; 4 - lock plate;
and roughness. 5 - bolt with spring washer; 6 - rear axle beam; 7 - pressure regulator control
arm-to-rear axle bracket connecting tie-rod; 8 - bolt washer; 9 - plastic bush;
Check the spring tension, length in free condition should be
10 - distance sleeve; 11 - tie-rod securing bolt; 12 - pressure regulator control
17.8 mm, and under load of 76.44 - 64.68 N (7.8-6.6 kgf) - 9 mm. arm; 13 - arm thrust bush; 14 - bush bracket; 15 - washer; 16 - spring washer;
Renew damaged components, sealings and sealing rings. 17 - nut; 18 - bush clamp; 19 - clamp-to-bracket fastening bolt
Handbrake Inspect the rear cable sheath and the fastening of end pieces
on the sheath, and ensure, that the cable freely moves inside the
Removal and refitting. Place the handbrake lever in the sheath. Replace the cable in case of sheath damage and loose
lowest position, disconnect the cable ends from the brake shoe end piece fastening.
levers (see "Rear brake").
Slacken locknut 5 (see fig. 6-4) and adjusting nut 6, remove
return spring 9 (fig. 6-24), then completely undo the locknut and
Take out the front end pieces of the rear cable from the
brackets on the floor, and the cable sheath from the brackets on
the rear axle beam, and remove the rear cable 12.
Remove the lever protective cover and then the lever assem-
bly and the front cable.
Take out the pin and remove the thrust washer, disconnect
the front cable from the handbrake linkage lever.
The handbrake is refitted in reverse sequence with subse-
quent adjustment (see "Handbrake adjustment"). When refitting,
grease with ãàíéã-24 or ãëñ-15 the rear cable guide, the
handbrake lever shaft and the front cable end.
Check and repair. Carefully inspect the components of the
handbrake mechanism.
If breakage or wire scuffing is detected, renew the cable.
Make sure, that the quadrant teeth and handle lock are not
damaged; worn components should be replaced.
Check the condition of the spring. It should provide the lever
return to the released position.