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CLS JEEAD-19-20 XI Phy Target-6 Level-1 Chapter-14 PDF

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Chapter 14


Solutions (Set-1)

Very Short Answer Type Questions :

1. A wave travelling along a string is described by, y(x, t) = 0.05 cos(250x – 30t), where x and y are in metre
and t in s. What is the amplitude of the wave?

Sol. 5 cm

2. How does the velocity of sound relate to the density of the medium?

Sol. v 

3. What is the distance between a compression and its nearest rarefaction in a longitudinal wave?

Sol. /2

4. A person is moving away from the source, with a speed equal to the velocity of sound propagation. Will the
person hear any sound produced by the source?

Sol. No, the person will not hear any sound,

v v
∵     = zero
 v 

5. If the distance between a source of sound and the listener is doubled, what is the change in frequency observed
by the listener?

Sol. No change. Frequency is independent of the distance between source and listener. It depends on their relative
motion rather.

6. Two harmonic waves of frequencies 50 Hz and 54 Hz are superposed. What is the beat frequency observed?

Sol. Beat frequency m = 2 – 1= 4 Hz

7. A travelling wave is incident on a boundary and gets reflected. If the equations of the incident and the reflected
waves are yi(x, t) = a sin(kx – t) and yr(x, t) = – a sin(kx + t) respectively, then check whether the boundary
is rigid or open.

Sol. Reflected wave is 180° out of phase from the incident wave. Therefore, the boundary must be a rigid boundary.
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66 Waves Solutions of Assignment (Level-I) (Set-1)

8. In a certain wave propagation, the constituents of the medium are vibrating along the direction of propagation
of the wave. Is this wave transverse or longitudinal?
Sol. Longitudinal wave.
9. What is the relation between angular frequency () and propagation constant (k) of a harmonic wave?

Sol.  v ; where v is the velocity of the wave.

10. Which kind of waves are propagated through solids, i.e. longitudinal or transverse?
Sol. Both longitudinal as well as transverse waves.

Short Answer Type Questions :

11. Explain why the propagation of longitudinal waves can be studied on a helical spring but not on a string.

Sol. In a longitudinal wave, the constituents of the medium oscillates along the wave motion. String cannot be
stretched beyond its natural length significantly. Therefore, visible compressions and rarefactions are not
possible in a string. That is why longitudinal waves cannot be studied on a string. However they can be easily
produced in a helical spring.

12. The range of audible frequency is 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. Express this range in terms of
(i) Time period
(ii) Wavelength
for a medium where the velocity of sound is 330 m/s.

Sol. (i) 

1 1
 20 Hz frequency is equivalent to s i.e., 0.05 s and 20,000 Hz equals s or 0.5  10–4 s.
20 20000

 Audible range in terms of time period is 0.5  10–4 s to 0.05 s.

(ii) 

330 m/s
 1  = 16.5 m
20 Hz

and  2  = 16.5  10 –3 m
 Audible range in terms of wavelength is 16.5 m to 16.5  10–3 m for the given medium.

13. Calculate the number of compressions and rarefactions which will pass an observer in 1 hr, if the velocity of
sound wave is 332 m/s and the wavelength is 2 m.

Sol. One compression and one rarefaction together constitude one wave cycle.

Number of cycles passing the observer every second,

332 m/s
Frequency = = 166 Hz
 No. of cycles passing him in one hour = 166  60  60 = 597600
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Solutions of Assignment (Level-I) (Set-1) Waves 67
14. The equation given below represents a stationary wave set up in a medium
 2x 
y  5 cos   sin(20t )
 3 
where x and y are in cm and t is in s.
Calculate the amplitude, wavelength and velocity of the component waves.
Sol. Compare the equation with
y = 2a coskx sint

5 2
We get, a  cm, k  rad cm–1 and  = 20s–1
2 3
Now, k 

2 2
    3 cm
k 2 / 3

 20
and velocity v    30 cm/s
k 2 / 3

15. The pressure and volume variations in the gases, when sound propagates through them are adiabatic and not
isothermal. Explain.
Sol. The pressure and volume variations in the gases when sound propagates through them are so fast that heat
cannot flow to the surroundings or from the surroundings to keep the temperature constant. Therefore, the
variations are adiabatic and not isothermal.
16. A tuning fork produces sounds of wavelengths 2 m and 3.8 m while vibrating in air and hydrogen respectively.
Calculate the velocity of sound in hydrogen if the velocity of sound in air is 332 m/s.
v 2 2
Sol. v  
1 1

v2 = 630.8 m/s

17. Calculate the temperature at which the velocity of sound in oxygen will be the same as that in hydrogen at

Sol. v 
∵  is same for both O2 and H2,  for vH2  v O2
 
MH2 M O2

 TO2 = 5168 K or 4895°C

18. A stone is dropped into a well and the impact of sound is heard 5.4 s later. If the depth of the well is 122.5
metre then calculate the velocity of sound.
Sol. Let time taken by the stone to reach the water surface is t1, then

1 2
Depth of the well, s  ut1  at1
122.5  (0  t1 )   9.8 t12
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68 Waves Solutions of Assignment (Level-I) (Set-1)

 122.5
t12   25
t1 = 5 s.
 Time taken by the sound to reach the listener = 5.4 – 5 = 0.4 s.
 Velocity of sound = = 306.25 m/s
19. Explain why the pitch of a car horn we hear is decreased as the car moves away from us.
Sol. When the car is going away from the listener, the pitch or frequency of the sound decreases. This is due to
Doppler effect. The observed frequency heard by the listener is given by
  
(v  v s )
  < 
 Observed pitch is less than the actual pitch.
20. A sound wave of frequency 50 Hz is propagating in space with speed 350 m/s. Calculate the phase difference
of the wave at two points separated by 3.5 m.

v 350 m/s
Sol. Wavelength() =  7m
f 50 Hz
Phase of a wave = kx – t
At a given instant, phase difference between two points x1 and x2,

2 2  (3.5)
= ( x2  x1 )    radian
 7
21. Calculate the distance travelled by the sound wave produced by a tuning fork of frequency 120 Hz after
completing 60 vibrations. Given that the speed of sound in air is 332 m/s.

Sol. Wavelength of sound() =
 =  2.76 m
By the time the wave completes n vibrations, it travels a distance n.
 Distance travelled by the sound = n
= 60  2.76
= 165.6 m

22. If the first overtone of a closed pipe of length 23 cm has the same frequency as the 2nd overtone of an open
pipe, then calculate the length of the open pipe.
Sol. 1st overtone of closed pipe is 1 
2nd overtone of open pipe is 2 
Now, 1 = 2

3v 3v
   L  2L
4L 2L
= 46 cm
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Solutions of Assignment (Level-I) (Set-1) Waves 69
23. A tuning fork produces 7 beats per second when sounded together with a tuning fork of frequency 220 Hz.
When the first tuning fork is loaded with a little wax then the number of beats produced becomes 3. What is
the frequency of the first tuning fork?
Sol. Beat frequency m = (1 – 2) or (2 – 1)
 1 = 227 Hz or 213 Hz
On loading the first fork, the number of beats produced per second decreases therefore, 1 = 227 Hz.
24. The displacements at a point due to two waves are given by y1 = 2.7 sin(32 t) and y2 = 3sin(52t). Calculate
the number of beats produced per second.
Sol. Frequency of the 1st wave 1 = 16
Frequency of the 2nd wave 2 = 26
 Beat frequency (m) = 2 – 1 = 26 – 16 = 10 Hz
25. If an open pipe of length 34 cm resonates with a frequency of 2500 Hz then which of the harmonics does, it
represent. Given that velocity of sound in air is 340 m/s.
Sol. Frequency of normal modes in open pipe =
n  340
2500 
2  0.34

2500  2 34
n 
340 100
=5  Fifth harmonic
26. Two engines pass each other in opposite directions each with a speed of 50 m/s relative to air. One of them
is emitting a note of frequency 200 Hz. Calculate the frequency heard by a man in the other engine after they
have passed each other. Given that the velocity of sound is 350 m/s.

 v  vL 
Sol.    
 v  vs 
 350  50 
=    200
 350  50 
=  200  150 Hz
27. Calculate the fundamental frequency of a metre long stretched string, fixed at both ends with mass 0.10 kg
under a tension of 1600 newton.
Sol. Velocity of wave in the string is


1600  1
= = 400 m/s

Fundamental frequency =
2 1
= 200 Hz
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70 Waves Solutions of Assignment (Level-I) (Set-1)

28. A 1.5 m long rope is stretched between two rigid supports with a tension that makes the speed of transverse
waves 48 m/s. What are the frequency of (i) the fundamental mode (ii) the second overtone?

v 48
Sol. Fundamental frequency 1    16 Hz
2L 2  1.5
2nd overtone frequency 3 = 31 = 48 Hz

29. A metal bar with a length of 3 m has density 3200 kg/m3. Longitudinal sound waves take 2.8  10–4 s to travel
from one end of the bar to the other. What is Young’s modulus for this bar?

Sol. v 

 L
 Y  v 2    

 3 
=  4 
 3200
 2.8  10 
= (1.07  104)2  3200
= 36.73  1010 Pa

30. A car alarm is emitting sound waves of frequency 500 Hz. You are on a motorcycle, travelling directly away
from the car. How fast must you be travelling if you detect a frequency 470 Hz? Given the velocity of sound
in air is 320 m/s.

 v  vL 
Sol.    
 v 

 320  v L 
 470   500  v L  19.2 m/s
 320 

Long Answer Type Questions :

31. What are the longitudinal waves? How longitudinal waves can be propagated in a long air filled pipe with a piston
at one end?
Sol. Longitudinal waves : These are the waves in which the constituents of the medium oscillate along the
direction of wave propagation.
Propagation of longitudinal waves in a long air-filled pipe
Consider a long air-filled pipe with a piston at one end. If we suddenly move the piston rightward and then
leftward, we can generate a pulse of compression and rarefaction along the pipe.

Rarefaction Compression

If we push in and pull out the piston continuously and periodically, a sinusoidal disturbance is generated along
the pipe. Because the motion of the elements of air is parallel to the direction of the wave’s propagation, the
motion is said to be longitudinal and the wave is said to be a longitudinal wave.
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Solutions of Assignment (Level-I) (Set-1) Waves 71
32. Give some important characteristics of wave motion.
Sol. Characteristics of wave motion
1. A wave is a kind of disturbance that travels through a medium, acompanied by a transfer of energy.
2. In a wave propagation, constituents of medium oscillate about their mean positions.
3. There is no net transfer of medium when wave propagates through it.
4. Velocity of wave propagation is different for different media.
5. A material medium is required for the propagation of mechanical wave.
6. Electromagnetic waves do not require any material medium for their propagation
7. Velocity of constituent particles of the medium is maximum at their mean position and minimum at their
extreme position.
33. Discuss Laplace correction in Newton’s formula. Calculate the speed of sound in air using Newton’s corrected
formula, given that the density of air is 1.293 kg/m3 and air = 1.40.
Sol. Laplace’s correction in Newton’s formula
Newton assumed that the pressure variations in a medium during propagation of sound are isothermal. Laplace
pointed out that the pressure variations in the gases when sound propagates are so fast that heat could not
flow to surroundings or from surroundings to keep the temperature constant. Therefore, the variations are
adiabatic and not isothermal.
For an adiabatic process,
PV = constant
P(V) + VP = 0
P V–1V + V P = 0

 P
V / V

Further, the adiabatic Bulk Modulus is given by

Bad 
V / V
This implies that Bad = P
Therefore, the speed of sound in gas is


Calculation of velocity of sound


Density of air = 1.293 kg/m3 and air = 1.40

Further atmospheric pressure P = 1.01 105 Pa

1.40  1.01 105

 v  331.3 m/s

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72 Waves Solutions of Assignment (Level-I) (Set-1)

34. State and explain the principle of superposition of waves. Hence, give conditions for (i) maximum amplitude
(ii) minimum amplitude.

Sol. According to the principle of superposition of waves, each wave pulse moves as if others are not present. The
constituents of the medium therefore suffer displacement due to both and since displacements can be positive
and negative, the net displacement is an algebraic sum of the two superposing waves. This discussion can
be extended to any number of waves.

Let us consider two sinusoidal waves of same wavelength and frequency travelling in same direction along a
stretched string. Further let the waves have same amplitude and a constant phase difference of .

Accordingly the two waves are described by the functions.

y1(x, t) = a sin(kx – t)

y2(x, t) = a sin(kx – t + )

From the principle of superposition, the resultant wave is

y(x, t) = y1(x, t) + y2(x, t)

= a sin(kx – t) + a sin(kx – t + )

   
=  2a cos  sin  kx  t  
 2  2

(i) For maximum amplitude

 = 0 or 2n where n = 0, 1, 2……

y(x, t) = 2a sin(kx – t)

i.e., the resultant wave has a maximum amplitude of 2a.

(ii) For minimum amplitude

 = (2n – 1) where n = 0, 1, 2……

 y(x, t) = 0
i.e., the resultant wave has a minimum amplitude of zero.

35. Explain Doppler effect in sound. Obtain an expression for the apparent frequency of sound, when the source
is moving and the observer is at rest.

Sol. Doppler Effect

Whenever there is a relative motion between the source of sound and an observer, the frequency of the sound
received or heard by the observer is different from the frequency of sound produced by the source. This is called
the Doppler effect.

Apparent frequency of sound when source is moving and observer is at rest :

O S1 S2


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Let us consider a source of sound producing a wave of angular frequency , velocity v and time period
T0 and moving with velocity vs. Let initially at t = 0, the source is at S1 and observer is at O, where
OS1 = L. At this instant, the source produces a crest, which reaches the observer at time t = t1, which
is given by

t1 

Now At time t = T0, the source is at S2, where the distance S1S2 = vsT0.
At this time, a second crest is produced by the source which reaches the observer at t = t2

(L  v sT0 )
Where t2  T0 

Similarly, 3rd crest reaches the observer at t = t3

(L  2v sT0 )
t3  2T0 

The source emits its (n + 1)th crest and this reaches the observer at time

(L  nv sT0 )
tn 1  nT0 

Therefore, n crests are counted by the observer in time interval = tn + 1 – t1

(L  nv sT0 ) L
= nT0  
v v

nv sT0
= nT0 
 Time period of the wave observed by the observer is

 nv T 
T   nT0  s 0  / n
 v 

 v 
T  T0  1  s 
 v 

Also the observed frequency is given by

 v 
  0  1  s 
 v 

 v 
  0  
 v  vs 

36. Using Doppler effect in sound, obtain an expression for the apparent frequency of sound, when source and
listener both are moving.

Sol. Let us consider that both the source and observer are moving with velocity vs and v0 respectively as shown
in the figure.
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74 Waves Solutions of Assignment (Level-I) (Set-1)

O1 O2 S1 S2

v0 vs

v0T0 vsT0

The source emits a wave of angular frequency (), velocity v and time period T0.
Initially, at time t = 0 the observer and source are at O1 and S1 respectively where O1S1 = L.
At this instant the source emits a crest.
Since the observer is moving with velocity v0 the relative velocity of the wave w.r.t. the observer is (v + v0).

Time taken by the first crest to reach the observer is t1 
(v  v 0 )
At time t = T0, the observer is at O2 and the source is at S2 and the source produces a second crest, which
reaches the observer at time t = t2

L  (v s  v 0 )T0
t2  T0 
(v  v 0 )
Where the distance O2S2 = L + (vs – v0)T0
Similarly, 3rd crest reaches the observer at t = t3,

L  2(v s  v 0 )T0
Where t3  2T0 
(v  v 0 )
Proceeding in the same manner the source emits its (n + 1)th crest and this reaches the observer at time
 L  n(v s  v 0 )T0 
tn 1  nT0   
 (v  v 0 ) 
Therefore, n crests are counted by the observer in the time interval = tn + 1 – t1

 L  n(v s  v 0 )T0  L
= nT0   
 v  v0  (v  v 0 )
 Time period of the wave as observed by the observer is

 n(vs  v0 )T0 
T  nT0  /n
 (v  v0 ) 

 v  v0 
T  T0  1  s 
 (v  v 0 ) 

 v  vs 
T  T0  
 v  v0 

Also the observed frequency is given by

 v  v0 
  0  
 v  vs 

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Solutions of Assignment (Level-I) (Set-1) Waves 75
 x 
37. A travelling wave equation is given by y = 4 sin  8t  , where x and y are in metre and t is in second.
 12 
(i) Calculate amplitude, frequency, angular frequency, time period and initial phase.

(ii) Calculate the number of compressions and rarefactions which will pass an observer in 4 minute.

Sol. (i) Compare the given equation with standard equation of travelling wave.

y = a sin(t + kx)

We get a = 4 m,  = 8 rad s–1; k  rad m1
Therefore, amplitude = 4 m

Angular frequency = 8 rad s–1

Frequency () =  4 Hz

1 1
Time period (T) =  s = 0.25 s
 4
Initial phase (0) = 0

 8  12
(ii) Wave velocity (v )    96 m/s
k 
Distance travelled by wave in 4 min = 96  4  60

= 23040 m

2 2
Wavelength of the wave () =   12  24 m
k 
 Number of compressions and rarefactions which passes an observer in 4 min =  960
38. (i) At what temperature will the velocity of sound in air be double that at 0°C?

(ii) Calculate the temperature at which the velocity of sound in oxygen will be equal to that in nitrogen
at 7°C.
Sol. (i) Velocity of sound v 

 v T

vT T2 273  t
  
v0 T0 273

273  t
 2  t  819 C

(ii) Molecular wt. of oxygen = 32

Molecular wt. of nitrogen = 28

Now velocity of sound  =
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  

(273  t )  28
32  (280)

t = 47°C
39. A man adjusts his watch by the sound of a signal from a distant tower. He observes that his watch is slow
by 3 s. Calculate the distance of the tower from the man, if the temperature of air is 25°C and velocity of sound
is 332 m/s at 0°C.
Sol. Velocity of sound at 0°C is 332 m/s
Velocity of sound at 25°C is vT, then
vT 273  t

v 273

vT  332
= 332  1.04478 = 346.87 m/s
Distance of the tower from the man = vT  (the delay shown by his watch)
= 346.87  3 = 1040.60 m
40. A tuning fork of frequency 250 Hz produces 4 beats per s. when sounded with another tuning fork. On loading
the second tuning fork with a little wax, if the number of beats produced per second
(i) Decreases then what is the frequency of the second fork?
(ii) Increases then what is the frequency of the second fork?
Sol. Number of beats per second (m) = (1 – 2) or (2 – 1)
 2 = (1 + m) or (1 – m)
Given that 1 = 250 Hz
 Frequency of 2nd tuning fork is either 254 or 246 Hz.
(i) In 1st case, since on loading the frequency of tuning fork decreases, hence its frequency cannot be 246
because in that case the number of beats produced per second will increase. Therefore, frequency of the
second tuning fork is 254 Hz.
(ii) In this case, since on loading the frequency of tuning fork decreases, hence its frequency cannot be
254 Hz because in that case the number of beats produced per second will decrease. Therefore,
frequency of the second tuning fork is 246 Hz.
41. (i) A tuning fork of frequency 216 cps produces 3 beats per s, when sounded with a second fork. On filing
the prongs of the second tuning fork, the number of the beats produced per second becomes 5. What
is its actual frequency?
(ii) What will be the frequency of the second fork if number of beats produced per second becomes 2?
(iii) What will be the frequency of the second fork if not a single beat is heard?
Sol. No. of beats per second m = (1 –2) or (2 –1) = 3
 2 = (1 + m) or (1 – m)
Given that 1 = 216 Hz
 Frequency of 2nd tuning fork is either 219 Hz or 213 Hz.
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(i) On filing the prongs of the 2nd fork, the frequency of the sound produced by it’ll increase. Now, the number
of beats produced becomes 5. Here no. of beats produced per second. increases, therefore 2 = 219 Hz.
(ii) In this case, on filing the prongs, no. of beats produced becomes 2. Hence, its frequency cannot be
219 Hz. Because here no. of beats produced per second decreases, therefore 2 = 213 Hz.
(iii) In this case, on filing the prongs, no beat is heard at all. Hence, again no. of beats produced per second
decreases, therefore 2 = 213 Hz.
42. The equation given below represents a stationary wave set up in a medium y = 3 cos(3x) sin(30t), where x
and y are in cm and t is in second.
(i) Calculate the amplitude, wavelength and velocity of the component waves.
(ii) Calculate the distance between two adjacent nodes.
(iii) Calculate the number of beats produced.
Sol. (i) Comparing the given equation with stationary wave equation
y = 2a cos(kx) sin(t)

We have, a  cm , k = 3 rad cm–1
and  = 30 rad s–1
Amplitude of the component wave (a) = 1.5 cm

2 2 2
Wavelength of the component wave () = =  cm
k 3 3

Velocity of the component wave (v) =

 v  10 cm/s

 1
(ii) Distance between two adjacent nodes = = cm
2 3
(iii) In a stationary wave no beat is produced.

43. (i) What is the fundamental frequency of an organ pipe of length 75 cm, if the velocity of sound in air is
300 m/s?

(ii) Compare the fundamental frequency of an open organ pipe and a closed organ pipe of same length at
same temperature.

(iii) Compare the length of an open organ pipe and a closed organ pipe if their fundamental frequency are same.

v 300  100
Sol. (i) Fundamental frequency =   200 Hz
2L 2  75

(ii) Fundamental frequency of an open organ pipe () =

Fundamental frequency of a closed organ pipe () =

   2

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(iii) Fundamental frequency of an open organ pipe () =
Fundamental frequency of an close organ pipe () =
Since we have = 
v v
 
2L 4L
 L 

Length of the closed pipe is half the length of the open pipe.

44. A tuning fork produces 3 beats per second when it is sounded with a stretched string having tension either
25 or 16 newton. Calculate the frequency of the tuning fork.

Sol. Frequency of the wave produced in a string ()  Tension in the string

  T

1 T1

2 T2

1 25

2 16
1  2
Let  is the frequency of the fork, then according to the question, beat frequencies are
1 –  = 3
and  – 2 = 3
 1 – 2 = 6
2  2  6
2  6
2 = 24 Hz
Therefore, 1 =  24  30
Therefore, frequency of fork = 27 Hz
45. A man finds that the frequency of a stationary whistle decreases by 20% of its real frequency. Calculate the
speed of the man along with its direction, if speed of sound in air is 330 m/s.
Sol. Let real frequency of the whistle = 
 The observed frequency =  – 20% of 
= 
= 
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Now in this case the source is at rest and the observer is moving. Since the apparent frequency decreases,
the observer is moving away from the source.

 v  v0 
   0  
 v 

4  330  v 0 
0  0 
5  330 

4  330  v 0 

5  330 

 v0 = 66 m/s

‰ ‰ ‰

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Chapter 14


Solutions (Set-2)

Objective Type Questions (One option is correct)

1. At room temperature (27°C), the velocity of sound in air is 330 m/s. The increase in velocity of sound when
temperature is increased by 1°C is
(1) 2 m/s (2) 1 m/s (3) 10 m/s (4) 0.55 m/s
Sol. Answer (4)

v2 T2

v1 T1

273  28
v 2  330
273  27

= 330

= 330.55 m/s

2. Assuming the temperature to be constant, as we go up in the atmosphere, the velocity of sound

(1) Increases (2) Decreases

(3) Remains constant (4) First increases and then decreases

Sol. Answer (3)
As we move up in the atmosphere, the pressure and density of air, both decrease.

as v 

Since, the temperature is constant, velocity of sound remains constant.

3. The wavelength of the note emitted by a tuning fork of frequency 100 Hz is 3.32 m. If the density of air at
STP is 1.29 kg/m3, the  for air is
(1) 1.57 (2) 2.3 (3) 1.41 (4) 1.732
Sol. Answer (3)
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Velocity of sound v =  f
= 3.32  100
= 332 m/s

Now, v 

  1.01 105
332     1.4

4. The temperature at which the velocity of sound in air becomes double its velocity at 0°C is
(1) 435°C (2) 694°C (3) 781°C (4) 819°C
Sol. Answer (4)

Velocity of sound at 0°C =  V0

R(T  273)
Velocity of sound at T°C =  VT
VT = 2V0

 T  273  2 273
 T + 273 = 4(273)
 T = 819°C.

5. The speed of sound in hydrogen at NTP is 1270 m/s. Then the speed in m/s in a mixture of hydrogen and
oxygen in the ratio 4 : 1 by volume will be
(1) 635 (2) 318 (3) 158 (4) 1270
Sol. Answer (1)
4(2)  1(32)
Molecular weight of the mixture = 8
Given, 1270  … (i)
Since both are diatomic, hence  will not change

RT 1270 2
The speed of sound in mixture = = = 635 m/s
8 8

6. A thick uniform rope of length L is hanging from a rigid support. A transverse wave of wavelength 0 is set up
in the middle of the rope. The wavelength of the wave as it reaches the top most point is

(1) 2 0 (2) 2 0 (3) (4) 0
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Sol. Answer (2)

Here frequency f is constant. Speed of wave

T v  T1 Mg / 2
v  1  1  
 v 2 2 T2 Mg

 2  21  20

7. In travelling waves, the relation between particle velocity vp, wave velocity v and wave shape slope m is given by
(1) vp = – v × m (2) vp = v × m (3) v = – vp × m (4) v = vp × m
Sol. Answer (1)
y = A sin (t – kx)

 dy 
vp    = A cos (t – kx)
 dt  x


 dy 
m  = – Ak cos (t – kx)
 dx t

Thus, vp = – v × m

8. A sinusoidal wave is given by y = A sin (kx – t). The ratio of its maximum particle velocity to wave velocity
(1) 1 (2)  (3) A (4) k A
Sol. Answer (4)
y = A sin(t – kx)
Max particle velocity A
  Ak
wave velocity 

9. An isotropic point source ‘S’ of sound emits constant power. Two points A and B are situated at distance x
and 2x from S. The difference between the loudness of points A and B is about (log 2  0.3)
(1) 3 dB (2) 2 dB (3) 6 dB (4) 12 dB
Sol. Answer (3)

I1 r2
L1 – L2 = 10log  10log 22 = 10 log 4 = 20 log 2 = 20 × 3 = 6 dB
I2 r1

10. The figure shows the snapshot of a travelling sine wave in a string. Four elemental portions a, b, c and d are
indicated on the string. The elemental portion with maximum potential energy is/are

(1) a (2) b (3) c (4) b and d
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Sol. Answer (1)

 dy 
Deformation   is maximum at a
 dx 

11. The ratio of intensities between two coherent sound sources 4 : 1. The difference of loudness in decibel (dB)
between maximum and minimum intensities, when they interfere in space is
(1) 10 log (2) (2) 20 log (3) (3) 10 log (3) (4) 20 log (2)
Sol. Answer (4)

Difference in sound level = 10log I

= 10log
= 20 log2

12. A wave moves with a certain speed in a stretched string. The percentage change in tension required to increase
the velocity by 1%, is approximately
(1) 1% increase (2) 1% decrease (3) 2% increase (4) 2% decrease
Sol. Answer (3)

v 1 T
 100    100
v 2 T

  2%

 x 
13. The equation of standing wave in a stretched string is given by y  5 sin  cos( 40 t ) where x and y are in
 3 
cm and t in second. The separation between two consecutive nodes is (in cm)
(1) 1.5 (2) 3 (3) 6 (4) 4
Sol. Answer (2)

Here k 

2 
 
 3

  = 6 cm

Separation between consecutive nodes = = 3 cm.

14. Which of the following characteristics of sound help us in identifying two persons talking in a room without
seeing them ?
(1) Loudness (2) Pitch (3) Quality (4) Intensity
Sol. Answer (3)
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15. The string of a violin has a fundamental frequency of 440 Hz. If the violin string is shortend by one fifth, its
fundamental frequency will be changed to
(1) 440 Hz (2) 880 Hz (3) 550 Hz (4) 2200 Hz
Sol. Answer (3)

1 T L 1 T
440 =  … (i)
2L AL 2L A

1 T
After shortening, fundamental frequency = 4L A
= (440) = 550 Hz.

16. A stretched string is fixed at both its ends. Three possible wavelengths of stationary wave patterns that can
be set up in the string are 90 cm, 60 cm and 45 cm. The length of the string may be
(1) 80 cm (2) 120 cm (3) 90 cm (4) 45 cm
Sol. Answer (3)
For the string bounded at the two ends possible wavelength are

 = 2l, l, etc.
On comparison l = 90 cm is satisfying the above possible wavelengths

17. For an organ pipe, four of the six harmonics of frequency less than 1000 Hz are 300, 600, 750 and 900 Hz.
The two missing harmonics are
(1) 75 Hz, 150 Hz (2) 150 Hz, 450 Hz (3) 400 Hz, 800 Hz (4) 250 Hz, 400 Hz
Sol. Answer (2)
Possible harmonics of organ pipe are
n0., 2n0., 3 n0., 4 n0. etc or n0., 3 n0., 5 n0., 7 n0. etc.
To 6 harmonics below 1000 Hz possible harmonics are 150, 300, 450, 600, 750, 900
 missing two frequencies are 150 and 450 Hz.

18. Third overtone of a closed orange pipe is in unison with the fifth harmonic of an open organ pipe. The ratio of
the lengths of the closed pipe and the open pipe is

7 4 7 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)
8 5 10 10
Sol. Answer (3)
Third over tone of closed organ pipe = fifth harmonic of open organ pipe

7v 5v

4l1 2l 2

l1 7

l 2 10

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19. Which of the followings represent the variation of frequency (f) with radius of cross section of a stretched string?

f f f

(1) (2) (3) (4) None of these

r r r

Sol. Answer (1)

1 T
f =
2L 

1 T L
2L M

1 T L
2L r 2  L  

= where c is constant.

20. In a stationary wave, all the particles of the medium cross the mean position with
(1) Different speeds at different instants (2) Different speeds at the same instant
(3) Same speed at different instants (4) Same speed at the same instant
Sol. Answer (2)
Frequency of each particle is same whereas amplitude and maximum speeds are different.

21. The difference between the frequencies of the third and fifth harmonic of a closed organ pipe is 100 Hz. Its
fundamental frequency is
(1) 100 Hz (2) 50 Hz (3) 25 Hz (4) 12.5 Hz
Sol. Answer (2)
5n0 – 3n0 = 100  2n0 = 100  n0 = 50 Hz

22. In standing waves, select incorrect

(1) All particles between two consecutive nodes vibrate in same phase
(2) Particles on opposite side of a node vibrate in same phase
(3) Frequency of oscillation of all particles (except nodes) is same
(4) Formation of standing waves is a special type of interference phenomena
Sol. Answer (2)

23. The wavelength of the fundamental note produced by a pipe of length 2 m, when its both ends are open is

(1) 2 m (2) 4 m (3) 1 m (4) 8 m

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Sol. Answer (2)

For the fundamental mode,


24. The ratio of fundamental frequencies of an open organ pipe and a closed organ pipe of same length at same
temperature is
(1) 2 : 1 (2) 1 : 2 (3) 1 : 1 (4) 1 : 4
Sol. Answer (1)

25. If the first overtone of a closed pipe of length 50 cm has the same frequency as the first overtone of an open
pipe, then the length of the open pipe is
(1) 100 cm (2) 200 cm (3) 66.6 cm (4) 33.3 cm
Sol. Answer (3)
1st overtone of closed pipe is

2 
1st overtone of open pipe is given by

 2 
Since, 2 = 2

3v v
 
4  50 L

 L   66.6 cm

26. If consecutive frequencies emitted from an organ pipe are 50 Hz, 75 Hz, 100 Hz, 125 Hz, then the frequency
of the 10th overtone is
(1) 200 Hz (2) 250 Hz (3) 275 Hz (4) 300 Hz
Sol. Answer (3)
Frequency of 10th overtone
= 50 + 10(25)
= 275 Hz

27. In a standing wave particles at the positions A and B, have a phase difference of


 5
(1) 0 (2) (3) (4) 
2 6
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Sol. Answer (4)
The points A and B are consecutive antinodes.

Distance between A and B =
2 
Phase difference between A and B =  
 2

28. If in a string fixed at both ends, the seventh harmonic is set up, the number of nodes and antinodes respectively is
(1) 8, 7 (2) 7, 7 (3) 8, 9 (4) 9, 8
Sol. Answer (1)
In seventh harmonic mode frequency = 7n0 and 7 loops are formed hence number of nodes will be 8 and
antinodes 7.

29. The equation of a standing wave in a string fixed at both its ends is given as y = 2A sin kx cos t. The amplitude
and frequency of a particle vibrating at the point on string midway between a node and an antinode is
 A   
(1) A, (2) , (3) A, (4) 2 A,
2 2 2  2
Sol. Answer (4)
Amplitude of particle a = 2A sinkx

At x 
2  
a  2 A sin   2 A sin  A 2
 8 4

frequency of each particle is same as

30. Two waves of equation y1 = a cos(t + kx) and y2 = a cos(t – kx) are superimposed upon each other. They
will produce
(1) Stationary wave (2) Beats
(3) Constructive interference (4) Destructive interference
Sol. Answer (1)

31. The equation of a stationary wave is represented by

 x 
y  4 sin   (cos 20t )
 6 
where x and y are in cm and t is in second.
Wavelength of the component waves is
(1) 4 cm (2) 20 cm (3) 12 cm (4) 6 cm
Sol. Answer (3)

Compare the given equation with standard equation of stationary wave, y = 2a sin(kx) cos(t)

We have, k
2 

 6
 = 12 cm
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32. The change in phase if a wave is reflected from a rigid surface is

(1) Zero (2)  radian (3) 2 radian (4) radian
Sol. Answer (2)

33. The echo of a gunshot is heard 10 seconds after it is fired. If the velocity of sound is 330 m/s, the distance
of the surface which reflects the sound is

(1) 33 m (2) 3300 m (3) 135 m (4) 1650 m

Sol. Answer (4)

vt 330  10
S   1650 m
2 2

34. For constructive interference, the phase difference between the two interfering waves is

 
(1) radian (2) 2 radian (3) Zero (4) radian
2 6
Sol. Answer (3)

35. The periodic waves of amplitude 5 m and 2 m respectively, pass together through a region. The difference in
the maximum and the minimum resultant amplitude possible is

(1) 5 m (2) 2 m (3) 4 m (4) 1 m

Sol. Answer (3)

(a1 + a2) – (a1 – a2)

36. Two waves of same amplitude a and frequency  and having a phase difference of /2 radian, are superposed.
The amplitude of resultant wave is

(1) 2a (2) a (3) (4) 2a
Sol. Answer (4)

37. Two sinusoidal waves are superposed. Their equations are

 
y 1  A sin  kx  t   and
 6

 
y 2  A sin  kx  t  
 6 

The equation of their resultant is

(1) sin(kx  t ) (2) A 3 sin(kx  t )

  A  
(3) A 3 sin kx  t   (4) sin kx  t  
 3 3  2

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Sol. Answer (2)
Let equation of resulting wave is

y  A ' sin(kx  t  )
Where A’ is amplitude and  is phase difference then
A’ can be find by the phasor diagram /6 A'
– /6

A '  A2  A2  2 A2 cos   A 3 A

also  = 0

38. The ratio of intensities of two waves is 2. The ratio of intensities of maxima and minima when these waves
interfere is approximately
(1) 9 (2) 8 (3) 34 (4) 36
Sol. Answer (3)

I1 a2 a
 2  12  1  2
I2 a2 a2

a1  a2 2 1 2.41
    5.8
a1  a2 2 1 0.41

Imax (a1  a2 )2
   (5.8)2 = 34
Imin (a1  a2 )2

39. n identical coherent waves each with the same initial phase arrive at a point with identical path length. The

intensity produced at this point is I1. If the waves are all incoherent, the intensity produced is I2. The ratio I


(1) n (2) n (3) n 3 (4) n 2

Sol. Answer (2)

For coherent source
Resultant amplitude
ar = a + a + a ….. n times
 ar = a.n

 Ir  ar2 or Ir  a2 n 2

Or I1= n2I0
For incoherent sources
I2 = I0 + I0 + … n times
= nI0

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40. In a standing wave, the phase difference between two points on either side of a node is

 3
(1) (2)  (3) (4) 2
2 2
Sol. Answer (2)
Phase difference between two points on either side of a mode will be as at any time displacements are
equal and opposite.

41. The amplitude of a wave represented by the equation y = 3 sin(5x – 0.5 t) + 4 cos (5x – 0.5 t), is
(1) 7 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 5
Sol. Answer (4)


Amplitude can be find by phasor sum i.e.,

a  32  42  5
42. Two waves of equal amplitude when superposed, give a resultant wave having an amplitude equal to that of
either wave. The phase difference between the two waves is

  2
(1) radian (2) Zero (3) radian (4) radian
3 2 3

Sol. Answer (4)

Let the amplitude of each wave be a and the phase difference between them be 

Then 2a cos a

 1
 cos 
2 2

 


Resultant amplitude R  a 2  b 2  2ab cos 

a  a 2  a 2  2a 2 cos 

a  a 2(1  cos )

 
1  2  2cos2 
 2

 1 2
cos  
2 2 3
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43. The change in phase, if a wave is reflected at a less dense surface, is

 2
(1) Zero (2)  radian (3) radian (4) radian
2 3

Sol. Answer (1)

44. A person carrying a whistle emitting continuously a note of 272 Hz is running towards a reflecting surface with
a speed 18 km/h. The speed of sound in air is 345 ms–1. The number of beats heard by him is
(1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 8 (4) 0
Sol. Answer (3)
The frequency of sound heard by person after reflection from the wall

 v  vs 
=  
 v  vs 

 345  5 
= 272   Hz
 345  5 
= 280 Hz
Number of beats = 280 – 272 = 8.

45. The string of a violin emits a note of 205 Hz when its tension is correct. The string is made slightly more taut
and it produces 6 beats in 2 seconds with a tuning fork of frequency 205 Hz. The frequency of the note emitted
by the taut string is
(1) 211 Hz (2) 199 Hz (3) 208 Hz (4) 202 Hz
Sol. Answer (3)
On increasing tension beat frequency is increasing therefore frequency of that string = 208 Hz

46. Two vibrating tuning forks are producing waves given by y1 = 27 sin 600 t and y2 = 27 sin 604 t
These forks are sounded together near the ear of a person. The number of beats heard by him in three seconds
(1) 4 (2) 2 (3) 6 (4) 12
Sol. Answer (3)
Beat frequency = f2 – f1

 (2  1 )
 (604  600) = 2
 Number of beats heard in 3 seconds
= 2 × 3 = 6 beat

47. Two waves of frequencies 6 Hz and 10 Hz are superposed. The beat frequency produced is
(1) 6 Hz (2) 10 Hz (3) 16 Hz (4) 4 Hz
Sol. Answer (4)
Beat frequency = 1 – 2 or 2 – 1

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48. Two waves of wavelengths 99 cm and 100 cm produce 4 beats per second. Velocity of sound in the medium

(1) 100 m/s (2) 99 m/s (3) 196 m/s (4) 396 m/s

Sol. Answer (4)

v v
1   2  
1  2

v v
4 
0.99 1

 1 1
 v  4
 0.99 1 

 1  0.99 
v 4
 0.99 
4  0.99
v  396 m/s

49. A tuning fork produces 2 beats per second when sounded with another tuning fork of frequency 250 Hz. It gives
the same number of beats per second when loaded with wax. The initial frequency of 1st tuning fork is

(1) 252 Hz (2) 248 Hz (3) 254 Hz (4) 246 Hz

Sol. Answer (1)

50. Two waves of frequencies 50 Hz and 45 Hz are produced simultaneously, then the time interval between
successive maxima of the resulting wave is [Maxima refers to the maximum intensity]

(1) 0.2 s (2) 0.02 s (3) 0.04 s (4) 0.4 s

Sol. Answer (1)
Time period =
1   2
51. A set of 10 tuning forks is arranged in series of increasing frequency. If each fork gives 3 beats with the
preceding one and the last fork has twice the frequency of the first, then frequency of the first tuning fork is

(1) 30 Hz (2) 27 Hz (3) 33 Hz (4) 15 Hz

Sol. Answer (2)

Let the frequency of 1st tuning fork = 1
 Frequency of 2nd tuning fork = 1 + 3
Proceeding in similar manner,
Frequency of 10th tuning fork = 1 + 27
Now, 1 + 27 = 21
 1 = 27 Hz

52. The displacement at a point due to two waves are given by y1 = 2 sin (50 t) and y2 = 3 sin(58t). Number of
beats produced per second is

(1) 8 (2) 4 (3) 58 (4) 50

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Sol. Answer (2)
1 = 50 and 2 = 58 
 Frequency of 1st wave 1 = 25
Frequency of 2nd wave 2 = 29
 Beat frequency = 2 –1 = 4 Hz

53. A tuning fork of unknown frequency produces 4 beats per second when sounded with another tuning fork of
frequency 254 Hz. It gives the same number of beat/s when loaded with wax. The unknown frequency is
(1) 258 (2) 254 (3) 250 (4) Can’t be determined
Sol. Answer (1)
Let frequency of tuning fork be 
When tuning fork is not loaded with wax,
4 =  – 254
When tuning fork is loaded with wax,

4 = 254 –  
 = 258 and   = 250

54. A listener and a source of sound are moving with the same speed in the same direction. The ratio of the
frequency of the source and the frequency which is heard by the listener is
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 2 : 1 (3) 1 : 1 (4) 1 : 4
Sol. Answer (3)

55. A man standing on a platform observes that the frequency of the sound of a whistle emitted by a train drops
by 140 Hz. If the velocity of sound in air is 330 m/s and the speed of the train is 70 m/s, the frequency of
the whistle is
(1) 571 Hz (2) 800 Hz (3) 400 Hz (4) 260 Hz
Sol. Answer (2)
Given that,
 – = 140 Hz …(i)
 v 
Now    
 v  vs 
 330 
    …(ii)
 330  70 
Put the value of (ii) in (i), we get

 330 
 1    140
 400 
140  400
  800 Hz
56. A whistle ‘S’ of frequency  revolves in a circle of radius R at a constant speed v. What is the ratio of the
largest and smallest frequency detected by a detector D, at rest, at a distance 2 R from the centre of the
circle as shown in the figure? (take speed of sound in air as c)
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94 Waves Solutions of Assignment (Level-I) (Set-2)



c v c v  c v
(1) (2) 2  (3) 2 (4)
c v c v  2c
Sol. Answer (1)



Frequency will be maximum at A and minimum at B

nmax c  v
 
nmin c  v

57. A source of sound of frequency f1 is placed on the ground. A detector placed at a height is released from rest
on this source. The observed frequency f (Hz) is plotted against time t (s). The speed of sound in air is 300
m/s. Find f1 (g = 10 m/s2).
f (Hz)


30 f (s)

(1) 0.5 × 103 Hz (2) 1 × 103 Hz (3) 0.25 × 103 Hz (4) 0.2 × 103 Hz
Sol. Answer (2)
v = u + gt

v  300
300  30
 2 × 103 =  f1
 f1 = 1 × 103

58. A whistle of frequency 500 Hz tied to the end of a string of length 1.2 m revolve at 400 rev/min. A listener
standing some distance away in the plane of rotation of whistle hears frequencies in the range (speed of sound
= 340 m/s).
(1) 436 to 586 (2) 426 to 574 (3) 426 to 584 (4) 436 to 674
Sol. Answer (1)
f = 500 Hz,
2  400 40
=  rad/s
60 3
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L = 1.2 m

340  500 17  10 4 170000

f1 =  =  436 Hz
340  16 340  50.24 390.24

f2 = = 586 Hz

59. If the speed of a sound source is equal to the speed of sound and the source is moving away from the
observer, then the ratio of apparent frequency to the original frequency is
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 2 : 1 (3) 1 : 4 (4) 4 : 1
Sol. Answer (1)

 v   v    1
    =     2  
 v  v s   2v   2

60. The frequency of the whistle of an engine appears to drop to rd of its actual value when it passes a
stationary observer. Velocity of sound in air is 330 m/s then the speed of engine is

(1) 330 m/s (2) 165 m/s (3) 220 m/s (4) 110 m/s
Sol. Answer (2)

 v 
   
 (v  v s ) 

2 330

3 330  v s

 660 + 2vs = 990

2vs = 330
vs = 165 m/s

‰ ‰ ‰

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

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