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Application Note


Prepared by
Brent Trout
Applications Engineering

The dual-gate MOSFET offers low noise,

high gain, and excellent AGC, cross-modu¬
lation and overload characteristics in RF
applications. Recent devices also feature
silicon nitride passivation for ease of hand¬
ling and reliability. This note discusses
the characteristics of dual-gate MOSFETs,
with emphasis on circuit design noise fig¬
ure, AGC, bandwidth and detuning, cross¬
modulation and mixer operation.

>®rrsea&ei€iiiat&r Prodwcfs inc.

90G4-XG -071H

INTRODUCTION the free-charge carriers are electrons, hence (he N-(ype

Hie dual-gate metal-oxide-seiniconductor field-effect designation. For a P-type device, conduction is by “hole”
Iran si slot (MOSFET) is no longer a new development in carriers. The “N+” areas under the source and dram ol
transistor technology. It has gained widespread acceptance Figure 1 are highly doped N-typc regions. That is, they
and is currently being designed into RF amplifiers, mixers, exhibit a high concentration of free electrons. The areas
demodulators, and other RF applications. A few reasons beneath gates 1 and 2, outlined by the dashed lines, are
for its success are high gain, low noise, and excellent AGC, the conduction channels which are much more lightly
cross-modulation, and overload characteristics. doped. The conductivity of these channels is controlled
MOSFET technology was hampered for some time by by the gate voltages in the following manner: When a
dc bias-point instability. This bias point drift was due to positive voltage is applied between a gate and the source,
the gradual migration of sodium contaminants in the gate a negative charge is induced in the channel opposite the
oxide layer. Motorola has solved this problem with silicon- gate. The induced negative charge increases the free-
nitride passivation. In addition to being impervious to electron concentration, and therefore the conductivity in
sodium ion contamination, the silicon nitride has also that portion of the channel. This is the mechanism by
yielded higher gate breakdown voltages and greater rugged¬ which the output current is modulated by the input gate
ness. Maximum ratings for VgiS and ^G2S» which were voltage. The extent to which the output current changes
typically ±15 V for older devices, are now ±35 V for the for a small change in the input voltage is given by the
MFE3007. Transient ratings are many times higher. The transconductance (gm, yfs, y2l) a**dis a measure of the
greater ruggedness of the new silicon-nitride passivated device’s ability to amplify. Since the dual-gate MOSFET
devices will be appreciated by those who are familiar with is a voltage-controlled device, once the pinch-off voltage
the delicate handling often required with older devices. The is overcome, the output current (Id) is dependent only
author took no special precautions in his laboratory work on gate voltages. The pinch-off voltage is the drain-to-
with the devices used and no static-charge failures were source voltage (Vos) at which the drain current reaches a
limiting value where further increases in Vds do not pro¬
The intent of this application note is to acquaint the duce any appreciable increase in the drain current.
designer with the RF capabilities and design data for the Figure 2 shows typical output characteristics for the
dual-gate MOSFET. Although the specific device and per¬ common-source configuration. The curves are for Vq2S “
formance data presented in this application note are for 4 Vdc, which will be shown to be optimum gate-2 bias for
the MFE3007, the RF circuit design theory and discussions most amplifier applications.
will pertain to the dual-gate MOSFET in general, including
diode protected types. The MFE3007 is an N-channel,
type-B MOSFET. The type-B designation implies operation
in both the enhancement and depletion modes. 1


Figure 1 shows a cross-section of the dual-gate MOSFET.

The construction of the dual-gate transistor is similar to
that of the single-gate MOSFET, the major difference
being the addition of a second gate.
A brief explanation of the device operation will be given
for those unfamiliar with the MOSFET. A more detailed
analysis is given in Reference 1. Two polarities of MOSFETs
are presently being manufactured, N-channel and P-channel.
The channel type refers to the type of impurity used to dope
the drain-to-source conduction path. For the MFE3007, FIGURE 1 — Dual-Gate MOSFET Cross Section

1. For the reader unfamiliar with such terms as "enhancement''

and "depletion", a detailed discussion of field-effect transistors
is given in Reference 1.

Circuit diagrams external to Motorola products are Included as s means of Illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently,
complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information in this Application Note has been care¬
fully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information
does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of Motorola Inc. or others.



FIGURE 3 — yfs-| versus Bias Point of MFE3007

FIGURE 2 — Output Characteristics of SVIFE3007 at Vq2S “ 4.0 V Dual-Gate MOSFET

In theory, either gate can be used for the signal input achieve an extremely high degree of input-output isolation.
gate as both exhibit sufficient gate-to-drain transconduct¬ The feedback capacitance between drain and gate 1, Crss,
ance (Figures 3 and 4). However, due to device design and is typically only 0.02 pF. Unless otherwise stated, all
certain practical considerations, gate 1 functions best as further references to transconductance or amplifier char¬
the input gate. When gate 2 is used for signal injection, acteristics will assume a common-source configuration with
the channel resistance controlled by gate 1 acts as an un¬ signal injection at gate 1, and gate 2 ac-bypassed to ground.
bypassed source resistance as shown in Figure 5. Since it
is impossible to bypass this degenerative source impedance,
the device gain is lowered. Figure 5 also shows an equiva¬ Design of small-signal RF amplifiers using two-port net¬
lent representation of the device when the signal is in¬ works has achieved excellent results with FET as well as
jected at gate 1 with gate 2 bypassed to ground for ac. In bipolar-transistor and integrated circuit RF amplifiers.
this mode of operation, the device is equivalent to a This method is described in detail in references 2 and 3.
common-source common-gate cascode amplifier. The Basically, it consists of characterizing the active device
common-gate portion serves as a variable-impedance buffer as a linear active two-port network (LAN) with admittances
stage between the input and output. The variable drain (y parameters), and using these parameters to solve exact
resistance in Figure 5 is controlled by the dc voltage ap¬ design equations for stability, gain, and input and output
plied to gate 2; its value decreases with increasing gate-2- admittances. A y parameter is an expression for admittance
to-source voltage. This configuration is analogous to the in the form
common-cathode -common-grid cascode amplifier often Yis “ gis + jbis,
employed in vacuum tube circuits for high isolation be¬
tween input and output. Both the grounded-gate buffer where gis is the real (conductive) part of the admittance
and the physical separation between gate 1 and drain help and b|s is the imaginary (susceptive) part. These admittances
(soiftuuj) 2SM

-1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0


FIGURE 4 — yfs 2 versus Biss Point


O Drain Drain

Gate 2

6 Source 6 Source
Schematic Representation Equivalent. Circuit for
Signal injection at Gate 2

FIGURE 5 -- Equivalent Dual-Gate IV103FET Circuits with Signal Injection at Gates 1 and 2

are used instead of the more common impedances (z param¬ can be included to indicate admittance between gate 1 and
eters) because they greatly simplify the measurements the source, for example, yfs]. As previously noted, the
and calculations. input port is understood to be gate No. 1.
Scattering (s) parameters are increasing in popularity and Parameters yjs, yos, and yfs were measured on a General
may be used instead of y parameters with appropriate Radio Transfer Function and Immittance Bridge. When
design equations. Since the two port network design measuring the extremely low input and output conduct¬
method described in this report and the references does ances, appropriately high valued carbon resistors were also
not include assumptions or shortcuts, the theoretical design measured to insure the accuracy of the readings. The dc
solution will be the same regardless of which parameter conditions for all measurements were VdS "15 V, VG2S =
set is used. 4 V, and Vqis adjusted for an los of 10 mA. Care was
Equally satisfying results have been achieved using this taken to provide an effective ac ground at gate 2 since this
approach to the design of RF-amplifier circuits using dual¬ is especially important in achieving circuit stability in a
gate MOSFETs. practical design.
Both the real and imaginary parts of the feedback ad¬
mittance, yrs, are too small for measurement on the G.R.
Common-source admittance (y) parameters for the bridge over the useful frequency range of the device. For
MFE3007 are shown in Figures 6 through 9. RF Designers all practical purposes, the real part of the feedback ad¬
have traditionally used the nomenclature yn, yi2, Y21> mittance can be assumed to be zero. The imaginary part
and y22 for active devices — bipolar transistors, inte¬ of this admittance was measured at 1 MHz on a Boonton
grated circuits, and other devices. However, y parameters Capacitance Bridge. It is typically 0.02 pF. For admittance
for FETs are registered using descriptive lettered subscripts: values at higher frequencies this capacitance is assumed to
yjs (input admittance) =y \ | be a constant, in a practical design application, however,
yrs (reverse transadmittance) = yj2 the effect of parasitic capacitance upon the feedback
yfs (forward transadmittance) - y21 admittance should be considered. Even in a reasonably
y0s (output admittance) = y22 well-shielded amplifier, the stray capacitance may turn out
The S‘s” refers to common-source operation. As these to have a value greater than the small feedback capacitance
of the dual-gate FET itself. The amplifiers described in this
lettered symbols appear on data sheets, they are used in
report had total feedback, capacitances (device plus stray)
this application note. In a dual-gate device, the subscript 1
of 0.050 to 0.1 pF.

10 20 50 100 200 500

f. Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 6 — MFE30G7 Input Admittance versus Frequency FIGURE 7 — MFE3G07 Reverse Transfer Admittance versus Frequency

F, Frequency (MHz)
FIGURE 8-SV1FE3007 Forward Transfer FIGURE 9 — MFE30G7 Output Admittance versus Frequency
Admittance versus Frequency

Admittance parameters for the common-gate configu¬ The Linvill stability factor, C, which is a measure of
ration were also measured. Although the lower input im¬ device open-circuit stability, is plotted in Figure 10. C is
pedance of the device in this configuration (gis « 12 greater than 1 below 250 MHz, thus the device is poten¬
mmhos at 50 MHz to 200 MHz) may be advantageous for tially unstable below 250 MHz and unconditionally stable
matching at the input, the attendant reduction in the above 250 MHz.
available power gain renders this type of operation un¬ Figure 11 shows transducer power gain for the MFE3007
desirable in most applications. Analyses show the unneu¬ in both the unilateralized (neutralized) and the unneutral¬
tralized power gain of this configuration to be 10 to 15 dB ized (no negative feedback) configurations. The higher
lower than the common-source power gain. gain curve represents unilateralized operation. The lower
gain curve shows Gmax (the maximum possible transducer
.DESIGN DATA gain without negative feedback) in the unconditionally
For convenience in designing with the MFE3007, several stable region above 250 MHz.
significant equations have been solved by computer. Their In the potentially unstable region (below 250 MHz),
solutions are plotted in Figures 10 through 13. An expla¬ mismatching must be used to guarantee stability if nega¬
nation of these curves is given below. For additional ex¬ tive feedback is not used. The design equations were
amples of the use of such computer-derived circuit design solved for the highest gain per degree of circuit stability.
curves, see reference 4. Circuit stability is measured by the Stem circuit stability
The reverse transadmittance used to generate this design factor, k, which is discussed in Reference 2.
data was 0-jto (0.1 * IQ-12) mhos, which represents a com¬ The portion of the unneutralized gain curve below 250
posite feedback capacitance of 0.1 pF. This value can be MHz in Figure 11 represents a circuit stability factor of 3.
obtained in a circuit with careful layout, and is a more To further aid in circuit design with the MFE3007, the
practical value than the 0.02 pF feedback capacitance of design equations to achieve the unneutralized performance
shown in Figure 11 for complex source and load admittances
the device alone.

3.5 - i i rm
Yds = 15 v
Q VGo = 4.0 V -
of 30
!d — 10 nr\A
H \
y 2.5

H 20

< 1.5
\ a*™ -
j 1.0
> P<31te ntiaSI
- 0.5 Unstable
i i i 1_1 1-
TO 50 100 200 500 1000


FIGURE 11 — Amplifier Gain Characteristics

FIGURE 10 - Linvill Stability Factor, G, for
in Common Source Configuration
the MFE3007 Between 50 and 500 MHz


At this frequency, y parameters for (he MFE3007 arc:

y is = 0.15+j.U)
yfs - io -j5.s
yl s 0 -jO 01.’
yos - 0.04 f| 1.7

Assuming the load and source impedances are both 50

ohms, networks can be designed to match the MOS1T i to
the load and source. The calculations are more easily per¬
formed with impedances rather than admittances. The
procedure will first be discussed for the output matching.
The 50-ohm load impedance must be transformed to
the optimum load for the transistor (Yp, = 0.35 -j2.1). This
transformation can be performed by the network shown in
Figure 15A. The 50 ohms must be transformed to
FIGURE 12 - Optimum Source Admittance, Yg = Gs + jBs,
for Unneutraiized Gf of Figure 11

Rl = ^- = ■ = 2.86 kf2
Gl 0.35 X 10"3
have also been solved by computer. The results are given
in Figure 12 and 13. Thus the design of an unneutralized
The series capacitive reactance required for this matching
amplifier may be greatly simplified by first checking Figure
can be found by
11 to determine the expected gain and then obtaining the
optimum device complex source and load admittances ARp
XC4 = XS-RSy^-l
from Figures 12 and 13. The only remaining step would
then be network synthesis to calculate the required source
and load admittances at the gate 1 and drain terminals of
where Rp is the parallel resistance and
the FET, as determined above. The peculiar shape of the
R$ is the series resistance.
load and source conductance curves of Figures 12 and 13
can be explained as follows:
/2.86X103 , „co
As the frequency increases, | yfs| decreases, permitting
a closer match of the source conductance (Gs) to gis, and
—is--1 37SS!
the load conductance (Gl) to gos> while still maintaining
The capacitance that provides this reactance at 100
the same circuit stability. Since the degree of mismatch is
decreasing faster than gos is increasing, the load conduct¬ MHz is
1 1
ance continuously decreases until the device approaches C4: = 4.2 pF
unconditional stability. For the region above conditional
2rrfXc4 2tt(108)(375)
stability (above 250 MHz), both source and load conduct¬
ances increase, matching the increasing input conductance
bl • gl
(Gin) an(J. output conductance (GquT)-


To demonstrate the use of Figures 10 through 13, the

design procedure for a 100-MHz common-source amplifier
will be discussed. The circuit is shown in Figure 14. From
Figure 10, the Linvill stability factor C is seen to be 2.0,
therefore mismatching or neutralization is necessary to
prevent oscillation. Mismatching will be used in this ex¬
ample. Figure 11 shows that for a circuit stability factor
of 3.0, the transducer gain will be 28 dB. The load and
source admittances for the required mismatch and gain
are found from Figures 12 and 13:

Yl = 0.35 —J2.1 mmhos, FIGURE 13 — Optimum Load Admittance, Y l = G l + JBl
Ys = 1 -3 -j4.4 mmhos. for Unneutralized Gj of Figure 11
OOO’iKil-O'.'l !1

v yrs j is
+15 Vdc
0 YoUT = yos-yis+Ys

0.04 +jl-7 - (0 j5 +j3.0) + (1.3 -j4.4)

= -0.055 + j2.05 mmhos.

It should be noted that the value of Yrs used (0 -j0.064)
represents the composite feedback admittance of the device
plus expected circuit strays. In this example a composite
feedback capacitance of 0.1 pF has been used.

rout = = -18.2 k£l, and

u> gout -0.055 x 10-3
“ *-7-
" ».—— —— -1

BOUT,2 05 X.L°:l =3.26 pF.

. v" ■ 1 a

cqut = 2zrf 2ttX108

The negative output impedance indicates the instability
100 MU/ 200 MU/ 400 MW/
,||! 77 (IB 12 0 dB
10 0 to 13 0 dB
of the unloaded amplifier.
27 '» to 31 (1 dB 71 2 1o 24 dB
M 0 *»si 1 r r?r 1 Hnrtdwi* Ith 3.0 to 5.5 MHz 4.0 to 5 2 MHz 11.0 to 15 MH/
All other things remaining the same, oscillation will
Component Values J
Cl 8 4 pF 4.6 pF 4.5 pF occur if the real part of the load impedance presented to
c? 2 5 pF 6.0 pF 1.5 pF
C3 19 pF 1.0 pF 2,8 pF
1 2pF
the output tank of the amplifier is greater than 18.2 k£2.
C4 4,2 pF 2 0 pF
16 nH
150 nH
280 nH
42 nH
110 nH 22 nH
This is of course due to the fact that the net real part of
1000 pF 500 pF 250 pF HI the output port impedance would be negative.
V ( : : ?'(q i/':A ■. ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■'■ ■.■ H' ■ .
Now the total impedance across the output tank can
. r ■ . v be calculated:
FIGURE 14 - ■ VHF Amplifiers Using MFE3007
rt -
Gout + Gl
The parallel equivalent of this capacitance is needed for
determining the bandwidth and resonance later in the : 3.39 kf2
design: -0.055 X 10~3 +0.35 XIO-3

X'C4 = Xp = Xs


and the equivalent parallel capacitance is therefore

C4' = 4.2 pF.

An equivalent circuit for the output tank after trans¬

formation of the load is shown in Figure 15B. Since the
resistance across the output circuit is fixed by the parallel
combination of ROUT and Rl (after transformation) the
desired bandwidth of the output tank will be determined
by C3.
It should be noted that the output admittance (YoUT)
of the. device will not equal y0s under most conditions.
Only when the input is terminated in a short circuit or the
feedback admittance is zero does YoUT equal yos. When
yrs is not zero, and the input is terminated with a practical
source admittance, the true output admittance is found
from the following:

9004XG-071H 6

Since the output impedance is several times higher than 100 MHz and 200 MHz. The dual-gate MOSFHT of lets
the input impedance ol the device, amplifier bandwidth two important advantages over most bipolar devices: vm
is primarily dependent upon output loaded Q. For a band” little, if any, power gain is sacrificed in achieving the best
noise figure and both parameters are relatively independent
width o! 5 Mil/. (3-dB points),
of source resistance in the optimum region. These proper
1 ties help alleviate the critical tuning and empirical adjust
meats usually required in front-end design. As a result,
<! ?.n R | (HW)
the designer has a great deal of flexibility in choosing a
source impedance. In particular, it can be seen from figure
=. f- . = 9.4 pF 16 that a 3:1 change in source resistance (300 dims to
2ir (3.39 X 103) (5 X 106) 1000 ohms) results in only a 1-dB change in noise figure.
If minimum cross modulation is a prime consideration, this
hence 3:1 change in source resistance implies a 3:1 improvement
C3 - Cy ~ CoiJT ~ €4'—9.4-3.26-4.2 = 1.9 pF in cross modulation and total harmonic distortion for
the stage.
The output inductance that resonates with Op at 100 MHz
is 269 nH. This completes the output circuit design.
input calculations performed in a similar manner yield Most RF receivers have some means of controlling the
the following results: overall receiver gain to accommodate a wide range of input
signal levels. This is usually done by reducing the gain of
Ys = 1.3 -j4 A mmhos. the low-level RF and IF amplifier stages. Four different
Xci = 190£2; therefore, Cl = 8.4 pF methods can be used to reduce the gam of the dual-gate
MOSFET: (1) forward AGC (increasing voltage) at gate 1,
X'ci = 20312; therefore, Cl'= 7.8 pF
(2) reverse AGC at gate 1, (3) forward AGC at gate 2, and
(4) reverse AGC at gate 2. As will be shown, reverse AGC
yfs yrs
Yjn = yis -tt~ = -0.23 +J4.25 mmhos therefore, applied at gate 2 is superior to the other methods, but for
yos +yl completeness, each method will be discussed. Figure 3
shows yfs as a function of the bias voltages at gates 1 and
R[N = -4-35 k£2, Cin = 6.7 pF.
2. As can be seen, yfs, and therefore the gain, can .be
Rl = 935 12. varied by changes in the bias voltage, on either gate. Three
of the AGC methods reduce gain by lowering the trans¬
The bandwidth of the input tuned circuit was chosen to
conductance between gate and drain. The fourth method
be 10 MHz. Hence of gain reduction, forward AGC at gate 2, reduces the out¬
Cy = 17 pF; therefore, L = 150 nH. put impedance of the device.
The maximum attenuation an unneutralized RF tran¬
sistor (bipolar or FET) can achieve is limited by the feed¬
C2 = 17-6.7-7.8 = 2.5 pF
back admittance (reverse transadmittance) of the device.
This completes the design of the tuned circuits. The Due to the very low CrSs of the dual-gate MOSFET, gain
results, plus those for similar 200-and 400-MHz amplifiers, reductions greater than 50 dB are possible at 200 MHz.
are shown in Figure 14. To set the proper bias, resistors Rl Because of the increasing reactance of the feedback capa-
and R2 are adjusted for 4 Vdc at gate 2. They have high
values to minimize current drain. It is very important
that gate 2 be well bypassed at the signal frequency as only
a small impedance to ground may cause instability or
loss in gain.

This 100-MHz amplifier was built and tested with differ¬

ent MFE3QG75s covering the IdSS range. After tuning, all
devices exhibited gains of 27.5 to 31.6 dB (theory predicted
29 dB), and bandwidths of 3.5 to 5.5 MHz (5-MHz design).
Similar amplifiers were designed, built and tested at
200 and 400 MHz. The component values and results are
also shown in Figure 14.

An important consideration for many low-level ampli¬
100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 7000
fiers is noise figure. It is often necessary in bipolar designs
to sacrifice power gain to obtain the optimum noise figure.
Figure 16 shows the behavior of the noise figures and FIGURE 18 — Noise Figure (NF) and Power Gain (PG)
of the MFE3007 at 100 and 200 MHz
power gains of the MFE3007 versus source resistance at
yUUHAUr-u / in

citance with decreasing frequency, 85-dB gain reduction duces signal clipping, increasing distortion and cross modu¬
has been achieved in a 1 -MHz amplifier. lation. Figure 17 shows the gain reduction when the AGC
signal is applied to gate 2. The test circuit used lor ob¬
AGC APPLIED AT GATE I taining the gain-reduction curves is also shown. It is an
With a constant gate-2 voltage, the transconductance unneutralized 100-MI Iz amplifier with a 3-Mllz bandwidth.
can be reduced by varying the gate-1 voltage to either the As the curves show, the initial gain-reduction rate is highei
left or the right of the peak-transconductance bias point with a slight forward bias on gate I than for V(; | s 0.
indicated by the dashed Sine in Figure 3. The region to the This is due to the faster decrease in yfs with decreasing
left exhibits very rapid reduction in yfs with decreasing VG2S tn the saturation region. This aspect ot the gam
bias between gate 1 and source. The sharp decrease in yfs reduction rate may be useful in receiver designs where the
in this region is due to a rapidly approaching cutoff of that RF AGC is delayed with respect to the IF to improve
portion of the channel controlled by gate 1. This sharp overall receiver distortion.
cutoff introduces large third- and higher-order nonlinearities The fourth method of gain reduction is by an increase
in the transadmittance at gain reductions greater than in the dc bias voltage on gate 2. Unlike the previous
10 dB. These nonlinearities induce distortion and degrade methods cited, AGC in this manner is not the result of a re¬
cross modulation and total harmonic distortion. duction in yfs. It can be said in fact, that any increase in
Forward AGC on gate 1 is a result of reduction in the VG2S will always result in an increase in yfs regardless of
transconductance when the bias point is shifted to the the bias point. The reduction in amplifier gain when for¬
right of the dashed line in Figure 3 (the saturation region). ward AGC is applied to gate 2 is a result of the lower
Saturation results when the majority of the channel elec¬ output impedance of the device as VQ2S approaches the
trons adjacent to the gate have been ionized. Therefore, supply voltage. This method is also limited to small gain
to modulate the conductivity, it is necessary to ionize the reductions due to a limiting of the minimum value of the
electrons farther from the gate. Since the capacitive charge- output impedance. The value of the output impedance at
inducing capability of the gate is inversely proportional to which this limiting occurs is about one order of magnitude
distance, greater voltage changes are necessary for equiva¬ less than the value at VG2S = 4 V. Using the equation,
lent changes in conductivity, and therefore yfs decreases.
This method of AGC is limited to relatively small reduc¬ _ (y-2i)2 = (yfs)2
tions due to excessive device dissipation at gain reductions
max 4(811822) XSisSos)
greater than 10 dB. The increased device dissipation is due
to the rapid increase in drain current with increasing for¬
a maximum gain reduction of approximately 10 dB can be
ward bias on gate 1.
obtained with this type of AGC. Another disadvantage of
AGC APPLIED AT GATE 2 this method is the attendent increase in bandwidth when
The best method of AGC is reduction of the gate-2 bias the output impedance of the device is reduced.
voltage from its initial optimum-gain bias point (greater
than 4 Vdc). Application of the AGC signal to gate 2 re¬
sults in a remote-cutoff characteristic (remote cutoff refers Forward AGC is usually used in bipolar amplifier de¬
to a gradual reduction in Id with decreasing gate bias). signs when cross modulation and signal-handling capability
This type of Id—Vq characteristic contrasts with the re¬ are prime considerations. When this type of AGC is used,
latively abrupt cutoff of the drain current (and transcon¬ gain reduction is accompanied by a considerable increase
ductance) when reverse AGC is applied to the gate of a in bandwidth and a shift in center frequency unless elabo¬
single-gate MOS or junction FET. This sharp cutoff pro- rate circuit techniques are employed. The increase in band¬
width is a result of the reduced output impedance of the
bipolar device at high currents, while detuning is caused
by the change in feedback and output capacitances as the
output bias voltage is altered. When the AGC signal is
applied to gate 2 of the dual-gate MOSFET, the output
voltage, and therefore the Coss, remains constant. The
output impedance does increase slightly but the output cir¬
cuit is usually loaded sufficiently that its effect on the
bandwidth is small. In a 200-MHz amplifier with 5 MHz
bandwidth (-3 dB points), 50-dB gain reduction was
accompanied by only 1.25-MHz shift in center frequency
and Q.75-MHz decrease in bandwidth.

The most attractive feature of the field-effect transistor,
Vq2S (VOLTS) at least to the RF designer, is its low distortion. The
FIGURE 17 — Gain Reduction versus Vq^S (AGO Control) square-law transfer function of the field-effect transistor

ooohxo-oyi u

much more severe in bipolar Ilian in IT I amplifiers, ll is

icsults in a significant improvement in signal-handling cap¬
for this reason that most FM receivers are now being do-
abilities and modulation and cross modulation distortion
signed with field-effect transistors in their front ends.
over that of bipolar transistors with their exponential
transfer function. These transfer functions are shown in SIGNAL-HANDLING CAPABILITY AND CROSS
Figure 18. These characteristics are the products of theo¬ MODULATION
retical first-order analyses and are usually inadequate for There are various methods of comparing the distortion
completely describing a practical device, but a qualitative characteristics of different devices. One of these methods
comparison explains the low distortion of field-effect is the overload or signal-handling capability of the device.
transistors: Overload is frequently specified as the output signal level
The output current of a practical amplifier can be ex¬ for one dB gain compression. This however represents a
pressed in a power series about the operating point. highly overloaded condition resulting in significant distor¬
tion of the input signal. For the signal-handling curves
PVg2_ 7Vg3.
lOUT = Idc + «vg + —jf~ ~ + 3! 'T (1) shown in Figure 19, overload is defined as the signal level
at the input required to produce 5% total harmonic dis¬
where, tortion in the output waveshape. The test setup is also
shown in Figure 19. The test circuit was a 1-kHz common-
ldc = dc bias current
source amplifier with the AGC signal applied at gate 2.
Vg = input signal voltage at the gate
The 1-kHz frequency was used instead of a modulated RF
a = first derivative of transfer function
signal to eliminate the need for a detector in the test setup.
The signal-handling capability is a function of the gain
P = second derivative of transfer function reduction and is therefore usually plotted as such for tran¬
7 = third derivative of transfer function sistors designed for automatic gain control. This depend¬
(all derivatives evaluated at the dc bias point) ence is due to the changing analytic character of the
transfer function as the bias point is altered during AGC.
The second-and higher-order terms of this expansion When constant gate-1 bias load lines are drawn through
account for signal distortion. Specifically, the second- the curves of Figure 3, the order of the curvature chiefly
order term (|3Vg2/2!) explains the sum and difference responsible for the distortion can be seen. For zero bias
frequencies in a product mixer. Cross modulation, inter- between gate 1 to source, the reduced signal-handling
modulation, and modulation distortion are results of the capability at the 15-dB gain-reduction level is due to the
third- and higher-odd-order curvature of the transfer high third-order curvature of the transfer characteristic in
characteristics.2 that region. For Vqis = 0.55 V, increasing distortion is
due mainly to second-order distortion in the 5-to-20-dB
For the ideal linear amplifier, the second- and higher-
gain-reduction portion of the curves. For any load line, an
order derivatives are zero, resulting in distortionless oper¬
increase in gain reduction reduces the transconductance,
ation. On the other hand, practical amplifiers using both
which contributes to an increase in distortion.
field-effect and bipolar transistors exhibit second-and
Another distortion curve often needed to evaluate the
higher-order curvature over the normal range of operation.
performance of RF amplifiers is the cross-modulation
However, due to the exponential nature of the transfer
characteristics. Cross modulation is the transfer of modu¬
characteristic of bipolar transistors, distortion resulting
lation from one RF signal to another, when both signals
from the third- and higher-order nonlinearities is usually

FIGURE 18 - Transfer Characteristics of Amplifiers



FIGURE 19 — Signal-Handling Capability

are present at the input of an amplifier. The precise defini¬ LOCAL OSCILLATOR INJECTION AT GATE 1
tion for the cross-modulation index plotted in Figure 20 When both the signal and local-oscillator are injected at
is the level of undesired signal necessary to transfer 0.03% gate 1, optimum mixer performance will occur with a par¬
modulation to the desired signal when the undesired signal ticular gate-l-to-source bias. The reason for this becomes
is modulated 30% at 1 kHz. The frequencies of the desired evident when one examines the mechanism of the conver¬
and undesired signals are 200 MHz and 150 MHz. For sion process for this type of mixer operation. When the
meaningful results the input to the amplifier should provide sum of two cosinusoidal signals is substituted for Vg in
no selectivity and the desired signal level should not over¬ Equation (1), the power expansion previously presented,
load the amplifier. Measurements were made for two differ¬ the second-order term j3(V2)2/2!, is seen to produce the
ent VQis-bias conditions. As the curves show, forward desired sum and difference products. More specifically,
bias on gate 1 significantly improves cross-modulation the difference term is
iS-LO = “ VS VLO cos (cos - ^LO)t (2)
Two basic methods of local-oscillator injection can be the conversion transconductance, usually denoted gc, is
used with a MOSFET mixer. One uses gate 1 for both the defined as
local-oscillator and signal injection. The second uses gate 1
for signal injection with the local oscillator applied to gate 2. iS-LO
A third possibility, local-oscillator injection at the source gc = = ~ Vlo rahos (3)
acts as a particular case of the first method and will not be
discussed further. Both methods of injection have been where spurious responses (i.e., frequencies in the output
investigated and will be discussed briefly. other than those desired) are obtained when a similar pro-

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0


FIGURE 21 — Conversion Power Gain

FIGURE 20 — Cross Modulation Curves
versus Local Oscillator Injections

cedure is carried oui for tlie third-and higher-order terms. is tlie lower gate-to-drain transeondiictance of gale 2.
In selecting a bias point, then, two things should be However, this type of injection may serve well in mixer
kept in mind: high gc, and good linearity. A large gc re¬ applications where it is desirable to isolate the local oscil¬
quires either a high 0 or a large peak-to-peak local oscillator lator from both the input and output networks. Figure 21
voltage or both. With these considerations in mind an also shows conversion gain versus local oscillator injection
examination of Figure 3 shows that a bias of Vqis = “0-5, for this method of local oscillator injection for mixers with
VG2S “ 4 V yields an optimum 0 for a large peak-to-peak signal input frequencies of 100 MHz (Curve B) and 200
local-oscillator voltage. By Equation (3) the conversion MHz (Curve C). The local oscillator frequencies were 130
gain for a straight-line approximation of yfs between MHz and 230 MHz, and in both cases the 30-MHz difference
VQIS's °f 0 V and -1 V, is seen to be: frequency serves as the IF. The test conditions for both
mixers were Vqs = 15 V, VQigand Vg2S~0.3 V to 0.5 V.
gc = .— Vlo = 4.75 VLO (Peak Volts)
In summary , the dual-gate MOSFET should be consid¬
- 6 65 VLo(rms) mmhos
ered for small-signal RF applications where signal-handling
and distortion characteristics are important. It is especially
Figure 21 shows conversion gain versus local-oscillator attractive in low-level amplifiers where AGC is used. This
injection voltage when the local-oscillator is applied to application note has included data for the MFE3007 that
gate i (Curve A). Test conditions for the mixer curve are permits rapid evaluation and design of low-level RF ampli¬
signal frequency of 200 MHz, local-oscillator frequency of fiers in the IQ-to 500-MHz range.
230 MHz, IF frequency of 30 MHz, V[)S of 15 Vdc, Vqi$
of 0.5 Vdc, and Vq2S of 4 Vdc (ac bypassed to ground).
As can be seen, the conversion gain reaches a maximum of 1. “Field-Effect Transistors in Theory and Practice,”
15 dB for an local-oscillator voltage of approximately Motorola Application Note AN-211.
1 Vrms. For a local-oscillator injection in excess of 1 V 2. “RF Small-Signal Design Using Two-Port Parameters,”
(rms), the device begins to saturate on the positive peaks Motorola Application Note AN-215.
of the local-oscillator voltage. In addition to limiting the 3. “Field-Effect Transistor RF Amplifier Design Tech¬
conversion gain, this clipping action also increases spurious niques,” Motorola Application Note AN-423.
4. “UHF Amplifier Design Using Data Sheet Design
LOCAL-OSCILLATOR INJECTION AT GATE 2 Curves,” Motorola Application Note AN-419.

When the local oscillator is applied to gate 2, somewhat 5. Deketh, j., Fundamentals of Radio Valve Techniques,
higher injection levels are required for conversion gains N. V. Philips Gloeiiampenfabricken, Eindhoven, Nether¬
comparable to the previous method. The reason for this lands, 1949.

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