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An Innovative Approach of Mixed Enzymatic Venture For 2G Ethanol Production From Lignocellulosic Feedstock PDF

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Energy Conversion and Management 207 (2020) 112504

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An innovative approach of mixed enzymatic venture for 2G ethanol T

production from lignocellulosic feedstock

Rajiv Chandra Rajaka, Rintu Banerjeeb,
Advanced Technology Development Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal, India
Agricultural & Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal, India


Keywords: Time is an important factor for bioenergy and bio-product producing industries. Longer process/fermentation
Crystalline times are the major hurdles in making the process more cost effective for any desired product. Integration of
Energy different process units were usually carried out to minimize the entire processing time. However, apart from
Enzyme consolidation, microbial adaptation and biomass pretreatment methods plays an important role during product
generation. Microorganisms normally take longer time to adapt to the surrounding environment, which certainly
affect the entire processing time. Thus, the present work was framed to use mixture of crude and low titre
enzymes for lignin degradation and holocellulose hydrolysis followed by fermentation in a single unit to produce
second generation ethanol from Kans grass. In the present study, an enzymatic venture was attempted to de-
lignify the recalcitrant lignin molecule and simultaneously hydrolyse the biomass for enhanced sugars genera-
tion followed by ethanol production in a common platform. The entire ethanol production process has been
optimized through response surface methodology that resulted in 59.96 g/L of ethanol within 24 h. The biomass
porosity analysis in terms of surface area, pore size and pore volume of the fermented biomass were found to be
decreased that indicates effective action of applied enzymes. Structural characterisation of the fermented bio-
mass showed an extensive surface distortion that revealed the combined action of delignifying and saccharifying
enzymes. X-ray diffraction analysis indicates reduced biomass crystallinity after fermentation, which inferred
that para-crystalline and crystalline cellulose were utilized maximally for ethanol production. Thus, the results
obtained in the present study substantiate the feasibility of the mixed enzymes application in bioprocessing of
Kans grass for second generation ethanol production.

1. Introduction lignocellulosic ethanol generation. Integration or consolidation aims to

optimize these single processes on the system level to improve the
The art of technological conversion of forest produce, agricultural techno-economic of the whole process thereby making bioethanol
residues and grasses are significantly advancing for biofuels production competitive with the gasoline or petroleum fuels [4]. Generally, pro-
[1,2]. Interest has now been directed towards the utilization of second duction of ethanol through SHF was limited due to saccharifying en-
generation or lignocellulosic biomass for products generation con- zyme inhibition by the released reducing sugars [5]. Thus, integration
sidering the fact of food, fodder and fuel issue. Second generation of two processes i.e., simultaneous saccharification and fermentation in
biofuels provide an alternative route to minimize the energy de- a single vessel (SSF) not only minimizes the cost but at the same time
pendency and environmental issues which arise due to reliance on fossil reduces the enzyme inhibition by simultaneous conversion of released
based fuels [3]. Recent progress on energy sector illustrates a shifting sugars to ethanol [6]. Though, SSF is the widely used fermentation
trend from food crops to lignocellulosic biomass. For second generation mode for bioethanol production, but it suffers with the limitation of
ethanol production, various biomass processing technologies being optimum working temperature mis-match of saccharifying enzymes
implemented namely, separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF), si- with the yeast [7].
multaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) and consolidated Consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) is an alternative to the above
bioprocessing (CBP). Delignification, saccharification and fermentation ethanol production processes (SHF and SSF), where enzyme production,
technologies have been developed in the past few decades for biomass pretreatment, polysaccharides hydrolysis, and fermentation of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Banerjee).
Received 2 November 2019; Received in revised form 11 January 2020; Accepted 13 January 2020
0196-8904/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.C. Rajak and R. Banerjee Energy Conversion and Management 207 (2020) 112504

the release sugars were accomplished in a single platform or vessel. CBP consists of oxidation and reduction reactions. The catalytic core of the
holds a good potential for low cost biofuels production because of laccase consists of four copper atoms. Laccase mainly attacks the phe-
simpler biomass processing, reduced energy inputs, and high conver- nolic units of lignin that led to the oxidation of Cα, Cα-Cβ and aryl-alkyl
sion efficiencies compared to SHF processes [8]. CBP is usually per- linkages. The mode of laccase action is primarily consists of three steps;
formed through either monoculture or co-culture of microorganisms. type 1 copper reduction by the reducing substrate followed by internal
However, increased ethanol yield has been reported by co-cultures of electron transfer from type 1 to type 2 and type 3 copper atoms and
microorganisms due to the high metabolic capacity of the microbes to finally formation of water via reduction of molecular oxygen at the
utilize both cellulose and hemicellulose [9]. Lignin degradation or re- trinuclear site [29].
moval from lignocellulosics is usually negligible during consolidated In addition, the present work deals with the selection of different
bioprocessing [10]. Also, biological lignin degradation through en- influential process parameters for ethanol production and their opti-
zymes such as laccase, manganese peroxidase, lignin peroxidase, and mization through response surface methodology (RSM) based on cen-
versatile peroxidase are considered as a promising technique due to tral composite design (CCD). Energy density, porosity and structural
mild process conditions, no inhibitor formation, less energy require- characterization of the raw and fermented biomass were carried out to
ment and eco-friendly in nature [11–13]. The major limitations of validate the action of enzymes and microbes used during the entire
biological pretreatment are long incubation periods and low efficiency, process of second generation (2G) ethanol production.
when carried out with whole cell microorganisms [14,15]. Other lignin
removal or degradation modes such as organosolv, and thermochemical 2. Materials and methods
or ionic liquids (ILs) are effective in lignin solubilizing and decrys-
tallizing cellulose. Though, these methods have many advantages, but 2.1. Substrate
suffers from several limitations namely, recovery and recycling of sol-
vents and ILs, requirement of high temperatures and pressures during The wasteland weed, Saccharum spontaneum (Kans or Sarkanda),
thermochemical pretreatment, inhibitor formation, and high cost of ILs was obtained from campus area of the Indian Institute of Technology
[16]. Kharagpur, India. The whole plant, including leaf sheaths and stems
Acid or alkali pretreated lignocellulosics were generally employed were cut into small pieces by chopper. The small pieces are further sun
for ethanol production through consolidated biomass processing that dried and pulverized (Pulverizer, Murhopye Scientific Company,
resulted in moderate ethanol yield [10,17,18]. Furthermore, prolonged Mysore, India) to a particle size of approximately 0.2 mm and was used
pretreatment time (more than 20 days) was observed upon treating for further studies.
biomass directly with the microbes followed by fermentable sugars and
ethanol production [19,20]. In addition, genetically engineered mi- 2.2. Biochemical characterization of Kans grass
croorganisms were also employed for their potential in ethanol pro-
duction. Metabolically engineered thermophile Caldicellulosiruptor bescii Cellulose content of the raw biomass was estimated by “semi-micro
was used for direct conversion of switchgrass to ethanol without any determination of cellulose” method whereas; hemicellulose was esti-
biomass pretreatment or lignin removal [21]. Consolidated biomass mated by anthrone method [30,31]. Lignin content was estimated using
processing without lignin removal or degradation is regarded as second the titrimetric method [32]. Klason lignin was determined according to
generation CBP but it suffers with the limitations of moderate ethanol the sulphuric acid hydrolysis method [33]. Moisture, total solid, vola-
yield [21,22]. Currently, a new CBP based strategy termed as con- tile and ash content of the raw biomass were determined according to
solidated bio-saccharification (CBS) is employed for lignocellulose so- the AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists) protocols [34].
lubilization that separates fermentation from the integrated CBP pro-
cess and combines hydrolytic enzyme production and saccharification 2.3. Enzymes and microorganism
in one step. Under the optimum process conditions, CBS of wheat straw
was resulted in enhanced sugar yield. However, CBS usually takes long Laccase for lignin degradation was produced from Lentinus squar-
reaction time to record high sugar yield and saccharification efficiency rosulus MR13 using rice straw as a substrate through solid state fer-
[23]. mentation [35]. Cellulase-xylanase cocktail for cellulose and hemi-
CBP systems always preferred a novel microbial consortia that have cellulose hydrolysis was obtained from Trichoderma reesei Rut C30 using
the capability to carry out optimum substrate conversion and sub- wheat bran as a substrate through solid state fermentation [36]. One
sequent product formation [10]. Although, CBP is a promising tech- unit of laccase activity was defined as the quantity of enzyme required
nology for biofuels production but certain limitations are still exist such to oxidize 1 µmole of substrate per minute under the assay conditions
as, existence of recalcitrant lignin in the biomass, long fermentation whereas, cellulase-xylanase activity defined as the amount of enzyme to
time, low yield of targeted product due to by-product formation (e.g. produce 1 μmol of reducing sugars per minute under the assay condi-
organic acids), low hydrolysis rate, and microorganisms sensitivity to tions. The crude laccase activity was recorded to be 21,000 IU/g dry
produced alcohols [24]. Such type of limitations need a significant re- substrate and for cellulase-xylanase, 120 and 1040 IU/g dry substrate,
search on identifying the potent wild microorganisms or enzymes for respectively. The fermenting microorganism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
lignin and holocellulose degradation, and enhancing the robustness of was used for bioethanol production in the present study. S. cerevisiae
microorganisms through recombinant approaches on solventogenic or was maintained in a medium consisting of glucose (2%, w/v) and yeast
cellulolytic organisms [25,26]. In this perspective, an approach of extract (0.5%, w/v), pH 6.5 and incubated at 37 °C. S. cerevisiae sus-
mixed enzyme system was used to combine the process of delignifica- pension culture of 24 h (2.5 × 108 cells/ml) was inoculated into the
tion, and hydrolysis for simultaneously lignin degradation and fer- reaction mixture for fermentation.
mentable sugars generation followed by fermentation in a common
platform. Both the enzymes were produced separately and subsequently 2.4. Methodology for bio-processing of Kans grass for ethanol production
used for biomass delignification and hydrolysis. Since, biological and
enzymatic modes of biomass pretreatment and hydrolysis does not Bioprocessing Kans grass includes all the three steps namely, de-
generate any by-products such as organic acids or fermentation in- lignification, saccharification and fermentation in a single flask. In a
hibitors, the yield of targeted product is expected to be high [27,28]. conical flask, Kans grass, laccase, cellulase-xylanase concoction and
Laccase was used for lignin degradation, while cellulase-xylanase yeast were added simultaneously and covered with parafilm for main-
cocktail for cellulose and hemicellulose hydrolysis followed by fer- taining facultative anaerobic environment for yeast. The flasks were
mentation using yeast in a single vessel. The mode of laccase action then incubated for various time intervals at 37 °C. Aliquot of samples

R.C. Rajak and R. Banerjee Energy Conversion and Management 207 (2020) 112504

were withdrawn at regular time interval and solid was separated from Where, Y indicates the predicted response (ethanol %, v/v) whereas,
the liquid through cheesecloth. The solid biomass was dried for residual βm0, βmi, βmii and βmij stands for coefficients and Xi and Xj represents
lignin estimation and the liquid was centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 5 min. independent coded variables that affects the response variable Y.
The resultant liquid was used for ethanol estimation. All the trials were Minitab 16 software was employed for analysis of the experimental data
carried out in triplicates to calculate the mean values and standard followed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and to study the regression
deviation. equation. Accordingly, the above given fitted regression equation may
be further interpreted in the form of response surface plots to visualize
2.5. Ethanol estimation the correlations and interactions between coded experimental and
predicted variables to conclude the optimized process conditions.
Ethanol content (%, v/v) was estimated by potassium dichromate Coefficient of determination (R2) was used to evaluate the desirability
method [37]. Ethanol concentration (g/L), productivity rate (g/L/h), and accuracy of the fitted polynomial regression equation. F-value was
conversion efficiency (%) and yield of the process has been calculated employed to check the significance of the regression coefficient.
by the standard methods [38]. The following equations were used to
calculate the conversion efficiency and yield of the process are given 2.7. Energy density of the raw and fermented biomass
The energy density of the samples was calculated according to the
Experimental Ethanol(g)
Ethanol Conversion Efficiency(%) = × 100 protocol described in ASTM (American Society for Testing and
Theoritical Ethanol(g) Materials) manual [40]. The solid biomass recovered after fermentation
(1) was calculated on wet weight basis. Energy density of the biomass was
measured by using standard bomb calorimeter (Oxygen Bomb Calori-
Experimental Ethanol(g/L)
Ethanol Yield(g/g) = meter, Eastern Instruments, Kolkata, India). The solid biomass was
Solid Loading(g/L) (2) dried overnight at 60 °C to remove the moisture content and com-
pressed to form pellets. The weight of the biomass was taken before
being compressed to pellet. In case of fermented broth sample, a fixed
2.6. Statistical model and optimization weight of broth along with crucible was taken and kept in a calorimeter
for energy density measurement. The energy density of the biomass and
Optimization of bioprocessing of raw Kans grass was performed by broth sample was determined based on the temperature difference in
considering five factors at three levels (−1, 0, +1) that constitutes 25 the presence of oxygen with excess pressure of 400 psi.
full factorial Central Composite Design (CCD) followed by analysis and
point prediction using RSM. Five different influential process para-
2.8. Porosity analysis of raw and fermented biomass
meters namely, solid loading, incubation time, temperature, inoculum
volume and laccase to cellulase ratio were selected to study their effect
Biomass porosity of the samples were analysed through
on ethanol production utilizing raw Kans grass. The boundary levels
Quantachrome® ASiQwin™ pore and surface area analyser. The biomass
(−1, 0, +1) of each parameter for bioprocessing of raw Kans grass was
samples were kept in the degassing module and then vacuum degassed
selected based on one variable at a time approach such as, solid loading
for 3 h at room temperature prior to analysis. The degassed biomass
(15–25%, w/v), incubation time (12–36 h), temperature (35–40 °C),
samples were then kept in the multipoint Brunauer–Emmett–Teller
inoculum volume (8–12%, v/v) and laccase to cellulase ratio (1:4–1:8).
(BET) analyser for analysis. Surface area of the pores was calculated
The activity of laccase (3125 IU/g), and cellulase-xylanase (75 IU/g and
according to the BET method [41]. Pore diameter and volume were
650 IU/g) were maintained throughout the experiments and are re-
determined based on the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method [42].
ported to be optimum for lignin degradation and holocellulose hydro-
lysis from our previous reports [7,39] (Figs. 1–5). The experimental
designs were carried out in triplicates, and the design of experiment for 2.9. Structural characterization of raw and fermented biomass
bioprocessing was shown in table (Table 1). The data obtained was
further analysed by second order polynomial regression equation (Eq. 2.9.1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
(3)). The alteration in structural architecture of the fermented biomass in
comparison to raw substrate was studied by mounting dried samples on
Y= β0 + ∑ βi Xi+ ∑ βii X 2i + 4 ∑ β kijXiXj metallic stub with an adhesive coated with gold and viewed under JEOL
i= 1 i= 1 j=i+1 (3) JSM 5800 SEM (Jeol Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).

Fig. 1. Effect of laccase: cellulase on bioprocessing of Kans grass.

R.C. Rajak and R. Banerjee Energy Conversion and Management 207 (2020) 112504

Fig. 2. Effect of solid loading on bioprocessing of Kans grass.

2.9.2. X-ray diffraction (XRD) w/w), arabinan (2.16%, w/w), mannan (0.16%, w/w) and rhamnan
The alteration in degree of crystallinity of the biomass before and (0.14%, w/w) of raw Kans grass reflects their potential as a viable
after fermentation was determined through XRD using CoKα radiation lignocellulosic feedstock for biochemical and biofuels generation [46].
(α = 0.179 nm) at 20 mA and 40 kV. The samples were scanned in the The total and volatile solid content of the raw Kans grass were found to
range of 2θ = 10° to 70° with a speed of 3°/min and the percentage be 95.05% (w/w of wet weight) and 97% (w/w of dry weight), re-
crystallinity was calculated from [(I002 − Iam)/I002] × 100, where spectively. Thus, due to relatively high content of holocellulose (cel-
I002 = maximum peak intensity (2θ) between 22° and 23° and lulose and hemicellulose) and volatile solids, Kans grass can be con-
Iam = minimum peak intensity (2θ) between 18° and 19° for cellulose I sidered as a futuristic energy feedstock for bioprocessing that is
(% crystallinity) [43]. presently unutilized.

3. Results and discussion 3.2. Selection of process parameter for bioprocessing of Kans grass

3.1. Biochemical characterization of raw Kans grass 3.2.1. Effect of laccase: cellulase ratio
The main objective of process integration is to combine all the in-
Biomass composition is the key deciding factor from which one can dividual units in a common platform that subsequently reduce the
select or decide the feedstock for biofuels production. The composi- number of steps and total process time for biofuel and bio-products
tional analysis of Kans grass in the current work showed high cellulose generation. Maintenance of proper solid to liquid ratio or proportions of
(38.70% ± 0.30, w/w), hemicellulose (29.00% ± 0.26, w/w) along different enzymes play an important role to achieve the goal of process
with moisture (4.95% ± 0.06, w/w) and ash (3.00% ± 0.22, w/w), integration or consolidation. In the present work, laccase to cellulase
respectively. From the compositional analysis it can be deciphered that ratio was maintained at different proportions (1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8,
an efficient delignification process was indeed essential to degrade the and 1:10). The other factors which are fixed during the experiment
high lignin content (17.46% ± 0.34, w/w) in Kans grass to utilize were solid loading 20% (w/v), incubation time 72 h, 37 °C, and in-
cellulose and hemicellulose further. The sulphuric acid hydrolysis oculum volume 8% (v/v), respectively. The laccase to cellulase ratio of
method of lignin resulted in Klason lignin content of 18.20% ± 0.35 1:6 was obtained as optimum because at higher ratio not much sig-
(w/w) of Kans grass. The variation observed in the lignin content of nificant increase was observed. Ethanol concentration of 3.09% (v/v) or
Kans grass might be due to the sensitiveness shown by different ana- 24.38 g/L was recorded at laccase to cellulase ratio of 1:6 (Fig. 1).
lytical methods towards a specific phenolic compound. Cellulose,
hemicellulose, and lignin content were found to be higher compared to 3.2.2. Effect of solid loading
date palm fronds, agricultural residues such as prairie grasses and corn Solid loading usually decides the economic viability of the process
stover [44,45]. Further, the reported monosaccharide profile that in- as it quantifies the amount of solid and liquid to be used in the process.
cludes glucan (36.81%, w/w), xylan (21.53%, w/w), galactan (0.72%, In addition, it minimizes the waste water treatment and distillation cost

Fig. 3. Effect of incubation time on bioprocessing of Kans grass.

R.C. Rajak and R. Banerjee Energy Conversion and Management 207 (2020) 112504

Fig. 4. Effect of temperature on bioprocessing of Kans grass.

besides reduced water usage. Hence, solid loading at various ranges consisting of glucan chains. The proteins present in the outer cell wall
(5–30%, w/v) was selected to study its effect on ethanol production layer are highly sensitive to the temperature fluctuations. High tem-
(Fig. 2). The other parameter that are fixed during the experiment were perature usually denatures the proteins that results in cell lysis whereas,
laccase to cellulase 1:6, incubation time 72 h, temperature 37 °C, and low temperature is not able to maintain the membrane turgidity due to
inoculum volume 8% (v/v), respectively. Maximum ethanol con- loss of functional proteins [49]. Maximum ethanol concentration of
centration of 4.07% (v/v) or 32.11 g/L was observed at 25% (w/v) solid 4.88% (v/v) or 38.50 g/L was recorded at 37 °C where, other fixed
loading. Significant increase in ethanol concentration was not observed parameter are namely, laccase to cellulase 1:6, solid loading 25% (w/
at higher solid loading that might be due to less availability of enzyme v), incubation time 24 h, and inoculum volume 8% (v/v), respectively
active sites to convert holocellulose to reducing sugars and in turn to (Fig. 4). At high temperature, reduced ethanol generation was observed
ethanol. Low hydrolysis and fermentation yield was reported at high that might be due to cell lysis because of denaturation of the proteins
solid loading because of increase in viscosity of the fermentation broth present in the outer layer of yeast cell wall. High ethanol yield was
and due to mass transfer restrictions [47]. reported from steam exploded wheat straw followed by laccase (Cor-
iolopsis rigida) and S. cerevisiae treatment when fermentation was car-
ried out at 37 °C [50].
3.2.3. Effect of incubation time
Incubation time plays a crucial role in yeast adaptation, its growth
and in turn during ethanol production. Usually, longer incubation times
3.2.5. Effect of inoculum volume
causes toxicity to the fermenting organisms due to high ethanol con-
Fermentation is directly influenced by the quantity of viable yeast
centration whereas, low incubation time resulted in inefficient fer-
cells present in the reaction mixture. Low inoculum volume of yeast
mentation due to improper utilization of fermentable sugars. In the
cells in a fermentation broth results in reduced yield of ethanol due to
present work, incubation time was varied from 0 to 72 h at laccase to
less conversion of sugars to ethanol whereas, high inoculum volume
cellulase 1:6, solid loading 25% (w/v), 37 °C, and inoculum volume 8%
leads to reduction in ethanol concentration because the unutilized yeast
(v/v), respectively to study its effect on ethanol production from raw
cells consumes the produced ethanol as carbon source for their growth.
Kans grass (Fig. 3). Ethanol concentration of 4.65% (v/v) or 36.68 g/L
Ethanol concentration of 5.42% (v/v) or 42.76 g/L was obtained at 10%
was recorded in 24 h. A significant increase in ethanol concentration
(v/v) upon varying the inoculum volume from 1 to 12 % (v/v). The
was not observed at higher incubation time. Alkali pretreated empty
other fixed parameter were laccase to cellulase 1:6, solid loading 25%
palm fruit bunch fiber as a lignocellulosic biomass has recorded max-
(w/v), incubation time 24 h, and 37 °C, respectively. Significant im-
imum ethanol yield of 21 g/L within 28 h of incubation time upon
provement at higher inoculum volume was not observed (Fig. 5). The
fermentation [48].
result obtained in the present work is in accordance with the reported
results where, 10% (v/v) and 15% (v/v) inoculum volume were found
3.2.4. Effect of temperature to results maximum ethanol generation from laccase delignified mix-
The outer layer of the yeast cell wall is primarily made up of gly- ture of lignocelluloiscs and pineapple leaf waste upon partial con-
cosylated mannoproteins which protect the inner cell wall layer solidated bioprocessing (P-CBP) and SSF [51,78].

Fig. 5. Effect of inoculum volume on bioprocessing of Kans grass.

R.C. Rajak and R. Banerjee Energy Conversion and Management 207 (2020) 112504

Table 1
Central composite design based experimental designs (variables and responses) for bioprocessing.
Run order Solid Loading Incubation Temperature Inoculum Laccase: Ethanol (%, v/v)
(%) Time (h) (°C) Volume Cellulase Experimental Predicted
(%, v/v)

1 25 36 40 12 1:8 2.06 2.04

2 25 12 40 8 1:8 4.87 4.78
3 20 24 37.5 12 1:6 5.01 5.08
4 15 36 40 8 1:8 3.21 3.20
5 25 12 40 12 1:4 4.83 4.74
6 20 24 37.5 10 1:8 5.21 5.25
7 20 24 37.5 10 1:6 6.58 6.50
8 20 24 37.5 8 1:6 5.56 5.97
9 20 24 37.5 10 1:6 6.58 6.50
10 25 36 35 12 1:4 2.47 2.45
11 20 24 37.5 10 1:6 6.58 6.50
12 25 24 37.5 10 1:6 5.41 5.85
13 15 36 40 12 1:4 2.32 2.31
14 15 12 40 8 1:4 6.13 6.04
15 25 12 35 8 1:4 6.22 6.13
16 15 24 37.5 10 1:6 5.28 5.21
17 20 24 40 10 1:6 4.41 4.86
18 15 12 40 12 1:8 4.74 4.64
19 20 24 37.5 10 1:6 6.58 6.50
20 15 36 35 8 1:4 1.88 1.87
21 25 36 35 8 1:8 3.53 3.52
22 15 36 35 12 1:8 2.91 2.89
23 20 24 37.5 10 1:6 6.58 6.50
24 15 12 35 8 1:8 5.83 5.74
25 25 12 35 12 1:8 6.27 6.17
26 20 24 37.5 10 1:6 6.58 6.50
27 20 24 37.5 10 1:4 4.85 4.87
28 20 36 37.5 10 1:6 4.41 4.53
29 25 36 40 8 1:4 2.19 2.18
30 20 12 37.5 10 1:6 6.52 6.58
31 20 24 35 10 1:6 4.81 4.90
32 15 12 35 12 1:4 4.29 4.19

3.3. Optimization and evaluation of bioprocessing of Kans grass relation between the ethanol concentration and the independent vari-
ables such as solid loading, incubation time, temperature, inoculum
Optimization and evaluation of the bioethanol production was volume and laccase to cellulase ratio. The variables such as solid
carried out by considering the five process parameters namely, solid loading, incubation time, temperature and inoculum volume were re-
loading (15–25%, w/v), incubation time (12–36 h), temperature presented as % (w/v), (h), (°C), and % (v/v), respectively.
(35–40 °C), inoculum volume (8–12%, v/v), and laccase to cellulase Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to determine the significance
ratio (1:4–1:8) according to the above single parameter selection. The and adequacy of the model for ethanol production. The summary of
design of experiment and the ethanol concentration were tabulated in ANOVA for ethanol generation was given in Table 2. The value of
Table 1. coefficient of determination (R2) was found to be 0.94 which is close to
The result obtained from the experiments performed based on the 1 that indicates the data obtained were well fitted onto the regression
CCD was regressed onto a second order polynomial equation. The re- equation. Moreover, a significant difference was not observed between
gression equation for ethanol generation from Kans grass was re- R2 (0.94) and adjusted R2 (0.86) values that validate the fitness of the
presented as Eq. (4). regression model for ethanol production from Kans grass. Residual error
to pure error comparison from design points was carried out through
Ethanol (%, v/v) = −266.42 + 1.491 × solid loading Lack of Fit Test. The Lack of Fit value obtained was 1.11 that is found to
− 0.253 × incubation time + 12.506 × temperature be non-significant as the P value was observed to be > 0.05. The non-
+ 1.207 × inoculum volume + 4.571 × laccase
: cellulase ratio − 0.009 × solid loading Table 2
ANOVA analysis for regression coefficients and corresponding F and P values.
× solid loading − 0.001×incubation
Source DFa Seq SSb Adj SSb Adj MSc F P
time× incubation time − 0.152 × temperature × temperature
Regression 20 68.86 68.86 3.44 8.93 < 0.001
− 0.069 × inoculum volume × inoculum volume
Linear 5 36.54 8.84 1.76 4.59 0.017
− 0.133 × laccase: cellulase ratio × laccase Square 5 27.72 27.72 5.34 14.39 0.000
: cellulase ratio + 0.007 × laccase Interaction 10 4.59 4.59 0.459 1.19 0.387
Residual Error 11 4.23 4.23 0.385 – –
: cellulase ratio×incubationtime Lack-of-Fit 6 4.23 4.23 0.706 1.11 0.195
− 0.007 × solid loading × laccase: cellulase ratio + 0.016 × laccase Pure Error 5 0.100 0.100 0.02 – –
Total 31 73.10 – – – –
: cellulase ratio×inoculum R2 = 94.20% R2 (adj) = 86.82%
volume+solid loading×inoculum volume
(4) Degrees of Freedom.
Sum of Squares.
The second order regression equation (Eq. (4)) represents the Mean Square.

R.C. Rajak and R. Banerjee Energy Conversion and Management 207 (2020) 112504

Fig. 6. Response surface plots of Kans grass bioprocessing for (A) laccase to cellulase ratio and temperature, (B) temperature and inoculum volume and (C) laccase to
cellulase ratio and solid loading.

significant Lack of Fit value signified that the model was valid for the conditions predicted an optimum ethanol concentration of 8.10% (v/v).
present work. To confirm the obtained optimized conditions and model fitness further
The interactions between different variables were illustrated in experiments were carried out. The experimental ethanol obtained was
terms of 3D response surface plots. The effects of two variables on 7.62% (v/v) or 59.96 g/L (approximately, 60.00 g/L) under optimized
ethanol production were represented by each surface plots. The surface fermentation conditions which is in close proximity to the predicted
plots between laccase to cellulase ratio and temperature, temperature ethanol of 8.10% (v/v). Further, increase in ethanol concentration is
and inoculum volume and laccase to cellulase ratio and solid loading might be due to uptake of hexose sugars released from hemicellulose
for ethanol generation were given in Fig. 6(A, B and C, respectively). moieties after complete consumption of the total sugars. The pro-
Increase in the concentration of ethanol was observed up to optimum ductivity rate and ethanol conversion efficiency was found to be 2.50 g/
laccase to cellulase ratio (1:6) and temperature (37 °C) (Fig. 6A). Si- L/h and 65.01% whereas, yield was observed to be 0.249 g/g. This
milarly, maximum ethanol was recorded up to optimum inoculum vo- mode of ethanol production (ethanol yield, 0.249 g/g) from lig-
lume (8.8%, v/v) and temperature (37 °C) (Fig. 6B). Further increase in nocellulosic biomass can compete with the expensive hydrothermal and
inoculum volume does not show any significant increase in ethanol twin-gear reactor pre-treatment process followed by ethanol generation
concentration. from aquatic weeds (ethanol yield, 0.231 g/g) and rice straw (ethanol
An increase in ethanol production up to optimum solid loading of yield, 0.032 g/g) [52,53].
24% (w/v) and laccase to cellulase ratio (1:6) was illustrated through It is worth mentioning that enzymes increases the porosity of bio-
Fig. 6(C). It was observed that upon increasing the solid loading beyond mass that is easily accessible by cellulose and hemicellulose degrading
the optimum conditions does not improve the ethanol yield that may be enzymes which ultimately reduce the overall process time. Maximum
due to mass transfer limitations because of improper mixing. In addi- ethanol production was reported from acid and alkali pre-treated rice
tion, increase in laccase to cellulase ratio further does not have sig- straw at 96 h incubation upon consolidated bioprocessing by utilizing
nificant effect on ethanol production. anaerobic bacteria (Clostridium thermocellum DSM 1313) [17]. Simi-
larly, consolidated bioprocessing of alkali treated sugarcane bagasse
resulted in low ethanol concentration of 5.825 g/L after 24 h incubation
3.4. Model validation
time [54]. In another study, ionic liquid pretreated pine needle was
used as a feedstock for one pot consolidated bioprocess that results in
The optimized conditions for Kans grass bioprocessing were solid
ethanol concentration of 7.4 g/L after 72 h of fermentation [55]. Also,
loading (24%, w/v), incubation time (24 h), temperature (37 °C), in-
consolidated bioprocessing of ramon flour obtained from Brosimum
oculum volume (8.8%, v/v) and laccase to cellulase ratio (1:6) re-
alicastrum by using native strain of Trametes hirsuta Bm-2 recorded
spectively. The regression model based on the above optimized

R.C. Rajak and R. Banerjee Energy Conversion and Management 207 (2020) 112504

ethanol concentration of 13 g/L at 244 h of incubation time [56]. In the Table 3

present study, maximum ethanol was obtained at 24 h that includes Delignification of Kans grass during bioprocessing.
delignification, saccharification and fermentation because of robust Incubation Time (h) % Delignification Residual Lignin (%, w/w)
delignifying enzyme, which has resulted in higher biomass porosity and
ultimately increase the yield of ethanol. 3 31.83 ± 0.78 11.91
6 70.98 ± 1.24 5.07
Globally, the production rate of plant biomass is approximately,
12 71.12 ± 1.16 5.05
200 × 109 tons/year. The primary biomass remains accessible for the 18 71.80 ± 1.92 4.93
production of biofuels is nearly 8–20 × 109 tons [38]. It has been es- 24 72.20 ± 2.10 4.86
timated that around 442 billion litres of ethanol can be produced every
year by utilizing the primary biomasses such as agricultural and forest
residues [57,58]. The production cost of lignocellulosic ethanol in 2020 Table 4
are anticipated to be 25% less than corn and wheat ethanol because of Porosity analysis of Kans grass before and after fermentation.
exploitation of low cost abundantly available agro residues [59]. Bio- Sample Surface Area Pore Volume Pore Diameter
mass pretreatment for lignin removal or degradation is considered as (m2/g) (mL/g) (nm)
the core area which is capital intensive and requires an investment that
Raw biomass 1.38 0.0042 10.19
constitutes 30–50% of the total equipment cost [60]. High biomass
Treated biomassa 0.63 0.0034 9.10
pretreatment costs is might be due to harsh process conditions or use of
acids and other corrosive reagents being employed for reduction of the a
Biomass represents solid residual biomass after fermentation.
intrinsic recalcitrance of the lignocellulosic biomass [61]. POET-DSM
Advanced Biofuels LLC (South Dakota, United States of America) has 70% lignin removal was reported by utilizing eucalyptus woody bio-
reported 70 gallons of bioethanol per ton of lignocellulosics with their mass [73]. It is worth mentioning that lignin degradation of 20–65% is
novel biomass pretreatment technology and on-site enzyme production significant enough to improve the release of reducing sugars from the
facility [62]. The cost of enzyme based bioethanol production has been pre-treated biomass [74].
reduced from $1.22/L to $0.32/L due to improvements in biomass
pretreatment methods, hydrolytic enzymes, and fermentative organ-
3.6. Porosity analysis of Kans grass
isms [63–65]. Furthermore, the above bioethanol production cost is
based on a biomass cost of $46/T, which represents $0.12/L of the total
The surface area, pore volume and pore diameter of the untreated
product cost. Therefore, the total production cost would further reduce
substrate was found to be higher compared to residual biomass of Kans
if a low cost agricultural residues or waste feedstock is used [65]. Apart
grass bioprocessing (Table 4). Effective release of sugars from the bio-
from cheap biomass feedstock, cost of enzymes also serve as important
mass resulted in partial collapse or breakdown of pore wall that led to
cost component of the production process and reducing the cost is a key
decrease in porosity of fermented biomass. The decrease in biomass
to make the lignocellulosic bioethanol commercially viable [66,67].
porosity in terms of surface area, pore volume and diameter indicates
In the present study, Kans grass has been used a biomass feedstock
the effective action of laccase for lignin degradation and cellulase-xy-
which is a perennial C4 energy crop that grows well in marginal land,
lanase for maximum release of reducing sugars into the reaction mix-
requires less water for growth and holds good potential for energy
ture. Similar kind of observation was reported where reducing sugars
generation [68]. The regeneration ability of the plant is very high and
release was found to be increased from pineapple leaf wastes after
once it is planted can supply biomass over the years. It gives approxi-
laccase and cellulase-xylanase treatment [75]. Thus, the study of bio-
mately 10 ton/hectare of biomass compared to other crops which gives
mass porosity highlighted the effective role of enzymes for second
only 5–6 ton of biomass/hectare/year [69]. In addition, crude enzymes
generation ethanol production.
produced from fungal strains by utilizing low cost feedstocks have been
used for lignin degradation and polysaccharides hydrolysis that might
help in cost reduction of the bioethanol production process. Moreover, 3.7. Energy density estimation
adopted process conditions for bioethanol production are mild in nature
that do not require much solid-liquid handling processing steps which The energy density of raw biomass was found to higher
might further reduce the cost of the entire production process. (12.10 ± 0.08 KJ/g) compared to the residual biomass obtained after
fermentation (5.90 ± 0.42 KJ/g). The plausible reason for increase in
3.5. Delignification of Kans grass at various time intervals during Kans grass energy density of the raw Kans grass was due to presence of high
bioprocessing quantity of lignin. Being rich in carbon and nitrogen, lignin has high
heating value than cellulose and hemicellulose [76]. Similar types of
The biological or eco-friendly route from lignocellulose to the final results were reported in case of laccase and cellulase-xylanase treated
product comprised of three main steps: biomass delignification, enzy- pineapple leaf waste and mixture of lignocellulosics [75,77]. The dif-
matic hydrolysis of holocellulose and fermentation of the obtained su- ference in the energy density value of raw and fermented Kans grass is
gars. Bioprocessing in a single unit is an integration of all these three might be due to the presence of residual lignin, unutilized reducing
steps where delignifying enzyme, saccharifying enzymes and yeast were sugars and ethanol, in the case of fermented broth.
simultaneously employed for ethanol generation in a single reactor
under optimized environmental conditions. In the present study, lignin 3.8. Structural characterization of biomass
degradation from Kans grass was monitored at different time intervals
during bioprocessing to study its effect on ethanol production. It was 3.8.1. Scanning electron microscopy
observed that the extent of delignification was increased up to 6 h The structural changes before and after bioprocessing of the biomass
(70.98%) and thereafter significant increase in delignification was not was examined. The SEM analysis of the fermented Kans grass indicates
observed that might be saturation of all the active sites of laccase at disruption of the surface structure compared to the rigid, flat and intact
longer time interval (Table 3). This is in accordance with the results surface observed in the case of raw Kans grass. The surface distortion
reported in the case of laccase delignified Bambusa bamboos, Napier indicates the degradation of cell wall materials, specifically lignin that
grass and Eucalyptus globules [70-72]. Also, the amount of lignin de- might results in exposure of hidden cellulose microfibrils. Similar kind
gradation (70.98%) through eco-friendly mode is quite competitive to of surface distortion was observed after steam explosion pre-treated
the two-stage alkali and steam pre-treatment method where around birchwood followed by SSF and in the case of partially consolidated

R.C. Rajak and R. Banerjee Energy Conversion and Management 207 (2020) 112504

Table 5 Acknowledgements
XRD values of raw and fermented substrate in terms of % crystallinity and re-
lative % crystallinity. We are thankful to the University Grants Commission, New Delhi,
Biomass % Crystallinity Relative % increase/decrease in India, for providing a scholarship to Mr. Rajiv Chandra Rajak to carry
crystallinity out this study.

Raw 51.49 –
Treated substrate 39.34 −23.60

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