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The report discusses the preliminary design of a di-ethanolamide plant that would produce surfactants from crude palm oil as an alternative to importing similar products. It analyzes the technical and economic feasibility of such a plant.

The report is a preliminary design study for a chemical plant that would produce di-ethanolamide from crude palm oil. Di-ethanolamide is a surfactant that can be used in cosmetic and personal care products as an alternative to imported surfactants.

The proposed plant is designed to produce di-ethanolamide, which is a surfactant that can be used in cosmetic and personal care products like soap and shampoo as an alternative to imported surfactants.






Final Report

AYU GAYATRI (1306447663)
EGA ADI SURYA (1306412174)




1. Name : Alfiani Guntari Mahadewi

NPM : 1306370871
DOB : Jakarta, August 25th 1995
Address : Griya Enha, Kukusan Teknik, Depok, Jawa Barat
2. Name : Ayu Gayatri Sistiafi
NPM : 1306447663
DOB : Malang, February 6th 1995
Address : BSD Puspita Loka i4/12, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan
3. Nama : Dyah Paramawidya Kirana
NPM : 1306447846
DOB : Jakarta, February 11th 1995
Address : Jalan Haji Abu No. 11, Cipete Selatan, Jakarta
4. Name : Ega Adi Surya
NPM : 1306412174
DOB : Jakarta, May 29th 1995
Adress : Taman Kedoya Baru Residence, Jalan Alamanda VI,
E6/31, Jakarta Barat
5. Nama : Trisiana Chrysanthi Sandralintang
NPM : 1306371054
DOB : Jakarta, May 16th 1995
Address : Perumahan Pesona Citayam Blok A2 No.11 Desa Susukan
Kecamatan Bojong Gede Kabupaten Bogor 16000

ii Universitas Indonesia

Praise to God, The cherisher and sustainers of the worlds; God who has
been giving His blessing and mercy to the writer to complete this Final Report
entitled Preliminary Design Of Di-Ethanolamide Plant From Crude Palm Oil
This Final report is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements in
Chemical Plant Design Class as capstone course of Chemical Engineering Major
in Universitas Indonesia.
In finishing this report, the writer really gives his regards and thanks for
people who has given guidance and help, they are :
1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, DEA. , Dr. rer. nat. Ir. Yuswan
Muharam M.T. , Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Misri Gozan M.Tech., Dr. Tania Surya
Utami, S.T,.M.T and others lecturers, who has given their best guidance to
the writer in writing a great quality report and well developed chemical
2. The informant of our questionnaire that helps indirectly to begin this
3. Our Parents, who always give their supports, prayers, and blessing.
4. All friends in Chemical Engineering Department who always give their

Finally, the writer realizes there are unintended errors in writing this final
report. The writer really appreciates all readers giving their suggestion to improve
its content in order to be made as one of the good examples for the next report.

Depok, December 10th 2016

iii Universitas Indonesia


One of Indonesias most developing sector and commodity in agriculture and fast-
moving consumer goods (FMCG) products is palm oil. Indonesia is considered as
one of the worlds largest palm oil and palm fruit producers, and to its extent, the
global demand of palm oil derivate products has also increased in the past years.
Derivate products of palm oil include; biodiesel, variety of food, as well as
cosmetic and personal hygiene care. In this preliminary plant design, our
application of palm oil focuses on cosmetic and personal hygiene care products,
where emulsifiers and surfactants plays a critical role in the products stability.
Solution to reduce the import number of surfactans, such as Alkyl Benzene
Sulfonate, is by making a di-ethanolamide from indonesian natural resource, that
is Crude Palm Oil (CPO), has same function as surfactant for cosmetic product
such as soap and shampoo. Di-Ethanolamide plant will be built in Jalan Pulau
Sumatera near Kawasan Industri Dumai with production capacity is 10,000
tons/year. The overall production process that will go through selection is divided
into three parts which are CPO refinery, di-ethanol amide formation, and
purification. Based on economic analysis calculation, the payback period for our
plant is 4.35 years of operation (10 years life time) with 19 % of IRR, 43,476.59
ton of BEP and US$ 699,706.68 of NPV costs.

Keyword : di-ethanolamide, Crude Palm Oil (CPO), surfactants, payback period,


iv Universitas Indonesia
Executive Summary

One of Indonesias most developing sector and commodity in agriculture

and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) products is palm oil. Indonesia is
considered as one of the worlds largest palm oil and palm fruit producers, and to
its extent, the global demand of palm oil derivate products has also increased in
the past years. Derivate products of palm oil include; biodiesel, variety of food, as
well as cosmetic and personal hygiene care. In this preliminary plant design, our
application of palm oil focuses on cosmetic and personal hygiene care products,
where emulsifiers and surfactants plays a critical role in the products stability.
our production capacity is 10,000 tons/year. The overall production process that
will go through selection is divided into three parts which are CPO refining, di-
ethanol amide formation, and purification. The main steps of refining consist of
degumming, bleaching, and deodorizing. Di-Ethanolamide plant will be built in
Jalan Pulau Sumatera near Kawasan Industri Dumai.
Energy usage in a chemical plant is one of the most important main
concerns when designing a chemical plant. Energy usage can be one of the main
components that make up for the high cost that a chemical plant needs to spend.
Therefore, it is important to be able to design the plant as such so that energy
usage can be as efficient as possible which will have an impact on the lower cost
that is needed to provide external energy to the system. In order to do that, a Heat
Exchanger Network (HEN) design needs to be created for this preliminary plant
design. By designing HEN, usage of utilities that provides external additional
energy is reduced. In our design, HEN decreases hot utility up to 79.56% and cold
utility up to 57.35%. Utilities consist of water, electricity, and fuel. Water
provides 120.1 kg/h steam for heating and 2,823.8 kg/h cooling water for cooling.
It is also assumed that 10% of the water is lost due to miscellaneous factors,
which make up for 294.4 kg/h of water. 23.6 kg/h process water is also taken into
account. In total, 78.3 m3/day of water is required. Electricity usage which are
mostly for pumps, blending tanks, and stirred tanks amount to a total of 5698.8
kWh/day. Fuel consumption is determined by calculating fuel need per hour and
cost of electricity per hour, which amounts to a total of 59.25 L/h of diesel.

v Universitas Indonesia
Sizing the equipment and instruments is critical because this information
will help us decide and estimate the piping, pump, and control systems. Not only
that, sizing the equipment will enable us to plan and layout our plant. To show
specific details on the production process, a P&ID of all the equipment are
necessary, where it shows piping sequence, controlling elements and parameters,
and even control interlocks. Our plant consists of 41 equipment, which includes 9
vessels/ tanks, 15 pumps, 3 filters, 2 reactors, 1 flash column, 1 mixers, 5 heat
exchangers, 1 decanter, 1 heater, and 3 coolers.
Analyzing health, safety, and environment (HSE) aspect of our plant is
also important. By doing so, we can establish a protocol for handling accidents,
emergencies, as well as firefighting. Our plants HSE analysis also includes plant
process safety management, where it is based on OSHA and Peraturan
Kementrian Ketenagakerjaa. Another crucial decision for our plant is plant
layout. This will not only impact the operation in the long term, but also the
quality of work environment for the employees as well as HSE aspect. Another
consideration that is important for a plant layout is the spacing which includes
spacing between instruments, people, and constructions. Our plant has a total area
of 14,703.96 m2, which consists of a production, utility, waste water treatment,
administration, supporting as well as evacuation and emergency area. The
production area of our plant is both indoors and outdoors because some equipment
is not quite applicable for an indoor situation. We also have a warehouse,
laboratory, and control room to support our production process.
To find out whether our plant feasible to set or not, it is necessary
economic analysis calculations. The plant will be built in 2017 and the duration
estimated for plant completion is 1 year. The total capital investment for our plant
is $2,467,568.97 USD , operational cost of our company is $13,740,262.14 USD,
and the price of Cocomide DEA is $1,500 USD/ton. To fulfil the need of starting
capital, were loan from two different sources, banks debt from Mandiri (40%)
and investors equity (60%). Based on economic analysis calculation, the payback
period for our plant is 4.35 years of operation (10 years life time) with 19 % of
IRR, 43,476.59 ton of BEP and US$ 699,706.68 of NPV costs.

vi Universitas Indonesia
Table of Contents

TITLE ....................................................................................................................... i
LIST OF GROUP MEMBERS ............................................................................... ii
PREFACE .............................................................................................................. iii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... iv
Executive Summary ................................................................................................ v
Table of Contents .................................................................................................. vii
List of Tables........................................................................................................... x
List of Figures ....................................................................................................... xii
CHAPTER 1 ........................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Background .......................................................................................................1
1.2. Literature Riview ..........................................................................................1
1.2.1. Crude Palm Oil (CPO) ...........................................................................1 Free Fatty Acids (FFA) ................................................................... 2 Moisture of CPO ............................................................................. 3 Heavy Metal Contents ..................................................................... 3 Deterioration of Bleachability Index (DOBI) ................................. 3 Oxidized Products ........................................................................... 4 Minor Constituents .......................................................................... 4
1.2.2. Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil (RBDPO) ...............................4
1.2.3. Diethanolamine (DEA) ..........................................................................5
1.2.4 Cocamide DEA .......................................................................................6
1.3. Market and Capacity Analysis ......................................................................7
1.4. Plant Location Analysis ................................................................................9
1.4.1. Raw Material Availability ......................................................................9
1.4.2. Product Distribution ...............................................................................9
1.4.3. Water Accessibility ..............................................................................10
1.4.4. Labor Availability ................................................................................10
1.4.5. Infrastructure ........................................................................................10
CHAPTER 2 ..........................................................................................................12
PROCESS SYNTHESIS ........................................................................................12
2.1. Alternative Processes and Selection...........................................................12
2.1.1. CPO Refinery .....................................................................................12 Physical Refinery ...........................................................................12 Chemical Refinery .........................................................................13 Physical Refinery with Membrane Technology.............................13 Process Selection............................................................................13
2.1.2. Cocamide DEA Formation...................................................................17 Cocamide DEA Formation without catalyst ..................................17 Cocamide DEA Formation with Sulphuric Acid Catalyst .............17 Cocamide DEA Formation with Acetic Anhydrade Catalyst ........18 Cocamide DEA Process Scoring ....................................................18
2.2. Process Description .....................................................................................21
2.2.1. CPO Refinery .......................................................................................21

vii Universitas Indonesia Degumming ....................................................................................21 Bleaching........................................................................................22 Deodorization .................................................................................22
2.2.2. Cocamide DEA Formation...................................................................23
2.2.3. Cocamide DEA Purification ................................................................24 Glycerol Separation........................................................................25 Flash Evaporator ............................................................................25 Sodium Methoxide Separation .......................................................25 Silica Gel Adsorption .....................................................................26
CHAPTER 3 ..........................................................................................................28
EQUIPMENT SIZING AND SPECIFICATIONS ................................................28
3.1. CPO Storage Tank (V-101).........................................................................28
3.2. Heat Exchanger (HX-106) ..........................................................................28
3.3. Ultrafiltration (UF-101) ..............................................................................29
3.4. Mixer (MX-101)..........................................................................................30
3.5. Heat Exchanger (HX-101) ..........................................................................30
3.6. Heater (H-102) ............................................................................................31
3.7. Bleaching Tank (V-103) .............................................................................32
3.8. Filter Press (PFF-101) .................................................................................33
3.9. Deodorizing Tank (V-104)..........................................................................33
3.10. Filter Press (PFF-102) ...............................................................................34
3.11. RBDPO Storage Tank (V-105) .................................................................35
3.12. Heat Exchanger (HX-103) ........................................................................35
3.13. Heat Exchanger (HX-104) ........................................................................36
3.14. Methanol and Sodium Methylate Storage Tank (V-106) ..........................37
3.15. Diethanolamine Storage Tank (V-107) .....................................................37
3.16. Heat Exchanger (HX-105) ........................................................................38
3.17. Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor 1 (R-101) .............................................38
3.18. Cooler (CX-107) .......................................................................................39
3.19. Acetic Anhydrate Storage Tank (V-108) ..................................................40
3.20. Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor 2 (R-102) .............................................40
3.21. Decanter (V-109) ......................................................................................41
3.22. Flashing Column (F-101) ..........................................................................42
3.23. Cooler (CX-108) .......................................................................................42
3.24. Cooler (CX-109) .......................................................................................43
3.25. Product Storage (V-110) ...........................................................................44
CHAPTER 4 ..........................................................................................................45
PROCESS CONTROL STRATEGY .....................................................................45
4.1. Main Process and Instrument Diagram .......................................................45
4.2. Control and Instrumentation .......................................................................48
CHAPTER 5 ..........................................................................................................61
PLANT LAYOUT .................................................................................................61
5.1. Plant Location ............................................................................................61
5.2. Area and Process Plant Layout ..................................................................61
5.3. Area Description ........................................................................................72
CHAPTER 6 ..........................................................................................................73
HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENT ......................................................73
6.1. Hazard Identification ...................................................................................73

viii Universitas Indonesia

6.2. Hazard and Operability Studies ..................................................................80
6.3. Waste Management .....................................................................................90
6.3.1. Solid Waste ..........................................................................................90
6.3.2. Liquid Waste ........................................................................................91
6.3.3. Gas Waste.............................................................................................93
CHAPTER 7 ..........................................................................................................94
ECONOMIC CALCULATIONS & ANALYSIS ..................................................94
7.1. Calculation Assumption and Cost Index ....................................................94
7.1.1. Calculation Assumption .....................................................................94
7.1.2. Cost Index ...........................................................................................95
7.2. Capital Expenditure....................................................................................95
7.2.1. Equipment Cost ..................................................................................95
7.2.2. Utility Cost and Water Waste Treatment Cost (Offsite Facilities) .....98
7.2.3. Building and Land Cost ......................................................................98
7.2.4. Additional & Supporting Equipment Cost .........................................99
7.2.5. Total Capital Expenditure ...................................................................99
7.3. Direct Production Cost .............................................................................100
7.3.1. Raw Material Cost ............................................................................100
7.4. Maintenance Cost .....................................................................................104
7.5. Fixed Cost ................................................................................................104
7.6. Plant Overhead Cost .................................................................................105
7.7. Distribution Cost ......................................................................................105
7.8. Marketing, Brand and Other Expenses ....................................................106
7.9. Operating Cost (OPEX) Breakdown ........................................................106
7.10. Cocamide DEA Price .........................................................................108
7.11. Cash Flow ..........................................................................................108
7.11.1. WACC ..............................................................................................109
7.12. Profitability Analysis .........................................................................110
7.12.1. Payback Period .................................................................................110
7.13. Sensitivity Analysis ...........................................................................111
7.13.1. Selling Price Fluctuation ..................................................................112
7.13.2. Operational Cost Changes (Raw Material) .......................................112
7.13.3. Operational Cost Changes (Labor Cost Deviation) ..........................113
7.13.4. Sensitivity Graph ..............................................................................114
7.13.5. Strategy .............................................................................................117
CHAPTER 8 ........................................................................................................118
OUTSTANDING ISSUE .....................................................................................118
8.1. Technical Issue ..........................................................................................118
8.2. Economic Issue .........................................................................................118
CHAPTER 9 ........................................................................................................120
CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................120
REFERANCES ....................................................................................................123
APPENDICES .....................................................................................................127

ix Universitas Indonesia
List of Tables

Table 1.1. Specific CPO Composition ................................................................... 2

Table 1.2. Specification and Comparison of CPO and RBDPO ............................ 5
Table 1.3. Production Capacity of Several Existing Plant ..................................... 7
Table 1.4. Cocamide DEA Import Value ............................................................... 8
Table 1.5. Designed Production Capacity .............................................................. 9
Table 2.1. Scoring for CPO refinery alternative................................................... 16
Table 2.2. Comparison of cocamide DEA formation process .............................. 18
Table 2.3. Cocamide DEA formation score ......................................................... 19
Table 2.4. Comparison of cocamide DEA formation technology ........................ 19
Table 2.5. Operating condition of degumming process ....................................... 21
Table 2.6. Operating condition of bleaching process ........................................... 22
Table 2.7. Operating condition of deodorizing process ....................................... 23
Table 2.8. Operating condition of cocamide DEA formation .............................. 24
Table 2.9. Operating condition of flash evaporator .............................................. 25
Table 3.1 V-101 Specification .............................................................................. 28
Table 3.2 HX-106 Specification ........................................................................... 28
Table 3.3 UF-101 Specification ........................................................................... 29
Table 3.4 MX-101 Specification .......................................................................... 30
Table 3.5 HX-101 Specification ........................................................................... 30
Table 3.6 H-102 Specification .............................................................................. 31
Table 3.7 V-103 Specification .............................................................................. 32
Table 3.8 PFF-101 Specification .......................................................................... 33
Table 3.9 V-104 Specification .............................................................................. 33
Table 3.10 PFF-10 Specification .......................................................................... 34
Table 1.11 V-105 Specification............................................................................ 35
Table 3.12 HX-103 Specification ......................................................................... 35
Table 3.13 HX-104 Specification ......................................................................... 36
Table 3.14 V-106 Specification............................................................................ 37
Table 3.15 V-107 Specification............................................................................ 37
Table 3.16 HX-105 Specification ......................................................................... 38
Table 3.17 R-101 Specification ............................................................................ 38
Table 3.18 CX-107 Specification ......................................................................... 39
Table 3.19 V-108 Specification............................................................................ 40
Table 3.20 R-102 Specification ............................................................................ 40
Table 3.21 V-109 Specification............................................................................ 41
Table 3.22 F-101 Specification ............................................................................ 42
Table 3.23 CX-108 Specification ......................................................................... 42
Table 3.24 CX-109 Specification ......................................................................... 43
Table 3.25 V-110 Specification............................................................................ 44
Table 4.1. Control and Instrumentation................................................................ 48
Table 5.1. Process Equipment Size ...................................................................... 64
Table 5. 2. Estimated Total Area of Cocamide DEA Plant .................................. 65
Table 6.1. Risk Rating Matrix .............................................................................. 73
Table 6.2. Hazard Identification Analysis ............................................................ 74
Table 6.3. Hazard and Operability Study Analysis .............................................. 81

x Universitas Indonesia
Table 6.4. Waste Identification ............................................................................ 90
Table 6.5. Wastewater Parameter ......................................................................... 91
Table 7. 1. Process Equipment Cost ..................................................................... 96
Table 7. 2. Piping Cost ......................................................................................... 97
Table 7. 3. Piping Elbow Cost .............................................................................. 97
Table 7. 4. Piping Valve Cost............................................................................... 98
Table 7. 5. Offsite facilities cost ........................................................................... 98
Table 7. 6. Total Cost of Land and Building ........................................................ 99
Table 7. 7. Total Capital Expenditure .................................................................. 99
Table 7. 8. Raw Material Cost of Cocamide DEA Plant .................................... 100
Table 7. 9. Insurance Cost .................................................................................. 105
Table 7. 10. OPEX Breakdown .......................................................................... 107
Table 7. 11. Producer Price ................................................................................ 108
Table 7. 12. Total Depreciation .......................................................................... 109
Table 7. 13. Selling Price Analysis .................................................................... 112
Table 7. 14. Raw Material Analysis ................................................................... 113
Table 7. 15. Labor Cost Analysis ....................................................................... 114

xi Universitas Indonesia
List of Figures

Figure 1.1. DEA Structure ..................................................................................... 6

Figure 1.2. Reaction scheme of the synthesization. R1, R2, R3 are the alkyl
chains with or without epoxide(s) functionality ..................................................... 6
Figure 1.3. ABS Demand ....................................................................................... 8
Figure 1.4. Designed Plant Location .................................................................... 11
Figure 2.1. Cocamide DEA formation ................................................................. 23
Figure 4.1. Main Process P&ID ........................................................................... 45
Figure 5. 1. Designed Plant Location ................................................................... 61
Figure 5. 2. Typical Flammable and Combustible liquid and liquefied Flammable
Gases Tank ............................................................................................................ 63
Figure 5. 3. Typical Spacing requirement for On-site buildings for Fire
Consequences ........................................................................................................ 64
Figure 5. 4. Area Plant Layout of Cocamide DEA .............................................. 67
Figure 5. 5. Equipment Plant Layout with Battery Limit..................................... 68
Figure 5. 6. Plant Layout with Production Flow .................................................. 69
Figure 5. 7. Zoom in of Plant Layout with Production Flow ............................... 70
Figure 5. 8. Plant Layout in 3D ............................................................................ 71
Figure 6.1. Wastewater Treatment Process .......................................................... 92
Figure 7. 1. Direct Operating Labor Requirements For Chemical Plant............ 102
Figure 7. 2. OPEX Breakdown........................................................................... 107
Figure 7. 3. Cumulative Cashflow ..................................................................... 110
Figure 7. 4. Cumulative Cashflow ..................................................................... 110
Figure 7. 5. Chart for Sensitivity Analysis ......................................................... 114
Figure 7. 6. NPV Chart for Sensitivity Analysis ................................................ 115
Figure 7. 7. Payback Period Chart for Sensitivity Analysis ............................... 116
Figure 7. 8. Break Even Point Chart for Sensitivity Analysis ........................... 116

xii Universitas Indonesia


1.1. Background
As the demand of cosmetic and personal care products increases
nowadays, the development of surfactants is indeed crucial. The most important
property from surfactants is their amphiphilic ability, which means that one part of
the molecule is lipophilic and the other is lipophobic. A number of synthetic or
petroleum based surfactants and emulsifiers are known to be toxic to animals,
ecosystem, and humans; and can increase the diffusion of the other environmental
contaminants (Emmanuel et al., 2005; Metcalfe et al., 2008). Hence, the need to
produce low cost and ecofriendly surfactants from renewable and biodegradable
sources is necessary.
Cocamide DEA (CDEA) or cocamide diethanolamide is a diethanolamide
derived from a mixture of fatty acids from palm oil with diethanolamine. This
viscous substance is mostly used as a non-ionic surfactant, foaming agent, and
emulsifiers in products such as hair shampoos, hand soap, aqueous-based cleanser,
and numerous cosmetic products. The usage of crude palm oil as the fatty acid
base is due to the fact that Indonesia is one of the largest producers of palm fruit
and oil, with 32 MT palm oil produced in 2016 according to Indonesias
Investment. However, Indonesia has not produced its own CDEA. In order to
fulfill the consumers increasing needs of cosmetic and personal care sector, a
plant design for dietahnolamide, specifically from palm oil is needed.

1.2. Literature Riview

1.2.1. Crude Palm Oil (CPO)
According to Higuchi (1983), crude vegetables oil consists of desirable
triglyceride, unsaponifiable matter that are combined together with a small
amount of impurities. The impurities contribute an undesirable impact to the end
product of the oil, namely color, odor, flavor, instability and foaming. Thus a step
to remove the impurities is very crucial in order to achieve a high quality of

1 Universitas Indonesia

refined oil with minimal possible oil loss and damage to the oil. Compositions of
crude palm oil is summarized in the table 1.1.

Table 1.1. Specific CPO Composition

Component Description Specification
Triglycerides 95%
Free Fatty Acids (FFA) 2-5%
Red Colour (5 Lovibond Cell) Orange red
Moisture & Impurities 0,15-3%
Peroxide Value (PV) 1-5 meq/kg
Anisidine Value (AV) 2-6
-carotene content 500 - 700 ppm
Phosphorus (P) 10 20 ppm
Iron (Fe) 4 10 ppm
Tocopherols 600 1000 ppm
Diglycerides 2-6%
(Source: Noor Azian, 1995)

The quality of crude palm oil depends on the contents of the free fatty
acids, moisture, heavy metal, DOBI, oxidized products, and minor constituents;
where these factors will differ crude palm oil and the derivative products. Free Fatty Acids (FFA)

FFA content of crude palm oil is a common index of oil quality used by
commercial oil refiners. FFA are formed when the bound fatty acids in
triglyceride, diglyceride and monoglyceride molecules are separated either
chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis. The levels of FFA content in crude palm oils
are very interlinked to its moisture content. High moisture content of palm oil fruit
is favorable to the enzyme reaction, where this material should be processed
promptly to achieve yield with low FFA content. With that being said, crude palm
oils with low FFA indicates that the oil are being processed from fresh, unbruised
fruits and is handled with care during production, storage, and transportation. On
the other hand, high FFA content must be avoided due to very likely results of
higher refining losses and the possibility of bleach ability issues during refinery
(Formo et al., 1979).

Universitas Indonesia
3 Moisture of CPO

Moisture condition of CPO shows the miscibility of oils and water under
certain conditions, mainly when triglyceride undergoes hydrolysis forming FFA
and glycerol (Formo et al., 1979). However, under other circumstances, the rate of
hydrolytic separation of triglyceride molecule to produce FFA is negligible at
0,1% moisture content. Therefore, crude palm oil should be stored with moisture
content of below 0,1% to prevent an increase in FFA and degrading quality of
deterioration due to oxidation (Goh, 1991). Heavy Metal Contents

Traces of heavy metal in crude palm oil, commonly iron (Fe) and copper
(Cu), are pro-oxidant which can damage the oil quality. These elements are the
result of corrosion and mechanical wear from mills and refineries. Therefore, the
use of stainless steel for mill machineries will be quite relevant.
Heavy metal traces may be present as complexed surrounded by proteins,
phospholipids and lipids as well as non-lipid carriers. Other traces of metal such
as manganese, cadmium and lead are present in a very low concentration and is
negligible. Deterioration of Bleachability Index (DOBI)

DOBI is a parameter that indicates the oxidative status of crude palm oil
and its shelf life as well as refinability (Siew, 1994). It is also used as an
indication based on the number of carotenes still present in the crude palm oil and
the amount of secondary oxidation products. An easily bleached crude palm oil
will have a DOBI of 4, while a lower quality of CPO will have a DOBI of 2,5-3.
The DOBI is impacted by mainly 2 factors, which are the quality of fresh
fruit bunches (FFB) and the storage of CPO. The freshness of FFB impacts the
DOBI, where storage of palm oil bunches over 4 days shows a significant
reduction in DOBI values. Not just storage duration, fruit conditions; bruised,
under-ripe and over-ripe, may cause the DOBI value to decrease.

Universitas Indonesia
4 Oxidized Products

Oxidized compounds that have been formed will be difficult to remove
thus resulting in a poor bleachability during refining and leads to poor stability
and keepability of fined oils. Not only that, oxidized compounds will put off an
unpleasant odor and off-flavor which is caused from the double bond of
unsaturated FFA with oxygen. With that being said, crude palm oil aeration must
be prevented as well as contact with iron or copper. At some refinery condition,
oxidation can be avoided by less exposure to light, elevated temperature, and the
presence of pro-oxidants. Minor Constituents

Minor constituents, even though present in a small amount, will impact the
bleaching process, stability and nutritional value of the palm oil. Compounds such
as phospholipids that contains phosphorus, nitrogen, sugars, and long chain FFA
must be removed during degumming process using a strong acid substance.

1.2.2. Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil (RBDPO)

Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil (RBDPO) is a derivate of crude
palm oil that has undergone processes such as degumming, bleaching, and
deodorization in order to obtain a higher quality of oil with minimum impurities.
In several refineries, the accepted specification for CPO to be processed into
RBDPO is to have 5% maximum FFA and 2,5% maximum of moisture and
impurities content (Goh, 199).
RBDPO firstly undergoes degumming, which is a process to separate
phospholipids, proteins and other insoluble compounds in oil when hydrated.
Then, bleaching process is done to remove contaminant that adversely impacts the
appearance and performance of the triglycerides-based materials. The bleaching
process will effectively remove and degrade some of the color, reduces the
contents of chlorophyll, residual soap and gums, trace metals, oxidation products,
and indirectly impacts on deodorized oil color. Bleaching process is more than
mixing adsorbent and oil followed by filtration, but also the complexity of

Universitas Indonesia

chemical and physical reactions as well as its process variables (moisture levels,
temperature, contact time, oil quality).
The third process to refine CPO into RBDPO is deodorization.
Deodorization is a stripping process that uses a stripping agent (commonly steam)
to release volatile components of oil through a low pressure operation condition.
CPOs quality that has been deodorized is evaluated by parameters such as low
residual FFA content, a high oxidative stability, a light color and a bland odor and
taste. Specifications of RBDPO and CPO can be compared from the Table 1.2.

Table 1.2. Specification and Comparison of CPO and RBDPO

Characteristic CPO RBPO
Free Fatty Acid 2.5 0.10
Moisture and impurities 0.25 0.10
Peroxide value (%max) 1.0 2.0
Anisdine value (max) 4.0 4.0
Color, 133.35 (5 in) Lovibond, max - 3.0 R
DOBI, min 2.8 -
(Source: AceTech Federation of Malaysia, 2007)

1.2.3. Diethanolamine (DEA)

Diethanolamine, often abbreviated as DEA or DEOA, is an organic
compound with the formula HN(CH2CH2OH)2. Pure diethanolamine is a white
solid at room temperature, but its tendency to absorb water and to supercool mean
it is often encountered as a colorless, viscous liquid. Diethanolamine is
polyfunctional, being a secondary amine and a diol. Like other organic amines,
diethanolamine acts as a weak base. Reflecting the hydrophilic character of the
secondary amine and hydroxyl groups, DEA is soluble in water. Amides prepared
from DEA are often also hydrophilic. Recently, the chemical has been classified
by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as "possibly carcinogenic to
humans (Group 2B)".

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 1.1. DEA Structure

1.2.4 Cocamide DEA

Cocamide DEA, or cocamide diethanolamine, is a diethanolamide made
by reacting the mixture of fatty acids from coconut oils with diethanolamine.
Coconut oil diethanolamine condensate is a mixture of diethanolamides of the
fatty acids that constitute coconut oil, which is composed of approximately 48.2%
lauric acid (12:0), 18% myristic acid (14:0), 8.5% palmitic acid (16:0), 8%
caprylic acid (8:0), 7% capric acid (10:0), 6% oleic acid (18:1, n-9), 2.3% stearic
acid (18:0) and 2% linoleic acid (18:2, n6) (NTP, 2001). Diethanolamide was first
obtained by reacting two moles of diethanolamine with a fatty acid. This
compound is named Kritchevsky amide in accordance with the name of the
inventor. Raw materials used in the production of diethanolamide may include
fatty acids, triglycerides or methyl esters. Diethanolamide conventional chemical
is usually produced at a temperature of 150C for 6-12 hours (Herawan et al,
1999). Reaction will be produced diethanolamide products and by-products such
as soaps amine. The presence of an amine soap is, of course, will raise the pH of
the product. The next stage will be purified product to separate the main product
with an amine soap.

Figure 1.2. Reaction scheme of the synthesization. R1, R2, R3 are the alkyl chains with or without
epoxide(s) functionality
(Source :

Universitas Indonesia

Diethanolamide included in the non-ionic surfactant, which has the ability

to lower the surface tension of liquids, or between the surfaces of two liquids that
do not mix with each other. Surfactant activity occurs due to the dual nature of the
molecule, which comprises a hydrophilic and lipophilic. part of polar
(hydrophilic) surfactant molecules can positively charged (cationic), negative
(anionic), has both positive and negative charges (amphoteric surfactants) or
neutral (nonionic surfactant) while lipophylic is an alkyl chain.

1.3. Market and Capacity Analysis

Currently, Indonesia does not produced its own cocamide DEA. Therefore,
we will use Indonesias cocamide DEA import data to determine our production
capacity. We will also determine our capacity by benchmarking with other similar
plant. These data will be used to predict our plant designed production capacity.
Table bellow show the production capacity of existed cocamide DEA plant. Based
on this data, our plant can have production capacity between 500 ton to 50,000 ton
per year.

Table 1.3. Production Capacity of Several Existing Plant

No Nama Perusahaan Capacity /year
1. Shijiazhuang Betop Magnesium Zinc Technology Co., Ltd 500
2. Anhui Ruipu Scien-Tech & Trade Co., Ltd. 1000
3. Guangzhou Flowers Song Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. 50,000

Based on BPS, we can also predict the value of Indonesias cocamide

DEA import. Table 1.3. show the data from year 2007 to 2015. The value of
cocamide DEA consumption is fluctuating between this year, with a tendency to
climb up each year. The average number of cocamide DEA import value is
2,451,537 kg per year, or around 2,500 ton per year.

Universitas Indonesia

Table 1.4. Cocamide DEA Import Value

Year Net Weight Value Value 1 kg Value 1 kg
(Kg) (US$) (US$) (IRD)
2007 2,219,123 3,987,878 1.797 24,260.19

2008 2,838,366 7,983,046 2.812 37,969.42

2009 2,266,480 3,430,474 1.513 20,433.18

2010 2,361,679 3,346,423 1.416 19,129.06

2011 2,883,159 4,989,069 1.730 23,360.63

2012 2,490,850 3,445,679 1.383 18,675.01

2013 2,158,226 3,180,103 1.473 19,891.98

2014 2,548,651 3,757,684 1.474 19,904.15

2015 2,297,296 2,625,201 1.142 15,426.92

AVERAGE 2,451,537 4,082,840 1.638 22,116.73

(Source: BPS, 2015)

We also see the possibility to subtitute other surfactant used in similar

industry, such as alkyl benzene sulfonate (ABS). ABS is a surfactant used in
shampoo and other lifecare product. Indonesia import most of ABS that they need
which is an oportunity for our product to take over. Moreover, our product is a
natural based surfactant, which may be mo21re interested for customer rather than
ABS which is petroleum derivatives. Figure 1.3. show ABS demand over the year
2007 to 2014, and also predict the possible demand of ABS in 2018, which is the
start of our plant operation. The value of ABS demand in 2018 is 216,972

Figure 1.3. ABS Demand

(Source: Reproduced from BPS, 2014)

Universitas Indonesia

Based on this calculation, we decided to take 100% of cocamide DEAs market,

which represent 2,500 ton/year; and also take a share of 2.5% of ABS market,
which is 7,500 ton/year; making our plant production capacity 10,000 ton/year.

Table 1.5. Designed Production Capacity

Production Portion Amount Market
Capacity (ton) (ton) Share
10000 Request by company 2500 100%
Replacing ABS 7500 2.5%

1.4. Plant Location Analysis

We are looking for an area that will support our operational yet reduced
our capital and operational expenses, and therefore increased our profit. There are
several parameters that we use to choose the best location for our production
facility, which are raw materials distribution, product distribution, water and
power accessibility, labor availability, and infrastructure. Based on these
parameters, we decide to built our plant in Kawasan Industri Dumai, Jalan Pulau
Sumatera, Medang Kampai, Dumai city, Riau. This decision was made based on
the consideration of the mentioned parameters.

1.4.1. Raw Material Availability

There are two main raw materials that we used in the production of
cocomide DEA, Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and diethanol amine (DEA). Our main
raw materials, CPO, come from palm oil plantation which is distributed across
Indonesia, in which Indonesia are the biggest CPO producers in the world (United
State Department of Agriculture,2007). Moreover, Sumatera Island is the biggest
producers of CPO in Indonesia, which is 69,1% (21,387,654 Ton CPO/year) of
Indonesias total CPO production (BPS, 2015). Therefore, Sumatera Island is a
good candidate for our plant location. Moreover, Riau itself is the biggest CPO
producer in Sumatra, which make Riau a potential location for our plant.

1.4.2. Product Distribution

Product distribution also considered in the determination of our plant
location. Our plant is built near Sumatera Island main road, which connect our

Universitas Indonesia

plant with big city in Sumatera. This road also give us access to major harbour in
Sumatra Island that help us distribute our products such as Pelabuhan Penumpang
Dumai that connect us with Malaysia and Singapore, and Pelabuhan Bakauheni in
Lampung that connect us with Java Island. This will help us increase our profit by
expanding our market and reduce product distribution cost.

1.4.3. Water Accessibility

Another important factor in the cocomide DEA production is water. Water
is used in the refinery of CPO and utility unit. The further our plant location from
water sources, the higher our production cost will be. There are two possibility
that our plant can choose to get water access. First is to get water from another
supplier like PDAM. Second, is by taking water from the nearest water source
such as river stream. Our plant is located near a river, making it easier for us to get
our water needed for plant operation. By considering this factors, the location we
choose still fulfill the criteria we set and therefore stand as a promising location
for our production plant.

1.4.4. Labor Availability

Human resource also contributes in the success of our company. Thus, it is
important to find a place that have the labor needed to operate and maintain our
production process. Riau itself have a promising human resource that can fulfill
our demand. Based on BPS statistic in 2013, there are 120,250 labor force
available in Riau with labor force participation rate of 64,14%. The number of
unemployment in Riau are 11,546 people, or 9,60% of the labor force (BPS,
2013). This data show us the opportunity to open employment for unemployed
Riau residence which give us good change of getting labors.

1.4.5. Infrastructure
The location that we choose is passed by Sumatera Island main road,
which is Jalan Pulau Sumatera. Our plant also located near Kawasan Industri
Dumai, which give us good electricity and telecommunication infrastructure.

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 1.4. Designed Plant Location


Universitas Indonesia

2.1. Alternative Processes and Selection

The overall production process that will go through selection is divided
into three parts which are CPO refinery, di-ethanol amide formation, and
purification. Each of these parts will have its own alternative. Through the
selection process, one alternative will be selected for each of the parts. At the end,
we will end up with a total of three selected alternatives, one from each part, and
they will be combined to create an overall selected process.

2.1.1. CPO Refinery

The refinery process consists of three main stages which are degumming,
bleaching, and deodorizing. The degumming stage is done to remove gum,
containing mostly of phospholipids. Degumming is generally divided into two
methods which are physical degumming and chemical degumming. If the gums
are not removed, these phospholipids are able to emulsify the oil and causes
oxidative instability, resulting in undesirable flavor and color of oil as well as a
shorter shelf life of the oil. The bleaching stage is done to remove color from the
oil such that it creates clear oil, much lighter in color in comparison to before
bleaching. It is usually done through adsorption using bleaching earth which
removes trace metal complexes, pigments, and oxidation products. The
deodorizing stage is done to remove odor from the oil in the form of palm fatty
acid distillate (PFAD). This is generally done by high temperature heating under
vacuum which removes components that contribute to off-flavors. After going
through refinery, the oil becomes refined palm oil (RPO) and is ready to be
processed. Physical Refinery

The first alternative is physical refining with acid. This alternative uses
phosphoric acid or citric acid at the degumming stage to coagulate phospholipids
(gum) to make them insoluble as well as to decompose non-hydratable

12 Universitas Indonesia

phospholipids thus making them easy to separate from the oil. The acid will then
be carried along to the bleaching and deodorization stage where it will be removed
using high pressure steam with high temperature. Chemical Refinery

The second alternative is chemical refining with neutralization. This
alternative also uses phosphoric acid or citric acid at the degumming stage to
coagulate the phospholipids. However, before continuing to the bleaching and
deodorizing stage, a neutralization process takes place to remove the acid. This
neutralization is done by reacting the acid with alkali to produce soap and water
through the following reaction:
with RCOOH as fatty acid/phospholipids, NaOH as alkali, RCOONa as soap, and
H2O as water. With this neutralization, the phospholipids are removed in the form
of soap which will be separated from the oil due to its difference in density. Physical Refinery with Membrane Technology

The third alternative is physical refining with membrane technology. This
alternative utilizes membrane technology at the degumming stage. The membrane
filters out impurities based on the size difference between impurities and oil
molecules. This procedure will reduce the use of chemicals in CPO refinery
process. Process Selection

The first assessed parameter is the processs yield. According to Heuristic
no. 7, the temperature, pressure, and catalyst should be adjusted to obtain high
yields of the desired products. The yield produced by chemical refining using
alkali is the lowest because of the high possibility of oil loss when the result of the
neutralization, which is the soap stock, is separated from the system. Physical
refining method has better yield (Rohani, 2006) due to the lower possibility of oil
carryover that exits the system and is therefore scored higher.

Universitas Indonesia

The second assessed parameter is the operational cost. The usage of

chemicals such as acid and alkali requires higher cost because of the price of acid
that needs to be continuously bought for the process.The third assessed parameter
is the number of procedures. The physical refining with acid process consists of
four steps which are acid degumming, bleaching, filtration, and deodorization.
The chemical refining with neutralization consists of five steps which are acid
degumming, alkali neutralization, bleaching, filtration, and deodorization. The
physical refining with membrane process consists of five steps which are
ultrafiltration degumming, bleaching, first filtration, deodorization, and second
filtration. It can be seen that the physical refining with acid process has the least
number of processes, which will take less time, in comparison to the other two
alternatives, and therefore scored higher
The fourth assessed parameter is the energy usage, which is mostly
different on the deodorization stage. The physical refining with acid process does
not involve neutralization, which means that all of the acid can only be removed
during the deodorization stage that requires high pressure steam with a high
temperature (because it does not only evaporate the odor in form of FFA but also
the acid). Therefore, that process earns the lowest score in terms of energy usage.
The chemical refining with neutralization process also requires removing any
possible traces of acid left that may have been carried to the deodorized stage. It
means that high pressure steam is used with a normal temperature, enough to both
deodorize and remove small traces of leftover acid. This process earns higher
score than the previous one.
The fifth assessed parameter is the toxicity. According to Heuristic no. 1,
the raw materials and chemical reactions that are selected should avoid or reduce
the handling and storage of hazardous and toxic chemicals. Both the chemical
refining process with neutralization and the physical refining process with acid
utilizes phosphoric acid or citric acid, regardless of how much of them will still be
left by the end of the process. The amount of acid used, especially if they are in
excess, may be difficult to be removed and contribute to further refining problems
(Rohani, 2007). The acid is neutralized in the chemical refining with
neutralization process and therefore can be considered less toxic. However, in

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comparison, the physical process with membrane technology does not use any
acid at all. Therefore, it is scored the highest in terms of process with less toxicity.

Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.1. Scoring for CPO refinery alternative

Physical Refining with Chemical Refining with

Physical Refining with Membrane
No. Criteria Percentage Acid Neutralization
Quality Rating Score Quality Rating Score Quality Rating Score
1 Yield 25% Higher 4 1 Lowest 3 0,75 Higher 4 1
2 OPEX 20% High 4 0,8 Highest 3 0,6 Lowest 5 1
3 No. of Procedures 20% Four 4 0,8 Five 3 0,6 Five 3 0,6
4 20% Higher 4 0,8 Highest 3 0,6 Lowest 5 1
5 Toxicity 15% Most toxic 2 0,3 Less toxic 4 0,6 Not toxic 5 0,75
TOTAL 100% 3,7 3,15 4,35
RANK 2 3 1
(Source: Reproduced from Rohani, 2006)

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2.1.2. Cocamide DEA Formation

The RBDPO produced from the CPO refinery process is then reacted with
DEA to form cocamide DEA. In this sub-chapter, we will synthesize the process
based on heuristics. There are three alternative in producing cocamide DEA, that
are cocamide DEA formation using sulphuric acid catalyst, cocamide DEA
formation using acetic anhidrat catalyst, and cocamide DEA formation without
catalyst. Formation of cocamide DEA is categorize as amidation reaction. Cocamide DEA Formation without catalyst

Cocamide DEA formation without catalyst is only Refined Bleaching
Deodorization Palm Oil (RBDPO) reacted with diethanolamine at high
temperature (130C), for 6 hours. This reaction occurs in high temperature
condition making it less economic then other operation that use lower energy.
Whereas, to get more yields of desired products, based on Heuristic 7, we have to
adjust pressure, temperature, and catalyst. So, we provide an alternative process
by adding catalysts. Cocamide DEA Formation with Sulphuric Acid Catalyst

Second alternative is cocamide DEA formation process using sulphuric
acid catalyst is Refined Bleaching Deodorization Palm Oil (RBDPO) reacted with
diethanolamine and to accelerate the methylation reaction, so then added sulphuric
acid catalyst. To get more yields of desired products, based on Heuristic 7, we
have to adjust pressure and temperature. However, for the Cocamide DEA
formation process using sulphuric acid catalyst, we adjust temperature. Based on
research, the best result.of the synthetis was obtained at temperature 160C
(Amide conversion of 98,36%) for 5 to 6 hours. If the cocamide DEA formation
using sulphuric acid, after the amidation reaction ends, so be required separation
between the results amidation reaction with sulphuric acid, separation by adding a
solvent which can bind to the sulphuric acid or with only setling. This is based on
the Heuristic 9 for separating the liquid mixture by decanting process.

Universitas Indonesia
18 Cocamide DEA Formation with Acetic Anhydrade Catalyst

Third alternative is cocamide DEA formation process using Acetic
anhydride catalyst. Acetic anhydride has been shown to play a role accelerate the
process of the formation reaction diethanolamide as shown in patent US 5108661
A. Acetic acid catalyst to accelerate the process and produce yields of 89 %. The
process to get cocamide dea are following : preparing sodium methylate in
solution at 30% in methyl alcohol mixed with diethanolamide and fatty acid from
RBDPO. The whole mixture being kept at 80 C. The temperature is kept up for 5
to 6 hours and the methanol, produced by the reaction, is distilled continuously.
The resulting amide has a free diethanolamine content of about 5%. Said
amide is cooled to 40-45 C., then under a vacuum of 300-400 torr, 50 kg of
acetic anhydride are introduced gradually under stirring. The introduction lasts
about one hour. The reaction being exothermal, the temperature is kept to 40-45
C. with, if necessary, a slight cooling down. Than to optimize free amine content
we add acetic anhydride with bring the temperature to 90-92C.
By using this catalyst in the purification process does not require washing
process, during the purification process has obstacles to split water because
primary products such as surfactants that soluble in water . To remove the acetic
alhydrate catalyst only to put pressure higher than the value of the vapor pressure
so it will evaporate , the low value of the vapor pressure of acetic alhydrate make
the removal process becomes easier . This purification process is simpler than
other methods because it does not have to eliminate the water content in large
numbers on the product. Cocamide DEA Process Scoring

Table 2.2. Comparison of cocamide DEA formation process

Cocomide DEA Advantage Disadvantage
Using sulphuric acid - higher Conversion to product - The procedures for Cocamide
catalyst and accelerate the DEA formation increased that
methylation reaction there is a process of separation
between impurity products and
sulphuric acid

Universitas Indonesia

Tabel 2.2. Comparison of Cocamide DEA Formation Process (Contd)

Cocomide DEA Advantage Disadvantage
Using Acetic - higher Conversion to product - The procedures for Cocamide
anhydride catalyst accelerate the DEA formation increased that
methylation reaction there is a process of separation
between impurity products and
Without catalyst The resulting product is more lower Conversion to product and
pure than the use of catalyst need a long time to methylation
(Source: Reproduced from various sources)

To determine the process of cocamide DEA formation we use process

scoring, the two base processes will be scored by some parameters. Score of each
concept is evaluated by multiply the score with score percentage. After mention
the criteria with their scoring percentage that will be used to evaluate some
qualify concept, now arrange the concept scoring matrix with value of scoring:
1 : worse, 2 : bad, 3 : equal, 4 : better, 5 : very good

Table 2.3. Cocamide DEA formation score

Using Sodium Using Sulphuric Without
No Criteria Weight Methylate Catalyst Acid Catalyst Catalyst
Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
1 Condition 20% 3 0.6 2 0.4 2 0.4
2 Yield of process 25% 3 0.75 2 0.5 2 0.5
3 Time of process 20% 3 0.6 3 0.6 2 0.4
Number of
4 15% 3 0.45 4 0.6 5 0.75
5 Purity 20% 3 0.6 3 0.6 4 0.8
Total 100% 3 2.7 2.85
(Source: Reproduced from various sources)

Table 2.4. Comparison of cocamide DEA formation technology

Using Sodium Using Sulphuric
No Criteria Without catalyst
Methylate Catalyst acid Catalyst

160 C (International
Journal of
Operating 110C ( Journal of
1 Condition 80C (US 5108661 A) American oil
Research in
Sustainability Chemistry Society)
Science, Engineering

Universitas Indonesia

Table 2.5. Comparison of cocamide DEA formation technology (Contd)

Using Sodium Using Sulphuric
No Criteria Without catalyst
Methylate Catalyst acid Catalyst
98,36% (International
Journal of Innovative 64,3% ( Journal of
Yield of
2 99,5% (US 5108661 A) Research in Science, American oil
Engineering and Chemistry Society)
5-6 hours
(International Journal
5 hours ( Journal of
Time of 6 hours (US 5108661 of Innovative
3 American oil
Fermentation A) Research in Science,
Chemistry Society)
Engineering and
Extra process occurs Extra process occurs Extra process occurs
because there are because there are because there are no
catalyst injection and catalyst injection and catalyst injection and
Number of
4 separation process separation process separation process
between outcome between outcome between outcome
amidation reaction and amidation reaction amidation reaction
catalyst and catalyst and catalyst
more impure because
more impure because
there are catalyst and More pure than using
there are catalyst and
other compound sulphuric acid and
5 Purity other compound (that
(that are the result of sodium methylate
are the result of an
an amidation catalyst
amidation reaction)
(Source: Reproduced from various sources)

Based on table 2.3., we can see that the scoring number is different. Score
of cocamide DEA formation using Sodium Methylate Catalyst is higher than
using sulphuric acid catalyst or without enzyme. Based on table 2.3., yield product
of cocamide DEA formation using Sodium Methylate Catalyst is higher than
using sulphuric acid catalyst and without catalyst. The use of catalyst is not cheap
so it can increase capex and opex, because it should add to the operating units
such as catalyst storage tank and separation tank to separate the catalyst with
impurity cocamide DEA, and also increase cost for purchasing catalyst. Based on
research from Ir. Renita et al (2013), synthetis of diethanolamide by using
sulphuric acid catalyst and without catalyst need high temperature, so it can
increase energy for heating and impact on the increase in operating costs. Based
on above explanation, so we choose process of cocamide DEA formation using
sodium methylate catalyst.

Universitas Indonesia

2.2. Process Description

2.2.1. CPO Refinery
The first step in the production of cocamide DEA are CPO refinery
process. This process consist of three steps, which are CPO degumming,
bleaching, and deodorization. These processes are conducted in order to remove
impurities, gums, -carothene, metals, and odor (in the form of free fatty
acid/FFA). Degumming
Degumming procedure can be done using ultrafiltration membrane
method, in which fluids is passed through an ultrafiltration membran with pores
size smaller than the gums, separating gums from the oils. The filtration will be
using polyvinylidene fluoride ultrafiltration membrane, with pores size of 24 nm
to 37,5 nm. To optimize the separation process, the oil is heated to a temperature
of 50oC. The hot oil mixture is then passed through the PVDF ultrafiltration
membrane, which will produce permeate with phosphorus content of no more than
4 ppm. The fluid is passed through the membrane using centrifugal pump that
give the fluid pressure of 2 x 105 Pa and flowing through a 60 sets of membrane
fibers with a length of 25 cm each (Patent WO 2014058294 A1, 2012) . There
will be another ultrafiltration unit standing by, ready to operate as soon as the
pressure drop in the used ultrafiltration become to high and the quality of the
degummed oil decrease. The membrane is then washed before being put into
Membrane degumming is more prefferable rather than chemical
sedimentation of gums because the use of chemicals can leave residual chemicals
in our end product, which is avoided by most of consumers. Another factor is the
lower operational cost, in which the use of membrane degumming technology
reduce the use of chemicals in CPO refinery process.

Table 2.6. Operating condition of degumming process

Parameter Value
Pressure 2 x 105 Pa
Temperature 50oC
Pore size 24 37,5 nm
Fibers number 60
(Source: Patent WO 2014058294 A1, 2012)

Universitas Indonesia
22 Bleaching
The second step in CPO refinery is called bleaching. This process remove
the colour-producing substances and further purify the palm oil. A bleaching
agent is used in the removal of colour and impurities in this process. A bleaching
agent is a substance, in this chase is called bleaching earth, which have the
capability to adsorb pigment-type molecules because of their affinity towards it.
This removal process will produced a cleaner, more clear oils without demaging
the oil.
The bleaching agent used in this procedure is acid activated bleaching
earth. Bleaching earth itself is a decolourising agent, which will change the tint of
any coloured oil to a lighter shade by changing the basic colour units in oil,
without altering the chemical properties of the oil. This bleaching earth are
produced from high-purity montmorillonite clay which is treated with mineral
acid. It is said that the optimum ratio of bleaching earth to oil used in the process
are by range of 0,5-2,0% wt/wt (Rohani, 2006). In this process, we used a ratio of
1% wt/wt of bleaching earth, as recomended by Rohani in her research report.

Table 2.7. Operating condition of bleaching process

Parameter Value
Temperature 100oC
Vacuum 50 torr
Bleaching agent Acid activated bleaching
Bleaching agent to oil ratio 1,0% wt/wt
Residence time 30 minutes
(Source: Rohani, 2006) Deodorization
The last step of CPO refinery are deodorization. Deodorization is the
removal of odor producing substance that may reduced palm oil purity and
quality. The odor substances are represented by free fatty acid (FFA). The filtered
oil (DBPO/Degummed Bleached Palm Oil) is channelled into the deodorizer that
will remove FFA in the oil mixture. The deodorized palm oil also passed through
a filter press before moving to the storage tank to make sure there is no suspended

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impurities carried by RBDPO. During this process, FFA will be removed at the
upper section of deodorizer. The FFA will be carried away by the steam and
separated in the form of palm fatty acid distillate (PFAD). Apart from FFA,
carotenoids pigments, primary, and secondary oxidation products are also being

Table 2.8 Operating condition of deodorizing process

Parameter Value
Vacuum condition 2 4 mmHg
Temperature 200oC
Steam injection ratio 2,5-4%
(Source: Rohani, 2006)

2.2.2. Cocamide DEA Formation

The second step in producing cocamide DEA is cocamide DEA formation.
In this step, the refined, bleached, deodorized palm oil is reacted with
diethanolamine, producing palm oil diethanolamide and glycerol as the product.
The reaction will be conducted inside a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) in
order to obtain the desired residence time and a perfect mixture inside the tank,
resulting in an optimized product purity that will reduce the cost of purification.
To obtain cocamide DEA, both RBDPO and DEA are transfered into the
CSTR. We based our production process on US Patent number US 5108661 A,
that use two reactor in series to produced a cocamide DEA with yield at least
99,5%. For the first reactor, both fluid entering the reactor is prepared by heating
it so the operating condition inside the reactor is around 80oC. the reaction will
occur on vacuum condition. This operating condition is based on US Patent
number US 5108661 A, which pubished in 1992. The reaction to produce
cocamide diethanolamide is written in figure 2.1. bellow.

Figure 2.1 Cocamide DEA formation

(Source: EP 2321389 B1, 2015)

Universitas Indonesia

R1 represent the fatty acid in the triglyceride from palm oil and RdOH represent
the ethanol inside the amine.
Based on this reaction, 1 mol of triglyceride can be converted into 3 mol
of cocamide DEA, by reacting it with 3 mol diethanolamine, producing glycerol
as its by product. Sodium methoxide is used as catalyst to lower the energy
needed in reaction. The temperature needed to perform this reaction without any
catalyst is ranging from 130-200oC (EP 2321389 B1, 2015). However, in the
presence of sodium methoxide as methylation agent, the operation condition can
be lowered to as low as 80oC under vacuum condition. This reaction can achive
95% conversion.
The second reaction occur in a stirred tank reactor using acetic anhydride
as catalyst. The reaction occured in vacuum condition at 40o-45oC, and said to
give 99,5% conversion. The vacuum condition is between 300-400 torr, or 0,3-0,4
bar. 50 kg of acetic anhydrade is use for every 1000 kg diethanolamide produced.
Thus, the ratio of acetic anhydrade used is 5% from the product mass. The
residence time in this reactor is set to be 1 hour.

Table 2.9 Operating condition of cocamide DEA formation

Parameter Value Reactor 1 Value Reactor 2
Temperature 80 C 45 -50oC

Residence time 5 hours 1 hours

Conversion 95% 99,5%
Vacuum 300-400 torr
Catalyst-Product ratio 1,7% 5%
(Source: Patent EP2321389 B1, 2015)

2.2.3. Cocamide DEA Purification

The last step in diethanolamide production is cocamide DEA purification.
The mixture produced from cocamide DEA formation still have byproduct, excess
reactant, and catalyst. A purification step is needed to increase the economical
value of our product. There are three separation method used in the purification of
our product, which is decanting, flash separation, and silica gel adsorption.

Universitas Indonesia
25 Glycerol Separation

The first step in cocamide purification is separating glycerol, along with
excess reactant and water, by using a decanting tank. This separation process is
based on the different effect of gravitation acceleration towards each particle in
the mixture. Component with higher density, thus heavier than the other, will
settled faster and separated from the lighter component. The heavy component
that settle at the bottom of decanter is called the heavy phase and the light
component present at the top of the tank is called light phase. Glycerol, which
have higher density than cocamide will settle at the bottom of the tank and
entering the heavy phase, therefore separated from cocamide. This process will be
carried out in a batch system. Flash Evaporator

The light phase that contain our product still have catalyst, methanol, and
water. These component need to be separated before the product is sold.
According to the patent US 5108661 A, acetic anhydrade can be separated from
the product by heating the mixture to the temperature of 95oC under vacuum
condition. This process can also separate methanol from product stream because
of the heat from this operation. The boiling point of methanol under normal
condition is 64,75oC. The flash operation occurs in 95oC, giving methanol enough
energy to vaporize and removed.

Table 2.10 Operating condition of flash evaporator

Parameter Value
Temperature 95oC
(Source: US 5108661 A. 1992) Sodium Methoxide Separation

Sodium methoxide is the catalyst used in the first reactor. Sodium
methoxide is soluble in methanol and ethanol, and insoluble inside water or oil.
therefore, the removal of methanol from the mixture will decrease its solubility
and sodium methoxide will precipitate under the decanting tank. Thus, the
removal of sodium methoxide can be achieved by using a simple

Universitas Indonesia

sedimentation/decanting tank. This method will also separate some water which
occur on the heavy phase. The product from this process is gathered from the light
phase and will contaion cocamide DEA and water. Silica Gel Adsorption

The residual water contain in the product stream need to be removed by
dehidration process. The dehidration process can be done by passing product
stream through adsorbent that will take the water and let the product pass. Silica
gel is known to be a good adsorbent for water and could be used to remove water
from product stream. The water is already low before entering the silica gel
adsorption tower. Therefore, we can reduced the consumption of silica gel and
lower the operating cost of our production process.

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Figure 2.2 Block Flow Diagram

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We doing calculation about all equipment that we use. For calculation

detail each are shown in appendix B, Below are the specification each main
3.1. CPO Storage Tank (V-101)

Table 3.1 V-101 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name CPO Storage Tank
Equipment Code V-101
Function As a storage tank of CPO
Material Carbon Steel
Quantity 1
Operating Conditions
Pressure 168.101 kPa
Temperature 25 oC
Storage Time 7 days
Design Specification
Type of Tank Vessel Storage Tank
Type of Head Torispherical Head
Capacity 213 m3
Tank Diameter 5.5 m
Tank Height 7.8 m
Shell Thickness 4.6 mm
Head Thickness 7.8 mm

3.2. Heat Exchanger (HX-106)

Table 3.2 HX-106 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code HX-106
Function To lower temperature before entering CSTR 2
and increase temperature before entering
Quantity 1
Type Shell and Tube Exchanger
Hot Fluid Data Operation
Type of Fluid Crude : Cocamide DEA + Diethanolamine +

28 Universitas Indonesia

Table 3.2 HX-106 Specification (contd)

Hot Fluid Data Operation
Hot Fluid Rate 1413.692 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 800 C
Outlet Temperature 70.020 C
Cold Fluid Data Operation
Type of Fluid Crude Palm Oil
Cold Fluid Rate 1097.315 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 250 C
Outlet Temperature 500 C
Construction Data
U 105.26 BTU/ft2.F.h
LMTD 66.7 C
Dirt Factor (Rd) 0.00374
Material Carbon Steel
ID Shell 0.203 m
OD Tubes 0.019 m
Shell Pass 4
Tube Pass 4
Length of Tube 12 in
Number of Tube 19
Pitch Type Triangular
Tube Pitch 1 in

3.3. Ultrafiltration (UF-101)

Table 3.3 UF-101 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Ultrafiltration
Equipment Code UF-101
Function Filter CPO
Quantity 1
Operation Condition
Type of Fluid Crude : Cocamide DEA + Diethanolamine +
Feed flowrate 1097.315 kg/hr
Temperature 50 C
Pressure 1.987 atm
Filtrate flowrate 1041.876 kg/hr
Filtrate volume 1.497206 m3/hr
Filtrate density 875.1 kg/m3
Rate of cake 30.2 kg/hr
Design Specification
Cake thickness 0.05 m
Filter Area 0.933 m2

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Table 3.3 UF-101 Specification (Contd)

Design Specification
Number of plate 12
Filter Cloth Carbon steel

3.4. Mixer (MX-101)

Table 3.4 MX-101 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Mixer
Equipment Code MX-101
As a mixing tank for working mixing
bleaching earth and water
Material Carbon steel
Quantity 1
Operating Conditions
Pressure 130 kPa
Temperature 25 oC
Storage Time 1 day
Vessel Design Specification
Type of Tank Mixing tank
Type of Head Torispherical Head
Capacity 0.153 m3
Tank Diameter 0.89 m
Tank Height 1.27 m
Shell Thickness 0.6 mm ( 0.024 in)
Head Thickness 3.7 mm ( 1.46 in)
Agitator Specification
Type Pitch-blade turbine
Diameter 0.3 m
Distance from bottom tank 0.4 m
Power 6.9 Watt

3.5. Heat Exchanger (HX-101)

Table 3.5 HX-101 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code HX-101
Function To increase fluid temperature before entering
the blending tank and cooling fluid temperature
before entering CSTR 1
Quantity 1
Type Shell and Tube Exchanger

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Table 3.5 HX-101 Specification (Contd)

Hot Fluid Data Operation
Type of Fluid RBDPO
Hot Fluid Rate 978.135 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 392 0 C
Outlet Temperature 176 0 C
Cold Fluid Data Operation
Type of Fluid Crude Palm Oil
Cold Fluid Rate 1041.875 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 77 0 C
Outlet Temperature 122 0 C
Construction Data
U 35.97 BTU/ft2.F.h
LMTD 170.63 oC
Dirt Factor (Rd) 0.092
Material Carbon steel
ID Shell 0.74 m
OD Tubes 0.019 m
Shell Pass 2
Tube Pass 1
Length of Tube 12 ft
Number of Tube 490
Pitch Type Triangular
Tube Pitch 1 in

3.6. Heater (H-102)

Table 3.6 H-102 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code HX-102
Function To increase heat for bleaching process
Quantity 1
Type Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Hot Fluid Data Operation
Type of Fluid Steam
Hot Fluid Rate 120
Inlet Temperature 220
Outlet Temperature 219
Cold Fluid Data Operation
Type of Fluid DPO (Degummed Palm Oil)
Cold Fluid Rate 317.48
Inlet Temperature 50
Outlet Temperature 100

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Table 3.6 H-102 Specification (Contd)

Construction Data
U 71.76 BTU/ft2.F.h
LMTD 125.53 C
Dirt Factor (Rd) 0.055
Material Carbon Steel
ID Shell 0.2032 m
OD Tubes 0.01905 m
Shell Pass 1
Tube Pass 4
Length of Tube 12 in
Number of Tube 20
Pitch Type Triangular
Tube Pitch 1 in

3.7. Bleaching Tank (V-103)

Table 3.7 V-103 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Bleaching Tank
Equipment Code V-103
Equipment Specification
Material Carbon Steel
Units 1
Function Bleaching process
Operation Data
Blending Time 30 min
Design Pressure 1 atm
Design Temperature 100 oC
Construction Data
Tank Volume 1 m3
Tank Diameter 0.92 m
13.82 mm 1.33 m
Cylinder Thickness 3.23 cm
Head Thickness 3.25 cm
Impeller Diameter 0.31 m
Impeller Type Turbine
Baffle Width 0.07 m
Power of Impeller 14.2 W

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3.8. Filter Press (PFF-101)

Table 3.8 PFF-101 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Plate and Frame Filter Press
Equipment Code PFF-101
Number of Unit 2
Operation Continous
Function Separate RBPO from bleaching earth
and impurities component
Design Data
Generic Design Plate and frame type cross-flow
membrane filtration module
Material Construction Stainless steel
Pore width 1-5 mm
Operating Temperature 100 oC
Filter pressure 1 atm
Feed Flowrate 1061.69 kg/h
Cake Flowrate 29.17 kg/h
Filtrate density 672.66 kg/m3
Filtrate volumetric flow 1534.99 L/h
Cake density 1039.67 kg/m3
Cake thickness 0.05 m
Cake porosity 0.09
Effective filter area 0.67 m2
Plate surface area 0.09 m2
Number of plate 8

3.9. Deodorizing Tank (V-104)

Table 3.9 V-104 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Stripper for Deodorization
Equipment Code V-104
Material Carbon Steel
Quantity 1
Function to remove FFA (Free Fatty Acid) in the
oil (DBPO/Degummed Bleached Palm
Oil) using steam
Operation Data
Blending Time 20 min
Design Pressure 1 atm
Design Temperature 200 oC

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Table 3.9 V-104 Specification (contd)

Construction Data
Number of stages 1
Tank Diameter 1.27 m
Tank Height 1.83 m
Cylinder Thickness 0.39 cm
Impeller Diameter 0.42 m
Impeller Type Turbine
Baffle Width 0.11 m
Power of Impeller 103 W

3.10. Filter Press (PFF-102)

Table 3.10 PFF-10 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Plate and Frame Filter Press
Equipment Code PFF-102
Number of Unit 2
Operation Continous
Function Separate RBDPO from impurities
Design Data
Generic Design Plate and frame type cross-flow
membrane filtration module
Material Construction Stainless steel
Pore width 1-5 mm
Operating Temperature 100 oC
Filter pressure 1 atm
Feed Flowrate 1103.601 kg/h
Cake Flowrate 14.58 kg/h
Filtrate density 665.53 kg/m3
Filtrate volumetric flow 1469.706 L/h
Cake density 851.49 kg/m3
Cake thickness 0.05 m
Cake porosity 0.09
Effective filter area 0.37 m2
Plate surface area 0.09 m2
Number of plate 5

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3.11. RBDPO Storage Tank (V-105)

Table 3.11 V-105 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name RBDPO Storage Tank
Equipment Code V-105
Function To store RBDPO
Quantity 1
Operation Data
Pressure 101.3 kPa
Temperature 100 oC
Storage Time 24 hour
Construction Data
Type of Tank Vessel Storage Tank
Type of Head Torispherical Head
Capacity 30 m3
Tank Diameter 2.78 m
Tank Height 3.97 m
Shell Thickness 3.33 cm
Head Thickness 3.36 cm

3.12. Heat Exchanger (HX-103)

Table 3.12 HX-103 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code HX-103
To heat the stream from decanter before entering
flash column
Quantity 1
Type Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Hot Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil
Rate 978.134 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 200C
Outlet Temperature 163.16C
Cold Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Cocamide DEA
Rate 1340.425 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 45C
Outlet Temperature 95C
Heat Exchanger Design
U 53. 206 BTU/ft2.F.h
LMTD 93.67C
Dirt Factor 0.15

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Table 3.12 HX-103 Specification (contd)

Heat Exchanger Design
Material Carbon steel
ID Shell 0.203 m
OD Tubes 0.019 m
Shell Pass 1
Tube Pass 4
Length of tube 12 in
Number of Tube 24
Pitch Type Triangular
Heat Exchanger Design
Tube Pitch 1 in

3.13. Heat Exchanger (HX-104)

Table 3.13 HX-104 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code HX-104
To heat the stream from decanter before entering
flash column
Quantity 1
Type Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Hot Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil
Rate 978.134 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 163.16C
Outlet Temperature 126.32C
Cold Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Cocamide DEA
Rate 1340.425 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 45C
Outlet Temperature 95C
Heat Exchanger Design
U 39.837 BTU/ft2.F.h
LMTD 56.77C
Dirt Factor 0.086
Material Carbon steel
ID Shell 0.203 m
OD Tubes 0.019 m
Shell Pass 1
Tube Pass 4
Length of Tube 12 in
Number of Tube 24
Pitch Type Triangular
Tube Pitch 1 in

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3.14. Methanol and Sodium Methylate Storage Tank (V-106)

Table 3.14 V-106 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Methanol and Sodium Methylate Storage
Equipment Code V-106
Function Store methanol and sodium methylate prior to usage
Material Stainless Steel 316
Quantity 1
Operating Condition
Pressure 101.33 kPa
Temperature 25 C
Restock Frequency 30 days
Design Specification
Type of Tank Vessel Storage Tank
Type of Head Torispherical Head
Capacity 65 m3
Tank Diameter 3.59 m
Tank Height 5.13 m
Shell Thickness 1.3 cm
Head Thickness 1.27 cm

3.15. Diethanolamine Storage Tank (V-107)

Table 3.15 V-107 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Diethanolamine Storage
Equipment Code V-107
Function Store diethanolamine prior to usage
Material Stainless Steel 316
Quantity 1
Operating Condition
Pressure 101.33 kPa
Temperature 25C
Restock Frequency 7 days
Design Specification
Type of Tank Vessel Storage Tank
Type of Head Torispherical Head
Capacity 64 m3
Tank Diameter 3.56 m
Tank Height 5.13 m
Shell Thickness 1.3 cm
Head Thickness 1.26 cm

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3.16. Heat Exchanger (HX-105)

Table 3.16 HX-105 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code HX-105
Function To heat up diethanolamine before entering CSTR 1
Quantity 1
Type Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Hot Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Cocamide DEA mixture
Rate 1244.882 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 95C
Outlet Temperature 45C
Cold Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Diethanolamine
Rate 364.007 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 25C
Outlet Temperature 80C
Heat Exchanger Design
U 25.103 BTU/ft2.F.h
LMTD 31.28 C
Dirt Factor 0.019
Material Carbon steel
ID Shell 0.203 m
OD Tubes 0.109 m
Shell Pass 1
Tube Pass 1
Length 14 in
Number of Tube 109
Pitch Type Triangular
Tube Pitch 1 in

3.17. Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor 1 (R-101)

Table 3.17 R-101 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name CSTR 1
Equipment Code R-101
Function Cocamide DEA formation
Quantity 1
Equipment Type Continuous Stirred Tank
Materials Stainless Steel 316

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Table 3.17 R-101 Specification (contd)

Operating Condition
Capacity 8 m3
Temperature 80C
Pressure 400 torr
Residence Time 5 hours
Flow Rate 1.43 m3/h
Vessel Dimension
Vessel Shell
Diameter 1.83 m
Shell Height 2.74 m
Vessel Shell
Shell Thickness 2.50 cm
Vessel Head
Type Torispherical
Straight Flange 0.11 m
Head Thickness 4.23 cm
Impeller Type Flat-Blade Turbine
Number 1
Diameter 0.61 m
Distance from Tank Bottom 0.61 m
Thickness 0.076 m
Rotation Speed 0.9 rps
Power 0.158 kW

3.18. Cooler (CX-107)

Table 3.18 CX-107 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code CX-107
Reduce stream temperature before entering reactor
Quantity 1
Type Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Hot Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Cocamide DEA mixture
Rate 1279.85 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 70.02C
Outlet Temperature 45C
Cold Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Cooling water
Rate 2330 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 25C
Outlet Temperature 48C

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Table 3.18 CX-107 Specification (contd)

Heat Exchanger Design
U 31.33 BTU/ft2.F.h
LMTD 37.79C
Dirt Factor 0.035
Material Carbon steel
ID Shell 0.337 m
OD Tubes 0.019 m
Shell Pass 1
Tube Pass 2
Length of tube 12 in
Number of Tube 109
Pitch Type Triangular
Tube Pitch 1 in

3.19. Acetic Anhydrate Storage Tank (V-108)

Table 3.19 V-108 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Acetic Anhydrate Storage
Equipment Code V-108
Function Store acetic anhydrate prior to usage
Material Stainless Steel 316
Quantity 1
Operating Condition
Pressure 143.66 kPa
Temperature 25C
Restock Frequency 30 days
Design Specification
Type of Tank Vessel Storage Tank
Type of Head Torispherical Head
Capacity 33.33 m3
Tank Diameter 3.11 m
Tank Height 4m
Shell Thickness 3.0 cm
Head Thickness 4.6 mm

3.20. Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor 2 (R-102)

Table 3.20 R-102 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name CSTR 2
Equipment Code R-102

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Table 3.20 R-102 Specification (contd)

Equipment Specification
Function Cocamide DEA formation
Quantity 1
Equipment Type Continuous Stirred Tank
Materials Stainless Steel 316
Operating Condition
Capacity 2 m3
Temperature 45C
Pressure 400 torr
Residence Time 1 hour
Flow Rate 1.43 m3/h
Vessel Dimension
Vessel Shell
Diameter 1.11 m
Shell Height 1.66 m
Shell Thickness 2.00 cm
Vessel Head
Type Torispherical
Straight Flange 0.30 m
Head Thickness 4.22 cm
Impeller Type Flat-Blade Turbine
Number 1
Diameter 0.37 m
Distance from Tank Bottom 0.37 m
Thickness 0.046 m
Rotation Speed 0.9 rps
Power 0.0228 kW

3.21. Decanter (V-109)

Table 3.21 V-109 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Decanter
Equipment Code V-109
Separating product (cocamide DEA) from its by-
product (Glycerol) and impurities based on its density
Operating Condition
Pressure 172.68 kPa
Temperature 45C
Settling Time 7.93 hours
Residence Time 8 hours

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Table 3.21 V-109 Specification (contd)

Vessel Design
Materials Carbon Steel
Tank Type Horizontal Two Phase Separator
Head Type Thorispherical
Capacity 13 m3
Tank Diameter 1.38 m
Tank Length 6.92 m
Shell Thickness 0.03 m
Straight Flange 0.72 m
Head Thickness 0.0043 m

3.22. Flashing Column (F-101)

Table 3.22 F-101 Specification

Equipment Specification
Name Flash Evaporator
Code F-101
Function To separate methanol and acetic anhydrate
from Cocamide DEA
Quantity 1
Type Flash Drum
Operating Condition
Pressure 1.013 bar
Temperature (In Out) 95C - 35C
Feed Rate 1.4 m3/h
Heavy Phase Rate 1.272 m3/h
Light Phase Rate 0.102 m3/h
Vessel Design
Cross Sectional Area 0.05 m2
Diameter 25.5 cm
Height 1m
Shell Thickness 3.786 mm
Material Carbon Steel

3.23. Cooler (CX-108)

Table 3.23 CX-108 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code CX-108
To reduce the methanol and acetic anhydrate
temperature outlet
Quantity 1
Type Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

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Table 3.23 CX-108 Specification (contd)

Hot Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Methanol and Acetic Anhydrate
Rate 95.54 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 95C
Outlet Temperature 35C
Cold Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Cooling water
Rate 138.57 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 25C
Outlet Temperature 48C
Heat Exchanger Design
U 41.743 BTU/ft2.F.h
LMTD 43.035C
Dirt Factor 0.00314
Material Carbon steel
ID Shell 0.035 m
OD Tubes 0.063 m
Length 94.8 in
Number of Hairpins 8

3.24. Cooler (CX-109)

Table 3.24 CX-109 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Cooler
Equipment Code CX-109
To reduce the temperature of Cocamide DEA final
product before entering storage tank
Quantity 1
Type Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
Hot Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Cocamide DEA
Rate 1,416.39 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 45C
Outlet Temperature 35C
Cold Fluid Operating Condition
Type of Fluid Cooling water
Rate 1,242.17 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 25C
Outlet Temperature 35C
Heat Exchanger Design
U 418.134 BTU/ft2.F.h
LMTD 19.461C
Dirt Factor 0.00205
Material Carbon steel

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Table 3.24 CX-109 Specification (contd)

Heat Exchanger Design
ID Shell 0.035 m
OD Tubes 0.063 m
Length 91.2 in
Number of Hairpins 8

3.25. Product Storage (V-110)

Table 3.25 V-110 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Cocamide DEA Storage Tank
Equipment Code V-111
To storage the final product of Cocamide
DEA formation
Material Carbon Steel
Quantity 1
Operating Condition
Pressure 101.3 kPa
Temperature 30C -35C
Storage Time One Week
Vessel Design
Type of Tank Vessel Storage Tank
Type of Head Torispherical Head
Capacity 230 m3
Tank Diameter 5.473 m
Tank Height 7.820 m
Shell Thickness 3.5 cm
Head Thickness 8.6 mm

For each pump specification are shown in appendix B, either about utility
specification process and calculation each equipment are shown at appendix C.

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4.1. Main Process and Instrument Diagram

Figure 4.1 Main Process P&ID

NAME Signature Date

Name Group 1

45 Universitas Indonesia

Figure 4.1. Main Process P&ID (Contd 1)

NAME Signature Date

Name Group 1

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Figure 4.1. Main Process P&ID (Contd 2)

NAME Signature Date

Name Group 1

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4.2. Control and Instrumentation

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of

Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
Level transmiter
will send the
reading about the
operator if
level status of
the liquid
the storage using
level in the
electric signal to
storage is
Outlet Level the level
low to alarm
CPO Storage Liquid level stream flow indicator indicator in the
Low if there is
valve transmitter control room,
(PI) alarm will ring
when the level is
happened to
low and operator
our main raw
will decrease the
material like
outlet flow and
leak or other.
refill the storage
transmiter will
indicate if there
is any pressure
Make sure
changes in the
Flow that the UF
Pressure UF and send
Ultrafiltration Pressure control High was achive
control (PI) electric signal to
valve desire
the pressure
control, which
will signal to the
control valve and
increase or

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of

Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
decrease the
CPO flow. And
other same
sensore doing
same task for
valve to control
retentate from
When the
residence time of
mixer process
more or less than
Flow residence
Quality of Flow design, the
Mixer control - time of mixer
Mixing Control (PI) transmitter will
valve process still
tranfer signal to
in range
time indicator
control to open
and close
When the
Controlling temperature of
temperature outlet heat
in outlet exchanger more
Steam flow heater still in or less than
Output heat Flow
Heater control - range so that design, the
temperature control (PI)
valve next unit transmitter will
operation transfer signal to
gets desired temperature
temperature indicator control
to open and close
Bleaching Level liquid Outlet Level High; Controlling When the level

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of

Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
Tank in tank stream flow indicator (PI Low level in in blending tank
valve blending tank more or less than
still in range design, the
transmitter will
tranfer signal to
level indicator
control to open
and close
When the
temperature of
inlet blending
tank more or less
Temperature Temperature Temperature temerature in
than design, the
blending control inlet indicator High inlet
transmitter will
tank valve (PI) blending tank
tranfer signal to
still in range
indicator control
to open and close
When the
residence time of
Controlling bleaching
residence process more or
Quality of
Residence Time time of less than design,
bleached High
time indicator (PI bleaching the transmitter
palm oil
process still will tranfer
in range signal to time
indicator control
to open and close
Plate and Filtrated Pressure Pressure Controlling When the
Frame concentration driven control (PI) oil apart from pressure driven

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of

Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
Filtation bleaching of plate and
earth frame filtration
more or less than
design, the
transmitter will
tranfer signal to
indicator control
to open and close
When the level
in blending tank
more or less than
Outlet Level design, the
Level liquid High; level in
stream flow indicator transmitter will
in tank Low blending tank
valve (PI) tranfer signal to
still in range
level indicator
control to open
and close
When the
Deodorizing Controlling
temperature of
Tank temerature in
inlet blending
tank more or less
Temperature Temperature Temperature blending tank
than design, the
blending control inlet indicator High still in range
transmitter will
tank valve (PI) so that
tranfer signal to
blending tank
get desired
indicator control
to open and close
Quality of Residence Time Controlling When the
bleached time indicator residence residence time of

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of

Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
palm oil (PI) time of deodorization
deodorization process more or
process still less than design,
in range the transmitter
will tranfer
signal to time
indicator control
to open and close
When the
pressure driven
of plate and
Controlling frame filtration
Plate and deodorized more or less than
Filtrated Pressure Pressure
Frame Low oil apart from design, the
concentration driven control (PI)
Filtration 2 suspended transmitter will
impurities tranfer signal to
indicator control
to open and close
When the level
Controlling Storage more or
Outlet level in less than design,
Level liquid Flow
stream flow Low RBDPO the transmitter
RBDPO in tank control (PI)
valve Storage still will tranfer
in range signal to level
indicator control
to open and close
Temperature Temperature Temperature Controlling When the
RBDPO control inlet indicator temerature in temperature of

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of

Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
storage valve (PI) inlet RBDPO inlet RBDPO
storage still storage more or
in range less than design,
the transmitter
will tranfer
signal to
indicator control
to open and close
Level transmiter
will send the
Alarm reading about the
operator if level status of
the liquid the storage using
level in the electric signal to
Methanol and Level storage is the level
Sodium indicator low to indicator in the
Liquid level stream flow Low
Methylate transmitter prevent control room,
Storage (PI) production alarm will ring
shut down when the level is
caused by the low and operator
lack of will decrease the
catalyst outlet flow and
refill the storage
Alarm Level transmiter
Outlet operator if will send the
DEA Storage Liquid level stream flow Low the liquid reading about the
valve level in the level status of
storage is the storage using

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of

Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
low to electric signal to
prevent the level
production indicator in the
shut down control room,
caused by the alarm will ring
lack of when the level is
catalyst low and operator
will decrease the
outlet flow and
refill the storage

Level transmiter
will send the
Alarm reading about the
operator if level status of
the liquid the storage using
level in the electric signal to
Level storage is the level
Acetic Outlet
indicator low to indicator in the
Anhydride Liquid level stream flow Low
transmitter prevent control room,
Storage valve
(PI) production alarm will ring
shut down when the level is
caused by the low and operator
lack of will decrease the
catalyst outlet flow and
refill the storage

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of

Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation

CPO flow Level transmiter

control will notice if the

valve liquid level
inside the reactor
DEA flow Preventing
is too high or too
control the reactor
low, giving
valve from higher
Flow signal to flow
High; or lower
Liquid level control control of CPO,
low level other
(PID) dea, and catalyst
than the
Sodium to reduce or
methoxide increase the
flow control flowrate by
valve giving pneumatic
signal to the
control valve
transmiter will
indicate if there
is any pressure
changes in the
the pressure
CSTR and send
inside the
Air ejector Pressure electric signal to
Operating CSTR to
flow control control High the pressure
pressure excess the
valve (PID) control, which
will give
pneumatic signal
to the control
valve and
increase or
decrease the air

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of

Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
removal flow

transmiter will
read the exit
Make sure temperature of
that the the flow, the
cooler can be reading is sent to
used to the cooling water
Outlet stream water flow Flow
Cooler - achieve the flow control
temperature control control (PI)
desired which will sent
temperature pneumatic
for next unit control to the
operation control valve that
will reduce or
increase the
volumetric flow
Level transmiter
Inlet stream
will notice if the
flow control Preventing
liquid level
valve the reactor
inside the reactor
from higher
Flow is too high or too
High; or lower
CSTR 2 Liquid level control low, giving
low level other
Catalyst (PID) signal to flow
than the
flow control control of inlet
valve stream and
catalyst to reduce
or increase the

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of
Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
flowrate by
giving pneumatic
signal to the
control valve
transmiter will
indicate if there
is any pressure
Preventing changes in the
the pressure CSTR and send
inside the electric signal to
Air ejector Pressure
Operating CSTR to the pressure
flow control control High
pressure excess the control, which
valve (PID)
designed will give
vacuum pneumatic signal
condition to the control
valve and
increase or
decrease the air
removal flow
Level transmitter
Level will send the
Alarm will
control reading on the
signal the
valve Level level status of
Flash indicator the storage using
Liquid level Medium when the
Evaporator transmitter electric signal to
level in the
Inlet flow (PI) the level
column is too
control indicator on the
valve control panel.
Then, the alarm

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of
Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
will ring when
the level is low
and operator will
increase the inlet
flow as well as
decreasing the
flow from the
The alarm
will signal
when the
transmitter will
send reading to
the pressure
shows an
control valve.
When the
Pressure This can
Operating Pressure pressure is too
control High reduce the
pressure Transmitter high, the
valve purity of the
pressure valve
will be
controlled to
maintain the
methanol and
anhydrate are
still present.
Preventing Flow indicator
Inlet stream light phase transmitter will
Light phase Flow
Decanter flow control Low get carried read the flow
flow rate control (PI)
valve away by the rate of the heavy
heavy phase and light phase

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of
Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
stream of the product,
because the when the
flow rate of flowrate is too
the decanter low, the
is too small transmiter will
send electric
signal to the flow
control, which
will give
pneumatic signal
to open the
control valve
When the
Controlling temperature of
temperature outlet heat
in outlet exchanger more
Steam flow heater still in or less than
Heat Output heat Flow
control - range so that design, the
Exchanger temperature control (PI)
valve next unit transmitter will
operation tranfer signal to
gets desired temperature
temperature indicator control
to open and close
The alarm Pressure
will send an transmitter will
CSTR Pressure Pressure alert when send reading to
Vacuum Medium-
operating control transmitter the pressure the pressure
Pump high
pressure valve (P) in the reactor control valve.
is not From the control
vacuum valve, the

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Control and Instrumentation (contd)

Process Controlled Controlling Sequence of
Controller Alarm Function
Equipment Parameter Parameter Instrumentation
vacuum pump
will increase gas
suction to
maintain partial

Universitas Indonesia

5.1. Plant Location

Infrastructure is also considered as a major factor in plant location
selection. Good infrastructure will support our plant operation by expedite our raw
materials and product distribution, supply electricity, and telecommunication
facilities. The location that we choose is located at Sumatera Island main road,
Jalan Pulau Sumatera, which connects us to our raw materials distributors and
distribution of our product. Our plant is located near Kawasan Industri Dumai,
which give us good electricity and telecommunication infrastructure.

Figure 5. 1. Designed Plant Location


5.2. Area and Process Plant Layout

Layout is an important decision that determines the efficiency of an
operation in the long term. The layout has many strategic impact for determining
the competitiveness of companies in terms of capacity, processes, flexibility, and

61 Universitas Indonesia

cost and quality of the work environment, customer contacts and company image.
An effective layout can help achieve the strategy that supports the differentiation,
low cost, or a quick response. Destination layout strategy is to build an
economical layout that meets the needs of enterprise competition (Heizer and
Render; 2009:532). By Fred E Mayer in his book "Plant Layout and material
handling '(1993: 1) states that: Plant layout is the organization of the companys
physical facilities to promote the efficiently use of equipment, material, people,
and energy.
Another factor that must be considered for plant layout is the safety,
health, and environmental objectives of the layout to minimize the potential for
injuries, overall property and environmental damage, and related business
interruption. The magnitude of a potential incident may be reduced by:
Minimizing the potential quantity of hazardous materials that can be
Quantities can be reduced by siting more, smaller tanks, reducing and
integrating storage and day tanks, or minimizing inventories in pipe ways.
Containing the release:
Providing containment by using dikes, utilizing changes in elevation, and
installing remote collection tanks and lined ponds.
Minimizing inventory in piping and equipment:
Locating units and equipment that interconnect to minimize running piping
lengths and piping traversing through unrelated units.
Appropriate drainage and grading:
Locating large inventories of hazardous liquids to drain away from process
units and occupied structures. Design drainage to minimize water treatment
needs and collection of liquids under vessels.
The impact of a potential incident may also be addressed by the following,
among others:
Providing adequate separation distances
Segregating different risks
Minimizing potential for and impact of explosion
Minimizing potential for and exposure to toxic release

Universitas Indonesia

Maintaining adequate spacing for potential firefighting

Minimizing exposure to fire radiation
Considering the prevailing wind direction in site layout
Considering potential future expansions during site layout

Spacing between process instruments is ruled by Inside Battery Limit

(IBL), and the spacing between supporting facilities is ruled by Outside Battery
Limit (OBL). The value of IBL and OBL is given in Figure below.

Figure 5. 2. Typical Flammable and Combustible liquid and liquefied Flammable Gases Tank
(Source: Assessment Methodology for Equipment Layout, 2015)

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 5. 3. Typical Spacing requirement for On-site buildings for Fire Consequences
(Source: Assessment Methodology for Equipment Layout, 2015)

The plant layout is based on the process equipments dimension, which is

listed on the table below;
Table 5.1. Process Equipment Size
Equipment L (cm) W H(cm)
CPO Storage tank 550 550 780
pump (PM-101) 50 50 50
Heat Exchanger (HX-106) 30 21 21
Ultrafiltration (UF-101) 60 30 30
Mixer (MX-101) 89 89 127
Pump(PM102) 50 50 50
Heat Exchanger (HX-101 30.48 74 74
Heater (H-102) 30.48 20,3 20,3
Bleaching tank (V-103) 92 92 133
Pump (PM-103) 50 50 50
Filter Press (PFF-101) 40 30 30
Pump (PM-104) 50 50 50
Deodorizing tank (V-104) 127 127 183
Pump (PM-105) 50 50 50

Universitas Indonesia

Table 5.1. Process Equipment Size (contd)

Equipment L (cm) W H(cm)
Filter Press (PFF-102) 30 30 30
Pump (PM-106) 50 50 50
RBDPO Storage tank (V-105) 278 278 397
Pump (PM-108) 50 50 50
Heat Exchanger (HX-103) 30.48 20.3 20.3
Heat Exchanger (HX-104) 30.48 20.3 20.3
Pump (PM-107) 50 50 50
Methanol and sodium storage tank (V- 359 359 523
Pump (PM-109) 50 50 50
DEA Storage tank (V-107) 356 356 513
Pump (PM-110) 50 50 50
Heat Exchanger (HX-105) 35.56 20.3 20.3
CSTR 1 (R-101) 183 183 274
Pump (PM-111) 50 50 50
Cooler (CX-107) 30.48 33.7 33.7
Acetic Anhydrade storage tank (V-108) 311 311 400
Pump (PM-112) 50 50 50
CSTR 2 (R-102) 111 111 166
Pump (PM-113) 50 50 50
Decanter (V-109) 692 138 138
Flashing column (F-101) 25.5 25.5 100
Cooler (CX-108) 240.792 50.4 50.4
Cooler (CX-109) 231.628 50.4 50.4
Pump (PM-114) 50 50 50
Product Storage (V-110) 547.3 547.3 782

Based on rule of thumb, we can estimate the distance between each

equipment, which can be seen on Appendix Table D.1.
Hence, the estimated total area needed for the Cocamide DEA plant is;
Table 5. 1. Estimated Total Area of Cocamide DEA Plant

Site/Room Length (m) Width (m) Area (m2)

Security Post 3 3 9
Mosque 6 6 36
Cafeteria 6 6 36
Office 22 10 220
Fire Station 10 10 100

Universitas Indonesia

Table 5.2. Estimated Total Area of Cocamide DEA Plant (contd)

Site/Room Length (m) Width (m) Area (m2)
Maintenance 20 8 160
Workshop 8 8 64
Laboratory 8 8 64
Warehouse 15 10 150
Training Center 8 8 64
Control room 3 3 9
Engineer's office 3 3 9
Process Area 52,44 20,5 1075,02
30 30 900
Utility area 47 30 1410
Total Area 172.44 85.27 14,703.96

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 5. 4. Area Plant Layout of Cocamide DEA

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 5. 5. Equipment Plant Layout with Battery Limit

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 5. 6. Plant Layout with Production Flow

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 5. 7. Zoom in of Plant Layout with Production Flow

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 5. 8. Plant Layout in 3D

Universitas Indonesia

5.3. Area Description

Our plant has a total area of 14,703.96 m2, which consists of production
area, utility area, waste water treatment, administration area, supporting areas, and
evacuation (emergency) area.
a. Production Area
Production area includes CPO Refining, Cocamide DEA formation and
purification. The production process is done both indoor and outdoor.
Some equipment, such as storage tanks are placed outside due to its size
and no specific requirements for indoor conditions. Our plant is also
equipped with warehouse, laboratory and control room as a support for
b. Utility Area
Utility area is one of the hot and hazardous zone due to high temperature
and pressure, which is why it must not be nearby the production area.
Therefore, its located in the back of the plant site.
c. Waste Treatment Area
Waste treatment area is located near the utility area due to several
hazardous materials towards the workers, such as waste from the
production process.
d. Administration Area
This area is the main office or administration of the plant. This area is very
crucial for marketing, customer, and supplier affairs.
e. Supporting Area
This area is built to support all the workers, for example mosque, toilet,
cafeteria etc. This plant is also designed to create a comfortable work
space for the workers.
f. Evacuation and Emergency Area
This area is very crucial because it relates to health, safety, environment
protocols. There are two assembly point in our plant in case of emergency,
which is located near the office and warehouse. We also have a fire station
in case of fire and explosions. The evacuation route can be seen on
Appendix E.1.

Universitas Indonesia

6.1. Hazard Identification

Hazard is any activity, procedure, plant, process, substance, situation or
any other circumstance that could cause, or contribute to causing a major accident.
In a production facility, any location, machinery, and unit has a probability to
cause hazard to workers who are exposed directly or nearby. Hazard situation or
an employee injury can be minimized when the hazard is identified. According to
OSHA Oregon, injuries come from unpreventable acts and system failure. It was
reported that only 2% of workplace accidents are thought to be unpreventable,
while 98% is taken account for safety management system failure in the
Each hazard can be ranked according to its likelihood and the severity or
consequence of each risk. Table 6.1. show the risk rating matrix.

Table 6.1 Risk Rating Matrix

Likelihood (L)
Consequences Rare Unlikely Possible/ Very Certain to
(C) Likely Likely Occur
Catastrophic Moderate Moderate High Critical Critical
Major Low Moderate Moderate High Critical
Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Moderate High
Minor Very Low Low Moderate Moderate Moderate
Insignificant Very Low Very Low Low Low Moderate
(Source: WSU Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Control Procedure)

The consequence of the risk examine on how severely the risk could hurt
someone, while likelihood examine the frequency or how likely a risk may occur.
The HAZID analysis for our Cocamide DEA plant can be seen on Table 1.2.

73 Universitas Indonesia
Table 6.2 Hazard Identification Analysis
Location/ Description Potential Causes Hazard Likelihood Prevention
Unit/Equipment Hazard Effect
CPO Storage To store liquid Leakage Over capacity Minor Possible Control and check
Unit crude palm oil storage level periodically
Ultrafiltration To separate Membrane Over flow Moderate Unlikely Control the flow and
Unit CPO and its filter pressure of CPO
retentate damage periodically
Mixing Unit To mix Leakage Over flow Moderate Possible Control the water flow
bleaching earth and the bleaching earth
and water size to prevent clogging
Clogging Clogging from
the pipes the solid
bleaching earth
Bleaching Unit To remove Major Unlikely Control the flow of the
color and CPO inlet as well as the
impurity in Leakage Over flow bleaching earth mixture.
CPO Moderate Possible Control both temperature
Deodorizing To remove Fire and/or Over heating Major Unlikely Flow and temperature of
Unit odor and explosion the BPO must be checked
remaining regularly.
Leakage Over flow Moderate Possible
impurities from Medium pressure steam
BPO injection must be
Fire and/or Steam leakage Catastrophic Possible controlled thoroughly.

Universitas Indonesia 74
Table 6.2. Hazard Identification Analysis (contd)
Location/ Description Potential Causes Hazard Likelihood Prevention
Unit/Equipment Hazard Effect
Plate and Frame To separate Plate and Over flow Moderate Unlikely Control the flow and pressure
Unit RBDPO from frame of RBDPO periodically
impurities damage
RBDPO Storage To store Leakage Over capacity Minor Possible Control and check storage
RBDPO level periodically
Methanol & Sodium To store Leakage Over capacity Moderate Possible Control and check storage
Methoxide Storage methanol and level periodically, as well as
Unit sodium Fire and/or Exposure to fire Major Unlikely keeping a distance from fire
methoxide explosion sources

DEA Storage Unit To store DEA Leakage Over capacity Moderate Possible Control and check storage
prior to usage level periodically, as well as
keeping a distance from fire
Fire and/or Exposure to fire Major Unlikely
CSTR 1 Unit For Cocamide Leakage Over capacity Moderate Unlikely Flow and temperature of the
DEA inlet liquid must be checked
formation regularly. Vacuum pump must
be controlled frequently to
Fire and/or High temperature Major Possible maintain pressure allowable in
explosion operation the reactor. Reaction and
mixing rate must be checked
Explode Pressure exceeds the Catastrophic Possible
Fire Thermal Runaway Major Unlikely

Universitas Indonesia 75
Table 6.2. Hazard Identification Analysis (contd)
Location/ Description Potential Causes Hazard Likelihood Prevention
Unit/Equipment Hazard Effect
Acetic To store Acetic Leakage Over capacity Moderate Possible Control and check storage level
Anhydrate Anhydrate prior to periodically; keeping a distance
Storage Unit usage from fire sources and other
Fire and/or Exposure to fire Major Unlikely reactive substances

CSTR 2 Unit For Cocamide DEA Leakage Over capacity Moderate Unlikely Flow of the inlet liquid must be
formation checked regularly. Vacuum pump
Implode Pressure exceeds the limit Major Possible
must be controlled frequently to
Fire Thermal Runaway Major Unlikely maintain pressure allowable in the
reactor. Reaction and mixing rate
must be checked
Vacuum Pump To create a vacuum Implode Blockage in the exhaust Major Possible The pipeline of the vacuum pump
Unit operating condition in system exhaustion must be checked and
the CSTRs cleared out regularly from any
dust with exhaust scrubber
Decanting Unit To separate product Leakage Over flow Minor Possible Flow of the inlet liquid must be
from its by-product and controlled to ensure product and
impurities based on by-product separation
Flash Evaporator To separate methanol Fire and/or High temperature and Major Unlikely Temperature inlet of the fluid must
Unit and acetic anhydrate explosion pressure operation be controlled regularly. Vapor
from Cocamide DEA respirator must be provided for
workers to minimize serious
inhalation effects.
Air Methanol and acetic Major Possible
pollution anhydrate leakage

Universitas Indonesia 76
Table 6.2. Hazard Identification Analysis (contd)
Location/ Description Potential Causes Hazard Likelihood Prevention
Unit/Equipment Hazard Effect
Cocamide DEA To store the final Leakage Over capacity Minor Possible Control and check storage
Storage Unit product of level periodically; keeping
Cocamide DEA a distance from fire sources
formation and other reactive
Heat Exchangers For heating and Fire and/or High Major Possible Temperature, pressure, and
cooling process explosion temperature flow of the fluids must be
throughout the during operation checked regularly. Fire
production process extinguishers equipment
must be nearby.
Pumps To transport Leakage Overflow Moderate Possible Flow and pressure of the
fluids/substances Implode Over Catastrophic Unlikely fluid must be controlled.
pressurized Pump should be equipped
Noise pollution High decibel Major Certain to with a pump seal to prevent
operation occur leakage. Using a silencer or
a sound insulation and
provide workers with ear
Piping System and To distribute fluid Damage of the Corrosion Major Possible Piping system, which also
Network throughout the piping system Piping system involves controls and
production process and leakage of failure valves, must be maintained
the fluid regularly to avoid any
Cation-Anion To demineralize Leakage Over flow Moderate Possible Flow of the water inlet
Exchanger Unit water for utility Low Resin saturation Moderate Unlikely must be controlled. Resin
and process demineralize bed must be checked and
requirements water quality maintained periodically

Universitas Indonesia 77
Table 6.2. Hazard Identification Analysis (contd)
Location/ Description Potential Causes Hazard Effect Likelihood Prevention
Unit/Equipment Hazard
Deaerator Unit To remove Corrosion Build-up of Major Possible Demineralized water
dissolved oxygen dissolved gas quality must be checked
and CO2 in Block flow Major Unlikely regularly in order to
demineralized minimize build-up of
water dissolved gas
Leakage Moderate Very likely
Boiler Unit To generate steam Fire/explosion, Pressure exceeds Catastrophic Unlikely Keep all joints and pipes
for processes in damage of boiler limit tight. Warn personnel of
the plant parts hazards of invisibility of
Severe burns Steam leakage Catastrophic Rare superheated steam leaks.
Color code piping.
Implode, Steam build-up Catastrophic Unlikely Adequate ventilation.
fire/explosion Regular checking must
Fire/explosion Gas line leakage Major Possible be done
Diesel Generator To generate Fire Spark of Major Possible Installation must be done
Unit electricity for the combustible gas thoroughly. Generator
plant leakage should be kept a distance
Electrocution, Exposed wiring Major Unlikely from any substance that
fire triggers fire and
Electrocution Water Major Possible electrocution. Generator
exposure/splash should be maintained
Fire Burden of cords Major Very likely periodically
attached to

Universitas Indonesia 78
Table 6.2. Hazard Identification Analysis (contd)
Location/ Description Potential Causes Hazard Likelihood Prevention
Unit/Equipment Hazard Effect
Waste Treatment Unit to treat and Environment Overflow of the Moderate Possible Level of the pond must
Unit manage plant contamination treating pond be controlled to avoid
waste Poisoning/ Leakage Moderate Possible spilling. Workers must
infecting workers be equipped with the
Exposure of Moderate Possible proper personal
chemicals to protection when
workers handling plant waste
Laboratory For research & Slips and falls Chemical Minor Very likely Workers must be well
development, and substance spill aware of the
Exposure of Moderate Very likely
quality control substances at hand and
chemicals to
also equipped with the
proper personal
Fire Major Unlikely

Control Room To control System shut- Errors and Major Unlikely Operators and workers
operation down system3 failure must be master the
throughout the entire process in the
plant plant. A regular
briefing and
coordination between
operators and
supervisors must be

Universitas Indonesia 79

6.2. Hazard and Operability Studies

The hazard and operability study, commonly referred to as the HAZOP
study, is a systematic technique for identifying all plant or equipment hazards and
operability problems. In this technique, each segment (pipeline, piece of
equipment, instrument, etc.) is carefully examined and all possible deviations
from normal operating conditions are identified. This is accomplished by fully
defining the intent of each segment and then applying guide words to each
segment. The goals after doing HAZOP are:
Identify safety, hazard, & operational problems that related with process
which are immediately threatens workers safety/operation.
Determine the severity of identified problem effect.
Identify and evaluate the engineering and procedural safeguards.
Recommend additional engineering and procedural safeguards if needed.
Emphasizing question systematic in HAZOP procedure apparently in the
using two groups of keywords, those are:
a. Primary Keyword
Primary Keywords All words that related to condition/parameter of a
process, for example: flow, pressure, temperature, viscosity, corrosion,
erosion, level, density, relief, composition, addition, and reaction.
b. Secondary Keyword
All words when it is merged with primary keywords will show probability
of deviation that could be happened, for example: no, more, less, reverse,
and as well as.
The HAZOP analysis for ferronickel Production integrated with CCS is
attached below:
Table 6.3 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis
No Operation Parameter Guideword Possible Cause Consequences Action Required Safeguards
Close the inlet
Input flowrate is too
valve to reduce the
High Flooding flowrate

Output flowrate is too Open the output

small valve Level
V-101; Level
V-102; V- Open the inlet
Input flowrate is too Material damage and
Storage Tank 105; V- valve to increase
1 small the production process
Raw Material 106; V- Low the flowrate
107; V- is not running
Output flowrate is too Reduce the output
108 optimum
large flowrate

Leak on the tank

causes the air in Maintanance the Pressure
Pressure High Tank implodes
Volatile compound is tank periodically Control (PC)
Decrease the inlet
PM 101; PM Suction pressure is too flow to pump Pressure
2 Pump 102; PM 103; Perssure High Pumps quickly broken
high Switch into Control (PC)
PM 104; secondary pump

Universitas Indonesia 81
Table 6.3. Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (contd)
No Operation Parameter Guideword Possible Cause Consequences Action Required Safeguards
Cavitation may occur

Suction pressure is too Reverse flow occur Control pressure

PM 105; PM Low
low periodically
106; PM 108;
Pump can't distribute the
PM 109; PM
liquid to the next process
110; PM 111;
PM 112;
PM 113; PM None Pump clogged Process flow is hampered
Excessive impeller
More performance Broken pump
Regular maintenance
Flow Control
Flow Processing liquid supply and control the pump
Less Pump blockage hampered periodically
Reverse Pump clogged Reverse flow occur

Contamination in pump Contamination in outlet

Part Of flow flow from pump

Inlet liquid supposed to Decrease steam flow

Steam flowrate is too high
vaporize. So, it makes to heat the reboiler
another component join Increase inlet flow to
H-102; CX- Feed inlet is too low into top product flow Temperature
Heater and heat the reboiler
3 107; CX-108; Temperature Control
Cooler Decrease steam flow
CX-109 Steam flow rate is too low (TC)
Reboiler is not to heat the reboiler
Low enough to heat the
inlet flow Increase inlet flow
Feed inlet is too high
to heat the reboiler

Universitas Indonesia 82
Table 6.3. Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (contd)
Equipment Action
No Operation Parameter Guideword Possible Cause Consequences Safeguards
Code Required
Increase steam flowrate Check flow
More Valve opens too wide
H-102; CX- and steam temperature control
Heater and Flow Control
107; CX-108; Flow Decrease steam and maintain the
Cooler (FC)
CX-109 Less Valve opens too small flowrate and steam controller
temperature periodically
Decrease hot
Hot stream flowrate is
fluid flow to heat
too much
the reboiler
Increase cold
Cool stream flowrate is
fluid flow to heat
too low
the reboiler
Heat transfer may not Temperature
effectively Increase hot fluid Control (TC)
HE-101; HE- Hot fluid flowrate
flow to heat the
102; HE-103; is too low
Heat HE-104; HE- Low
Exchanger 105; HE-106; Cold fluid Decrease cold
HE-107; HE- flowrate is too fluid flow to heat
108; much the reboiler
HE-109; HE-
Check flow
control and
High Valve opens too wide maintain the
Final temperature controller Flow Control
will not be achieved periodically (FC)

Low Valve opens too small

Universitas Indonesia 83
Table 6.3. Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (contd)
No Operation Parameter Guideword Possible Cause Consequences Action Required Safeguards
Flooding, leaking in
Inlet flowrate is too decanter and Decrease inlet
high separation process will flowrate
not run appropriately
Flooding, leaking in
decanter and
Outlet flowrate is separation process will Increase outlet
too low not run appropriately flowrate
5 Decanter V-109 Level Control
Inlet flowrate is too Separation process will Increase inlet
low not run appropriately flowrate
Low Increase inlet flowrate

Separation process
Outlet flowrate is too
will not run Decrease outlet
appropriately flowrate

Filter was clogged by Clean the filter Control
Low Product supply decreases
UF-101; PFF- the dirt (PC)
6 Filtration 101; Pressure When the fluid flow is too
PFF-102 The driving force of Pressure
fast, the pump will run
High the pump is too Pump power Control
out of fluid that can cause
strong (PC)
heat and fires at the pump

Universitas Indonesia 84
Table 6.3. Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (contd)

Equipment Action
No Operation Parameter Guideword Possible Cause Consequences Safeguards
Code Required
Input flowrate is too small Clean the filter
process at next
to make process
Low process doesnt
with plate filter
Output flowrate is too low enough to
flowrate faster
achive target Level Control
Input flowrate is too large Using the valve
and pump to
High process isnt
Output flowrate is too small maximum

Deodorizing Increase the

Low Steam flowrate is too low
process steam flowrate Temperature
Deodorizing Temperature
7 V-104 will not run Control (TC)
Tank Decrease the
High Steam flowrate is too high properly steam flowrate

Driving force from pump it

to weak The fluid is
Increase pump
Less taken along with
Input flow rate is too low power
vaccum pump
(hidrostatic pressure)
Close all valve Control (PC)
Vacum pump is broke
intergrated to
High Tank implodes tank, shut off
a leak in the reactor causing the procces and
the air in repair

Universitas Indonesia 85
Table 6.3. Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (contd)
Equipment Action
No Operation Parameter Guideword Possible Cause Consequences Safeguards
Code Required
Increase the
Steam flowrate is too
Low heater
low Bleaching process
8 Bleaching V-103 temperature Temperature
Temperature will not run
Tank Decrease the Control (TC)
Steam flowrate is too appropriately
High heater
Input flowrate is too Production process at
small next process doesnt
Level Low
Output flowrate is too enough to achive Clean the filter
low target to make process
Level Control
Input flowrate with
is too large Using the valve and ultrafiltration
Bleaching process
High Output pump to decrease flowrate faster
doesnt maximum
flowrate is too flowrate
Driving force from
pump it to weak The fluid is taken
Increase pump
Less Input flow rate is too along with vacuum
low (hydrostatic pump
pressure) Pressure Control
CSTR Pressure
Vacuum pump is Close valve 24
9 R-101; broke (integrated with
R-102 High Tank implodes
A leak in the reactor vacuum pump)
causing the air in and repair

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Table 6.3. Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (contd)

Equipment Action
No Operation Parameter Guideword Possible Cause Consequences Safeguards
Code Required
Inlet not enough
The speed of agitator Decrease agitator
More of The heat is increase
is too fast speed
and disturbing the
Agitator Speed normal process Speedometer

The speed of agitator Increase the

The mixing process
is too slow agitator speed
Less of doesnt occur
The inlet is too maximum check the
viscose viscosity
Hot fluid flowrate on
Decrease hot
High HE
CSTR Reaction doesnt fluid flowrate Temperature
Temperature is too much
occur Control (TC)
Cool fluid flowrate Increase cool
on HE is too low fluid flowrate
Shut off the
The Inlet is doesnt None of the criteria reactor, and
macth with criteria of product is achive repair the
process before it
Matching the
Reaction Analyzer
The condition The product doesnt
Part Of operation is doesnt achieve maximum
condition, time
achieve quality
and agitator

Universitas Indonesia 87
Table 6.3. Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (contd)

Equipment/ Equipment
No Parameter Guideword Possible Cause Consequences Action Required Safeguards
Operation Unit Code
Inlet can't enough
The speed of agitator is Decrease agitator
More of The heat is increase
too fast speed
and disturbing the
10 Mixer MX-101 Agitator Speed Speedometer
normal process
The speed of agitator is The mixing process Increase agitator
Less of too slow doesnt occur speed
The inlet is too viscose maximum Viscosity check
Decrease inlet
Too much inlet
Liquid in the mixer flowrate
can be spilled Decrease agitator
Agigator speed is to fast Level Control
Level speed
The agitator can't
Increase the inlet
Low Flowrate inlet is too low reach the fluid to be
Close all valve
A leak in the tank integrated to tank, Pressure
Pressure High Bubbling, foaming
causing the air in shut off the Control (PC)
process and repair
Liquid flow into column Decrease the inlet
High Flooding
is too high flow into column Level Control
Liquid flow into column Mass transfer is not Increase the inlet (LC)
F-101 Low
is too low efficient flow into column
11 Flash Evaporator Inlet temperature from Equilibrium phase Increase hot fluid
decanter-HE is too low may not occur and flowrate into HE
Temperature there still another Increase cold
Inlet temperature from Control (TC)
High component in outlet fluid flowrate into
decanter-HE is too high
flow HE

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Table 6.3. Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (contd)

Equipment/ Equipment Action

No Parameter Guide-word Possible Cause Consequences Safeguards
Operation Unit Code Required

Resin is The water will
High with high acid or
saturated contain mineral Flow Control
Concentration base
the purity process
Low Resin is too low Add resin
doesnt optimal
12 UDM-115 Flowrate inlet is Decrease inlet
Tank High Flooding
too high flowrate
The utility water for Flow Control
Flowrate inlet is process doesnt Increase inlet (FC)
too low enough to achieve flowrate

Universitas Indonesia 89

6.3. Waste Management

The first step to our plants waste management is to identify the waste
produced from every process in the plant. The table below shows the waste
produced as well as the processes they originated from.

Table 6.4 Waste Identification

Waste Phase Process

Ultrafiltration, Plate and Frame
Filter cakes Solid
Spent bleaching earth Solid Bleaching

Off gas Gas Bleaching

FFA Liquid Deodorization

Water Liquid and Gas Deodorization

Glycerol and Water Liquid Decantation

Sodium Methylate Liquid Decantation

Methanol and Acetic Anhydrate Liquid Flash Evaporation
Miscellaneous Spillage Liquid All Processes
Water Demineralization and
Water Liquid and Gas
Boiling (Utility)
Flue gas Gas Natural Gas Combustion (Utility)
Domestic Water Liquid Household and Sanitation

The wastes identified above will be grouped based on their phases. In the
management, reduction of waste will firstly be attempted in the form of reduce,
reuse, and recycle (3R) wherever possible. The rest of the wastes will be treated
and discarded according to the regulation applied by the Indonesian government.
They will be separated and receive different treatments.

6.3.1. Solid Waste

The solid waste from our plant consists of cakes from the filter process
and bleaching earth slurry from the bleaching process. The cake mainly consists
of impurities that are removed to refine the palm oil such as phosphates, beta-
carotene, FFA, and other impurities. These cakes contain many micronutrients, so
its usage can be maximized by selling it to other companies to be reused and

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converted into fertilizer. Meanwhile, the bleaching earth slurry from our bleaching
process mainly consists of activated carbon. To maximize its usage, this spent
activated carbon can be sold to other companies to be reused as fuels to fire up
equipment such as cement kilns. Otherwise, the non-hazardous activated carbon
can be disposed in an industrial landfill.

6.3.2. Liquid Waste

The liquid waste from our plant consists of glycerol, water, FFA, sodium
methylate, acetic anhydrate, methanol, miscellaneous spillage, and domestic
water. Glycerol is the main side product of our process and is the most useful out
of the other liquid wastes. Glycerol can be sold to be reused by companies to be
reused as a raw material to produce many oleochemical products such as soap.
Other liquid wastes aside from glycerol will be combined for wastewater
treatment if necessary.
According to Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia
Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 regarding the quality of wastewater for basic oleochemical
industries for the production of fatty alcohol from fatty acid, the parameter of
quality for the wastewater is shown in the table below.

Table 6.5. Wastewater Parameter

Parameter Maximum Limit

BOD 70 mg/L
COD 160 mg/L
TSS 100 mg/L
Oil and fat 10 mg/L
Phosphate 5 mg/L
Ammonia 10 mg/L
Ph 6-9
Total Quantity 4 m3/ton product

To achieve this standard quality of wastewater, a wastewater treatment

system is required for our liquid waste before we are allowed to dispose of them

Universitas Indonesia

to water bodies. All our liquid waste will be put together to undergo this
treatment. The figure below shows an alternative of industrial wastewater
treatment process.

Figure 6.1. Wastewater Treatment Process

The wastewater treatment for this plant will follow the path below:
a. Filtration: The wastewater is firstly filtered out to remove any solids that
are present in the wastewater and are large enough in size to be removable
using a filter screen. The solid components will mostly be disposed in
landfill if they are non-hazardous or reused as compost due to the presence
of organic nutrients in them. This is important to ensure that these large
solids do not interfere and lower the efficiency of the following biological
b. Equalization: The different flows of wastewater which may vary in terms
of concentration, flow rate, pH, and other properties are combined into one
large equalization tank. Equalization is important to make all the different
flows become uniform before they enter the following treatment.
c. Neutralization: The wastewater which contains oil components, mostly
FFA, will be acidic in nature and requires neutralization. Neutralization
can be done by adding basic chemicals such as NaOH or Na2CO3 in order
to help increase the pH of the mixture. This is important so that the pH of
the mixture will not be too low for the microorganism in biological
treatment to handle.
d. Skimming: The wastewater may still contain oil components, such as FFA,
triglyceride, and others from miscellaneous spillages, which need to be
separated from the mixture. This is done by putting the wastewater into an

Universitas Indonesia

oil separator that allows oil and fat in the wastewater to separate from the
others according to their difference in density. The oil and fat will float
upwards and will be skimmed away from the wastewater and can be sold
to be reused as a low-grade fatty acid raw material in mixture with the
higher-grade ones.
e. Anaerobic treatment: After all the previous processes, have lowered the
chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the wastewater, now microorganisms
are utilized to biologically degrade the wastewater and lower their
biological oxygen demand (BOD). The microorganisms used are the ones
that do not require oxygen and therefore perform anaerobic digestion.
Anaerobic treatment is very commonly used in industrial wastewater
treatment and produces biogas in the form of methane which can be sold to
be reused as one of the sources of bioenergy.
f. Aerobic treatment: This treatment is used as a follow-up treatment to the
anaerobic treatment. The microorganisms require oxygen to digest the
organic waste and therefore will require a maintained aeration. The
product of aerobic treatment will be carbon dioxide and water.
6.3.3. Gas Waste
The gas wastes emitted from our plant are mostly from heating processes
such as off gas from the bleaching process and flue gas from the natural gas
combustion process to produce electricity. The gas will be filtered through screens
using chimneys in the factory. This ensures that the gas released to the atmosphere
is not toxic and safe enough for humans and the surrounding environment. Our
gas emission should meet the standards regarding the quality of waste gas
emissions from non-moving sources set by Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup
Republik Indonesia Nomor 13 Tahun 1995 and our pollution control should meet
the requirements set by Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 41
Tahun 1999 regarding the control of air pollution.

Universitas Indonesia

7.1. Calculation Assumption and Cost Index

7.1.1. Calculation Assumption
To start the production of Cocamide DEA, a substantial amount of money
for the capital investment will be needed. Capital investment can be obtained from
bank loans as well as investors that is potential and interested in this product
development. Calculations will be based on several assumptions, such as:
a. The plant will be built in 2017.
b. The duration estimated for plant completion is 1 year, therefore the
production can begin at approximately in the end of 2018.
c. The exchange rate for 1 US$ is Rp 13,000.00.
d. All manufacturing equipment have salvage values.
e. The targeted life span for plant operation is about 10 years, which already
includes the plant construction period.
f. Based on the previous assignments, the assumptions for Cocamide DEA
production includes:
- The targeted plant operation period is from 2018 to 2028.
- One year consists of 346 working days.
- The work time for one day is 24 hours.
- The production capacity for one day is 29,208 kg.

Thus, by considering all of the factors above, we can achieve the Total
Capital Investment (TCI). TCI is broken down into two parts, which are Fixed
Capital and Working Capital. Each part has specific calculations for Cocamide
DEA production, such as the cost of site, buildings, facilities etc. By achieving an
estimation from TCI calculation, we then can obtain a number that indicates if this
entire production is profitable or not. Total Capital Investment can be calculated


94 Universitas Indonesia

CTCI : cost of total capital investment

CFC : cost of total plant investment includes cost of total bare module, cost of
site, cost of buildings, and cost of site facilities
CWC : cost of working capital

7.1.2. Cost Index

The most common indexes used in the Chemical Engineering filed are
Marshall and Swift, Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI). Each index
has a different basis and can be extrapolated to the targeted year for our
production. The extrapolation is done by plotting 4-6 indexes and the year that
already exists, which then can we obtain the linear equation. Then, the targeted
year can be inputted in the equation, thus producing an index number to multiply
to the equipment. The indexes for Marshall and Swift as well as CEPCI is
available on Appendix Table F.1

7.2. Capital Expenditure

Capital expenditures or fixed-capital investment represents the capital that
is needed for all the installed process equipment with all auxiliaries that will serve
to complete the production process. Expenditures for equipment also includes the
expenses for piping system, electrical set up, insulation, foundations and site
preparation. On the other hand, calculating the plant components include land,
building, administrative, warehouse, laboratories, facilities, utility and waste
treatment facilities, and other permanent parts of the plant. Another estimation
that must be put into account is the overhead cost, which includes of field-office
and supervision, home-office expenses, engineering expenses, contractors fees,
and contingency.

7.2.1. Equipment Cost

The expenses for equipment (FOB price or free on board) will be
multiplied with a module factor to obtain the final equipment expenses as well as
the full installation cost. This final number is also known as the total purchase
cost that has covered all expenses for the installation cost, shipping, taxes, and

Universitas Indonesia

other additional costs necessary before operation. Fixed capital investment does
not directly affect the production capacity or cost; thus, it is only required for
construction and for all plant components. The mentioned factors and aspects
above will be calculated using the Peter-Timmerhaus Method. To achieve the
actual cost of all equipment, we must use an index as a reference to find the real
cost of the equipment according to the year we target this production plant, which
can be calculated by:

( )

I = index value at the time of purchase
Ibase = index value at year x of the known price
The equipment cost and calculations are listed in the table below.

Table 7. 1. Process Equipment Cost

No Equipment Quantity FOB Year FOB 2017 Factor CBM
1 V-101 1 $ 31,902.00 1990 $ 69,467.94 1.41 $ 97,949.80
2 V-105 1 $ 31,040.00 1990 $ 67,590.90 1.41 $ 95,303.17
3 V-110 1 $ 33,406.18 1990 $ 72,743.36 1.41 $ 102,568.14
4 PM-101 1 $ 1,100.00 2000 $ 2,176.44 3 $ 6,529.31
5 PM-102 1 $ 1,200.00 2000 $ 2,374.29 3 $ 7,122.88
6 PM-103 1 $ 1,100.00 2000 $ 2,176.44 3 $ 6,529.31
7 PM-104 1 $ 700.00 2000 $ 1,385.01 3 $ 4,155.02
8 PM-105 1 $ 900.00 2000 $ 1,780.72 3 $ 5,342.16
9 PM-106 1 $ 700.00 2000 $ 1,385.01 3 $ 4,155.02
10 PM-107 1 $ 700.00 2000 $ 1,385.01 3 $ 4,155.02
11 VP-101 1 $ 850.00 1990 $ 1,850.91 3 $ 5,552.73
12 HX-101 1 $ 32,000.00 1990 $ 69,681.34 2.71 $ 188,836.43
13 HX-102 1 $ 720.00 1990 $ 1,567.83 2.71 $ 4,248.82
14 HX-104 1 $ 600.00 1990 $ 1,306.53 2.71 $ 3,540.68
15 HX-106 1 $ 1,900.00 1990 $ 4,137.33 2.71 $ 11,212.16
16 CX-107 1 $ 3,900.00 1990 $ 8,492.41 2.71 $ 23,014.44
17 V-109 1 $ 7,400.00 1990 $ 16,113.81 1.41 $ 22,720.47
18 PFF-101 1 $ 11,000.00 1990 $ 23,952.96 2.02 $ 48,384.98
19 V-104 1 $ 9,000.00 1990 $ 19,597.88 2.03 $ 39,783.69
20 R-101 1 $ 10,606.25 2015 $ 11,607.76 3.55 $ 41,207.56

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Table 7.1. Process Equipment Cost (contd)

No. Equipment Quantity FOB Year FOB 2017 Factor CBM
21 MX-101 1 $ 240 1990 $ 522.61 1.41 $ 736.88
22 V-106 1 $ 2,300 1990 $ 5,008.35 1.41 $ 7,061.77
23 V-107 1 $ 2,150 1990 $ 4,681.72 1.41 $ 6,601.22
24 V-108 1 $ 3,220 1990 $ 7,011.68 1.41 $ 9,886.48
25 PM-108 1 $ 1,400 2000 $ 2,770.01 3 $ 8,310.03
26 PM-109 1 $ 700 2000 $ 1,385.01 3 $ 4,155.02
27 PM-110 1 $ 800 2000 $ 1,582.86 3 $ 4,748.59
28 PM-111 1 $ 1,100 2000 $ 2,176.44 3 $ 6,529.31
29 PM-112 1 $ 850 2000 $ 1,681.79 3 $ 5,045.38
30 PM-113 1 $ 1,300 2000 $ 2,572.15 3 $ 7,716.46
31 PM-114 1 $ 1,270 2000 $ 2,512.79 3 $ 7,538.38
32 CX-108 1 $ 1,500 1990 $ 3,266.31 1.34 $ 4,376.86
33 CX-109 1 $ 1,350 1990 $ 2,939.68 1.34 $ 3,939.17
34 HX-103 1 $ 740 1990 $ 1,611.38 2.71 $ 4,366.84
35 HX-105 1 $ 3,700 1990 $ 8,056.91 2.71 $ 21,834.21
36 UF-101 1 $ 5,500 2016 $ 5,788.55 2.15 $ 12,445.39
37 PFF-102 1 $ 4,000 2016 $ 4,209.86 2.02 $ 8,503.91
38 V-103 1 $ 3,000 2016 $ 3,157.39 1.41 $ 4,451.92
39 R-102 1 $ 6,700 2016 $ 7,051.51 3.55 $ 25,032.85
40 F-101 1 $ 2,300 2016 $ 2,420.67 2.15 $ 5,204.43
Total $880,796.89

Table 7. 2. Piping Cost

Nominal Length Weight Total Weight Price

No Material Schedule ID (In) Total Price
Pipe (ft) (lb/ft) (lb) (USD/lb)
1 Carbon Steel 1/8 40 0.269 255 0.25 63.75 3 191.25
2 Carbon Steel 1/4 40 0.364 255 0.43 109.65 3 328.95
3 Carbon Steel 1 40 1.049 300 1.68 504 4 2,016.00
4 Carbon Steel 2 40 2.067 450 3.66 1647 4 6,588.00
5 Carbon Steel 2 1/2 40 2.469 450 5.8 2610 4 10,440.00
Total 19,564

Table 7. 3. Piping Elbow Cost

Fitting Nominal
No ID (In) Qty Price Total Price
Type Pipe Schedule
1 Elbow 90 1/8 40 0.269 50 5 $ 250
2 Elbow 90 40 0.364 50 7 $ 350
3 Elbow 90 1 40 1.049 30 16 $ 480

Universitas Indonesia

Table 7. 4. Piping Elbow Cost (contd)

Fitting Nominal
No ID (In) Qty Price Total Price
Type Pipe Schedule
4 Elbow 90 2 40 2.067 55 68 $ 3,740
5 Elbow 90 2 40 2.469 55 130 $ 7,150
6 Tee 1/8 40 0.269 40 5 $ 200
7 Tee 40 0.364 40 6 $ 240
8 Tee 1 40 1.049 40 17 $ 680
9 Tee 2 40 2.067 10 68 $ 680
10 Tee 2 40 2.469 10 110 $ 1,100
Total $ 10,050

Table 7. 5. Piping Valve Cost

Type Qty Price/unit Total Price

Globe Valve 50 $ 1,025.00 $ 51,250.00

7.2.2. Utility Cost and Water Waste Treatment Cost (Offsite Facilities)
The utility required in our plant are diesel generator, boiler, cooling tower,
and water treatment as well as waste treatment. The table below shows the total
cost required for the utility.
Table 7. 6. Offsite facilities cost

No. Item Qty Price (USD) Year Price 2017 (USD)

1 Diesel Generator 1 52,307.69 2016 55,051.96
2 Boiler 1 61,538.46 2016 64,767.01
3 Cooling Tower 1 655 2016 689.36
4 Water Treatment 1 290,000 2016 30,521.45
5 Waste Treatment 1 16,534.77 2016 17,471.06
TOTAL 168,500.84

7.2.3. Building and Land Cost

Our building will consist of the main building for production process
which consists of two floors, an office which consists of two floors, canteen,
mosque, workshop, training center, laboratory, engineer office, control room, and
warehouse with each one floor. The cost of building required is $115.38/m3. With

Universitas Indonesia

a total volume of 4,390.70 m3. The total price of the building and land cost is US
$506,598.74. The full calculations can be seen on Appendix Table F.2
On the other hand, our land which will be in Kawasan Industri at Dumai,
Riau, will cost $53.85/m2. With a total land area of 14,703.96 m2, the total cost of
land as well as building that is required is shown in the table below.

Table 7. 7. Total Cost of Land and Building

Item Price Area or Volume Total Price (USD)

Building $ 115.39/m3 4,390.70 506,598.74
Land $ 53.85/m2 14,703.96 m2 791,751.69
TOTAL 1,298,350.40

7.2.4. Additional & Supporting Equipment Cost

For our plant, there will be additional cost for miscellaneous things such as
market research, industrial design permission, brand, as well as various
installations. The total price for miscellaneous cost is US $17,075.00. On the other
hand, there is the matter of supporting equipment, which is equipment needed to
accelerate production process in the entire area of plant building. This plant area
building consists of production room, laboratory, office, toilet, etc. The amount of
these supporting equipment is determined from the number of employees and
their needs. The total price for miscellaneous cost is US $15,719.00. Full details
on additional and supporting equipment costs can be seen on Appendix Table F.3
and F.4

7.2.5. Total Capital Expenditure

The total capital expenditure includes the cost for process equipment,
utility, supporting equipment, land and building, as well as additional cost. The
table below shows the details of the total capital expenditure. In overall, the total
capital expenditure required for our plant is $2,467,568.97.

Table 7. 8. Total Capital Expenditure

Item Price (USD)
Process Equipment 966,567.70
Utility 168,500.84

Universitas Indonesia

Table 7. 9. Total Capital Expenditure (contd)

Item Price (USD)
Supporting Equipment 15,719.00
Land and Building 1,298,350.40
Additional Cost 17,075.00
TOTAL 2,467,568.97

7.3. Direct Production Cost

Operating cost is expenses related to the operation of a device, component,
and piece of equipment or facility that used in making the products. Operational
cost is usually paid in every year of production, mainly for manufacturing cost
and general expense. Manufacturing cost consists of direct production cost, fixed
charge, and plant overhead cost. For direct production cost is the cost that directly
connected to the cost of production cost, such as raw material, operating labor,
utility, and maintenance.

7.3.1. Raw Material Cost

This cost is very important, because this production really depends on the
material supplier. The cost of raw material is summarized in the table below:

Table 7. 10. Raw Material Cost of Cocamide DEA Plant

Unit Total Order
Order per Unit Price
Material Supplier Location Ord Cost/year
year Price (USD)
er (USD)
Crude Jl. Sudirman
Lembayun USD/
Palm Oil No 70 dumai kg 8,690,738.71 0.55 4,795,001.55
g Sutra kg
(CPO) Riau Indonesia
Diethan- PT. Rosma
aja no.278 USD/
olamine Bana kg 2,882,942.26 1.92 5,542,473.61
Medan, kg
(DEA) Utama
Sodium Jining
Methoxid Hengda Shandong,
solution Green China ton 624.65 800.00 499,722.40
30% in Engineerin (Mainland)
Methanol g Co., Ltd.

Universitas Indonesia

Table 7.8. Raw Material Cost of Cocamide DEA Plant (contd)

Total Order
Unit Order per Unit Price
Material Supplier Location Cost/year
Order year Price (USD)
Ruko Villa
Blok C 1
No. 2 - 3
Bleaching Insoclay USD/
Benda kg 156,961.54 33.85 212,513.25
Earth Acidatama 25kg
Banten ,
Purity Henan,
Acetic USD/
Industrial China ton 436.52 500.00 218,257.65
Anhydrad ton
and (Mainland)
Insoclay Tangerang, USD/
Hypochl- litre 237,600.00 0.67 158,729.22
Acidatama Banten Liter
orite (L)
Insoclay Tangerang, USD/
Nitrite (L) kg 237,600.00 0.64 13,241.90
Acidatama Banten 25kg
Diesel (L) indonesia litre 469,251.80 0.94 442,361.78
Pertamina Liter
Natural Pratama Sidoarjo, mmB 3,654.10
mmB 6.00 21,924.59
Gas Energi Jawa Timur TU
TOTAL 11,904,225.93

From the tables above, the total cost for the raw material is US$
11,904,225.93 per year. This cost is already including the shipping the materials
to our plant. As we can see the total cost of raw materials is so high, which means
that our production is really depends on this variable.

7.3.2. Direct and Indirect Labors Salary

To determine the number of labors, we have to see the shift scheduling of
our plant. The cost for labor-related operation covered the direct wages & benefit

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(DW&B) of operators and direct salaries & benefit (DS&B) of supervisors and
engineering personnel. The DW&B and DS&B can be calculated from an hourly
rate for the labors of a proposed plant. The direct operating labor requirements
will be estimated by the basis of plant with 10-100 ton/day of product as seen in
Figure below.

Figure 7. 1. Direct Operating Labor Requirements For Chemical Plant

(Source: Seider, 2003)

The estimated number of technician is for per shift and to account for three
shift daily. For this plant, since the continuous operation covered the production
process for every day, the technician should cover the full 24 hour, 4 shifts must be
covered. There are 9 workers for each shift. Using the data on figure above, this
estimation is shown Appendix Table F.5 and gives a total of 39 workers.
When considering the amount of wages for each operator, we should
follow the standard regulation of the minimum regional wages (Upah Minimum
Regional/UMR) in the plant location, Dumai. For 2016, the minimum regional
wages in Dumai, Riau is Rp2,514,000 per month or US$186.65. The total direct
labor operation cost is given by US$ 169,952.49 annually. For the indirect labor,
the total salary per year is US$ 297,304.63. Hence, the total salary for direct and
indirect labor will be US$ 467,257.13. This value hasnt included insurance costs
which will be added every month to the salary. The full calculation of direct and
indirect labor can be seen on Appendix Table F.5 and F.6

Universitas Indonesia

7.3.3. Utility
Utility costs are costs that used to finance the main necessities of the
production such as water, electricity, and plant infrastructure. Those utilities are
such as electricity and fuel for the generator.
For the electricity usage, our plant requires 126,583.8 kWh per year or
US$14,233.87 annually. The full breakdown of each equipment and supporting
equipment and its power requirements can be seen on Appendix Table F.7 and
As for water consumption, domestic usage will not be treated as it is
provided by PDAM of Dumai City. However, the water for process and other
instrumental needs will be from Kemeli River and will be given a treatment to
avoid piping and instrumental damage in the production process. Domestic water
usage is obtained from PDAM, which costs Rp. 1,440/m3. The water usage per
year is 1,009,800 liters/year, hence the total cost is Rp 504,000.00/year or US$
As for fuel consumption, fuel is needed for steam generation process in
boiler unit and electricity generation in generator. We chose natural gas as the fuel
for steam generation process in boiler unit because it is usually readily available,
burn cleanly, and is typically less expensive than oil or electricity. For the steam
generation process, we already determined the Quantity of steam needed in the
overall process. The generated steam for this process produced by boiling water in
boiler. Water in ambient temperature (37oC, 1 atm) will be heated to saturated
point and convert to steam. Our Cocamide DEA production process needs steam
at temperature 220oC. With the diesel price of Rp 7,600/liters and the required
fuel is 58.56 liters/hour, so we achieve Rp 3,524,758,875 or US $271,135.30 for
the cost of electricity using diesel per year.
Based on all the utility calculation, the total utility cost is US $285,407.93.
Full calculations of electricity and fuel consumption can be seen on Appendix
Table F.9.

Universitas Indonesia

7.4. Maintenance Cost

Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) involves fixing any sort of
mechanical, plumbing, or electrical device should it become out of order or
broken (known as repair, unscheduled, or casualty maintenance). It also includes
performing routine actions which keep the device in working order (known as
scheduled maintenance) or prevent trouble from arising (preventive maintenance).
Maintenance is required both for factories, offices, and supporting
equipment so it can be used continuously and optimal production quality can be
assured. Usually, maintenance process is performed with the three parts, i.e. major
equipment maintenance, plant and office building maintenance, and supporting
equipment maintenance. The cost for maintenance includes cost for maintaining
and repairing equipment, which usually takes 10% of total investment cost
production (Ir. Yuriadi Kusuma, M.Sc "Effective Maintenance Management").
This can be calculated by:

7.5. Fixed Cost

Fixed costs are expenses must be paid by a company, independent of any
business activity. It is one of the two components of the total cost of a good or
service, along with variable cost. This fixed cost is including insurance,
depreciation, tax, etc. However, in this chapter, we only explain the insurance.
Insurance is cost that paid by the plant to the insurance company is a way to
protect company assets, both movable and fixed. To calculate the insurance, we
have some assumption based on PP No 84 Year 2010, that is stated the
assumption below:

Universitas Indonesia

Table 7. 11. Insurance Cost

Insurance Spesification Cost (USD/year)

Worker Insurance 1% of worker salary 4,672.57
Building and Plant
2% of TPI
Insurance 25,967.01
2% of total raw
Raw Material material cost 238,084.52
Total/year 268,724.10

7.6. Plant Overhead Cost

For this cost breakdown, such as safety and protection, packaging, storage
facility, etc., we have implied the cost into some groups. For the example for the
packaging, we have calculated the cost in the raw material expenses and for
laboratory we have calculated the salary for the labor and the equipment for
laboratory in the indirect labor salary and supporting equipment. Therefore, plant
overhead cost is already included. From the direct production cost, we obtain the
general expense or supplementary cost, which supports the production of
Cocamide DEA. The general expense is divided into two groups which are
distribution cost and Marketing.

7.7. Distribution Cost

Our product will be distributed to Java island only. The distribution is only
up to Port Merak in Banten, so the FOB price will be paid directly from the
customer. Before reaching Port Merak, our product transports from manufacture
to Bakaheuni Port by truck. So, in this case we must pay the fuel cost and rent
cost for about 5 trucks. Distribution will be done once a week, which means we
distribute 145.92 ton/week. For this capacity, we use Trinton truck with a capacity
of 30 ton per truck. After reaching Bakaheuni Port, we pay the shipping fair,
however with Trinton truck, we need to pay Rp285,000 for crossing Bakaheini to
Merak Port. Hence, the total distribution cost for one week is US $3,564.29 or US
$185,343.33 annually. The full calculations can be seen on Appendix Table F.10.

Universitas Indonesia

7.8. Marketing, Brand and Other Expenses

For our products marketing strategy, we are going to use 2 kinds of media
marketing, which are website and through proposal. By website, we are going to
introduce our product online. On the other hand, proposal deals are done by
offering our product to other fuel processing industries to expand to our business.
We are not going to have any brand in our product so the other marketing is not
necessary. For the brand cost, we have to pay every year to maintenance the name
of the brand of the plant. Its based on Indonesian Law. Our total marketing cost
for one year is US $2,808. The cost breakdown can be seen on Appendix Table
In general, other expenses includes CSR, R&D, and royalty for operating
cost. Corporate Social Responsibility is consisted of national disaster, academic,
and social infrastructure. According to the Indonesian law, the CSR expense is 5%
of the revenue of the plant. For royalty itself, the cost is 2% of revenue. For
Research and Development, the cost is 1% from CAPEX. So, our company
reserves around US$550,000.00 for CSR and US$24,675.69 for R&D. With a
total of US $574,675.69 is the estimated amount for miscellaneous costs.

7.9. Operating Cost (OPEX) Breakdown

After we calculated all the cost breakdown, we obtain the total operational
cost per year. The total operational cost per year is shown in the table below:

Universitas Indonesia

Table 7. 12. OPEX Breakdown

Component Amount (USD)

Raw Material 11,904,225.93
Indirect and Direct
Labour 467,257.13
Utility 285,407.93
Maintanance 51,820.34
Insurance 268,724.10
Distribution 185,343.33
Marketing 2,807.69
Patent Royal
CSR 550,000.00
R&D 24,675.69
TOTAL 13,740,262.14

Cost breakdown aims to determine the percentages of each expenditure are

made. By using the cost breakdown diagram, companies can determine which
variables are most widely affected the production spending.

Figure 7. 2. OPEX Breakdown

From Figure 7.2., the largest portion of our operating cost is utility and
raw material. This is because our production process requires high electricity and
water supply.

Universitas Indonesia

7.10. Cocamide DEA Price

As we have estimate the total capital expenses and the operational
expenses of our plant for the next ten years, we need to determination of our
product selling price. Based on our market analysis, we conclude that our plant
will have a capacity of 10,000 ton of cocamide DEA per year as its maximum
capacity. The determination of our products price will be done based on market
price available today. We benchmark several cocamide DEA producers prices as
seen on table below.

Table 7. 13. Producer Price

No Company Country
Guangzhou Hangsheng Chemical
1 1,500 - 1,800 China
Industry Co.
2 Anhui Leafchem Co., Ltd. 1,400 - 1,800 China
3 Zhengzhou Sino Chemical Co., Ltd. 1,100 - 1,700 China
4 Briture Co., Ltd. 1,200 - 1,600 China
Yibo Foundation Hebei International,
5 2,080 China
6 Anglo Chemical, Ltd. 500 South Africa

Based on the benchmarking in Table 7.11., we decide to sell our product

for 1,500 USD/ton

7.11. Cash Flow

Projects value can be determined by using its IRR, NPV, and payback
period value. We can calculate these values using our plants cash flow. A project
will be account as profitable and interesting if it has IRR value above the MARR
(Minimum Attractiveness Rate of Return), NPV (Net Present Value) bigger than
0, and PBP (Pay Back Period) less than plants half-life. MARR can be
determined using WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital), in which MARR
value is equal to WACC value.

Universitas Indonesia

7.11.1. WACC
For this project, we plan to get our capital from two different sources,
banks debt and investors equity. We loan from Mandiri Bank as our debt
sources, in which they give 10.5% interest for corporate loan. We loan 40% of our
capital expenses from them and the rest 60% from investor. Based on calculations
seen on Appendix Table F.12, our WACC value is 13.93%.

7.11.2. Depreciation
Depreciation is the reduction of value in assets. This reduction of value is
calculated to be able to determine the diminishing value of capital investment
spent on the assets in the first place as well as the salvage value left of the assets
by the end of the operational period of our plant. Our calculation for depreciation
incorporates the single declining balance method with the rate of depreciation of
0.1 per year for equipment and 0.03 for land and building. The total depreciation
is shown below and the detailed calculation is attached in our appendix.

Table 7. 14. Total Depreciation

Equipment Building and Land Supporting Equipment Total

Year Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation
2017 - - - -
2018 96,656.77 64,917.52 1,754.34 163,328.63
2019 86,991.09 61,671.64 1,421.01 150,083.75
2020 78,291.98 58,588.06 1,163.81 138,043.86
2021 70,462.79 55,658.66 962.59 127,084.03
2022 63,416.51 52,875.73 803.17 117,095.41
2023 57,074.86 50,231.94 675.43 107,982.23
2024 51,367.37 47,720.34 571.99 99,659.70
2025 46,230.63 45,334.33 487.43 92,052.39
2026 41,607.57 43,067.61 417.71 85,092.89
2027 37,446.81 40,914.23 359.75 78,720.80

7.11.3. Cumulative Cashflow

Our cash flow is constructed based on the assumption that all of our
products produced are fully sold out in the market. The cash flow is shown below
which has already accounted for the initial CAPEX and OPEX as well as their

Universitas Indonesia

yearly depreciation. We constructed to types of cash flow, one before taking tax
into account and the other one after. We have also calculated the cumulative cash
flow as shown below.

Cumulative Cash Flow

-1.000.000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 7. 3. Cumulative Cashflow






Cash Flow

-3.000.000 Discounted
Cash Flow


Figure 7. 4. Cumulative Cashflow

7.12. Profitability Analysis

7.12.1. Payback Period
Payback period (PBP) is the amount of time required to recover the overall
initial cost of investment. In other words, payback period is the amount of time
when the cumulative yearly cash flow gained from the production process is equal

Universitas Indonesia

to the amount of cash flow spent for the initial investment. Based on the
cumulative cash flow, the payback period for our plant is 4.35 years.

7.12.2. Break Event Point (BEP)

Breakeven point (BEP) is defined as a point or condition where a company
neither gains a profit nor suffers a loss. In other words, it is a point where both the
profit and loss is equal to zero. Breakeven point is determined by calculating the
amount of goods or services that requires to be sold to consumers at a given price
to be able to cover the production costs. It is similar to calculating the payback
period, but instead of calculating the amount of time needed, we calculate the
amount of products that needs to be sold. Based on our calculations, the amount of
products that we need to sell to reach breakeven point is 43,476.59 tons.

7.12.3. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the maximum percentage of interest rate
which can be paid on our project and will still result in a breakeven by the end of
the project. This means that the internal rate of return is the interest rate to reach a
net present value of 0. Based on our calculations, the internal rate of return is

7.12.4. Net Present Value (NPV)

Net present value (NPV) is calculated as the difference between the
present value of cash inflow and the present value of cash outflow. Net present
value is used as a parameter to evaluate the overall value this project. Using our
calculated WACC which is 13.93% and applying it to our cash flow to determine
the total of our future cash flow to its present value, the calculated net present
value of our project amounts to US $699,706.68.

7.13. Sensitivity Analysis

In this section, were going to make a sensitivity analysis from cash flow.
The variable that we use to see the effect towards the cash flow is selling price,
raw material cost, and Indirect and direct labor. The reason we choose Indirect

Universitas Indonesia

and direct labor and raw material cost as free variable is because those two have
contributed a lot in operational cost. The reason we choose selling price is
because, generally the selling price itself is the most contributed variable that
affect the cash flow. Parameters used in the sensitivity analysis are NPV, IRR,
Payback Period, and BEP, in which those parameters because those parameters
have biggest probability to fluctuate in reality.

7.13.1. Selling Price Fluctuation

This sensitivity analysis was performed in the decrease and increase of the
product sales price. When a decrease in the selling price occurs, the percentage
IRR obtained is smaller which means the rate of return will become more long
until undefined. It is also evident from the lower sales price that the value of the
payback period becomes higher. The below table is show about analysis selling
price our product.

Table 7. 15. Selling Price Analysis

Selling Price Fluctuation

Product Price PP
Deviation IRR NPV (USD) BEP (Ton)
per Unit (USD) (years)
-4.5% 1,432.50 0% - $1,624,460.64 9.83 98,256.77
-3.0% 1,455.00 7% - $849,738.20 6.92 69,195.38
-1.5% 1,477.50 13% - $75,015.76 5.34 53,400.72
0.0% 1,500.00 19% $699,706.68 4.35 43,476.59
1.5% 1,522.50 24% $1,474,429.12 3.67 36,663.00
3.0% 1,545.00 29% $2,249,151.56 3.17 31,695.69
4.5% 1,567.50 34% $3,023,874.00 2.79 27,913.76

As we can see from the table above. the selling price of Cocamide DEA is
very sensitive. The fluctuation by 4.5% higher or lower really impact the IRR and
NPV. This is very unacceptable from the investor side

7.13.2. Operational Cost Changes (Raw Material)

Sensitivity analysis was performed on the change of the operational costs
of this product. An increase in the cost of that support production activities can
impact the NPV values are getting smaller, so does the value of its IRR will be

Universitas Indonesia

lower. This mean that the returns would be lower. It is also evident from the
payback period is the longer the payback. The factory is said to be visible because
it is not easily swayed by these changes despite the cost breakdown can be seen
that most influence the production process is the cost of raw materials.

Table 7. 16. Raw Material Analysis

Raw Material Fluctuation

Deviation Raw Material Price (USD) IRR NPV (USD)
(years) (Ton)
-4.5% 11,368,535.76 31% $2,544,200.87 3.01 30,140.46
-3.0% 11,547,099.15 27% $1,929,369.47 3.36 33,573.25
-1.5% 11,725,662.54 23% $1,314,538.08 3.79 37,888.48
0.0% 11,904,225.93 19% $699,706.68 4.35 43,476.59
1.5% 12,082,789.32 15% $84,875.28 5.10 50,998.19
3.0% 12,261,352.71 10% -$529,956.11 6.17 61,666.68
4.5% 12,439,916.1 5% -$1,144,787.51 7.80 77,979.24

From the table above, we can see the sensitivity of raw material. If the raw
material cost is increase about 1.5%, the effect are IRR and NPV will become
lower and PP longer. The difference is clearly visible. It means that raw material
is very sensitive.

7.13.3. Operational Cost Changes (Labor Cost Deviation)

Next, a sensitivity analysis was done on the labor cost and the changes that
may occur. Labor cost can impact the production activity in terms of increasing or
decreasing the total operational cost. The deviation that is set is the same like the
two-previous analysis, which is 1.5%, 3%, and 4.5%. The table below shows the
labor cost calculation and its impact towards the payback period, IRR, BEP, and

Universitas Indonesia

Table 7. 17. Labor Cost Analysis

Labor Fluctuation
Labor Price
Deviation IRR NPV (USD) PP (years) BEP (%)
-4.5% 441,557.99 19.53% $788,194.25 4.2572904 42,572.90
-3.0% 453,239.42 19.25% $747,972.63 4.2978967 42,978.97
-1.5% 460,248.27 19.08% $723,839.65 4.3226345 43,226.34
0.0% 467,257.13 19% $699,706.68 4.35 43,476.59
1.5% 474,265.99 18.75% $675,573.71 4.3729743 43,729.74
3.0% 481,274.84 18.58% $651,440.74 4.3985864 43,985.86
4.5% 488,283.70 18.42% $627,307.76 4.4245004 44,245.00

From the table above, we can see that an increase or decrease in labor cost
will not significantly impact the operational cost, hence also the NPV, payback
period, IRR, and BEP. We can say from this analysis that this aspect of the
production activity is not sensitive towards fluctuation compared to raw material
and selling price.

7.13.4. Sensitivity Graph

To lay out each sensitivity analysis, the graphs below show the fluctuation
of IRR, NPV, BEP, and payback period for selling price, raw material, and labor

IRR Chart
IRR Rate

20% Selling Price
15% Raw Material
-4,5% -3,0% -1,5% 0,0% 1,5% 3,0% 4,5%


Figure 7. 5. Chart for Sensitivity Analysis

Universitas Indonesia

From the graph above, we can see that both selling price and raw material
affects the IRR significantly. Price changes for raw material and selling price
should be considered because it may cause the IRR value to be high or low. When
the IRR rate is lower than the MARR, which is 13.93%, this means that our
Cocamide DEA plant is not suited to meet the investors interest. Labor cost
changes show minor affect towards the IRR value.

NPV Chart



Selling Price
Raw Material
$0,00 Labor
-4,5% -3,0% -1,5% 0,0% 1,5% 3,0% 4,5%


Figure 7. 6. NPV Chart for Sensitivity Analysis

Figure 7.6. shows the impact of selling price, raw material purchases, and
labor cost towards NPV. We can see that both raw material and selling price
affects the business when each price is increased and the plant can no longer be
profitable, or in other words NPV value is negative. When raw material prices are
increase, this will cause an increase in the selling price as well; where raw
material cost play an important role in the entire production. Labor cost does not
affect the NPV value significantly.

Universitas Indonesia

Payback Period Chart


Payback Period (Year)

6,00 Selling Price
4,00 Raw Material
2,00 Labor
-4,5% -3,0% -1,5% 0,0% 1,5% 3,0% 4,5%

Figure 7. 7. Payback Period Chart for Sensitivity Analysis

Figure 7.7. shows that raw material and selling price impacts the payback
period significantly. High selling prices can influence the demand of our product
in the market. Hence, a competitive and good price, which also brings profit to the
business must be put into consideration. On the other hand, raw material prices
also affect the payback period because an increase in the main materials can
contribute a fluctuation to the selling price and the even the payback period. Labor
cost is steady, which means that it causes minor influence to the payback period.

Break Even Point Chart

BEP (Tons)

60000,00 Selling Price
40000,00 Raw Material
-4,5% -3,0% -1,5% 0,0% 1,5% 3,0% 4,5%

Figure 7. 8. Break Even Point Chart for Sensitivity Analysis

From the graph above, we can see that the BEP is mostly affected from
selling price and raw material cost. When the selling prices is reduced, we can
expect an increase in the volume or unit sold in the market, whereas when the
price is increase, we can see a lower BEP value which indicates lower purchase of

Universitas Indonesia

Cocamide DEA. The opposite occurs to raw material. Labor cost is a minor affect
towards the BEP value.

7.13.5. Strategy
According to the sensitivity calculations, the most sensitive is selling price
of Cocamide DEA. The Labor cost is not that sensitive because the portion of our
operating cost is almost the same for each component. Selling price of cocamide
DEA and raw material cost are very sensitive because it can affect the IRR below
the MARR, which means not attractive to investors and will be not profitable. The
strategies to overcome the sensitivities is; maintaining the selling price 15%
higher than its original price because our company will be the first Cocamide
DEA producer in Indonesia (market monopoly). We might decrease our selling
price if unpredicted things occur, such as inflation, and reduce the production
capacity so our plant is still profitable. The strategies to the sensitivity of raw
material is to find a supplier for raw materials with a lower price with good
quality. By doing so, the cost of raw materials can be reduced as well as the
operational costs.

Universitas Indonesia

8.1. Technical Issue

Our plant is producing diethanolamide from coconut oil, or often called
cocamide DEA. This product is commonly use as surfactant, foam booster, and
additive for increasing viscousity. The production process of cocamide DEA is
pretty similar to those of CPO refinery and biodiesel plant. However, there are
reaction step after CPO is refined. The refinery process are a little bit tricky, in
which we can not use water to wash away the water soluble catalyst. This is due
to the foaming characteristic of cocamide DEA that prevent us from using water
to wash away the catalyst used in the process. Therefore, we choose to separate it
using gravitation and flash drum column. However, in gravitational separation
(also known as decanting), time of separation is important to be consedered. This
result in a more difficult control on the feed flowrate and product stream
composition, to make sure that all of the catalyst are well separated.
The other issue is on the raw materials and product flow characteristic. As
been said before, this product also known for its high viscousity. This is due to the
addition of dieathanolamine to the fatty acid, which further increase the
viscousity. Cocamide DEAs and DEAs viscous characteristic making these two
fluid more difficult to transport. Therefore, we need to use a positive displacement
pump to create high pressure that can help this fluid to flow through the pipeline.

8.2. Economic Issue

Our product, cocamide DEA, is currently labelled as possibly carcinogenic
class 2B by IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). This issue
hugely impact our market, making this product banned on several country. This is
due to the use of diethanolamine, which its exposure to people have been linked to
cancer. California itself have already listed cocamide DEA as a known carcinogen
in 2012 under its Prop 65 law, which requires warning labels on consumer
products containing cocamide DEA. This issue have reduce the market of our
product in USA and several other european country, which also recall all product

118 Universitas Indonesia


containing this substance. However, FDA (US Food and Drug Agency) have not
issued any prohibition on the use of this chemical.
Another issue is about the market of our product in Indonesia.
Currently, according to the BPS, on average, Indonesias demand on cocamide
DEA are only 2,500 ton/year. This indicate that we need to widened our market
by influencing other industry to switch from other surfactant to this product. We
targeted that on 2018, when we start producing our product, we have already
influencing 2.5% of the market to switch their commonly use surfactant into
cocamide DEA, which will add 7,500 ton product resulting in overall production
capacity of 10,000 ton/year. This strategy will give us PBP in 4.35 years, with
IRR value of 19% and NPV of USD 699,706.68.

Universitas Indonesia

Based on the report and calculation before, we can conclude that:

Solution to reduce the import number of surfactans, such as Alkyl Benzene
Sulfonate, is by making a di-ethanolamide from indonesian natural
resource, that is Crude Palm Oil (CPO), has same function as surfactant
for cosmetic product such as soap and shampoo.
Our plant take a market share of 100% of the product import value. The
amount of market share we choose based on our purpose to fulfill the
domestic demand for diethanolamine.
Our plant take a market share of 2.5% from similar products because our
product have more competitive price and quality than similar products.
Crude Palm Oil (CPO) are used as raw material and the plant is going to
be built in Kawasan Industri Dumai, Jalan Pulau Sumatera, Medang
Kampai, Dumai city, Riau with production capacity of Cocamide DEA
10000 ton/year.
The step process are include CPO refinery, Cocamide DEA formation, and
Cocamide DEA Purification.
The yield of cocamide DEA formation is 99,5%.
Plant Efficiency is 99,335% based on energy balance
The pinch point of this design is found at the top such that the minimum
energy for hot utility is 0.0 kW and for cold utility is 75.34 kW.
Based on the resulting HEN, a total of five heat exchangers, three coolers,
and one heater is required.
HEN reduces the usage of hot utility up to 79.56% and cold utility up to
The total requirement for water utilities after implementing HEN is 78.3
The total requirement for electricity utilities after implementing HEN is
5687.8 kWh/day.

120 Universitas Indonesia


The total requirement for fuel utilities after implementing HEN is 59.25
L/h of diesel
This sizing is including the dimension and material construction. There are
41 equipment.
We have been sizing equipment for Cocamide DEA production plant,
including 1 unit CPO Storage tank, 15 unit pump, 9 unit heat exchanger, 1
unit ultrafilter, 1 unit Bleaching Earth storage, 2 unit Blending Tank, 2 unit
Plate and Frame Filtration, 1 unit RBDPO Storage, 1 unit Methanol +
NaOCH3 Storage, 1 unit DEA Storage, 2 unit CSTR, 1 unit Acetic
Anhydrade Storage, 2 unit Decanter, 1 unit Flashing Column, 1 unit
Dehydration Column, and 1 unit Product Storage. The types of equipment
are tank, pump, decanter, filter, mixer, and heat exchanger.
There are several utility and supporting equipment specification such as
pump, heat exchanger, and valve. Our plant utility are water utility, and
fuel utility. Equipment for water utility, that are NaOCl injection, rotary
filter with micro mesh, nitrate injection, mixed bed polisher, deaerator.
Equipment for fuel utiliy, that are package boiler, and diesel generator.
Controlled variable in pipeline and instrumentation diagram are
temperature, pressure, liquid level, flow rate, composition, filtrated
concentration and certain physical properties whose magnitudes may be
influenced by some of the other variables, for instance, viscosity, etc.
HAZID and HAZOP analysis can be used to help analyze any potential
risks and hazards at our facility.
Based on MSDS, some of our materials need special handling because its
corrosiveness, easily flamable, and volatile & toxic characteristic.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is mandatory for employee and guest
inside the facility to prevent any injury cause by plant potential hazard.
It is important to have safety training, fire extinguisher, and evacuation
route to help employee in case of emergency.
The effluent waste can be grouped into four types, which are solid, liquid,
gas, and noise.

Universitas Indonesia

Most of our waste are organic matters with high nutritional content, which
can be used as fertilizer.
Most of our waste have high BOD content which can be use as substrate
for biological waste treatment (anaerobic and aerobic digester).
Our plant has a total area of 14,703.96 m2
There are several area inside our facility, which are production area, office
area, utility area, waste treatment area, storage area, and supporting area.
Most of our process equipment is placed inside the plant building to help
maintain its operating condition.
The plant will be built in 2017 with duration estimate for plant completion
is 1 year, therefore the production can begin at approximately in the end of
The total capital investment (CAPEX) for our plant is $2,467,568.97 USD.
It is being used for land and building administration, buying equipment for
Operational cost of our company is $13,740,262.14 USD
The price of Cocomide DEA is $1,500 USD/ton we get the price by using
method the trend line from eksisting producen.
To fulfil the need of starting capital, were loan from two different
sources, banks debt from Mandiri (40%) and investors equity (60%).
Our plant is 10 years life time
The payback period of our company is 4.35 year. It is indeed fast payback
The BEP of our company is 43,476.59 tons of Cocomide DEA until we
have profit.
NPV, or Net Present value of our product with MARR 13.93% the
calculation result is $699,706.68 USD.
The cash flow most sensitive for the value from selling price and raw
material cost

Universitas Indonesia

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Parchem, t.thn. Lauric Diethanolamide. [Online]
Available at:
[Diakses 13 September 2016].
Rohani, 2006. Process Design in Degumming and Bleaching of Palm Oil, Johor:
Centre of Lipid Engineering and Applied Research.
Boiteux, J.-P., Brancq, B., Lecocu, N. & Frederic, L., 1992. Process for the
preparation of purified fatty alkyldiethanolamides products obtained
according to said process and their use. United State of America, Paten No.
US 5108661 A.
Chapman, F. S. and F. A. Holland. Liquid Mixing and Processing in Stirred
Tanks, 1966.
Kern, Donald Q. Process heat transfer. New Delhi: Tate McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company, 1997.
Rohani, 2006. Process Design in Degumming and Bleaching of Palm Oil, Johor:
Centre of Lipid Engineering and Applied Research.
Walas, Stanley M. Chemical process equipment. Boston: Butterworth-
Heinemann, 1990.
Eckenfelder, W. Wesley. 2000. Industrial Water Pollution Control. New York,
USA: McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.

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Edwards. NA. Vacuum Pump and Vaccum System Safety. Available at:
/Edwards_Vacuum_Safety_Booklet.pdf (Accessed on 8 November 2016)
Science Lab. Crude Palm Oil MSDS. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed on 8
November 2016)
Science Lab. Diethanolamine MSDS. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed on 8
November 2016)
Science Lab. Sodium Methoxide in Methanol MSDS. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed on 8
November 2016)
Science Lab. Sodium Methoxide in Methanol MSDS. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed on 8
November 2016)
Science Lab. Acetic Andhydrate MSDS. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed on 8
November 2016)
Science Lab. Acetic Andhydrate MSDS. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed on 8
November 2016)
Lincoln Inc. Cocamide DEA MSDS. [Online]. Available at:
.pdf (Accessed on 8 November 2016)
Science Lab. Water MSDS. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed on 8
November 2016)
Science Lab. Sodium Hypochlorite MSDS. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed on 8
November 2016)

Universitas Indonesia

Science Lab. Nitrite MSDS. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed on 8
November 2016)
ILPI. 2016. Hazardous Materials Identification System. Available at: (Accessed on 7 November 2016)
Western Sydney University. 2015. Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and
Control Procedure. Available at:
(Accessed on 8 November 2016)
Banks Engineering. 2014. Boiler Safety. Available at: (Accessed on 7
November 2016)
Blank & Tarquin. 5th edition. Ch.16 Authored by Dr. Don Smith, Texas A&M
Branan, Carl. 2002. Rules of Thumb For Chemical Engineers. Houston : ElSevier.
Brownell, Lloyd E and Edwin H. Young. 1959. Process Equipment Design. John
Wiley & Sons, inc.
Cheremisinoff , Nicholas P. 2000. Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment.
Coulson & Richardson. 1983. Chemical Engineering Design. Oxford : El-Sevier.
Chemical And Process Design Handbook. New York : McGraw-Hill.
Demers Alexander. et al. Enzymatic Hydrolisis of Cellulosic Biomass for the
Production of Second Generation Biofuels. Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Granstrom Tom. et al. Process for Biobutanol. Aalto University. Finland.
Jang, Yu-sin. et al. 2012. Butanol Production From Renewable Biomass by
Clostridia. Bioresource Technology. 123(2012) 653- 663.
Kaminski Wladyslaw. et al. 2011. Biobutanol- Production and Purification
Methods. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. Vol. 18 NO. 1
Ludwig, E. E. 1997. Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical
Plants, Gulf Professional Publishing.
M Green Edward. Fermentative Production of Butanol- the Industrial
Perspective. Oxfordshire. United Kingdom.
Perry, Robert H. 1999. Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook. McGraw-Hill

Universitas Indonesia

Appendix A. List of Raw Material Analysis

Table A.1 Land Usage for Oil Palm Plantations in Indonesia

(Source: BPS, 2015)

127 Universitas Indonesia


Table A.2 Land Potential for Jatropha Plantation in Indonesia


Table A.3 Land Usage for Soybean Plantations in Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Appendix B. List of Equipment Design

1. Storage Tanks
Sizing for tanks is first done on the CPO storage tank. This tank is as a
storage for crude palm oil before it is inserted into the ultrafiltration to fulfill the
requirement for bleaching process. The material selection for this tank is will be
carbon steel SA 167, grade 3, type 304. This selection is because CPO is a crude
liquid and non corrosive. This is according to ASME BPVC Section II, EN
13445-2. Based on API 620 and API 650, the type of tank for water is a vertical
Operating conditions
Temperature = 25oC
Pressure = 1 atm = 14.7 psi
Volume of tank
Solution = 887.5 kg/m3
CPO Mass = 184348.9 kg/week
CPO Volume = m/ = 207.7 m3/week
With the empty space in tank about 10%, the volume of tank will be:
Vtank = Vliquid*100/90 = 230.79 m3
1. The volume of the tank space is 10%
2. Height ratio cylinder with a diameter of the cylinder is 1.4:1
3. Close the top and bottom cap shaped thorispherical head.

( )

Universitas Indonesia

Calculation of Design Pressure

Hydrostatic pressure in the tank = x g x h of liquid in the tank
= 887.5 kg/m3 x 9.8 m/s2 x 7.83 m
= 68101.425 Pa = 0.68 bar
With a safety margin of 15%, then:
Design pressure = 1.15 x (1 +0.68bar) = 1.68 bar = 24.37 psia

Determining Shell Thickness

Used construction material made of stainless steel with specifications
type 304, grade 3 (SA-167) (App. D, Brownell, p: 342)
Corrosion factor c = 3.175
Connection for welding selected type double welded butt joint
Welding efficiency. (E) = 1 (Table 13.2, Brownell)
Shell thickness :
We calculate thickness base on circumferential and longitudinal stress, so we must
calculate the stress first with the define data bellow :
P = 168 kPa (Pressure gauge)
D = 2.74 m (Shell diameter)
S = 99816.09 kPa (Maximum allowable stress (table 13.2))
E = 1 (Wheel efficiency)
From those data, we calculate circumferential and longitudinal stress
Circumferential Stress

Longitudinal Stress

Base on circumferential and longitudinal stress, we use bigger value of shell

thickness, there is 0.46 cm.

For Torispherical Head Thickness,

K = 1/6(2+(D/2h)2= 0.997

Universitas Indonesia

CA = 0.003175 m (korotion factor)

We use a same tank sizing calculation algorithm for all the tank. The algorithm
can be seen below.

Assume Tank
Estimate Liquid Space To
Volume In Tank Determine Tank

Determine Shell Calculate Tank

Calculate Design
And Head Diameter And
Thickness Height

Figure B.1. Tank Sizing Algorithm

The table below shows the summary of sizing results for all storage tanks in the

Table B.1. Summary of Storage Tank Sizing

T Capacity Diameter Height Thickness
Code Material P (kPa)
(oC) (m3) (m) (m) (mm)
V-101 Carbon Steel 168.101 25 213 5.5 7.8 46
V-105 Carbon Steel 101.3 100 30 2.78 3.97 33
V-106 Stainless Steel 101.3 25 65 3.69 5.13 13
V-107 Stainless Steel 101.3 25 64 3.56 5.13 13
V-108 Stainless Steel 143.6 25 33 3.11 4 30
V-111 Carbon Steel 101.3 30 230 5.47 7.28 35

Universitas Indonesia

2. Pumps
A positive displacement pump (PD Pump) is used as our plant fluid
transporter. It is due to high viscosity of our fluid and low flow rate, which a
centrifugal pump can not handle. We calculate the pump based on its total head,
resulting in NPSHa and the predicted BHP. The total head is the sum of pipe
friction head loss, fitting friction head loss, equipment friction head loss, check
valve head loss, total static head, velocity head difference, and tank pressure head
Pipe friction head loss
Fitting friction head loss

Equipment friction head loss

Check valve head loss

Total static head

Velocity head difference

Velocity head difference = v22/2g - v12/2g
Tank pressure head difference
Tank pressure head difference = H2 H1
From this calculation, we can get the total head our pump must have. The next
parameter to sellect pump is NPSHa (Net Possitive Suction Head available),
which is calculated based on equation

The pump we choose must have NPSHr value smaller than NPSHa we have. The
NPSHr data is given by the pump manufacturer. We can also predict our pump
power (Brake Horse Power, BHP), using equation:

Universitas Indonesia

Table below are shown specification of each pump using in this plan:
Pump (PM-101)
Table B.2 PM-101 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-101
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Function To Pump CPO From Tank to Ultrafiltration
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel
Operation Data
Flow rate 1.5337 m3/h
Total Head Loss 72.01 ft fluid
NPSH 4.72 m
Efficiency 25 %
Break Horse Power 135 W

Pump (PM-102)
Table B.3 PM-102 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment code PM-102
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Function To pump from ultrafiltration to blending tank
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel
Operation Data
Flow rate 1.497 m3/h
Total Head Loss 133.89 ft fluid
NPSH 3.19 m
Efficiency 23 %
Break Horse Power 229 W

Pump (PM-103)
Table B.4 PM-103 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-103
Type Positive Displacement Pump

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.4 PM-103 Specification (contd)

Equipment Specification
Function To pump bleached fluid from bleacher
tank to plate and frame filtration 1
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Stainless Steel
Operation Data
Flow rate 1061.69 kg/h
Total Head Loss 24.69 ft fluid
Efficiency 25%
NPSH 0.34 m
Break Horse Power 114.15 W

Pump (PM-104)
Table B.5 PM-104 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-104
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Function To pump filtered fluid from plate and
frame filtration 1 to deodorizing tank
Equipment Specification
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Stainless Steel
Operation Data
Flow rate 1032.53 kg/h
Total Head Loss 12.58 ft fluid
Efficiency 30%
NPSH 0.24 m
Break Horse Power 47.13 W

Pump (PM-105)
Table B.6 PM-105 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-105
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Function To pump deodorized palm oil from
deodorizing tank to plate and frame
filtration 2
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Stainless Steel

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.6 PM-105 Specification (contd)

Operation Data
Flow rate 1103.601 kg/h
Total Head Loss 24.23 ft fluid
Efficiency 30%
NPSH 0.2 m
Break Horse Power 97.01 W

Pump (PM-106)
Table B.7 PM-106 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-106
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Function Transports RBDPO to CSTR 1
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel
Operation Data
Flow rate 1.09 m3/h
Total Head Loss 13.56 ft fluid
NPSH 3.877 m
Efficiency 25%
Break Horse Power 58.96 W

Pump (PM-107)
Table B.8 PM-107 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-107
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Function To pump filtered palm oil plate and
frame filtration 2 to RBDPO Storage
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Stainless Steel
Operation Data
Flow rate 978.135 kg/h
Total Head Loss 12.35 ft fluid
Efficiency 25%
NPSH 0.17 m
Break Horse Power 52.59 W

Universitas Indonesia

Pump (PM-108)
Table B.9 PM-108 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment code PM-108
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Function To pump from RBPDO to heat exchanger
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel
Operation Data
Flow rate 1.47 m3/h
Total Head Loss 144.36 ft fluid
NPSH 6.5 m
Efficiency 15 %
Break Horse Power 353 W

Pump (PM-109)
Table B.102 PM-109 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-109
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Transports methanol and sodium methoxide to CSTR
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel
Operating Condition
Flow rate 0.081 m3/h
Total Head Loss 10.34 ft fluid
NPSH 2.85 m
Efficiency 10%
Break Horse Power 8.18 W

Pump (PM-110)
Table B.11 PM-110 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-110
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Transport fluid from acetic anhydride storage tank to
Equipment Specification
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.11 PM-110 Specification (contd)

Operating Condisiton
Flow rate 0.0463 m3/h
Total Head Loss 38.40 ft fluid
NPSH 9.47 m
Efficiency 21.2%
BHP 20.525 W

Pump (PM-111)
Table B.12 PM-111 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-111
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Function Transports fluid from CSTR 1 to CSTR 2
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel
Operating Conditon
Flow rate 1.35 m3/h
Total Head Loss 11.44 ft fluid
NPSH 0.954 m
Break Horse Power 118.8 W

Pump (PM-112)
Table B.13 PM-112 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-112
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Transports fluid from acetic anhydride storage tank to
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel
Operating Condition
Flow rate 0.0463 m3/h
Total Head Loss 38.40 ft fluid
NPSH 9.476 m
Break Horse Power 20.9 W

Universitas Indonesia

Pump (PM-113)
Table B.14 PM-113 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-113
Type Positive Displacement Pump
Function Transport fluid from CSTR 2 to decanter
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel
Operating Condition
Flow rate 1.35 m3/h
NPSH 4.69 m
Total Head Loss 25.06 ft fluid
Break Horse Power 260.2 W

Decanter (V-109)
Table B.15 V-109 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Decanter
Equipment Code V-109
Separating product (cocamide DEA) from its by-
product (Glycerol) and impurities based on its density
Operating Condition
Pressure 172.68 kPa
Temperature 45C
Settling Time 7.93 hours
Residence Time 8 hours
Vessel Design
Materials Carbon Steel
Tank Type Horizontal Two Phase Separator
Head Type Thorispherical
Capacity 13 m3
Tank Diameter 1.38 m
Tank Length 6.92 m
Shell Thickness 0.03 m
Straight Flange 0.72 m
Head Thickness 0.0043 m

Pump (PM-114)
Table B.16 PM-114 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Code PM-114
Type Positive Displacement Pump

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.16 PM-114 Specification (contd)

Equipment Specification
Function Transport product to product storage
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel
Operating Condition
Flow rate 1.26 m3/h
NPSH 1.539 m
Total Head Loss 15.18 ft fluid
Break Horse Power 240 W

Vacuum Pump 1 (VP-101)

Table B.17 VP-101 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Vacuum Pump
Equipment Code VP-101
Function Creating vacuum operating condition in CSTR 1
Quantity (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Operating Condition
Pressure 400 torr
Temperature 80C
Specification Design
Type Positive Displacement, Reciprocating
Material Steel
Free Air Displacement 40.5 L/min
Ultimate Vacuum 0.375 torr
BHP 200 W

Vacuum Pump 2 (VP-102)

Table B.18 VP-102 Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Vacuum Pump
Equipment Code VP-102
Function Creating vacuum operating condition in CSTR 2
Quantity (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Operating Conditon
Pressure 400 torr
Temperature 80C

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.18 VP-102 Specification (contd)

Specification Design
Type Positive Displacement, Reciprocating
Material Steel
Free Air Displacement 40.5 L/min
Ultimate Vacuum 0.375 torr
BHP 200 W

The table below shows the summary of sizing results for all pumps in the plant.

Table B.19. Summary of Pump Sizing

Flowrate Differential Head Break Horse Power
Code 3
(m /h) (ft) (W)
PM-101 1.53 21.95 135
PM-102 1.5 40.81 229
PM-103 1061.69 24.69 114.15
PM-104 1032.53 12.58 47.13
PM-105 1103.60 24.23 97.01
PM-106 978.14 13.56 58.96
PM-107 978.14 12.35 52.59
PM-108 1.47 44 353
PM-109 0.081 10.34 8.18
PM-110 0.0463 38.40 20.9
PM-111 1.35 11.44 118.8
PM-112 0.046 38.40 20.9
PM-113 1.35 25.06 260.2
PM-114 1.26 15.18 240

3. Heat Exchangers
Heat Exchanger calculation starts from HX-102, designed to increase heat
for bleaching process. Before calculating the design of heat exchanger, we have to
understand the detail information from the cold and hot stream to design shell and
tube heat exchanger. Below is Hot and Cold fluid data

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.20. Stream Data

Hot Stream Cold Stream
W (lb/hr) 264.55 699.92
T1(F) 428 122
T2(F) 427 212
Tav (F) 427.5 167
C (Btu/lbF) 668.7 2.8
Q (Btu/h) 176378,6 176378,6

Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) Calculation

Table B.21. LMTD Calculation
Hot Stream Cold Stream
T1(F) 428 T1(F) 122 dt2 (F) 216
T2(F) 427 T2(F) 212 dt(F) 305
Diff (F) 1 Diff (F) 90 Diss (F) 89
LMTD 257.95

LMTD (Log Mean Temperature Different) is a ratio between the fluid

temperature cold or hot fluid heat exchanger at the end of this tool. As an
increasingly large LMTD, heat transfer occurs then the better. Below is equation
for calculation of LMTD

To be able to see the difference in temperature between the two fluids is neede FT
correction factor, the value of R and S follows:

The result of calculation with use above equation, as follows:

R = 0.71. and S = 0.10

Universitas Indonesia

With use value of R and S, we get FT (LMTD correction) value that see in Figure
18, Kern.
FT = 1
= = 1x257.95 = 257.95
Heat Transfer Srea
Based on Kern 1983, table 8 appendix for heaters with steam as hot fluid and
heavy organic as cold fluid told that range for UD 6-60. So it is assumed that UD
= 15. Place the small stream in the shell

A = 45.58 Ft2
a see in table 10, Kern)
ac = 0.196
Number of Tube =

Nmber of Tube = 19
Based on calculation number of tube , we get number of tube actual, Shell ID and
Shell Pass (Table 9, kern), as follows:
Number of tube actual = 20, Shell ID = 8 in, and 4-Passes
Below is calculation of correction Flow area and UD with the same equation, as
= "= 47.11 ft2
UD = 14.51

Flow Area Shell and Tube Calculation

Calculation of the distance between the baffle above, is useful to calculate the
surface area of the shell side as shown in table, the calculation follow

B ID / 5
as ID C ' B / 144 PT

from table 10, kern

Universitas Indonesia

as = flow area shell
at = flow area tube
C = the distance between the tube with another tube in the shell
ID = inner diameter shell
B = distance between baffle
Nt = number of tube
= flow area per tube
n= number of passes tube
as = 0.067 ft2
at = 0.0093 ft2
Mass Velocities calculation
Mass velocity to the shell as follows

Ga = 3968.32 lb/hr ft2

Mass velocity to the tube as follows

Gp = 75214.77 lb/hr ft2

Reynold Number Calculation
Reynold number to shell (Res) and tube (Ret)

Where De is given from fig.28 based on its pitch type and size, D is given from
table 10 based on tube size, and a is given from fig 18, below is the result

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.22. Reynold Number on Shell Side

Reynold Number
De (ft) 0,060833333
Ga 3968,320719
a 0,04114
Re 5867,918743

Table B.23. Reynold Number on Tube Side

Reynold Number
D 0,048667
Gp 75214,77
P 26,62
Re 137,5076

Calculation of Heat Transfer Factor and Heat Transfer Coefficient

To find jH value we used figure 28 for shell side and figure 24 for tube side in
Kern, 1983 based on its Reynold Number. jH value is used for calculating ho and
The formula is

Whereas formula hio

Table B.24. Heat Transfer Factor and Heat Transfer Coefficient

Heat Transfer Factor
Shell Side Tube Side
jH 40 Fig. 28 jH 3 Fig. 24
Heat Transfer Coefficient
( 1/3/k) 11.11 ID 0.582 in
k 0.02 OD 0.75 in

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.24. Heat Transfer Factor and Heat Transfer Coefficient (contd)
Heat Transfer Coefficient
ho 146.11 Btu/(hr)(ft2)(oF) hi 181.09 Btu/(hr)(ft2)(oF)
hio 141.005 Btu/(hr)(ft2)(oF)

Pressure Drop Calculation

For calculating pressure drop from each side there are some steps
a. Shell side
Based on Reynold number finds value shell side friction factor (f) based on figure
29 and find specific gravity of fluid, then calculating number of crosses
+1=12(/ )
And finally calculating pressure drop
=( 2 (N+1))/ (5.221010 )
b. Tube side

Based on Reynold number finds value tube side friction factor (f) based on figure
29 and finally calculating pressure drop
=( 2
)/(5.221010 )

Table B.25. Pressures Drop on Shell Side

Hot fluid
Re 5867,918743
f 0,0025 (fig.29)

of crosses 30
Ga 3968,320719
De 0,666666667
Ps 3,80107E-09

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Table B.26. Pressures Drop on Tube Side

Cold fluid
Re 137,5076
0,006 (fig.
f 29)
Gp 75214,77
D 0,048667
Pt 0,641352

Clean Overall Coefficient and Dirt Factor Calculation

Clean overall coefficient (Uc) is the transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger at
the time when there has been sediment or dirt yet. Dirty overall coefficient (Ud) is
conducting heat transfer from the heat exchanger after the operation and it already
has deposits or dirt. Below is equation used
hio ho
hio ho

Table B.27. Clean Overall Coefficient and Dirt Factor

hio 141,0051227
ho 146,1066406
Uc 71,75527935
Ud 14,51394628
Rd (Dirt
Factor) 0,054962992

The table below shows the summary of sizing results for our heat exchangers.

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.28. Summary of Heat Exchanger Sizing

Dirt Factor ID Shell OD Tube
Code LMTD (oC) Length (in)
(Rd) (m) (m)
HX-101 170.63 0.092 0.74 0.019 12
H-102 125.53 0.091 0.203 0.019 12
HX-103 93.67 0.15 0.203 0.019 12
HX-104 56.77 0.086 0.203 0.019 12
HX-105 31.28 0.019 0.203 0.019 12
HX-106 66.7 0.0037 0.203 0.019 12
CX-107 37.79 0.035 0.337 0.019 12
CX-108 43.035 0.0031 0.063 0.035 7.9

4. Mixer
This tank is as a mixing tank for bleaching earth and water before it is
inserted into the bleanding tank fulfill the requirement for bleaching process. The
material selection for this tank is will be carbon steel SA 167, grade 3, type 304.
This selection is because both water and bleaching earth are non corrosive. This is
according to ASME BPVC Section II, EN 13445-2. Based on API 620 and API
650, the type of tank for water is a vertical tank.
Operating conditions
Temperature = 25oC
Pressure = 1 atm = 14.7 psi
Volume of tank
Solution = 1550 kg/m3
Mass = 237.816 kg/day
Volume = m/ = 0.17 m3
With the empty space in tank about 10%, the volume of tank will be:
Vtank = Vliquid*100/90 = 0.8 m3
1. The volume of the tank space is 10%
2. Height ratio cylinder with a diameter of the cylinder is 0.7
3. Close the top and bottom cap shaped thorispherical head.

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Calculation of Design Pressure

Hydrostatic pressure in the tank = x g x h of liquid in the tank
= 1550 kg/m3 x 9.8 m/s2 x 1.28 m
= 19443 Pa = 0.19 bar
With a safety margin of 15%, then:
Design pressure = 1.15 x (1 +0.19bar) = 1.3 bar = 18.85 psia
Determining Shell Thickness
Used construction material made of stainless steel with specifications
type 304, grade 3 (SA-167) (App. D, Brownell, p: 342)
Corrosion factor c = 3.175
Connection for welding selected type double welded butt joint
Welding efficiency. (E) = 1 (Table 13.2, Brownell)
Shell thickness :
We calculate thickness base on circumferential and longitudinal stress, so we must
calculate the stress first with the define data bellow :
P = 130 kPa (Pressure gauge)
D = 0.9 m (Shell diameter)
S = 99816.09 kPa (Maximum allowable stress (table 13.2))
E = 1 (Wheel efficiency)
From those data, we calculate circumferential and longitudinal stress
Circumferential Stress

Universitas Indonesia

Longitudinal Stress

Base on circumferential and longitudinal stress, we use bigger value of shell

thickness, there is 0.6 mm.

For Torispherical Head Thickness,

K = 1/6(2+(D/2h)2= 0.98
CA = 0.003175 m (korotion factor)

Agitator Calculation
Diameter Impeller (Di)

Impeller Distance from tank bottom (Hd)

Impeller Height and Width (Pb)

Impeller Type : Pitched-blade turbine base on Walas for suspended solid

Ratio h/D = 1.4 m
Settling velocity = 10 ft/min
Solid content = 50 wt%

Define N Value
With normal method to define power requirement we must define viscosity
first. But in suspended liquid, its hard to define it. So the way is using figure
10.8 at Walas book than define HP each point of d/D base on settling velocity
factor. Than we define the average of HP than found it and extrapolation with
tabel 10.4 on Walas Book. There is the way to fine HP or N value.
a. Volume vector = 1 (Figure 10.8a, Walas )
b.Z/T Vector = 1 (Figure 10.8b, Walas )

Universitas Indonesia

c. Settling velocity factor uniform = 10 (Figure 10.8c, Walas )

d. Suspension factor uniform = a + b + c = 12

Figure B.2. Suspension Solid Curve Specifications

(Source : Walas pg 297)

We define HP each point of d/D at point 12 (Suspension factor), the table are
bellow :
Table B.29. d/D and HP Value

d/D HP Value
0.1 2.75
0.2 4
0.3 15
0.4 20
0.6 50
Average 18.35

Universitas Indonesia

Than from the table 10.4 on Walace we define the HP witch similar with
18.35 value.
Figure B.30. Velocity and HP/rpm value

Source : Gates, Morton and Fondy

Then extrapolation with HP value as x and rpm value as y, than we get rpm
value when HP was at 18.35
Table B.31. Extrapolation for RPM

Liquid velocity
25 125
20 100
15 68
10 45
Extrapolation 18.35 89.124

Universitas Indonesia

N = RPM/60 = 1.2 rps

Np = 1.08 (base on rule of thumb on Walas, pg 292)
Pi = 9.6 Watt

5. Blending Tanks
The calculation of blending tank, is shown below
Determination of fluid characteristics
Mass rate feed : 1061.694 kg/h
Table B.32. Bleacher Mass Balance

IN (kg/h)
Stream- Stream-
110 DBPO
B-Carotene 0.515 0.515
FFA 19.297 19.297
Impurities 20.412 20.412
Phosphorus 0.302 0.302
triglyceride 990.919 990.919
water 20.34 20.34
Bleaching Earth 9.909 9.909
TOTAL 1061.694 1061.694

Density of feed : 897.838 kg/m3

Dimension tank
Volume of tank
Table B.33. Volume of Tank

Volume Total
Flowrate massa 1.062 kg/h
897,84 kg.m-3
Residence time 30 min
Volume 0,59 m3
Volume of work (90%) 0,656943331 m3
Actual Volume 1 m3

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Based on above table, total volume of tank = 1 m3

Below is calculation of volume tank,
Volume fluida = Flowrate massa x x Residence time
Volume of work = Volume fluida/0.9
Volume of Cylinder and head
Volume cylinder calculation :
- Volume of cylinder (Vs) = 0.9 x total volume of tank = 0.9 m3
- Volume of cylinder (Vs) =

- D cylinder = = 0.93 m

- Height of cylinder is obtained after a goal seek with the dimension

H = 1.33 m
Volume head calculation:
- Vt = Vs + Vh
Vh = Vt Vs = 1 m3
- Diameter of head = diameter of cylinder = 0.93 m
- Volume of torispherical head = (0.0847 x D2) + ( x D2 x S.F)/4
SF = 4(Vh 0.0847D2)/ D2 = 0.05 m
Dimention Rasio (RD)
Ratio ideal between height and diameter of the tank is 0.7, so we do goal
seek with height, so height of tank is below
Height of tank = 1.33 m
Thickness of the tank (Cylinder Thickness)
Our plant use carbon steel as material for RBDPO storage tank, below is data for
calculation of cylinder thickness;
Pressure design (P)
Pressure design (P) = 101.325 kPa
Tank inner radius (R)
Tank inner radius (R) = D/2 = 0.46 m
Corrosion factor (C)

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Corrosion factor (C) for carbon steel = 3.175 mm/year = 0.003175 m/year
Allowable working stress (S)
Allowable working stress (S) for carbon steel at 220C = 88,942.37 kPa
Efficiency of connection (E)
Efficiency of connection (E) = 1
Approximate age of equipment = 10 year
Below is equation for calculate cylinder thickness
Cylinder thickness (d) = + (CxA) = 0.0323 m = 3.23 cm

Head Thickness
Below is data for calculation of head thickness;
Pressure design (P)
Pressure design (P) = 101.325 kPa
Allowable working stress (S)
Allowable working stress (S) for carbon steel at 220C = 88,942.37 kPa
Efficiency of connection (E)
Efficiency of connection (E) = 1
h = D/4 = 0.24

K = [( ) ] = 0.98

Below is equation for calculate head thickness

Head thickness (t) = + (CxA) = 0.0325 m = 3.25 cm

Impeller Design
One of important thing for blending tank for bleaching process is agitator.
Size, type, and Quantity of impeller should be defined and sizing. First, we should
define type of impeller that will be used in liming tank. Election impeller based on
fluid viscocity. Viscosity of RBPO (Refined Bleaced Pam Oil) is 23.25 cp, so we
choose turbine 6 blade because this impeller cause turbulency more fastly than
other impeller type and appropriate to viscosity of the fluid. After we defined type

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of impeller, we should be sizing. Sizing of impeller follow rule of thumb which

shown below.
Diameter of Impeller, Dim = 1/3 D = 1/3 (0.93 m) = 0.31 m
Impeller Width, Wim = 1/8 Dim = 1/8 (0.31 m) = 0,04 m
Baffle Width, WB = 1/12 D = 1/12 (0.93 m) = 0,077 m
Distance between tank base and impeller (C) = 1/3D = 0.31 m
Then, we need calculate power for impeller. Speed of impeller that we want is 100
rpm. We should calculate the Reynolds number to know turbulence in the vessel.
Viscosity = 23.23 cp = 0.02325 kg/ms

Reynold Number = = 6183.92 (Turbulent)

P (Power needed to stirring)

First step, we should find out Np (Number Power), data used to search for Np
such as type of impeller and Reynold number,

Figure B.4. Chart for Power Number

Reynold number = 3710.35, type of impeller is (11) turbine impeller, six blades,
four baffles, so based on above chart our power number is 2. To calculate power,
we use equation, as follows;

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P = 0.001 x (Np x density x n2 x Da5)

P = 0.0142 kW = 14.2 W

6. Filter
Plate and frame Filtration (PFF) I is used to separate RBPO component with
bleaching earth and impurities component. The operation conditions are:
Temperature : 100C
Operating Pressure : 1 atm
Below is data for calculation of Plate and Frame Filter I, we get from SuperPro
Feed flowrate : 1061.69 kg/h
Filtrate flowrate (Ft) : 1032.53 kg/h
Cake flowrate (Fc) : 29.17 kg/h
Filtrate volumetric flow (Vt) : 1534.99 L/h = 1.53 m3/h
Cake volumetric flow (Vc) : 28.054 L/h = 0.028 m3/h
Below is calculation steps of Plate and Frame Filter I:
Filtrate density (

Cake density ( )

Filter Area (A)

Equation for calculate filter area is:

L : Cake thickness in frame = 0.05 m (based on assumption)
A : effective filter area (m2)
: cake density (kg/m3) = 1039.67 kg/m3
: filtrate density (kg/m3) = 672.66 kg/m3
V : filtrate volume (m3/h) = 1.53 m3/h

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: cake porosity = 0.09

W : mass fraction of cake to feed



0.62 m2

Total filter area

Filter safety factor is 10%, so
Total filter area = (1+0.1)(0.62) = 0.67 m2
Number of plates
Our plant use plate and frame filter about 12 inch = 0.3 m, so
Plate surface area design to be = 0.3x0.3 = 0.09 m2

Number of plates = = 8 plates

The same calculation is used for the second plate and frame filter and ultrafilter.

7. Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors

The first calculation is for CSTR 1. This CSTR will be used to react palm
oil with diethanolamine (DEA) in order to produce diethanolamide, or also called
cocamide DEA. The reaction consist of three component, palm oil, DEA, and
sodium methoxide solution with methanol as its solvent. The mean residence time
in the reactor are 5 hours to convert 95% of palm oil into cocamide DEA. There
are no available data on the kinetics parameter of this reaction, therefore, the
conversion and residence time will be use as the basic assumption in this reactor
CSTR Volume Determination
The volume of CSTR can be determined by using equation

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In which Fj is molar flow of the reactant. This value can also expressed in term of
volumetric flow rate and consentration.

The reaction kinetics can be expressed in term of differential equation, in which

reaction rate are the changes of A in certain Quantity of time.

Solving those problem, we can get , which is the space time of the stream inside
the reactor. Therefore, we can calculate the volume of the CSTR based on the
space time and the volumetric flowrate. Based on this calculation, we can get
reactor volume of 7 m3. With assumption that the working volume of the CSTR
will no greater than 90%, the actual volume of the tank is 8m3.
We can calculate the dimension of the tank based on the volume and ideal
ratio of CSTRs length and diameter. With assumption that 80% of the fluid will
be at the shell, we can calculate the volume of the silinder as 7,2 m3.

From this calculation, we got the reactors inside diameter as 1,83 m and 2,75 m
Our reactor will be operating at vacuum condition, therefore, the head
must be able to operate under low pressure. Therefore a thorispherical head is

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used, as it can operate at low pressure and have the lowest price rather then other
head type. The torispherical head can be calculated using equation:

We got SF as 0.11 m.
Head and Shell Thickness
The minimum thickness of head and shell of the reactor can be calculated
based on its circumferential and longitudinal strain. This calculation considering
the operating preassure, allowable stress of the material, wielding efficiency, and
internal radius of the wall.
SE 0.6 P
The tank operate in vacuum condition, which is 400-500 torr, equal to 53.329 kPa.
Allowable stress of the material use, stainless steel 316, is 126,366.978 kPa with
wielding efficiency 100%. From this calculation, we got the minimum shell
thickness is 0.04 cm.
The minimum head thickness is calculated based on the same parameter,
but using another factor called factor formula of ellipsoidal head, K.

From the calculation, we got the minimum head thickness at 0.34 cm.
The actual shell thickness will be greater than the minimum shell
thickness. Factors such as wind pressure, dead weight of the vessels,
instrumentation can increase the stress of the wall. The calculation to determine
the actual thickness is conducted using trial and error method. The dead weight of
the vessel can be calculated from the wall thickness itself, and the weight of its
internal fitting.

Typical Cw value for vessels with only few internal fitting is 1.08, and the
diameter (Dm) is the outside diameter of the vessels.
( )

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The pressure due to wind is called wind loading. It is calculated based on

its dynamic wind pressure and the vessels diameter.

The wind presssure corresponding to 60 kph is 426.67 N/m2. Therefore, the Mx

calculated based on this equation is 16,778,929,767 N/m. Next we calculate the
critical buckling stress and the maximum compressive stress of our material. The
critical buckling stress is the maximum stress the materials can resist before
buckling. The maximum compressive stress is the maximum stress possible to
happen to the materials. The critical buckling stress is:

( )

And the maximum compressive stress is:

The stress value here are:

( )

From this calculation, we know that the maximum compressive stress is 150.29
N/mm2 and the critical buckling stress of stainless steel 316 at thickness of 2.5 cm
is 240.58 N/mm2, well above the maximum compressive stress. So we decide the
shell thickness is 2.5 cm.

Figure B.5. Impeller Types

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(Source: Liquid Mixing and Processing in Stirred Tank, 1966)

Based on the figure above, flat blade turbine is selected to be the agitator type of
our reactor. It is due to the viscosity of our mixture, which is around 30-45 cp.
Assuming ideal reactor and a perfect mixing condition, the diameter and agitator
position from the bottom of the tank is:

The power of the agitator is than determined using power number based on its
reynold value. The Reynold number is calculated as:

Using Figure B.4., we can determine the power number of our impaller. The
reynold calculated based on the equation is 1,281.58 and the power number (Np)
is 2.35 based on the graph. The power used is calculated using equation:

From the calculation, we get that the power needed by flat-blade turbines is 0.158
kW. This calculation also conducted for the second CSTR reactor.

8. Decanter
Decanter is a two phase liquid-liquid separator which separate liquid based on its
density using gravitational force. To make sure that the two liquid separated, we
need to make sure that each particle get the needed time to separate. The time for
the two particle to separate is called residence time.
Decanter Residence Time and Volume Calculation
The volume of our decanting tank can be calculated based on a continuous
flow vessel equation.

In a decanting process, the residence time must be the same or greater than the
time needed for the two immiscible liquid to separate. The time needin for the two
liquid to separate can be calculated based on its viscosity and density.

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Based on the viscosity of the mixture at 45oC, and its corresponding density, we
calculate the residence time at

Therefore, we decided to design our vessel to have residence time of 8 hours.

Based on the volumetric flowrate of 1.4 m3/h, we can calculate the volume
to be

With assumption that the working volume is 90%, we get the actual volume of our
reactor to be 13 m3.
We can calculate the dimension of the tank based on the volume and ideal
ratio of decanters length and diameter. With assumption that 80% of the fluid
will be at the shell, we can calculate the volume of the silinder as 7,2 m3.

From this calculation, we got the reactors inside diameter as 1.38 m and 7 m
Our decanter operate at normal atmospheric pressure, Therefore a
thorispherical head is used, as it can operate at low pressure and have the lowest
price rather then other head type. The torispherical head can be calculated using

We got SF as 0.72 m.
Head and Shell Thickness
The minimum thickness of head and shell of the reactor can be calculated
based on its circumferential and longitudinal strain. This calculation considering

Universitas Indonesia

the operating preassure, allowable stress of the material, wielding efficiency, and
internal radius of the wall.
SE 0.6 P
The tank operate in atmospheric condition, which is 172.68 kPa. Allowable stress
of the material use, carbon steel, is 88,942.369 kPa with wielding efficiency
100%. From this calculation, we got the minimum shell thickness is 0.13 cm.
The minimum head thickness is calculated based on the same parameter,
but using another factor called factor formula of ellipsoidal head, K.

From the calculation, we got the minimum head thickness at 0.43 cm.
The actual shell thickness will be greater than the minimum shell
thickness. Factors such as wind pressure, dead weight of the vessels,
instrumentation can increase the stress of the wall. The calculation to determine
the actual thickness is conducted using trial and error method. The dead weight of
the vessel can be calculated from the wall thickness itself, and the weight of its
internal fitting.

Typical Cw value for vessels with only few internal fitting is 1.08, and the
diameter (Dm) is the outside diameter of the vessels.
( )
The pressure due to wind is called wind loading. It is calculated based on
its dynamic wind pressure and the vessels diameter.

The wind presssure corresponding to 60 kph is 426.67 N/m2. Therefore, the Mx

calculated based on this equation is 16,778,929,767 N/m. Next we calculate the
critical buckling stress and the maximum compressive stress of our material. The
critical buckling stress is the maximum stress the materials can resist before
buckling. The maximum compressive stress is the maximum stress possible to
happen to the materials. The critical buckling stress is:

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( )

And the maximum compressive stress is:

The stress value here are:

( )

From this calculation, we know that the maximum compressive stress is 312.52
N/mm2 and the critical buckling stress of carbon steel at thickness of 3.5 cm is
423.34 N/mm2, well above the maximum compressive stress. So we decide the
shell thickness is 3.5 cm.

9. Flashing Column
The use of a flash column in our plant is to increase the purity of
Cocamide DEA product by removing the remaining methanol and acetic
anhydrate. Before entering the flash column, the semi-product of Cocamide DEA
passes through a decanter and two heat exchangers, where it results in a two-phase
equilibrium of vapor and liquid.
The data required to calculate the flash column are; operating and final
temperature, flowrate, density, molecular mass, and the mole fraction of each
component. Calculations are based on Wankat (2007).
a. Calculating Liquid Density
The operating temperature of flash column is at 95C, where the final temperature
is 35C. Then, we also need to calculate the mole fraction of each component by
dividing each components flow rate by the total flow rate. Next, molecular
weight of each component is required as well as the density. We can calculate the
average liquid density with:

Which gives us 0.339 kg/mole.

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We then can obtain the specific volume of the pure components, which is the sum
of mole fractions multiplied by the pure component using the following equation.

Thus, we can obtain the liquid density with the equation below.

The liquid density is 988.89 kg/m3.
b. Determining the Vapor Density
For this part, we use the ideal gas rule, where

P is the operation pressure for this equipment which is 1.013 bar; the gas constant
is 8.314 J/mole. K, and the temperature is 95C. to calculate the average
molecular weight, we must remember to calculate using the subtracted fraction to
achieve the vapor fraction. The average molecular weight is 0.306 kg/mole. This
gives the vapor density 0.219 kg/m3.
c. Determining the Flow parameter
This calculation is to define the liquid and vapor rates which then can be used to
calculate the Kdrum value. The equation of flow parameter is

WL and Wv is the liquid and vapor flow rates in weight units per hour. To obtain
these values, we multiply the vapor and liquid flow rate to their average molecular
weight respectively. By inputting the data, we obtain FLv with a value of 0.0357
d. Determining Kdrum Value
The Kdrum value is an empirical constant that describes the type of drum. Flash
columns can be either vertical or horizontal, where the two requires a different
design configuration, especially for the demisters. Using the Blackwell (1984)
equation, we can obtain Kdrum value with:
[ ]

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A, B, C, D, and E, are each constant, where A is -1.8774478097; B is -

0.8145804597; C is -0.1870744085; D is -0.014522867; and E is -0.0010148518.
The Kdrum value is 0.440.
e. Determining the Permissible Vapor Velocity
To determine the permissible vapor velocity, the equation below is used.

By inputting all the data acquired, we obtain 28.406 m/s.

f. Solving the Cross-Sectional Area
We can calculate the cross sectional are by using the following equation:

Which gives us 0.05 m2.

g. Calculating the Drum Diameter
Before calculating the diameter, we first need to assume the type of our column.
For this process, we use a vertical column. Therefore, the equation below,

Which gives us 0.2523 m or 25.5 cm in diameter.

h. Determining the Drum Height
The column height for a flash column can be estimated by using the rule of
thumb, where L/D ratio is 3-5. We decided to take the middle, which is 4.
Therefore, our column height is1.009 meters.

10. Stripper for Deodorization

The function of this stripper is to remove FFA (Free Fatty Acid) in the oil
(DBPO/Degummed Bleached Palm Oil) using steam. In doing calculations, the
values to be obtained are usually the area of the heating surface, the kg of steam
per hour to be supplied and the amount of vapor leaving. The given or known
values are steam pressure, final pressure in vapor space, feed conditions and flow,
the final concentration in the liquid leaving, physical properties such as enthalpies

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and/or heat capacities of the liquid and vapors, and the overall heat-transfer

Figure B.6. Calculation for Stripper

Y = Water fraction in solution
T = Temperature (oC)
P = Pressure (atm)
F = Feed Mass flow rate (kg/hr)
S = Steam Mass flow rate (kg/hr)
V = Vapor mass flow rate (kg/hr)
L = Liquid mass flow rate (kg/hr)
Data known:
- Steam pressure to first effect (TS1) : 5 atm, 220C
- Final pressure in vapor : 1 atm
- Physical properties : Cp solution = 4,2Y + 1,6 (1-Y) kJ/kg/oC.
According to book Transport Processes and Unit Operations 3rd edition by
Geankoplis (1993), typical value of overall heat transfer (U) for agitated film,
forced circulation is around 680- 2300W/(m2.K).

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Figure B.7. Typical heat-transfer coefficients for various evaporators

(Source : Geankopolis, 1933)

In this calculation, U value is 2300 W/m2.K.

STEP 1: Calculate the final temperature with Boiling Point Rise

With using colligative solution properties, Boiling Point Rise (BPR) of solution
can be formulated with this equation:

Kd = Boiling point elevation constant of water (oC/m)
m = molalitas (m)
i = Vant Hoff factor
mass flow in kg/hr

From these equation, we can get the value of BPR, with Kd water is 0,512C/m.

= ( )= .
( )=0.5120.00017=0.000052

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STEP 2: Making an overall and a solids balance to calculate the total amount
vaporized and L1
Overall mass balance
= 1+V1
1033 / = 1+V1
Total solid mass balance
(1)= 1(11)+( 1)(0)
1033(13,86%)= 1(11,9%)+( 1)(0)
993.13= 0.981 1
1=1012.36 /
The total amount vaporized
= 3+( 1)
1033= 1012.36+( 1)
1 = 20.64 /
Solid mass balance
(1)= 1 1
1033(13.86%)= 1012.36 1

STEP 3: Calculate Boiling Point Rise (BPR)

From equation about BPR above, we can calculate BPR. The calculation
procedure is same with BPR1 calculation. So, we get
1= . =0.000052
= 1 1( )+( 1)

1= [ ]


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The actual boiling point of the solution

1=220 (Temperature inlet steam)
1= 1 1
1=22019.996 = 200.004

Step 4. The heat capacity of the liquid

The heat capacity of the liquid is calculated from the equation
=4.2+1.6 (1)kJ/kg/
Cpf = 4.2(3.86%) + 1.6(1-3.86%) = 1.7 kJ/kg/oC
Cp1 = 4.2(1.9%) + 1.5(1-1.9%) = 1.65 kJ/kg/oC

The values of the enthalpy (H for vapor, h for liquid) of the various vapor streams
relative to water at 0C as a datum are obtained from the steam table as follows:
H1 = Hs2 (saturation enthalpy at Ts2) + 1.88 (BPR1)
= 2516.1 + 1.88 (0.000052)
= 2516.1 kJ/kg
s1 = Hs1 (vapor saturation enthalpy) - hS1 (liquid enthalpy at TS1)
= 2801.28 943.91
= 1857.37 kJ/kg

STEP 5: Write heat balance

This flow relation can be used again in heat balance:
V1 = F L1 = 20.64
Heat balance in 1st effect:
F.Cp.(Tf-0) + S.S1 = L1.Cp.(T1-0) + V1.H1
175647.19 + 1857.37 = 329.891 + 2599131.4 2516.1L1
1857.366S = -2186.21L1 + 2423484.21
Where, L1 = 1012.36
1857.366S = -2186.21L1 + 2423484.21
1857.366S = -2186.21(1012.36) + 2423484.21
S = 113.2

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STEP 6. Solving for the values of q and area

q1 = S. S1 = 5.84 x 104 W
1= = 1.269

Steam economy calculation = V1/S = 0.18

STEP 7 : Calculate number of tray

Solving for the minimum number of equilibrium trays gives

( )

Based on Fenske equition where = 2.21

STEP 8: Calculate dimension tank

Diameter tank can be calculated by equation:

Where, A1 = 1.269 m2

DT = = 1.27 m

Tower height = (N*TS)+(2*TS)

= (1*0.61)+(0.61*2)
= 1.83 m
Ratio ideal between height and diameter of the tank is 0.7, so calculation of
dimension tank is appropriate.

STEP 9: Calculate Thickness of the tank (Cylinder Thickness)

Our plant use carbon steel as material for Deodorization process tank, below is
data for calculation of cylinder thickness;
Pressure design (P)

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Pressure design (P) = 101.325 kPa

Tank inner radius (R)
Tank inner radius (R) = D/2 = 0.64 m
Corrosion factor (C)
Corrosion factor (C) for carbon steel = 3.175 mm/year = 0.003175 m/year
Allowable working stress (S)
Allowable working stress (S) for carbon steel at 200C = 88,942.37 kPa
Efficiency of connection (E)
Efficiency of connection (E) = 1
Below is equation for calculate cylinder thickness
Cylinder thickness (d) = + (CxA) = 0.00389 m = 0.389 cm

STEP 10 : Calculate Dimension of Impeller

One of important thing for blending tank for bleaching process is agitator.
Size, type, and amount of impeller should be defined and sizing. First, we should
define type of impeller that will be used in liming tank. Election impeller based on
fluid viscocity. Viscosity of RBPO (Refined Bleaced Pam Oil) is 23.25 cp, so we
choose turbine 6 blade because this impeller cause turbulency more fastly than
other impeller type and appropriate to viscosity of the fluid. After we defined type
of impeller, we should be sizing. Sizing of impeller follow rule of thumb which
shown below.
Diameter of Impeller, Dim = 1/3 D = 1/3 (1.27 m) = 0.42 m
Impeller Width, Wim = 1/8 Dim = 1/8 (0.42 m) = 0,053 m
Baffle Width, WB = 1/12 D = 1/12 (1.27 m) = 0,11 m
Distance between tank base and impeller (C) = 1/3D = 0.42 m

STEP 11: Calculate P (Power needed to stirring)

Then, we need calculate power for impeller. Speed of impeller that we want is 100
rpm or 1.67 rps. We should calculate the Reynolds number to know turbulence in
the vessel.
Viscosity = 23.23 cp = 0.02325 kg/ms

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Reynold Number = = 11,588.86 (Turbulent)

First step, we should find out Np (Number Power), data used to search for Np
such as type of impeller and Reynold number,

Figure B.8. Diagram for Power Number

(Source : Walas, 1990)
Reynold number = 11,588.86, type of impeller is (11) turbine impeller, six blades,
four baffles, so based on above chart our power number is 3. To calculate power,
we use equation, as follows;
P = 0.001 x (Np x density x n2 x Da5)
P = 0.103 kW = 103 W

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Appendix C. Utility Sizing And Specifications

1. Water Treatment
1.1. Process
To avoid piping and instrumental damage in the production process, the
water that will flow to each component must be given a treatment. However,
water for domestic usage will not be treated as it is provided by PDAM of Dumai
City. The following explanation will focus on water treatment for steam, cooling
water, and process water usage. The overall water treatment process is shown
River Water

(NaOCl Injection)


(Nitrite Injection)

Demineralization Process Cooling



Boiler Feed

Figure C.1 Overall water treatment process

1.1.1 River Water Intake

The water that will support our production plant is obtained from Kemeli
River near Kawasan Industri Dumai. This river is a branch connecting from
Malacca Strait, but because the stream is 6 km, the salinity of the water is not high
as the salinity value of the sea water. Therefore, we can assume that the salinity of
from Kemeli River is equivalent to brackish water, which is 0,05%-3%. Due to
insufficient data on water analysis of Kemeli River, water analysis of Siak and
Kapar River, Riau were taken as our reference. The water analysis data can be
seen on the following table.

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Table C.1 Water Quality Specification

Physical Analysis
Odor -
Temperature 28.5C
Chemical Analysis
pH 6.9 - 7.6
DO 3.46 mg/l
BOD 18.10 mg/l
COD 57.53 mg/l
TSS 36.89 mg/l
PO4P 0.07 mg/l
Fecal Coliform 7681 mg/l

(Source: Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, 2014)

Firstly, to reduce microorganism activity in the river water, sodium

hypochlorite with a concentration of 1 ppm is continuously injected within 30-
minute time interval in the river water intake. Then the water passes a rotary filter
in order to filter dirt and small objects. The rotary filter is equipped with a
stainless steel micro mesh filter with a size of 120-150 m. Before heading to the
next process, a small concentration of nitrite is injected to reduce slime and
extensive microbial activity. Filtered water is pumped and heads to the
demineralization process. The mechanism of river water intake can be seen on the
following figure.

Figure C.2 River Water Intake Diagram

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As seen above, the water from the intake is injected with sodium
hypochlorite. Then it passes through the rotary filter to separate the dirt, rocks,
and other particles. Lastly, it is injected with nitrite to counter balance the sodium
hypochlorite and is pumped to the next stage of water treatment.
1.1.2 Demineralization Process
In this process, minerals from the river water will be reduced, hence the
water outcome from this process will be used as the boiler feed water to produce
steam. In order to produce steam, minerals and impurities must be kept to a
minimum value in favor to avoid corrosion within the instruments and quality of
the steam itself. Besides that, condensate and process condensate that has been
circulating in the system is also pumped into this stage so that it will be
Condensate and process condensate are firstly treated using a condensate
stripper. This is done in advance before the next stage because condensates
contain a high level of CO2 and also small traces of crude palm oil. To remove the
CO2 and traces of crude palm oil, the condensates are reacted with Low Pressure
steam that is pumped from the opposite direction. By doing so, CO2 will exit
along with the steam from the top part of the stripper to the atmosphere. On the
other hand, the final condensate will be pumped to the mixed bed polisher.
The river water and final condensate are pumped simultaneously into a
mixed bed polisher. The function of this unit is to exchange the ions from the
water with the resin in the polisher. The reaction of ion exchange between feed
water and resins are:
(cation resin exchange)
(anion resin exchange)
The outcome of this process is obtaining water that is free from ions as
well as minimum content of Na+, K+, Fe, Cl- and Cu2+. These minerals may cause
scaling in the equipment and piping system and also will impact the temperature
of steam production. Apart from that, the resins that are in the mixed bed polisher
can be regenerated using a high dose of strong acids or bases. The indication when
resin regeneration is needed is when the demineralized water has a high level of

Universitas Indonesia

minerals. In other words, the resin is saturated and the ability to bind to ions has
decreased. The table below shows the specification of a demineralized water.
Table C.1 Demineralized Water Specification
Specification Value
pH 6.2 6.5
Conductivity (max.) 0.2 s/cm
Na+ dan K+ 0.01 ppm
Chlorine (Cl-) 0.02 ppm
Total Fe 0.02 ppm
Total Cu 0.003 ppm
Total SiO2 0.02 ppm

(Source: NASA Gov. (2006), ASTM D1193-91)

Demineralized water is dived into 2 streams, where one is for process
cooling water throughout the system and the other stream heads to the deaearation
process. The illustration of demineralization can be seen from the figure below.

Figure C.2 Mixed Bed Polisher Diagram

1.1.3 Deaeration Process
The last stage of water treatment before is deaeration. In this process,
dissolved oxygen and CO2 in demineralized water is removed before it is pumped
into the boiler for steam production. The objective to remove dissolved gas in
demineralized water it that both oxygen and carbon dioxide are a main cause of
corrosion within the boiler, where iron (Fe) can form a deposit or precipitation of

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Fe2O3 and Fe(OH)3. Dissolved gas removal is done by a physical process that
involves low pressure steam.

Figure C.3 Deaeration Mechanism

Figure 2.4 shows the deaeration mechanism. Demineralized water is

pumped from the top section and flows downwards through the perforated tray.
Low pressure stem enters from the bottom section of the tray section and moves
upwards and reacts with the water, stripping the dissolved gas. The gas exits
through the vent and the deaerated water flows to the vessel below it. In some
cases, an injection of a chemical substance is done in order to stabilize the pH and
residual dissolved gas. The water in the vessel is slightly heated to a certain
temperature before entering the boiler. By heating the water beforehand, the
increment of temperature to produce high pressure steam will not require multi
steps. The specification of a boiler feed water is shown on the table below.
Table C.2 Boiler Feed Water Specification
Specification Value
pH 8.5 9.5
Max. O2 dissolved 0.007 ppm
Na+ dan K+ 0.01 ppm
Cl- 0.02 ppm
Cu 0.003 ppm
Fe 0.02 ppm
SiO2 0.02 ppm
(Source:, NBI 2015)

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1.2. Mass and Energy Balance

Water utility is used for different purposes within different Quantity of
quantities. The tables below show the requirements for steam, cooling water,
make up water, and total water usage.
Table C.3 Steam Requirements After and Before Heat Exchanger Network
Before After
Specification Unit
Value Value
Q 102.81 21.01 kj/s
hs (at 220C) 2792 2792 kj/kg
Mass Flowrate 0.037 0.0075 kg/s
132.56 27.09 kg/h
Deodorizer Mass
90 90 kg/h
BFW Mass Flowrate 147.29 30.10 kg/h
Total Steam Required 237.29 120.10 kg/h

Table C.4 Cooling Water Requirements After and Before Heat Exchanger Network
Before After
Specification Unit
Value Value
Q 177.68 75.77 kj/s
T 23 23 C
Cp 4.2 4.2 kj/kg.K
1.84 0.78 kg/s
Mass Flowrate
6621.58 2823.81 kg/h
Total Cooling Water
6621.58 2823.81 kg/h

Table C.5 Make-Up Water Requirements After and Before Heat Exchanger Network
Before After
Specification Unit
Value Value
Cooling and Steam
6858.868186 2943.911181 kg/h
Mass Flowrate
10% Water Loss 685.8868186 294.3911181 kg/h

Table C.6 Total Water Requirements After and Before Heat Exchanger Network
Before After
Specification Unit
Value Value
Steam Requirements 237.2868195 120.1002865 kg/h
Cooling Water
6621.581366 2823.810894 kg/h
Process Water 23.6 23.6 kg/h
Make-Up Water
685.8868186 294.3911181 kg/h

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Table C.7 Total Water Requirements After and Before Heat Exchanger Network (contd)
7568.355005 3261.902299 kg/h
Total Water Mass 181640.5201 78285.65518 kg/day
Flowrate 181.6405201 78.28565518 tonnes/day
181.6405201 78.28565518 m3/day
It can be seen that HEN optimizes the heat recovery that we have after
applying heat exchanger network. This reduce our heating duty by almost 50%
and reduced the cooling duty by more than 50%. As explained before, some steam
can not be reduce and replace by the process stream, leaving the steam
consumption after HEN a little bit high and the reduction is bellow 50%.
However, this result in the reduction of total water consumption of our plant to
only 78.29 m3/day. There are no energy wasted in our process after we use HEN
in our process design, making it more efficient in term of energy usage.
1.3. Water Treatment Equipment Sizing
1.3.1. Sodium Hypochlorite Injection
Table C.8 Sodium Hypochlorite Injection Specification
Equipment Specification
Pump Type Dosing pump
Function To pump NaOCl to water treatment with dosing concentration
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel
Operation Data
Flow rate 30 L/h
Operation Data
Pressure 16 bar
Power supply 240 volt
Control option Manual in L/h or gph, pulse in ml/pulse, analog 0/4-20mA
1.3.2. Rotary Filter with Micro Mesh
Table C.9 Rotary Filter with Micro Mesh Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Rotary Filter with Micro Mesh
Filter dirt and impurities in the water before
demineralization process
Equipment Design
Type Gravity flow filtration system
Disc Diameter 2230 mm
Throughput Capacity 2000 m3/h
Filter Discs 35 discs/unit
Mesh Size 2-100 m

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1.3.3. Nitrite Injection

Table C.10 Nitrite Injection Specification
Equipment Specification
Pump Type Dosing Pump
Function To pump Nitrite to water treatment with dosing concentration
Operation Continuous
Quantity 1
Material Carbon Steel
Operation Data
Flow rate 30 L/h
Pressure 16 bar
Power supply 240 volt
Control option Manual in L/h or gph, pulse in ml/pulse, analog 0/4-20mA
(Source :,Grundfos_dmh.pdf)

1.3.4. Mixed Bed Polisher

Table C.11 Mixed Bed Polisher Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Mixed Bed Polisher
Demineralize water for process water and
utility requirement
Equipment Design
Number of set 2 units
Material Carbon steel
Coating Rubber
Diameter 0.5 m
Height 3.5 m
Max. Water Capacity 4 m3/h

1.3.5. Deaerator
Deaerator is used for remove dissolved oxygen and CO2 in demineralized
water before it is pumped into the boiler for steam production. Dissolved gas
removal is done by a physical process that involves low pressure steam. Deaerator
effluent water is used for the manufacture of cocamide DEA. The water
requirement for the process that is 115.18 kg/h, so that the output of the deaerator
should be 115.18 kg/h. Based on the needs of the water, which is 115.18 kg/h, and
the quality of output water is shown in the table below.

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Table C.12 Deaerator Specification

Equipment Specification Value
pH 8.5-9.5
Max. O2 dissolved 0.01 ppm
Na+ dan K+ 0.01 ppm
Cl- 0.02 ppm
Cu 0.003 ppm
Fe 0.02 ppm
SiO2 0.02 ppm

Therefore, we will be using the type of deaerator that compatible with that
specification. The deaerator from Tianjin Talents International Trade Co., Ltd.
shown below.

Figure C.4 Deaeration Equipment Specification

Based on the above specifications, the deaerator that will used with model
T10 with the following details:
Tank volume : 5 L
Work pressure and temperature: 0.02Mpa 104C
Soft water pressure and temperature: 0.2Mpa >20C
Steam pressure and temperature: 0.33Mpa 145C
Normal pumping oxygen levels: 0.04~0.1mg/L

Universitas Indonesia

Set pressure of relief valve: 0.06Mpa

1.3.6. Package Boiler

To produce saturated steam at 220C with a pressure of 23.45 kg/cm2, our
plant will be equipped with a package boiler or a water-tube boiler. The Quantity
of steam required each day is about 3 tons, therefore we selected a boiler that
covers this specification. The mechanism of the water-tube package boiler is that
the boiler feed water will enter the economizer and undergoes pre-heating. Then
the heated water will circulate through the downcomer and rise pipes, where water
and steam are simultaneously produced. When the steam mass rate is more than
the water, the steam will enter the superheater, thus producing saturated steam at
the targeted temperature and pressure. The saturated steam will pass through the
steam header before heading to the user or plant facility. Below are the
specifications of the boiler used.
Table C.13 Boiler Specification
Boiler Characteristics Specification
Brand Sitong Boiler
Type SZS20-2.45-Y(Q)
Pipe Configuration Horizontal, type D
Primary Capacity 2 6 tons of steam/day
Rated Evaporation 20 tons/hour
Rated Steam Temperature 225C
Working Pressure 2.45 MPa (25 kg/cm2)
Water Supply Temperature 105C
Price IDR 800 million
Fuel Natural Gas
Dimension (L x W x H) 10.8m x 70m x 4.85m

Figure C.5 Boiler


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1.4. Water Treatment Process Diagram

Figure C.6 Water Treatment Process Flow Diagram (1)

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Diethanolamide from CPO and DEA (Water FINAL REPORT WITHOUT SCALE

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Figure C.7 Water Treatment Process Flow Diagram (2)

NAME Signature Date

Name Group 1


Diethanolamide from CPO and DEA (Water FINAL REPORT WITHOUT SCALE

Universitas Indonesia

2. Electricity
2.1. Process
Our Cocamide DEA plant utilizes a diesel generator to supply electricity
throughout the production process. Therefore, we find that it would be best to find
a diesel generator that can accommodate the production process as well as other
minor electrical installations in the plant. This diesel generator will provide
enough electricity for our equipments that require it such as pumps, reactors, and

2.2. Mass and Energy Balance

Table C.14 Electricity Requirements
Q Usag Power
ua e Power Requir
Equipment Type Product
nti Time (kW) ed
ty (h) (kWH)
Positive Displacement Pump 1 1 24 5 120 RGP-30
Positive Displacement Pump 2 1 24 3 72 CYZ discharge 20-80 m
Positive Displacement Pump 3 1 24 5 120 RGP-30
Positive Displacement Pump 4 1 24 3 72 CYZ discharge 20-80 m
Positive Displacement Pump 5 1 24 5 120 RGP-30
Positive Displacement Pump 6 1 24 2.25 54 BRY discharge 20-125 m
Positive Displacement Pump 7 1 24 2.25 54 BRY discharge 20-125 m
Positive Displacement Pump 8 1 24 2.25 54 BRY discharge 20-125 m
Positive Displacement Pump 9 1 24 5 120 BRY discharge 20-125 m
Positive Displacement Pump
1 24 2.25 54 BRY discharge 20-125 m
Positive Displacement Pump
1 24 2.25 54 BRY discharge 20-125 m
Positive Displacement Pump
1 24 38 912 -
Positive Displacement Pump
1 24 2.25 54 BRY discharge 20-125 m
Positive Displacement Pump
1 24 2.25 54 BRY discharge 20-125 m
Blending tank 1 24 7.5 180 -
Blending tank 1 24 7.5 180 -
CSTR 1 1 24 75 1800 -
CSTR 2 1 24 75 1800 -

Universitas Indonesia

2.3. Diesel Utility Equipment Sizing

2.3.1. Diesel Generator
The specifications of the diesel generator can be seen below.
Table C.15 Diesel Generator Specification
Generator Characteristics Specification
Brand Caterpillar
Type CAT C13-400
Primary Capacity 350 kVa (280 kW)
Standby Capacity 400 kVa (320 kW)
Voltage 400 V
Frequency 50 Hz
Speed 1500 RPM
Price IDR 680 million
Fuel Diesel
Fuel Consumption 100% load 78,9 L/h
Dimension (L x W x H) 3.8m x 1.110m x 2.156m
Weight 3,273 kg
Sound Pressure 92 dBA

Figure C.8 Diesel Generator


Universitas Indonesia

3. Fuel
3.1. Process
In our Cocamide DEA plant, fuel is needed for steam generation process in
boiler unit and electricity generation in generator. We chose natural gas as the fuel
for steam generation process in boiler unit because it is usually readily available,
burn cleanly, and is typically less expensive than oil or electricity. For the steam
generation process, we already determined the Quantity of steam needed in the
overall process. The generated steam for this process produced by boiling water in
boiler. Water in ambient temperature (37 oC, 1 atm) will be heated to saturated
point and convert to steam. Then the steam will be heated until the temperature
needed is reached.

3.2. Mass and Energy Balance

Our Cocamide DEA production process needs steam at temperature
220oC. The data needed for calculation of the mass of the fuel used in the boiler is
as follows:
BTO (Boiler Thermal Output) = Energy needed in steam generation
Basis operation = 1 hour
Boiler efficiency = 75% (based rule of thumb)
Fuel used is natural gas with Net Heating Value (NHV) = 22000 btu/lb =
51172 kJ/kg
Cp water = 4.179 kJ/kgoC (assumed constant in every temperature)
Cp steam = 1.97 kJ/kgoC (assumed constant in every temperature)
Water latent heat (L) = 40,65 kJ/mol = 2260 kJ/kg
Total steam required is 120.1 kg/h
For steam generation process at temperature 220oC, the calculation of fuel
mass needed is shown below.
1. BTO (energy to generate steam)

( )

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2. Mass of fuel

The conclusion of calculation above is the mass fuel needed to generate

steam needed in 1 hour production of Cocamide DEA is 8.63 kg of natural gas.
Our Cocamide DEA plant uses generator to produce electricity which can
not be supplied by PLN as the main electricity source due to specific problem.
The electricity requirement from generator in overall process for one hour is 237,5
kW. The generator efficiency is so we can calculate the fuel needed to generate
electricity from the generator.
The data needed for calculation of fuel used for generator to produce
electricity is as follows
Basis operation is one hour
Diesel Price is 7,600 IDR/liter
Electricity utility/h = 237.5 kW
Generator used is manufactured by Caterpillar CAT C13-400 with 320
The calculation of fuel needed for generator to produce electricity, is
shown below
1. Fuel need/h
Fuel need = 78.9 L/h for 320 kW = 58.56 L/h for 237.5 kW
Fuel need/day = 58.56 L x 24 = 1.405.41 L
Fuel need/year = 1.405.41 L x 330 = 463,783.98 L
2. Cost of electricity
Cost of electricity/ h = fuel need x diesel price
= 58.56 L/h x 7,600 IDR
= 445,045.31 IDR
3. Cost of electricity/year
Cost of electricity/year = cost of electricity/h x 24 x 330

Universitas Indonesia

= 445,045.313 IDR x 24 x 330

= 3,524,758,875 IDR
= 3.6 billion IDR
In conclusion, the mass fuel needed in 1 hour production of Cocamide
DEA is 58.56 L of diesel.

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3.3. Fuel Process Flow Diagram

Figure C.9 Fuel Process Flow Diagram

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Diethanolamide from CPO and DEA (Diesel FINAL REPORT WITHOUT SCALE

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Appendix D. List of Distance equipment

Table D.1. Minimum Distance Equipment to Equipment

Spacing From To Minimum
Distance (m)
CPO Storage tank Process equipment 3
Wall Ultrafiltration 3
Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration 1.5
Ultrafiltration Bleacher 3
Ultrafiltration Plate and Frame Filtration 1 1.5
Bleacher Plate and Frame Filtration 1 3
Plate and Fame Filtration 1 Plate and Frame Filtration 1 1.5
Plate and Frame Filtration 1 Deodorization 5
Deodorization Plate and Frame Filtration 2 5
Plate and Frame Filtration 2 Plate and Frame Filtration 2 1.5
Plate and Filtration 2 RBDPO Storage 3
Deodorization Flash 5
Bleacher Deodorization 5
RBDPO Storage Wall 3
Mixer Heat Exchanger 106 2
Heat Exchanger 106 CSTR 1 2
CSTR 1 CX-106 3
CX-106 CX-107 2
CX-107 CSTR 2 2
CSTR 2 Decanter 3
Decanter Flash 5
CX-109 PFF 2 2
HX-103 CX-109 2
HX-103 HX-104 2
HX-104 HX-101 2

Universitas Indonesia

Appendix E. List of HSE

Emergency Escape Procedure and Route

The purpose of the escape procedure is to help the employee evacuate to
be predetermined assembly areas whenever the alarm sounds. Here is the
procedure of emergency escape:
a. On hearing the evacuation alarm, immediately prepare to leave the
building secure confidential materials and valuables, collect personal
belongings, shut down experiments, switch off computers, electrical
appliances, equipment and machinery.
b. In the event of an earthquake: Take shelter under tables, desks or in
doorways. Stay away from windows, shelving and large free-standing
furniture. After the earthquake, look for injured persons in your area and
assist, provided it is safe to do so. Leave the building as soon as your are
able to.
c. If the evacuation alarm sounds, or if instructed to do so by a Warden, leave
the building by the nearest and safest exit route. All doors should be closed
(but not locked) on leaving.
d. If possible, take hand held personal belongings (such as handbags and
briefcases) with you when you leave. Do not return to collect belongings.
e. Walk quickly and calmly to the designated assembly area for your building
or as advised by a Warden or Fire and Emergency Services personnel.
f. Remain at the assembly area (in groups) until instructed to leave by a
Warden or Fire and Emergency Services personnel.
g. Do not re-enter the building until informed that it is safe to do so by a
Warden or Fire and Emergency Services personnel. Do not enter a
building in alarm.

An orderly evacuation shall be supervised by departmental managers, line
supervisors, and designated wardens who will check all rooms/enclosed
spaces and report any problems via telephone or radio to plant security.

Universitas Indonesia

An orderly evacuation shall be supervised by departmental managers, line

supervisors, and designated wardens who will check all rooms/enclosed
spaces and report any problems via telephone or radio to plant security.
Each local manager or supervisor shall provide for the specialized
evacuation of any handicapped employees.

After we know about the escaping procedure, next we must provide

assembly point and the route from any side of our plant to go to that assembly
point. Escaping route should be the shortest and safest way to go to assembly or
meeting point to minimize after effect from emergency. The figure below will
explain the escape route based on our plant layout.

Figure E.1 Escape Route

Universitas Indonesia

Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Crude Palm Oil

Figure E.1. CPO NFPA and HMIS Rating

Table E.1.Crude Palm Oil MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Palm oil Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLP4939, Inc.
CAS#: 8002-75-3 14025 Smith Rd.
RTECS: RJ3696300 Houston, Texas 77396
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Palm oil US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
CI#: Not available. International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
Synonym: Order Online:
Chemical Name: Not available. CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
Chemical Formula: Not available Telephone), call:
International CHEMTREC, call: 1-
For non-emergency assistance, call:
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Palm oil 8002-75-3 100
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects: Hazardous in case of ingestion. Slightly
hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant), of inhalation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
Hazardous in case of ingestion. Slightly hazardous in case of inhalation.
TOXICITY: Not available.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: No known effect on eye contact, rinse with water for a few minutes.
Skin Contact: No known effect on skin contact, rinse with water for a few
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: Allow the victim to rest in a well-ventilated area. Seek immediate
medical attention.

Universitas Indonesia

Serious Inhalation: Not available.

Do not induce vomiting. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or
waistband. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Seek immediate medical attention.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: May be combustible at high temperature.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: 316C (600.8F)
Flash Points: CLOSED CUP: 162C (323.6F).
Flammable Limits: Not available.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available.
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:
SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use water spray, fog
or foam. Do not use water jet.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste
disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated
surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill: If the product is in its solid form: Use a shovel to put the material
into a convenient waste disposal container. If the product is in its liquid form:
Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste
disposal. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and
allow to evacuate through the sanitary system.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions: Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Empty
containers pose a fire risk, evaporate the residue under a fume hood. Ground all
equipment containing material. Do not breathe dust.
Storage: Keep container dry. Keep in a cool place. Ground all equipment
containing material. Keep container tightly closed. Keep in a cool, well-ventilated
place. Combustible materials should be stored away from extreme heat and away
from strong oxidizing agent.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls: Personal Protection in Case of a
Use process enclosures, local exhaust Large Spill:
ventilation, or other engineering Splash goggles. Full suit. Boots.
controls to keep airborne levels below Gloves. Suggested protective clothing
recommended exposure limits. If user might not be sufficient; consult a
operations generate dust, fume or mist, specialist BEFORE handling this
use ventilation to keep exposure to product.
airborne contaminants below the Exposure Limits: Not available.
exposure limit. Personal Protection: Safety glasses.

Universitas Indonesia

Lab coat.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Solid. Specific Gravity: 0.952 (Water = 1)
Odor: Not available. Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Taste: Not available. Vapor Density: Not available.
Molecular Weight: Not available. Volatility: Not available.
Color: Not available. Odor Threshold: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Not applicable. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Boiling Point: Not available. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Melting Point: 35C (95F) Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Critical Temperature: Not available. Solubility: Insoluble in cold water.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence
Instability Temperature: Not of glass.
available. Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not
Conditions of Instability: Not available.
available. Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
Incompatibility with various available.
substances: Not available. Polymerization: No
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: -
Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Ingestion. Special Remarks on Toxicity to
Toxicity to Animals: Animals: Not available.
LD50: Not available. LC50: Not Special Remarks on Chronic Effects
available. on Humans: Not available.
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not Special Remarks on other Toxic
available. Effects on Humans: Not available.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Hazardous in case of ingestion. Slightly
hazardous in case of inhalation.
Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long
term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are
more toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.

Universitas Indonesia

2. Diethanolamine

Figure E.2. DEA NFPA and HMIS Rating

Table E.2. Diethanolamine MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Diethanolamine Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLD1834, SLD3199, Inc.
CAS#: 111-42-2 14025 Smith Rd.
RTECS: KL2975000 Houston, Texas 77396
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
Diethanolamine International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
CI#: Not available. Order Online:
Synonym: CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
Chemical Name: Not available. Telephone), call:
Chemical Formula: C4H11NO2 1-800-424-9300
International CHEMTREC, call: 1-
For non-emergency assistance, call:
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Diethanolamine 111-42-2 100
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Extremely hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of
ingestion, of inhalation. Very hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator).
Inflammation of the eye is characterized by redness, watering, and itching. Skin
inflammation is characterized by itching, scaling, reddening, or, occasionally,
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
Extremely hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of
ingestion, of inhalation. Very hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator).

Universitas Indonesia

TOXICITY: Not available. Repeated or prolonged inhalation of dust may lead to

chronic respiratory

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:
Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with running
water for at least 15 minutes, keeping eyelids open. Cold water may be used. Do
not use an eye ointment. Seek medical attention.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Skin Contact:
After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water. Gently and
thoroughly wash the contaminated skin with running water and non-abrasive soap.
Be particularly careful to clean folds, crevices, creases and groin. Cold water may
be used. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. If irritation persists, seek
medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing before
Serious Skin Contact:
Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-
bacterial cream. Seek immediate medical attention.
Inhalation: Allow the victim to rest in a well-ventilated area. Seek immediate
medical attention.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Do not induce vomiting. Examine the lips and mouth to ascertain whether the
tissues are damaged, a possible indication that the toxic material was ingested; the
absence of such signs, however, is not conclusive. Loosen tight clothing such as a
collar, tie, belt or waistband. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-
mouth resuscitation. Seek immediate medical attention.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: May be combustible at high temperature.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: 662C (1223.6F)
Flash Points: CLOSED CUP: 168.9C (336F). OPEN CUP: 165.6C (330.1F).
Flammable Limits: Not available.
Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2), nitrogen
oxides (NO, NO2...).
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Flammable in presence of oxidizing materials. Slightly flammable to flammable in
presence of heat.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available.
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:
SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use water spray, fog
or foam. Do not use water jet.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill:
Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal
container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and
dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:
If the product is in its solid form: Use a shovel to put the material into a
convenient waste disposal container. If the product is in its liquid form: Absorb
with an inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal.
Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and allow to
evacuate through the sanitary system. Be careful that the product is not present at
a concentration level above TLV. Check TLV on the MSDS and with local
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Empty containers pose
a fire risk, evaporate the residue under a fume hood. Ground all equipment
containing material. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. In case of insufficient
ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment If ingested, seek medical advice
immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes
Keep container dry. Keep in a cool place. Ground all equipment containing
material. Keep container tightly closed. Keep in a cool, well-ventilated place.
Combustible materials should be stored away from extreme heat and away from
strong oxidizing agents.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls:
Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to
keep airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If user operations
generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne
contaminants below the exposure limit.
Personal Protection:
Splash goggles. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified
respirator or equivalent. Gloves.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self-contained
breathing apparatus should be used to avoid
inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient;
consult a specialist BEFORE handling this
product. Exposure Limits: TWA: 0.46 (ppm) from ACGIH (TLV) [1995] TWA:
2 (mg/m3) from ACGIH [1995] Consult local authorities for acceptable
exposure limits.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Solid. Specific Gravity: 1.1 (Water = 1)
Odor: Not available. Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Taste: Not available. Vapor Density: 3.6 (Air = 1)
Molecular Weight: 105.14 g/mole Volatility: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Color: Not available. Odor Threshold: Not available.

pH (1% soln/water): Not available. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Boiling Point: 268C (514.4F) Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Melting Point: 28C (82.4F) Dispersion Properties: See solubility
Critical Temperature: Not available. in water.
Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water,
hot water.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence
Instability Temperature: Not of glass.
available. Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not
Conditions of Instability: Not available.
available. Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
Incompatibility with various available.
substances: Not available. Polymerization: No.
Section 11: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Dermal contact. Eye inhalation. Very hazardous in case of
contact. Inhalation. Ingestion. skin contact
Toxicity to Animals: (permeator).
Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 710 mg/kg Special Remarks on Toxicity to
[Rat]. Acute dermal toxicity (LD50): Animals: Not available.
12200 mg/kg [Rabbit]. Special Remarks on Chronic Effects
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not on Humans: Not available.
available. Special Remarks on other Toxic
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: Effects on Humans: Not available.
Extremely hazardous in case of skin
contact (irritant), of ingestion, of
Section 12: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long
term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are as
toxic as the original product.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 13: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: -
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.

Universitas Indonesia

3. Sodium Methoxide in Methanol

Figure E.3. Sodium Methoxide in Methanol NFPA and HMIS Rating

Table E.3. Sodium Methoxide in Methanol MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Sodium Methoxide, Contact Information:
25% in Methanol, Inc.
Catalog Codes: SLS1267 14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: Mixture. Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: Not applicable. US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Sodium International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
methoxide; Methyl Order Online:
alcohol CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
CI#: Not applicable. Telephone), call:
Synonym: 1-800-424-9300
Chemical Name: Not applicable. International CHEMTREC, call: 1-
Chemical Formula: Not applicable. 703-527-3887
For non-emergency assistance, call:
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Sodium methoxide 124-41-4 25
Methyl alcohol 67-56-1 75
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Very hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant). Hazardous in case of skin contact
(irritant, permeator), of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin
contact (corrosive, sensitizer). Inflammation of the eye is characterized by
redness, watering, and itching.
Potential Chronic Health Effects: CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available.
available. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: PROVEN [Methyl alcohol] The
substance is toxic to lungs, mucous membranes, the nervous system, the
reproductive system. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can
produce target organs damage.
Section 4: First Aid Measures

Universitas Indonesia

Eye Contact:
Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with running
water for at least 15 minutes, keeping eyelids open. Cold water may be used. Do
not use an eye ointment. Seek medical attention.
Skin Contact:
After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water. Gently and
thoroughly wash the contaminated skin with running water and non-abrasive soap.
Be particularly careful to clean folds, crevices, creases and groin. Cold water may
be used. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. If irritation persists, seek
medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reusing.
Serious Skin Contact:
Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-
bacterial cream. Seek medical attention.
Allow the victim to rest in a well-ventilated area. Seek immediate medical
Serious Inhalation: Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible.
Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If breathing is
difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-
mouth resuscitation. Seek medical attention.
Do not induce vomiting. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or
waistband. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Seek immediate medical attention.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: The lowest known value is 463.89C (867F)
(Methyl alcohol).
Flash Points: The lowest known value is CLOSED CUP: 12C (53.6F). (Methyl
Flammable Limits: The greatest known range is LOWER: 6% UPPER: 36.5%
(Methyl alcohol)
Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2).
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Highly flammable in presence of open flames and sparks, of heat, of combustible
materials. Flammable in presence of moisture.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available.
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:
Flammable liquid, soluble or dispersed in water. SMALL FIRE: Use DRY
chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use alcohol foam, water spray or fog.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards:
Explosive in the form of vapor when exposed to heat or flame. Vapor may travel
considerable distance to source of ignition and flash back. When heated to
decomposition, it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes. CAUTION: MAY

Universitas Indonesia

Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill:
Dilute with water and mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an
appropriate waste disposal container.
Large Spill:
Flammable liquid. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition.
Stop leak if without risk. Absorb with DRY earth,
sand or other non-combustible material. Do not touch spilled material. Prevent
entry into sewers, basements or confined
areas; dike if needed. Eliminate all ignition sources. Be careful that the product is
not present at a concentration level above
TLV. Check TLV on the MSDS and with local authorities.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Keep under inert atmosphere. Keep container dry. Do not ingest. Do not breathe
gas/fumes/ vapour/spray. Never add water to this product in case of insufficient
ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment If ingested, seek medical advice
immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes
Keep away from incompatibles such as oxidizing agents, moisture.
Flammable materials should be stored in a separate safety storage cabinet or room.
Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Keep container tightly
closed. Keep in a cool, well-ventilated place. Ground all equipment containing
material. A refrigerated room would be preferable for materials with a flash point
lower than 37.8C (100F)
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls:
Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne
concentrations of vapors below their respective threshold limit value. Ensure that
eyewash stations and safety showers are proximal to the work-station location.
Personal Protection:
Splash goggles. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified
respirator or equivalent. Gloves.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self-contained
breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of the product. Suggested
protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling
this product.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Exposure Limits:
Methyl alcohol TWA: 200 STEL: 250 (ppm) from ACGIH (TLV) [1995] TWA:
262 STEL: 328 (mg/m3) from ACGIH [1995]
Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Universitas Indonesia

Physical state and appearance: Vapor Pressure: The highest known

Liquid. value is 97.68 mm of Hg (@ 20C)
Odor: Not available. (Methyl alcohol).
Taste: Not available. Vapor Density: The highest known
Molecular Weight: Not applicable. value is 1.11 (Air = 1) (Methyl
Color: Not available. alcohol).
pH (1% soln/water): Neutral. Volatility: Not available.
Boiling Point: The lowest known value Odor Threshold: The highest known
is 64.5C (148.1F) (Methyl alcohol). value is 160 ppm (Methyl alcohol)
Melting Point: May start to solidify at Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
-97.8C (-144F) based on data for: Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Methyl alcohol. Dispersion Properties:
Critical Temperature: Not available. Is not dispersed in methanol, diethyl
Specific Gravity: The only known ether. See solubility in water, methanol,
value is 0.796 (Water = 1) (Methyl diethyl ether.
alcohol). Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water,
hot water, methanol, diethyl ether.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence
Instability Temperature: Not of glass.
available. Special Remarks on Reactivity:
Conditions of Instability: Not Incompatible with chlorinated solvents.
available. (Sodium methoxide)
Incompatibility with various Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
substances: available.
Highly reactive with oxidizing agents. Polymerization: No.
Reactive with moisture. Slightly
reactive to reactive with acids. The
product reacts violently with water to
emit flammable but nontoxic gases.
Section 11: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Dermal contact. Eye membranes, the nervous system, the
contact. Inhalation. Ingestion. reproductive system.
Toxicity to Animals: Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
WARNING: THE LC50 VALUES Hazardous in case of skin contact
HEREUNDER ARE ESTIMATED ON (irritant, permeator), of ingestion, of
THE BASIS OF A 4-HOUR inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of
EXPOSURE. Acute oral toxicity skin contact (corrosive, sensitizer).
(LD50): 5628 mg/kg [Rat.]. (Methyl Special Remarks on Toxicity to
alcohol). Acute dermal toxicity (LD50): Animals: Not available.
15800 mg/kg [Rabbit.]. (Methyl Special Remarks on Chronic Effects
alcohol). Acute toxicity of the vapor on Humans:
(LC50): 64000 ppm 4 hour(s) [Rat.]. 0040 Passes through the placental
(Methyl alcohol). barrier. May be fatal or cause blindness
Chronic Effects on Humans: if swallowed. (Methyl alcohol)
DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Special Remarks on other Toxic
PROVEN [Methyl alcohol] The Effects on Humans: Narcotic. (Methyl
substance is toxic to lungs, mucous alcohol)

Universitas Indonesia

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long
term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are as
toxic as the original product.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 13: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: -
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Class 3: Flammable liquid.
Identification: Flammable liquids n.o.s. (Methyl alcohol) : UN1993 PG: II
Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

4. Bleaching Earth

Table E.4. Bleaching Earth MSDS

Section 1: Identification of the Substance and of the Company
Product Name TAIKO Activated Contact
Clays Taiko Clay Marketing Sdn Bhd Level
Chemical Name Bentonite, acid 5, Menara KLK, No.1, Jalan PJU 7/6,
activated CAS Number 70131-50-9 Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling
EINECS Number :274-324-8 Synonym: Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Activated Bleaching Earth Telephone Number + 603 7725 7716
Fax Number + 603 7725 9913
Section 2: Chemical Composition
Chemical Composition Notes: Analysis may vary with clay
SiO2 55 80 source and is quoted as % dry weight.
Al2O3 5 20 Elements present in the clay have been
Fe2O3 2 10 expressed as their oxides.
MgO 08
CaO 05
Na2O 02
K2O 02
Section 3: Hazards Information
Possible short-term effects of exposure: -
Skin Contact: Irritation, Soreness Cracking of Skin
Eye Contact: Irritation, Redness, Soreness
Inhalation: Irritation of nose and mouth
Ingestion: Gastric irritation

Universitas Indonesia

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Skin Contact: Irrigate thoroughly with cold water and if symptoms persist seek
medical attention.
Eye Contact: Irrigate thoroughly with cold water. Seek medical attention if
symptoms persist.
Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air, loosen clothing and seek medical
Ingestion: If small amounts, drink copious amounts of water. If large amounts are
ingested seek medical attention.
Section 5: Fire-Fighting Measures
Non-combustible. Use extinguisher to suit cause of fire. Product may be a slip
hazard when wet.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Sweep up or vacuum spilled product and dispose off in accordance with local
regulations. Avoid generating excessive dust and if necessary wear protective
clothing. (See Section 8)
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Handling: Handle using methods, which minimize creation and dispersion of
dust. Ensure adequate ventilation at point of use. Use a NIOSH/EN/DOSH
approved respirator where the dust levels are above OEL value.
Storage: Store in a dry environment. High humidity causes caking of the powder.
Isolate from toxic substances to avoid contamination. Avoid unsegregated storage
with incompatible materials, which decompose in the presence of dusts and weak
acid such as cyanides, sulphates and peroxides. Avoid long-term contact with
galvanized or mild steel surfaces under damp conditions. Avoid storage with
unsaturated organic compounds.
Section 8: Exposure Controls / Personal protection
Hand Protection: Wear PVC or rubber gloves.
Skin Protection: Normal work wears. No further skin protection required unless
there is a possibility of prolonged personal contact then appropriate protective
skin cover is recommended.
Eye Protection: Wear safety glasses with side shields. Eye wash bottles should
be provided at places where accidental exposure may be possible. Contact lenses
should not be worn.
Respiratory Protection: NIOSH/EN/DOSH approved respirators should be used
if the Occupational Exposure Standard (OES) or TLVs cannot be met even after
instituting engineering controls.
Maximum Occupational Exposure Limits (MOEL) in terms of respirable
crystalline silica: - WEL/OES HSE (UK) : 0.3mg/m3 TWA MAC- MSZW
(Netherlands) : 0.075mg/m3 TWA ACGIH (USA) : 0.05mg/m3 TWA Due to
variation in MEOL, users are advised to refer to the relevant MEOL adopted in
the countries concerned. TWA quoted above are for 8-hour time weighted
average. Note: The typical respirable crystalline silica (RCS) for fresh bleaching
earth of 1%, is compliable for respirable fraction < 5 m

Universitas Indonesia

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Appearance: Free flowing powder Flammability: Not flammable
Odor: Odorless Explosive Properties: Non-explosive
pH: Mildly acidic in suspension Oxidizing Properties: None
Boiling Point: Not applicable Vapor Pressure: Not applicable
Melting Point: Not applicable Relative Density: 350 1000kg/m3
Flash Point: Not applicable Solubility: Negligible solubility in
water, solvents or oil.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity
Conditions to Avoid: Avoid exposure to water
Materials to Avoid: Avoid metals especially when wet since hydrogen gas may
be liberated (explosion hazard). Avoid contact with unsaturated organic materials
as product may cause polymerization with generation of heat.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Dry products None The product
saturated with oxidizable liquid can lead to spontaneous heating effects, which
may result in a fire.
Section 11: Toxicology Information
Ingestion: Mixture is orally non-toxic.
Eye Contact: Irritant due to physical abrasion effect of powder, which may be
slightly acidic.
Skin Contact: Non-irritant.
Long Term Exposure Long-term exposure to dust in excess of the Occupational
Exposure Standard may result in fibrosis of the lung tissue.
Section 12: Ecological Information
There are no known ecological problems associated with this product.

Section 13: Disposal Consideration

Dispose off in accordance with local and federal regulations, using an approved
waste disposal contractor.
Section 14: Transport Information
There is no specific transportation precautions required. However, open vehicles
should be sheeted/covered to prevent products from being wetted. This product is
not classed as a dangerous substance under the classification, packaging and
labeling of dangerous substance regulations.
(Source: Taiko Clay Inc, 2013)

5. Acetic Anhydrate

Figure E.4. Acetic Anhydrate NFPA and HMIS Rating

Universitas Indonesia

Table E.5. Acetic Anhydrate MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Acetic anhydride Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLA1693, Inc.
CAS#: 108-24-7 14025 Smith Rd.
RTECS: AK1925000 Houston, Texas 77396
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Acetic US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
anhydride International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
CI#: Not available. Order Online:
Synonym: CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
Chemical Formula: (CH3CO)2) Telephone), call:
International CHEMTREC, call: 1-
For non-emergency assistance, call:
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Acetic anhydride 108-24-7 100
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Extremely hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of
ingestion, of inhalation. Very hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive).
Hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator). Liquid or spray mist may produce
tissue damage particularly on mucous membranes of eyes, mouth and respiratory
tract. Skin contact may produce burns. Inhalation of the spray mist may produce
severe irritation of respiratory tract, characterized by coughing, choking, or
shortness of breath. Inflammation of the eye is characterized by redness, watering,
and itching. Skin inflammation is characterized by itching, scaling, reddening, or,
occasionally, blistering.
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
available. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available.
DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance is toxic to lungs,
mucous membranes. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can
produce target organs damage. Repeated or prolonged contact with spray mist
may produce
chronic eye irritation and severe skin irritation. Repeated or prolonged exposure to
spray mist may produce respiratory tract irritation leading to frequent attacks of
bronchial infection.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Get medical attention immediately.
Check for and remove any contact Serious Inhalation:
lenses. In case of contact, immediately Evacuate the victim to a safe area as
flush eyes with plenty of water for at soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing

Universitas Indonesia

least 15 minutes. Get medical attention such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband.
immediately. If
Skin Contact: breathing is difficult, administer
In case of contact, immediately flush oxygen. If the victim is not breathing,
skin with plenty of water for at least 15 perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
minutes while removing contaminated WARNING: It may be hazardous to the
clothing and shoes. Cover the irritated person providing aid to give mouth-to-
skin with an emollient. Wash clothing mouth resuscitation when the inhaled
before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes material is toxic, infectious or
before reuse. Get medical attention corrosive. Seek immediate medical
immediately. attention.
Serious Skin Contact: Ingestion:
Wash with a disinfectant soap and Do NOT induce vomiting unless
cover the contaminated skin with an directed to do so by medical personnel.
anti-bacterial cream. Seek immediate Never give anything by mouth to an
medical attention. unconscious person. If large quantities
Inhalation: of this material are swallowed, call a
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not physician immediately. Loosen tight
breathing, give artificial respiration. If clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or
breathing is difficult, give oxygen. waistband.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: 316C (600.8F)
Flash Points: CLOSED CUP: 49C (120.2F). OPEN CUP: 51C (123.8F).
Flammable Limits: LOWER: 2.7% UPPER: 10.3%
Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2).
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Flammable in presence of
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available.
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Flammable liquid. SMALL FIRE: Use
DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use alcohol foam, water spray or fog.
Cool containing vessels with water jet in order to prevent pressure build-up,
autoignition or explosion.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill: Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an
appropriate waste disposal.
Large Spill: Flammable liquid. Corrosive liquid. Keep away from heat. Keep
away from sources of ignition. Stop leak if without risk. Absorb with DRY earth,
sand or other non-combustible material. Do not get water inside container. Do not
touch spilled material. Use water spray curtain to divert vapor drift. Prevent entry
into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Call for assistance on
disposal. Be careful that the product is not present at a concentration level above

Universitas Indonesia

TLV. Check TLV on the MSDS and with local authorities.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Keep container dry. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition.
Ground all equipment containing material. Do not ingest. Do not breathe
gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. Never add water to this product. In case of insufficient
ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice
immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Store in a segregated and approved area. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated
area. Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use. Avoid all
possible sources of ignition (spark or flame)
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls: Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls
to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their respective threshold
limit value. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are proximal to the
work-station location.
Personal Protection: Face shield. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an
approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves. Boots.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self-contained
breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of the product. Suggested
protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling
this product.
Exposure Limits:
TWA: 5 TWA: 20 Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Specific Gravity: 1.08 (Water = 1)
Liquid. Vapor Pressure: 0.5 kPa (@ 20C)
Odor: Strong. Vapor Density: 3.52 (Air = 1)
Taste: Strong. Volatility: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 102.09 g/mole Odor Threshold: 0.1 ppm
Color: Light. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Boiling Point: 139.9C (283.8F) Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Melting Point: -73.1 (-99.6F) Solubility: Not available.
Critical Temperature: Not available.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable. Corrosivity: Not available.
Instability Temperature: Not Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not
available. available.

Universitas Indonesia

Incompatibility with various Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not

substances: Not available. available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Dermal contact. Eye Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
contact. Inhalation. Ingestion. Extremely hazardous in case of skin
Toxicity to Animals: contact (irritant), of ingestion, . Very
WARNING: THE LC50 VALUES hazardous in case of skin contact
THE BASIS OF A 4-HOUR Hazardous in case of skin contact
EXPOSURE. Acute oral (permeator), of eye contact (corrosive),
toxicity (LD50): 1780 mg/kg [Rat]. of inhalation (lung corrosive).
Acute dermal toxicity (LD50): 4000 Special Remarks on Toxicity to
mg/kg [Rabbit]. Acute toxicity of the Animals: Not available.
vapor (LC50): 1000 Special Remarks on Chronic Effects
4 hours [Rat]. on Humans: Not available.
Chronic Effects on Humans: Causes Special Remarks on other Toxic
damage to the following organs: lungs, Effects on Humans: Not available.
mucous membranes.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long
term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are
less toxic than the product itself.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 13: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: -
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Class 8: Corrosive material
Identification: : Acetic Anhydride UNNA: UN1715 PG: II
Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

6. Cocamide DEA

Figure E.5. Cocamide DEA NFPA and HMIS Rating

Table E.6. Cocamide DEA MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Chemical name: Cocamide DEA PREPARER EMERGENCY
Common Name: Coconut Oil TELEPHONE NUMBER
Diethanolamide Lincoln Fine Ingredients Chem Trec 1-
Formula name: Mixture 800-424-9300
50 Industrial Circle
Lincoln, RI 02865
401 722-2410
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Diethanolamine 111-42-2 5-10
Glycerin 56-81-5 5-10
Cocamide DEA 68603-42-9 80-90
Section 3: Hazards Identification

Universitas Indonesia

Clear light amber solution with a mild odor.

Repeated/prolonged contact may cause eye and skin irritation. Inhalation
may cause mucous membrane irritation.
Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal discomfort including irritation, nausea
and diarrhea.
This product is not combustible.
Use extinguishing media suitable for the materials that are burning.
Eye contact: Direct contact can pain and irritation
Skin contact: Short periods of contact are not usually associated with skin
irritation. Repeated direct contact can result in moderate irritation. Prolonged
contact can result in moderate skin irritation.
Inhalation: Direct contact or exposure to high concentration of mists or vapors
may cause irritation.
Ingestion: Direct contact or exposure may cause irritation. Ingestion of large
amounts may cause gastrointestinal discomfort including irritation, nausea and
Chronic effects: No adverse effects are expected.
None known
[x] Not Applicable [ ] OSHA
[ ] National Toxicology Program (NTP) [ ] International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC)
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Rinse eyes with water. Remove any Remove from area to fresh air. Seek
contact lenses, and continue flushing medical attention if respiratory
eyes with running water for at least 15 irritation develops or if breathing
minutes. Hold eyelids apart to ensure becomes difficult.
rinsing of the entire surface of the eyes INGESTION
and lids with water. Seek medical Give 3-4 glasses of water, but DO
attention if irritation develops or NOT induce vomiting. If vomiting
persists. occurs, give fluids again. Get medical
SKIN CONTACT attention to determine whether
Wash affected areas with plenty of vomiting or evacuation of stomach is
necessary. Do
water, and soap if available, for several not give anything by mouth to an
minutes. Seek medical attention if unconscious or convulsing person.
irritation develops or persists.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flash Point and Method: >200F (PMCC)
OSHA Flammability: IIIB
This product is not combustible.
Use media suitable for the material that is burning.

Universitas Indonesia


Move containers from area if it can be done without risk. Cool fire-exposed
containers with water from side.
As in any fire, wear NIOSH/MSHA approved, pressure-demand self-contained
breathing apparatus and full protective gear.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Spill area will be slippery. Wear appropriate protective equipment (See Section 8).
Absorb spills with vermiculite, fuller's earth, or sand. Shovel up and place in a
non-metal waste container for disposal. Dike large spills with soil or sandbags to
contain it and prevent its spread. Prevent liquid from entering sewers or
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Wear appropriate protective equipment (See Section 8).
Keep container tightly closed. Keep away from heat, and sunlight. Storage
temperature range: 5-30C. If material freezes, gently
thaw prior to use. Mild agitation may be required.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
In applications where the product will be exposed to elevated temperatures, use
local ventilation to remove potential decomposition
Respirator: In operations where mists are generated, wear a NIOSH/MSHA
approved respirator for ammoniacal
vapors that has been selected by a technically qualified person for the specific
work conditions.
Eye Protection: Wear safety glasses with side shields or goggles.
Gloves: Wear natural rubber gloves.
Clothing: Normal working clothing is generally adequate.
Other: Eye wash; safety shower.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
State: Liquid solution Boiling Point: 150C
Viscosity @25C: 1,000-1,500cps Weight per Gallon: 8.3 lb/gal
Color: Straw to amber Specific Gravity @20C: 1.000.04
Odor: Mild Water Solubility: Soluble
Melting Point: 5C pH: 8.5-10.5
Freezing Point: 0C

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

INCOMPATIBILITIES: None known. PRODUCTS: Oxides of Carbon and
CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid Nitrogen on combustion.
contact with heat.

Universitas Indonesia

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Oral LD50 (Rat)/Cocamide DEA..............................................12400 L/kg
Oral LD50 (Rat)/Diethanolamine .............................................620 L/kg
Oral LD50 (Rat)/glycerine........................................................12600 L/kg
Dermal LD50 (Rabbit)/Diethanolamine...................................7640 L/kg
Dermal LD50 (Rabbit)/Glycerine.............................................>10 mg/kg
Inhalation LC50 Glycerine.......................................................>570 mg/kg
Section 12: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity .............................................................................No data
Environmental Fate................................................................Readily biodegradable
BOD ......................................................................................No data
COD ......................................................................................No data
Heavy metals.........................................................................No data
Section 13: Disposal Considerations
RCRA Waste Code: Not regulated under RCRA, 40 CFR 261
Products: Keep away from natural water sources. Observe all applicable federal,
state, and local regulations. Empty packaging: Remove all residue when
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Hazard Classification: Non-Hazardous, not regulated

(Source: Lincoln Fine Ingredients, Inc.)

7. Water

Figure E.6. Water NFPA and HMIS Rating

Table E.7. Water MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Water Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLW1063, Inc.
CAS#: 7732-18-5 14025 Smith Rd.
RTECS: ZC0110000 Houston, Texas 77396
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Water US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
CI#: Not available. International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
Synonym: Dihydrogen oxide Order Online:
Chemical Name: Water CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency

Universitas Indonesia

Chemical Formula: H2O Telephone), call:

International CHEMTREC, call: 1-
For non-emergency assistance, call:
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Water 7732-18-5 100
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Non-corrosive for skin. Non-irritant for skin. Non-sensitizer for skin. Non-
permeator by skin. Non-irritating to the eyes. Nonhazardous in case of ingestion.
Non-hazardous in case of inhalation. Non-irritant for lungs. Non-sensitizer for
lungs. Noncorrosive to the eyes. Non-corrosive for lungs.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
Non-corrosive for skin. Non-irritant for skin. Non-sensitizer for skin. Non-
permeator by skin. Non-irritating to the eyes. Non-hazardous in case of ingestion.
Non-hazardous in case of inhalation. Non-irritant for lungs. Non-sensitizer for
available. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
SKIN CONTACT: Not Applicable Applicable
INHALATION: Not Applicable Applicable
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not Applicable
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill: Mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an
appropriate waste disposal container.
Large Spill: Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an
appropriate waste disposal.

Universitas Indonesia

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Precautions: No specific safety phrase has been found applicable for this product.
Storage: Not applicable

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls: Not Applicable
Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab coat.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill: Not Applicable
Exposure Limits: Not available.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Critical Temperature: Not available.
Liquid. Specific Gravity: 1 (Water = 1)
Odor: Odorless. Vapor Pressure: 2.3 kPa (@ 20C)
Taste: Not available. Vapor Density: 0.62 (Air = 1)
Molecular Weight: 18.02 g/mole Volatility: Not available.
Color: Colorless.
pH (1% soln/water): 7 [Neutral.] Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Boiling Point: 100C (212F) Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Melting Point: Not available. Dispersion Properties: Not applicable
Odor Threshold: Not available. Solubility: Not Applicable
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable.
Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Not available
Incompatibility with various substances: Not available
Corrosivity: Not available.
Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not available.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: Will not occur
Section 11: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Eye contact.
Toxicity to Animals:
LD50: [Rat] - Route: oral; Dose: > 90 ml/kg LC50: Not available.
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Non-corrosive for skin. Non-irritant for skin. Non-sensitizer for skin. Non-
permeator by skin. Non-hazardous in case of ingestion. Non-hazardous in case of
inhalation. Non-irritant for lungs. Non-sensitizer for lungs. Non-corrosive to the
eyes. Noncorrosive for lungs.
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans: Not available.
Section 12: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:

Universitas Indonesia

Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long
term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products
of degradation are not toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 13: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal:
Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local
environmental control regulations
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not app

8. Medium Pressure Steam

Figure E.7. Medium Pressure Steam NFPA and HMIS Rating

Table E.8. Medium Pressure Steam MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
CHEMICAL FORMULATION: Steam boiler condensate alkaline solution.
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Water 7732-18-5 90 99%
Cyclohexylamine 108-91-8 1 10%
Section 3: Hazards Identification
IF IN EYES: Corrosive-May cause severe irritation, redness, tearing and

Universitas Indonesia

permanent damage.
IF ON SKIN: Corrosive-May cause moderate to severe irritation, burns.
IF SWALLOWED: Gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting. Harmful or fatal
if swallowed.
IF INHALED: Irritation to upper respiratory tract, headache nausea.
IF IN EYES: Flush eyes and under eyelids with plenty of cool water for at least 15
minutes. Obtain medical attention.
IF ON SKIN: Flush area with water while removing contaminated clothing.
Continue flushing for at least 15 minutes. Launder clothing
separately before re-use. If irritation persists, obtain medical attention.
IF SWALLOWED: Contact physician or poison control center immediately.
mouth with water and give affected person 1 to 2 glasses of water. Do not induce
vomiting unless instructed by a physician of poison control center. Never give
anything to an unconscious person.
IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air. If breathing has stopped, perform
artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. Obtain medical
Section 4: Fire and Explosion Data
FLASH POINT (F): 154 (TEST METHOD): Closed cup
EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Water, foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical.
SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Cool fire exposed containers with
water fog. Firefighters should be equipped with full protective gear including self-
contained breathing apparatus.
Section 5: Physical and Chemical Properties
VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): N/D 0.99
VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1): N/D VOC CONTENT (% by weight): N/D
colorless liquid; amine odor pH: 11.25-12.25
Section 6: Reactivity Data
INCOMPATIBILITY: Strong oxidizers and acids.
CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excess heat and open flame.
produce oxides of carbon and nitrogen.

Universitas Indonesia

Section 7: Spill or Leak Protection

area and remove all sources of ignition. Contain spill. Soak up spilled material
with inert absorbent material and place in a properly marked closed container for
proper disposal.
WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Consult local environmental authorities.
Section 8: Special Protection Information
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Use with adequate ventilation. Do not breathe
vapors or mists. If recommended Exposure Limits are exceeded wear a NIOSH
approved respirator, following manufacturers recommendations.
PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Chemical resistant.
EYE PROTECTION: Chemical goggles or face shield.
OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Eye wash station, protective clothing.
cool, dry place, away from heat, open flame or acids. Always add this product to
water, never add water to this product. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep
container tightly closed when not in use.
OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Keep out of reach of children.
Section 9: Transportation Information
DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Corrosive liquid, basic, organic, n.o.s. (2-
Diethylaminoethanol, Cyclohexylamine)
The shipping information listed above applies only to non-bulk (< 119 gallons)
containers of this product. This product may have more than one proper
shipping name depending on packaging, product properties, & mode of shipment.
If any alteration of packaging, product, or mode of transportation is further
intended, different shipping names and labeling may apply
(Source: Total Solutions, 2004)

9. Sodium Hypochlorite

Figure E.8. Sodium Hypochlorite NFPA and HMIS Rating

Universitas Indonesia

Table E.9. Sodium Hypochlorite MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Sodium Hypochlorite, Contact Information:
5%, Inc.
Catalog Codes: SLS1654 14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: Mixture. Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: Not applicable. US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Sodium International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
hypochlorite; Sodium Order Online:
hydroxide; Water CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
CI#: Not applicable. Telephone), call:
Synonym: Chlorine Bleach, Bleach, 1-800-424-9300
Soda Bleach, Chlorox; Sodium International CHEMTREC, call: 1-
Hypochlorite, Solution, 5% Available 703-527-3887
Chlorine For non-emergency assistance, call:
Chemical Name: Hypochlorous acid, 1-281-441-4400
sodium salt, solution
Chemical Formula: Not applicable.
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 4-7
Sodium hydroxide 1310-73-2 <1
Water 7732-18-5 >92
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects: Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant),
of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, . Hazardous in case of skin contact
(corrosive), of eye contact (corrosive). Slightly hazardous in case of inhalation
(lung sensitizer). Non-corrosive for lungs. Liquid or spray mist may produce
tissue damage particularly on mucous membranes of eyes, mouth and respiratory
tract. Skin contact may produce burns. Inhalation of the spray mist may produce
severe irritation of respiratory tract, characterized by coughing, choking, or
shortness of breath. Prolonged exposure may result in skin burns and ulcerations.
Over-exposure by inhalation may cause respiratory irritation. Inflammation of the
eye is characterized by redness, watering, and itching. Skin inflammation is
characterized by itching, scaling, reddening, or, occasionally, blistering
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (sensitizer). CARCINOGENIC
EFFECTS: Classified 3 (Not classifiable for human.)
by IARC [Sodium hypochlorite]. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for
bacteria and/or yeast. [Sodium hypochlorite].
Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. [Sodium hydroxide]. TERATOGENIC
TOXICITY: Not available. The substance may be toxic to lungs, mucous
membranes, skin, eyes. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can
produce target organs damage. Repeated or prolonged contact with spray mist

Universitas Indonesia

may produce chronic eye irritation and severe skin irritation. Repeated or
prolonged exposure to spray mist may produce respiratory tract irritation leading
to frequent attacks of bronchial infection.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Inhalation:
Check for and remove any contact If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not
lenses. In case of contact, immediately breathing, give artificial respiration. If
flush eyes with plenty of water for at breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get
least 15 minutes. Cold water may be medical attention immediately.
used. Get medical attention Serious Inhalation:
immediately. Evacuate the victim to a safe area as
Skin Contact: soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing
In case of contact, immediately flush such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband.
skin with plenty of water for at least 15 If
minutes while removing contaminated breathing is difficult, administer
clothing and shoes. Cover the irritated oxygen. If the victim is not breathing,
skin with an emollient. Cold water may perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
be used. Wash clothing before reuse. Seek medical attention.
Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Ingestion:
Get medical attention immediately. Do NOT induce vomiting unless
Serious Skin Contact: directed to do so by medical personnel.
Wash with a disinfectant soap and Never give anything by mouth to an
cover the contaminated skin with an unconscious person. Loosen tight
anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or
attention. waistband. Get medical attention if
symptoms appear.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: combustible materials,
metals, organic materials
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Slightly explosive in presence of open flames and sparks. Non-explosive in
presence of shocks.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards:
Releases chlorine when heated above 35 deg. C. The substance itself is non-
combustible and does not burn. However, when heated to decomposition it emits
corrosive and/or toxic fumes. May ignite combustibles. Fire risk in contact with
organic materials. Contact with metals may evolve flammable hydrogen gas.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Universitas Indonesia

Small Spill:
Dilute with water and mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an
appropriate waste disposal container.
Large Spill:
Corrosive liquid. Oxidizing material. Stop leak if without risk. Absorb with DRY
earth, sand or other non-combustible material. Do not get water inside container.
Avoid contact with a combustible material (wood, paper, oil, clothing...). Keep
substance damp using water spray. Do not touch spilled material. Use water spray
curtain to divert vapor drift. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined
areas; dike if needed. Call for assistance on disposal. Be careful that the product is
not present at a concentration level above TLV. Check TLV on the MSDS and
with local authorities
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Keep locked up. Keep container dry. Keep away from heat. Keep away from
sources of ignition. Keep away from combustible material. Do not ingest. Do not
breathe gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. Never add water to this product. In case of
insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek
medical advice immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact
with skin and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as reducing agents,
combustible materials, organic materials, metals, acids.
Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
Separate from acids, alkalies, reducing agents and combustibles. See NFPA 43A,
Code for the Storage of Liquid and Solid Oxidizers. Air Sensitive to light. Store in
light-resistant containers.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls:
Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne
concentrations of vapors below their respective threshold limit value.
Personal Protection:
Face shield. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified
respirator or equivalent. Gloves. Boots.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self-contained
breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of the product. Suggested
Table A.9. Sodium Hypochlorite MSDS (contd)
protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling
this product.
Exposure Limits:
Sodium hypochlorite TWA: 1 CEIL: 1 (ppm as Cl2) STEL: 1 (ppm as Cl2) from
ACGIH (TLV) [United States] Sodium hydroxide
STEL: 2 (mg/m3) from ACGIH (TLV) [United States] TWA: 2 CEIL: 2 (mg/m3)
from OSHA (PEL) [United States] CEIL: 2 (mg/
m3) from NIOSH Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Universitas Indonesia

Physical state and appearance: Specific Gravity: 1.07 - 1.093 (Water

Liquid. = 1)
Odor: Characteristic. Chlorine-like Vapor Pressure: 2.3 kPa (@ 20C)
(Slight.) Vapor Density: The highest known
Taste: Not available. value is 0.62 (Air = 1) (Water).
Molecular Weight: Not applicable. Volatility: Not available.
Color: Colorless to light greenish Odor Threshold: Not available.
yellow Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Neutral. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Boiling Point: Decomposition Dispersion Properties: See solubility
temperature: 40C (104F) in water.
Melting Point: Not available. Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water.
Critical Temperature: Not available.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Special Remarks on Reactivity:
Instability Temperature: Not Decomposed by carbon dioxide from
available. air. Slowly decomposes on contact with
Conditions of Instability: air. Unstable in air unless mixed with
Incompatible materials. light, air, heat sodium hydroxide. Incompatible with
Incompatibility with various ammonium acetate, ammonium
substances: Reactive with reducing carbonate, ammonium nitrate,
agents, combustible materials, organic ammonium oxalate, and ammonium
materials, metals, acids. phosphate.
Corrosivity: Special Remarks on Corrosivity:
Extremely corrosive in presence of Sodium Hypochlorite is extremely
aluminum. Corrosive in presence of corrosive to brass, and moderately
stainless steel (304), of stainless steel corrosive to bronze. There is no
(316). Noncorrosive in presence of corrosivity information for copper.
glass. Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Absorbed through Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
skin. Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion. Very hazardous in case of skin contact
Toxicity to Animals: Acute oral (irritant), of ingestion, . Hazardous in
toxicity (LD50): 5800 mg/kg [Mouse]. case of skin contact (corrosive), of eye
(Sodium hypochlorite). contact (corrosive). Slightly hazardous
Chronic Effects on Humans: in case of inhalation (lung sensitizer,
CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: lung corrosive).
Classified 3 (Not classifiable for Special Remarks on other Toxic
human.) by IARC [Sodium Effects on Humans:
hypochlorite]. MUTAGENIC Potential Health Effects: Can cause
EFFECTS: Mutagenic for bacteria severe irritation and possible burns to
and/or yeast. [Sodium hypochlorite]. skin and eyes, lungs, and mucous
Mutagenic for mammalian somatic membranes.
cells. [Sodium hydroxide].
Section 12: Ecological Information

Universitas Indonesia

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long
term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products
of degradation are not toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 13: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Dilute with water and flush to sewer of local ordinances allow,
otherwise, whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed
in an appropriate and approved waste disposal facility. Waste must be disposed of
in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Class 8: Corrosive material
Identification: : Hypochlorite solution UNNA: 1791 PG: III
Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

10. Nitrite

Figure E.9. Nitrite NFPA and HMIS Rating

Table E.10. Nitrite MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Sodium nitrite Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLS2356, SLS3778,, Inc.
SLS1558 14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 7632-00-0 Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: RA1225000 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Sodium International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
nitrite Order Online:
CI#: Not available. CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
Synonym: Telephone), call:
Chemical Name: Sodium Nitrite 1-800-424-9300
Chemical Formula: NaNO2 International CHEMTREC, call: 1-
For non-emergency assistance, call:

Universitas Indonesia

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Sodium nitrite 7632-00-0 100
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Very hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.
Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant). Slightly hazardous in case of skin
contact (permeator). Prolonged exposure may result in skin burns and ulcerations.
Overexposure by inhalation may cause respiratory irritation. Severe over-exposure
can result in death. Inflammation of the eye is characterized by redness, watering,
and itching.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast.
DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Reproductive system/toxin/female,
Reproductive system/toxin/male [POSSIBLE]. The substance may be toxic to
blood, cardiovascular system, Smooth Muscle. Repeated or prolonged exposure to
the substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated exposure to a highly
toxic material may produce general deterioration of health by an accumulation in
one or many human organs.
Section 4: First Aid Measures

Universitas Indonesia

Eye Contact: Serious Inhalation:

Check for and remove any contact Evacuate the victim to a safe area as
lenses. In case of contact, immediately soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing
flush eyes with plenty of water for at such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband.
least 15 minutes. Cold water may be If
used. Get medical attention breathing is difficult, administer
immediately. oxygen. If the victim is not breathing,
Skin Contact: perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
In case of contact, immediately flush WARNING: It may be hazardous to the
skin with plenty of water. Cover the person providing aid to give mouth-to-
irritated skin with an emollient. mouth resuscitation when the inhaled
Remove contaminated clothing and material is toxic, infectious or
shoes. Cold water may be used. Wash corrosive. Seek immediate medical
clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean attention.
shoes before reuse. Get medical Ingestion:
attention. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting
Serious Skin Contact: unless directed to do so by medical
Wash with a disinfectant soap and personnel. Never give anything by
cover the contaminated skin with an mouth to an unconscious person.
anti-bacterial cream. Seek immediate Loosen tight clothing such as a collar,
medical attention. tie, belt or waistband. Get medical
Inhalation: attention immediately.
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not Serious Ingestion: Not available.
breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get
medical attention immediately.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of static discharge: Not available.
Slightly explosive in presence of shocks, of heat.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards:
When in contact with organic matter, it will ignite by friction. May ignite
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards:
Explodes when heated over 1000 F (538 C). Sodium Nitrite + thiocyanate
explodes on heating. A mixture of sodium nitrite and various cyanides explodes
on contact
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Universitas Indonesia

Small Spill: Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste
disposal container.
Large Spill:
Oxidizing material. Poisonous solid. Stop leak if without risk. Do not get water
inside container. Avoid contact with a combustible material (wood, paper, oil,
clothing...). Keep substance damp using water spray. Do not touch spilled
Use water spray to reduce vapors. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or
confined areas; dike if needed. Call for assistance on disposal.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Keep locked up. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Keep
away from combustible material. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. In case of
insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek
medical advice immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact
with skin and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as reducing agents,
combustible materials, organic materials, metals, acids.
Oxidizer. Hygroscopic. Air sensitive. Keep container tightly closed. Keep
container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Separate from acids, alkalies, reducing
agents and combustibles. See NFPA 43A, Code for the Storage of Liquid and
Solid Oxidizers. Do not store above 23C (73.4F).
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls:
Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to
keep airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If user operations
generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne
contaminants below the exposure limit.
Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Synthetic apron. Gloves (impervious).
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Boots. Gloves. Suggested protective clothing might not
be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE
handling this product.
Exposure Limits: Not available.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Solid. Vapor Density: Not available.
(Powdered solid.) Volatility: Not available.
Odor: Odorless. Odor Threshold: Not available.
Taste: Saline. (Slight.) Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 69 g/mole Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Color: White to slightly yellowish. Dispersion Properties: See solubility
pH (1% soln/water): 9 [Basic.] in water, methanol.
Boiling Point: 320C (608F) Solubility:
Melting Point: 271C (519.8F) Easily soluble in hot water. Soluble in
Critical Temperature: Not available. cold water. Partially soluble in
Specific Gravity: 2.2 (Water = 1) methanol. Very slightly soluble in
Vapor Pressure: Not applicable. diethyl ether.

Universitas Indonesia

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable. Special Remarks on Reactivity:
Instability Temperature: Not Hygroscopic. Strong oxidizer. Slowly
available. oxidizes to nitrate in air. Reacts
Conditions of Instability: vigorously with reducing materials.
Excess heat, dust generation, ignition Sodium nitrite is a strong oxidizer and
sources, exposure to air, combustible is incompatible with the following:
materials, incompatible materials, acetanilide, metals as powders,
exposure to moist air or water. ammonium salts, Aminoguanidine salts,
Incompatibility with various anitpyrine, Butadiene, chlorates,
substances: hypophosphites, activated carbon,
Highly reactive with combustible iodides, mercury salts, permanganate,
materials, organic materials. Reactive phthalic acid, phthalic anydride, sodium
with reducing agents, metals, acids. amide, sodium disulphite, cyanides
Slightly reactive to (e.g. potassium cyanide, sodium
reactive with moisture. cyanide), sodium thiocyanate, lithium,
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence sulfites, tannic acid, urea, wood,
of glass. vegetable astringent decoctions,
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not infusions, or tinctures.
available. Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Absorbed through Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
skin. Inhalation. Ingestion. Very hazardous in case of ingestion, of
Toxicity to Animals: inhalation. Hazardous in case of skin
WARNING: THE LC50 VALUES contact (irritant). Slightly hazardous in
HEREUNDER ARE ESTIMATED ON case of skin contact (permeator).
THE BASIS OF A 4-HOUR Special Remarks on Toxicity to
EXPOSURE. Acute oral toxicity Animals: Not available.
(LD50): 175 mg/kg [Mouse]. Acute Special Remarks on Chronic Effects
toxicity of the dust (LC50): 5.5 4 hours on Humans:
[Rat]. May cause cancer (tumorigen), affect
Chronic Effects on Humans: genetic material (mutagen), cause
MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic adverse reproductive effects (fertility,
for mammalian somatic cells. fetotoxicity) and birth defects based on
Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. animal data. Passes through the
TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified placental barrier in animal.
POSSIBLE for human. Special Remarks on other Toxic
Classified Reproductive Acute Potential Health Effects: Skin:
system/toxin/female, Reproductive
system/toxin/male [POSSIBLE]. May
cause damage to the following organs:
blood, cardiovascular system, Smooth
Section 12: Ecological Information

Universitas Indonesia

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long
term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are
toxic than the product itself.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 13: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal:
Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local
environmental control regulations.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification:
CLASS 5.1: Oxidizing material. CLASS 6.1: Poisonous material.
Identification: : Sodium nitrite UNNA: 1500 PG: III
Special Provisions for Transport: Marine Pollutant

Universitas Indonesia

Appendix F. List of CAPEX dan OPEX

Table F.1 Annual Indexs

Year Marshall & Swift CEPCI

1988 852 343
1989 895 355
1990 915 358
1991 931 361
1992 943 358
1993 964 359
1994 993 368
1995 1028 381
1996 1039 382
1997 1057 387
1998 1061.9 390
1999 1068.3 391
2000 1089 394
2001 1094 397
2002 1104.2 395.6
2003 1123.6 402
2004 1178.5 444.2
2005 1244.5 488.2
2006 1302.3 499.8
2007 1373.3 525.4
2008 1449.3 575.4
2009 1510.36 521.9
2010 1577.4 550.8
2011 1644.44 585.7
2012 1711.48 616.6
2013 1778.52 648.5
2014 1845.56 680.4
2015 1912.6 712.3
2016 1979.64 740.7
2017 2046.68 779.56

Table F.2 Building and Land Cost

Length Width Height Volume Total Price
(m) (m) (m) (m3) (USD)
Production (1st floor) 32.4 11.4 3 1108.08 127,850.30
Production (2nd floor) 8.79 11.4 3 300.618 34,685.30

Universitas Indonesia

Table F.2 Building and Land Cost (contd)

Length Width Height Volume Total Price
(m) (m) (m) (m3) (USD)
Office (two floors) 22 10 6 1,320 152,301.60
Canteen 6 6 3 108 12,461.04
Mosque 6 6 3 108 12,461.04
Workshop, Training
44 8 3 1056 121,841.28
Center, and Lab
Engineer Office and
10 3 3 90 10,384.20
Control Room
Warehouse 10 10 3 300 34,614.00
TOTAL 4,390.7 506,598.74

Table F.3 Additional Cost

Item Price (USD)
Market Research 15,000.00
Industrial Design Permission 120.00
Brand 540.00
Communication Line Installment 40.00
Water Installment 385.00
Hydrant Installment 925.00
Internet Network Installment 65.00
TOTAL 17,075.00

Table F.4. Supporting Equipment Cost

Supporting Price per Price
No. Equipment Qty. Piece (USD) (USD)
1 Computers 15 150.00 2,250.00
2 Facsimiles machine 2 90.00 180.00
Photocopy, scanner
3 and printer machine 2 1,000.00 2,000.00
4 Office Stationary 2 155.00 310.00
5 Clock 8 1.50 12.00
6 Table 10 30.00 300.00
7 Chair 15 15.00 225.00
8 Filing cabinet 5 92.00 460.00
9 Laboratory Set 2 460.00 920.00
10 Sofa 1 92.00 92.00
11 CCTV 10 77.00 770.00
12 Meeting room set 2 85.00 170.00
13 White board 3 35.00 105.00
14 Pantry utensils 2 150.00 300.00
15 Dispenser 2 10.00 20.00
16 Toilet set 4 270.00 1,080.00

Universitas Indonesia

Table F.4. Supporting Equipment Cost (contd)

Supporting Price per Price
No. Equipment Qty. Piece (USD) (USD)
17 Neon Lamps 50 2.00 100.00
18 Refractometry 4 95.00 380.00
19 Generator 1 4,615.00 4,615.00
20 Recycle bin 10 3.00 30.00
21 Air conditioner 1 PK 3 185.00 555.00
22 Air conditioner 2 PK 2 300.00 600.00
23 Monitor 5 15.00 75.00
24 Television 2 85.00 170.00
Total 15,719.00

Table F.5 estimation of total direct labor

Total Salary/month/person
Qualification Amount/shift Salary/year
(person) Workers (USD)
Supervisor 3 3 593.82 21,377.67
Technician 9 36 278,36 120,249.41
Fixed Cost of Direct
39 Labor 141,627.08
Variable Cost of Direct Labor = 20% TDL 28,325.42
Total Direct Labor 169,952.49

Table F.6 Total Indirect Labor Estimation of Cocamide DEA Plant

Salary/person/ Salary/person/ Total salary per

Qualification Amount
month (US$) year (US$) year (US$)
President Director 1 1,484.56 17,814.73 17,814.73
Financial Director 1 1,113.42 13,361.05 13,361.05
Manager 1 742.28 8,907.36 8,907.36
Department Staff 2 371.14 4,453.68 8,907.36
Human Resources
Director 1 1,113.42 13,361.05 13,361.05
HR Operation Unit
Manager 1 742.28 8,907.36 8,907.36
Supervisor of
General Affair 1 593.82 7,125.89 7,125.89

Universitas Indonesia

Table F.6 Total Indirect Labor Estimation of Cocamide DEA Plant (contd)

Supervisor of
Industrial Relationship 1 593.82 7,125.89 7,125.89
Supervisor of Health
Safety Environment 1 593.82 7,125.89 7,125.89
Health Safety
Environment Staff 2 296.91 3,562.95 7,125.89
Supervisor of Human
Resource Information
System 1 593.82 7,125.89 7,125.89
Supervisor of Public
Relation & Total
Quality Management 1 593.82 7,125.89 7,125.89
Public Relation &
Total Quality
Managment staff 2 296.91 3,562.95 7,125.89
Recruitment &
Trainning staff 2 371.14 4,453.68 8,907.36
Administration staff 1 371.14 4,453.68 4,453.68
Operational Director 1 1,113.42 13,361.05 13,361.05
Engineering Manager 1 742.28 8,907.36 8,907.36
Processing Manager 1 742.28 8,907.36 8,907.36
Research &
Development Manager 1 742.28 8,907.36 8,907.36
Research &
Development Staff 2 371.14 4,453.68 8,907.36
Supply Chain
Management (SCM)
Manager 1 742.28 8,907.36 8,907.36
Warehouse Staff 2 371.14 4,453.68 8,907.36
Quality Control
Manager 1 371.14 4,453.68 4,453.68
Quality Control staff 2 222.68 2,672.21 5,344.42
Marketing Manager 1 593.82 7,125.89 7,125.89
Marketing Staff 2 296.91 3,562.95 7,125.89
Security 4 186.65 2,239.76 8,959.03
Receptionist 2 186.65 2,239.76 4,479.51
Cleaning Service 4 186.65 2,239.76 8,959.03
56,00 Fixed Cost of Indirect Labor 247,753.86
Variable Cost of Indirect Labor = 20% TDL 49,550.77
Total Indirect Labor 297,304.63

Universitas Indonesia

Table F.7. Main Equipment Electricity

No Equipment Qty Power (kW) Required/day
1 Positive displacement pump (PM-101) 1 0.135 3.24
2 Positive displacement pump (PM-102) 1 0.229 5.496
3 Positive displacement pump (PM-103) 1 0.115 2.76
4 Positive displacement pump (PM-104) 1 0.05 1.2
5 Positive displacement pump (PM-105) 1 0.098 2.352
6 Positive displacement pump (PM-106) 1 0.059 1.416
7 Positive displacement pump (PM-107) 1 0.053 1.272
8 Positive displacement pump (PM-108) 1 0.353 8.472
9 Positive displacement pump (PM-109) 1 0.01 0.24
10 Positive displacement pump (PM-110) 1 0.021 0.504
11 Positive displacement pump (PM-111) 1 0.119 2.856
12 Positive displacement pump (PM-112) 1 0.021 0.504
13 Positive displacement pump (PM-113) 1 0.261 6.264
14 Positive displacement pump (PM-114) 1 0.24 5.76
15 Vacum pump (VP-101) 1 0.2 4.8
16 Vacum pump (VP-102) 1 0.2 4.8
17 Mixer (MX-101) 1 0.2 4.8
18 Heater (H-102) 1 0.12 2.88
19 Cooler (CX-107) 1 0.21 5.04
20 Cooler (CX-108) 1 0.2 4.8
21 Cooler (CX-109) 1 0.16 3.84
22 CSTR (R-101) 1 0.158 3.792
23 CSTR (R-102) 1 0.023 0.552
TOTAL 77.088

Table F.8. Supporting Equipment Electricity

Total Power
No Supporting Equipment Qty Power (kW) per Day
1 Computers 7 0.6 100.8
2 Facsimiles machine 2 0.018 0.432
3 Photocopy, scanner, and printer machine 3 0.5 36
4 CCTV 10 0.0084 2.016
5 Dispenser 2 0.5 24
6 Air Conditioner 2 PK 10 0.8 96
7 Television 3 0.11 3.96
8 Outdor Lamp 50 0.0045 2.7
9 Process, utility and storage lamp 66 0.006 9.504
10 Office Lamp 188 0.003 6.768
11 LCD 2 0.6 2.4
TOTAL 284.58

Universitas Indonesia

Fuel Consumption
The data needed for calculation of the mass of the fuel used in the boiler is
as follows:
BTO (Boiler Thermal Output) = Energy needed in steam generation process
Basis operation = 1 hour
Boiler efficiency = 75% (based rule of thumb)
Fuel used is natural gas with Net Heating Value (NHV) = 22000 btu/lb =
51172 kJ/kg
Cp water = 4.179 kJ/kgoC (assumed constant in every temperature)

For steam generation process at temperature 220oC, the calculation of fuel

mass needed is shown below:
BTO (energy to generate steam)

Mass Fuel

The conclusion of calculation above is the mass fuel needed to generate

steam needed in 1 hour production of Cocamide DEA is 8.63 kg of natural gas.
The data needed for calculation of fuel used for generator to produce
electricity is as follows:
Basis operation is one hour
Diesel Price is 7,600 IDR/liter
Electricity utility/h = 237.5 kW
Generator used is manufactured by Caterpillar CAT C13-400 with 320 kW
The calculation of fuel needed for generator to produce electricity, is shown
Fuel need/h

Universitas Indonesia

Fuel need = 78.9 L/h for 320 kW = 58.56 L/h for 237.5 kW
Fuel need/day = 58.56 L x 24 = 1.405.41 L
Fuel need/year = 1.405.41 L x 330 = 463,783.98 L
Cost of electricity
Cost of electricity/ h = fuel need x diesel price
= 58.56 L/h x 7,600 IDR = 445,045.31 IDR
Cost of electricity/year
Cost of electricity/year = cost of electricity/h x 24 x 330
= 445,045.313 IDR x 24 x 330
= 3,524,758,875 IDR
= USD 271,135.30

Table F.9. Total Utility Cost

Utility Cost (USD)

Electricity 14,233.86
Water 38.77
Fuel Utility 271,135.30
TOTAL 285,407.93

Table F.10. Distribution Cost

Distance Transportation Fee

Distribution Cost Transportation
(km) (USD)
Manufacture 3,180.96
Bakauhrni Port 1390 Truck
Dumai Port 219.23
Merak 56 Sea Transport
Truck Tronton
Truck Rental - back 164.10
Total Distribution Cost (1 week) 3,564.29
Total Distribution Cost (1 year) 185,343.33

Universitas Indonesia

Table F.11. Marketing Cost

Marketing Cost Price (USD)

Print Media (Brosure, Magazine, 1,154
Online Media (Website) 115
Exibition (Registration, Stand) 1,538
Total Marketing Cost (1 year) 2,808

Table F.12. WACC

Symbol Value Definition

E 60% Equity
D 40% Debt
V 1 E+D
Rd (Mandiri) 10.50% Rate of Debt
Rf 6.00% Risk free rate (February, 2016)
stock's (Based on PT. Wilmar Cahaya Indonesia,
ex 1.273 Tbk.)
Rp 9.40% Risk premium rate
Tax rate 25%
Re 18% Rate of equity
WACC 13.93% WACC = E/V x Re + D/V x Rd x (1 - tax rate)

Universitas Indonesia

Appendix G. List of Depreciation

Table G.1 Depreciation Asset

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
No Equipment CBM
D Value D Value D Value D Value D Value
1 V-101 $97,949.80 $9,794.98 $88,154.82 $8,815.48 $79,339.34 $7,933.93 $71,405.40 $7,140.54 $64,264.86 $6,426.49 $57,838.38
2 V-105 $95,303.17 $9,530.32 $85,772.85 $8,577.29 $77,195.57 $7,719.56 $69,476.01 $6,947.60 $62,528.41 $6,252.84 $56,275.57
3 V-110 $102,568.14 $10,256.81 $92,311.33 $9,231.13 $83,080.19 $8,308.02 $74,772.17 $7,477.22 $67,294.96 $6,729.50 $60,565.46
4 PM-101 $7,182.24 $718.22 $6,464.02 $646.40 $5,817.61 $581.76 $5,235.85 $523.59 $4,712.27 $471.23 $4,241.04
5 PM-102 $7,835.17 $783.52 $7,051.65 $705.17 $6,346.49 $634.65 $5,711.84 $571.18 $5,140.66 $514.07 $4,626.59
6 PM-103 $7,182.24 $718.22 $6,464.02 $646.40 $5,817.61 $581.76 $5,235.85 $523.59 $4,712.27 $471.23 $4,241.04
7 PM-104 $4,570.52 $457.05 $4,113.47 $411.35 $3,702.12 $370.21 $3,331.91 $333.19 $2,998.72 $299.87 $2,698.84
8 PM-105 $5,876.38 $587.64 $5,288.74 $528.87 $4,759.87 $475.99 $4,283.88 $428.39 $3,855.49 $385.55 $3,469.94
9 PM-106 $4,570.52 $457.05 $4,113.47 $411.35 $3,702.12 $370.21 $3,331.91 $333.19 $2,998.72 $299.87 $2,698.84
10 PM-107 $4,570.52 $457.05 $4,113.47 $411.35 $3,702.12 $370.21 $3,331.91 $333.19 $2,998.72 $299.87 $2,698.84
11 VP-101 $6,108.01 $610.80 $5,497.20 $549.72 $4,947.48 $494.75 $4,452.74 $445.27 $4,007.46 $400.75 $3,606.72
12 HX-101 $220,889.85 $22,088.99 $198,800.87 $19,880.09 $178,920.78 $17,892.08 $161,028.70 $16,102.87 $144,925.83 $14,492.58 $130,433.25
13 HX-102 $4,970.02 $497.00 $4,473.02 $447.30 $4,025.72 $402.57 $3,623.15 $362.31 $3,260.83 $326.08 $2,934.75
14 HX-104 $4,141.68 $414.17 $3,727.52 $372.75 $3,354.76 $335.48 $3,019.29 $301.93 $2,717.36 $271.74 $2,445.62
15 HX-106 $13,115.33 $1,311.53 $11,803.80 $1,180.38 $10,623.42 $1,062.34 $9,561.08 $956.11 $8,604.97 $860.50 $7,744.47
16 CX-107 $26,920.95 $2,692.10 $24,228.86 $2,422.89 $21,805.97 $2,180.60 $19,625.37 $1,962.54 $17,662.84 $1,766.28 $15,896.55
17 V-109 $22,720.47 $2,272.05 $20,448.42 $2,044.84 $18,403.58 $1,840.36 $16,563.22 $1,656.32 $14,906.90 $1,490.69 $13,416.21
18 PFF-101 $55,570.87 $5,557.09 $50,013.78 $5,001.38 $45,012.40 $4,501.24 $40,511.16 $4,051.12 $36,460.05 $3,646.00 $32,814.04
19 V-104 $48,014.80 $4,801.48 $43,213.32 $4,321.33 $38,891.99 $3,889.20 $35,002.79 $3,500.28 $31,502.51 $3,150.25 $28,352.26
20 R-101 $48,288.30 $4,828.83 $43,459.47 $4,345.95 $39,113.52 $3,911.35 $35,202.17 $3,520.22 $31,681.95 $3,168.20 $28,513.76
21 MX-101 $736.88 $73.69 $663.19 $66.32 $596.87 $59.69 $537.19 $53.72 $483.47 $48.35 $435.12

Universitas Indonesia

Table G.1 Depreciation Asset (Contd)

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
No Equipment CBM
D Value D Value D Value D Value D Value
1 V-101 $97,949.80 $5,783.84 $52,054.54 $5,205.45 $46,849.08 $4,684.91 $42,164.18 $4,216.42 $37,947.76 $3,794.78 $34,152.98
2 V-105 $95,303.17 $5,627.56 $50,648.01 $5,064.80 $45,583.21 $4,558.32 $41,024.89 $4,102.49 $36,922.40 $3,692.24 $33,230.16
3 V-110 $102,568.14 $6,056.55 $54,508.92 $5,450.89 $49,058.02 $4,905.80 $44,152.22 $4,415.22 $39,737.00 $3,973.70 $35,763.30
4 PM-101 $7,182.24 $424.10 $3,816.94 $381.69 $3,435.24 $343.52 $3,091.72 $309.17 $2,782.55 $278.25 $2,504.29
5 PM-102 $7,835.17 $462.66 $4,163.93 $416.39 $3,747.54 $374.75 $3,372.78 $337.28 $3,035.51 $303.55 $2,731.96
6 PM-103 $7,182.24 $424.10 $3,816.94 $381.69 $3,435.24 $343.52 $3,091.72 $309.17 $2,782.55 $278.25 $2,504.29
7 PM-104 $4,570.52 $269.88 $2,428.96 $242.90 $2,186.06 $218.61 $1,967.46 $196.75 $1,770.71 $177.07 $1,593.64
8 PM-105 $5,876.38 $346.99 $3,122.95 $312.29 $2,810.65 $281.07 $2,529.59 $252.96 $2,276.63 $227.66 $2,048.97
9 PM-106 $4,570.52 $269.88 $2,428.96 $242.90 $2,186.06 $218.61 $1,967.46 $196.75 $1,770.71 $177.07 $1,593.64
10 PM-107 $4,570.52 $269.88 $2,428.96 $242.90 $2,186.06 $218.61 $1,967.46 $196.75 $1,770.71 $177.07 $1,593.64
11 VP-101 $6,108.01 $360.67 $3,246.04 $324.60 $2,921.44 $292.14 $2,629.30 $262.93 $2,366.37 $236.64 $2,129.73
12 HX-101 $220,889.85 $13,043.32 $117,389.92 $11,738.99 $105,650.93 $10,565.09 $95,085.84 $9,508.58 $85,577.25 $8,557.73 $77,019.53
13 HX-102 $4,970.02 $293.47 $2,641.27 $264.13 $2,377.15 $237.71 $2,139.43 $213.94 $1,925.49 $192.55 $1,732.94
14 HX-104 $4,141.68 $244.56 $2,201.06 $220.11 $1,980.95 $198.10 $1,782.86 $178.29 $1,604.57 $160.46 $1,444.12
15 HX-106 $13,115.33 $774.45 $6,970.03 $697.00 $6,273.02 $627.30 $5,645.72 $564.57 $5,081.15 $508.11 $4,573.03
16 CX-107 $26,920.95 $1,589.66 $14,306.90 $1,430.69 $12,876.21 $1,287.62 $11,588.59 $1,158.86 $10,429.73 $1,042.97 $9,386.76
17 V-109 $22,720.47 $1,341.62 $12,074.59 $1,207.46 $10,867.13 $1,086.71 $9,780.42 $978.04 $8,802.38 $880.24 $7,922.14
18 PFF-101 $55,570.87 $3,281.40 $29,532.64 $2,953.26 $26,579.37 $2,657.94 $23,921.44 $2,392.14 $21,529.29 $2,152.93 $19,376.36
19 V-104 $48,014.80 $2,835.23 $25,517.03 $2,551.70 $22,965.33 $2,296.53 $20,668.80 $2,066.88 $18,601.92 $1,860.19 $16,741.73
20 R-101 $48,288.30 $2,851.38 $25,662.38 $2,566.24 $23,096.14 $2,309.61 $20,786.53 $2,078.65 $18,707.88 $1,870.79 $16,837.09
21 MX-101 $736.88 $43.51 $391.61 $39.16 $352.45 $35.24 $317.20 $31.72 $285.48 $28.55 $256.93

Universitas Indonesia

Table G.1. Depreciation Asset (Contd)

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
No Equipment CBM
D Value D Value D Value D Value D Value
22 V-106 $7,061.77 $706.18 $6,355.59 $635.56 $5,720.03 $572.00 $5,148.03 $514.80 $4,633.23 $463.32 $4,169.90
23 V-107 $6,601.22 $660.12 $5,941.10 $594.11 $5,346.99 $534.70 $4,812.29 $481.23 $4,331.06 $433.11 $3,897.95
24 V-108 $9,886.48 $988.65 $8,897.83 $889.78 $8,008.05 $800.80 $7,207.24 $720.72 $6,486.52 $648.65 $5,837.87
25 PM-108 $9,141.03 $914.10 $8,226.93 $822.69 $7,404.24 $740.42 $6,663.81 $666.38 $5,997.43 $599.74 $5,397.69
26 PM-109 $4,570.52 $457.05 $4,113.47 $411.35 $3,702.12 $370.21 $3,331.91 $333.19 $2,998.72 $299.87 $2,698.84
27 PM-110 $5,223.45 $522.34 $4,701.10 $470.11 $4,230.99 $423.10 $3,807.89 $380.79 $3,427.10 $342.71 $3,084.39
28 PM-111 $7,182.24 $718.22 $6,464.02 $646.40 $5,817.61 $581.76 $5,235.85 $523.59 $4,712.27 $471.23 $4,241.04
29 PM-112 $5,549.91 $554.99 $4,994.92 $499.49 $4,495.43 $449.54 $4,045.89 $404.59 $3,641.30 $364.13 $3,277.17
30 PM-113 $8,488.10 $848.81 $7,639.29 $763.93 $6,875.36 $687.54 $6,187.83 $618.78 $5,569.04 $556.90 $5,012.14
31 PM-114 $8,292.22 $829.22 $7,463.00 $746.30 $6,716.70 $671.67 $6,045.03 $604.50 $5,440.53 $544.05 $4,896.47
32 CX-108 $5,879.36 $587.94 $5,291.43 $529.14 $4,762.28 $476.23 $4,286.06 $428.61 $3,857.45 $385.75 $3,471.71
33 CX-109 $5,291.43 $529.14 $4,762.28 $476.23 $4,286.06 $428.61 $3,857.45 $385.75 $3,471.71 $347.17 $3,124.53
34 HX-103 $5,108.08 $510.81 $4,597.27 $459.73 $4,137.54 $413.75 $3,723.79 $372.38 $3,351.41 $335.14 $3,016.27
35 HX-105 $25,540.39 $2,554.04 $22,986.35 $2,298.64 $20,687.72 $2,068.77 $18,618.94 $1,861.89 $16,757.05 $1,675.70 $15,081.34
36 UF-101 $14,181.95 $1,418.20 $12,763.76 $1,276.38 $11,487.38 $1,148.74 $10,338.64 $1,033.86 $9,304.78 $930.48 $8,374.30
37 PFF-102 $9,766.86 $976.69 $8,790.18 $879.02 $7,911.16 $791.12 $7,120.04 $712.00 $6,408.04 $640.80 $5,767.24
38 V-103 $4,451.92 $445.19 $4,006.73 $400.67 $3,606.06 $360.61 $3,245.45 $324.55 $2,920.91 $292.09 $2,628.82
39 R-102 $29,334.27 $2,933.43 $26,400.85 $2,640.08 $23,760.76 $2,376.08 $21,384.69 $2,138.47 $19,246.22 $1,924.62 $17,321.60
40 F-101 $5,930.63 $593.06 $5,337.57 $533.76 $4,803.81 $480.38 $4,323.43 $432.34 $3,891.09 $389.11 $3,501.98
$17,748.18 $15,973.37 $14,376.03 $12,938.43 $11,644.58

Universitas Indonesia

Table G.1. Depreciation Asset (Contd)

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
No Equipment CBM
D Value D Value D Value D Value D Value
1 Computers $2,250.00 $225.00 $2,025.00 $202.50 $1,822.50 $182.25 $1,640.25 $164.03 $1,476.23 $147.62 $1,328.60
2 Facsimiles machine $180.00 $18.00 $162.00 $16.20 $145.80 $14.58 $131.22 $13.12 $118.10 $11.81 $106.29
3 Photocopy, scanner and printer machine $2,000.00 $200.00 $1,800.00 $180.00 $1,620.00 $162.00 $1,458.00 $145.80 $1,312.20 $131.22 $1,180.98
4 Office Stationary $310.00 $31.00 $279.00 $27.90 $251.10 $25.11 $225.99 $22.60 $203.39 $20.34 $183.05
5 Clock $12.00 $1.20 $10.80 $1.08 $9.72 $0.97 $8.75 $0.87 $7.87 $0.79 $7.09
6 Table $300.00 $30.00 $270.00 $27.00 $243.00 $24.30 $218.70 $21.87 $196.83 $19.68 $177.15
7 Chair $225.00 $22.50 $202.50 $20.25 $182.25 $18.23 $164.03 $16.40 $147.62 $14.76 $132.86
8 Filing cabinet $460.00 $46.00 $414.00 $41.40 $372.60 $37.26 $335.34 $33.53 $301.81 $30.18 $271.63
9 Laboratory Set $920.00 $92.00 $828.00 $82.80 $745.20 $74.52 $670.68 $67.07 $603.61 $60.36 $543.25
10 Sofa $92.00 $9.20 $82.80 $8.28 $74.52 $7.45 $67.07 $6.71 $60.36 $6.04 $54.33
11 CCTV $770.00 $77.00 $693.00 $69.30 $623.70 $62.37 $561.33 $56.13 $505.20 $50.52 $454.68
12 Meeting room set $170.00 $17.00 $153.00 $15.30 $137.70 $13.77 $123.93 $12.39 $111.54 $11.15 $100.38
13 White board $105.00 $10.50 $94.50 $9.45 $85.05 $8.51 $76.55 $7.65 $68.89 $6.89 $62.00
14 Pantry utensils $300.00 $30.00 $270.00 $27.00 $243.00 $24.30 $218.70 $21.87 $196.83 $19.68 $177.15
15 Dispenser $20.00 $2.00 $18.00 $1.80 $16.20 $1.62 $14.58 $1.46 $13.12 $1.31 $11.81
16 Toilet set $1,080.00 $108.00 $972.00 $97.20 $874.80 $87.48 $787.32 $78.73 $708.59 $70.86 $637.73
17 Neon Lamps $100.00 $10.00 $90.00 $9.00 $81.00 $8.10 $72.90 $7.29 $65.61 $6.56 $59.05
18 Refractometry $380.00 $38.00 $342.00 $34.20 $307.80 $30.78 $277.02 $27.70 $249.32 $24.93 $224.39
19 Generator $4,615.00 $461.50 $4,153.50 $415.35 $3,738.15 $373.82 $3,364.34 $336.43 $3,027.90 $302.79 $2,725.11
20 Recycle bin $30.00 $3.00 $27.00 $2.70 $24.30 $2.43 $21.87 $2.19 $19.68 $1.97 $17.71
TOTAL DEPRESIATION $14,319.00 $1,431.90 $1,288.71 $1,159.84 $1,043.86 $939.47

Table G.2. Depreciation Land and Building

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
No Depreciation CBM
D Value D Value D Value D Value D Value
1 Building $1,298,350.40 $64,917.52 $1,233,432.88 $61,671.64 $1,171,761.24 $58,588.06 $1,113,173.17 $55,658.66 $1,057,514.52 $52,875.73 $1,004,638.79
TOTAL DEPRESIATION $1,298,350.40 $64,917.52 $61,671.64 $58,588.06 $55,658.66 $52,875.73

Universitas Indonesia

Table G.2. Depreciation Land and Building (Contd)

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
No Depreciation
D Value D Value D Value D Value D Value
1 Building $50,231.94 $954,406.85 $47,720.34 $906,686.51 $45,334.33 $861,352.18 $43,067.61 $818,284.57 $40,914.23 $777,370.34
TOTAL DEPRESIATION $50,231.94 $47,720.34 $45,334.33 $43,067.61 $40,914.23

Universitas Indonesia

Appendix H. List of Cash Flow

Table H.1 Cash Flow

Volume Poduct Opex Maintenance Cost Depreciation Revenue Cash Expanses All Expanses Gross Profit
(Ton/Year) Price (USD) (USD) (USD) (USD) (USD) (USD) (USD)
2018 10,000 1,500 13,740,262 87,352 163,329 15,000,000 13,827,614 13,990,943 1,172,386
2019 10,000 1,500 13,740,262 87,352 150,084 15,000,000 13,827,614 13,977,698 1,172,386
2020 10,000 1,500 13,740,262 87,352 138,044 15,000,000 13,827,614 13,965,658 1,172,386
2021 10,000 1,500 13,740,262 87,352 127,084 15,000,000 13,827,614 13,954,698 1,172,386
2022 10,000 1,500 13,740,262 87,352 117,095 15,000,000 13,827,614 13,944,709 1,172,386
2023 10,000 1,500 13,740,262 87,352 107,982 15,000,000 13,827,614 13,935,596 1,172,386
2024 10,000 1,500 13,740,262 87,352 99,660 15,000,000 13,827,614 13,927,274 1,172,386
2025 10,000 1,500 13,740,262 87,352 92,052 15,000,000 13,827,614 13,919,666 1,172,386
2026 10,000 1,500 13,740,262 87,352 85,093 15,000,000 13,827,614 13,912,707 1,172,386
2027 10,000 1,500 13,740,262 87,352 78,721 15,000,000 13,827,614 13,906,335 1,172,386

Universitas Indonesia

Table H.1. Cash Flow (Contd)

NPAT Cash Flow Cum. Cash Flow Discounted CF Discounted

2017 - 3,966,472 - 3,966,472 - 3,966,472 - 3,966,472
2018 1,009,057 756,793 920,122 - 3,046,351 807,622 - 3,158,850
2019 1,022,302 766,727 916,810 - 2,129,540 706,326 - 2,452,524
2020 1,034,342 775,757 913,800 - 1,215,740 617,931 - 1,834,592
2021 1,045,302 783,976 911,060 - 304,679 540,753 - 1,293,839
2022 1,055,291 791,468 908,563 603,884 473,337 - 820,503
2023 1,064,404 798,303 906,285 1,510,169 414,422 - 406,081
2024 1,072,726 804,545 904,204 2,414,373 362,917 - 43,164
2025 1,080,334 810,250 902,303 3,316,676 317,875 274,711
2026 1,087,293 815,470 900,563 4,217,238 278,471 553,182
2027 1,093,665 820,249 898,970 5,116,208 243,992 797,174

Universitas Indonesia

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