Frequency by Penney Peirce
Frequency by Penney Peirce
Frequency by Penney Peirce
We are
all born sensitive and empathic, but through lack of
validation and training, the ability often shuts down or
is placed on a shelf labeled “For Use at a Later Date.”
That energetic information then surfaces in me as
though I am them, and all at once, I know a complex
pattern that includes their earthly desires, soul
intentions, permissions, blockages, life lessons,
talents, and how it’s likely to feel when they attain
their potential.
You allow yourself to experience the full range of
sensations, from the most contracted to the most
expanded, knowing that this is what life is all about.
Even contractions contain useful information and
You know that life and the mind naturally oscillate, so
you allow yourself and others to have polarities and
change often while penetrating to the core to find
You know your experience is up to you and the
choices you make. You know that by adjusting the
frequencies you run in your body, emotions, and
thoughts, you can change your reality and create or
dissolve the “stuff of your life.”
You’re excited about having a live connection with the
world, and you engage fully with discovery and
creativity. You accept that you and the world are
made of many dimensions and frequencies of
awareness and that you have access to all of them.
Are they trustworthy? Are they honest? Are they
withholding or lying about something?
Do they have a personal issue that will sabotage the
relationship or the flow of a project?
Do they have a need to control, and if so, what and
how do they do it?
Is this a beneficial relationship for me? Why?
Is it time to update or change this relationship? Is it
time to end this relationship?
1. You’re simultaneously drawn to the other person
because you frequency- match issues both souls want
Relationships to focus on. You experience attraction, love, and
2. The love draws everything that’s in the way of more
love into the relationship space so it can be cleared.
Both people’s subconscious fears surface. You play
opposite roles, have differing opinions, blame and
punish each other, resuppress your problems to get
along, or break up. This usually repeats, drags on,
and can often end the relationship. To be successful,
the relationship must progress to Phase Two and
Materializing and Dematerializing Three.
3. You choose to recenter in the relationship’s home
frequency, find a way to reopen your hearts, and
communicate about what you’re feeling without blame
Formula for Successful Flow in Relationships or projection (no sentences starting with “You...”).
4. You look for common vulnerabilities, understand
your misperceptions, and choose to turn the
unhealthy feeling habit in yourself around (your
partner chooses at their own speed).
5. You reaffirm what you value in the relationship and
in the other, restate your goals for being together,
and remember that you want to cherish the other
person. 6. More interferences to greater love now
surface from the subconscious minds of both people.
7. Repeat Phase Two! Each time love conquers fear,
your bodies get more used to the higher-frequency
relationship and you stop choosing negative
vibrations because they’re too boring and difficult.
1. Reframe the problem so you see it as helpful.
2. Your problem is really a question. The question
helps you discover an experience your soul wants you
to have.
3. Solve the problem internally first, in your imagination.
4. Once you have the internal experience the problem
was pointing to, the external physical problem may
Problem solving
resolve quickly.
5. Problems always indicate a “turn” of the wave and
a new vibration that pertains to your destiny.
5. Problems always indicate a “turn” of the wave and
a new vibration that pertains to your destiny.
6. If many problems occur at once, there’s usually
just one underlying theme.
7. Even very mundane problems contain your soul’s
You notice an idea and invest attention into it.
Your body experiences the idea as real and normal.
You radiate your high home
frequency through your personal
field to the unified field.
You honor all the other beings and particles that are cocreating with you.
Your personal vibration frequency-matches with the
item, people, situation, place, or experience you’re
You trust the outcome will be perfect.
You see what you want as separate from you.
You want out of fear; you worry and doubt.
You try to force the outcome or use too much of
your own energy to make things happen.
YOU STALL MATERIALIZING WHEN: You don’t feel entitled, or you lack imagination.
What you want is not on purpose for your soul, or
your soul knows about a future impact of the result
that would be harmful to you.
Your mind tries to do more than its share of the work.