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Wa65 80-5 Vebm250100

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Shop Manual VEBM250100

WA65-5 H50051 AND UP
WA70-5 H50051 AND UP
WA80-5 H50051 AND UP

• This shop manual may contain attachments and optional equipment that are not available in your area.
Please consult your local KOMATSU distributor for those items you may require. Materials and specifica-
tions are subject to change without notice.

• The Wheel Loaders WA65-5, WA70-5 and WA80-5 are equipped with the engine 4D95LE-3
For details of this engine see Engine Manual, P/N CU3666417-00.

© 2005
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Europe 05/05
No. of page

00 SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-1

01 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-1

10 STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-1

20 TESTING AND ADJUSTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-1

30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-1

90 OTHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90-1

00-2 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

Safety notice ............................................ 00-3
Preparations for work ................................ 00-4
Tipping up the driver's cab ........................ 00-4
Tipping down the driver's cab ................... 00-7
Precautions during work ........................... 00-8
Foreword .................................................. 00-11
How to read the shop manual .................. 00-12
Volumes .................................................... 00-12
Distribution and updating .......................... 00-12
Filing method ............................................ 00-12
Symbols .................................................... 00-13
Hoisting instructions ................................. 00-14
Wire ropes ................................................. 00-14

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 00-1


00-2 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

SAFETY Safety notice

Safety notice

Important Safety Notice

Proper service and repair is extremely important for safe
machine operation. Some of the described service and re-
pair techniques require the use of tools specially designed
by Komatsu for the specific purpose.
To prevent injury to workers, the symbol is used to
mark safety precautions in this manual. The cautions ac-
companying these symbols must always be followed care-
fully. If any dangerous situation arises or may possibly
arise, first consider safety, and take the necessary actions
to deal with the situation.

General Precautions
Mistakes in operation are extremely dangerous. Read the
operating the machine! Always follow the safety rules valid
in your country carefully!

1. Before carrying out any greasing or repairs, read all the pre-
cautions given on the decals which are fixed to the machine.

2. When carrying out any operation, always wear safety shoes

and helmet. Do not wear loose work clothes, or clothes with
buttons missing.

• Always wear safety glasses when hitting parts with a


• Always wear safety glasses when grinding parts with a

grinder, etc.

3. If welding repairs are needed, always have a trained, experi-

enced welder carry out the work. When carrying out welding
work, always wear welding gloves, apron, glasses, cap and
other clothes suited for welding work.

4. When carrying out any operation with two or more workers,

always agree on the operating procedure before starting. Al-
ways inform your fellow workers before starting any step of
the operation. Before starting work, hang UNDER REPAIR
signs on the controls in the operator's compartment.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 00-3

Safety notice SAFETY

5. Keep all tools in good condition and learn the correct way to
use them.

6. Decide a place in the repair workshop to keep tools and re-

moved parts. Always keep the tools and parts in their correct
places. Always keep the work area clean and make sure
that there is no dirt or oil on the floor. Never smoke while
working. Smoke only in the areas provided for smoking.

Preparations for work

1. Before adding oil or making any repairs, park the machine
on hard, level ground, and block the wheels or tracks to pre-
vent the machine from moving.

2. Before starting work, lower blade, ripper, bucket or any other

work equipment to the ground and install the safety bar on
the frame. If this is not possible, insert the safety pin or use
blocks to prevent the work equipment from falling. In addi-
tion, be sure to lock all the control levers and hang warning
signs on them.

3. When disassembling or assembling, support the machine

with blocks, jacks or stands before starting work.

4. Remove all mud and oil from the steps or other places used
to get on and off the machine. Always use the handrails, lad-
ders or steps when getting on or off the machine. Never
jump on or off the machine. If it is impossible to use the
handrails, ladders or steps, use a stand to provide safe foot-

Tipping up the driver's cab

1. Park the machine on solid, level ground.

2. Lower the work unit to the ground and switch off the engine.

3. Use the locking bolt to secure the articulated steering

(cross-reference "Securing the articulated steering", Page 2-

The machine has to be positioned straight and the articu-

lated steering has to be secured with the locking bolt! If the
driver's cab is tipped up while the machine is bent, the front
frame can cause damage to the windscreen!

4. Open the bonnet..

00-4 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

SAFETY Safety notice

5. Remove the cab fastening screws under the rear wheel

cover (arrow).

2 screws on the left and 2 screws on the right (1).

6. Take the hand pump lever out of its holder on the radiator (2)
and insert it into the receptacle of the pump (3).

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 00-5

Safety notice SAFETY

7. Set the lever at the pump to "pump up" and pump the cab
upward until it reaches the limit stop.

8. Move the safety rod on the right side upward until it reaches
the pin at the cab floor.

9. Set the lever at the pump to "pump down" and pump the cab
downward until the safety rod is secure against the right side
of the cab floor.

10. Take the lever out of the pump.

00-6 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

SAFETY Safety notice

Tipping down the driver's cab

1. Insert the lever into the pump. Set the lever at the pump to
"pump up" and pump the cab upward until it reaches the limit

2. Fold down the safety rod on the right side and fasten it in this
position (arrow).

3. Set the lever to "pump down" and pump the cab downward
until the cylinder is entirely retracted (the resistance at the
lever increases markedly).

Make sure that the guide pin (arrow) on the left of the rear
frame is inserted into the guide bushing of the cab.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 00-7

Safety notice SAFETY

4. Screw in the fastening screws for the cab (2 left, 2 right) and
tighten the screws.

Torque = 230 Nm.

5. Remove the lever from the pump and fasten it to the radiator.

6. Close the bonnet.

Precautions during work

1. When measuring hydraulic pressure, check that the measur-
ing tool is correctly assembled before taking any measure-

2. When removing the oil filler cap, drain plug or hydraulic

pressure measuring plugs, loosen them slowly to prevent
the oil from spurting out.
Before disconnecting or removing components of the oil,
water or air circuits, first remove the pressure completely
from the circuit.

3. The water and oil in the circuits are hot when the engine is
stopped, so be careful not to get burned.
Wait for the oil and water to cool before carrying out any
work on the oil or water circuits.

4. Before starting work, remove the leads from the battery. Al-
ways remove the lead from the negative (-) terminal first.

5. When raising heavy components, use a hoist or crane.

Check that the wire rope, chains and hooks are free from
Always use lifting equipment which has ample capacity.
Install the lifting equipment at the correct places. Use a hoist
or crane and operate slowly to prevent the component from
hitting any other part.
Do not work with any part still raised by the hoist or crane.

6. When removing covers which are under internal pressure or

00-8 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

SAFETY Safety notice

under pressure from a spring, always leave two bolts in posi-

tion on opposite sides. Slowly release the pressure, then
slowly loosen the bolts to remove.

7. When removing components, be careful not to break or

damage the wiring. Damaged wiring may cause electrical

8. When removing piping, stop the fuel or oil from spilling out. If
any fuel or oil drips onto the floor, wipe it up immediately. Fu-
el or oil on the floor can cause you to slip, or can even start

9. As a general rule, do not use gasoline to wash parts. In par-

ticular, use only the minimum of gasoline when washing
electrical parts. Do not smoke!

10. Be sure to assemble all parts again in their original places.

Replace any damaged parts with new parts.

When installing hoses and wires, be sure that they will not
be damaged by contact with other parts when the machine
is being oper ated.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 00-9

Safety notice SAFETY

11. When installing high pressure hoses, make sure that they
are not twisted.

Damaged tubes are dangerous, so be extremely careful

when installing tubes for high pressure circuits. Also, check
that connecting parts are correctly installed.

12. When aligning two holes, never insert your fingers or hand.
Be careful not to get your fingers caught in a hole.

13. When assembling or installing parts, always use the speci-

fied tightening torques. When installing protective parts such
as guards, or parts which vibrate violently or rotate at high
speed, be particularly careful to check that they are installed

00-10 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

SAFETY Foreword

This shop manual has been prepared as an aid to improve the
quality of repairs by giving the service personnel an accurate un-
derstanding of the product and by showing them the correct way
to perform repairs and make judgements. Make sure you under-
stand the contents of this manual and use it to full effect at every

This shop manual mainly contains the necessary technical infor-

mation for operations performed in a service workshop. For
ease of understanding, the manual is divided into the following
chapters; these chapters are further divided into the each main
group of components:

Structure and function

This section explains the structure and function of each compo-
nent. It serves not only to give an understanding of the structure,
but also serves as reference material for troubleshooting.

Testing and adjusting

This section explains checks to be made before and after per-
forming repairs, as well as adjustments to be made at comple-
tion of the checks and repairs. Troubleshooting charts
correlating "Problems" to "Causes" are also included in this sec-

Disassembly and assembly

This section explains the order to be followed when removing,
installing, disassembling or assembling each component, as well
as precautions to be taken for these operations.

Maintenance standard
This section gives the judgement standards when inspecting dis-
assembled parts.

The specifications contained in this shop manual are subject to
change at any time and without any advance notice. Use the
specifications given in the book with the latest date.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 00-11

How to read the shop manual SAFETY

How to read the shop manual

Shop manuals are issued as a guide to carrying out repairs.

Distribution and updating

Any additions, amendments or other changes will be sent to Ko-
matsu distributors.
Get the most up-to-date information before you start any work.

Filing method
1. See the page number on the bottom of the page. File the
pages in correct order.

2. Following examples show how to read the page number.

Example 1 (Chassis volume):

10 - 3
Item number (10. Structure and Function)

Consecutive page number for each item

3. Additional pages: Additional pages are indicated by a point

(.) and number after the page number. File as in the exam-


Added Pages

00-12 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

SAFETY How to read the shop manual

So that the shop manual can be of ample practical use, impor-
tant safety and quality portions are marked with the following

Symbol Item Remarks

 Safety Special safety precautions are necessary when performing the work.

 Caution
Special technical precautions or other precautions for preserving standards are necessary
when performing the work.

Weight of parts of systems.

4 Caution necessary when selecting hoisting wire, or when working posture is important, etc.

3 Tightening torque Places that require special attention for the tightening torque during assembly.

2 Coat Places to be coated with adhesives and libricants, etc.

Oil, water Places where oil, water or fuel must be added, and the capacity.

Drain Places where oil or water must be drained, and quantity to be drained.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 00-13

Hoisting instructions SAFETY

Hoisting instructions

Heavy parts (25kg or more) must be lifted with a

section, every part weigthing 25 kg or more is in-
dicated clearly with the symbol: 4

If a part cannot be smoothly removed from the machine by hoist-

ing, the following checks should be made:

1. Check for removal of all bolts fastening the part to the rela-
tive parts.

2. Check for existence of another part causing interference

with the part to be removed.

Wire ropes
1. Use adequate ropes depending on the weight of parts to be
hoisted, refering to the table below:

• The allowable load in tons, is given by vertical tensible


• The allowable load value is estimated to be one-sixth or

one-seventh of the breaking strength of the rope used.

Wire ropes:
(Standard "Z" or "S" twist ropes without galvanizing)

Rope diameter (mm) Allowable load (tons)

10 1.0

11.2 1.4

12.5 1.6

14 2.2

16 2.8

18 3.6

20 4.4

22.4 5.6

30 10.0

40 18.0

50 28.0

60 40.0

00-14 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

SAFETY Hoisting instructions

2. Sling wire ropes from the middle portion of the hook.

Slinging near the edge of the hook may cause the rope to
slip off the hook during hoisting, and a serious accident can
result. Hooks have maximum strength at the middle portion.

100% 88% 79% 71% 41%

3. Do not sling a heavy load with one rope alone, but sling with
two or more ropes symmetrically wound onto the load.

Slinging with one rope may cause turning of the load during
hoisting, untwisting of the rope, or slipping of the rope from
its original winding position on the load, which can result in
a dangerous accident.

4. Do not sling a heavy load with ropes forming a wide hanging

angle from the hook.

When hoisting a load with two or more ropes, the force sub-
jected to each rope will increase with the hanging angles.

The table below shows the variation of allowable load (kg)

when hoisting is made with two ropes, each of which is al-
lowed to sling up to 1000 kg vertically, at various hanging

When two ropes sling a load vertically, up to 2000 kg of total

weight can be suspended. This weight becomes 1000 kg
when two ropes make a 120° hanging angle. On the other
hand, two ropes are subjected to an excessive force as
large as 4000 kg if they sling a 2000 kg load at a lifting angle
of 150°.








300 600 900 1200 1500

Lifting angle
(°) (°) (α)

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 00-15

Hoisting instructions SAFETY

00-16 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

Dimensions, weights and operating data WA65-5 ........................................................................... 01-3
Specifications WA65-5 ..................................................................................................................... 01-4
Weight table WA65-5 ....................................................................................................................... 01-5
Dimensions, weights and operating data WA70-5 ........................................................................... 01-6
Specifications WA70-5 ..................................................................................................................... 01-7
Weight table WA70-5 ....................................................................................................................... 01-8
Dimensions, weights and operating data WA80-5 ........................................................................... 01-9
Specifications WA80-5 ................................................................................................................... 01-10
Weight table WA80-5 ..................................................................................................................... 01-11
Lubricants and operating mediums: WA65-5/ WA70-5 .................................................................. 01-12
Lubricants and operating mediums: WA80-5 ................................................................................. 01-13
Basic procedures of maintenance .................................................................................................. 01-14
Oil .............................................................................................................................................................. 01-14
Fuel ........................................................................................................................................................... 01-14
Coolant ...................................................................................................................................................... 01-15
Grease ...................................................................................................................................................... 01-15
Storing oil and fuel .................................................................................................................................... 01-15
Filters ........................................................................................................................................................ 01-16
Biodegradable hydraulic oils and lubricants .............................................................................................. 01-16
Outline of electric system .......................................................................................................................... 01-16
Torque list – screws and nuts ........................................................................................................ 01-17

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 01-1


Blank for technical reason

01-2 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

GENERAL Dimensions, weights and operating data WA65-5

Dimensions, weights and operating data WA65-5

Bucket capacity to ISO 7546 m³ 0,7

Material density t/m³ 1,8

Static tipping load, straight kg 3.560
Static tipping load, 40° angle kg 3.125
Working load without CTW kg 1.800
Working load with CTW kg -
Breakout force, hydraulic kN 3.710
Lifting capacity, hydraulic, on ground kN 3.600
Operating weight kg 4.660
Turning radius over bucket mm 4.095
L Bucket length in transport position mm 5.210
A Bucket length during planing mm 5.280
T1 Width with bucket mm 1.660
T2 Width without bucket (above wheels) mm 1.625
G Height, including ROPS mm 2.450
D Track mm 1.360
B Width over tyres mm 2.050
H Distance articulated steer. - front axle mm 1.025
These value apply to machines with
Ground clearance, axle /transfer gear mm 280 12.0 - 18 tires.
ground clearance, cardan shaft mm 400
F Centre of gravity, height above axle centre mm -
I Centre of gravity, distance to front axle mm - *) Machine without additional counterweight.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 01-3

Specifications WA65-5 GENERAL

Specifications WA65-5

Machine model WA65-5

Serial No. H50051 and up

Model 4D95LE-3

Type 4-cycle Diesel, naturally aspirated

No. of cylinders - bore/stroke [mm] 4 - 95 / 115

Piston displacement [cm³] 3261


Flywheel horsepower [kW {hp} (PS) / rpm] 40.0 [53.6} (54.4) / 2350

Maximum torque [Nm / rpm] 190 / 1600

Starting motor 12V - 2.2 kw

Alternator 12V - 60 A

Battery 12V - 92 Ah

Reduction gear 1-stage

Power train

Differential Limited slip differential, locking value 25% or locking value 100%

Drive type Front-, rear-wheel drive

Axle, wheel

Tire 335/80R18

Turning radius 40°

Service brake Disc brake outside on the front axle (acting on all 4 wheels by transfer over the drive

Parking brake Disc brake outside on the front axle (acting on all 4 wheels by transfer over the drive

01-4 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

GENERAL Weight table WA65-5

Weight table WA65-5

This weight table is a guide for use when transporting or

handling components.

Components Weight [kg] Components Weight [kg]

Engine 241 Bucket cylinder 35

Radiator 30 Engine hood 32

Drive shaft 11 Front frame 388

Front axle 239 Rear frame 491

Rear axle with transfer box 300 Quick-coupler 102

Wheel Bellcrank 59

Variable-displacement motor 34 Boom (including bushing) 236

Variable-displacement pump 31 Counterweight 615

Steering cylinder 18 Cabine

Boom cylinder 35 Operator seat 32

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 01-5

Dimensions, weights and operating data WA70-5 GENERAL

Dimensions, weights and operating data WA70-5

Bucket capacity to ISO 7546 m³ 0,85

Material density t/m³ 1,8

Static tipping load, straight kg 3.700
Static tipping load, 40° angle kg 3.140
Working load without CTW kg 1.900
Working load with CTW kg 2.100
Breakout force, hydraulic kN 40,6
Lifting capacity, hydraulic, on ground kN 41,10
Operating weight kg 4.820
Turning radius over bucket mm 4.175
L Bucket length in transport position mm 5.250
A Bucket length during planing mm 5.320
T1 Width with bucket mm 1.800
T2 Width without bucket (above wheels) mm -
G Height, including ROPS mm 2.470
D Track mm 1.360
B Width over tyres mm 2.050
H Distance articulated steer. - front axle mm 1.025
These value apply to machines with
Ground clearance, axle /transfer gear mm 305 12.0 - 18 tires.
ground clearance, drive shaft mm 425
F Centre of gravity, height above axle centre mm -
I Centre of gravity, distance to front axle mm -

01-6 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

GENERAL Specifications WA70-5

Specifications WA70-5

Machine model WA70-5

Serial No. H50051 and up

Model 4D95LE-3

Type 4-cycle Diesel, naturally aspirated

No. of cylinders - bore/stroke [mm] 4 - 95 / 115

Piston displacement [cm³] 3261


Flywheel horsepower [kW {hp} (PS) / rpm] 45.0 [60.3} (61.2) / 2350

Maximum torque [Nm / rpm] 214/ 1600

Starting motor 12V - 2.2 kw

Alternator 12V - 60 A

Battery 12V - 92 Ah

Reduction gear 1-stage

Power train

Differential Limited slip differential, locking value 25% or locking value 100%

Drive type Front-, rear-wheel drive

Axle, wheel

Tire 12.5 - 18

Turning radius over bucket 4,175 mm

Service brake Disc brake outside on the front axle (acting on all 4 wheels by transfer over the drive

Parking brake Disc brake outside on the front axle (acting on all 4 wheels by transfer over the drive

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 01-7

Weight table WA70-5 GENERAL

Weight table WA70-5

This weight table is a guide for use when transporting or

handling components.

Component Weight [kg] Component Weight [kg]

Engine 241 Bucket cylinder 35

Radiator 30 Engine hood 32

Drive shaft 11 Front frame 388

Front axle 239 Rear frame 491

Rear axle with transfer box 300 Quick-coupler 102

Wheel Bellcrank 59

Variable-displacement motor 34 Boom (including bushing) 236

Variable-displacement pump 31 Counterweight 615

Steering cylinder 18 Cabine

Boom cylinder 35 Operator seat 32

01-8 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

GENERAL Dimensions, weights and operating data WA80-5

Dimensions, weights and operating data WA80-5

Dimensions, operating data

Bucket capacity to ISO 7546 m³ 0.9

Material density t/m³ 1.8

Static tipping load, straight kg 3,880
Static tipping load, 40° angle kg 3,350
Working load without CTW kg 2,000
Working load with CTW kg 2,200
Breakout force, hydraulic kN 46.2
Lifting capacity, hydraulic, on ground kN 41,0
Operating weight kg 5,420
Turning radius over bucket mm 4,285
L Bucket length in transport position mm 5,335
A Bucket length during planing mm 5,345
T1 Width with bucket mm 1,915
T2 Width without bucket (above wheels) mm 1,875
G Height, including ROPS mm 2,650
D Track mm
B Width over tyres mm 2,200
H Distance articulated steer. - front axle mm 1,100
These value apply to machines with
Ground clearance, axle /transfer gear mm 300 405/70 R18 SPT9 tires.
ground clearance, drive shaft mm 450
F Centre of gravity, height above axle centre mm
I Centre of gravity, distance to front axle mm CTW = additional counterweight.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 01-9

Specifications WA80-5 GENERAL

Specifications WA80-5

Machine model WA80-5

Serial No. H50051 and up

Model 4D95LE-3-A

Type 4-cycle Diesel, naturally aspirated

No. of cylinders - bore/stroke [mm] 4 - 95 / 115

Piston displacement [cm³] 3261


Flywheel horsepower [kW {hp} (PS) / rpm] 45.0 [60.3} (61.2) / 2350

Maximum torque [Nm / rpm] 214/ 1600

Starting motor 12V - 2.2 kw

Alternator 12V - 60 A

Battery 12V - 92 Ah

Reduction gear 1-stage

Power train

Differential Limited slip differential, locking value 25% or locking value 100%

Drive type Front-, rear-wheel drive

Axle, wheel

Tire 405/70 R18 SPT9

Turning radius over bucket 4,285

Service brake Disc brake outside on the front axle (acting on all 4 wheels by transfer over the drive

Parking brake Disc brake outside on the front axle (acting on all 4 wheels by transfer over the drive

01-10 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

GENERAL Weight table WA80-5

Weight table WA80-5

This weight table is a guide for use when transporting or

handling components.

Components Weight [kg] Components Weight [kg]

Engine 241 Bucket cylinder 41.2

Radiator 58 Engine hood

Drive shaft 13 Front frame

Front axle 239 Rear frame

Rear axle with transfer box 302 Quick-coupler

Wheel Bellcrank

Variable-displacement motor 20 km/h 34

Boom (including bushing)
Variable-displacement motor 30 km/h 64

Variable-displacement pump 20 km/h 31

Variable-displacement pump 30 km/h 50

Steering cylinder 17 Cabine

Lift cylinder, each 33.6 Operator seat

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 01-11

Lubricants and operating mediums: WA65-5/ WA70-5 GENERAL

Lubricants and operating mediums: WA65-5/ WA70-5

The specified filling volumes represent approximate values;

the testing devices are binding. The selection of a viscosity
class depends on the ambient temperature prevailing over a
longer period of time. The temperature limits are to be re-
garded as guiding values; for a brief period, the actual tem-
perature may be higher or lower than these guiding values.

Lubricants and Temperature Viscosity Filling volume

Components BI-code Quality classes
service fluids ranges classes in litres approx.
CCMC D4 or, if not
EO 1540 A
available: -15°C to 45°C SAE 15W-40 1) 7.5
Engine Engine Oil EO EO 1030 A -25°C to 20°C SAE 10W-30
API CE or (7.0)*
NRS -45°C to 20°C SAE 5W-30
API CF-4 2)
Gear Oil GO GO 80 or – SAE 80W 1) 1.3
API-GL4 Final Drive:
Front Axle Gear Oil GO GO 80 or – SAE 80W 1) 2 × 0.7
MIL-L-2105 Differential: 7.0
API-GL4 Final Drive:
Rear Axle Gear Oil GO GO 80 or – SAE 80W 1) 2 × 0.7
MIL-L-2105 Differential: 7.0

Hydraulic Oil
HYD 0530
-15° to 20°C ISO VG 46 1)
HYD 1030 -20° to 30°C ISO VG 68
HYD 1540 -15° to 45°C ISO VG 100
Driving Direction,
CCMC D4 or, if not
Hydraulic EO 1540 A -15° to 45°C SAE 15W-40 45
or available:
System, EO 1030 A -20° to 30°C SAE 10W-30 (30)*
Engine Oil EO API CE or
Steering NRS -15° to 45°C SAE 05W-30
API CF-4 2)
or Hydraulic Oil HEES (acc. to VDMA
BIO-E-HYD 0530 -15° to 20°C ISO VG 46
BIO-E-HYD fluid technology)
Automatic Trans- TYP A,
Service Brake ATF – – 1.0
mission Gear Oil Suffix A
Proportion of Mixture:
Cooling Long-Time Antifreeze and Corro-
SP-C 50% Coolant: 50% Water 9.1
System Coolant sion Protection
Min. Freeze Proofing: -34°C
CFPP Class B up to 0°C
3) CFPP Class D up to -10°C
Fuel Tank Diesel Fuel DIN-EN 590 – 81
CFPP Class E up to -15°C
CFPP Class F up to -20°C
Grease Nipple Multi-Purpose MPG-A KP 2N-20 – NLGI 2 ---
Coolant NRS R134a (CFC-free) 1200 g
Air conditioner --- ---
Refrigerant oil NRS PAG (polyalkylglycol) 180 cm³
*) Top-up quantity
) Factory filling
) If engine oil of either the API CE or the API CF - 4 specification is not available, engine oil of either the API CC or the API CD
specification may be used. In these cases, the oil change intervals must be cut in halves.
3) If fuels with a sulphur content between 0.5 and 1.0% are used, the oil change intervals for the engine must be cut in halves;
if the sulphur content exceeds 1.0%, the oil change intervals must be quartered.

01-12 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

GENERAL Lubricants and operating mediums: WA80-5

Lubricants and operating mediums: WA80-5

The specified filling volumes represent approximate values;

the testing devices are binding. The selection of a viscosity
class depends on the ambient temperature prevailing over a
longer period of time. The temperature limits are to be re-
garded as guiding values; for a brief period, the actual tem-
perature may be higher or lower than these guiding values.

Lubricants and Temperature Viscosity Filling volume

Components BI-code Quality classes
service fluids ranges classes in litres approx.
CCMC D4 or, if not
EO 1540 A
available: -15°C to 45°C SAE 15W-40 1) 7.5
Engine Engine Oil EO EO 1030 A -25°C to 20°C SAE 10W-30
API CE or (7.0)*
NRS -45°C to 20°C SAE 5W-30
API CF-4 2)
Gear Oil GO GO 80 or – SAE 80W 1) 1.3
API-GL4 Final Drive:
Front Axle Gear Oil GO GO 80 or – SAE 80W 1) 2 × 0.7
MIL-L-2105 Differential: 8.0
API-GL4 Final Drive:
Rear Axle Gear Oil GO GO 80 or – SAE 80W 1) 2 × 0.7
MIL-L-2105 Differential: 8.0

Hydraulic Oil
HYD 0530
-15° to 20°C ISO VG 46 1)
HYD 1030 -20° to 30°C ISO VG 68
HYD 1540 -15° to 45°C ISO VG 100
Driving Direction,
CCMC D4 or, if not
Hydraulic EO 1540 A -15° to 45°C SAE 15W-40 50
or available:
System, EO 1030 A -20° to 30°C SAE 10W-30 (32)*
Engine Oil EO API CE or
Steering NRS -15° to 45°C SAE 05W-30
API CF-4 2)
or Hydraulic Oil HEES (acc. to VDMA
BIO-E-HYD 0530 -15° to 20°C ISO VG 46
BIO-E-HYD fluid technology)
Automatic Trans- TYP A,
Service Brake ATF – – 1.0
mission Gear Oil Suffix A
Proportion of Mixture:
Cooling Long-Time Antifreeze and Corro-
SP-C 50% Coolant: 50% Water 9.1
System Coolant sion Protection
Min. Freeze Proofing: -34°C
CFPP Class B up to 0°C
3) CFPP Class D up to -10°C
Fuel Tank Diesel Fuel DIN-EN 590 – 84
CFPP Class E up to -15°C
CFPP Class F up to -20°C
Grease Nipple Multi-Purpose MPG-A KP 2N-20 – NLGI 2 ---
Coolant NRS R134a (CFC-free) 1200 g
Air conditioner --- ---
Refrigerant oil NRS PAG (polyalkylglycol) 180 cm³
*) Top-up quantity
) Factory filling
) If engine oil of either the API CE or the API CF - 4 specification is not available, engine oil of either the API CC or the API CD
specification may be used. In these cases, the oil change intervals must be cut in halves.
3) If fuels with a sulphur content between 0.5 and 1.0% are used, the oil change intervals for the engine must be cut in halves;
if the sulphur content exceeds 1.0%, the oil change intervals must be quartered.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 01-13

Basic procedures of maintenance GENERAL

Basic procedures of maintenance

• The oil in the engine and in the hydraulic system is subject to extreme conditions (high temperatures, high
pressures). Therefore, the oil quality will decrease with extended operation.

Always use oils prescribed for the works and temperatures indicated in the operating and maintenance man-
ual. Always observe the prescribed oil change intervals.

• Always handle oils with extreme care so that they are not contaminated.When storing or refilling oil, make
sure that it is not contaminated. The majority of all malfunctions is caused by the penetration of dirt and other

• Never mix oil of different brands or types.

• Always refill the prescribed oil quantity. Too little or excessive oil may cause malfunctions.

• If the oil in the hydraulic system is not clear (milky), water or air is propably introduced into the circuit. In such
cases, call your Komatsu dealer.

• Upon each oil change, the related filter must be replaced as well.

• We recommend to have an oil analysis carried out in regular intervals in order to check the machine condi-
tion. Customers who desire such an oil analysis should contact their Komatsu dealer.

• The fuel pump is a precision instrument; if fuel containing water or dirt is used, it cannot work properly.

• Be extremely careful not to let impurities penetrate when storing or adding fuel.

• Always use the fuel specified in the Operation and Maintenance Manual. Fuel may congeal depending on the
temperature (particularly at low temperatures below -15°C), so change to a fue matching this temperature.

• To prevent the moisture in the air from condensing and forming water inside the fuel tank, always fill the fuel
tank after completing the day's work.

• Before starting the engine, or when 10 minutes have passed after adding fuel, drain the sediment and water
from the fuel tank.

• If the engine runs out of fuel, or if the filters have been replaced, it is necessary to bleed the air from the cir-

• If the fuel sulphur content is between 0.5 and 1.0%, the oil change interval must be 1/2 normal. If the fuel sul-
phur content is more 1.0%, the oil change interval must be 1/4 normal.

01-14 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

GENERAL Basic procedures of maintenance

• River water contains large amounts of calcium and other impurities, so if it is used, scale will stick to the en-
gine and radiator causing a defective heat exchange and overheating.

• Do not use water that is not suitable for drinking.

• When using anti-freeze, always observe the precautions given in the Operation and Maintenance Manual.

• Komatsu machines are supplied with Komatsu original anti-freeze in the coolant when the machine is
shipped. This anti-freeze prevents corrosion in the cooling system. The anti-freeze can be used continuously
for two years or 4000 hours. Therefore, it can be used as it is even in hot areas.

• Anti- freeze is flammable, so be extremely careful not to expose it to open flame or fire.

• The proportion of anti-freeze to water differs according to the ambient temperature. For details of the mixing

• If the engine overheats, wait for the engine to cool before adding coolant.

• If the coolant level is low, it will cause overheating and corrosion due to the air in the coolant.

• Grease is used to prevent twisting and noise at the joints.

• The nipples not included in the maintenance section are nipples for overhaul, so they need not be lubricated.
If any part becomes stiff after being used for a long time, add grease.

• Always wipe off all of the old grease that is pushed out when greasing. Be particularly careful to wipe off the
old grease in places where sand or dirt in the grease would cause the rotating parts to wear.

Storing oil and fuel

• Keep oil and fuel indoors to prevent any water, dirt or other impurities from penetrating.

• When keeping barrels for a long period, lay down the barrel on its side so that the filler port is at the side (to
prevent moisture from being sucked in).
If barrels have to be stored outside, cover them with a waterproof sheet or take other measures to protect

• To prevent any change in quality during long term storage, be sure to use in the order of 'first in - first out'
(use the oldest oil or fuel first).

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 01-15

Basic procedures of maintenance GENERAL

• Filters are extremely important safety parts. They prevent impurities in the fuel and air circuits from entering
important equipment and causing problems.
Replace all filters periodically. For details, see the Operation and Maintenance Manual.
However, when working under severe conditions, it is necessary to consider replacing the filters at shorter in-
tervals according to the oil and fuel (sulfur content) being used.

• Never try to clean the filters (cartridge type) and use them again. Always replace with new filters.

• When replacing oil filters, check if any metal particles are stuck to the old filter. If any metal particles are
found, please contact your Komatsu distributor.

• Do not open packs of spare filters until just before they are to be used.

• Always use original Komatsu filters.

Biodegradable hydraulic oils and lubri-

• The use of biodegradable hydraulic oils and lubricants – on the basis of synthetic esters – for Komatsu ma-
chines is permitted. For information on the products cleared for use and best suited for your application con-
tact our authorized service workshops.

Outline of electric system

• If the wiring gets wet or the insulation is damaged, the electric system leaks resulting in hazardous malfunc-
tions of the machine.

• Maintenance work at the electric system includes:

1. Check fan belt tension,
2. Check damage or wear to the fan belt,
3. Check battery fluid level.

• Never remove or disassemble any electric components installed in the machine.

• Never install any electric components other than those specified by Komatsu.

• Be careful to keep the electric system free of water when washing the machine or when it is raining.

• When working on the seashore, carefully clean the electric system to prevent corrosion.

• The optional power source must never be connected to the fuse, starter switch, or battery relay.

01-16 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

GENERAL Torque list – screws and nuts

Torque list – screws and nuts

• Unless otherwise specified, tighten the metric bolts and nuts
to the torque shown in the table.

• The tightening torque is determined by the width across flats

of the nut and bolt.

• If it is necessary to replace any nut or bolt, always use a Ko-

matsu genuine part of the same size as the part that was re-

When tightening panels or other parts having tightening fixtures
made of plastic, be careful not to use excessive tightening torque:
doing so will damage the plastic parts.

Metric Thread – 10.9

Thread diameter Steel Aluminium-Cast

Width across flat [mm]
(b) Nm kpm Nm kpm

M6 10 14 1.4 7.7 0.77

M8 13 35 3.5 19 1.9

M 10 17 (15) 70 7 37 3.7

M 12 19 115 11.5 64 6.4

M 14 22 185 18.5 101.5 10.15

M 16 24 280 28 158 15.8

M 18 27 390 39 218 21.8

M 20 30 560 56 306.5 30.65

M 22 32 750 75 416 41.6

M 24 36 960 96 528.5 52.85

M 27 41 1400 140 774 77.4

M 30 46 1900 190 1053 105.3

M 33 50 2600 260 – –

M 36 55 3300 330 – –

M 39 60 4300 430 – –

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 01-17

Torque list – screws and nuts GENERAL

Metric Fine Thread – 10.9

Thread Diameter [mm] Width across Flat[mm] Steel Aluminium-Cast

(a) (b) Nm kpm Nm kpm

M8×1 13 35 3.5 20 2

M 10 × 1 17 (15) 75 7.5 42 4.2

M 10 × 1,25 17 (15) 70 7 39 3.9

M 12 × 1,25 19 125 12.5 70 7

M 12 × 1,5 19 120 12 67 6.7

M 14 × 1,5 22 200 20 110 11

M 16 × 1,5 24 300 30 167.5 16.75

M 18 × 1,5 27 440 44 243 24.3

M 18 × 2 27 420 42 230 23

M 20 × 1,5 30 620 62 338.5 33.85

M 20 × 2 30 – – 322.5 32.25

M 22 × 1,5 32 820 82 454.5 45.45

M 22 × 2 32 – – 436 43.6

M 24 × 1,5 36 1090 109 596 59.6

M 24 × 2 36 1040 104 573 57.3

M 27 × 2 41 1500 150 832 83.2

M 30 × 2 46 2120 212 1158 115.8

M 33 × 2 50 2800 280 – –

M 36 × 3 55 3500 350 – –

M 39 × 3 60 4600 460 – –

01-18 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

Powertrain ................................................ 10-3 Steering system ..................................... 10-36
Closed circuit ........................................... 10-4 Hydraulic circuit diagram of steering system ... 10-36
Priority valve .................................................... 10-37
Hydraulic drive system 20Km/h .............. 10-5 Orbit-roll-valve ................................................. 10-38
Hydraulic drive system 30Km/h .............. 10-6 Steering relief valve ......................................... 10-39
Variable displacement pump .................. 10-7 Work equipment hydraulic
Regulating valve ............................................... 10-10 WA65/WA70-5 ......................................... 10-40
Charge pressure limiting valve ......................... 10-10 Travel, steering and work hydraulics ............... 10-40
Control cylinder ................................................ 10-11 Work equipment hydraulic WA80-5 ...... 10-42
4/3 Way valve with direction control solenoids . 10-11 Travel, steering and work hydraulics ............... 10-42
Pressure cut-off valve ...................................... 10-12
PPC-Valve ............................................... 10-44
Safety-/charge valve ........................................ 10-12
Operation of PPC-valve ................................... 10-45
Towing .............................................................. 10-13
Servo pressure regulating valve ...................... 10-46
Variable displacement motor ................ 10-14 Emergency Lowering System .......................... 10-46
Drive shaft .............................................. 10-16 Main control valve .................................. 10-48
Axle mounting – front axle .................... 10-17 WA65-5 / WA70-5: Lift cylinder ............. 10-50
Axle mounting – rear axle ..................... 10-17 WA80-5: Lift cylinder ............................. 10-51
WA65-5 / WA70-5: Front axle ................ 10-18 Dump cylinder ........................................ 10-52
With outer disc brake as service brake and parking
brake ................................................................ 10-18 Steering cylinder .................................... 10-53

WA80-5: Front axle ................................ 10-19 Lifting frame with quick-coupler ........... 10-54
With inner disc brake as service brake and Quick-coupler ......................................... 10-55
outer disc brake as parking brake .................... 10-19
Monitor display ....................................... 10-56
Rear axle with transfer box ................... 10-20
Sensors ................................................... 10-57
Transfer box TB172 ............................... 10-21 Engine oil pressure sensor .............................. 10-57
Limited slip differential Fuel level sensor .............................................. 10-58
(locking value 25%) ................................ 10-22 Engine coolant temperature sensor ................. 10-59
Brake oil reservoir sensor ................................ 10-60
Locking differential
(locking value 100%) .............................. 10-24 Ribbon heater ......................................... 10-61
Wheel hub, front and rear axle ............. 10-26 Engine stop / start / preheating circuit . 10-62
WA65-5 / WA70-5: Service and Electrical fuses and relays .................... 10-64
parking brake, front axle ....................... 10-27 Fuses ............................................................... 10-64
WA80-5: Service brake, front axle ........ 10-29 Relays .............................................................. 10-65
Engine room .................................................... 10-66
WA80-5: Parking brake, front axle ........ 10-30
Electrical diagrams ................................ 10-67
Sevice and parking brake circuit .......... 10-31 Wiring diagram 1/5 - foldout 90-9 .................... 10-67
WA65-5 / WA70-5: Service brake Wiring diagram 2/5 - foldout 90-11 .................. 10-67
assembly ................................................. 10-32 Wiring diagram 3/5 - foldout 90-13 .................. 10-67
WA80-5: Service brake assembly ......... 10-33 Wiring diagram 4/5 - foldout 90-15 .................. 10-67
Wiring diagram 5/5 - foldout 90-17 .................. 10-67
Inch-brake Valve .................................... 10-34 Speed control - foldout 90-19 .................. 10-67
Steering articulation joint ...................... 10-35 Immobilizer - foldout 90-21 .................. 10-67

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-1

Air conditioner (option) ......................... 10-68
Introduction ...................................................... 10-68
Function ........................................................... 10-69
Installation of air conditioner ............................ 10-75
Safety when handling coolants ........................ 10-76
Operating the air conditioner ............................ 10-78
Maintenance of the air conditioner ................... 10-79
Instructions for filling ........................................ 10-82
Exchange of magnetic clutch ........................... 10-85
Exchange of compressor ................................. 10-86
Troubleshooting ............................................... 10-88

10-2 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5



1 2 3

n = 2350 min -1

5 4

1 rear axle 2 Hydrostatic transmission

3 Front alxe 4 Displacement pump
5 Displace ment motor

• The engine power is transmitted to the drive axles through a
hydrostatic system. The system consists of a variable dis-
placement pump mounted on the engine and a variable dis-
placement motor mounted on the rear axle transmission
distribution box. Power is transmitted from the variable dis-
placement motor through the distribution box to the front and
rear axles. The front axle is driven through a prop shaft from
the distribution box.

• Change in the direction driven is achieved by changing the

oil flow direction from the variable displacement pump.
Changing from forward to reverse is done electrically and
can be carried out under power. The force reaction takes
place in the variable displacement drive motor.

• The power transmitted to the front and rear axles passes

through the pinion and crown wheels, through the limited
slip differential to the half shafts.

• The half shafts drive in turn the hub planetary reduction

gears and through the planet carriers the wheels.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-3


Closed circuit
Installation step by step
• A hydraulic system is described as closed when the hydrau-
lic fluid is returned from the user direct to the pump.

• There is a high pressure and a low pressure side, depend- a max a max
ing on the direction of load (take-off torque at the user).
a min
• The high pressure side is protected by pressure relief
valves, which unload to the low pressure side. The hydraulic a max motor
fluid remains in the circuit. Only the continuous leakage from pump
pump and motor (dependent on operating data) must be re-
placed. Basic system with variable pump and variable motor.
Single pump input drive direction. Motor power take-
• This fluid is replenished by an integrated auxiliary pump off in both directions. The pump can be swivelled
(normally), which delivers a continuous, adequate supply of smoothly over centre, i.e. the direction of flow is
fluid (boost fluid) via a check valve into the low pressure side reversible.
of the closed circuit. Any surplus flow of the boost pump
which operates in open circuit, is returned via a boost pres-
sure relief valve to the tank. The boosting of the low pres-
sure side enhances the pump operating characteristics. ∆ Ρmax
Typical features of the closed circuit for axial piston units
are: ∆ Ρmax
• directional control valves - small sizes for pilot operation

• filter/cooler - small sizes Pressure relief valves - one each for the high and low
pressure sides - prevent the maximum permissible
• tank size - small, dimensioned to suit boost pump flow pressure form being exeeded.
and volume of system

• arrangement/mounting position - flixible/optional

• load maintained via the drive motor

• feedback of braking power

leckage oil

oil tank

The leakage from pump and motor is led back to a

small tank and must be replenished.

boost check
aux- valve
iliary boost
pump pressure



An auxiliary pump for replenishment of leakage oil

and control of the pump. Boost check valve RV. Boost
pressure relief valve DBV. Fitted filter, cooler and

10-4 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Hydraulic drive system 20Km/h

Hydraulic drive system 20Km/h

1. Pressure control valve

2. Main brake cylinder
3. Variable displacement pump
4. 4/3 way valve (control valve)
5. Safety valve with charge valve
6. Control cylinder
7. Regulating valve
8. Charge pressure relief valvent)

9. Hydraulic travel pressure cut-off
10. Charge pump
11. Steering and working hydraulic
12. Shuttle flushing valve
13. Throttle check valve

only WA65-5/WA70-5
14. Drive range valve
15. Check valve
16. Control piston
17. Control valve
1. Range: Energized
2. Range: De-energized
18. Variable displacement motor
19. Suction and return filter
Z1 Air bleeding valve
M1 Control pressure check point
M2 Charge pressure check point
M3 Forward travel pressure check M1
M4 Reverse travel pressure check
point M2

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-5

Hydraulic drive system 30Km/h STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Hydraulic drive system 30Km/h

1. Pressure control valve

2. Main brake cylinder
3. Variable displacement pump
4. 4/3 way valve (control valve)
5. Safety valve with charge valve
6. Control cylinder
7. Regulating valve
8. Charge pressure relief valvent)

9. Hydraulic travel pressure cut-off
10. Charge pump
11. Steering and working hydraulic
12. Shuttle flushing valve
13. Throttle check valve
14. Drive range valve
only WA65-5/WA70-5

15. Check valve

16. Control piston
17. Control valve
1. Range: Energized
2. Range: De-energized
18. Variable displacement motor
19. Suction and return filter
Z1 Air bleeding valve
M1 Control pressure check point
M2 Charge pressure check point
M3 Forward travel pressure check

M4 Reverse travel pressure check




10-6 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Variable displacement pump

Variable displacement pump

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Drive shaft
2. Swivel bearing
3. Screw plug
4. Swash plate
5. Adjusting lever, adjusting cylinder-swash plate
6. Screw plug

7. Adjusting cylinder
8. Adjusting screw for mechanical 0-position of wash plate
9. 4/3 way valve with electric forward reverse direction prese-

7 8 9

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-7

Variable displacement pump STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

10 11 12 13

10. Hydraulic travel pressure cut-off valve

11. Orifice
12. Safety-/charge valve
13. Regulating valve
14. Charge pressure relief valve

12 14

15. Charge pump

10-8 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Variable displacement pump

1. Drive shaft
2. Pistons
3. Piston area
4. Piston displacement
5. Swash plate
6. Operating angle
7. Cylinder head
8. Drive shaft
9. Control plate
10. Top dead centre
11. Bottom dead centre
12. Inlet port (rotation as shown)
13. Outlet port (rotation as shown)

• The swash plate drive unit is a displacement pump, where
the displacement pistons are mounted axialy parallel to the
drive shaft. They react against the swash plate.

• The drive shaft is rotated by the engine. The drive shaft is

splined to the cylinder head.

The cylinder head rotates with the drive shaft. The pistons
(2) are mounted in the cylinder head. The pistons are
mounted in guide shoes; these glide over the swash plate
and cause an axial displacement in the cylinder head. The
guide shoes are held with spring pressure against the swash

During rotation the pistons move between bottom dead cen-

tre and top dead centre and back to the start position. In
moving between the dead centres (here the piston changes
its linear direction) the piston completes a stroke. Because
of this oil is sucked in over the inlet port and displaced
through the outlet port. The oil volume displaced depends
on the piston area an length of stroke.

Sucktion takes place when the oil fills the increasing dis-
placement (cylinder). The oil is forced into the cylinder by
feed pump pressure.

The returning piston then forces the oil out of the cylinder
head through the outlet port.
When the swash plate angle changes over the neutral posi-
tion, the pumped direction also changes. Inlet becomes out-
let, outlet becomes inlet.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-9

Variable displacement pump STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Regulating valve

1. Spring cup 8
2. Pressure spring
3. Housing 9

4. Nut
5. Ring
6. Piston 1
7. Throttle
8. Seal nut 2
9. Screw
3 Psp
10. Circlip
11. O-ring 4

12. Coller 13
13. Circlip 5
14. Regulating cylinder 14
15. Circlip Pst

P = from pump 7
Pst = Control pressure
Psp = Boost pressure
R = Return to tank

Charge pressure limiting valve

1 2 3
1. Valve housing
2. Spring cup Ps p
3. Pressure spring R
4. O-ring
5. Control piston
6. Shim

Psp = Control pressure

R = Return to tank
Ps p

4 5 6

10-10 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Variable displacement pump

Control cylinder

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. O-ring
2. Pressure spring
3. Pressure spring
4. Control cylinder
5. Distance ring
6. Circlip
7. Collet B A
8. Ring, variable
7 8 9 10 1 1
9. Spring cup
10. Spring cup
11. Rod

4/3 Way valve with direction control sole-


1 2 3

1. Grub screw
2. Control piston
3. O-ring
4. Plug connector
5. Pressure spring
6. Spring cup
4 5 6 7 8 9
7. Valve housing
8. Direction control solenoid
9. Plug connector

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-11

Variable displacement pump STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Pressure cut-off valve

1. Seal nut 1
2. Spring cup 7

3. O-ring 2
4. Pressure spring
5. O-ring 3
6. Adjusting screw 8
7. Cap screw
8. Control piston Ps t
9. Valve bush
10. Piston R
11. Control piston 10
12. Valve seat

Pa = Travel pressure Pa
Pb = Travel pressure 5
R = Return oil to tank
Rst = Control pressure

Safety-/charge valve

1. Cap screw
2. Pressure spring
3. Screw 1
4. Valve stem guide 8
5. Valve cup 9
6. Adjusting screw
7. Seal nut 2 10
8. O-ring
9. Pressure spring, conical 3 11
10. Spring fixing plate 12
11. Backup ring
12. O-ring

10-12 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Variable displacement pump


• Machines with hydrostatioc drives should only be towed
when a connection is made in the drive pump between the
high pressure and low pressure sides. To enable this, the
high pressure safety valves in the pump have a by-pass
function. That means, when screw (1) is turned the valve
tension is released and the oil can flow between the high
pressure and low pressure sides.

Bypass function
• Release the locknut and srew in the screw (1) until the top of
the screw is level with the locknut. 1
• Tighten the locknut.

To prevent damage to the hydrostatic drive system do not

tow faster than 2 km/h or further than 1 km. Because the
feed pump is not working, the system will loose oil.
Care should be taken that the system does not overheat.

After towing screw (1) should be returned to its original position.

The setting of the high pressure control valve is not changed.

Valve Function
• Release the locknut and screw out the screw (1) until the
screw reaches the end of its stroke.

• Tighten the locknut.

If the machine has to be towed over a longer distance and with
higher speed the drive shaft has to be removed. The steering joint
must be locked and a crane used to lift the rear axle.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-13

Variable displacement motor STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Variable displacement motor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 1 3
1. Output shaft
2. Retaining ring with washer
3. Retaining ring
4. Tapered roller bearing
5. Adjusting shim
6. Tapered roller bearing
7. Cone piston with piston rings, 7 units 14
8. Center pin 15

9. Cylinder 16

10. Adjusting screw for minimum swivel angle (max. speed) 17

11. Control lens 22 21 20 18

12. Control piston cover with throttle check valve (26)
13. Control piston 19
14. Swivel pin clamping screw
15. Swivel pin
16. Adjusting shim
17. Control piston 24
18. Adjusting screw for travel change over pressure
(start of swivel angle change): 25
WA65-3: 230 bar travel pressure
WA70/ 85-3: 190 bar travel pressure
WA90/ 95-3: 230 bar travel pressure
19. Control valve solenoid, 12 Volt,
Energized = max. swivel angle = 1st range
De-energized = min. swivel angle = 2nd range
20. Adjusting screw for max. swivel angle (min. speed)
21. Adjusting shim
22. Shaft seal
23. Safety valve
24. Flushing valve 29
25. Check point for travel change over pressure
26. Throttle check valve 19
27. Check valve
28. Electrical override valve
29. Solenoid for override valve, 12 Volt, energized when travel-
ling forward

10-14 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Variable displacement motor

1. Drive shaft
2. Pistons
3. Piston area
4. Piston displacement
5. Swash plate
6. Operating angle
7. Cylinder head
8. Control plate
9. Top dead centre
10. Bottom dead centre
11. Inlet port (rotation as shown)
12. Outlet port (rotation as shown)

• The drive motor is the opposite working principle to the drive
pump. In this case oil under pressure is sent to the drive mo-
tor. Oil enters the motor through thje control plate into the
cylinders. Four or five cylinders are in connection through
the kidney shaped inlet port with oil under pressure. The
other cylinders are connected through the kidney shaped
outlet port to the oil return side.

At least one cylinder is closed at the top or bottom dead cen-

tre. The oil pressure forces the piston out, the guide shoes
slide on the swash plate and causes the cylinder head to ro-
tate. The cylinder turns through the action of the nine pistons
and so drives the output shaft. The torque required is depen-
dent on the drive pressure and is transmitted to the drive
shaft through the pistons in the cylinder head. The oil vol-
ume determins the drive speed.

• The drive torque is created directly at the drive shaft from

the pistons in the cylinder head.

• A change in the swing angle is achieved by a radial mov-

ment of the swash plate with the control piston.

• The swash plate in the variable displacement motor has a

small angle in the neutral/ start position. When the 1st drive
speed is selected, the variable displacement motor moves
to a larger swing angle when taking up the drive and stays in
this position.

• When the 2nd drive speed is selected, the swash plate in

the variable displacement motor has a small swing angle
and stays in this position until a drive pressure of 190 - 200
bar is reached. Above this pressure the swash plate moves
to a greater angle and at full drive pressure reaches the larg-
est swing angle.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-15


Drive shaft

1 7 2 7 3 4

5 6 5

1. Front axle 4. Rear axle 7. Tightening screws

2. Drive shaft 5. Universal joint Tightening torque:
3. Distribution box 6. Sliding joint  35 Nm

Description During steering the angle and distance between

the front and rear frames change.
• The power created by the engine is transmitted
through the drive pump, to the drive motor, and The joints compensate these changes and have
then to the distribution box. The power is trans- a damping effect. Because of this the transmis-
mitted from the distribution box (3) directly to the sion components are protected from vibration
rear axle (4) and through the drive shaft (2) to the during work or when driving across country.
front axle (1).

• Besides transmitting torque the drive shaft has a

further use:

The drive shaft is fitted with universal joints (5)

and a sliding joint (6).

10-16 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Axle mounting – front axle

Axle mounting – front axle

1. Nut
2. Washer
3. U-bracket

Tightening torque:  = 800 Nm

Axle mounting – rear axle

1. Tightening screws (8 units) Tightening torque  560 Nm

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-17

WA65-5 / WA70-5: Front axle STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

WA65-5 / WA70-5: Front axle

With outer disc brake as service brake and

parking brake

1 2 3 4 5

1. Wheel hub 5 Breather

2. Axle housing 6 Oil drain plug
3. Oil filling and level plug 7 Service and parking brake
4. Differential supportl

10-18 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


WA80-5: Front axle

With inner disc brake as service brake and

outer disc brake as parking brake

8 8
7 7

4 4

6 1 2 6

1. Oil filling and level plug 5. Parking brake (outer disc brake)
2. Oil drain plug 6 Brakes connection port for service brake
3. Oil breather 7 Service brake (inner multiple disc brake)
4. Oil filling level and drain plug for 8 Bleeding screw for service brake
epicyclic reduction gear

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-19

Rear axle with transfer box STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Rear axle with transfer box

1. Oil control and fill screw 5. Breather

2. Oil drain screw 6. Self-aligning bearings
3. Oil drain and fill plug 7. Speed sensor
4. Transfer box TB172 8. Flange for variable displacement motor

10-20 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


Transfer box TB172

10 11

5 6




24 19 18

22 21

1. O-ring 13 Seal
2. Flange 14 Bolt
3. Breather 15 Seal
4. Speed sensor 16 Snap ring
5. O-ring 17 Bearing
6. Bearing 18 Output gear
7. Input gear 19 Bearing
8 Bearing 20 Seal
9 Half housing 21 Cover
10 Rear support 22 Shaft
11 O-ring 23 Plug
12 Bushing 24 Half housing

• The variable displacement motor is mounted on the mounting flange (2). The drive torque is transmitted from
the motor to the input gear (7). The torque is then transmitted mechanically to the output gear (18) and the
output shaft (22). The torque is transmitted from the distribution box through the differential to the drive

• The transfer box is mounted on the rear axle.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-21

Limited slip differential (locking value 25%) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Limited slip differential (locking value 25%)

2 3 4
1 5

12 8

11 10

1. Axle housing 7. Disc pack

2. Differential housing 8. Sun gear
3. Crown wheel 9. Planet gear
4. Locking plate 10. Pin
5. Ring nut 11. Bearing
6. Half shaft 12. Differential support

10-22 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Limited slip differential (locking value 25%)

• Because of the nature of their work, 4-wheel drive loaders
have to work in places where the road surface is bad.

In such places, if the tires slip, the ability to work is reduced.

The limited slip differential is installed to overcome this prob-

• The self locking effect depends on the internal friction of the
differential. It is produced by two multi-disc brakes, which
are arranged symmetrically in the differential cage. With a
conventional differential, one wheel can be stopped or
slowed down without any difficulty when the vehicle is
jacked up when driving.

The other wheel will then revolve correspondingly faster.

With the selflocking differential this process is rendered
more difficult due to the multi-disc brakes, in fact it will be-
come increasingly more difficult with increasing torque.

• The crown wheel (4) is mounted on the differential housing

(1) and transmits the drive torque to the pins (2). The pins
carry the planet gears (3) and transmit the drive torque to
the sun gears (5).

If one drive wheel starts to lose traction with the ground the
planet gears (3) turning on the pins (2) start to rotate around
the sun gears (5). This takes place because the other drive
wheel now turns slower than the wheel that is slipping.

The reaction to this movement acts on the sun gears (5).

These can move axially. This causes pressure to be applied
to the disc pack (6) and the difference in turning speed be-
tween the two drive wheels is limited.

1 2 3 4 5 6

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-23

Locking differential (locking value 100%) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Locking differential (locking value 100%)

3 4 5

2 6



1. Ring nut 7. Half shaft 13. Differential locking

2. Locking plate 8. Sun gear
3. Lock sleeve 9. Planet gear
4. Pin 10. Bevel gear
5. Crown wheel 11. Lock pin
6. Bearing 12. Lock fork

10-24 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Locking differential (locking value 100%)

• With a conventional differential, one wheel can be stopped
or slowed down without any difficulty when the vehicle is
jacked up when driving.

The other wheel will then revolve correspondingly faster.

With the lock differential it is not possible due to the 100%-

• The crown wheel (9) is mounted on the differential case (7)

and transmits the drive torque to the pins (8). The pins carry
the planet gears (10) and transmit the drive torque to the
sun gears (1).

• If one drive wheel starts to lose traction with the ground the
planet gears (10) turning on the pins (8) start to rotate
around the sun gears (1). This takes place because the oth-
er drive wheel now turns slower than the wheel that is slip-

If the differential lock is actuated by the locking group (4),

the differential case, gearing and axle shafts are locked to-

A fork (3) pull a sleeve (5) over the differential case (7) with
three lock pins (6). The sleeve (4) pull the lock pins (6) into
three holes in the sun gear (1). Now the differential case (7)
is locked wth the sun gear (1).

This feature maximizes traction to both wheels. The lock po-

sition will also protect against spinout damage to the differ-


6 7 8 9 10

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-25

Wheel hub, front and rear axle STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Wheel hub, front and rear axle

6 5 4 3 2 1




13 14 15 16

1. Axle mouth housing 9. Ring gear carrier

2. Wheel hub carrier 10. Needle roller bearing
3. Ring gear carrier 11. Half shaft
4. Wheel bolt 12. Oil drain plug
5. Planet gear carrier 13. Tapered roller bearing
6. Ring gear 14. Oil seal ring
7. Planet gear 15. Bushing
8. Planet pin 16. Half shaft

10-26 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION WA65-5 / WA70-5: Service and parking brake, front axle

WA65-5 / WA70-5: Service and parking brake, front axle

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



1. Brake pad 7. Washer

2. Brake disk 8. Brake piston
3. Brake pad 9. Elastic washers
4. Coil spring 10. Threaded rod
5. Adjusting nut 11. Elastic washers
6. Thrust ball bearing 12 Pusher
13 Lever for parking brake

Automatical slack adjuster

5 Adjusting nut
8 Brake pston
4 Coil spring
14 Differential piston
7 Washer
9 Elastic washer
10 Threaded rod

16 17 18 19 20

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-27

WA65-5 / WA70-5: Service and parking brake, front axle STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Service brake Parking brake

• The service brake is a disc brake mounted on the • The parking brake consists of: Hand brake lever,
front axle. bowden cable, work lever and linkage lever. An
electrical switch on the hand brake lever pre-
Function vents the machine from being driven when the
parking brake is applied.
• When the brakes are applied, hydraulic pressure
acts on the brake piston (8) moving it in the di-
rection indicated by arrow "D" and causing the
pad to be applied to the disc (2). • When the parking brake is applied, lever (13)
acts on pusher (12) and threaded rod (10), caus-
• While increased pressure ensures harder brak- ing adjusting nut (5) to come into contact with
ing, it also results, above a predetermined brake piston (8).
threshold, in the actuation of the auto-adjust
mechanism at follows: When washer (7) bears • At the same time, the opposing (winding) force of
mounted on thrust ball bearing (6), it causes ad- coil spring (4) prevents the nut from rotating.
justing nut (5), mounted on threaded rod (10), to
rotate while rod rotation is prevented by pusher • Brake pad (3) is applied directly to the disc (2)
(12) and lever (13). while the reaction force causes the caliper to
slide sideways on its guide so pad (1) also bears
• At the same time, coil spring (4), attached to the on the disc. The parking brake is thus "on".
brake piston (8), is unwound a little, allowing the
adjusting nut to rotate. Zhe mechanical brake • As soon as the parking brake is released, and
(parking brake), actuated through lever (13), is cable tension reduced, lever (13) is returned to
thus automatically adjusted each time the foot- its original position as a result of the relaxation of
brake is applied. the elastic washers (11).

10-28 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION WA80-5: Service brake, front axle

WA80-5: Service brake, front axle

7 6 5 4 3 2 1




9 10

1. Bleeding screw 8. Piston return kit

2. Axle mouth housing 9. Self adjust kit
3. Wheel hub carrier 10. Brake disk pin
4. Measuring point for brake pressure 11. Dowel pin
5. Quadring 12 Brake disc
6. Brake piston 13 Counterplate
7. Quadring

• Service brake

• The service brakes are two multi disc wet type units operat-
ing in the front axle.

• Function

• When pressing the brake pedal the inch valve opens and
the servo oil in the variable displacement pump flows to the
tank. At same time the brake master cylinder is operated.
The oil from brake master cylinder flows to brake pistons.
The brake pistons press the pressure plate against the multi
disc. The inner and outer discs are compressed and the
drive shafts are braked.

• When the brake pedal is released the pressure on the pis-

tons will be released. The return springs pull the brake pis-
tons back and the brake is free.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-29

WA80-5: Parking brake, front axle STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

WA80-5: Parking brake, front axle

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



1. Brake pad 8. Brake piston

2. Brake disk 9. Elastic washers
3. Brake pad 10. Threaded rod
4. Coil spring 11. Elastic washers
5. Adjusting nut 12 Pusher
6. Thrust ball bearing 13 Lever for parking brake
7. Washer

Parking brake
• The parking brake consists of: Hand brake lever,
bowden cable, work lever and linkage lever.

• An electrical switch on the hand brake lever prevents

the machine from being driven when the parking brake
is applied.

• When the hand brake lever is released, the remove
springs returns the brake shoes and in their starting
position. The parking brake is released.

10-30 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Sevice and parking brake circuit

Sevice and parking brake circuit

1.Inch-brake valve
2.Brake oil tank
3.Front axle
4.Brake drum
5.Lever for mechanical
operated parking brake
P Line to priority valve


WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-31

WA65-5 / WA70-5: Service brake assembly STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

WA65-5 / WA70-5: Service brake assembly

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

1. Expansion tank 6. Connection to the inch valve in the variable dis-

placement pump
2. Brake light switch 7. Brake master cylinder
3. Bracket for pedal and brake master cylinder 8. Master cylinder push rod
4. Adjusting screw for pedal 9. Service and parking brake
5. Pedal 10. Connection to the service brake

• The inch valve is mounted in the variable displacement
pump. The inch valve is connected to the brake pedal with a
hydraulic hose (6).

• The inch valve allows, independent of engine speed and

driving resistance, a variable speed reduction. When the
inch valve is used, it reduces the servo pressure in the vari-
able displacement drive pump, and the pump moves to-
wards the no-displacement position (neutral). In this position
no oil is pumped. When the pump moves through the neutral
position the direction of the oil flow smoothly changes.

• That means, that when the pump moves towards the neutral
position the drive torque is slowly reduced and the machine
can roll to a stop. At the same time the brake master cylin-
der is activated and brakes the machine.

10-32 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION WA80-5: Service brake assembly

WA80-5: Service brake assembly

7 6 5 4 3 2 1




9 10

1. Expansion tank 6. Connection to the inch valve in the variable dis-

placement pump
2. Brake light switch 7. Brake master cylinder
3. Bracket for pedal and brake master cylinder 8. Master cylinder push rod
4. Adjusting screw for pedal 9. Service and parking brake
5. Pedal 10. Connection to the service brake

• The inch valve is mounted in the variable displacement
pump. The inch valve is connected to the brake pedal with a
hydraulic hose (6).

• The inch valve allows, independent of engine speed and

driving resistance, a variable speed reduction. When the
inch valve is used, it reduces the servo pressure in the vari-
able displacement drive pump, and the pump moves to-
wards the no-displacement position (neutral). In this position
no oil is pumped. When the pump moves through the neutral
position the direction of the oil flow smoothly changes.

• That means, that when the pump moves towards the neutral
position the drive torque is slowly reduced and the machine
can roll to a stop. At the same time the brake master cylin-
der is activated and brakes the machine.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-33


Inch-brake Valve



8 7

1 Pedal 5 Inch pipe to variable displacement pump

2 Adjusting screw for pedal 6 Brake pipe to service brake
3 Bracket for pedal and brake master cylinder 7 Brake light switch
4 Expansion tank 8 Brake master cylinder

• The inch valve in the variable displacement pump allows, in-
dependent of engine speed and driving resistance, a vari-
able speed reduction. When the brake pedal is pressed.A
pilot pressure is aplicated on the inch valve. It reduces the
servo pressure and the pump moves towards the no-dis-
placement position (neutral). In this position no oil is
pumped. The wheel loader stops. At the same time the
brake master cylinder is activated and brakes the machine

10-34 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Steering articulation joint

Steering articulation joint

1. Front frame 8. Bearing 15. Lubricating hole

2. Safety ring 9. Screw, M12x35 16. Pin
3. Pin 10. Pin
4. Needle roller bearing 11. Bushing
5. Seal 12. Dust seal
6. Screw, M24x1.5x80 13. Washer
7. Rear frame 14. Shim, 0.5 or 1.0 mm

• The front frame (1) and the rear frame (7) are connected
through the upper (10) and lower steering articulation joint

• The steering cylinder is mounted on the left side of the ma-

chine and forms a connection between the front and rear
frames (not shown). The angle between the front and rear
frames (the turning circle) is proportional to the steered an-

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-35


Steering system

Hydraulic circuit diagram of steering sys-


1. Steering cylinder
2. Safety valve
3. Anti-cavitation valve
4. Steering unit
5. Rotary spool
6. Steering pressure relief valve L 2 R

7. Check valve (only for emergency steering)

240 bar 240 bar

8. Check valve
9. Priority valve
10. Hydraulic pump
11. Oil tank 5
250-125 ccm/U

185 bar
Priority valve port identification P 6 T LS


P Inlet from pump Work-


CF Outlet to steering unit EF CF


EF Outlet to main control valve 9 LS

LS Control line from steering unit 25 8


Steering unit port identification 11

P Inlet from priority valve

T Return oil
L Connection to steering cylinder, left side
R AConnection to steering cylinder, right side
LS Control line to priority valve

10-36 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


Priority valve

• The priority valve serves to ensure that in a steering opera-
tion oil is supplied to the steering system as a matter of pri-
ority; the residual quantity of oil is fed to the loader hydraulic
system. When no steering takes place, all the oil is passed
to the loader hydraulic system.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7



P Inlet from steering and working hydraulics pump

LS Control line inlet from steering unit
CF Outlet to steering unit
EF Outlet to control unit of loader hydraulics

1. Screw fitting
2. Sealing ring
3. Orifice
4. Control piston
5. Sealing ring
6. Spring
7. Spring sleeve with orifice

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-37



• The orbit-roll is connected to the steering wheel through the
steering column. The orbit-roll controls the oil flow from the
steering pump to the steering cylinder and sets the steering
angle. The amount of oil delivered is proportional to the
amount the steering wheel is turned.

• The control spool (4) and the control sleeve (6) form the
steering control valve. In normal working condition the oil
displacement system, made up of rotor (2) and stator (1) op-
erates as a hydraulic pump. In an emergency steering situa- 3
tion the unit operates as a hand pump.

Structure 4
• The control spool (4) is directly connected to the steering
wheel column and is connected to the control sleeve (6) by
the centre pin (7) and the centring springs (5). 2 5

The control spool (4) and the control sleeve (6) do not have
contact with each other in the neutral position. 6

• The drive shaft (3) is meshed with the centre pin (7), and
forms one unit with the control sleeve (6). The other end of 7
the drive shaft (3) is meshed with the splines of the rotor (2)
of the girotor.
• There are four ports in the valve body (8). They are connect- PR
ed to the steering pump, to the tank and to the steering cylin-
ders. There is a check valve (9) mounted between the pump TL
port and the tank port. If the steering pump or the engine fail,
oil for the emergency steering can be drawn for the girotor
through the check valve (9).

In the orbit-roll, between the steering cylinder and the orbit-

roll, are mounted shock valves (10) these prevent damage 9 10
to the system from outside shocks.

10-38 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


Steering relief valve

1. Orbit-roll valve
2. Pressure limiting valve
3. Valve seat (spool) 1
4. O-ring
5. Backup ring
6. Pressure spring
7. Distance bush R
8. Clamping screw
9. Sealing ring
10. Screw plug L
• The steering relief valve (2) is inside the orbit-roll valve (1),
and sets the maximum circuit pressure of the steering circuit 3
when the orbit-roll valve is actuated. When the orbit-roll
valve is being actuated, if the steering circuit goes above the
set pressure of this valve, oil is relieved from this valve. 4



WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-39

K17.5=230bar 13
Boom D=95/50-670
11 lower
lift 320 bar

Bucket D=85/50-522 A1
10 Tilt in
Tilt out
320 bar d=3,5 250
/U 12
B2 Cabin
Work equipment hydraulic WA65/WA70-5

14 A2 240 bar 240 bar

175 bar
320 bar

17 B3
A3 T
18+4 bar
Option 18 HDM19 T1

direction dyn. = 0,455 m

9 bar i ges = 37,78

Travel, steering and work hydraulics

30 bar (26 to 30)

16 delta p = 430 bar Forward
Workpressure= 460 bar
3-10bar HD-Valve delta p = 460 bar
Z max.Workpressure = 490 bar
Y237 MB 15
a b B M1
R T1 T2 Y236 Ps Fa Fa1 Fe 90 EF CF above
"a" above "b" Below
= Reverse =Forward B left
P a
M 40 Y235
8,6 22,5 8 b 6
2350 U/min
K17 = 40 kW 5 A Reverse
K17.5 = 45 kW 7
right A below
X1 X2 G S
Work equipment hydraulic WA65/WA70-5

ca.1-2 l/min

ca. 9 l/min

ca. 11 l/min 96 P
1 bar
2 T P
working hydr.

B1 A B2 G 1"
0,03 0,35 0,5
bar bar bar

ca. 30 l Oil
ca. 15 l Air 1

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Work equipment hydraulic WA65/WA70-5

Travel, steering and work hydraulics WA65-570-5

1. Hydraulic oil tank

2. Check valve
3. Suction and return filter
4. Oil cooler
5. Variable displacement pump
6. Variable displacement motor
7. Steering and work hydraulic pump and fan
. 8. Main brake cylinder
9. Main control valve
10. Tilt cylinder
11. Lift cylinder
12. Steering unit
13. Steering cylinder
14. Cylinders on multi purpose equipment
15. Priority valve
16. Inch-brake valve
17. Bolt cylinder
18. 3-way ball valve

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-41


heben senken



220 bar P
Work equipment hydraulic WA80-5

8 240 bar 240 bar

b1 heben (grün) d=1,0 3

320 bar
senken (gelb)

A1 1 12 350

b2 auskippen (rot) 4
320 bar einkippen (blau)
a2 d=0,6

d=3,5 d=1,0
A2 2

320 bar
11 9 b3 zu (weiß) 5
auf (braun)
links a3 250-125 ccm/U
heben senken B3

185 bar
A3 T
18+4 bar 6 P T


0,16 l
20 bar
21 14

Travel, steering and work hydraulics

einkippen auskippen

r Rad dyn. = 0,49 m

i ges = 18,6x2,464=45,83 (20km/h)

i ges = 18,6x1,179=21,93 (30km/h)

17 16
ca. 2,4-4,5bar
Work equipment hydraulic WA80-5

b a SAE 1" (20km/h)
a b SAE 1.1/4" (30km/h) B oben M1
6 A6VM80HA
Ps Fa Fa1 Fe 20 km/h

B left
Vg=40ccm/U P
20 km/h 20km/h verschlossen U 30 km/h
Standard P=45kW a
n=2350 U/min Vg=71ccm/U 30km/h
30 km/h

M 25 8
Standard: Option: GRA
Vg=8,6 ccm/U
A4VG40DA A4VG40EP 20 km/h

20 km/h 20 km/h Vg=19,6 ccm/U

30 km/h

Standard: Option: GRA

20 19 A4VG71DA A4VG71EP
7 A below

R 30 km/h 30 km/h T G
A right
X1 X2 G S
5 Fs

d=1,0 P

1 bar Standard

steering 2 4
working hydr.


B1 A B2
pilot valve

3 P2 WA80 (K18)
0,5 2,0 (20 + 30 km/h)
0,03 0,35 bar bar M16x1,5(10L)
bar bar


WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Work equipment hydraulic WA80-5

Travel, steering and work hydraulics WA80-5

1. Hydraulic oil tank

2. Check valve
3. Suction and return filter
4. Oil cooler
5. Variable displacement pump
6. Variable displacement motor
7. Steering and work hydraulic pump
8. PPC-valve
9. Main control valve
10. Tilt cylinder
11. Lift cylinder
12. Steering unit
13. Steering cylinder
14. Ball valve for street travel lock
15. Priority valve
16. Inch-brake valve
17. Main brake cylinder
18. 3-way ball valve
19. Bolt cylinder
20. Cylinders on multi purpose equipment
21. Pressure accumulator

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-43








U6 U5

U1 U3 U2 U4
15FX 031A

U1. Connection boom lower/float - 65/110 mm stroke U4. Connection bucket dump - 69 mm stroke
with detent U5. Connection 3rd control unit - 35/50 mm stroke
U2. Connection bucket tilt back - 68 mm stroke with detent
U3. Connection boom raise - 70 mm stroke U6. Connection 3rd control unit - 32/60 mm stroke

PPC-valve port identification

P Connection from pump

T Connection to tank

10-44 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


Operation of PPC-valve

• The PPC-valve controls the oil comming from the feed
pump. Depending on how the PPC-valve lever is moved, oil
is sent to the servo face of one or other of the main control
valve spools.

The oil pressure acts on this spool face and moves the

• With the engine running the operating lever is in the neutral
position. The PPC system is supplied with oil from the vari-
able displacement drive feed pump.

• The P-channel in the pilot control valve is filled with oil by

the supply pump. After the pressure buildup the pilot control
pressure is limited by the supply pressure limitation valve
that is integrated into the variable displacement pump. Sur-
plus oil that is not needed flows back into the return line
through the housing of the variable displacement pump.

The steering and working hydraulic pump supplies oil

through a priority valve to the steering and hydraulic sys-

If the steering is not used, the complete oil flow is sent to the
working hydraulic system. It flows through the main control
valve to the tank.

All pilot control lines between main and pilot control valve
are connected to the oil return line.

When the PPC is activated pressure builds up in the pilot

control line. The main spool valve is activated by the pres-
sure and the main oil flow is redirected. Because of that the
cylinder function is carried out as long as someone activates
the control lever. When the mechanical stop of the working
cylinder is reached the pressure increases until the pres-
sure-relief valve opens.

• If the PPC control lever is moved through the boom lower

position, that is moved to the end of its stroke, the PPC ser-
vo oil reaches a maximum pressure.

Because of this the boom lower spool is moved to the boom

float position. A short circuit is formed between boom lift and
lower and the outlet to the tank is opened.

The working equipment now follows the ground contours.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-45


Servo pressure regulating valve

• The servo pressure regulating valve is in the drive pump.
Apart from limiting the drive system feed pressure it also lim-
its the PPC servo pressure.If the PPC valve is not used the
servo pressure regulating valve protects the PPC and the
drive feed pressure system.

• The regulating valve is mounted in the end housing of the
variable displacement drive pump. 1 2

When the oil pressure rises above the spring (2) preset P sp
pressure, the valve piston (3) compresses the spring and
the seat lifts. the valve piston moves to the left and the oil R
can release to the tank.

Psp Feed pump oil pressure

R Return to tank
P sp
Emergency Lowering System
The machine is provided with a pressure accumulator for the 3 1 4
work hydraulic system. If the engine is not running, you can
lower the work unit with the multi-function lever.

If you have secured the work hydraulic system with the

locking lever of the work hydraulic system, you cannot
lower the work unit.

Make sure that nobody is standing below the work unit.

Press slowly the multi-function lever into position ‘’P’’. The work
unit is lowered.

10-46 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


Blank for technical reason

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-47


Main control valve





P T1 T2


0 1
1 1 1

0 0 0

2 2 2

220 bar

320 bar 320 bar 320 bar

18 + 4 bar

B1 A1 B2 A2 B3 A3


1. Data plate .
2. Main relief valve .
3. Shock and anticavitation valve

Main control valve port identification

P Connection from the pump

T2 Connection to the tank
A1 Connection raise, piston side
B1 Connection lower, rod side
A2 Connection dump, rod side
B2 Connection tilt back, piston side
A3 Connection 3rd control unit
B3 Connection 3rd control unit
PA1 - PA3 Connection PPC valve
PB1 - PB3 Connection PPC valve

10-48 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


Blank for technical reason

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-49

WA65-5 / WA70-5: Lift cylinder STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

WA65-5 / WA70-5: Lift cylinder


Closed length 930 ± 1.5 mm

Stroke 670 ± 1.5 mm
Piston rod ø 50 mm
Piston ø 95 mm

Tightening torque

Gland (3) 390 - 430 Nm

Lock nut (13) 1300 - 1350 Nm


Operating pressure 230 bar

Shock pressure 320 bar

1. Cylionder housing, assy.

2. Piston rod, assy.
3. Gland
4. Piston
5. Wear ring
6. Wiper ring
7. Rod seal
8. O-ring
9. Backring
10. O-ring
11. Piston seal
12. Wear ring
13. Hexagon locknut
14. O-ring

10-50 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


WA80-5: Lift cylinder


Closed length 930 ± 1.5 mm

Stroke 670 ± 1.5 mm
Piston rod ø 50 mm
Piston ø 95 mm

Tightening torque

Gland (3) 390 - 430 Nm

Lock nut (13) 1300 - 1350 Nm


Operating pressure 230 bar

Shock pressure 320 bar

1. Cylionder housing, assy.

2. Piston rod, assy.
3. Gland
4. Piston
5. Wear ring
6. Wiper ring
7. Rod seal
8. O-ring
9. Backring
10. O-ring
11. Piston seal
12. Wear ring
13. Hexagon locknut
14. O-ring

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-51


Dump cylinder

Closed length 870 ± 2 mm

Stroke 522 ± 1.5 mm
Piston rod ø 50 mm
Piston ø 85 mm

Tightening torque

Gland (3) 370 - 420 Nm

Lock nut (13) 990 -1040 Nm


Operating pressure 230 bar

Shock pressure 320 bar

1. Cylinder housing, assy.

2. Piston rod, assy.
3. Gland
4. Piston
5. Wiper ring
6. Wear ring
7. Rod seal
8. Backring
9. O-ring
10. O-ring
11. Piston seal
12. Wear ring
13. Hexagon locknut
14. O-ring

10-52 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


Steering cylinder

Closed length 638 ± 1.5 mm

Stroke 363 ± 1.5 mm
Piston rod ø 35 mm
Piston ø 70 mm

Tightening torque

Guide bush (4) 300 - 350 Nm

Lock nut (13) 330 - 370 Nm


Operating pressure 180 bar

Shock pressure 240 bar

1. Cylinder housing, assy.

2. Piston rod, assy.
3. Piston
4. Gland
5. Bearing
6. Wiper ring
7. Rod seal
8. O-ring
9. Backring
10. O-ring
11. Wear ring
12. Piston seal
13. Hexagon locknut
14. O-ring

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-53

Lifting frame with quick-coupler STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Lifting frame with quick-coupler

1. Tilt arm 6. Frame

2. 3-way ball cock 7. Lifting cylinder
3. Bucket cylinder 8. Quick-coupler unit
4. Bucket 9. Quick-couplers for the additional-control
5. Tilt rod circuit (option)

10-54 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5



1. Screw 7. Banjo elbow

2. Clip 8. Banjo coupling
3. Hose 9. Seal ring
4. Plug 10. 3-way-cock
5. Dust protection 11. Decal quick coupler
6. Block, LH 12. Connector

• The standard machine is equipped with a quick-coupler and
the 3. control circuit for additional device. The locking of ad-
ditional device, for example claw bucket or forklift ensures
by hydraulic.

After assembly of the additional device the hoses will be

connected with the quick-couplers and a manual actuated
switch lever to the 3. control circuit.

• When the oil flows to the additional device, the quick-coupler

is automatically blocked.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-55


Monitor display

Display group Symbol System Operation Display type

Rear windscreen
Display When switched on Display lightens up.

When the display lightens up the

ignition is switched on. Duration
Air intake pre-heater When pre-heater is switched on
depends on the ambient tempera-

Turning lights
When switched on Display lightens up.
(left - right)

Display lightens up when the for-

Travel direction
When driving ward/ reverse lever is not in NEU-
(forward, reverse)

Display lightens up and an acoustic

When the parking brake is
Parking brake warning is heard if the forward/
reverse lever is not in NEUTRAL.

Headlight When switched on Display lightens up.

Shows the current working time in

Counter Working hours Engine working time in hours hours, when the engine generator is

Display lightens up and shows the

Engine water tempera- current engine working tempera-
Beam display
ture ture. By temperatures over 105°C,
there also is an acoustic warning.

Analogue display
Display lightens up and shows the
Fuel level Beam display
current fuel level.

Display lightens up and shows the

Speedometer 2-point display
travel speed.

Display lightens up and there is also

Engine oil pressure Lower than permitted
an acoustic warning.

Display lightens up when the

Generator Battery is not being charged battery is being charged by the run-
ning engine.
Warning light
When the vacuum in the air filter Display lightens up when the filter is
Air filter
is too high too dirty.

Brake oil level When the level is too low Display lightens up.

10-56 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


Sensor detection item Sensor method When normal When abnormal

Eng. oil pressure Contact ON OFF

Engine coolant temperature Resistance 25°C (42.7 kΩ) 106°C (3.157 kΩ)

Fuel level Resistance FULL (2.2 kΩ) EMPTY (88.5 kΩ)

Air filter negative pressure Contact OFF ON

Brake oil level Contact OFF ON

Engine oil pressure sensor

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Plug
2. Contact ring
3. Contact
4. Diaphragm
5. Spring
6. Terminal

• This sensor is installed to the engine block and the dia-
phragm (4) detects the oil pressure. If the pressure goes be-
low the specified pressure, the switch is turned ON.
Structure of circuit
This makes the monitor flash to warn of the abnormality. At
the same time the alarm buzzer is actuated to warn of the

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-57


Fuel level sensor

1. Connector
2. Guide
3. Tube
4. IFloat
5. Bracket 7
6. Upper plate 2

3 4

• The fuel level sensor is mounted and secured with the upper
plate (7) in the top of the tank. The float (4) moves up and
down according to the fuel level.

The tube (3), which is mounted on the float, moves up and

down in the body (3) along a resistance wires (8). The resis-
tance wire (8) gives a resistance proportional to the position
of the float.

The measured resistance is sent to the monitor as an electri-

cal signal and shows the fuel level.

10-58 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


Engine coolant temperature sensor

1. Connector
2. Plug
3. Thermistor

• This sensor is installed to the engine cylinder block. The
change in the temperature changes the resistance of the
thermistor, and a signal is sent to the monitor to display the

When the display on the monitor reaches the specified level,

the caution lamp and alarm buzzer are also actuated at the
same time to warn of the abnormality.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-59


Brake oil reservoir sensor

1. Contacts
2. Screw cap
3. Float
4. Brake pipe connection
5. Mounting

• The sender unit is mounted in the screw cap. When the oil
level falls under a minimum the float sinks down until the
switch contacts close (ON position).

This lights the warning lamp to inform the driver that the
brake oil level is low.

Structure of circuit

10-60 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5


Ribbon heater

Function Operation
Electrical ribbon Current supply ON
heater (pin 15)

Start signal ON
(pin 50a)

Preheat/warning light ON

t 30s

Relationship between ambient temperature and preheat time

Preheat time t (s)




-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 T (°C)
Ambient temperature

Resitor tolerance by water coolant temperaturesensor. If prehat-

er is working pilot lamp is lighing on. After engine is running pre-
heater works for 30 sec.

The water coolant temperature influence the temperature trans-

mitter resistance. The resistance changes according to the wa-
ter coolant temperature and sets the electrical current for the in GK100838

series connected monitor. The monitor then controlls the preheat

time of the ribbon heater.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-61

Engine stop / start / preheating circuit STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Engine stop / start / preheating circuit

10-62 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Engine stop / start / preheating circuit

Engine stop/ start/ preheating circuit

Section Description Sect. Description

6 S 43 Start-switch 7 K 106 Relay, battery

8 S 58 Battery, main switch 6 K 158 Relay, starter motor

3 G 10 Alternator 17 K 167.2 Relay, timer 0.8 sec.

8 G 57 Battery 4 K 238 Relay, air preheater engine

6 M9 Starter motor 3 H 28 Control lamp, alternator

3 P 21 Service meter 4 H 76 Control lamp, preheater engine

2 P 426 Main monitor 5 Y 320 Magnet, engine stop

4 R 12 Air preheater engine


XL Connector floor frame harness XJ Connector main monitor

XM Connector engine harness XS Connector fuse


F Fuse

Engine start Preheating

• Voltage flows in the following circuit: Starting mo- • Current flows to the starter motor (M9) - terminal
tor (M9) - terminal 30, BAT Alternator, battery re- 30, BAT generator, terminal 30, preheat relay
lay (K106) terminal 30 and starting switch (K238) terminal 30 battery relay (K106), and to
terminal 30. When the starting switch is turned the starting switch terminal 30.
(terminal 15) relay (K106) is activated. Now ter-
minal 15 in the machine is switched on, the en- When the starting switch is switched on, terminal
gine stop solenoid (Y320) is activated, the 15 activates the battery relay (K106). Now termi-
controll circuit for the preheating system is also nal 15 in the machine is on, the stop solenoid
on. (Y320) and the controll circuit for the preheat
system is activated.
• When the starting key in the starter switch is
turned to position 50a, current flows to the main The preheat time depends on the cooling water
monitor if the forward/reverse lever is in the neu- temperature and is controlled over the main
tral position. Now current can flow to the starter monitor (P426) and the cooling water tempera-
relays (K158) and the starter is activated through ture sender.
terminal 50. The engine starts.
• Terminal 10 in connector XJ15 controlls the
Engine stop warning light in the main monitor. When preheat-
ing is concluded the warning light goes off. The
• The starting switch is turned off. Terminal 15 is
engine can be started. Starting before the pre-
now off and the battery relay (K106) is now open,
heating is concluded ends the preheating.
the engine stop magnet (Y320) is deactivated
and returns to the stop position.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-63

Electrical fuses and relays STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Electrical fuses and relays


1 2 3

Starter switch, shut off Gear, solenids, work- Solenoids ALS, mag-
1 10 A 1 10 A 1 10 A
solenoid ing hydraulic net oil dedent
Socket (cigarette light-
2 10 A 2 Flashing light 10 A 2 Air condition 25 A
Interior light, radio Radio,, magnet valve,
3 10 A 3 Main monitor 10 A 3 10 A
memory cooler
Hazard warning flush- Rotation beacon,
4 10 A 4 Working light 20 A 4 10 A
er driving light
Position light left, li- Back up alarm, slip
5 Wash/wipe front/rear 20 A 5 10 A 5 10 A
cence light differential
6 Brake light, horn 10 A 6 Position light right 10 A 6 Air suspension seat 10 A
Blower fan, fresh air/ Head light, high Quick coupler,
7 20 A 7 10 A 7 10 A
heater beam sweeper
Central lubrication,
8 Heater, rear window 20 A 8 Head light, low beam 10 A 8 10 A
speed control

10-64 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Electrical fuses and relays


K 376 K 385
Differential lock Backup alarm K 56.1 Low beam
(option) (option)
K 296
Air condition K 373.1 Parking brake forward K 56.2 High beam
K 235 Driving range K 373.2 Parking brake reverse K 67 Flasher
KF K 314
Speed control forward K 167 Timer 0.8 sec. Switch frequency ALS
(option) (option)
KR B 335 K 180
Speed control reverse Additional buzzer Blower engine cooler
(option) (option) (option)

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-65

Electrical fuses and relays STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Engine room
Slow-blow fuses

F4-100A = Battery-relay / Starter motor

F5-250A = IPreheater-relay / Starter motor


K238 = Relay preheating

K106 = Relaiy battery
K158 = Relay starter motor

10-66 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Electrical diagrams

Electrical diagrams
See section 90 for:

Wiring diagram 1/5 - foldout 90-9

Wiring diagram 2/5 - foldout 90-11

Wiring diagram 3/5 - foldout 90-13

Wiring diagram 4/5 - foldout 90-15

Wiring diagram 5/5 - foldout 90-17

Speed control - foldout 90-19

Immobilizer - foldout 90-21

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-67

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Air conditioner (option)

The air conditioning systems of our wheel loaders are filled with
the environmentally friendly coolant R134a (tetrafluorethane).

• Liquid cooling gas absorbs heat when it turns into gas.

This takes place in the vaporizer.

• When the gas turns into liquid gas the heat is dissipated.

This takes place in the condenser.

• The air conditioner does not produce cold air, it takes the
temperature from the surrounding warm air and dissipates it.

Physical principal
• Physically, heat moves from a warm element towards a cold
element. When this occurs, the fast moving molecules in the
warm element transfer a part of their energy to the slow
moving molecules in the cold element. This causes the fluid
used in the air conditioner to change form. Individual atoms,
which make up the molecules, change their position. When
this happens the fluid changes from gas to liquid.

• e.g.: This reaction can be seen with water. Water is normally

liquid between 0°C and 100°C. If the water is heated, it be-
comes steam. The water changes from a liquid form into a
gas form. If the water is cooled it becomes ice. The water
changes from a liquid form into a solid form.

Physical datas - R134a Characteristics - R134a

Molecular formula – CH2FCF3 • Colourless, odorless, tasteless

Molecular name – 1,1,1,2-Tetraflourethan • Incombustible, so there is no danger of ignition or

Agent class – HFKW explosion

Molecualr weight – 102.03 • Chemically stable

Boiling point (at 1,013 bar) °C -26.5 • Does not decompose structural materials

Critical temperature °C 101.15 • Ozone depletion potential (ODP) of 0

Critical pressure bar 40.64

Critical density kg/l 0.508

ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) – 0

GWB (Global Warming Potential) – 0.24 – 0.29

10-68 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)


The coolant circuit

• The coolant R134a circulates throughout the system in an
enclosed circuit.

• Gaseous coolant under low pressure is sucked from the va-

porizer (8) by the compressor (2). This places the gaseous
coolant under high pressure (approx. 20 - 30 bar) and for-
wards it to the condenser (3).

The gaseous coolant transcends into a liquid state in the

condenser (3) because of the applied pressure and removal
of heat. Fans blow outside air through the condenser to cool
the warming coolant. The heat removed from the air fed into
the operator's cab is passed on to the outside air. The cool-
ant is still under high pressure at this point.

The coolant passes through the filter dryer (4) and the pres-
sure switch (5) at the entrance to the vaporizer (8) in this
state. The coolant is filtered and dried in the filter dryer (4). It
is also a compensation tank at the same time.

The throttle effect of the expansion valve (7) reduces the

pressure and the temperature of the coolant. It makes sure
that only as much coolant flows into the vaporizer (8) as can
actually be vaporized. The liquid coolant then reverts to its
gaseous state in the vaporizer.

Outside air is fed through the vaporizer (8) by the fresh air
fan. While passing through the vaporizer (8) , the warmth it
contains is extracted from the outside air before it flows
through the air vents into the operator's cab.

That completes the circuit.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-69

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

1. Magnetic clutch 8. Vaporizer

2. Compressor 9. Icing protection switch
3. Condenser 10. High-pressure, gaseous
4. Filter dryer 11. High-pressure, liquid
5. High-pressure switch 12. Low-pressure, liquid
6. Low-pressure switch 13. Low-pressure, gaseous
7. Expansion valve

10-70 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)

The condenser
With a cooling system, warmth at a place where it is not required
is transported to another place where the warmth absorbed by
the vaporizer is fed on to the condenser. In the condenser, the
gaseous coolant is cooled and liquefied. The warmth removed
during liquefying is dissipated into the air by the condenser.

The coolant flows through three zones during this:

1st zone:
The gaseous coolant is cooled to condensation temperature by
dissipation of warmth (pre-cooling zone).

2nd zone:
The coolant transcends into liquid state by dissipation of the
condensation heat at a constant temperature (condensation

3rd zone:
The liquid coolant is cooled to below the condensation tempera-
ture, i.e. it is overcooled (overcooling zone).

The pressure (condensation pressure) is approximately constant

in all three zones. The coolant leaves the condenser in a liquid
state and, consequently, can be used again in the coolant circuit.

50°C / 8.2 bar

End of pre-cooling zone

33°C / 8.2 bar

+25°C Temperature of cooling air

End of condensation zone

33°C / 8.2 bar

End of overcooling zone

33°C / 8.2 bar

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-71

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

The vaporizer
Liquid coolant is sprayed into the vaporizer and converted to a
gaseous state. During this process, the coolant boils in the va-
porizer. The temperature of the coolant can fall well below the
freezing point during boiling. The coolant adopts a very similar
behaviour to boiling water in the vaporizer. The warmth which
the coolant requires to evaporate is withdrawn from its environ-
ment. At the end of the vaporizing process, the coolant emerges
as steam. The actual vaporizer has been lengthened in order to
allow any liquid bubbles which may possibly have been carried
along as a result of the turbulence time to evaporate as well.
This extension is called the after-vaporizer.

-10°C End of vaporizing zone

Begin of overheating zone
-3°C End of vaporizer


Injector nozzle


-10°C Begin of vaporizing zone

There are two fundamental methods of operation for vaporizers:

• Inundated vaporizers (disc vaporizers)

• Dry expansion vaporizers (round pipe and serpentine vapor-


While inundated vaporizers are generally bound to upright instal-

lation and coolant flow and require special measures for ensur-
ing oil return and avoiding cavitation, dry expansion vaporizers
where overheated steam is fundamentally present at the outlet
can be installed in virtually any position without any special mea-
sures having to be taken.

10-72 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)

The filter dryer

The volume of circulating coolant varies with changing thermal
load. The filter dryer contains the required quantity of coolant for
this. It removes bubbles from the condensing coolant so that Inspection glass
only liquid coolant is forwarded to the expansion valve (bubbles
in the coolant reduce the performance of the air conditioning to
unit). expansion
from valve
Remove moisture from the coolant. condenser

Inspection glass allows a visual check of level of coolant in sys-

tem. Cleaning
The filter dryer contains a cleaning sieve, a drying agent for re- Drying-
moving the moisture from the coolant, an inspection glass for agent
checking the level of coolant and a pressure switch (high and
low pressure) which switches the compressor off when the pres-
sure on the high pressure side of the system is too low or too

Important instructions for operation

Because the drying agent in the filter dryer is very hygroscopic it
immediately absorbs moisture on coming into contact with the
air and loses its demoisturising property.

The drying agent cannot absorb more than approx. 6-12 g mois-
ture. For this reason, the inlet and outlet have to be sealed tight Outlet
with plugs whenever the filter dryer is removed.
When installing the air conditioning unit in the vehicle, install all
other parts and pipelines first before removing the plugs and
mounting the filter dryer. Attention must be paid that the inlet and
outlet are not confused. If the inlet and the outlet have the same
form, the connection marked "IN" or with an arrow pointing in the
direction of the housing has to be connected to the condenser
side. If connected the other way round, gaseous coolant flows
into the expansion valve which results in a considerable drop in
the coolant performance of the system

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-73

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Blank for technical reason

10-74 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)

Installation of air conditioner

Condenser/blower unit
The condenser/blower unit is fixed behind the Cabine. 1 1 2

Before dismantling, the complete condenser/blower unit (2)

must have its air-conditioning system drained first, all rele-
vant hoses and cables disconnected and the unit then
propped up.
1. Close the hoses and filter dryer with cabs.

2. Secure the unit on frame against falling down.

3. Remove the 6 screws (1) on the left and right hand side .

4. Remove the condenser/blower unit.

5. Reinstall procedure in reverse order.

Use new seal .

Heater/air conditioner
The heater/air conditioner is located below the cab's windshield,
behind the front cover.

The compressor is located in the engine compartment below the

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-75

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Safety when handling coolants

When coolant circuits are opened, the contents may escape in
liquid or vapour form. The higher the pressure in the circuit, the
more violently this will happen.

Wear safety goggles!

Wear safety goggles. These prevent coolant from getting into
your eyes, which may cause severe frostbite damage.

Wear protective gloves!

Coolants are good solvents of greases and oils. They therefore
remove the protective film of grease on contact with the skin.
Degreased skin however, is sensitive to cold and disease-caus-
ing bacteria. Suitable protective gloves are an effective way of
avoiding degreasing skin.

Do not get liquid coolant onto the skin!

A coolant is designed for cooling. For this purpose, it needs to
evaporate. The coolant extracts the heat for evaporation from its
environment, even if this is the skin, and very low temperatures
are reached in the process. This leads to local freezing (frost-

Do not breathe in coolant vapours in high concentrations!

All coolants - even those which are liquid at room temperature -
evaporate when the circuit is opened. The vapours mingle with
the ambient air.

In the case of all types of coolant except for RI 1 and R113, the
main risk is that they will displace the oxygen in the air which is
necessary for breathing (risk of suffocation).

Ensure good ventilation!

In order to prevent occurrance of higher concentrations, work-
places must be well ventilated. The maximum working concen-
tration must be observed.

Exhaust system!
Opening windows and doors may not be sufficient, that means
an exhaust system must be installed at the point of exit if possi-
ble or close to the floor.

Do not smoke!
Coolants can decompose in the heat of a cigarette. The sub-
stances thus produced are toxic and should not be breathed in.

Do not let coolants escape during filling or repair work, but

transfer to recycling containers!
If coolants are allowed to escape in closed rooms, higher con-
centrations can arise which poses a risk to life due to narcotic ef-
fects or lack of oxygen.

10-76 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)

Always transfer coolants from plants in need of repair into recy-

cling containers for temporary storage and, after the repair work,
refill into the plant or return to the dealer.

If high concentrations of coolant are present in the air, use

respiratory equipment which is independent of the ambient
Filter masks with breathing filter A (solvents) can only remove
coolant vapours to a small extent. They may only be used if the
concentration does not exceed 0.5 % vol. (see respiratory equip-
ment specifications). If the concentration is too high, there is a
risk of suffocation particularly in pits and shafts, since coolant
vapours are heavier than air. In case of doubt, always use respi-
ratory equipment which is independent of the ambient atmo-

Before carrying out welding and soldering work on cooling

systems, remove coolant from the relevant section of the
plant and eliminate residue by blowing through with air or
Decomposition products generated from the coolant are not only
toxic but also have a strongly corrosive effect, so that pipelines
and parts of the plant may be attacked.

Pungent odour indicates decomposition of the coolant due

to overheating: Leave room immediately, ventilate well or
use filter mask with breathing filter B (acidic gases)!
If a pungent odour occurs, the above mentioned decomposition
products have already been generated. These substances
should not be breathed in under any circumstances, as this can
damage the respiratory channels, lungs and other organs. A fil-
ter mask with breathing filter B (acidic gases) provides effective
protection against these decomposition products. Observe the
instructions for use!

First aid
1. In the event of contact with the eyes or mucous membranes,
rinse out immediately with plenty of running water and con-
sult an eye specialist.

2. In the event of contact with the skin, remove wet clothing im-
mediately and rinse affected area of skin with plenty of wa-

3. If coolant vapours are breathed in in higher concentrations,

get the affected person into the fresh air immediately. Sum-
mon a doctor. Administer oxygen in the event of breathing
problems. If the affected person can no longer breathe or
cannot breathe properly, bend head to back of the neck and

4. Information for the doctor:

Higher concentrations of coolants can lead to a restriction or
loss of consciousness. Since coolants make the heart sensi-
tive to catecholamine, no adrenomimetics should be admin-
istered. A lung oedema can occur even after an indefinite
latent period if decomposition products have been inhaled.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-77

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Operating the air conditioner

Only operate the air-conditioning with the engine running.

Run the air-conditioning for at least 10 minutes every month irre-
spective of season. This prevents the compressor shaft seal from
drying out.

Cab windows, doors and ventilation openings must be closed

when operating the air-conditioning, otherwise there is an exces-
sive influx of heat which presents an effective cooling of the cab.
If the machine has been standing in the sun for a longer period
of time, we recommend airing the cab completely when starting
up the engine by switching on the air-conditioning and leaving
the doors and windows open initially. This process can be
speeded up by increasing revving up engine.

Open intake under the steering columm, so that a quick cooling

isobtained through the return air.

Switching on the air conditioner

1. Start the engine.

2. Turn rotary switch (1) for fan to position 4 (the fan has to

3. Set the temperature control switch (2) to position ’cold’.

4. Press the switch (3) for the air conditioning. The air condi-
tioning system is now switched on and the control lamp in 3
the switch shines blue. The greatest cooling effect is
1 2
achieved with this setting, particularly if the engine is run-
ning at high revs. As soon as the required temperature has
been reached, turn the blowers down by one stage and car-
ry out any further adjustment of the temperature using the
temperature control. The lowest blower setting can be used
if only a low cooling effect is required.

5. The air is distributed via the air ventilation nozzles on the

left-hand and right-hand side of the steering column.

• You may open or close the nozzles individually.

• The exhaust direction can be varied using the diffusing


• You can direct the air ventilation nozzles onto the front
windshield and onto the side windows.

10-78 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)

Maintenance of the air conditioner .

Maintenance timetable

VISUAL INSPECTION (once a month)

Drive belts Tension, condition

Compressor Leaks, unusual noises

Magnetic clutch Function

Condenser Damage, dirt

Condensation outlet underneath the vaporizer Dirt, blockages

Coolant Filling level in inspection glass

FUNCTIONAL TESTS (once a year)

High pressure, low pressure High pressure: Low pressure:

Emission temperature at air vents At maximum output:

Compressor control ON and OFF switching points

Condenser fan Rotational direction, noises

Air distribution, air circulation system Emission, control

Magnetic clutch Dirt, oil soiling

EXCHANGE (every 2 years)

Replace filter dryer, suck off coolant, dispose in an environmentally safe manner and fill the system with new coolant.

Maintenance instructions
• Always disconnect the battery if parts of the air conditioning
system are to be removed.

• Keep the system free of moisture and dust.

• Always seal cable glands immediately with cap plugs when

disconnecting cables.

• Only remove plugs or caps just before reconnecting cables

or lines.

• Apply a few drops of low temperature oil to the contact sur-

face of the O-ring or cone nut before connecting a hose or

• Always use two spanners when tightening a connection in

order to prevent it from twisting.

• A disposal unit must be connected when draining the cool-

ing section of the system.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-79

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Regular maintenance
Check the air-conditioning system twice a year, in spring and au-

The air conditioning system must be switched on at least once a

month for a brief time (approx. 10 min) so that the compressor is

The following maintenance work must be carried out at the be-

ginning, middle and end of a cooling period:

Check V-belt tension and compressor fastening.

1. Compressor
2. Fixing screw 2
3. Cover for Tension Pulley


Check coolant level, See chapter 10 STRUCTURE AND

FUNCTION "Checking coolant level" on page 10-84.

The coolant must flow through the filter dryer's inspection glass
free of bubbles with the engine running and air conditioner at
maximum output (max. blower setting, top idling speed, setting

Clean the condenser

The fins of the condenser must not be operating at exces-

sive pressure as this could deform the fins and reduce the
cooling output. Clean the condenser with cold water.

10-80 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)

Clean filter fleece of heater unit

If the filter fleece is to dirty it must be replaced.

1. Remove screws on the front cover (1) on the driver’s cab

(4 screws).

2. Withdraw filter (2) from the heater unit (3).

3. Clean the filter in warm water (30 - 40°C) which has had a
little household cleaning solvent added to it.

CAUTION! Neither rub the filter fleece nor wring it out!

4. Allow the filter fleece to dry.

5. Insert dried filter fleece (2) back into the heater unit (3).
6. Switch on the blower and check the air flow at the air outlet

CAUTION! The circulating air jets must be open!


7. If the air flow is still too weak the filter fleece must be re-
8. Screw front cover (1) back on.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-81

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Instructions for filling

Filling the air conditioning system should only be carried out by a
specialist for air conditioning systems.

For this reason, only a few instructions are provided here for fill-
ing the air conditioning systems installed in WA-5 models.

Use only original-coolant R134a and original PAG oil..

1. Drain valve and Filling valve


• Mixing with other coolants or oils can result in the de-

struction of the air conditioning system.
• The valves on the testing manometer should be closed
(manometer valves turned clockwise) when fastening the
snap-fit connectors to the system. The central valve con-
nection for selecting vacuum pump or filling canister con-
nection is therefore closed.
• An ambient temperature of at least 20°C (room/air) is re-
quired for a correct .

• Set prescribed quantity on fill unit or weigh.
• Commence filling. pressure switch
• Start engine.
• Check on inspection glass of filter dryer.

NOTE filter-
The filling is OK when the coolant flows without bubbles. See dryer
chapter 10 STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION "Checking coolant
level" on page 10-84.

Filling quantities (R134a)

WA65-5 1200 g
WA65-5 Parallel Lift 1200 g
WA70-5 1200 g
WA80-5 1200g

10-82 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)

• Connect ball valves

• Set vacuum meter to 100 mbar

• Evacuate, min. 45 minutes

• Stop the evacuation process when the vacuum meter ap-

proaches the 0-bar marking.

Vacuum test
• Check the vacuum meter after 10 minutes for pressure in-

A pressure increase is not permitted.

• In the event of pressure increase:

• Fill system with approx. 200 g

• Look for leakage points using leak finder

• Repair leaks

• Start siphoning off.

• No pressure rise:

• Fill system

Siphoning off coolant

• Close ball valves.

• Siphon off coolant into a measuring container; a certain

amount of compressor oil will also be siphoned off at the
same time.

• The same amount of compressor oil as was siphoned off

with the coolant must be replaced with new compressor oil.

• Extracted coolant and compressor oil must be disposed of in

accordance with regulations.

• The siphon pressure gauge must indicate slight over-pres-

sure before opening the drain valve in order to avoid any air
being sucked in.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-83

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Checking coolant level

If the liquid gets into your eyes or on your hands, it may

cause loss of sight or frostbite.

• Run the air conditioning system at maximum output for

5 - 10 minutes.
• Check the flow of coolant (R134a) through the inspection pressure switch
glass for correct level of coolant. OUT



Color condition Normal Abnormal

Temperature of high High pressure pipe is hot. Low High pressure pipe is warm. Low Almost no difference in temperature
and low pressures pressure pipe is cold. Clear differ- pressure pipe is cold. Little differ- between high and low pressure
pipes ence in temperature. ence in temperature. pipes.

Sight glass Almost transparent. All bubbles Bubbles are always visible. Some- Opaque substance is visible in the
disappear if the engine speed is times becomes transparent, or fluid.
increased or reduced. white bubbles appear.

Pipe connections Properly connected. Some parts contaminated with oil. Some parts heavily stained with oil.

There may be a leak somewhere. Almost all coolant has leaked out.
General conditions of Coolant level correct, no abnor-
Call service repair shop for inspec- Contact service repair shop immedi-
cooler malities. Ready for use.
tion. ately.

10-84 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)

Checking the compressor oil level

Check, top up or change if:

• Compressor, vaporizer, condenser or drier have to be


• Coolant leaks from coolant circuit.

• Problems occur with the oil in the coolant circuit.

• The connectors from compressor or dryer was opened.

Compressor oil change

1. Remove compressor from the vehicle.

2. Drain the oil into a measuring beaker.

After the oil has flown out through the line, drain off any re-
sidual oil at the drain outlet by turning several times by hand.

3. After the oil has flown out through the line, drain off any re-
sidual oil at the drain outlet by turning several times by hand.

4. Screw in drain plug with new washer and tighten.

M A = 13 - 15 Nm

5. Fill up with new compressor oil to same amount as mea-

sured quantity of drained oil.

Exchange of magnetic clutch

If the magnetic clutch is faulty:

• Remove compressor

• Remove old clutch from compressor

• Connect new clutch to compressor

• Install compressor

• Switch on air conditioning system

• Operate compressor in neutral

• Switch air conditioning on for 10 seconds and off for 10 sec-

onds at least 10 times, check function of new clutch while
doing so.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-85

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Exchange of compressor
• Drain off coolant and dispose it in accordance with regula-

• Remount the hoses (1) and close them with cabs. 2

• Loosen the srews (2) on the compressor.

• Remove the protecting cover and belt.

• Remount the compressor. 1

. 2

Installing of a new compressor

The new compressor is filled with 180 cm³ PAG oil and nitrogen
gas (N 2).

1. Loosen the discharge side connector's cab, release the ni-

trogen gas (N 2) from the compressor gently, close the con-
nectors immediately.

No compressor oil should escape!

2. Rotate the compressor several times by hand to distribute

the oil.

3. Replace the compressor under compliance of the ranges

shown in the figure above. Adjust the clearance using the
specified shims.

4. Remove the cabs and connect the hoses immediately.

The PAG oil is highly hygroscopic. Single components must

therefore be closed until they are installed.

5. Filling (See chapter 10 STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION "In-

structions for filling" on page 10-82.

10-86 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)

Service operations
Fit the nuts and unions tightly against the base of the companion
pieces, then hand tighten the nut as much as possible to prevent

Apply oil thoroughly to

these areas
right wrong wrong

O-ring Pipe bulge

right wrong


Cone packing connections

• Fit the nuts and unions tightly against the base of the com-
panion pieces, then hand tighten the nut as much as possi- Armature
ble to prevent cross-threading. Copper seal

• Always use a back-up wrench and tighten fittings to the Seal cone
specified torque. The torque wrench should be used on the
fitting which is being tightened.

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-87

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Checks prior to trouble shooting:

• Check belt tension

• Check condenser

• Check condenser blower, rotation direction right

• Compressor switches on and off

• Compressor clutch OK

• Function of air vents OK

• Coolant level OK (inspection glass)

• Condensation drain away

• Air temperature OK

Fault Cause Remedy

• System too full

Low pressure too high • Check filling level
• Condenser is dirty or blocked
• Clean condenser or replace
• Blower faulty or wrong rotational direc-
High pressure too high • Repair blower or replace

Low pressure too low • Dryer blockes • Replace dryer

• Faulty expansion valve • Replace expansion valve
High pressure too high • Compressor faulty • Replace compressor

• Check drive belt - belt pulley - magnetic

Low and high pressure the same • Compressor faulty clutch, if all correct, proceed as for
"Compressor does not switch on"

Low pressure too low

• Faulty expansion valve • Replace expansion valve
• Dirty or blockes vaporizer • Clean or replace vaporizer
High pressure normal

• Expansion valve faulty

• Replace expansion valve
• Not enough coolant
• Refill air conditioning system
• Insufficient cooling effect only for short
• Evacuate system, replace dryer
Low pressure too low time; water in system, expansion valve
• Replace dryer or expansion valve
iced up as a result
• Check the ON and OFF times of the
High pressure too low • Dryer or expansion valve partially
• Adjust or replace the
• Vaporizer iced up
• Thermoswitch not working

• Check electrical system (air conditioner

• Loose contact in the electric system switch, thermostat)
Compressor switches on and off at speed
• Coolant pressure too high • Check air conditioning system pressure
and refill if necessary

10-88 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)

Fault Cause Remedy

• Check whether sensor lead has been

pushed into the vaporizer correctly
Compressor constantly running as well • Thermostat not working
• Check wether the sensor lead is okay
• Adjust or replace thermostat

• Not enough coolant in system • Check air conditioning system pressure

Compressor does not switch on • Air conditioning system power supply in- and refill if necessary
terrupted • Check electrical system

• Fault in the electrical system • Check electrical system

Condenser fan not working
• Fan faulty • Repair fan or replace

• Check pipe and line connections

• O-ring connection leaking
• Check pipes and lines
System leaking • Compressor shaft seal leaking
• Check whether magnetic clutch belt pul-
• Hose/line leaking
ley is oily

• Check whether sensor lead has been

pushed into the vaporizer correctly
Cooling output too low • Vaporizer iced up
• Check whether the sensor lead is okay
• Adjust or replace thermostat

• Check whether compressor switches on

and off
• Compressor not switching off • Check whether sensor lead has been
Cooling output drops after a while
• Thermostat not working pushed into the vaporizer correctly
• Check whether the sensor lead is okay
• Adjust or replace thermostat

• Check electrical system

• Power supply interrupted
• Check filling level
Air conditioning system not working • Not enough coolant in the system
• Check magnetic clutch, replace if neces-
• Magnetic clutch faulty

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-89

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

Fault Cause Remedy

• Check whether compressor switches on

and off
• Vaporizer iced up • Check whether sensor lead has been
White smoke emerging from the air vents
• Thermostat set too cold pushed into the vaporizer correctly
• Check whether the sensor lead is okay
• Adjust or replace thermostat

• Check whether the circulating air system

• Circulating air flaps not working or not
is working properly
Windows fogged up working properly
• Check that the condensation drain hose
• Condensation unable to drain away
is not blocked and is correctly laid

Bad smell coming from air conditioning • Check that the condensation drain hose
• Condensation not draining away
system is not blocked and is correctly laid.

10-90 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Air conditioner (option)

Blank for technical reason

WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5 10-91

Air conditioner (option) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION

10-92 WA65-5 / WA70-5/ WA80-5

Standard value table for engine -
WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 ..............................20-3
Standard value table for chassis – WA65-5 ...20-4
Standard value table for chassis – WA70-5 ...20-6
Standard value table for chassis – WA80-5 ...20-8
Standard value table for electrical parts ...... 20-10
Test certificate – WA65-5 ............................... 20-11
Test certificate – WA70-5 ............................... 20-12
Test certificate – WA80-5 ............................... 20-13
Valve lash clearance ...................................... 20-14
Engine compression test .............................. 20-16
Injection nozzle pressure .............................. 20-17
Fuel injection timing ...................................... 20-18
V-belt tension ................................................. 20-20
Engine RPM .................................................... 20-21
RPM-dependant drive take-up ...................... 20-22
Engine stall torque RPM ................................ 20-23
Engine stall torque RPM, test with the
hydrostatic drive .......................................... 20-23
Engine stall torque RPM, test with
hydrostatic drive and working hydraulics .... 20-24
Feed pump
(and servo oil pressure for WA80-5) ............ 20-25
Hydraulic pressure cut-off ............................ 20-26
Working hydraulic pressure .......................... 20-28
Steering oil pressure ..................................... 20-29
Operating time for steering wheel ................ 20-31
Operating force of steering wheel ................ 20-31
Disc brake (foot brake WA80-5) .................... 20-32
Brake (WA65-5 and WA70-5) ......................... 20-32
Inch valve – basic adjustment ...................... 20-33
WA 65-5 and WA70-5 ................................. 20-33
WA 80-5 ...................................................... 20-33
Brake efficiency .............................................. 20-34
Measuring the stopping distance ................ 20-34
Parking brake efficiency ................................ 20-35
Travel speed ................................................... 20-36

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-1


★ For more details of testing and adjusting the engine, see

Engine Manual Part-No. YMHINSHI-H8013.

• When using the standard value table to make judgement

for testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting the following
precautions are necessary.

1. The standard values in the table are the values for a new
machine and are given as reference values for the time
when the machine is shipped from the factory. These val-
ues should be used as a guide when estimating wear and
tear after the machine has been operated, and when carry-
ing out repairs.

2. The permissible values given in the table are values esti-

mated based on the results of various tests carried out on
machines shipped from the factory. They should be used
together with other information such as repair conditions or
the operating history of the machine when judging the con-
dition of the machine.

3. These standard values do not form a basis for judging


• When carrying out testing, adjusting, or troubleshooting,

park the machine on level ground and use the safety
pins and blocks to prevent the machine from moving.
• When carrying out work together with other workers, al-
ways use signals and do not let unauthorized people
near the machine.
• When checking the water level, always wait for the water
to cool down. If the radiator cap is removed while the wa-
ter is still hot, the water will spurt out and cause burns.
• Be careful not to get caught in the fan, fan belt, or other
rotating parts.

20-2 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Standard value table for engine - WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

Standard value table for engine - WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

Item Measurement conditions Unit Standard value Permissible value

High idle RPM 2600 - 2700

Engine speed Low idle RPM 800 - 825

min-1 –
WA65-5 / WA70-5 Rated speed 2350

Max. torque speed 1600

High idle RPM 2550 - 2650

Engine speed Low idle RPM 800 - 825

min-1 –
WA80-5 Rated speed 2350

Max. torque speed 1600

At sudden acceleration Max. 0.5

Bacher- –
Exhaust gas color
ach index –
At high idling Max. 0.2

Intake valve 0.35

Valve clearance –
(cold or hot) –
Exhaust valve 0.50

Oil temperature: 50°C

Compression pressure bar 29.5 19.6
(engine speed: starter motor)

Oil temperature: min. 82°C

Oil pressure At high idle RPM bar 7.0

At low idle RPM 2.1

Whole speed range (in oil pan)

Oil temperature Min. °C 80 –

Max. 120

Injection static timing Before top dead center position ° (degree) 3.5 –

Deflection when pressed with finger force

Fan belt tension mm 10 –
of approx. 6 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-3

Standard value table for chassis – WA65-5 TESTING AND ADJUSTING

Standard value table for chassis – WA65-5

Cat. Item Measurement conditions Unit Standard value

Hydrostatic • Engine water temperature green


2580 - 2650 –
stall range RPM
Hydrostatic and hydraulic stall • Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C 2460 - 2530 –

N 5.6 - 16.2
Operating force –
(kg) (0.6 - 1.65)
Accelerator pedal

Operating angle

α1 α2
° (degree) 40 –


• Engine stopped
Play mm 0 - 40 –
• Machine facing straight to front
Steering wheel

N 8.9 - 9.8
Operating force –
(kg) (0.9 - 1.0)

Operating time • Flat, even, straight, dry paved road

at low idle RPM • Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C s 4.4 - 4.5

at rated speed 2.5 - 2.6

• Engine speed: rated speed

Steering pressure bar 170 - 180 170 - 180
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

20-4 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Standard value table for chassis – WA65-5

Standard value table for chassis – WA65-5

Cat. Item Measurement conditions Unit Standard value

Performance • Flat, straight, dry paved road sur- m Max. 5 Max. 5

• Speed when applying brake, max.
speed, 2nd travel range
Parking brake

• Tire inflation pressure: specified

Performance • Flat, paved road with 18° gradient – Stopped –
• Dry road surface
• Machine at operating condition
Work equipment control lever

Operating force

Raise - Lower N 22.5

Tilt - Dump (kg) (2.3)
• Engine speed: low idle RPM
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C
• Operating force up to point of

Raise - Lower
mm 65 70
Tilt - Dump
Main control valve

Work equipment hydraulic 200 205

• Engine speed: rated speed

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C
Servo valve

Servo pressure 26 - 30 –

Boom lifting time 4.8 - 5.2

Work equipment speed

Boom lowering time 3.3 - 3.5

Work equipment

Bucket dumping time 3.3 - 3.5

• Engine speed: rated speed
Ground to • Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C
Bucket tilting time

s 0.7 - 0.9
end • Orbit-roll: neutral
• Empty bucket

Bucket hori-

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-5

Standard value table for chassis – WA70-5 TESTING AND ADJUSTING

Standard value table for chassis – WA70-5

Cat. Item Measurement conditions Unit Standard value

Hydrostatic • Engine water temperature green


2580 - 2650 –
stall range rpm
Hydrostatic and hydraulic stall • Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C 2460 - 2530 –

N 5.6 - 16.2
Operating force –
(kg) (0.6 - 1.7)
Accelerator pedal

Operating angle

α1 α2 40
° (degree)

α2 24

• Engine stopped
Play mm 0 - 40 –
• Machine facing straight to front
Steering wheel

N 8.9 - 9.8 –
Operating force
(kg) (0.9 - 1.0) –

Operating time • Flat, even, straight, dry paved road

at low idle RPM • Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C s 4.1 - 4.6 –

at rated speed 2.7 - 3.4 –


• Engine speed: rated speed

Steering pressure bar 170 - 180 170 - 180
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

20-6 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Standard value table for chassis – WA70-5

Standard value table for chassis – WA70-5

Cat. Item Measurement conditions Unit Standard value

Performance • Flat, straight, dry paved road m Max. 5 Max. 5

• Speed when applying brake, max.
speed, 2nd travel range
Parking brake

• Tire inflation pressure: specified

Performance • Flat, paved road with 18° gradient – Stopped –
• Dry road surface
• Machine at operating condition
Work equipment control lever

Operating force

Raise - Lower N 19.6

Tilt - Dump (kg) (2.0)
• Engine speed: low idle RPM
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C
• Operating force up to point of

Raise - Lower
mm 65 70
Tilt - Dump
Main control valve

Work equipment hydraulic 230 235

• Engine speed: rated speed

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C
Servo valve

Servo pressure 26 -30 –

Boom lifting time 4.8 - 5.2

Work equipment speed

Boom lowering time 3.3 - 3.5

Work equipment

Bucket dumping time 0.8 - 1.1

• Engine speed: rated speed
Ground to • Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C
Bucket tilting time

s 0.8
end • Orbit-roll: neutral
• Empty bucket

Bucket hori-

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-7

Standard value table for chassis – WA80-5 TESTING AND ADJUSTING

Standard value table for chassis – WA80-5

Cat. Item Measurement conditions Unit Standard value

Hydrostatic • Engine water temperature green


2450 - 2550 –
stall range rpm
Hydrostatic and hydraulic stall • Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C 2430 - 2500 –

N 5.6 - 16.2
Operating force –
(kg) (0.6 - 1.7)
Accelerator pedal

Operating angle

α1 α2 40 –
° (degree)

α2 24 –

• Engine stopped
Play mm 0 - 40 –
• Machine facing straight to front
Steering wheel

N 10.6
Operating force –
(kg) (1.6)

Operating time • Flat, even, straight, dry paved road

at low idle RPM • Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C s 4.4 - 5.4 –

at rated speed 2.1 - 3.6 –


• Engine speed: rated speed

Steering pressure bar 180 - 190 180 - 190
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

20-8 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Standard value table for chassis – WA80-5

Standard value table for chassis – WA80-5

Cat. Item Measurement conditions Unit Standard value

Performance • Flat, straight, dry paved road m Max. 5 Max. 5

• Speed when applying brake, max.
speed, 2nd travel range
Parking brake

• Tire inflation pressure: specified

Performance • Flat, paved road with 18° gradient Stopped
• Dry road surface
• Machine at operating condition
Work equipment control lever

Operating force

Raise - Lower
N 26.5
Tilt - Dump
• Engine speed: low idle RPM
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C
• Operating force up to point of

Raise - Lower
mm 85
Tilt - Dump
Main control valve

Work equipment hydraulic 215 - 225

• Engine speed: rated speed

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

Servo pressure 28 - 30

Boom lifting time 4.8 - 5.0

Work equipment speed

Boom lowering time 2.8 - 3.2

Work equipment

Bucket dumping time 0.9 - 1.1

• Engine speed: rated speed
Ground to • Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C
Bucket tilting time

s 0.9
end • Orbit-roll: neutral
• Empty bucket

Bucket hori-

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-9

Standard value table for electrical parts TESTING AND ADJUSTING

Standard value table for electrical parts

Connec- Insp. Measurement
Name of component Judgement table
tor No. method conditions

If the condition is as shown in the table below, the sensor is

Check continuity
Start engine.
Engine oil pressure
Oil pressure above 0.7 bar no continuity Disconnect connec-
Oil pressure below 0.3 bar continuity

Measure resistance If the condition is as shown in the table below, the sensor is

Turn starting switch

Fuel level sensor Full ca. 2.2 Ω OFF.

Empty ca. 88.5 Ω

If the condition is as shown in the table below, the sensor is

Measure resistance


Engine coolant temper- Turn starting switch

ature sensor Temperature normal(25°C) ca. 42.7 kΩ OFF.

106°C ca. 3.2 kΩ

Check continuity

Full open
Turn starting switch
Brake oil reservoir
Empty continuity

If the condition is as shown in the table below, the sensor is

Measure resistance


Ribbon heater tempera- Turn starting switch

ture sender unit Between OFF.
Temp. normal (25°C) ca. 600 Ω
0°C ca. 1.9 kΩ
and chassis

20-10 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Test certificate – WA65-5

Test certificate – WA65-5

Chassis Nº: Customer:

Test temperatures Nominal Actual

1 Cooling water °C 70 - 80

2 Hydraulic oil (drive and working hydraulic, measured in the tank) 50 - 60

Engine speeds Nominal Actual

3 Low idle speed 800 - 825

4 High idle speed 2600 - 2700

5 Stall speed against hydrostatic (60 -5°C oil temperature) 2580-2650

6 Stall speed against hydrostatic and hydraulic 2460-2530

7 Start of drive RPM 1050 - 1150

System pressures Nominal Actual

8 Work hydraulic pressure 200 - 205

9 Steering pressure 170 - 180

10 Servo pressure (low idle speed and test temperature) bar min. 26

11 Servo pressure (high idle speed and test temperature) max. 30

12 Drive pressure with blocked wheels, forward 450 - 460

13 Drive pressure with blocked wheels, reverse 450 - 460

Steering times Nominal Actual

14 Low idle speed, left and right (end to end) 4.4 - 5.5

15 Rated idle speed, left and right (end to end) 2,5 - 3,2

Lift and dump times Nominal Actual

16 Lift time with bucket (empty) 4.8 - 5.2

17 Bucket dump, boom highest position 0.8 - 1,0

18 Tilting, ground to end 0,7 - 0,9

Lower times Nominal Actual

19 Lower time with empty bucket to ground 3,3 - 3,5

20 Lower time with empty bucket to ground in float position 4,1 - 4,3

Travel speeds Nominal Actual

21 1. travel range: 0 up to 5.6 km/h (Tires 335/80R20) km/h 5-6

22 2. travel range: 0 up to 20 km/h (Tires 335/80R20) 19 - 21

All pressures and timings have to be measured at working temperature of the machine.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-11

Test certificate – WA70-5 TESTING AND ADJUSTING

Test certificate – WA70-5

Chassis-no.: Customer:
Test temperatures Nominal Actual

1 Cooling water °C 70 - 80

2 Hydraulic oil (drive and working hydraulic, measured in the tank) 50 - 60

Engine speeds Nominal Actual

3 Low idle speed 800 - 825

4 High idle speed 2600 - 2700

5 Stall speed against hydrostatic (60 -5°C oil temperature) 2580-2650

6 Stall speed against hydrostatic and hydraulic 2460-2530

7 Start of drive RPM 1050 - 1150

System pressures Nominal Actual

8 Work hydraulic pressure 230 - 235

9 Steering pressure 170 - 180

10 Servo pressure (low idle speed and test temperature) bar min. 26

11 Servo pressure (high idle speed and test temperature) max. 30

12 Drive pressure with blocked wheels, forward 450 - 460

13 Drive pressure with blocked wheels, reverse 400 - 410

Steering times Nominal Actual

14 Low idle speed, left and right (end to end) 4,0 - 5,0

15 Rated idle speed, left and right (end to end) 2,7 - 3,4

Lift and dump times Nominal Actual

16 Lift time with bucket (empty) 4.8 - 5.2

17 Bucket dump, boom highest position 0.8 - 1,1

18 Tilting, ground to end 0,7 - 0,9

Lower times Nominal Actual

19 Lower time with empty bucket to ground 3,3 - 3,5

20 Lower time with empty bucket to ground in float position 4,1 - 4,3

Travel speeds Nominal Actual

21 1. travel range: 0 up to 6.3 km/h (Tires 335/80R20) km/h 6-7

22 2. travel range: 0 up to 20 km/h (Tires 335/80R20) 19 - 21

All pressures and timings have to be measured at working temperature of the machine.

20-12 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Test certificate – WA80-5

Test certificate – WA80-5

Chassis-no.: Customer:
Test temperatures Nominal Actual

1 Cooling water °C 70 - 80

2 Hydraulic oil (drive and working hydraulic, measured in the tank) 50 - 60

Engine speeds Nominal Actual

3 Low idle speed 800 - 825

4 High idle speed 2550 - 2650

5 Stall speed against hydrostatic (60 -5°C oil temperature) 2450 - 2550

6 Stall speed against hydrostatic and hydraulic 2430 - 2500

7 Start of drive RPM 1050 - 1150

System pressures Nominal Actual

8 Work hydraulic pressure 215 - 225

9 Steering pressure 180 - 190

10 Servo pressure (low idle speed and test temperature) bar min. 26

11 Servo pressure (high idle speed and test temperature) max. 30

12 Drive pressure with blocked wheels, forward 450 - 460

13 Drive pressure with blocked wheels, reverse 450 - 460

Steering times Nominal Actual

14 Low idle speed, left and right (end to end) 4,0 - 5,0

15 Rated idle speed, left and right (end to end) 2,2 - 2,9

Lift and dump times Nominal Actual

16 Lift time with bucket (empty) 4.8 - 5.0

17 Bucket dump, boom highest position 0.9 - 1,1

18 Tilting, ground to end 0,9 - 1,1

Lower times Nominal Actual

19 Lower time with empty bucket to ground 2,8 - 3,2

20 Lower time with empty bucket to ground in float position 4,1 - 4,3

Travel speeds Nominal Actual

21 1. travel range: 0 up to 5.0 km/h (Tires 335/80R20) km/h 4-5

22 2. travel range: 0 up to 21 km/h (Tires 335/80R20) 18 - 21

All pressures and timings have to be measured at working temperature of the machine.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-13

Valve lash clearance TESTING AND ADJUSTING

Valve lash clearance

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!

★ The adjustment must be carried out at cold engine!

1. Unscrew the three bolts (1) and remove the cylinder head
cover (2).

2. Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction (as indicated

by the arrow), using the crankshaft pulley mounting cap
screw (3) or the alternator pulley mounting nut (4).

3. While watching the movement of the intake valve of the

No. 4 cylinder (4i), bring the No. 1 cylinder into compression
top dead center (TDC) position.

4. Align the engraved mark "1.4" on the crankshaft pulley (5) 6 5

with the pointer (6).


5. Adjust the valve clearances of the four valves (1i), (1e), (2e)
and (3i) one after the other as follows:

a. Loosen the locknut (a) on the adjustment screw (b).

b. Insert the feeler gauge (c) between the valve stem (d)
and the rocker arm (e).

c. Adjust the clearance with the adjustment screw (b) until

slight drag is felt on the feeler gauge.

Valve clearance (engine cold):

Intake valves (i) Exhaust valves (e)

0.35 mm 0.50 mm
0.014 in 0.020 in

20-14 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Valve lash clearance

d. Tighten the locknut (a).

Locknut tightening torques

Nm ft-lb
MIN 39 29
MAX 49 36

6. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise for one revolution (360°) 6 5

and align the engraved mark "1.4" on the crankshaft pulley
(5) with the pointer (6) again.

7. Adjust the valve clearances for the four valves (2i), (3e), (4i)
and (4e) one after the other as described above.

8. Fasten the cylinder head cover with the three bolts (1).

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-15

Engine compression test TESTING AND ADJUSTING

Engine compression test

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Make sure, while testing the engine compression, that you
do not come in contact with hot engine parts and that
clothes do not come in contact with rotating parts, such
as the V-belt or pulleys!

★ Testing conditions

• Normal engine working temperature

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 40 - 60°C

• Correct engine valve adjustment

1. Remove the injectors.

★ Make sure that no contamination enters the cylinders.

2. Turn the engine with the starter and the injection pump to
stop position before fitting the adapter (P/N: 795-502-1370).

★ Do not forget to fit a seal to the compression tester


3. Install the compression tester (P/N: 795-502-1590, testing

range 35 bar) on the adapter.

4. Using the procedure in step 2, turn the engine over using the Adapter P/N: 795-502-1370
starter motor. Note the max. stabile pressure registered on
the compression tester.

Compression pressure (WA65-5 up to WA80-5):

Compression pressure at 320 - 360 rpm

Standard Minimum limit
29 bar 20 bar

20-16 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Injection nozzle pressure

Injection nozzle pressure

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!

1. Remove the injection pipes and close the connections. Re-

move the overflow lines.

★ Make sure that no contamination enters the injection

pump and injection valves.

2. Remove the injection valve brackets and remove the injec-

tion valves.

3. Remove carbon deposit at the nozzle hole thoroughly.

4. Connect the injection valve (1) to the high pressure pipe (2)
of the nozzle tester (3).

5. Operate the lever (4) slowly and read the pressure at the
moment when the injection from the nozzle starts.

Injection nozzle pressure (WA65-5 up to WA80-5):

207 - 211 bar

6. If the measured injection pressure is too low, replace the

pressure adjusting shim (5) with a thicker one.

Available pressure adjusting shims:

1 × 0.1 mm 1 × 0.2 mm 1 × 0.3 mm
1 × 0.4 mm 1 × 0.5 mm 1 × 0.51 mm
1 × 0.52 mm 1 × 0.53 mm 1 × 0.54 mm
1 × 0.55 mm 1 × 0.56 mm 1 × 0.57 mm
1 × 0.58 mm 1 × 0.59 mm 5
For the part numbers see the Komatsu parts book (injection

The injection pressure increases approx. 14.7 bar, when

the adjusting shim thickness is increased by 0.1 mm.

Tightening torque:
39.2 - 44.1 Nm

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-17

Fuel injection timing TESTING AND ADJUSTING

Fuel injection timing

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!

If the injection pump is installed on the original machine

6 5
and the pump has not been repaired:
1. Set the No. 1 cylinder at compression top dead center
(TDC) by aligning the pointer (6) on the gear cover with the
TDC line (1.4) on the crankshaft pulley.

★ The mark "C" can only be seen if the injection pump’s

cover is removed.

2. Confirm that the mark "C" can be seen on the idler gear. If
the mark "C" cannot be seen, rotate the crankshaft one com-
plete revolution and confirm that "C" can be seen.

3. Align the match mark "C" on the injection pump gear with
the match mark "C" on the idler gear during installation for
correct alignment.

4. Align the stamped line "a" on the injection pump with the
stamped line "b" on the timing gear case during installation
for correct alignment.

5. Install the injection pump.

6. If the stamped lines are out of alignment, loosen nut (7).

Align the stamped lines by rotating the coupling. Tighten the

If an injection pump is installed to the engine that has been

1. Set the No. 1 cylinder at compression top dead center
6 5
(TDC) by aligning the pointer (6) on the gear cover with the


20-18 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Fuel injection timing

TDC line (1.4) on the crankshaft pulley.

2. Remove the distributor head bolt and copper washer from

the injection pump. Discard the copper washer.

3. Install the dial gauge into the distributor head, so that the
stylus end of the dial gauge contacts the plunger head.

4. Slightly rotate the crankshaft in the opposite normal direction

(counterclockwise) until the dial gauge does not move any

5. Set the dial gauge pointer to 0.

6. Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction (clockwise)

without stopping until it reads 1.0 ± 0.3 mm.

7. The pointer on the crankshaft must point to the timing mark

(in degrees) on the crank pulley as indicated on the data-
plate. The timing marks on the crank pulley range from 6 to
14 degrees in two degree increments.

★ Check the values on the dataplate. Values may change

as new ratings are developed.

★ The gauge reading ± 0.03 mm (0.001 in) is equivalent to

± 0.5 degrees fuel injection timing.

8. If the dial gauge reading is not within the standard value,

loosen the nut and adjust the fuel injection timing by rotating
the injection pump body. Tighten the nut.

9. Remove the dial gauge. Install the distributor head bolt and
a new copper washer into the injection pump. Tighten the

 14 - 20 Nm

10. Stamp a match mark on the injection pump and the timing
gear case.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-19


V-belt tension

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!

1. Press the fan belt at position (1) between the crankshaft pul-
ley (2) and the alternator pulley (3) with a finger (59 N, 6 kg).

The tension is correct if the deflection at position (1) is be-

tween 7 and 10 mm.

Do not adjust the belt tension to maximum. The tension can

rise when the locking nut is tightened. The life of the pul-
leys and bearings is reduced if the tension is too high!

2. Adjusting the fan belt tension

a. Release the locknut (4) and the nut (5).

b. Tense the V-belt by applying a lever between the engine

block and the alternator.

c. After having adjusted the tension tighten the locknut (4)

and the nut (5).

d. Check the tension again to make sure it is not too high.

20-20 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Engine RPM

Do not touch hot engine parts during fitting or removing

test equipment!

★ Testing conditions

• Normal engine working temperature

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

1. Fit the RPM tester to the engine.

2. Note the low idle RPM, when the engine has reached work-
ing temperature.

Low idle RPM: 800 - 825 rpm

3. If the low idle RPM is not correct, screw the adjusting screw
(1) to set the low idle RPM.

★ Screwing the adjusting screw in increases the RPM.

Screwing the adjusting screw out decreases the RPM.

4. Slowly rise the RPM (no load) and note the high idle RPM.

High idle RPM: 2600 - 2700 rpm

5. If the high idle RPM is not correct, screw the adjusting screw
(2) to set the high idle RPM.

★ Screwing the adjusting screw in decreases the RPM.

Screwing the adjusting screw out increases the RPM.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-21

RPM-dependant drive take-up TESTING AND ADJUSTING

RPM-dependant drive take-up

Make sure that the test area is safe!

★ Testing conditions

• Normal engine working temperature

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

• Ground: flat, even, dry and hard surface

• Tyre pressure: recommended pressure

1. Fit the RPM tester to the engine and take the RPM tester’s
display into the cab.

2. Release the parking brake and select FORWARD.

3. Press the accelerator pedal and increase the engine RPM

4. Note the indicated engine speed, when the machine just
starts to move forward.

Engine speed at drive start: 1050 - 1150 RPM


Stop the engine before adjusting the oil pressure!

1. Release the locknut (3) of the regulating valve (1).

2. Adjust the setting with the adjusting screw (2).

To rise the RPM-dependant drive take-up screw in

To lower the RPM-dependant drive take-up screw out

★ Repeat the test to check that the drive take-up is in the

given limits.

20-22 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Engine stall torque RPM

• Do not touch hot engine parts during fitting or removing

test equipment!
• Chock the wheels!

★ Testing conditions

• Normal engine working temperature

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

1. Fit the RPM tester to the engine and take the RPM tester’s
display into the cab.

2. Block the drive train (1). Make sure that the wheels cannot
slip during the test.

★ Make sure that the correct low and high idle speeds are
adjusted and that the oil pressures is in between the set
limits. If these are not correct, check the connections
and the linkages.

Engine stall torque RPM, test with the

hydrostatic drive

Clear the possible danger area, in case the machine be-

comes free from the safety arrangements!

1. Run the engine in low idle.

2. Release the parking brake.

3. Select FORWARD.

4. Press the brake pedal and slowly rise the engine RPM to

★ Make sure that the wheels do not turn during the test.

5. Note the maximum engine RPM when the engine is under

hydrostatic load.

★ Do not hold this test condition for more than 20 sec.

Check that the oil temperature does not exceed 60°C.

Engine stall speed against hydrostatic: 2580 - 2650 RPM

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-23


Engine stall torque RPM, test with

hydrostatic drive and working hydraulics
★ The test is the same as the previous one except that now
the working hydraulics are also used at the same time.

Clear the possible danger area, in case the machine be-

comes free from the safety arrangements!

1. Run the engine in low idle.

2. Release the parking brake.

3. Select FORWARD.

4. Press the brake pedal and slowly rise the engine RPM to

★ Make sure that the wheels do not turn during the test.

5. Move the boom lift hydraulic control lever and raise the
boom until the main pressure relief valve opens. The boom
is held in the upper stop position.

★ Use the control lever positively.

6. Note the engine max. RPM in this condition, with hydrostatic

drive and boom rise.

★ Do not hold this test condition for more than 20 sec.

Check that the oil temperature does not exceed 60°C.

Engine stall speed against hydrostatic and hydraulic:

WA65-5 / WA70-5: 2460 - 2530 RPM
WA80-5: 2430 - 2500 RPM

20-24 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Feed pump (and servo oil pressure for WA80-5)

Feed pump (and servo oil pressure for WA80-5)

★ For the WA80-5 the hydrostatic drive feed pump oil is also
used for the servo control system. If the feed pump oil pres-
sure is changed this will also influence the servo control oil
The feed pump oil pressure and the servo system oil pres-
sure are the same.

Apply the parking brake and chock the wheels!

★ Testing conditions

• Normal engine working temperature

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

1. Connect a pressure testing gauge (60 bar) to the testing
point (1).

2. Run the engine at high idle RPM.

★ Make sure that the correct low and high idle speeds are

3. Note the pressure shown on the pressure testing gauge.

Feed pump oil and servo oil pressure: 30 bar

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-25

Hydraulic pressure cut-off TESTING AND ADJUSTING

Hydraulic pressure cut-off

Clear the possible danger area, in case the machine be-

comes free from the safety arrangements!

★ Testing conditions

• Normal engine working temperature

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

• Ground: flat, even, dry and hard surface

• Tyre pressure: recommended pressure

1. Connect a pressure test gauge (testing range up to 600 bar)
to the test connector (1) for FORWARD.

2. Block the drive train so that the machine cannot move for-
ward. Make sure that the wheels cannot slip during the test.

★ Do not use the service or park brake during the test!

3. Start the engine and select FORWARD.

4. Run the engine to max. RPM and note the pressure shown
on the pressure gauge.

Hydraulic pressure cut-off (forward): 450 - 460 bar

★ Repeat the test when the machine is blocked in reverse.

5. Connect a pressure test gauge (testing range up to 600 bar)

to the test connector (2) for REVERSE.

6. Block the drive train so that the machine cannot move back-
wards. Make sure that the wheels cannot slip during the

★ Do not use the service or park brake during the test!

7. Start the engine and select REVERSE.

8. Run the engine to max. RPM and note the pressure shown
on the pressure gauge.

★ The pressure should be the same for forward and re-


Hydraulic pressure cut-off (reverse): 450 - 460 bar

20-26 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Hydraulic pressure cut-off


Always stop the engine when adjusting oil pressure!

1. Release the locknut (5) of the cut-off valve (3).

2. Adjust the pressure by turning the adjusting screw (4).

To rise the pressure screw in

To lower the pressure screw out

★ Repeat the test procedure and check that the pressure

is in the specified limits.

3. Tighten the locknut (5). 1

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-27

Working hydraulic pressure TESTING AND ADJUSTING

Working hydraulic pressure

Apply the parking brake and chock the wheels!

★ Testing conditions

• Normal engine working temperature

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

1. Connect a pressure testing gauge (1) (testing range up to
250 bar) to the test point (2).

2. Start the engine and run at full RPM.

3. Move the hydraulic control lever to LIFT and hold it in the

end position so that the main pressure release valve opens.

4. Note the pressure on the pressure testing gauge.

★ Do not hold the pressure for more than 20 sec. Use the
control lever by quick handling.

Working hydraulic pressure: 200 - 205 bar


Always stop the engine when adjusting oil pressure!

★ The main pressure release valve of the WA65-5 and WA70-

5 is on top of the control valve (3). See chapter 30 DISAS-
SEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal of control valve as-
sembly" on page 30-38.

★ The main pressure release valve of the WA80-5 is on the

front of the main control valve (4). It can be adjusted through
the opening between front frame and front axle without
opening the front frame.

1. Release the locknut (6) on the main pressure release valve.

2. Adjust the pressure by turning the pressure adjusting 5 6

screw (4).

To rise the pressure screw in

To lower the pressure screw out

★ Repeat the test procedure and check that the pressure

is in the specified limits.

20-28 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Steering oil pressure

Steering oil pressure

Apply the parking brake and chock the wheels!

★ Testing conditions

• Normal engine working temperature

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

1. Fit the steering safety rod in the articulation joint so that the WA65-5 / WA70-5
machine can not be steered.

2. Connect a pressure testing gauge (1) (testing range up to

250 bar) to the test point (2).

★ Test point (2) corresponds to "POS. 1" in the hydraulic L R

diagrams. By connecting the pressure testing gauge the

pressure is increased by 10 bar.
★ It is also possible to install a T-joint to the steering cylin-
der ("POS. 2" in the hydraulic diagrams) to measure the 240 bar 240 bar

pressure. 175 bar


3. Start the engine and run at full RPM.


4. Turn the steering wheel to the right until the end position is P

reached and hold. 22,5 8

★ The steering safety rod is pulled to the right when the

steering wheel is turned.

5. Note the pressure shown on the pressure testing gauge. WA80-5

Steering oil pressure on Test point (2) ("POS. 1"):
WA65-5 / WA70-5: 185 bar (175 + 10 bar) L R
240 bar 240 bar
WA80-5: 195 bar (185 + 10 bar)

Steering oil pressure on "POS. 2":

WA65-5 / WA70-5: 185 bar
WA80-5: 195 bar

250-125 ccm/U

185 bar






25 8

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-29

Steering oil pressure TESTING AND ADJUSTING


DANGER! Risk of accident!

If the steering oil pressure is not correctly adjusted, the
steering may malfunction. Adjustment of the steering oil
pressure must be performed by qualified personnel, only!

1. Adjust the steering oil pressure with the pressure limiting WA65-5 / WA70-5
valve (5) (primary side) and with the shock valve (6) (sec-
ondary side).

1 control piston 7 prefill valve

2 control bushing 8 prefill valve
3 rotor set 9 non-return valve
4 centring spring 10 cut off valve
5 pressure limiting valve 11 non-return valve
6 shock valve 12 non-return valve


20-30 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Operating time for steering wheel

Operating time for steering wheel

★ Testing conditions

• Ground: flat, even, dry and hard surface

• Normal engine working temperature

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 - 55°C

• Tyre pressure: recommended pressure

1. Start the engine, raise the bucket approx. 400 mm.

2. Operate the steering wheel to one end of its stroke to turn

the machine to the left or right.

3. Measure the time to operate the steering wheel from one

end to the other end of the stroke.

★ Operate the steering wheel as quickly as possible with-

out using force.

★ Carry out the measurements both at low and high idle

speed and to both sides left and right.

Operating time (low idle speed): 4.0 - 5.0 s

Operating time (high idle speed): 2.2 - 2.9 s

Operating force of steering wheel

★ Testing conditions

• Ground: flat, even, dry and hard surface

• Normal engine working temperature

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 - 55°C

• Tyre pressure: recommended pressure

1. Install a push-pull scale to the steering wheel knob.

2. Start the engine, raise the bucket approx. 400 mm.

3. Pull the push-pull scale in the tangential direction and mea-

sure the value when the steering wheel moves smoothly.

★ Avoid measuring when the steering wheel starts to


WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-31

Disc brake (foot brake WA80-5) TESTING AND ADJUSTING

Disc brake (foot brake WA80-5)

★ The axle has to be disassembled to check the brake disc
and separator disc thicknesses. See chapter 30 DISAS-
SEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Rear axle assembly" on page

1. Check the friction plate (1) thickness.

Friction plate thickness (new): 10.0 ± 0.1 mm

(worn): 8.8 mm

2. Check the separator plate (2) thickness.

Separator plate thickness (new): 11.7 ± 0.05 mm

Brake (WA65-5 and WA70-5)

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket and switch the engine off!

1. Inspect the brake pad (2). Replace it if worn.

2. Inspect the friction disc. Replace it if damaged.

20-32 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Inch valve – basic adjustment

Inch valve – basic adjustment

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!


WA65-5 / WA70-5

WA 65-5 and WA70-5 WA 80-5

Length of rod Length of rod

1. Turn the nut (3) to set the length of the brake rod 1. Mount the fork joint to the brake rod, loosen the
to 117 mm. locking nut (3) and set the length of the brake rod
to approx. 110.5 mm.
2. Install the brake rod to the brake pedal.
2. Install the brake rod to the brake pedal.
Angle of brake pedal
Angle of brake pedal
1. Release the locknut (2) and turn the adjusting
nut (1) to move the pedal angle to 45°. 1. Release the locknut (2) and turn the adjusting
nut (1) to move the pedal angle to 45°.
2. Tighten the locknut (2) and check the pedal an-
gle adjustment B. 2. Tighten the locknut (2) and check the pedal an-
gle adjustment B.
★ Clearance between brake rod and brake cyl-
inder: 1 - 2 mm.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-33


Brake efficiency

Measuring the stopping distance

Danger! Fasten the seat belt before testing the brakes!

★ Testing conditions

• Ground: flat, even, dry and hard surface

• Speed: highest speed when starting to brake

• Tyre pressure: recommended pressure

★ Set up a test run and mark the point where you will start to
brake. Brake as soon as you pass this point.

1. Start the engine and drive off.

2. Set the speed at 20 km/h.

3. Using the correct force, press the brakes when passing the
braking point with 20 km/h.

4. Measure the distance taken to stop from the point of starting

to brake.

★ The distance should be less than 5 m!

Stop point Point at which the Start of braking

brakes start to react
Stopping distance max. 5m Run-up

20-34 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

TESTING AND ADJUSTING Parking brake efficiency

Parking brake efficiency

★ Testing conditions

• Ground: flat, even, dry and hard surface, 18% gradient.

• Tyre pressure: correct pressure

• Normal engine working temperature

• Bucket: empty

1. Start the engine and set the machine straight ahead. Drive
the machine up the 18% gradient.

2. Use the foot brake to stop the machine and hold.

3. Lower the bucket.

4. Put the forward/ reverse lever in NEUTRAL.

5. Stop the engine.

6. Apply the parking brake, slowly release the foot brake. The
machine should not move.

★ Test the parking brake twice. Once facing up the gradi-

ent and once facing down the gradient.

Adjusting (only WA80-5)

★ The parking brake of WA65-5 and WA70-5 readjusts itself.
The operation shall be repeaded at intervals of 1000 hours
and additionally if the function of the parking brake is not giv-

1. Clean the brake pads and the disc.

2. Loosen the parking brake cables.

3. Loosen the hydraulic hose (1) in the front frame.

4. Remove the breather from the hose.

★ The line is filled with oil. Take care not to spill this oil.

5. Apply slight pressure (e. g. with an air pump) on the hydrau-

lic line (1).

★ Do not apply excessive pressure. The pressure causes

the brake pads (2) to move towards the friction disc.

6. Mount the breather on the hose.

7. Reconnect the hydraulic line (1).

8. Reconnect the parking brake cable.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 20-35


Travel speed
★ Testing conditions

• Normal engine working temperature

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 - 60°C

• Ground: flat, even, dry and hard surface

• Speed: the highest speed possible should be reached

before passing test point "1" and held over the complete
test run.

• Tyre pressure: recommended pressure

★ Before starting the test set up the test points "1" and "2" and
measure the exact distance.

1. Start the engine and drive off.

2. Select the speed range 20 km/h.

3. Drive the machine at max. speed over the complete test run.

4. Start the stop watch when passing point "1" and stop the
stop watch when passing point "2". Formula for testing
machine speed
5. Copy the stopped time (Y) and the driven distance (X) be-
tween point "1" and "2" to the formula given.
× 3.6 = km/h
★ Repeat the test three times to get an average speed.

100 m
Example: × 3.6 = 20 km/h

Point 2 Point 1
Test run distance X in meters Run-up to test

20-36 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

Comments .............................................. 30-3 Removal of control valve assembly ...............30-38
Installation of control valve assembly ............30-40
Starter assembly .................................... 30-4
Removal of starter assembly ........................... 30-4 Main control valve assembly
Installation of starter assembly ........................ 30-5 (WA80-5) ................................................ 30-41
Removal of main control valve assembly ......30-41
Alternator assembly .............................. 30-6
Installation of main control valve assembly ...30-42
Removal of alternator assembly ...................... 30-6
Installation of alternator assembly ................... 30-7 Pilot valve assembly (WA80-5) ........... 30-43
Removal of pilot valve assembly ...................30-43
Water pump assembly ........................... 30-8
Installation of pilot valve assembly ................30-44
Removal of water pump assembly .................. 30-8
Installation of water pump assembly ............. 30-10 Monitor assembly ................................. 30-45
Removal of monitor assembly .......................30-45
Engine cover assembly ....................... 30-11
Installation of monitor assembly ....................30-46
Removal of engine cover assembly .............. 30-11
Installation of engine cover assembly ........... 30-12 Articulated joint assembly .................. 30-47
Removal of articulated joint assembly ...........30-47
Engine cover support assembly ......... 30-13
Installation of articulated joint assembly ........30-48
Removal of engine cover support assembly . 30-13
Installation of engine cover support assembly 30-14 Variable motor assembly ..................... 30-49
Removal of variable motor assembly .............30-49
Engine assembly .................................. 30-15
Installation of variable motor assembly ..........30-51
Removal of engine assembly ........................ 30-15
Installation of engine assembly ..................... 30-20 Rear axle assembly .............................. 30-52
Removal of rear axle assembly .....................30-52
Clutch assembly .................................. 30-22
Installation of rear axle assembly ..................30-54
Removal of clutch assembly ......................... 30-22
Installation of clutch assembly ...................... 30-23 Front axle assembly ............................. 30-55
Removal of front axle assembly .....................30-55
Radiator assembly ............................... 30-24
Installation of front axle assembly ..................30-57
Removal of radiator assembly ....................... 30-24
Installation of radiator assembly .................... 30-26 Front axle .............................................. 30-58
Brake disc group ............................................30-58
Fan assembly ....................................... 30-27
Removal of fan assembly .............................. 30-27 Brake caliper ........................................ 30-62
Installation of fan assembly ........................... 30-28 Hydraulic principle of operation .....................30-62
Differential position ........................................30-63
Inch brake valve assembly .................. 30-29
Mechanical principle of operation ..................30-63
Removal of inch brake valve assembly ......... 30-29
Caliper removal ..............................................30-63
Installation of inch brake valve assembly ...... 30-30
Caliper reassembly ........................................30-68
Priority valve assembly ....................... 30-31 Replacement of guide protective covers ........30-68
Removal of priority valve assembly ............... 30-31 Pad replacement ............................................30-69
Installation of priority valve assembly ............ 30-32 Brake group - wheel shaft ..............................30-70
Orbit-roll-valve assembly .................... 30-33 Rear axle ............................................... 30-76
Removal of orbit-roll-valve assembly ............ 30-33 Trunnions group and flange ...........................30-76
Installation of orbit-roll-valve assembly ......... 30-35 Epicyclic reduction gear group .......................30-79
Counterweight assembly .................... 30-36 Wheel hub ......................................................30-81
Removal of counterweight assembly ............ 30-36 Wheel shaft ....................................................30-85
Installation of counterweight assembly ......... 30-37 Differential support group ..............................30-87
Bevel gear marking test .................................30-91
Control valve assembly
Differential locking group ...............................30-92
(WA65-5 / WA70-5) ............................... 30-38
Differential group (WA80-5) ...........................30-94

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-1

Differential group (WA65-5 / WA70-5) .......... 30-96
Pinion group .................................................. 30-98
Variable displacement
pump assembly .................................. 30-102
Removal of variable displacement
pump assembly ........................................... 30-102
Installation of variable displacement
pump assembly ........................................... 30-104
Hydraulic pump assemblies ............. 30-105
Removal of the two hydraulic pump
assemblies .................................................. 30-105
Installation of hydraulic pump assembly ..... 30-106
Quick-attach coupler assembly ........ 30-107
Removal of quick-attach coupler assembly . 30-107
Installation of quick-attach coupler assembly 30-108
Steering cylinder assembly .............. 30-109
Removal of steering cylinder assembly ....... 30-109
Installation of steering cylinder assembly .... 30-110
Lift cylinder assembly ....................... 30-111
Removal of lift cylinder assembly ................ 30-111
Installation of lift cylinder assembly ............. 30-112
Dump cylinder assembly ................... 30-113
Removal of dump cylinder assembly .......... 30-113
Installation of dump cylinder assembly ....... 30-114
Replacing windows in driver’s cab .. 30-115
Stuck glass .................................................. 30-115
Installation ................................................... 30-117
Door and side windows ............................... 30-118

30-2 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Chapter 30 contains descriptions, illustrations and diagrams,
which may vary according to the type of machine and equipment
variants concerned.
Over and above this, the illustrations and diagrams may also
contain optional extras and auxiliary equipment that are also

An illustration representing a particular way of handling some-
thing does not necessarily represent the machine part's actual
state. In other words, parts may be shown that, according to the
assembly instructions, should have been removed beforehand.
Similarly, parts may not be shown that should actually still be
mounted on the machine.

Weight dimensions/fluid capacities

In cases of any deviations to weight dimensions and fluid capac-
ities resulting from the different machine types, the minimum and
maximum values for the weight or the fluid capacity for the part
to be dismantled are given.

The exact details for the corresponding type of machine can be

found in the Weight or Lubricants Table contained in chapter 10.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-3


Starter assembly

Removal of starter assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

1. Electrical cables
Remove the two cables (1) and (2) from the starter.

2. Fastening screws 
Loosen the two fastening (3) screws and remove the starter.

4 Starter: 4.7 kg

30-4 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Installation of starter assembly

• To fit the starter carry out the removal procedure in reverse

 Two screws (3): 98 - 122.5 Nm

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-5


Alternator assembly

Removal of alternator assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

1. Electrical connections
Disconnect the two cables (1) and (2).

2. Support and belt drive

a. Slacken off the fastening screw/nut (3).

b. Slacken off the adjusting screw (4) and move the alter-
nator towards the engine.

c. Remove the V-belt from the alternator's V-belt pulley.

d. Remove the fastening screw (3) and the respective


e. Remove the adjusting screw (4) and take the alternator


30-6 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Installation of alternator assembly

• To fit the alternator carry out the removal procedure in re-
verse order.

• Adjust the V-belt.

★ See chapter 20 TESTING AND ADJUSTING "V-belt ten-

sion" on page 20-20.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-7


Water pump assembly

Removal of water pump assembly

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!

1. Draining the coolant 

6 Coolant: 9.1 l

2. Making assembly accessible

a. Remove the radiator assembly.
moval of radiator assembly" on page 30-24.

b. Remove the V-belt.

moval of alternator assembly" on page 30-6.

3. Alternator
Unscrew the alternator fastening screw (1).

4. Thermostat
a. Unplug the thermocouple’s (2) plug-type connector.

b. Unscrew the thermocouple (2) from the water pump.

5. Lines
Loosen the clamps (3) and (4) from the hoses and remove
the lines from the pump.

6. Heater line (option)

Disconnect the heating line (5) if supplied.

30-8 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


7. Mounting
Unscrew the two fastening screws (7) and (8) and remove
the water pump.  10
4 Water pump: 7.4 kg 9

8. Gaskets and washers

Dispose of the gasket (10) and the O-ring (9). 

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-9


Installation of water pump assembly

• To fit the water pump carry out the removal procedure in re-
verse order.

• Replace the gasket and the O-rings with new ones.

 Screw (7) and (8): 19 Nm

• Top the radiator up with coolant.


6 Coolant: 9.1 l

• Tension the V-belt.

See chapter 20 TESTING AND ADJUSTING "V-belt ten-

sion" on page 20-20.

30-10 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Engine cover assembly

Engine cover assembly

Removal of engine cover assembly

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!

1. Preliminary work
Open the engine cover and secure it against falling down by
means of a support rod.

2. Engine cover
a. Remove two fastening screws (1) on both sides of the
mounting. 

b. Two people should then remove the engine cover.

4 Engine cover: 34 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-11

Engine cover assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of engine cover assembly

• To fit the engine cover carry out the removal procedure in re-
verse order.

 Screws: 18 Nm

30-12 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Engine cover support assembly

Engine cover support assembly

Removal of engine cover support assembly

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!

• Remove the engine cover.

See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal

of engine cover assembly" on page 30-11.

1. Engine cover support

a. Remove the eight fastening screws (1) on both sides of
the cover support. 

b. Remove the cover support from the rear frame.

4 Engine cover support WA65-5 / WA70-5: 29 kg

WA80-5: 31 kg

4 Rear frame WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5: 3.5 kg

Make sure when lifting that no other machine parts, in par-

ticular the radiator, are damaged.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-13

Engine cover support assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of engine cover support as-

• To fit the engine cover carry out the removal procedure in re-
verse order.

 Screws: 18 Nm

30-14 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Engine assembly

Removal of engine assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

• Remove the engine cover.

See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal
of engine cover assembly" on page 30-11.

1. Cover plates
a. Unscrew the two screws (1) and remove the cover plate
from the battery compartment.

b. Unscrew the cap and disconnect both cables from the


2. Draining the coolant 


6 Coolant: 9.1 l

3. Draining the engine oil 

See Operation Manual: ENGINE, CHANGING THE OIL

6 Engine oil: 7.5 l

4. Removing the radiator assembly

See chapter 20 TESTING AND ADJUSTING "Removal of
radiator assembly" on page 20-24.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-15


5. Electrical connections
★ Mark the cables in order to prevent flaws when recon-
necting. 

Disconnect all electrical cables from the engine (see the po-
sitions marked „e“).

6. Air cleaner
a. Loosen the clip (1) on the intake hose and a further clip
(2) on the intake manifold.

b. Unscrew the fastening screws (3) and (4) on the support

and remove the air cleaner.

30-16 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


7. Fuel supply lines

DANGER - Explosion hazard!

Leakage or evaporation of fuel might lead to an explosion.
Avoid any source of ignition such as open flames, ciga-
rettes or sparks. Close the fuel filter and the hoses immedi-
ately with a vent plug.

★ Mark the lines in order to prevent flaws when reconnect-

ing. 

a. Disconnect the two fuel supply lines (5) from the fuel fil-

b. Unscrew the two screws (6) and put the holder including
the relais box and the fuel filter aside.

c. Unscrew the fuel return line (7) from the fuel pump.

8. Brackets
a. Unscrew the screws of the brackets (8) and (9) from the
engine. 

b. Unscrew the two screws of bracket (10) from the engine.

★ Mark the hydraulic lines to make sure that they don't get
mixed up when being reconnected.

c. Disconnect all hydraulic lines from the hand pump.

★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in or-

der to prevent the vapours from exiting and to prevent
any dirt and foreign particles from entering.

d. Unscrew the four screws of the bracket (11) and remove

the bracket.

e. Unscrew the four screws of the bracket (12) and remove

the bracket.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-17


9. Variable displacement pump/hydraulic pump

Remove the variable displacement pump and the two hy-
draulic pumps. 
See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal
of variable displacement pump assembly" on page 30-102.

10. Engine governor

a. Unscrew the accelerator bowden cable (13) from the fu-
el injector pump.

b. Unscrew the two screws of the support (14) and remove

the support together with the accelerator bowden cable
from the engine.

11. Heating feed line

Unscrew the heating feed line (15) from the engine.

12. Engine support

a. Insert the hoist gear into the two contact lugs (16). 

b. Remove the engine's four fastening screws (17) at the

engine supports.  17
★ Make sure that all lines to the engine have been dis-

★ Place a collector tray below the engine to collect

any residual fluid which may drip out. 17

★ When lifting the engine out of its mount keep it bal-

anced and make sure that no other engine parts are

c. Lift the engine slowly out of its support.

4 Engine: approx. 260 kg

30-18 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


The tasks described below are to be carried out before the new
engine is installed, as some of the parts concerned are not part
of the replacement engine's delivery specification. In other
words, certain assemblies and parts that were mounted on the
old engine will be required when installing the new engine.

13. Clutch
See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal
of clutch assembly" on page 30-22.

14. Engine support

★ Mark the brackets to ensure that when the engine is in-
stalled again their position and installation location are
correct. 18
Unscrew 16 screws (18) and remove the engine's four sup-
port brackets. 


15. Contact lugs

Unscrew the four screws of the contact lugs (16). 

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-19


Installation of engine assembly

• To install the engine carry out the removal procedure in re-
verse order.

★ Before installing the engine, clean all the parts to be

mounted to it and remove any residual oil and dirt from
the engine compartment.

★ Before the new engine is installed in the machine, the

parts dismantled from the old engine have to be fitted

• Replace the contact lugs that were delivered with the sup-
port (1).

• Make sure that the engine support is in the correct position

and installation location when screwing it back on.

 Screws: 45 Nm

 Screws: 280 Nm

★ When installing the engine make sure that no other engine

parts are damaged.

★ Make sure that the engine is correctly positioned and

aligned precisely.

• See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Installa-

tion of variable displacement pump assembly" on page 30-

 Screws: 280 Nm

• Tighten the screw (9) carefully (hollow screw).

• When reconnecting the hydraulic lines check that the mark-

ings coincide.

• Tighten the screw (7) carefully (hollow screw).

• Tighten the screw (5) carefully (hollow screw).

• When reconnecting the fuel lines check that the markings


30-20 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


• When reconnecting the electrical cables check that the

markings coincide.

• Fill the engine up with oil. See Operation Manual:

6 Engine oil: 7.5 l

• Fill the radiator up with coolant again.

6 Coolant: 9.1 l

• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

• Vent the hydrostatic travel gear and check the function:

Variable displacement pump and induction lines are filled

with oil.

• Open the filler pipe at the hydraulic tank.

• Start the engine and dump the bucket.

• Raise the lifting arm to its full extension upwards and tilt
the bucket fully.

• Let the engine continue to run and close the filler pipe
on the hydraulic tank.

• Lower the lifting arm to the ground and switch the en-
gine off.

• Check the oil level and top up with oil, if necessary.

• Finally, conduct a check of the seals and the various


• Check the engine speed.

See chapter 20 TESTING AND ADJUSTING "Engine RPM"
on page 20-21.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-21


Clutch assembly

Removal of clutch assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

• Remove the variable displacement pump.

See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal
of variable displacement pump assembly" on page 30-102.

1. Clutch
a. Unscrew the clutch cover (1) from the flywheel housing. 3

b. Unscrew the clutch flange (2) from the flywheel.

c. Unscrew the screw (3) to remove the hub (4) from the

30-22 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Installation of clutch assembly

• To fit the clutch carry out the removal procedure in reverse

• Clean the fastening screws for the flange and apply adhe-
sive to the screws.

 Loctite® 242 (blue) or Omnifit® 80M (red)

 Screws: 49 Nm

 Screws: 37 Nm

• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-23


Radiator assembly

Removal of radiator assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

• Remove the engine cover. See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY

AND ASSEMBLY "Removal of engine cover assembly" on
page 30-11.

1. Draining the coolant 


6 Coolant: 9.1 l

2. Draining the hydraulic oil from the radiator 

See Operation Manual: HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS – CHANG-

6 Hydraulic oil: 45 l

★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in or-

der to prevent vapours from exiting and to prevent any
dirt and foreign particles from entering.

3. Wiper
Disconnect all cables and hoses from the two wiper washer
containers (1).

4. Hydraulic hoses
a. Disconnect the two hydraulic hoses at the positions (2)
and (3) from the fan drive.

30-24 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


b. Disconnect the hydraulic hose in position (3) from the

3 5
radiator stud.

c. Allow residual oil to flow out of the radiator.

d. Disconnect the hydraulic hose in position (4) from the

radiator stud.

5. Coolant hoses 4
a. Disconnect the hose (7) from the drain cock. 6
b. Disconnect the radiator's two hose lines (5) and (6).

6. Mounting
a. Suspend the radiator by means of a hoist.

b. Loosen the four fastening screws (8) for the brackets

that fix the radiator to the bottom of the frame. 

★ Make sure that all the lines and hoses to the radiator
have been disconnected.

★ Make sure that when the radiator is being lifted out

of its support that no other part of the machine is

c. Lift the radiator assembly slowly out of the engine com-


4 Radiator assembly: 41 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-25


Installation of radiator assembly

• To fit the radiator carry out the removal procedure in reverse

★ Before installing the radiator, remove any residual oil

and dirt from the engine compartment.

• Make sure that the fan is not damaged in any way when re-
placing the radiator.

 Screws: 115 Nm

• Fill the radiator up with coolant again. See Operation Manu-


6 Coolant: 9.1 l

• Fill the hydraulic tank with oil again and check the hydraulic
oil level.

6 Hydraulic oil: 45 l

Correct the oil level if necessary. Once finished you should

vent the hydraulic oil tank. See Operation Manual: HY-

30-26 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Fan assembly

Removal of fan assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

1. Radiator
Unscrew the four fastening screws (1) to get access to the
back side of the fan.

2. Fan
Unscrew the nut (2) from the hydraulic engine and remove
the fan. 

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-27


Installation of fan assembly

• To fit the fan and pulley carry out the removal procedure in
reverse order.

 Screw: 35 - 45 Nm

• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

30-28 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Inch brake valve assembly

Inch brake valve assembly

Removal of inch brake valve assembly

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!

1. Hydraulic lines
★ Mark the hydraulic lines to make sure that they don't get
mixed up when being reconnected. 

a. Disconnect the hydraulic lines (1) and (2) from the inch
brake valve.

★ Close the lines immediately with a plug in order to pre-

vent vapours from exiting and to prevent any dirt and
foreign particles from entering.

b. Disconnect the plug (3) from the inch brake valve.

2. Brake pedal
Release the threaded rod's fork head (4) from the brake
pedal. 

3. Inch brake valve

Unscrew the two fastening screws (5) and remove the valve.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-29

Inch brake valve assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of inch brake valve assembly

• To fit the inch brake valve carry out the removal procedure in
reverse order.

 Screws: 35 Nm

• Check the setting dimension on the inch brake valve.

★ See chapter 20 TESTING AND ADJUSTING "Inch valve

– basic adjustment" on page 20-33.

• When reconnecting the hydraulic lines make sure that the

markings coincide.

• Check the oil level of the brake and top up with oil if neces-
sary. See Operation Manual: SERVICE PROCEDURE,

• Vent the brake oil tank and lines as follows:

1. Connect a transparent hose to the brake oil breather (1) and

provide a tray to collect brake oil leaking from the breather.

★ The breather (1) of the WA65-5 and WA70-5 is located

under the brake in the front frame.

★ The two breathers (1) of the WA80-5 are located on the

front wheels.

2. Fully top up the brake oil expansion tank (2).

3. Connect a bag-type accumulator (3) to the brake oil expan-

sion tank (2) and open the bag-type accumulator’s faucet to
apply pressure to the brake system.

4. Only WA65-5 and WA70-5: Signal a second person to gently

press down the brake pedal once and keep it pressed.
WA80-5: Operation of the brake pedal is NOT required.

5. Loosen the breather’s bleeder screw (1) and observe the

brake oil and air bubbles exiting from the outlet.

6. Tighten the breather’s bleeder screw (1) as soon as no more

oil or air exits the breather.

7. Only WA65-5 and WA70-5: Signal the second person to re-

lease the brake pedal.

8. Repeat the steps 4 to 7 until no more air bubbles exit the


9. Only WA80-5: Repeat the steps 1 to 8 for the second breath-

er on the other front wheel.

30-30 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Priority valve assembly

Priority valve assembly

Removal of priority valve assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

1. Hydraulic lines
★ Mark the three hydraulic lines (1), (2) and (3) to make
sure that they don't get mixed up when being reconnect-
ed. 

Disconnect the hydraulic lines (1), (2) and (3) from the prior-
ity valve.

★ Close the lines immediately with a plug in order to pre-

vent vapours from exiting and to prevent any dirt and
foreign particles from entering.

2. Mounting
Unscrew the four fastening bolts (4) and remove the priority
★ Take care not to loose the O-ring (5).


WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-31

Priority valve assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of priority valve assembly

• To fit the priority valve carry out the removal procedure in re-
verse order.

• When reconnecting the lines make sure that the markings


• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

30-32 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Orbit-roll-valve assembly

Orbit-roll-valve assembly

Removal of orbit-roll-valve assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

1. Cover
Remove the six fastening screws (1) and remove the cab's
centre cover.

2. Hydraulic lines
★ Mark the hydraulic lines to make sure that they don't get 3
mixed up when being reconnected.  2
Unscrew all five hydraulic lines (2) to (6) from the orbit-roll- 6

★ Close all hoses immediately with a plug in order to pre-

vent vapours from exiting and to prevent any dirt and
foreign particles from entering.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-33

Orbit-roll-valve assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

3. Orbit-roll-valve
Remove the four fastening screws (7) and withdraw the
orbit-roll-valve downwards and away from the steering
column's gearing.

4 Steering valve: 6.5 - 7 kg

30-34 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Orbit-roll-valve assembly

Installation of orbit-roll-valve assembly

• To fit the orbit-roll-valve carry out the removal procedure in
reverse order.

• Grease the gearing before reinstalling the steering valve.

 Screws: 30 Nm

• When reconnecting the lines make sure that the markings


• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-35

Counterweight assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Counterweight assembly

Removal of counterweight assembly

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!

1. Cover plates
a. Unscrew the two screws (1) and remove the cover plate
from the battery compartment.

b. Unscrew the cap and disconnect both cables from the


c. Unscrew the battery holder and remove the battery.

2. Rear lights
Disconnect the electrical plug-type connectors XM6 on the
left-hand side (2) and XM7 on the right-hand side (3).

3. Counterweight
a. Screw the two eye bolts (M20) into the threaded holes
(4) from above into the counterweight.

b. Suspend the counterweight by means of hoisting gear.

c. Unscrew the four fastening bolts (5) and lower the

counterweight to the ground. 

★ When lifting make sure that the load is properly bal-


4 Counterweight: 615 kg

30-36 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Counterweight assembly

Installation of counterweight assembly

• To fit the counterweight carry out the removal procedure in
reverse order.

 Screws: 560 Nm

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-37

Control valve assembly (WA65-5 / WA70-5) DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Control valve assembly (WA65-5 / WA70-5)

Removal of control valve assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

1. Cladding
a. Remove the safety lock lever in the operator’s cab.

b. Unscrew the five screws (1) and remove the cladding.

c. Unscrew the four screws (2). 

d. Pull the rubber collar up and unscrew the four fastening

screws (3). 

2. Hydraulic lines
★ Mark the hydraulic lines to make sure that they don't get
mixed up when being reconnected. 

Unscrew the hydraulic lines (8 in all) from the control valve.

★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in or-

der to prevent vapours from exiting and to prevent any
dirt and foreign particles from entering.

30-38 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Control valve assembly (WA65-5 / WA70-5)

3. Electrical connection
Disconnect the actuater's plug-type connector (4).

4. Control valve
Remove the three fastening screws (5), incline the control
valve towards the front of the wheel loader and lift the con-
trol valve upwards out of its compartment. 

4 Control valve: 15 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-39

Control valve assembly (WA65-5 / WA70-5) DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of control valve assembly

• To fit the main control device carry out the removal procedu-
re in reverse order.

 Screws: 14 Nm

 Screws: 14 Nm

• When reconnecting the lines make sure that the markings


• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

 Screws: 35 Nm

30-40 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Main control valve assembly (WA80-5)

Main control valve assembly (WA80-5)

Removal of main control valve assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
• Raise the bucket to its highest position, dump the bucket
completely and suspend the boom from hoisting gear.
• Switch the engine off and actuate the parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

1. Compartment
Unscrew the four srews and open the compartment in the
front frame.

2. Hydraulic lines

DANGER of crushing!
When you disconnect the hydraulic lines, the boom will
lower. Make sure the boom is secured against lowering by
suspending it to a hoist before you disconnect the hydrau-
lic lines.

★ Mark the hydraulic lines to make sure that they don't get
mixed up when being reconnected. 

Unscrew all hydraulic lines (14 in all) from the main control

★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in or-

der to prevent vapours from exiting and to prevent any
dirt and foreign particles from entering.

3. Main control device

Unscrew the three fastening screws (1) under the front
frame and lift the main control valve out of the machine.

4 Main control valve: 15 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-41

Main control valve assembly (WA80-5) DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of main control valve assembly

• To fit the main control valve carry out the removal procedure
in reverse order.

 Screws: 35 Nm

• When reconnecting the lines make sure that the markings


• When reconnecting the lines vent the six PPC hydraulic

lines one after the other as follows:

• Make sure the boom ist suspended from hoisting gear!

• Tilt the bucket completely!

a. Start the engine to recharge the PPC pressure accumu-


b. Stop the engine.

c. Remove one of the six PPC hydraulic lines from the

control valve and place a tray under the hydraulic line to
collect leaking hydraulic oil.

d. Operate the PPC that corresponds to the removed hy-

draulic line for approx. 20 s.

Front side of control valve Back side of control valve

Hydraulic Hydraulic
line color Operation line color Operation
indication indication

green lift yellow lower

red dump blue tilt

white open brown close

e. Reconnect the hydraulic line to the control valve.

f. Repeat the steps a to e for the other five PPC hydraulic


• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

30-42 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Pilot valve assembly (WA80-5)

Pilot valve assembly (WA80-5)

Removal of pilot valve assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

1. Cover
Unscrew the screws (1) and remove the cover.

2. Electrical connections
Disconnect the pilot valve's plug-type connector (2).

3. Hydraulic lines
★ Mark the hydraulic lines to make sure that they don't get
mixed up when being reconnected. 

Unscrew all the hydraulic lines (3) (8 in all) from the pilot

★ Close all hoses immediately with plugs in order to pre-

vent the vapours from exiting and to prevent any dirt and
foreign particles from entering.

4. Pilot valve
a. Unscrew the four screws (2). 

b. Pull the rubber collar up and unscrew the four fastening

screws (3) and remove the pilot valve. 

4 Pilot valve assembly: 25 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-43

Pilot valve assembly (WA80-5) DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of pilot valve assembly

• To fit the pilot valve carry out the removal procedure in re-
verse order.

 Screws: 35 Nm

 Screws: 35 Nm

• When reconnecting the lines make sure that the markings


• When reconnecting the lines vent the six PPC hydraulic

lines one after the other as follows:

Tilt the bucket completely!

a. Start the engine to recharge the PPC pressure accumu-


b. Stop the engine.

c. Remove one of the six PPC hydraulic lines from the

control valve and place a tray under the hydraulic line to
collect leaking hydraulic oil.

d. Operate the PPC that corresponds to the removed hy-

draulic line for approx. 20 s.

Front side of control valve Back side of control valve

Hydraulic Hydraulic
line color Operation line color Operation
indication indication

green lift yellow lower

red dump blue tilt

white open brown close

e. Reconnect the hydraulic line to the control valve.

f. Repeat the steps a to e for the other five PPC hydraulic


• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

30-44 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Monitor assembly

Removal of monitor assembly

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!

1. Monitor housing
a. Remove the steering wheel.

b. Unscrew the two fastening screws (1) under the monitor


c. Unscrew the four fastening screws (2), remove the

bracket and lift the bellows to get access to the steering

d. Unscrew the bolt (3) from the handle (5) and remove the
bolt (3), the spring (4) and the handle (5).

e. Unscrew the bushing (6), and remove the bushings (7)

and (8), the three discs (9) and the positioner (10).

★ When removing the positioner (10) prevent any part

from falling into the steering column. 

f. Slightly lift and incline the housing so that the electrical

cables underneath the monitor are visible.

★ When handling the monitor housing do not use ex-

cessive force to pull the cables out.

2. Electrical connections
Disconnect the three plugs (12).

3. Monitor
Unscrew the four fastening screws (11) and take the monitor
out of its housing.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-45


Installation of monitor assembly

• To fit the monitor carry out the removal procedure in reverse

• When inserting the positioner (10) prevent any part from fall-
ing into the steering column.

• The three discs (9, see previous page) must be inserted be-
tween the two parts (15) and (16).

• The positioner’s nose (13) must fit in the notch (14).

30-46 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Articulated joint assembly

Articulated joint assembly

Removal of articulated joint assembly

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!

1. Articulated joint
★ Support the articulated joint and mark its installation po-
sition before loosening the bolted connections. 

a. Remove the bolted connections (1) between the articu-

lated joint and the transfer gear. 

b. Remove the bolted connections (2) between the articu-

lated joint and the front axle. 

c. Remove the articulated joint.

4 Articulated joint: 11 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-47

Articulated joint assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of articulated joint assembly

• To fit the articulated joint carry out the removal procedure in
reverse order.

• When reinstalling the articulated joint make sure that the in-
stallation position lines up with the markings.

• Align the universal joints to each other.


• Tighten the bolts in a crosswise pattern.

 Screws: 35 Nm

30-48 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Variable motor assembly

Variable motor assembly

Removal of variable motor assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and actuate the
parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

• Remove the articulated joint.

See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal
of articulated joint assembly" on page 30-47.

1. Draining the hydraulic oil from the radiator 

See Operation Manual: HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS – CHANG-

6 Hydraulic oil: 45 l

★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in or-

der to prevent vapours from exiting and to prevent any
dirt and foreign particles from entering.

2. Electrical connections
★ Mark the connectors in order to prevent flaws when re-
connecting. 

Disconnect the two connectors (1) from the solenoids.

3. Hydraulic lines
★ Mark the hydraulic lines to make sure that they don't get
mixed up when being reconnected. 

a. Disconnect the two travel hydraulic lines (2) and (3) from
the pipes.

b. Unscrew the hose line (4) which leads from the hydrau-
lic oil tank to the variable motor.

c. Only 35 km/h version: Unscrew the hose line (5) leading

from the variable displacement pump to the variable mo-

★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in or-

der to prevent vapours from exiting and to prevent any
dirt and foreign particles from entering.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-49

Variable motor assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

4. Variable motor 6
a. Support the variable motor by means of a jack and se-
cure the motor against falling to the ground. 4

★ Unscrew the four fastening bolts (6) and remove the 1

variable motor. 

4 Variable motor: 34 kg 3

2 5

30-50 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Variable motor assembly

Installation of variable motor assembly

• To fit the variable motor carry out the removal procedure in
reverse order.

Grease the toothing before remounting the variable motor.

 Screws: 115 Nm


• When reconnecting the lines make sure that the markings


• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

• Vent the hydrostatic travel gear and check the function:

Variable displacement pump and induction lines are filled

with oil.

• Open the filler pipe at the hydraulic tank.

• Start the engine and dump the bucket.

• Raise the lifting arm to its full extension upwards and tilt
the bucket fully.

• Let the engine continue to run and close the filler pipe
on the hydraulic tank.

• Lower the lifting arm to the ground and switch then en-
gine off.

• Check the oil level and top up with oil, if necessary.

• Finally conduct a check of the seals and the various


WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-51


Rear axle assembly

Removal of rear axle assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing! Move the bucket to the
transport position, switch the engine off and apply the
parking brake.
• Danger of tipping over! Make sure that the machine can-
not tip over when being lifted up.

• Removing and/or installing the rear axle has to be per-

formed by two people!

1. Raising the rear end

a. Slide a jack from the rear into the centre position below
the rear axle and place a block of hardwood between
the jack and the rear axle.

The jack's load-bearing capacity must be at least 3000 kg!

b. Raise the machine so that the rear wheels are lifted ap-
proximately 15 cm off the ground.

c. Place a supporting chock or a block of hardwood under

the left and right-hand sides of the machine's rear end.

The chock's load-bearing capacity must be at least 3000 kg!

d. Lower the machine slowly to the ground and make sure

that the rear end rests safely on the support chocks.

e. Lower the bucket to the ground.

2. Wheels
★ Make sure that the wheels cannot tip over when being

a. Unscrew the wheel nuts (1). 

b. Two people should then remove the wheel from the rear

4 Wheel: 60 - 90 kg

• Carry out the same procedure on the opposite side of the


30-52 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


• Remove the articulated joint. See chapter 30 DISASSEM-

BLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal of articulated joint assem-
bly" on page 30-47.

3. Variable motor
a. Support the variable motor and secure it against falling
to the ground.

b. Unscrew the four fastening bolts (2) and remove the

variable motor from the transfer gear. 

c. Leave the variable motor attached to the rear frame and

fasten it so that the rear axle dismantling process is not
inhibited in any way.

4 Variable motor: 34 kg

4. Brake lines (applies to WA80-5 only)

Unscrew the hose lines (3) at the t-connection.

★ Close the tank inlet and the t-connection immediately

with vent plugs in order to prevent vapours from exiting
and to prevent any dirt and foreign particles from enter-

5. Parking brake's control cable

Unhook the control cable from the brake lever. 

6. Axles
a. Slide the jack under the rear axle at the centre and
place a block of hardwood between the jack and the ax-
le. Make sure that the jack is tightly pressed up against
the axle.

b. Unscrew the stirrup bolts located on both sides of the

axle. 

c. Lower the rear axle together with the transfer gear slow-
ly to the ground and then withdraw the entire axle from
underneath the machine.

4 Rear axle with transfer gear: 272 - 336 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-53


Installation of rear axle assembly

• To fit the rear axle carry out the removal procedure in re-
verse order.

 Screws: 800 Nm

 Screws: 115 Nm

 Nuts: 400 - 450 Nm

• Bleed the brake system. See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY

AND ASSEMBLY "Installation of inch brake valve assembly"
on page 30-30.

30-54 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Front axle assembly

Removal of front axle assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing! Lower the bucket, switch
the engine off and apply the parking brake.
• Danger of tipping over! Make sure that the machine can-
not tip over when being lifted up!

• Removing and/or installing the rear axle has to be per-

formed by two people!

• Remove the articulated joint. See chapter 30 DISASSEM-

BLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal of articulated joint assem-
bly" on page 30-47.

• Remove the disc brake. See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY

AND ASSEMBLY "Brake disc group" on page 30-58.

1. Raising the front end

a. Press the bucket down onto the ground so that the ma-
chine's front wheels lift approximately 15 cm off the

b. Place a supporting chock or a block of hardwood on the

left and right-hand sides of the machine's front end.

The chock's load-bearing capacity must be at least 3000 kg!

2. Wheels
★ Make sure that the wheel cannot tip over when being re-

a. Unscrew the wheel nuts. 

b. Two people should then remove the wheel from the rear

4 Wheel: 60 - 90 kg

• Carry out the same procedure on the opposite side of

the machine.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-55


3. Axles
a. Slide the jack under the front axle at the centre and
place a block of hardwood between the jack and the ax-
le. Make sure that the jack is tightly pressed up against
the axle.

The chock's load-bearing capacity must be at least 2000 kg!

b. Unscrew the stirrup bolts located on both sides of the

axle. 

c. Lower the front axle together with the transfer gear

slowly to the ground and then withdraw the entire axle
from underneath the machine.

4 Front axle: 240 - 302 kg

30-56 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Installation of front axle assembly

• To fit the front axle carry out the removal procedure in re-
verse order.

 Stirrup bolts: 800 Nm

 Wheel nuts: 400 - 450 Nm

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-57


Front axle

Brake disc group

1. Unscrew the bolts (4).

2. Remove the brake caliper (5) from the support (10) and from
the brake disc (7).

3. Remove the snap ring (6).

4. Remove the brake disc (7).

5. Remove the snap ring (8).

30-58 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


6. Unscrew the bolts (9).

7. Remove the brake caliper support (10).

8. Only if necessary remove the dowel pin (11).

9. Remove the seal ring (12).

This is a destructive operation for the seal ring.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-59


1. Assemble the seal ring (12) into the brake caliper support
(10) with special tool CA715476.

2. Before matching worked surfaces, make sure they are per-

fectly clean.

3. Degrease and clean with appropriate detergents.

4. Spread a film of grease on the contact surface of the brake

caliper support and the differential support (2).

 Loctite® 510 Superbond® 529

Check that the dowel pin (11) is in its seat.

5. Assemble the brake caliper support (10) with the bolts (9).

6. Tighten the bolts (9).

 50 Nm

7. Insert the snap ring (8) on the pinion end.

8. Assemble the brake disc (7).

9. Assemble the snap ring (6).

30-60 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


10. Assemble the brake caliper (5) on the support (10) with the
fastening bolts (9).

11. Apply sealant on fastening bolts (9).

 Loctite® 270 Superbond® 331

12. Tighten the bolts (9).

 169 Nm

13. Check the brake caliper correct running blowing 5 bar pres-
sure air into the hole (a1).

Warning: never apply the brake lever (a2) during brake cali-
per assembly.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-61


Brake caliper
All checking the disassembly and assembly instructions have
been taken from the brake caliper manufacturer manual of CAR-
RARO. KOMATSU is not responsible for any change made by
the manufacturer.

Hydraulic principle of operation

When the brakes are applied, hydraulic pressure acts on the
brake piston (10) moving it in the direction indicated by arrow “D”
and causing the pad to be applied to the disc (8).

While increased pressure ensures harder braking, it also results,

above a predetermined threshold, in the actuation of the auto-
adjust-mechanism as follows:
when washer (II) bears on thrust ball bearing (12), it causes ad-
justing nut (13), mounted on threaded rod (14), to rotate while
rod rotation is prevented by pusher (15) and lever (6).
At the same time, coil spring (24), attached to the brake piston
(10), is unwound a little, allowing the adjusting nut to rotate. The
mechanical brake (parking brake), actuated through lever (6), is
thus automatically adjusted each time the footbrake is applied. WARNING: UPDATE IN PROCESS!

30-62 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Differential position
Compensation of parking brake auto-adjustment basic principle

Aim: To maintain constant adjustment of parking brake linkage

by increasing distance “d” to match pad wear. Above a certain
predetermined pressure, the hydraulic forces acting on the pres-
sure faces of differential piston (16) are out of balance, causing it
to move. Since the cross-section of face S2 is larger than that of
face SI, the piston moves in the direction of arrow “F”. The piston
(16) compresses elastic washers (17), relaxing the force acting
on adjusting nut (13), thus avoiding any risk of over-adjustment
due to caliper deflection of the compressibility of the pad friction

Mechanical principle of operation

When the parking brake is applied, lever (6) acts on pusher (15)
and threaded rod (14), causing adjusting nut (13) to come into
contact with brake piston (10). At the same time, the opposing
(winding) force of coil spring (24) prevents the nut from rotating.
Brake pad (9A) is applied directly to the disc (8) while the reac-
tion force causes the calliper to slide sideways on its guide so
pad (9B) also bears on the disc. The parking brake is thus “on”.
As soon as the parking brake is released, and cable tension re-
duced, lever (6) is returned to its original position as a result of
the relaxation of the elastic washers (20).

Caliper removal
1. Disconnect the electrical pad wear indicator leads.

2. Remove the safety clip.

3. Press down on the calliper and drift out the retaining pin.

4. Disconnect the parking brake cable.

5. Disconnect the flexible hose from the inlet port.

6. Rotate the calliper about the guide.

7. Slide the calliper off the guide.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-63


Disassembly (calliper removed)

1. Remove the piston dust cover.

2. Using a square-section tool (10 mm on a side) as indicated,

unscrew the piston until it rotates freely.

3. Place a piece of wood between the piston and the calliper.

Eject the piston from the calliper body by gradually applying
compressed air to the inlet port. If the piston is to be reused
take special care not to damage or dirty it. Clean only with
unused LHM mineral brake fluid.

4. Extract the seal from its groove using a smooth, round-

edged tool.

Under no circumstances should the internal piston compo-

nents be disassembled.

1. Remove the dust cover protecting the parking brake assem-

2. Clean all grease off the assembly.

3. Remove the snap ring (1).

4. Fit an extractor by sliding the legs into the grooves normally

intended for the lip of the parking brake assembly dust cov-

5. To compress the cover and the spring, use special tool

CA715755 (a1).

6. Screw the extractor bolt (a2). Remove the cam shaft (2).

7. Remove the extractor and the special tool.

30-64 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


8. Remove the pusher (3).

9. Unscrew the threaded rod (4).

10. Remove the threaded rod (4), the helical spring (5) and the
cover (7).

11. Remove the O-ring (6) from the threaded rod (4).

12. Clean the caliper body and seal groove, then dry with com-
pressed air.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-65


1. Apply grease to the various parts of the assembly, and most
particularly to the bore receiving the threaded rod.

2. Assemble a new O-ring (6) on the threaded rod (4).

3. Assemble the threaded rod (4), the helical spring (5) and the
cover (7) on the brake caliper.

4. Screw the threaded rod (4).

5. Place the threaded rod (4) and the cover (6) as shown in fig-
ure to allow the cam shaft (2) insertion.

6. Grease the pusher (3).

7. Place the pusher into its seat.

8. Fit an extractor by sliding the legs into the grooves normally

intended for the lip of the parking brake assembly dust cov-

9. To compress the cover and the spring, use special tool

CA715755 (a1). Screw the extractor’s bolt (a2).

30-66 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


10. Screw the piston with a wrench to further compress the

spring (5).

11. Insert the cam shaft (2).

12. Verify that the pusher (3) is in its seat.

13. Lock the cam shaft (2) with the snap ring (1).

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-67


Caliper reassembly
1. Dip the new piston seal into unused LHM fluid, then in-
sert it into the groove in the cylinder body.

2. Using clean LHM fluid, lubricate the cylinder bore and

piston. Insert the piston into the bore.

3. Push the piston home while rotating. This operation is

facilitated by using a special tool (as illustrated).

4. Screw the piston home. Rotate the piston until the slot
is perpendicular to the yoke when the calliper is locked
in position, i.e. with the air vent and bleedscrew in line
with each other.

5. Apply mineral grease to the inner surface of the dust

cover then fit to cylinder body.

Before attempting to use the parking brake, it is essential to

bleed the hydraulic circuit and depress the footbrake pedal
several times in order to move the pads to their normal op-
erating positions.

Replacement of guide protective covers

1. Do not remove the guide sleeve from the yoke.

2. Remove the complete protective covers with the bond-

ed collars.

3. Remove grease. Replace the guide bushes (2).

4. Using a mallet and a tube with an inside diameter a little

under 24 mm, fit the new protective covers (1).

5. Liberally smear the parts with the grease supplied in the


6. Slide the calliper onto the guide sleeve (3), then insert
the lips of the protective covers into the grooves at each
end of the sleeve.

30-68 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Pad replacement
1. Disconnect the electrical pad wear indicator leads.

2. Remove the safety clip (1).

3. Press down on the calliper and drift out the retaining pin

4. Rotate the caliper about the guide.

5. Remove the brake pads. Screw the piston fully down

(using a special tool).

6. Rotate the piston until the slot is perpendicular to the

yoke when the calliper is locked in position, i.e. with the
air vent and bleedscrew in line with each other.

7. Fit the new pads, making sure to place the pad with the
lug on the piston side.

8. Fit the new anti-clog pin (3) supplied with the Service

9. Rotate the calliper and check that the lug on the pad fits
correctly into the slot in the piston.

10. Push the calliper back to its normal position.

11. Fit the retaining pin and safety clip.

12. Feed the pad wear indicator leads through the anti-clog

13. Reconnect the pad wear indicator leads.

14. Depress the footbrake pedal several times to move the

pads to the normal operating position.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-69


Brake group - wheel shaft

1. Drain the oil completely from the axle beam.

2. Remove the short half shaft (1) from the wheel shaft.

3. Remove the brake bleed plug (20).

4. Unscrew and remove the wheel shaft retaining bolts (19).

Warning: do not drop the wheel shaft; if necessary use a

sling to hold it.

5. Remove the wheel shaft (2) carefully, making sure neither

the brake disc (13) nor the brake disc carrier (15) drop out.

6. With a lever remove the counterplate (14) from the axle


7. Remove the brake disc (13) and the brake disc carrier (15).

8. If necessary, remove the snap ring (16) inside of the brake

disc carrier (15).

30-70 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


9. Unscrew and remove the screw of the self-adjust kit (11) and
of the brake mechanism return kit (12).

10. Remove the relevant components.

11. Check the operating and wear conditions of the kit compo-
nents (11) and (12).

12. In order to extract the brake piston (8), use the hydraulic
connection applying the lowest oil or air pressure necessary
to dislodge the piston.

Warning: this operation must be performed with extreme


13. Collect the quadrings (7) and (9) from the brake piston (8).

14. Remove the three split pins (9) of the brake piston with a
hammer and a punch.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-71


15. Remove the seal ring (6) with a lever.

16. Turn the wheel shaft. Position the wheel shaft on a flat sur-
face and remove the bushing (5) using a suitable drift and a

17. Remove the long half shaft (18) from the axle housing (17).

30-72 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


1. Force the bushing (5) into the wheel shaft with the special
tool CA715649 and a hammer.

2. Turn the wheel shaft. Assemble the seal ring (6) into the
wheel shaft with the special tool CA715025 and a hammer.

3. Assemble the split pin of the self-adjust kit (11) in the brake
piston, using the special tool CA715752.

4. Clean the piston and the seat of the Quad-rings.

5. Grease the Quad-ring seat.

6. Insert and grease the Quad-rings (7) and (9).

7. Position a flat disc on the piston.

8. With a lever anchored to an eyebolt, exert a pressure just

enough to insert the piston into the wheel shaft.

Warning: do not damage the Quad-rings.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-73


9. Collect the components of the self-adjust kit (11) and the pis-
ton return kit (12).

10. Install them into the piston as shown in the picture.

11. Tighten the fastening screws of the kits to the prescribed


 10 Nm

12. Assemble the counterplate (14).

13. Fit the long half shaft (17) into the axle beam (18).

14. Check that the snap ring (16) is already assembled into the
brake disc carrier (15).

15. Assemble the brake disc.

Warning: check that the brake disc pin (10) is towards the
bottom (see picture).

30-74 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


16. Before matching surfaces, make sure they are perfectly

clean. Degrease and clean with appropriate detergents.

17. Spread a film of sealant on the contact surface between the

axle beam and the wheel shaft.

 Loctite® 510 / Superbond® 529

Check that the dowel pins (10) are in their seats.

18. Position the wheel shaft (2) on the axle housing and tighten
the retaining bolts (19) to the requested torque.

 190 Nm

19. Assemble the breather (20) and top up the oil.

 8 - 12 Nm

20. Assemble the short half-shaft (1) into the wheel shaft.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-75


Rear axle

Trunnions group and flange

1. Unscrew the fastening screws (1) and remove the cover with
seal ring (2).

2. Remove the seal ring (3).

This is a destructive operation for the seal ring.

3. Remove the bush (4) from the differential support.

4. Remove the thrust washer (5).

5. Unscrew the bolt (11) and remove the support (14).

6. Remove the bush (10) and the bush (9).

7. Remove the seal ring (8).

This is a destructive operation for the seal ring. Remove the
thrust washer (7).

30-76 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


1. Apply grease to the thrust washer (7) surface on the axle
beam side. Assemble the thrust washer (7).

2. Heat the bush (9) to 110 - 120 °C then assemble it to the dif-
ferential support.

If necessary assemble the bush (9) with a pad and a hammer.

Warning: observe safety instructions.

3. Apply sealant on bushes (13) contact surface.

4. Assemble the bushes (13) to the rear support (14) with a

pad and a hammer.

5. Assemble the bush (10) in the rear support (14).

Warning: align the bush hole with the fastening bolt (13)

6. Assemble the bolt (13) and the nipples (12) and tighten
them to the prescribed torque.

7. Assemble a new seal ring (8) well lubricated into the front
support (14) with the special tool CA715031.

8. Insert the front support (14) on the axle beam (6).

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-77


9. Place the washer (5) on the differential support.

10. Heat the bush (4) to 110 - 120 °C then assemble it to the dif-
ferential support.

If necessary assemble the bush (4) with a pad and a hammer.

Warning: observe safety instructions.

11. Assemble a new seal ring (3) into the cover (2) with the spe-
cial tool CA715476. Apply prescribed sealant on the cover.

12. Assemble the cover with seal ring.

13. Screw the fastening screws.

 50 Nm

30-78 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Epicyclic reduction gear group

1. Drain the oil completely from the epicyclic reduction gear.

2. Unscrew and remove the two fastening bolts (3) of the plan-
etary carrier (1) with a wrench.

3. Remove the planetary carrier (1) from the wheel hub and
collect the relative O-Ring (4).

4. Position the planetary carrier (1) on a workbench and check

its wear conditions.

5. If required, replace the planetary gears (7) as follows:

6 9 10
a. remove the snap rings (10) from every pin (5);

b. remove the thrust washers (9); 8

c. remove the planetary gears (7) from the pins (5); 7

d. collect the needle bearings (6) and (8) checking their


WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-79


1. Collect all epicyclic reduction gear parts: the planetary carri-
er (1), the snap ring (10), the thrust washer (9), the planetary 6 8 10
gear (7) with the needle bearings (6) and (8).

With new planetary gears (7) it is advisable to assemble new nee- 7
dle bearings (6) and (8).

2. Position the planetary carrier (1) on a workbench.

Grease well the needle bearings (6) and (8).

3. Insert the needle bearings (6) and (8) in the epicyclic gears

4. Fit the epicyclic gears (7) to the planetary carrier (1) pins.

5. Insert the thrust washer (9) and the snap rings (10) to the
planetary carrier (1) pins.

6. Assemble a new O-Ring (4) on the planetary carrier (1).

7. Assemble the epicyclic reduction gear on the wheel hub.

8. Assemble the screws (3) and tighten them.

 25 Nm

9. Top up the oil on the wheel hub.

10. Fit the oil plug (2) on the planetary carrier (1) and tighten it.

 60 Nm

30-80 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Wheel hub

1. Slide the half-shaft from the axle beam. Unscrew and re-
move the fastening bolts (1) from the wheel carrier group.

2. In order to remove the wheel carrier group from its housing,

screw at least two of the just removed bolts (1) in the thread-
ed extraction holes.

3. Remove the wheel carrier (4) together with the ring gear (3).

4. Only if necessary, remove the centering bushes (2) of the

wheel carrier with a hammer and the special tool CA715655.

5. Remove the lock ring (5).

6. Remove the wheel hub (7), using levers and a hammer to

facilitate the operation.

Collect the bearing cone (6).

7. Position the wheel hub (7) on a flat surface and remove the
seal ring (10) with a lever.

This is a destructive operation for the seal ring.

8. Remove the bearing cups (6) and (9) using a hammer and a

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-81


9. To unscrew and replace worn-out hub studs (8), use a nut

and a lock nut on the studs, first heating the area where they
are positioned.

10. Remove the bearing cone (9) from the wheel shaft end using
a suitable extractor.

30-82 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


The special operation “Set Right“ of the bearings does not re-
quire preload or backlash adjustment. Anyway, before assem-
bling new components check the indicated dimensions.
A = 08.450 - 08.500 mm
B = 54.775 - 54.825 mm
C = 23.072 - 23.173 mm B

1. Heat the bearing (9) to 80 - 100 °C (176 - 212 °F).

2. Assemble the bearing cone on the wheel shaft end.

Caution! Wear safety gloves!

3. Apply the prescribed sealant on the threads and tighten the

studs (8) to the prescribed torque using two nuts (nut and
lock nut).

4. Position the wheel hub (7) on a workbench and force the two
bearing cups (6) and (9) in position with the special tool
CA715026 under a press or with a hammer.

5. Insert the seal ring (10) into the wheel hub with the special
tool CA119143 and a hammer.

6. Assemble the wheel hub (7) on the wheel shaft.

7. Heat the bearing (6) to 80 - 100°C (176 - 212°F).

8. Assemble bearing cone.

Warning: wear safety gloves

9. Position the wheel carrier (4) on a workbench and force the

bushes (2) to the carrier surface level with the special tool
CA715655. At least two bushes (diametrically-opposed)
should be set slightly higher than the carrier surface level to
be used as dowel pins.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-83


10. Preassemble the wheel carrier (4) and the epicyclic ring
gear (3) with the locking ring (5).

11. Assemble the wheel carrier group (3), (4) and (5) on the
wheel hub using the two projecting bushes (2) as dowel

12. Force all hub dowel bushes (2) completely with the special
tool CA715655 and a hammer.

13. Assemble the wheel carrier (4) fastening bolts and tighten to
the requested torque. Assemble the short half-shaft.

30-84 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Wheel shaft

1. Drain the oil completely from the axle beam.

2. Remove the short half shaft (1) from the wheel shaft.

3. Unscrew and remove the wheel shaft retaining bolts (19).

Warning: do not drop the wheel shaft; if necessary use a

sling to hold it!

4. Remove the wheel shaft (2).

5. Collect the O-Ring (4).

6. Remove the seal ring (6) with a lever.

7. Turn the wheel shaft.

8. Position the wheel shaft on a flat surface and remove the

bushing (5) using a suitable drift and a hammer.

9. Remove the long half shaft (17) from the axle housing.

10. Collect the splined sleeve (15).

11. Remove the sleeve inner snap ring (16) if replacement is re-

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-85


1. Force the bushing (5) into the wheel shaft with the special
tool CA715649 and a hammer.

2. Turn the wheel shaft.

3. Assemble the seal ring (6) into the wheel shaft with the spe-
cial tool CA715025 and a hammer.

4. Check that the snap ring (16) is already assembled on the

splined sleeve (15).

5. Assemble the splined sleeve (15) to the long half shaft (17).

6. Insert the long half shaft (17) on the axle beam (18) as in the

7. Before matching surfaces, make sure they are perfectly

clean. Degrease and clean with appropriate detergents.

8. Assemble the O-Ring (4) on the axle beam (2).

9. Position the wheel shaft (2) on the axle housing and tighten
the retaining bolts (19) to the requested torque.

 304 Nm

10. Assemble the short half-shaft (1) into the wheel shaft.

30-86 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Differential support group

1. Drain the oil completely from the differential.

2. Loosen and remove the bolts (2)

To remove the differential (1), screw two bolts into the threaded
lift-out bores of the differential carrier, then tighten.

Warning: support the differential support with a rope or oth-

er appropriate means.

3. Loosen and remove the screws (6) to remove the two ring
nut retainers (5). 5

4. Before removing bolts, mark halfbridles and the differential

carrier with permanent reference marks to avoid inverting
them when reassembling the unit.

5. Mark the area between the ring nuts (3) and (7) and the dif-
ferential carrier (1) as well.

6. Unscrew the adjuster ring nuts (3) and (7) using tools
CA119030 (a1) and a wrench.
7 3
7. Loosen and remove the 4 screws (11) and remove the 2 10
half-collars (10).

8. Check that the bushes (9) remain in their housings. 9


9. Remove the differential housing (13).

10. The bearing cups (4) and (8) are removed together with the 13
differential housing. 8

Warning: do not invert the bearing cups if they are not go-
ing to be replaced.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-87


1. Assemble the bearings cups (4) and (8) on the differential
group (1) with pins and locking differential sleeve, (only for

Warning: do not invert the bearing cups if the bearings are
not replaced.

2. Position the complete differential housing (13) on the differ-

ential support (1). At the same time insert the differential 13
locking fork into the sleeve, (only for CA150021).

Warning: check the right side of the bevel crown assembly.

3. Move the differential group so to place the bevel crown gear

on the pinion. 11

4. Check that all bushes (9) are in their housings and position 10
both half collars (10) on their seats using the previously
traced reference marks.

5. Lock both half collars with their fastening bolts (11).

6. Assemble the adjusting ring nuts (3) and (7) to the differen-
tial support.

7. Tighten both ring nuts (3) and (7) with special tools 7

CA119030 (a1), till the backlash is eliminated and the differ-

ential bearings are slightly preloaded.
8. Check that the differential bearings are well settled; if neces- a1

sary, knock slightly with a soft hammer, in order to properly

set the bearings in position.

9. Position a magnetic-base dial gauge on the differential sup-

port, so that the feeler stylus touches the surface of one
tooth of the crown gear with a 90° angle.

30-88 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


10. Lock the pinion and move the crown gear alternatively and
note the pinion-ring gear backlash, measured with the com-

11. Repeat the operation on two or more points (teeth), rotating

the crown gear to obtain an average value.

12. Check if the measured backlash value is within the request-

ed range: 0.10 - 0.15 mm.

13. Set the bevel gear set backlash by turning adjusting rings
(3.7) with the appropriate tool CA119030.

14. Adjust the ring nuts, remembering that:

(A): If the measured backlash is greater than the given toler-
ance range, unscrew the ring nut (3) and screw in the
adjuster ring nut (7) by the same measure;
(B): If the measured backlash is less than the given toler-
ance range, unscrew the adjuster ring nut (7) and screw
in the adjuster ring nut (3) by the same measure.

15. After pinion-ring gear backlash adjustment, check that there

is a minimum preloading on the differential box bearings.

16. Repeat the whole sequence of the above mentioned opera-

tions till the indicated conditions are reached.

17. Once the pinion-ring gear backlash has been established,

measure the total preloading (T) of the bearings (pinion-ring
gear system), using a dynamometer whose cord is wound
on the end of the pinion.

The measured value should be within the following range:

T = (P + 2.9) - (P + 4.4) daN
where P is the preloading effectively measured on the pin-

Warning: all the preloadings must be measured without the

seal ring.

If the measurement is not within the requested range, check

well the assembly of each component and operate on the A A
adjusting ring nuts (3) and (7) of the differential support:

If the total preloading is less than the given range, screw in

both adjuster ring nuts (3) and (7) by the same measure, B B
keeping the pinion-ring gear backlash value unchanged (A);

If the total preloading is greater than the given range, un-

screw both adjuster ring nuts (3) and (7) by the same mea-
sure, keeping the pinion-ring gear backlash (B) value

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-89


18. Tighten the bolts (11) of both half collars to the requested

19. Check bearings total preload (T).

See previous page.

20. Once all the adjustment operations have been completed, fit
the adjuster ring nut retainers (5) and their respective
screws (6), tightening them to the requested torque.

21. Before matching surfaces, make sure they are perfectly


22. Degrease and clean with appropriate detergents.

23. Spread a film of sealant on the contact surface between the

axle beam and the differential carrier.

24. Check that the dowel pins (12) are in their seats.

 Loctite® 510 Superbond® 52

25. Position the differential carrier (1) on the axle housing and
tighten the retaining bolts (2).

 169 Nm

26. Top up the oil.

30-90 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


Bevel gear marking test

• To test the marks of the bevel gear teeth, paint the ring gear
with red lead paint. The marking test should be always car-
ried out on the ring bevel gear teeth and on both sides.

OK: Correct contact: If the bevel gear is well adjusted, the Z

mark on the teeth surfaces will be regular.

Z: Excessive contact on the tooth tip: Approach the pin-

ion to the ring bevel gear and then move the ring bevel
gear away from the pinion in order to adjust the back-
lash. X

X: Excessive contact at the tooth base: Move the pinion

away from the ring bevel gear and then approach the
ring bevel gear to the pinion in order to adjust the

Movements to correct:

1. Move the pinion for type X contact adjustment.

2. Move the pinion for type Z contact adjustment.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-91


Differential locking group

Solo per / Only for

1. Remove the differential group before disassembling the dif-

ferential locking device.

2. Unscrew the bolts (16) and remove the cylinder support


3. Collect the piston (13) and the O-rings (14) and (12). 16

4. Remove the lock ring (11) preventing the bush (10) from be-
ing pushed out by the spring (9).
Danger: possible ejection of the bush (10) and spring (9).

5. Remove the bush and the spring from the control shaft (3).

6. Remove the bolt (1) and the cover (2) keeping the bush (4)
from being pushed out by the spring (5). 2 1
Danger: possible ejection of the bush (4) and spring (5).

7. Remove the bush, the spring and spacer (6) from the control
shaft (3).

8. Remove the control shaft (3), then collect the lock ring (7)
and the fork (8).

30-92 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


1. Place the differential support on a workbench.

2. Assemble the lock ring (11) in the housing at the end of the
control shaft (3).
3. Insert the spacer (10) and the spring (9) on the control shaft
4. Insert the shaft in the differential support and in the fork (8),
respecting for each element the shown position.

5. Assemble the new O-ring (12) to the piston (13).

6. Insert the piston (13) at the ends of the shaft.

7. Assemble the new O-ring (14) to the support (15).

8. Assemble the support (15) with the fastening screws (16). 16

9. Tighten the screws (16) to the requested torque. 13

 27.6 Nm

10. Insert the lock ring (7) on the control shaft (3) from the fork
side by pushing it in the housing with a pipe of suited dimen-

11. Insert the spacer (6), the spring (5) and the bush (4) on the
control shaft.

12. Apply sealant on the cover (2).

13. Assemble the cover (2), pushing the spring (5), with the fas-
tening screws (1).

Danger: possible ejection of the bush and the spring.

14. Tighten the screws to the requested torque.

 27.6 Nm

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-93


Differential group (WA80-5)

1. Remove the sleeve (13) and pins (11) from the differential
housing (12).

2. Lock the differential with a clamp.

3. Unscrew the fastening bolts (1) and remove the bevel gear

Warning: this will make both differential half housing (4 and

12) free, so take care not to drop the internal components.

4. Disassemble the two differential half housing (4 and 12).

5. Make alignment marks on the half boxes before splitting

6. Disassemble all the components. Check the operating and
wear conditions of the components. 12

7. Remove the bearing cones (2) from the half boxes (4 and
12) using a standard extractor. 2


30-94 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


1. Assemble the bearing cones (2) on the half housing (3 and
10), using the special tool CA119230 and a hammer. 4 2


2. Position a half housing (4) on a workbench and assemble all

inner components (locking differential counterdiscs (5), sun
gears (9 and10), spiders (8), spider gears (7), thrust wash-
ers (6)), as shown in the picture.

3. Join the two half boxes, aligning the reference marks made
during disassembly.

4. Before matching surfaces, make sure that they are perfectly

clean, degrease and clean them with appropriate deter-

5. Place the bevel gear (3) on the differential housing.

6. Apply sealant on the threads and tighten the bolts (1) to the
requested torque.

 Loctite® 270 or Superbond® 331

 95 Nm

7. Insert the pins (11) into their seats.

8. Assemble the sleeve (13) on the differential housing (12).

Warning: take care to assemble it in the correct position.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-95


Differential group (WA65-5 / WA70-5)

1. Lock the differential with a clamp. Unscrew the fastening
bolts (1) and remove the bevel gear (2).

Warning: this will make both differential half boxes (4) and
(12) free, so take care not to drop the internal components.

2. Disassemble the differential box in two half boxes (4) and

(12) with the relative components.

3. Make alignment marks on the half boxes before splitting


4. Disassemble all the components. Check the operating and

wear conditions of the components.

5. Remove the bearings cones (3) and (13) of the half boxes
(4) and (12), using two levers or a three-hold extractor.


30-96 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


1. Assemble the bearing cones (3) and (13) on the half hous-
ings (4) and (12), using the special tool CA119230 and a 4 3



2. Position a half housing (4) or (12) on a workbench and as-

semble all inner components (locking differential counter-
disks (5), locking differential discs (6) and (7), sun gears (8),
spiders (9), spider gears (10), thrust washers (11), as shown
in the picture.

The first disc (7) must be assembled with friction material on the
discs side and the flat surface on the sun gear (8) side.

3. Join the two half boxes, aligning the reference marks made
upon them.

4. Position the bevel gear (2) on the half box (4).

5. Apply sealant on the thread and tighten the bolts (1).

 Loctite® 270 or Superbond® 331

 95 Nm

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-97


Pinion group
1. Lock the differential carrier in a vice.

2. Unscrew the lock nut (10) using special tools CA119099 and

This is a destructive operation for the ring nut.

3. Tap the shaft with a soft hammer to remove the bevel pinion

Warning: take care not to drop the pinion.

4. Collect the washer (4) and (6), the collapsible spacer (5), the
bearing cone (8) and the retaining washer (9).

5. Remove the bearing cups (3) and (8) using a driver and a

6. To remove the bearing cone (3) of the pinion (1), use a stan-
dard extractor.

7. Collect the bearing cone (3) and the underlying shim (2).

8. Check all pinion components for wear.

9. The ring nut (10) and the collapsible spacer (5) must be re-
placed when reassembling the unit.

30-98 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


1. Fit the bearings cups (3) and (8) using the special tool
CA119225 and a hammer.

2. Prepare the kit consisting of the special tools called "false

pinion" (a1) CA715023 and "false differential box"
CA119182 (a2) and CA119206 (a3) and a depth gauge (a4).

3. Insert the bearing cones (3) and (8) in their seats.

4. Assemble the "false pinion" and its ring nut (10).

5. Tighten without exceeding the ring nut, till the backlash is


6. Install "false differential box" special tools into the differential

group support (7) and lock it with the half collars. See: next

7. Assembly diagram of the "false differential box" (on the left).

8. Use a depth gauge to measure distance (X) (distance be-

tween the axis of the differential bearings and the point at
which the pinion head is supported, or base of the bearing).

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-99


9. In order to determine the necessary thickness value (S) be-

tween pinion and bearing, subtract the value (V) stamped on V

pinion head (V = requested distance) from the measured

value (X).

10. Select the shim (2) of thickness valve (S) among the range
of available shims.

11. Remove the "false differential box" special tool from the dif-
ferential support (7).

12. Remove the ring nut (10), the "false pinion" and the bearing
cones (3) and (8).

13. Insert the chosen shim (2) with the chamfer against the gear 3 5
into the pinion shaft (1). 4
14. Force the bearing (3) into the pinion shaft (1) with the spe-
cial tool CA715082 under a press, making sure that it is well
set. 1

15. Insert the shims (4) and (6) and the new collapsible spacer

16. Always use a new collapsible spacer (5).

17. Insert the bevel pinion (1) unit into the differential support
housing (7) and the bearing cone (8) into the pinion end, as
shown in the picture.
18. Use the special tool CA715179 and a hammer to drive the
bearing (8).

19. Insert the ring nut washer (9) and screw a new lock ring nut
(10) on the pinion end.

20. Screw the ring nut (10) in, using the wrench for ring nut
CA119099 and for pinion retainer CA715022.

Warning: The torque setting is given by the preloading mea-

surement on bearings (3) and (8).

30-100 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5


21. Tighten the ring nut (10) gradually. If the tightening is exces-
sive, the collapsible spacer (5) must be replaced and the
procedure repeated.

22. When you check the preloading, it is advisable to beat

slightly both pinion ends with a soft hammer, so as to help
setting the bearings (3) and (8).

P = 9.2 - 13.8 daN

23. Carry out the preloading measurement (P) of the pinion

taper roller bearings (3) and (8), using a dynamometer
whose cord is wound on the end of pinion spline (1).

24. The adjustment is carried out by increasing the ring nut (10)
torque gradually, being careful not to exceed.

Warning: all preloadings must be measured without the seal


25. Once the requested preloading value is achieved, caulk the

ring nut (10), using a hammer and a chisel.

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-101

Variable displacement pump assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Variable displacement pump assembly

Removal of variable displacement pump


• Park the machine on a piece of level, solid ground and se-

cure it against rolling away and jack-knifing!
Lower the bucket, switch the engine off and put the park-
ing brake on.
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.
• Remove the earth lead from the (-) pole of the battery, or
throw the battery master switch if one has been installed!

• Remove the engine cover.

See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal
of engine cover assembly" on page 30-11.

• Remove both hydraulic pumps

See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal
of the two hydraulic pump assemblies" on page 30-105.

1. Electrical connections
★ Mark the cables in order to ensure that they are not
mixed up when being reconnected. 

Disconnect the two connectors (1) and (2) from the sole-

2. Hydraulic lines
★ Mark the lines in order to ensure that they are not mixed
up when being reconnected. 

a. Disconnect four hydraulic lines (3) to (6) from the vari-

able displacement pump.
★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in
order to prevent vapours from exiting and to prevent
any dirt and foreign particles from entering. 4

3. Variable displacement pump

a. Suspend the variable displacement pump from a hoist- 5
ing gear.

b. Remove the two fastening screws (7).  7

c. Pull the variable displacement pump forwards away

from the engine. 

★ The amount of space for removing the pump is very 6

limited. For this reason you should ensure that no
other machine parts are damaged when lifting and

30-102 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Variable displacement pump assembly

removing the variable displacement pump.

d. Lift the variable displacement pump out of the machine.

4 Variable displacement pump: 32 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-103

Variable displacement pump assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of variable displacement pump

• To fit the variable displacement pump carry out the removal
procedure in reverse order.

• Grease the gearing before reinstalling the pump.

 Screws: 280 Nm


• When reconnecting the lines make sure that the markings


• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

• Variable displacement pump and induction lines are filled

with oil.

• Vent the hydrostatic travel gear and test the function:

• Open the filler pipe at the hydraulic tank.

• Start the engine and dump the bucket.

• Raise the lifting arm to its full extension upwards and tilt
the bucket fully.

• Let the engine continue to run and close the filler pipe
on the hydraulic tank.

• Lower the lifting arm to the ground and then switch off
the engine.

• Check the oil level and top up with oil, if necessary.

• Finally conduct a check of the seals and the various


30-104 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Hydraulic pump assemblies

Hydraulic pump assemblies

Removal of the two hydraulic pump as-


• Park the machine on a piece of level, solid ground and se-

cure it against rolling away and jack-knifing! Lower the
bucket, switch the engine off and put the parking brake
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.

• Remove the engine cover.

See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal
of engine cover assembly" on page 30-11.

• Remove the priority valve.

See chapter 30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY "Removal
of priority valve assembly" on page 30-31.

1. Hydraulic lines
a. Disconnect the two hydraulic lines (1) and (2) from the
hydraulic pump.

★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in

order to prevent vapours from exiting and to prevent
any dirt and foreign particles from entering.

b. Remove the two fastening screws (3) and take the hy-
draulic pump off. 

4 Two hydraulic pumps: 8 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-105

Hydraulic pump assemblies DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of hydraulic pump assembly

• To fit the hydraulic pump carry out the removal procedure in
reverse order.

• Bleed the air from the hydraulic system.

 Screws: 70 Nm

• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

30-106 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Quick-attach coupler assembly

Quick-attach coupler assembly

Removal of quick-attach coupler assembly

• Prior to removing the quick-attach coupler the working
equipment must be disengaged. See the operating instruc-
• Unlock the quick-attach coupler and make sure that the con-
trol lever is set to lock position (2).

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against
rolling away and jack-knifing! Lower the bucket, switch
the engine off and apply the parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.

1. Hydraulic lines
Remove the locking rings (1) on both sides of the quick-at-
tach coupler system at the connecting block and withdraw
the angular part (2).

★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in or-

der to prevent vapours from exiting and to prevent any
dirt and foreign particles from entering.

2. Rocker arm
Unscrew the locking bolt (3) and remove the bolt from the
rocker arm. 

3. Quick-attach coupler
a. Loosen the clamping screws (4) on the quick-attach
coupler's joint rod. 

b. Unscrew the bearing bushes (5) 

c. Use hoisting gear to lift the quick-attach coupler out of

the lifting arms.

4 Quick-attach coupler system: 110 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-107

Quick-attach coupler assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of quick-attach coupler

• To fit the quick-attach coupler carry out the removal proce-
dure in reverse order.

• Tighten the bearing bushes as far as possible and then loos-

en the bolted connections by approximately half a rotation.

 Bolted connections: 280 Nm

Danger of crushing! Use a rod to align the quick-attach cou-

plers. Never insert your fingers into any of the holes!

 Screws: 70 Nm

• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

30-108 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Steering cylinder assembly

Steering cylinder assembly

Removal of steering cylinder assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing! Lower the bucket, switch
the engine off and apply the parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.

1. Hydraulic lines
★ Mark the hydraulic lines to make sure that they don't get 2 5
mixed up when being reconnected. 

Disconnect the hydraulic lines (1) from the cylinder.

★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in or-

der to prevent vapours from exiting and to prevent any 4
dirt and foreign particles from entering. 1

2. Lubricant lines 6
Disconnect the lubricant line (2) from the cylinder.

3. Steering cylinder
a. Support the steering cylinder or suspend it from hoisting

b. Unscrew the locking screws (3) and (4). Remove the

bolts (5) and (6) from the front or rear frame,
respectively. 

★ Keep the distance washer and seals in a safe place

or, if they are worn, replace them with new ones.

c. Lift the steering cylinder up and out of the frame.

★ Make sure that when doing so the piston rod is not


4 Steering cylinder: 16 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-109

Steering cylinder assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of steering cylinder assembly

• To fit the steering cylinder carry out the removal procedure
in reverse order.

Danger of crushing! Use a rod to align the steering cylin-

ders. Never insert your fingers into any of the holes!

 Screws: 70 Nm

• When reconnecting the hydraulic lines make sure that the

markings coincide.

• Greasing

Grease the steering cylinders.

• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

30-110 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Lift cylinder assembly

Lift cylinder assembly

Removal of lift cylinder assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing!
• Lift the bucket to its highest position and secure it against
• Switch the engine off and apply the parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.

★ In contrast to WA65-5 and WA70-5 the WA80-5 is equipped

with two lift cylinders. However, the procedure for installing
and removing the cylinders is almost identical.

1. Hydraulic lines
★ Mark the hydraulic lines (1) to make sure that they don't
get mixed up when being reconnected.  1

Disconnect the hydraulic lines from the lift cylinder. (If a hose
rupture safety device has been installed, disconnect it’s hy-
draulic lines too.)

★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in or- 1

der to prevent vapours from exiting and to prevent any
dirt and foreign particles from entering.

2. Lift cylinder
a. Suspend the lift cylinder from hoisting gear.
b. Unscrew the two locking screws (2) and remove the two 3
bolts (3) from the lifting rack or front frame, respectively.

★ Keep the distance washer and seals in a safe place 2

or, if they are worn, replace them with new ones.

c. Lower the lift cylinder with the hoisting gear down to the
ground or onto a jack.

★ Make sure that when doing so the piston rod is not


4 Lift cylinder (WA65-5 / WA70-5):42 kg

(WA80-5): 25 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-111

Lift cylinder assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of lift cylinder assembly

• To fit the lifting cylinder carry out the removal procedure in
reverse order.

Danger of crushing! Use a rod to align the lifting cylinders.

Never insert your fingers into any of the holes!

 Screws: 70 Nm

• When reconnecting the hydraulic lines make sure that the

markings coincide.

• Greasing

Grease the lifting cylinders.

• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

30-112 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Dump cylinder assembly

Dump cylinder assembly

Removal of dump cylinder assembly

• Park the machine on level ground and secure it against

rolling away and jack-knifing! Lower the bucket, switch
the engine off and apply the parking brake!
• Depressurise the hydraulic system: loosen the filler/vent
plug a few turns to relieve the pressure in the tank.

1. Hydraulic lines
★ Mark the hydraulic lines to make sure that they don't get
mixed up when being reconnected.  1

Disconnect the hydraulic lines (1) from the cylinder. (If a

hose rupture safety device has been installed, disconnect
it’s hydraulic lines too.)

★ Close the hydraulic lines immediately with a plug in or- 1

der to prevent the vapours from exiting and to prevent
any dirt and foreign particles from entering.

2. Dump cylinder
a. Suspend the cylinder from hoisting gear. 2
b. Unscrew the two locking screws (2) and remove the two
bolts (3) from the rocker arm (4) or front frame, respec-

2 3

★ Keep the distance washer and seals in a safe place

or, if they are worn, replace them with new ones.

c. Lift the dump cylinder with the hoisting gear up and out 4
of the frame.

★ Make sure that when doing so the piston rod is not


4 Dump cylinder: 36 kg

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-113

Dump cylinder assembly DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Installation of dump cylinder assembly

• To fit the tilt cylinder carry out the removal procedure in re-
verse order.

Danger of crushing! Use a rod to align the tilt cylinders.

Never insert your fingers into any of the holes!

 Screws: 70 Nm

• When reconnecting the hydraulic lines make sure that the
markings coincide.

• Greasing

Grease the tilt cylinder.

• Check the hydraulic oil level and top up with oil if necessary.
Once finished you should vent the hydraulic oil tank. See

30-114 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Replacing windows in driver’s cab

Replacing windows in driver’s cab

Stuck glass

Park the machine on level ground and secure it against roll-

ing away and jack-knifing! Lower the bucket, switch the en-
gine off and apply the parking brake!

Preparation work for replacing the front window: 1 3 4 5

• Dismantle the front windscreen wiper (1).

a. Unscrew the wiper arm.

b. Remove the wiper axle and the motor.

• Dismantle the heating’s panelling (2) at the front.

Preparation work for replacing the rear window:

• Remove the exhaust pipe (5). 2
• Dismantle the rear window windscreen wiper (4).

a. Unscrew the wiper arm.

b. Remove the wiper axle and the motor.

• Disconnect the plug-type connector for the rear window

heater system (3).

Tools for reworking tasks:

• Wooden spatula for spreading the sealing compound (A).
• Applicator for the prime coating (B)

• Nozzle for the sealing cartridge (C)

• Suction gripper (D)

• Cleaning cloths

• Knife
• Masking tape

• Glue gun for the sealing compound cartridge

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-115

Replacing windows in driver’s cab DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Replacing a window:
★ The order numbers for the respective parts are listed in the
following table.

• Cut the glass out.

Make sure that a sealing strip (1) of at least 1 - 2 mm is left 1
around the frame.

• Remove the pane of glass.

• Cut away the sealing compound strip (2) from the door 2
frame to at least 1 - 2 mm.

• Use masking tape to mask the left and right-hand side ar-

• Clean the cab door's frame.

• Clean the frame and glass edge with the cleaner


• Wipe the area clean with a damp cloth.

• Apply the sealing compound to the frame with the

BETAPRIME 5402 applicator (B).

Allow to dry for at least 15 minutes. Max. 24 hours.

• Coat the glass edge (3) with activator cleaner BETAWIPE

VP 04604 and then wipe it down with a clean cloth.

• Use an applicator (B) to apply BETAPRIME 5001 to the

glass edge.

Allow to dry for at least 15 minutes. Max. 24 hours.


• Use the glue gun to apply BETASEAL 8000 to the frame's

designated area (5).

Processing temperature: 10° - 35° C

• Using two suction grippers insert the glass into position and
press slightly against it.

• Hold the glass in the correct position and apply the sealing
compound completely around the inside and outside of the
glass window's edge.

• Use adhesive tape to hold the glass firmly in place to the 5


Cure time: 24 hours

• Remove the masking tape after the glass sealant has dried.

30-116 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Replacing windows in driver’s cab

Spare Parts:

Pos. Name Order No. Qty.

1 Cleaner, frame Betaclean 3350 42U-56-H0P00 1

2 Cleaner, glasses Betawipe VP 04604 42U-56-H0P20 1

3 Primer, glass Betaprime 5001 42U-56-H0P19 1

4 Primer, frame Betaprime 5402 42U-56-H0P02 1

5 Sealer, cartridge (300 ml) Betaseal 8000 42U-56-H0P06 2 off

• To mount the wipers and the window heater systems carry
out the removal procedure in reverse order.

Rear window
a. Reconnect the plug-type connector for the rear window 1 3 4 5
heater system (3).

b. Reassemble the rear window windscreen wiper (4).

 Wiper axle screws (M18): 10 Nm

 Wiper arm screws (M8): 20 Nm

 Wiper motor screws (M8): 8 Nm

c. Reinstall the exhaust pipe (5)

Front window
a. Reassemble the heating’s panelling (2) at the front.

b. Reassemble the front windscreen wiper (1).

 Wiper axle screws (M24): 60 Nm

 Wiper arm screws (M8): 20 Nm

 Wiper motor screws: 60 Nm

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 30-117

Replacing windows in driver’s cab DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

Door and side windows

★ Unscrew the door or the side window assembly from the
driver’s cab. Then disassemble the door and side windows
according to the scetches below.

Door window assembly

1 2

 1: 15 Nm  2: 15 Nm  3: 22 Nm

Side window assembly

 1: 15 Nm  2: 15 Nm

30-118 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

Hydraulic circuit diagram 1/4 ................... 90-3
Hydraulic circuit diagram 2/4 ................... 90-5
Hydraulic circuit diagram 3/4 ................... 90-7
Hydraulic circuit diagram 4/4 ................... 90-9
Wiring diagram1/5 .................................... 90-11
Wiring diagram 2/5 ................................... 90-13
Wiring diagram 3/5 ................................... 90-15
Wiring diagram 4/5 ................................... 90-17
Wiring diagram 5/5 ................................... 90-19
Wiring diagram, Speed control ................. 90-21
Wiring diagram, Immobilizer .................... 90-23

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-1


Blank for technical reason

90-2 WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

Hydraulic circuit diagram 1/4 for WA65-5 and WA70-5

Hubzylinder D=95/50-670
heben K17.5=230bar M22x1,5
M18x1,5 senken 53 44
P 43
44 10 6 M18x1,5 7
G 1/2" 40 40
G 1/2"
320 bar
BUCKET 44M18x1,5 L Rexroth LAGC
Kippzylinder D=85/50-522 B1 8
einkippen A1
M18x1,5 auskippen
44 12
320 bar 250
44 M18x1,5 ccm
B2 /U
d=3,5 Kabine
M22x1,5 (15L) A2
M14x1,5 14 320 bar 240 bar 240 bar
61 Y140

44 175 bar


61 A3 18+4 bar
M22x1,5 (15L) P T
HDM19 T1 29 48 29
40 40 41a
32 M22x1,5 (15L) G 1/2" G 1/2" G 1/4" M10x1
55 65 3
M22x1,5 (15L) M22x1,5 (15L) 9 4
5 350

Fahrtrichtung r dyn. = 0,455 m

9 bar M10x1 i ges = 37,78

22b Speisedruck = 30 bar (26 bis 30)
delta p = 430 bar (Druckabschneidung vorwärts
M10x1 HD-Ventil delta p = 460 bar ) 48
3-10bar Arbeitsdruck (abs) = 460 bar = 430 + 30
61a 48 Z max. Arbeitsdruck (abs) = 490 bar = 460 + 30 M10x1
M10x1 22
G 1/2" G 1/2"
M12x1,5 54a 42
MB 40 53
Y236 60b
b a SAE 1" B M1
T1 T2 Y237 Ps FaFa1 Fe 60 90 EF CF G 1/4" oben A6VM80HA
R "b" unten "a" oben 41a53a 53a vorwärts
= vorwärts = rückwärts B Fahrtrichtung bestromt 94
links LS
70 65 44 U
P a
SAE 3/4" 61 59a M18x1,5 Y236.1
M M14x1,5 LK 35mm
8,6 22,5 8
80 b
A4VG40DA 89
2350 U/min SAE 3/4"
K17 = 40 kW 93 rückwärts SAE 1"
70 LK 55mm 70a
K17.5 = 45 kW 23
A unten
S A Fahrtrichtung
X1 X2 G rechts T G
Fs 60b
M12x1,5 49 47 MA
60a 68 M12x1,5 44a
M33x2 ca.1-2 l/min
17 M18x1,5

M26x1,5 26a
18 43a ca. 9 l/min
M30x2 (22L) OBEN M18x1,5
M26x1,5 (18L) 96 M26x1,5 44
19 P
M26x1,5 (18L) 26b LK 35mm
ca. 11 l/min 1 bar 27a 59a
M22x1,5 (15L)
M22x1,5 (15L) 20 T P M18x1,5
Lenkung / steering M30x2 (22L)
44 98
54b 16 44
Arbeits-hydr./working hydr. 54b M30x2 (22L)
62a 66 55a
G 1 1/4" 46 A B2 45 27b 59b Hydraulikschaltplan
LK 40mm
B1 G 1" Hydraulic Diagram

P2 1
0,03 0,35 0,5
bar bar 97

ca. 30 l Oel
ca. 15 l Luft

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-3

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-4
K17.5=230bar 13

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5

Boom D=95/50-670
11 lower
lift 320 bar

Bucket D=85/50-522 A1
10 Tilt in
Tilt out
320 bar d=3,5 250
ccm 12
B2 Cabin

14 A2 240 bar 240 bar

175 bar
320 bar

17 B3
A3 T
18+4 bar
Option 18 HDM19 T1
Hydraulic circuit diagram 2/4 for WA65-5 and WA70-5

direction dyn. = 0,455 m

9 bar i ges = 37,78

30 bar (26 to 30)

16 delta p = 430 bar Forward
Workpressure= 460 bar
3-10bar HD-Valve delta p = 460 bar
Z max.Workpressure = 490 bar
Y237 MB 15
a b B M1
R T1 T2 Y236 Ps FaFa1 Fe 90 EF CF above
"a" above "b" Below
= Reverse =Forward B left
P a
M 40 Y235
8,6 22,5 8 b 6
2350 U/min
K17 = 40 kW 5 A Reverse
K17.5 = 45 kW 7
right A below
X1 X2 G S

ca.1-2 l/min

ca. 9 l/min

ca. 11 l/min 96 P
1 bar
2 T P

working hydr.

B1 A B2 G 1"
0,03 0,35 0,5
bar bar bar

ca. 30 l Oil
ca. 15 l Air 1
WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-6
Hydraulic circuit diagram 3/4 for WA65-5 and WA70-5

40 G 1/2" 55a
2,0 l
G 1/2"
6 5 4
40 ALS

1 2 3

55a G 1/2" G 1/4"
Hubzylinder D=95/50-670 11b 40 41a

10a L R

Kippzylinder D=85/50-522

d=3,5 P T LS


A3 T



8b 65a 55b



M22x1,5(15L) A

T1 S G
H2 53
B1 A B2

P2 Hydraulikschaltplan
Hydraulic Diagram

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-7

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-8
Hydraulic circuit diagram 4/4 only for WA80-5

heben senken
Option: ALS G 1/2"
2,0 l
92f 10f

6 5 4
G 1/2"
40 50a

M14x1,5(8L) 55a
d=0,8 60a
1 2 3
40 64b 11e
G 1/4"
41 50a
E C2
G 1/2"
92h 40
8a 55d
50a 44
V2 PIL G 3/8" G 3/8"
42a 42a
G1/2" G1/4"
40 41a 50d A B Kabine

72e 10d 10c

Option: ALS M18x1,5
44 50a
11d 11c
92k 92l
72b 50d 35i B A
65g G 3/8" G 3/8"
42a 42a

Option: Schlauchbruchsicherung ohne ALS

6 7

Option: Schlauchbruchsicherung mit ALS

Hubzylinder 35c Option
D=70/45-658 56c
G 1/2" G 1/2"
92m 40 40

35d 220 bar P 43

Option: M14x1,5 Option L R 29 48 29

Schlauchbruch- Standard:
sicherung 72b ohne ALS 66a 71a 55b 50d
240 bar 240 bar
11b 11a M10x1
72e 10b 10a b1 heben (grün) d=1,0 3 91c
320 bar
senken (gelb)

M16x1,5 (10L)
B1 55d 55d
G1/2" G1/4"
40 41a 50d
V2 PIL A1 1 350

92h 63a 8

G 1/4"
50a 55a Option:
35j 55d
b2 sicherung auskippen (rot) 4
E C2
320 bar einkippen (blau)

63 50a 32b
68b G1/2" a2 d=0,6
40 64b

M16x1,5 (10L)
d=0,8 B2
13a 13
d=3,5 d=1,0
M14x1,5(8L) 12a 12
50c A2 2

Standard: 320 bar

10g Schlauch-Bruch-
b3 Standard zu (weiß) 5
M18x1,5 auf (braun)
links 63 50a a3 250-125 ccm/U

M16x1,5 (10L)
heben senken B3 66a

15 Standard:
ohne ALS
71a Option: 3.Hydr.-Kreis elektr. 185 bar
A3 T
18+4 bar 6 P T

35f T1
HDM19 91a G 1/4"

4__ 68a 61a P T LS

91d M16x1,5 (10L)

G 1/2" G 1/2" G 1/4"
40 40 41a
nur bei ALS 0,16 l
20 bar
4__ 40
G 1/2"
92o Option: M18x1,5 Option
4__ 49a
Diff.- M14x1,5
55d 41b 50d 55d
G1/2" G1/4"
50a 40 41 30b 30c
V2 PIL 91f M16x1,5(10L) M16x1,5(10L)
91e 50d


50a 40


einkippen auskippen

Option: 100 % Diff.-Sperre Fahrtrichtung

r Rad dyn. = 0,49 m
4. Hydr.-Kreis i ges = 18,6x2,464=45,83 (20km/h)
14_ i ges = 18,6x1,179=21,93 (30km/h)
M__x1,5 34c
92p 41b
92n A Option


M__x1,5 Speisedruck = 30 bar (26 bis 30) 56b Option:

4__ 3/8" 3/8" M14x1,5 100%
42a 42a 41b Diff.-
22 delta p = 430 bar (Druckabschneidung) Sperre

Arbeitsdruck (abs) = 460 bar = 430 + 30 M10x1

ca. 2,4-4,5bar 61 48a
34a 34b
Z HD-Ventil delta p = 460 bar
14_ max. Arbeitsdruck (abs) = 490 bar = 460 + 30

15_ M10x1
15_ 48a
G 1/2" G 1/2"
42 40 50a

M12x1,5 MB 90p
b a a b
60c SAE 1" (20km/h)
G 1/4" SAE 1.1/4" (30km/h) B oben M1 A6VM80HA
41a 50d 50d
Ps Fa Fa1 Fe 90e 20 km/h

B links
LS 24
Vg=40ccm/U P LK 35mm
bei 20 km/h SAE 3/4" G 1/4"
20km/h verschlossen
M18x1,5 U 90f 30 km/h
Standard P=45kW 70f 20km/h 61a a
15a M22x1,5
M22x1,5 (15L) n=2350 U/min Vg=71ccm/U SAE 1"
24a 30km/h
30km/h 65g 43
bei 30 km/h 90o

M 25 8
61 b
Standard: Option: GRA
Vg=8,6 ccm/U
A4VG40DA A4VG40EP bei 20 km/h

90a 20 km/h 90b 20 km/h Vg=19,6 ccm/U
LK 55mm
30km/h SAE 1" (20km/h)
SAE 1.1/4" (30km/h)
61 bei 30 km/h 70a 23

Standard: Option: GRA 23a

20km/h A unten
M26x1,5 70 30km/h
30km/h 43a
R 90c 30 km/h 90d 30 km/h SAE 3/4"
15b 65 M22x1,5 70f 20km/h 30km/h
20km/h 43
44b 20km/h
M22x1,5 (15L)

M22x1,5 (15L)

14b A rechts M26x1,5
X1 X2 G S 42a 30km/h
M14x1,5 M33x2
Fs M12x1,5
20km/h 65f 41b 20km/h 45a
M18x1,5 M42x2
30km/h 65b 44 30km/h 47
nur bei 30km/h
M22x1,5 (15L)

20km/h 50c d=1,0 P

30km/h 26c
92c LK 35mm
18 18a
30km/h 20km/h
Option: Schnellwechsler elektr. 21 T P
15c M30x2 (22L)
nur bei 20km/h
27h M18x1,5
M22x1,5 (15L) 44
M26x1,5 nur bei 20km/h
15d (30km/h) M30x2 (22L) UNTEN 27a
(20km/h) M26x1,5 (18L)
(20km/h) M26x1,5 (18L) nur bei 30km/h 55a
(30km/h) M30x2 (22L) OBEN 27c
1 bar Standard LK 40mm
(20km/h) M26x1,5 (18L)
55d M26x1,5
43a 16 16b
61 30km/h 20km/h

Lenkung / steering M30x2 (22L) 20

M22x1,5 (15L)

M22x1,5 (15L) M18x1,5 50a 44
62a 66 20km/h nur bei 30km/h 44
A B 26d
15e LK 35mm
Arbeits-hydr./working hydr. A 59a
M30x2 (22L) 16a
50e 30km/h


G 1.1/4"
46 16d 27i

G 1" 20km/h M12x1,5

45 50c 49

Hydraulic Diagram

B1 A B2 27e

P1 20km/h
61 14e

pilot valve
43 LK 35mm
M22x1,5 (15L) B 59a
1 27d
0,5 2,0
0,03 0,35 Option: reversierbarer Lüfter M14x1,5
bar bar Saugschlauch DN32
bar bar 71b 66b

ca. 30 l Oel
Version: (20 + 30 km/h)
ca. 16 l Luft WA80

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-9

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-10
Wiring diagram1/5

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-11

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-12
Wiring diagram 2/5

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-13

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-14
Wiring diagram 3/5

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-15

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-16
Wiring diagram 4/5

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-17

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-18
Wiring diagram 5/5

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-19

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-20
Wiring diagram, Speed control

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-21

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-22
Wiring diagram, Immobilizer

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-23

WA65-5 / WA70-5 / WA80-5 90-24

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