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Jumbo Perfuracao - Atlas Copco - Boomer L3C, XL3C, WL3C (Manual Seguranca) (En) PDF

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Atlas Copco

Rocket Boomer L3 C, XL3 C, WL3 C


PM No. 9852 1523 01a

Before starting, read all instructions carefully.

Special attention must be paid

to information alongside
this symbol.

Only use genuine Atlas Copco parts.

1250 0071 04

© Copyright 2006, Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB, Sweden

Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.

Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB

SE-70191 Örebro, Sweden

1. Contents.................................................................................................................... 5
Contents, target group and objective ....................................................................... 5

2. Safety regulations..................................................................................................... 6
General safety regulations ....................................................................................... 6
Guarantee................................................................................................................. 7
Warnings.................................................................................................................. 7
Description.......................................................................................................... 7
Heading............................................................................................................... 7

3. Risk area of the rig ................................................................................................... 9

Description .............................................................................................................. 9
Risk area .................................................................................................................. 9
Risk area during moving..................................................................................... 9
Risk area when drilling ..................................................................................... 11
Working in the risk area of the rig......................................................................... 13
Description........................................................................................................ 13
Specific expertise.............................................................................................. 14
Steps to take ...................................................................................................... 14
Special procedures ............................................................................................ 14
Rig with cab lift ................................................................................................ 15

4. Warning signals ...................................................................................................... 16

Acoustic warning................................................................................................... 16
Horn .................................................................................................................. 16
Reversing alarm ................................................................................................ 16
Visual warning....................................................................................................... 16
Beacon .............................................................................................................. 16
Automatic ......................................................................................................... 17

5. Emergency stop ...................................................................................................... 18

Function................................................................................................................. 18
Emergency stop location ....................................................................................... 18
In the cab........................................................................................................... 18
Outside cab ....................................................................................................... 19
Electric cabinet ................................................................................................. 20
Service platform................................................................................................ 20
Resetting emergency stop...................................................................................... 20

6. Fire-fighting ........................................................................................................... 21
Fire fighting equipment ......................................................................................... 21
Fire extinguishers .................................................................................................. 21
Description........................................................................................................ 21
Location of fire extinguisher ............................................................................ 21
Fire fighting systems ............................................................................................. 22


Ansul and Forrex .............................................................................................. 22

Principal components........................................................................................ 22
Location of actuators ........................................................................................ 23
In case of fire ......................................................................................................... 23
Fire extinguishers.............................................................................................. 23
Hand-held fire extinguisher and fire fighting system. ...................................... 24

7. Signs ....................................................................................................................... 26
General................................................................................................................... 26
Prohibition signs .................................................................................................... 26
Warning signs ........................................................................................................ 26
General warning signs ...................................................................................... 26
Service work ..................................................................................................... 27
Stability ............................................................................................................. 27
Tipping risk ....................................................................................................... 28
Electrical system ............................................................................................... 28
Service platform................................................................................................ 29
Climate unit....................................................................................................... 29
Laser.................................................................................................................. 30
Automatic.......................................................................................................... 31
Regulatory signs .................................................................................................... 31
General regulatory signs ................................................................................... 31
Alternating current generator............................................................................ 33
Information signs................................................................................................... 33
Other signs............................................................................................................. 34

8. Rig stability ............................................................................................................ 36

Maximum permissible inclination angles.............................................................. 36
Rig stability requirements...................................................................................... 36
Atlas Copco requirements................................................................................. 36
Requirements in accordance with EN791:1996................................................ 37
Stability norm ........................................................................................................ 37
Description........................................................................................................ 37
Rig on wheels with booms/drilling unit in transport position .......................... 37
Rig on jacks with booms/drilling unit in working position. ............................. 38

9. Declaration ............................................................................................................. 40
EC - Declaration of conformity ............................................................................. 40
Individual machine and safety components...................................................... 40
Other applicable directives ............................................................................... 40
Harmonised standards which have been applied .............................................. 40
Issuer ................................................................................................................. 40

1. Contents

1. Contents

Contents, target group and objective

The Safety document contains important information for the prevention of accidents.
The information should be read by everybody who will be working with the rig; oper-
ators and maintenance personnel.

2. Safety regulations

2. Safety regulations

General safety regulations

• Read and comprehend the manual before the rig and its equipment is operated.
• The rig must only be used for the purposes described in these instructions, see
operator's instructions, Applications.
• Special attention must be paid to safety and all the warnings in the manual.
• It is essential that personnel observe general and local safety, health and traffic
• Always use a helmet, hearing protection, protective safety glasses, protective
gloves and other necessary safety equipment when you are in the vicinity of the
• Pay attention to the rig's warning signals when you are in the vicinity of the rig,
see Safety, Warning signals .
• The drilling equipment must only be used, maintained and repaired by personnel
well conversant with the equipment and the dangers involved.
• Checks and adjustments that are necessary when the rig is in operation must be
carried out by at least two persons. One person must then be present at the operat-
ing station and have a good view of the work.
• Extra caution must be exercised when changing a drill bit or drill steel see opera-
tor's instructions, Drilling.
• All work with tyres and wheels must only be performed by trained maintenance
• Before the rig is operated ensure that no one is in the rig's risk area, that the rig has
been maintained in accordance with the maintenance schedule in force, that all
controls, emergency stop and fire extinguishers are working satisfactorily, that
warning signs and safety labels are in the correct locations, are clean and fully leg-
ible. Report damage and deficiencies immediately. Do not operate the system
before all faults have been rectified. See also operator's instructions, Daily
• When parking and following each shift, ensure that the brakes are applied and that
the wheels are blocked. In addition, check the emergency stop and safety equip-
• All work performed with the rig involves impact on the surrounding environment,
e.g. in the form of vibrations and landslide. Work must always be carried out with
great caution and in accordance with safety directives in force.
• Engine exhaust fumes are poisonous. Good ventilation is essential when the diesel
engine is running.
• During service work, stay only within areas indicated on the rig's engine cover. Do
not step onto opened service covers.
• When maintenance work is carried out under a raised cab, the cab must be secured
in the raised position.

2. Safety regulations

• When performing maintenance and renovation work on the rock drill, always fit
the rock drill on a folding plate. See Rock drill, Tool list.
• Ensure that there is no pressure in the hydraulic, pneumatic and water systems and
that the electrical system is turned off before removing the rock drill from the rig.
• Use approved lifting devices when handling the rock drill. Avoid lifting heavy
weights by hand.

• Use only Atlas Copco original parts. Any damage or operational interruptions
caused by using spare parts of other manufacture than Atlas Copco will not be
covered by warranty or product liability.
• Atlas Copco renounces any responsibility for damage caused by unauthorised
modification to the rig and its equipment.
• Overloading the rig can result in damage to machinery which is not noticed during
normal usage. Such damage is not covered by the guarantee.
• The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by inappropriate use.
• Damage that occurs as a result of substandard repairs, as well as injury to person-
nel or damage to equipment that is attributable to older unrepaired damage, is not
covered by the guarantee.


The manuals contain warnings. The warnings are framed and contain a safety text
preceded by a warning symbol and a cue word (danger, warning and caution).

Figure: Warning symbol

• The Danger heading indicates an imminent risk of serious or lethal injury if the
warning is not heeded.
• The Warning heading indicates a risk or dangerous course of action that can lead
to serious or lethal injury if the warning is not heeded.

2. Safety regulations

• The Caution heading indicates a risk or dangerous course of action that can lead to
personal injury or damage to property if the warning is not heeded.

3. Risk area of the rig

3. Risk area of the rig

The risk area of the rig is a zone within or around the rig where a person is exposed to
risk of injury and health hazards.

The following points must be observed for the risk area of the factory delivered rig to

• good ventilation must be provided while the diesel engine is running.

• hearing protection, protective safety glasses and helmet must be used in the vicin-
ity of the rig when the rig is operating.

Risk area

Risk area during moving

Observe the following when moving the rig:

• Make sure that no one is in the rig's direction of travel.

• Make sure that no one remains in the rig's risk area.
1250 0136 63

Figure: Rocket Boomer L3 C

3. Risk area of the rig

1250 0136 64

Figure: Rocket Boomer XL3 C

1250 0136 65

Figure: Rocket Boomer WL3 C

3. Risk area of the rig

Risk area when drilling

1250 0136 60

Figure: Rocket Boomer L3 C

3. Risk area of the rig

1250 0136 61

Figure: Rocket Boomer XL3 C

3. Risk area of the rig

1250 0136 62

Figure: Rocket Boomer WL3 C

Working in the risk area of the rig

Fault finding or working in the rig's risk area involves risk. Accordingly, always
carry out the fault finding or the work with great care and accuracy. For further safety
regulations, see Safety, Safety regulations.

Pay attention to the rig's warning signals when you are in the vicinity of the rig, see
Safety, Warning signals.

3. Risk area of the rig

Specific expertise
Specific expertise is required for:

• the electrical system

- Diagnosis of and work on the electrical system must only be performed by
appropriately authorised electricians.
• tyres and wheels
- All work on tyres and wheels must be carried out by specially trained mainte-
nance personnel as it is important to ensure that correct procedures are fol-
lowed and that the right tools are used.
• climate unit refrigerant system
- Diagnosis of and work on the climate unit refrigerant system must only be per-
formed of specially trained maintenance personnel.

Steps to take
All work in the rig's risk area requires certain precautions:

• The electric motors and diesel engine must be switched off during fault finding
and work within the rig's risk area. For exceptions, see section Special procedures.
• Hydraulic, pneumatic and water systems must be depressurised with diagnosis and
work in the rig's risk area. For exceptions, see section, Special procedures.
• The rig's power supply must be disconnected and locked during fault finding and
work within the rig's risk area (unplugged and socket locked with a padlock). For
exceptions, see section Special procedures.
• When diagnosis or work in the rig's risk area is to be performed, all components
which can be moved or continue moving must be secured, by supports or strap-
ping before the diagnosis or work is started.

Special procedures
Exercise extra caution and accuracy when diagnosis or work is to be performed at the
same time as one or more of the following points are applicable:

• the electric motors are started

• the diesel engine is started
• the hydraulic pumps are running
• the rig's power supply is connected (plugged in)
• the hydraulic system is pressurised
• the pneumatic system is pressurised
• the water system is pressurised

3. Risk area of the rig

If one or more of the above criteria must be fulfilled in order to carry out fault finding
or certain work then special steps must be taken:

• The work must be carried out by at least two people, one of which must be at the
operating station and have a good view of the work.

Rig with cab lift

When maintenance work is carried out under a raised cab, the cab must be secured in
the raised position.

Raise the cab to its top position. Secure the cab in raised position by inserting the
safety pin into the cab lift column (A).

Replace the safety pin into its holder (B) after carrying out maintenance work.

1250 0066 95

Figure: Secured/Unsecured cab lift

A Secured cab lift
B Unsecured cab lift

4. Warning signals

4. Warning signals

Acoustic warning

The rig is equipped with a horn (1) located on the control panel.

1250 0100 24

Figure: Horn (1)

Reversing alarm
The drill rig has a reversing alarm that sounds loudly when the drill rig is reversing.
This is to warn individuals in the vicinity that the drill rig is reversing.

Visual warning

The rig has two beacons. The rear beacon flashes when the ignition is on. This is to
inform anyone in the vicinity that the rig is about to be moved. The front beacon
flashes when the cab is raised or lowered. This is to notify that the cab can start to

4. Warning signals

Figure: Warning beacon

Rigs equipped with automatic functions have warning lamps (A), which flash when
the rig is carrying out automatic sequences. Rigs with ABC Total also have barrier
sensors located in front of the cab that halt all the automatic functions when anything
passes them.

Figure: Warning lamps, automatic (A)

5. Emergency stop

5. Emergency stop

The emergency stop switches off all electric motors and the diesel engine.

The main switch on the electrical distribution cabinet must be reset once the emer-
gency stop has been tripped when operating on mains power, see section Resetting
emergency stop below.

Emergency stop location

In the cab
The image below illustrates a cab with two different types of operator panel: a sit-
down panel and a stand-up panel. The number of operator panels and the type of
panel is optional and can therefore vary from rig to rig.

5. Emergency stop

1250 0132 81

Figure: Emergency stops in the cab

Outside cab

Figure: Emergency stops outside the cab

5. Emergency stop

Electric cabinet

1250 0102 04

Figure: Emergency stop in electric cabinet

Service platform

1250 0101 95

Figure: Emergency stop on service platform

Resetting emergency stop

1. Pull out the emergency stop that has been activated.

2. Switch on the electric cabinet by turning the main switch to position 0 and then to

3. Check that the indicator lamps on the electric cabinet work by pressing the lamp
test button.

6. Fire-fighting

6. Fire-fighting

Fire fighting equipment

There are two types of fire fighting equipment:

• Fire extinguisher (standard equipment)

• Fire fighting system (option)

Fire extinguishers

The rig is equipped with handheld fire extinguishers for fires of class ABC.

If the fire extinguisher has been used, it must be replaced with a new one immedi-
Check regularly that the needle on the gauge is within the green zone and make sure
that the fire extinguisher is replaced as soon as the needle approaches the red zone.


1250 0098 88

Figure: Fire extinguisher gauge

Location of fire extinguisher

The rig has three hand-held fire extinguishers. One extinguisher is located in the cab.
There is also one on each side of the cab by the boarding steps - an ABC extinguisher
and a carbon dioxide extinguisher.

6. Fire-fighting

Figure: Location of fire extinguisher

Fire fighting systems

Ansul and Forrex

The Ansul fire fighting system has a dry powder as extinguishing medium while For-
rex has an extinguishing fluid. Both systems are used to extinguish any engine fires.

The fire fighting system is not designed to extinguish all types of fire, especially
large collections of flammable materials with ample supplies of oxygen. It is there-
fore necessary to provide additional means of extinguishing residual fires should the
fire fighting system not succeed in extinguishing it completely.

Principal components
Both fire fighting systems comprise the following main components:

• activators
• start gas cartridge
• drive gas cartridge
• container for extinguishing medium
• extinguishing nozzles, located around the diesel engine and battery

6. Fire-fighting

Location of actuators
Actuators can be found in the cab, on the engine frame and on both sides of the rig by
the boarding steps.

Figure: Location of actuators

In case of fire

Fire extinguishers
Above all, follow local regulations, stipulations and legislation in case of fire.

1. Activate the emergency stop by depressing the button. This is the quickest method
of stopping the rig.

2. Use the handheld fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire, follow the manufacturer's

3. Carry out the following steps if it is possible and without danger:

a. Turn off the rig's battery switch.

6. Fire-fighting

b. Turn off the rig's fuel supply.

4. Do not restart the rig until the cause of the fire has been established and any faults

5. After extinguishing, replace the hand-held fire extinguisher with a new, approved
hand-held fire extinguisher.

Hand-held fire extinguisher and fire fighting system.

Above all, follow local regulations, stipulations and legislation in case of fire.

1. Activate the emergency stop by depressing the button. This is the quickest method
of stopping the electric motors and the diesel engine.

2. Carry out the following steps if it is possible and without danger:

a. Apply the parking brake (for wheel rigs).

b. Activate the fire fighting system by pulling out the spring clip (1) and pressing
down the releasing device (2).

1250 0100 30

Figure: In case of fire

c. Take a hand-held fire extinguisher.

d. Turn off the rig's battery switch.

e. Turn off the main power to the rig.

f. Turn off the rig's fuel supply.

g. Have a fire extinguisher handy to put out any re-ignited fires.

Use the fire extinguisher according to the manufacturer's instructions.

3. Do not restart the rig until the cause of the fire has been established and any faults

6. Fire-fighting

4. After extinguishing:

a. replace used hand-held fire extinguishers with new, approved hand-held fire

b. inspect the fire fighting system.

7. Signs

7. Signs

It is essential that all the signs are in the correct locations, are clean and fully legible.

Prohibition signs
Table: Prohibition signs
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Prohibition sign Prohibition sign
• No admittance. • Don't step here.
• No admittance to
• Violation can cause
personal injury.
1250 0098 91 1250 0098 97

Warning signs

General warning signs

Table: General warning signs

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Warning sign Warning sign
• High noise level. • Slip risk
• Could cause
permanent hearing
• Use approved ear
1250 0099 81 1250 0101 89

7. Signs

Symbol Description Symbol Description

Warning sign Warning sign
• Danger of scalding • Danger of air
and pressure. pressure.
• Can cause serious • Can cause serious
injuries. injuries.
• The pressure must • The pressure must
be released before be released before
1250 0100 13 the cap can be 1250 0100 14 the cap is removed.
Warning sign Warning sign
• Danger of moving • Danger of swinging
and rotating parts. and crushing parts.
• Could cause severe • Could cause severe
injuries. injuries.
• Keep out of the • Keep out of the
machine's working hazardous area
1250 0099 79 area when it is in 1250 0098 98 during operation.

Service work

Table: Warning sign, service work

Symbol Description
Warning sign
• In the event of a breakdown or during service
work the boom falls diagonally.
• Injuries and damage to machinery could occur.
• During service work the boom must be secured
in place with straps or supports.

1250 0099 85


Table: Warning sign, stability

Symbol Description
Warning sign
• Stability.
See section Rig stability.



1250 0099 00

7. Signs

Tipping risk

Table: Warning signs, tipping risk

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Warning sign Warning sign
• Danger of tipping when • Tipping risk during
moving rig. drilling.
• Injuries and damage to • Injuries and damage
machinery could occur. to machinery could
• When moving the rig, the occur.
booms and / or other • During rig operation
1250 0099 83 positioning units must be 1250 0099 84 the jacks must be
positioned straight forward fully extended, be in
without being swung out. contact with the
• During operation of the rig ground and fully
with booms and / or other relieve the weight on
positioning units swung out the wheels.
within the rig's swing radius,
the rig must only be moved
at max. 1 km/h.

Electrical system

Table: Warning signs, electrical system

Symbol Description
Warning sign
• High tension
• Incorrect handling can be fatal.
• All work on the electrical system must be
carried out by electricians accredited for the

1250 0099 80

7. Signs

Service platform

Table: Warning signs, service platform

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Warning sign Warning sign
• Danger of crushing • Maximum load for
injuries. service platform.
• Injuries could be
sustained. MAX Example: “Max load
• Overloading can
• A manned service
platform must only be cause personal injury
1250 0098 99 operated from the and machine
cage, not from the damage.
operator's station. 1250 0100 27
• Maximum load in
cage including one
Other possible loads are
250, 300, 350, 400, 500
and 560 kg.

Climate unit

Table: Warning sign, air conditioning

Symbol Description
Warning sign
• Refrigerants under pressure.
• Danger of serious personal injury.
• Risk of compressor breaking down.
• Service of refrigerant system must be carried
out by authorised personnel.
• Do not use the air conditioning unit if refrigerant
deficiency, leakage or other faults are present.

Max 32 bar

1250 0099 86

7. Signs


Table: Warning signs, laser

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Warning sign Warning sign
• Laser beam. • Laser beam.
• Danger of injury to
the eyes.
• Do not look into the




1250 0100 07 1250 0100 04

Warning sign Warning sign

• Laser beam. • Laser beam.
• Danger of injury to • Risk of personal
the eyes. injury.
• Do not look into the • Avoid exposure to
beam. radiation.
• Do not put optical
instruments in the
way of the beam.



1250 0100 05 1250 0100 06

7. Signs


Table: Warning signs, automatic

Symbol Description
Warning sign
• The rig's operating cycles are preprogrammed
and can start automatically without the presence
of an operator.
• May cause severe personal injury.
• Keep out of the machine's working area.

1250 0099 82

Regulatory signs

General regulatory signs

Table: General regulatory signs

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Regulatory sign Regulatory sign
• Read the • Read the
instructions. instructions.
• Incorrect use of the • This rig is equipped
machine may cause with a battery switch.
personal injury and
damage to
1250 0099 89

• Observe the
indications given by
the warning signs
and follow given
instructions in order
to avoid serious
injuries. 1250 0099 92

7. Signs

Symbol Description Symbol Description

Regulatory sign Regulatory sign
• Read the • Read the
instructions. instructions.
• The carrier's battery • The hydraulic system
supplies the hydraulic must be filled with
oil level switch with hydraulic oil.
• The battery switch
must be turned on
when drilling is in
• Switch off the battery
switch when the rig is
not in operation. If
1250 0100 09
this is not done the 1250 0099 91

battery will be
Regulatory sign Regulatory sign
• Read the • Read the
instructions. instructions.
• Fill with engine oil. • Fill with brake fluid.

1250 0099 93 1250 0100 11

Regulatory sign Regulatory sign

• Read the • Read the
instructions. instructions.
• Fill with lubricating • Emergency stop.

1250 0100 10 1250 0101 41

7. Signs

Symbol Description Symbol Description

Regulatory sign
• Use safety belt.

1250 0131 63

Alternating current generator

Table: Regulatory sign, alternating current generator

Symbol Description
Regulatory sign
• Read the instructions.
• This rig is equipped with an alternating current
generator (alternator).
• Disconnect the battery cables before removing
the generator or regulator and when giving the
battery a booster charge.
• When performing electrical welding of the rig or
fitted equipment, detach the charging regulator
cables as well.

1250 0099 90

Information signs
Table: Information signs
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Information sign Information sign
Fire extinguishers. Actuator for fire fighting

1250 0099 88 1250 0099 87

7. Signs

Symbol Description Symbol Description

Information sign Information sign
Emergency exit. Lifting eye.

1250 0098 92

1250 0098 93

Information sign Information sign

Water inlet. Air intake.

1250 0098 94 1250 0098 95

Information sign Information sign

Fuel. Fuel cock.

1250 0098 96 1250 0100 15

Information sign Information sign

Battery switch. Draining.

1250 0100 28 1250 0100 29

Information sign
Washer fluid

Other signs
• Data plates
- Rig data plate, see operator's instructions Technical data rig.

7. Signs

Atlas Copco
Rock Drills AB
Serial No.
Installed diesel power kW
Installed electric power kW
Rated Voltage V
Rated frequency Hz
Gross weight kg
Made in Sweden 20xx
1250 0101 43

Figure: Example of rig data plate

- Part component data plate (e.g. for a boom)
• Decal signs
• Identity plates
All electrical components have their own sign with an identifying name.
1250 0112 71

Figure: Example of identity plate

8. Rig stability

8. Rig stability

Maximum permissible inclination angles

Table: Warning sign, stability
Symbol Description
Warning sign
• Stability.
• The rig may be moved on maximum 14°
inclines uphill and downhill.
• Side inclination may be maximum 0°.
Max. 24°

Max. 10°

1250 0100 26

Rig stability requirements

Atlas Copco requirements

Atlas Copco's requirements for underground rigs are as follows:

To cope with a tilt of +/- 14° in the direction of movement with a camber of +/- 5°
during transport.

To cope with a tilt of +/- 14° in the direction of movement with a camber of +/- 0°
during operation at inching speed, parking and work functions.

Atlas Copco's underground rigs must fulfil safety requirements in accordance with


• Transport
During transport, the booms and feeder and/or other positioning units must be
max. retracted and be in straight alignment with the rig's line of symmetry . No
speed limit imposed by Atlas Copco.
• Operating at inching speed
When operating at inching speed, the booms and feeder and/or other positioning
units must be max. retracted and may be swung out within the rig's swing radius.
The rig must only be moved at max. 1 km/h.
• Parked
During parking, the booms and feeder and/or other positioning units must be max.
retracted and may then be swung out max. when the rig is stationary.

8. Rig stability

• Drilling
During work functions, the rig must stand on jacks, and booms and/or other posi-
tioning units may then be used for their intended purpose.
1250 0163 27

0 / 5°
Figure: Atlas Copco requirements

Requirements in accordance with EN791:1996

The rigs must be designed to be adequately stable during the designated operator sit-
uation, e.g. during transportation, tramming, parking and while drilling, and that
there is no risk that the rigs can overturn.

In compliance with EN791:1996 requirements, all equipment must be secure from

dynamic effects such as acceleration, retardation, uneven surfaces and forces gener-
ated by the rig during transport, tramming, parking and when in operation.

Stability norm

Below is a summary of the stability standard in accordance with CEN (Committé
Europe des Normes).

Rig on wheels with booms/drilling unit in transport position

“The rig safety angle (α) must be at least 10 degrees in all directions when moving
and at least 5 degrees when parking.”

The angle of stability is added to the maximum permitted angle of inclination (β)
according to the rig specification.

The fall line of the inclination is parallel with a line through the centres of the wheel
axles. Applicable to both rigid and articulated carriers.

Permitted tipping angle over the wheel axle must not be less than α+β.

8. Rig stability

1250 0062 30

Figure: Tipping line perpendicular to fall line

α The rig's stability angle
β Max. permitted angle of inclination
A Tipping line
B Fall line

The rig's tipping angle is calculated during operation with the booms directly forward
and within sweeping radius as well as parked in the severest position (max. boom
swing). The tipping angle is calculated for longitudinal and lateral pitching.

The permitted tipping angle over the wheels on one side must not be less than α. Spe-
cial case: The lateral angle of inclination is added if specified.

Rig on jacks with booms/drilling unit in working position.

"The angle of stability (α) of the rig must be at least 5 degrees in all directions when
supported on jacks."

The angle of stability is added to the maximum permitted angle of inclination (β)
according to the rig specification.

The fall line of the inclination is parallel with a line through the centres of the wheel
axles. Applicable to both rigid and articulated carriers.

The rig's tipping angle is calculated with the booms directly forward and max. swing.
The tipping angle is calculated for longitudinal and lateral pitching respectively.

Permitted tipping angle over the jacks must not be less than α+β.

8. Rig stability

1250 0062 31

Figure: Tipping line perpendicular to fall line.

α The rig's stability angle
β Max. permitted angle of inclination
A Tipping line
B Fall line

Permitted tipping angle over the jacks must not be less than α. Special case: The lat-
eral angle of inclination is added if specified.

1250 0062 32

Figure: Tipping line parallel to fall line.

α Rig tipping angle over jacks
β Lateral angle of inclination
A Tipping line
B Fall line

9. Declaration

9. Declaration

EC - Declaration of conformity
Only applies to rigs delivered within the EC.

Individual machine and safety components

We, Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB, Örebro, Sweden, declare that the machine to which
this declaration relates is in conformity with demands specified in the Council of the
European Union Directive of 22 June 1998 relating to harmonisation of the legisla-
tion of the Member Countries concerning machinery (98/37/EEC).

Other applicable directives

• 73/231/EEC
• 89/336/EEC

Harmonised standards which have been applied

• EN 791
• EN 60204-1:1993
• EN 292:1 and EN 292:2
• EN 418

The issuer's signature, position, place and date of issuance will be found on the origi-


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