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OPEN Alliance

Automotive Ethernet ECU

Test Specification
TC8 ECU and Network Test

Author & Company OPEN ALLIANCE TC8 Members

Title ECU and Network Test, Test Specification ECU

Version 1.0

Date January 15, 2016

Status Released

Restriction Level Public

Automotive Ethernet Test Specification for an ECU

OPEN Alliance

Version Control of Document

Version Author Description Date

1.0 TC8 members First release 15.01.16

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The OPEN Specifications (including any part thereof) are intended to be used as an information source
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1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Feedback ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 References .................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Definition of Test Scopes .............................................................................................................. 8
1.4.1 Test Scope Automotive Ethernet .......................................................................................... 8
1.4.2 Test Scope TCP/IP Protocol Family ....................................................................................... 8
1.4.3 Test Scope Automotive Protocols ......................................................................................... 8
2 Test Scope Layer 1 of Automotive Ethernet ......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Interoperability Tests .................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.2 Link-up time .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 Signal Quality ...................................................................................................................... 14
2.1.4 Cable Diagnose .................................................................................................................... 19
2.2 PMA ............................................................................................................................................. 23
2.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 23
2.2.2 Transmitter Electrical Specifications ................................................................................... 23
2.2.3 Receiver Electrical Specifications ........................................................................................ 33
3 Test Scope Layer 2 of Automotive Ethernet ....................................................................................... 35
3.1 Overview & Requirements for ECU Automotive Ethernet Switch Testing Test Scope ............... 35
3.2 VLAN Testing ............................................................................................................................... 35
3.3 QoS Testing ................................................................................................................................. 41
3.4 General Switch Testing ............................................................................................................... 52
3.5 Ingress Filtering ........................................................................................................................... 59
3.6 Diagnostics .................................................................................................................................. 62
4 Test Scope TCP/IP Protocol Family ..................................................................................................... 65
4.1 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) ............................................................................................. 65
4.1.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 65
4.1.2 Parameters used in the tests .............................................................................................. 66
4.1.3 Terminology used in Test Procedure .................................................................................. 67

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4.1.4 Test Cases ARP .................................................................................................................... 68

4.2 Internet Control Message Protocol Version 4 (ICMPv4) ........................................................... 115
4.2.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 115
4.2.2 Parameters used in the tests ............................................................................................ 116
4.2.3 Test cases ICMPv4 ............................................................................................................. 117
4.3 Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) ............................................................................................ 142
4.3.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 142
4.3.2 Parameters used in the tests ............................................................................................ 144
4.3.3 IPv4 Test cases .................................................................................................................. 145
4.4 Dynamic configuration of IPv4 Link Local Address ................................................................... 204
4.4.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 204
4.4.2 Simulated topologies ........................................................................................................ 204
4.4.3 Required topology related configuration ......................................................................... 204
4.4.4 Coverage ........................................................................................................................... 205
4.4.5 Parameters/constants used in the tests ........................................................................... 205
4.4.6 Tests .................................................................................................................................. 207
4.5 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ................................................................................................. 302
4.5.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 302
4.5.2 Simulated topologies ........................................................................................................ 302
4.5.3 Required topology related configuration ......................................................................... 302
4.5.4 Parameters used in the tests ............................................................................................ 302
4.5.5 Tests .................................................................................................................................. 304
4.6 Dynamic Host configuration Protocol Version 4 (DHCPv4) Server ........................................... 357
4.6.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 357
4.6.2 Simulated topologies ........................................................................................................ 357
4.6.3 Required topology related configuration ......................................................................... 361
4.6.4 Coverage ........................................................................................................................... 361
4.6.5 Parameters and constants used in the tests ..................................................................... 361
4.6.6 Tests .................................................................................................................................. 364
4.7 Dynamic Host configuration Protocol Version 4 (DHCPv4) Client ............................................ 460
4.7.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 460
4.7.2 Simulated topologies ........................................................................................................ 460

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4.7.3 Required topology related configuration ......................................................................... 463

4.7.4 Coverage ........................................................................................................................... 464
4.7.5 Parameters and constants used in the tests ..................................................................... 464
4.7.6 Tests .................................................................................................................................. 467
4.8 Transmisison Control Protocol (TCP) ........................................................................................ 574
4.8.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 574
4.8.2 Simulated topologies ........................................................................................................ 574
4.8.3 Required topology related configuration ......................................................................... 574
4.8.4 Parameters used in the tests ............................................................................................ 575
4.8.5 Upper Tester Procedures .................................................................................................. 575
4.8.6 Tests .................................................................................................................................. 576
5 Test Scope Automotive Protocols ..................................................................................................... 850
5.1 Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP Protocol (SOME/IP) ........................................ 850
5.1.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 850
5.1.2 Parameters used in the tests ............................................................................................ 853
5.1.3 Terminology used in Test Procedure ................................................................................ 855
5.1.4 Test Cases SOME/IP Server ............................................................................................... 856

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1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
This ECU and Network Test Specification is designed to determine if a product conforms to specifications
defined in OPEN Specifications or related requirements. This specification is a collection of all test cases
which are recommend to be considered for automotive use and should be referred by car
manufacturers within their quality control processes.
Sucessful execution and passing all relevant tests gives a Device Under Test (DUT) a mimimum approval
that the device’s basic implementiations are done correctly.

This Test specification document is grouped in several chapters oriented on the scopes: “Automotive
Ethernet”, “TCP/IP Protocol Family” and “Automotive Protocols” which are described in chapter 1.3.
Tests are organized and identified with distinct IDs that relate to their scopes, and a unique
enumeration. For every scope introduction chapters explain common requirements on the Device under
Test, the Test Setup and parameters used by the following tests.

1.2 Feedback
Any feedback for correcting, improving or adding new content is welcome. We encourage to bring
forward this feedback in the regular meetings of the OPEN Alliance TC8. In case you are not an OPEN
Alliance member you can relay questions or feedback through the following contacts:

Company Name Email address

C&S Group
NXP Rajeev Roy
Ruetz System Solutions
Spirent Communications Dirk Tempelman
Fares Mokrani
Stephan Pietsch

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1.3 References

[1] C&S Group, BroadR-Reach Interoperability Test Suite - Interoperability Test Suite Specification v2.0,
OpenAlliance, 2014.

[2] OPEN Alliance BroadR-Reach® (OABR) Physical Layer Transceiver Specification For Automotive
Applications V3.2, June 24th, 2014.

[3] C. Donahue and D. Estes, BroadR-Reach Physical Media Attachment Test Suite v2.0, OpenAlliance,

[4] B. Körber, Definitions for Communication Channel, 2.0 ed., OPEN Alliance, 2014.

1.4 Definition of Test Scopes

1.4.1 Test Scope Automotive Ethernet

Scope Automotive Ethernet includes the following ISO/OSI layers:
 Layer 1: Physical Layer OPEN Alliance BroadR-Reach (OABR)
 Layer 2: Data Link Layer, e.g IEEE Ethernet MAC + VLAN (802.1Q), ARP

1.4.2 Test Scope TCP/IP Protocol Family

Scope TCP/IP Protocol Family includes the following ISO/OSI layers:
 Layer 3: Network Layer, e.g. IP, ICMP
 Layer 4: Transport Layer, e.g. UDP, TCP, DHCP

1.4.3 Test Scope Automotive Protocols

Scope Automotive Protocols includes the following ISO/OSI layer:
 Layers 5-6-7: Application oriented layers, e.g. UDP-NM, SOME/IP, SD

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2 Test Scope Layer 1 of Automotive Ethernet

2.1 Interoperability Tests

2.1.1 General
The following test specifications are adapted from [1] to fit the general requirements of an ECU.

2.1.2 Link-up time

(based on OABR_L1_IOP_22 of [1])

3 test cycles:

 Power on Golden Device

 Power on ECU
 Wake up ECU

OABR_LINKUP_01: Link-up time - Trigger: Power on Golden Device

Synopsis Shall ensure that the link is established within a given time without a high time

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is connected to a stable power supply.

2. The DUT must be operated in normal mode which means the DUT builds up the
link and sends any Ethernet messages.
3. The Test System provides special awake conditions for the DUT such as a wakeup
line or network management CAN messages if necessary.
4. If the DUT contains a switch all links have to be tested separately.
5. The mean start up time of the golden device is available: 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦
Test setup The DUT must be connected to the golden device with opposite master/slave
configuration. The polarity of the communication channel must be correct. The power
supplies are controlled by the test system.

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Power Test system

supply tstart
(ECU) Golden Device
Con Con CMC Pass Tx

Test 1. DUT shall be active and ready to build up link.

procedure Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 n=100times:

2. Power on golden device. tstart=tPowerOnGoldenDevice

3. Polling of golden device’s status register. If link_control= active link: tstop=tActiveLink
4. Calculate the time tup between power on and link up: tup= tstop - tstart
5. Power off golden device.
End of Repeat

6. Calculate as follows:
𝑡̅ = ∑ 𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖)

𝜎𝑡 = √ ∑(𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖) − 𝑡̅)2

t min = min(𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖))

t max = max(𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖))

Pass criteria 𝜎𝑡 ≤ 50 ms

t min > 10 ms + 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦

t max < 200 ms + 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦

Notes This test has to be performed for each port of the ECU, if it has a switch inside.

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OABR_LINKUP_02: Link-up time - Trigger: Power on ECU

Synopsis Shall ensure that the link is established within a given time without a high time

Prerequisites 1. The Golden Device is connected to a stable power supply.

2. The Test System provides special awake conditions for the DUT such as a wakeup
line or network management CAN messages if necessary.
3. The manufacturer has to provide the mean start up time of the DUT: 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦1
4. 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 of Golden Device << 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦1
Test setup The DUT must be connected to the golden device with opposite master/slave
configuration. The polarity of the communication channel must be correct. The power
supplies are controlled by the test system.

Test system
tstart Power
(ECU) Golden Device
Con Con CMC Pass Tx

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Test 1. Golden Device shall be active and ready to build up link.

procedure Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 n=100times:

2. Power on DUT. tstart=tPowerOnECU

3. Polling of golden device’s status register. If link_control= active link: tstop=tActiveLink
4. Calculate the time tup between power on and link up: tup= tstop - tstart
5. Power off DUT.
End of Repeat

6. Calculate as follows:
𝑡̅ = ∑ 𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖)

𝜎𝑡 = √ ∑(𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖) − 𝑡̅)2

t min = min(𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖))

t max = max(𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖))

Pass criteria 𝜎𝑡 ≤ 50 ms

t min > 10 ms + 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦1

t max < 200 𝑚𝑠 + 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦1

Notes This test has to be performed for each port of the ECU, if it has a switch inside.

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OABR_LINKUP_03: Link-up time - Trigger: Wake up ECU

Synopsis Shall ensure that the link is established within a given time without a high time

Prerequisites 1. The DUT and the Golden Device are connected to a stable power supply.
2. The DUT must be operated in normal mode which means the DUT build up the link
and sends any Ethernet messages.
3. Wake up message is necessary. The Test System provides special awake conditions
for the DUT such as a wakeup line or network management CAN messages.
4. The manufacturer has to provide the value Isleep.
5. The manufacturer has to provide the mean wake up time of the DUT: 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦2
Test setup The DUT must be connected to the golden device with opposite master/slave
configuration. The polarity of the communication channel must be correct. The power
supplies are controlled by the test system.

Wakeup Test system

Trigger tstart

Power Power
supply supply
(ECU) Golden Device
Con Con CMC Pass Tx

Test 1. DUT shall be in sleep mode and Golden Device shall be active and ready to build up
procedure link.
Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 n=100times:

2. Turn on Wake up signal for DUT.

3. tWakeUpECU if IDUT> Isleep , tstart=tWakeUpECU
4. Polling of Golden Device’s status register. If link_control= active link: tstop=tActiveLink
5. Calculate the time tup between power on and link up: tup= tstop - tstart
6. Switch DUT to sleep mode.
End of Repeat

7. Calculate as follows:

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𝑡̅ = ∑ 𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖)

𝜎𝑡 = √ ∑(𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖) − 𝑡̅)2

t min = min(𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖))

t max = max(𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝑖))

Pass criteria 𝜎𝑡 ≤ 50 ms

t min > 10 ms + 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦2

t max < 200 𝑚𝑠 + 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦2

Notes This test has to be performed for each port of the ECU, if it has a switch inside.

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2.1.3 Signal Quality

(based on OABR_L1_IOP_23 of [1])

OABR_SIGNAL_01: Indicated signal quality for channel with decreasing quality

(based on OABR_L1_IOP_24 of [1])

Synopsis Shall ensure that the ECU’s indicated signal quality decreases for a channel with
decreasing channel quality and that there is coherence between the SQI indicated
values on the ECU and the Golden device.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT and the Golden Device are connected to a stable power supply.
2. The DUT must be operated in normal mode which means the DUT build up the link
and sends any Ethernet messages.
3. The Test system allows varying and determining the quality of the communication
channel that connects the DUT and Golden Device.
4. DUT and Golden Device must be able to monitor the signal quality indicated by the
PHY. The DUT’s information of the signal quality can be provided by an applicative
Ethernet message, an UDS communication or another communication channel like
Test setup
Power Test system

Rend=¯ Rstart=¥
Golden Device
Con Con CMC Pass Tx

Test 1. Remove any artificial channel degradation, to ensure that the highest possible
procedure signal quality is reached on both the DUT and Golden Device.
2. Read DUT’s parameter SQI and Link Status.
3. Read Golden Device parameter SQI and Link Status.
4. Read the resistor value
5. Save the acquired information.

Degradation Step # SQI_DUT SQI_GD LinkStatus_DUT LinkStatus_GD R_channel

1 x% x% Up/Down Up/Down X[Ω]

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… … … … … …

n … … … … Rend

6. Increase artificial channel degradation on channel with a maximal step of 5 Ω.

Repeat steps 2 to 6 until Channel quality is too low to establish a link.

Pass criteria Each test iteration shall be classified as passed, if all of the following condition(s) are

 Both devices show a decrement on the SQI value, allowing a maximal deviation of
n%, where n% is the minimal step of the device with less resolution involved in the
test set up.
 DUT lost its link after indicating a SQI value of <= 40%
 Link was not lost at a SQI value of > 40%

Notes This test has to be performed for each port of the ECU, if it has a switch inside.

Notice that the DUT and the Golden Device could present different SQI scales. This fact
should be included in the test report.

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OABR_SIGNAL_02: Indicated signal quality for channel with increasing quality

(based on OABR_L1_IOP_25 of [1])

Synopsis Shall ensure that the ECU’s indicated signal quality increases for a channel with
increasing channel quality and that there is coherence between the SQI indicated
values on the ECU and the Golden device.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT and the Golden Device are connected to a stable power supply.
2. The DUT must be operated in normal mode which means the DUT build up the link
and sends any Ethernet messages.
3. The Test system allows varying and determining the quality of the communication
channel that connects the DUT and Golden Device.
4. DUT and Golden Device must be able to monitor the signal quality indicated by the
PHY. The DUT’s information of the signal quality can be provided by an applicative
Ethernet message, an UDS communication or another communication channel like
Test setup
Power Test system

Rend Rstart=¥
Golden Device
Con Con CMC Pass Tx

Test 1. Start with the lowest possible quality of the communication channel with the
procedure identified resistor value Rend of the test 0.
2. Measurement of the signal quality of the DUT and Golden Device.
Degradation Step # SQI_DUT SQI_GD LinkStatus_DUT LinkStatus_GD R_channel

1 x% x% Up/Down Up/Down X[Ω]

… … … … … …

n … … … … Rend
3. Decrease artificial channel degradation on channel with a maximal step of 5 Ω
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the channel quality reach 100%.
Pass criteria Each test iteration shall be classified as passed, if all of the following condition(s) are

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 Both devices show an increment on the SQI value, allowing a maximal deviation of
n%, where n% is the minimal step of the device with less resolution involved in the
test set up.
 Link was not lost at a SQI value of > 40%

Notes This test has to be performed for each port of the ECU, if it has a switch inside.

Notice that the DUT and the Golden Device could present different SQI scales. This fact
should be included in the test report.

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2.1.4 Cable diagnostics

OABR_CABLE_01: Cable diagnostics for ground detection

Synopsis Shall ensure that the ECU’s cable diagnostic reliably detects a ground connection of one
or both of the bus lines.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT and the Golden Device are connected to a stable power supply.
2. The DUT must be operated in normal mode which means the DUT build up the link
and sends any Ethernet messages.
3. DUT must be able to detect any cable errors. This means the DUT have to trigger
the cable diagnostic features by itself and store it e.g. as DTC (Diagnostic Trouble
Code). The result of DUT’s cable diagnostic can be provided by an applicative
Ethernet message, an UDS communication or another communication channel like
Test setup
Power Test system

Golden Device
Con Con CMC Pass Tx
BR- Filter
1 2
DUT 1 2 1 2
(ECU) t t t t

Test 1. All DTCs or any other detected errors of the cable diagnostics of the DUT have to be
procedure deleted.
2. After the wait time t the test system requests all identified cable errors QC by the
3. The test system creates a cable error for a defined time terror.
4. After the wait time t the test system requests all identified cable errors QC by the
5. Repeat step 1 to 4 for all error combinations (alternately BR+ and/or BR- connect to
Pass criteria Each test iteration shall be classified as passed, if the DUT reports all expected cable


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OABR_CABLE_02: Cable diagnostics for near and far end open

(based on OABR_L1_IOP_32 of [1])

Synopsis Shall ensure that the ECU’s cable diagnostic reliably detects an open of one or both of
the bus lines. The test shall be performed for both a near end open at the connector of
the DUT, and for a far end open at the connector of the Golden Device.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT and the Golden Device are connected to a stable power supply.
2. The DUT must be operated in normal mode which means the DUT build up the link
and sends any Ethernet messages.
3. DUT must be able to detect any cable errors. This means the DUT have to trigger
the cable diagnostic features by itself and store it e.g. as DTC (Diagnostic Trouble
Code). The result of DUT’s cable diagnostic can be provided by an applicative
Ethernet message, an UDS communication or another communication channel like
Test setup Near Open
Power Test system
Golden Device
Con Con CMC Pass Tx
BR- 2

DUT 1 2 QC
(ECU) t t t

Far Open

Power Test system

Golden Device
Con Con CMC Pass Tx
BR- 2

DUT 1 2 QC
(ECU) t t t

Test The following steps shall be applied to test near and far end open cable diagnostics
1. All DTCs or any other detected errors of the cable diagnostics of the DUT have to be
2. After the wait time t the test system requests all identified cable errors QC by the
3. The test system creates a cable error for a defined time terror.
4. After the wait time t the test system requests all identified cable errors QC by the

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5. Repeat step 1 to 4 for all error combinations (alternately BR+ and/or BR- are open).

Pass criteria Each test iteration shall be classified as passed, if the DUT reports all expected cable

Notes The results shall be reported for each BroadR-Reach port available in the ECU.

OABR_CABLE_03: Cable diagnostics for near and far end short

(based on OABR_L1_IOP_33 of [1])

Synopsis Shall ensure that the DUT’s cable diagnostic reliably detects a short of the bus lines. The
test shall be performed for both a near end short at the connector of the DUT, and for a
far end short at the connector of the Golden Device.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT and the Golden Device are connected to a stable power supply.
2. The DUT must be operated in normal mode which means the DUT build up the link
and sends any Ethernet messages.
3. DUT must be able to detect any cable errors. This means the DUT have to trigger
the cable diagnostic features by itself and store it e.g. as DTC (Diagnostic Trouble
Code). The result of DUT’s cable diagnostic can be provided by an applicative
Ethernet message, an UDS communication or another communication channel like
Test setup Near Short

Power Test system


Golden Device
Test system PHY mC
Con Con CMC Pass Tx
BR- Filter


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Far Short

Power Test system


Golden Device
Con Con CMC Pass Tx
BR- Filter


Test The following steps shall be applied to test near and far end short cable diagnostics
1. All DTCs or any other detected errors of the cable diagnostics of the DUT have to be
2. After the wait time t the test system requests all identified cable errors QC by the
3. The test system creates a cable error for a defined time terror.
4. After the wait time t the test system requests all identified cable errors QC by the
5. Repeat step 1 to 4 for all error combinations (alternately BR+ connected to BR- at
connector of DUT/Golden Device).
Pass criteria Each test iteration shall be classified as passed, if the DUT reports a short between the
bus lines.

Notes The results shall be reported for each BroadR-Reach port available in the ECU.

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2.2 PMA

2.2.1 General
This chapter shall be used for evaluation of the Physical Layer of a 100BASE-T1 (OA BR) interface on ECU

Except otherwise stated the measurements shall be conducted by room temperature (RT=23°C±5°C).

Referenced specification

The tests shall be carried out based on the definitions of the related test specifications [2], [3] and [4].

2.2.2 Transmitter Electrical Specifications

The following test cases specify the Requirements of the Transmitter Side (measurement point: MDI).

OABR_PMA_TX_01: Check the Transmitter Output Droop

(based on the Chapter 5.4.1 Transmitter Output Droop of [2])

Synopsis Shall ensure that the DUT respects the maximum Output Droop value for both: Positive
and Negative magnitude.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is connected to a stable power supply.

2. Use Link Partner or an interface to commute the DUT in Test Mode (via BroadR-
Reach or Standard Ethernet or CAN)
3. DUT must be able to switch to Test Mode 1.
Test setup Figure 5-1 of [2]: Transmitter Test Fixture 1: Droop, Jitter
Test Setup shall be carried out with an Oscilloscope.
Test 1. The DUT is in Test Mode 1 and sends Test Pattern continually.
procedure 2. Use a test fixture terminated with 100 Ohm.
3. Measure the Value Vpk and Vd (after 500ns after the initial peak).
4. Calculate the Droop =100*(Vd/Vpk)%
5. Report the Values of the Positive and Negative Magnitude.
Pass criteria Each test iteration shall be classified as passed, if the values of the Droop are according
to chapter 5.4.1 Transmitter Output Droop of [2].

Negative and positive droop [%] shall be < 45%.

Test Accumulate min. 10 Samples to increase the Accuracy.



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OABR_PMA_TX_02: Check the Transmitter Timing Jitter in MASTER Mode

(based on the Chapter 5.4.3 Transmitter Timing Jitter of [2])

Synopsis Shall ensure that the DUT respects the maximum Jitter value according to chapter 5.4.3
Transmitter Timing Jitter of [2]) at the MDI output jitter JTXOUT.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is connected to a stable power supply.

2. Use Link Partner or an interface to commute the DUT in Test Mode (via BroadR-
Reach or Standard Ethernet or CAN)
3. DUT must be able to switch to Test Mode 2.
Test setup Figure 5-1 of [2]): Transmitter Test Fixture 1: Droop, Jitter
Test Setup shall be carried out with an Oscilloscope.
Test 1. The DUT is in Test Mode 2 and sends Test Pattern continually.
procedure 2. Use a test fixture terminated with 100 Ohm.
3. Measure the Value JTXOUT
4. Compute the Transmitter Timing Jitter.
5. Report the Value of the Transmitter Timing Jitter.
Pass criteria Each test iteration shall be classified as passed, if the Value of the MDI Transmitter
Timing Jitter is according to chapter 5.4.3 Transmitter Timing Jitter of [2].

The MDI Output Jitter shall be < 50ps

Test Accumulate min. 10 Samples to increase the Accuracy.



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OABR_PMA_TX_03: Check Master Transmit Clock Frequency

(based on [3])
Synopsis Shall ensure that the DUT has a stable clock.

Prerequisites For an ECU which is configured as slave in the Network, the ECU shall be switched to
MASTER-mode in this test.

1. The DUT is connected to a stable power supply.

2. Use Link Partner or an interface to commute the DUT in Test Mode (via BroadR-
Reach or Standard Ethernet or CAN)
3. DUT must be able to switch to Test Mode 2.
Test setup Figure 5-1 of [2]): Transmitter Test Fixture 1: Droop, Jitter
Test Setup shall be carried out with an Oscilloscope and a Test fixture terminated by

Test 1. Use a Test fixture as described in test setup

procedure 2. Measure the Value Master Transmit Clock Frequency
3. Report the result with a resolution that shows that no limit violation has been

Pass criteria The transmit clock shall be 66 2/3 MHz ±100 ppm for all temperatures.

Test This test shall be conducted at all corner temperatures of the ECU
iterations (e.g. -40°C/RT/105°C).

Notes As the Test is realized on three corner temperatures use test cable that not influence
the result .

The signal frequency generated from the Test Mode 2 is 33 1/3 MHz

According to this criteria the result could be measured on the clock delivered by the
PHY in test mode 2 and reported as in Mbits that is the double of the measured value.

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OABR_PMA_TX_04: Check the Transmitter Power Spectral Density (PSD)

(based on the Chapter 5.4.4 Transmitter Power Spectral Density (PSD)of [2])
Synopsis Shall ensure that the DUT respects Table 5.4 of [2]:Power Spectral Density Min & Max
Mask Definition. The PSD should be between the upper and the lower values specified
in the table.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is connected to a stable power supply.

2. Use Link Partner or an interface to commute the DUT in Test Mode (via BroadR-
Reach or Standard Ethernet or CAN)
3. DUT must be able to switch to Test Mode 5.
Test setup Test Setup can be carried out with a Spectrum Analyzer or an Oscilloscope and a Test
fixture terminated by 100Ω.

Figure 5-3 of [2]: Transmitter Test Fixture 3: PSD Mask

Test 1. The DUT in Test Mode 5 and sends Test Pattern continually.
procedure 2. Use a test fixture terminated with 100 Ohm.
3. Spectrum Analyzer or Oscilloscope captures the transmitted test pattern.
4. Spectrum Analyzer or Oscilloscope computes the PSD.
5. Report the Value of the PSD as a Screenshot or a diagram/plot with a resolution
that shows that no MASK Violation has been detected.
Pass criteria Each test iteration shall be classified as passed, if the Value of the PSD is according to
chapter 5.4.4 Transmitter Power Spectral Density (PSD) of [2], table 5-4.

Figure 5-6 of [2]: PSD Upper and Lower Limits

Test The averaging function of the scope shall be set at least to 50 time.

Notes In case of using a spectrum analyzer a balun with differential input must be used.

PSD shall be measured in the frequency range of 1 MHz to 200 MHz.

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OABR_PMA_TX_05: Check the MDI return Loss

(based on the Chapter Chapter 7.1.3 Return Loss.)

Synopsis Shall ensure that the DUT respects the Return Loss Mask Definition.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is connected to a stable power supply.

2. Use Link Partner or an interface to commute the DUT in Test Mode (via BroadR-
Reach or Standard Ethernet or CAN)
3. DUT must be able to switch to Test Mode 5.
Test setup Test Setup shall be carried out with a Network Analyzer.

reference plane Test fixture
ECU impedance

OA BR connector

VBAT Terminal
GND power
Connection ECU
GND pin to ground
ECU connector plane of test
cable side

To achieve a high degree of reliability of measurement results the use of a specific test
fixture for the connection to the ECU connector MDI pins is required. A test fixture
according to the test setup and in line with definitions of [4] shall be used. The ground
pin(s) of the ECU shall be direct connected to the ground plane of the test fixture. If
possible the original harness connector shall be used. It shall be a fixed part of the test
fixture. The calibration reference plane is defined at the beginning of the harness
cennector on the test fixture.

The test and measurement settings are defined by [4] chapter 4.1 to 4.3.

Test 1. The DUT is in test mode 4 and sends Test Pattern continually [see note].
procedure 2. Use a test fixture as described in the test setup.
3. Connect the MDI via the test fixtureto the Network Analyzer.
4. Measure the Value Return Loss (Sdd11)
5. Analyze the waveform.
6. Report the result with a resolution that shows: no limit Violation was detected.
Pass criteria Each test iteration shall be classified as passed, if the value of the MDI Return Loss is
according to chapter Chapter 7.1.3 Return Loss..

Test No

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Notes Instead of the TestMode, the OA BR transceiver can be configured for active mode and
shall be set to mode “TX off” or “Scrambler off” (no output signal generated by
transceiver) if available.

MDI Return Loss shall be measured in the frequency range of 1 MHz to 200 MHz.

OABR_PMA_TX_06: Check MDI Mode conversion

(based on [4])
Synopsis The tests shall be carried out based on the definitions of the related test specifications

Shall ensure that the DUT front end respects the appropriate symmetry requirements.

Prerequisites 1.The DUT is connected to a stable power supply.

2.Use Link Partner or an interface to commute the DUT in Test Mode (via BroadR-Reach
or Standard Ethernet or CAN)

3.DUT must be able to switch to Test Mode 4 .

4. DUT shall be set to mode “TX off” or “Scrambler off” (no output signal generated by
transceiver). It is also possible to test with completely unpowered ECU. In this case it
shall be agreed by OEM.

Test setup Measurement

reference plane Test fixture
ECU impedance

OA BR connector

VBAT Terminal
GND power
Connection ECU
GND pin to ground
ECU connector plane of test
cable side

To achieve a high degree of reliability of measurement results the use of a specific test
fixture for the connection to the ECU connector MDI pins is required. A test fixture
according to Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden. test setup and in
line with definitions of [4] shall be used. The ground pin(s) of the ECU shall be direct

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connected to the ground plane of the test fixture. If possible the original harness
connector shall be used. It shall be a fixed part of the test fixture. The calibration
reference plane is defined at the beginning of the harness connector on the test fixture.
Additionally the used test fixture shall fulfill the limit for fixture self-conversion
according to the diagram of the test setup while the test fixture is not connected to the
ECU (terminal left open).

The test and measurement settings are defined by [4] chapter 4.1 to 4.3.

Limit for ECU fixture self-conversion

MDI Mode conversion / OA BroadRReach Limit TCL ECU Test fixture

Item: Requirment for ECU test fixture
Sdc11 / Transverse Conversion Loss (TCL)

[dB] f [MHz] TCL [dB]
-10 1 - 70
ECU terminal of test jig is left open for evaluation! 20 - 70
200 - 50






1 10 100 1000

Test 1. Use a test fixture as described in the test setup.

procedure 2. Connect the MDI via the test fixture to the Network Analyzer.
3. Measure the Value Mode Conversion (Sdc22)
4. Analyze the waveform.
5. Report the Screenshot with a resolution that shows: no limit Violation was

Pass criteria For evaluation of MDI mode conversion measurements in the frequency range of 1 MHz
to 1 GHz are required. The following limit shall be fulfilled.

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MDI Mode conversion / OA BroadRReach Limit

Item: Sdc11 / Transverse Conversion Loss (TCL)

[dB] f [MHz] TCL [dB]
-10 1 - 60
22 - 60
100 - 47
-20 200 - 37






1 10 100 1000

Test No


OABR_PMA_TX_07: Check MDI Common Mode emission

(based on)
Synopsis Shall ensure that the DUT front end is not emitting common mode signal.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is connected to a stable power supply.

2. Use Link Partner or an interface to commute the DUT in Test Mode (via BroadR-
Reach or Standard Ethernet or CAN)
3. DUT must be able to switch to Test Mode 5.

Test setup Measurement

reference plane
Test fixture
ECU Line
R=50Ω +/- 0.1%
OA BR connector

VBAT Terminal
GND power
Connection ECU
GND pin to ground
plane of test
ECU connector fixture
cable side

To achieve a high degree of reliability of measurement results the use of a specific test
fixture for the connection to the ECU connector MDI pins is required. A test fixture

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according to the test setup and in line with definitions of [4] shall be used. The ground
pin(s) of the ECU shall be direct connected to the ground plane of the test fixture. If
possible the original harness connector shall be used. It shall be a fixed part of the test
fixture. The calibration reference plane is defined at the beginning of the harness
connector on the test fixture.

Additionally to these definitions the used test fixture shall fulfill the limit for fixture self-
conversion according to the diagram of test setup 0 while the test fixture is not
connected to the ECU (terminal left open). The 50 Ohm resistors on the test fixture shall
be realized by RF resistor types with an accuracy of in minimum 0.1%.

The ECU shall be in an active powered state. The OA BR transceiver is configured for test
mode 5 [2]. The RF connector of the test fixture shall be connected to a RF analyzer
according to [4]. The settings for the RF analyzer are given in the table as follows.

Measuring equipment Spectrum analyzer Measuring receiver

Measurement unit dBµV

Detector Peak

Frequency range 1 to 200 MHz

Resolution bandwidth (RBW) 10 kHz 9 kHz

Video bandwidth (VBW) > 3 x RBW -

Numbers of passes 10 (max hold) -

Measurement time per step -  100 ms

Frequency sweep time  20 s -

Frequency step width -  0.4 x RBW

The test and measurement settings are defined by [4] chapter 4.1 to 4.3.

Test 1. The DUT in Test Mode 5 and sends Test Pattern continually.
procedure 2. Use a test fixture as described in the test setup
3. Spectrum Analyzer, Measurement Receiver or Oscilloscope captures the
transmitted common mode emission spectrum
4. Report the value of the common mode emission with a resolution that shows that
no mask violation has been detected.
Pass criteria For evaluation of MDI mode conversion measurements in the frequency range of 1 MHz
to 200 MHz are required. The following limit shall be fulfilled. (Limit t.b.d.)

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MDI Common mode emission / OA BroadRReach Limit

Item: RF common mode votlage

[dBµV] f [MHz] CME [dBµV]
70 1 24
70 24


1 10 100

Test No

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2.2.3 Receiver Electrical Specifications

The following test cases specify the Requirements of the Receiver Side (measurement point: MDI). The
following test cases are only for Switch ECUs.

OABR_PMA_RX_01: Check the Receiver Differential Input Signals

(based on [2] Chapter 5.1.1 Receive Differential Input Signals)

Synopsys Shall ensure that the DUT’s respect the Bit Error Rate Test specified. The BER should be
less than 10-10 at typical symbol transmission rate: 66+2/3 MHz

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is connected to a stable power supply.

2. The DUT must be operated in normal mode which means the DUT build up the link.
3. Use a Test Center to generate and analyze Packet Error Rate (PER).
4. Use a Worst Case Channel of 15m.
Test setup No figure

Test 1. Test Center sends to DUT Packets with size 64 bytes continually with 100% load.
procedure 2. Test Center analyzes the Packet Loss
3. Report the Values of the PER.
Repeat Steps 1 to 3 with Packet size 1518 bytes.

Pass criteria Each test shall be classified as passed, if the Value of the BER is lower than 10-10

Test No


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OABR_PMA_RX_02: Check the Receiver Frequency Tolerance

(based on [2] Chapter 5.1.1 Receive Differential Input Signals)

Synopsys Shall ensure that the DUT’s respect the Bit Error Rate Test specified. The BER should be
less than 10-10
at symbol transmission rate minimum: 66+2/3 MHz - 100ppm and
at symbol transmission rate maximum: 66+2/3 MHz + 100ppm
Prerequisites 1. The DUT is connected to a stable power supply.
2. The DUT must be operated in normal mode which means the DUT build up the link.
3. Use a Test Center to generate and analyze Packet Error Rate (PER).
4. Use a Worst Case Channel of 15m.
Test setup No figure

Test 1. Set symbol transmission rate at test Center to minimum: 66+2/3 MHz - 100ppm
procedure 2. Test Center sends to DUT Packets with size 64 bytes continually with 100% load.
3. Test Center analyzes the Packet Loss
4. Report the Values of the PER.
5. Repeat Steps 2 to 4 with Packet size 1518 bytes.
6. Set symbol transmission rate at test Center to maximum: 66+2/3 MHz + 100ppm
7. Test Center sends to DUT Packets with size 64 bytes continually with 100% load.
8. Test Center analyzes the Packet Loss
9. Report the Values of the PER.
10. Repeat Steps 7 to 9 with Packet size 1518 bytes.
Pass criteria Each test shall be classified as passed, if the Value of the BER is lower than 10-10

Test No


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3 Test Scope Layer 2 of Automotive Ethernet

3.1 Overview & Requirements for ECU Automotive Ethernet Switch Testing
Test Scope
The tests in this scope validate the behavior of the “Automotive Ethernet Switch“ within the ECU. The
“Automotive Ethernet Switch“ is an entity that includes the switch silicon hardware and any additional
hardware, firmware, and software needed to meets the requirements for a “MAC bridge“ set forth in
the IEEE 802.1 standards.

Any reference to “DUT“ in this test scope refers to the logical “Automotive Ethernet Switch“ including
any software or configuration done in an MCU or CPU. The “test device“ shall include both externally
connected hardware/software as well as software running on any MCU / CPU on the ECU that is
connected to the “Automotive Ethernet Switch“ via an Automotive Ethernet Port.

The tests in this test scope are designed to test that the “Automotive Ethernet Switch“ entity is
configured & operating correctly as per the ECU configuration, but assume that the functionality of the
switch silicon, PHYs, or other components has been verified elsewhere.

The test cases are grouped by functional areas. Only those functional areas and test cases that are
applicable to a given ECU need to be tested. The configuration of each ECU (including the switch
configuration) should be used to determine which test cases are applicable.

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3.2 VLAN Testing

SWITCH_VLAN_01: VLAN Unicast Traffic Forwarding

Synopsys The test shall ensure that the switch is able to forward the traffic for unidentified MACs
in presence of line rate traffic, and drop the traffic received from un-configured VLANs.

Prerequisites  The DUT shall be operated in normal mode, i.e. the switch is configured and ready
to receive/forward Ethernet frames.
 The DUT shall be capable of responding to Echo-Request message with Echo-Reply
message on some or all of its ports.
Test setup All available (external) ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test Input 1. Switch port Valid Source/Destination MAC Addresses are configured in either of
Parameters these ways:
a. read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available
b. MAC Addresses identified for testing purpose
2. Valid VLANs are read from the ECU Configuration File, if available.
Test 1. Create the test topology as shown in the Setup.
Procedure 2. On each test port, iterate through each VLAN, source MAC, and destination MAC,
and transmit Echo Request packets for each combination.
3. Verify that for each valid combination of destination MAC and VLAN, an Echo Reply
is received on the test device port that sent the Echo-Request packet.
4. Verify that for each invalid VLAN or each invalid MAC/VLAN combination, the Echo-
Request packet is dropped on the receiving ECU Switch Port.
5. Verify that for each combination of invalid destination MAC and valid VLAN, the
Echo-Request is forwarded to each test device port belonging to that VLAN except
the source port of Echo-Request.
Pass criteria The DUT traffic counters match the expected test device traffic counters for each

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combination of VLAN, Source MAC and Destination MAC.

Test The test shall be repeated for each combination of ingress and egress ports for all the
iterations combinations of:

 Source MAC Addresses

 Destination MAC Addresses
 4094 VLANs (exclude reserved VIDs 0 and 4095) per port and VLAN untagged
Notes Test derived from switch requirement VLAN01 and VLAN02: The switch shall support
VLAN handling according to IEEE 802.1Q. The switch shall support at least x different
VLAN-IDs which can be chosen freely from the entire range of all available 4095 VLAN-

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SWITCH_VLAN_02: VLAN Broadcast Traffic Forwarding

Synopsys The test shall ensure that the switch is able to successfully forward the broadcast traffic
from all configured VLANs in presence of line rate traffic, and drop the traffic received
from un-configured VLANs.

Prerequisites  The DUT shall be operated in normal mode, i.e. the switch is configured and ready
to receive/forward Ethernet frames.
 The DUT shall be capable of handling ARP request on some or all of its ports.
Test setup All available (external) ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test Input  Source MAC Addresses are configured in either of these ways:
Parameters read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available

MAC Addresses identified for testing purpose

 Source IP Addresses are configured in either of these ways:

read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available

IP Addresses identified for testing purpose

 Destination IP Addresses are configured in either of these ways:

read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available

IP Addresses identified for testing purpose

 VLANs are read from the ECU Configuration File, if available.

Test 1. Create the test topology as shown in the Setup.

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Procedure 2. On each test port, iterate through each VLAN, source MAC, source IP and
destination IP, and transmit ARP Request packets for each combination.
3. Verify that for each valid combination of destination IP and VLAN, an ARP Reply is
received on the test device port that sent the ARP Request packet.
4. Verify that for each invalid VLAN, the ARP Request packet is dropped on the
receiving ECU Switch Port.
5. Verify that for each combination of invalid destination IP and valid VLAN, the ARP
Request is forwarded to each test device port belonging to that VLAN except the
source port of ARP Request.
Pass criteria The DUT traffic counters match the expected test device traffic counters for each
combination of VLAN, Source MAC, Source IP and Destination IP.

Test The test shall be repeated for each combination of ingress and egress ports for all the
iterations combinations of:

 Source MAC Addresses

 Source IP Addresses
 Destination IP Addresses
 4094 VLANs (exclude reserved VIDs 0 and 4095) per port and VLAN untagged
Notes Test derived from switch requirement VLAN01 and VLAN02: The switch shall support
VLAN handling according to IEEE 802.1Q. The switch shall support at least x different
VLAN-IDs which can be chosen freely from the entire range of all available 4095 VLAN-

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SWITCH_VLAN_03: VLAN Multicast Traffic Forwarding

Synopsys The test shall ensure that the switch is able to forward multicast packets based on the
DUT configuration.

Prerequisites  The DUT shall be operated in normal mode, i.e. the switch is configured and ready
to receive/forward Ethernet frames.
 The DUT shall be capable of forwarding multicast message on all the ports
belonging to a specific VLAN.
Test setup All available (external) ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test Input  Source MAC Addresses are configured in either of these ways:
Parameters o read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available
o MAC Addresses identified for testing purpose
 Source IP Addresses are configured in either of these ways:
o read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available
o IP Addresses identified for testing purpose
 Destination Multicast IP Addresses
o read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available
o Multicast IP Addresses identified for testing purpose
 Destination MAC Address is the multicast MAC derived from the multicast
Destination IP
 4094 VLANs (excluding reserved VLAN IDs 0 and 4095) per port and VLAN
 Frame size – varies with each test cycle

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 Bandwidth – varies with each test cycle

Test 1. Create the test topology as shown in the Setup.
Procedure 2. Configure the test ports acting as Hosts to send join for the destination
multicast groups.
3. Verify that the test ports acting as Hosts are receiving queries and the test port
acting as Querier is receiving join/leave messages.
4. On test port acting as IGMP Querier, iterate through each VLAN, source MAC,
source IP and destination multicast IP (destination MAC is derived from
destination IP), and transmit multicast IP traffic for each combination.
5. Verify that for each valid combination of source IP, destination IP and VLAN, the
IP multicast traffic is correctly replicated only on those test ports that have
receivers for the IGMP Group (identified by destination multicast IP).
Note: The ECU switch can be a pure/hybrid L2 switch and in that case multicast
forwarding will be enabled either by IGMP snooping or static multicast
forwarding entries.
6. Verify that for each invalid VLAN, the IP multicast packet is dropped on the
receiving ECU Switch Port.
7. Verify that for each combination of invalid destination multicast IP and valid
VLAN, the IP traffic is not forwarded.
Pass criteria DUT traffic counters match the expected test device traffic counters for each
combination of VLAN, Source MAC, Source IP and Destination IP.

Test  Repeat steps 4 through 7 for each frame size and bandwidth that needs to be
iterations tested.

Notes Test derived from switch requirement VLAN01 and VLAN02: The switch shall support
VLAN handling according to IEEE 802.1Q. The switch shall support at least x different
VLAN-IDs which can be chosen freely from the entire range of all available 4095 VLAN-

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3.3 QoS Testing

SWITCH_QOS_01: VLAN Priority

Synopsys The test shall ensure that the switch is able to forward VLAN Priority tagged packets and
meet the latency and jitter limits.

Prerequisites  The DUT shall be operated in normal mode, i.e. the switch is configured and
ready to receive/forward Ethernet frames.
 The DUT shall be capable of forwarding VLAN and Priority tagged messages on
all the ports.
 Each test device port shall be able to generate and monitor VLAN and Priority
tagged traffic streams for the entire valid range of VLAN (0-4094) and Priority
Note: VLAN 0 is a special case. The packet is tagged with VLAN ID 0 so that the
packet can be priority tagged. Usually the switch receiving these packets will
strip the VLAN header and forward the packets based on VLAN priority.
 The test device shall make these statistics available for each valid/allowed
combination of VLAN and VLAN Priority:
o Frames/Bytes transmit/receive rate and traffic loss
o Min/Max/Avg latency and jitter of the frames
Test setup All available (external) ports of the DUT are connected to the test system. The topology
shown here is using three ports, but the test can be run with two ports or more than
three ports as well.

Test Input  Switch port Valid Source/Destination MAC Addresses are configured in either of
Parameters these ways:
a. read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available
b. MAC Addresses identified for testing purpose

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 Valid VLANs and VLAN Priorities are read from the ECU Configuration File, if
Test 1. Create the test topology as shown in the Setup.
Procedure 2. On each test device port (source port), iterate through each valid/allowed
source MAC, VLAN and VLAN Priority combination. For each such combination,
send traffic towards each valid/allowed destination MAC on other test device
ports (destination ports) that are connected to the ECU external ports.
3. Send, Capture and monitor the traffic on all the test device ports participating in
the test.
Pass criteria 1. Verify that for each valid combination of VLAN and VLAN Priority "Packets
Received = Packets Expected“ and there is no traffic loss for all the
valid/allowed VLANs and VLAN Priorities.
2. Verify that for each VLAN Priority the packets are received within the expected
latency and jitter defined for that priority i.e. high priority traffic incurs less
latency and jitter compared to low priority traffic.

Test  Repeat steps 1 through 3 for different frame sizes and bandwidth including line
iterations rate to validate operation under different expected conditions.

Notes Test derived from switch requirement QOS-01 and QOS-02: The switch shall support
priority based quality of service according to IEEE 802.1Q. The switch shall support at
least x different level of priority.

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SWITCH_QOS_02: Strict Priority Algorithm

Synopsys The test shall ensure that the switch is able to forward VLAN and Priority tagged packets
using strict priority algorithm.

Prerequisites  The DUT shall be operated in normal mode, i.e. the switch is configured and
ready to receive/forward Ethernet frames.
 The DUT shall be capable of forwarding VLAN and Priority tagged message on all
the ports using Strict Priority Algorithm.
 The test device shall consist of two traffic generator ports and one traffic
monitor port.
 The traffic generator port shall be capable of generating VLAN and Priority
tagged traffic streams for the entire valid range of VLAN (0-4094) and Priority
Note: VLAN 0 is a special case. The packet is tagged with VLAN ID 0 so that the
packet can be priority tagged. Usually the switch receiving these packets will
strip the VLAN header and forward the packets based on VLAN priority.
 The test device shall make these statistics available for each valid/allowed
combination of VLAN and VLAN Priority:
o Frames/Bytes transmit/receive rate and traffic loss
Test setup All available (external) ports of the DUT are connected to the test system. The topology
shown here is using three ports, but the test can be run with two ports or more than
three ports as well.

Test Input  Switch port Valid Source/Destination MAC Addresses are configured in either of
Parameters these ways:
a. read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available
b. MAC Addresses identified for testing purpose

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 Valid VLANs and VLAN Priorities are read from the ECU Configuration File, if
Test 1. Create the test topology as shown in the Setup.
Procedure 2. Iterate through all the valid VLAN IDs and configure test device Port P1 to send
100% of the line rate traffic towards test device Port P3. The VLAN priority shall
not be the lowest allowed/configured VLAN Priority for the VLAN ID chosen.
Note: The VLAN Priority may not follow numerical order in terms of priority on
many switches. For example, VLAN Priority 2 and 3 are higher in priority
compared to other VLAN Priorities on AVB enabled switches.
3. Iterate through all the valid VLAN IDs and configure test device Port P2 to send
100% of the line rate traffic towards test device Port P3. The VLAN priority shall
be lesser than the VLAN Priority configured on Port 1 for the corresponding
4. Send traffic from test device traffic generator ports (P1 and P2) at the same
5. Capture and monitor the traffic on test device traffic receiver port (P3).
6. Repeat the steps above for all the allowed/valid VLAN IDs and VLAN Priorities
such that the VLAN priority configured in step#2 is always greater than the
VLAN priority configured in step#3.
Pass criteria 1. Verify that only the traffic sent from test device Port P1 is received on test
device Port P3 i.e. only the higher priority traffic is received and the traffic sent–
from test device Port P2 is not received on test device Port P3.
2. Verify that there is no loss for the traffic sent from test device Port P1 i.e. high
priority traffic does not incur any loss.

Test  Repeat for each external DUT port that supports Strict Priority Algorithm.

Notes  Test derived from switch requirement QOS-04: The switch shall support strict
priority scheduling for each egress port.

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SWITCH_QOS_03: Weighted Round Robin Algorithm

Synopsys The test shall ensure that the switch is able to forward VLAN and Priority tagged packets
using Weighted Round Robin algorithm.

Prerequisites  The DUT shall be operated in normal mode, i.e. the switch is configured and
ready to receive/forward Ethernet frames.
 The DUT shall be capable of forwarding VLAN and Priority tagged message on all
the ports using Weighted Round Robin Algorithm.
 The test device consists of two traffic generator ports and one traffic monitor
 The traffic generator port shall be capable of generating VLAN and Priority
tagged traffic streams for the entire valid range of VLAN (1-4094) and Priority
 The test device shall make these statistics available for each valid/allowed
combination of VLAN and VLAN Priority:
o Frames/Bytes transmit/receive rate and traffic loss
Test setup All available (external) ports of the DUT are connected to the test system. The topology
shown here is using three ports, but the test can be run with two ports or more than
three ports as well.

Test Input  Switch port Valid Source/Destination MAC Addresses are configured in either of
Parameters these ways:
a. read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available
b. MAC Addresses identified for testing purpose
 Valid VLANs and VLAN Priorities are read from the ECU Configuration File, if
Test 1. Create the test topology as shown in the Setup.
2. Configure Sender Port P1 to send 33% of the line rate traffic towards Receiver

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Procedure Port P3. The traffic priority can be any allowed/configured VLAN Priority on the
3. Configure Sender Port P2 to send 66% of the line rate traffic towards Receiver
Port P3. The traffic priority can be any allowed/configured VLAN Priority on the
DUT and shall be greater than the priority configured in step#2.
4. Send traffic from sender ports at the same time.
5. Capture and monitor the traffic on the receiver port.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for all valid/allowed VLAN IDs (VLAN ID >= 1 and VLAN
ID <= 4094).
Pass criteria 1. Verify that the traffic sent from test device Port P1 and the traffic sent from test
device port P2 is received on test device Port P3 in the proportion governed by
the ratios of the weights assigned to the priority i.e. if priority 2 is assigned
weight 2 and priority 3 is assigned weight 4, then the
TrafficWithPriorityP3/TrafficWithPriorityP2 =
WeightForPriority3/WeightForPriority2 = 4/2.
2. Verify that there is no loss of traffic for the valid/allowed VLAN priorities.

Test  Repeat for each external ECU port that supports Weighted Round Robin
iterations Algorithm.

Notes Test derived from switch requirement QOS-05: The switch shall support at least one
variant of Weighted Round Robin or Weighted Fair Queuing scheduling for each egress

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SWITCH_QOS_04: VLAN Priority Overwrite Based on Ingress Priority

Synopsys The test shall ensure that the switch is able to overwrite the VLAN Priority with a
different VLAN Priority. If the packet is not VLAN-tagged, an 802.1Q VLAN Header with
default VLAN-ID and VLAN Priority will be added to the Ethernet Header.

Prerequisites  The DUT shall be operated in normal mode, i.e. the switch is configured and
ready to receive/forward Ethernet frames.
 The DUT shall be capable of forwarding VLAN and Priority tagged message on all
the ports.
 The test device consisting of at least one traffic generator port and at least one
traffic monitor port.
 The traffic generator port shall be capable of generating VLAN and Priority
tagged traffic streams for the entire valid range of VLAN (1-4094) and Priority
 The test device shall make these statistics available for each valid/allowed
combination of VLAN and VLAN Priority:
o Frames/Bytes transmit/receive rate and traffic loss
 The traffic monitor shall be able to compare the received VLAN Priority with the
transmitted VLAN Priority.
Test setup All available (external) ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test Input  Switch port Valid Source/Destination MAC Addresses are configured in either of
Parameters these ways:
a. read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available
b. MAC Addresses identified for testing purpose
 Valid VLANs and VLAN Priorities are read from the ECU Configuration File, if
Test 1. Create the test topology as shown in the setup.
Procedure 2. Configure test device port P1 to send multiple traffic streams for all the VLAN
priorities that are valid/allowed on the switch.
3. Configure test device port P2 to receive the traffic on another port.

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4. Send traffic from test device port P1.

5. Capture and monitor on test device port P2 that the traffic priority is remapped
as per the priority re-mapping table.
6. Repeat above steps for all valid/allowed VLAN IDs (VLAN ID >= 1 and VLAN ID <=
4094) including untagged frames.
Pass criteria 1. Verify that for each VLAN Priority Remapping "Packets Received = Expected
Packets Received“.
2. Verify that for each VLAN Priority the received packets are valid.
3. Verify that Ethernet and VLAN Headers are not modified except for VLAN

Test  Repeat the procedure for each external DUT Port that is enabled for Priority
iterations Overwrite.

Notes Test derived from switch requirement QOS-07 and QOS-09: It shall be possible to
change/overwrite the priority based on the incoming priority at the ingress port. This
includes untagged frames (=Default priority).)

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SWITCH_QOS_05: VLAN Priority Overwrite Based on Ingress Port

Synopsys The test shall ensure that the switch is able to overwrite the VLAN Priority with a
different VLAN Priority based on the ingress port. If the packet is not VLAN-tagged, an
802.1Q VLAN Header with default VLAN-ID and VLAN Priority will be added to the
Ethernet Header.

Prerequisites  The DUT shall be operated in normal mode, i.e. the switch is configured and
ready to receive/forward Ethernet frames.
 The DUT shall be capable of forwarding VLAN and Priority tagged message on all
the ports.
 The test device shall consist of two traffic generator ports and one traffic
monitor port.
 The traffic generator port shall be capable of generating VLAN and Priority
tagged traffic streams for the entire valid range of VLAN (1-4094) and Priority
 The test device shall make these statistics available for each valid/allowed
combination of VLAN and VLAN Priority:
o Frames/Bytes transmit/receive rate and traffic loss
 The traffic monitor shall be able to compare the received VLAN Priority with the
transmitted VLAN Priority.
Test setup All available (external) ports of the DUT are connected to the test system. The topology
shown here is using three ports, but the test can be run with more than three ports as

Test Input  Switch port Valid Source/Destination MAC Addresses are configured in either of
Parameters these ways:
a. read from the ECU Configuration file, if configured/available
b. MAC Addresses identified for testing purpose
 Valid VLANs and VLAN Priorities are read from the ECU Configuration File, if

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Test 1. Create the test topology as shown in the setup.
Procedure 2. For each test device sender port, iterate through all the VLAN priorities that are
valid/allowed on the switch, and configure at least one traffic stream for each
3. Send traffic from the test device sender ports.
4. Capture and monitor traffic on the receiver port and verify that the traffic
priority is remapped as per the priority re-mapping table.
5. Repeat above steps for all valid/allowed VLAN IDs (VLAN ID >= 1 and VLAN ID <=
Pass criteria 1. Verify that for each VLAN Priority Remapping "Packets Received = Packets
2. Verify that for each VLAN Priority the received packets are valid.
3. Verify that other fields in Ethernet and VLAN Headers are not modified.

Test  Repeat the procedure for each external DUT Port that is enabled for Priority
iterations Overwrite.

Notes Test derived from switch requirement QOS-08: It shall be possible to change/overwrite
the priority based on the ingress port. This includes untagged frames (=Default priority).

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3.4 General Switch Testing

SWITCH_GENERAL_01: Non-blocking Architecture

(Test derived from switch requirement GEN01: The switch shall use a non-blocking architecture.)

Synopsys The test shall ensure that the switch uses a non-blocking architecture, i.e. the switch is
capable of processing and forwarding all incoming data under full communication load
(i.e. full-duplex communication on all ports simultaneously).

Prerequisite The DUT shall be operated in normal mode, i.e. the switch is configured and ready to
s receive/forward Ethernet frames.

Test setup All available (external) ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test The test is executed in four test instances (a) – (d).

The test system increases the communication traffic from 0 % to 100 % bus load.
(a) On all ports consecutively, with minimum frame length
(b) On all ports consecutively, with maximum frame length
(c) On all ports simultaneously, with minimum frame length
(d) On all ports simultaneously, with maximum frame length
The bus load is increased in steps of 1 % per second.
With a given bandwidth of bitsPerSecond bit/s (e.g. 100 Mbit/s), the maximum number of
frames for a single link can be calculated by taking the Ethernet frame length including
the preamble and the minimum inter-frame gap into account:
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠 = floor ( )
(8 + 14 + 𝑝𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ[𝑏𝑦𝑡𝑒] + 4 + 12) ∗ 8
Number of frames with minimum payload length (46 byte):
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = floor ( )
Number of frames with maximum payload length (1500 byte):
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = floor ( )

Pass criteria Verify that all frames transmitted by the test system are forwarded correctly and that no
frame is dropped by the switch during the runtime of test.

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Test The test shall be repeated for each combination of ingress and egress ports.

Notes The maximum number of frames for 100 Mbit/s:

𝑛𝑢𝑚𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 148809

𝑛𝑢𝑚𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 8127

SWITCH_GENERAL_02: Store and Forward Operation

(Derived from requirement: GEN 02: The switch shall operate as store and forward switch.)

Synopsys The test shall ensure that the switch operates as a store and forward switch, i.e. the
switch shall store an incoming frame and wait until its complete reception and
syntactical verification (CRC check) before forwarding the frame.

Prerequisites The DUT shall be operated in normal mode, i.e. the switch is configured and ready to
receive/forward Ethernet frames.

Test setup All available (external) ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test The test is executed in 8 test instances (1) – (8).


The test system transmits a frame with a combination of the following characteristics:

Frame has

 Minimum frame length (46 byte payload)

 Maximum frame length (1500 byte payload)
Destination MAC address is

 Already known to the switch

 Unknown to the switch
Frame has

 Valid CRC
 Invalid CRC (last CRC bit flipped)

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The 6 characteristics result in 8 combinations that are tested in separate test instances:

(1) Minimum frame length, known MAC, valid CRC

(2) Maximum frame length, known MAC, valid CRC
(3) Minimum frame length, unknown MAC, valid CRC
(4) Maximum frame length, unknown MAC, valid CRC
(5) Minimum frame length, known MAC, invalid CRC
(6) Maximum frame length, known MAC, invalid CRC
(7) Minimum frame length, unknown MAC, invalid CRC
(8) Maximum frame length, unknown MAC, invalid CRC
Test instances (1) – (4): Measure time tDelay between the end of the last CRC bit of the
incoming frame and the beginning of the first preamble bit of the corresponding
forwarded frame.

The frame transmission is repeated 100 times.

Pass criteria Test instances (1) – (4): Verify that tDelay has a positive value, i.e. the transmission of the
forwarded frame does not begin before the incoming frame was completely received by
the switch. Verify that all frames are forwarded correctly and that no frame is dropped
by the switch.
Test instances (3) – (4): Verify that the frame forwarded or dropped according to the
switch configuration regarding the handling of frames with unknown destination MAC
Test instances (5) – (8): Verify that a frame with invalid CRC is dropped by the switch
and that no part of the frame is forwarded to any port.

Test The test shall be repeated for each combination of ingress and egress switch ports.


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SWITCH_GENERAL_03: Jumbo Frames

(Derived from requirement: GEN 08: The switch may support jumbo frames. If supported it should be
possible to turn this off.)

Synopsys The test shall ensure that the switch forwards jumbo frames (i.e. frames with a payload
larger than 1500 byte) correctly if jumbo frames are supported and the feature is
enabled. If jumbo frames are not supported or the feature is disabled the switch shall
drop jumbo frames.

Prerequisites The DUT shall be operated in normal mode, i.e. the switch is configured and ready to
receive/forward Ethernet frames.

Only one of the test instances (a) or (b) is executed, depending on the capabilities and
the configuration of the switch.

(a) The switch supports jumbo frames and the feature is enabled
(b) The switch does not support frames or the feature is disabled

For test instance (a) the manufacturer has to provide the maximum supported frame
size maxSupportedFrameSize.

The maximum number of supported payload bytes is

 maxSupportedPayloadSize = maxSupportedFrameSize – 18 bytes

For test instance (b) maxSupportedPayloadSize is set to 1500 bytes (according to

IEEE 802.3).

Test setup All available (external) ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test The test system transmits multiple consecutive frames with alternating payload length
procedure in pairs of one frame with a maximum regular payload length of 1500 byte (according to
IEEE 802.3) and one jumbo frame with increasing payload length.

 The first jumbo frame is transmitted with a payload length of 1501 byte.
 The n-th jumbo frame is transmitted with a payload length of 1500 + n byte.
 The last jumbo frame is transmitted with a payload length of 65535 byte.

Pass criteria  Verify that all frames with a payload length smaller or equal to
maxSupportedPayloadSize are forwarded correctly by the switch.

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 Verify that all frames with a payload length greater than

maxSupportedPayloadSize are dropped by the switch.
Test The test shall be repeated for all combinations of (external) ingress and egress ports of
iterations the switch.


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SWITCH_GENERAL_04: Port Mirroring

(Derived from requirement: GEN 10: The switch shall support Mirroring for each port. This includes
mirroring frames from multiple ports to multiple ports.)

Synopsys The test shall ensure the capability of the switch to mirror all frames received or
transmitted at one or more selected switch ports to one or more particular switch
ports configured as mirroring ports.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is configured and ready to send and receive Ethernet frames.
2. At least one pair of ports is configured for port mirroring.
Test setup All available (external) switch ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test Let M be the set of switch port pairs Pi = (PortSi, PortMi), which are configured to
procedure mirror all incoming and outgoing frames on the source port PortSi to the mirror port

Let N be the set of non-mirrored switch ports, i.e. ports that are not configured as
source port within M, including all ports not included in M at all.

The test system continuously transmits unicast and broadcast frames with minimum
(42 bytes) and maximum regular (1500 bytes) payload length on all connected ports
of the DUT.

The test shall run until at least 100 frames were mirrored for each pair of ports in M.

Pass criteria Verify that all frames on all ports are forwarded correctly according to VLAN-ID and
MAC address.

Verify for all port pairs Pi in M that all incoming and outgoing frames of the source
port PortSi are additionally mirrored to and transmitted on the corresponding mirror
port PortMi.

Notes The number and ratio of broadcast frames shall be below the broadcast storm
protection threshold, if broadcast storm protection is enabled.

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SWITCH_GENERAL_05: Port Disabling

(Derived from requirement: GEN 11: The switch shall support disabling/enabling each single port on
MAC Layer without affecting the link state of the physical layer.)

Synopsys The test shall ensure the capability of the switch to enable and disable single switch
ports on MAC layer without affecting the link state of the physical layer.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is configured and ready to send and receive Ethernet frames.
2. At least one switch port is configured to be disabled.
Test setup All available (external) switch ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test Let Pdisabled be the set of disabled switch ports.


The test system continuously transmits unicast and broadcast frames with minimum
(42 bytes) and maximum regular (1500 bytes) payload length on all connected ports
of the DUT.

The test shall run until at least 100 frames were dropped at each disabled port.

Pass criteria Verify that all frames received on disabled ports (Pdisabled) are not forwarded to any
other port.

Verify that no frames are transmitted on a disabled port by the DUT.

Notes The number and ratio of broadcast frames shall be below the broadcast storm
protection threshold, if broadcast storm protection is enabled.

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3.5 Ingress Filtering

SWITCH_INGRESS_01: Bandwidth Limitation Policing

(Derived from requirement: FILT02: The switch shall support a configurable bandwith limitation
(policing) for each ingress port based on priority or based on VLAN-ID.)

Synopsys The test shall ensure the capability of the switch to limit the bandwidth for ingress ports
individually based on priority or based on VLAN-ID.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is configured and ready to send and receive Ethernet frames.
2. The ingress filtering of the DUT is configured to limit the bandwidth depending on
priority or VLAN-ID.
Test setup All available (external) switch ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test On port A the test system continuously transmits frames with

 Maximum regular frame length (1500 byte payload)
 Priority Code Point (PCP) = 0
 VLAN-ID = 0
creating a bus traffic of 50% of the maximum bus load.

On port B the test system transmits frames with combinations of the following

 Maximum regular frame length (1500 byte payload)

 PCP in the range from 0 to 7
 VLAN-ID in the range from 1 to 4095
creating a bus traffic of 80% of the maximum bus load.

Definition of frame categories (i.e. frames with the same characteristics):

Frame category (8v+p): maximum frame length, VLAN-ID v, PCP p

The test system shall begin with frame category (1) and transmit at least 100 frames of
the same category before switching to the next frame category.

Pass criteria Verify that all frames with higher priority are forwarded correctly and that frames with

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lower priority are delayed or dropped by the DUT.

Test The test shall be repeated for all pairs of (external) switch ports (port A and port B) of
iterations the DUT.


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SWITCH_INGRESS_02: Traffic Forwarding to Specific Port

(Derived from requirement: FILT04: The switch shall allow configuring that all incoming frames of a
switch port are forwarded to configured switch port (e.g. host controller).)

Synopsys The test shall ensure the capability of the switch to forward all incoming frames of a
selected switch port to another switch port.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is configured and ready to send and receive Ethernet frames.
2. The ingress filtering of the DUT is configured to forward all frames of a particular
port to another port.
Test setup All available (external) switch ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test Let F be the set of port pairs Pi = (PortSi, PortTi), which are configured to forward all
procedure incoming frames on the source port PortSi to the target port PortTi.

Let N be the set of non-forwarded ports, i.e. ports that are not configured as source
port within F, including all ports not included in F at all.

The test system continuously transmits unicast and broadcast frames with minimum (42
bytes) and maximum regular (1500 bytes) payload length on all connected ports of the

The test shall run until at least 100 frames were forwarded between each pair of ports
in F.

Pass criteria Verify that for each port pair Pi all frames received on the source port PortSi are
forwarded exclusively to target port PortTi.

Verify that all frames received on a port of set N are forwarded according to VLAN-ID
and MAC address independently from the forwarding configuration in F.


Notes The number and ratio of broadcast frames shall be below the broadcast storm
protection threshold, if broadcast storm protection is enabled.

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3.6 Diagnostics

SWITCH_DIAGNOSTICS_01: Diagnostic Frame Counters

(Derived from requirement: DIAG01: The switch shall provide at least the following counter individually
for each port: number of received frames, number of received bytes, number of dropped frames after
reception, number of sent frames, number of unsuccessful sent frames, number of sent bytes, maximum
fill level of the queues since clearing the counter)

Synopsys The test shall ensure the capability of the switch to provide diagnostic status
information (counters) regarding processed frames.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is configured and ready to send and receive Ethernet frames.
2. The maximum supported data size maxFrameDataSize for Ethernet frames has to
be provided by the DUT manufacturer. If jumbo frames are not supported, then
maxFrameDataSize = 1500.
3. The frame counters of all switch ports are cleared.
Test setup All available (external) switch ports of the DUT are connected to the test system.

Test The test system transmits valid and invalid Ethernet frames with different
procedure characteristics to stimulate the incrementation of the diagnostic frame counters:

 Valid tagged unicast frame, minimum payload (42 byte)

 Valid tagged unicast frame, maximum payload (maxFrameDataSize byte)
 Tagged unicast frame too short (41 byte payload)
 Tagged unicast frame too long (maxFrameDataSize + 1 byte)
 Tagged unicast frame with invalid CRC (last CRC bit flipped)

At least 1000 frames shall be transmitted for each frame category.

Pass criteria Verify that all diagnostic frame counters correctly display the number of processed
frames and bytes.

 All counters related to received frames have to be evaluated in comparison to

the frames simulated by the test system.
 All counters related to transmitted frames have to be evaluated according to
the configured transmission scheme of the DUT.
Notes  It has to be clarified how the diagnostic data shall be available (e.g. in form of
periodic frame transmissions by the DUT).
 How can the maximum expected fill level of the queues be calculated exactly?

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SWITCH_DIAGNOSTICS_02: Diagnostic Quality Indicators

(Derived from requirement: DIAG02: The switch shall provide at least the following counter or status
information individually for each port with integrated PHYs: current signal quality indicator, worst signal
quality indicator since clearing this value, number of CRC errors on reception, number of connection
losses (change of the link state))

Synopsys The test shall ensure the capability of the switch with integrated PHYs to provide
diagnostic quality indicators and counters individually for each port.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is configured and ready to send and receive Ethernet frames.
2. The diagnostic indicators and counters of all switch ports are cleared.
Test setup The same test setup as for the signal quality tests (3.1.3) shall be used in order to
modify the signal quality of a switch port.

Test The test system transmits tagged unicast frames with minimum (42 byte) payload
procedure length, with valid and invalid CRCs and varying signal quality to stimulate the
incrementation of the diagnostic counters and the signal quality indicators:

Beginning with a signal quality of 100% (i.e. channel degradation = 0%) the test system
increases the channel degradation on the tested port by 1% every second, up to a
channel degradations of 70%.

After the signal quality has reached 30% the test system decreases the channel
degradation by 1% every second, until the signal quality reaches 100%.

Pass criteria Verify that all the diagnostic signal quality indicators display the correct signal quality
values and that the diagnostic counters display the correct numbers of CRC errors and
connection losses.

Test The test shall be repeated for all (external) ports of the switch with integrated PHYs.

Notes It is sufficient to decrease the signal quality below 40% in order to prevent a stable link
connection (cf. Signal Quality test cases, chapter 3.1.3)

NOTE: The connection loss counter should be tested explicitly by changing link state.

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SWITCH_DIAGNOSTICS_03: Cable Diagnostics

(Derived from requirement: DIAG04: The switch shall support cable diagnostics for each port with
integrated PHYs. This includes the following electrical error: broken cable of at least one wire, electrical
short between at least 2 signal cables)

Synopsys The test shall ensure the capability of the switch with integrated PHYs to provide cable
diagnostics information.

Prerequisites 1. The DUT is configured and ready to send and receive Ethernet frames.
2. The cable diagnostics information of all ports are cleared.
Test setup The same test setup as for the cable diagnostics tests (3.1.4) shall be used in order to
simulate faults on the physical layer.

Test The test is executed in 4 test instances.


(1) The test system simulates a broken cable with one wire (BR+).
(2) The test system simulates a broken cable with one wire (BR-).
(3) The test system simulates a broken cable with both wires.
(4) The test system simulates a short between the both wires.

All instances are repeated at least 100 times.

Pass criteria Verify that broken wires and shorts between signal lines are detected and that the
diagnostics information is displayed correctly by the DUT.

Test The test shall be repeated for all (external) ports of the switch.


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4 Test Scope TCP/IP Protocol Family

4.1 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

4.1.1 General

Referenced specification

The scope of this chapter is to specify test cases for Address Resolution Protocol from the following
 RFC826

Simulated topologies

<TIface-0> <DIface-0>


Required topology related configuration

Tester configuration required for the tests in the following sections pertaining to ARP tests:

 Correct DUT MAC Address for DUT interface connected to TESTER interface
 All test cases that use IP interface need to do ARP Packet exchange. This ARP packet exchange is
performed after the DUT interface is configured with IP Address. Using this packet exchange
TESTER automatically learns the MAC address of DUT. The learned MAC address is then used in
the test cases to send packets to DUT.
 All the test cases in this suite require DUT to be configured with only one IP interface

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Specification Document Section Test Category Test Number(s)

1. RFC 826:An Ethernet Address Packet Generation ARP_01 to
Resolution Protocol, Packet ARP_15
1. RFC 826:An Ethernet Address Packet Reception ARP_16 to
Resolution Protocol, Packet ARP_49

4.1.2 Parameters used in the tests

User defined configuration parameters for IUT

Parameter used in test Description

This is the time for which a dynamic entry will be present in the ARP
Cache. This timeout is only effective if it has been configured using the
<DYNAMIC-ARP-CACHE- script named ARP DUT Configure ARP Dynamic Cache Entry Timeout
TIMEOUT> Command
TIMEOUT>+<ARP- This is the time calculated by adding <DYNAMIC-ARP-CACHE-TIMEOUT>

User defined configuration parameters for TESTER

Parameter used in test Description

<HOST-1> This denotes ARP Host simulated in the tester
<HOST-1-IP> This denotes IP address of Host-1
This denotes the DUT interface to which TESTER host1 is
<DIface-0> connected.
<DIface-0-IP> This denotes IP address of <DIface-0
This is the maximum time interval for which TESTER waits
for a packet for cases when a certain event has been
triggered on the DUT either by some protocol timer or
<ParamListenTime> using some external mechanism
The first unused MAC address that the TESTER can use for
<MAC-ADDR1> emulating specific topologies needed in test.

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The second unused MAC address that the TESTER can use
for emulating specific topologies needed in test. This is
<MAC-ADDR2> auto generated as consecutive to <MAC-ADDR1>
The third unused MAC address that the TESTER can use for
emulating specific topologies needed in test. This is auto
<MAC-ADDR3> generated as consecutive to <MAC-ADDR2>
<DIFACE_O_MAC_ADDR> This is the MAC address of <DIface-0> of DUT
This indicates an arbitrary MAC address. This value is equal
<ARBIT_MAC_ADDR> to 12:34:56:78:90:00
This indicates an unknown/wrong value of hardware type
This indicates an unknown/wrong length of hardware
<ARP_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN> This indicates an unknown/wrong value of protocol type
This indicates an unknown/wrong length of protocol
This value depicts the time variance associated to any
The length in bytes of the Ethernet MAC Address, has the

4.1.3 Terminology used in Test Procedure

Name Description

DUT_CONFIGURE This entry causes DUT to configure/execute various

commands for clearing cache, adding static address, send
Echo Request etc.

TESTER Entity which is responsible for validating the Device

under Test (DUT)

DUT Device under Test

CLEANUP This is a command which causes DUT to remove the

static entry from its ARP cache

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4.1.4 Test Cases ARP Packet Generation

ARP_01: Static ARP entry (no ARP request)

The Address Resolution module tries to find the <protocol type, target protocol address>
pair in a table. If it finds the pair, it gives the corresponding 48.bit Ethernet address back to
Synopsys the caller (hardware driver) which then transmits the packet. (Note: Here DUT is configured
to add a static entry <HOST-1-IP, MAC-ADDR1> in its ARP cache. TESTER then causes DUT to
send an ICMP Echo Request and expects that DUT will NOT send any ARP Request.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR1>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static entry in its ARP Cache with
- IP Address of <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Source Address of <MAC-ADDR1>
Test 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
Procedure <DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
4. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
5. DUT: Does not send ARP Request
6. CLEANUP: Configure DUT to delete static entry in its ARP Cache with
- IP Address of <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Source Address of <MAC-ADDR1>
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Does not send ARP Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation" (MUST)


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ARP_02: Static ARP entry (ARP entry used)

The Address Resolution module tries to find the <protocol type, target protocol address>
pair in a table. If it finds the pair, it gives the corresponding 48.bit Ethernet address back to
Synopsys the caller (hardware driver) which then transmits the packet. (Note: Here DUT is configured
to add a static entry <HOST-1-IP, MAC-ADDR1> in its ARP cache. TESTER then causes DUT to
send an ICMP Echo Request and expects that DUT will send an ICMP Echo Request.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR1>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static entry in its ARP Cache with
- IP Address of <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Source Address of <MAC-ADDR1>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
Test <DIface-0> with
Procedure - Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
4. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
5. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
6. CLEANUP: Configure DUT to delete static entry in its ARP Cache with
- IP Address of <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Source Address of <MAC-ADDR1>
5. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
Pass Criteria - Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation" (MUST)


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ARP_03: ARP entry learned on ARP request (no ARP request)

The Address Resolution module tries to find the <protocol type, target protocol address>
pair in a table. If it finds the pair, it gives the corresponding 48.bit Ethernet address back to
the caller (hardware driver) which then transmits the packet.
Synopsys (Note: The objective of the test case is to validate the ARP Learning mechanism on ARP
requests. .Here TESTER sends an ARP Request to DUT so that an entry <HOST-1-IP, MAC-
ADDR1> gets added in DUT's ARP cache. TESTER then causes DUT to send an ICMP Echo
Request and expects that DUT will NOT send any ARP Request.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
Test Procedure - Ethernet Source Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Does not send ARP Request
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Does not send ARP Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation" (MUST)


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ARP_04: ARP entry learned on ARP request (ARP entry used)

The Address Resolution module tries to find the <protocol type, target protocol address>
pair in a table. If it finds the pair, it gives the corresponding 48.bit Ethernet address back to
the caller (hardware driver) which then transmits the packet. (Note: Here TESTER sends an
ARP Request to DUT so that an entry <HOST-1-IP, MAC-ADDR1> gets added in DUT's ARP
cache. TESTER then causes DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request and expects that DUT will
send an ICMP Echo Request.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Ethernet Source Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
Procedure arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
6. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
Pass Criteria - Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation" (MUST)


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ARP_05: ARP entry learned on gratuitous ARP response (no ARP request)

The Address Resolution module tries to find the <protocol type, target protocol address>
pair in a table. If it finds the pair, it gives the corresponding 48.bit Ethernet address back to
the caller (hardware driver) which then transmits the packet. (Note: Here TESTER sends an
ARP Response to DUT so that an entry <HOST-1-IP, MAC-ADDR1> gets added in DUT's ARP
cache. TESTER then causes DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request and expects that DUT will
NOT send any ARP Request.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
Test - Ethernet Source Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
Procedure - Ethernet Destination Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
ARP cache of DUT to get refreshed
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Does not send ARP Request
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Does not send ARP Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation" (MUST)


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ARP_06: ARP entry learned on gratuitous ARP response (ARP entry used)

The Address Resolution module tries to find the <protocol type, target protocol address>
pair in a table. If it finds the pair, it gives the corresponding 48.bit Ethernet address back to
the caller (hardware driver) which then transmits the packet. (Note: Here TESTER sends an
ARP Response to DUT so that an entry <HOST-1-IP, MAC-ADDR1> gets added in DUT's arp
cache. TESTER then causes DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request and expects that DUT will
send an ICMP Echo Request.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Ethernet Source Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
Procedure arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
6. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
Pass Criteria - Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation" (MUST)


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ARP_07: ARP request sending (ARP request send on missing entry)

The Address Resolution module tries to find the <protocol type, target protocol address>
pair in a table. If it does not, it probably informs the caller that it is throwing the packet
away (on the assumption the packet will be retransmitted by a higher network layer), and
generates an Ethernet packet with a type field of ether_type$ADDRESS_RESOLUTION.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
Procedure - Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- for Packet with Ethernet Type set to <Address-Resolution>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends ARP Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation" (MUST)


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ARP_08: ARP request sending (Hardware Type check)

Synopsys The Address Resolution module sets the ar$hrd field to ares_hrd$Ethernet.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
Test Procedure
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Hardware Type is set to ARP_HARDWARE_ETHERNET
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Hardware Type is set to ARP_HARDWARE_ETHERNET

RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation"


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ARP_09: ARP request sending (Protocol Type check)

The Address Resolution module sets the ar$pro to the protocol type that is being

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
Test Procedure
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Protocol Type is set to ARP_PROTOCOL_IP
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Protocol Type is set to ARP_PROTOCOL_IP

RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation"


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ARP_10: ARP request sending (Hardware Address Length check)

The Address Resolution module sets the ar$hln to 6 (the number of bytes in a 48.bit
Ethernet address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
Test Procedure
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Hardware Address Length is set to <ETHERNET_ADDR_LEN>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Hardware Address Length is set to <ETHERNET_ADDR_LEN>

RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation"


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ARP_11: ARP request sending (Protocol Address Length check)

The Address Resolution module sets the ar$pln to the length of an address in that

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
Test Procedure
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Protocol Address Length is set to IP_ADDR_LEN
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Protocol Address Length is set to IP_ADDR_LEN

RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation"


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ARP_12: ARP request sending (Operation Code check)

Synopsys The Address Resolution module sets the ar$op to ares_op$REQUEST

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
Test Procedure
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Operation code is set to OPERATION_REQUEST
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Operation code is set to OPERATION_REQUEST

RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation"


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ARP_13: ARP request sending (ARP Sender Hardware Address check)

The Address Resolution module sets the ar$sha with the 48.bit ethernet address of

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
Test Procedure
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- ARP Sender Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- ARP Sender Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>

RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation"


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ARP_14: ARP request sending (Source IP Address check)

Synopsys The Address Resolution module sets the ar$spa with the protocol address of itself

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
Test Procedure
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Source IP Address is set to <DIface-0-IP>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Source IP Address is set to <DIface-0-IP>

RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation"


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ARP_15: ARP request sending (Destination IP Address correct)

The Address Resolution module sets the ar$tpa with the protocol address of the
machine that is trying to be accessed

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
Test Procedure
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Destination IP Address is set to <HOST-1-IP>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request contains:
- Destination IP Address is set to <HOST-1-IP>

RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation"

Notes Packet Reception

ARP_16: ARP request reception (ARP Target Hardware Address = 00:00:00:00:00:00)

The Address Resolution module does not set ar$tha to anything in particular, because it is
this value that it is trying to determine. (Note: In this test TESTER sends an ARP Request
with ARP Target Hardware Address set to all zeroes, and, expects that DUT will send an ARP
Response after receiving the ARP Request)

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Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>

- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Test Procedure
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Target Hardware Address set to <all-zeroes>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Sends ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation" (MUST)


ARP_17: ARP request reception (ARP Target Hardware Address = ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)

The Address Resolution module does not set ar$tha to anything in particular, because it is
this value that it is trying to determine. (Note: In this test TESTER sends an ARP Request
with ARP Target Hardware Address set to Ethernet Broadcast Address, and, expects that
DUT will send an ARP Response after receiving the ARP Request)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>

Test - Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Procedure - Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Target Hardware Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response

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Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Sends ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation" (MUST)


ARP_18: ARP request reception (ARP Target Hardware Address = random)

The Address Resolution module does not set ar$tha to anything in particular, because it is
this value that it is trying to determine. (Note: In this test TESTER sends an ARP Request
with ARP Target Hardware Address set to an arbitrary value, and, expects that DUT will
send an ARP Response after receiving the ARP Request)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>

- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Test Procedure
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Target Hardware Address set to ARBIT_MAC_ADDR
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Sends ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation" (MUST)


ARP_19: ARP request reception (ARP Target Hardware Address = Address of DUT)

The Address Resolution module does not set ar$tha to anything in particular, because it is
Synopsys this value that it is trying to determine. (Note: In this test TESTER sends an ARP Request
with ARP Target Hardware Address set to DUT MAC Address, Ethernet Destination Address
set to Ethernet Broadcast Address, and, expects that DUT will send an ARP Response after

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receiving the ARP Request)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>

- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Test - Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
Procedure - ARP Target Hardware Address set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Sends ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Generation" (MUST)


ARP_20: ARP request reception (Hardware Type correct)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
Synopsys ?Do I have the hardware type in ar$hrd? (Note:In this test TESTER is configuring DUT to
clear its ARP Cache entries. TESTER then sends an ARP Request with hardware type field set
to Ethernet. All the other fields in the ARP Request Packet are set to their correct values. It
then expects that DUT should send an ARP Response.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR1>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

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OPEN Alliance

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test containing:
Procedure - Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Hardware Type set to ARP_HARDWARE_ETHERNET
- Ethernet Source Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_21: ARP request reception (Hardware Type wrong)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
Synopsys ?Do I have the hardware type in ar$hrd? (Note:Here TESTER is sending correct values for all
the fields in the ARP Request packet except hardware type field and also TESTER is
configuring DUT to clear its ARP Cache entries.The hardware type field is set to an unknown
hardware type value, and TESTER expects that DUT will not send any ARP Response)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure containing:
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Hardware Type set to ARP_HARDWARE_TYPE_UNKNOWN

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3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>

4. DUT: Does not send ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Does not send ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_22: ARP response reception (Hardware Type wrong)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
?Do I have the hardware type in ar$hrd? (Note:In this test TESTER is configuring DUT to
clear its ARP Cache entries.TESTER then sends an ARP Response with hardware type field
set to an unknown hardware type value. All the other fields in the ARP Response Packet are
set to their correct values. TESTER then causes DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request and
expects that DUT will send an ARP Request)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Test - Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
Procedure - Hardware Type set to ARP_HARDWARE_TYPE_UNKNOWN
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
- ARP Target Hardware Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>

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- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>

5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends ARP Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_23: ARP request reception (Hardware Address Length correct)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
Synopsys [optionally check the hardware length ar$hln] (Note:In this test TESTER is configuring DUT
to clear its ARP Cache entries. TESTER then sends an ARP Request with hardware address
length field set to Ethernet Address Length. All the other fields in the ARP Request Packet
are set to their correct values. It then expects that DUT should send an ARP Response.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure - Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Hardware Address Length set to <ETHERNET_ADDR_LEN>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MAY)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 88
OPEN Alliance


ARP_24: ARP request reception (Hardware Address Length wrong)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
[optionally check the hardware length ar$hln] (Note:In this test TESTER is configuring DUT
to clear its ARP Cache entries. TESTER then sends an ARP Request with hardware address
length field set to unknown hardware address length. All the other fields in the ARP Request
Packet are set to their correct values. It then expects that DUT should NOT send an ARP

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure - Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Hardware Address Length set to UNKNOWN_HW_ADDR_LEN
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Does not send ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Does not send ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MAY)


ARP_25: ARP request response (Hardware Address Length wrong)

Synopsys When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the

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OPEN Alliance

following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet

[optionally check the hardware length ar$hln] (Note:In this test TESTER is configuring DUT
to clear its ARP Cache entries.TESTER then sends an ARP Response with hardware address
length field set to an unknown hardware address length. All the other fields in the ARP
Response Packet are set to their correct values. TESTER then causes DUT to send an ICMP
Echo Request and expects that DUT will send an ARP Request)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Hardware Address Length set to UNKNOWN_HW_ADDR_LEN
Test - ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
Procedure - ARP Target Hardware Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends ARP Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MAY)


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 90
OPEN Alliance

ARP_26: ARP request reception (Protocol Type correct)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
Synopsys ?Do I speak the protocol in ar$pro? (Note:In this test TESTER is configuring DUT to clear its
ARP Cache entries. TESTER then sends an ARP Request with protocol type field set to type
IP. All the other fields in the ARP Request Packet are set to their correct values. It then
expects that DUT should send an ARP Response.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure - Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Protocol Type set to ARP_PROTOCOL_IP
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_27: ARP request reception (Protocol Type wrong)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
Synopsys following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
?Do I speak the protocol in ar$pro? (Note:In this test TESTER is configuring DUT to clear its
ARP Cache entries. TESTER then sends an ARP Request with protocol type field set to an
unknown protocol type value. All the other fields in the ARP Request Packet are set to their

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 91
OPEN Alliance

correct values. It then expects that DUT should NOT send an ARP Response.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure - Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Protocol Type set to ARP_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Does not send ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Does not send ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_28: ARP response reception (Protocol Type wrong)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
?Do I speak the protocol in ar$pro? (Note:In this test TESTER is configuring DUT to clear its
ARP Cache entries.TESTER then sends an ARP Response with protocol type field set to
Unknown Protocol value. All the other fields in the ARP Response Packet are set to their
correct values. TESTER then causes DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request and expects that
DUT will send an ARP Request)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR1>

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OPEN Alliance

Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Protocol Type set to ARP_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN
Test - ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
Procedure - ARP Target Hardware Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends ARP Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_29: ARP request reception (Protocol Address Length correct)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
Synopsys [optionally check the protocol length ar$pln] (Note:In this test TESTER is configuring DUT to
clear its ARP Cache entries. TESTER then sends an ARP Request with protocol length field
set to IP Address Length. All the other fields in the ARP Request Packet are set to their
correct values. It then expects that DUT should send an ARP Response.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

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OPEN Alliance

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure - Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Protocol Address Length set to IP_ADDR_LEN
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MAY)


ARP_30: ARP request reception (Protocol Address Length wrong)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
[optionally check the protocol length ar$pln] (Note:In this test TESTER is configuring DUT to
clear its ARP Cache entries. TESTER then sends an ARP Request with protocol address length
field set to an unknown protocol address length. All the other fields in the ARP Request
Packet are set to their correct values. It then expects that DUT should NOT send an ARP

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
Test of <DIface-0>
Procedure - containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>

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- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>

- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Protocol Address Length set to UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL_ADDR_LEN
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Does not send ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Does not send ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MAY)


ARP_31: ARP response reception (Protocol Address Length wrong)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
[optionally check the protocol length ar$pln] (Note:In this test TESTER is configuring DUT to
clear its ARP Cache entries. TESTER then sends an ARP Response with protocol length field
set to an unknown protocol address length. All the other fields in the ARP Response Packet
are set to their correct values. TESTER then causes DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request and
expects that DUT will send an ARP Request)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Procedure - Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Protocol Address Length set to UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL_ADDR_LEN
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
- ARP Target Hardware Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
arp cache of DUT to get refreshed

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OPEN Alliance

4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends ARP Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MAY)


ARP_32: ARP entry update (Request/Request)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following. Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the
packet. Merge_flag := false If the pair <protocol type, sender protocol address is already in
Synopsys my translation table, update the ARP sender hardware address field of the entry with the
new information in the packet and set Merge_flag to true. (Note: Here TESTER sends an
ARP Request to DUT so that an entry gets added to the dut arp cache. TESTER then sends
another ARP Request with a different Ethernet source address to DUT to check if the
existing entry gets updated.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR2>
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure containing:
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>

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OPEN Alliance

3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>

- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
- Ethernet Source Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
4. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
6. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_33: ARP entry update (Response/Response)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following. Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the
packet. Merge_flag := false If the pair <protocol type, sender protocol address is already in
Synopsys my translation table, update the ARP sender hardware address field of the entry with the
new information in the packet and set Merge_flag to true. (Note: Here TESTER sends an
ARP Response to DUT so that an entry gets added to the dut arp cache. TESTER then sends
another ARP Response with a different Ethernet source address to DUT to check if the
existing entry gets updated.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR1>

Parameters <MAC-ADDR2>

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OPEN Alliance

Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
- ARP Target Hardware Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test - Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Procedure - Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
- ARP Target Hardware Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
4. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
6. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_34: ARP entry update (Request/Response)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following. Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the
Synopsys packet. Merge_flag := false If the pair <protocol type, sender protocol address is already in
my translation table, update the ARP sender hardware address field of the entry with the
new information in the packet and set Merge_flag to true. (Note: Here TESTER sends an
ARP Request to DUT so that an entry gets added to the dut arp cache. TESTER then sends an
ARP Response with a different Ethernet source address to DUT to check if the existing entry

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 98
OPEN Alliance

gets updated.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR2>
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
Procedure - ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
- ARP Target Hardware Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
4. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
6. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 99
OPEN Alliance

ARP_35: ARP entry update (Response/Request)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following. Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the
packet. Merge_flag := false If the pair <protocol type, sender protocol address is already in
Synopsys my translation table, update the ARP sender hardware address field of the entry with the
new information in the packet and set Merge_flag to true. (Note: Here TESTER sends an
ARP Response to DUT so that an entry gets added to the dut arp cache. TESTER then sends
an ARP Request with a different Ethernet source address to DUT to check if the existing
entry gets updated.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR2>
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
- ARP Target Hardware Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Procedure - Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
4. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
6. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request

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Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_36: ARP request reception (Target Protocol Address correct)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
Synopsys ?Am I the target protocol address? (Note: In this test TESTER is configuring DUT to clear its
ARP Cache entries. TESTER then sends an ARP Request with target protocol address field set
to <DIface-0-IP>. All the other fields in the ARP Request Packet are set to their correct
values. It then expects that DUT should send an ARP Response.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
Test 2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure containing:
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


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OPEN Alliance

ARP_37: ARP request reception (Target Protocol Address wrong)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
Synopsys ?Am I the target protocol address? (Note: In this test TESTER is configuring DUT to clear its
ARP Cache entries. TESTER then sends an ARP Request with target protocol address field set
to an IP First unused address value. All the other fields in the ARP Request Packet are set to
their correct values. It then expects that DUT should NOT send an ARP Response.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure - Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Does not send ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Does not send ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_38: ARP response reception (Target Protocol Address wrong)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
Synopsys following:Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the packet
?Am I the target protocol address? (Note: In this test TESTER is configuring DUT to clear its
ARP Cache entries. TESTER then sends an ARP Response with target protocol address field
set to IP First unused address value. All the other fields in the ARP Response Packet are set

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to their correct values. TESTER then causes DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request and expects
that DUT will send an ARP Request)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR1>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to
Test - Ethernet Source Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
Procedure - Ethernet Destination Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (1) second(s) for the ARP cache of DUT
to get refreshed
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends ARP Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_39: ARP learning (request answers request)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
Synopsys following. Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the
packet. If Merge_flag is false, add the triplet <protocol type, sender protocol address,
sender hardware address> to the translation table. (Note: In this test TESTER sends an ARP

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Request with <sender protocol address, sender hardware address> fields set to <HOST-1-IP,
MAC-ADDR2>. TESTER then causes DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request and expects that
DUT will send an ICMP Echo Request with Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Procedure - Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
6. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
7. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
8. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
9. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
Pass Criteria
9. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


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ARP_40: ARP learning (response answers request)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following. Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the
packet. If Merge_flag is false, add the triplet <protocol type, sender protocol address,
Synopsys sender hardware address> to the translation table. (Note:In this test TESTER sends an ARP
Response with <sender protocol address, sender hardware address> fields set to <HOST-1-
IP, MAC-ADDR3>. TESTER then causes DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request and expects that
DUT will send an ICMP Echo Request with Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Request
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test - Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Procedure - Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR3>
- ARP Target Hardware Address set to ETHERNET_BROADCAST_ADDR
6. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
arp cache of DUT to get refreshed
7. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
8. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR3>
9. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request

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4. DUT: Sends ARP Request

Pass Criteria
9. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_41: ARP responding (response answers request)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following: ?Is the opcode ares_op$REQUEST? Yes:Set the ar$op field to ares_op$REPLY
(Note: In this test TESTER sends an ARP Request. All other fields in the ARP Request
message are set correctly. TESTER then expects that DUT will send an ARP Packet with
Operation code field set to Response)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR1>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>

- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
Procedure - ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- for ARP Packet with Operation Code set to <Response>
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Sends ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


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ARP_42: ARP responding (no response to response)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following: Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a discarding of the
packet. ?Is the opcode ares_op$REQUEST? (Note:In this test TESTER sends an ARP Packet
with opcode field set to response value, and expects that DUT will not send any ARP

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Response to DUT through <DIface-0>

Test - Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Procedure - Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Operation code set to OPERATION_RESPONSE
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Does not send ARP Response
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Does not send ARP Response

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_43: ARP response (Ethernet Source Hardware Address check)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following: ?Is the opcode ares_op$REQUEST? Swap hardware field, putting the local
hardware address in the sender field.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

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Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>

- Source IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
Test Procedure - Destination IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response
4. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:
- Ethernet Source Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:
- Ethernet Source Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_44: ARP response (Sender IP Address check)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following: ?Is the opcode ares_op$REQUEST? Swap protocol field, putting the local
protocol address in the sender field.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR1>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>

- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
Test Procedure
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response
4. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIface-0-IP>

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3. DUT: Sends ARP Response

Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIface-0-IP>

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_45: ARP response (ARP Target Hardware Address check)

When an address resolution packet is received, the receiving Ethernet module gives the
packet to the Address Resolution module which goes through an algorithm similar to the
following: ?Is the opcode ares_op$REQUEST? Yes: Send the packet to the (new) ARP target
hardware address on the same hardware on which the request was received.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Procedure 5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:
- ARP Target Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR1>
6. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
7. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
8. DUT: Sends ARP Response
9. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:

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- ARP Target Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR2>

4. DUT: Sends ARP Response
5. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:
- ARP Target Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR1>
Pass Criteria
8. DUT: Sends ARP Response
9. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:
- ARP Target Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR2>

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception" (MUST)


ARP_46: ARP response (Hardware Type check)

Synopsys For the 10Mbit Ethernet <ar$hrd> takes on the value <1>

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR1>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>

- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
Test Procedure
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response
4. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:
- Hardware Type is set to ARP_HARDWARE_ETHERNET
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:
- Hardware Type is set to ARP_HARDWARE_ETHERNET

RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception"


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ARP_47: ARP response (Hardware Address Length check)

Synopsys For the 10Mbit Ethernet <ar$hln> takes on the value <6>

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR1>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>

- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
Test Procedure
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response
4. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:
- Hardware Address Length is set to <ETHERNET_ADDR_LEN>
3. DUT: Sends ARP Response
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response contains:
- Hardware Address Length is set to <ETHERNET_ADDR_LEN>

RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Packet Reception"


ARP_48: ARP timeout (idle)

If no packets are received from a host for a suitable length of time, the address
resolution entry is forgotten.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <MAC-ADDR1>


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Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to set a timeout of
for the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache of <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
4. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
ARP cache of DUT to get refreshed
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
Test Procedure
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
6. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Target IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
8. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to
cache of DUT to get refreshed
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
10. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
11. DUT: Sends ARP Request
12. CLEANUP: Configure DUT to clear a timeout of
for the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache of <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
Pass Criteria
11. DUT: Sends ARP Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Related issue" (SHOULD)


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ARP_49: ARP timeout (busy)

It may be desirable to have table aging and/or timeouts. (Note: In this test case TESTER
expects that DUT should delete a given Dynamic ARP Cache Entry even if it is being used.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to clear the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache
of <DIface-0>
- containing IP Address <HOST-1-IP>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to set a timeout of
for the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache of <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends ARP Request to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Sender IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Target IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- ARP Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
4. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to (<ARP-TOLERANCE-TIME>) second(s) for the
ARP cache of DUT to get refreshed
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
Test Procedure - Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
6. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
second(s) for the ARP cache of DUT to get refreshed
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
10. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
- Ethernet Destination Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
12. TESTER: <HOST-1> Waits up to

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ARP cache of DUT to get refreshed
13. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Source IP Address set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination IP Address set to <HOST-1-IP>
14. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
15. DUT: Sends ARP Request
16. CLEANUP: Configure DUT to clear a timeout of
for the dynamic entries in the ARP Cache of <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
Pass Criteria 11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request
15. DUT: Sends ARP Request

Reference RFC 826 "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", section "Related issue" (MAY)


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4.2 Internet Control Message Protocol Version 4 (ICMPv4)

4.2.1 General Referenced specification

The scope of this chapter is to specify test cases for the Internet Control Message Protocol Version 4
(ICMPv4) from the following standards:

 RFC 792 - Internet Control Message Protocol

 RFC 1122 - Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers
 RFC 1812 - Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers Simulated topologies

<TIface-0> <DIface-0>

ECU Required topology related configuration (prerequisites)

 This test suite expects to be running against an IP stack

 All tests run with one interface Coverage
Specification Document Section Number Test Category Test Number(s)
RFC 792: Internet Error Handling ICMPv4_ERROR_1 to
Control Message ICMPv4_ERROR_3
RFC 1122: Requirements 3.2.2 Error Handling ICMPv4_ERROR_4,
for Internet Hosts ICMPv4_ERROR_5
RFC 792: Internet ICMP Types ICMPv4_TYPE_1 to
Control Message ICMPv4_TYPE_12,
Protocol ICMPv4_TYPE_16 to

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4.2.2 Parameters used in the tests

Parameter used in test Description

<idfr> Identifier used in the ICMP Messages to identify an ICMP Message
<seqno> Sequence Numbers used in ICMP Messages to identify an ICMP Message
<broadcast-address> IP broadcast address
Time the sender last touched a message before sending it. It is 32 bits of
milliseconds since midnight UT.
This is the checksum which is different from the calculated checksum, i.e
different from 16 bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of the
ICMP message starting with the ICMP Type.

This is the maximum time interval for which TESTER waits for an ICMP Reply
<ListenTime> packet. This defaults to 3 seconds unless DUT configuration specifies

<UnusedUDPPort> An unused UDP port available on the DUT.

<FragReassemlyTimeout> The fragment reassembly timeout. This defaults to 15 seconds.

Automotive ECUs may not support IP options, either for performance or

security reasons.
TRUE indicates DUT supports IP options
FALSE indicates DUT does not support IP options
Default: TRUE

This is the maximum time interval for which TESTER waits for a packet for
cases when a certain event has to be manually triggered on the DUT either
by some protocol timer or using some external mechanism. This defaults to
30 seconds unless DUT configuration specifies otherwise.

<unsupportedProtocol> This is an IP protocol number that is not supported by the DUT.

<unknownType> This is an ICMP type that is not assigned by any RFC.

<unreachablePort> This defines a process port which is not active.

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NOTE: As a general test pattern it can be assumed that all events will be guarded by a timer, e.g.
receiving or non-receiving of message. Due to the difference nature of guarding, different default values
can be assumed:

 Guarding user interactions: 30 seconds

 Guarding awaiting of response: 3 seconds
 Guarding awaiting of no response: 10 seconds

Protocol should be mentioned in the respective test cases.

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4.2.3 Test cases ICMPv4 Error Handling

ICMPv4_ERROR_01: ICMPv4 Parameter Problem Message (avoid the infinite regress)

The ICMP messages typically report errors in the processing of datagrams. To avoid the
infinite regress of messages about messages etc., no ICMP messages are sent about ICMP
Synopsis messages. (Note: This tests that no ICMP message is sent when an erroneous ICMP
messages is received, thus avoiding an infinite loop. This test is ran when
<DUTSupportsIPOptions> is TRUE)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request through <DIface-0>,

- IP Destination Address field set to address of host-1
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <TriggerTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send an ICMP Echo Request message
4. TESTER: Send an ICMP Parameter Problem Message to <DIface-0>,
- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
Procedure - One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 12
- pointer field set to 11
- flg field set to zero
- one timestamp value
- ICMP Pointer field set to 20 (pointing option type)
- ICMP Data field set to "Internet header + 64 bits of
original data datagram"
5. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Do not send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
3. DUT: Send an ICMP Echo Request message
Pass Criteria
6. DUT: Do not send ICMP Parameter Problem Message

Reference RFC 792 p1 Introduction (MUST)

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ICMPv4_ERROR_02: ICMPv4 Parameter Problem Message (errornous fragmentation)

Also ICMP messages are only sent about errors in handling fragment zero of fragmented
datagrams. (Note: This tests that ICMP error message is sent on receiving the fragment
having Fragment Offset field set to zero. This test is ran when <DUTSupportsIPOptions> is

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
Test Procedure - length field set to 10
- pointer field set to 9
- one timestamp value
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send one ICMP Parameter Problem message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem Message
- Pointer field set to 22 (Basic IP Header length (20) +
third octet (pointer field of
timestamp option)
3. DUT: Send one ICMP Parameter Problem message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem Message
Pass Criteria
- Pointer field set to 22 (Basic IP Header length (20) +
third octet (pointer field of
timestamp option)

Reference RFC 792 p1 Introduction (MUST)

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ICMPv4_ERROR_03: ICMPv4 Parameter Problem Message (non zero fragment)

Also ICMP messages are only sent about errors in handling fragment zero of fragmented
datagrams. (Note: This tests that ICMP error message is not sent on receiving non zero
fragment i.e Fragment Offset field set to non-zero value. This test is ran when
<DUTSupportsIPOptions> is TRUE)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 12
- pointer field set to 9
- one timestamp value
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first
IP packet in unit of 8-octets
- Flags first, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 10
- pointer field set to 9
- one timestamp value
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
3. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Do not send ICMP Parameter Problem messages

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Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Do not send ICMP Parameter Problem messages

Reference RFC 792 p1 Introduction (MUST)


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ICMPv4_ERROR_04: ICMPv4 Parameter Problem Message (broadcasting mechanism)

An ICMP error message MUST NOT be sent as the result of receiving a datagram destined
to an IP broadcast. (Note: This test is ran when <DUTSupportsIPOptions> is TRUE)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <broadcast-address>

Parameters Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to <broadcast-address>
- IP Options, containing:
Test Procedure - One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 10
- pointer field set to 9
- one timestamp value
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Do not send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Do not send ICMP Parameter Problem Message

Reference RFC 1122 s3.2.2 p39 Internet Control Message Protocol -- ICMP (MUST)


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ICMPv4_ERROR_05: ICMPv4 Messages (unkown message type)

Synopsis If an ICMP message of unknown type is received, it MUST be silently discarded.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Message to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
Test Procedure - IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Type field set to <InvalidICMPType>
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Do not send any ICMP Message
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Do not send any ICMP Message

Reference RFC 1122 s3.2.2 p38 Internet Control Message Protocol -- ICMP (MUST)


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OPEN Alliance ICMP Types

ICMPv4_TYPE_01: ICMPv4 Destination Unreachable Message (unknown Destination


If, in the destination host, the IP module cannot deliver the datagram because the
Synopsis indicated protocol module or process port is not active, the destination host may send a
destination unreachable message to the source host.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send a UDP Packet to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Protocol field set to <ipTypeUDP>
Test Procedure - UDP Destination Port set to <UnusedUDPPort>
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Destination Unreachable message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received Destination Unreachable message
- Code value set to 3 (port unreachable)
3. DUT: Send ICMP Destination Unreachable message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received Destination Unreachable message
Pass Criteria
- Code value set to 3 (port unreachable)

Reference RFC 792 p5 Destination Unreachable Message (MAY)


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ICMPv4_TYPE_02: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (missing fragments)

If a host reassembling a fragmented datagram cannot complete the reassembly due to

missing fragments within its time limit it discards the datagram.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identification field set to <id>
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet
2. TESTER: Wait for <FragReassemlyTimeout> seconds
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identification field set to <id>
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first
IP packet in unit of 8-octets
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
4. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
5. DUT: Discard the fragments and do not send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Discard the fragments and do not send ICMP Echo Reply

Reference RFC 792 p7 Time Exceeded Message (MUST)


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ICMPv4_TYPE_03: ICMPv4 Time Exceeded message (fragment reassembly time


If a host reassembling a fragmented datagram cannot complete the reassembly due to

missing fragments within its time limit it may send a time exceeded message.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
Test Procedure - MF bit set to 1
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet
2. TESTER: Wait for <FragReassemlyTimeout> seconds
3. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Send an ICMP Time Exceeded message
5. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Time Exceeded message
- Code field set to 1 (fragment reassembly time exceeded)
4. DUT: Send an ICMP Time Exceeded message
5. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Time Exceeded message
Pass Criteria
- Code field set to 1 (fragment reassembly time exceeded)

Reference RFC 792 p7 Time Exceeded Message (MAY)


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ICMPv4_TYPE_04: ICMPv4 Time Exceeded message (without fragment zero)

Synopsis If fragment zero is not available then no time exceeded need be sent at all.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to half of the constructed
Test Procedure ICMP packet in unit of 8-octets
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
2. TESTER: Wait for <FragReassemlyTimeout> seconds
3. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Do not send ICMP Time Exceeded message
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Do not send ICMP Time Exceeded message

Reference RFC 792 p7 Time Exceeded Message (MUST)


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ICMPv4_TYPE_05: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (wrong header parameter)

If the gateway or host processing a datagram finds a problem with the header parameters
Synopsis such that it cannot complete processing the datagram it must discard the datagram. (Note:
This test is ran when <DUTSupportsIPOptions> is TRUE)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
Test Procedure
- length field set to 10
- pointer field set to 9
- one timestamp value
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Discard the ICMP Echo Request and do not send ICMP Echo
3. DUT: Discard the ICMP Echo Request and do not send ICMP Echo
Pass Criteria

Reference RFC 792 p9 Parameter Problem Message (MUST)


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ICMPv4_TYPE_06: ICMPv4 Parameter Problem Message (Incomplete processing)

If the gateway or host processing a datagram finds a problem with the header parameters
such that it cannot complete processing the datagram it may notify the source host via the
parameter problem message. (Note: This test is ran when <DUTSupportsIPOptions> is

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:

- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 10
- pointer field set to 9
Test Procedure
- one timestamp value
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem
Message contains:
- Pointer field set to 22 (Basic IP Header length (20) +
Length of Type field (1) +
Length of Length field (1)
3. DUT: Send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem
Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Pointer field set to 22 (Basic IP Header length (20) +
Length of Type field (1) +
Length of Length field (1)

Reference RFC 792 p9 Parameter Problem Message (MAY)


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ICMPv4_TYPE_07: ICMPv4 Parameter Problem Message (unused & data fields)

Unused filed in Parameter Problem Message is set to zero and it contains the exactly same
Synopsis Internet Header and 64 bits of Original Datagram. (Note: This test is ran when
<DUTSupportsIPOptions> is TRUE)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- Two Internet Timestamp options, each containing:
- length field set to 12
- pointer field set to 9
Test Procedure - flg field set to zero
- one timestamp value
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem Message
- Unused field set to zero
- Data field contains exactly same IP header and 64 bits
of Original Data sent to the DUT
3. DUT: Send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem Message
Pass Criteria
- Unused field set to zero
- Data field contains exactly same IP header and 64 bits
of Original Data sent to the DUT

Reference RFC 792 p9 Parameter Problem Message (MAY)


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ICMPv4_TYPE_08: ICMPv4 Echo Reply message (data field)

Synopsis The data received in the echo message must be returned in the echo reply message.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
Test Procedure - Data field set to "ECU NETWORK VALIDATION TEST"
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Echo Reply contains:

Reference RFC 792 p15 Echo or Echo Reply Message (MUST)


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ICMPv4_TYPE_09: ICMPv4 Echo Reply message (id and sequence)

The identifier and sequence number may be used by the echo sender to aid in
matching the replies with the echo requests.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identifier field set to <idfr>
Test Procedure - Sequence Number field set to <seqno>
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
- Identifier field set to <idfr>
- Sequence Number field set to <seqno>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
Pass Criteria
- Identifier field set to <idfr>
- Sequence Number field set to <seqno>

Reference RFC 792 p15 Echo or Echo Reply Message (MAY)


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ICMPv4_TYPE_10: ICMPv4 Echo Reply message (incorrect ICMP checksum)

The checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of the ICMP
message starting with the ICMP Type. For computing the checksum, the checksum field
Synopsis should be zero. If the total length is odd, the received data is padded with one octet of
zeros for computing the checksum. (Note: This tests that a node does not send ICMP Echo
Reply if ICMP Checksum is incorrect).

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <invalidChecksum>

Parameters Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
Procedure - Checksum field set to <invalidChecksum>
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply

Reference RFC 792 p15 Echo or Echo Reply Message (MUST)


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OPEN Alliance

ICMPv4_TYPE_11: ICMPv4 Timestamp Reply message (additional timestamp)

The data received (a timestamp) in the message is returned in the reply together with
an additional timestamp.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <origTimestampValue>

Parameters Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Timestamp Message to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Originate Timestamp field set to <origTimestampValue>
- Receive Timestamp field set to zero
Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Timestamp Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Timestamp Reply contains:
- Originate Timestamp field set to <origTimestampValue>
- Receive Timestamp field set to non-zero
- Transmit Timestamp field set to non-zero
3. DUT: Send ICMP Timestamp Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Timestamp Reply contains:
Pass Criteria - Originate Timestamp field set to <origTimestampValue>
- Receive Timestamp field set to non-zero
- Transmit Timestamp field set to non-zero

Reference RFC 792 p17 Timestamp or Timestamp Reply Message (MAY)


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OPEN Alliance

ICMPv4_TYPE_12: ICMPv4 Timestamp Reply message (id and sequence)

The identifier and sequence number may be used by the echo sender to aid in
matching the replies with the requests.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Timestamp Message to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identifier field set to <idfr>
Test Procedure - Sequence Number field set to <seqno>
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Timestamp Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Timestamp Reply contains:
- Identifier field set to <idfr>
- Sequence Number field set to <seqno>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Timestamp Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Timestamp Reply contains:
Pass Criteria
- Identifier field set to <idfr>
- Sequence Number field set to <seqno>

Reference RFC 792 p17 Timestamp or Timestamp Reply Message (MAY)


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OPEN Alliance

ICMPv4_TYPE_16: Ensure that the DUT does not accept an ICMPv4 Information
Request and does not generate a ICMPv4 Information Reply

Ensure that
when a DUT receives an ICMPv4 Packet
containing a Type
indicating a value of 15 (Information Request)
and containing a Code
indicating a value of 0
and containing a valid Checksum
and containing an Identifier
indicating a value of ID1
and containing a Sequence Number
indicating a value of SEQ1
then the DUT discards the message and does not send an ICMPv4 Packet
containing a Type
indicating a value of 16 (Information Reply)

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Information Request message

2. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Information Reply message
The DUT discards the message and does not send an ICMPv4 Packet
Pass Criteria containing a Type
indicating a value of 16 (Information Reply)

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC792, RFC1122


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OPEN Alliance

ICMPv4_TYPE_17: Ensure that the DUT accepts an ICMPv4 Timestamp and generates
a valid ICMPv4 Timestamp Reply

Ensure that
when a DUT receives an ICMPv4 Packet
containing a Type
indicating a value of 13 (Timestamp Request)
and containing a Code
indicating a value of 0
and containing a valid Checksum
and containing an Identifier
indicating a value of ID1
and containing a Sequence Number
Synopsis indicating a value of SEQ1
then the DUT sends an ICMPv4 Packet
containing a Type
indicating a value of 14 (Timestamp Reply)
and containing a Code
indicating a value of 0
and containing a valid Checksum
and containing an Identifier
indicating a value of ID1
and containing a Sequence Number
indicating a value of SEQ1

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Timestamp Message

2. DUT: Send ICMPv4 Timestamp Reply
The DUT sends an ICMPv4 Packet
containing a Type
indicating a value of 14 (Timestamp Reply)
Pass Criteria and containing a Code
indicating a value of 0
and containing a valid Checksum
and containing an Identifier

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OPEN Alliance

indicating a value of ID1

and containing a Sequence Number
indicating a value of SEQ1

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC792, RFC1122


ICMPv4_TYPE_18: Ensure that the DUT generates an ICMPv4 Destination

Unreachable message with Code Protocol Unreachable

Ensure that
when a DUT receives an IPv4 Packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Protocol
indicating a value of <unsupportedProtocol>
then the DUT sends an ICMPv4 Packet
containing a Type
indicating a value of 3 (Destination Unreachable)
and containing a Code
indicating a value of 2 (Protocol unreachable)

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an IPv4 Packet with protocol value of <unsupportedProtocol>

Test Procedure
2. DUT: Sends ICMPv4 Destination Unreachable message indicating Protocol
The DUT sends an ICMPv4 Packet
Pass Criteria containing a Type
indicating a value of 3 (Destination Unreachable)
and containing a Code

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OPEN Alliance

indicating a value of 2 (Protocol unreachable)

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC792, RFC1122


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OPEN Alliance

ICMPv4_TYPE_21: Ensure that the DUT does not generate an ICMPv4 Time Exceeded
message when reassembly fails due to the absence of the first fragment

Ensure that
when a DUT receives an IPv4 Packets
containing an IPv4 Header
containing Flags
containing DF flag
indicating a value of 0
Synopsis containing MF flag
indicating a value of 1
and containing Offset
indicating a value not equal to 0
then the DUT does not send an ICMPv4 Packet
containing a Type
indicating a value of 11

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an IPv4 Packet with DF=1 (Don’t Fragment) and MF=1 (More
Test Procedure
Fragments) and an Offset not equal to 0
2. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Time Exceeded message
The DUT does not send an ICMPv4 Packet
Pass Criteria containing a Type
indicating a value of 11

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC792, RFC1122


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OPEN Alliance

ICMPv4_TYPE_22: ICMPv4 Echo Reply

A host must respond to all ICMP Echo Requests sent to it, by sending an ICMP Echo
Reply back to the sender of ICMP Echo Request.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section “Parameters used in the tests”

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
Test Procedure
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply

Reference RFC 792 p15 Echo or Echo Reply Message (MUST)


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4.3 Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)

4.3.1 General Referenced specification

The scope of this chapter is to specify test cases for the Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) from the
following standards:


 RFC 1122 - Requirements for Internet Hosts - Communication Layers

Though the focus of conformance testing has been limited to the above mentioned specification
documents we have relied heavily upon the following document as specification for transmission of IP
Datagrams over Ethernet Options:

 RFC 894 - A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over Ethernet Networks Simulated topologies

<TIface-0> <DIface-0>



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<TIface-0> <DIface-0>
<TIface-1> <DIface-1>


TOPOLOGY-2 Required topology related configuration

 This test suite expects to be running against an IP stack Coverage
Specification Document Section Test Category Test Number(s)
RFC 791 3.1 IPv4 Header IPv4_HEADER_01 to
RFC 791 3.1 IPv4 Checksum IPv4_CHECKSUM_01,
RFC 791 3.1 IPv4 Time to Live IPv4_TTL_01 , IPv4_TTL_03
to IPv4_TTL_05
RFC 791 3.1 IPv4 Version Number IPv4_VERSION_01,
RFC 791 3.2 IPv4 Addressing IPv4_ADDRESSING_01 to
RFC 791 2.3 IPv4 Fragments IPv4_FRAGMENTS_1 to
RFC 791 3.2 IPv4 Options IPv4_OPTIONS_1 to
RFC 791 3.2 IPv4 Reassembly IPv4_REASSEMBLY_01 to

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4.3.2 Parameters used in the tests

Parameter used in test Description

Time To Live field value used in IP packet to be sent. If the packet is to be
forwarded then this value must be greater than 2
This is the checksum which is different from the calculated checksum, i.e
<invalidChecksum> different from 16 bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of
all 16 bit words in the header..
<id> - <id1> <id2> Identification of the IP packet
Time To Live value in a Fragmented packet. This value is greater than the
initial timer setting which is 15 seconds

<LowTTLValue> Time To Live value in a Fragmented packet. This value is less than the
initial timer setting which is 15 seconds

A value which is not zero.

<limitedBroadcastAddress> The limited broadcast address addresses every host on the connected
physical network. {-1, -1} ->

<directedBroadcastAddress> The directed broadcast address addresses a specific group in the

network. {<Network-number>, -1}, e.g.

The internal host loopback address, e.g.

The Maximum Transmission Unit size.

NOTE: As a general test pattern it can be assumed that all events will be guarded by a timer, e.g.
receiving or non-receiving of message. Due to the difference nature of guarding, different default values
can be assumed:

 Guarding user interactions: 30 seconds

 Guarding awaiting of response: 3 seconds
 Guarding awaiting of no response: 10 seconds

Protocol should be mentioned in the respective test cases.

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4.3.3 IPv4 Test cases IPv4 Header

IPv4_HEADER_01: Ensure that the DUT generates an IPv4 Packet with a Total Length
greater than or equal to 20.

Ensure that
when the DUT is requested to generate an IPv4 packet,
then the DUT generates an IPv4 Packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Total Length
indicating a value greater than or equal to 20.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request.

Test Procedure
2. DUT: Generates an ICMPv4 Echo Reply.

The DUT generates an IPv4 Packet

containing an IPv4 Header
Pass Criteria
containing a Total Length
indicating a value greater than or equal to 20

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791, section 3.1


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IPv4_HEADER_02: Ensure that the DUT discards an IPv4 Packet with an invalid
Header Length

Ensure that
when the DUT receives an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Header Length
indicating a value less than 20,
then the DUT discards the IPv4 Packet silently.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request with a header length indicating a value less
Test Procedure
than 20
2. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply
Pass Criteria The DUT discards the IPv4 Packet silently.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791, section 3.1


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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_HEADER_03: Ensure that the DUT generates an IPv4 Packet with the Source
Address being one of its IPv4 Addresses

Ensure that
when the DUT is requested to generate an IPv4 packet,
then the DUT sends an IPv4 Packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Source Address
indicating one of its defined IPv4 addresses.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request

Test Procedure 2. DUT: Generates an ICMPv4 Echo Reply with Source Address being one of its defined
IPv4 addresses.

The DUT sends an IPv4 Packet

containing an IPv4 Header
Pass Criteria
containing a Source Address
indicating one of its defined IPv4 addresses.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.1, 3.2, RFC1122 section


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IPv4_HEADER_04: Ensure that the DUT discards an IPv4 Packet with an incorrect
Destination Address

Ensure that
when the DUT receives an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
Synopsis containing a Destination Address
indicating a value different from the DUT’s IPv4 address and is not a Broadcast or
Multicast address,
then the DUT discards the IPv4 Packet silently.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request with destination address different than the
Test Procedure DUT’s IPv4 address
2. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

Pass Criteria The DUT discards the IPv4 Packet silently.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.1, 3.2, RFC1122 section


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IPv4_HEADER_05: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (Maximum datagrams length check)

Synopsis All hosts must be prepared to accept datagrams of up to 576 octets.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Total Length field set to 576
Test Procedure - IP Payload field, containing:
- 556 bytes data
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p13 Internet Header Format (MUST)

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IPv4_HEADER_08: ICMPv4 Echo Request (IP Header length validation)

Internet Header Length is the length of the internet header in 32 bit words, and thus
Synopsis points to the beginning of the data. Note that the minimum value for a correct header is 5.
(Note: Tests that DUT discards a packet with total length smaller than implied by IHL value)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
Test Procedure
- IP IHL field set to 13
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Does not Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Does not Send ICMP Echo Reply

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p11 Internet Header Format (MUST)

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IPv4_HEADER_09: ICMPv4 Echo Request (IP Total Length validation)

Total Length is the length of the datagram, measured in octets, including internet header
Synopsis and data. (Note: Tests that DUT discards a packet with total length bigger than the actual
transmitted data)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
Test Procedure
- IP Total Length field set to 48
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Does not Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Does not Send ICMP Echo Reply

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p13 Internet Header Format (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance IPv4 Checksum

IPv4_CHECKSUM_01: Ensure that the DUT generates an IPv4 Packet with a valid
Header Checksum

Ensure that
when the DUT generates an IPv4 packet
then the DUT sends an IPv4 Packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Header Checksum
indicating a valid checksum.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request

Test Procedure
2. DUT: Sends an ICMPv4 Echo Reply containing a valid checksum

The DUT sends an IPv4 Packet

containing an IPv4 Header
Pass Criteria
containing a Header Checksum
indicating a valid checksum.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.1, RFC1122 section


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IPv4_CHECKSUM_02: Ensure that the DUT discards an IPv4 Packet with an invalid
Header Checksum

Ensure that
when the DUT receives an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Header Checksum
indicating an invalid <invalidChecksum>,
then the DUT discards the IPv4 Packet silently.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <invalidChecksum>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request with Header Checksum indicating

Test Procedure <invalidChecksum>
2. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

Pass Criteria The DUT discards the IPv4 Packet silently.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.1, RFC1122 section


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IPv4_CHECKSUM_04: ICMPv4 Echo Request (IP Checksum method validation on


The checksum field is the 16 bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of all 16
bit words in the header. For purposes of computing the checksum, the value of the
checksum field is zero. (Note: Here we are verifying that DUT uses same checksum
calculation method as we are expecting)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request through <DIface-0>,

- IP Destination Address set to address of host-1
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Request
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Echo Request contains:
- IP Checksum field set to "16 bit one's complement of the
one's complement sum of all 16 bit words in the header"
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Request
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Echo Request contains:
Pass Criteria
- IP Checksum field set to "16 bit one's complement of the
one's complement sum of all 16 bit words in the header"

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p14 Internet Header Format (MUST)

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IPv4_CHECKSUM_05: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (IP Checksum method validation on


The checksum field is the 16 bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of all 16
bit words in the header. For purposes of computing the checksum, the value of the
checksum field is zero. (Note: Here we send an Echo Request with checksum calculated
according to rfc. DUT receives this Echo Request, verifies the Echo Request and then sends
Echo Reply. We then verify that DUT uses the checksum calculation method according to

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Checksum field set to "16 bit one's complement
of the one's complement sum of all 16 bit words in
Test Procedure the header"
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
- IP Checksum field to "16 bit one's complement
of the one's complement sum of all 16 bit words
in the header"
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
Pass Criteria - IP Checksum field to "16 bit one's complement
of the one's complement sum of all 16 bit words
in the header"

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p14 Internet Header Format (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance IPv4 Time to Live

IPv4_TTL_01: Ensure that the DUT generates an IPv4 Packet with TTL value greater
than 0

Ensure that
when the DUT generates an IPv4 packet
then the DUT sends an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a TTL
indicating a value greater than 0.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request packet

Test Procedure
2. DUT: Sends an ICMPv4 Echo Reply packet with a TTL value greater than 0

The DUT sends an IPv4 packet

containing an IPv4 Header
Pass Criteria
containing a TTL
indicating a value greater than 0.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.1 and 3.2, RFC1122 section


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IPv4_TTL_03: Ensure that the DUT decrements the TTL of a forwarded IPv4 Packet by
at least 1

Ensure that
when the DUT receives an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a TTL
Synopsis indicating a value TTL1
then the DUT forwards and sends an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a TTL
indicating a value less than TTL1.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 2

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with a TTL value TTL1 which is greater than 2
Test Procedure
2. DUT: Sends an IPv4 packet with a TTL value less than TTL1

The DUT forwards and sends an IPv4 packet

containing an IPv4 Header
Pass Criteria
containing a TTL
indicating a value less than TTL1.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.1 and 3.2, RFC1122 section


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IPv4_TTL_04: Ensure that the DUT discards an IPv4 packet with a TTL of 0 if the IPv4
packet has to be forwarded

Ensure that
when the DUT receives an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a TTL
indicating a value 0
then the DUT does not forwards and discards the IPv4.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 2

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request with a TTL value of 0 which has to be
Test Procedure forwarded
2. DUT: Does not forward the ICMPv4 Echo Request

Pass Criteria The DUT does not forwards and discards the IPv4.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.1 and 3.2, RFC1122 section


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IPv4_TTL_05: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (TTL value check)

A host MUST NOT discard a datagram just because it was received with TTL less than

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
Test Procedure
- IP TTL field set to <ttl>
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply

Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply

1. CASE: <ttl> = 0
Test Iterations
2. CASE: <ttl> = 1

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s3.2.1.7 p34 Time-to-Live: RFC-791 Section 3.2 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance IPv4 Version Number

IPv4_VERSION_01: Ensure that the DUT accepts an IPv4 Packet with a valid Version 4

Ensure that
when the DUT receives an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Version
indicating a value of 4,
then the DUT accepts the IPv4 Packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request with version 4

2. DUT: Sends an ICMPv4 Echo Reply
Pass Criteria The DUT accepts the IPv4 Packet and replies correctly with an ICMPv4 Echo Reply.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791, section 3.1, RFC1122, section


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IPv4_VERSION_03: Ensure that the DUT generates a IPv4 Packet with a valid Version

Ensure that
when the DUT generates an IPv4 packet
then the DUT sends an IPv4 Packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Version
indicating a value of 4.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request

2. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply containing a valid version 4
The DUT sends an IPv4 Packet
containing an IPv4 Header
Pass Criteria
containing a Version
indicating a value of 4.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791, section 3.1, RFC1122, section


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IPv4_VERSION_04: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (IP Version validation)

Synopsis A datagram whose version number is not 4 MUST be silently discarded.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
Test Procedure - IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Version field set to other than <IP_VERSION_4>
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Discard ICMP Echo Request and do not send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Discard ICMP Echo Request and do not send ICMP Echo Reply

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p11 Internet Header Format (Version), RFC 1122 s3.2.1.1 p29
Version Number: RFC-791 Section 3.1 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance IPv4 Addressing

IPv4_ADDRESSING_01: Ensure that the DUT receives an IPv4 Packet with a

Destination Address being a Limited Broadcast Address

Ensure that
when the DUT receives an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Destination Address
indicating a value of Limited Broadcast,
then the DUT accepts the IPv4 Packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <limitedBroadcastAddress>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request with destination address being

Test Procedure <limitedBroadcastAddress>
2. DUT: Sends an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

Pass Criteria The DUT accepts the IPv4 Packet and answers correctly with an ICMPv4 Echo Reply.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2, RFC1122 section


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IPv4_ADDRESSING_02: Ensure that the DUT discards an IPv4 Packet with a

Destination Address being a Directed Broadcast Address

Ensure that
when the DUT receives an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Destination Address
indicating a value of Directed Broadcast,
then the DUT discards the IPv4 Packet silently.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <directedBroadcastAddress>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request with destination address being

Test Procedure <directedBroadcastAddress>
2. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

Pass Criteria The DUT discards the IPv4 Packet silently.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2, RFC1122 section


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IPv4_ADDRESSING_03: Ensure that the DUT discards an IPv4 Packet with a

Destination Address being a Loop Back Address

Ensure that
when the DUT receives an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Destination Address
indicating a value of Loop Back,
then the DUT discards the IPv4 packet silently.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <loopBackAddress>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request with destination address being

Test Procedure <loopBackAddress>
2. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

Pass Criteria The DUT discards the IPv4 packet silently.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2, RFC1122 section


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OPEN Alliance IPv4 Fragments

IPv4_FRAGMENTS_01: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (IP Reconstruct fragments)

To assemble the fragments of an internet datagram, an internet protocol module (for

Synopsis example at a destination host) combines internet datagrams that all have the same value
for the four fields: identification, source, destination, and protocol.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <id>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identification field set to <id>
- Protocol field set to <ipTypeICMP>
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet
2. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
Test Procedure
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identification field set to <id>
- Protocol field set to <ipTypeICMP>
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first IP packet
in unit of 8-octets
- Flags, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
3. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
5. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two
4. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two

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Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 791 s2.3 p9 Function Description (Fragmentation), RFC 791 s3.2 p29
Discussion (Identification), RFC 1122 s3.3.2 p56 Reassembly (MUST)

IPv4_FRAGMENTS_02: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (IP Reconstruct fragments, negative, id)

To assemble the fragments of an internet datagram, an internet protocol module (for

example at a destination host) combines internet datagrams that all have the same value
for the four fields: identification, source, destination, and protocol. (Note: This test verifies
that IP module does not assemble the fragments if identification is different).

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identification field set to <id1>
- Protocol field set to <ipTypeICMP>
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet
2. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
Procedure - Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identification field set to <id2>
- Protocol field set to <ipTypeICMP>
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first
IP packet in unit of 8-octets
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
3. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply

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5. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:

- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identification field set to <id1>
- Protocol field set to <ipTypeICMP>
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first
IP packet in unit of 8-octets
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
6. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
8. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two
9. TESTER: Wait for <ipIniReassembleTimeout> seconds
10. NOTE: TESTER has to wait for <ipIniReassembleTimeout> seconds because
when TESTER is sending the fragment with different identification,
the fragment gets stored in DUT's reassembly buffer.
If this fragment is not removed from the buffer then it may lead
to a scenario where this fragment may be mistaken for a fragment-1 of another test
So a timeout needs to occur for this fragment.
4. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
7. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s2.3 p9 Function Description (Fragmentation) (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_FRAGMENTS_03: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (IP Reconstruct fragments, negative,


To assemble the fragments of an internet datagram, an internet protocol module (for

example at a destination host) combines internet datagrams that all have the same value
for the four fields: identification, source, destination, and protocol. (Note: This test verifies
that IP module does not assemble the fragments if source is different).

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <id>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identification field set to <id>
- Protocol field set to <ipTypeICMP>
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet
2. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to different address from
Test - Destination Address field set to address of DUT
Procedure - Identification field set to <id>
- Protocol field set to <ipTypeICMP>
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first
IP packet in unit of 8-octets
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
3. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
5. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identification field set to <id>
- Protocol field set to <ipTypeICMP>
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first

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IP packet in unit of 8-octets

- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
6. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
8. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two
9. TESTER: Wait for <ipIniReassembleTimeout> seconds
10. NOTE: TESTER has to wait for <ipIniReassembleTimeout> seconds because
when TESTER is sending the fragment with different source address,
the fragment gets stored in DUT's reassembly buffer.
If this fragment is not removed from the buffer then it may lead
to a scenario where this fragment may be mistaken for a fragment-1 of another test
So a timeout needs to occur for this fragment.
4. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
7. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s2.3 p9 Function Description (Fragmentation) (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 170
OPEN Alliance

IPv4_FRAGMENTS_04: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (IP Reconstruct fragments, negative,


To assemble the fragments of an internet datagram, an internet protocol module (for

example at a destination host) combines internet datagrams that all have the same value
for the four fields: identification, source, destination, and protocol. (Note: This test verifies
that IP module does not assemble the fragments if protocol is different).

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <id>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identification field set to <id>
- Protocol field set to <ipTypeICMP>
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet
2. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
Test - Identification field set to <id>
Procedure - Protocol field set to <ipTypeTCP>
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first
IP packet in unit of 8-octets
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
3. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
5. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Identification field set to <id>
- Protocol field set to <ipTypeICMP>
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first
IP packet in unit of 8-octets

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- Flags field, containing:

- MF bit set to zero
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
6. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
8. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two
9. TESTER: Wait for <ipIniReassembleTimeout> seconds
10. NOTE: TESTER has to wait for <ipIniReassembleTimeout> seconds because
when TESTER is sending the fragment with different protocol,
the fragment gets stored in DUT's reassembly buffer.
If this fragment is not removed from the buffer then it may lead
to a scenario where this fragment may be mistaken for a fragment-1 of another test
So a timeout needs to occur for this fragment.
4. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
7. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s2.3 p9 Function Description (Fragmentation) (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 172
OPEN Alliance

IPv4_FRAGMENTS_05: ICMPv4 Echo Request (IP Fragmentation check)

The fragmentation strategy is designed so than an unfragmented datagram has all zero
fragmentation information (MF = 0, fragment offset = 0).

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request through <DIface-0>,

- IP Destination Address set to address of host-1
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Request
4. TESTER: Verify that the received packet contains:
- IP Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- IP Fragment Offset field set to zero
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Request
4. TESTER: Verify that the received packet contains:
Pass Criteria - IP Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- IP Fragment Offset field set to zero

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.2 p25 Discussion (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 173
OPEN Alliance IPv4 Reassembly

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_01: Ensure that the DUT reassembles fragments of an IPv4 Packet

Ensure that
Synopsis when the DUT receives a series of IPv4 Fragments of a large IPv4 packet
then the DUT reassembles and accepts the IPv4 packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset = 0, containing
an ICMPv4 Echo Request where the Total length is less than the <MTU>
2. TESTER: Send several IPv4 packets as continuation of the ICMPv4 Echo Request with
MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset incremented each time by the payload size of the
Test Procedure
previous packet, and the ID being the same as the first fragment
3. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 0 (Last Fragment) and Offset incremented by
the payload size of the previous packet, and the ID being the same as the first fragment
4. DUT: Sends an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

The DUT reassembles and accepts the IPv4 packet and answers correctly with an
Pass Criteria
ICMPv4 Echo Reply.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2


IPv4_REASSEMBLY_02: Ensure that the DUT does not reassemble fragments of an

IPv4 Packet with different IDs

Synopsis Ensure that

when the DUT receives a series of IPv4 Fragments of a large IPv4 packet

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containing an IPv4 Header

containing an ID
indicating different values
then the DUT does not reassemble and accept the IPv4 packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset = 0, containing
an ICMPv4 Echo Request where the Total length is less than the <MTU>
2. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with), MF = 0 (Last Fragment) and Offset incremented by
Test Procedure
the payload size of the previous packet, and the ID being different from the first
3. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

The DUT does not reassemble and accept the IPv4 packet and does not answer with an
Pass Criteria
ICMPv4 Echo Reply.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 175
OPEN Alliance

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_03: Ensure that the DUT does not reassemble fragments of an

IPv4 Packet with different Protocols

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a series of IPv4 Fragments of a large IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing a Protocol
indicating different values
then the DUT does not reassemble and accept the IPv4 packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset = 0, containing
an ICMPv4 Echo Request where the Total length is less than the <MTU>
2. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 0 (Last Fragment) and Offset incremented by
Test Procedure
the payload size of the previous packet, and the Protocol being different from the first
3. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

The DUT does not reassemble and accept the IPv4 packet and does not answer with an
Pass Criteria
ICMPv4 Echo Reply.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 176
OPEN Alliance

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_04: Ensure that the DUT reassembles fragments of an IPv4 Packet

received in the wrong order

Ensure that
Synopsis when the DUT receives a series of unordered IPv4 Fragments of a large IPv4 packet
then the DUT reassembles and accept the IPv4 packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset = 0, containing
an ICMPv4 Echo Request where the Total length is less than the <MTU>
2. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset correctly
incremented, but belonging to the third fragment, and the ID being the same as the first
Test Procedure 3. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset correctly
incremented, but belonging to the second fragment, and the ID being the same as the
first fragment
4. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 0 (Last Fragment) and Offset correctly
incremented, and the ID being the same as the first fragment
5. DUT: Sends an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

The DUT reassembles and accept the IPv4 packet and answers correctly with an ICMPv4
Pass Criteria
Echo Request.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 177
OPEN Alliance

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_05: Ensure that the DUT discards a duplicate of an IPv4Fragment

during the reassembly

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a series of IPv4 Fragments of a large IPv4 packet including a
Synopsis duplicated fragment
then the DUT discards the duplicated fragment, reassembles and accepts the IPv4

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset = 0, containing
an ICMPv4 Echo Request where the Total length is less than the <MTU>
2. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset correctly
incremented, and the ID being the same as the first fragment
3. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset indicating the
Test Procedure
same value as in test step 2, and the ID being the same as the first fragment
4. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 0 (Last Fragment) and Offset correctly
incremented, and the ID being the same as the first fragment
5. DUT: Sends an ICMPv4 Echo Reply, not including any data from the fragment sent in
test step 3

The DUT discards the duplicated fragment, reassembles and accepts the IPv4 packet and
Pass Criteria answers correctly with an ICMPv4 Echo Reply not including any data from the
duplicated fragment.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 178
OPEN Alliance

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_06: Ensure that the DUT does not reassemble fragments of an

IPv4 Packet if no first fragment is sent

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a series of IPv4 Fragments of a large IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
containing an Offset
indicating a value different than 0 but with correct increment
then the DUT does not reassemble and accept the IPv4 packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset not equal to 0,
containing an ICMPv4 Echo Request where the Total length is less than the MTU
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 0 (Last Fragment) and Offset correctly
incremented, and the ID being the same as the first fragment
3. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

The DUT does not reassemble and accept the IPv4 packet and does not answer with an
Pass Criteria
ICMPv4 Echo Reply.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 179
OPEN Alliance

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_07: Ensure that the DUT does not reassemble fragments of an

IPv4 Packet if some IPv4 Fragments are missing

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a series of IPv4 Fragments of a large IPv4 packet including the
first and the last fragment but missing some in between
then the DUT does not reassemble and accept the IPv4 packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset = 0, containing
an ICMPv4 Echo Request where the Total length is less than the <MTU>
2. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset correctly
incremented, and the ID being the same as the first fragment
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 0 (Last Fragment) and Offset is incremented
as if one more fragment would have been sent, and the ID being the same as the first
4. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

The DUT does not reassemble and accept the IPv4 packet and does not answer with an
Pass Criteria
ICMPv4 Echo Reply.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 180
OPEN Alliance

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_08: Ensure that the DUT does not reassemble fragments of an

IPv4 Packet if no last fragment is sent

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a series of IPv4 Fragments of a large IPv4 packet but no last
then the DUT does not reassemble and accept the IPv4 packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset = 0, containing
an ICMPv4 Echo Request where the Total length is less than the <MTU>
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send an IPv4 packet with MF = 1 (More Fragments) and Offset correctly
incremented, and the ID being the same as the first fragment
3. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

The DUT does not reassemble and accept the IPv4 packet and does not answer with an
Pass Criteria
ICMPv4 Echo Reply.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 181
OPEN Alliance

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_09: Ensure that DUT discards IPv4 Packet MF = 1

Ensure that
when the DUT receives an IPv4 packet
containing an IPv4 Header
Synopsis containing Flags
and containing a MF flag
indicating that there are more fragments coming: MF = 1,
then the DUT discards the IPv4 Packet silently.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMPv4 Echo Request with MF = 1 (More Fragments)

Test Procedure
2. DUT: Does not send an ICMPv4 Echo Reply

The DUT discards the IPv4 Packet silently and does not answer with an ICMPv4 Echo
Pass Criteria

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC791 section 3.2


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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_10: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (IP Reassembly default time check)

Synopsis The current recommendation for the initial timer setting is 15 seconds.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- TTL field set to 15
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet whose size
is multiple of 8-octets
2. TESTER: Wait for (<ipIniReassembleTimeout> - <ParamToleranceTime>) seconds
3. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first IP
packet in unit of 8-octets
Test Procedure
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- TTL field set to 15
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
4. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
5. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
6. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two
7. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- TTL field set to 15
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet which is

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multiple of 8-octets
8. TESTER: Wait for (<ipIniReassembleTimeout> + <ParamToleranceTime>) seconds
9. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first IP
packet in unit of 8-octets
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- TTL field set to 15
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
10. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
11. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
12. TESTER: Wait for <ipIniReassembleTimeout> seconds
13. NOTE: TESTER has to wait for <ipIniReassembleTimeout> seconds
so that timeout occurs for fragment-2 stored in DUT's reassembly
buffer. If this does not happen then it may lead to a scenario
where fragment-2 stored in the DUT's reassembly buffer
may be mistaken for a fragment-1 of another test case.
So a timeout needs to occur for fragment-2.
5. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
6. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Pass Criteria Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two
11. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 791 s3.2 p27 Discussion (An Example Reassembly Procedure)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_11: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (check fragment with Large TTL value)

The initial setting of the timer is a lower bound on the reassembly waiting time. This is
because the waiting time will be increased if the Time to Live in the arriving fragment is
greater than the current timer value. (Note: Here we are assuming that initial timer setting
is 15 seconds)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <LargeTTLValue>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- TTL field set to <LargeTTLValue>
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet which is
multiple of 8-octets
2. TESTER: Wait for 15 seconds
3. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
Test Procedure
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first IP
packet in unit of 8-octets
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- TTL field set to <LargeTTLValue>
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
4. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
5. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
6. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two
5. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 6. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two

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Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.2 p27 Discussion (An Example Reassembly Procedure) (MUST)

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_12: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (check fragment with Low TTL value)

The initial setting of the timer is a lower bound on the reassembly waiting time. The
waiting time will not be decreased if it is less the Time to Live in the arriving fragment.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <LowTTLValue>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request. Send an IP packet to

<DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- TTL field set to <LowTTLValue>
- first half of the constructed ICMP packet which is
multiple of 8-octets
2. TESTER: Wait for <LowTTLValue> seconds
3. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
Test Procedure
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to data size sent in first IP
packet in unit of 8-octets
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- TTL field set to <LowTTLValue>
- last half of the constructed ICMP packet
4. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
5. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
6. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two

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OPEN Alliance

5. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply

6. TESTER: Verify that Identifier, Sequence Number and Data of ICMP
Pass Criteria
Echo Reply are same as those of ICMP Echo Request sent in two

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.2 p27 Discussion (An Example Reassembly Procedure) (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 187
OPEN Alliance

IPv4_REASSEMBLY_13: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (IP Fragments overlap check)

In the case that two or more fragments contain the same data either identically or
Synopsis through a partial overlap, this procedure will use the more recently arrived copy in the
data buffer and datagram delivered.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Construct an ICMP Echo Request, containing:

Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to zero
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- first 16 octets of the constructed ICMP packet
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <FragReassemlyTimeout>/4 seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to 2
Test Procedure
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- Data field set to "DUPLICATE FRAGMENTS TEST"
5. TESTER: Listen (for upto <FragReassemlyTimeout>/4 seconds) on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
7. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1
- Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- Fragment Offset field set to 2
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to 1
- second 8 octets of the constructed ICMP packet
8. TESTER: Listen (for upto <FragReassemlyTimeout>/4 seconds) on <DIface-0>
9. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
10. TESTER: Send an IP packet to <DIface-0>, containing:
- Source Address field set to address of host-1

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- Destination Address field set to address of DUT

- Fragment Offset field set 3
- Flags field, containing:
- MF bit set to zero
- remaining portion of the constructed ICMP packet
11. TESTER: Listen (for upto <FragReassemlyTimeout>/4 seconds) on <DIface-0>
12. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
13. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
3. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
6. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
9. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria
12. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
13. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Echo Reply contains:

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.2 p29 Discussion (An Example Reassembly Procedure) (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 189
OPEN Alliance IPv4 Options

IPv4_OPTIONS_01: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (Multiple End of Options check)

End of Option List option indicates the end of the option list. (Note: Here we are
verifying that DUT does not crash on receiving multiple End of Options)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
Test Procedure
- IP Options, containing:
- Four End of Option List options
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p16 Internet Header Format (End of Option List), RFC 791 s3.2
p31 Options (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_OPTIONS_02: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (Multiple No Operation option check)

No Operation - This option may be used between options, for example, to alignthe
Synopsis beginning of a subsequent option on a 32 bit boundary. (Note: Here we are verifying that
DUT does not crash on receiving multiple No Operation Options)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
Test Procedure - One Record Route option, containing:
- length field set to 7
- pointer field set to 4
- Two No Operation options
- One End of Option List option
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p17 Internet Header Format (No Operation) (MUST)

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IPv4_OPTIONS_03: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (Multiple No Operation and End of Option


No Operation - This option may be used between options, for example, to alignthe
Synopsis beginning of a subsequent option on a 32 bit boundary. (Note: Here we are verifying that
DUT does not crash on receiving multiple No Operation and End of Options)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
Test Procedure - One Security option
- One No Operation option
- One No Operation option
- One End of Option List option
- One End of Option List option
2. TESTER: Listen (for up to <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p17 Internet Header Format (No Operation) (MUST)

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IPv4_OPTIONS_04: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (Security Option check)

Synopsis Security Option appears at most once in a datagram.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
Test Procedure
- IP Options, containing:
- Two Security Options
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Do not send ICMP Echo Reply

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p18 Internet Header Format (Security) (MAY)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_OPTIONS_05: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (Overflow Bit in timestamp option check)

The Overflow (oflw) [4 bits] is the number of IP modules that cannot register
timestamps due to lack of space.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 8
- pointer field set to 9 (one timestamp sent by TESTER)
Test Procedure
- oflw field set to zero
- flg field set to zero
- one timestamp value
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
- IP Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- oflw field set to 1
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
Pass Criteria
- IP Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- oflw field set to 1

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p22 Internet Header Format (Internet Timestamp) (MAY)

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IPv4_OPTIONS_06: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (timestamp value check)

Synopsis 0 -- time stamps only, stored in consecutive 32-bit words.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 12
- pointer field set to 9 (one timestamp)
Test Procedure
- flg field set to zero
- one timestamp
- octets 8-11 set to zero
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
- IP Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- octets 8-11 set to timestamp value (non-zero)
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
Pass Criteria
- IP Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- octets 8-11 set to timestamp value (non-zero)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p22 Internet Header Format (Internet Timestamp) (MAY)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_OPTIONS_07: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (timestamp value, internet address and

sequence check)

Synopsis 1 -- each timestamp is preceded with internet address of the registering entity.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 20
- pointer field set to 13 (one timestamp and one
internet address)
Test Procedure - flg field set to 1
- one internet address set to address of host-1
- one timestamp
- octets 12-19 set to zero
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
- IP Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- octets 12-15 set to address of DUT
- octets 16-19 set to timestamp value (non-zero)
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
Pass Criteria - IP Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- octets 12-15 set to address of DUT
- octets 16-19 set to timestamp value (non-zero)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p22 Internet Header Format (Internet Timestamp) (MAY)

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IPv4_OPTIONS_08: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (relation between timestamp & its own

3 -- the internet address fields are prespecified. An IP module only registers its
timestamp if it matches its own address with the next specified internet address.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 12
- pointer field set to 5
Test Procedure
- flg field set to 3
- one internet address set to address of DUT
- octets 4-7 set to zero
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
- IP Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- octets 4-7 set to timestamp value (non-zero)
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
Pass Criteria
- IP Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- octets 4-7 set to timestamp value (non-zero)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p22 Internet Header Format (Internet Timestamp) (MAY)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_OPTIONS_09: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (relation between timestamp & its own
address, negative)

3 -- the internet address fields are prespecified. An IP module only registers its
timestamp if it matches its own address with the next specified internet address.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 12
- pointer field set to 5
- flg field set to 3
Test Procedure
- one internet address set to different address
of DUT
- octets 4-7 set to zero
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
- IP Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- octets 4-7 set to zero (DUT did not register
its timestamp)
3. DUT: Send ICMP Echo Reply
4. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply contains:
Pass Criteria - IP Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- octets 4-7 set to zero (DUT did not register
its timestamp)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p22 Internet Header Format (Internet Timestamp) (MAY)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_OPTIONS_10: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (room for timestamp check)

If there is some room but not enough room for a full timestamp to be inserted the
original datagram is considered to be in error and is discarded.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
Test Procedure - length field set to 12
- pointer field set to 11
- flg field set to zero
- one timestamp value
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Discard ICMP Echo Request and do not send ICMP Echo
3. DUT: Discard ICMP Echo Request and do not send ICMP Echo
Pass Criteria

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p23 Internet Header Format (Internet Timestamp) (MAY)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_OPTIONS_11: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (overflow bits validation)

If the overflow count itself overflows, the original datagram is considered to be in

error and is discarded.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 8
Test Procedure
- pointer field set to 9 (one timestamp sent by TESTER)
- oflw field set to 15 (oflw is a 4 bits field)
- flg field set to zero
- one timestamp value
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Discard ICMP Echo Request and do not send ICMP Echo
3. DUT: Discard ICMP Echo Request and do not send ICMP Echo
Pass Criteria

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p23 Internet Header Format (Internet Timestamp) (MAY)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_OPTIONS_12: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (check room for timestamp)

If there is some room but not enough room for a full timestamp to be inserted, an ICMP
parameter problem message may be sent to the source host.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 12
- pointer field set to 11
Test Procedure - flg field set to zero
- one timestamp value
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem Message
- Pointer field set to 22 (Basic IP Header length (20) +
third octet (pointer field) of
Internet Timestamp option)
3. DUT: Send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem Message
Pass Criteria
- Pointer field set to 22 (Basic IP Header length (20) +
third octet (pointer field) of
Internet Timestamp option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p23 Internet Header Format (Internet Timestamp) (MAY)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_OPTIONS_13: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (validate overflow bits)

If the overflow count itself overflows, an ICMP parameter problem message may be
sent to the source host.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- One Internet Timestamp option, containing:
- length field set to 8
- pointer field set to 9 (one timestamp sent by TESTER)
Test Procedure - oflw field set to 15 (oflw is a 4 bits field)
- flg field set to zero
- one timestamp value
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem Message
- Pointer field set to 23 (Basic IP Header length (20) +
fourth octet (oflw field))
3. DUT: Send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem Message
Pass Criteria contains:
- Pointer field set to 23 (Basic IP Header length (20) +
fourth octet (oflw field))

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p23 Internet Header Format (Internet Timestamp) (MAY)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_OPTIONS_14: ICMPv4 Echo Reply (timestamp option occurrence check)

Synopsis The timestamp option appears at most once in a datagram.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an ICMP Echo Request to <DIface-0>, containing:

- IP Source Address field set to address of host-1
- IP Destination Address field set to address of DUT
- IP Options, containing:
- Two Internet Timestamp options, each containing:
- length field set to 12
- pointer field set to 9
Test Procedure - flg field set to zero
- one timestamp value
2. TESTER: Listen (for upto <ListenTime> seconds) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem Message
- Pointer field set to 32 (Basic IP Header length (20) +
one internet Timestamp option
length (12))
3. DUT: Send ICMP Parameter Problem Message
4. TESTER: Verify that the received ICMP Parameter Problem Message
Pass Criteria
- Pointer field set to 32 (Basic IP Header length (20) +
one internet Timestamp option
length (12))

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 791 s3.1 p23 Internet Header Format (Internet Timestamp) (MAY)

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4.4 Dynamic configuration of IPv4 Link Local Address

4.4.1 General

The scope of this chapter is to specify test cases for the Dynamic IPv4 address Autoconfiguraron
Protocol (IPv4 Autoconfig) based on the following standards:

 RFC 3927 - Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses

4.4.2 Simulated topologies

<TIface-0> <DIface-0>



4.4.3 Required topology related configuration

This suite expects to be running against any IP enabled network interface which supports acquisitiong of
IP address through the following methods :
 IPv4 Link Local Autoconfiguration

The following information are obtained from the unused IP network configurations on the TESTER:
 IP Address of all the emulated servers
 IP Address Pool to be offered by these emulated DHCP Servers

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4.4.4 Coverage

Specification Sub- Test Category Test

Document section Number(s)
RFC 3927: Dynamic 1.9 When to configure IPv4_AUTOCONF_INTRO_1 to
Configuration of IP a IPv4_AUTOCONF_INTRO_6
Link-Local Addresses link-local address
RFC 3927: Dynamic 2.1 2.2.1 Address Selection, IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_1 to
Configuration of IP 2.2 Defense and IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_16
Link-Local Addresses Delivery
RFC 3927: Dynamic 2.4 1.2 Announcing an IPv4_AUTOCONF_ANNOUNCING_1 to
Configuration of IP Address IPv4_AUTOCONF_ANNOUNCING_7
Link-Local Addresses
RFC 3927: Dynamic 2.5 Conflict Detection IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_1 to
Configuration of IP and Defense IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_12
Link-Local Addresses
RFC 3927: Dynamic 2.6.2 Forwarding Rules IPv4_AUTOCONF_FORWARDING_1 to
Configuration of IP IPv4_AUTOCONF_FORWARDING_8
Link-Local Addresses
RFC 3927: Dynamic 2.7 Link-Local Packets IPv4_AUTOCONF_LINKLOCAL_PACKETS_1 to
Configuration of IP Are Not Forwared IPv4_AUTOCONF_LINKLOCAL_PACKETS_4
Link-Local Addresses
RFC 3927: Dynamic 3.3 Interaction with IPv4_AUTOCONF_ROUTABLE_ADDRESSES_1,
Configuration of IP Hosts with IPv4_AUTOCONF_ROUTABLE_ADDRESSES_2
Link-Local Addresses Routable
RFC 3927: Dynamic 4 Healing of Network IPv4_AUTOCONF_NETWORKPARTITIONS_1
Configuration of IP Partitions
Link-Local Addresses

4.4.5 Parameters/constants used in the tests

Parameters used in test Description
<SERVER-1> This denotes 1st DHCP Server simulated by TESTER.
<ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1> This denotes IP address of 1st DHCP Server simulated by TESTER
This denotes IP address offered to the 1st DUT interface by the
<DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR> This denotes Link-local IP address of 1st DUT interface
<AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR This denotes link local IP Address of 1st TESTER interface

<ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR> This denotes an IP link-local address with value

Amount of time TESTER will wait after sending a packet for
<PARAM_PROCESS_TIME> which there is no immediate manifestation but later some other

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event will decide whether the DUT has correctly accepted the
packet or not.
Tolerance time associated with an event. When waiting or
listening then this number will be added with the actual wait-
<PARAM_TOLERANCE_TIME> time or listen-time.
This is the maximum time interval for which TESTER waits for a
packet for cases when a certain event has been triggered on the
DUT either by some protocol timer or using some external
<PARAM_LISTEN_TIME> mechanism (script).
<DIface-0> This denotes 1st DUT interface.
This value is equal to the value provided for "IEEE First Unused
<MAC-ADDR1> MAC Address"
This is another value for MAC address which is auto-generated
<MAC-ADDR2> from "IEEE First Unused MAC Address"
<DIFACE_O_MAC_ADDR> This is the MAC address of 1st DUT interface.
<LINK-LOCAL-NET-ADDR> This denotes the Link local network ID i.e.
CONSTANT Description
This indicates the value of PROBE_MIN constant specified in
RFC 3927 pg 26, in milliseconds i.e. the value is 1000
This indicates the value of PROBE_MAX constant specified in
RFC 3927 pg 26, in milliseconds i.e. the value is 2000
This indicates the value of ANNOUNCE_WAIT constant specified
ANNOUNCE_WAIT in RFC 3927 pg 26, i.e. the value is 2 seconds.
This indicates the value of ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL constant
ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL specified in RFC 3927 pg 26, i.e. the value is 2 seconds.
This indicates the value of ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL constant
specified in RFC 3927 pg 26, in milliseconds i.e. the value is 2000
This indicates the value of PROBE_MIN constant specified in RFC
PROBE_MIN_MILLISEC 3927 pg 26, in milliseconds i.e. the value is 1000.
This indicates the value of PROBE_MIN constant specified in RFC
PROBE_MIN_MILLISEC 3927 pg 26, in milliseconds i.e. the value is 1000.
This indicates the value of RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL constant
RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL specified in RFC 3927 pg 26, i.e. the value is 60 seconds.
This indicates the value of DEFEND_INTERVAL constant
DEFEND_INTERVAL specified in RFC 3927 pg 26, i.e. the value is 10 seconds.
This indicates the Ethernet Broadcast Address. This value is
BROADCAST-IP Broadcast IP address of the network
NULL-MAC-ADDRESS This indicates a MAC address with value 00:00:00:00:00:00

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4.4.6 Tests Introduction

IPv4_AUTOCONF_INTRO_01: Link local address configurability condition (in

presence of operable routable address)

When an operable routable address is available on an interface, the host SHOULD NOT
also assign an IPv4 Link-Local address on that interface.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
Test Procedure 6. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
10. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message

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11. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>

4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
10. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p8 Section 1.9 (SHOULD)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_INTRO_02: Link local address preference condition (in presense of

operable routable address)

If a host finds that an interface that was previously configured with an IPv4 Link-Local
address now has an operable routable address available, the host MUST use the routable
address when initiating new communications, and MUST cease advertising the availability of
the IPv4 Link-Local address.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Procedure 7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK

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- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0

- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address set to
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>
14. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
15. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
17. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
18. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
20. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
21. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
22. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
23. DUT: Sends ARP Probe or ARP Response
24. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>

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- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>

25. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
26. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
27. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria 16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
23. DUT: Sends ARP Probe or ARP Response
26. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p9 Section 1.9 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_INTRO_03: Link local address (usage continuation condition)

The host SHOULD continue to use the IPv4 Link-Local address for communications already
underway, and MAY continue to accept new communications addressed to the IPv4 Link-
Local address. (Note: In this test case TESTER checks that at that time when DUT is assigning
a routable address on its interface it will continue to use its linklocal address for any
undergoing communications, until the routable address assignment, through DHCP for
example, is complete.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
Procedure 3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

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5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>

- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
to assign the
link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address set to
<DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR> to verify that DUT has assigned the link-local ip
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
13. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Request Messages to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
14. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <20 seconds>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
15. DUT: Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Reply Messages
16. TESTER: Stores the count of ICMP echo replies received from <DIface-0>
17. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>
18. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
19. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
20. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
21. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>

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22. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>

23. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
24. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
25. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Request Messages to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
26. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Request Messages to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
27. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <20 seconds>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
28. DUT: Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Reply Messages
29. TESTER: Counts the number of ICMP echo replies received from <DIface-0> with
-i) Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- increments LINK_LOCAL_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT1 and stores
- the cumulative count in LINK_LOCAL_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT2
-ii) Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- and stores the count in ROUTABLE_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT
LINK_LOCAL_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT1) is greater than 0
31. TESTER: Verify that ROUTABLE_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT is greater than 0
32. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
15. DUT: Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Reply Messages
Pass Criteria 20. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
23. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
28. DUT: Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Reply Messages
LINK_LOCAL_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT1) is greater than 0

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OPEN Alliance

31. TESTER: Verify that ROUTABLE_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT is greater than 0


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p9 Section 1.9 (SHOULD)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_INTRO_04: Link local address (usage for new communication)

The host SHOULD continue to use the IPv4 Link-Local address for communications already
underway, and MAY continue to accept new communications addressed to the IPv4 Link-
Local address. (Note: In this test case TESTER checks that at that time when DUT is assigning
Synopsys a routable address on its interface it will continue to use its linklocal address for any
undergoing communications, till the routable address assignment, and also it will accept
new communications addresses to the link local address until the routable address
assignment is complete.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Procedure 7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
to assign the
link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

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OPEN Alliance

- Netmask set to HOST_MASK

- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR+1>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address set to
<DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR> to verify that DUT has assigned the link-local ip
12. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
13. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
14. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Request Messages to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address set to
15. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <20 seconds>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
16. DUT: Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Reply Messages
17. TESTER: Stores the count of ICMP echo replies received from <DIface-0>
18. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>
19. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
20. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
21. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
22. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
23. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
24. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
25. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>

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- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>

- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
26. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Request Messages to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
27. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Request Messages to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR+1>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
28. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Request Messages to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
29. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <20 seconds>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR+1>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
30. DUT: Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Reply Messages
31. TESTER: Counts the number of ICMP echo replies received from <DIface-0> with
-i) Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- increments LINK_LOCAL_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT1 and stores
- the cumulative count in LINK_LOCAL_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT2
-ii) Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR+1>
- and stores it in LINK_LOCAL_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT3
-iii) Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- and stores it in ROUTABLE_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT
LINK_LOCAL_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT1) is greater than 0
33. TESTER: Verify that LINK_LOCAL_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT3 is greater than 0
34. TESTER: Verify that ROUTABLE_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT is greater than 0
35. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message

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OPEN Alliance

16. DUT: Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Reply Messages

21. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
24. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
30. DUT: Keeps on sending ICMP Echo Reply Messages
LINK_LOCAL_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT1) is greater than 0
33. TESTER: Verify that LINK_LOCAL_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT3 is greater than 0
34. TESTER: Verify that ROUTABLE_ECHO_REPLY_COUNT is greater than 0


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p9 Section 1.9 (MAY)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_INTRO_05: Link local address configurability condition-I (in

absense of operable routable address)

If a host finds that an interface no longer has an operable routable address available, the
host MAY identify a usable IPv4 Link-Local address and assign that address to the
interface.Ways in which an operable routable address might cease to be available on an
interface include: *Removal of the address from the interface through manual configuration

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1


Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to assign any static IP on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to remove the static IP on <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to reboot <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
Procedure 5. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
6. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with

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- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address set to
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
11. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
5. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria
11. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p9 Section 1.9 (MAY)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_INTRO_06: Link local address configurability condition-II (in

absense of operable routable address)

If a host finds that an interface no longer has an operable routable address available, the
host MAY identify a usable IPv4 Link-Local address and assign that address to the
interface.Ways in which an operable routable address might cease to be available on an
interface include: *Expiration of the lease on the address assigned through DHCP

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>

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OPEN Alliance

Procedure 3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>

4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME/3>
6. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME/3>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
11. DUT: Sends ARP Probe or ARP Response
that the lease time of the routable IP address of <DIFace-0> gets expired
13. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
14. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
15. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
17. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
18. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through

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<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
19. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
20. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
21. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria 11. DUT: Sends ARP Probe or ARP Response
14. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
20. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p9 Section 1.9 (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 219
OPEN Alliance Address Selection, Defense and Delivery

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_01: Future use of first 256 and last 256

addresses in the 169.254/16 prefix

The first 256 and last 256 addresses in the 169.254/16 prefix are reserved for future use
and MUST NOT be selected by a host using this dynamic configuration mechanism.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Test Procedure - Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is greater than <>
- Target IP Address is less than or equal to <>
8. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is greater than <>
- Target IP Address is less than or equal to <>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p10 Section 2.1 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_02: Use of persistent storage for each

interface record

Hosts that are equipped with persistent storage MAY, for each interface, record the IPv4
Synopsys address they have selected. On booting, hosts with a previously recorded address SHOULD
use that address as their first candidate when probing.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Test 7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Procedure Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to reboot <DIface-0>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
11. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
13. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria 11. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p10 Section 2.1 (SHOULD)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_03: Need for probing to detect address

already in use

A host probes to see if an address is already in use by broadcasting an ARP Request for
the desired address. (Note: this is an ARP Probe Request)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Test Procedure - Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Probe Request Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to
8. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_04: Need for not probing periodically to

detect address already in use
Synopsys A host MUST NOT perform this check periodically as a matter of course.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
Test Procedure
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address set to
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
14. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message
15. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>

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4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
14. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 3927 p11 Section 2.2


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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_05: Sender hardware address field usage

The client MUST fill in the sender hardware address field of the ARP Request with the
Synopsys hardware address of the interface through which it is sending the packet. (Note: This holds
true for all kinds of ARP frames: Request, Response, Probe)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Source Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>
8. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Source Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_06: Sender IP address setting

The sender IP address field MUST be set to all zeroes. (Note: this is testing for the ARP
Probe frame).

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Sender IP Address is set to <>
8. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Sender IP Address is set to <>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 226
OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_07: Target hardware address setting and

receive check
Synopsys The target hardware address field is ignored and SHOULD be set to all zeroes.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target Hardware Address is set to <NULL-MAC-ADDRESS>
8. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target Hardware Address is set to <NULL-MAC-ADDRESS>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (SHOULD)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_08: Target IP address field setting

Synopsys The target IP address field MUST be set to the address being probed.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Test Procedure
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_09: Probing time interval and packet count - I

When ready to begin probing, the host should then wait for a random time interval selected
uniformly in the range zero to PROBE_WAIT seconds, and should then send PROBE_NUM
Synopsys probe packets, each of these probe packets spaced randomly, PROBE_MIN to PROBE_MAX
seconds apart. (Note : Here TESTER is verifying that the number of PROBES received is equal

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Procedure - Source IP Address set to <>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_10: Probing time interval and packet count -

When ready to begin probing, the host should then wait for a random time interval selected
uniformly in the range zero to PROBE_WAIT seconds, and should then send PROBE_NUM
probe packets, each of these probe packets spaced randomly, PROBE_MIN to PROBE_MAX
seconds apart. (Note : Here TESTER is verifying that the time gap between consecutive
probes falls in the range <PROBE_MIN_IN_MILLISEC> to <PROBE_MAX_IN_MILLISEC>.
Tolerance is 50 milliseconds).

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two ARP Requests
is greater than
Test (<PROBE_MIN_IN_MILLISEC> - 50) milli second
Procedure 8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two ARP Requests
is less than
(<PROBE_MAX_IN_MILLISEC> + 50) milli second
9. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 1st ARP Request and second last ARP Request
is greater than
(<PROBE_MIN_IN_MILLISEC> - 50) milli second
10. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 1st ARP Request and second last ARP Request
is less than
(<PROBE_MAX_IN_MILLISEC> + 50) milli second
11. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between

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reception of last two ARP Requests

is greater than
(<PROBE_MIN_IN_MILLISEC> - 50) milli second
8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two ARP Requests
is less than
(<PROBE_MAX_IN_MILLISEC> + 50) milli second
9. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 1st ARP Request and second last ARP Request
is greater than
(<PROBE_MIN_IN_MILLISEC> - 50) milli second
10. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 1st ARP Request and second last ARP Request
is less than
(<PROBE_MAX_IN_MILLISEC> + 50) milli second

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_11: Probing and reception of ARP packet - I

If during this period, from the beginning of the probing process until ANNOUNCE_WAIT
seconds after the last probe packet is sent, the host receives any ARP packet (Request *or*
Reply) on the interface where the probe is being performed where the packet's 'sender IP
address' is the address being probed for, then the host MUST treat this address as being in
use by some other host, and MUST select a new pseudo-random address and repeat the
process. (Note : Here TESTER is sending a conflicting ARP request packet with sender IP
address equal to the link-local probed address and verifies that DUT sends another ARP
Probe with a different link-local probe address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Procedure 8. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:

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- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_12: Probing and reception of ARP packet - II

If during this period, from the beginning of the probing process until ANNOUNCE_WAIT
seconds after the last probe packet is sent, the host receives any ARP packet (Request *or*
Reply) on the interface where the probe is being performed where the packet's 'sender IP
address' is the address being probed for, then the host MUST treat this address as being in
use by some other host, and MUST select a new pseudo-random address and repeat the
process. (Note : Here TESTER is sending a conflicting ARP Response packet with sender IP
address equal to the link-local probed address and verifies that DUT sends another ARP
Probe with a different link-local probe address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Procedure 8. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Response Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message

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11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:

- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_13: Probing and reception of ARP packet - III

In addition, if during this period the host receives any ARP Probe where the packet's 'target
IP address' is the address being probed for, and the packet's 'sender hardware address' is
not the hardware address of the interface the host is attempting to configure, then the host
MUST similarly treat this as an address conflict and select a new address as above.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Procedure 8. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>

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4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Pass Criteria 10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_14: Conflict resolution - I

If the number of conflicts exceeds MAX_CONFLICTS then the host MUST limit the rate at
which it probes for new addresses to no more than one new address per
Synopsys RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL. (Note : Here TESTER checks that if number of conflicts reach
MAX_CONFLICTS(10) then the host should not send any ARP request within
RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL seconds after the 10th conflict)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
Test 6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Procedure 7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
8. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to

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10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
13. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
14. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
15. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
16. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
17. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
18. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
19. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
20. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
21. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
22. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
23. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
24. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
25. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
26. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
27. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
28. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through

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<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
29. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
30. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
31. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
32. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
33. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
34. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
35. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
36. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
37. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
38. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
39. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
40. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
41. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
42. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
43. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
44. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
45. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
46. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:

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- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

47. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
48. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
49. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
50. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
51. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
52. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
53. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
54. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL> second) on
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
55. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message
56. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
15. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
16. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
Pass Criteria 20. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
21. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
25. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
26. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
30. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
31. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

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35. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message

36. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
40. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
41. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
45. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
46. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
50. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
51. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
55. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

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IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_15: Conflict resolution - II

If the number of conflicts exceeds MAX_CONFLICTS then the host MUST limit the rate at
which it probes for new addresses to no more than one new address per
Synopsys RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL. (Note : Here TESTER checks that if number of conflicts reach
MAX_CONFLICTS(10) then the host should send only 1 ARP request after the
RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL seconds get over, within the next RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL seconds)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
8. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
Test - Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
Procedure - Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
13. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
14. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>

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- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to

15. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
16. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
17. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
18. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
19. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
20. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
21. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
22. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
23. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
24. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
25. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
26. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
27. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
28. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
29. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
30. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
31. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
32. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores

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33. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through

<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
34. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
35. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
36. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
37. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
38. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
39. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
40. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
41. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
42. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
43. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
44. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
45. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
46. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
47. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
48. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
49. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
50. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message

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51. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:

- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
52. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
53. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
54. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL> second) on
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
55. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message
56. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL> second) on
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
57. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
58. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
59. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
60. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
61. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL> second) on
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
62. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message
63. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
Pass Criteria 15. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
16. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
20. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
21. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

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25. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message

26. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
30. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
31. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
35. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
36. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
40. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
41. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
45. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
46. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
50. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
51. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
55. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message
57. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
58. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
62. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

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IPv4_AUTOCONF_ADDRESS_SELECTION_16: IPv4 Link-Local address claim condition -


If, by ANNOUNCE_WAIT seconds after the transmission of the last ARP Probe no
Synopsys conflicting ARP Reply or ARP Probe has been received, then the host has successfully
claimed the desired IPv4 Link-Local address.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Test Procedure
8. TESTER: Wait till <ANNOUNCE_WAIT> for DUT to assign the link-local
address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
11. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
12. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
11. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message

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Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p12 Section 2.2.1 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance Announcing an Address

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ANNOUNCING_01: An ARP announcement - I

An ARP announcement is identical to the ARP Probe described above, except that now the
sender and target IP addresses are both set to the host's newly selected IPv4 address. In
this document, the term 'ARP Announcement' is used to refer to an ARP Request packet,
broadcast on the local link, identical to the ARP Probe described above, except that both
Synopsys the sender and target IP address fields contain the IP address being announced. (Note: Here
TESTER checks that after receiving 3 ARP Probes from DUT interface, TESTER receives an
ARP Announcement(Request) packet with Destination MAC address set to Ethernet
Broadcast Address.A tolerance time of -0.05 seconds is used at the step where TESTER is
waiting up to ANNOUNCE_WAIT seconds)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Test Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Procedure it in <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
8. TESTER: Wait till <ANNOUNCE_WAIT-0.05> i.e. the delay time before
DUT sends the ARP Announcement message
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to
12. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>

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4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 section 2.4 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ANNOUNCING_02: An ARP announcement - II

An ARP announcement is identical to the ARP Probe described above, except that now the
sender and target IP addresses are both set to the host's newly selected IPv4 address. In
this document, the term 'ARP Announcement' is used to refer to an ARP Request packet,
broadcast on the local link, identical to the ARP Probe described above, except that both
Synopsys the sender and target IP address fields contain the IP address being announced. (Note: Here
TESTER checks that after receiving 3 ARP Probes from DUT interface, TESTER receives an
ARP Announcement(Request) packet with Source IP address = Target IP address =
Announced IP address. A tolerance time of -0.05 seconds is used at the step where TESTER
is waiting up to ANNOUNCE_WAIT seconds)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
8. TESTER: Wait till <ANNOUNCE_WAIT-0.05> for DUT to send ARP

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Announcement Message
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 section 2.4 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ANNOUNCING_03: An ARP announcement - III

An ARP announcement is identical to the ARP Probe described above, except that now the
sender and target IP addresses are both set to the host's newly selected IPv4 address. In
this document, the term 'ARP Announcement' is used to refer to an ARP Request packet,
broadcast on the local link, identical to the ARP Probe described above, except that both
Synopsys the sender and target IP address fields contain the IP address being announced. (Note: Here
TESTER checks that after receiving 3 ARP Probes from DUT interface, TESTER receives an
ARP Announcement(Request) packet with Sender Hardware address set to DUT interface
MAC Address. A tolerance time of -0.05 seconds is used at the step where TESTER is waiting
up to ANNOUNCE_WAIT seconds)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>

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Procedure 3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>

4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
8. TESTER: Wait till <ANNOUNCE_WAIT-0.05> for DUT to send ARP
Announcement Message
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Source Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>
12. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Pass Criteria 10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Source Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 section 2.4 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ANNOUNCING_04: An ARP announcement - IV

An ARP announcement is identical to the ARP Probe described above, except that now the
sender and target IP addresses are both set to the host's newly selected IPv4 address. In
this document, the term 'ARP Announcement' is used to refer to an ARP Request packet,
broadcast on the local link, identical to the ARP Probe described above, except that both
Synopsys the sender and target IP address fields contain the IP address being announced. (Note: Here
TESTER checks that after receiving 3 ARP Probes from DUT interface, TESTER receives an
ARP Announcement(Request) packet with Target Hardware address set to all zeroes. A
tolerance time of -0.05 seconds is used at the step where TESTER is waiting up to

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Procedure it in <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
8. TESTER: Wait till <ANNOUNCE_WAIT-0.05> for DUT to send ARP
Announcement Message
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target Hardware Address is set to <NULL-MAC-ADDRESS>
12. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
10. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message

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11. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:

- Target Hardware Address is set to <NULL-MAC-ADDRESS>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 section 2.4 (SHOULD)

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IPv4_AUTOCONF_ANNOUNCING_05: Announcing claimed address

Having probed to determine a unique address to use, the host MUST then announce its
claimed address by broadcasting ANNOUNCE_NUM ARP announcements, spaced
ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL seconds apart. (Note : A tolerance time of -0.05 seconds is used at
the step where TESTER is waiting up to ANNOUNCE_WAIT seconds)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Test Procedure 7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
8. TESTER: Wait till <ANNOUNCE_WAIT-0.05> for DUT to send ARP
Announcement Message
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT: Sends 2 ARP Request Messages
11. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
10. DUT: Sends 2 ARP Request Messages

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 section 2.4 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ANNOUNCING_06: Announcing claimed address (interval and

packet count)

Having probed to determine a unique address to use, the host MUST then announce its
claimed address by broadcasting ANNOUNCE_NUM ARP announcements, spaced
ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL seconds apart. (Note : Here TESTER is verifying that the time gap
between the two announce messages is <ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_IN_MILLISEC>. Tolerance
is 50 milliseconds. A tolerance time of -0.05 seconds is used at the step where TESTER is
waiting up to ANNOUNCE_WAIT seconds).

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
8. TESTER: Wait till <ANNOUNCE_WAIT-0.05> for DUT to send ARP
Announcement Message
Procedure 9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT: Sends 2 ARP Request Messages
11. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two ARP Requests
is greater than
12. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two ARP Requests
is less than
13. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages

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10. DUT: Sends 2 ARP Request Messages

11. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two ARP Requests
is greater than
12. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two ARP Requests
is less than

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 section 2.4 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ANNOUNCING_07: Announcing claimed address (non-conflict)

The purpose of these ARP announcements is to make sure that other hosts on the link do
Synopsys not have stale ARP cache entries left over from some other host that may previously have
been using the same address.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores

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for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>

9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Ethernet Source Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Response Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
14. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Ethernet Source Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
15. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
16. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
17. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR1>
18. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
- Ethernet Source Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR2>
19. TESTER: Wait till <PARAM_PROCESS_TIME> for DUT to update its arp
cache entry
20. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
21. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
22. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message

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23. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR2>
24. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
16. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
Pass Criteria 17. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR1>
22. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
23. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR2>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 section 2.4 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance Conflict Detection and Defense

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_01: Conflicting ARP packet reception

Upon receiving a conflicting ARP packet, a host MAY elect to immediately configure a new
IPv4 Link-Local address. (Note: In this test case, TESTER is sending a conflicting ARP Request
message with source IP Address and target IP Address both set to probed link-local address
sent by the DUT and checks whether DUT sends a probe with a different link local address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Procedure assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
11. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
13. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
11. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message

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12. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:

- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 Section 2.5 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_02: Defending own address - I

If a host currently has active TCP connections or other reasons to prefer to keep the same
IPv4 address, and it has not seen any other conflicting ARP packets within the last
DEFEND_INTERVAL seconds, then it MAY elect to attempt to defend its address by recording
the time that the conflicting ARP packet was received, and then broadcasting one single ARP
Synopsys announcement, giving its own IP and hardware addresses as the sender addresses of the
ARP (Note : Here TESTER sends a conflicting ARP request message with both source and
target IP address set to the probed link local address and checks that the ARP
announcement that DUT has send to defend its address has both the Source IP Address and
Target IP address set to DUT's LinkLocal IP Address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Procedure 7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

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- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

process the conflicting packet and defend its link-local address at
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 Section 2.5 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_03: Defending own address - II

If a host currently has active TCP connections or other reasons to prefer to keep the same
IPv4 address, and it has not seen any other conflicting ARP packets within the last
DEFEND_INTERVAL seconds, then it MAY elect to attempt to defend its address by recording
the time that the conflicting ARP packet was received, and then broadcasting one single ARP
Synopsys announcement, giving its own IP and hardware addresses as the sender addresses of the
ARP (Note : Here TESTER sends a conflicting ARP Request message with both source and
target IP Address set to the advertised link local address and checks that the ARP
announcement that DUT has send to defend its address has the Sender Hardware Address
set to DUT interface MAC Address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test 1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

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Procedure 2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>

3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
process the conflicting packet and defend its link-local address at
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Source Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>
14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Pass Criteria 12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Source Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 Section 2.5 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_04: Defending own address - III

If a host currently has active TCP connections or other reasons to prefer to keep the same
IPv4 address, and it has not seen any other conflicting ARP packets within the last
DEFEND_INTERVAL seconds, then it MAY elect to attempt to defend its address by recording
the time that the conflicting ARP packet was received, and then broadcasting one single ARP
Synopsys announcement, giving its own IP and hardware addresses as the sender addresses of the
ARP (Note : Here TESTER sends a conflicting ARP Response message with both source and
target IP address set to the advertised link local address and checks that the ARP
announcement that DUT has send to defend its address has both the Source IP Address and
Target IP address set to DUT's LinkLocal IP Address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Procedure assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Response Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
process the conflicting packet and defend it link-local address at
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

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- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 Section 2.5 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_05: Defending own address - IV

If a host currently has active TCP connections or other reasons to prefer to keep the same
IPv4 address, and it has not seen any other conflicting ARP packets within the last
DEFEND_INTERVAL seconds, then it MAY elect to attempt to defend its address by recording
the time that the conflicting ARP packet was received, and then broadcasting one single ARP
Synopsys announcement, giving its own IP and hardware addresses as the sender addresses of the
ARP (Note : Here TESTER sends a conflicting ARP Response packet with both source and
target IP Address set to the advertised link local address and checks that the ARP
announcement that DUT has send to defend its address has the Sender Hardware Address
set to DUT interface MAC Address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Test 4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Procedure 5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol

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Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Response Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
process the conflicting packet and defend it link-local address at
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Source Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>
14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Pass Criteria 12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Source Hardware Address is set to <DIFACE-0-MAC-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 Section 2.5 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_06: Link local address (usage cease condition - I)

If this is not the first conflicting ARP packet the host has seen, and the time recorded for the
previous conflicting ARP packet is recent, within DEFEND_INTERVAL seconds, then the host
MUST immediately cease using this address and configure a new IPv4 Link-Local address.
(Note:In this test case, TESTER sends 2 conflicting ARP Request mesages with both source
and target IP address set to the advertised link local address, within DEFEND_INTERVAL
seconds, and check if DUT probes with a new advertised link local address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
Procedure <DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: Wait till <DEFEND_INTERVAL/2> before sending the next
conflicting packet to <DIface-0>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
13. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
14. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:

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- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

15. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Pass Criteria 13. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
14. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13-14 Section 2.5 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_07: Link local address (usage cease condition - II)

If this is not the first conflicting ARP packet the host has seen, and the time recorded for the
previous conflicting ARP packet is recent, within DEFEND_INTERVAL seconds, then the host
MUST immediately cease using this address and configure a new IPv4 Link-Local address.
(Note:In this test case, TESTER sends 2 conflicting ARP Response messages with both source
and target IP address set to the advertised link local address, within DEFEND_INTERVAL
seconds and check if DUT probes with a new advertised link local address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
Procedure 6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Response Message to DUT through

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<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: Wait till <DEFEND_INTERVAL/2> before sending the next
conflicting packet to <DIface-0>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Response Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
13. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
14. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
15. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Pass Criteria 13. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
14. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13-14 Section 2.5 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_08: Link local address (usage cease condition - III)

If this is not the first conflicting ARP packet the host has seen, and the time recorded for the
previous conflicting ARP packet is recent, within DEFEND_INTERVAL seconds, then the host
MUST immediately cease using this address and configure a new IPv4 Link-Local address.
(Note:In this test case, TESTER first sends 1 conflicting ARP Request mesages and then sends
1 conflicting ARP Response message, within DEFEND_INTERVAL seconds, and check if DUT
probes with a new advertised link local address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
Procedure <DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: Wait till <DEFEND_INTERVAL/2> before sending the next
conflicting packet to <DIface-0>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Response Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
13. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
14. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:

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- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

15. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Pass Criteria 13. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
14. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13-14 Section 2.5 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_09: Link local address (usage cease condition - IV)

If this is not the first conflicting ARP packet the host has seen, and the time recorded for the
previous conflicting ARP packet is recent, within DEFEND_INTERVAL seconds, then the host
MUST immediately cease using this address and configure a new IPv4 Link-Local address.
(Note:In this test case, TESTER first sends 1 conflicting ARP Response message and then
sends 1 conflicting ARP request message, within DEFEND_INTERVAL seconds and check if
DUT probes with a new advertised link local address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
Procedure 6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Response Message to DUT through

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<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: Wait till <DEFEND_INTERVAL/2> before sending the next
conflicting packet to <DIface-0>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
13. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
14. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
15. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Pass Criteria 13. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
14. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13-14 Section 2.5 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_10: Receiving a conflicting ARP packet

Upon receiving a conflicting ARP packet, a host MAY elect to immediately configure a new
IPv4 Link-Local address. (Note: In this test case, TESTER is sending a conflicting ARP
Synopsys Response message with source IP Address and target IP Address both set to probed link-
local address sent by the DUT and checks whether DUT sends a probe with a different link
local address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Procedure assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Response Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
11. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
13. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
11. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:

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- Target IP Address is not set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p13 Section 2.5 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_11: ARP packets containing (Link- Local 'sender IP

address') rule - I

All ARP packets (*replies* as well as requests ) that contain a Link- Local 'sender IP address'
MUST be sent using link-layer broadcast instead of link-layer unicast. (Note:Here TESTER
checks that DUT sends ARP Probe Response with Ethernet destination address set to
broadcast address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1


Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Probe Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
11. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

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- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to

13. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Probe Request Messages
11. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Target IP Address is set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p14 Section 2.5 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_CONFLICT_12: ARP packets containing (Link- Local 'sender IP

address') rule - II

All ARP packets (*replies* as well as requests) that contain a Link- Local 'sender IP address'
MUST be sent using link-layer broadcast instead of link-layer unicast. (Note:Here TESTER
checks that DUT sends ARP Requests with Ethernet destination address set to broadcast

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1


Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
Test 9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
Procedure - Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to

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14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>

4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 3927 p14 Section 2.5


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OPEN Alliance Forwarding Rules

IPv4_AUTOCONF_FORWARDING_01: Forwarding Rules (Destination address is in the

169.254/16 prefix - I)

If the destination address is in the 169.254/16 prefix (excluding the address, which is the broadcast address for the Link-Local prefix), then the sender
MUST ARP for the destination address and then send its packet directly to the destination on
the same physical link. (Note : Here TESTER checks that the DUT interface, which has a
linklocal ip address, sends an ARP request when it is configured to send an ICMP echo
request to a link-local destination IP address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1


Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Procedure for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:

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- Target IP Address is set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>

- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria
13. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p15 Section 2.6.2 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_FORWARDING_02: Forwarding Rules (Destination address is in the

169.254/16 prefix - II)

If the destination address is in the 169.254/16 prefix (excluding the address, which is the broadcast address for the Link-Local prefix), then the sender
MUST ARP for the destination address and then send its packet directly to the destination on
the same physical link. (Note : Here TESTER checks that DUT sends an ICMP echo request
with destination IP address set to TESTER interface's link local ip address and source IP
address set to its own linklocal IP Address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1


Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Test 4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Procedure 5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol

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Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:
- Source IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address is set to
14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
Pass Criteria 13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:
- Source IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address is set to


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p15 Section 2.6.2 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_FORWARDING_03: Forwarding Rules (Destination address is in the

169.254/16 prefix - III)

If the destination address is in the 169.254/16 prefix (excluding the address, which is the broadcast address for the Link-Local prefix), then the sender
Synopsys MUST ARP for the destination address and then send its packet directly to the destination on
the same physical link. (Note : Here TESTER checks that DUT sends an ICMP echo request
with ethernet destination address set to TESTER interface's MAC Address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
Procedure 9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:

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- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR1>

14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria 12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR1>


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p15 Section 2.6.2 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_FORWARDING_04: Forwarding Rules (Host sending the packet with

an IPv4 Link-Local source address - I)

If for any reason the host chooses to send the packet with an IPv4 Link-Local source address
(e.g., no routable address is available on the selected interface), then it MUST ARP for the
destination address and then send its packet, with an IPv4 Link-Local source address and a
routable destination IPv4 address, directly to its destination on the same physical link. (Note
: Here TESTER checks that DUT sends an ICMP echo request with source IP address as its
own linklocal IP Address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1


Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores

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for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>

9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:
- Source IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria 12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:
- Source IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p15-16 Section 2.6.2 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_FORWARDING_05: Forwarding Rules (Host sending the packet with

an IPv4 Link-Local source address - II)

If for any reason the host chooses to send the packet with an IPv4 Link-Local source address
(e.g., no routable address is available on the selected interface), then it MUST ARP for the
destination address and then send its packet, with an IPv4 Link-Local source address and a
routable destination IPv4 address, directly to its destination on the same physical link. (Note
: Here TESTER checks that DUT sends an ICMP echo request with destination IP address as
the routable address its trying to ping)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1


Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
Procedure 9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:
- Destination IP Address is set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>

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4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria 12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:
- Destination IP Address is set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p15-16 Section 2.6.2 (MUST)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_FORWARDING_06: Forwarding Rules (Host sending the packet with

an IPv4 Link-Local source address - III)

If for any reason the host chooses to send the packet with an IPv4 Link-Local source address
(e.g., no routable address is available on the selected interface), then it MUST ARP for the
destination address and then send its packet, with an IPv4 Link-Local source address and a
routable destination IPv4 address, directly to its destination on the same physical link. (Note
: Here TESTER checks that DUT sends an ICMP echo request with ethernet destination
address set to TESTER interface mac address))

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Test - Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>

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9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with

- Destination Prefix set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR1>
14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria 12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address is set to <MAC-ADDR1>


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p15-16 Section 2.6.2 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_FORWARDING_07: Forwarding Rules (Destination address is a

unicast address outside the 169.254/16 prefix)

If the destination address is a unicast address outside the 169.254/16 prefix, then the host
SHOULD use an appropriate routable IPv4 source address, if it can. (Note : Here TESTER
checks that DUT sends an ICMP echo request with source IP address set to routable

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
6. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <>

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- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>

- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
11. DUT: Sends ARP Probe or ARP Response
12. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to send an ICMP Echo Request Message from
<DIface-0> with
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
13. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
14. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
15. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:
- Source IP Address is set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address is set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
16. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
11. DUT: Sends ARP Probe or ARP Response
Pass Criteria 14. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Request Message
15. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Request Message contains:
- Source IP Address is set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address is set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p15 Section 2.6.2 (SHOULD)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_FORWARDING_08: Forwarding Rules (host MUST NOT send a

packet with an IPv4 Link-Local destination address to any router for forwarding)

The host MUST NOT send a packet with an IPv4 Link-Local destination address to any router
for forwarding. (Note : Here TESTER sends a ping with destination IP address set to an
arbitrary link-local address and checks that DUT should not send the ping to a router after
consulting the static route entry in its routing table)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
6. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Procedure 7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>

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10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>

- Source IP Address set to <>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
11. DUT: Sends ARP Probe or ARP Response
12. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2+1>
13. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Destination IP Address set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
14. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
15. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Request Message
16. CLEANUP: Configure DUT to delete a static route on <DIface-0> with
- Destination Prefix set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2+1>
17. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
11. DUT: Sends ARP Probe or ARP Response
15. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Request Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p15 Section 2.6.2 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance Link-Local Packets Are Not Forwarded

IPv4_AUTOCONF_LINKLOCAL_PACKETS_01: Link-Local Packets Are Not Forwarded


A sensible default for applications which are sending from an IPv4 Link-Local address is to
explicitly set the IPv4 TTL to 1.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Ethernet Source Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply Message contains:

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- TTL field is set to 1

14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria 12. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply Message contains:
- TTL field is set to 1

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p16 section 2.7 (MAY)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_LINKLOCAL_PACKETS_02: Link-Local Packets Are Not Forwarded -

(Source and/or destination address is in the 169.254/16 prefix)

An IPv4 packet whose source and/or destination address is in the 169.254/16 prefix MUST
NOT be sent to any router for forwarding. (Note : Here TESTER sends a ping with destination
IP address set to DUT interface link-local address and checks that DUT should not send a ping
reply after consulting the static route entry in its routing table)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
Procedure 6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with

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- Destination Prefix set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>

- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
11. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
12. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Reply Message
13. CLEANUP: Configure DUT to delete a static route on <DIface-0> with
- Destination Prefix set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
12. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Reply Message


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p16 Section 2.7 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

IPv4_AUTOCONF_LINKLOCAL_PACKETS_03: Link-Local Packets Are Not Forwarded

(Router response)

A router may of course answer ARP Requests for one or more IPv4 Link-Local address(es)
that it has legitimately claimed for its own use according to the claim-and-defend protocol
described in this document. (Note : Here TESTER checks that the router/host must answer to
the ARP request for the Link-local address it is using)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Procedure for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Target Hardware Address set to <NULL-MAC-ADDRESS>
- Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
11. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
13. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message

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11. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message

12. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response Message contains:
- Target IP Address is set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Sender IP Address is set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p16 Section 2.7 (MAY)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_LINKLOCAL_PACKETS_04: Link-Local Packets Are Not Forwarded

(router or other host response for addresses in the 169.254/16 prefix)

A router or other host MUST NOT indiscriminately answer all ARP Requests for addresses in
the 169.254/16 prefix. A router may of course answer ARP Requests for one or more IPv4
Link-Local address(es) that it has legitimately claimed for its own use according to the claim-
and-defend protocol described in this document. (Note : Here TESTER checks that the
router/host will not answer to the ARP request for an arbitrary link-local address which it is
not using)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Parameters <MAC-ADDR1>
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Test - Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>

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9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through

<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Target Hardware Address set to <NULL-MAC-ADDRESS>
- Sender Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
11. DUT: Does not send ARP Response Message
12. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
11. DUT: Does not send ARP Response Message


Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p16 Section 2.7 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 295
OPEN Alliance Interaction with Hosts with Routable Addresses

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ROUTABLE_ADDRESSES_01: Host acquires a routable address

When a host acquires a routable address, it does not need to retain its Link-Local address
Synopsys for the purpose of communicating with other devices on the link that are themselves using
only Link-Local addresses:

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends ARP Probe Request Message
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Target IP address in <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
Test for DUT to assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
Procedure 9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Target Hardware Address set to <NULL-MAC-ADDRESS>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
11. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
12. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>
13. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
14. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
15. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
16. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through <DIface-0>

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- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
17. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
18. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
19. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
20. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
21. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0> for ARP response
22. DUT: Sends ARP Response
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
23. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Target Hardware Address set to <NULL-MAC-ADDRESS>
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address set to
24. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
25. DUT: Does not send ARP Response Message
26. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends ARP Probe Request Message
11. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
Pass Criteria 15. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
18. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
22. DUT: Sends ARP Response
25. DUT: Does not send ARP Response Message

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OPEN Alliance

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p20 Section 3.3 (MAY)

IPv4_AUTOCONF_ROUTABLE_ADDRESSES_02: Interaction with Hosts with Routable


It is not necessary for that host to have a Link-Local source address in order to send to a
Link-Local destination address

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
Test Procedure
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
6. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- 'yiaddr' field set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <PARAM_LISTEN_TIME*3>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through

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OPEN Alliance

<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0> for ARP
response message
11. DUT: Sends ARP Response
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_1>
12. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add a static route with
- Destination Prefix set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
13. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Ethernet Destination Hardware Address set to
- Ethernet Source Hardware Address set to <MAC-ADDR1>
14. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
- Destination IP Address set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
15. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
16. CLEANUP: Configure DUT to delete a static route on <DIface-0> with
- Destination Prefix set to <ARBITRARY-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Netmask set to HOST_MASK
- Outgoing interface set to DUT_IFACE_0
- Gateway address set to <ROUTABLE_IP_ADDR_2>
17. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
11. DUT: Sends ARP Response
15. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p20 Section 3.3 (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 299
OPEN Alliance Healing of Network Partitions

IPv4_AUTOCONF_NETWORK_PARTITIONS_01: Healing of Network Partitions Hosts

Synopsys Hosts SHOULD NOT send periodic gratuitous ARPs (Note: for Link-Local Addresses).

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Network Address of Target IP Address set to
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
7. TESTER: <SERVER-1> retrieves the value of Destination Protocol
Address field of ARP Request Message received from <DIface-0> and stores
Test Procedure assign the link-local address to <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Source IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
10. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <AIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
11. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
12. TESTER: <SERVER-1> Listens (up to <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
- Destination IP Address set to <DIFACE-0-IP-LINKLOCAL-ADDR>
13. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message
14. CLEANUP: Externally cause DUT to shutdown <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. DUT: Sends 3 ARP Request Messages
Pass Criteria
11. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
13. DUT: Does not send ARP Request Message

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OPEN Alliance

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 3927 p23 Section 4 (SHOULD)

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OPEN Alliance

4.5 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

4.5.1 General

The scope of this chapter is to specify test cases for the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) from the
following standards:

 RFC 768 - User Datagram Protocol

4.5.2 Simulated topologies

<TIface-0> <DIface-0>
Control channel for the


4.5.3 Required topology related configuration

 This test suite expects to be running against an UDP stack

 This test suite runs over Ethernet
 All tests run with one interface, except 2 (these 2 needs discussion)

4.5.4 Parameters used in the tests

Parameter used in test Description

<testerUDPPort> Port number used for UDP in TESTER

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OPEN Alliance

<testerUDPPort2> Another port number used for UDP in TESTER

<unusedUDPSrcPort> Unused UDP-source port number used in TESTER [Value : 20000]
Unused UDP-destination port number used in TESTER [Value :
<unusedUDPDstPort1> 20001]
<udpUserDataSize> UDP-data size used by the TESTER [Value : 101]
<calculatedUDPChecksum> UDP checksum of a UDP packet
<incorrectUDPChecksum> Incorrect UDP checksum [Value : 0xffff]
<UDPDefaultData> Default data used in UDP message by TESTER
<UDPDefaultDataLen> Length of UDP default data
<UDPDataLen> UDP data length [Value : 17]
<API_SUCCESS> Indication to API status is successful [Value : SUCCESS]
<allSystemMCastAddr> Multicast address for all systems
<AIface-0-BcastIP> Broadcast address of the TESTER's 0th interface's network.
<Host-1-IP> IP address from unused network
<Host-2-IP> Another IP address from unused network
Automotive ECUs may not support dynamic user interface for new
port creation, either for performance or security reasons.
TRUE indicates DUT supports dynamic user interface
FALSE indicates DUT does not support dynamic user interface
<DUTSupportsDynamicInterface> Default: FALSE

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OPEN Alliance

4.5.5 Tests UDP Message Format

UDP_MessageFormat_01: To verify that IUT generates an UDP packet containing a

well-formed UDP header.

Ensure that
when the DUT is requested to generate a UDP packet,
then the DUT generates a UDP Packet
containing a well-formed Header
Synopsis containing a Source Port field
containing a Total Length
containing a Destination Port
containing a Length field
containing a Checksum field

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send <sendUdpPacket> command to the DUT to request a UDP packet.

Test Procedure
2. DUT: Generates a UDP packet.

The DUT generates a UDP Packet

containing a well-formed Header
containing a Source Port field
containing a Destination Port
Pass Criteria indicating a value equal to the TS’s UDP port.
containing a Length field
indicating a valid value equal to the size of the received datagram
containing a Checksum field
indicating a value equal to the <calculatedUDPChecksum>

Test Iterations

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 304
OPEN Alliance

Reference Derived from RFC 768, section Format


UDP_MessageFormat_02: To verify that IUT accepts an UDP packet containing a well-

formed UDP header.

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a UDP packet
containing a well-formed Header
containing a Source Port field
containing a Destination Port
Synopsis indicating a value equal to the DUT’s UDP port
containing a Length field
indicating a valid value equal to the size of the sent datagram
containing a Checksum field
indicating a value equal to the <calculatedUDPChecksum> by the DUT
then the DUT accepts the UDP packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a UDP packet containing a well-formed UDP Header
2. DUT: Sends <Indication> containing the same content of the UDP packet received.
Pass Criteria The DUT accepts the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Format


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 305
OPEN Alliance UDP Port Handling

UDP_PortHandling_01: To verify that the DUT accepts the datagram in case UDP
Header has a non-zero source port.

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a UDP packet
containing a UDP Header
containing a Source Port Field
indicating a value different from zero
then the DUT accepts the UDP packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a UDP packet with a non-zero Source Port field.
2. DUT: Sends <Indication> containing the same content of the UDP packet received.
Pass Criteria The DUT accepts the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 306
OPEN Alliance

UDP_PortHandling_02: To verify that the DUT accepts the datagram in case UDP
Header has a source port with a value equal to zero.

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a UDP packet
containing a UDP Header
containing a Source Port Field
indicating a value equal to zero
then the DUT accepts the UDP packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a UDP packet with a Source Port field equal to zero.
2. DUT: Sends <Indication> containing the same content of the UDP packet received.
Pass Criteria The DUT accepts the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


Restriction Level:
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OPEN Alliance

UDP_PortHandling_03: To verify that the DUT accepts the datagram in case UDP
Header has a specific source port value.

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a UDP packet
containing a UDP Header
containing a Source Field
indicating an acceptable specific value
then the DUT accepts the UDP packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a UDP packet with a specific Source Port field value.
2. DUT: Sends <Indication> containing the same content of the UDP packet received.
Pass Criteria The DUT accepts the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


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OPEN Alliance

UDP_PortHandling_04: To verify that the DUT discards a datagram in case UDP

Header has a non-acceptable source port value.

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a UDP packet
containing a UDP Header
containing a Source Field
indicating a value different from the <rangeOfAcceptablePorts>
then the DUT discards the UDP packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a UDP packet with a valid Source Port field.
2. DUT: Discards the UDP packet.
Pass Criteria The DUT discards the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 309
OPEN Alliance UDP Datagram Length

UDP_DatagramLength_01: To verify that IUT discards a truncated UDP datagram.

Ensure that
Synopsis when the DUT receives a truncated UDP packet
then the DUT discards the UDP packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a truncated UDP packet.

2. DUT: Discards the UDP packet and sends no <Indication>.
Pass Criteria The DUT discards the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 310
OPEN Alliance

UDP_DatagramLength_02: To verify that IUT discards a UDP datagram in case

datagram total length less than 8.

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a UDP packet
containing a UDP Header
containing a Length field
indicating a value less than 8
then the DUT discards the UDP packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a UDP packet with Length greater than or equal to 8.
2. DUT: Discards the UDP packet and sends no <Indication>.
Pass Criteria The DUT discards the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 311
OPEN Alliance

UDP_DatagramLength_03: To verify that IUT accepts an UDP datagram in case

datagram total length greater than 8.

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a UDP packet
containing a UDP Header
containing a Length field
indicating a value greater than or equal to 8
then the DUT accepts the UDP packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a UDP packet with Length greater than or equal to 8.
2. DUT: Sends <Indication> containing the same content of the UDP packet received.
Pass Criteria The DUT accepts the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 312
OPEN Alliance

UDP_DatagramLength_04: To verify that IUT discards a UDP datagram in case

datagram total length equal to 0.

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a UDP packet
containing a UDP Header
containing a Length field
indicating a value equal to 0
then the DUT discards the UDP packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a UDP packet with Length equal to zero.
2. DUT: Discards UDP packet and sends no <Indication>.
Pass Criteria The DUT discards the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 313
OPEN Alliance

UDP_DatagramLength_05: To verify that IUT discards a UDP datagram in case

datagram total length greater than the size of the datagram.

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a UDP packet
containing a UDP Header
containing a Length field
indicating a value greater than the size of the packet
then the DUT discards the UDP packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a UDP packet with Length greater than the packet size.
2. DUT: Discards the UDP packet and sends no <Indication>.
Pass Criteria The DUT discards the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 314
OPEN Alliance

UDP_DatagramLength_06: To verify that IUT discards a UDP datagram in case

datagram total length is less than the size of the datagram.

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a UDP packet
containing a UDP Header
containing a Length field
indicating a value less than the size of the packet
then the DUT discards the UDP packet.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a UDP packet with Length field less than the size of the packet.
2. DUT: Discards the UDP packet and sends no <Indication>.
Pass Criteria The DUT discards the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 315
OPEN Alliance

UDP_DatagramLength_07: To verify that IUT discards an UDP datagram in case

datagram total length is set to maximum number allowed by the field.

Ensure that
when the DUT receives a UDP packet
containing a UDP Header
containing a Length field
indicating a value equal to the maximum size
then the DUT discards the UDP packet and sends no <Indication>.

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a UDP packet with Length field set to maximum size.
2. DUT: discards the UDP packet.
Pass Criteria The DUT discards the UDP packet.

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 316
OPEN Alliance UDP Padding

UDP_Padding_01: To verify that IUT generates UDP datagram with odd size of
payload and adds padding at the end.

Ensure that
when the DUT is requested to generate a UDP packet with an odd <udpUserDataSize>
Synopsis then the DUT generates a UDP packet
containing Data
indicating value of the received odd payload size plus padding bytes

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send <sendUdpPacketOddSize> to the DUT to request a UDP packet with

Test Procedure
odd <udpUserDataSize>.
2. DUT: Generates a UDP packet with padding.
The DUT generates a UDP packet
Pass Criteria containing Data
indicating value of the received odd <udpUserDataSize> plus padding bytes

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 317
OPEN Alliance

UDP_Padding_02: To verify that IUT generates UDP datagram with even size of
payload and no padding at the end.

Ensure that
when the DUT is requested to generate a UDP packet with an even payload size
Synopsis then the DUT generates a UDP packet
containing Data
indicating value of the received even <udpUserDataSize> with no padding bytes

Prerequisites None

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a <sendUdpPacketEvenSize> to the DUT to request a UDP packet with

Test Procedure
an even <udpUserDataSize>.
2. DUT: Generates a UDP packet with padding.
The DUT generates a UDP packet
Pass Criteria containing Data
indicating value of the received an even <udpUserDataSize> with no padding bytes

Test Iterations

Reference Derived from RFC768, section Fields


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 318
OPEN Alliance UDP Fields

UDP_FIELDS_01: Fields – Specify Source Port

Source Port is an optional field, when meaningful, it indicates the port of the sending
process, and may be assumed to be the port to which a reply should be addressed in the
absence of any other information. A user interface should allow the creation of new receive
ports [Note: In this test, we verify that application can specify source port]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with source port
set to <unusedUDPDstPort1> through <DIface-0>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Procedure 3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Source UDP Port field is set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Source UDP Port field is set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 1 'Fields' (SHOULD)

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OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_02: Fields – Specify Destination Port

Source Port is an optional field, when meaningful, it indicates the port of the sending
process, and may be assumed to be the port to which a reply should be addressed in the
absence of any other information. [Note: In this test, we verify that DUT will respond
back(if required) to source port of received message]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPSrcPort>
Test Procedure
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
4. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with
<UDPDefaultData> as data through <DIface-0>
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Sends Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Destination UDP Port field is set to <unusedUDPSrcPort>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Destination UDP Port field is set to <unusedUDPSrcPort>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 1 'Fields' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 320
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_03: Fields - Source Port received and sent to zero

Source Port is an optional field, when meaningful, it indicates the port of the sending
process, and may be assumed to be the port to which a reply should be addressed in the
Synopsys absence of any other information. If not used, a value of zero is inserted. [Note: In this test,
we verify that using the value 0 for UDP Source Port is valid and DUT accepts such a

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure - Source UDP Port field set to 0
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT received
UDP Message containing:
- UDP Source Port field set to 0
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT received
Pass Criteria
UDP Message containing:
- UDP Source Port field set to 0

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 1 'Fields' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_04: Fields - Same Destination Port with Different IP Address (send)

Destination Port has a meaning within the context of a particular internet destination
Synopsys address. [Note: In this test, we verify that DUT can send UDP message at same destination
port to more than one differrent IP addresses.]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 2

Test Input <Host-1-IP>
Parameters <Host-2-IP>
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message at <testerUDPPort>

as the destination port
and to <Host-1-IP> IP Address through <DIface-0>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <Host-1-IP>
Test Procedure - Destination UDP Port field is set to <testerUDPPort>
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message at <testerUDPPort>
as the destination port
and to <Host-2-IP> IP Address through <DIface-0>
6. TESTER: <HOST-2> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Sends Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <Host-2-IP>
- Destination UDP Port field is set to <testerUDPPort>
3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <Host-1-IP>
- Destination UDP Port field is set to <testerUDPPort>
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <Host-2-IP>
- Destination UDP Port field is set to <testerUDPPort>

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 1 'Fields' (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 322
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_05: Fields - Same Port with Different IP Address (receive and send)

Destination Port has a meaning within the context of a particular internet destination
Synopsys address. [Note: In this test, we verify that DUT can receive send UDP message at same
destination port to more than one differrent IP addresses.]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 2

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address field set to <Host-1-IP>
- Destination IP Address field set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
- UDP send data set to <UDPData>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer has got
UDP Message containing:
Test Procedure - UDP data equal to <UDPData>
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>
on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
7. TESTER: <HOST-2> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address field set to <Host-2-IP>
- Destination IP Address field set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
- UDP send data set to <UDPDefaultData>
8. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer has got
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer has got
UDP Message containing:

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OPEN Alliance

- UDP data equal to <UDPData>

6. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
8. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer has got
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 1 'Fields' (MUST)

UDP_FIELDS_06: Fields - Total Length

Length is the length in octets of this user datagram including this header and the data.
Synopsys [Note: In this test, we configure DUT to send <udpUserDataSize> size of data so that the
length in Header is (<udpUserDataSize > + 8(UDP Header Size)) bytes]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <udpUserDataSize>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send UDP Message with

<udpUserDataSize> of data through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Length field is set to (<udpUserDataSize>+8)
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Length field is set to (<udpUserDataSize>+8)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'Fields' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 324
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_07: Fields - Total Length (no data)

Length is the length in octets of this user datagram including this header and the data.
Synopsys [Note: In this test, we configure DUT to send 0 (zero) size of data so that the length in
Header is 8(UDP Header Size)) bytes]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send UDP Message with 0 of data

through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Length field is set to 8
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Length field is set to 8

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'Fields' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 325
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_08: Fields - Total Length (less than 8 bytes)

Length is the length in octets of this user datagram including this header and the data.
Synopsys [Note: Check that the DUT discards the received datagram in case the total length of the
datagram is less than 8 bytes]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
- truncated message: length less than 8 bytes
- No UDP Data set.
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT discards that UDP message.
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT discards that UDP message.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'Fields' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 326
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_09: Fields - Total Length (equal to zero)

Length is the length in octets of this user datagram including this header and the data.
Synopsys [Note: Check that the DUT discards the received datagram in case the total length of the
datagram is zero (‘0’)]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
- UDP Data set to <UDPData>.
- length field set to 0
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT discards that UDP message.
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT discards that UDP message.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'Fields' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 327
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_10: Fields - Total Length (greater than actual)

Length is the length in octets of this user datagram including this header and the data.
Synopsys [Note: Check that the DUT discards the received datagram in case the length value in the
header is greater than the actual length of the datagram]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
- length field set to (Length of <UDPData> + 8 ) + 1
- UDP Data set to <UDPData>.
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT discards that UDP message.
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT discards that UDP message.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'Fields' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 328
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_12: Fields - Total Length (maximum)

Length is the length in octets of this user datagram including this header and the data.
Synopsys [Note: Check that the DUT accepts the received datagram in case the length value in the
header is set to the maximum value]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
- Length field set to maximum supported value
- data set to maximum supported octet size
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT has received the UDP message.
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT has received the UDP message.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'Fields' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 329
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_13: Fields - Checksum (with padding)

Checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of a pseudo header
of information from the IP header, the UDP header, and the data, padded with zero octets
Synopsys at the end (if necessary) to make a multiple of two octets. [Note: In this test, we verify that
DUT calculates UDP checksum correctly. While calculating UDP checksum the padded byte
is needed to be considered.]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send UDP Message with

<udpUserDataSize> of data through <DIface-0>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Procedure 3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Checksum field is set to <calculatedUDPChecksum>
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Checksum field is set to <calculatedUDPChecksum>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 1 'Fields' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 330
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_14: Fields - Checksum (no padding)

Checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of a pseudo header
of information from the IP header, the UDP header, and the data, padded with zero octets
Synopsys at the end (if necessary) to make a multiple of two octets. [Note: In this test, we verify that
DUT calculates UDP checksum correctly. While calculating UDP checksum the padded byte
is not required.]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <calculatedUDPChecksum>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send UDP Message with 100 of data
through <DIface-0>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Procedure 3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Checksum field is set to <calculatedUDPChecksum>
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Checksum field is set to <calculatedUDPChecksum>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 1 'Fields' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 331
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_15: Fields - Checksum (incorrect)

If a UDP datagram is received with a checksum that is non-zero and invalid, UDP MUST
Synopsys silently discard the datagram. [Note: In this test, we verify that DUT will not accept UDP
message with incorrect checksum]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
- UDP Header Checksum field set to <incorrectUDPChecksum>
- UDP send data set to <UDPDefaultData>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer did not get
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer did not get
Pass Criteria
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section Page 78 'UDP Checksums' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 332
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_16: Fields - Checksum (zero checksum)

An all zero transmitted checksum value means that the transmitter generated no checksum
(for debugging or for higher level protocols that don't care). An application MAY optionally
Synopsys be able to control whether a UDP checksum will be generated, but it MUST default to
checksumming on. [Note: In this test, we verify that DUT accepts UDP datagram with zero

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <UDPDefaultData>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test containing:
Procedure - Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
- UDP Header Checksum field set to 0
- UDP send data set to <UDPDefaultData>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer has got
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer has got
Pass Criteria
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 1 'Fields' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 333
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_17: Fields - Checksum (no checksum)

An all zero transmitted checksum value means that the transmitter generated no checksum
(for debugging or for higher level protocols that don't care). An application MAY optionally
Synopsys be able to control whether a UDP checksum will be generated, but it MUST default to
checksumming on. [Note: In this test, we verify that application on DUT can generate UDP
datagram with no-checksum]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with no-checksum

through <DIface-0>.
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Procedure 3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Checksum field is set to 0
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Checksum field is set to 0

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 1 'Fields' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 334
OPEN Alliance

UDP_FIELDS_18: Fields - Checksum (controlled)

An application MAY optionally be able to control whether a UDP checksum will be

Synopsys generated, but it MUST default to checksumming on. [Note: In this test, we verify that
application on DUT can turn UDP checksum on while generating UDP datagram.]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <calculatedUDPChecksum>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with no-checksum

through <DIface-0>.
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
Test Procedure - UDP Header Checksum field is set to 0
5. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with UDP-checksum
turn on through <DIface-0>.
6. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Sends Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Checksum field is set to <calculatedUDPChecksum>
3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Checksum field is set to 0
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- UDP Header Checksum field is set to <calculatedUDPChecksum>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section Page 78 'UDP Checksums' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 335
OPEN Alliance User Interface

UDP_USER_INTERFACE_01: User Interface - New Receive Port

A user interface should allow the creation of new receive ports, receive operations on the
receive ports that return the data octets and an indication of source port and source
address, and an operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifying the data, source
and destination ports and addresses to be sent. [Note: In this test, we verify that user
interface allows creation of new receive ports. This test is only ran when
<DUTSupportsDynamicInterface> is TRUE]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to create 10 receive ports on <DIface-0>

2. DUT: Create 10 receive ports on <DIface-0>
Procedure 3. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer of DUT has created 10
receive ports on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Create 10 receive ports on <DIface-0>
Pass Criteria 3. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer of DUT has created 10
receive ports on <DIface-0>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'User Interface' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 336
OPEN Alliance

UDP_USER_INTERFACE_02: User Interface - Data octets

A user interface should allow the creation of new receive ports, receive operations on the
receive ports that return the data octets and an indication of source port and source
address, and an operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifying the data, source
and destination ports and addresses to be sent. [Note: In this test, we verify that receive
operations on the receive ports return the data octets correctly. This test is only ran when
<DUTSupportsDynamicInterface> is TRUE]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <UDPDefaultData>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure - Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
- UDP send data set to <UDPDefaultData>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer has got
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer has got
Pass Criteria
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'User Interface' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 337
OPEN Alliance

UDP_USER_INTERFACE_03: User Interface – Return Source Port

A user interface should allow the creation of new receive ports, receive operations on the
receive ports that return the data octets and an indication of source port and source
address, and an operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifying the data, source
and destination ports and addresses to be sent. [Note: In this test, we verify that receive
operations on the receive ports return the source port correctly. This test is only ran when
<DUTSupportsDynamicInterface> is TRUE]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <unusedUDPSrcPort>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure - Source UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPSrcPort>
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT received
UDP Message containing:
- UDP Source Port field set to <unusedUDPSrcPort>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT received
Pass Criteria
UDP Message containing:
- UDP Source Port field set to <unusedUDPSrcPort>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'User Interface' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 338
OPEN Alliance

UDP_USER_INTERFACE_04: User Interface – Return Source IP Address

A user interface should allow the creation of new receive ports, receive operations on the
receive ports that return the data octets and an indication of source port and source
address, and an operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifying the data, source
and destination ports and addresses to be sent. [Note: In this test, we verify that receive
operations on the receive ports return the source address correctly. This test is only ran
when <DUTSupportsDynamicInterface> is TRUE]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure - Source IP Address field set to <AIface-0-IP>
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer received
an IP Packet containing a UDP Message containing:
- IP source address equal to <AIface-0-IP>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer received
Pass Criteria
UDP Message containing:
- UDP source address equal to <AIface-0-IP>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'User Interface' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 339
OPEN Alliance

UDP_USER_INTERFACE_05: User Interface - Source Port (to be sent)

A user interface should allow the creation of new receive ports, receive operations on the
receive ports that return the data octets and an indication of source port and source
address, and an operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifying the data, source
and destination ports and addresses to be sent. [Note: In this test, we verify that an
operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifies the source port to be sent. This test is
only ran when <DUTSupportsDynamicInterface> is TRUE]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <unusedUDPSrcPort>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with source port
set to <unusedUDPSrcPort> through <DIface-0>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Procedure 3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Source UDP Port field is set to <unusedUDPSrcPort>
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Source UDP Port field is set to <unusedUDPSrcPort>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'User Interface' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 340
OPEN Alliance

UDP_USER_INTERFACE_06: User Interface - Destination Port (to be sent)

A user interface should allow the creation of new receive ports, receive operations on the
receive ports that return the data octets and an indication of source port and source
address, and an operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifying the data, source
and destination ports and addresses to be sent. [Note: In this test, we verify that an
operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifies the destination port to be sent. This
test is only ran when <DUTSupportsDynamicInterface> is TRUE]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <testerUDPPort>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with destination

port set to <testerUDPPort> through <DIface-0>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Procedure 3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Destination UDP Port field is set to <testerUDPPort>
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Destination UDP Port field is set to <testerUDPPort>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'User Interface' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 341
OPEN Alliance

UDP_USER_INTERFACE_07: User Interface - Source IP Address (to be sent)

A user interface should allow the creation of new receive ports, receive operations on the
receive ports that return the data octets and an indication of source port and source
address, and an operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifying the data, source
and destination ports and addresses to be sent. [Note: In this test, we verify that an
operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifies the source address to be sent. This
test is only ran when <DUTSupportsDynamicInterface> is TRUE]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with source

address set to <DIface-0-IP> through <DIface-0>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Procedure 3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Source IP Address field is set to <DIface-0-IP>
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Source IP Address field is set to <DIface-0-IP>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'User Interface' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 342
OPEN Alliance

UDP_USER_INTERFACE_08: User Interface - Destination Address (to be sent)

A user interface should allow the creation of new receive ports, receive operations on the
receive ports that return the data octets and an indication of source port and source
address, and an operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifying the data, source
and destination ports and addresses to be sent. [Note: In this test, we verify that an
operation that allows a datagram to be sent, specifies the destination address to be sent.
This test is only ran when <DUTSupportsDynamicInterface> is TRUE]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with destination

address set to <AIface-0-IP> through <DIface-0>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Procedure 3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received IP Packet containing a UDP Message containing:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <AIface-0-IP>
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received IP Packet containing a UDP Message containing:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <AIface-0-IP>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 2 'User Interface' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 343
OPEN Alliance IP Interface

UDP_IP_INTERFACE_01: IP Interface – TTL Field

One possible UDP/IP interface would return the whole internet datagram including all of
the internet header in response to a receive operation. Such an interface would also allow
the UDP to pass a full internet datagram complete with header to the IP to send. The IP
would verify certain fields for consistency and compute the internet header checksum.
[Note: In this test we verify that application is notified about TTL value of received UDP

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Set IP/IPv6 TTL/Hoplimit value with <defaultIPTTL>
4. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Procedure containing:
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
5. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT application layer received UDP Message
- IP TTL equal to <defaultIPTTL>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
5. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT application layer received UDP Message
Pass Criteria
- IP TTL equal to <defaultIPTTL>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 768 Page 3 'IP Interface' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 344
OPEN Alliance Introduction

UDP_INTRODUCTION_01: Introduction – Broadcast Destination Address

UDP is used by applications that do not require the level of service of TCP or that wish to
use communications services (e.g., multicast or broadcast delivery) not available from TCP.
[Note: In this test we verify that DUT will accept UDP message with broadcast destination

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <AIface-0-BcastIP>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure containing:
- Destination IP Address field set to <AIface-0-BcastIP>
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer
received UDP Message containing:
- destination address equal to <AIface-0-BcastIP>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer
Pass Criteria
received UDP Message containing:
- destination address equal to <AIface-0-BcastIP>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section 4.1.1 Page 77 'Introduction' (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 345
OPEN Alliance

UDP_INTRODUCTION_02: Introduction – Multicast Destination Address

UDP is used by applications that do not require the level of service of TCP or that wish to
use communications services (e.g., multicast or broadcast delivery) not available from TCP.
[Note: In this test we verify that DUT will accept UDP message with multicast destination

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <allSystemMCastAddr>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure containing:
- Destination IP Address field set to <allSystemMCastAddr>
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer
received UDP Message containing:
- destination address equal to <allSystemMCastAddr>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer
Pass Criteria
received UDP Message containing:
- destination address equal to <allSystemMCastAddr>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section 4.1.1 Page 77 'Introduction' (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 346
OPEN Alliance

UDP_INTRODUCTION_03: Introduction – Pending Listen Call

If a datagram arrives addressed to a UDP port for which there is no pending LISTEN call,
UDP SHOULD send an ICMP Port Unreachable message.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0> containing:

- Destination IP Address field set to <DIface-0-IP>
Test Procedure
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends <ICMP-Dest-Unrchbl> Message
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Sends <ICMP-Dest-Unrchbl> Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section Page 77 'Ports' (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
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OPEN Alliance IP Option

UDP_IP_OPTION_01: IP Option - Time Stamp Option (pass any option)

UDP MUST pass any IP option that it receives from the IP layer transparently to the
application layer. [Note: In this test, we verify 'Time Stamp' IP Option ]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure - Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
- Time Stamp IP Option
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer has received UDP message
- IP Header contains:
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer has received UDP message
Pass Criteria containing:
- IP Header contains:

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section Page 77 'IP Option' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

UDP_IP_OPTION_02: IP Option - Time Stamp Option (to be sent)

An application MUST be able to specify IP options to be sent in its UDP datagrams, and
Synopsys UDP MUST pass these options to the IP layer. [Note: In this test, we verify 'Time Stamp' IP
Option ]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message containig

<IP_OPT_TIME_STAMP> IP Option through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Time Stamp IP Option is set to <IP_OPT_TIME_STAMP>
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Time Stamp IP Option is set to <IP_OPT_TIME_STAMP>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section Page 77 'IP Option' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 349
OPEN Alliance UDP Multihoming

UDP_MULTI_HOMING_01: UDP Multihoming - appropriate source address

An application program MUST be able to specify the IP source address to be used for
sending a UDP datagram or to leave it unspecified (in which case the networking software
will choose an appropriate source address). [Note: In this test, we verify that the
networking software has chosen an an appropriate source address.]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with destination

address set to <AIface-0-IP> through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Source IP Address field is set to <DIface-0-IP>
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Source IP Address field is set to <DIface-0-IP>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section Page 79 'UDP Multihoming' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 350
OPEN Alliance

UDP_MULTI_HOMING_02: UDP Multihoming - specific destination address

A request/response application that uses UDP should use a source address for the
response that is the same as the specific destination address of the request.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <UDPDefaultData>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
- Source IP Address field set to <AIface-0-IP>
Test Procedure - Destination IP Address field set to <DIface-0-IP>
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
4. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with
<UDPDefaultData> as data through <DIface-0>
5. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Sends Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <AIface-0-IP>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <AIface-0-IP>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section Page 79 'UDP Multihoming' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 351
OPEN Alliance Invalid Addresses

UDP_INVALID_ADDRESSES_01: Invalid Addresses - multicast source address

A UDP datagram received with an invalid IP source address (e.g., a broadcast or multicast
Synopsys address) must be discarded by UDP or by the IP layer (see Section [Note: In this
test, we verify UDP Message with multicast address as source address. ]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
- Source IP Address field set to <allSystemMCastAddr>
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
- UDP send data set to <UDPDefaultData>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer did not get
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer did not get
Pass Criteria
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section Page 79 'Invalid Addresses' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
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OPEN Alliance

UDP_INVALID_ADDRESSES_02: Invalid Addresses - broadcast source address

A UDP datagram received with an invalid IP source address (e.g., a broadcast or multicast
Synopsys address) must be discarded by UDP or by the IP layer (see Section [Note: In this
test, we verify UDP Message with broadcast address as source address. ]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1>

on <DIface-0>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends Message to DUT through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
- Source IP Address field set to <AIface-0-BcastIP>
- Destination UDP Port field set to <unusedUDPDstPort1>
- UDP send data set to <UDPDefaultData>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer did not get
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>
2. DUT: Listen on port <unusedUDPDstPort1> on <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that application layer did not get
Pass Criteria
UDP Message containing:
- UDP data equal to <UDPDefaultData>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section Page 79 'Invalid Addresses' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 353
OPEN Alliance UDP/Application layer interface

UDP_APP_INTERFACE_01: UDP/Application layer interface - TTL

An application-layer program MUST be able to set the TTL and TOS values as well as IP
options for sending a UDP datagram, and these values must be passed transparently to the
IP layer. [Note: In this test, we verify that UDP-application on DUT can specify TTL value for
IP header.]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with

<defaultIPTTL> as TTL through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- TTL/Hoplimit in IP/IPv6 header is set to <defaultIPTTL>
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- TTL/Hoplimit in IP/IPv6 header is set to <defaultIPTTL>

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 Section 4.1.4 Page 79 'UDP/APPLICATION LAYER INTERFACE'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 354
OPEN Alliance

UDP_APP_INTERFACE_02: UDP/Application layer interface - TOS

An application-layer program MUST be able to set the TTL and TOS values as well as IP
options for sending a UDP datagram, and these values must be passed transparently to the
IP layer. [Note: In this test, we verify that UDP-application on DUT can specify TOS value for
IP header.]

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with

<defaultIPTOS> as TOS through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- TOS in IP header is set to <defaultIPTOS>
3. DUT: Sends Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received UDP Message contains:
- TOS in IP header is set to <defaultIPTOS>

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 Section 4.1.4 Page 79 'UDP/APPLICATION LAYER INTERFACE'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 355
OPEN Alliance ICMP Messages

UDP_ICMP_MESSAGES_01: ICMP Messages – Error

UDP MUST pass to the application layer all ICMP error messages that it receives from
the IP layer.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input <testerUDPPort2>

Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send a UDP Message with destination

port set to <testerUDPPort2> through <DIface-0> and reuse the socket
2. TESTER: <HOST-1> Listens (up to<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends Message
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to listen on port <testerUDPPort2> on
Test Procedure
5. DUT: Listen on port <testerUDPPort2> on <DIface-0>
6. TESTER: <HOST-1> Sends <ICMP-Dest-Unrchbl> Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing:
- Destination IP Address field set to <DIface-0-IP>
7. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT application layer
received ICMP Error Message containing:
- error code equal to <ICMP-Dest-Unrchbl>
3. DUT: Sends Message
5. DUT: Listen on port <testerUDPPort2> on <DIface-0>
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify using Upper Tester that DUT application layer
received ICMP Error Message containing:
- error code equal to <ICMP-Dest-Unrchbl>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 Section Page 78 'ICMP Messages' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

4.6 Dynamic Host configuration Protocol Version 4 (DHCPv4) Server

4.6.1 General

The scope of this chapter is to specify test cases for Dynamic Host configuration Protocol Version 4
(DHCPv4) from the following standards:

 RFC 2131 - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Though the focus of conformance testing has been limited to the above mentioned specification
document we have relied heavily upon the following document as specification for DHCP Message
 RFC 2132 - DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions

4.6.2 Simulated topologies

The number of DUT interfaces required by the topologies described below are as follows:

TOPOLOGY ID Number of DUT Interfaces Emulated Actors

Topology-1 1 1 Client
Topology-2 2 2 Clients
Topology-3 1 2 Clients
Topology-4 1 3 Clients
Topology-5 1 1 Client, 1 relay agent
Topology-6 1 2 Clients, 1 relay agent

In each test, TESTER simulates a portion of exactly one of the 6 topologies shown below. Each node
shown in a topology is represented with a unique identifier. The test methods follow the same
representation of these nodes.


In this topology, following is being emulated:

o DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network N0

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N0 N0
<TIface-0> <DIface-0>




In this topology, following is being emulated:

o DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network N0
o DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> connected to DUT through <DIface-1> belonging to network N1




In this topology, following is being emulated:

o DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network N0

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OPEN Alliance

o DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network N0

These two clients are connected to the same DUT interface <DIface-0> through an emulated
broadcast device (e.g., HUB. See above)


HUB <DIface-0> ECU



In this topology, following is being emulated:

 DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network N0

 DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network N0
 DHCP Client <CLIENT-3> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network N0

These three clients are connected to the same DUT interface <DIface-0> through an emulated
broadcast device (e.g., HUB. See above)

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OPEN Alliance


<CLIENT-2> N0 HUB <DIface-0> ECU


<TIface-0> N0


In this topology, following is being emulated:

 DHCP Relay Agent <RELAY-AGENT-1> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to

network N0
 DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> connected to DUT through <RELAY-AGENT-1> through <AIface-0>
belonging to network N1
[ The client may or may not use the DHCP Relay Agent depending on test requirements ]

<RELAY-AGENT-1> <DIface-0>



<TIface-0> TOPOLOGY-5

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OPEN Alliance

4.6.3 Required topology related configuration

The tests specified in this document expects to be running against a DHCP Server implementation.
Most of the tests can be run against a single interface, only a few tests require that the machine TESTER
is running on be connected to 2 interfaces that are connected to the DUT.

Though in all the tests TESTER will be emulating one or more DHCP Client(s), IP TESTER Address will be
used in special cases where TESTER needs to emulate a client with static IP Address and when DHCP
Relay Agent is emulated to be running between the emulated client(s) and the DHCP Server running on
the DUT.

4.6.4 Coverage
Section No. Test Category Test Number(s)
Introduction, Design Goals DHCPv4_SERVER_SUMMARY_01 to
1, 1.6, 2, 2.2 and Protocol Summary DHCPv4_SERVER_SUMMARY_09
3 The Client-Server Protocol DHCPv4_SERVER_PROTOCOL_04
Client-server interaction -
allocating a network DHCPv4_SERVER_ALLOCATING_01 to
Client-server interaction -
reusing a previously DHCPv4_SERVER_REUSING_01 to
3.2 allocated network address DHCPv4_SERVER_REUSING_04
3.3, 3.4, 3.5 Client parameters in DHCP DHCPv4_SERVER_PARAMETERS_07
Constructing and sending DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_01
DHCP server administrative DHCPv4_SERVER_ADMINISTRATIVE_01 to

(Negative) 8

4.6.5 Parameters and constants used in the tests

Parameters and Constants Description

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OPEN Alliance

The nth DHCP Client emulated using TESTER in the simulated

DHCP Server topology, n = To identify this client among other
client may or may not belonging to the same network N The
connection to the DUT MUST be direct from the TESTER
interfaces providing physical TESTER-DUT network connectivity
with no hop in between.

<DHCP-MAGIC-COOKIE> The first 4 octets of DHCP Options which represent the value 99,
130, 83 and 99 respectively. [Ref: RFC2131 Section 3 Page 13 ]
The all 1 Layer 2 broadcast address to which if any packet is
sent, all the nodes within the physical LAN ( and logical LAN is
policy permits) will receive the packet. [Ref: RFC2131 Section
4.4.3 Page 39 ]
Value of DHCP IP Address Lease Time in seconds which will be
configured on the DUT so that the DHCP Server running on the
DUT offers to TESTER (DHCP Client) that particular value and not
default values (which can be in the order of days). It is advised
<ParamLeaseTime> that a too small value (less than 10 seconds) can create some
critical timeout related issues possibly leading to undesirable
test results since other timers like T1 (Renewal Time) and T2
(Rebinding Time) are based on this entries. [Default : 15 seconds
The amount of tolerance to be provided so that we do not miss
DUT packets. Increasing the value of this entry too much will
<ParamToleranceTime> mean adding too much tolerance to DUT behaviour which can
mean more tests passing but actually with not sufficient
conformance with the specification. [Default : 1 second ]
The amount of time TESTER will usually wait for the DUT to
process some PDU sent by TESTER before continuing with the
test. The purpose of this entry also is to provide some amount of
latency consideration for the DUT so that the DUT gets ample
time to process some PDU and take action in accordance to that.
[Default : 2 seconds ]
When we listen for a packet from the DUT either as response to
a packet we have senht or when the specification does not
define any specific time to listen for, this entry is used. [Default:
10 seconds ]
<TAIface-n-IP-ADDRESS> IP Address of the 'n'th TESTER interface connected to DUT
<DIface-n-IP-ADDRESS> IP Address of the 'n'th DUT interface connected to TESTER
<CLIENTn-IP-ADDRESS> IP Address acquired by the 'n'th emulated client using DHCP
Renewal Time (T1) of the 'n'th emulated Client which has
obtained lease for 'x' seconds from DUT. If the DUT sent a
particular value in Renewal Time Value Option then that value is
used oherwise it is calculated as (0.5 * 'x') seconds.
Rebinding Time (T2) of the 'n'th emulated Client which has
obtained lease for 'x' seconds from DUT. If the DUT sent a
particular value in Rebinding Time Value Option then that value
is used oherwise it is calculated as (0.875 * 'x') seconds.

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OPEN Alliance

<CLIENTn-MAC-ADDR> Hardware Address (MAC Address) of the 'n'th emulated client

IP Subnet Address of the DHCP Server running on the DUT for
interface <DIface-n which is also the subnet of the pool of IP
addresses that the server can offer to legitimate clients
connected through <DIface-n>
SUBNETMASK> Subnet Mask of the IP Addresses configured for <DIface-n>
Starting IP Address of the pool of IP Addresses configured on the
DUT for DHCP Server listening on <DIface-n>
Ending (terminal) IP Address of the pool of IP Addresses
configured on the DUT for DHCP Server listening on <DIface-n.
This value is calculated from 'IP First Unused Address' and 'IP
<DUT-SERVER-n-IP-POOL-END> Number Unused Addresses' as follows : ('IP First Unused
Address' + 'IP Number Unused Addresses') (Note that these 4
entries which in total comprise the pool of IP Addresses to be
configured on the DUT mention the <DIface-n>
IP Subnet of the 'n'th DHCP Relay Agent emulated by TESTER
<RELAY-AGENTn-IP-POOL-SUBNET> through which one or more DHCP Client(s) may communicate
with the DUT
<RELAY-AGENTn-IP-POOL- IP Subnet Mask of the range of IP addresses to which the 'n'th
SUBNETMASK> DHCP Relay Agent belong
Starting IP Address of the pool of IP addresses configured on the
<RELAY-AGENTn-IP-POOL-START> DUT so that the DUT can offer IP address to a client through the
'n'th DHCP Relay Agent.
Ending (terminal) IP Address of the pool of IP addresses
<RELAY-AGENTn-IP-POOL-END> configured on the DUT so that the DUT can offer IP address to a
client through the 'n'th DHCP Relay Agent.
An IP address which belong to a subnet which is used neither by
IP Address of the 'n'th DHCP Relay Agent interface which is
connected to the emulated DHCP client i.e., the interface not on
<RELAY-n-IP-ADDR> the side which is connected to the DUT but on the other side. It
is this IP address which the DHCP Relay Agent will send in the
'giaddr' field when forwarding the BOOTP Requests to the DUT.

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OPEN Alliance

4.6.6 Tests

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 364
OPEN Alliance Summary

DHCPv4_SERVER_SUMMARY_01: DHCP Server Listens on UDP Port 67

Synopsys DHCP Server Listens on UDP Port 67

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
Test Procedure
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 365
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_SUMMARY_02: DHCP Server Furnishes an IP address to the client

when requested
Synopsys DHCP Server Furnishes an IP address to the client when requested

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Test Procedure
through <DIface-0>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains all of the
- 'yiaddr' field is greater than or equal to
- 'yiaddr' field is less than or equal to
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains all of the
Pass Criteria - 'yiaddr' field is greater than or equal to
- 'yiaddr' field is less than or equal to

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 366
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_SUMMARY_03: Act as a DHCP server only if configured to

A host should not act as a DHCP server unless explicitly configured to do so by a

system administrator

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


through <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
2. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
3. DUT: Does not send DHCPOFFER Message
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Does not send DHCPOFFER Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 1 Page 2 'Introduction' (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 367
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_SUMMARY_04: Retain DHCP client configuration across DHCP client

The following list gives design goals specific to the transmission of the network layer
parameters. DHCP must: - Retain DHCP client configuration across DHCP client reboot

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
Test Procedure for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
6. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to SELECTING
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is less than or equal to extractedYiaddr
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- 'yiaddr' field is less than or equal to extractedYiaddr

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 1.6 Page 7 'Design Goals' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 368
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_SUMMARY_05: Retain DHCP client configuration across server

The following list gives design goals specific to the transmission of the network layer
parameters. DHCP must: - Retain DHCP client configuration across server reboots

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Restart the DHCP Server running on DUT
causing it to listen on 1 interface(s)
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to SELECTING
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 1.6 Page 7 'Design Goals' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 369
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_SUMMARY_06: A DHCP server always returns its own address in the

'server identifier' option
Synopsys A DHCP server always returns its own address in the 'server identifier' option

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to SELECTING
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Source IP Address field to
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to extractedSrcIP
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
Pass Criteria - Type field set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to extractedSrcIP

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 2 Page 10 'Protocol Summary' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 370
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_SUMMARY_07: Ignore the flags field II

The remaining bits of the flags field are reserved for future use. They MUST be set to
zero by clients and ignored by servers and relay agents

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
Test Procedure 2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to SELECTING
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Bits 2 to 16 of 'flags' field is set to 0
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Bits 2 to 16 of 'flags' field is set to 0

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 2 Page 11 'Protocol Summary' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 371
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_SUMMARY_08: Ignore the flags field II

The remaining bits of the flags field are reserved for future use. They MUST be set to
zero by clients and ignored by servers and relay agents

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
Test Procedure for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0> containing :
- 'flags' field set to 0x7FFF(*INVALID*)
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 372
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_SUMMARY_09: Choosing addresses for reuse

The server should use whatever information is available in the configuration information
Synopsys repository to choose an address to reuse. For example, the server may choose the least
recently assigned address.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 4

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as (<DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>+1)
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
6. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to complete the
activation of DHCP session
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> sends DHCPRELEASE Message to DUT
Test Procedure through <DIface-0>
8. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to process the
9. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to BOUND state
10. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to complete the
activation of DHCP session
11. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> sends DHCPRELEASE Message to DUT
through <DIface-0>
12. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to process the
through <DIface-0>
14. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-3> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
15. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
16. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr
Pass Criteria 15. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 373
OPEN Alliance

16. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:

- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 2.2 Page 12 'Dynamic allocation of network addresses'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 374
OPEN Alliance The Client-Server Protocol

DHCPv4_SERVER_PROTOCOL_01: The first four octets of the 'options' field

The first four octets of the 'options' field of the DHCP message contain the (decimal)
Synopsys values 99, 130, 83 and 99, respectively (this is the same magic cookie as is defined in RFC

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- First four octets of DHCP Options is set to
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- First four octets of DHCP Options is set to

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3 Page 13 'The Client-Server Protocol' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 375
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_PROTOCOL_02: "DHCP message type" option present in

One particular option - the \"DHCP message type\" option - must be included in every
DHCP message (Note: This test verifies the option for DHCPOFFER Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
Test Procedure
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to SELECTING
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria - Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3 Page 13 'The Client-Server Protocol' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 376
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_PROTOCOL_03: "DHCP message type" option present in DHCPACK

One particular option - the \"DHCP message type\" option - must be included in every
DHCP message (Note: This test verifies the option for DHCPACK Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
Test Procedure 2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
Pass Criteria - Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3 Page 13 'The Client-Server Protocol' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 377
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_PROTOCOL_04: "DHCP message type" option present in DHCPNACK

One particular option - the \"DHCP message type\" option - must be included in every
DHCP message (Note: This test verifies the option for DHCPNACK Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
Test Procedure 5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3 Page 13 'The Client-Server Protocol' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 378
OPEN Alliance Client-server interaction - allocating a network address

DHCPv4_SERVER_ALLOCATING_01: IP Address Pool configuration

Servers SHOULD be implemented so that network administrators MAY choose to

disable probes of newly allocated addresses

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Client Ping Checking for DHCP Server
running on DUT to FALSE
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
through <DIface-0>
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 13 (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 379
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_ALLOCATING_02: On DHCPREQUEST message save binding to

persistent storage and respond with DHCPACK
The server selected in the DHCPREQUEST message commits the binding for the client to
persistent storage and responds with a DHCPACK message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
through <DIface-0>
8. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
Pass Criteria
9. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 16 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 380
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_ALLOCATING_03: No conflict between DHCPACK message

parameters and DHCPOFFER message parameters

Any configuration parameters in the DHCPACK message SHOULD NOT conflict with those
in the earlier DHCPOFFER message to which the client is responding

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Test Procedure through <DIface-0>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Extracts the content of All the DHCP Message options to
through <DIface-0>
9. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Message Option containing extractedOptions
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
10. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria
11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Message Option containing extractedOptions

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 16 (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 381
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_ALLOCATING_04: If not able to satisfy DHCPREQUEST message

respond with a DHCPNAK message

If the selected server is unable to satisfy the DHCPREQUEST message (e.g., the requested
Synopsys network address has been allocated), the server SHOULD respond with a DHCPNAK

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Test Procedure
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 16 (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 382
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_ALLOCATING_05: Non persistent information and server reboot

The server selected in the DHCPREQUEST message commits the binding for the client to
persistent storage and responds with a DHCPACK message containing the configuration
parameters for the requesting client... The server SHOULD mark an address offered to a
client in a DHCPOFFER message as available if the server receives no DHCPREQUEST
message from that client (Note: In this test the two emulated clients are to be provided the
only IP address configured in the DUT IP Pool after the Server Reboot causes all non
persistent information about the client from which the server did not receicve
DHCPREQUEST Message to get flushed)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Procedure listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to SELECTING
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Restart the DHCP Server running on DUT
causing it to listen on 1 interface(s)
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 16 (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 383
OPEN Alliance Client-server interaction - reusing a previously allocated network


DHCPv4_SERVER_REUSING_01: When reallocating do not check that the address is

already in use

Synopsys Servers SHOULD NOT check that the client's network address is already in use

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
6. TESTER: Wait till (<CLIENT1-RENEWAL-TIME>/2) so that any client
Test Procedure
verification ICMP requests from server get flushed
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to INIT-REBOOT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to extractedYiaddr
9. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message
11. (Note: Server will not send ICMP Echo Message because
DUT has prior knowledge of the client's configuration)
Pass Criteria 10. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 384
OPEN Alliance

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.2 Page 18 (SHOULD)

DHCPv4_SERVER_REUSING_02: DHCPNAK message when client invalidly makes a

request for reuse

If the client's request is invalid (e.g., the client has moved to a new subnet), servers
SHOULD respond with a DHCPNAK message to the client

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 5

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add static route for network

(mask <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-SUBNETMASK>) using gateway
<AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS> through <DIface-0>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-END>
Test Procedure
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
6. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
7. TESTER: Initialize a DHCP Relay Agent working between TESTER and DUT
indicating client1 is in a different subnet than any of DUT
interfaces, so all DHCP Messages sent by emulated client(s)
will have non-zero 'giaddr' field value
through <DIface-0>
9. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 385
OPEN Alliance

10. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message

Pass Criteria 10. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.2 Page 19 (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 386
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_REUSING_03: DHCPNAK message uses 0xffffffff broadcast address

The server MUST broadcast the DHCPNAK message to the 0xffffffff broadcast address
Synopsys because the client may not have a correct network address or subnet mask, and the client
may not be answering ARP requests

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
Test Procedure
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria 9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.2 Page 19 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 387
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_REUSING_04: DHCPNAK message to the IP address of the BOOTP

relay agent

Otherwise, the server MUST send the DHCPNAK message to the IP address of the
BOOTP relay agent, as recorded in 'giaddr'

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 6

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add static route for network

(mask <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-SUBNETMASK>) using gateway
<AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS> through <DIface-0>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-END>
Test Procedure
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
6. TESTER: Initialize a DHCP Relay Agent working between TESTER and DUT
indicating client1 is in a different subnet than any of DUT
interfaces, so all DHCP Messages sent by emulated client(s)
will have non-zero 'giaddr' field value
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
8. TESTER: Initialize a DHCP Relay Agent working between TESTER and DUT
indicating client2 is in a different subnet than any of DUT
interfaces, so all DHCP Messages sent by emulated client(s)
will have non-zero 'giaddr' field value
9. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
10. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Sends DHCPREQUEST Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 388
OPEN Alliance

- Message Option containing:

- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
11. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
12. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <RELAY-1-IP-ADDR>
12. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria 13. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <RELAY-1-IP-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.2 Page 19 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 389
OPEN Alliance Parameters

DHCPv4_SERVER_PARAMETERS_01: Interpretation and representation of time values

A client acquires a lease for a network address for a fixed period of time (which may be
infinite). Throughout the protocol, times are to be represented in units of seconds. The
Synopsys time value of 0xffffffff is reserved to represent \"infinity\" (Note: In this test we simply
check the syntactic usage of lease time DHCP option value since actual verification of
'infinity' is beyond our scope)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of 0xffffffff on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0> containing :
Procedure - Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to 0xffffffff
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to 0xffffffff
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 390
OPEN Alliance

- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)

- Length field set to 4
- Value set to 0xffffffff

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.3 Page 20 (MAY)

DHCPv4_SERVER_PARAMETERS_02: On receiving DHCPINFORM message construct

appropiate DHCPACK message

Servers receiving a DHCPINFORM message construct a DHCPACK message with any local
configuration parameters appropriate for the client

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP 3 (Router Option) with value
Test Procedure
for interface <DIface-0>
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Sends DHCPINFORM Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Source IP Address field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
- 'ciaddr' field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 55 (Parameter Request List Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to 3 (Router Option)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 391
OPEN Alliance

6. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

7. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
7. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.4 Page 21 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 392
OPEN Alliance


in 'yiaddr'

Servers receiving a DHCPINFORM message construct a DHCPACK message without ...

Synopsys filling in 'yiaddr' or including lease time parameters (Note: This test verifies that 'yiaddr' is
not filled in)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Sends DHCPINFORM Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Source IP Address field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
- 'ciaddr' field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to 0
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to 0

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.4 Page 21 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance


lease time

Servers receiving a DHCPINFORM message construct a DHCPACK message without ...

Synopsys filling in 'yiaddr' or including lease time parameters (Note: This test verifies that no lease
time parameteres are present)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Sends DHCPINFORM Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Source IP Address field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
- 'ciaddr' field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 58 (Renewal (T1) Time Value
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 59 (Rebinding (T2) Time Value
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
Pass Criteria - Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Message Option containing:

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 394
OPEN Alliance

- Type field is not set to 58 (Renewal (T1) Time Value

- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 59 (Rebinding (T2) Time Value

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.4 Page 21 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 395
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_PARAMETERS_05: Send DHCPACK reply to the unicast 'ciaddr' field

of the DHCPINFORM message

The servers SHOULD unicast the DHCPACK reply to the address given in the 'ciaddr'
field of the DHCPINFORM message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Sends DHCPINFORM Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Source IP Address field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
- 'ciaddr' field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.4 Page 21 (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 396
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_PARAMETERS_06: Checks that the source IP address of

DHCPINFORM message is consistent

The server SHOULD check the network address in a DHCPINFORM message for
Synopsys consistency, but MUST NOT check for an existing lease (Note: This test verifies that the
DUT checks that the source IP address of DHCPINFORM message is consistent)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Sends DHCPINFORM Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Source IP Address field set to
- 'ciaddr' field set to <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Does not send DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Does not send DHCPACK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.4 Page 21 (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 397
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_PARAMETERS_07: Do not check if the source IP address of

DHCPINFORM message is in lease database

The server SHOULD check the network address in a DHCPINFORM message for consistency,
but MUST NOT check for an existing lease (Note: This test verifies that the DUT does not
check if the source IP address of DHCPINFORM message is in existing lease database of the

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
6. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Sends DHCPINFORM Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Source IP Address field set to extractedYiaddr
- 'ciaddr' field set to extractedYiaddr
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.4 Page 21 (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 398
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_PARAMETERS_08: Reply with DHCPNAK message on invalid

'requested IP address'

If a server receives a DHCPREQUEST message with an invalid 'requested IP address', the

server SHOULD respond to the client with a DHCPNAK message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
6. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to extractedYiaddr
8. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria 9. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.5 Page 22 'Client parameters in DHCP' (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 399
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_PARAMETERS_09: Reply with DHCPNAK message on invalid

'requested IP address' - error message

If a server receives a DHCPREQUEST message with an invalid 'requested IP address', ...

.The server may include an error message in the 'message' option

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
Test Procedure
6. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to extractedYiaddr(*INVALID*)
8. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 56 (Message Option)
9. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 56 (Message Option)

Notes Derived from (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 400
OPEN Alliance Constructing and sending DHCP messages

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_01: The last option must always be the

'end' option

Synopsys The last option must always be the 'end' option

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- 255 (End Option) at position Last
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- 255 (End Option) at position Last

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP
messages' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 401
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_02: Server with multiple network


A server with multiple network addresses MUST be prepared to to accept any of its
network addresses as identifying that server in a DHCP message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 2

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-1>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-1-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-1-IP-POOL-END>
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-1>
Test Procedure
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 2 interface(s)
6. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to SELECTING
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <DIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
9. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
11. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Sends DHCPREQUEST Message to DUT
through <DIface-1> containing :

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 402
OPEN Alliance

- Message Option containing:

- Type field set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <DIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
12. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
13. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
10. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria
13. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 403
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_03: Choosing an address as 'server


To accommodate potentially incomplete network connectivity, a server MUST choose an

Synopsys address as a 'server identifier' that, to the best of the server's knowledge, is reachable
from the client

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
Test Procedure
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Value field of 54 (Server
Identifier Option) to <serverId>
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of Source Harware Address field to
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Sends ARP Request Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- ARP Target IP Address field set to serverId
8. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response Message contains:
- ARP Sender MAC Address field is set to serverHwAddr
9. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
Pass Criteria 10. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response Message contains:
- ARP Sender MAC Address field is set to serverHwAddr

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 404
OPEN Alliance


If the 'giaddr' field in a DHCP message from a client is non-zero, the server sends any
Synopsys return messages to the 'DHCP server' port on the BOOTP relay agent whose address
appears in 'giaddr' (Note: This test verifies the UDP destination port)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 5

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add static route for network

(mask <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-SUBNETMASK>) using gateway
<AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS> through <DIface-0>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-END>
Test Procedure - Subnet as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-SUBNET>
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
6. TESTER: Initialize a DHCP Relay Agent working between TESTER and DUT
indicating client1 is in a different subnet than any of DUT
interfaces, so all DHCP Messages sent by emulated client(s)
will have non-zero 'giaddr' field value
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to SELECTING
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains all of the
- Source UDP Port field is set to 67
- Destination UDP Port field is set to 67
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains all of the

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 405
OPEN Alliance

- Source UDP Port field is set to 67

- Destination UDP Port field is set to 67

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 406
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_05: UDP destination address with


If the 'giaddr' field in a DHCP message from a client is non-zero, the server sends any
Synopsys return messages to the 'DHCP server' port on the BOOTP relay agent whose address
appears in 'giaddr' (Note: This test verifies the IP Destination address)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 5

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add static route for network

(mask <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-SUBNETMASK>) using gateway
<AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS> through <DIface-0>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-START>
Test Procedure - End of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-END>
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
6. TESTER: Initialize a DHCP Relay Agent working between TESTER and DUT
indicating client1 is in a different subnet than any of DUT
interfaces, so all DHCP Messages sent by emulated client(s)
will have non-zero 'giaddr' field value
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to SELECTING
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <RELAY-1-IP-ADDR>
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 407
OPEN Alliance

- Destination IP Address field is set to <RELAY-1-IP-ADDR>

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_06: DHCPACK is unicast to 'ciaddr' field


If the 'giaddr' field is zero and the 'ciaddr' field is nonzero, then the server unicasts
Synopsys DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to the address in 'ciaddr' (Note: This test verifies that
DHCPACK is unicast to 'ciaddr' field of DHCPREQUEST Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Test Procedure
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <clientIPAddr>
6. TESTER: Wait till <CLIENT1-RENEWAL-TIME> for T1 timer to expire for
through <DIface-0> containing :
- 'ciaddr' field set to clientIPAddr
8. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 408
OPEN Alliance

- Destination IP Address field is set to clientIPAddr

9. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria 10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to clientIPAddr

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_07: If broadcast bit is set server

broadcasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages

If 'giaddr' is zero and 'ciaddr' is zero, and the broadcast bit is set, then the server
broadcasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to 0xffffffff

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0> containing :
- 'flags' field set to DHCP_FLAGS_BROADCAST
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 409
OPEN Alliance


through <DIface-0> containing :
- 'flags' field set to DHCP_FLAGS_BROADCAST
9. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff
Pass Criteria
10. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 410
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_08: If the broadcast bit is not set and

'giaddr' is zero and 'ciaddr' is zero unicast to 'yiaddr' address

If the broadcast bit is not set and 'giaddr' is zero and 'ciaddr' is zero, then the server
Synopsys unicasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to the client's hardware address and
'yiaddr' address

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to SELECTING
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to extractedYiaddr
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to extractedYiaddr
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to extractedYiaddr
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to extractedYiaddr

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 411
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_09: When 'giaddr' is zero the server

broadcasts any DHCPNAK messages to 0xffffffff

In all cases, when 'giaddr' is zero, the server broadcasts any DHCPNAK messages to

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
Test Procedure
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria 9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP
messages' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 412
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_10: Option overload for 'file' field

If the options in a DHCP message extend into the 'sname' and 'file' fields, the 'option
Synopsys overload' option MUST appear in the 'options' field, with value 1, 2 or 3 (Note: This test
checks option overload for 'file' field)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
Test Procedure 6. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Sends DHCPREQUEST Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message

Test Iterations

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 413
OPEN Alliance

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_11: Option overload for 'sname' field

If the options in a DHCP message extend into the 'sname' and 'file' fields, the 'option
Synopsys overload' option MUST appear in the 'options' field, with value 1, 2 or 3 (Note: This test
checks option overload for 'sname' field)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
Test Procedure state
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 414
OPEN Alliance

8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_12: Send Options in 'file' field of DHCP


If the options in a DHCP message extend into the 'sname' and 'file' fields, the 'option
Synopsys overload' option MUST appear in the 'options' field, with value 1, 2 or 3 (Note: This test
does not send Overload Option but send Options in 'file' field of DHCP Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 415
OPEN Alliance

- Length field set to 1

- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
12. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
13. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
14. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Sends DHCPREQUEST Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
15. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
16. DUT: Does not send DHCPNAK Message
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria
16. DUT: Does not send DHCPNAK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 416
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_13: Send Options in 'sname' field of

DHCP Message

If the options in a DHCP message extend into the 'sname' and 'file' fields, the 'option
Synopsys overload' option MUST appear in the 'options' field, with value 1, 2 or 3 (Note: This test
does not send Overload Option but send Options in 'sname' field of DHCP Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 417
OPEN Alliance

10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
12. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
13. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
14. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Sends DHCPREQUEST Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
15. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
16. DUT: Does not send DHCPNAK Message
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria
16. DUT: Does not send DHCPNAK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 418
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_14: The options in the 'sname' and 'file'

fields begin with the first octet of the field

The options in the 'sname' and 'file' fields (if in use as indicated by the 'options overload'
option) MUST begin with the first octet of the field

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 419
OPEN Alliance

10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
12. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
13. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
14. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Sends DHCPREQUEST Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 0 (Pad Option)(*INVALID*)
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
15. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
16. DUT: Does not send DHCPNAK Message
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria
16. DUT: Does not send DHCPNAK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 420
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_15: The options in the 'sname' and 'file'

fields must be terminated by an 'end' option

The options in the 'sname' and 'file' fields (if in use as indicated ...) MUST be
terminated by an 'end' option

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 421
OPEN Alliance

10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
12. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
13. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
14. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Sends DHCPREQUEST Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
15. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
16. DUT: Does not send DHCPNAK Message
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria
16. DUT: Does not send DHCPNAK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 422
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_16: The options in the 'sname' and 'file'

fields must be followed by 'pad' options

The options in the 'sname' and 'file' fields (if in use as indicated ... and MUST be
followed by 'pad' options to fill the remainder of the field

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
through <DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 423
OPEN Alliance

10. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
12. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
13. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
14. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Sends DHCPREQUEST Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 0 (Pad Option)(*INVALID*)
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)(*INVALID*)
15. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
16. DUT: Does not send DHCPNAK Message
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria
16. DUT: Does not send DHCPNAK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 424
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_17: Verify the destination link local

address of the received DHCP Messages

A server or relay agent sending or relaying a DHCP message directly to a DHCP client (i.e.,
not to a relay agent specified in the 'giaddr' field) SHOULD examine the BROADCAST bit in
the 'flags' field. If this bit is set to 1, the DHCP message SHOULD be sent as an IP broadcast
using an IP broadcast address (preferably 0xffffffff) as the IP destination address and the
link-layer broadcast address as the link-layer destination address (Note: This test is to verify
the destination link local address of the received DHCP Messages from the DUT)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0> containing :
Test - 'flags' field set to DHCP_FLAGS_BROADCAST
Procedure 5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Destination Harware Address field is set to
through <DIface-0> containing :
- 'flags' field set to DHCP_FLAGS_BROADCAST
9. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Destination Harware Address field is set to

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 425
OPEN Alliance

6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Destination Harware Address field is set to
Pass Criteria
10. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Destination Harware Address field is set to

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 25 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 426
OPEN Alliance


message unicast to 'yiaddr' and 'chaddr' fields

If the BROADCAST bit is cleared to 0, the message SHOULD be sent as an IP unicast to the
Synopsys IP address specified in the 'yiaddr' field and the link-layer address specified in the 'chaddr'

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Test Procedure
through <DIface-0> containing :
- 'flags' field set to 0
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
8. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'chaddr' field to <extractedChaddr>
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Destination Harware Address field is set to extractedChaddr
- Destination IP Address field is set to extractedYiaddr
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Destination Harware Address field is set to extractedChaddr
- Destination IP Address field is set to extractedYiaddr

Test Iterations

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 427
OPEN Alliance

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 25 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 428
OPEN Alliance DHCP server administrative controls

DHCPv4_SERVER_ADMINISTRATIVE_01: Selective response to clients

DHCP servers are not required to respond to every DHCPDISCOVER and DHCPREQUEST
message they receive. For example, a network administrator, to retain stringent control
over the clients attached to the network, may choose to configure DHCP servers to respond
only to clients that have been previously registered through some external mechanism

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to allow only the client
with MAC Address <CLIENT1-MAC-ADDR> through <DIface-0>
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Procedure listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0>
6. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
through <DIface-0>
9. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Does not send DHCPOFFER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
Pass Criteria
10. DUT: Does not send DHCPOFFER Message

Test Iterations

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 429
OPEN Alliance

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.2 Page 25 'DHCP server administrative controls' (MAY)

DHCPv4_SERVER_ADMINISTRATIVE_02: If no 'client identifier' option use 'chaddr'

field to identify the client

If the client does not provide a 'client identifier' option, the server MUST use the
contents of the 'chaddr' field to identify the client

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to complete the
activation of DHCP session
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to SELECTING
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is not set to extractedYiaddr
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- 'yiaddr' field is not set to extractedYiaddr

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.2 Page 26 'DHCP server administrative controls'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 430
OPEN Alliance DHCPDISCOVER message

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_01: On DHCPDISCOVER if address available use current

address as recorded in binding

If an address is available, the new address SHOULD be chosen as follows: o The client's
current address as recorded in the client's current binding,

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Test Procedure
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
6. TESTER: Wait till <CLIENT1-RENEWAL-TIME> for T1 timer to expire for
through <DIface-0>
8. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr
9. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria 10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 27 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 431
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_02: DHCPDISCOVER message - previous address is not

already allocated

o The client's previous address as recorded in the client's (now expired or released)
Synopsys binding, if that address is in the server's pool of available addresses and not already

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
Test Procedure
6. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to complete the
activation of DHCP session
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> sends DHCPRELEASE Message to DUT
through <DIface-0>
8. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to process the
through <DIface-0>
10. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
11. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr
11. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
Pass Criteria 12. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr

Test Iterations

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 432
OPEN Alliance

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 27 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 433
OPEN Alliance


Address' option is used if not already allocated

o The address requested in the 'Requested IP Address' option, if that address is valid
and not already allocated,

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Test Procedure
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to (<DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>+1)
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to (<DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>+1)
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to (<DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>+1)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 27 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 434
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_04: DHCPDISCOVER message - Allocate from same

subnet if 'giaddr' is 0

o A new address allocated from the server's pool of available addresses; the address is
selected based on the subnet from which the message was received (if 'giaddr' is 0)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Subnet Address of 'yiaddr' field is set to
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Subnet Address of 'yiaddr' field is set to

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 27 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 435
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_05: DHCPDISCOVER message - Allocate on the subnet of

the relay agent if 'giaddr' when not 0

o A new address allocated from the server's pool of available ... or on the address of the
relay agent that forwarded the message ('giaddr' when not 0)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 5

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add static route for network

(mask <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-SUBNETMASK>) using gateway
<AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS> through <DIface-0>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-END>
Test Procedure - Subnet Mask as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-SUBNETMASK>
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
6. TESTER: Initialize a DHCP Relay Agent working between TESTER and DUT
indicating client1 is in a different subnet than any of DUT
interfaces, so all DHCP Messages sent by emulated client(s)
will have non-zero 'giaddr' field value
through <DIface-0>
8. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Subnet Address of 'yiaddr' field is set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 436
OPEN Alliance

9. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message

10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Subnet Address of 'yiaddr' field is set to

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 27 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 437
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_06: DHCPDISCOVER message - Use the lease expiration

time previously assigned to that address

The server must also choose an expiration time for the lease, as follows: o IF the client has
not requested a specific lease in the DHCPDISCOVER message and the client already has an
assigned network address, the server returns the lease expiration time previously assigned
to that address

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option) to
6. TESTER: Wait till <CLIENT1-RENEWAL-TIME> for T1 timer to expire for
through <DIface-0>
8. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Message Option containing extractedLeaseTime
9. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria 10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Message Option containing extractedLeaseTime

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 28 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 438
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_07: DHCPDISCOVER message - Assign a locally

configured default lease time.

The server must also choose an expiration time for the lease, as follows: o IF the client has
Synopsys not requested a specific lease in the DHCPDISCOVER message and the client does not have
an assigned network address, the server assigns a locally configured default lease time.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field is not set to 4
- Value is not set to 0
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
Pass Criteria
- Type field is not set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field is not set to 4
- Value is not set to 0

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 28 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 439
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_08: DHCPDISCOVER message - Return the parameters

configured with default value

The server MUST return to the client: o Parameters requested by the client, according to
the following rules: -- IF the server has been explicitly configured with a default value for
the parameter, the server MUST include that value in an appropriate option in the 'option'

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Vendor class identifier with value
for interface <DIface-0>
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 55 (Parameter Request List Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to Vendor class identifier
6. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to Vendor class identifier
7. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to Vendor class identifier

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 440
OPEN Alliance

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 29 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (MUST)

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_09: DHCPDISCOVER message - Do not return

unconfigured parameters

The server MUST return to the client: o Parameters requested by the client, according to
the following rules: -- IF the server has been explicitly configured ... ELSE -- IF the server
Synopsys recognizes the parameter as ... ELSE -- The server MUST NOT return a value for that
parameter, (Note: In this test we verify the last ELSE statement by requesting 150 as a
vendor specific option)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Procedure through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 55 (Parameter Request List Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to 150
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 150

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 441
OPEN Alliance

6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message

7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 150

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 29 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (MUST)

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_10: DHCPDISCOVER message - supply as many of the

requested parameters as possible

The server MUST supply as many of the requested parameters as possible and MUST
omit any parameters it cannot provide.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Vendor class identifier with value
Test Procedure \"CONFORMANCE-DUT\"
for interface <DIface-0>
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 55 (Parameter Request List Option)
- Length field set to 2
- Value set to 150 (Unsupported)
- Value set to 60 (Vendor Class Identifier)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 442
OPEN Alliance

6. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

7. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains all of the
- Message Option not containing:
- Type field set to 150
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to Vendor class identifier
7. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains all of the
Pass Criteria - Message Option not containing:
- Type field set to 150
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to Vendor class identifier

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 30 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 443
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_11: DHCPDISCOVER message - Include each requested

parameter only once

Synopsys The server MUST include each requested parameter only once

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Test Procedure 4. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 55 (Parameter Request List Option)
- Length field set to 3
- Value set to 57 (Maximum DHCP Size Option)
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- All the DHCP Message options occurring exactly once
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- All the DHCP Message options occurring exactly once

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 30 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 444
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_12: DHCPDISCOVER message - Returning the 'vendor

class identifier'

The server MAY choose to return the 'vendor class identifier' used to determine the
Synopsys parameters in the DHCPOFFER message to assist the client in selecting which DHCPOFFER
to accept

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Vendor class identifier with value
Test Procedure
for interface <DIface-0>
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0>
6. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to Vendor class identifier
7. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to Vendor class identifier

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 30 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 445
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_DISCOVER_13: DHCPDISCOVER message - Set 'xid' field from the

DHCPDISCOVER message into the 'xid' field of the DHCPOFFER

The server inserts the 'xid' field from the DHCPDISCOVER message into the 'xid' field of
the DHCPOFFER message and sends the DHCPOFFER message to the requesting client.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
through <DIface-0> containing :
- 'xid' field set to 1000
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'xid' field is set to 1000
6. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'xid' field is set to 1000

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.1 Page 30 'DHCPDISCOVER message' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 446
OPEN Alliance DHCPREQUEST message

DHCPv4_SERVER_REQUEST_01: Send DHCPNAK message to the client if the

'requested IP address' is incorrect

o DHCPREQUEST generated during INIT-REBOOT state: Server SHOULD send a DHCPNAK

message to the client if the 'requested IP address' is incorrect, or is on the wrong network

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 5

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add static route for network

(mask <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-SUBNETMASK>) using gateway
<AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS> through <DIface-0>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
Test Procedure
- Start of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-END>
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
6. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to INIT-REBOOT
7. TESTER: Initialize a DHCP Relay Agent working between TESTER and DUT
indicating client1 is in a different subnet than any of DUT
interfaces, so all DHCP Messages sent by emulated client(s)
will have non-zero 'giaddr' field value
through <DIface-0>
9. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

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OPEN Alliance

10. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria 10. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 31 'DHCPREQUEST message' (SHOULD)

DHCPv4_SERVER_REQUEST_02: Send DHCPNAK message to the 0xffffffff if 'giaddr' is

0x0 in the DHCPREQUEST message broadcast

If 'giaddr' is 0x0 in the DHCPREQUEST message, the client is on the same subnet as the
Synopsys server. The server MUST broadcast the DHCPNAK message to the 0xffffffff broadcast

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to INIT-REBOOT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Value set to <CLIENT1-IP-ADDRESS>
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

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OPEN Alliance

8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message

9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff
8. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria 9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 32 'DHCPREQUEST message' (MUST)

DHCPv4_SERVER_REQUEST_03: Set broadcast bit in DHCPNACK if 'giaddr' is set

If 'giaddr' is set in the DHCPREQUEST message, the client is on a different subnet. The
Synopsys server MUST set the broadcast bit in the DHCPNAK, so that the relay agent will broadcast
the DHCPNAK to the client

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 5

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DUT to add static route for network

(mask <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-SUBNETMASK>) using gateway
<AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS> through <DIface-0>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
Test Procedure
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <RELAY-AGENT1-IP-POOL-END>

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5. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
6. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to INIT-REBOOT
7. TESTER: Initialize a DHCP Relay Agent working between TESTER and DUT
indicating client1 is in a different subnet than any of DUT
interfaces, so all DHCP Messages sent by emulated client(s)
will have non-zero 'giaddr' field value
through <DIface-0>
9. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Bit 1 of 'flags' field is set to 1
10. DUT: Sends DHCPNAK Message
Pass Criteria 11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPNAK Message contains:
- Bit 1 of 'flags' field is set to 1

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 32 'DHCPREQUEST message' (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 450
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_REQUEST_04: During REBINDING state check 'ciaddr' for

correctness before replying to the DHCPREQUEST

o DHCPREQUEST generated during REBINDING state: The DHCP server SHOULD check
'ciaddr' for correctness before replying to the DHCPREQUEST

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Wait till (<CLIENT1-REBINDING-TIME>+<ParamToleranceTime>)
for Rebinding Time (T2) of <CLIENT-1> to expire
through <DIface-0> containing :
- 'ciaddr' field set to 0
7. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Does not send DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Does not send DHCPACK Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 32 'DHCPREQUEST message' (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 451
OPEN Alliance DHCPDECLINE message

DHCPv4_SERVER_DECLINE_01: On DHCPDECLINE message mark the network address

as not available

If the server receives a DHCPDECLINE message,... The server MUST mark the network
address as not available

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
Test Procedure
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
6. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> sends DHCPDECLINE Message to DUT
through <DIface-0>
7. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to process the
through <DIface-0>
9. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is not set to extractedYiaddr
10. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
Pass Criteria 11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is not set to extractedYiaddr

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OPEN Alliance

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.3 Page 33 'DHCPDECLINE message' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 453
OPEN Alliance DHCPRELEASE message

DHCPv4_SERVER_RELEASE_01: On DHCPRELEASE message marks address as not


Upon receipt of a DHCPRELEASE message, the server marks the network address as
not allocated.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 4

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as (<DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>+1)
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
Test Procedure 6. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-2> transit state machine to BOUND state
7. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to complete the
activation of DHCP session
8. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> sends DHCPRELEASE Message to DUT
through <DIface-0>
9. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to process the
through <DIface-0>
11. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-3> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
12. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr
Pass Criteria 12. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
13. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:

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OPEN Alliance

- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.4 Page 33 'DHCPRELEASE message' (MUST)

DHCPv4_SERVER_RELEASE_02: On DHCPRELEASE message record initialization

parameters for possible reuse

Upon receipt of a DHCPRELEASE message, ... The server SHOULD retain a record of the
Synopsys client's initialization parameters for possible reuse in response to subsequent requests
from the client

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
listening on 1 interface(s)
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> transit state machine to BOUND state
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'yiaddr' field to <extractedYiaddr>
6. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to complete the
activation of DHCP session
7. TESTER: DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> sends DHCPRELEASE Message to DUT
through <DIface-0>
8. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to process the
through <DIface-0>
10. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

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OPEN Alliance

11. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message

12. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr
11. DUT: Sends DHCPOFFER Message
Pass Criteria 12. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPOFFER Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to extractedYiaddr

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.4 Page 33 'DHCPRELEASE message' (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 456
OPEN Alliance DHCPINFORM message

DHCPv4_SERVER_INFORM_01: On DHCPINFORM reply with DHCPACK message to the

'ciaddr' field

The server responds to a DHCPINFORM message by sending a DHCPACK message directly

to the address given in the 'ciaddr' field of the DHCPINFORM message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Sends DHCPINFORM Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Source IP Address field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
- 'ciaddr' field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.5 Page 33 'DHCPINFORM message' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 457
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_INFORM_02: On DHCPINFORM message do not send a lease

expiration time in DHCPACK

The server responds to a DHCPINFORM message by sending a DHCPACK ... The server
MUST NOT send a lease expiration time to the client

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Sends DHCPINFORM Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Source IP Address field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
- 'ciaddr' field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.5 Page 33 'DHCPINFORM message' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 458
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_SERVER_INFORM_03: On DHCPINFORM message - reply should not fill in


The server responds to a DHCPINFORM message by sending a DHCPACK ... SHOULD

NOT fill in 'yiaddr'

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure IP Address pool on the DUT for interface <DIface-0>
as follows :
- Start of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-START>
- End of pool as <DUT-SERVER-0-IP-POOL-END>
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure Lease Time of <ParamLeaseTime> on DUT
for interface <DIface-0>
3. DUT CONFIGURE: Configure DHCP Server on the DUT to start
Test Procedure
listening on 1 interface(s)
4. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Sends DHCPINFORM Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- Source IP Address field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
- 'ciaddr' field set to <AIface-0-IP-ADDRESS>
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to 0
6. DUT: Sends DHCPACK Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPACK Message contains:
- 'yiaddr' field is set to 0

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.5 Page 33 'DHCPINFORM message' (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 459
OPEN Alliance

4.7 Dynamic Host configuration Protocol Version 4 (DHCPv4) Client

4.7.1 General

The scope of this chapter is to specify test cases for the Dynamic Host configuration Protocol Version 4
(DHCPv4) from the following standards:

 RFC 2131 - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Though the focus of conformance testing has been limited to the above mentioned specification
document we have relied heavily upon the following document as specification for DHCP Message
 RFC 2132 - DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions

4.7.2 Simulated topologies

The number of DUT interfaces required by the topologies described below are as follows:

TOPOLOGY ID Number of DUT Interfaces Emulated Actors

Topology-1 1 1 Server
Topology-2 2 1 Server
Topology-3 1 2 Servers
Topology-4 1 1 Server
1 Static IP assigned non-DHCP Client

In each test, TESTER simulates a portion of exactly one of the 4 topologies shown below. Each node
shown in a topology is represented with a unique identifier. The test methods follow the same
representation of these nodes.

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In this topology, following is being emulated:

o DHCP Server <SERVER-1> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network

N0 N0
<TIface-0> <DIface-0>




In this topology, following is being emulated:

o DHCP Server <SERVER-1> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network
o DHCP Server <SERVER-1> connected to DUT through <DIface-1> belonging to network

N0 N0
<TIface-0> <DIface-0>
<TIface-1> <DIface-1>
N1 N1


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In this topology, following is being emulated:

o DHCP Server <SERVER-1> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network
o DHCP Server <SERVER-2> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network

These two servers are connected to the same DUT interface <DIface-0> through an emulated
broadcast device (e.g., HUB. See below)


HUB <DIface-0> ECU


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In this topology, following is being emulated:

o DHCP Server <SERVER-1> connected to DUT through <DIface-0> belonging to network N0
o Non DHCP Client (with Statically assigned IP Address). These two objects are connected to
the same DUT interface <DIface-0> through an emulated broadcast device (e.g., HUB. See


HUB <DIface-0> ECU


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4.7.3 Required topology related configuration

This suite expects to be running against any IP enabled network interface which supports acquisitiong of
IP address using DHCP. Most of the tests can be run against a single interface, only a few tests require
that the TESTER be connected to 2 interfaces that are connected to the DUT.

The highest number of DUT interfaces required in the DHCP Client Test Suite is 2 (two).

The following information are obtained from the unused IP network configurations:
 IP Address of all the emulated servers
 IP Address Pool to be offered by these emulated DHCP Servers

4.7.4 Coverage

No. Test Category Test Number(s)
Design Goals and Protocol DHCPv4_CLIENT_SUMMARY_01 to
1.6, 2 Summary The Client-Server Protocol DHCPv4_CLIENT_SUMMARY_04
3 The Client-Server Protocol DHCPv4_CLIENT_PROTOCOL_06
Client-server interaction - allocating DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_01 to
3.1 a network address DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_14
Client-server interaction - reusing a DHCPv4_CLIENT_REUSING_01 to
3.2 previously allocated network address DHCPv4_CLIENT_REUSING_08
3.4, 3.5 Client parameters in DHCP DHCPv4_CLIENT_PARAMETERS_06
3.6, DHCPv4_CLIENT_USAGE_01 to
3.7, 4.4.4 DHCP Usage DHCPv4_CLIENT_USAGE_03
Constructing and sending DHCP DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_01 to
Initialization and allocation of DHCPv4_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION_ALLOCATION_01
Initialization with an externally DHCPv4_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION_EXTERNAL_01 to
4.4.3 assigned network address DHCPv4_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION_EXTERNAL_03
4.4.5 Reacquisition and expiration DHCPv4_CLIENT_REACQUISITION_10
(Negative) 10

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4.7.5 Parameters and constants used in the tests

Parameters/Constants Description
Value of DHCP IP Address Lease Time in seconds which will be offered
to the DUT (DHCP Client) unless overridden by specific value in a
particular test. It is advised that a too small value (less than 10 seconds)
can create some critical timeout related issues possibly leading to
undesirable test results since other timers like T1 (Renewal Time) and
T2 (Rebinding Time) are based on this entries. [Default : 15 seconds ]
The amount of tolerance to be provided so that we do not miss DUT
packets. Increasing the value of this entry too much will mean adding
<ParamToleranceTime> too much tolerance to DUT behaviour which can mean more tests
passing but actually with not sufficient conformance with the
specification.[Default : 1 second ]
The amount of time TESTER will usually wait for the DUT to process
some PDU sent by TESTER before continuing with the test. The purpose
<ParamProcessTime> of this entry also is to provide some amount of latency consideration
for the DUT so that the DUT gets ample time to process some PDU and
take action in accordance to that. [Default : 2 seconds ]
When we listen for a packet from the DUT either as response to a
packet we have senht or when the specification does not define any
specific time to listen for, this entry is used. It is also very important
<ParamListenTime> that it should have a large value since we start listening for a packet
and in the background some automated script may be fired to trigger
some event of the DUT which should cause the DUT to send our
desirable packet. [Default: 10 seconds ]
The number of seconds taken by the DUT to re-send a DHCPDISCOVER
after TESTER acting as a DHCP-Server did not send a DHCPOFFER
corresponding to the first DHCPDISCOVER sent by the DUT. This
parameter is used to calculate the next retransmission interval by the
TESTER and is different in case of different DUTs. "The delay between
<ParamFirstRetransmissionInterv retransmissions SHOULD be chosen to allow sufficient time for replies
al> from the server to be delivered based on the characteristics of the
internetwork between the client and the server. For example, in a
10Mb/sec Ethernet internetwork, the delay before the first
retransmission SHOULD be 4 seconds randomized by the value of a
uniform random number chosen from the range -1 to +1." -RFC
2131,Sec 4.1, Pg 24. [Default: 4 seconds ]

<DHCP-MAGIC-COOKIE> The first 4 octets of DHCP Options which represent the value 99, 130,
83 and 99 respectively.[Ref: RFC2131 Section 3 Page 13 ]
The all 1 IP broadcast address to which if any IP packet is sent, all the
<IP-BROADCAST-ADDRESS> nodes within the physical LAN ( and logical LAN is policy permits) will
receive the packet. [Ref: RFC2131 Section 4.4.3 Page 39 ]
<SERVERn-IP-ADDRESS> IP Address of the emulated 'n'th DHCP Server. (n = 1, 2)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 465
OPEN Alliance

'M'th IP Address in the pool of IP Address that the 'n'th server has to
SERVERn-IP-POOL-L-M> offer to clients requesting IP address through associated 'L'th interface
connection between DUT and TESTER.
IP Subnet Mask for all the pools of IP Addresses (as above) associated
globally with the 'n'th emualated DHCP Server.
A MAC Address (Layer 2 address) which is not of any of the interfaces
of TESTER nor DUT.

<IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS> IP Address which is of a different subnet than all the emulated servers
and all other objects within the simulated topologies.

<IP-UNUSED-NET-MASK> IP Subnet Mask of the above IP Unused Address which is basically the
IP Netmask provided for the configuration entry 'IP Unused Net Mask'
In some tests which require the DUT to retransmit its DHCPREQUEST
Message in Renewing state must have sufficiently high lease time so
<HIGH-LEASE-TIME> that the calculated value of T1 is such that half-way through T2 from T1
is greater than 60 seconds. [Value : 350 seconds ] [Ref: RFC2131
Section 4.4.5 Page 41]
In some tests which require the DUT to retransmit its DHCPREQUEST
Message in Rebinding state must have sufficiently high lease time so
<VERY-HIGH-LEASE-TIME> that the calculated value of T2 is such that half-way through Lease Time
from T2 is greater than 60 seconds. [Value : 1000 seconds ] [Ref:
RFC2131 Section 4.4.5 Page 41]
The 'n'th remote DHCP Client (DUT) which is served by emulated DHCP
Server if identified as <REMOTE-CLIENTn>, then the lease time for
which the client is expected to use the offered IP Address is identified
by this entry.
The 'n'th remote DHCP Client (DUT) which is served by emulated DHCP
Server if identified as <REMOTE-CLIENTn>, then the renewal time after
<REMOTE-CLIENTn-T1> which client is expected to attempt automated renewal of IP address
(as per RFC2131 Section 4.4 Page 35) is identified by this entry.
[Expected value : 0.5 * Offered Lease Time]
The 'n'th remote DHCP Client (DUT) which is served by emulated DHCP
Server if identified as <REMOTE-CLIENTn>, then the rebinding time
after which client is expected to attempt broadcasting of
DHCPREQUEST message after failing to get response in Renewing state
(as per RFC2131 Section 4.4 Page 35) is identified by this entry.
[Expected value : 0.875 * Offered Lease Time]

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 466
OPEN Alliance

4.7.6 Tests

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 467
OPEN Alliance Summary

DHCPv4_CLIENT_SUMMARY_01: Setup Verification (DHCP Client Listens on UDP port


Synopsys A DHCP Client Listens on UDP port 68

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure 4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 468
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_SUMMARY_02: Discard DHCP Offsers whose xid is not the one of the
latest DHCPDISCOVER sent

A DHCP client must be prepared to receive multiple responses to a request for

configuration parameters (Note: If the 'xid' of an arriving DHCPOFFER message does not
match the 'xid' of the most recent DHCPDISCOVER message, the DHCPOFFER message must
be silently discarded.)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'xid' field to <extractedXID>
6. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- 'xid' field set to (extractedXID+1)
Test Procedure 7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-2> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- 'xid' field set to extractedXID
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-2> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER2-IP-ADDRESS>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
9. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
Pass Criteria - Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER2-IP-ADDRESS>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 469
OPEN Alliance

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

DHCPv4_CLIENT_SUMMARY_03: Receive DHCP messages with an 'options' field of at

least length 312 octets

A DHCP client must be prepared to receive DHCP messages with an 'options' field of at
Synopsys least length 312 octets. This requirement implies that a DHCP client must be prepared to
receive a message of up to 576 octets

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Test Procedure
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 2 Page 10 'Protocol Summary' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 470
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_SUMMARY_04: The flags field must be set to zero by clients

The remaining bits of the flags field are reserved for future use. They MUST be set to
zero by clients and ignored by servers and relay agents

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Bits 2 to 16 of 'flags' field is set to 0
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Bits 2 to 16 of 'flags' field is set to 0

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 2 Page 11 'Protocol Summary' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 471
OPEN Alliance The Client-Server Protocol

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PROTOCOL_01: First four octets of the 'options' field of the DHCP


The first four octets of the 'options' field of the DHCP message contain the (decimal)
Synopsys values 99, 130, 83 and 99, respectively (this is the same magic cookie as is defined in RFC

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- First four octets of DHCP Options is set to
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- First four octets of DHCP Options is set to

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3 Page 13 'The Client-Server Protocol' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 472
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PROTOCOL_02: "DHCP message type" option present in


One particular option - the \"DHCP message type\" option - must be included in every
Synopsys DHCP message (Note: This test verifies the above statement for DHCPDISCOVER

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3 Page 13 'The Client-Server Protocol' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 473
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PROTOCOL_03: "DHCP message type" option present in


One particular option - the \"DHCP message type\" option - must be included in every
DHCP message (Note: This test verifies the above statement for DHCPREQUEST Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3 Page 13 'The Client-Server Protocol' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 474
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PROTOCOL_04: "DHCP message type" option present in


One particular option - the \"DHCP message type\" option - must be included in every
DHCP message (Note: This test verifies the above statement for DHCPRELEASE Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Test Procedure 5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to release <DIface-0>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPRELEASE Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPRELEASE Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
7. DUT: Sends DHCPRELEASE Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPRELEASE Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3 Page 13 'The Client-Server Protocol' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 475
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PROTOCOL_05: "DHCP message type" option present in


One particular option - the \"DHCP message type\" option - must be included in every
DHCP message (Note: This test verifies the above statement for DHCPDECLINE Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- ARP Target IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
Test Procedure
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Response Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- ARP Sender MAC Address field set to <MAC-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
- ARP Sender IP Address field set to
9. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Sends DHCPDECLINE Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDECLINE Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- ARP Target IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
Pass Criteria
10. DUT: Sends DHCPDECLINE Message
11. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDECLINE Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 476
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PROTOCOL_06: "DHCP message type" option present in


One particular option - the \"DHCP message type\" option - must be included in every
DHCP message (Note: This test verifies the above statement for DHCPINFORM Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally assign IP Address <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0> with mask
for interface <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send DHCPINFORM Message through
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
4. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)
5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 53 (Message Type Option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3 Page 13 'The Client-Server Protocol' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 477
OPEN Alliance Client-server interaction - allocating a network address

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_01: Broadcast DHCPDISCOVER message on its local

physical subnet

Synopsys The client broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER message on its local physical subnet

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Destination IP Address field is set to

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 13 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 478
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_02: Send DHCPDISCOVER (may suggest a value for

lease time)
The DHCPDISCOVER message MAY include options that suggest values for the network
Synopsys address and lease duration (Note: This test checks that DUT may suggest a value for lease

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP option 51 (IP Address Lease Time
with value 60 for interface <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
4. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure
5. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to 60
5. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
Pass Criteria
- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to 60

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 13 (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 479
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_03: Send DHCPREQUEST - must include the 'server


The client broadcasts a DHCPREQUEST message that MUST include the 'server identifier'
option to indicate which server it has selected

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
Test Procedure
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
Pass Criteria - Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 16 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 480
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_04: Send DHCPREQUEST - header value 'secs' field

the DHCPREQUEST message MUST use the same value in the DHCP message header's
'secs' field ... as the original DHCPDISCOVER message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'secs' field to <extractedSeconds>
Test Procedure
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'secs' field is set to extractedSeconds
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'secs' field is set to extractedSeconds

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 16 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 481
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_05: Send DHCPREQUEST to the same IP broadcast

the DHCPREQUEST message MUST ... be sent to the same IP broadcast address as the
original DHCPDISCOVER message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to
Pass Criteria
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 16 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 482
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_06: Send DHCPDISCOVER message - timeout and

resend on no DHCPOFFER messages

The client times out and retransmits the DHCPDISCOVER message if the client receives
no DHCPOFFER messages

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria
6. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 16 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 483
OPEN Alliance


configuration process
If the client detects that the address is already in use (e.g., through the use of ARP), the
client MUST send a DHCPDECLINE message to the server and restarts the configuration
process (Note: In this test we check that the DUT does restart the configuration process
after sending the DHCPDECLINE Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 4

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <STATIC-CLIENT-1> Listens (upto
<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- ARP Target IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
Test Procedure 8. TESTER:DHCP Client <STATIC-CLIENT-1> Sends ARP Response Message to
DUT through <DIface-0> containing :
- ARP Sender MAC Address field set to <MAC-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
- ARP Target MAC Address field set to <DIface-0-MAC-ADDRESS>
- ARP Sender IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
- ARP Target IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
9. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Sends DHCPDECLINE Message
11. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto (10 +
<ParamToleranceTime>) second) on <DIface-0>
12. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- ARP Target IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
10. DUT: Sends DHCPDECLINE Message
12. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 484
OPEN Alliance

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 17 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 485
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_08: Wait minimum 10 seconds before restarting

The client SHOULD wait a minimum of ten seconds before restarting the configuration
process to avoid excessive network traffic in case of looping

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 4

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER:DHCP Client <STATIC-CLIENT-1> Listens (upto
<ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- ARP Target IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
8. TESTER:DHCP Client <STATIC-CLIENT-1> Sends ARP Response Message to
DUT through <DIface-0> containing :
- ARP Sender MAC Address field set to <MAC-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
Test Procedure
- ARP Target MAC Address field set to <DIface-0-MAC-ADDRESS>
- ARP Sender IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
- ARP Target IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
9. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Sends DHCPDECLINE Message
11. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto (10 +
<ParamToleranceTime>) second) on <DIface-0>
12. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
13. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last DHCPDECLINE Message and reception of last
is greater than
(10 - <ParamToleranceTime>) second
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- ARP Target IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
10. DUT: Sends DHCPDECLINE Message

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 486
OPEN Alliance

12. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

13. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last DHCPDECLINE Message and reception of last
is greater than
(10 - <ParamToleranceTime>) second

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 17 (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 487
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_09: Receive DHCPNAK - restart the configuration

If the client receives a DHCPNAK message, the client restarts the configuration

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPNAK Message to DUT through
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto (10 +
<ParamToleranceTime>) second) on <DIface-0>
9. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 17 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 488
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_10: Resend DHCPREQUEST message if timeout on no

DHCPACK or a DHCPNAK message
The client times out and retransmits the DHCPREQUEST message if the client receives
neither a DHCPACK or a DHCPNAK message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Initialize server1 to offer IP Address Lease Time
of <HIGH-LEASE-TIME> seconds to the DUT
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto ((<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2> -
<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T1>) + <ParamToleranceTime>) second) on <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Sends 2 DHCPREQUEST Messages
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends 2 DHCPREQUEST Messages

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 17 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 489
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_11: Notify the user that the initialization process has

failed and is restarting
The client SHOULD notify the user that the initialization process has failed and is

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Test Procedure 5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto
(<REMOTE-CLIENT1-LEASE-TIME> + <ParamToleranceTime>) second) on <DIface-
6. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. TESTER: Verify that the DUT has correctly logged that
initialization process has failed and is restarting
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
6. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that the DUT has correctly logged that
initialization process has failed and is restarting

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 17 (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 490
OPEN Alliance


The client may choose to relinquish its lease on a network address by sending a
DHCPRELEASE message to the server

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to release <DIface-0>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPRELEASE Message
Test Procedure
8. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to actually stop using
the released address
9. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Destination Harware Address field set to
- Destination IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
10. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
11. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Reply Message
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends DHCPRELEASE Message
11. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Reply Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 17 (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 491
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_13: Send DHCPRELEASE - 'client identifier' or 'chaddr'

fields and network address

The client identifies the lease to be released with its 'client identifier', or 'chaddr' and
network address in the DHCPRELEASE message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Test Procedure 5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'chaddr' field to <extractedChaddr>
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to release <DIface-0>
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPRELEASE Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPRELEASE Message contains:
- 'chaddr' field is set to extractedChaddr
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
8. DUT: Sends DHCPRELEASE Message
Pass Criteria
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPRELEASE Message contains:
- 'chaddr' field is set to extractedChaddr

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 17 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 492
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_ALLOCATING_14: Consisent use of 'client identifier' field

If the client used a 'client identifier' when it obtained the lease, it MUST use the same
Synopsys 'client identifier' in the DHCPRELEASE message If the client supplies a 'client identifier', the
client MUST use the same 'client identifier' in all subsequent messages

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP option 61 (Client-identifier Option)
with value \"CONFORMANCE-DUT-0\" for interface <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_SELECTING
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of 61 (Client-identifier Option) to
Test Procedure <extractedClientID>
7. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
8. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to release <DIface-0>
10. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
11. DUT: Sends DHCPRELEASE Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPRELEASE Message contains:
- Message Option containing extractedClientID
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_SELECTING
8. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Pass Criteria 11. DUT: Sends DHCPRELEASE Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPRELEASE Message contains:
- Message Option containing extractedClientID

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 17 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 493
OPEN Alliance Client-server interaction - reusing a previously allocated network


DHCPv4_CLIENT_REUSING_01: Restarts initialization process retransmission

algorithm timeout

If the client receives neither a DHCPACK or a DHCPNAK message after employing the
Synopsys retransmission algorithm, the client reverts to INIT state and restarts the initialization

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Initialize server1 to offer IP Address Lease Time
of <HIGH-LEASE-TIME> seconds to the DUT
4. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
6. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to stabilize in BOUND
Test Procedure state
7. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to renew <DIface-0>
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends 2 DHCPREQUEST Messages
10. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto (130 + 10 +
<ParamToleranceTime>) second) on <DIface-0>
11. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
12. (Note: We have derived 130 seconds keeping in mind the total retransmission
time in RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 24)
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Pass Criteria 9. DUT: Sends 2 DHCPREQUEST Messages
11. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.1 Page 17 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 494
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REUSING_02: Reusing a previously allocated network address

If a client remembers and wishes to reuse a previously allocated network address, a client
may choose to omit some of the steps described in the previous section

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Test Procedure
5. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to stabilize in BOUND
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to renew <DIface-0>
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Pass Criteria
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.2 Page 17 (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 495
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REUSING_03: Broadcast a DHCPREQUEST if reusing a previously

allocated network address
If a client remembers and wishes to reuse a previously allocated network address, ... .The
client broadcasts a DHCPREQUEST message on its local subnet

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Test Procedure
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to renew <DIface-0>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.2 Page 17-18 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 496
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REUSING_04: Reusing a previously allocated network address -

include 'requested IP address' option
If a client remembers and wishes to reuse a previously allocated network address, ... .The
message includes the client's network address in the 'requested IP address' option

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to renew <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
Pass Criteria - Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.2 Page 18 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 497
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REUSING_05: If not received an adress do not fill in the 'ciaddr' field

As the client has not received its network address, it MUST NOT fill in the 'ciaddr'

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Test Procedure
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to renew <DIface-0>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to 0
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to 0

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.2 Page 18 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 498
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REUSING_06: Use same 'client identifier' in all subsequent messages

If the client used a 'client identifier' to obtain its address, the client MUST use the same
Synopsys 'client identifier' in the If the client supplies a 'client identifier', the client MUST use the
same 'client identifier' in all subsequent messages DHCPREQUEST message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP option 61 (Client-identifier Option)
with value \"CONFORMANCE-DUT-0\" for interface <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
4. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Test Procedure
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of 61 (Client-identifier Option) to
7. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to renew <DIface-0>
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing extractedClientID
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
9. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing extractedClientID

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.2 Page 18 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 499
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REUSING_07: Respond to ICMP Echo Request messages when

reusing address

Synopsys the client may respond to ICMP Echo Request messages at this point

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to renew <DIface-0>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Test Procedure
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
9. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Destination Harware Address field set to
- Destination IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
10. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.2 Page 18 (MAY)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 500
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REUSING_08: On DHCPNAK fo not reuse network address and

request new using non abbreviated process

If the client receives a DHCPNAK message, it cannot reuse its remembered network
Synopsys address. It must instead request a new address by restarting the configuration process, this
time using the (non-abbreviated) procedure described in section 3.1

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to renew <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPNAK Message to DUT through
9. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto (10 +
<ParamToleranceTime>) second) on <DIface-0>
10. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
10. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.2 Page 19 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 501
OPEN Alliance Client parameters in DHCP

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PARAMETERS_01: Interpreration of time values

If a client has obtained a network address through some other means (e.g., manual
Synopsys configuration), it may use a DHCPINFORM request message to obtain other local
configuration parameters

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally assign IP Address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS> with mask
Test Procedure for interface <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
4. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.4 Page 20 (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 502
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PARAMETERS_02: Default value for TTL

First, most of the parameters have defaults defined in the Host Requirements RFCs; if the
client receives no parameters from the server that override the defaults, a client uses those
default values (Note: This test checks that if default value is not overridden, DUT uses the
default value for Time To Live as per RFC1770 'IANA Numbering')

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER: Wait till <ParamProcessTime> for DUT to perform necessary
verification of offered IP address
Procedure 6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Message to DUT through
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply Message contains:
- Time to Live field is set to 64
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
8. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
Pass Criteria
9. TESTER: Verify that received ICMP Echo Reply Message contains:
- Time to Live field is set to 64

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.5 Page 21 'Client parameters in DHCP' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 503
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PARAMETERS_03: Override value for TTL

First, most of the parameters have defaults defined in the Host Requirements RFCs; if the
client receives no parameters from the server that override the defaults, a client uses those
default values (Note: This test checks that if default value is overridden, DUT uses the
overridden value for Time To Live)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
Test Procedure
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <ParamLeaseTime>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <ParamLeaseTime>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
Pass Criteria - Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <ParamLeaseTime>

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.5 Page 21 'Client parameters in DHCP' (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 504
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PARAMETERS_04: Use same parameters in DHCPREQUEST message


If the client includes a list of parameters in a DHCPDISCOVER message, it MUST include

that list in any subsequent DHCPREQUEST messages.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 55 (Parameter Request List Option)
Test Procedure to <extractedParamReq>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing extractedParamReq
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing extractedParamReq

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.5 Page 21 'Client parameters in DHCP' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 505
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PARAMETERS_05: Set 'maximum DHCP message size' option

The client SHOULD include the 'maximum DHCP message size' option to let the server
know how large the server may make its DHCP messages

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP option 57 (Maximum DHCP Size Option)
with value 600 for interface <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 4. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
5. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 57 (Maximum DHCP Size Option)
5. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 57 (Maximum DHCP Size Option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.5 Page 21 'Client parameters in DHCP' (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 506
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_PARAMETERS_06: Send DHCPDISCOVER message - include the 'IP

address lease time' option

In addition, the client may suggest values for the network address and lease time in the
Synopsys DHCPDISCOVER message. The client may ... include the 'IP address lease time' option to
suggest the lease time it would like

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP option 51 (IP Address Lease Time
with value 60 for interface <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
4. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure
5. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to 60
5. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
Pass Criteria
- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to 60

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.5 Page 21 'Client parameters in DHCP' (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 507
OPEN Alliance DHCP usage

DHCPv4_CLIENT_USAGE_01: Use of DHCP in clients with multiple interfaces

A client with multiple network interfaces must use DHCP through each interface
Synopsys independently to obtain configuration information parameters for those separate

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 2

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-1>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
4. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
5. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Test Procedure
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'chaddr' field to <extractedChaddr>
7. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-1>
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- 'chaddr' field is not set to extractedChaddr
5. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
9. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- 'chaddr' field is not set to extractedChaddr

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.6 Page 22 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 508
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_USAGE_02: Use DHCP at system boot time

A client SHOULD use DHCP to reacquire or verify its IP address and network parameters
whenever the local network parameters may have changed; e.g., at system boot time

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 3

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to release <DIface-0>
6. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
7. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-2> Cause DUT to transit its state
8. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Length field is not set to 4
- Value is not set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
8. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
Pass Criteria - Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Length field is not set to 4
- Value is not set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 3.7 Page 22 'When clients should use DHCP' (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 509
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_USAGE_03: Revert from unicast to multicast on timeout

If the client receives no response to DHCP messages sent to the IP address of a known
Synopsys DHCP server, the DHCP client reverts to using the IP broadcast address (Note: In this test
we check this feature for DHCPINFORM Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally assign IP Address <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0> with mask
for interface <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send DHCPINFORM Message through
4. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff
5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
Pass Criteria
8. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.4 Page 40 'Use of broadcast and unicast' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 510
OPEN Alliance Constructing and sending DHCP messages

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_01: The last option must always be the

'end' option

Synopsys The last option must always be the 'end' option

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- 255 (End Option) at position Last
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Message Option containing:
- 255 (End Option) at position Last

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 22-23 'Constructing and sending DHCP
messages' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 511
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_02: Use the IP address provided in the

'server identifier' option for any unicast requests

DHCP clients MUST use the IP address provided in the 'server identifier' option for any
unicast requests to the DHCP server

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
Test Procedure 4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 512
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_03: Source IP address field of


DHCP messages broadcast by a client prior to that client obtaining its IP address must have
Synopsys the source address field in the IP header set to 0 (Note: This test verifies source IP address
field of DHCPDISCOVER Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Source IP Address field is set to 0
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- Source IP Address field is set to 0

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 513
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_04: Source IP address field of

DHCPREQUEST Message is 0

DHCP messages broadcast by a client prior to that client obtaining its IP address must have
Synopsys the source address field in the IP header set to 0 (Note: This test verifies source IP address
field of DHCPREQUEST Message)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Source IP Address field is set to 0
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Source IP Address field is set to 0

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 514
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_05: Parse 'sname' field when Option

Overload is present

If the options in a DHCP message extend into the 'sname' and 'file' fields, the 'option
overload' option MUST appear in the 'options' field, with value 1, 2 or 3 (Note: Here we
verify that DUT correctly parses 'sname' field when Option Overload is present and set to
'sname contains options')

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
Test Procedure
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 515
OPEN Alliance

- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)

- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
9. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request
through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
10. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 516
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_06: Parse 'file' field when Option

Overload is present

If the options in a DHCP message extend into the 'sname' and 'file' fields, the 'option
overload' option MUST appear in the 'options' field, with value 1, 2 or 3 (Note: Here we
verify that DUT correctly parses 'file' field when Option Overload is present and set to 'file
contains options')

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
Test Procedure
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 517
OPEN Alliance

- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)

- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
9. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request
through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
10. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 23 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_07: Do not parse 'file' field as Options

when Option Overload is not present)

If the options in a DHCP message extend into the 'sname' and 'file' fields, the 'option
overload' option MUST appear in the 'options' field, with value 1, 2 or 3 (Note: Here we
verify that DUT correctly does not parse 'file' field as Options when Option Overload is not

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 518
OPEN Alliance

- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576

- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
9. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request
through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
10. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
12. TESTER: Externally reset all client configurations
for all configured interfaces on the DUT
13. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>
14. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
15. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
17. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)(*INVALID*)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 519
OPEN Alliance

- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)

- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
18. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
20. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)(*INVALID*)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
21. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request
through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
22. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
23. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
Pass Criteria
16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
23. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 520
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_08: Check 'sname' field when 1st octet

is not the start of the option

The options in the 'sname' and 'file' fields (if in use as indicated by the 'options overload'
option) MUST begin with the first octet of the field (Note: In this test we verify that the
DUT correctly does not imbibe the Option present in 'sname' field when 1st octet is not the
start of the option)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
Test Procedure
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 521
OPEN Alliance

- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>

- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
9. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request
through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
10. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
12. TESTER: Externally reset all client configurations
for all configured interfaces on the DUT
13. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>
14. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
15. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
17. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 0 (Pad Option)(*INVALID*)
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
18. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
20. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 0 (Pad Option)(*INVALID*)
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
21. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request

Restriction Level:
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OPEN Alliance

through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>

22. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
23. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
Pass Criteria
16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
23. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 523
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_09: Check 'sname' field in absence of

'end' option

The options in the 'sname' and 'file' fields (if in use as indicated ... MUST be terminated by
Synopsys an 'end' option (Note: In this test we verify that the DUT correctly does not imbibe the
Option present in 'sname' field in absence of 'end' option)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
Test Procedure
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 524
OPEN Alliance

- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>

- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
9. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request
through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
10. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
12. TESTER: Externally reset all client configurations
for all configured interfaces on the DUT
13. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>
14. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
15. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
17. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)(*INVALID*)
18. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
20. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)(*INVALID*)
21. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request
through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
22. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 525
OPEN Alliance

23. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
Pass Criteria
16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
23. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 526
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_10: Check 'file' field in absence of 'end'


The options in the 'sname' and 'file' fields (if in use as indicated ... MUST be terminated by
Synopsys an 'end' option (Note: In this test we verify that the DUT correctly does not imbibe the
Option present in 'file' field in absence of 'end' option)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
Test Procedure
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 527
OPEN Alliance

- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>

- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
9. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request
through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
10. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
12. TESTER: Externally reset all client configurations
for all configured interfaces on the DUT
13. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>
14. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
15. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
17. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)(*INVALID*)
18. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
20. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Additional PAD Options to make packet length set to 576
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Length field set to 1
- Value set to the 'file' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'file' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)(*INVALID*)
21. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request
through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
22. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 528
OPEN Alliance

23. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
Pass Criteria
16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
23. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 529
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_11: The 'sname' field and 'pad' options

The options in the 'sname' and 'file' fields (if in use as indicated ...) and MUST be followed
Synopsys by 'pad' options to fill the remainder of the field (Note: This test is done using the 'sname'
field only)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
Test Procedure - Type field set to 255 (End Option)
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
9. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request
through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 530
OPEN Alliance

10. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
12. TESTER: Externally reset all client configurations
for all configured interfaces on the DUT
13. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>
14. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
15. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
17. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 0 (Pad Option)(*INVALID*)
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)(*INVALID*)
18. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
20. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 52 (Overload Option)
- Value set to the 'sname' field is used to hold options
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 3 (Router Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 0 (Pad Option)(*INVALID*)
- DHCP Message Option in 'sname' field containing:
- Type field set to 255 (End Option)(*INVALID*)
21. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send ICMP Echo Request
through <DIface-0> to IP address <IP-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
22. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

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OPEN Alliance

23. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message

4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
11. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Message
Pass Criteria
16. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
19. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
23. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 532
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_12: The retransmission delay should be

doubled with subsequent retransmissions

The retransmission delay SHOULD be doubled with subsequent retransmissions up to a

maximum of 64 seconds

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto (64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 +
2 + 1 + <ParamToleranceTime>) second) on <DIface-0>
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message(s)
5. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two DHCPDISCOVER Messages
is less than
(64 + <ParamToleranceTime>) second
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message(s)
5. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
Pass Criteria reception of last two DHCPDISCOVER Messages
is less than
(64 + <ParamToleranceTime>) second

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 24 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 533
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_13: Retransmission strategy using a

randomized exponential backoff algorithm

The client MUST adopt a retransmission strategy that incorporates a randomized

exponential backoff algorithm to determine the delay between retransmissions

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listen (for upto (3 *
(<ParamFirstRetransmissionInterval> + <ParamToleranceTime>)) seconds)
on <DIface-0>
4. DUT: Send multiple DHCPDISCOVER Messages
5. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 3rd last DHCPDISCOVER Message and second last
Test Procedure
is within the range of
(<ParamFirstRetransmissionInterval> - 1) to
(<ParamFirstRetransmissionInterval> + 1seconds
6. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two DHCPDISCOVER Messages
is within the range of
((2*<ParamFirstRetransmissionInterval>) - 1) to
((2*<ParamFirstRetransmissionInterval>) + 1seconds
4. DUT: Send multiple DHCPDISCOVER Messages
5. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 3rd last DHCPDISCOVER Message and second last
is within the range of
(<ParamFirstRetransmissionInterval> - 1) to
Pass Criteria
(<ParamFirstRetransmissionInterval> + 1seconds
6. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two DHCPDISCOVER Messages
is within the range of
((2*<ParamFirstRetransmissionInterval>) - 1) to
((2*<ParamFirstRetransmissionInterval>) + 1seconds

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 534
OPEN Alliance

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 24 'Constructing and sending DHCP messages'

DHCPv4_CLIENT_CONSTRUCTING_MESSAGES_14: A client may choose a different

random initial 'xid' after reboot

For example, a client may choose a different, random initial 'xid' each time the client
is rebooted,

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'xid' field to <extractedXID>
Test Procedure
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to release <DIface-0>
7. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- 'xid' field is not set to extractedXID
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
9. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria
10. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- 'xid' field is not set to extractedXID

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.1 Page 24 'Constructing and sending DHCP
Notes messages'

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 535
OPEN Alliance DHCPREQUEST message

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REQUEST_01: DHCPREQUEST message - the 'ciaddr' option

Synopsys Client inserts ... , 'ciaddr' MUST be zero

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to 0
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to 0

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 31 'DHCPREQUEST message'


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 536
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REQUEST_02: DHCPREQUEST message - requested IP address

requested IP address' MUST be filled in with the yiaddr value from the chosen

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - 'yiaddr' field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-1>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-1>
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
Pass Criteria - Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-1>

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 31 'DHCPREQUEST message'


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 537
OPEN Alliance


'server identifier' option

o DHCPREQUEST generated during INIT-REBOOT state: 'server identifier' MUST NOT

be filled in

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Test Procedure 5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to reboot <DIface-0>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 31 'DHCPREQUEST message'


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 538
OPEN Alliance


'requested IP address' option
o DHCPREQUEST generated during INIT-REBOOT state: 'requested IP address' option
MUST be filled in with client's notion of its previously assigned address.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to reboot <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
Pass Criteria - Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 31 'DHCPREQUEST message'


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 539
OPEN Alliance


'ciaddr' option
Synopsys o DHCPREQUEST generated during INIT-REBOOT state: 'ciaddr' MUST be zero

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Test Procedure
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally cause DUT to reboot <DIface-0>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to 0
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to 0

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 31 'DHCPREQUEST message'


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 540
OPEN Alliance


'server identifier' option
o DHCPREQUEST generated during RENEWING state: 'server identifier' MUST NOT be
filled in

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
Test Procedure
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 32 'DHCPREQUEST message'


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OPEN Alliance


'requested IP address' option
o DHCPREQUEST generated during RENEWING state: 'requested IP address' option
MUST NOT be filled in

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
Test Procedure
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 32 'DHCPREQUEST message'


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 542
OPEN Alliance


'ciaddr' option
o DHCPREQUEST generated during RENEWING state: ciaddr' MUST be filled in with
client's IP address

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
Test Procedure
6. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
6. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 32 'DHCPREQUEST message'


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OPEN Alliance


'server identifier' option
o DHCPREQUEST generated during REBINDING state: 'server identifier' MUST NOT be
filled in

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REBINDING
Test Procedure
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REBINDING
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 54 (Server Identifier Option)

Test Iterations


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 544
OPEN Alliance


'requested IP address' option
o DHCPREQUEST generated during REBINDING state: 'requested IP address' option
MUST NOT be filled in

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REBINDING
Test Procedure
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REBINDING
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 50 (Requested IP Address Option)

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 32 'DHCPREQUEST message'


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 545
OPEN Alliance


'ciaddr' option
o DHCPREQUEST generated during REBINDING state: 'ciaddr' MUST be filled in with
client's IP address

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
Test Procedure
6. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REBINDING
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
6. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REBINDING
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 32 'DHCPREQUEST message'


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OPEN Alliance


use IP broadcast address
o DHCPREQUEST generated during REBINDING state: This message MUST be broadcast
to the 0xffffffff IP broadcast address

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
Test Procedure
6. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REBINDING
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
6. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REBINDING
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.3.2 Page 32 'DHCPREQUEST message'


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 547
OPEN Alliance Initialization and allocation of network address


desynchronize the use of DHCP at startup

The client SHOULD wait a random time between one and ten seconds to desynchronize
the use of DHCP at startup

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPNAK Message to DUT through
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto (10 +
Test Procedure
<ParamToleranceTime>) second) on <DIface-0>
9. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
10. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
sending of last DHCPNAK Message and reception of last
is greater than or equal to
(1 - <ParamToleranceTime>) second
11. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
sending of last DHCPNAK Message and reception of last
is less than or equal to
(10 + <ParamToleranceTime>) second
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria 9. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
10. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
sending of last DHCPNAK Message and reception of last

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 548
OPEN Alliance

is greater than or equal to
(1 - <ParamToleranceTime>) second
11. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
sending of last DHCPNAK Message and reception of last
is less than or equal to
(10 + <ParamToleranceTime>) second

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.1 Page 36 (SHOULD)

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OPEN Alliance


The client begins in INIT state and forms a DHCPDISCOVER message ... The client sets
'ciaddr' to 0x00000000

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to 0
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- 'ciaddr' field is set to 0

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.1 Page 36 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 550
OPEN Alliance


DHCPDISCOVER message - the 'chaddr' field
The client begins in INIT state and forms a DHCPDISCOVER message ... The client MUST
include its hardware address in the 'chaddr' field

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Source Harware Address field to
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- 'chaddr' field is set to extractedSrcHwAddr
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria 6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPDISCOVER Message contains:
- 'chaddr' field is set to extractedSrcHwAddr

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.1 Page 36 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 551
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION_ALLOCATION_04: Verify 'xid' of an arriving

If the 'xid' of an arriving DHCPOFFER message does not match the 'xid' of the most recent
DHCPDISCOVER message, the DHCPOFFER message must be silently discarded

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Test Procedure 5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'xid' field to <extractedXID>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- 'xid' field set to (extractedXID+1)
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Does not send DHCPREQUEST Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria
8. DUT: Does not send DHCPREQUEST Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.1 Page 36 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 552
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION_ALLOCATION_05: During Initialization discard

arriving DHCPACK messages
Synopsys Any arriving DHCPACK messages must be silently discarded

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure 4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Does not send DHCPREQUEST Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Does not send DHCPREQUEST Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.1 Page 36 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance


contains the same 'xid' as the DHCPOFFER message
Synopsys The DHCPREQUEST message contains the same 'xid' as the DHCPOFFER message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of 'xid' field to <extractedXID>
Test Procedure 6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- 'xid' field set to extractedXID
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'xid' field is set to extractedXID
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
8. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
9. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- 'xid' field is set to extractedXID

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.1 Page 38 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 554
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION_ALLOCATION_07: Lease expiration time value

The client records the lease expiration time as the sum of the time at which the original
request was sent and the duration of the lease from the DHCPACK message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPOFFER Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <ParamLeaseTime>
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Wait till (<ParamLeaseTime>/3) to keep DUT listening for
Test Procedure 9. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Message Option containing:
- Type field set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
- Length field set to 4
- Value set to <ParamLeaseTime>
10. TESTER: Wait till (<ParamLeaseTime>+(<ParamLeaseTime>/4)) for DUT to
transit past RENEWING and REBINDING state but not past lease expiration
11. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Destination Harware Address field set to
- Destination IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
12. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
13. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
14. TESTER: Wait till ((<ParamLeaseTime>/4)+<ParamToleranceTime>) for
DUT to transit past lease expiration

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OPEN Alliance

15. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Destination Harware Address field set to
- Destination IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
16. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
17. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Reply Message
4. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
13. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
17. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Reply Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.1 Page 38 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 556
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION_ALLOCATION_08: Check the suggested address to

ensure it is not in use
The client SHOULD perform a check on the suggested address to ensure that the address is
Synopsys not already in use... the client must fill in its own hardware address as the sender's
hardware address, and 0 as the sender's IP address

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains all of the
- ARP Sender MAC Address field is set to
- ARP Sender IP Address field is set to 0
- ARP Target IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains all of the
Pass Criteria
- ARP Sender MAC Address field is set to
- ARP Sender IP Address field is set to 0
- ARP Target IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.1 Page 38 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 557
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION_ALLOCATION_09: If address is in use send a

DHCPDECLINE message to the server
If the network address appears to be in use, the client MUST send a DHCPDECLINE
message to the server

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Test Procedure
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- ARP Target IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends ARP Response Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- ARP Sender MAC Address field set to <MAC-UNUSED-ADDRESS>
- ARP Sender IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
9. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
10. DUT: Sends DHCPDECLINE Message
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
6. DUT: Sends ARP Request Message
Pass Criteria 7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Request Message contains:
- ARP Target IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
10. DUT: Sends DHCPDECLINE Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.1 Page 39 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 558
OPEN Alliance


announce the client's new IP
The client SHOULD broadcast an ARP reply to announce the client's new IP address and
clear any outdated ARP cache entries in hosts on the client's subnet

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure
6. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response Message contains all of
the following:
- ARP Sender MAC Address field is set to
- ARP Sender IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
6. DUT: Sends ARP Response Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received ARP Response Message contains all of
Pass Criteria the following:
- ARP Sender MAC Address field is set to
- ARP Sender IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.1 Page 39 (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 559
OPEN Alliance Initialization with an externally assigned network address


lease time parameters

Synopsys The client SHOULD NOT request lease time parameters

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally assign IP Address <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0> with mask
for interface <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send DHCPINFORM Message through
4. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure
5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
- Type field is not set to 55 (Parameter Request List
- Length field is not set to 3
- Value is not set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)
5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
- Message Option containing:
Pass Criteria - Type field is not set to 55 (Parameter Request List
- Length field is not set to 3
- Value is not set to 51 (IP Address Lease Time Option)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.3 Page 39 (SHOULD)

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OPEN Alliance


server if it knows the server's address
The client then unicasts the DHCPINFORM to the DHCP server if it knows the server's

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally assign IP Address <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0> with mask
for interface <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send DHCPINFORM Message through
Test Procedure
4. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
Pass Criteria 6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.3 Page 39 (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 561
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION_EXTERNAL_03: Broadcasts to the limited (all 1s)

Synopsys otherwise it broadcasts the message to the limited (all 1s) broadcast address

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally assign IP Address <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0> with mask
for interface <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to send DHCPINFORM Message through
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
4. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to
5. DUT: Sends DHCPINFORM Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPINFORM Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Destination IP Address field is set to

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.3 Page 39 (SHOULD)

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OPEN Alliance Reacquisition and expiration



At time T1 the client moves to RENEWING state and sends (via unicast) a DHCPREQUEST
message to the server to extend its lease

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
Test Procedure 4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
5. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
6. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to <SERVER1-IP-ADDRESS>

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.5 Page 40 'Reacquisition and expiration'

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OPEN Alliance


state and send DHCPREQUEST broadcast

If no DHCPACK arrives before time T2, the client moves to REBINDING state and sends
(via broadcast) a DHCPREQUEST message to extend its lease

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Test Procedure 5. TESTER: Wait till (<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2>-<ParamToleranceTime>) for DUT
to go to a state just before T2 expires
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received DHCPREQUEST Message contains:
- Destination IP Address field is set to 0xffffffff

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.5 Page 41 'Reacquisition and expiration'

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OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REACQUISITION_03: Reacquisition and expiration T1 defaults to

(0.5 * duration_of_lease)

T1 defaults to (0.5 * duration_of_lease). T2 defaults to (0.875 * duration_of_lease). Times

Synopsys T1 and T2 SHOULD be chosen with some random \"fuzz\" around a fixed value, to avoid
synchronization of client reacquisition (Note: This test verifies the value of T1)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER: Wait till (<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T1>-<ParamToleranceTime>) for DUT
to go to a state just before T1 expires
Test Procedure 6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
sending of last DHCPACK Message and reception of last
is within the range of
(<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T1> - <ParamToleranceTime>) to
(<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T1> + <ParamToleranceTime>) second
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
sending of last DHCPACK Message and reception of last
Pass Criteria
is within the range of
(<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T1> - <ParamToleranceTime>) to
(<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T1> + <ParamToleranceTime>) second

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.5 Page 41 'Reacquisition and expiration'

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 565
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REACQUISITION_04: Reacquisition and expiration T2 defaults to

(0.875 * duration_of_lease)

T1 defaults to (0.5 * duration_of_lease). T2 defaults to (0.875 * duration_of_lease). Times

Synopsys T1 and T2 SHOULD be chosen with some random \"fuzz\" around a fixed value, to avoid
synchronization of client reacquisition (Note: This test verifies the value of T2)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER: Wait till (<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2>-<ParamToleranceTime>) for DUT
to go to a state just before T2 expires
Test Procedure 6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
sending of last DHCPACK Message and reception of last
is within the range of
(<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2> - <ParamToleranceTime>) to
(<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2> + <ParamToleranceTime>) second
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
7. DUT: Sends DHCPREQUEST Message
8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
sending of last DHCPACK Message and reception of last
Pass Criteria
is within the range of
(<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2> - <ParamToleranceTime>) to
(<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2> + <ParamToleranceTime>) second

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.5 Page 41 'Reacquisition and expiration'

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OPEN Alliance


In both RENEWING and REBINDING states, if the client receives no response to its
DHCPREQUEST message, the client SHOULD wait one-half of the remaining time until T2 (in
RENEWING state) and one-half of the remaining lease time (in REBINDING state), down to a
minimum of 60 seconds, before retransmitting the DHCPREQUEST message.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Initialize server1 to offer IP Address Lease Time
of <HIGH-LEASE-TIME> seconds to the DUT
4. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto (((<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2> -
<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T1>) / 2) + (2 * <ParamToleranceTime>)) second) on
Procedure <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Sends 2 DHCPREQUEST Messages
8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two DHCPREQUEST Messages
is within the range of
(((<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2> - <REMOTE-CLIENT1-T1>) / 2) -
<ParamToleranceTime>) to
(((<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2> - <REMOTE-CLIENT1-T1>) / 2) +
<ParamToleranceTime>) second
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_RENEWING
7. DUT: Sends 2 DHCPREQUEST Messages
8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two DHCPREQUEST Messages
Pass Criteria is within the range of
(((<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2> - <REMOTE-CLIENT1-T1>) / 2) -
<ParamToleranceTime>) to
(((<REMOTE-CLIENT1-T2> - <REMOTE-CLIENT1-T1>) / 2) +
<ParamToleranceTime>) second

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 567
OPEN Alliance

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.5 Page 41 'Reacquisition and expiration'


In both RENEWING and REBINDING states, if the client receives no response to its
DHCPREQUEST message, the client SHOULD wait one-half of the remaining time until T2 (in
RENEWING state) and one-half of the remaining lease time (in REBINDING state), down to a
minimum of 60 seconds, before retransmitting the DHCPREQUEST message.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: Initialize server1 to offer IP Address Lease Time
of <VERY-HIGH-LEASE-TIME> seconds to the DUT
4. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REBINDING
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto
Procedure <ParamToleranceTime>) second) on <DIface-0>
7. DUT: Sends 2 DHCPREQUEST Messages
8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two DHCPREQUEST Messages
is within the range of
- <ParamToleranceTime>) to
+ <ParamToleranceTime>) second
5. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_REBINDING
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends 2 DHCPREQUEST Messages
8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of last two DHCPREQUEST Messages

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OPEN Alliance

is within the range of

- <ParamToleranceTime>) to
+ <ParamToleranceTime>) second

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.5 Page 41 'Reacquisition and expiration'

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OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REACQUISITION_07: Stop network processing after lease time


If the lease expires before the client receives a DHCPACK, the client moves to INIT state,
MUST immediately stop any other network processing and requests network initialization
parameters as if the client were uninitialized (Note: In this test we verify that the DUT stops
network processing after lease time expires)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER: Wait till (<ParamLeaseTime>+<ParamToleranceTime>) for the
Test lease on the DUT to expire (*INVALID*)
Procedure 6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Destination Harware Address field set to
- Destination IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
8. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Reply Message
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Pass Criteria
8. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Reply Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 570
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REACQUISITION_08: Request network initialization parameters

after lease time expires

If the lease expires before the client receives a DHCPACK, the client moves to INIT state,
MUST immediately stop any other network processing and requests network initialization
parameters as if the client were uninitialized (Note: In this test we verify that the DUT
requests network initialization parameters after lease time expires)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Procedure 5. TESTER: Wait till (<ParamLeaseTime>+<ParamToleranceTime>) for the
lease on the DUT to expire
6. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
7. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends DHCPDISCOVER Message

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.5 Page 41 'Reacquisition and expiration'

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OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REACQUISITION_09: Continue network processing on reallocating

same address

If the client then receives a DHCPACK allocating that client its previous network address,
the client SHOULD continue network processing

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER: Wait till <ParamLeaseTime> for the lease on the DUT to expire
6. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Destination Harware Address field set to
- Destination IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Pass Criteria
9. DUT: Sends ICMP Echo Reply Message

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 2131 Section 4.4.5 Page 41 'Reacquisition and expiration'

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 572
OPEN Alliance

DHCPv4_CLIENT_REACQUISITION_10: Do not use old address if new address is given

If the client is given a new network address, it MUST NOT continue using the previous
network address

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Externally configure DHCP Client on <DIface-0>

2. TESTER: Externally cause DUT to bring up <DIface-0>
3. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Cause DUT to transit its state
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
5. TESTER: Wait till (<ParamLeaseTime>-<ParamToleranceTime>) for the
lease on the DUT to almost expire
6. TESTER: DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends DHCPACK Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Destination IP Address field set to
- 'yiaddr' field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-1>
7. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Sends ICMP Echo Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Destination Harware Address field set to
- Destination IP Address field set to <SERVER1-IP-POOL-0-0>
8. TESTER:DHCP Server <SERVER-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
9. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Reply Message
4. DUT: Transit finite state to DHCPCLIENT_STATE_BOUND
Pass Criteria
9. DUT: Does not send ICMP Echo Reply Message

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

4.8 Transmisison Control Protocol (TCP)

4.8.1 General

The scope of this chapter is to specify test cases for the Transmisison Control Protocol (TCP) from the
following standards:

 RFC 793 - "Transmission Control Protocol" of DARPA, Internet Program, Protocol Specification
 RFC 1122 - Requirement for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers
 RFC 2460 - Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification

4.8.2 Simulated topologies

<TIface-0> <DIface-0>
Control channel for the


4.8.3 Required topology related configuration

 This test suite expects to be running against a TCP stack

 This test suite runs over Ethernet

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OPEN Alliance

4.8.4 Parameters used in the tests

Parameters Description
nss The number of data segments sent consecutively from tester side to DUT
A data segment size that is much smaller than the effective send MSS (<nsc> times <ssz>
ssz should be less than effective send MSS of DUT
The maximum time within which DUT must send a segment from its transmit buffer
tmx irrespective of its size or whether it contains PSH flag bit set
tfn Time within which the DUT is expected to send a FIN in an error situation
A well-known port on the DUT where some standard application like TELNET server is
wnp assumed to waiting in LISTEN state
uopt An unimplemented TCP option on DUT
msl Maximum segment lifetime (MSL) used by DUT
Full window The DUT's TCP has reached a state it is allowed to send data segments of size of tester's
operation entire receive without getting any acknowledgement from the tester
segment Segment with size equal to the effective send MSS
OTW Outside The Window (of the receiver)
PORT1 The port number the Uper Tester UDP communication is carried out through
A sequence number used to compare the Sequence or Acknowledgement Numbers in
<SEQ1> the received or sent packets.

4.8.5 Upper Tester Procedures

Several test cases within this test suite require another type of communication with the IUT that enables
the tester to trigger some wished behaviors on the IUT; promting it to send certain types of messages,
or to check its state and the received messages. This communication is carried out through a separate
UDP port. Therefore, some procedures were conceived to fulfill the needs of such test cases:

<openTCPSocket(typeOfSocket)>: prompts the IUT to open a TCP socket depending on the type:
- Passive: opens a socket with a receiving call.
- Active: opens a socket with a sending call.

<openMultipleTCPSocket(typeOfSocket, numberOfSockets)>: prompts the IUT to open

<numberOfSockets> TCP scokets of <typeOfSocket> type.

<closeTCPSocket>: Close the opened TCP socket(s).

<Confirmation>: a message sent by the IUT as a response to procedure call from the Tester through the
Upper Tester channel. This message confirms, in case of the operation success, by sending a Boolean
back with some additional information depending on the type of operation required from the IUT.

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OPEN Alliance

4.8.6 Tests Connection Establishment and Basic Exercising of the State Machine

TCP_BASICS_01: [listen] SYN -> SYN/ACK [syn_recv]

Synopsys TCP MUST send a SYN,ACK in response to a SYN in LISTEN state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state at a <wnp>

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a SYN to DUT at <wnp>
3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


Restriction Level:
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OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_02: [syn_recv] ACK -> [established]

Synopsys TCP MUST move on to ESTABLISHED state after receiving ACK in SYN-RCVD state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a SYN to DUT

Test Procedure 2. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK(this will take DUT to the state SYN-RCVD)
3. TESTER: Send an ACK
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to ESTABLISHED state
2. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK(this will take DUT to the state SYN-RCVD)
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to ESTABLISHED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


TCP_BASICS_03: [established] FIN -> ACK [close_wait]

Synopsys TCP MUST send an ACK in response to a FIN received in ESTABLISHED state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state at a <wnp>

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a FIN
3. DUT: Send ACK
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send ACK

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


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OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_04: [closed] data(no ack, no rst) -> RST(seq 0) [closed]

TCP, in CLOSED state, MUST send a RST segment with zero SEQ number in response to
an incoming segment not containing RST and ACK flags

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a TCP segment with a flag set

Test Procedure
2. DUT: Send a RST control message with zero SEQ number

Pass Criteria 2. DUT: Send a RST control message with zero SEQ number

1. CASE: flag set = SYN

Test Iterations 2. CASE: flag set = FIN
3. CASE: flag set = Data segment

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p65 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 578
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_05: [closed] data(ack, no rst) -> RST(seq <- ack) [closed]

TCP, in CLOSED state, MUST send a RST in response to an incoming segment containing
ACK and not containing RST and SEQ number is taken from SEG.ACK

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a segment with a flag set

Test Procedure 2. DUT: Send a RST segment with SEQ number same as the ACK
number of the incoming segment

2. DUT: Send a RST segment with SEQ number same as the ACK
Pass Criteria
number of the incoming segment

1. CASE: flag set = SYN,ACK

Test Iterations
2. CASE: flag set = ACK

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p65 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 579
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_06: [closed] open -> syn

Synopsys TCP, in CLOSED state, MUST send a SYN on an active OPEN call

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an

Test Procedure
active OPEN call
2. DUT: Send a SYN
Pass Criteria 2. DUT: Send a SYN

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 580
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_07: [syn_sent] SYN/ACK -> ACK [established]

TCP MUST be capable of progressing to ESTABLISHED state after receiving SYN,ACK in

SYN-SENT state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to SYN-SENT state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a SYN,ACK
3. DUT: Send ACK
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to ESTABLISHED state
3. DUT: Send ACK
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to ESTABLISHED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


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OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_08: [established | syn_rcvd | close_wait ] close -> FIN […]



Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to <wst> state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a CLOSE call
3. DUT: Send a FIN

Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send a FIN


Test Iterations 2. CASE: <wst> = SYN-RCVD
3. CASE: <wst> = CLOSE-WAIT

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 582
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_09: [last_ack] ACK of FIN -> [closed]

TCP MUST move on to CLOSED state after receiving an ACK of the sent FIN in LAST-
ACK state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to LAST-ACK state

2. DUT: Send FIN when moving into LAST-ACK state
Test Procedure 3. TESTER: Send ACK for the FIN just received from the DUT
4. TESTER: Send a segment without the RST flag set
5. DUT: Send a segment with the RST flag set (this will verify
the the DUT has moved on to the CLOSED state)
2. DUT: Send FIN when moving into LAST-ACK state
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Send a segment with the RST flag set (this will verify
the the DUT has moved on to the CLOSED state)

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 583
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_10: [finwait-1 | finwait-2] FIN -> ACK

Synopsys TCP MUST send an ACK after receiving a FIN in FINWAIT-1 or FINWAIT-2 state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to <wst> state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a FIN
3. DUT: Send ACK

Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send ACK

1. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-1

Test Iterations
2. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-2

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 584
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_11: [finwait-2 -> time_wait] delay(2*MSL) -> [closed]

TCP MUST move on to CLOSED state from TIME-WAIT state after a timeout of 2*MSL,
where TIME-WAIT is reached through FINWAIT-2 state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to FINWAIT-2 state

2. TESTER: Send a FIN
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send ACK
4. TESTER: Send a FIN after 2*MSL + 20%
5. DUT: Send a RST segment(this will indicate DUT is in CLOSED
3. DUT: Send ACK
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Send a RST segment(this will indicate DUT is in CLOSED

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 585
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_12: [closing -> time_wait] delay(2*MSL) -> [closed]

TCP MUST move on to CLOSED state from TIME-WAIT state after

Synopsys a timeout of 2*MSL, where TIME-WAIT is reached through

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to CLOSING state

2. TESTER: Send ACK for the FIN just received from the DUT
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Send a FIN after 2*MSL + 20%
4. DUT: Send a RST segment(this will indicate DUT is in CLOSED
4. DUT: Send a RST segment(this will indicate DUT is in CLOSED
Pass Criteria

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 586
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_13: [finwait-2 -> time_wait] delay(<2*MSL) -> no change yet

TCP MUST NOT move on to CLOSED state from TIME-WAIT state

Synopsys before 2*MSL time expires, where TIME-WAIT state is reached
through FINWAIT-2 state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to FINWAIT-2 state

2. TESTER: Send a FIN
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send ACK (DUT moves to TIME-WAIT state)
4. TESTER: Send a FIN within 2*MSL time
5. DUT: Send ACK
3. DUT: Send ACK (DUT moves to TIME-WAIT state)
Pass Criteria
5. DUT: Send ACK

Test Iterations

Derived from NEGATIVE "RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology"


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 587
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_14: [closing -> time_wait] delay(<2*MSL) -> no change yet

TCP MUST NOT move on to CLOSED state from TIME-WAIT state before 2*MSL time
expires, where TIME-WAIT state is reached through CLOSING state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to CLOSING state

2. TESTER: Send ACK for the FIN just received from the DUT
Test Procedure
(DUT moves to TIME-WAIT state)
3. TESTER: Send a FIN within 2*MSL time
4. DUT: Send ACK
3. DUT: Send ACK (DUT moves to TIME-WAIT state)
Pass Criteria
4. DUT: Send ACK
Test Iterations

Derived from NEGATIVE "RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology"


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 588
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_15: [finwait-1 | finwait-2] DATA -> ACK (MAY)

TCP MAY send an ACK after receiving a data segment in FINWAIT-1 or FINWAIT-2

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to <wst> state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a data segment
3. DUT: Send ACK

Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send ACK

1. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-1

Test Iterations
2. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-2

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 589
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_16: [syn-sent | close-wait | closing | last-ack | time-wait] DATA -> ignore

TCP MUST ignore a data segment in SYN-SENT, CLOSE-WAIT, CLOSING, LAST-ACK or


Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to <wst> state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a data segment
3. DUT: Do not send any response

Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Do not send any response

1. CASE: <wst> = SYN-SENT

2. CASE: <wst> = CLOSE-WAIT
Test Iterations 3. CASE: <wst> = CLOSING
4. CASE: <wst> = LAST-ACK
5. CASE: <wst> = TIME-WAIT

Derived from RFC 793 s3.2 p23 Terminology


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 590
OPEN Alliance

TCP_BASICS_17: Simultaneous Open Call

Synopsys TCP MUST support simultaneous OPEN attempts

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause application on the DUT-side to issue an active OPEN call

2. DUT: Send a SYN
Test Procedure 3. TESTER: Send a SYN simultaneously
4. DUT: Send SYN,ACK in reply
5. TESTER: Send SYN,ACK in reply to the SYN received from the DUT
6. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to ESTABLISHED state
2. DUT: Send a SYN
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Send SYN,ACK in reply
6. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to ESTABLISHED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.10 p87 Simultaneous Open Attempts


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 591
OPEN Alliance Processing and Generating TCP Checksums

TCP_CHECKSUM_01: Receiver Check: checksum ok

Receiver TCP MUST check the checksum in any incoming segment, and MUST
acknowledge in case of no error

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state at a <wnp>

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a data segment with correct checksum
3. DUT: Send ACK
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send ACK

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.7 p86 TCP Checksum "RFC-793 Section 3.1"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 592
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CHECKSUM_02: Receiver Check: checksum not ok

Receiver TCP MUST check the checksum in any incoming segment, and MUST NOT
acknowledge in case of an error

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state at a <wnp>

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a data segment with incorrect checksum
3. DUT: Do not send ACK
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Do not send ACK

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.7 p86 TCP Checksum "RFC-793 Section 3.1"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 593
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CHECKSUM_03: Sender compute checksum

Synopsys Sender TCP MUST generate correct checksum

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND
Test Procedure request for a data segment
3. DUT: Send the data segment
4. TESTER: Verify that correct checksum is present in the incoming
3. DUT: Send the data segment
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that correct checksum is present in the incoming

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.7 p86 TCP Checksum "RFC-793 Section 3.1 p16 Header"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 594
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CHECKSUM_04: Use clock-driven ISN selection

An ISN generator MUST be employed for selecting a 32 bit ISN that increments roughly
every 4 microseconds

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to issue an active OPEN call

2. DUT: Send SYN
3. TESTER: Send RST,ACK to take DUT to CLOSED state
4. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to issue another active OPEN
Test Procedure call
5. DUT: Send SYN
6. TESTER: Verify that sequence number of the recent SYN is more than
the sequence number of the previous SYN (with the appropriate
checking of wrap around of counter) at least by the
(difference between the times of reception of two SYNs)x250000
2. DUT: Send SYN
5. DUT: Send SYN
6. TESTER: Verify that sequence number of the recent SYN is more than
Pass Criteria
the sequence number of the previous SYN (with the appropriate
checking of wrap around of counter) at least by the
(difference between the times of reception of two SYNs)x250000

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.9 p87 ISN Selection "RFC-793 s3.3 p27 Sequence
Notes Numbers"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 595
OPEN Alliance Processing Unacceptable Acknowledgments and Out of Window

Sequence Numbers

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_01: [syn-recv] RST -> [listen] (passive open)

Synopsys TCP MUST return to LISTEN state, on receiving an acceptable RST, in SYN-RCVD state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move to SYN-RCVD state at a <wnp>initiated by passive

OPEN call
Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send RST segment (as if SYN,ACK just received was unexpected)
3. DUT: Do not send response
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to LISTEN state
3. DUT: Do not send response
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to LISTEN state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p33 Establishing a connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 596
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_02: [syn-recv] RST out-of-wdw -> [syn-recv]

Synopsys TCP MUST NOT change state, on receiving an unacceptable RST, in SYN-RCVD state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to SYN-RCVD state at a <wnp>

2. TESTER: Send a RST segment (as if SYN,ACK just received was
Test Procedure unexpected) with a SEQ number outside the receive window of
the DUT
3. DUT: Ignore unacceptable RST
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in SYN-RCVD state
3. DUT: Ignore unacceptable RST
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in SYN-RCVD state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p33 Establishing a connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 597
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_03: [syn-recv] unacceptable ACK -> RST [syn-recv]

Synopsys TCP MUST send a RST after receiving an unacceptable ACK in SYN-RCVD state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to SYN-RCVD state at a <wnp>

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a segment with an unacceptable ACK number
3. DUT: Send a RST segment
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send a RST segment

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p35 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 598
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_04: [established] out-of-wdw SEQ / unacceptable ACK -> empty

msg w/ SEQ [established]

TCP, in ESTABLISHED state, MUST return ACK with proper SEQ and ACK numbers after recv
a seg with OTW SEQ or unacc ACK number, and remain in same state If the connection is in
a synchronized state, any unacceptable segment (out of window sequence number or
Synopsys unacceptable acknowledgment number) must elicit only an empty acknowledgment
segment containing the current send-sequence number and an acknowledgment indicating
the next sequence number expected to be received, and the connection remains in the
same state.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment satisfying one of the following cases
- CASE 1: Data segment with out of window SEQ number
Test Procedure
- CASE 2: Data segment with an unacceptable ACK number
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in the ESTABLISHED state
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
Pass Criteria indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in the ESTABLISHED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p37 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 599
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_05: [listen] unacceptable ACK -> RST [listen]

TCP, in LISTEN state MUST send a RST after receiving a segment that is carrying an
unacceptable ACK and remain in the same state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state at a <wnp>

2. TESTER: Send a segment with a flag set and with unacceptable ACK
Test Procedure number
3. DUT: Send a RST segment
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in LISTEN state

3. DUT: Send a RST segment

Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in LISTEN state

1. CASE: flag set = SYN,ACK

Test Iterations
2. CASE: flag set = ACK

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p36 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 600
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_06: [established] out-of-wdw SYN -> ACK (seq) [established]

TCP, in ESTABLISHED state, MUST send an ACK indicating the correct SEQ number it
expects, after receiving a SYN with a SEQ number that is OTW

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a SYN with a sequence number outside the window
3. DUT: Send an ACK indicating next expected SEQ number
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send an ACK indicating next expected SEQ number

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p34 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 601
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_07: [listen] old SYN/ACK -> RST [listen]

TCP, in LISTEN state, MUST send a RST after receiving a spurious SYN,ACK that
potentially corresponds to an old SYN

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state on a <wnp>

Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send a RST
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send a RST

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p35 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 602
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_08: [syn-sent] unacceptable ACK -> RST(seq)

If the connection is in any non-synchronized state (LISTEN, SYN-SENT, SYN-RECEIVED), and

the incoming segment acknowledges something not yet sent (the segment carries an
Synopsys unacceptable ACK), or if an incoming segment has a security level or compartment which
does not exactly match the level and compartment requested for the connection, a reset is
sent. (Note : This test checks for SYN-SENT state)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to SYN-SENT state

2. TESTER: Send a segment flag set and with unacceptable ACK number
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send a RST control message with SEQ number same as the ACK
number of the incoming segment

3. DUT: Send a RST control message with SEQ number same as the ACK
Pass Criteria
number of the incoming segment

1. CASE: flag set = SYN,ACK

Test Iterations
2. CASE: flag set = ACK

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p36 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 603
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_09: [finwait-1] out-of-wdw SEQ | unacceptable ACK -> ACK (seq,

ack) [finwait-1]

TCP, in FINWAIT-1 state, MUST return an ACK with proper SEQ and ACK numbers after recv
a seg with OTW SEQ or unacc ACK number, and remain in same state If the connection is in
a synchronized state, any unacceptable segment (out of window sequence number or
Synopsys unacceptable acknowledgment number) must elicit only an empty acknowledgment
segment containing the current send-sequence number and an acknowledgment indicating
the next sequence number expected to be received, and the connection remains in the
same state.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to FINWAIT-1 state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment satisfying one of the following cases
- CASE 1: Data segment with out of window SEQ number
Test Procedure
- CASE 2: Data segment with an unacceptable ACK number
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in FINWAIT-1 state
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
Pass Criteria indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in FINWAIT-1 state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p37 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 604
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_10: [finwait-2] out-of-wdw SEQ | unacceptable ACK -> ACK (seq,

ack) [finwait-2]

TCP, in FINWAIT-2 state, MUST return an ACK with proper SEQ and ACK numbers after recv
a seg with OTW SEQ or unacc ACK number, and remain in same state If the connection is in
a synchronized state, any unacceptable segment (out of window sequence number or
Synopsys unacceptible acknowledgment number) must elicit only an empty acknowledgment
segment containing the current send-sequence number and an acknowledgment indicating
the next sequence number expected to be received, and the connection remains in the
same state.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to FINWAIT-2 state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment satisfying one of the following cases
- CASE 1: Data segment with out of window SEQ number
Test Procedure
- CASE 2: Data segment with an unacceptable ACK number
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in FINWAIT-2 state
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
Pass Criteria indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in FINWAIT-2 state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p37 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 605
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_11: [closing] out-of-wdw SEQ | unacceptable ACK -> ACK (seq,

ack) [closing]

TCP, in CLOSING state, MUST return an ACK with proper SEQ and ACK numbers after recv a
seg with OTW SEQ or unacc ACK number, and remain in same state If the connection is in a
synchronized state, any unacceptable segment (out of window sequence number or
Synopsys unacceptible acknowledgment number) must elicit only an empty acknowledgment
segment containing the current send-sequence number and an acknowledgment indicating
the next sequence number expected to be received, and the connection remains in the
same state.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to CLOSING state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment satisfying one of the following cases
- CASE 1: Data segment with out of window SEQ number
Test Procedure
- CASE 2: Data segment with an unacceptable ACK number
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in CLOSING state
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
Pass Criteria indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in CLOSING state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p37 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 606
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_12: [last-ack] out-of-wdw SEQ | unacceptable ACK -> ACK (seq,

ack) [last-ack]

TCP, in LAST-ACK state, MUST return an ACK with proper SEQ and ACK numbers after recv a
seg with OTW SEQ or unacc ACK number, and remain in same state If the connection is in a
synchronized state, any unacceptable segment (out of window sequence number or
Synopsys unacceptible acknowledgment number) must elicit only an empty acknowledgment
segment containing the current send-sequence number and an acknowledgment indicating
the next sequence number expected to be received, and the connection remains in the
same state.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LAST-ACK state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment satisfying one of the following cases
- CASE 1: Data segment with out of window SEQ number
Test Procedure
- CASE 2: Data segment with an unacceptable ACK number
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in LAST-ACK state
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
Pass Criteria indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in LAST-ACK state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p37 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 607
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_13: [time-wait] out-of-wdw SEQ | unacceptable ACK -> ACK

(seq, ack) [time-wait]

TCP, in TIME-WAIT state, MUST return an ACK with proper SEQ and ACK numbers after recv
a seg with OTW SEQ or unacc ACK number, and remain in same state If the connection is in
a synchronized state, any unacceptable segment (out of window sequence number or
Synopsys unacceptible acknowledgment number) must elicit only an empty acknowledgment
segment containing the current send-sequence number and an acknowledgment indicating
the next sequence number expected to be received, and the connection remains in the
same state.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to TIME-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment satisfying one of the following cases
- CASE 1: Data segment with out of window SEQ number
Test Procedure
- CASE 2: Data segment with an unacceptable ACK number
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in TIME-WAIT state
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
Pass Criteria indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in TIME-WAIT state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p37 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 608
OPEN Alliance

TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_14: [close-wait] out-of-wdw SEQ | unacceptable ACK -> ACK

(seq, ack) [close-wait]

TCP, in CLOSE-WAIT state, MUST return ACK with proper SEQ and ACK numbers after recv a
seg with OTW SEQ or unacc ACK number, and remain in same state If the connection is in a
synchronized state, any unacceptable segment (out of window sequence number or
Synopsys unacceptible acknowledgment number) must elicit only an empty acknowledgment
segment containing the current send-sequence number and an acknowledgment indicating
the next sequence number expected to be received, and the connection remains in the
same state.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to CLOSE-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment satisfying one of the following cases
- CASE 1: Data segment with out of window SEQ number
Test Procedure - CASE 2: Data segment with an unacceptable ACK number
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
indicating next SEQ number expected
4. TESTER: Sending a data packet to DUT
5. DUT: Does not send any response
3. DUT: Send an ACK with current send SEQ number and ACK number
Pass Criteria indicating next SEQ number expected
5. DUT: Does not send any response

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.4 p37 Establishing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 609
OPEN Alliance Processing TCP OPEN Calls Received from the Application Layer

TCP_CALL_OPEN_01: Open: Active Open w/ unspec socket -> error

For an active OPEN call with unspecified foreign socket, TCP MUST return error:
foreign socket unspecified

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active

Test Procedure OPEN call with unspecified foreign socket
2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to return the error code
3. DUT: Returns \"error: foreign socket unspecified\"
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Returns \"error: foreign socket unspecified\"

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p56 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 610
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_OPEN_02: Open: Passive Open illegal for this process

TCP MUST refuse a passive OPEN call on a <wnp> indicating \"error: connection illegal
for this process\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause an application on the DUT-side to issue a passive

OPEN call on a <wnp>
Test Procedure 2. DUT: Issue a passive open call
3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT refuses to create new connection
indicating \"error: connection illegal for this process\"
to the application
2. DUT: Issue a passive open call
3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT refuses to create new connection
Pass Criteria
indicating \"error: connection illegal for this process\"
to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p54 OPEN Call


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 611
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_OPEN_03: Open: Connection already exists [syn-sent] (active open)

If an OPEN call arrives on state SYN-SENT, TCP MUST return \"error: connection
already exists\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the SYN-SENT state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an OPEN call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p55 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 612
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_OPEN_04: Open: Connection already exists [syn-rcvd] (passive open)

If an OPEN call arrives on state SYN-RCVD, TCP MUST return \"error: connection
already exists\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the SYN-RCVD state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an OPEN call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p55 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 613
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_OPEN_05: Open: Connection already exists [established]

If an OPEN call arrives on state ESTABLISHED, TCP MUST return \"error: connection
already exists\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an OPEN call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p55 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 614
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_OPEN_06: Open: Connection already exists [finwait-1]

If an OPEN call arrives on state FINWAIT-1, TCP MUST return \"error: connection
already exists\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the FINWAIT-1 state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an OPEN call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p55 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 615
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_OPEN_07: Open: Connection already exists [finwait-2]

If an OPEN call arrives on state FINWAIT-2, TCP MUST return \"error: connection
already exists\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the FINWAIT-2 state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an OPEN call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p55 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 616
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_OPEN_08: Open: Connection already exists [close-wait]

If an OPEN call arrives on state CLOSE-WAIT, TCP MUST return \"error: connection
already exists\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the CLOSE-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an OPEN call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p55 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 617
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_OPEN_09: Open: Connection already exists [closing]

If an OPEN call arrives on state CLOSING, TCP MUST return \"error: connection
already exists\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the CLOSING state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an OPEN call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p55 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 618
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_OPEN_10: Open: Connection already exists [last-ack]

If an OPEN call arrives on state LAST-ACK, TCP MUST return \"error: connection
already exists\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the LAST-ACK state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an OPEN call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p55 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 619
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_OPEN_11: Open: Connection already exists [time-wait]

If an OPEN call arrives on state TIME-WAIT, TCP MUST return \"error: connection
already exists\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the TIME-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an OPEN call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application
3. DUT: Issues an OPEN call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection already
exists\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p55 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 620
OPEN Alliance Processing TCP SEND Calls Received from the Application Layer

TCP_CALL_SEND_01: Send: Connection does not exists [closed]

If a SEND call arrives on CLOSED state, and user has got proper access to such conn, TCP
MUST return \"error: connection does not exist\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call

Test Procedure 2. DUT: Issue a SEND call
3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection does not
exist\" to the application
2. DUT: Issue a SEND call
Pass Criteria 3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection does not
exist\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p56 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 621
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_SEND_02: Send: Connection closing [finwait-1]

If SEND call arrives on state FINWAIT-1, TCP MUST return \"error: connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to the FINWAIT-1 state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issue a SEND call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issue a SEND call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p57 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 622
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_SEND_03: Send: Connection closing [finwait-2]

If SEND call arrives on state FINWAIT-2, TCP MUST return \"error: connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to the FINWAIT-2 state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issue a SEND call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issue a SEND call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p57 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 623
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_SEND_04: Send: Foreign socket unspecified [listen]

If SEND call arrives on LISTEN state and foreign socket was not specified, TCP MUST
return \"error: foreign socket unspecified\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue SEND call
Test Procedure without specifying any foreign socket
3. DUT: Issues a SEND call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: foreign socket
unspecified\" to the application
3. DUT: Issues a SEND call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: foreign socket
unspecified\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p56 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 624
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_SEND_05: Send: Connection closing [closing]

Synopsys If SEND call arrives on state CLOSING, TCP MUST return \"error: connection closing\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to the CLOSING state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issue a SEND call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issue a SEND call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p57 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 625
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_SEND_06: Send: Connection closing [last-ack]

If SEND call arrives on state LAST-ACK, TCP MUST return \"error: connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to the LAST-ACK state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issue a SEND call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issue a SEND call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p57 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 626
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_ SEND_07: Send: Queueing SEND [syn-sent] (MAY)

Synopsys If a SEND call arrives on SYN-SENT state, TCP MAY queue the request

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT to move on to SYN-SENT state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Send ACK
5. DUT: Send the data segment
4. DUT: Send ACK
Pass Criteria
5. DUT: Send the data segment

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p56 Event Processing


TCP_CALL_ SEND_08: Send: Queueing SEND [syn-rcvd] (MAY)

Synopsys If a SEND call arrives on SYN-RCVD state, TCP MAY queue the request

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT to move on to SYN-RCVD state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Cause the application to issue a SEND call
4. DUT: Send the data segment
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Send the data segment

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p56 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 627
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_SEND_09: Send: Connection closing [time-wait]

If SEND call arrives on state TIME-WAIT, TCP MUST return \"error: connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to the TIME-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issue a SEND call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issue a SEND call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p57 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 628
OPEN Alliance Processing TCP RECEIVE Calls Received from the Application Layer

TCP_CALL_RECEIVE_01: Receive: Connection closing [closing]

If RECEIVE call arrives on state CLOSING, TCP MUST return \"error: connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the CLOSING state

2. TESTER: Cause the application to issue a RECEIVE call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p59 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 629
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_RECEIVE_02: Receive: Connection does not exist [closed]

If RECEIVE call arrives on CLOSED state, and the user has got access to such conn, TCP
MUST return \"error: connection does not exist\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a RECEIVE call

Test Procedure 2. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection does not
exist\" to the application
2. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
Pass Criteria 3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection does not
exist\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p58 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 630
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_RECEIVE_03: Receive: Queueing Receive [syn-sent]

If RECEIVE call arrives on SYN-SENT state, TCP MUST queue the request for processing
after entering ESTABLISHED state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to SYN-SENT state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a RECEIVE call
3. DUT: Queue the request
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Send SYN,ACK
5. DUT: Send ACK
6. TESTER: Send a data segment
7. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns the data in response to the
queued RECEIVE call
3. DUT: Queue the request
5. DUT: Send ACK
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns the data in response to the
queued RECEIVE call

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p58 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 631
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_RECEIVE_04: Receive: Reassemble queues incoming segments [established

| finwait-1 | finwait-2]


reassemble queued incoming segments and return to the application

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to the <wst> state

2. TESTER: Send <nss> number of small sized <ssz> data segments
3. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a RECEIVE
Test Procedure
call having more than <nss>*<ssz> buffer size
4. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns the reassembled data to the
receiving application
4. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns the reassembled data to the
receiving application


Test Iterations 2. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-1
3. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-2

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p58 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 632
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_RECEIVE_05: Receive: Queued data [close-wait]

If RECEIVE call arrives on CLOSE-WAIT state and there is data awaiting delivery, TCP
MUST return the data to the application

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment with FIN flag set
Test Procedure 3. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a RECEIVE call
4. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns the data to the receiving
4. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns the data to the receiving

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p59 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 633
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_RECEIVE_06: Receive: Connection closing on no queued data [close-wait]

If RECEIVE call arrives on CLOSE-WAIT state and there is no data awaiting delivery, TCP
MUST respond \"error: connection closing\" to the application

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to CLOSE-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a RECEIVE call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT responds \"error: connection closing\"
to the receiving application
3. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT responds \"error: connection closing\"
to the receiving application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p59 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 634
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_RECEIVE_07: Receive: Connection closing [last-ack]

If RECEIVE call arrives on state LAST-ACK, TCP MUST return \"error: connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the LAST-ACK state

2. TESTER: Cause the application to issue a RECEIVE call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p59 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 635
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_RECEIVE_08: Receive: Connection closing [time-wait]

If RECEIVE call arrives on state TIME-WAIT, TCP MUST return \"error: connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to the TIME-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Cause the application to issue a RECEIVE call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issues a RECEIVE call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p59 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 636
OPEN Alliance Processing CLOSE calls Received from the Application Layer

TCP_CALL_CLOSE_01: Close: Connection does not exist [closed]

For CLOSE call on CLOSED state, if the user has got access to such a connection, TCP
MUST return \"error: connection does not exist\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a CLOSE call

Test Procedure 2. DUT: Issues a CLOSE call
3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection does not
exist\" to the application
2. DUT: Issues a CLOSE call
Pass Criteria 3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection does not
exist\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p60 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 637
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_CLOSE_02: Close: Connection closing [closing]

For CLOSE call on state CLOSING, TCP MUST return with \"error: connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to CLOSING state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a CLOSE call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues a CLOSE call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issues a CLOSE call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p61 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 638
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_CLOSE_03: Close: Connection closing [finwait-1]

Synopsys For CLOSE call on state FINWAIT-1, TCP SHOULD return \"error: connection closing\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to FINWAIT-1 state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a CLOSE call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues a CLOSE call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issues a CLOSE call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p60 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 639
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_CLOSE_04: Close: Connection closing [time-wait]

For CLOSE call on state TIME-WAIT, TCP MUST return with \"error: connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to TIME-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a CLOSE call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues a CLOSE call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issues a CLOSE call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p61 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 640
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_CLOSE_05: Close: Connection closing [finwait-2]

Synopsys For CLOSE call on state FINWAIT-2, TCP SHOULD return \"error: connection closing\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to FINWAIT-2 state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a CLOSE call
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Issues a CLOSE call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application
3. DUT: Issues a CLOSE call
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT returns \"error: connection closing\" to
the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p60 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 641
OPEN Alliance Processing TCP ABORT Calls Received from the Application Layer

TCP_CALL_ABORT_01: Abort: Connection does not exist [closed]

For ABORT call on CLOSED state, if user has got access to such connection, TCP MUST
return with \"error: connection does not exist\"

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an ABORT call

Test Procedure 2. DUT: Issues an ABORT call
3. TESTER: Verify that DUT MUST return \"error: connection does not
exist\" to the application
2. DUT: Issues an ABORT call
Pass Criteria 3. TESTER: Verify that DUT MUST return \"error: connection does not
exist\" to the application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p62 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 642
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_ABORT_02: Abort: Closing connection [established] -> [closed]

Synopsys For ABORT call in ESTABLISHED state TCP MUST enter CLOSED state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Cause the application to issue an ABORT call
3. DUT: Send a RESET control message
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state
3. DUT: Send a RESET control message
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p62 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 643
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CALL_ABORT_03: Abort: Closing connection [closing | last-ack | time-wait] ->


For ABORT call on CLOSING, LAST-ACK or TIME-WAIT state, TCP MUST respond with
\"ok\" and enter CLOSED state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to the <wst> state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an ABORT call
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Issues an ABORT call
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT responds with \"ok\" to the application
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state

3. DUT: Issues an ABORT call

Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT responds with \"ok\" to the application
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state

1. CASE: <wst> = CLOSING

Test Iterations 2. CASE: <wst> = LAST-ACK
3. CASE: <wst> = TIME-WAIT

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p62 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 644
OPEN Alliance TCP Packet Flag Generation in Response to Receiving Invalid Packets

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_01: [listen] RST -> ignore

Synopsys TCP MUST ignore an incoming segment with RST flag in LISTEN state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state at a <wnp>

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a segment with SYN and RST
3. DUT: Do not send any response
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in the LISTEN state
3. DUT: Do not send any response
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in the LISTEN state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p65 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 645
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_02: [listen] ACK-> RST(seq <- ack) [listen]

TCP in LISTEN state, TCP MUST send RST in response to incoming segment with ACK and
remain in the same state, SEQ number of RST is taken from SEG.ACK

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state at a <wnp>

2. TESTER: Send a segment with SYN and ACK
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send a RST control message with SEQ number same as the ACK
number of the incoming segment
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in the LISTEN state
3. DUT: Send a RST control message with SEQ number same as the ACK
Pass Criteria number of the incoming segment
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in the LISTEN state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p65 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 646
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_03: [syn-sent] ACK/RST-> ignore

TCP in SYN-SENT state MUST ignore a segment carrying an unacceptable ACK and

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to SYN-SENT state

2. TESTER: Send a segment having both ACK and RST flags with
Test Procedure
unacceptable ACK number
3. DUT: Do not send any response
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in SYN-SENT state
3. DUT: Do not send any response
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in SYN-SENT state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p66 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 647
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_04: [syn-sent] RST-> ignore

Synopsys TCP, in SYN-SENT state MUST ignore a RST control message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to SYN-SENT state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a RST control message
3. DUT: Do not send any response
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in SYN-SENT state
3. DUT: Do not send any response
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in SYN-SENT state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p67 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 648
OPEN Alliance


TCP, in SYN-SENT state MUST move on to CLOSED state after receiving a segment with
ACK and RST and acceptable ACK number

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to SYN-SENT state

2. TESTER: Send a segment a flag set along with RST flag with
Test Procedure acceptable ACK number
3. DUT: Goes to CLOSED state
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state

3. DUT: Goes to CLOSED state

Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state

1. CASE: flag set = SYN,ACK

Test Iterations
2. CASE: flag set = ACK

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p67 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 649
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_06: [syn-sent] no syn/no rst-> do nothing

TCP, in SYN-SENT state MUST drop the packet and remain in the same state after
receiving a segment with neither SYN nor RST flag set

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to SYN-SENT state

2. TESTER: Send a segment of type <stp> along with ACK flag with
Test Procedure acceptable ACK number
3. DUT: DUT does not change state
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT does not send a SYN, ACK and remains in SYN-SENT state

3. DUT: DUT does not change state

Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT does not send a SYN, ACK and remains in SYN-SENT state

1. CASE: <stp> = ACK segment

Test Iterations
2. CASE: <stp> = Data segment

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p68 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 650
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_07: [syn-rcvd] !RST(otw SEQ)-> ACK(SEQ)

TCP, in SYN-RCVD state, MUST send ACK with next expected SEQ num on receiving any
segment (without RST) with OTW SEQ number and remain in the same state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to SYN-RCVD state

2. TESTER: Send a segment with a flag set and with an unacceptable SEQ
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in SYN-RCVD state

3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
Pass Criteria next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in SYN-RCVD state

1. CASE: flag set = SYN

2. CASE: flag set = SYN,ACK
Test Iterations 3. CASE: flag set = ACK
4. CASE: flag set = FIN
5. CASE: flag set = Data segment

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p69 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 651
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_08: [established] (otw SEQ)-> ACK(seq) [established]

TCP, in ESTABLISHED state, MUST send an ACK with next expected SEQ number after
recv any segment with OTW SEQ number and remain in the same state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Send a segment with a flag set and with an unacceptable SEQ
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in ESTABLISHED state

3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
Pass Criteria next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in ESTABLISHED state

1. CASE: flag set = SYN

2. CASE: flag set = SYN,ACK
Test Iterations 3. CASE: flag set = ACK
4. CASE: flag set = FIN
5. CASE: flag set = Data segment

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p69 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 652
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_09: [finwait-1] (otw SEQ)-> ACK(seq) [finwait-1]

TCP, in FINWAIT-1 state, MUST send ACK with next expected SEQ number after receiving
any segment with OTW SEQ number and remain in the same state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to FINWAIT-1 state

2. TESTER: Send a segment with a flag set and with an unacceptable SEQ
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in FINWAIT-1 state

3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
Pass Criteria next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in FINWAIT-1 state

1. CASE: flag set = SYN

2. CASE: flag set = SYN,ACK
Test Iterations 3. CASE: flag set = ACK
4. CASE: flag set = FIN
5. CASE: flag set = Data segment

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p69 Event Processing

Notes Control Protocol (TCP)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 653
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_10: [finwait-2] (otw SEQ)-> ACK(seq) [finwait-2]

TCP, in FINWAIT-2 state, MUST send ACK with next expected SEQ number after receiving
any segment with OTW SEQ number and remain in the same state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to FINWAIT-2 state

2. TESTER: Send a segment with a flag set and with an unacceptable SEQ
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in FINWAIT-2 state

3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
Pass Criteria next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in FINWAIT-2 state

1. CASE: flag set = SYN

2. CASE: flag set = SYN,ACK
Test Iterations 3. CASE: flag set = ACK
4. CASE: flag set = FIN
5. CASE: flag set = Data segment

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p69 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 654
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_11: [close-wait] (otw SEQ)-> ACK(seq) [close-wait]

TCP, in CLOSE-WAIT state, MUST send an ACK with next expected SEQ number after recv
any segment with OTW SEQ number and remain in the same state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to CLOSE-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Send a segment with a flag set and with an unacceptable SEQ
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in CLOSE-WAIT state

3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
Pass Criteria next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in CLOSE-WAIT state

1. CASE: flag set = SYN

2. CASE: flag set = SYN,ACK
Test Iterations 3. CASE: flag set = ACK
4. CASE: flag set = FIN
5. CASE: flag set = Data segment

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p69 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 655
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_12: [closing] (otw SEQ)-> ACK(seq) [closing]

TCP, in CLOSING state, MUST send an ACK with next expected SEQ number after
receiving any segment with OTW SEQ number and remain in the same state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to CLOSING state

2. TESTER: Send a segment with a flag set and with an unacceptable SEQ
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in CLOSING state

3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
Pass Criteria next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in CLOSING state

1. CASE: flag set = SYN

2. CASE: flag set = SYN,ACK
Test Iterations 3. CASE: flag set = ACK
4. CASE: flag set = FIN
5. CASE: flag set = Data segment

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p69 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 656
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_13: [last-ack] (otw SEQ)-> ACK(seq) [last-ack]

TCP, in LAST-ACK state, MUST send an ACK with next expected SEQ number after
receiving any segment with OTW SEQ number and remain in the same state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to LAST-ACK state

2. TESTER: Send a segment with a flag set and with an unacceptable
SEQ number
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in LAST-ACK state

3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
Pass Criteria next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in LAST-ACK state

1. CASE: flag set = SYN

2. CASE: flag set = SYN,ACK
Test Iterations 3. CASE: flag set = ACK
4. CASE: flag set = FIN
5. CASE: flag set = Data segment

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p69 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 657
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_14: [time-wait] (otw SEQ)-> ACK(seq) [time-wait]

TCP, in TIME-WAIT state, MUST send an ACK with next expected SEQ number after recv
any segment with OTW SEQ number and remain in the same state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to TIME-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Send a segment with a flag set and with an unacceptable SEQ
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify DUT remains in TIME-WAIT state for other cases

3. DUT: Send an ACK with ACK number indicating the correct expected
Pass Criteria next SEQ number
4. TESTER: Verify DUT remains in TIME-WAIT state for other cases

1. CASE: flag set = FIN

Test Iterations
2. CASE: flag set = Data segment

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p69 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 658
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_INVALID_15: [!closed & !syn-sent & !listen] RST(otw SEQ) -> ignore

TCP, in any state other than CLOSED, SYN-SENT and LISTEN states, MUST ignore a RST
segment with OTW SEQ number

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to <wst> state

2. TESTER: Send a RST segment with an unacceptable SEQ number
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Do not send any response
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in <wst> state

3. DUT: Do not send any response

Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in <wst> state


3. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-1
4. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-2
Test Iterations
5. CASE: <wst> = CLOSE-WAIT
6. CASE: <wst> = CLOSING
7. CASE: <wst> = LAST-ACK
8. CASE: <wst> = TIME-WAIT

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p69 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 659
OPEN Alliance Processing TCP Flags

TCP_FLAGS_PROCESSING_01: [syn-rcvd] RST -> connection-refused (active open)

TCP, in SYN-RCVD state, reached through active OPEN, MUST inform \"connection
refused\" to application on recv a RST

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to SYN-RCVD state initiated by active

OPEN call
2. TESTER: Send a RESET segment
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Cause DUT side app to issue a receive call
4. DUT: Returns error
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT informs \"connection refused\" to the
receiving application
4. DUT: Returns error
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT informs \"connection refused\" to the
receiving application

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p70 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 660
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_PROCESSING_02: [established | FinWait-1 | FinWait-2 | Close-Wait] RST ->



return to CLOSED state on RESET

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to <wst> state

2. TESTER: Send a RST segment
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Moves to CLOSED state
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state

Pass Criteria 3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state

1. CASE: <wst> = SYN-RCVD

Test Iterations
3. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-1
4. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-2
5. CASE: <wst> = CLOSE-WAIT
Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p70 Event Processing

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 661
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_PROCESSING_03: [closing | last-ack] RST -> [closed]

Synopsys TCP, in CLOSING, LAST-ACK state, MUST return to CLOSED state on receiving a RST

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to <wst> state

2. TESTER: Send a RST segment
3. DUT: Goes to CLOSED state
Test Procedure
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state

3. DUT: Goes to CLOSED state

Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state

1. CASE: <wst> = CLOSING

Test Iterations
2. CASE: <wst> = LAST-ACK

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p70 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 662
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_PROCESSING_04: [time-wait] RST -> [closed]

TCP, in TIME-WAIT state, MUST return to CLOSED state on receiving a RST

Synopsys (Note: Test case will be executes only if DUT does not
support RFC 1337 based Time Wait Assassination Avoidance)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to TIME-WAIT state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a RST segment
3. DUT: Goes to CLOSED state
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state
3. DUT: Goes to CLOSED state
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p70 Event Processing

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 663
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_PROCESSING_05: [syn-rcvd] SYN -> [closed]

TCP, in SYN-RCVD state, MUST send a reset and go to CLOSED state, on recv a seg with
SYN in window

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to SYN-RCVD state

2. TESTER: Send a segment of type Stp
3. DUT: Send a RST segment
Test Procedure
4.TESTER: Verify that the receiving application receives the signal
that \"connection reset\" has occurred from the remote site and the DUT moves on to
CLOSED state

Pass Criteria 3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT moves on to CLOSED state

1. CASE: <stp> = SYN in window

Test Iterations
2. CASE: <stp> = SYN,ACK in window

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p71 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 664
OPEN Alliance


TCP, in TIME-WAIT state, MUST acknowledge a retransmitted FIN and restart the
2*MSL time-out

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to TIME-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Send the last FIN once more
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send ACK for the retransmitted FIN
4. TESTER: Wait for 1.5*MSL time
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in TIME-WAIT state
3. DUT: Send ACK for the retransmitted FIN
Pass Criteria
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in TIME-WAIT state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p73 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 665
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_PROCESSING_07: [close-wait | closing | last-ack | time-wait] URG -> ignore


segment with only URG flag set

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to <wst> state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a data segment with URG flag set
3. DUT: Do not send any response

Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Do not send any response

1. CASE: <wst> = CLOSE-WAIT

2. CASE: <wst> = CLOSING
Test Iterations
3. CASE: <wst> = LAST-ACK
4. CASE: <wst> = TIME-WAIT

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p74 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 666
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_PROCESSING_08: [closed| listen | syn-sent] FIN -> ignore

Synopsys TCP, in CLOSED, LISTEN or SYN-SENT state, MUST not process a FIN

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to <wst> state

2. TESTER: Send a FIN
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Do not send any response or retransmit SYN in SYN-SENT or LISTEN
state, and send a RST segment in CLOSED state
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in <wst> state

3. DUT: Do not send any response or retransmit SYN in SYN-SENT or LISTEN

Pass Criteria state, and send a RST segment in CLOSED state
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in <wst> state

1. CASE: <wst> = CLOSED

Test Iterations 2. CASE: <wst> = LISTEN
3. CASE: <wst> = SYN-SENT

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p75 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 667
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_PROCESSING_09: [close-wait| closing | last-ack] FIN -> ignore

TCP, in CLOSE-WAIT, CLOSING or LAST-ACK state, MUST not change state after
receiving a FIN

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to <wst> state

2. TESTER: Send a FIN
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Do not change state
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in <wst> state

3. DUT: Do not change state

Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in <wst> state

1. CASE: <wst> = CLOSE-WAIT

Test Iterations 2. CASE: <wst> = CLOSING
3. CASE: <wst> = LAST-ACK

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p75 Event Processing


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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 668
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_PROCESSING_10: [established] piggybacking

TCP, in ESTABLISHED state, SHOULD piggyback acknowledgement with a segment being

transmitted (whenever possible) without incurring undue delay

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call
for data of size equal to the receive window of TESTER
3. DUT: Send the data segment
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Cause the application to issue one more SEND call for data
5. DUT: Do not send this data segment
6. TESTER: Send a data segment with ACK for the previous received
7. DUT: Send the pending data segment piggybacking the
acknowledgement within 0.5 sec
3. DUT: Send the data segment
5. DUT: Do not send this data segment
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Send the pending data segment piggybacking the
acknowledgement within 0.5 sec

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p74 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 669
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_PROCESSING_11: [established] dupplicate ACK -> ignore

Synopsys TCP, in ESTABLISHED state, MUST ignore a duplicate ACK

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state at a <wnp>

2. TESTER: Cause DUT to move to ESTABLISHED state
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Send the last ACK once more
4. DUT: Do not send any response
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in ESTABLISHED state
4. DUT: Do not send any response
Pass Criteria
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in ESTABLISHED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p72 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 670
OPEN Alliance Closing a TCP Connection

TCP_CLOSING_01: [syn-rvcd] RST -> [closed] (active open)

TCP, if starts as an active connection and reaches SYN-RCVD state MUST go to CLOSED
state on RESET

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT: Move on to SYN-RCVD state starting with an active OPEN call

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a RST
3. DUT: Go to CLOSED state
4. TESTER: Verify that DUT goes to CLOSED state
1. DUT: Move on to SYN-RCVD state starting with an active OPEN call
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Go to CLOSED state
4. TESTER: Verify that DUT goes to CLOSED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.13 p88 Closing a connection "RFC-793 Section 3.5"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 671
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CLOSING_02: [established] RST -> [closed] inform upper layer

TCP, in ESTABLISHED state MUST inform the application in case of aborting from
remote site

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT: Move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a RECEIVE call
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Send a RST
4. TESTER: Verify that the receiving application receives the signal
that \"connection reset\" has occurred from the remote site
1. DUT: Move on to ESTABLISHED state
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the receiving application receives the signal
that \"connection reset\" has occurred from the remote site

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.13 p87 Closing a connection "RFC-793 Section 3.5"

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 672
OPEN Alliance


Synopsys TCP SHOULD allow a received RST segment to include data

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a RST segment containing some ASCII-data
3. DUT: Do not send any response
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT is in CLOSED state
3. DUT: Do not send any response
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT is in CLOSED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.12 p87 RST Segment "RFC-793 Section 3.4"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 673
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CLOSING_04: [finwait-1 | finwait-2] DATA half duplex closing

TCP MAY implement a half-duplex TCP close sequence, so that an application after
closing cannot continue to read data from the connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to <wst> state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send a RST control message
4. TESTER: Verify that the receiving application does not
receive the data

3. DUT: Send a RST control message

Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the receiving application does not
receive the data

1. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-1

Test Iterations
2. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-2

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.13 p88 Closing a connection "RFC-793 Section 3.5"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 674
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CLOSING_05: [time-wait] SYN -> SYN/ACK

Synopsys TCP MAY accept a new SYN from the remote TCP in TIME-WAIT state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to TIME-WAIT state through <wst>

2. TESTER: Send a SYN on the same port
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send ACK and verify that the DUT moves on to

Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK

1. CASE: <wst> = FINWAIT-2

Test Iterations
2. CASE: <wst> = CLOSING

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.13 p88 Closing a connection "RFC-793 Section 3.5"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 675
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CLOSING_06: [established] CLOSE -> FIN

Local user initiates the close, a FIN segment can be constructed and placed on the
outgoing segment queue

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Cause DUT side application to issue a CLOSE call
3. DUT: Send a FIN
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send a FIN

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.5 p38 Closing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 676
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CLOSING_07: [established] CLOSE -> FIN [finwait-1] RECEIVE + DATA -> ACK

Local user initiates the close, TCP enters the FIN-WAIT-1 state. RECEIVEs are allowed
in this state.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


2. TESTER: Cause DUT side application to issue a CLOSE call
3. DUT: DUT sends a FIN and Reaches FIN-WAIT-1 State
4. TESTER: Cause DUT side application to issue a RECEIVE call
Test Procedure
5. DUT: Issue a RECEIVE call
6. TESTER: Send some data to DUT
7. DUT: Send ACK of the received data
8. TESTER: Check that DUT receives proper data
9. TESTER: Check that DUT remains in FIN-WAIT-1 state
3. DUT: DUT sends a FIN and Reaches FIN-WAIT-1 State
5. DUT: Issue a RECEIVE call
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Send ACK of the received data
8. TESTER: Check that DUT receives proper data
9. TESTER: Check that DUT remains in FIN-WAIT-1 state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.5 p38 Closing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 677
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CLOSING_08: [finwait-2] RECEIVE + DATA -> ACK [finwait-2]

Synopsys TCP enters the FIN-WAIT-2 state. RECEIVEs are allowed in this state.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Take DUT to FIN-WAIT-2 state

2. TESTER: Cause DUT side application to issue a RECEIVE call
3. DUT: Issue a RECEIVE call
Test Procedure
4. TESTER: Send some data to DUT
5. DUT: Send ACK of the received data
6. TESTER: Check that DUT receives proper data
7. TESTER: Check that DUT remains in FIN-WAIT-2 state
3. DUT: Issue a RECEIVE call
5. DUT: Send ACK of the received data
Pass Criteria
6. TESTER: Check that DUT receives proper data
7. TESTER: Check that DUT remains in FIN-WAIT-2 state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.5 p38 Closing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 678
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CLOSING_09: [established] FIN -> [close_wait]

If an unsolicited FIN arrives from the network TCP enters the CLOSE_WAIT state. TCP
can send any remaining data.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


2. TESTER: Send a FIN
3. DUT: Send ACK for the received FIN
Test Procedure
4. TESTER: Cause the DUT side application to send some data
5. DUT: Send data
6. TESTER: Check that DUT sent proper data
7. TESTER: Check that DUT remains in CLOSE_WAIT state
3. DUT: Send ACK for the received FIN
5. DUT: Send data
Pass Criteria
6. TESTER: Check that DUT sent proper data
7. TESTER: Check that DUT remains in CLOSE_WAIT state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.5 p38 Closing a Connection


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 679
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CLOSING_10: [finwait-1] RECEIVE + RST -> connection reset

TCP, FINWAIT-1 state MUST inform the application in case of aborting from remote

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT: Move on to FINWAIT-1 state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a RECEIVE call
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Send a RST
4. TESTER: Verify that the receiving application receives the signal
that \"connection reset\" has occurred from the remote site
1. DUT: Move on to FINWAIT-1 state
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the receiving application receives the signal
that \"connection reset\" has occurred from the remote site

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.13 p87 Closing a connection "RFC-793 Section 3.5"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 680
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CLOSING_11: [finwait-2] RECEIVE + RST -> connection reset

TCP, FINWAIT-2 state MUST inform the application in case of aborting from remote

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT: Move on to FINWAIT-2 state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a RECEIVE call
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Send a RST
4. TESTER: Verify that the receiving application receives the signal
that \"connection reset\" has occurred from the remote site
1. DUT: Move on to FINWAIT-2 state
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the receiving application receives the signal
that \"connection reset\" has occurred from the remote site

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.13 p87 Closing a connection "RFC-793 Section 3.5"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 681
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CLOSING_12: [close-wait] RECEIVE + RST -> connection reset

TCP, in CLOSE-WAIT state MUST inform the application in case of aborting from
remote site

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT: Move on to CLOSE-WAIT state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a RECEIVE call
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Send a RST
4. TESTER: Verify that the receiving application receives the signal
that \"connection reset\" has occurred from the remote site
1. DUT: Move on to CLOSE-WAIT state
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the receiving application receives the signal
that \"connection reset\" has occurred from the remote site

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.13 p87 Closing a connection "RFC-793 Section 3.5"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 682
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CLOSING_13: [closed] RST -> [closed]

Synopsys TCP in a CLOSED state, MUST ignore a RST control message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a RST control message

Test Procedure
2. DUT: Do not send any response
3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in CLOSED state
2. DUT: Do not send any response
Pass Criteria
3. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in CLOSED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.9 p65 Event Processing


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 683
OPEN Alliance Processing of TCP MSS, End of Option List, and No-Operation


TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_01: Illegal option length for MSS in a SYN segment

TCP MUST be prepared to handle an illegal option length for MSS, in a SYN segment,
without crashing

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state at a <wnp>

2. TESTER: Send a SYN with MSS option having illegal length, ilen
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send a TCP Packet (indicating DUT has NOT crashed)
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in the LISTEN state

3. DUT: Send a TCP Packet (indicating DUT has NOT crashed)

Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in the LISTEN state

1. CASE: ilen = 0 (less than actual)

Test Iterations
2. CASE: ilen = 5 (more than actual)

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.5 p85 TCP Options "RFC-793 Section 3.1"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 684
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_02: No Operation and End of Options List options in SYN segment

TCP MUST be able to receive No Operation and End of Options List options in SYN

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state at a <wnp>

2. TESTER: Send a SYN with three No Operation options followed
Test Procedure by an End of Options list option
3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT is in ESTABLISHED state
3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK
Pass Criteria
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT is in ESTABLISHED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.5 p85 TCP Options "RFC-793 Section 3.1"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 685
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_03: Unimplemented TCP Option

Synopsys TCP MUST ignore without error any TCP option it does not implement

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to LISTEN state on a <wnp>

2. TESTER: Send a SYN with an unimplemented TCP option <uopt>
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT is in ESTABLISHED state
3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK
Pass Criteria
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT is in ESTABLISHED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.5 p85 TCP Options "RFC-793 Section 3.1"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 686
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_04: Illegal option length for MSS in a SYN segment

TCP MUST be prepared to handle an illegal option length for MSS, in a SYN segment; a
suggested procedure is to reset the connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state at a <wnp>

2. TESTER: Send a SYN with MSS option having illegal length, ilen
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send a RST
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in the LISTEN state

3. DUT: Send a RST

Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Verify that the DUT remains in the LISTEN state

1. CASE: ilen = 0 (less than actual)

Test Iterations
2. CASE: ilen = 5 (more than actual)

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.5 p85 TCP Options "RFC-793 Section 3.1"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 687
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_05: Illegal option length for MSS in a SYN-ACK segment

TCP MUST be prepared to handle an illegal option length for MSS, in a SYN-ACK
segment, without crashing

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active

OPEN call
Test Procedure 2. DUT: Send a SYN
3. TESTER: Send SYN,ACK with MSS option having illegal length, ilen
4. DUT: Send a TCP Packet (indicating DUT has NOT crashed)

2. DUT: Send a SYN

Pass Criteria
4. DUT: Send a TCP Packet (indicating DUT has NOT crashed)

1. CASE: ilen = 0 (less than actual)

Test Iterations
2. CASE: ilen = 5 (more than actual)

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.5 p85 TCP Options "RFC-793 Section 3.1"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 688
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_06: MSS option in SYN segment

TCP MUST be able to receive MSS option in SYN segment and calculate the effective
send segment size appropriately

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN with MSS option having a value Mv
3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK
Test Procedure 5. TESTER: Cause the application to issue a SEND request for data with
size at least max(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, MSS)
6. DUT: Send data segment(s)
7. TESTER: Verify that the first received segment has size that is
min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, MSS)

3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK

6. DUT: Send data segment(s)
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that the first received segment has size that is
min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, MSS)

1. CASE: Mv is smaller than (transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20) of DUT

Test Iterations
2. CASE: Mv is larger than (transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20) of DUT

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.6 p85 Maximum Segment Size Option "RFC-793 Section


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 689
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_07: Default send MSS of 536

TCP MUST assume a default send MSS of 536 if MSS option is not received at
connection setup

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send ACK with MSS option having a value smaller than
min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, 536)
Test Procedure
5. TESTER: Cause the application to issue a SEND request for
data with size just higher than
min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, 536)
6. DUT: Send a data segment
7. TESTER: Verify that the received segment has size equal to
min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, 536)
3. DUT: Send SYN,ACK
6. DUT: Send a data segment
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that the received segment has size equal to
min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, 536)

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.6 p85 Maximum Segment Size Option "RFC-793 Section


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 690
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_08: MSS value default and changing

SendMSS is the MSS value received from the remote host, or the default 536 if no MSS
option is received.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment with MSS option having a value smaller
than the min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, 536)
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Cause the application to issue a SEND request for data with
size min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, 536)
4. DUT: Send a data segment
5. TESTER: Verify that the received segment has size equal to
min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, 536)
1. DUT: Move on to ESTABLISHED state
4. DUT: Send a data segment
Pass Criteria
5. TESTER: Verify that the received segment has size equal to
min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, 536)

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.6 p85 Maximum Segment Size Option "RFC-793 Section


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 691
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_09: MSS option in SYN ACK segment

TCP MUST be able to receive MSS option in SYN,ACK segment and calculate the effective
send segment size appropriately

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an OPEN call

2. DUT: Send a SYN
3. TESTER: Send SYN,ACK with MSS option having a value Mv
4. DUT: Send ACK
Test Procedure 5. TESTER: Cause the application to issue a send request for data with
size at least max(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, MSS)
6. DUT: Send data segment(s)
7. TESTER: Verify that the first received segment has size that is
min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, MSS)

2. DUT: Send a SYN

4. DUT: Send ACK
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Send data segment(s)
7. TESTER: Verify that the first received segment has size that is
min(transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20, MSS)

1. CASE: Mv is smaller than (transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20) of DUT

Test Iterations
2. CASE: Mv is larger than (transport_layer_max_send_msg_size-20) of DUT

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.5 p85 TCP Options "RFC-793 Section 3.1"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 692
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_10: MSS option is not received

If an MSS option is not received at connection setup, TCP MUST assume a default send MSS
of 536

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a SYN without MSS option

2. DUT: Send SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a send
request for data of size more than 536 bytes
Test Procedure 5. DUT: Send data segment(s)
6. TESTER: Verify that the first received data segment has 536 bytes
Note: It may happen that the send mss of DUT is also 536 bytes. In order to verify that DUT
is actually dividing the data into segments based on the default mss value of TESTER,
Transport Layer Maximum Send Segment Size of DUT must be greater than 556. Therefore
Transport Layer Maximum Send Segment Size of DUT is compared with a value 600(greater
than 556) in this test case.The value 600 includes max ipoptions size(if any)
2. DUT: Send SYN,ACK
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Send data segment(s)
6. TESTER: Verify that the first received data segment has 536 bytes

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.6 p85 Maximum Segment Size Option "RFC-793 Section 3.1"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 693
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_11: Sending the MSS option

Synopsys TCP MUST implement sending the MSS option

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause an application on the DUT-side to issue an OPEN call

Test Procedure
2. DUT: Send a SYN
3. TESTER: Verify that received SYN contains MSS option
2. DUT: Send a SYN
Pass Criteria
3. TESTER: Verify that received SYN contains MSS option

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.6 p85 Maximum Segment Size Option "RFC-793
Section 3.1"
Control Protocol (TCP)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 694
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_12: MSS option in every SYN segment differs default

TCP SHOULD send MSS option in every SYN segment when its receive MSS differs
from the default 536

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Receive MSS of the DUT is different from the default
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active
OPEN call
3. DUT: Send a SYN with an MSS different from the default 536
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send a SYN with an MSS different from the default 536

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.6 p85 Maximum Segment Size Option "RFC-793 Section


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 695
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_13: MSS option in every SYN segment same default

TCP MAY send MSS option in every SYN segment even when its receive MSS value is
same as the default 536

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active

Test Procedure
OPEN call
2. DUT: Send a SYN which may contain MSS option having a value of 536
Pass Criteria 2. DUT: Send a SYN which may contain MSS option having a value of 536

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.6 p85 Maximum Segment Size Option "RFC-793 Section


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 696
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MSS_OPTIONS_14: Handle an illegal option length for MSS in a SYN ACK segment

TCP MUST be prepared to handle an illegal option length for MSS, in a SYN,ACK
segment; a suggested procedure is to reset the connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active

OPEN call
Test Procedure 2. DUT: Send a SYN
3. TESTER: Send SYN,ACK with MSS option having illegal length, ilen
4. DUT: Send a RST

2. DUT: Send a SYN

Pass Criteria
4. DUT: Send a RST

1. CASE: ilen = 0 (less than actual)

Test Iterations
2. CASE: ilen = 5 (more than actual)

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.5 p85 TCP Options "RFC-793 Section 3.1"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 697
OPEN Alliance Processing Out of Order Segments and Delayed ACKs

TCP_OUT_OF_ORDER_01: Timing full-sized segment

Synopsys A full-sized segment MUST be acknowledged within a time of 0.5 sec

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state at a <wnp>

2. TESTER: Send a full-sized segment
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send an ACK after some time
4. TESTER: Verify that the delay in receiving the ACK (subtracting the
average round-trip-time) is less than 0.5 sec
3. DUT: Send an ACK after some time
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the delay in receiving the ACK (subtracting the
average round-trip-time) is less than 0.5 sec

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.2 p96 When to Send an ACK Segment

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 698
OPEN Alliance

TCP_OUT_OF_ORDER_02: Timing delayed ACK

Synopsys TCP SHOULD implement a delayed ACK, but the delay MUST be less than 0.5 sec

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to full-window operation in

ESTABLISHED state at a <wnp>
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send two data segments consecutively without any delay
3. DUT: Send a single ACK for the data segments after a delay
4. TESTER: Verify that the delay (subtracting the average round trip
time) is less than 0.5 sec
3. DUT: Send a single ACK for the data segments after a delay
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the delay (subtracting the average round trip
time) is less than 0.5 sec

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.2 p96 When to Send an ACK Segment

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 699
OPEN Alliance

TCP_OUT_OF_ORDER_03: Queuing out-of-order segments

Synopsys TCP SHOULD be capable of queuing out-of-order segments

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state at a <wnp>

2. TESTER: Send a data segment
3. DUT: Send the ACK for the data segment
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Send <nss> number of data segments leaving a gap in SEQ
numbers (as if a segment is skipped) at the beginning
5. DUT: Do not send ACKs for these segments
6. TESTER: Send a segment having data for the missing SEQ numbers
7. DUT: Send ACK for all queued data seg(s) including the latest one
3. DUT: Send the ACK for the data segment
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Do not send ACKs for these segments
7. DUT: Send ACK for all queued data seg(s) including the latest one

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.20 p93 Event Processing "RFC-793 Section 3.9"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 700
OPEN Alliance

TCP_OUT_OF_ORDER_04: Acknowledging RCV.NXT for valid out-of-order data


TCP MAY send an ACK segment acknowledging RCV.NXT for valid out-of-order data

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state at a <wnp>

2. TESTER: Send a data segment
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send the ACK for the segment
4. TESTER: Send a data segment that is in the receive window of DUT but
not at left window edge
5. DUT: Send an ACK acknowledging RCV.NXT
3. DUT: Send the ACK for the segment
Pass Criteria
5. DUT: Send an ACK acknowledging RCV.NXT

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.21 p94 Acknowledging Queued Segments "RFC-
793"Section 3.9 (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 701
OPEN Alliance

TCP_OUT_OF_ORDER_05: Stream of full-sized segments

In a stream of full-sized segments there SHOULD be an ACK for at least every second

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to full-window operation in

2. TESTER: Send some number of full-sized segments to fill the DUTs
Test Procedure
receive window buffer
3. DUT: Send ACKs for all the data segments
4. TESTER: Verify that for every even number of data segments sent the
number of ACKs received is at least half of that number
3. DUT: Send ACKs for all the data segments
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that for every even number of data segments sent the
number of ACKs received is at least half of that number

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.2 p96 When to Send an ACK Segment

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 702
OPEN Alliance

TCP_OUT_OF_ORDER_06: ACK Full-sized segment

Synopsys A full-sized segment MUST be acknowledged within a time of 0.5 sec

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Send a full-sized segment
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send an ACK after some time
4. TESTER: Verify that the delay in receiving the ACK (subtracting the
average round-trip-time) is less than 0.5 sec
3. DUT: Send an ACK after some time
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the delay in receiving the ACK (subtracting the
average round-trip-time) is less than 0.5 sec

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.2 p96 When to Send an ACK Segment

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 703
OPEN Alliance

TCP_OUT_OF_ORDER_07: Implement a delayed ACK

Synopsys TCP SHOULD implement a delayed ACK, but the delay MUST be less than 0.5 sec

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to full-window operation in

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send two data segments consecutively without any delay
3. DUT: Send a single ACK for the data segments after a delay
4. TESTER: Verify that the delay (subtracting the average round trip
time) is less than 0.5 sec
3. DUT: Send a single ACK for the data segments after a delay
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the delay (subtracting the average round trip
time) is less than 0.5 sec

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.2 p96 When to Send an ACK Segment

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 704
OPEN Alliance

TCP_OUT_OF_ORDER_08: Queuing out-of-order segments

Synopsys TCP SHOULD be capable of queuing out-of-order segments

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment
3. DUT: Send the ACK for the data segment
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Send <nss> number of data segments leaving a gap in SEQ
numbers (as if a segment is skipped) at the beginning
5. DUT: Do not send ACKs for these segments
6. TESTER: Send a segment having data for the missing SEQ numbers
7. DUT: Send ACK for all queued data seg(s) including the latest one
3. DUT: Send the ACK for the data segment
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Do not send ACKs for these segments
7. DUT: Send ACK for all queued data seg(s) including the latest one

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.20 p93 Event Processing "RFC-793 Section 3.9"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 705
OPEN Alliance

TCP_OUT_OF_ORDER_09: Acknowledging RCV.NXT

TCP MAY send an ACK segment acknowledging RCV.NXT for valid out-of-order data

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send the ACK for the segment
4. TESTER: Send a data segment that is in the receive window of DUT but
not at left window edge
5. DUT: Send an ACK acknowledging RCV.NXT
3. DUT: Send the ACK for the segment
Pass Criteria
5. DUT: Send an ACK acknowledging RCV.NXT

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.21 p94 Acknowledging Queued Segments "RFC-
793"Section 3.9 (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 706
OPEN Alliance SWS Avoidance Algorithm

TCP_AVOIDANCE_1: SWS Avoidance Algorithm less MSS

TCP MUST include an SWS avoidance algorithm in the receiver (Note: read some data
of size less than MSS)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Continue sending data until DUT sends ACK with window 0
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Cause DUT to read some data of size less than MSS
4. TESTER: Send 0 window probe
5. DUT: Send ACK containing zero window
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Send ACK containing zero window

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.3 p97 When to Send a Window Update (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 707
OPEN Alliance

TCP_AVOIDANCE_2: SWS Avoidance Algorithm greater MSS

TCP MUST include an SWS avoidance algorithm in the receiver (Note:read some data of
size greater or equal to MSS. TESTER follow the third step in a sequence. TESTER cause
DUT to receive multiple of 360 byte data until DUT read data of size greater or equal to

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Continue sending data until DUT sends ACK with window 0
Test Procedure 3. TESTER: Cause DUT to read some data of size greater or equal to MSS
4. TESTER: Send 0 window probe
5. DUT: Send ACK containing non-zero window
6. TESTER: Verify that non zero window size is greater or equal to MSS
5. DUT: Send ACK containing non-zero window
Pass Criteria
6. TESTER: Verify that non zero window size is greater or equal to MSS

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.3 p97 When to Send a Window Update (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 708
OPEN Alliance Retransmission Timeout

TCP_RETRANSMISSION_TO_01: Retransmitted packet (differs from the original


If a retransmitted packet differs from the original packet in the window value, then the
same IP identification field MUST NOT be used

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause an application on the DUT-side to issue a data SEND
3. DUT: Send the data segment
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Send data packet of size MSS to DUT
5. TESTER: Do not send ACK for the received data and cause the
retransmission timer on the DUT side to expire
6. DUT: Retransmit the data segment with changed window value
7. TESTER: Verify that the IP identification fields in the two received
packets are different
3. DUT: Send the data segment
6. DUT: Retransmit the data segment with changed window value
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that the IP identification fields in the two received
packets are different

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.15 p90 Retransmission Timeout "RFC-793 Section 3.7
page 41"


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 709
OPEN Alliance

TCP_RETRANSMISSION_TO_02: Retransmitted packet (differs from the original

packet in ack field)

If a retransmitted packet differs from the original packet in the acknowledgement field,
the same IP identification field MUST NOT be used

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause an application on the DUT-side to issue a data SEND
3. DUT: Send the data segment
4. TESTER: Do not send the ACK
Test Procedure
5. TESTER: Send a data segment so that it reaches on the DUT-side just
before the retransmission timer expires on the DUT-side
6. DUT: Retransmit the data segment with ACK for the data segment
received from the tester
7. TESTER: Verify that the IP identification fields in the two received
packets are different
3. DUT: Send the data segment
6. DUT: Retransmit the data segment with ACK for the data segment
Pass Criteria received from the tester
7. TESTER: Verify that the IP identification fields in the two received
packets are different

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.15 p90 Retransmission Timeout "RFC-793 Section 3.7
page 41"


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 710
OPEN Alliance

TCP_RETRANSMISSION_TO_03: Karn's algorithm

Synopsys TCP MUST follow the Karn's algorithm

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause an application on the DUT-side to issue a
data SEND request
3. DUT: Send the data segment
4. TESTER: Do not send the ACK and cause the retransmission
timer on the DUT side to expire
5. DUT: Send the data segment once more
Test Procedure 6. TESTER: Note the retransmission time (RTO)
7. TESTER: Send an ACK just before the RTO occurs on DUT
8. TESTER: Cause the application to issue SEND request for
one more data segment
9. DUT: Send the data segment
10. TESTER: Do not send ACK
11. DUT: Retransmit the data segment
12. TESTER: Verify that the retransmission timer value is twice
the value of RTO noted earlier(exponential backoff only)
3. DUT: Send the data segment
5. DUT: Send the data segment once more
9. DUT: Send the data segment
Pass Criteria
11. DUT: Retransmit the data segment
12. TESTER: Verify that the retransmission timer value is twice
the value of RTO noted earlier(exponential backoff only)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.1 p95 Retransmission Timeout Calculation (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 711
OPEN Alliance

TCP_RETRANSMISSION_TO_04: Exponential backoff RTO Data

TCP MUST include \"exponential backoff\" (check that it increases) for successive RTO
values for sending data segments

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause an application on the DUT-side to issue a data SEND
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send the data segment
4. TESTER: Do not send ACK
5. DUT: Retransmit the data segment after a timeout
6. TESTER: Do not send ACK and verify that RTO retransmission interval
is increasing at a fast (at least more than linear) rate
3. DUT: Send the data segment
Pass Criteria
5. DUT: Retransmit the data segment after a timeout

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.1 p95 Retransmission Timeout Calculation (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 712
OPEN Alliance

TCP_RETRANSMISSION_TO_05: Exponential backoff RTO SYN

TCP MUST include \"exponential backoff\" (check that it increases) for successive RTO
values for sending SYN segments

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active OPEN

2. DUT: Send a SYN
Test Procedure 3. TESTER: Do not send SYN,ACK
4. DUT: Retransmit the SYN segment after a timeout
5. TESTER: Do not send SYN,ACK and verify that RTO retransmission
interval is increasing at a fast (at least more than linear)
2. DUT: Send a SYN
Pass Criteria
4. DUT: Retransmit the SYN segment after a timeout

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.1 p95 Retransmission Timeout Calculation (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 713
OPEN Alliance


Synopsys TCP SHOULD use RTO = 3 sec initially

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active

OPEN call
Test Procedure 2. DUT: Send a SYN
3. TESTER: Do not send SYN,ACK
4. DUT: Retransmit the SYN segment after a timeout
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT used a timeout of 3 sec
2. DUT: Send a SYN
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Retransmit the SYN segment after a timeout
5. TESTER: Verify that the DUT used a timeout of 3 sec

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.1 p96 Retransmission Timeout Calculation (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 714
OPEN Alliance


Synopsys TCP SHOULD use RTT = zero sec initially

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call
for some data
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send the data segment
4. TESTER: Do not send ACK
5. DUT: Retransmit the data segment
6. TESTER: Verify that the RTO used has considered RTT = zero sec with
some pre-defined alpha, beta, LBOUND and UBOUND values
3. DUT: Send the data segment
5. DUT: Retransmit the data segment
Pass Criteria
6. TESTER: Verify that the RTO used has considered RTT = zero sec with
some pre-defined alpha, beta, LBOUND and UBOUND values

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.1 p96 Retransmission Timeout Calculation (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 715
OPEN Alliance


Synopsys TCP SHOULD use an upper bound of 2*MSL of RTO for data segments

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call
call some data
3. TESTER: Do not send ACK
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Retransmit the data segment
5. TESTER: Do not send any ACK and verify that the DUT repeatedly
retransmits with increasing delays till the retransmit
timeout reaches 2*MSL after which the RTO gets fixed at
that value
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Retransmit the data segment

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.1 p96 Retransmission Timeout Calculation (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 716
OPEN Alliance


Synopsys TCP SHOULD use an upper bound of 2*MSL of RTO for SYN segment

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active

OPEN call
2. DUT: Send a SYN
3. TESTER: Do not send SYN,ACK
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Retransmit the SYN segment
5. TESTER: Do not send any SYN,ACK and verify that the DUT repeatedly
retransmits with increasing delays till the retransmit
timeout reaches 2*MSL after which the RTO gets fixed at
that value
2. DUT: Send a SYN
Pass Criteria
4. DUT: Retransmit the SYN segment

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.1 p96 Retransmission Timeout Calculation (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 717
OPEN Alliance

TCP_RETRANSMISSION_TO_10: Same IP identification field

If a retransmitted packet is identical to the original packet, then the same IP

identification field MAY be used

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause an application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call
3. DUT: Send the data segment
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Do not send ACK and allow the retransmit timer on the
DUT-side to expire
5. DUT: Send the data segment once more
6. TESTER: Verify that the IP identification fields in the two received
packets are the same
3. DUT: Send the data segment
5. DUT: Send the data segment once more
Pass Criteria
6. TESTER: Verify that the IP identification fields in the two received
packets are the same

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.15 p90 Retransmission Timeout "RFC-793 Section 3.7
page 41"


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 718
OPEN Alliance Generation of Zero Window Probes

TCP_PROBING_WINDOWS_01: Indefinitely closed window

Synopsys A TCP MAY keep its offered receive window closed indefinitely

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Send enough data segments to fill the receiver window of DUT
where the receiving application is not asked to extract any
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send ACKs with the last window update shown to be zero
4. TESTER: Verify that even after a long time (2*MSL) the DUT remains
in the ESTABLISHED state
3. DUT: Send ACKs with the last window update shown to be zero
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that even after a long time (2*MSL) the DUT remains
in the ESTABLISHED state

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.17 p92 Probing Zero Windows "RFC-793 Section 3.7,
page 42"


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 719
OPEN Alliance

TCP_PROBING_WINDOWS_02: windows size unsigned number

Synopsys The windows size MUST be treated as an unsigned number

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to SYN-RCVD state

2. TESTER: Send ACK segment with a window size having the MSB set
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND
request for a data segment
4. DUT: Send the data segment
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Send the data segment

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.3 p83 Window Size "RFC-793 Section 3.1"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 720
OPEN Alliance

TCP_PROBING_WINDOWS_03: Window shrinking

A sending TCP MUST be robust against window shrinking, which may cause the
\"useable window\" to become negative

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue one data SEND
3. DUT: Send the data segment
4. TESTER: Send the ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue two more SEND
Test Procedure
calls for data segments
6. DUT: Send the data segments
7. TESTER: Send ACK for the first segment with an updated window value
of zero
8. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND request
for a data segment
9. DUT: Do not send the segment as the \"useable window\" is negative
3. DUT: Send the data segment
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Send the data segments
9. DUT: Do not send the segment as the \"useable window\" is negative

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.16 p91 Managing the Window "RFC-793 Section 3.7 page


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 721
OPEN Alliance

TCP_PROBING_WINDOWS_04: Open connection probes ACK

Even if the receive window is closed indefinitely, the sending TCP MUST allow the
connection to stay open as long as probes are acknowledged

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND
request for data segment
3. DUT: Send the data segment
4. TESTER: Send ACK declaring a zero receive window
Test Procedure 5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue another SEND
request for data segment
6. DUT: Send a zero window probe
7. TESTER: Acknowledge the probe maintaining zero window
8. DUT: Keep on sending the zero window probes, staying in the
ESTABLISHED state, as long as the tester acknowledges each
of them at every reception
3. DUT: Send the data segment
6. DUT: Send a zero window probe
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Keep on sending the zero window probes, staying in the
ESTABLISHED state, as long as the tester acknowledges each
of them at every reception

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.17 p92 Probing Zero Windows "RFC-793 Section 3.7, page
Control Protocol (TCP)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 722
OPEN Alliance

TCP_PROBING_WINDOWS_05: First zero window probe

TCP SHOULD send the first zero window probe when the receiver window size remains
zero for the retransmission timeout period

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND
request for data segments
3. DUT: Send the data segment
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Send ACK declaring a zero window
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue another SEND
request for data segment
6. DUT: Send a zero window probe after some delay
7. TESTER: Verify that the probe has been sent by the DUT after
waiting for at least the retransmission timeout
3. DUT: Send the data segment
6. DUT: Send a zero window probe after some delay
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that the probe has been sent by the DUT after
waiting for at least the retransmission timeout

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.17 p92 Probing Zero Windows "RFC-793 Section 3.7 page


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 723
OPEN Alliance

TCP_PROBING_WINDOWS_06: Increase interval zero window probes

TCP SHOULD increase exponentially the interval between successive zero window

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND
request for data segments
3. DUT: Send the data segment
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Send ACK declaring a zero window
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue another SEND
request for data segment
6. DUT: Keep sending zero window probes after some delays
7. TESTER: Verify that the delays between successive probes increases
3. DUT: Send the data segment
6. DUT: Keep sending zero window probes after some delays
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that the delays between successive probes increases

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.17 p92 Probing Zero Windows "RFC-793 Section 3.7
page 42"


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 724
OPEN Alliance Nagle Algorithm

TCP_NAGLE_01: Configurable TTL value

Synopsys The TTL value used to send TCP segments MUST be configurable

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Change the TTL of DUT side application
3. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND
Test Procedure
request for data segment
4. DUT: Send the data segment
5. TESTER: Verify that the IP datagram received contains the specified
TTL value
4. DUT: Send the data segment
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that the IP datagram received contains the specified
TTL value

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.19 p93 Time to Live "RFC-793 Section 3.9, page 52"

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 725
OPEN Alliance

TCP_NAGLE_02: Buffer all the user data until ACK

TCP SHOULD implement the Nagle Algorithm, i.e., buffer all the user data, regardless of
PSH, until the outstanding data has been acknowledged

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND
request for a segment
3. DUT: Send the data segment
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Do not acknowledge the data
5. TESTER: Cause the application to issue another SEND request with
the PSH bit (if possible to specify)
6. DUT: Do not send the data segment
7. TESTER: Acknowledge the previous data
8. DUT: Send the latter data segment
3. DUT: Send the data segment
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Do not send the data segment
8. DUT: Send the latter data segment

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.4 p98 When to Send Data (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 726
OPEN Alliance

TCP_NAGLE_03: Buffer all the user data until full-sized segment

TCP SHOULD implement the Nagle Algorithm, i.e., it buffers all user data, regardless of
PSH bit, until the TCP can send a full-sized segment

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND call
for a data segment
3. DUT: Send the data segment
4. TESTER: Do not acknowledge the data
Test Procedure
5. TESTER: Cause the application to issue another send request of small
size <ssz> with the PSH bit (if possible to specify)
6. DUT: Do not send the data segment
7. TESTER: Cause the application to issue one more SEND request with
the aggregate data size equal to effective send MSS
8. DUT: Send the aggregate data segment
3. DUT: Send the data segment
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Do not send the data segment
8. DUT: Send the aggregate data segment

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.4 p98 When to Send Data (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 727
OPEN Alliance

TCP_NAGLE_04: Disabling on application

There MUST be a way for an application to disable the Nagle Algorithm on an

individual connection

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a disabling
request of usage of Nagle Algorithm
3. TESTER: Cause the application to issue a SEND request for a data
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Send the data segment
5. TESTER: Do not acknowledge the data
6. TESTER: Cause the application to issue another SEND request
7. DUT: Send the data segment
4. DUT: Send the data segment
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Send the data segment

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.3.4 p98 When to Send Data (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 728
OPEN Alliance Use of the TCP PUSH Flag

TCP_FLAGS_PUSH_01: No Push flag implemented

If PUSH flags are not implemented, then the sending TCP MUST NOT buffer data

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to SEND a small segment
of size <ssz>
3. DUT: Send data within <tmx> time
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Send data within <tmx> time

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.2 p83 Use of Push "RFC-793 Section 2.8" (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 729
OPEN Alliance

TCP_FLAGS_PUSH_02: Aggregate data

TCP MAY aggregate data requested by an application for sending until accumulated
data exceeds effective send MSS

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue 2 SEND calls
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Do not send data
4. TESTER: Cause the application to issue a SEND call so that the
accumulated data just exceeds the effective send MSS
5. DUT: Send a data segment with effective send MSS size
3. DUT: Do not send data
Pass Criteria
5. DUT: Send a data segment with effective send MSS size

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.2 p82 Use of Push "RFC-793 Section 2.8" (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 730
OPEN Alliance Use of the Urgent Pointer

TCP_URGENT_PTR_01: Pointing to the sequence number

In the time of transmitting, TCP MUST keep the urgent pointer pointing to the sequence
number of the LAST octet in a sequence of urgent data

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND request
Test Procedure
for a data segment setting both the PUSH and URGENT flags
3. DUT: Send the data segment with URG flag bit set and the urgent
pointer value providing the offset of the last data byte
3. DUT: Send the data segment with URG flag bit set and the urgent
Pass Criteria
pointer value providing the offset of the last data byte

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.4 p84 Urgent Pointer "RFC-793 Section 3.1" (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 731
OPEN Alliance

TCP_URGENT_PTR_02: Sequence of urgent data of any length

Synopsys TCP MUST support a sequence of urgent data of any length for transmission

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to full-window operation in ESTABLISHED

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue SEND request
for data of size much more than MSS (say 10 times) with
Test Procedure
urgent flag set
3. DUT: Send data segments each of size MSS and containing the URG
flag bit set with urgent pointer pointing to the sequence
number of last byte of URG data, indicated as an offset
from current SEQ
3. DUT: Send data segments each of size MSS and containing the URG
flag bit set with urgent pointer pointing to the sequence
Pass Criteria
number of last byte of URG data, indicated as an offset
from current SEQ

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.4 p84 Urgent Pointer "RFC-793 Section 3.1" (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 732
OPEN Alliance

TCP_URGENT_PTR_03: Sequence number of the octet following the urgent data

The urgent pointer points to the sequence number of the octet following the urgent

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a SEND request
Test Procedure
for a data segment setting both the PUSH and URGENT flags
3. DUT: Send the data segment with URG flag bit set and the urgent
pointer value providing the offset of the (last+1) data byte
3. DUT: Send the data segment with URG flag bit set and the urgent
Pass Criteria
pointer value providing the offset of the (last+1) data byte

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC-793 Section 3.1 p17 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 733
OPEN Alliance

TCP_URGENT_PTR_04: Data following the urgent pointer not same buffer

The data following the urgent pointer (non-urgent data) MUST NOT be delivered to the
user in the same buffer with preceding urgent data

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Send a data segment with URG flag set and urgent pointer
containing the offset for the SEQ number of a byte that is
not the last byte of this data segment
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Receive the data segment and issue a signal to the
application that urgent data has arrived
4. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue a RECEIVE
call with a data buffer having size equal to the size of
the incoming data segment
5. DUT: Return the RECEIVE call putting only the urgent data
3. DUT: Receive the data segment and issue a signal to the
Pass Criteria application that urgent data has arrived
5. DUT: Return the RECEIVE call putting only the urgent data

Test Iterations

Derived from RFC 793 s3.7 p48 Interfaces


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 734
OPEN Alliance

TCP_URGENT_PTR_05: Sequence of urgent data of any length RFC 793

TCP MUST support a sequence of urgent data of any length for transmission (Note : This
test supports Urgent Pointer Mechanism of RFC 793)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to full-window operation in ESTABLISHED

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue SEND request
for data of size much more than MSS (say 10 times) with
Test Procedure
urgent flag set
3. DUT: Send data segments each of size MSS and containing the URG
flag bit set with urgent pointer pointing to the sequence
number of the octet following the URG data, indicated
as an offset from current SEQ
3. DUT: Send data segments each of size MSS and containing the URG
flag bit set with urgent pointer pointing to the sequence
Pass Criteria
number of the octet following the URG data, indicated
as an offset from current SEQ

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 s4.2.2.4 p84 Urgent Pointer "RFC-793 Section 3.1" (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 735
OPEN Alliance Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance

TCP_SLOWSTART_CONGESTION_01: Slow Start - initial value of cwnd

IW, the initial value of cwnd, MUST be less than or equal to 2*SMSS bytes and MUST
NOT be more than 2 segments.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window set to LARGE_WINDOW_SIZE
Test Procedure
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segments and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segments and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
Pass Criteria
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2581 s 3.1 p 4 Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 736
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SLOWSTART_CONGESTION_02: Slow Start - increments cwnd

During slow start, a TCP increments cwnd by at most SMSS bytes for each ACK received
that acknowledges new data.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
Test Procedure 4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and wait
for their ACK
7. TESTER: Do not send ACK
8. DUT: Retransmit data packet
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and wait
for their ACK
8. DUT: Retransmit data packet

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2581 s 3.1 p 4 Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 737
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SLOWSTART_CONGESTION_03: Congestion Avoidance - cwnd less than the

receiver's advertised window

The TCP output routine never sends more than the minimum of cwnd and the
receiver's advertised window.
(Note: cwnd is less than the receiver's advertised window)
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segments and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
Test Procedure
7. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini>, send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
9. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments with window as
10. DUT: Set cwnd to 8*<cwnd-ini>, send 8*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
11. TESTER: Do not send ACK
12. DUT: Retransmit data packet
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segments and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini>, send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
10. DUT: Set cwnd to 8*<cwnd-ini>, send 8*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
12. DUT: Retransmit data packet

Notes Derived from RFC 2001 s2 p3 Congestion Avoidance (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 738
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SLOWSTART_CONGESTION_04: Congestion Avoidance - never sends more than

receiver's advertised window

The TCP output routine never sends more than the minimum of cwnd and the
receiver's advertised window.
(Note: receiver's advertised window is less than the cwnd)
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
Test Procedure
7. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini>, send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
9. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments with window as
10. DUT: Set cwnd to 8*<cwnd-ini>, send 4 segments and wait for
their ACK
11. TESTER: Do not send ACK
12. DUT: Retransmit data packet
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini>, send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
10. DUT: Set cwnd to 8*<cwnd-ini>, send 4 segments and wait for
their ACK
12. DUT: Retransmit data packet

Notes Derived from RFC 2001 s2 p3 Congestion Avoidance (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 739
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SLOWSTART_CONGESTION_05: Congestion Avoidance - one-half of the current

window size is saved in ssthresh

Synopsys When congestion occurs, one-half of the current window size is saved in ssthresh.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters


2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
7. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini> segment. Send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments
and wait for their ACK
Test Procedure 9. TESTER: Do not send any ACK for the received segments so that RTO
occurs on DUT. This will indicate congestion in the network
10. DUT: Set ssthresh to (cwnd/2)= (2*<cwnd-ini>) and cwnd to <LW>
11. DUT: Retransmit <cwnd> segment
12. TESTER: Send ACK for the retransmitted segment
13. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
14. TESTER: Send ACK for the all the received segments
15. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
16. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
17. DUT: Start congestion avoidance. Send (2*<cwnd-ini> + 1) segments
because the DUT is performing Congestion Avoidance, and not
(4*<cwnd-ini>) segments as would be the case with Slow Start.
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
Pass Criteria wait for their ACK
8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini> segment. Send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments
and wait for their ACK
10. DUT: Set ssthresh to (cwnd/2)= (2*<cwnd-ini>) and cwnd to <LW>
11. DUT: Retransmit <cwnd> segment

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 740
OPEN Alliance

13. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments

15. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
17. DUT: Start congestion avoidance. Send (2*<cwnd-ini> + 1) segments
because the DUT is performing Congestion Avoidance, and not
(4*<cwnd-ini>) segments as would be the case with Slow Start.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2001 s2 p3 Congestion Avoidance (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 741
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SLOWSTART_CONGESTION_06: Congestion Avoidance - one-half of the current

window size but at least 2 segments is saved in ssthresh

When congestion occurs, one-half of the current window size, but at least 2 segments
is saved in ssthresh.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segment
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
6. TESTER: Repeat last two steps till DUT send 2 segments
7. TESTER: Do not send any ACK for the received segments so that RTO
Test Procedure occurs on DUT. This will indicate congestion in the network
8. DUT: Set ssthresh to 2 and cwnd to <LW>
9. DUT: Send only <cwnd> segment
10. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
11. TESTER: Repeat last two steps till DUT send 2 segments and wait
for their ACK
12. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
13. DUT: Start congestion avoidance. Send 3 segments because the DUT
is performing Congestion Avoidance, and not 4 segments as
would be the case with Slow Start.
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segment
8. DUT: Set ssthresh to 2 and cwnd to <LW>
Pass Criteria 9. DUT: Send only <cwnd> segment
13. DUT: Start congestion avoidance. Send 3 segments because the DUT
is performing Congestion Avoidance, and not 4 segments as
would be the case with Slow Start.

Notes Derived from RFC 2001 s2 p3 Congestion Avoidance (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 742
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SLOWSTART_CONGESTION_07: Congestion Avoidance - cwnd settings upon a


Upon a timeout cwnd MUST be set to no more than the loss window, LW, which equals
1 full-sized segment (regardless of the value of IW).

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
Test Procedure
wait for their ACK
7. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini> segment. Send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments
and wait for their ACK
9. TESTER: Do not send any ACK for the received segments so that RTO
occurs on DUT. This will indicate congestion in the network
10. DUT: Set ssthresh to 2 and cwnd to <LW>
11. DUT: Send only <cwnd> segment
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
Pass Criteria
8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini> segment. Send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments
and wait for their ACK
10. DUT: Set ssthresh to 2 and cwnd to <LW>
11. DUT: Send only <cwnd> segment

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2581 s 3.1 p 5 Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 743
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SLOWSTART_CONGESTION_08: Congestion Avoidance - slow start continues

until TCP is halfway

Synopsys Slow start continues until TCP is halfway to where it was when congestion occurred

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters


2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
7. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini> segment. Send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments
Test Procedure
and wait for their ACK
9. TESTER: Do not send any ACK for the received segments so that RTO
occurs on DUT. This will indicate congestion in the network
10. DUT: Set ssthresh to (cwnd/2)=2*<cwnd-ini> and cwnd to <LW>
11. DUT: Send only <cwnd> segments
12. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
13. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
14. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
15. DUT: Start congestion avoidance by sending 2*<cwnd-ini>+1
segments but not 4*<cwnd-ini>
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini> segment. Send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments
and wait for their ACK
10. DUT: Set ssthresh to (cwnd/2)=2*<cwnd-ini> and cwnd to <LW>
11. DUT: Send only <cwnd> segments
13. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 744
OPEN Alliance

15. DUT: Start congestion avoidance by sending 2*<cwnd-ini>+1

segments but not 4*<cwnd-ini>

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2001 s2 p3 Congestion Avoidance (MUST)

TCP_SLOWSTART_CONGESTION_09: Congestion Avoidance - Formula

Formula commonly used to update cwnd during congestion avoidance is cwnd +=

SMSS*SMSS/cwnd executed on every incoming non-duplicate ACK.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
7. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
8. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT sends 4 segments
9. DUT: Set cwnd to 4 segment. Send 4 segments and wait for
Test Procedure their ACK
10. TESTER: Do not send any ACK for the received segments so that RTO
occurs on DUT. This will indicate congestion in the network
11. DUT: Set ssthresh = (cwnd/2)=2 and cwnd to <LW>
12. DUT: Send only <cwnd> segment
13. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
14. TESTER: Repeat last step till DUT sends 2 segments
15. DUT: Set cwnd to 2 (2*SMALL_MAX_SEG_SIZE in bytes) send 2
segments and wait for their ACK
16. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
17. DUT: Start congestion avoidance. Calculate cwnd (in bytes) as
cwnd + { (segsize * segsize) / cwnd) } * no_of_ACK_received

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 745
OPEN Alliance

(2*SMALL_MAX_SEG_SIZE)+SMALL_MAX_SEG_SIZE (bytes)= 3 segments
18. DUT: Send 3 segments
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
9. DUT: Set cwnd to 4 segment. Send 4 segments and wait for
their ACK
11. DUT: Set ssthresh = (cwnd/2)=2 and cwnd to <LW>
12. DUT: Send only <cwnd> segment
Pass Criteria
15. DUT: Set cwnd to 2 (2*SMALL_MAX_SEG_SIZE in bytes) send 2
segments and wait for their ACK
17. DUT: Start congestion avoidance. Calculate cwnd (in bytes) as
cwnd + { (segsize * segsize) / cwnd) } * no_of_ACK_received
(2*SMALL_MAX_SEG_SIZE)+SMALL_MAX_SEG_SIZE (bytes)= 3 segments
18. DUT: Send 3 segments

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2581 s 3.1 p 4 Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 746
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SLOWSTART_CONGESTION_10: Congestion Avoidance - increase in cwnd

The increase in cwnd should be at most one segment each round-trip time (regardless
how many ACKs are received in that RTT)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT side application send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
7. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
8. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT sends 4 segments
9. DUT: Set cwnd to 4 segment. Send 4 segments and wait for
Test Procedure their ACK
10. TESTER: Do not send any ACK for the received segments so that RTO
occurs on DUT. This will indicate congestion in the network
11. DUT: Set ssthresh = (cwnd/2)=2 and cwnd to <LW>
12. DUT: Send only <cwnd> segment
13. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
14. TESTER: Repeat last step till DUT sends 2 segments
15. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
16. DUT: Start congestion avoidance, send 3 segments
17. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
18. DUT: Send 4 segments
19. TESTER: Send a single ACK for all the received segments
20. DUT: Send 5 segments
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
Pass Criteria wait for their ACK
9. DUT: Set cwnd to 4 segment. Send 4 segments and wait for
their ACK
11. DUT: Set ssthresh = (cwnd/2)=2 and cwnd to <LW>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 747
OPEN Alliance

12. DUT: Send only <cwnd> segment

16. DUT: Start congestion avoidance, send 3 segments
18. DUT: Send 4 segments
20. DUT: Send 5 segments

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2001 s2 p3 Congestion Avoidance (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 748
OPEN Alliance Fast Retransmit/Fast Recovery

TCP_FAST_RETRANSMIT_01: After receiving 3 duplicate ACKs

After receiving 3 duplicate ACKs, TCP performs a retransmission of missing segment,

without waiting for retransmission timer to expire.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window LARGE_WINDOW_SIZE with delay between sending
packets, so that the calculated RTO on DUT is large
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT side application send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
Test Procedure
wait for their ACK
7. TESTER: Send ACK for all the received segments
8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini>, send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
9. TESTER: On receiving every packet send the last sent ACK in response
10. DUT: On receiving the 3rd duplicate ACK, retransmit the ACKd
11. TESTER: Check that DUT retransmits the correct packet
without waiting for retransmission timer to expire
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and
wait for their ACK
8. DUT: Set cwnd to 4*<cwnd-ini>, send 4*<cwnd-ini> segments and
Pass Criteria
wait for their ACK
10. DUT: On receiving the 3rd duplicate ACK, retransmit the ACKd
11. TESTER: Check that DUT retransmits the correct packet
without waiting for retransmission timer to expire

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 749
OPEN Alliance

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2581 s3.2 p6 Fast Retransmit/Fast Recovery (MUST)

TCP_FAST_RETRANSMIT_02: When next ACK arrives

When next ACK arrives that acknowledges new data, set cwnd to ssthresh (the value set
in step 1). This is termed `deflating' the window.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window LARGE_WINDOW_SIZE with delay between sending
packets, so that the calculated RTO on DUT is large
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT side application send DATA_PACKET_LARGE
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
7. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
8. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT sends 8 segments
Test Procedure
9. TESTER: Send the last sent ACK 3 times
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
11. TESTER: On receiving the retransmitted segment, send an ACK for
all the segments received so far, causing the DUT to set
cwnd to the value of ssthresh (4).
12. DUT: Send 4 segments
13. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
14. DUT: Send 5 segments
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 750
OPEN Alliance

Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK

and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
12. DUT: Send 4 segments
14. DUT: Send 5 segments

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2581 s3.2 p7 Fast Retransmit/Fast Recovery (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 751
OPEN Alliance Host Specification and MSS

TCP_HOST_SPEC_01: Host receiving Datagram Too Big message

Host receiving Datagram Too Big message MUST reduce its estimate of MTU for relevant
path, based on value of Next-Hop MTU field in the message

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to set DF bit
6. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
7. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
8. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with (IPv4)
Test Procedure - type set to 3, Destination Unreachable message
- code field set to 4, Fragmentation needed and DF bit set
- Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU
TESTER: Send an ICMPv6 packet with (IPv6)
- type set to 2, Packet too big message
- code field set to 0, DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
- Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU
9. DUT: Send packet containing data
10. TESTER: Check data length does not exceed (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40) if:
- DF bit in the IP header is set (IPv4)
OR if:
- Fragmentation Header is present in the IP header (IPv6)
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
7. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
Pass Criteria - DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
9. DUT: Send packet containing data

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 752
OPEN Alliance

10. TESTER: Check data length does not exceed (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40) if:
- DF bit in the IP header is set (IPv4)
OR if:
- Fragmentation Header is present in the IP header (IPv6)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s3 p4 Host specification (MUST)

TCP_HOST_SPEC_02: After receiving Datagram Too Big message

After receiving Datagram Too Big message, host may reduce the size of datagrams it is
sending along the path or cease setting DF bit.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to set DF bit
6. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
7. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
Test Procedure 8. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with (IPv4)
- type set to 3, Destination Unreachable message
- code field set to 4, Fragmentation needed and DF bit set
- Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU
TESTER: Send an ICMPv6 packet with (IPv6)
- type set to 2, Packet too big message
- code field set to 0, DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
- Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU
9. DUT: Send packet containing data
10. TESTER: Check whether: DF bit is not set (IPv4)
OR Fragmentation Header is not present (IPv6)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 753
OPEN Alliance

OR length does not exceed (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40) if:

DF bit is set (IPv4)
Fragmentation Header is present (IPv6)
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
7. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
9. DUT: Send packet containing data
Pass Criteria
10. TESTER: Check whether: DF bit is not set (IPv4)
OR Fragmentation Header is not present (IPv6)
OR length does not exceed (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40) if:
DF bit is set (IPv4)
Fragmentation Header is present (IPv6)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s3 p4 Host specification (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 754
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HOST_SPEC_03: Attempt to detect increase - after a Datagram Too Big message

Attempt to detect increase MUST NOT be done less than 5 minutes after a Datagram
Too Big message has been received for the given destination

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
Test Procedure
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
7. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with code field set to DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
and Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU.
8. DUT: Send data packet of size less than (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
9. TESTER: Send ACK for the received data
10. DUT: Continue sending data of size (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
11. TESTER: Send ACK for the received data, and observe for 5 minutes
that DUT never sends data more than (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
Pass Criteria OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
8. DUT: Send data packet of size less than (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
10. DUT: Continue sending data of size (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s3 p4 Host specification (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 755
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HOST_SPEC_04: Attempt to detect increase - after a previous, successful

attempted increase

Attempt to detect increase MUST NOT be done less than 1 minute after a previous,
successful attempted increase.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
7. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with code field set to DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
Test Procedure and Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU.
8. DUT: Send packet containing data of size (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
9. TESTER: Send ACK for the received data
10. DUT: Continue sending data of size (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
11. TESTER: Continue sending ack for the given data
12. DUT: Send data larger than (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
13. TESTER: Send ACK for the received data
14. DUT: Increase its PMTU estimate and continue sending data of
size same as the size of last data packet sent
15. TESTER: Continue sending ACK for received data and check that within
one minute, DUT does not send data larger than the size of
the last data packet sent
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
Pass Criteria OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
8. DUT: Send packet containing data of size (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
10. DUT: Continue sending data of size (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 756
OPEN Alliance

12. DUT: Send data larger than (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)

14. DUT: Increase its PMTU estimate and continue sending data of
size same as the size of last data packet sent

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s3 p4 Host specification (MUST)

TCP_HOST_SPEC_05: Dealing with Datagram Too Big messages

Hosts MUST be able to deal with Datagram Too Big messages that do not include the
next-hop MTU

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to set DF bit
6. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
7. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
8. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with (IPv4)
Test Procedure
- type set to 3, Destination Unreachable message
- code field set to 4, Fragmentation needed and DF bit set
- Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU
TESTER: Send an ICMPv6 packet with (IPv6)
- type set to 2, Packet too big message
- code field set to 0, DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
- Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU
9. DUT: Send packet containing data
10. TESTER: Check if data is smaller than the data last received,
else check that DF bit is not set (IPv4)
OR Fragmentation Header is not present (IPv6)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 757
OPEN Alliance

3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK

7. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
Pass Criteria - Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
9. DUT: Send packet containing data
10. TESTER: Check if data is smaller than the data last received,
else check that DF bit is not set (IPv4)
OR Fragmentation Header is not present (IPv6)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s3 p4 Host specification (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 758
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HOST_SPEC_06: Never reduce Path MTU below 68 octets

Synopsys Host MUST never reduce its estimate of the Path MTU below 68 octets.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to set DF bit
6. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
7. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
Test Procedure
8. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with (IPv4)
- type set to 3, Destination Unreachable message
- code field set to 4, Fragmentation needed and DF bit set
- Next-Hop MTU field set to below 68
TESTER: Send an ICMPv6 packet with (IPv6)
- type set to 2, Packet too big message
- code field set to 0, DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
- Next-Hop MTU field set to below 68
9. DUT: Send packet containing data
10. TESTER: Check data length is not smaller than (68 - 40)
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
7. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
Pass Criteria OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
9. DUT: Send packet containing data
10. TESTER: Check data length is not smaller than (68 - 40)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s3 p5 Host specification (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 759
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HOST_SPEC_07: No increase of estimate of the Path MTU

Host MUST not increase its estimate of the Path MTU in response to the contents of a
Datagram Too Big message.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
6. DUT: Send data with DF bit set
7. DUT: Send data with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
Test Procedure 8. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with (IPv4)
- type set to 3, Destination Unreachable message
- code field set to 4, Fragmentation needed and DF bit set
- Next-Hop MTU field set to a value larger than TESTER MSS
TESTER: Send an ICMPv6 packet with (IPv6)
- type set to 2, Packet too big message
- code field set to 0, DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
- Next-Hop MTU field set to a value larger than TESTER MSS
9. DUT: Send packet containing data
10. TESTER: Check data length does not exceed the size of data received
before this packet.
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
6. DUT: Send data with DF bit set
7. DUT: Send data with:
Pass Criteria - DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
9. DUT: Send packet containing data
10. TESTER: Check data length does not exceed the size of data received

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OPEN Alliance

before this packet.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s3 p5 Host specification (MUST)

TCP_HOST_SPEC_08: Datagrams larger than 40 octets plus MSS

Host must not send datagrams larger than 40 octets plus the Maximum Segment Size
(MSS) sent by its peer.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active

OPEN call
2. DUT: Send a SYN
3. TESTER: Send a SYN,ACK with MSS smaller than DUT MSS
4. DUT: Send an ACK
Test Procedure
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
6. DUT: Send data with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
7. TESTER: Check data length is not larger than TESTER MSS
2. DUT: Send a SYN
4. DUT: Send an ACK
6. DUT: Send data with:
Pass Criteria - DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
7. TESTER: Check data length is not larger than TESTER MSS

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s3.1 p5 TCP MSS Option (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 761
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HOST_SPEC_09: Host receiving a Datagram Too Big message from an unmodified

router - PMTU

Host receiving a Datagram Too Big message from an unmodified router assumes that the
PMTU is minimum of its currently-assumed PMTU and 576

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
Test Procedure
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
7. TESTER: Send ICMP packet with code field set to DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG with
- next hop MTU field set to 0
8. DUT: Send packet containing data
9. TESTER: Check data length is less than or equal to (576-40)
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
Pass Criteria OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
8. DUT: Send packet containing data
9. TESTER: Check data length is less than or equal to (576-40)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s5 p7 Host processing of old-style messages (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 762
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HOST_SPEC_10: Host receiving a Datagram Too Big message from an unmodified

router - stop DF bit

Host receiving a Datagram Too Big message from an unmodified router stops setting
the DF bit in datagrams sent on that path.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
Test Procedure - DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
7. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with code field set to DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
and Next-Hop MTU field set to 0
8. DUT: Send packet containing data
9. TESTER: Check that DF bit is not set (IPv4)
OR that Fragmentation Header is not present (IPv6)
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
Pass Criteria
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
8. DUT: Send packet containing data
9. TESTER: Check that DF bit is not set (IPv4)
OR that Fragmentation Header is not present (IPv6)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s5 p7 Host processing of old-style messages (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 763
OPEN Alliance TCP Layer Actions

TCP_LAYER_ACTIONS_01: Increase in the PMTU estimate

An upper layer MUST not retransmit datagrams in response to an increase in the

PMTU estimate

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
7. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with code field set to DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
Test Procedure
and Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU.
8. DUT: Send packet containing data of size (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
9. TESTER: Send ACK for the received data
10. DUT: Continue sending data of size (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
11. TESTER: Continue sending ACK for the given data
12. DUT: Send data larger than (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
13. TESTER: Send ACK for the received data
14. DUT: Increase its PMTU estimate and continue sending data of
size same as the size of last data packet sent
15. TESTER: Check the sequence number of last two packet received are
not same
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
Pass Criteria OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
8. DUT: Send packet containing data of size (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
10. DUT: Continue sending data of size (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)
12. DUT: Send data larger than (SMALL_PATH_MTU - 40)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 764
OPEN Alliance

14. DUT: Increase its PMTU estimate and continue sending data of
size same as the size of last data packet sent
15. TESTER: Check the sequence number of last two packet received are
not same

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s6.3 p12 Purging stale PMTU information (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 765
OPEN Alliance

TCP_LAYER_ACTIONS_02: Datagram Too Big message - treat it as dropped segment

On receiving Datagram Too Big message treat it as dropped segment, and wait till
retransmission timer expires and retransmit segment

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state

2. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
3. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
Test Procedure - Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
4. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with code field set to DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
and Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU.
5. DUT: Wait till retransmission timer expires and retransmit packet
containing data
6. TESTER: Check the sequence number of last two received packet are

3. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:

- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
Pass Criteria - Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
5. DUT: Wait till retransmission timer expires and retransmit packet
containing data
6. TESTER: Check the sequence number of last two received packet are

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s6.4 p13 TCP layer actions (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 766
OPEN Alliance

TCP_LAYER_ACTIONS_03: Datagram size used in the retransmission

The Datagram size used in the retransmission should, of course, be no larger than the
new PMTU.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
Test Procedure
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
7. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with code field set to DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
and Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU.
8. DUT: Retransmit packet containing data
9. TESTER: Check retransmitted data length does not exceed
- DF bit is unset (IPv4)
OR without:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Retransmit packet containing data
9. TESTER: Check retransmitted data length does not exceed
- DF bit is unset (IPv4)
OR without:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 767
OPEN Alliance

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s6.4 p13 TCP layer actions (MUST)

TCP_LAYER_ACTIONS_04: Retransmission caused by a Datagram Too Big message -

slow-start mechanism

Retransmission caused by a Datagram Too Big message triggers the slow-start

mechanism(i.e., only one segment should be retransmitted)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send large data
4. DUT: Send <cwnd-ini> segment and wait for its ACK
Test Procedure 5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
and wait for its ACKs
7. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with code field set to DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
and Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU.
8. DUT: Retransmit packet containing data and wait for its ACK
9. TESTER: Check whether DUT send only one packet
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send <cwnd-ini> segment and wait for its ACK
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
Pass Criteria
and wait for its ACKs
8. DUT: Retransmit packet containing data and wait for its ACK
9. TESTER: Check whether DUT send only one packet

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s6.4 p14 TCP layer actions (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 768
OPEN Alliance

TCP_LAYER_ACTIONS_05: Retransmission caused by a Datagram Too Big message -

no change of congestion window

Retransmission caused by a Datagram Too Big message should not change the
congestion window. It should, however, trigger the slow-start mechanism

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segments and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send large data
4. DUT: Send <cwnd-ini> segments and wait for their ACK
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and wait
for their ACKs
Test Procedure
7. TESTER: Send ACKs for all the received segments
8. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT sets cwnd to 4 segments
9. DUT: Set cwnd to 4 segments. Send 4 segments
10. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with code field set to DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
and Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU.
11. DUT: Retransmit data segment and trigger slow-start mechanism
12. TESTER: Send ACKs for all the received segments
13. TESTER: Verify that DUT follows Path MTU Discovery, by not changing
the congestion window during slow-start
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segments and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send <cwnd-ini> segments and wait for their ACK
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and wait
for their ACKs
Pass Criteria
9. DUT: Set cwnd to 4 segments. Send 4 segments
11. DUT: Retransmit data segment and trigger slow-start mechanism
13. TESTER: Verify that DUT follows Path MTU Discovery, by not changing
the congestion window during slow-start

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s6.4 p14 TCP layer actions (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 769
OPEN Alliance

TCP_LAYER_ACTIONS_06: Maximum window size

Maximum window size should be set to greatest multiple of segment size (PMTU - 40)
that is less than or equal to sender's buffer space size.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. DUT CONFIGURE: Set TCP buffer size of the DUT to 4K

3. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. TESTER: Retrieve DUT buffer size and make the DUT-side application
send large data
5. DUT: Send <cwnd-ini> segment and wait for its ACK
6. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
7. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and wait for their ACKs
8. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with (IPv4)
Test Procedure
- type set to 3, Destination Unreachable message
- code field set to 4, Fragmentation needed and DF bit set
- Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU
TESTER: Send an ICMPv6 packet with (IPv6)
- type set to 2, Packet too big message
- code field set to 0, DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
- Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU
9. DUT: Send packet containing data and wait for its ACK
10. TESTER: Retrieve window size that should be greatest multiple of
(PMTU - 40) and less than or equal to DUT buffer size.
3. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
5. DUT: Send <cwnd-ini> segment and wait for its ACK
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini>, send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments and wait for their ACKs
9. DUT: Send packet containing data and wait for its ACK
10. TESTER: Retrieve window size that should be greatest multiple of
(PMTU - 40) and less than or equal to DUT buffer size.
Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s6.4 p14 TCP layer actions (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 770
OPEN Alliance


Synopsys PMTU Discovery does not affect the value sent in the TCP MSS option

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause DUT to move on to LISTEN state

2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
4. TESTER: Send an ACK
5. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to send large data
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
Test Procedure - DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
7. TESTER: Send an ICMP packet with code field set to DATAGRAM_TOO_BIG
and Next-Hop MTU field set to SMALL_PATH_MTU.
8. DUT: Send packet containing data
9. TESTER: Check Options field of TCP header, if it contains MSS, then
value should be equal to MSS value sent with the initial SYN.
3. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK
6. DUT: Send data of size DUT MSS with:
- DF bit set (IPv4)
OR with:
Pass Criteria
- Fragmentation Header present (IPv6)
8. DUT: Send packet containing data
9. TESTER: Check Options field of TCP header, if it contains MSS, then
value should be equal to MSS value sent with the initial SYN.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1191 s6.4 p14 TCP layer actions (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 771
OPEN Alliance MD5 Singature Option

TCP_MD5_01: SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option

There is no negotiation for use of MD5 option in a connection, it's purely a matter of
site policy whether or not connections use the option

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
2. DUT: Send a SYN-ACK packet with proper TCP MD5 Signature Option
Pass Criteria 2. DUT: Send a SYN-ACK packet with proper TCP MD5 Signature Option

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2385 s1 p2 Introduction (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 772
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MD5_02: SYN packet without the MD5 Signature option

There is no negotiation for use of MD5 option in a connection, it's purely a matter of
site policy whether or not connections use the option

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a SYN packet without the MD5 Signature option

Test Procedure 2. DUT: Drop the segment
3. TESTER: Do not receive any response from DUT
4. TESTER: Check DUT is in closed state.
2. DUT: Drop the segment
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Check DUT is in closed state.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2385 s1 p2 Introduction (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 773
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MD5_03: Proposal Upon receiving a signed segment – calculation invalid MD5

Upon receiving a signed segment, the receiver must validate it by calculating its own
digest from the same data using its own key

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

Test Procedure 1. TESTER: Send a SYN packet with invalid TCP MD5 digest
2. DUT: Do not send any response
Pass Criteria 2. DUT: Do not send any response

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2385 s2 p2 Proposal (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 774
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MD5_04: Proposal Upon receiving a signed segment – calculation valid MD5

Upon receiving a signed segment, the receiver must validate it by calculating its own
digest from the same data using its own key

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option

2. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK with TCP MD5 Signature Option
3. TESTER: Check that SYN,ACK segment contains proper TCP MD5 Signature
Test Procedure Option
4. TESTER: Send an ACK packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
5. TESTER: Send a data packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
6. DUT: Send an ACK for the received data with TCP MD5 Signature
2. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK with TCP MD5 Signature Option
3. TESTER: Check that SYN,ACK segment contains proper TCP MD5 Signature
Pass Criteria Option
6. DUT: Send an ACK for the received data with TCP MD5 Signature

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2385 s2 p2 Proposal (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 775
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MD5_05: Result of a failing comparison

A failing comparison must result in the segment being dropped and must not produce
any response back to the sender.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a SYN packet with incorrect TCP MD5 Signature Option
Test Procedure 2. DUT: Detect the incorrect value of the digest and drop the segment
3. TESTER: Do not receive any response from DUT
4. TESTER: Check DUT goes to CLOSED state.
2. DUT: Detect the incorrect value of the digest and drop the segment
Pass Criteria
4. TESTER: Check DUT goes to CLOSED state.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2385 s2 p2 Proposal (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 776
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MD5_06: Absence of the option in the SYN ACK segment

Absence of the option in the SYN,ACK segment must not cause the sender to disable
its sending of signatures.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active

OPEN call
2. DUT: Send a SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
3. TESTER: Send a SYN,ACK with option field set to 0
Test Procedure
4. DUT: Drop this segment
5. TESTER: Do not receive any response from DUT
6. DUT: Retransmit the SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature
7. TESTER: Check DUT goes to SYN-SENT state.
2. DUT: Send a SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
4. DUT: Drop this segment
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Retransmit the SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature
7. TESTER: Check DUT goes to SYN-SENT state.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2385 s2 p2 Proposal (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 777
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MD5_07: Proposal SYN ACK sent during connection negotiation

Synopsys SYN,ACK sent during connection negotiation not signed, will be ignored

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active

OPEN call
Test Procedure 2. DUT: Send a SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
3. TESTER: Send a SYN,ACK with option field set to 0
4. DUT: Do not send any response
5. TESTER: Check that DUT goes to SYN-SENT state.
2. DUT: Send a SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Do not send any response
5. TESTER: Check that DUT goes to SYN-SENT state.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2385 s2 p2 Proposal (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 778
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MD5_08: Connectionless Resets

Synopsys A connectionless reset will be ignored by the receiver of the reset

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option

2. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK with TCP MD5 Signature Option
3. TESTER: Check that SYN,ACK segment contains proper digest value
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Send an ACK packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
5. TESTER: Send a RESET packet with out any TCP MD5 Signature Option
6. DUT: Drop the packet and do not send any response
8. DUT: Send an ACK for the received packet
2. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK with TCP MD5 Signature Option
3. TESTER: Check that SYN,ACK segment contains proper digest value
Pass Criteria
6. DUT: Drop the packet and do not send any response
8. DUT: Send an ACK for the received packet

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2385 s4.1 p3 Connectionless Resets (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 779
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MD5_09: Total size of the header plus option

Synopsys Total size of the header plus option must be less than or equal to 60 bytes

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option

Test Procedure 2. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK with TCP MD5 Signature Option
3. TESTER: Check (TCP header + option) length is less than or
equal to 60 bytes
2. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK with TCP MD5 Signature Option
Pass Criteria 3. TESTER: Check (TCP header + option) length is less than or
equal to 60 bytes

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2385 s4.3 p4 TCP Header Size (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 780
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MD5_10: Size of the MD5 option and MSS

Size of the MD5 option must be factored into the MSS offered to the other side during
connection negotiation.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the application on the DUT-side to issue an active

OPEN call
2. DUT: Send a SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
3. TESTER: Check that SYN segment contains proper digest value
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Send an SYN,ACK packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option and
with out any MSS
5. DUT: Send a ACK packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
6. TESTER: Cause the DUT side application to send large data
7. TESTER: Check data received is less than or equal to
(536 - option length) bytes (where option length is 18 bytes)
2. DUT: Send a SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
3. TESTER: Check that SYN segment contains proper digest value
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Send a ACK packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option
7. TESTER: Check data received is less than or equal to
(536 - option length) bytes (where option length is 18 bytes)

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 2385 s4.3 p4 TCP Header Size (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 781
OPEN Alliance

TCP_MD5_11: Header Format In TCP header padding

In TCP header padding is used to ensure that the TCP header ends and data begins on a 32
bit boundary. The padding is composed of zeros. (Note: This test verifies that the DUT
forms TCP packet ending at 32 bit boundary when it includes TCP MD5 Signature Option as
specified in RFC2385)

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send a SYN packet with TCP MD5 Signature Option

Test Procedure
2. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK with TCP MD5 Signature Option
3. TESTER: Check proper padding is added at the end of the option
2. DUT: Send a SYN,ACK with TCP MD5 Signature Option
Pass Criteria
3. TESTER: Check proper padding is added at the end of the option

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793 s3.1 p19 Header Format (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 782

TCP_CUBIC_01: Cubic increase function

CUBIC is a modification to the congestion control mechanism of Standard TCP, in

particular, to the window increase function of Standard TCP senders, to remedy this
problem. It uses a cubic increase function in terms of the elapsed time from the last
congestion event.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window LARGE_WINDOW_SIZE with delay between sending
packets, so that the calculated RTO on DUT is large
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT side application send DATA_PACKET_LARGER
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
7. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
8. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT sends 8 segments
9. TESTER: Send the last sent ACK 3 times
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Test Procedure Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
11. TESTER: On receiving the retransmitted segment, send an ACK for
all the segments received so far, causing the DUT to set
cwnd to the value of cwnd (1).
12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance
and Send only one segment
13. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments
15. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
16. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT enters into concave region
17. DUT: Send segments according to concave profile till
cwnd is not greater than W_max
18. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 783
OPEN Alliance

19. DUT: Enters into Convex region and set cwnd to (cwnd + (c *
Pow((elapsedTime - k) + rtt, 3) + w_max - count)/cwnd)
and send cwnd number of segments
20. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments and repeat until cwnd
is Max (W_max, 2 * cwnd)
21. DUT: Send Max (W_max, 2 * cwnd) segments
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance
Pass Criteria and Send only one segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments
17. DUT: Send segments according to concave profile till
cwnd is not greater than W_max
19. DUT: Enters into Convex region and set cwnd to (cwnd + (c *
Pow((elapsedTime - k) + rtt, 3) + w_max - count)/cwnd)
and send cwnd number of segments
21. DUT: Send Max (W_max, 2 * cwnd) segments

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from draft-rhee-tcp-cubic-00.txt s1 p4 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 784
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CUBIC_02: Congestion avoidance from fast recovery

After it enters into congestion avoidance from fast recovery, it starts to increase the
window using the concave profile of the cubic function.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

rheeTest Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window LARGE_WINDOW_SIZE with delay between sending
packets, so that the calculated RTO on DUT is large
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT side application send DATA_PACKET_LARGER
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
7. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
8. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT sends 8 segments
9. TESTER: Send the last sent ACK 3 times
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Test Procedure
Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
11. TESTER: On receiving the retransmitted segment, send an ACK for
all the segments received so far, causing the DUT to set
cwnd to the value of cwnd (1).
12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance
and Send only one segment
13. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments
15. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
16. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT enters into concave region
17. DUT: Set cwnd to (cwnd + ((c * Pow(((elapsedTime + rtt) - k), 3)
+ w_max) - cwnd) / cwnd) and send cwnd number of segments
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 785
OPEN Alliance

and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)

12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance
and Send only one segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments
17. DUT: Set cwnd to (cwnd + ((c * Pow(((elapsedTime + rtt) - k), 3)
+ w_max) - cwnd) / cwnd) and send cwnd number of segments

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from draft-rhee-tcp-cubic-00.txt s1 p4 (MUST)

TCP_CUBIC_03: Cubic function plateau

The cubic function is set to have its plateau at W_max so the concave growth continues
until the window size becomes W_max.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window LARGE_WINDOW_SIZE with delay between sending
packets, so that the calculated RTO on DUT is large
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT side application send DATA_PACKET_LARGER
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
7. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
Test Procedure
8. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT sends 8 segments
9. TESTER: Send the last sent ACK 3 times
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
11. TESTER: On receiving the retransmitted segment, send an ACK for
all the segments received so far, causing the DUT to set
cwnd to the value of cwnd (1).
12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 786
OPEN Alliance

and Send only one segment

13. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments
15. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
16. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT enters into concave region
17. DUT: Send segments according to concave profile until
cwnd is not greater than W_max
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
Pass Criteria and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance
and Send only one segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments
17. DUT: Send segments according to concave profile until
cwnd is not greater than W_max

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from draft-rhee-tcp-cubic-00.txt s1 p4 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 787
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CUBIC_04: Cubic function turns into a convex profile and the convex window
growth begins
After that, the cubic function turns into a convex profile and the convex window
growth begins.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window LARGE_WINDOW_SIZE with delay between sending
packets, so that the calculated RTO on DUT is large
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT side application send DATA_PACKET_LARGER
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
7. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
8. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT sends 8 segments
9. TESTER: Send the last sent ACK 3 times
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
Test Procedure
11. TESTER: On receiving the retransmitted segment, send an ACK for
all the segments received so far, causing the DUT to set
cwnd to the value of cwnd (1).
12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance
and Send only one segment
13. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments
15. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
16. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT enters into concave region
17. DUT: Send segments according to concave profile till
cwnd is not greater than W_max
18. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
19. DUT: Enters into Convex region and set cwnd to (cwnd + (c *
Pow((elapsedTime - k) + rtt, 3) + w_max - count)/cwnd)
and send cwnd number of segments
Pass Criteria 2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 788
OPEN Alliance

4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments

6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance
and Send only one segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments
17. DUT: Send segments according to concave profile till
cwnd is not greater than W_max
19. DUT: Enters into Convex region and set cwnd to (cwnd + (c *
Pow((elapsedTime - k) + rtt, 3) + w_max - count)/cwnd)
and send cwnd number of segments

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from draft-rhee-tcp-cubic-00.txt s1 p4 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 789
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CUBIC_05: Maintains the acknowledgement (ACK) clocking of Standard TCP

CUBIC maintains the acknowledgement (ACK) clocking of Standard TCP by increasing
congestion window only at the reception of ACK.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window LARGE_WINDOW_SIZE with delay between sending
packets, so that the calculated RTO on DUT is large
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT side application send DATA_PACKET_LARGER
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
7. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
8. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT sends 8 segments
9. TESTER: Send the last sent ACK 3 times
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
11. TESTER: On receiving the retransmitted segment, send an ACK for
Test Procedure
all the segments received so far, causing the DUT to set
cwnd to the value of cwnd (1).
12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance
and Send only one segment
13. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments
15. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
16. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT enters into concave region
17. DUT: Send segments according to concave profile till
cwnd is not greater than W_max
18. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
19. DUT: Enters into Convex region and set cwnd to (cwnd + (c *
Pow((elapsedTime - k) + rtt, 3) + w_max - count)/cwnd)
and send cwnd number of segments
20. TESTER: Send ACK for the first segment received in the last rtt
21. DUT: Send number of segments as per convex profile

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 790
OPEN Alliance

2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes

4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance
Pass Criteria and Send only one segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments
17. DUT: Send segments according to concave profile till
cwnd is not greater than W_max
19. DUT: Enters into Convex region and set cwnd to (cwnd + (c *
Pow((elapsedTime - k) + rtt, 3) + w_max - count)/cwnd)
and send cwnd number of segments
21. DUT: Send number of segments as per convex profile

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from draft-rhee-tcp-cubic-00.txt s2.1 p7 (MUST)

TCP_CUBIC_06: cwnd is less than W_tcp(t)

If cwnd is less than W_tcp(t), then the protocol is in the TCP friendly region and cwnd is
set to W_tcp(t) at each reception of ACK.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window LARGE_WINDOW_SIZE with delay between sending
packets, so that the calculated RTO on DUT is large
Test Procedure
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
3. TESTER: Cause the DUT side application send DATA_PACKET_LARGER
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
5. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 791
OPEN Alliance

6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments

7. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segments
8. TESTER: Repeat the last two steps till DUT sends 8 segments
9. TESTER: Send the last sent ACK 3 times
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
11. TESTER: On receiving the retransmitted segment, send an ACK for
all the segments received so far, causing the DUT to set
cwnd to the value of cwnd (1).
12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance
and Send only one segment
13. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments
2. DUT: Set cwnd to <cwnd-ini> segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes
4. DUT: Send only <cwnd-ini> segments
6. DUT: Set cwnd to 2*<cwnd-ini> and send 2*<cwnd-ini> segments
10. DUT: On receivng the 3 duplicate ACKs,
set ssthresh to one-half the current cwnd.
Pass Criteria Retransmit the segment indicated by the last received ACK
and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 (in segments)
12. DUT: On receiving Full ACK, enters into congestion avoidance
and Send only one segment
14. DUT: Set cwnd to (W_tcp(t) = W_max*(1-beta) + 3*beta/(2-beta)*
t/RTT) and send cwnd number of segments

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from draft-rhee-tcp-cubic-00.txt s2.2 p8 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 792
OPEN Alliance Improved Window Algorithms – RFC 813 & CONGESTION CONTROL



So, if a segment arrives, postpone sending an acknowledgement if both of the following

conditions hold. First, the push bit is not set in the segment, since it is a reasonable
assumption that there is more data coming in a subsequent segment. Second, there is no
Synopsys revised window information to be sent back. The text suggested that when setting a timer
to postpone the sending of an acknowledgement, a fixed interval of 200 to 300 milliseconds
would work properly in practice. Note: DUT is fine if it changes its window size evenif ack
does not come within the timing range

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Cause the DUT to move on to ESTABLISHED state at a <wnp>

Test 2. TESTER: Send a data segment with PUSH bit unset
Procedure 3. DUT: Send ACK
4. TESTER: Verify that the Ack has been received
within 200 to 300 milliseconds
3. DUT: Send ACK
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that the Ack has been received
within 200 to 300 milliseconds

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 813 s5 p11 Improved Acknowledgement Algorithms (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 793
OPEN Alliance

TCP_IMPROVED_WINDOWING_02: Avoiding SWS – less 25%

Simple experiments suggest that the exact value of the ratio is not very important, but
Synopsys that a value of about 25 percent is sufficient to avoid SWS and achieve reasonable
throughput, even for machines with a small offered window..

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window 2 * <PARAM-MSS>
2. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send 4 * <PARAM-MSS>
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send data segments
4. TESTER: Send ACK for the 1st received segment with window size <PARAM-MSS> +
5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be less than 25% of offered window
It'll not send any new data segments
3. DUT: Send data segments
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be less than 25% of offered window
It'll not send any new data segments

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 813 s 4 p 8 Improved Window Algorithms (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 794
OPEN Alliance

TCP_IMPROVED_WINDOWING_03: Avoiding SWS – more 25%

Simple experiments suggest that the exact value of the ratio is not very important, but that
a value of about 25 percent is sufficient to avoid SWS and achieve reasonable throughput,
even for machines with a small offered window.. Note: Value more than 25 percent will
release new data from dut

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window 2 * <PARAM-MSS>
2. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send 4 * <PARAM-MSS>
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Send data segments
4. TESTER: Send ACK for the 1st received segment with window size 1.5 * <PARAM-MSS>
5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be more than 25% of offered window
It'll send 1 new data segment
3. DUT: Send data segments
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be more than 25% of offered window
It'll send 1 new data segment

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 813 s 4 p 8 Improved Window Algorithms (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 795
OPEN Alliance

TCP_IMPROVED_WINDOWING_04: Attempt to hold off sending – equal to MSS

An additional enhancement which might help throughput would be to attempt to hold
off sending until one can send a maximum size segment.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window 2 * <PARAM-MSS>
2. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send 3 * <PARAM-MSS>
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send data segments
4. TESTER: Send ACK for the 1st received segment with window size of 2 * <PARAM-
5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be of Maximum Segment Size
It'll send a new data segment
3. DUT: Send data segments
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be of Maximum Segment Size
It'll send a new data segment

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 813 s 4 p 8 Improved Window Algorithms (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 796
OPEN Alliance

TCP_IMPROVED_WINDOWING_05: Attempt to hold off sending – less than MSS

An additional enhancement which might help throughput would be to attempt to hold
off sending until one can send a maximum size segment.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window 2 * <PARAM-MSS>
2. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send 3 * <PARAM-MSS> bytes of data
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send data segments
4. TESTER: Send ACK for the 1st received segment with window size 2 * <PARAM-MSS> -
5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be less than Maximum Segment Size
It'll not send a new data segment
3. DUT: Send data segments
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be less than Maximum Segment Size
It'll not send a new data segment

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 813 s 4 p 8 Improved Window Algorithms (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 797
OPEN Alliance

TCP_IMPROVED_WINDOWING_06: Useable window is sufficient to hold the data

Another enhancement would be to send anyway, even if the ratio is small, if the useable
window is sufficient to hold the data available up to the next “push point”.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Take DUT to ESTABLISHED state with MSS <PARAM-MSS> byte

and window 2 * <PARAM-MSS>
2. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send 2 * <PARAM-MSS> + 10 bytes of data
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send 2 data segments
4. TESTER: Send ACK for the 1st received segment with window size <PARAM-MSS> + 10
5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be 10,
but it can hold next push point
It'll send a new data segment
3. DUT: Send 2 data segments
5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be 10,
Pass Criteria
but it can hold next push point
It'll send a new data segment

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 813 s 4 p 8 Improved Window Algorithms (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 798
OPEN Alliance


Another enhancement would be to send anyway, even if the ratio is small, if the useable
window is sufficient to hold the data available up to the next “push point”.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window 2 * <PARAM-MSS>
2. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send 2 * <PARAM-MSS> + 15 bytes of data
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send 2 data segments
4. TESTER: Send ACK for the 1st received segment with window size <PARAM-MSS> + 10
5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be 10,
and it can not hold next push point
It'll not send any new data segments
3. DUT: Send 2 data segments
5. DUT: Calculate usable window and it'll be 10,
Pass Criteria
and it can not hold next push point
It'll not send any new data segments

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 813 s 4 p 8 Improved Window Algorithms (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 799
OPEN Alliance

TCP_IMPROVED_WINDOWING_08: Refraining from sending – more than MSS

If it refrains from sending now, it will typically send the data later when an incoming packet
arrives and changes the state of the system. The state changes in one of two ways; the
Synopsys incoming packet acknowledges old data the distant host has received, or announces the
availability of buffer space in the distant host for new data. Note: This case is for
announcement of availability of buffer space

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window 2 * <PARAM-MSS>
Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send 2 * <PARAM-MSS> + 15
3. DUT: Send data segments
4. TESTER: Send ACK for the all received segment with window size 0
5. DUT: It'll not send any new data segments
3. DUT: Send data segments
Pass Criteria
5. DUT: It'll not send any new data segments

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 896 Section "The solution to the small-packet problem" (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 800
OPEN Alliance

TCP_IMPROVED_WINDOWING_09: Refraining from sending – less than MSS

If it refrains from sending now, it will typically send the data later when an incoming packet
arrives and changes the state of the system. The state changes in one of two ways; the
incoming packet acknowledges old data the distant host has received, or announces the
availability of buffer space in the distant host for new data.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters


and window <PARAM-MSS>
2. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send <PARAM-MSS> - 10
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Send 1 data segments with push
4. TESTER: Cause the DUT-side application to send <PARAM-MSS> - 10
5. DUT: It'll not send any new data segment
6. TESTER: Send ACK for the received segment
7. DUT: It'll send a new data segment
3. DUT: Send 1 data segments with push
Pass Criteria 5. DUT: It'll not send any new data segment
7. DUT: It'll send a new data segment

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 896 Section "The solution to the small-packet problem" (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 801
OPEN Alliance Connection Establishment

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_01: To verify that the DUT accepts connections from

several remote sockets with one passive socket

Ensure that
when DUIT is requested to open a TCP passive socket
and receive multiple Tcp Segments from 3 different ports
containing SYN flag
Synopsys indicating a value of 1
then DUT opens a TCP passive socket
and sends a TCP Segment to each sending port
containing SYN and ACK flags
indicating a value of 1.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an UpperTester <OpenTCPSocket (passive)> on a <PORT1>

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send 3 TCP Segments with SYN set to 1 from 3 different ports
3. DUT: Opens a TCP passive socket and sends 3 TCP segments on each sending port
with SYN and ACK set to 1
DUT opens a TCP passive socket
and sends a TCP Segment to each sending port
Pass Criteria
containing SYN and ACK flags
indicating a value of 1.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793, chapter 1.5., page 5.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 802
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_02: To verify that the DUT opens multiple Passive sockets

and connects them to remote socket
Ensure that
DUT is requested to open multiple TCP passive sockets
and DUT receives multiple Tcp Segments through these sockets
containing SYN Flag
Synopsys indicating a value of 1

DUT opens a TCP passive sockets
and DUT sends multiple TCP segments to the sending port
containing SYN and ACK Flags
indicating a value of 1

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an UpperTester <OpenMultipleTCPSocket (passive,3)> request.

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send 3 TCP segments with SYN set to 1 to the 3 opened sockets.
3. DUT: Opens 3 TCP passive sockets and send 3 TCP segements with SYN and ACK set to
1 corresponding to the received SYNs.
DUT opens a TCP passive sockets
and DUT sends multiple TCP segments to the sending port
Pass Criteria
containing SYN and ACK Flags
indicating a value of 1

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793, chapter 1.5., page 5.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 803
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_03: To verify that the DUT opens multiple Active sockets

and connects them to remote socket
Ensure that
DUT is requested to open multiple TCP active sockets
and DUT receives Tcp Segments with SYN,ACK Flags set to 1 (After that DUT sends

Synopsys DUT opens multiple TCP active sockets'
and DUT sends multiple Tcp Segments from the open active sockets
containing SYN flag
indicating a value of 1
and DUT receives SYN ACK as a resonpse to its SYN
and DUT sends multiple TCP segments from the open active sockets
containing ACK flag
indicating a value of 1.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an UpperTester <OpenMultipleTCPSocket (active,3)> request

Test Procedure 2. DUT: Opens 3 TCP active sockets and send 3 SYNs from each socket.
3. TESTER: Send 3 TCP Segments with SYN, ACK set to 1 for each socket.
4. DUT: Send 3 TCP Segments with ACK set to 1 from each socket.
DUT opens multiple TCP active sockets'
and DUT sends multiple Tcp Segments from the open active sockets
containing SYN flag
Pass Criteria indicating a value of 1
and DUT sends multiple TCP segments from the open active sockets
containing ACK flag
indicating a value of 1.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793, chapter 1.5., page 5.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 804
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_04: To verify that DUT processes a three way handshake

TCP connection
Ensure that
DUT receives a 'SYN packet'
DUT sends SYN,ACK packet
and moves to state 'ESTABLISHED'

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring the DUT to the ‘LISTEN’ state.

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a SYN
3. DUT: Sends a SYN, ACK packet and changes state to ‘ESTABLISHED’
4. TESTER: Check the state of the DUT.
Pass Criteria DUT sends SYN,ACK packet and moves to state 'ESTABLISHED'

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793, chapter 3.4. Establishing a connection.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 805
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_05: To verify that DUT initiates a three way handshake

TCP connection

Ensure that
DUT is requested to open a TCP active socket
and receives a SYN, ACK packet as answer to its SYN
DUT moves to state 'ESTABLISHED'

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an <openTCPSocket(active)> request.

2. DUT: Sends a SYN packet.
Test Procedure
3. TESTER: Send a SYN, ACK packet to the DUT.
4. DUT: moves to state ‘ESTABLISHED’.
5. TESTER: externally check the state of the DUT.
Pass Criteria DUT moves to state 'ESTABLISHED'

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793, chapter 3.4. Establishing a connection.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 806
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_06: To verify that DUT accepts a remote TCP connection

release request and enters 'CLOSE WAIT' state.

Ensure that
DUT receives a FIN packet
DUT sends an ACK packet
and DUT moves to 'CLOSE WAIT' state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring the IUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a FIN packet
3. DUT: Sends an ACK packet and moves to ‘CLOSE WAIT’ state.
4. TESTER: externally check the state of the DUT.
Pass Criteria DUT: Sends an ACK packet and moves to ‘CLOSE WAIT’ state.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793, chapter 3.5. Closing a Connection.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 807
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_07: To verify that DUT accepts remote closing of a


Ensure that
DUT receives a FIN packet
Synopsys then
DUT sends an ACK packet
and DUT sends a 'FIN s in response to user's 'Close' request
and DUT moves to 'CLOSED' state.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to state ‘ESTABLISHED’.

2. TESTER: Send a FIN packet
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Sends an ACK packet.
4. DUT: Sends a FIN packet and moves to ‘CLOSED’ state.
5. TESTER: externally check the state of the DUT.
DUT sends an ACK packet and DUT sends a 'FIN s in response to user's 'Close' request
Pass Criteria
and DUT moves to 'CLOSED' state.

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793, chapter 3.5. Closing a Connection.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 808
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_08: To verify that DUT initiates TCP connection release

and enters 'FINWAIT-2' state.

Ensure that
DUT is in ‘FINWAIT-1’ state
and DUT receives an 'ACK segment'
DUT moves to 'FINWAIT-2' state

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘FINWAIT-1’

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send an ACK packet
3. DUT: Moves to ‘FINWAIT-2’
4. TESTER: externally check the state of the DUT.
Pass Criteria DUT moves to 'FINWAIT-2' state

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793, chapter 3.5. Closing a Connection.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 809
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_09: To verify that DUT initiates TCP connection release

and enters 'TIME WAIT' state.

Ensure that
DUT receives a FIN packet
DUT sends an ACK packet
and DUT moves to 'TIME WAIT' state-

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring the DUT to ‘FINWAIT-2’ state.

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send a FIN packet
3. DUT: Sends a ACK packet and moves to ‘TIME WAIT’ state.
4. TESTER: externally check the state of the DUT.
Pass Criteria DUT sends an ACK packet and DUT moves to 'TIME WAIT' state-

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793, chapter 3.5. Closing a Connection.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 810
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_10: To verify that DUT keeps sending data after it received

connection release initiation from the remote port.

Ensure that
DUT sends a FIN packet
and DUT receives a data packet and ACK packet
Synopsys and DUT receives a FIN packet
DUT sends an 'ACK segment' for the data segment received
and DUT sends an 'ACK segment' for the FIN segment received
indicating DUT state 'TIME WAIT'

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an <closeTCPSocket> request

2. DUT: Sends a FIN packet.
Test Procedure 3. TESTER: Send a data packet as and an ACK packet for the FIN sent by the DUT.
4. TESTER: Send a FIN packet.
5. DUT: Sends an ACK packet and moves to ‘TIME WAIT’.
6. TESTER: externally check the state of the DUT.
DUT sends an 'ACK segment' for the data segment received and DUT sends an 'ACK
Pass Criteria
segment' for the FIN segment received indicating DUT state 'TIME WAIT'

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793, chapter 3.5. Closing a Connection.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 811
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_11: To verify that DUT terminates the connection on close

timer expiry

Ensure that
DUT sends a FIN packet and starts Timer
and DUT receives TCP packet
containing the Sequence Number
indicating a value of the last ACK sent after the Timer timed out
DUT sends a RST packet
containing a Sequence Number
indicating a value of the sequence number of the data packet received

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Send an <closeTCPSocket> request

2. DUT: Sends a FIN packet.
Test Procedure 3. TESTER: Wait for <timer-expiration> period.
3. TESTER: Send a data segment with Sequence Number with the value expected by the
4. DUT: Sends RST packet with the Sequence Number of the data packet received
DUT sends a RST packet containing a Sequence Number indicating a value of the
Pass Criteria
sequence number of the data packet received

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 812
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONNECTION_ESTAB_12: To verify that DUT responds to TCP keep-alive


Ensure that
DUT receives an ACK of X with no payload
DUT sends an ACK packet
indicating DUT 'still-alive'

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a ACK packet on a nother <wnp>
3. DUT: Sends an ACK packet.
Pass Criteria DUT sends an ACK packet indicating DUT 'still-alive'

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 1122 chapter TCP Keep-Alives

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 813
OPEN Alliance Header

TCP_HEADER_01: To verify that DUT generates a TCP packet containing valid header
field values

Ensure that
DUT generates a 'TCP packet'
DUT sends a 'TCP packet'
containing a well-formed 'TCP header'

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send <generateTCPSegment> request.
3. DUT: Sends a data segment containing valid header values.
Pass Criteria DUT sends a 'TCP packet' containing a well-formed 'TCP header'

Test Iterations

Notes Derived from RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 814
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HEADER_02: To verify that DUT accepts the TCP packet containing valid header
field values
Ensure that
Synopsys DUT receives a valid 'TCP packet'
DUT sends and ACK

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a data packet
3. DUT: Sends an ACK packet with the expected Ack Number.
Pass Criteria DUT sends and ACK

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 815
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HEADER_03: To verify that a DUT accepts the packet in case TCP header
contains valid source port
Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
containing a Source port
Synopsys indicating <PORT1>
containing a Sequence Number
indicating <SEQ1>
DUT sends an ACK

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet on a <PORT1> with Sequence Number set to <SEQ1>
3. DUT: Sends an ACK packet with the expected Ack Number.
Pass Criteria DUT sends and ACK

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 816
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HEADER_04: To verify that a DUT discards the packet in case TCP header
contains invalid source port
Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
containing a Source Port
indicating a value different from PORT1
containing a sequence number
indicating SEQ1
DUT discards the TCP packet
and optionally DUT sends a RST packet

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state on <PORT1>.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet on a <PORT2> with Sequence Number set to <SEQ1>
3. DUT: DUT discards the TCP packet and optionally DUT sends a RST packet
Pass Criteria DUT discards the 'TCP packet' and optionally DUT sends a 'RST packet'

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 817
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HEADER_05: To verify that a DUT accepts the packet in case TCP header
Reserved field having a zero value
Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
Synopsys containing a Reserved field
indicating a zero value
DUT accepts the TCP packet

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with Reserved field set to zero
3. DUT: Send an ACK with the expected Ack Number.
Pass Criteria DUT accepts the 'TCP packet'

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793, chapter 3.1, RFC 4413, chapter 4.2.3., Reserved

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 818
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HEADER_06: To verify that a DUT accepts the packet in case TCP header
Reserved field having non-zero value.
Ensure that
DUT receives a 'TCP packet '
containing 'Reserved field '
indicating a non-zero value
DUT ignores the 'Reserved' field
and DUT accepts the 'TCP packet'

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with Reserved field different from zero
3. DUT: Send an ACK with the expected Ack Number.
Pass Criteria DUT ignores the 'Reserved' field and DUT accepts the 'TCP packet'

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 4413, chapter 4.2.3, Reserved.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 819
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HEADER_07: To verify that DUT discards TCP packets in case TCP header data
offset field having an invalid non zero value
Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
Synopsys containing Data Offset
indicating a value less than 5 and non-zero
DUT discards TCP packet

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with Data Offset value less than 5
3. DUT: Discards the TCP packet.
Pass Criteria DUT discards the TCP packet

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793 chapter 3.1,

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 820
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HEADER_08: To verify that DUT discards TCP packets in case TCP header data
offset field having value greater than the actual value
Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
Synopsys containing Data Offset
indicating a value greater than the actual value
DUT discards TCP packet

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with Data Offset value greater than 5
3. DUT: Discards the TCP packet.
Pass Criteria DUT discards 'TCP packet'

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793 chapter 3.1,

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 821
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HEADER_09: To verify that DUT discards the TCP packet in case TCP header
checksum value is zero
Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
Synopsys containing a Checksum
indicating a value of 0
DUT discards the TCP packet and sends no ACK back

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with a Checksum = 0 and Sequence Number = <SEQ>
3. DUT: Discards the TCP packet and sends no ACK back.
Pass Criteria DUT discards the TCP packet and does not send an ACK back

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 822
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HEADER_10: To verify that DUT discards TCP packets in case header zero option
Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
containing a Header Option
Synopsys indicating a value of 'NOP'
and containing 'EOP'
indicating length := 0
DUT discards the TCP packet and sends no ACK back

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with a Header Option = ‘NOP’ and ‘EOP’ Lentgh = 0
3. DUT: Discards the TCP packet and sends no ACK back.
Pass Criteria DUT discards the TCP packet and sends no ACK back

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 823
OPEN Alliance

TCP_HEADER_11: To verify that DUT discards TCP packets with SYN flag set and a
Multicast IP Destination Address
Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet'
containing SYN = 1
and containing IP Destination Address
indicating a value of <multicastAddress>
Discards the TCP packet and sends no ACK back.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a SYN with IP Destination Address = <multicastAddress>
3. DUT: Discards the TCP packet and sends no ACK back.
Pass Criteria Discards the TCP packet and sends no ACK back.

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 824
OPEN Alliance Sequence Number

TCP_SEQUENCE_01: To verify that DUT synchronizes on initial sequence number in

state 'LISTEN'

Ensure that
DUT receives a SYN packet
containing 'Sequence Number'
Synopsys indicating <ISN>
DUT sends an ACK
containing an Acknowledgment Number
indicating <ISN>+1

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to state ‘LISTEN’.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a SYN with the Sequence Number equal to <ISN>
3. DUT: Sends an SYN,ACK with an ACK Number equal to <ISN>+1
Pass Criteria DUT sends an SYN,ACK containing an Acknowledgment Number indicating <ISN>+1'

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793 chapter 3.1.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 825
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SEQUENCE_02: To verify that DUT synchronizes on initial sequence number in

state 'SYN SENT'
Ensure that
DUT receives a SYN,ACK packet
containing Sequence Number
Synopsys indicating <ISN>
DUT sends an ACK packet
containing Acknowledgment Number
indicating <ISN>+1

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to state ‘SYN-SENT’.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a SYN,ACK with the Sequence Number equal to <ISN>
3. DUT: Sends an ACK with an ACK Number equal to <ISN>+1
Pass Criteria DUT sends an ACK packet containing Acknowledgment Number indicating <ISN>+1'

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 826
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SEQUENCE_03: To verify that DUT accepts the TCP packet in case initial
sequence number has zero value
Ensure that
DUT receives a SYN packet
Synopsys containing Sequence Number
indicating a zero value
DUT accepts the TCP packet

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to state ‘LISTEN’.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a SYN with the Sequence Number equal to 0
3. DUT: Sends an SYN,ACK with an ACK Number equal to 1
Pass Criteria DUT accepts the TCP packet

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 827
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SEQUENCE_04: To verify that DUT accepts the TCP packet in case initial
sequence number has maximum value

Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
containing Sequence Number
indicating <SeqMaxVal> value
DUT accepts the TCP packet
and DUT sends an SYN,ACK packet
containing Acknowledgment Number
indicating 0

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with Sequence Number equal to <SeqMaxVal>.
3. DUT: Send an ACK with Ack Number equal to 0.
DUT accepts the TCP packet and DUT sends an SYN,ACK packet containing
Pass Criteria
Acknowledgment Number indicating 0

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 828
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SEQUENCE_05: To verify that DUT accepts the TCP packets in case sequence
numbers received are in the right order

Ensure that
DUT receives a severalTCP packets
Synopsys containing SEQ
indicating values incremented correctly.
DUT sends an ACK for every received TCP Segments

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input Parameters Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send several TCP packets with Sequence Number correcitly incremented
3. DUT: Sends an ACK for every received packet with the expected Ack Numbers.
Pass Criteria DUT sends an ACK for every received TCP Segments indicating TCP Segments

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 829
OPEN Alliance

TCP_SEQUENCE_06: To verify that DUT forces retry in case the TCP packets come in a
disordered sequence.

Ensure that
DUT receives TCP packets
containing Sequence Numbers in a desoredered sequence.
DUT sends TCP packets
containing ACK
indicating the expected TCP packet.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

2. TESTER: Send several TCP packets with Sequence Number in a disordered
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Sends an ACK with an Ack Number of the expected TCP packets (the late
Pass Criteria DUT sends TCP packets containing ACK indicating the expected TCP packet.

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 830
OPEN Alliance Acknowledgment

TCP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_01: To verify that DUT sends the ACK piggybacked with

next packet to transmit

Ensure that
DUT is requested to send an ACK and Data
DUT sends a TCP packet
containing ACK flag
indicating a value of 1
and the Data

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

2. TESTER: Sends <sendData> command on <udpPort> to request a TCP packet with
Test Procedure
<payload> from the DUT.
3. TESTER: Sends a TCP packet with a correct Sequence Number.
4. DUT: Sends an ACK with requested <payload>.
DUT sends a TCP packet
containing ACK flag
Pass Criteria
indicating a value of 1
and containing a payload

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 831
OPEN Alliance

TCP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_02: To verify that DUT accpets the ACK piggybacked with

next transmit packet

Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
containing ACK flag
indicating a value of 1
and a payload
Sends an ACK
containing Ack Number
indicating the expected value

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

2. TESTER: Send <sendTCPPacket> on the <udpPort> to request a TCP packet from
Test Procedure the DUT.
3. DUT: Sends a TCP packet with the expected Sequence Number
4. TESTER: Send an ACK with a <payload>.
5. DUT: Accepts the TCP packet and sends an ACK with the expected Akc Number.
Pass Criteria DUT accepts the TCP packet and sends an ACK with the expected Ack Number

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 832
OPEN Alliance

TCP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_03: To verify that DUT sends only ACK in case no packet

left to send

Ensure that
DUT has no data left to send
and DUT receives a TCP packet
DUT sends an ACK
containing an Ack Number
indicating the expected value.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state using a passive socket call.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send TCP packet
3. DUT: Sends an ACK with the expected Ack Number.
Pass Criteria DUT sends an ACK with the expected Ack Number.

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 74

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 833
OPEN Alliance

TCP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_04: To verify that DUT receives ACKs alone (no


Ensure that
DUT receives an ACK
containing Length
indicating a value of 0 (an empty ACK, no piggybagging)
DUT does not send an RST
and DUT ends connection with the expected ACK number

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

2. TESTER: Send <sendTCPPacket> to request a TCP packet from the DUT.
Test Procedure
3. DUT: Sends a TCP packet.
4. TESTER: Send an ACK with the expected Ack Number, with Length equal to 0.
5. DUT: Sends no RST and ends the connection correctly when requested to.
Pass Criteria DUT does not send an RST and DUT ends connection with the expected ACK number

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 834
OPEN Alliance Control Flags

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_01: To verify that DUT generates TCP data packet with PSH
flag not set

Ensure that
DUT is requested to generate a TCP packet
Synopsys then
DUT generates a TCP packet
containing a PSH flag
indicating a value of 0

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send <sendTCPPacket> to request a TCP packet from the DUT.
3. DUT: Sends a TCP packet with PSH flag not set.
DUT generates a TCP packet
Pass Criteria containing a PSH flag
indicating a value of 0

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 4413 chapter 4.2.4.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 835
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_02: To verify that DUT receives TCP data packet in case PSH
flag is not set

Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
containing PSH flag
Synopsys indicating a value of 0
DUT sends an ACK
containing an Ack Number
indicating the expected value.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with PSH not set to DUT.
3. DUT: Sends an ACK with expected Ack Number.
DUT sends an ACK
Pass Criteria containing an Ack Number
indicating the expected value.

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 4413 chapter 4.2.4.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 836
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_03: To verify that DUT receives TCP data packet in case PSH
flag set

Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
containing PSH flag
Synopsys indicating PSH control bit set to 1
DUT sends an ACK
containing an Ack Number
indicating the expected value.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with PSH being set to DUT.
3. DUT: Sends an ACK with expected Ack Number.
Pass Criteria DUT sends an ACK

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 4413 chapter 4.2.4.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 837
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_04: To verify that DUT receives TCP data packet in case URG
flag is not set

Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
containing URG flag
Synopsys indicating a value of 0
DUT sends an ACK
containing an Ack Number
indicating the expected value.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with URG being not set to DUT.
3. DUT: Sends an ACK with expected Ack Number.
DUT sends an ACK
Pass Criteria containing an Ack Number
indicating the expected value.

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 4413 chapter 4.2.4.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 838
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_05: To verify that DUT receives TCP data packet in case URG
flag is set

Ensure that
DUT receives a TCP packet
containing URG flag
Synopsys indicating a value of 1
DUT sends an ACK
containing an Ack Number
indicating the expected value.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with URG being set to DUT.
3. DUT: Sends an ACK with expected Ack Number.
DUT sends an ACK
Pass Criteria containing an Ack Number
indicating the expected value.

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 4413 chapter 4.2.4.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 839
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_06: To verify that DUT generates TCP data packet with URG
flag set to one

Ensure that
DUT is requested to generate a TCP packet
containing URG flag
Synopsys indicating a value of 1
DUT generates aTCP packet
containing URG flag
indicating a value of 1

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send <sendURGPacket> to the DUT on <udpPort>.
3. DUT: Sends a TCP packet with the URG flagt set.
DUT generates aTCP packet
Pass Criteria containing URG flag
indicating a value of 1

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 4413 chapter 4.2.4.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 840
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_07: To verify that DUT accepts TCP data packet with both PSH
and URG Flags set to 1

Ensure that
DUT receives a 'TCP packet'
containing 'URG flag' and 'PSH flag'
Synopsys indicating a value of 1 buffer
DUT sends an ACK
containing an Ack Number
indicating the expected value.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send a TCP packet with URG and PSH flags being set, to DUT.
3. DUT: Sends an ACK with expected Ack Number.
DUT sends an ACK
Pass Criteria containing an Ack Number
indicating the expected value.

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 4413 chapter 4.2.4.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 841
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_08: To verify that DUT recovers the duplicated SYN by sending


Ensure that
DUT receives a SYN packet
containing RST flag
indicating a value of 1
and containg a Sequence Number
indicating a value of a late duplicated SYN
Synopsys and DUT receives a SYN packet
containing a Sequence Number
indicating <SEQ>
DUT sends a SYN,ACK
containing an Ack Number
indicating a value of <SEQ> + 1
and DUT moves from state ‘LISTEN’ to ‘SYN-RECEIVED’

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘LISTEN’ state.

2. TESTER: Send SYN with Sequence Number equal to <SEQ1>
3. DUT: Sends a SYN,ACK with Ack Number equal to <SEQ1>+1 and moves to ‘SYN-
Test Procedure
RECEIVED’ state.
4. TESTER: Send SYN with RST flag set with Sequence Number equal to <SEQ1>
5. TESTER: Send SYN with Sequence Number equal to <SEQ2>
6 DUT: Sends a SYN,ACK with Ack Number equal to <SEQ2>+1
DUT sends a SYN,ACK
containing an Ack Number
Pass Criteria
indicating a value of <SEQ> + 1
and DUT moves from state ‘LISTEN’ to ‘SYN-RECEIVED’

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 842
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_09: To verify that DUT discards a TCP packet with RST flag set
when in LISTEN state

Ensure that
DUT is in state ‘LISTEN’
and DUT receives a SYN,RST packet
DUT discards the TCP packet and sends no SYN,ACK back

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘LISTEN’ state.

Test Procedure
3. DUT: Discards the TCP packet and sends no SYN,ACK back.
Pass Criteria DUT discards the TCP packet and sends no SYN,ACK back

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 843
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_10: To verify that DUT rejects a TCP packet with ACK flag set
when in LISTEN state

Ensure that
DUT is in state ‘LISTEN’
and DUT receives a SYN,ACK packet
DUT sends a RST packet
containg a Sequence Number
indicating the value of the Sequence Number in the received SYN,ACK.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘LISTEN’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send SYN,ACK with Ack Number equal to <ACK1>
3. DUT: Sends a RST with Sequence Number equal to <ACK1>
DUT sends a RST packet
Pass Criteria containg a Sequence Number
indicating the value of the Sequence Number in the received SYN,ACK.

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 844
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_11: To verify that DUT aborts the connection upon reception

of TCP Segment with RST Flag set to 1

Ensure that
DUT is in ‘ESTABLISHED’ state
and DUT receives RST
and receives an ACK
containing a Sequence Number
indicating a value of <SEQ>
DUT sends RST
containing a Sequence Number
indicating a value of <SEQ>

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send RST
3. TESTER: Send an ACK with Leng = 1 with Sequence Number equal to <SEQ>
4. DUT: Sends RST with Sequence Number equal to <SEQ>.
DUT sends RST
Pass Criteria containing a Sequence Number
indicating a value of <SEQ>

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 845
OPEN Alliance

TCP_CONTROL_FLAGS_12: To verify that DUT generates a packet with PSH flag set to

Ensure that
DUT is requested to send a TCP packet
containing a PSH flag
Synopsys indicating a value of 1
DUT sends a TCP packet
containing a PSH flag
indicating a value of 1.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send <sendPSHPacket> to the DUT on <udpPort>.
3. DUT: Sends a TCP packet with the PSH flag set.
DUT sends a TCP packet
Pass Criteria containing a PSH flag
indicating a value of 1.

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 4413, chapter 4.2.4

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 846
OPEN Alliance Window Size

TCP_WINDOW_SIZE_01: To verify that DUT accepts ACK packet in case window size is

Ensure that
DUT receives an ACK
containing a Sequence Number
indicating a value of <SEQ>
containing Length
Synopsys indicating a valule of 1
containing Window size
indicating a value of 0
DUT sends an ACK
containing an Ack Number
indicating a value of <SEQ> + 1

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send an ACK with Window size = 0, Length = 1 and Sequence Number =
3. DUT: Sends an ACK with an Ack Number = <SEQ>+1
DUT sends an ACK
Pass Criteria containing an Ack Number
indicating a value of <SEQ> + 1

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 847
OPEN Alliance

TCP_WINDOW_SIZE_02: To verify that DUT accepts the packet having URG bit set and
with zero sized window

Ensure that
DUT receives TCP packet
containing URG flag
indicating a value of 1
containing a Sequence Number
indicating a value of <SEQ>
Synopsys containing Length
indicating a valule of 1
containing Window size
indicating a value of 0
DUT sends an ACK
containing an Ack Number
indicating a value of <SEQ> + 1

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure 2. TESTER: Send an URG with Window size = 0, Length = 1 and Sequence Number =
3. DUT: Sends an ACK with an Ack Number = <SEQ>+1
DUT sends an ACK
Pass Criteria containing an Ack Number
indicating a value of <SEQ> + 1

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 848
OPEN Alliance

TCP_WINDOW_SIZE_03: To verify that DUT generates a TCP packet with valid

Checksum calculated

Ensure that
DUT is requested to generate aTCP packet
Synopsys then
DUT sends a TCP packet
containing a Checksum
indicating the <calculatedChecksum>

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites

Test setup Topology 1

Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters

1. TESTER: Bring DUT to ‘ESTABLISHED’ state.

Test Procedure
2. TESTER: Send <sendTCPPacket> on the <udpPort> to the DUT.
3. DUT: Sends a TCP packet with a Checksum equal to <calculatedChecksum>
DUT sends a TCP packet
Pass Criteria containing a Checksum
indicating the <calculatedChecksum>

Test Iterations

Notes RFC 793.

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 849
OPEN Alliance

5 Test Scope Automotive Protocols

5.1 Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP Protocol (SOME/IP)

5.1.1 General Referenced specification

The scope of this chapter is to specify test cases for Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP
Protocol from the following standards:
 Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3
 Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Simulated topologies

<TIface-0> <DIface-0>

TOPOLOGY-1 TOPOLOGY-1 Required topology related configuration

Tester configuration required for the tests in the following sections pertaining to SOME/IP tests:

 Correct DUT IP Address for DUT interface connected to TESTER interface

 All the test cases in this suite require DUT to be configured with only one IP interface Coverage
Specification Document Section Test Category Test Number(s)
Specification of Service
Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 7.3 Message format

Specification of Service
Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 7.3.9 Options Array

Specification of Service 7.4.5 StopOfferService entry SOMEIPSRV_SD_BEHAVIOR_05

Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 850
OPEN Alliance

Specification of Service
Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev SOMEIPSRV_SD_BEHAVIOR_06

Example for a Serialization SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_01

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Find Service Entry to

Example for a Serialization SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_07

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Offer Service Entry to

Example for a Serialization

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Stop Offer Service Entry SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_10
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization

Subscribe Eventgroup
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization

Stop Subscribe
Eventgroup Entry
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization

Subscribe Eventgroup
Acknowledgement Entry
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization Subscribe Eventgroup SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_14

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Negative to
R4.1 Rev 3 Acknowledgement Entry SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_19

Example for a Serialization SOMEIPSRV_SD_BEHAVIOR_01

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Startup Behavior to

Example for a Serialization SOMEIPSRV_SD_BEHAVIOR_03

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Server Answer Behavior to

Example for a Serialization

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 6.1 Definition of Identifiers
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization Mapping of IP Addresses

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 and Ports Response and
R4.1 Rev 3 Error Messages

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 851
OPEN Alliance

Example for a Serialization

Structure of the Message
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Request ID
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Protocol Version SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_05
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Interface Version SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_056
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Message Type
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Return Code
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization SOMEIPSRV_RPC_01,

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 TCP Binding SOMEIPSRV_RPC_02,

Example for a Serialization SOMEIPSRV_RPC_03,

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 6.3.5 Fields SOMEIPSRV_RPC_11,

Example for a Serialization

Fire&Forget SOMEIPSRV_RPC_04,
Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 6.3.3
Communication SOMEIPSRV_RPC_05
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Return Code
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization

Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0 Multiple Service-Instances
R4.1 Rev 3

Example for a Serialization

Strategy for sending SOMEIPSRV_RPC_15,
Protocol(SOME/IP) V1.1.0
notifications SOMEIPSRV_RPC_16
R4.1 Rev 3

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 852
OPEN Alliance

5.1.2 Parameters used in the tests User defined configuration parameters for IUT

Parameter used in
test Description
This is the maximum time interval for which anvl waits for a packet for cases
when a certain event has been triggered on the DUT either by some protocol
timer or using some external mechanism (script).

Listen Time Setting Default: 10

Tolerance time associated with an event. When waiting or listening then this
number will be added with the actual wait-time or listen-time.

Tolerance Time Default: 1

This is the time DUT appoximately takes to process packet ANVL uses this
process time added with listen time for some time critical situation while
listening for DUT Responses.

Process Time Default: 2

Tolerance time associated with some event in Millisecond. When waiting or
listening then this number will be added with the actual wait-time or listen-
time. This is currently used in case of DUTs responses are in millisecond interval

Millisec Tolerance Default: 100

Time Setting
This is used to indicate whether DUT supports SOME/IP Error messages.

DUT Supports Error Default: false

Messages Setting
This is Used to indicate whether DUT supports SD message reception via
DUT Supports SD
Reception via Unicast Default: true
This is Used to indicate whether DUT supports Multiple instances of SAME
DUT Supports
Multiple Service Default: false
Instances Setting
This is a Method ID value that is not implemented in DUT and not listed in xml
specification as well.

Server Unknown Default: 15

Method ID Setting

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 853
OPEN Alliance

This is a Service Interface version value that is not implemented in DUT and not
listed in xml specification as well.
Server Unknown
Interface Version Default: 0xFF
This is a Service ID value that is not implemented in DUT and not listed in xml
specification as well.

Server Unknown Default: 0xFF

Service ID Setting
This is an Eventgroup ID value that is not implemented in DUT and not listed in
xml specification as well.
Server Unknown
EventGroup ID Default: 50
This is path for SOMEIP Service Interface Specification XML file.
Server Interface
Specification Default: “someipserverspec.xml"”
XMLSetting User defined configuration parameters for TESTER

Parameter used in test Description
<DIface-n> n-th Interface of DUT
<SERVICE-ID-1> Service ID of Service 1
<SERVICE-ID-2> Service ID of Service 2
<SERVICE-ID-1-INSTANCE-ID> Instance ID of Service 1
<SERVICE-ID-1-MAJ-VER> Major version supported by Service 1
<SERVICE-ID-1-INTF-VER-MAJ> Interface Version of Service 1.
<SERVICE-ID-2-INTF-VER-MAJ> Interface Version of Service 2.
<SERVICE-ID-1-TTL> TTL value of Service 1.
<SERVICE-ID-1-MINOR-VER> Minor version supported by Service 1
<SERVICE-ID-1-INST-1> First Instance ID of Service 1.
<EVENT-GROUP-ID-2> Eventgroup ID 2.
<EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1> Eventgroup ID 1 of Service 1.
<SERVICE-ID-1-UDP-PORT> UDP port number where Service 1 runs.
<SOME_IP_MULTICAST_IP_ADDR> Multicast Address used by SOME/IP-SD.
<CLIENT1-CURR-REQUEST-ID> Current Request ID of Client 1.
<EVENT-ID-1-EG-ID-1> Event ID 1 of Eventgroup ID 1.
<EVENT-ID-2-EG-ID-1> Event ID 2 of Eventgroup ID 1.
<EVENT-ID-2-EG-ID-2> Event ID 2 of Eventgroup ID 12
Cycle Time of Event ID-2 of Eventgroup 1.(Here Event ID
<EVENT-ID-2-EG-ID-1-CYCLIC-TIME> 1 is assumed to be a cyclic event)
<EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1- Muticast Address of Eventgroup 1 of Service 1 where
MulticastAddr> the event and notifications will be multicast.

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OPEN Alliance

<UNKNOWN-SERVICE-ID> Invalid Service ID.

<UNKNOWN-EVENT-GROUP-ID> Invalid Eventgroup ID.
<UNKNOWN-METHOD-ID-SI-1> Invalid Method ID of Service ID 1.
<UNKNOWN-INTF-VER-MAJ-SI-1> Invalid Interface Version of Service ID 1.
<SERVICE-ID-1-REP-BASE-INTV> Repetition Base Interval of Service 1.
Total Repetition Period of Service 1. Calculated using
Repetition max value as - (Repetition_base_intv) * ((2 ^
<SERVICE-ID-1-TOTAL-REP-INTV> repetiton_max) - 1)
<SERVICE-ID-1-INITIAL-WAIT-TIME> Initial Wait time for Service 1.
<SERVICE-ID-1-CYCLE-INTV> Offer Cycle interval of Service 1.
<METHOD-ID-1-SI-1> First InOut Type Method Listed in XML file for Service 1.
<METHOD-ID-1-SI-2> First InOut Type Method Listed in XML file for Service 2.
<SERVICE-ID-2-TRANSPORT-PORT> Transport port of Service ID 2.(UDP/TCP)
Time taken by the DUT before Sending Offer Service
<SERVER1-IP-ADDR> IP Address of SOME/IP-SD Server 1.
<CLIENT1-IP-ADDR> ANVL client1 IP address.
<CLIENT1-UDP-PORT> ANVL client1 UDP port.
Boolean value set to false to indicate script running in
<FOREGROUND> foreground.
Boolean value set to true to indicate script running in
<BACKGROUND> background.
<ParamToleranceTime> This is tolerance time taken from parameter file.
<CLIENT1-LISTEN-TIME> Listen time used by ANVL taken from parameter file.
It is to indicate ANVL will be listening to incoming
<BUSY-WAIT> packets while waiting.
It is to indicate ANVL will not be listening to incoming
<LAZY-WAIT> packets while waiting.
This is the maximum time interval for which anvl waits
for a packet for cases when a certain event has been
triggered on the DUT either by some protocol timer or
using some external mechanism (script).
ListenTime [Default: 10 second]
Tolerance time associated with an event. When waiting
or listening then this number will be added with the
actual wait-time or listen-time.
ToleranceTime [Default: 1 second]

5.1.3 Terminology used in Test Procedure

Name Description
TESTER Entity which is responsible for validating the Device
under Test (DUT)
DUT Device under Test

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OPEN Alliance

5.1.4 Test Cases SOME/IP Server

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 856
OPEN Alliance Setup Verification

SOMEIPSRV_SETUP_01: Service Discovery Offer Message

Setup Verification for SOME/IP and SOME/IP-SD TESTER expects Service

Discovery Offer Message from DUT
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Entry Type is set to 0x01
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Entry Type is set to 0x01
Reference Setup Verification (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 857
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SETUP_02: DUT Sends SOME/IP Response Message to SOME/IP Request

Synopsys Setup Verification
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the
following informations
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
Test Procedure <SERVICE-ID-1-INTF-VER-MAJ>
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Reference Setup Verification (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 858
OPEN Alliance Message Format


Synopsys The Client ID shall be set statically to 0x0000

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Client ID is set to 0x0000
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Client ID is set to 0x0000
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00033] Page 23 'Message format' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

After initialization of the Service Discovery Module, the Session ID for
messages sent by the local ECU shall be 0x0001.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
<CLIENT1-LISTEN-TIME>) second) on <DIface-0>
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Session ID is set to 0x0001
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Session ID is set to 0x0001
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00034] Page 23 'Message format' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_03: Protocol Version

Synopsys The value for the Protocol Version field shall be statically set to 0x01
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Protocol Version is set to 0x01
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Protocol Version is set to 0x01
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00141] Page 24 'Message format' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_04: Interface Version

Synopsys The value for the Interface Version field shall be statically set to 0x01
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Interface Version is set to 0x01
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Interface Version is set to 0x01
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00143] Page 24 'Message format' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance


Synopsys The value for the Message Type field shall be statically set to 0x02
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
Pass Criteria 3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00145] Page 24 'Message format' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance


The Return Code field shall be statically set to 0x00 Note: This test case is for
SD message
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Return Code is set to 0x00
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Return Code is set to 0x00
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00147] Page 25 'Message format' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance


The Reboot Flag shall be set to '1' for all messages after reboot until the Session ID
Synopsys of the Request ID field wraps and thus starts with 0x0001 again. After that the
Reboot Flag shall be set to '0'.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Reboot Flag bit is set to 1
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Reboot Flag bit is set to 1
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00151] Page 25 'Message format' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance


The Unicast Flag of the Flag field shall be set to Unicast Flag and shall be set to
'1', meaning: This ECU supports receiving Unicast messages.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Unicast Flag bit is set to 1
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Unicast Flag bit is set to 1
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00153] Page 26 'Message format' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_09: Undefined bits in the Flag field

Synopsys Undefined bits within the Flag field shall be statically set to '0'
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Six Flag bits other than Reboot and Unicast bits is set
to 0
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Six Flag bits other than Reboot and Unicast bits is set to 0
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00154] Page 26 'Message format' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_10: Reserved bits

Synopsys All bits of the Reserved field shall be statically set to 0 binary.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure 3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Reserved is set to 0x000000
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Reserved is set to 0x000000
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00156] Page 26 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 868
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_11: Length of the Type 1 Entry

The length of the Type 1 Entry shall be 16 bytes Note : Offer Service is unnder
Entry Type 1
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Test Procedure 4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Entry Type is set to 0x01
- Entry Length is set to (NumberOfEntries*16)
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Entry Type is set to 0x01
- Entry Length is set to (NumberOfEntries*16)
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00160] Page 27 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 869
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_12: Index First Option Run of the Type 1 Entry

The "Index First Option Run" field of the Type 1 Entry format layout shall carry
Synopsys the index of the first option of the first option run of this entry in the option array.
Note : Offer Service is under Entry Type 1
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure 0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Index 1st Option in Entry Array is set to 0
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Index 1st Option in Entry Array is set to 0
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00164] Page 28 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 870
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_13: Number of Option 1 of the Type 1 Entry

[SWS_SD_00168] The "Number of Option 1" of the Type 1 Entry format layout
Synopsys shall carry the number of options the first option run uses. Note : Offer Service is
under Entry Type 1
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure 0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Num of Opt 1 in Entry Array is greater than or equal to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Num of Opt 1 in Entry Array is greater than or equal to 1
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00168] Page 28 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 871
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_14: Service ID field of the Type 1 Entry

The Service ID field of the Type 1 Entry format layout shall carry the Service ID of
the service, statically configured using the parameter SdServerServiceID and
SdClientServiceID, depending on being a server or client entry. Note : Offer Service
is unnder Entry Type 1
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Procedure 3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00173] Page 29 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 872
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_15: Instance ID field of the Type 1 Entry

The Instance ID field of the Type 1 Entry format layout shall carry the Instance ID
of the service, statically configured using the parameter SdServerServiceInstanceID
and SdClientServiceInstanceID, depending on being a server or client entry. Note :
Offer Service is unnder Entry Type 1
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test 0>
Procedure - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_OFFER_SERVICE
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Instance ID in Entry Array is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Instance ID in Entry Array is set to
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00175] Page 29 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 873
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_16: Major Version field of the Type 1 Entry

The Major Version field of the Type 1 Entry format layout shall carry the
Synopsys SdServerServiceMajorVersion and SdClientServiceMajorVersion, depending on
being a server or client entry. Note : Offer Service is unnder Entry Type 1
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure 0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Major Version in Entry Array is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Major Version in Entry Array is set to
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00178] Page 29 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 874
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_17: TTL field of the Type 1 Entry

The TTL field of the Type 1 Entry format layout defines the lifetime of the entry in
seconds configured using the parameter SdServerTimerTTL and
SdClientTimerTTL, except for Stop-Entries, which have a TTL of 0 Note : Offer
Service is unnder Entry Type 1
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Test 3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Procedure 0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- TTL in Entry Array is set to <SERVICE-ID-1-TTL>
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- TTL in Entry Array is set to <SERVICE-ID-1-TTL>
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00180] Page 29 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 875
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_18: Minor Version field of the Type 1 Entry

The Minor Version field of the Type 1 Entry format layout shall carry the
Synopsys SdServerServiceMinorVersion and SdClientServiceMinorVersion. Note : Offer
Service is unnder Entry Type 1
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure 0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Minor Version in Entry Array is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Minor Version in Entry Array is set to
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00182] Page 30 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 876
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_19: Type field of the Type 2 Entry

The Type field of the Type 2 Entry format layout shall carry one of the following
values, depending of the purpose of the sent message: 0x06 to encode
SubscribeEventgroup and StopSubscribeEventgroup 0x07 to encode
SubscribeEventgroupAck and SubscribeEventgroupNack Note :
SubscribeEventgroupAck is unnder Entry Type 2 Test case is to verify
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Test through
Procedure <DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00385] Page 30 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 877
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_20: Length of Type 2 Entries

The length of Type 2 Entries shall be 16 bytes. Note : SubscribeEventgroupAck
is unnder Entry Type 2
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_SUBSCRIBE
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Entry Length is set to (NumberOfEntries*16)
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Entry Length is set to (NumberOfEntries*16)
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00183] Page 30 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 878
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_21: Index First Option Run field of the Type 2 Entry

The "Index First Option Run" field of the Type 2 Entry format layout shall carry the
Synopsys index of the first option of the first option run of this entry in the option array. Note
: SubscribeEventgroupAck is under Entry Type 2
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_SUBSCRIBE
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Index 1st Option in Entry Array is set to 0
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Index 1st Option in Entry Array is set to 0
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00386] Page 31 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 879
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_22: Number of Option 1 of the Type 2 Entry

The "Number of Option 1" of the Type 2 Entry format layout shall carry the
Synopsys number of options the first option run uses. Note : SubscribeEventgroupAck is
under Entry Type 2
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Num of Opt 1 in Entry Array is greater than or equal to
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Num of Opt 1 in Entry Array is greater than or equal to 1
Reference Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 880
OPEN Alliance

[SWS_SD_00188] Page 31 'Message format' (MUST)


Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 881
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_23: Service ID field of the Type 2 Entry

The Service ID field of the Type 2 Entry format layout shall carry the Service ID of
the eventgroups service, statically configured using the parameter
SdServerServiceID and SdClientServiceID, depending on being a server or client
entry. Note : SubscribeEventgroupAck is under Entry Type 2
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Test through
Procedure <DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00193] Page 32 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 882
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_24: Instance ID field of the Type 2 Entry

The Instance ID field of the Type 2 Entry format layout shall carry the Instance ID
of the eventgroups service statically configured using the parameter
SdServerServiceInstanceID and SdClientServiceInstanceID, depending on being a
server or client entry. Note : SubscribeEventgroupAck is unnder Entry Type 2
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_SUBSCRIBE
Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Instance ID in Entry Array is set to
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Instance ID in Entry Array is set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 883
OPEN Alliance

Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3

[SWS_SD_00195] Page 32 'Message format' (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_25: Major Version field of the Type 2 Entry

The Major Version field of the Type 2 Entry format layout shall carry the
SdServerServiceMajorVersion and SdClientServiceMajorVersion, depending on
being a server or client entry. Note : SubscribeEventgroupAck is under Entry Type
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Major Version in Entry Array is set to
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 884
OPEN Alliance

4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Major Version in Entry Array is set to
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00198] Page 32 'Message format' (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_26: TTL field of the Type 2 Entry Entry

The TTL field of the Type 2 Entry Entry format layout defines the lifetime of the
entry in seconds configured using the parameter SdServerTimerTTL and
SdClientTimerTTL, except for Stop- or Nack-Entries, which use a TTL of 0. Note :
SubscribeEventgroupAck is under Entry Type 2
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Test 5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Procedure through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 885
OPEN Alliance

8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message

- TTL in Entry Array is set to <SERVICE-ID-1-TTL>
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- TTL in Entry Array is set to <SERVICE-ID-1-TTL>
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00200] Page 32 'Message format' (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_27: Reserved field, which follows the TTL field of the Type 2

The Reserved field, which follows the TTL field of the Type 2 Entry format
Synopsys layout, shall be statically set to 0x0000. Note : SubscribeEventgroupAck is under
Entry Type 2
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 886
OPEN Alliance

- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>

- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Reserved in Entry Array is set to 0x0000
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Reserved in Entry Array is set to 0x0000
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00202] Page 33 'Message format' (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_FORMAT_28: Eventgroup ID field of the Type 2 Entry

The Eventgroup ID field of the Type 2 Entry format layout shall carry the ID of an
Synopsys Eventgroup, configured using the parameter SdConsumedEventGroupID. Note :
SubscribeEventgroupAck is under Entry Type 2
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure 0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 887
OPEN Alliance

6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3
[SWS_SD_00204] Page 33 'Message format' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 888
OPEN Alliance Options Array

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_01: Length field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option

Synopsys The Length field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option shall be set to 0x0009
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_OFFER_SERVICE
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option set to 1
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Length of IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to 0x0009
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Length of IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to 0x0009
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00209] Page 36 'Options Array' (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 889
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_02: Type field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option

Synopsys The Type field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option shall be statically set to 0x04.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Type of Option Array is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Type of Option Array is set to SOMEIP_OPTION_IPV4_ENDPOINT
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00210] Page 36 'Options Array' (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 890
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_03: Reserved field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option

The Reserved field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option (followed by the IPv4-Address
field) of the Configuration Option segment shall be statically set to 0x00.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option set to 1
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- First Reserved Field in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- First Reserved Field in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to 0x00
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00211] Page 36 'Options Array' (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 891
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_04: IPv4-Address field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option

The IPv4-Address field [32 bits] of the IPv4 Endpoint Option shall be set to the
local IP address of the relevant Service or Eventgroup.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option set to 1
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- IP Address in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- IP Address in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00212] Page 37 'Options Array' (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 892
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_05: Reserved field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option

Synopsys The Reserved field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option shall statically be set to 0x00.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option set to 1
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Second Reserved Field in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Second Reserved Field in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to 0x00
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00213] Page 37 'Options Array' (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_06: Layer 4 Protocol field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option

The Layer 4 Protocol field [8 bits] (L4-Proto) of the IPv4 Endpoint Option shall be
Synopsys set to one of the following values, depending on the port specified: 0x06: TCP
0x11: UDP NOTE: Checking For UDP.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_OFFER_SERVICE
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option set to 1
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Transport Protocol in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to 0x11
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Transport Protocol in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to 0x11
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00214] Page 37 'Options Array' (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 894
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_07: Port Number field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option

The Port Number field [16 bits] of the IPv4 Endpoint Option shall carry the UDP
or TCP port number for the service instance or Eventgroup.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option set to 1
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Port Number in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Port Number in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00215] Page 37 'Options Array' (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 895
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_08: Length field of the IPv4 Multicast Option

Synopsys The Length field [16 bits] of the IPv4 Multicast Option shall be set to 0x0009.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Length of IPv4 Multicast Option is set to 0x0009
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Length of IPv4 Multicast Option is set to 0x0009
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00390] Page 39 'Options Array' (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 896
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_09: Type field of the IPv4 Multicast Option

The Type field [8 bits] of the IPv4 Multicast Option shall be statically set to
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Type of Option Array is set to
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Type of Option Array is set to SOMEIP_OPTION_IPV4_MULTICAST
Reference Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 897
OPEN Alliance

[SWS_SD_00391] Page 39 'Options Array' (MUST)


SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_10: Reserved field after IPv4 Address of the IPv4 Multicast


The Reserved field [8 bits] of the IPv4 Multicast Option (followed by the IPv4-
Address field) of the Configuration Option segment shall be statically set to 0x00.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Test Procedure - EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- First Reserved Field in IPv4 Multicast Option is set to
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 898
OPEN Alliance

4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- First Reserved Field in IPv4 Multicast Option is set to 0x00
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00392] Page 39 'Options Array' (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_11: IPv4-Address field of the IPv4 Multicast Option

The IPv4-Address field [32 bits] of the IPv4 Multicast Option shall be set to the
Multicast IP address of the Eventgroup.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Test Procedure <DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 899
OPEN Alliance

- IP Address in IPv4 Multicast Option is set to

9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- IP Address in IPv4 Multicast Option is set to
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00393] Page 39 'Options Array' (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_12: Reserved field of the IPv4 Multicast Option

The Reserved field [8 bits] of the IPv4 Multicast Option shall statically be set to
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Test Procedure 4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 900
OPEN Alliance

Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Second Reserved Field in IPv4 Multicast Option is set
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Second Reserved Field in IPv4 Multicast Option is set to
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00394] Page 39 'Options Array' (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_13: Layer 4 Protocol field of the IPv4 Multicast Option for UDP

The Layer 4 Protocol field [8 bits] (L4-Proto) of the IPv4 Multicast Option shall
be set to 0x11 (UDP).
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Test Procedure 3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 901
OPEN Alliance

- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>

- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Transport Protocol in IPv4 Multicast Option is set to
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Transport Protocol in IPv4 Multicast Option is set to 0x11
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00395] Page 39 'Options Array' (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_14: Port Number field of the IPv4 Multicast Option

The Port Number field [16 bits] of the IPv4 Multicast Option shall carry the port
number for transporting Multicast Events of the Eventgroup.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Test Procedure <DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 902
OPEN Alliance

- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>

4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Port Number in IPv4 Multicast Option is set to
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Port Number in IPv4 Multicast Option is set to
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00396] Page 39 'Options Array' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 903
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_OPTIONS_15: Layer 4 Protocol field of the IPv4 Endpoint Option for TCP

The Layer 4 Protocol field [8 bits] (L4-Proto) of the IPv4 Endpoint Option shall be
Synopsys set to one of the following values, depending on the port specified: 0x06: TCP
0x11: UDP NOTE: Checking For TCP.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-2>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_OFFER_SERVICE
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option set to 1
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Transport Protocol in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to 0x06
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-2>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Transport Protocol in IPv4 EndPoint Option is set to 0x06
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.3.9
[SWS_SD_00214] Page 37 'Options Array' (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 904
OPEN Alliance Service Discovery Messages

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_01: Instance ID if all service instances shall be returned

Instance ID shall be set to 0xFFFF, if all service instances shall be returned. It shall
Synopsys be set to the Instance ID of a specific service instance, if just a single service
instance shall be returned. NOTE: Checking For Instance ID 0xFFFF.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 2
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Find Service Entry Service Instance ID set to
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Expected Offer Services' Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Test Procedure - Number Of Expected Offer Service Entries set to 2
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Number of expected Offer Service Entry is set to 2
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 2 to <extractedInstID2>
7. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Service Instance ID of Offer Service Entry 1 is not set
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Number of expected Offer Service Entry is set to 2
Pass Criteria
7. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Service Instance ID of Offer Service Entry 1 is not set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 905
OPEN Alliance

Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6. Find
Service Entry [TR_SOMEIP_00351] Page 66 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_02: Instance ID if a specific instance shall be returned

Instance ID shall be set to 0xFFFF, if all service instances shall be returned. It shall
Synopsys be set to the Instance ID of a specific service instance, if just a single service
instance shall be returned. NOTE: Checking For Specific Instance ID.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 2
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Find Service Entry Service Instance ID set to
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Expected Offer Services' Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Expected Offer Service Entries set to 2
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
Test Procedure contains:
- Number of expected Offer Service Entry is set to 2
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 2 to <extractedInstID2>
7. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Find Service Entry Service Instance ID set to
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 906
OPEN Alliance

10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

11. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Number of expected Offer Service Entry is set to 1
12. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Find Service Entry Service Instance ID set to
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
13. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
14. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
15. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Number of expected Offer Service Entry is set to 1
16. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Number of expected Offer Service Entry is set to 2
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 11. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Number of expected Offer Service Entry is set to 1
14. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
15. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Number of expected Offer Service Entry is set to 1
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6. Find
Service Entry [TR_SOMEIP_00351] Page 66 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 907
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_03: Major Version when any version shall be returned

Major Version shall be set to 0xFF, that means that services with any version shall
Synopsys be returned. If set to value different than 0xFF, services with this specific major
version shall be returned only. NOTE: Checking For Major Version 0xFF.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Find Service Entry Service Major Version set to
- SOME/IP Find Service Entry TTL set to 0xFFFFFF
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Test Procedure 3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Major Version in Entry Array is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Major Version in Entry Array is set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6. Find
Service Entry [TR_SOMEIP_00351] Page 66 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 908
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_04: Major Version when a specific version shall be


Major Version shall be set to 0xFF, that means that services with any version shall
Synopsys be returned. If set to value different than 0xFF, services with this specific major
version shall be returned only. NOTE: Checking For Specific Major Version.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Find Service Entry Service Major Version set to
- SOME/IP Find Service Entry TTL set to 0xFFFFFF
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Test Procedure 3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Major Version in Entry Array is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Major Version in Entry Array is set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6. Find
Service Entry [TR_SOMEIP_00351] Page 66 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 909
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_05: Minor Version when any version shall be returned

Minor Version shall be set to 0xFFFF FFFF, that means that services with any
version shall be returned. If set to a value different to 0xFFFF FFFF, services with
this specific minor version shall be returned only. NOTE: Checking For Minor
Version 0xFFFFFFFF.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Find Service Entry Service Minor Version set to
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Test 3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Procedure 0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Minor Version in Entry Array is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Minor Version in Entry Array is set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6. Find
Service Entry [TR_SOMEIP_00351] Page 66 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 910
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_06: Minor Version when a specific version shall be


Minor Version shall be set to 0xFFFF FFFF, that means that services with any
version shall be returned. If set to a value different to 0xFFFF FFFF, services with
this specific minor version shall be returned only. NOTE: Checking For Specific
Minor Version.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Find Service Entry Service Minor Version set to
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Test 3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Procedure 0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Minor Version in Entry Array is set to
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- Minor Version in Entry Array is set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6. Find
Service Entry [TR_SOMEIP_00351] Page 66 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 911
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_07: TTL and the lifetime of a service instance

TTL shall be set to the lifetime of the service instance. After this lifetime the
service instance shall considered not been offered.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- TTL in Entry Array is set to <SERVICE-ID-1-TTL>
6. TESTER: Wait till <SERVICE-ID-1-TTL> To Timeout offer service
from DUT
Test Procedure 7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
9. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Response Message
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- TTL in Entry Array is set to <SERVICE-ID-1-TTL>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 912
OPEN Alliance

9. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Response Message

Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Offer Service Entry [TR_SOMEIP_00356] Page 67 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_08: Offer Service entries for IPv4

Offer Service entries shall always reference at least an IPv4 or IPv6 Endpoint
Option to signal how the service is reachable. NOTE: Test is for IPv4.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_OFFER_SERVICE
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option is
than or equal to 1
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option is greater
than or equal to 1
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Offer Service Entry [TR_SOMEIP_00357] Page 67 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 913
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_09: Endpoint Options Port Numer

The IP addresses and port numbers of the Endpoint Options shall also be used for
transporting events and notification events, In the case of UDP this information is
used for the source address and the source port of the events and notification events.
NOTE: This test is for UDP port.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option is greater
than or equal to 1
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of SOMEIP IPv4 Endpoint Option
Transport Port to <extractedport>
Test 7. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Procedure Service
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry set to extractedInstID1
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 914
OPEN Alliance

10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

11. DUT CONFIGURE: Trigger Event on <DIface-0> with the following
- Event ID : <EVENT-ID-1-EG-ID-1>
- Event Group ID : <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
12. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Message Expected UDP Src Port set to extractedport
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
- SOME/IP Expected Event ID in SOME/IP Header set to
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
14. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option is greater
Pass Criteria
than or equal to 1
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6. Offer
Service Entry [TR_SOMEIP_00360],[TR_SOMEIP_00361] Page (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 915
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_10: Stop offer service and TTL field

The stop offer service entry type shall be used to stop offering service instances.
Stop Offer Service entries shall set the entry fields exactly like the Offer Service
entry they are stopping, except: TTL shall be set to 0x000000. NOTE: Check For
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Procedure 4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- TTL in Entry Array is set to 0
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- TTL in Entry Array is set to 0
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6. Stop
Offer Service Entry [TR_SOMEIP_00363] page 68 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 916
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_11: Subscribe Eventgroup entry type

Synopsys The Subscribe Eventgroup entry type shall be used to subscribe to an eventgroup.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option is
than or equal to 1
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of SOMEIP IPv4 Endpoint Option
Transport Port to <extractedport>
7. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Test Procedure Service
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry set to extractedInstID1
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 917
OPEN Alliance

10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

11. DUT CONFIGURE: Trigger Event on <DIface-0> with the following
- Event ID : <EVENT-ID-1-EG-ID-1>
- Event Group ID : <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
12. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Message Expected UDP Dest Port set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
- SOME/IP Expected Event ID in SOME/IP Header set to
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
14. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option is greater
Pass Criteria
than or equal to 1
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Subscribe Eventgroup Entry [TR_SOMEIP_00385] Page 68 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_12: Stop Subscribe Eventgroup entry

The Stop Subscribe Eventgroup entry type shall be used to stop subscribing to
eventgroups. Stop Subscribe Eventgroup entries shall set the entry fields exactly
like the Subscribe Eventgroup entry they are stopping, except: TTL shall be set to
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
Test 2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Procedure through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 918
OPEN Alliance

- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option is greater
than or equal to 1
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of SOMEIP IPv4 Endpoint Option
Transport Port to <extractedport>
7. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry set to extractedInstID1
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Trigger Event on <DIface-0> with the following
- Event ID : <EVENT-ID-1-EG-ID-1>
- Event Group ID : <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
12. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Message Expected UDP Dest Port set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
- SOME/IP Expected Event ID in SOME/IP Header set to
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
14. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
through <DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Subscribe Eventgroup Entry TTL set to 0
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 919
OPEN Alliance

- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to

- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Entry set to
15. DUT CONFIGURE: Trigger Event on <DIface-0> with the following
- Event ID : <EVENT-ID-1-EG-ID-1>
- Event Group ID : <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
16. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Message Expected UDP Dest Port set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
- SOME/IP Expected Event ID in SOME/IP Header set to
17. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Notification Message
18. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option is greater
Pass Criteria than or equal to 1
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
17. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Notification Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6. Stop
Subscribe Eventgroup Entry (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 920
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_13: Subscribe Eventgroup Acknowledgment entry type

The Subscribe Eventgroup Acknowledgment entry type shall be used to indicate that
Subscribe Eventgroup entry was accepted. Subscribe Eventgroup Acknowledgment
entries shall set the entry fields in the following way: Type shall be set to 0x07
(SubscribeEventgroupAck). Service ID, Instance ID, Major Version, Eventgroup ID,
TTL, and Reserved shall be the same value as in the Subcribe that is being
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Test <DIface-0> containing :
Procedure - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_SUBSCRIBE
- SOME/IP Subscribe Eventgroup Entry TTL set to 0xFFFFFF
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Entry set to
- Reserved Field in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry set to 0
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry is set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 921
OPEN Alliance

EventGroup Ack Entry is set to extractedInstID1

- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry is set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0xFFFFFF
- Reserved Field in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry is set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
Pass Criteria EventGroup Ack Entry is set to extractedInstID1
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry is set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0xFFFFFF
- Reserved Field in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Subscribe Eventgroup Acknowledgement (Subscribe Eventgroup (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_14: Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment

entry type

The Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment entry type shall be used to

indicate that Subscribe Eventgroup entry was NOT accepted. Subscribe Eventgroup
Negative Acknowledgment entries shall set the entry fields in the following way:
Synopsys Type shall be set to 0x07 (SubscribeEventgroupAck). Service ID, Instance ID,
Major Version, Eventgroup ID and Reserved shall be the same value as in the
subscribe that is being answered. The TTL shall be set to 0x000000. NOTE: Check
For TTL Field and Type.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
Test informations
Procedure - Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>

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OPEN Alliance

- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Subscribe Eventgroup Entry TTL set to 0xFFFFFF
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Entry set to
- Reserved Field in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry set to 0
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgement (Subscribe (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 923
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_15: Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment

entry type

The Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment entry type shall be used to

indicate that Subscribe Eventgroup entry was NOT accepted. Subscribe Eventgroup
Negative Acknowledgment entries shall set the entry fields in the following way:
Type shall be set to 0x07 (SubscribeEventgroupAck). Service ID, Instance ID,
Major Version, Eventgroup ID and Reserved shall be the same value as in the
subscribe that is being answered. The TTL shall be set to 0x000000. NOTE:
Checking for later Condition that Service ID, Instance ID, Major Version,
Eventgroup ID and Reserved shall be the same value as in the subscribe .
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
Test 6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Procedure through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Subscribe Eventgroup Entry TTL set to 0xFFFFFF
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Entry set to
- Reserved Field in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry set to 0
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 924
OPEN Alliance

8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry is set to extractedInstID1
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry is set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
- Reserved Field in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry is set to extractedInstID1
Pass Criteria - SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry is set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
- Reserved Field in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgement (Subscribe (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 925
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_16: Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment

entry type

The Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment entry type shall be used to

indicate that Subscribe Eventgroup entry was NOT accepted. Subscribe Eventgroup
Negative Acknowledgment entries shall set the entry fields in the following way:
Type shall be set to 0x07 (SubscribeEventgroupAck). Service ID, Instance ID,
Synopsys Major Version, Eventgroup ID and Reserved shall be the same value as in the
subscribe that is being answered. The TTL shall be set to 0x000000. Reasons for
sending a Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment include: Combination
of Service ID, Instance ID, Eventgroup ID, and Major Version is unknown. NOTE:
Test For Unknown Service ID.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
Test 6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Procedure through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Subscribe Eventgroup Entry TTL set to 0xFFFFFF
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Entry set to
- Reserved Field in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry set to 0
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 926
OPEN Alliance

9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message

- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry is set to <UNKNOWN-SERVICE-ID>
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry is set to <UNKNOWN-SERVICE-ID>
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgement (Subscribe (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_17: Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment

entry type

The Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment entry type shall be used to

indicate that Subscribe Eventgroup entry was NOT accepted. Subscribe Eventgroup
Negative Acknowledgment entries shall set the entry fields in the following way:
Type shall be set to 0x07 (SubscribeEventgroupAck). Service ID, Instance ID,
Synopsys Major Version, Eventgroup ID and Reserved shall be the same value as in the
subscribe that is being answered. The TTL shall be set to 0x000000. Reasons for
sending a Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment include: Combination
of Service ID, Instance ID, Eventgroup ID, and Major Version is unknown. NOTE:
Test For Unknown Instance ID.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Test through
Procedure <DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 927
OPEN Alliance

4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Subscribe Eventgroup Entry TTL set to 0xFFFFFF
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Entry set to
- Reserved Field in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry set to 0
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry is set to extractedInstID1+1
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry is set to extractedInstID1+1
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgement (Subscribe (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 928
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_18: Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment

entry type

The Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment entry type shall be used to

indicate that Subscribe Eventgroup entry was NOT accepted. Subscribe Eventgroup
Negative Acknowledgment entries shall set the entry fields in the following way:
Type shall be set to 0x07 (SubscribeEventgroupAck). Service ID, Instance ID,
Synopsys Major Version, Eventgroup ID and Reserved shall be the same value as in the
subscribe that is being answered. The TTL shall be set to 0x000000. Reasons for
sending a Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment include: Combination
of Service ID, Instance ID, Eventgroup ID, and Major Version is unknown. NOTE:
Test For Unknown Major Version.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
Test 6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Procedure through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Subscribe Eventgroup Entry TTL set to 0xFFFFFF
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Entry set to
- Reserved Field in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry set to 0
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 929
OPEN Alliance

Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>

8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgement (Subscribe (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_SD_MESSAGE_19: Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment

entry type

The Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment entry type shall be used to

indicate that Subscribe Eventgroup entry was NOT accepted. Subscribe Eventgroup
Negative Acknowledgment entries shall set the entry fields in the following way:
Type shall be set to 0x07 (SubscribeEventgroupAck). Service ID, Instance ID,
Synopsys Major Version, Eventgroup ID and Reserved shall be the same value as in the
subscribe that is being answered. The TTL shall be set to 0x000000. Reasons for
sending a Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgment include: Combination
of Service ID, Instance ID, Eventgroup ID, and Major Version is unknown. NOTE:
Test For Unknown Event Group ID.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
Test 2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Procedure through
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 930
OPEN Alliance


- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Subscribe Eventgroup Entry TTL set to 0xFFFFFF
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Major Version in Subscribe EventGroup Entry set to
- Reserved Field in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry set to 0
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry is set to <UNKNOWN-EVENT-GROUP-ID>
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry is set to <UNKNOWN-EVENT-GROUP-ID>
- TTL in Subscribe EventGroup Ack Entry is set to 0
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Subscribe Eventgroup Negative Acknowledgement (Subscribe (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 931
OPEN Alliance Service Discovery Communication Behavior

SOMEIPSRV_SD_BEHAVIOR_01: After messages in the Repetition Phase the delay is


After sending the first message the Repetition Phase of this Service Instance/these
Synopsys Service Instances is entered. After each message sent in the Repetition Phase the
delay is doubled.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
4. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto
<SERVICE-ID-1-REP-BASE-INTV*3+ParamToleranceTime> second)
on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
5. DUT: Sends 2 SOME/IP Notification Messages
Test Procedure 6. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 1st SOME/IP Notification Message and 2nd
SOME/IP Notification Message
is greater than
<ParamToleranceTimeMillisec>) micro second
7. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 1st SOME/IP Notification Message and 2nd
SOME/IP Notification Message
is less than
<ParamToleranceTimeMillisec>) micro second
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. DUT: Sends 2 SOME/IP Notification Messages
6. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
Pass Criteria
reception of 1st SOME/IP Notification Message and 2nd
SOME/IP Notification Message
is greater than

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 932
OPEN Alliance

<ParamToleranceTimeMillisec>) micro second
7. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 1st SOME/IP Notification Message and 2nd
SOME/IP Notification Message
is less than
<ParamToleranceTimeMillisec>) micro second
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.7.5.1
Reference Startup Behavior [TR_SOMEIP_00404], [TR_SOMEIP_00406] Page 71

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 933
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_BEHAVIOR_02: Main Phase Offer Messages and Publish Messages


In the Main Phase Offer Messages and Publish Messages shall be sent cyclically
if a CYCLIC_OFFER_DELAY is configured.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Main Phase
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto
<SERVICE-ID-1-CYCLE-INTV*2+ParamToleranceTime> second) on
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
6. DUT: Sends 2 SOME/IP Notification Messages
7. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 1st SOME/IP Notification Message and 2nd
SOME/IP Notification Message
is greater than
(<SERVICE-ID-1-CYCLE-INTV> - <ParamToleranceTime>)
8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 1st SOME/IP Notification Message and 2nd
SOME/IP Notification Message
is less than
(<SERVICE-ID-1-CYCLE-INTV> + <ParamToleranceTime>)
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
6. DUT: Sends 2 SOME/IP Notification Messages
7. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
Pass Criteria
reception of 1st SOME/IP Notification Message and 2nd
SOME/IP Notification Message
is greater than

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 934
OPEN Alliance

(<SERVICE-ID-1-CYCLE-INTV> - <ParamToleranceTime>) second

8. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 1st SOME/IP Notification Message and 2nd
SOME/IP Notification Message
is less than
(<SERVICE-ID-1-CYCLE-INTV> + <ParamToleranceTime>) second
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.7.5.1
Startup Behavior [TR_SOMEIP_00412] Page 71 (SHOULD)

SOMEIPSRV_SD_BEHAVIOR_03: Response if the last offer was more than half of cyclic
offer delay

Find messages received with the Unicast Flag set to 1, shall be answered with a
Synopsys multicast RESPONSE if the last offer was sent 1/2 CYCLIC_OFFER_DELAY or
longer ago.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Main Phase
Test Procedure on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
6. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. TESTER: Wait till (<SERVICE-ID-1-CYCLE-INTV>/2) For DUT to
1/2 Cyclic_Offer_Delay
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-

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OPEN Alliance


- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Message Expected IP Dst Address set to
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 6. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.7.5.2
Server Answer Behavior [TR_SOMEIP_00423] Page 73 (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 936
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_BEHAVIOR_04: Response for Find messages with Unicast Flag set to 0

Find messages received with Unicast Flag set to 0 (multicast), shall be answered
with a multicast response.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Main Phase
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Test Procedure <DIface-0> containing :
- Unicast Flag in Notification Message set to 0
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Message Expected IP Dst Address set to
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.7.5.2
Server Answer Behavior [TR_SOMEIP_00423] Page 73 (SHOULD)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 937
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_BEHAVIOR_05: Stop offering Service Instances

Synopsys The Stop Offer Service entry type shall be used to stop offering Service Instances.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
Test Procedure <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry set to extractedInstID1
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
10. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

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OPEN Alliance


- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
11. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
12. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- TTL in Entry Array is set to 0
13. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
14. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
15. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Notification Message
16. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
11. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
12. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- TTL in Entry Array is set to 0
15. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Notification Message
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section 7.4.5
[SWS_SD_00422] Page 48 'StopOfferService entry' (SHOULD)

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OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_SD_BEHAVIOR_06: Stop subscribing to an Eventgroup

To stop subscribing to an Eventgroup, the StopSubscribeEventgroup entry shall

be used.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry set to extractedInstID1
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Trigger Event on <DIface-0> with the following
- Event ID : <EVENT-ID-1-EG-ID-1>
- Event Group ID : <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>

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OPEN Alliance

- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
10. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
- SOME/IP Expected Event ID in SOME/IP Header set to
11. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
12. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Subscribe Eventgroup Entry TTL set to 0x000000
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set
13. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
- SOME/IP Expected Event ID in SOME/IP Header set to
14. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Notification Message
15. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
11. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
14. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Notification Message
Specification of Service Discovery V1.2.0 R4.1 Rev 3 Section Page 50
'StopSubscribeEventgroup entry' (SHOULD)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 941
OPEN Alliance SOME/IP Basic Functionality

SOMEIPSRV_BASIC_01: Define service using the Service ID

Synopsys A service shall be identified using the Service-ID.

Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Test Procedure 5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.1
Definition of Identifiers [TR_SOMEIP_00001] Page 14 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 942
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_BASIC_02: Reserved values for Service Instance IDs

The Service-Instance-IDs of 0x0000 and 0xFFFF shall not be used for a service,
since 0x0000 is reserved and 0xFFFF is used to describe all service instances.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Find Service Entry Service Instance ID set to
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_OFFER_SERVICE
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Service Instance ID of Offer Service Entry 1 is not set
to 0
- Service Instance ID of Offer Service Entry 1 is not set
6. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
Pass Criteria - Service Instance ID of Offer Service Entry 1 is not set to 0
- Service Instance ID of Offer Service Entry 1 is not set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.1
Definition of Identifiers [TR_SOMEIP_00008] Page 14 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 943
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_BASIC_03: Method ID of a notification has highest bit set to 1

Methods shall use Method-IDs with the highest bit set to 0, while the Method-IDs
Synopsys highest bit shall be set to 1 for events and notifications of fields. NOTE: Checking
for notification.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option is
than or equal to 1
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of SOMEIP IPv4 Endpoint Option
Test Procedure Transport Port to <extractedport>
7. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry set to extractedInstID1

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 944
OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup

Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Trigger Event on <DIface-0> with the following
- Event ID : <EVENT-ID-1-EG-ID-1>
- Event Group ID : <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
12. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Message Expected UDP Dest Port set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
- SOME/IP Expected Event ID in SOME/IP Header set to
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
14. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- 0-Bit field of Method/EventID in SOME/IP Packet Header
set to 1
15. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option is greater
than or equal to 1
Pass Criteria 10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
14. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- 0-Bit field of Method/EventID in SOME/IP Packet Header is
set to 1
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.1
Definition of Identifiers [TR_SOMEIP_00011] Page 14 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 945
OPEN Alliance Specification of the SOME/IP on-wire format

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_01: IP addresses and port number of the Reponse message

For the response and error message the IP addresses and port number of the
Synopsys transport protocol shall match the request message. NOTE: Checking for Response
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
Test Procedure - SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Message Expected IP Src Address set to
- SOME/IP Message Expected IP Dst Address set to
- SOME/IP Message Expected UDP Src Port set to
- SOME/IP Message Expected UDP Dest Port set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

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OPEN Alliance

7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message

Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Mapping of IP Addresses and Ports in Response and Error (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 947
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_02: MSB of Method ID in Response Message.

With 16 Bit Service-ID and a 16 Bit Method-ID starting with a 0-Bit, this allows
Synopsys for up to 65536 services with up to 32768 methods each. NOTE: Checking for 0 bit
in MSB of Method ID in Response Message.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
Test Procedure <DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message contains:
- 0-Bit field of Method/EventID in SOME/IP Packet Header is
set to 0
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message contains:
- 0-Bit field of Method/EventID in SOME/IP Packet Header is
set to 0
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.
Structure of the Message ID [TR_SOMEIP_00038] Page 18 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_03: Copy Request ID from the request to the response message.

When generating a response message, the server has to copy the Request ID from
the request to the response message.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID is set to
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message contains:
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID is set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 949
OPEN Alliance

Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.2.3.4

Request ID [32 Bit] [TR_SOMEIP_00043] Page 19 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_04: Request IDs may be reused if response arrived

Request IDs might be reused as soon as the response arrived or is not expected to
arrive anymore (timeout). NOTE: Testing first condition where response arrived.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
Test Procedure <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-

Restriction Level:
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OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.2.3.4
Request ID [32 Bit] [TR_SOMEIP_00044] Page 19 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_05: Protocol Version

Protocol Version is an 8 Bit field containing the SOME/IP protocol version, which
currently shall be set to 0x01.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure - Protocol Version set to 0x01
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Protocol Version set to 0xFF
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 951
OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Protocol Version set to 0x01
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Protocol Version set to 0x01
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.2.3.5
Protocol Version [8 Bit] [TR_SOMEIP_00052] Page 20 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_06: Interface Version

Interface Version is an 8 Bit field that contains the Major Version of the Service
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
Test Procedure <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message contains:
- Interface Version is set to <SERVICE-ID-1-INTF-VER-MAJ>
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 953
OPEN Alliance

10. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Interface Version set to <UNKNOWN-INTF-VER-MAJ-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
12. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message contains:
- Interface Version is set to <SERVICE-ID-1-INTF-VER-MAJ>
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.2.3.6
Interface Version [8 Bit] [TR_SOMEIP_00053] Page 20 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_07: Message Type and Response after a Request

The Message Type field is used to differentiate different types of messages and shall
contain the following values. 0x00 REQUEST A request expecting a response (even
void). 0x80 RESPONSE The response message. NOTE: Testing Response message
after sending a request.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_FIND_SERVICE
Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through

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OPEN Alliance

<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Interface Version set to <SERVICE-ID-1-INTF-VER-MAJ>
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.2.3.7
Message Type [8 Bit] [TR_SOMEIP_00055] Page 20 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_08: Message Type and Request no Return

The Message Type field is used to differentiate different types of messages and
Synopsys shall contain the following values. 0x01 REQUEST_NO_RETURN A fire&forget
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
to DUT through <DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
7. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Response Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.2.3.7
Message Type [8 Bit] [TR_SOMEIP_00055] Page 20 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 956
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_09: Message Type and Request ACK

The Message Type field is used to differentiate different types of messages and
Synopsys shall contain the following values. 0x40 REQUEST_ACK Acknowledgment for
REQUEST (optional).
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.2.3.7
Message Type [8 Bit] [TR_SOMEIP_00055] Page 20 (MAY)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 957
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_10: Message Type and Unkown Service ID

The Message Type field is used to differentiate different types of messages and
Synopsys shall contain the following values. 0x81 ERROR The response containing an error.
NOTE: Checking for error UNKNOWN Service ID.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
Test Procedure - SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-

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OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <UNKNOWN-SERVICE-ID>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.2.3.7
Message Type [8 Bit] [TR_SOMEIP_00055] Page 20 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_11: Return code for normal request response

The Return Code is used to signal whether a request was successfully been
Synopsys processed. NOTE: Checking for Normal Request Response Communication i.e.
Error Code E_OK.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test Procedure 0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to

Restriction Level:
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OPEN Alliance

6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message contains:
- Return Code is set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Pass Criteria
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message contains:
- Return Code is set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.2.3.8
Reference Return Code [8 Bit] [TR_SOMEIP_00058, TR_SOMEIP_00191] Page 21

SOMEIPSRV_ONWIRE_12: Return code for an Unknown Method ID error

The Return Code is used to signal whether a request was successfully been
Synopsys processed. NOTE: Checking for Error in case of Unknown Method ID in Request
Response Communication i.e. Error Code E_UNKNOWN_METHOD.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Procedure 3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to

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OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to

- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <UNKNOWN-METHOD-ID-SI-1>
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.2.3.8 Return
Code [8 Bit] [TR_SOMEIP_00058, TR_SOMEIP_00191] Page 21 (MUST)

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Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 961
OPEN Alliance RPC Protocol specification

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_01: Use a single TCP connection for all Methods

The client and server shall use a single TCP connection for all methods, events,
and notifications of a service instance. NOTE: This test is for methods.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-2>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-2>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-2>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.1.2 TCP
Binding [TR_SOMEIP_00150] Page 33 (MUST)

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OPEN Alliance


SOMEIPSRV_RPC_02: Use a single TCP connection for all Notifications

The client and server shall use a single TCP connection for all methods, events,
and notifications of a service instance. NOTE: This test is for Notifications.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-2>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
Test Procedure <DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry set to extractedInstID1
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-2>
9. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Trigger Event on <DIface-0> with the following

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OPEN Alliance

- Event ID : <EVENT-ID-1-EG-ID-2>
- Event Group ID : <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-2>
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-2>
12. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
- SOME/IP Expected Event ID in SOME/IP Header set to
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
14. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-2>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 9. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.1.2 TCP
Binding [TR_SOMEIP_00150] Page 33 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 964
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_03: Getter of a field method

The getter of a field shall be a request/response call that has an empty payload in
Synopsys the request message and the value of the field in the payload of the response
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
Test Procedure - SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-GET-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. TESTER: Extracts the content of SOME/IP Packet Length to
9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message contains:
- SOME/IP Expected Response Message Payload is set to
10. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
Pass Criteria 4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 965
OPEN Alliance

7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message

9. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message contains:
- SOME/IP Expected Response Message Payload is set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.5 Fields
[TR_SOMEIP_00181] Page 38 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_04: Fire & forget requests

Requests without response message are called fire&forget. The implementation is

basically the same as for Request/Response with the following differences: There is
no response message. The message type is set to REQUEST_NO_RETURN (i.e.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Procedure Message
to DUT through <DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 966
OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>

- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
7. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Response Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Does not send SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.3
Fire&Forget Communication [TR_SOMEIP_00170] Page 36 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_05: Fire & forget requests shall return no error

Fire & Forget messages shall not return an error. The system shall not return an
error message for fire&forget methods.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
to DUT through <DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 967
OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>

- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <UNKNOWN-METHOD-ID-SI-
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
7. DUT: Does not send SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Does not send SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.3
Reference Fire&Forget Communication [TR_SOMEIP_00171, TR_SOMEIP_00189]

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_06: Error handling the the bits of the return code

The Error Handling is based on an 8 Bit Std_returnType . The two most

significant bits are reserved and shall be set to 0.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 968
OPEN Alliance

6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <UNKNOWN-METHOD-ID-
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
- Most Significant 2 bits in Return Code is set to 0
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
- Most Significant 2 bits in Return Code is set to 0
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.6.2
Return Code [TR_SOMEIP_00187] Page 38 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_07: Ignore the two most significant bits from return code

The receiver of a return code shall ignore the values of the two most significant
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 969
OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to

- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Packet Header Return Code set to 0xC0
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.6.2
Return Code [TR_SOMEIP_00187] Page 38 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_08: Do not reply to messages already carrying an error

Implementations shall not answer with errors to SOME/IP message already

carrying an error (i.e. return code 0x01 - 0x1f).
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Entry Type set to SOMEIP_ENTRY_FIND_SERVICE
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 970
OPEN Alliance

5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT

<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Packet Header Return Code set to 0x01
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
7. DUT: Does not send SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Packet Header Return Code set to 0x1f
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
10. DUT: Does not send SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
11. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 7. DUT: Does not send SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
10. DUT: Does not send SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.6.2
Return Code [TR_SOMEIP_00539] Page 40 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 971
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_09: No payload in Error message

For request/response methods the error message shall copy over the fields of the
SOME/IP header (i.e. Message ID, Request ID, and Interface Version) but not the
payload. In addition Message Type and Return Code have to be set to the
appropriate values. NOTE: Checking for No Payload in Error message.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
Procedure - SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <UNKNOWN-METHOD-ID-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
- SOME/IP Packet Header Length is set to 8
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 972
OPEN Alliance

8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message

- SOME/IP Packet Header Length is set to 8
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.6.2 Return
Code [TR_SOMEIP_00190] Page 39 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_10: Do not return an error if Message Type is incorrect

The system shall not return an error message for events/notifications and
Synopsys fire&forget methods if the Message Type is set incorrectly to Request or Response.
NOTE: Checking for Fire and Forget Method.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 973
OPEN Alliance

7. DUT: Does not send SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message

8. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria
7. DUT: Does not send SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.6.2 Return
Code [TR_SOMEIP_00537] Page 39 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_11: Setter of a field and payload

The setter of a field shall be a request/response call that has the desired valued of
Synopsys the field in the payload of the request message and the value that was set to field in
the payload of the response message.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
Test Procedure <DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-2-SI-1>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 974
OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK

7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message contains:
- SOME/IP Packet Header Length is greater than 8
- SOME/IP Expected Response Message Payload is set to
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
7. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Response Message contains:
Pass Criteria
- SOME/IP Packet Header Length is greater than 8
- SOME/IP Expected Response Message Payload is set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.5 Fields
[TR_SOMEIP_00182] Page 38 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 975
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_12: Notifier and event message on field change

The notifier shall send an event message that transports the value of a field on
change and follows the rules for events.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
Test Procedure - Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry set to extractedInstID1
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Trigger Event on <DIface-0> with the following
- Event ID : <EVENT-ID-1-EG-ID-1>
- Event Group ID : <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 976
OPEN Alliance

- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
10. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
- SOME/IP Expected Event ID in SOME/IP Header set to
11. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
12. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
11. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.5 Fields
[TR_SOMEIP_00183] Page 38 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 977
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_13: Different services can share the same port

While different Services shall be able to share the same port number of the transport
layer protocol used, multiple Service-Instances of the same service on one single
ECU shall listen on different ports per Service-Instance. NOTE: Checking For case -
Different Services same port.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-2>
- Number Of Instances : 1
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
4. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
Test - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option set to 1
5. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
6. TESTER: Extracts the content of SOMEIP IPv4 Endpoint Option
Transport Port to <extractedTransPort>
7. TESTER: Set Destination Port Of client1 to extractedTransPort
8. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
9. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 978
OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to

- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
11. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
12. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-2>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-2>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
14. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
15. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-2>
5. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 10. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
13. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.1.3
Multiple Service-Instances [TR_SOMEIP_00163] Page 35 (MAY)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 979
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_14: Different instances of the same service must use different ports

While different Services shall be able to share the same port number of the transport
layer protocol used, multiple Service-Instances of the same service on one single
ECU shall listen on different ports per Service-Instance. NOTE: Checking For case -
Different instances of same Service different port.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 2
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Expected Offer Services' Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option set to 2
- Number Of Expected Offer Service Entries set to 2
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Test Entry 2 to <extractedInstID2>
Procedure 6. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Service Instance ID of Offer Service Entry 1 is not set to
7. TESTER: Extracts the content of SOMEIP IPv4 Endpoint Option
Number 1
Transport Port to <extractedTransPort1>
8. TESTER: Extracts the content of SOMEIP IPv4 Endpoint Option
Number 2
Transport Port to <extractedTransPort2>
9. TESTER: Set Destination Port Of client1 to extractedTransPort1
10. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 980
OPEN Alliance

11. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
12. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
13. TESTER: Set Destination Port Of client1 to extractedTransPort2
14. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
15. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
16. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
17. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Service Instance ID of Offer Service Entry 1 is not set to
Pass Criteria
12. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
16. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.1.3
Multiple Service-Instances [TR_SOMEIP_00163] Page 35 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 981
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_15: Update on change value

Synopsys Update on change - send an update as soon as a "value" changes (e.g. door open)
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
Test Procedure <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry set to extractedInstID1
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Trigger Event on <DIface-0> with the following
- Event ID : <EVENT-ID-1-EG-ID-1>
- Event Group ID : <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
10. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 982
OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
- SOME/IP Expected Event ID in SOME/IP Header set to
11. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
12. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
11. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.4.1
Strategy for sending notifications [TR_SOMEIP_00176] Page 37 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 983
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_16: Cyclic update of a value

Synopsys Cyclic update - send an updated value in a fixed interval (e.g. every 300 ms)
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Entry 1 to <extractedInstID1>
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
Test Procedure <SERVICE-ID-1>
- EventGroup ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
- Service Instance ID in Subscribe Eventgroup Entry set to
7. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID in Subscribe EventGroup Ack
Entry set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Service Instance ID in Subscribe
EventGroup Ack Entry set to extractedInstID1
- SOME/IP Expected EventGroup ID in Subscribe EventGroup
Entry set to <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Trigger Event on <DIface-0> with the following
- Event ID : <EVENT-ID-2-EG-ID-1>
- Event Group ID : <EVENT-GROUP-ID-1-SI-1>
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
10. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 984
OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to SOMEIP_RET_CODE_E_OK
- SOME/IP Expected Event ID in SOME/IP Header set to
11. DUT: Sends 2 SOME/IP Notification Messages
12. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
reception of 1st SOME/IP Notification Message and 2nd
SOME/IP Notification Message
is greater than
<ParamToleranceTimeMillisec>) micro second
13. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
11. DUT: Sends 2 SOME/IP Notification Messages
12. TESTER: Verify that the time interval between
Pass Criteria reception of 1st SOME/IP Notification Message and 2nd
SOME/IP Notification Message
is greater than
<ParamToleranceTimeMillisec>) micro second
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.4.1
Strategy for sending notifications [TR_SOMEIP_00176] Page 37 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 985
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_17: Multiple instances use multiple TCP connections

When having more than one instance of a service a TCP connection per services
instance is needed.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 2
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- Expected Offer Services' Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-
- SOMEIP Expected Type of Option set to
- SOMEIP Expected Number Of IPv4 Endpoint Option set to 2
- Number Of Expected Offer Service Entries set to 2
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: Extracts the content of Service Instance ID of Offer
Test Procedure Entry 2 to <extractedInstID2>
6. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message
- Service Instance ID of Offer Service Entry 1 is not set
7. TESTER: Extracts the content of SOMEIP IPv4 Endpoint Option
Number 1
Transport Port to <extractedTransPort1>
8. TESTER: Extracts the content of SOMEIP IPv4 Endpoint Option
Number 2
Transport Port to <extractedTransPort2>
9. TESTER: Set Destination Port Of client1 to extractedTransPort1
10. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 986
OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to

11. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
12. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
13. TESTER: Set Destination Port Of client1 to
14. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
15. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <METHOD-ID-1-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
16. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
17. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
6. TESTER: Verify that received SOME/IP Notification Message contains:
- Service Instance ID of Offer Service Entry 1 is not set to
Pass Criteria
12. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
16. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Response Message
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.1.2 TCP
Binding [TR_SOMEIP_00150] Page 33 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 987
OPEN Alliance

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_18: In Response copy Message ID

For request/response methods the error message shall copy over the fields of the
SOME/IP header (i.e. Message ID, Request ID, and Interface Version) but not the
payload. In addition Message Type and Return Code have to be set to the
appropriate values. NOTE: Checking For Message ID.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
Procedure - SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID is set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID is set to
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 988
OPEN Alliance

8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message

- SOME/IP Expected Service ID is set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID is set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.6.2 Return
Code [TR_SOMEIP_00190] Page 39 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_19: In Response copy Request ID

For request/response methods the error message shall copy over the fields of the
SOME/IP header (i.e. Message ID, Request ID, and Interface Version) but not the
payload. In addition Message Type and Return Code have to be set to the
appropriate values. NOTE: Checking For Request ID.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
Test <DIface-0> containing :
Procedure - SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to
6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <UNKNOWN-METHOD-ID-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 989
OPEN Alliance

8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message

- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID is set to
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
Pass Criteria
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID is set to
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.6.2 Return
Code [TR_SOMEIP_00190] Page 39 (MUST)

SOMEIPSRV_RPC_20: In Response copy Interface Version

For request/response methods the error message shall copy over the fields of the
SOME/IP header (i.e. Message ID, Request ID, and Interface Version) but not the
payload. In addition Message Type and Return Code have to be set to the
appropriate values. NOTE: Checking For Interface Version.
Prerequisites Check section prerequisites
Test setup Topology 1
Test Input
Check section general Input Parameters
1. DUT CONFIGURE: Start Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
- Number Of Instances : 1
2. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Notification Message to DUT
<DIface-0> containing :
- Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
3. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
Procedure - Service ID in Entry Array set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
5. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Sends SOME/IP Request Message to DUT through
<DIface-0> containing :
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Packet Send Header Interface Version set to
- SOME/IP Send Request Message Service ID set to

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OPEN Alliance

- SOME/IP Send Request Message Method ID set to

6. TESTER: <CLIENT-1> Listens (upto <ParamListenTime>) on <DIface-0>
- SOME/IP Packet Expected Header Request ID set to
- SOME/IP Expected Service ID set to <SERVICE-ID-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Method ID set to <UNKNOWN-METHOD-ID-SI-1>
- SOME/IP Expected Return Code set to
8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
- Interface Version is set to <SERVICE-ID-1-INTF-VER-MAJ>
9. DUT CONFIGURE: Stop Service on <DIface-0> with the following
- Service ID : <SERVICE-ID-1>
4. DUT: Sends SOME/IP Notification Message
Pass Criteria 8. TESTER: Verify that received SOMEIP_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Message
- Interface Version is set to <SERVICE-ID-1-INTF-VER-MAJ>
Example for a Serialization Protocol (SOME/IP) V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 3 s6.3.6.2 Return
Code [TR_SOMEIP_00190] Page 39 (MUST)

Restriction Level:
Public OPEN Alliance Automotive Ethernet ECU Test Specification | Jan-16 991

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