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August Test F2

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NAME : _______________________ CLASS: 2 __________



Answer all the questions.
This question paper consists of 7 pages.

Section A : Comprehension ( 10 marks )

Read the text below. Then, answer the following questions.

It may surprise you to know that superstitious rituals are common in professional
sports. Although skill and constant practice are considered extremely important,
superstitious rituals are often practised to ensure victory. Many famous sportspeople
have their own rituals which they refuse to change in fear of affecting their winning
Serena Williams is a famous tennis player who has won countless
competitions. However, she believes that her wins are a result of a closely followed
routine. Wearing a pair of socks more than once feels horrible, but Serena will only
wears the same pair of socks throughout an entire tournament. Besides this, she
also ties her shoelaces a specific way before matches and she always bounces the
ball five times before her first serve.
Perhaps the most well-known Formula One driver is Michael Schumacher. He
is also known for his love of odd numbers. When Schumacher returned to Formula
One in 2010, he was given the Number 4 car. He swapped the racing number with
his teammate so that he could get the Number 3 car. Schumacher also had a lucky
amulet that his wife had given him. He wore it in every race.
One of the best football players of all time is Pele. At one stage of his career,
Pele was on a losing streak. He became convinced that it was because he had given
a particular shirt to one of his fans. The shirt was found and returned to Pele, and his
performance improved. What Pele did not know is that his lucky shirt had not actually
been found. He had just been handed a shirt from a previous match. This is a good
example of the power of superstition.

Based on the article, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
1. Skill and constant practice are necessary to do well in sports. ……………..
2. Serena Williams is not a superstitious person. ……………...
3. Michael Schumacher uses the Number 3 car in every race. ………………
4. Pele lost because he had given away his shirt ………………

Answer the following questions.

1. Why didn’t Michael Schumacher want the Number 4 car ?


2. Based on the article, state one superstition that Serena Williams believes in
practising during a tournament.


3. Which is the best title for the article above?

A. Logical explanations
B. Superstitions in Sports
C. Worldwide Superstitions

4. Do you believe in superstitions? Give one reason for your choice.


( 2 marks )

5. What superstitions are there in your country? Give one example.



Section B : Information Transfer ( 10 marks )
Read the following text. Then, answer questions ( 1 ) – (10 ).

Sports figures have fallen into superstitions that they believe will put them in a
better position to win every time. The Olympic Games have the most superstitions
and rituals. According to some sports psychologists, superstitions and rituals
attached to them give athletes a sense of control over themselves and they feel less
anxious. In a sports environment, anything can happen. They have spent day and
night training to secure medals and fame. ‘Superstitions bring us luck and help us
succeed! So, why not do it? Guys, it’s not going to hurt, right?’

Tiger Woods is often sighted wearing his lucky red shirt on the last day of a
major tournament. ‘I have had a few wins wearing red,’ said Woods, ‘and it’s not
going to change’. Judo gold medallist, Kayla Harrison, wears the lucky socks that
were a gift from her grandmother. Hockey player, Alex Danson, spins her stick 15
times before each game. Tennis player, Rafael Nadal, takes alternating sips from
two identical water bottles at every break between games.

Even coaches are superstitious, too. Just imagine a basketball coach chewing
on a towel during games and a football coach eating turf ! That is interesting, right?
All in the quest of winning !

There are other less complex forms of superstitions practised by sports

figures. Such examples are having a lucky charm in the pocket, crossing fingers and
chanting the mantra. These small tokens of luck make them feel more confident in
their abilities.

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.

Most superstitions and rituals.

(Game) 1. ___________________________

Reasons for its popularity

2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________

Types practised by
Superstitions Alex Danson – spins stick 15 times before each game
And Sports

5. Tiger Woods – wears his _____________________

on the last day of a major tournament

6. Kayla Harrison – wears the _____________________

a gift from her grandmother.

7. Rafael Nadal – takes ______________________________

from the identical water bottles at every break between games.

Football coach – eat turf

8.Basketball coach - ________________________________

Other forms of superstitions practised by sports personalities

9. ______________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________

Section C : Language Awareness ( 10 marks )
A. Complete the sentences with ‘for’ or ‘since’

1. Samitha has attended basketball training ______________ two days.

2. Nicol David has played squash _______________ she was five years old.

3. I have been a fan of Manchester United ______________ the last ten years.

4. The boys are very patient. They have waited ______________ three hours.

5. I have had this cold ________________ Tuesday.

6. Miss Polly Pang has coached the swimming team _______________ she
joined the school.

B. Use the present perfect tense to write How long…? questions for the
words below.
Example: the fan – be broken
How long has the fan been broken?

1. you – avoid black cats


2. Anabelle – play chess


3. you – believe in superstitions


4. Simran – want to play for the school hockey team


Section D : Vocabulary ( 20 marks )

A. Complete the phrases with ‘play’, ‘do’ or ‘go’.

1. ______________ running

2. ______________ table tennis

3. ______________ karate

4. ______________ skateboarding

B. Complete the sentence with verbs of movement. The first and last letter
of the verbs of movement has been given.

1. Will your cat s h me if I sit next to her?

2. That’s very hot – don’t t h it or you’ll burn yourself.

3. Careful ! You’re going to s l the milk.

4. Can I o n my present now?

5. If you d p the mirror, it will break.

6. Can you help me c y the books?

C. Underline the correct word.

1. The loser / champion of the tennis match got very angry and walked off the

2. I’ve been an Atletico de Madrid supporter / winner all my life.

3. If we play well, I think we can beat our supporters / opponents.

4. Who is the winner / captain of the school football team this year?

5. Real Madrid’s match / stadium is called the Bernabeu.

D. Complete the superstitions with verbs of movement from the box below.

touch pick walk cross drop

1. I never ____________ under ladders.

2. I ________________ my fingers for good luck.

3. I _________________ wood when I want a good situation to continue.

4. If I __________________ a book, I will ask someone else to pick it up.

5. If I find a four-leaf clover, I will ____________it – it’s really lucky!

END OF QUESTION PAPER 

Prepared by: Checked by: Endorsed by:

DR. Ranjithamalar Tan Siew Fong Sunita Sharma

English Language Teacher Assistant Head of Head of Language
English Panel Department


FORM 2 2019
NAME : _______________________ CLASS: 2 __________

Read the following texts. Then respond to the following questions to your English teacher.

 Wipe the soles of your trainers for good luck.

 The last person to shoot a basket during the warm-up will have a good game.

 It’s bad luck to hold more than two balls at a time when serving.
 Avoid stepping on the court lines and wearing the colour yellow.

 A mascot is an important good luck symbol.

 Double numbers on a player’s uniform brings good luck.

 Always put the right foot in the stirrup first.

 Always shave before a competition ( for men only ).

 Spitting into your hand before picking up the bat is said to bring good luck
 A wad of gum stuck on a player’s hat brings good luck.
 Lending a bat to a fellow player is a serious jinx.
 When a player spits on the ground, he must kick dirt onto it, otherwise he’ll have bad

 It is bad luck for hockey sticks to lie crossed.

 Players believe they’ll win the game if they tap the goalie on their shin pads before a

1. Do you have any of these sports superstitions in your country? Do they mean the
same things? Give reasons to your choice.
2. Do you know of any other sports superstitions in other countries? Give an example.
3. Are you superstitious? If yes, give an example. If no, give an explanation.

Prepared by: Checked by: Endorsed by:

DR. Ranjithamalar Tan Siew Fong Sunita Sharma

English Language Teacher Assistant Head of Head of Language
English Panel Department



NAME :___________________________________ CLASS : ___________________

Listen to the extract. Complete the blanks with answers given in the box below.

Part 1 ( 8 marks )

1. Since the 18th century, many believed it is bad luck to ________________________

__________________________________. This was because the clunky umbrellas

back then caused many accidents.

2. Many tall apartment buildings and hotels relabelled the 13the floor. The number 13 is
often ______________________________________________________________

3. Some people believe that when the right palm itches, you will meet someone new or
_____________________________________________________. When the left
palm itches, money will be spent or lost.

4. Breaking a mirror results in _____________________________________________.

5. break a bad luck streak by _____________________________________________

under the moonlight.

6. Tap lightly on the bark of a tree to ________________________________________.

Tap lightly on the same tree again when the favour is granted.

7. Many people are scared of black cats because ______________________________

 seven years of bad luck

 witches kept black cats as companions
 open an umbrella indoors
 ask spirits for favours
 they believe that black cats bring bad luck
 replaced with 12 A
 burying the broken mirror in your yard
 money is coming in

Part 2 (17 marks )
Listen to a song and fill up the blanks with appropriate words given in the box below.

broke can writing soul devil’s superstition wash save

nothing ladders strong bad luck thirteen problem daydream looking

Very superstitious When you believe in things

9.___________ on the wall, That you don’t understand
Very superstitious, Then you suffer
10.____________ about' to fall
Thirteen month old baby, 24.___________________
Broke the 11._____________ glass ain’t the way
Seven years of 12._______________ No … no…no…..
The good things in your past

When you believe in things 25. Circle the correct answer.

That you don't understand, What is the title of this song?
Then you suffer, A. Superstitious
Superstition ain’t the way B. Superstition

Very superstitious
13._____________ your face and hands
Rid me of the 14.___________________
Do all that you 15.__________________
Keep me in a 16.___________________
Keep me going 17. __________________
You don’t wanna 18. _______________ me
Sad is the 19. _____________
Very superstitious,
20.______________ more to say,
Very superstitious,
The 21._____________ on his way,
22.__________________ month old baby,
23.______________the looking glass,
Seven years of bad luck,
Good things in your past


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