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Grade 2 - Compiled Sheet 23-24

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Date: ____________________

Unit-1 Having Fun

I. Circle the correct adjectives:
1. School Fair is an interesting / interested day.
2. There are lots of exciting / excited story books.

3. The athletes are very tiring / tired after their races.

4. She’s amazing / amazed at her handwriting.
5. I was surprising / surprised at her test score.

II. Circle the past tense verbs and underline when the action happened:
1. Laura cleaned her cabin on Saturday afternoon.
2. Harry studied until 10:00 last night.
3. I called Sabel on o
4. Tina ate breakfast this morning.
5. Sarah went to the party yesterday.

III. Match the word with the correct picture:

1. envelope

2. athlete

3. championship

4. band

IV. Match the given words to the correct pictures:

Date: ____________________

1. family reunion (_____)

2. wedding (_____)

3. score (_____)

4. folk dance (_____)

5. team (_____)

6. festival (_____)

V. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

Date: ____________________

1. amazed / amazing

a. The fun fair was _____________________.

b. The people were ____________________ .

2. excited / exciting

a. He was very _________________ to take part in the car race.

b. The car race was very ____________________.

3. interesting / interested

a. The storybook which Sam read was very________________.

b. Sam was ___________________ to read the storybook.

VI. Unscramble the given statements.

1. swimming race/ Was / the / exciting?
2. very / Yes, / the / exciting. / swimming race / was
3. boring? / Was / game / the
4. dancers / The / amazing. / were
5. get / winners / The / prizes. / big
6. is / Saudi National Day / year. / every / celebrated

VII. Match the words with their meanings:

1. fair (______) cover

Date: ____________________

2. envelope (______) player

3. athlete (______) group

4. team (______) gathering of people to enjoy

VIII. Write the opposites:

1. inside X _______________

2. light X _______________

3. day X _______________

4. give X _______________

IX. Frame sentences for the given words:

1. interesting -______________________________________________


2. bored -___________________________________________________


Reading Comprehension

Jim and the Old Lady

Date: ____________________

This is the story of Jim, an eleven-year-old poor orphan boy. He earned a

living by polishing people's shoes. Jim barely earned enough to buy one
square meal a day.
One winter night, when it grew cold outside, an old lady knocked on Jim's
door. When Jim opened the door, she requested him, “Can you please give me some food?”
She said, “I had not eaten for days.” She looked very weak, too.
Jim had just one loaf of bread that he was about to eat for dinner.
He hadn't eaten anything the whole day. Looking at the old lady, he said, “You need the
bread more than me.” He willingly gave her the bread.
As soon as the old lady ate the bread, she transformed into a fairy! She was happy with Jim
for being such a good boy. She blessed him with lots of
and riches. Jim said, “Thank You!” to the fairy.
Jim never went hungry after that day.

Moral: Good deeds don't go unrewarded.

Read the above passage carefully and then answer the questions:

1. How old was Jim?

2. How was he earning his living?
3. Who knocked at Jim's door, one winter night?
4. What did she request from him?
5. What did she bless him with?

Unit 2 – The Red Rubber Ball

I. Circle and write the correct answer:

1. When you keep your balance, you usually _______________________.

Date: ____________________

( stand straight - fall down - lie down)

2. After you jump, you must land on _________________.
( the water - the ground - the ball)
3. A boa constrictor is a ____________________.
( person - snake - bird)
4. When you toss a ball, you ______________________.
( roll it - hold it - throw it)

II. Look and write: (kick / drops / bounce / skip)

1. A rabbit loves to _____________.

2. When Dora plays Jacks, she ____________the ball.

3. Ali uses his hand to _____________ the ball on the ground.

4. Ahmed loves to walk and _______________the ball at the same time.

III. Fill in the blanks with a gerund:

1. Tom likes to swim.

He thinks __________________is fun.
2. Jane likes to skip.
Her friend also likes _______________.
3. My sister loves to dance.
_________________ to music is fun.

Date: ____________________

4. Samar likes to bake a cake.

She enjoys ______________.

5. Mariam rides a bicycle.

She enjoys ______________ a bicycle.

6. They bounce the ball.

They like__________________ the ball.

7. Hamza plays footbag.

He likes ___________________ footbag.

8. Muhammad wins a race every year.

_______________ isn’t easy.

9. Dina likes to cook.

_______________ is an art.

IV. Circle and write the correct question words:

1. What is the name of the game? Who/ What

2. _____________ is the door closed? Who/Why

3. _____________ is your favourite teacher? When/ Who

4. _____________ do you go out on weekends? What/ Where

5. _____________ will the class ends? When/ What

6. _____________ is the new girl in our class? What/ Who

V. Match the words with their meanings:

Date: ____________________

1. bounce (______) fall

2. drop (______) to throw
3. stream (______) jump
4. toss (______) a small, narrow river
VI. Write down the opposites for the following words:
1. narrow X _______________
2. win X _______________
3. laugh X _______________
4. friend X _______________

VII. Frame the sentences:

1. kick -________________________________________________________

2. bounce-______________________________________________________

3. skip- ________________________________________________________

Reading Comprehension
A Eid gift
Read the following passage and answer the following questions:

Laila hurried home from school, putting her books away quickly. Later, she was going with
her mother to buy a birthday gift for her friend, Amina. Laila and her mother walked
together to the neighbourhood store. In her pocket, Laila had five dollars –the money she
saved up to buy the gift. It was difficult to decide on what to buy at the store as there were
too many choices!
First, Laila found a red bicycle helmet.
“But look at its price tag,” said Mother. “This helmet costs ten dollars.”
“It’s too expensive, “Laila sighed.
“What about this video game?” Mother suggested.
“He has that game, “Laila replied.
Finally, Laila found a storybook that cost four dollars.

Date: ____________________

She even had money left to buy some candy for Amina.
What a perfect birthday gift!

1.Why did Laila hurry home from school?


2.Who went with Laila to the store?


3.Why didn’t Laila buy the bicycle helmet?


4.What did Mother suggest for Amina’s gift?


5.What did Laila finally buy for Amina?


Writing Task:

Date: ____________________

1. Use question words to make questions.

1. ________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________

Answer the questions.

Date: ____________________


1. Complete with question words:

1. _____How________do you pronounce "September"?

2. _____What________newspaper do you read?
3. _____Where_______were you born? In London.
4. _____When________were you born? In 1998.
5. _____Where_______does she live? In Paris.

2. Make questions:

A.I went to Rome two years ago.

Q. Where did you go two years ago?

Date: ____________________

Q. When did you go to rome?

A.I bought a black t-shirt yesterday because I needed it.

Q. What did you buy yesterday?

When did you buy the black t-shirt?

Q. Why did you buy it?

A. My friends are coming home this afternoon at five o'clock.

Q. Who is coming home at five o’ clock?

Q. When is your friends coming home?

Q. What time will they reach?

Story Elements

Character & Setting in a Story.

The characters are the people or animals in a story.

The setting is where and when a story happens.

Read the passage below, then write the answers to each question on the line.

It was the first day of school. The classroom was almost empty. It is raining heavily today,
and all buses are late. The playground is wet. Children are happy that with less children the
teacher would not teach them. Children are always happy not to study. Sofia, Emma and
Marina were the only girls who were present in the classroom today. They were happy

Date: ____________________


1. Who are the characters in this passage?

Sofia, Emma and Marina

2. What is the setting of this passage?

The first day of school.

3. Why are the children happy?

The children are happy that with less children the teacher would not teach them.

Read the story below and answer the following questions.

A Long Sleepless Night

Hana crawled into bed. She laid down, even though she was really tired, she couldn't
fall asleep she tried counting stars, she tried reading a book, but nothing worked. At
seven o'clock in the morning, Hana gave up and got out of bed. she showered and
dressed. when
she started to eat breakfast, mother asked why Hana wake up so early. Mother told
her it was Sunday. without saying anything, Hana went back to bed and this time, she
was able to fall asleep.

1. What is title of the story?

Date: ____________________

A. A long sleepless night.

2. What is the setting of the story?

A. At home on Sunday morning.

3. Who are the characters in the story?

A. Hana and the mother.

4. What is the problem in the story?

A. Hana couldn’t fall asleep.

Date: ____________________

Picture Description:

Describe what you see in the picture in sentences.

It is a rainy day. The children are happy because it is

Date: ____________________

raining. The children are wearing raincoat that they will

not get wet in the rain. The girl is holding an umbrella.
The boys are running in the rain. The boy is waving is
hand. It is a fun day and the children are happy.

Unit-3 - Letters to a Friend

I. Circle the correct word:

1.When he was ten years old , he can / couldn’t drive a car.

2.Now he’s 15, and he can / could drive a car.

3.When she was younger , she can / couldn’t play tennis.

4.Now she can / couldn’t play tennis.

5.When I was five years old , I can / couldn’t read a story book.

6.Now I’m eleven , and I can / could read story books.

7.When I was younger , I can / couldn’t catch a ball.

8.Now I’m older, and I can / could catch a ball.

Date: ____________________

II. Underline the two parts separated by but:

1.She likes to sing songs, but her friend likes to dance.

2.Molly’s father is a farmer, but Sam’s father is a doctor.

3.Zain lives in Paris, but his parents live in Saudi Arabia.

4.I get up at 5:00 in the morning, but my son gets up at 5:30.

5.In Jeddah, it is hot in summers, but in London summers are cold.

6.Fahad likes to write neatly, but his friend doesn’t.

III. Add prefix un - to the following verbs to describe the opposite action.

1. tied - ________________

2. wrapped - ________________

3. plugged - ________________

4. buttoned - ________________

5. tangled - ________________

6. covered - ________________

7. packed - ________________

IV. Complete the sentences with the words in the box:

Date: ____________________

1. I my shirt.
2. He his shoes.
3. I my computer after playing a game.
4. She the gift box.
5. I _________________ the cord.

V. Unscramble the statements

1. skate. / When I / I couldn’t / was five

2. I can / ten / Now, I am / skate.

3. two / When I was / write. / I couldn’t

4. eight / Now, I am / very neatly. / I can write

VI. Match the words with their meanings:

Date: ____________________

1. unplugged ( ) not knotted

2. untied ( ) not connected to electricity

3. uncovered ( ) not twisted together

4. untangled ( ) not covered

VII. Write down the opposites for the following words:

1. X
2. X
3. X
4. last X

VIII. Frame sentences for the given words:

1. unwrapped-:____________________________________________________


2. uncovered:_____________________________________________________

Date: ____________________


3. untied: _______________________________________________________


Date: ____________________

Writing Task:

Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to your birthday party.

Date: ____________________


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions:

Pumpkin Patch

I love going to the pumpkin patch! I go every year with my best friend, Patrick.
Patrick’s family lives close to the pumpkin patch, so my family drives to
Patrick’s house, and then we all walk to the pumpkin patch together.
When we get there, each of us pays the person at gate number 3.
Then it’s off to find the perfect pumpkin!
Patrick and I like to run up and down every row,
looking for a big, round, orange pumpkin.
The biggest pumpkin we ever found was 3 feet tall !
I wanted to take it home and make a giant jack-o-lantern face on it,
but it was too heavy for us to carry home.
No matter what we find, we always have a great time at the pumpkin patch.

Answer the following questions:

1. Patrick is the __________________________ of the writer.

a) brother
b) best friend
c) dad

2. The biggest pumpkin they ever found was ___________.

a) 3 inches tall
b) 2 feet tall
c) 3 feet tall

Date: ____________________

3. Why did they go to the pumpkin patch?


4. Where did they pay to enter the pumpkin patch?


5. Why didn’t they take the biggest pumpkin home?


Unit 4 - Moving from Here… to There!

Date: ____________________

I. Match the two parts of the sentences:

1. If I’m sick, ( ) she eats snacks.

2. When she’s hungry, ( ) it melts.

3. If ice gets warm, ( ) he drinks juice.

4. When he feels thirsty, ( ) I go to the hospital.

II. Fill in the blanks with correct suffixes: ( -ese/ -ian/ -ish)

 Japan ______

 Chin ______

 Brazil ______

 Ir _______

 Swed ______

III. Combine the two sentences using the word because:

1. I go to school every day. I love to study.

Date: ____________________


2. Jane likes the winter season. She loves to play with snow.



3. Ali is moving to Australia. His father got a new job there.



IV. Complete the sentences with the phrases given in thebox:

When she's hungry -If I'm sleepy

If he feels hot - When we’re happy - When I’m thirsty
1. _____________________________, I drink water.

2. ______________________________, she eats an apple.

3. ____________________________, I take a nap.

4. ____________________________, he goes swimming.

5. _____________________________, we sing.

V. Match the words with their meanings:

1. experiences ( ) a person who moves from one country to another.

2. immigrant ( ) interesting or exciting events that happen in your life.

Date: ____________________

3. move abroad ( ) the things that are yours, such as your clothing and books.

4. belongings ( ) to leave your country and live in another country.

VI. Write down the opposites for the following words:

1. rural x ___________________
2. older x ___________________
3. important x___________________
4. move x___________________
5. sick x___________________

VII. Frame Sentences:

1. summer - ______________________________________________________

2. rural -__________________________________________________________

3. move -__________________________________________________________

4. hospital - _______________________________________________________

Comprehension Practice:

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions:

Summer Treats
Date: ____________________

Twins ,Jessica and Ellen were having fun on the swings at the park on a hot summer day.
They both loved the feeling of the air on their faces when they would swing
high up over the ground. After a little while they dragged their sneakers in the dirt to stop
swinging. Mom had given the twins money to get a summer treat at the park’s snack
shop. “What are you getting?” asked Jessica.
“I want an orange popsicle. That’s my favourite kind,” replied
Ellen. “Let’s split one so it won’t all melt.”
The two girls bought the popsicle and then started on home.
They wondered where the frozen treat on a stick came
from so they asked their Mom.
“Oh, popsicles were invented by a boy just about your age.
He was eleven. He mixed something like Kool-Aid and water
together and brought it on the porch. He forgot to bring his drink
inside and it froze overnight with the stirring stick still in it.
That’s how the first popsicle was made.

1. Where were the twins swinging?

2. What summer treat did they buy?

3.Which was Ellen’s favourite popsicle?

4.What did the girls wonder?

Date: ____________________

5. Who invented the popsicles?

Writing Task: Use the words given to describe the picture in sentences.

Date: ____________________








A Walk to Grandma's house
1.Directions: Read the story below.
2.Write numbers to order the sentences correctly.

Last Saturday. Jean and her brother, Carl, walked to their grandma’s house.
On the way, they stopped by the fruit store and bought an apple each, and ate them
as they walked. While crossing through the park, Carl picked some wildflowers for Grandma.
They hopped over a fence and left the park. Jean waved hello to Mr. Harps and
helped him catch some newspaper the wind had caught. Finally, Jean and Carl
arrived at Grandma's house. She came out and gave them both a big hug and a plate of cookies.
Date: ____________________

Jean helped Mr. Harps catch some newspapers.

Carl picked flowers for Grandma.

Grandma gave the kids a hug and cookies.

Carl and Jean bought and ate some apples.

They hopped over a fence.

Jean and her brother walked to see Grandma.

Story Writing
Complete the story:
Directions: Finish the story with your words.

One dark, windy Saturday afternoon a rabbit named Hoy was

hopping over some logs in the forest when he met his friend the bird
who was named Woogy….



Date: ____________________






Dialogue boxes:

Date: ____________________

Dialogue boxes:

Date: ____________________


Date: ____________________

Cross word puzzle.

Date: ____________________

Unit-7 -How do we measure time?

I. Fill in the blanks with – it will be / it won’t be:
1. It’s 6:00 p.m. In two hours, ___________________________ 8:00 p.m.
2. It’s 9:00 p.m. In three hours, _________________________ 12:00 p.m.
3. It’s 4:00 a.m. In four hours, __________________________ 10:00 a.m.
4. It’s 5:00 a.m. In two hours, __________________________ 7:00 a.m.
5. It’s 3:00 p.m. In six hours, ___________________________ 7:00 p.m.

II. Rewrite the sentence by insert the word ‘the’ when it is needed:
1. I grew up in United Kingdom.


2. She lives in London.


3. My parents live in Saudi Arabia.


Date: ____________________

4. I want to visit Bahamas one day.


5. Our class is studying about United Arab Emirates.


6. I travelled to Republic of Ireland.


III. Match the words with the given clues.:

1. You are in one of these (______) a) multiplying

2. You can do this by walking around a tree. (______) b) spin
3. This is faster than adding. (______) c) noon
4. You can do this by turning in a circle. (______) d) time zone
5. Many people eat lunch at this time. (______) e) orbit

IV. Add – tion to a verb to change it to noun:

1. prepare __________________________

2. add __________________________

3. celebrate __________________________

4. suggest __________________________

5. inform __________________________

6. connect __________________________
Date: ____________________

7. correct __________________________

8. pollute __________________________

9. transport __________________________

10. communicate _________________________

V. Match the given words with the correct pictures:

1. hour (_____)

2. minute (_____)

3. orbit (_____)

4. multiply (_____)

5. second (_____)

6. year (_____)

Date: ____________________

7. month (_____)

8. spin (_____)

VI. Unscramble the sentences and questions:

1. take Earth / to orbit / around the sun? / How long will it


2. Earth 365 days / to orbit / around the sun. / It will take


3. to orbit / take Mercury / around the sun? / How long will it


4. to orbit / Mercury less time / around the sun. / It will take


VII. Match the words with their meanings:

1. axis (______) correct

2. accurate (______) large, round object in space that moves around

a star or sun

3. the opposite side (______) an imaginary line

Date: ____________________

4. planet (______) the other side

VIII. Write the opposites:

1. started X ______________________

2. complete X ______________________

3. equal X ______________________

4. easy X ______________________

IX. Frame the sentences:

1. prepare______________________________________________________________

2. celebrate_____________________________________________________________

3. suggest-_____________________________________________________________

4. Complete - ___________________________________________________________

5. easy - _______________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________

Comprehension Practice:
Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Four Happy Penguins

Molly stops at a gas station to fill up.

A man who works there sees four penguins in the back seat and asks,

"Why do you have four penguins in your car?"

Molly says, "I stopped at a red light and they climbed in! What should

I do with them?"

The man thinks for a second and says, "Maybe you should take them to the zoo."

"That's a good idea. I'll do that," says Molly.

A few days later Molly returns to the gas station. The man sees the same

four penguins in the car. But now they're wearing sunglasses!

"What's going on?" asks the man. "I thought you were taking those

penguins to the zoo."

"I did take them to the zoo!" answers Molly. "We had such a great time,

that today I'm taking them to the beach!

Date: ____________________

1. Who is Molly?

a. one of the penguins

b. the driver of the car

c. a worker at the gas station

2. How many penguins were there in the car?


3. How did the penguins come to be in the car?

a. They were hiding in Molly’s garage.

b. They climbed in when the car stopped at a red light.

c. It doesn’t say in the story.

4. Why were the penguins wearing sunglasses?

a. The zoo was giving out free sunglasses.

b. They had eye problems.

c. They were going to a beach.

5. Name the characters in the story.



Date: ____________________

Unit-8- Doctor Molly

I. Match the words with the definitions:

1. washcloth (______) making air come out of your nose and mouth with
sudden loud noise.
2. forehead (______) a small, square piece of cloth that you use to wash
your face and body.
3. sneezing (______) a thin piece of soft paper that you use to clean
your nose.
4. tissue (______) the part of your face above your eyes.

II. Write the words for the contraction given below:

1. I’m - __________________

2. she’s - __________________

3. he’ll - __________________

4. they’re - __________________

5. I’ll - __________________

6. we’re - __________________

7. it’s - __________________

8. we’ve - __________________

III. Rewrite the sentences with correct capitalization:

Date: ____________________

1. my best friends are mary and jane.


2. the fastest student is johny.


3. miss lee is our english teacher this year.


4. my dad’s name is thomas.


5. sarah and jana go for swimming classes on every friday.


6. i’m going to London in february.


IV. Change the sentences to show your future plans using going to:

1. I call my daughter daily. I’m ____________________call her tonight.

2. My sister is cooking today. My mom is ___________________cook tomorrow.

3. She went to learn piano yesterday. She’s _________________learn again


V. Look at the pictures and then put a tick ( )for the correct answer:

Date: ____________________

The girl is sick.

The girl is a doctor.

The man has a fever.

The man has an earache.

The nurse gives the medicine to the patient.

The nurse gives the burger to the patient.

The man has an earache.

The man has a headache.

The woman has an earache.

The woman has a headache.

We use a tissue to cover our mouth when we sneeze.

We use a tissue to cover our mouth when we sleep.

VI. Choose and write the correct word to complete the sentences:

sneezing - washcloth - forehead, tissue

Date: ____________________

1. I use a _______________________ to wash my face.

2. When I have a cold, I can’t stop_______________________.

3. Use a _______________________ to cover your mouth when you sneeze.

4. Mom felt Billy’s _______________________ to check for a fever.

VII. Complete the sentences to make future plans with - going to:

1. Ducks are____________________________________ (swim) in the lake.

Date: ____________________

2. She is ____________________________________ (ride) her bike.

3. Is she _____________________________________(study) for the test?

4. What is he ________________________________ (eat) for dinner?

5. He _____________________________________ chicken.

6. Shahid is _____________________________________(slide).

6. Hina is _________________________________(make) a snowman.

7. The children are _______________________________(run) a sack race.

VIII. Write the words in correct order:

1. visit New York / this summer. / I am / going to


2. going to / with me. / My parents are / travel

Date: ____________________


3. travel / We are not / by boat. / going to


4. passport. / going to / I am / take my


5. come with us. / My brother / going to / is not


IX. Match the words with the definitions:

1. fever (______) The opposites of well.

2. earache (______) When you have this, your head hurts.

3. headache (______) When you have this, you feel hot.

4. sick (______) When you have this, your ear hurts.

X. Write down the opposites for the following words:

1. late X _______________

2. remember X _______________

3. take X _______________

4. left X _______________

Date: ____________________

5. before X _______________

XI. Frame the sentences:

1. tissues-____________________________________________________________

2. sick-_______________________________________________________________

3. fever-______________________________________________________________

4. remember -________________________________________________________

5. late - ____________________________________________________________

Writing Task:

1.Write the solutions for the problems:

Problem Solution

I am sick. I will go to hospital.

Ali is hungry. He will have a snack.

Molly is tired. She will have a nap

Date: ____________________

2. Match the problem with the solution.

Comprehension Practice:

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

Count Your Chickens

One day, a farmer and his son Noah take some live chickens to a market.

After being at the market for a while, the farmer gives Noah a crate full

Date: ____________________

of chickens and says, "Take these chickens back to the truck. I will meet

you there in 30 minutes."

On his way to the parking lot, Noah trips and drops the crate.

The crate breaks open and all the chickens run off!

Noah chases the chickens. He scoops up all the birds he can catch and

returns them to the crate.

"I hope I found them all," thinks Noah. "My father will be pretty angry

if chickens are missing."

His father is waiting by the truck. In a quiet voice, Noah says, "Dad, the

chickens got loose, but I was able to find all ten of them."

Noah's father smiles and says, "Nice work, son. There were only six chickens

in the crate I gave you!"

1. Where does this story take place?

a. a farm
b. a market
c. a school

2. How did Noah drop the crate?


Date: ____________________

3. How many chickens does Noah's father put in the crate for Noah to carry?


4."Nice work, son. There were only six chickens in the crate I gave you!"


5. Who spoke to whom?


Crossword puzzle.

Date: ____________________

Unit-9- Green Energy for Today..and Tomorrow

I. Complete the sentences with will or might and the words in

1. I'm sure there__________________________________(not be) any gas left
in the future.
2. I'm not sure, but we ___________________________(build) more wind farms
in the future.
3. I'm sure electric cars__________________________________(use) batteries.
4. I'm not sure, but we______________________________(not have) any coal
in fifty years.
5. I'm not sure, but we__________________________(solve) the problem
Date: ____________________

of pollution one day.

6. I'm sure people__________________________________ (need) electricity
in the future.

II. Underline the subject and circle the correct verb:

1. Oil is /are an important fossil fuel that is needed for cars.
2. Windmills was / were used around the world to grind grain.
3. Pollution creates / create many problems in our world today.
4. A wind turbine is / are used to make energy.
5. Wind turbines is / are used to make electricity.
6. Electricity is / are necessary to keep our city lights shining.

III. Match the picture with the correct word from the box:

1. electricity (_________)

2. coal (_________)

3. pollution (_________)

4. windmill (_________)

Date: ____________________

5. oil (_________)

6. power plant (_________)

7. sailboat (_________)

IV. Look at the picture and then circle the correct answers:

1. It may / may not rain today.

2. She may / may not go sledding.
3. She may / may not go to school.
4. She may / may not go shopping.
5. She may / may not go sailing.
6. She may / may not finish her homework.

Date: ____________________

V. Identify count or non-count nouns.

1. water ____________

2. fruit ____________

3. coconut ____________

4. bread ____________

5. meat ____________

6. natural gas ______________

7. milk ____________

8. energy____________

9. power _____________

10. windmill __________

Date: ____________________

VI. Match the words with the meanings:

1. source (______) able to be renewed or replaced.

2. fossil fuels (______) not able to be renewed or replaced.

3. renewable (______) starting point

4. non-renewable (______) fuels like oil or gas formed from dead animals or

plants over millions of years.

VII. Write down the opposites for the following words:

1. reduce X _______________

2. harvest X _______________

3. waste X _______________

4. plant X _______________

5. harm X _______________

VIII. Frame sentences:



Date: ____________________


Write the dialogues.

Date: ____________________

Write the dialogues.

Date: ____________________

Comprehension Practice:
Read the passage and answer the questions carefully.

The Baby Owl and the Mop

Lightning, a 2-month old baby owl, has a new best friend - a mop!

When it's time to clean the floor at the owl hospital where he was born,

Lightning hops out of his cage and follows the mop everywhere.

Lightning has lots of other toys, but he loves the mop better than any of them.

Cara, who runs the owl hospital in England, says, "Lightning loves that mop.

He plays with it and follows it everywhere."

Date: ____________________

People think that Lightning loves the mop because it looks like him.

His fluffy baby owl feathers do look a little mop-like.

Q1. How old is Lightning?

A. __________________________________________________________________

Q2. A stuffed rabbit is Lightning's favourite toy. True / False

Q3.Who is lightning?

A. ____________________________________________________________________

Q4. Who is Cara?

A. ____________________________________________________________________

Q5. Why do people think lightning loves the mop?

A . ____________________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________

Story Elements

Character & Setting in a Story.

The characters are the people or animals in a story.

The setting is where and when a story happens.

Read the passage below, then write the answers.

It was the first day of school. The classroom was almost empty. It is raining

heavily today, and all buses are late. The playground is wet. Children are

happy that with less children the teacher would not teach them. Children are

always happy not to study. Sofia, Emma and Marina were the only girls

who were present in the classroom today. They were happy indeed!!

1. Who are the characters in this passage?


2. What is the setting of this passage?


Date: ____________________

3. Why are the children happy?


Reading Comprehension.

Read the story below and answer the following questions.

A Long Sleepless Night

Hana crawled into bed. She laid down, even though she was really
tired, she couldn't fall asleep she tried counting stars, she tried
reading a book, but nothing worked. At seven o'clock in the morning,
Hana gave up and got out of bed. she showered and dressed. when
she started to eat breakfast, mother asked why Hana wake up so early.
Mother told her it was Sunday. without saying anything, Hana went
back to bed and this time, she was able to fall asleep.

1. What is title of the story?


2. What is the setting of the story?


3. Who are the characters in the story?


4. What is the problem in the story?

Date: ____________________


The Boy and the Wolf

1.Number the sentences in the correct order:

Jack was tired and lonely.

One day Jack was asked to look after the sheep.

He thought of an idea.

The wolf killed his sheep.

He began shouting wolf! Wolf!

No one came to help him.

Villagers came running to save him

He again shouted wall! Wolf! Help!

The next day a wolf really came.

The villagers thought he was playing a trick again.

The wall killed his sheep.

Date: ____________________


1. Read the story.

Dad and I went fishing today. We woke up very early.

We ate breakfast. We left the house after we ate. We went to the
bait store. Dad bought some worms. We caught five fish.
Mom was happy to cook them for us.

2.Read the sentences below. Rewrite them in the correct order.

We ate breakfast.
Dad bought some bait.
We woke up early.
Mom cooked our fish.





Date: ____________________

Reading Comprehension:
Catching Trout
Read the story and complete the answers.

John went fishing one day with his shiny new fishing rod. He caught a trout
in the brook near his house. When he got back, he told his mother "Look mom,
I caught a trout." John's mother asked, "Where did you get it?"
I got it from the brook mom; I caught it with my new fishing rod.
The trout was splashing in the water so I caught it." Then, John's mother
asked, "What will you do with it now?"
"I will keep it mom" replied John. But John's mother knew that the trout
will not survive in a bucket or an aquarium so she asked John to let it go
back in the brook. John got sad. He wanted to keep the trout so he asked
his mom, "Mom, it is such a pretty fish, can I keep it?" John's mother said
to him", No son, you must put it back as trout cannot live in warm waters.
It needs to go back to its cold brook."

Q1. What kind of fish did John catch and with what rod?


Q2. Where does a trout live?


Q3. The trout was _____________________ in the _________________________.

Q4. "What will you do with it now?" was asked by the ___________________.

Q5. What did the mother say?

Ans. Trout needs to __________________________________________.

Writing Task - Outline Story-1

Date: ____________________

Complete the story: A FARMER AND HIS SONS

untied, easily, fall, peace, farmer , quarrel, worried, sticks, break, tried

Once there was a ______________________. He lived in a village.

He had four sons who always __________________ with one another.
The farmer got very sick.
He was very ___________________ because of his son’s attitude.
One day, the farmer brought a bundle of _____________________.
He asked them to ____________________ it.
They ___________________ their best but could not do so.
Then, the farmer_____________________ the bundle.
He told them to break the sticks.
They broke them ______________________.
The farmer said, "United we stand. Divided we ______________________".
His sons learnt a lesson and began to live in ______________________.

Moral of the story: UNITY IS STRENGTH

Outline Story-2

Complete the story: A FAIRY AND THE WOODCUTTER

Date: ____________________

A poor woodcutter was cutting wood in the __________________________.

The woodcutter accidentally _______________________his axe into a pond.
He felt_____________________ because he could not afford to buy a new iron axe.
A fairy saw the incident and offered him a ___________________ axe.
The woodcutter did not accept it because it was not his own ___________.
Then, the fairy ___________________ him a golden axe.
But the woodcutter did not ________________________ it also.
Finally, the fairy _______________________his own axe.
The woodcutter was pleased and he ______________________ the fairy.
Due to his ______________________the fairy also gave him the silver axe
and golden axe.

Moral of the story: HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY


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