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Borysko Tailless

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The BORYSKO TAILLESS By CARL SCHMAEDIG Here’s an unusual and practical gas model airplane. Build- ing and flying it should provide hours of enjoyment to any true aero modelist. NE of the most unusual gas model designs that has reached our eyes is this articular tailless design, which we lieve to be one of the first sue- cessful models of this type. As a matter of fact, it has been more successful than the average gas job. ‘The original model has flown so often that it is literally deteriorat- ing with age rather than meeting the fate of inflicted damages. The life story of this model is an interesting one when we consider how many people have had brain children in the form of tailless jobs, and how few of them actually at- tempted to start work on them, and then the comparative few that’con- tinued working until they had a model that really flew. A distinct contrast is Andrew Borysko’s tail- fess. In his case it was just a matter of conception, construction, and then success, Unusual to say the least, Undoubtedly the proce- dure used in the construction and flying of this ship contributed in a large way to the final success of the model. The model was first built and tested as a glider using a plank of wood for the fuselage; in this way it was possible to ascertain the proper location of the center of gravity. After a good bit of ex- perimentation by gliding the model, its habits and peculiarities were studied and accounted for in the aerodynamic set up of the plane. ‘Then’a fuselage, or what could be called a fuselage, was attached, complete with the motor. The plane completed, a few test hops were made and lo, it flew. Prom: that time on the plane flew in almost any kind of weather. There were instances when it was necessary to heat the engine with matches in order to get it started, so cold was the weather. There ‘were times when it was flown 15.times within one morning at a small beach in Canarsie. Can you imagine the wind and turbulent air that the tailless has flown through under such conditions? Tt is really remarkable what it has done by flying so well under oppos- ing elements, One feature the model must possess to have done this is stability plus and a very flat glide, both of these features being inherent traits of the plane. Upon studying the theory and design of this model, we find that it possesses many fine qualities First, it is stable and has a very quick recovery from any irregular position that it may have obtained Page 17 while in flight. Second, the glide is very flat and not very fast, and the ability to climb at a plenty Steep an- gle is also shown. One’ gratifying feature is that its lateral stability is very good and chances of a spin are slight. ‘The aerodynamic qualities are not the only outstanding features, but just think, it is almost an im: possibility to break a. propeller or damage the engine in any way. When building the model you have only a wing to consider; the two radders and the fuselage are prac tically negligible, therefore, less work. ‘The only people who up to the present time have had any amount of success with tailless designs are the German and Russian model builders, In their case, the tail- ess is ‘a common design. The models they built were very heavy when compared to ours, No won- der when you consider that they built mostly of hardwood and metal covered with fabric. ‘Their success with tailless models is beyond question, especially with gliders. Doubtless you are. wondering why I am trying to impress you with abilities of the tailless design, Well, it is simply this. Tam afraid that upon looking upon the pictures, and the drawings of the model you will allow yourself to become some- what skeptical about the model, and whether or not it can fly. ‘This is one thing that I do not want to happen, and let me assure you that T will take every precaution to see that it does not happen. As a mat- ter of fact, I have even convinced myself to the extent that I am con- templating the construction of a model similar to this one myself. It's just a matter of time now. If a few more people would get down to solid work and do a little experi- mentation on such designs as thi (Continued next month) MODEL CRAFTSMAN, The IMome Mechanic's Magazine for January, 1937 MODIFIED FOR CENTER SECTION - 6 3 cD ° 2 o ° © 8 | 2 8 | 3 iH 3 8 T 2 AVI | lO ° | ° 3 3 : 2 2 2 | a | 4 B Z elt : > i So a © |< 8 : = | Q x “| e ay s Bi ete 3 Pa ert 8 2g = | =| 4 | 5 g iB a fy > 6 ° Hit. jy $ g 32 | 3 ° ° ll 8 Hs 8 1o ° +tiit Ty e a g 0 o 4 e : iM q a t + : 7 I a a t 1 oro m- Oe -si ° ~6 19 MODEL CRAFTSMAN, The Hom OWSANOE M3YONY Ag _d3N9IS30 SSAIVL : Concluded from the Janu- ary Issue. I T would be wise if we proceeded to construct our model just as Andrew Borysko built his orig- inal model. Firsé we will start with the wing. In making a wing of this type it is best to make a full sized layout of the whole shooting match. You should not find this a very hard job as all the dimen- sions are to be found on the draw- ings. As a word of warning, do not scale the drawings up, because as the drawing appears it is not to any definite scale unless specified on the drawing. First start by drawing up the wing section and cutting the ribs out of }-inch sheet balsa. Before attempting to construct the wing be sure that you are familiar with the way that the wing tapers at the tip.” The trailing edge continues in a straight line while the leading edge droops at the tip, the section also varies between sections 6 and 9 where it is symmetrical in shape. First assemble the section between 1 and 6 on the plane, then remove and build on the tips. The spars are one piece all through the wing with the exception of where they meet the center section where it is necessary to break them. As in all is model construction, be sure to be generous with the cement in all cases, ‘When the two halves are com- pleted place thera in the proper rel- ative position to each other in re- ford to sweepback, dihedral, and stance. When you have ‘them properly in line, build up the cen- ter section. First put in the bottom spars being sure to attach them se- curely to the wing halves. The bottom spars in place, attach the leading and trailing edges, make as strong’a joint as possible. While the bottom is drying, the ribs can be glued in place and the top braces attached similarly to the bottom ones. At the trailing edge you will find it necessary to attach fillet blocks where you join the two dif- ferent sections together. ‘When the glue dries, you should have the wing in one’ solid piece. If so, cover the leading edge of the wing and the whole center sec- tion “with 1/16-inch sheet balsa. This will add to the strength con- siderably. This covering could be extended out to rib 2 adding still more strength to the center section joint. The next job is to add the % by ¥-inch drag struts to the top and bottom surfaces of the wing and the extra 4 square braces at the tip, attach the wire rudder clips to the wing, bind these on se- curely with strong thread, This completes the wing structure with the exception of the elevator taps which is shaped out of 5/16 by S-inch sheet and edged with 1/16 round reed. Tip Rudders Make a full sized drawing of the tip rudders and construct the rud- ders on the plan. It may be wise to make a few extra rudders as they are most likely to take the most punishment in a rough land- ing or flying into any object which might be in the way. The rudder is built of all 14 stock as shown on the plan, The curved parts are cut to size from sheet stock. The cen~ ter of the rudders are covered with 1/16-inch sheet to withstand the pressure of the rubber. The model may be covered with any standard covering material such as silk or bamboo paper. Test fly the model before you color it, be- cause if any changes are necessary you will not necessarily spoil the appearance of the model by making Page 39 them. Before you make the fuse- lage glide the model by attaching a stick to the center section for ad- justment. The model should balance Slightly behind the trailing edge of the center section as shown on the plan. In this way you will find the proper location of the center of gravity on your particular model and you will learn how to adjust the tip rudders. Fuselage The fuselage is constructed of hard 44-inch square balsa through- out. Work from a full sized layout. Construct the sides first on the drawing and then assemble to the top view, be sure not to omit the double braces. The motor mount is made of 34-inch birch plywood and 34-inch dural tubing or ¥4-inch dural angle. Two pieces of 4 by ¥,-inch balsa are provided to mount the coil condenser and the batteries on, The landing gear is made from 125 steel wire and bound with the fuselage. The tail skid is made of the same material and is attached to the motor mound and the ply- wood bulkhead, The fuselage may be covered with the same materia] as the wing. a Test Flying Glide the model a number of times before applying power'ty be sure of the adjustment. Also. te careful to see that the wing is not warped or out of line, IE itvis slightly out of line be careful'to allow for this in your adjustment, also take the propeller torque into consideration and allow for it. Then when you have her floating through the air with the greatest of ease you will be able to. show your iniends a thing or two about what the tailless can do, I would appreciate receiving photographs from anyone who builds this model,

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