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TSD The Awakened Dreamers

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Miraculously, the 85 year old Eld survived

Before the age of genetic surgery, miracle medical treatments and his injuries and while awaiting trial was propositioned through his
life extending, cybernetic anagathics, desperate individuals nearing defense lawyer for the test.
death often sought extreme methods to stave off death’s grasping
hand, spending vast sums of money to save themselves. After requesting a single night to reflect on the offer, Eld agreed, but
along with a full pardon for his attack on the clubhouse Eld asked for
One promising area of research was Induced Temporal Stasis a compensation of $5 million in gold securities and an equal amount
Technology. in stock shares should the technology pan out.

In theory being placed in ‘metabolic stasis’ would bring an Thinking the old man crazy but admiring his spirit in driving a hard
organism’s metabolic function down to a bare minimum whilst bargain, Gates’ negotiators agreed to the terms, pulled some legal
maintaining bioelectrical function to ensure no loss of memory, strings and Eld was subsequently released from custody and all
mind or physical state (See MoW page 67). charges dropped in return for his cooperation.

Although the first commercially available Stasis Caskets were It was agreed that Eld would be placed in suspended animation for a
brought to market in 2180, there were in fact, earlier attempts to period of four weeks and then awakened. Eld would then undergo a
produce this technology. The desperate, uber-rich patrons who two week period of medical monitoring for signs of physical or
invested in this new technological salvation placed their hopes in a mental ailments and then released on his own accord.
discredited professor and theoretical physicist – Dr. Arthur Moebius,
Father of Temporal Stasis Technology. On December 21, 2050 Eld was encased within one of Moebius’
prototype stasis capsules along with a few personal mementos, a
Although a brilliant researcher Moebius was cast out of mainstream photograph of his wife and a titanium case handcuffed to his wrist
scientific circles when he proposed revolutionary new mathematical containing a copy of his contract, stock shares and gold security
theories considered preposterous by his peers. In his hypothesis bonds. After it was sealed, Moebius activated the casket’s controls
Moebius declared he had discovered an underlying layer to reality, a and with a flash of bright, green light Eld was subjected to the
dimensional ‘subspace of temporal anomalies’ where the laws of anomalous energies of Moebius’ subspace.
normal physics didn’t wholly apply. Moebius theorized that if this
‘subspace’ could be tapped, new schools of physics could be Three weeks into the test with everything going well Moebius began
unlocked which would open wide the vistas of the human mind making preparations to complete the testing of his invention. The
allowing for the unfettered expansion of mankind’s potential! stasis casket containing Eld was prepared for travel, placed on a
private transport plane and shipped to the medical facility where
When the skeptical scientific community asked Moebius how he Gates’ dying father was waiting.
came to ‘discover’ this new universe, he foolishly declared he had
been visited in a dream by a god-like entity of gigantic intellect who The plane never arrived.
had gifted him with the complex mathematical formulae which
formed the basis of his research. Several hours later, when agents of Gates arrived to investigate, Dr.
Moebius was nowhere to be found and all traces of the project
Typically, the cynical, set in their ways, didactic elite scoffed at including lab equipment, research notes and project discretionary
Moebius’ statements refusing even to review his work. Mocked and funds were missing.
ridiculed, a disgraced Moebius was laughed out of the lecture hall Two months after the disappearances, Gates’ father slipped into a
and driven from the halls of academia in shame. coma and died a few hours later. The next day when Gates’
chauffeur arrived to pick him up at his manor, Gates was found dead
Declared pariah, a despairing Moebius would likely have faded into from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
obscurity were it not for Arthur Gates, one of his former students
and the son of a wealthy capitalist dying from inoperable brain To this day it is unknown what became of Dr. Moebius and the plane
tumors. Anxious to save his father, Gates brokered a deal in which carrying Eld and the prototype stasis casket. Investigations into the
he agreed to fund Moebius’ experiments in return for the creation matter produced no leads on the case and within a few months it
of a device capable of preserving the life of his father until medical was placed in the cold files and forgotten.
research could produce a cure.
Working feverishly and given near unlimited funds and resources, Years later, amidst rumors of impending war between the emerging
Moebius managed to create a working prototype stasis casket within corporate states, media reporting began circulating unconfirmed
a mere five months. All that remained was to test the device. stories of elderly celebrities, government officials and business
magnates dropping off the public radar. Most of the missing
For this purpose, an elderly man by the name of Henrik Eld, a former individuals had already stepped out of the public spotlight but there
police officer and ex-Marine was chosen from dozens of potential was no explanation as to their current whereabouts and no deaths
subjects and propositioned for the test. Eld had just recently lost his had been reported. After a few subtle hints and veiled threats made
wife of 40 years in a drive-by shooting and grieving, attacked a their way to the proprietors of the media venues running the stories,
clubhouse of local gangers believed responsible for her death. all inquiries involving the matter were dropped and original news
prints destroyed.
Reports of the incident state that Eld, armed with a K-Bar fighting
knife and 12 gauge shotgun, casually walked through the front door Concurrent to the news stories a small, but well-funded biomedical
of the club and began shooting anyone wearing gang colors. Eld company, BioFutures Incorporated, made itself known on the
managed to shoot and knife 13 members of the gang, killing 9 of corporate scene. Promising a glimpse of the future, it advertized the
them before being cut down by the remaining gangers and possibility of ‘Temporal Stasis’ in which patrons could sequester
themselves safely away in dreamless sleep inside their flagship Much to the detriment of attending UIG personnel, it was soon
product, the Moebius Capsule. Many, facing the specter of war and discovered when any of the awakened experienced extremes of
hoping for future medical cures for their ailments, chose to retreat emotion, such as anger, joy or fear, powerful, unexplained psychic
from humanity, hopefully to awaken in a better world. Within weeks manifestations would sometimes occur. Despite efforts by the UIG
of their emergence, BioFutures stock increased a hundred-fold as to keep this bit of information under wraps, the news was leaked by
wealthy patrons sought their business, eager to artificially prolong an inside informant and Corporate agents were soon about seeking
their lives by ensconcing themselves in the new technological additional information.
Within months after the leak, private and corporate efforts managed
During the early years of the Corporate Wars, BioFutures Inc. to unearth seven more BioFutures facilities releasing dozens of
maintained several Sleeper Dromes; facilities placed in prominent sleepers as a result. All of the awakened subjects exhibited the same
cities around the world where multiple patrons lay in temporal traits, a predisposition for insanity and uncontrollable telepathic
stasis. These complexes were maintained by specially trained effects when emotionally stimulated. Corporate response to this
technicians who oversaw the automated systems monitoring the phenomenon saw many awakened either drugged or lobotomized to
sleepers. The richest and more paranoid customers, not trusting the prevent the worst psychic effects while others were dissected and
public facilities, arranged to have their stasis capsules maintained at studied.
private residences or at hidden locations, insurance against enemy
retribution and unworthy heirs. Not long after, many of the facilities holding the awakened or
conducting related experiments were being raided and bombed by
As the war dragged on, collateral damage within the cities mounted unknown parties. UIG Investigations into the attacks discovered that
and in the ensuing chaos nearly all BioFutures’ installations were all Moebius Capsules onsite and related data were taken before the
destroyed or buried under tons of rubble. Making matters worse facility was destroyed. UIG investigators suspect the Al-Jinn and
enemy cyber-attacks targeting commercial and economic assets on Comoros Corporations are responsible for the majority of the strikes
the now defunct ‘Internet’ eradicated banking records and due to the technologies relationship both FarDrive and Telepathy
corporate data wells. With their financial records scrambled and technologies.
corporate infrastructure in ruins, BioFutures was forced to sell the
all remaining assets and patent rights to the Medical Division of THE REAL STORY
Eurasian Incorporated. Fighting on multiple fronts with most In practice the mechanics of the early prototype stasis caskets were
resources shifted to the war effort, E. I. abandoned the few peculiar and the physics involved in their functioning was little
remaining sleeper dromes to the wreckage that were the Old Cities understood by their attending technicians. Built according to
and even the locations of the facilities were soon forgotten. blueprints of the original prototype created by Dr. Moebius, little
regard was given to any potential consequences of inadequate
AWAKENING testing procedures on human test subjects. The live animal tests that
In 2480 scavengers plumbing the depths of a long buried medical were conducted showed no adverse ‘physical’ problems in any of
facility in London Old City discovered nine intact and functioning the animals tested.
Moebius Capsules. Later, the treasure seekers were caught and
depersonalised after trying to sell the relics on the black market and This lack of controls often resulted in human subjects placed within
the capsules ended up in UIG hands. Moebius Capsules experiencing long periods of unwanted
UIG researchers studying the strange capsules discovered they consciousness and bizarre cycles of somnolence. Unknowingly by
integrated a self-sustaining subspace tap that when activated attending technicians, their sequestered wards were screaming
exposed the contents of the capsule to a type of temporal anomaly madly for release, locked into an near endless state of wakeful
similar to that produced by a translating FarDrive. This process was horror.
drastically dissimilar from contemporary stasis devices which use
drugs, nanotechnology and advanced medical techniques to induce Some sleepers retained their sanity by learning to adjust to their
metabolic stasis. With some trepidation, the UIG researchers made dilemma; creating vividly imagined fantasy worlds to entertain
plans to awaken the sleepers, eager to see the results of such a themselves. A few set themselves up as virtual gods in their created
radical practice. domains; meting out life and death as they saw fit. Others focused
on various mental exercises; attempting to work out complex
When the sleepers were awakened, the screams began mathematical equations or solving abstract, philosophical puzzles to
immediately! Bellowing incoherently, several of the sleepers pass the time, whiling away the long decades and centuries.
attacked the attending physicians and were only sedated when the
room was flooded with Hexacal gas. Later six of the sleepers were A few individuals, despairing, succumbed to madness; hopelessly
diagnosed with multiple forms of insanity ranging from severe sleep lost in a never-ending nightmare of their own making (e.g. - Vanilla
disorders to homicidal tendencies and megalomania. Of the six, only Sky). When finally awakened these hapless individuals often react
two responded to the psychotherapy sessions provided by the UIG. poorly to their new ‘reality,’ believing they are still trapped in stasis,
The other four subjects were classified as incurable and enduring yet another aspect of the eternal nightmare.
institutionalized. Invariably individuals awakened from this extended dream state are
changed! The manner of change varies between individuals and
The three remaining sleepers awoke calm and seemingly well- often takes subtle forms. These subjects have come to be known as
adjusted considering the problems exhibited by their fellow the ‘Awakened.’
sleepers. These subjects were placed in a UIG medical facility for
monitoring until it could be decided what to do with them. For lack In all cases, medical reports and post mortem autopsies of afflicted
of a better term, the UIG doctors dubbed the subjects the subjects show that 100% of all individuals who specifically spent
Awakened. time in a Moebius Capsule were diagnosed with neural
abnormalities within the limbic system, the area of the brain
controlling emotions and dreams.

Later advances in neural research also discovered a direct medical

correlation between ‘Awakened’ brain mutations and the "psionic
plexus" or Advani Apparatus, the portion of the brain controlling
telepathics. In fact, it was through research of Awakened subjects
that aided the Indian neurologist Dr. Chanda Advani, in her discovery
of the Advani Apparatus. In Awakened subjects the psionic plexus
has undergone mutations which facilitate the learning and use of
telepathic abilities which are often uncontrolled and dangerous.
Although frowned upon by the UIG, current studies by corporate
researchers seek to discover the long-term effects of temporal stasis
disorder as well as potential market applications. Comoros Scientists
are eager to expand their telepathics knowledge base while Al-Jinn
subspace engineers seek to improve technologies related to the
FarDrive program.
TEMPORAL STASIS DISORDER (TSD) amount of Telepathic Energy available. The Awakened
MODIFICATIONS receives the Telepath training for free and +1 bonus TE for
Affected regions of the brain (In red) every decade spent in stasis.

Physical Condition
Physical characteristics, Strength, Agility, Reflexes and
Endurance, do not change but due to lack of actual use they
are considered to be D2 points lower than they really are. This
condition, more a mental block than physical deterioration,
recedes over time and the impaired stats return to normal after
a period of regular exercise.

Expanded Insight
Awakened gain a keen insight into the inner workings of the
mind and are adept at extending their perceptions outside
normal human range. Any training with a Telepathic or
Psychology skill as a prerequisite costs only 6 XP instead of
TEMPORAL STASIS DISORDER (TSD) the usual 10 XP. Awakened also pay 1 XP less when
A condition resulting from repeated exposure to the temporal increasing telepathic Powers or the Psychology skill to a
aspects of subspace. This condition affects the human mind’s minimum of 1 point.
ability to reason and ability to control emotional response.
Positive aspects include increased mental characteristics e.g. Because of their forced adaptability and mental fortitude the
heightened intelligence, perception and presence and an Awakened receive the Meditation, Mental Block Techniques
increased ability to comprehend abstract psychological and and Weaponized Psyche (Level Two) trainings for free.
telepathic concepts on an instinctual level.
Unconscious Comprehension
Negative aspects include a somewhat complex neural The Awakened are natural lucid dreamers, able to control their
structure which prevents easy fitting of neural and sensory actions during sleep with the capacity to learn from their
based cybernetic augmentations. Sufferers of TSD are known dreamtime experiences. They receive the Dreamwalker (See
to sleep heavily while resting and may be difficult to awaken. Mind Unbound) training for free with the following changes:
Some subjects exhibit uncontrolled manifestations of psychic
activity and a predilection to cruelty and predatory tendencies 1. Does not require the Contact training as a prerequisite.
towards their fellow human beings. 2. Only works for the Awakened; he cannot bring others with
There are two species of TSD characterized by the somewhat
dramatic terms, the ‘Awakened’ and the ‘Dreamers.’ The Also, through the all-pervasive nature of the subspace
Awakened are typically sleepers who somehow learned to continuum they are able to tap into the thoughts and
adjust to their dilemma and retained their sanity throughout experiences of the sleeping minds around them, absorbing
their time in stasis. Independent loners of strong character with pertinent thoughts and memories.
resilient wills typically become an Awakened.
Because of their ability to comprehend the world around them
Dreamers are sleepers who were either unable to cope with and translate their experiences into useful information, they
the nightmare of unending entrapment or were forced to effectively have earned XP for the time spent in stasis.
develop a co-dependency with the other sleepers around them.
Dreamer cells usually form when large numbers of individuals Duration of Stasis XP Accrual Rate Accrued XP
were placed into stasis together (i. e. Prison Populations). 1-10 years Adjustment Period 0
Many Dreamers have quite literally lost their minds and find it 11-85 years 1/5 +15 for this period
difficult to differentiate between reality and fantasy. 86-175 years 1/3 +30 for this period
176-325 years 1/1 +150 for this period
When released from stasis, sleepers present divergent 326-425 Years 3/1 +300 for this period
426+ 5/1 Varies
aftereffects from their ordeal. The differences are detailed
These XP may only be spent on telepathic powers, general
skills and trainings and the improvement of Stats.
Example 1: Arnult has been in stasis for 100 years. He has ‘earned’
Mental Changes
20 XP to spend on skills, trainings and improving his STATs.
Having lived within their own minds for years on end has
increased an Awakened’s mental characteristics providing Example 1: Hammond has been in stasis for 350 years. He has
heightened awareness, greater intellectual flexibility and a ‘earned’ 270XP to spend.
powerful will. As a result, natural ability maximums for
Intelligence, Perception and Presence are increased to 11 and
the awakened gain a +1 to these scores as well.

The expansion of mental faculties and the time spent exposed

to subspace energies has awakened sections of the brain that
govern the development of telepathy and increased the
capacity of the Awakened’s personal psionic field, boosting the
Neural Complexity
Because of the Awakened’s complex neural network any
cybernetic augmentations affecting the brain adversely affect
the limbic system and Advani Apparatus. Any such
improvements must be rerouted around these sensitive areas
and require an additional 20% cost to fit.

Example: If you wanted a Datanetica Neural Jack (new cost 25,000¢)

it would cost you an additional 5,000¢ for a total of 30,000¢.

Metabolic Torpor
When sleeping, an Awakened sinks into a coma-like state for
D6+4 hours. During this time, only a determined effort to wake
them will be successful and even then they will suffer a -1
penalty to all actions for every hour they were awakened early.
This means an intruder can enter the room where the
Awakened is sleeping and they will remain so unless the
intruder makes a concerted effort to wake them. Stealth checks
succeed automatically without a roll. Should the Awakened
want to awaken prematurely they must roll under their
Presence on 2D10. Failure indicates they remain asleep.
THE DREAMERS mental collective resembles the “Sense” telepathic skill in that
all members empathically share sensory information - sight,
Neural & Physiological Changes hearing, taste, etc. Within this area, each member shares
Due to their exposure to subspace energies and prolonged sensory information with all other members without suffering
mental duress the Dreamer’s mental characteristics have detrimental effects.
This communal empathy provides its members with a +2 bonus
The natural ability maximum for Perception has increased to to initiative, defense and action checks.
12. The Dreamer gains a +2 to Perception as well.
Communion is psychologically addictive and induces acute
As with the Awakened, Physical characteristics, Strength, emotional dependence between individual hive members. This
Agility, Reflexes and Endurance, do not change but due to lack profound, emotive link compels individuals to seek out their
of use they are considered to be D3 points lower than they brothers and sisters at any cost.
actually are. This condition, more a mental ailment than
physical, recedes over time, returning the “impaired” stats to The range of the Hive Mind equals the number of members in
normal after a period of regular exercise (1 week per reduced the commune x 10 metres (in diameter).
stat point).
Neural Complexity
Mental Afflictions Like the Awakened, Dreamers must also pay an additional
Because of their damaged minds Dreamers suffer from an 20% cost when fitting neural augmentations.
array of mental illnesses. To determine their particular
afflictions roll D3 times on the chart below (Modified from Cities Metabolic Torpor
of Gold page 21): When sleeping the Dreamer, like their Awaken cousins, sink
into a coma-like state for D6+4 hours. When slumbering, only
D20 Affliction determined effort will wake the Dreamer and even then they
1 Phobia - an irrational fear - i. e. spiders, Agents, suffer a -1 penalty to all actions for every hour they were
swords, etc. awakened early. Additionally, enemy Stealth checks succeed
2 Paranoia - The Shi Yukiro, loaded weapons, adverts, automatically without a roll.
3 Schizophrenia - strong personality switches. Should the Awakened wish to awaken early they must roll
4 Depression - apathy, ill temper, lack of motivation. under their Presence on 2D10. Failure indicates they remain
5 Mental Degradation - poor memory or cognition. asleep.
6 Psychopathy - remorseless, no empathy, disregard
for others. Disconcerting Manner
7 Detachment - cold, distant, uncaring, humorless. Dreamers often appear distracted, looking away into space as
8 Hopelessness - negativity, suicidal, pointlessness. if seeing or hearing things that no one else can. This seemingly
9 Hallucinations - see things that aren't there, variants distracted demeanor does not impair the Dreamer’s ability to
of reality. react to external stimuli.
10 Tourette's - vocal tics, inappropriate outbursts.
11 Autophagia - eating one’s own body parts. In fact, some Dreamers have been observed engaged in one-
12 Echolalia - repeating other people’s words. sided, spirited conversation in the midst of combat, complete
13 Identity Disorder - discontent with one’s sense of self. with emphatic hand gesturing, nods and passionate tête-à-tête.
14 Impulse Control Disorder - act w/o considering
consequences. Some observers state this behavior is representative of the
15 Body Integrity Identity Disorder - desire to remove communal link between individual Dreamers. Others speculate
ones' anatomy. Dreamers suffer from madness induced by their ordeal in
16 Kleptomania - cannot resist stealing things. stasis.
17 Narcolepsy - keep falling asleep regardless of how
tired you are. Uncontrolled Psychic Manifestations
18 Cybermania - a desire to replace one’s body parts Because of their mutated psionic plexus and limbic system
with cybernetics. Dreamers run the risk of uncontrollable psionic manifestations.
19 Agoraphobia - fear of hard to escape situations, open
areas & crowds. When emotions run high, from anger, fear or when stressed or
20 Encopresis - involuntary defecation in adults. in danger, the Dreamer must roll under their Presence on
2D10. Success means they keep their emotions under control
Adaptability and nothing untoward occurs. A failure indicates a psychic
Because of their forced adaptability and mutated Advani anomaly occurs with effects being instantaneous or lasting for
Apparatus Dreamers receive the Weaponized Psyche (Level the current scene (See below).
Two) and Mental Block Techniques trainings for free as well
as the Uncontrolled Psychic Manifestation trait providing this In certain combat situations, Dreamers welcome these psychic
doesn’t conflict with their particular mental afflictions (See the manifestations and in some cases actually induce them in
table above). members to gain an unpredictable, tactical advantage over
their enemies.
Dreamers, once taken out of stasis, are strangely drawn to one
another and once met exhibit what can only be called a type of
communal hive mind in only a few days’ time. In effect this
Roll a D10 4. Tulpa Manifests – The Dreamer’s intense emotions draw
forth a realized figment of their imagination, a ‘Tulpa
1. Random Telepathic Effect – A random, but generally Thoughtform.’* This entity reacts according to its nature and
appropriate for the situation, telepathic power goes off affecting the desires of its Dreamer host lasting for the current scene or
a random target or targets within range. The Dreamer is also a until destroyed.
valid target.
Roll a D20
D20 Effect
1 A level D10 Psi Storm manifests for D4 rounds 1 - Angrol Slave BIO (DA 155)
targeting everyone within range. 2 - Carvax, Metamorphic Stage (MoW 148)
2 If damaged, subject regenerates 5 HP per round. 3 - Cult of Machina Chimera (CR 228)
3 A level D10 Cloak effect manifests in a 10 metre 4 - Cymian AU2-Version 2 (CR 245)
radius (includes all sensory variants). 5 - Dead Soldier (MoW 151)
4 When the subject tries to walk a level D10 Jump 6 - Devoted (CR 233)
effect occurs. 7 - Feral Spawn (IV¹)
5 A level D10 Nullify effect manifests in a 10 metre 8 - Feral Uuh’dul (IV¹ 115)
radius (affects all telepathic powers). 9 - Gemini Class 2 (EB 114)
6 Subject gains a D10 bonus to surprise, combat action 10 - Gigatherian Rat (EB 116)
totals and initiative. 11 - Malenbrach Street Sweeper (CR 232)
7 Subject gains a natural armor value of D10/2 (AV 1 to 12 - Mantis Combat BIO (MoW 154)
5). 13 - Marauder Combat Replicant (MoW 152)
8 Subject's touch inflicts D8 + D10 damage. 14 - Mark II Cybercat (MoW 152)
9 Subject has omniscience in a D10 x 10 metre radius 15 - Mark IV Cyberwolf (CR 246)
(i. e. Enemies using stealth are automatically 16 - Mark IX Prototype Geneshifted Cyberwolf (EB 118)
detected). 17 - Mutated Human (CR 220)
10 Subject surrounded by a level D10 close form shield 18 - Yard Bull (EB 119)
effect that regenerates 5 HP per turn. 19 - Yilepsid Slave BIO (DA 154)
11 Subject emanates an uncontrollable level D10 20 - Zaliv Refinery Worker (EB 105)
Telekinetic Blastwave effect.
12 Subject acquires the Telepathic Void training (No *A ‘sentient’ thoughtform will not manifest with firearms or
other powers are known). support weaponry but can and will use them if available.
13 Emanates an aura (Presence x 10 metres) of
negative resonance (See Eastern Bank page 82). 5. Empathic Biokinetic Resonance – Through an empathic
14 Subject acquires the Biokine Training and Biokinesis biokinetic link, everyone within the ‘Dreamer’s Presence x 5
level 10 for the current scene. meters’ experiences the physical sensations that the Dreamer
15 Listening to the Failed Telepath has a 1% cumulative is currently feeling (pain, pleasure, etc.). I. C. E. will not negate
chance each round of driving listeners insane (Roll on these sensations.
above chart).
16 Subject becomes immune to kinetic damage. 6. Sympathetic Biokinetic Resonance – Through a sympathetic
17 Anyone approaching within close (melee) range is biokinetic link, The Dreamer experiences the physical
automatically teleported in a random direction D10 x sensations of everyone within the Dreamer’s ‘Presence x 5
10 Metres. meters’ (pain, pleasure, etc.). I. C. E. will not negate these
18 Subject acts as a TE Battery, recharging the TE pools sensations. Effects are cumulative and often debilitating.
of nearby telepaths (D10 x 10 metre radius) at 5
points per turn. 7. Psi Weapon – One of the Dreamer’s hands inflict damage as
19 Subject acts as a TE Vampire, leeching 5 TE points a ‘Psi Weapon’ (Roll D8+2 for level). This counts as a melee
per round from all telepaths in a D10 x 10 metre weapon allowing the Dreamer to keep his defense in Close
radius. Combat. The effect lasts for the current scene and manifests
20 Subject becomes immune to energy damage. as a:

2. Mind Scan – The Dreamer experiences a ‘Mind Scan’ effect D10 Weapon Damage
on every mind within the ‘Dreamer’s Presence x 5 meters,’ 1-4 Dagger D4 + STR + Level
enabling them to read the current surface thoughts of every 5-7 Short Sword D6 + STR + Level
target. The Dreamer must make an Intelligence + Perception 8-9 Long Sword D8 + STR + Level
action check to identify where a given “thought” originates. 10 Katana 2D4 + STR + Level

3. Uncontrolled Mind Share – Everyone within the ‘Dreamer’s 8. Psychic Vampire – The Dreamer assaults the confidence
Presence x 5 meters’ experiences a reversed ‘Mind Scan’ and resolve of everyone within the Dreamer’s ‘Presence x 5
effect, enabling them to read the Dreamer’s current surface meters’ leeching away D3 points of Presence and D3 points of
thoughts. This does not physically identify who the Awakened Conviction each round. Effects last the current scene after
is. which the victim’s Presence score returns to normal. Lost
Conviction must be regained normally.
Note – This could possibly lead UIG authorities to believe the
Dreamer is a psychogenic and deserving of a Telepathic
Enforcement Officer’s attentions.
9. Bio-Hunger – This affliction is a form of biokinetic
cannibalism in which the Dreamer experiences an all-
consuming desire to feed on the life-force of others to sate
their hunger. Manifests as a Biokinetic touch attack in which
glowing, reddish-black tendrils extend from the hands and
mouth of the Dreamer latching onto victims to leech away their
life-force. This effect drains 2D6 HP and 2D6 TE
(if applicable) per round from the victim transmitting their
vitality to the Dreamer. Excess HP and TE are retained as a
reserve pool which lasts for the current scene.

10. Multiple Effects – Roll for D3 effects, ignoring further roll of


Final Note
Should a Dreamer later acquire the Telepath training she may
attempt to control the nature of an oncoming psychic anomaly
by spending a Conviction Point and rolling an ‘Attitude +
Presence’ check with a -2 penalty. If successful she may
choose the nature of the manifestation, choosing from the
powers in the list above. The Dreamer may also attempt to
control the psychic anomalies of others in her hive mind taking
a -4 penalty to the check.

Note this does not permit the Dreamer to learn telepathic skills
or trainings, it merely afford the opportunity to channel her
psychic anomalies somewhat.

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