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About this ebook

This is the third and final volume of the Mirrored Worlds trilogy about two planets, separated by light years that are both populated by the people of earth.
One is on the verge of self imposed extinction on a world that has slipped into technological darkness. They are desperate to figure out how to use a long abandoned satellite array in an attempt to make contact with their ancestors on another world that they only recently found out existed. Dying from a genetically induced inability to produce antibodies, they discover that the only cure is waiting in the blood of their ancient ancestors.
The other world discovered ancient writings hidden in a desert. The man who financed the dig had long ago received a hoard of ancient devices that he was convinced could help him overcome a medical condition that placed him in a wheelchair. He used his immense wealth to hire experts from nearly every discipline of science to break the code of the mysterious texts and to determine how to operate the devices. When they discovered that the origin of both were related and probably came from an alien source, they would pull out all the stops to complete the tasks assigned by their boss.
Both were desperate to achieve their goals but for different reasons. Both were bound together across time and space to accomplish the impossible but neither knew for sure that the other still existed.
Release dateNov 23, 2018

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    Book preview

    Transcendence - S.A. Wallace

    Table of Contents


    Prologue – Fallen Demigods

    Chapter One – Theory Confirmed

    Chapter Two – Revelations of a Secret Message

    Chapter Three – Trial and Error

    Chapter Four – On a World Far, Far Away

    Chapter Five – An Unbelievable History

    Chapter Six – Library of Dissent

    Chapter Seven – Return to the Past

    Chapter Eight – Requim for the Sleeping

    Chapter Nine – Convincing the Council

    Chapter Ten – Re-Booting the Satellites

    Chapter Eleven – Mysteries Revealed

    Chapter Twelve – Recorded Secrets

    Chapter Thirteen – Boring but Awesome

    Chapter Fourteen – Half Full or Half Empty?

    Chapter Fifteen – Of Codes and Star Maps

    Chapter Sixteen – New Day, New Issues

    Chapter Seventeen – Harnessing the Power

    Chapter Eighteen – Memory Lane

    Chapter Nineteen – Return to Yesterday

    Chapter Sixteen – Power to the Obelisk

    Chapter Seventeen – The Science Explained

    Chapter Eighteen – A Call From the Stars

    Chapter Nineteen – Magical Technology

    Chapter Twenty – Assembly Required


    This story is the third volume in a trilogy involving the history and expansion of the human race. It details the final discoveries of the scientists addressing the findings of their employer that included ancient artifacts and a mysterious library from the distant past. On another world there is a frantic search for a means of communicating with their ancestors who hold the key to the survival of the race.

    S.A. Wallace, 2018

    Prologue – Fallen Demigods

    Having risen to the very pinnacle of technological advancement, man had achieved a nearly godlike state. Utilizing their technical prowess, they had eliminated the need for nearly all physical material. Once they discovered and perfected the use of ethereal space as a storage medium, they had no use for cluttering devices such as books, video and audio media or the machines to play them. Because text books had not been used for dozens of decades, the overseers altered history as they saw fit. The ego and arrogance of those in power consumed them. They knew of the genetic anomaly but chose to ignore it, believing that the introduction of clean genetic material from centuries earlier would eliminate any worries. No one could dispute or challenge them because there was no recorded information providing an alternate reality.

    The truth about their history, and concerns regarding their future, was known to only a privileged few. The general population had been successfully indoctrinated over many decades with incomplete information and absolute lies. It proved to be an easy task to develop and maintain this charade because only those within the controlling council knew the truth. The written word of the ancients had been all but erased from memory and history. The current written language bore little resemblance to the old tongue, pieces of which were found in archeological digs throughout the world.

    This secrecy had been successfully maintained and passed down from generation to generation within the ruling autocracy. They had actually begun to believe that any new occurrences of the genetic shortfall might never come and that the danger had passed. Not all of the council members were comfortable with this assessment and a small contingency began formulating a plan to protect the truth and make it available for future generations should the need arise. Fear of discovery and retribution caused them to develop unique and secretive means of recording the necessary information.

    One was an author and he wrote and published two pseudo-science texts that were considered fiction rather than fact. One was an archaeologist and he managed to hide the original historical documents in a remote location and left obscure clues around the world that would lead a future researcher to the cache. The final dissenter was the pilot and captain of the ship sent back to the homeworld who hid the description of the genetic anomaly into the historical library before it was hidden away. He also disclosed instructions for constructing another ship in the future in hopes of bringing the discoverers to save their dying world.

    It was decided that wide spread panic would be the only result of full disclosure of the genetic anemia that infected the entire population. The best and brightest medical minds had been recruited to research the problem and search for a solution. Many of them had not been told the seriousness of the situation or were aware of the end result if they failed. This contingency measure was not expected to be necessary.

    In addition to the medical community, they initiated a search for life among the stars. Work began immediately on telescopic dish arrays at several universities. Software was written to transmit data out into space in the hopes of falling on listening ears and receiving a response to the message. Even fewer of the physicists and engineers involved with this project were aware of the truth behind it.

    In spite of the hope and belief of the council, the afflictions began to show up again. It was a repeat of the calamity experienced and covered up over a century ago.

    The arrays were barely up and running when the pandemic erupted worldwide. The smaller flare-ups had been isolated and contained successfully up to this point. Soon, however, the explosion of infected people occurring without rhyme or reason quickly forced those in power to make harsh decisions on how to address it. It was treated like a highly contagious and deadly disease although no threat was present. The mysterious, sudden decline and death without an identifiable organism to blame or treat against weighed heavily on the council. The tightly controlled media releases indicated the need to cordon off large areas and quarantine those found inside. What was not reported was the fact that those left inside the isolation area were being systematically tested and eradicated like infected chickens.

    The newly created medical community who were studying the phenomenon had developed a preliminary diagnosis and presented it to the council. Those infected were dying from a lack of immunities. Each individual was affected in different ways, every tiny disease became deadly and some of those afflicted became unable to extract the necessary nutrients from the food. All who were affected died quickly from exaggerated illness, cell starvation or organ failure.

    None of the collected intelligence of the physicians involved could explain it. They were severely handicapped by their employers in their ability to diagnose and treat the cause. Even were they to know the truth, however, they would have been helpless to correct the calamity. They had not the tools, nor the ability to impact the outcome.

    Within days of the major outbreaks around the globe a second disaster struck. The sun had been extremely active for several years. The astronomers following it issued repeated warnings regarding the destructive potential of an enormous EMP (electromagnetic pulse) generated from the storms. Only minimal protections were put in place and they were virtually worthless against the bombardment of the planet with solar storms. The onslaught against every electronic device lasted for well over a week and subsequent storms continued to complete the irreparable task of erasing the history and lives of everyone remaining.

    Those in power who were initiating the quarantines and the eradication of those caught within its’ walls believed it benefited their cause. All forms of communication were disrupted or destroyed all together. This allowed their atrocities to be carried out in complete secrecy. Then, in a rare and unprecedented form of Karma, the powerful council began to show signs of the genetic malfunction symptoms. A complete lack of communication prevented them from contacting the necessary doctors required to stabilize or cure them. It soon became apparent that the entire council would be deceased within weeks. Along with their physical deaths would be the death of their efforts to save the race from extinction.

    None of the many professionals recruited by the council truly understood what they were working on or why. The vow of secrecy made generations ago among a handful of individuals regarding the history of the world threatened to end their existence without a whimper or an attempt at salvation. Fortunately, in spite of their best efforts, the resiliency of human kind (with the efforts of three dissenting individuals) would discover the hidden truth of the past all over again. Only time would tell if it would be soon enough to prevent the final outbreak and the extinction of mankind.

    Chapter One – Theory Confirmed

    The room sat in stunned silence with the exception of the sound of paper being turned while half a dozen scientists wrote furiously, filling page after page of notebook paper. It resembled a room of military code decipherers seen from WW II. Those that were writing barely heard the words with any comprehension. It took all their faculties to simply document the oratory.

    Those that were not writing were standing or sitting in total shock. At first many of them thought it was some kind of joke or a well designed stunt for some unknown purpose. It soon became apparent that it was neither. Vince had disappeared into some deep and unnerving trance and his words were measured and almost robotic in tone.

    In what sounded like an introduction or preamble, he described the devastating effects of the comet as the earth passed through its tail. He chronicled the ensuing discovery and the horrifying realization that the entire population of the planet had become infected with a genetic abnormality. Aberrant DNA sequences that served as precursors to cancer. The story was intense but the detail lacked a little clarity, almost as if the authors were condensing an edited version of a long and storied history.

    The pace was exhilarating and Vince was picking up stone after stone and reading almost as fast as he could trade one for the next. Those scientists who were watching him began to doubt its legitimacy based on the speed alone. It felt as if he were ‘winging’ it instead of reading at all. Also, there was no way to determine if his words correlated in any way to the number or complexity of the characters chiseled into the stone. The original hope was that his rendering could be verified through traditional translation, that sense could be made of the characters themselves and that a key could be developed from it. It became abundantly clear, however, that this was not to be the case and at best only a transcript of Vince speaking would be obtained.

    The look of excitement and wonder on Ramendien’s face had all but been replaced with mild to serious irritation. He was beginning to think Vince had pulled a fast one on him which infuriated him far more than keeping the spiraled notebook a secret. His weakened hands gripped the arms of his chair with all the strength they had. He was on the verge of stopping this charade and make Vince admit fraud when he noticed the large dark blue leech that clung to the speakers’ neck and had stretched up onto the side of his head. It was pulsing with life, looking as if it would extract itself from his skin at any moment to escape.

    The medical and scientific communities were working furiously to develop a cure by any … Vince faltered and his voice disappeared momentarily and then erupted in an anguished scream as he dropped the tablet and clutched at the leech on the side of his head in desperation. The tablet fell crashing to the floor and splintered into a hundred pieces. Vince collapsed in a heap, losing consciousness before he landed on the tile beneath.

    Marcus and all that were watching emitted a collective gasp but were unable to react quick enough to stop the fall. The two closest archaeologists hurried to Vince’s side and knelt down to check for signs of life. The erratic breathing was enough evidence to convince them of his survival and one of them turned to the others and nodded affirmatively to acknowledge as much.

    The purplish vein had receded substantially, turning to a deep red and fading rapidly. It had left its mark, however, in the fact that blood was running from Vince’s nose and his eyes were bloodshot from burst micro-capillaries. Once the immediate concern for life had passed, the two men lifted Vince up onto a table where others who had obtained water and wash cloths attempted to revive the unconscious leader. The alien helmet still lay on the floor where it dislodged from the wearers’ head.

    Just as Vince was being laid upon the table several of the esoteric team entered the lab. They had been standing just in the doorway observing what had just transpired. Bobby, Chris, Ted, Drew and Jon realized immediately that they had just witnessed something of great importance. Simultaneously, Bobby could see that Vince was in bad shape and in need of medical attention. Although he wasn’t truly a doctor, he had studied a lot of traditional medicine during his education and quest for knowledge in spiritual healing. He rushed to the unresponsive man and pulled up one eyelid with his forefinger and thumb.

    Hey, you’re not a doctor! shouted a worried but irritated Marcia. "I’m not even sure you are a PhD much less a medical doctor!" She literally hissed the last part, reminding Bobby of a giant snake.

    I have extensive medical training required to complete my studies explained the young man without actually addressing the insults of the irate woman standing before him. He managed to not even look in her direction which infuriated her even more.

    She was preparing another volley to sling his way when Marcus wheeled his chair between the two and speaking to Bobby while looking directly at Marcia, said Well, I am certain that you have far more training than anyone else in this room. His voice was strong and stern and directed straight at the middle aged woman. Please do what you can for him and tell us if we need to get him to the infirmary and some true medical assistance.

    Marcia scowled and faded into the crowd silently, knowing when to let something go. She watched with an eagle eye, however, to make sure that the young scientist wasn’t pulling a stunt or using any ‘magic’ to arouse his patient. She continued to glare at him even long after it became apparent that he did have at least a modicum of medical training and background. Marcia never realized that her emotions were not related to the medical capabilities of Bobby at all but simply that she distrusted them.

    A preliminary exam convinced Bobby that Vince would recover completely and probably without any side effects save a massive head ache. He is going to be just fine. I think he just needs to rest here a bit before we try to wake him up. So what caused the bleeding and made him pass out anyway? The empty helmet on the floor had been scooped up by Marcus while Bobby was performing the exam and this did not go unnoticed by the quizzical young man.

    Tapping gently on the helmet in his lap, Marcus told the newcomers about the newly found ability that Vince had and explained that he was in the middle of reading the text when it happened.

    Jon removed his wire rimmed glasses and was twisting them around and around in his hand between his thumb and forefinger by the earpiece. This was more than his normal nervous twitch. His mind was racing with the information they had just received from Marcus. ‘Vince can’t be the only person that can tap into the power of that helmet. I wonder how many of us could read the text with it. Perhaps if all who could access it took turns it would not be so devastating to the wearer.’ His thoughts were interrupted by the struggled sound coming from the man lying on the table.

    Vince sounded like a man waking from a three day bender but was far from conscious. The discoloration of the main vein in his neck and head was reduced to a rosy pink with no apparent signs of internal bleeding like bruising would cause. There were no additional physical symptoms and his vitals were nearly normal.

    Drew noticed the constant gyrations of Jon’s glasses and sidled over to his associate and spoke in a low tone. Hey man, what’s up? I can almost hear you thinkin’, I just don’t know what about.

    Jon looked toward the sound of the voice while pausing the revolving spectacles in his hand. He spoke slowly, as if emerging from a trance. Uhh, I was just thinking, you know, ah … that, maybe … maybe some others could wear the helmet and have the ability to read the stones like Vince. It really would make no sense if he were the only one. I mean, surely in this crowd we could find a few more. Just think about how much safer it would be if several people could trade off before they collapsed like he did, or even worse! Jon pointed toward Vince as he finished his sentence.

    Jon had failed to hold his voice down as Drew had done and Marcus was within earshot, listening to his entire response. The look that overtook his face was both enlightenment and excitement. He was already amazed that the helmet had given different powers to both Vince and himself. When he had allowed all the scientists to don the device earlier he had no knowledge of it providing the ability to read the alien text as Vince could. He realized that the abilities granted could be dependent on both the individual as well as the need at hand. It was truly random that Vince discovered that he could read the text so perhaps others could as well.

    Once we are certain that Vince will recover fine, we will begin to screen other individuals for the ability to read the texts. I would also like to have a group of the archaeologists compare the notes from today with the tablets and attempt to make some sense of the language. I guess I am not totally convinced that the two match which makes me wonder if the helmet is allowing the text to be interpreted or if it is somehow creating the monologue that it wants us to believe. Marcus rubbed his chin in consternation as he completed the final thought.

    Most of those in the room had crowded in around Vince and heard what Marcus had just said. Several nodded in affirmation to the last sentence, indicating that they were feeling similar doubts regarding the validity of Vince’s newfound ability. A few, including the esoteric team members, were anxious to give it a try themselves but kept quiet out of respect for their fallen comrade.

    It was another thirty to forty minutes before Vince had recovered enough to stand on his own. He had very little recollection of the transformation that overcame him or of his collapse. A mild dizziness was all that remained of his symptoms and several head shakes and a glass of water evaporated even that.

    As a matter of safety, Marcus had a couple of security guards escort Vince to his quarters and sent someone from the infirmary to meet them and look the scientist over. The middle aged man was less than enthused by this but felt too woozy to argue about it. He had managed to make the trip without any assistance from his company. Once they reached his residence door, Vince sarcastically bade them goodnight and closed the door unceremoniously in their faces.

    Standing behind the closed door, Vince was fuming. Even in his semi-conscience state he had heard the conversation in the lab. He was well aware that if additional people could utilize the helmet to ‘read’ the tablets like he could, his value would drop dramatically once again. Spinning on one foot he stepped over to an end table beside the couch. With the swish of a hand he brushed several objects onto the floor, including a coffee cup which splintered into a multitude of pieces.

    This cannot stand. He muttered aloud to himself. I have to find a way to keep anyone else from using the helmet this way or find another means to use it. He slammed his fist into his other open hand. The sound of his flesh hitting against itself gave rise to a thought of how he might make this happen and a plan began to form.

    He stood momentarily while the notion gelled into a real strategy. Then he sat down on the end of his bed and began working out all the logistics to carry out his plot. It was already late in the day and he surmised that the lab would be emptied out for the evening within a few hours. That would provide him with an opportunity to obtain the helmet, assuming that it remained there. If not, then it would probably be in the artifact room inside Marcus’ quarters. He would wait for the boss to go to dinner and then retrieve it along with the other item that he needed to complete his agenda. The item which he had earlier believed to be his secret weapon and which he once again believed would manifest his worth.

    Satisfied that his scheme would be successful, he lay back on the bed and drifted off into a much needed sleep until such time that he could return to the lab. His slumber was fraught with the dreams of alien words racing thru the synapses of his brain. Everything that he had read aloud earlier was being replayed again only this time he could actually hear the words lost in the moment initially.

    He realized that even he did not know for certain how the text was being translated by his mind. The theories of his colleagues frightened him when he thought that perhaps the helmet was taking over his thoughts and directing his verbiage rather than him actually reading the language on the stones.

    *            *            *            *            *

    Chris’ three archaeologist friends were stunned by the earlier revealed observation of both Jon and Chris. They really had no background in either genetics or astronomy other than the required basic science studies they had in high school and college. It was, perhaps, not a surprise that they failed to

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