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Programming in Java (18CS41L) List of Programs

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18CS41L : Programming in Java Laboratory (0 : 0: 3)

Course Type : Core Credits : 01

Semester : IV Contact Hrs/Week : 03
CA Max Marks : 100

Course Objectives
1. To understand how to design, implement, test, debug, and document programs that use
basic data types and computation, simple I/O, conditional and control structures
2. To understand the importance of Classes & objects along with constructors, Arrays.
3. Discuss the principles of inheritance, interface and packages and demonstrate though
problem analysis assignments how they relate to the design of methods, abstract
classes and interfaces and packages.

4. To understand importance of Multi-threading & different exception handling


5. To learn experience of designing, implementing, testing, and debugging graphical user

interfaces in Java using applet and AWT that respond to different user events and to
retrieve database contents using JDBC connectivity

Course Outcomes
CO1. To execute simple java programs to explore different looping constructs and to
work with arrays.
CO2. To demonstrate the different types of constructors, Inheritance and to implement
multiple inheritance.
CO3. To analyze why java is a robust language using Exception handling mechanism
CO4. To demonstrate the advantages of multithreading concepts through
CO5. To demonstrate the delegation model of event handling mechanism using Applets
and Frames.
CO6. To demonstrate the use the JDBC connectivity using MySQL/Oracle database

Course Outcomes – Program Outcome Mapping ( High=3, Medium=2, Low=3)

PO1. PO2. PO3. PO4. PO5. PO6. PO7. PO8. PO9. PO10. PO11. PO12. PSO1. PSO2.
CO1. 3 2 1 1 2 1
CO2. 3 2 1 1 2 1
CO3. 3 3 2 1 1 2 1
CO4. 3 2 1 1 1 2 1
CO5. 3 2 1 1 1 2 1
CO6. 3 2 1 1 1 2 1
Sl No Program Name
1 Programs on Selection and Iteration Statements
a Program to print Biggest of 3 Numbers if the numbers are not equal and also print
whether the numbers are positive or negative or mixed numbers
b Program to print first 10 numbers in Fibonacci series
c Program to check a neon number (A neon number is a number where the sum of
digits of square of the number is equal to the number. For example if the
input number is 9, its square is 9*9 = 81 and sum of the digits is 9. i.e. 9 is a neon
d Program to find the input number is palindrome or not.
e Program to find the input number is a duck number or not using method ( A duck
number contains zeros, but there should not be zero present in the beginning of the
number. Eg., 3201, 1200)
2 Arrays
a Program to search an element of the array using for each loop
b Program to sort an Array of elements in Ascending order
c Create a Java class to enter number of students and their total marks. Compute and
print the deviation in marks of each student against the average of marks of the
d Program to demonstrate passing objects as parameters
3 Constructors and Methods
a Demonstrate different types of constructors
b Create a Java Class “Shape” with constructor to initialize the one parameter
“dimension”. Now create three sub classes of Shape with following methods (i)
“Circle” with methods to calculate the area and circumference of the circle with
dimension as radius. (ii) “Square” with methods to calculate the area and length of
diagonal of the square with dimension as length of one side. (assuming length of
each side of the square is same). (iii) “Sphere” with methods to calculate the
volume and surface area of the sphere with dimension as radius of the sphere.
Write appropriate main method to create object of each class and test every

c Demonstrate the different operations of Stack

4 Inheritance and Interfaces
a Program to demonstrate multi-level inheritance
b Program to demonstrate multiple inheritance
c Define an interface using JAVA that contains a method to calculate the perimeter
of an object. Define two classes-circle and Rectangle with suitable fields and
methods. Implement the interface “perimeter” in these classes. Write the
appropriate main() method to create object of each class and test all the methods.
5 Exception Handling
a Design programs to demonstrate Exception handling mechanisms
b Design a program to demonstrate user defined exception
6 this, super ,static, final key words
a program to illustrate the keywords i) this ii) super (using inheritance)
b program to illustrate the i) static block ii) static variable iii) static method iv) inner
static class v) final keywords
7 Multithreading
a Programs for creating multiple threads a) Using Thread class b) Runnable
b Create two threads in which one displays “Dept of CSE” for every 2 seconds and
the other displays “ Jain University” for every 4 seconds continuously.
8 Applets and AWT
a Design an Applet display the Sum of Two Numbers and set status message in
Applet window
b Draw Smiley in an Applet example.
c Design an applet for Bouncing of a Ball
9 Event Handling in JAVA
a Create a Frame with a button having caption PRESS ME, once the button is
clicked, the caption changes to PRESSED.
b Create an Applet with three text fields and a button. Input integer values in first
two Text Fields. On Click of add button, the sum should be displayed in the third
Text Field
c Create a swing applet that has two buttons named alpha and beta. When either of
the buttons pressed, it should display “Alpha is pressed” or : Beta is pressed”
10 JDBC Connectivity
Demonstrate the use the JDBC connectivity using MySQL/Oracle

Assessment and Evaluation

CA ( Continuous Assessment) : Every experiment is evaluated for100 marks
Test1 : Conducted for 100 marks ( Open Ended Experiment ) in the middle of the semester
Test1 : Conducted for 100 marks ( Open Ended Experiment ) towards end of the semester
Semester End Test : conducted for 100 marks ( mini project demonstration) at the end of the

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