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3rd Long Test

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New Era High School

Science VII – Third Quarter

Summative Test

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following color has the longest wavelength?

a. yellow b. Red c. Blue d. Green
2. What is the arrangement of electromagnetic waves according to decreasing energy?
a. gamma, radio, microwave c. X-ray, gamma, ultraviolet
b. X-ray, light, radio d. Gamma, ultraviolet, X-ray
3. Light travel slowest in ____________.
a. alcohol b. Air c. Glass d. Plastic
4. All are examples of opaque objects, EXCEPT ______.
a. notebook b. Mono block chair c. Glass cup d. Rubber shoes
5. Objects that emit or send off their own light are luminous objects. Which of the ff. is not luminous?
a. Sun b. Stars c. Moon d. Light bulb
6. What is a disturbance that carries energy through medium or through space?
a. wave b. Light c. Wavelength d. Pitch
7. What wave is composed of compressions and rarefactions on which are detected by the ears?
a. wave b. Light c. Sound d. Crest
8. Which of the following is not true about sound?
a. It is produced by the vibrating object c. It is longitudinal wave
b. It travels through a vacuum d. It is fastest through solids
9. What property depends on the amplitude of pressure variations within the sound waves?
a. loudness b. Intensity c. Timber d. Pitch
10. What is the term that refers to the physiological sensation that varies from one person to another?
a. loudness b. Intensity c. Timber d. Pitch
11. Which of the following best describes a high frequency sound ? it has _______________.
a. low pitch b. High pitch c. low energy d. A and c
12. It is the highest point of the wave ___________.
a. crest b. Trough c. Wavelength d. Amplitude
13. This refers to the unwanted sound __________.
a. noise b. Harmony c. Sound d. Scale
14.In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves have the same
A. wavelength B. frequency C. speed D. energy
15. If the wave has the highest frequency, what can you say about it`s wavelength?
a. highest b. Equal c. shortest d. Varying
16. Energy from the sun reaches the Earth through ______.
a. Ultraviolet waves b. Mechanical waves c. Infrared wave d. Electromagnetic waves
17. What is the difference between speed and velocity?
a. Speed involves distance and velocity involves time and distance.
b. Speed involves distance divided by time and velocity involves distance.
c. Speed is a measure of motion and velocity is a measure of distance.
d. Speed involves distance divided by time and velocity involves speed as well as direction.
18. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Global positioning system are _________.
a. light b. Microwave c. infrared d. Radio wave
For items 19 and 20, refer to a car that accelerates from rest to 20m/s in 5 seconds.
19. What is the car’s acceleration?
a. 0.2 m/s2 b. 0.5 m/s2 c. 4 m/s2 d. 20 m/s2
20. How far did the car travel during this period?
a. 10 m b. 20 m c. 50 m d. 100 m19. Sounds
21. Which component of the white light has the greatest energy?
a. blue b. Green c. orange d. Violet
22. The loudness of the sound is determined by ________.
a. wavelength b. frequency c. harmonic effect d. intensity

23. A running man covers a distance of 80 meters within 40 seconds, his average speed is ______.
a. 5 m/s b. 10 m/s c. 15 m/s d. 20 m/s
24. What corresponds to the trough of a transverse wave in a sound wave?
a. rarefaction b. Compression c. radiation d. Insulation
25. Which graph shows that a car is parked in the garage?

A. B. C. D.
Refer to the diagram below to answer questions 26-28

26. The wavelength is the horizontal distance between

a. A and B b. B and D c. A and D d. A and E
27. Which point is the crest?
a. A b. B c. C d. D
28. Which point is the trough?
a. A b. B c. C d. D
29. What refers to the number of waves that passes through a given point at a particular time?
a. amplitude b. Frequency c. period d. Wavelength
30. What is the color of visible light with the highest frequency ?
a. blue b. Red c. violet d. Yellow
31. Waves which require a material medium to propagate are called ______.
a. electromagnetic b. Mechanical c. longitudinal d. Transverse
32. What is common among electromagnetic waves?
a. frequency b. Wavelength c. energy d. Speed vacuum
33. What is the wavelength of a transverse wave that has a frequency of 5.0 Hz and a speed of 2o m/s?
a. 0.25 m b. 0.5 m c. 4m d. 10m
34. Which is not a scalar quantity?
a. acceleration b. Distance c. speed d. Time
35. The lower the frequency of a wave __________.
a. the lower it`s speed c. the lower it`s wavelength
b. the greater it`s amplitude d. The longer it`s period
36. Energy from the sun reaches the Earth through ________.
a. ultraviolet waves b. Infrared waves
b. mechanical waves d. Electromagnetic waves
37. Which of the ff. Objects will produce sound?
a. soft objects c. Vibrating objects
b. radio stations d. Objects under pressure
38. Which of the following best describes a high frequency sound? It has ___________.
a. low pitch b. High pitch c. low energy d. A and c
39. Which one has the highest energy?
a. Ultraviolet waves b. Infrared waves c. Gamma rays d. Visible light
40. Among all the electromagnetic waves, which has the lowest frequency?
a. infrared radiation b. Ultraviolet c. Radio wave d. Gamma rays
41. 1. Motion always refers to a change in position relative to ________.
A. the earth’s atmosphere C. the fixed star
B. the sun D. any specified reference point
For number 42-45. Refer to the following data.
Runner Distance Traveled (m) Time (s)
A 60 2.5
B 60 1.5
C 60 3.0
D 60 4.O

42. Based on the above data, the fastest runner is______.

A. A B. B C. C D. D
43. The speed of the fastest runner is__________.
A. 15 m/s B. 20 m/s C. 24 m/s D. 40 m/s
44. How would you compare the speed of runner C and runner D?
A. C is faster than D C. C and D have the same speed
B. D is faster than C D. D is the slowest runner
45. The fastest runner is the one with the__________.
A. longest recorded time C. longest distance travelled
B. shortest recorded time D. both a and c
Study the following cases in the box to answer question number
a. A car moving at 60 kph on a straight highway.
b. A bus moving 30 kph around Q.C memorial circle
c. Typhoon Pablo moving at 90 kph north of Bicol changing its path at 120 kph east of Naga
d. A school bus moving on a straight road and slowing down to stop.
46. Which bodies move with constant speed?
A. A & B B. C & D C. A, B & C D. B, C & D
47. Which body moves with constant velocity?
A. A only B. B only C. C only D. D only
48. Which bodies are accelerating?
A. A & B only B. C & D only C. A, B & C D. B, C & D
49. What is being transferred by waves from one place to another?
A. energy B. mass of medium C. particles D. volume of medium
50. A wave with a length of 5 m has a frequency of 10 cycles/sec. What is the speed of the wave?
A. 2 m/s B. 2.5 m/s C. 50 m/s D. 5 m/s

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