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1st - & - 2nd - Sem - Diploma Syllabus

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Scheme of Examination and Syllabus For 3 year Diploma in Engineering (1st & 2nd Semester)

1st Sem 2nd Sem

Page Number
Scheme : 2 Syllabus : 3-26 Scheme : 27 Syllabus : 28-49

Scheme of Examination 3 year Diploma in Engineering 1st Semester (Common for All Branches)

S. No. Course No. Course Title Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Tutorial Practic al

Cr. 3 3.5 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1

DHu-101 DMa-101 DPh-101 DCh-101 DEE-101 or DCO101 DME-101 DME-103 DHu-103 DPh-103 DCh-103 DEE-103 or DCO103

English & Comm. Skills I Applied Mathematics- I Applied Physics I Applied Chemistry- I Basics of Electrical Engg. or Fundamental of Computer & IT Engineering Drawing I Workshop Pracatice I English/Comm. Skills (Pr.) Applied Physics-I (Pr.) Applied Chemistry-I (Pr.) Basics of Electrical Engg. or Fundamental of Computer & IT-I (Pr.)

3 3 3 2 3 3 14

1 1

6 6 2 2 2 2 2


L T P Cr. 3 - 3

Note: Nine questions will be set, two each from the Units I, II, III and IV and one compulsory question covering whole of the syllabus. The candidate is required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each of the section and one compulsory question. All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Theory Paper : 60 Internal Assessment : 40

The second most spoken language in the world and the lingus Franca in many professions, English is a culturally rich, exciting fields of study, with some 380 million native speakers. In a competitive global market, where the English Language is established as the major transactional language, it is essential that engineers, scientists and technologists function effectively in English. Scientific research. Scientific research, technology transfer and international collaboration all require a good level of communication skills in English. Keeping this in view this course has been designed to give core skills in English which will be of use in day to day work. Unit 1. Literature : The Best : Anton Tchekhov The Gift of the Magi : O Henry The Postmaster : Rabindernath Tagore Three Questions : Leo Tolstoy The Refugees : Pearl S. Buck 12 hours

Unit II. Parts of Speech Nouns Pronouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs 3

12 hours

Unit III. Common Errors in the use of Articles, Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, And subject-verb agreement. Unit IV. Writing Skills : Paragraph of 150-200 words Newspaper Report Official Letters / Job Applications

12 hours

12 hours


L T P Cr. 3 1 3.5

Note :- Paper Setter will divide all four units into three sections (A, B, C) as follows : Section A consist of 15 multiple choice questions (covering whole syllabus), each of marks 1. All questions are compulsory. Section B Consists of 8 short answer type questions (02 from each unit), each of marks 5. Students are required to attempt any five. Section C : Consist of 4 long answer type questions (01 question from each unit), each of marks 10.Students are required to attempt any two questions. Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Theory Paper : 60 Internal Assessment : 40

SECTION-I Partial fractions )linear factors, repeated linear factor, non reducible quadratic factors) Determinants and matrices expansion of determinants (upto third order) using sarrus rule, expansions method and pivotals condensation method. Properties of determinants, solution of equations (upto 3 unknowns ) by Cramers rule. Definition of matrix, addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices (upto third order). Inverse of a matrix by adjoint method and elementary row transformations. Solutions of equations (upto 3 unknowns) by matrix method

SECTION-II Addition and subtraction formulae, product formulae and their applications in engineering problems. Transformations from product to sum or difference of two angles or vice versa, multiple, multiple and sub-multiple angles, Conditional identities Permutations and Combinations, Value of Programming and cr, its properties and simple problems Binomial theorem (without proof ) for positive integral index (expansion and general term); Binomial thermos for any index (expansion only) first and second binomial approximation with application to engineering problems.

SECTION-III Definition of vector and scalar quantities, Addition and subtraction of vectors, Dot product and cross product to two vectors, Thumb rule Angle between two vectors, application of dot and cross product in engineering problems, scalar triple product and vector product. 5

Definition, real and Imaginary parts of complex umber, Polar and Cartesian representation of a complex number and conversion from one from to the other, conjugate of complex number , modulus and argument of complex number, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of a complex number. SECTION-IV Evaluation of standard deviation and process capabilities Rank, Rank correlation probability : definition and laws on probability, concept of random variable probability distribution( Binomial, Poisson and Normal)

Text Books: 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by BS Grewal; Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 37th Ed. 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 8th Ec.

Reference Books: 1. Applied Mathematics Vol. I by SS Sabharwal and Others by Eagle Prakshan, Jalandhar. 2. Applied Mathematics Vol. II by SS Sabharwal and Others by Eagle Prakshan, Jalandhar. 3. Engineering Mathematics Vol. I by Ishan Publishing House. 4. Engineering Mathematics Vol. I by S Kohli and Others; IPH, Jalandhar. 5. Applied Mathematics Vil. I by RD Sharma. 6. Engineering Mathematics by Dass Gupta. 7. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by AB Mathur and VP Jagi; Khanna Publisher, Delhi, 6th Ed. 8. Engineering Mathematics by C Dass Chawla; Asian Publisher, New Delhi.

APPLIED PHYSICS-I (DPh-101) L T P Cr. 3 - 3

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

Theory Paper : 60 Internal Assessment : 40

UNIT-I Units and Dimensions: Physical quantities, Fundamental and derived units, Systems of units (FPS, CGS, MKS and SI units), Dimensions and dimensional formulae of physical quantities (area, volume, velocity, acceleration, momentum, force, impulse, work, power, energy, surface tension, coefficient of viscosity and strain), Principle of homogeneity, Dimensional equations and their applications, conversion from one unit to another unit for density, force, pressure, work, power, energy, velocity, acceleration, Limitations of dimensional analysis. Force and Motion: Scalar and vector quantities-examples, addition and multiplication ( scalar product and vector product) of vectors, Force, Resolution and composition of forces- resultant, Parallelogram law of forces, Equilibrium of forces, Lamis theorem, Newtons laws of motion- concept of momentum, Newtons law of motion and their applications, determination of force equation from Newtons second law of motion, Newton third law of motion, Conversion of momentum, impulse and impulsive force, Simple numerical problems based on third law, Projectile, horizontal and oblique projections and equation of trajectory, Derivation of time of flight, maximum height and horizontal range, Circular motion, Relation between linear and angular velocity and linear acceleration and angular acceleration, Centripetal force and centrifugal force, Banking of roads. UNIT-II Work, Power and Energy: Work: definitions and its SI units, Work done in moving an object on horizontal and inclined plane (incorporating frictional forces), Power: definition and its SI units, calculation of power in simple cases, Energy: definition and its SI units; kinetic and potential energy with examples and their derivation, Principle of conservation of mechanical energy (for freely falling bodies), transformation of energy from one form to another. Rotational Motion:

Definition of torque, Moment of inertia, Radius of gyration, Derivation of rotational K.E. and angular momentum, Conservation of angular momentum (qualitative), Theorems of parallel and perpendicular axes.


Properties of Matter: Interatomic forces, Intermolecular forces, Elasticity, Definition of stress and strain, Elastic limit, Hookes law, Different types of modulus of elasticity, Explanation of stress-strain diagram, Elastic and fatigue, Applications of elasticity, Elastic potential energy in stretched wire, Poissons ratio, Pressure-its units, Pascals law, Hydraulic lift, Hydraulic press, Hydraulic brakes, Gauge pressure, Absolute pressure, Atmospheric pressure, Bourdons pressure, manometers and barometer gauges, Surface tension- its units, measurement of surface tension by capillary tube method, application of surface tension, effect of temperature and impurity on surface tension, Fluid motion, streamline and turbulent flow, Reynolds number, Viscosity and coefficient of viscosity, Derivation of terminal velocity, effect of temperature on viscosity.

UNIT-IV Temperature and Its Measurement: Principles of measurement of temperature and different scales of temperature, Difference between heat and temperature on the basis of kinetic energy of molecules, Bimetallic and platinum resistance thermometer their merits and demerits, Pyrometers- disappearing filament optical pyrometer. Transfer of Heat: Modes of transfer of heat ( conduction, convection and radiation with examples), Coefficient of thermal conductivity, determination of thermal conductivity of good conductor (Searles method) and bad conductor (Lees disc method), Properties of heat radiation, Stefans law, Kirchhoffs law, Wiens law, Plancks black body radiation law, Prevosts theory of heat exchange. Text Books: 1. Engineering Physics, Gaur and Gupta, Dhanpat Rai, 8th Ed. 2. Applied Physics Vol. I, TTTI , TMH Reference Books: 1. Fundamentals of Physics, Resnick and Halliday, John Willey, 6th Ed. 2. Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Bharti Bhawan 3. Principles of Physics, Serway, Thomson, 3rd Ed. 4. Comprehensive Practical Physics Vol. I & II, J N Jaiswal, Laxmi Publishers 5. Physics Laboratory Manual, P K Palanisamy, Scitech Publications

Note: The examiner will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.

Applied Chemistry-I DCh-101 9

L T P Cr. 2 - 2

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

Theory Paper : 60 Internal Assessment : 40


(8 hrs)

Basic Concepts of Chemistry: Definition of symbol, Formula, valency and chemical equation, units and dimensions, derived units, matter, element, compound and mixtures, atom, molecule, ion, (recapitulation only), chemical equations, thermo-chemical equations, balancing of chemical equations, numerical problems based on mole concept. Classification and Nomenclature of Organic Compounds: Classification of Organic compounds, functional group, homologous series, IUPAC system of nomenclature of a) alkanes b) alkenes c) alkynes d) alcohols e) thio-alcohols f) ethers g) aldehydes and ketones h) Carboxylic acids i) esters j) amides k) amines l) cyanides m) ethers Unit II (8 hrs) Atomic Structure : Fundamental particles i.e. electron, proton and neutron (their masses and charges), Daltons & Rutherford Model, postulates of Bohr model of atom, Heisenbergs uncertainity principle, elementary idea of modern concept of atom, quantum numbers (significance only), definition of shells, subshells and orbitals, shapes of s and p orbitals, quantum numbers, electronic configuration of elements(atomic number 1 to 30 only) on the basis of Aufbau principle, Paulis exclusion principle and Hunds rule. Chemical Bonding : Chemical bond and cause of bonding, ionic bond, covalent bond, metallic bonding, coordinate bond formation, orbital concept of covalent bonding, valence bond theory, sigma, pi bonds, coordinate bonds with examples of HF, O3, H3N, BF3, H2O, F2. Hybridisation sp, sp2, sp3 (examples).

Unit-III (8 hrs) Electrolysis : Electronic concept of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions and electrolytes and non- electrolytes, electrolysis, Faradays laws of electrolysis, Galvanic cells (elementary idea), brief description of Daniel cell, Ni-Cd cell and dry cell, Lead Storage batteries and maintenance free batteries. Simple numerical problems related to Faradays laws. Environmental Pollution : Introduction, causes and control of air, water, soil, noise and radioactive pollutions. Brief idea of pollution effects like Acid rain, Green house effect, action of Ozone layer which causes green house effect on earth, effect of chloroflorocarbons on depletion of ozone layer.


Unit-IV (8 hrs) Solutions : Concept of homogeneous solution: Colloids, suspensions, Brownian movement, Tyndal effect, strength of solutions in g/L, molarity(M), molality(m), mass fraction and mole fraction. Acids and Bases : Arrhenius concept of acids and bases, strong acids / bases, dissociation constants acids, bases, neutralization, acid base titration, choice of indicators for acid base titration, concept of pH, pH scale & industrial application of pH. Hydrolysis of salts, buffer solutions (acidic and basic), buffer action of buffer solution, application of buffer solution, simple numerical problems.

Recommended Books 1. Chemistry in engineering by J.C.Kurikose and J. Rajaram, Tata McGraw Hill, Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi. 2. Engineering Chemistry by P.C. Jain and Monika Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company New Delhi. 3. Engineering Chemistry by Sashi Chawla. 4. Progressive Applied Chemistry I by Dr. G.H. Hugar Eagle Prakashan Jalandhar. 5. Applied Chemistry in Engineering by Dr. S.K. Bhasin and Dr.H.K. Sharma.

(DEE-101) Basic of Electrical Engineering


L T P Cr. 3 - 3

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

Theory Paper : 60 Internal Assessment : 40

1. Basic Electricity Concepts 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

(12 hrs)

Difference between A.C. and D.C., Advantages of electrical energy over other types of energy. Definition of voltage, current, power and energy with their units, name of instruments to measure quantities and their connections. Ohms law, simple problems on series and parallel combination of resistors application of Kirchhoffs current law and Kirchhoffs voltage law to simple circuits. Concept of alternating voltage and current, concept of cycle, frequency, time period, amplitude, instantaneous value, average value, r.m.s. value, maximum value, form factor and peak factor. Electrical System (12 hrs)

2. 2.1 2.2 2.3

Difference between one phase and three phase system, three phase connections, line and phase quantities. Faradays law of electromagnetic induction, principle, working and application of single phase and three phase motors. Basic idea about primary and secondary cells, construction, working and applications of Lead-Acid, Nickel-Cadmium and Silver-Oxide batteries, charging methods used for lead-acid battery, care and maintenance of leadacid battery, connections of batteries.


Power generation and Transmission (12 hrs)Brief explanation with elementary block diagram of principle of power generation in thermal, hydro, nuclear and solar power stations and their comparative study. 3.1 Pictorial diagram of a three-phase transmission and distribution system showing transformers, supports, conductors, insulators and earth wire etc. 3.2 Brief function of accessories of transmission lines, Earthing of lines, substation and power station- need and practices adopted. Distribution System (12 hrs) 4.1 Distinction between high and low voltage distribution system, Identification of three phase wires, neutral wires and earth wire on a low voltage distribution system.



4.2 4.3

Arrangement of supply system from pole to the distribution board, function of service line, energy meter, main switch, distribution board. Distinction between light and fan circuits and single phase power circuit, various accessories and parts of installation, identification of wiring systems, common safety measures with BIS code of safety and wiring installation.



L T P Cr. 3 - 3 Note: Total eight questions will be sent, two each from unit 1,2,3,4. The candidate is required to attempt 5 questions in all selecting at least one question from each of the unit. All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Theory Paper : 60 Internal Assessment : 40

UNIT-1 (12 hours) Computer Fundamentals: Functional components of a digital computer, Concept of Hardware & Software, Features of low level & high level programming languages, Introduction to compiler, Interpreter, & Assembler, Input/Output and storage devices, introduction to operating system, function & types of operating system.

UNIT-2 (12 hours) Number System: Concept of binary, octal, hexadecimal Number system, Conversion of Binary to octal, binary to hexadecimal, binary to decimal, octal to decimal, octal to hexadecimal and vice versa, Arithmetic orations(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) on binary number system.

UNIT-3 (12 hours) IT & Programming Fundamentals: Concepts of Data communication, type of data communication, Network, Type of networks, Topology, Internet, Intranet, Application of internet, Flowchart, Algorithm, Character set, Constant & Variables, Operations (such as Arithmetic, logic, relational, increment and decrement), Expressions, Arithmetic statement.


UNIT-4 (12 hours) Computer Programming using C: Input-Output statements, branching and looping statements (such as if, if else, switch, while, do while, for, break), arrays. Text Books: 1. Computer Fundamentals: Concepts, Systems, Applications by Sinha P.K, Sinha Priti, BPB Publications. 2. Let Us C, by Kanetkar Yashwant, BPB publication, 1999. References: 1. Fundamental of computing and C programming,by patel R.B,Prem Nath, India Tech Publiushing Co.,2006 2. Introduction to C Programming: a modular approach,by collopy David M.,Prentice Hall,1997 3. Programming with C,by Byron Gottfried,Tata Mc. Hill. 4. the C Programming Language,by Kernighan,Ritchie,Pearsons Education. 5. Programming in C,by Stephan G. Kochan,Pearsons Education.


ENGINEERING DRAWING-1 DME-101 L T P Cr. - - 6 3 Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

Note: 1. First angle projection is to be followed 2. Minimum of 15 sheets to be prepared by each student 3. SP 46 1988 should be followed. 4. Instruction relevant to various drawings may given along with appropriate demonstration, before assigning drawing practice to the students. Unit-1: Concept of Engineering Drawing , Free Hand Sketching and Lines. Drawing instruments, Sizes and layout of standard drawing sheets, Sizes of drawing boards, drafting table/board Different types of lines I n engineering drawing as per BIS specification , Rectangles, small large circles, parabolas, curves horizontal and inclined Lines geometrical figure such as triangles, small large, circles, parabolas curves and ellipses. Unit-2: Lettering Techniques and Dimensioning. Instrumental single stroke (capital and inclined) lettering of 35mm height I n ration of 7:4, Instrumental double stroke lettering of 35mm height in the ration of 7:4, vertical, Free hand lettering ( alphabet and numeral) lower case and upper case, single stroke vertical and inclined at 75 degree in different standard series of 2.5,3,5,7,10, and 15mm heights in the ratio of 7:4, Necessity of dimensioning terms and notation methods and principles, dimensioning small components, Dimensioning of overall size, circles, thread holes, chamfered surfaces, angles, tapered surface holes equally spaced on PCD, countersunk hole counter bored holes, cylindrical parts, space and gaps, radii, curves and arches, chain and parallel dimensioning. Unit-1 Scales and Projections Scales, their need and importance, Definition of representative fraction (RF); Find RF of given scale, Types of Scale, Construction of plain and diagonal scales, Principle of orthographic projection, Projection of points situated in different quadrants, Projection of lines inclined to one plane and parallel to the other and vice versa, Projection of Planes: Planes perpendicular and parallel to either of the planes perpendicular to one plane and parallel to the other or ice versa.


Projection of solids, such as prism, Cube Cylinder and Cones with axis perpendicular to horizontal plane or parallel to horizontal plane/vertical plane or both Drawing 3 orthographic views of given objects (at least five objects). Drawing 6 views of given objects (non-symmetrical one or two objects may be selected for this exercises), Identification of surfaces on drawn orthographic views from isometric view. Unit-4 : Sectional and Isometric View Need for sectional views cutting planes methods of representing, conventional sections of various material, classification of sections, conventions in sectioning, drawing of full section, half section, partial broken out sections, off-set sections, revolved sections and removed sections. Exercises on sectional views of different isometric views, Drawing of different conventions for materials in section conventional breaks for shafts, pipes, rectangular, square, angle, channel, rolled section, Fundamentals of isometric projections(theoretical instructions), Isometric views from 2 or 3 given orthographic views Introduction to Third angle projection. Recommended Books: 1. Elementary Engineering Drawing (in first angle projection) by ND Bhatt, Charotar Publishing House, Edition 13 2. A Text Book of Engineering Drawing by Surjit Singh published Dhanpat Rai Co, Delhi Edition5 Engineering Drawing by PS mGill published by SK Kataria AND SONS Delhi Edition12


WORKSHOP PRACTICE -I (WP-101) L T P Cr. - - 6 3 Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

LIST OF EXPERIMENTS FITTING SHOP 1. To Introduce and study of different types of tools used in fitting shop. 2. To study the different measurement instruments used in workshop 3. To make a flat surface in fitting shop involving fitting operations-cutting, marking, filing and being checked by straight edge. WELDING SHOP 1. Introduction to welding shop, welding types, welding positions and different welding joints, explanation of arc welding, arc welding principle, flux shielded metal arc welding. 2. To make uniform & straight weld beads in flat position on m.s. piece using electric arc welding. 3. To prepare a butt joint. ELECTRICAL SHOP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction of electric shop. Electrical Symbols. To study the various tools and instruments used in electrical shop. To study the various materials used in electric shop. Practice on simple electrical wiring To make a circuit of three lamps in series with one control switch

MACHINE SHOP 1.To study different types of machine tools used in machine shop with emphasis on Lathe Machine. 2. To make a job on a centre lathe involving facing and straight turning.


CARPENTRY SHOP 1. Introduction of Timber, Classification of Timber, Conversion of Timber, and Market forms of Timber, Seasoning of Wood, Preservation of Wood, Plywood, its classification and advantages. 2. Study of various carpentry processes and tools used in carpentry shop. 3. Nomenclature of different types of joints commonly used in carpentry shop. 4. To make a half lap T joint. FOUNDRY SHOP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction to foundry Shop.Definitions of various terms used in foundry shop. Preparation of molding sand elaborating its constituents and properties there off. Study of various hand tools used in Foundry shop. Study of various types of Patterns. To make a mould of solid piece pattern.



L T P Cr. - - 2 1 Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

How to communicate effectively ? Body language Picture description Listening pre-recorded English Language learning programme Paper presentation before an audience (reading unseen passage) Role Play Listening Exercise Exercise on use of different abbreviations Polite expression Self Introduction Extempore

Text Book : The Pointed Vision ed. Dr. Usha Bande, and Krishan Gopal, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

Recommended Books : 1. A Practical English Grammar by Thomson and Martinet 2. English Grammar and Composition by Rajendra Pal (Sultan Chand and Co. New Delhi) 3. High English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin (Aultan Chand and Co., New Delhi) 4. A Course in Phonetics and Spoken English J. D. Sethi and Dhamija (Prentice Hall of India New Delhi) 5. Business Correspondence and report writing by R.C. Sharma & Brishan Mohan (Tata Mc. Graw Hill Company, New Delhi)


6. The Functional Aspects of Communication Skills by P. Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma (S.K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi) 7. Lesikar Basic Business Communication by Raymond Lesikar & others (Mc. Graw-Hill Co. USA) 8. Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary by A.S. Hornby (Oxford University Press) 9. English Pronouncing Dictionary by Danier Jones (Cambridge University)



L T P Cr. - - 2 1 Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

1. To find the diameter of a wire using a screw gauge and hence determine the area of cross section. 2. To find volume and density of solid cylinder and hollow cylinder using a Vernier caliper. 3. To determine the thickness of glass strip and radius of curvature of a concave surface using a spherometer. 4. To find the surface tension of a liquid by capillary rise method. 5. To determine and verify the time period of cantilever by drawing graph between load and depression. 6. To determine the coefficient of linear expansion of a metal rod. 7. To determine the atmospheric pressure at a place using Fortins barometer. 8. To find the coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper using Searles conductivity apparatus. 9. To find the coefficient of thermal conductivity of Bakelite by Lees Disc method. 10. To verify the parallelogram law of forces. 11. To verify the conservation of energy of a rolling solid cylinder. 12. To determine the viscosity of glycerin by Stokes method. 13. To determine Youngs modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire. 14. To determine specific heat of a given (i) solid (ii) liquid, by method of mixtures. 15. To study the relationship between force of limiting friction and normal reaction and to find co-efficient of friction between a block and a horizontal surface.


Applied Chemistry II(Pr) DCh-103

L T P Cr. - - 2 1 Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

List of Practicals
1. Introduction to volumetric analysis, apparatus used and molarity based applications. 2. To determine the strength of given solution of sodium hydroxide by titrating against standard solution of oxalic acid using phelolphthalein indicator. 3. To determine the strength of given solution of sulphuric acid by titrating against standard solution of sodium carbonate using Methyl orange indicator. 4. To determine the strength of given solution of KMnO4 by titrating against standard solution of oxalic acid. 5. To determine %age purity of ferrous sulphate in given solution of known strength using KMnO4 solution. 6. To prepare Iodoform from Ethanol or Acetone. 7. To prepare Mohrs salt and Potash alum. 8. To determine the strength of given solution of sodium hydroxide by titrating against standard solution of Oxalic acid conductometrically. 9. To determine the strength of given solution of sodium hydroxide by titrating against standard solution of Oxalic acid using pH meter. 10. To determine the strength of given solution of sodium hydroxide by titrating against standard solution of Acetic acid conductometrically. 11. To analyse commercial samples of antacids by determining the amount of HCl they can neutralize. 12. To distinguish between aldehyde and ketone by Tollens reagent. 13. To distinguish between aliphatic alcohol and phenol. 14. Confirmation test of alcohol, aldehydes, carboxylic acid and amine. 15. To verify the first law of electrolysis. (Electrolysis of copper sulphate solution using copper electrode). NOTE: Students are required to perform at least 10 experiments.



L T P Cr. - - 2 1 Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Familiarization of measuring instruments viz voltmeter, ammeter, CRO, Wattmeter, multi-meter and other accessories Familiar with different uses of megger. Determination of voltage-current relationship in a dc circuit under specific physical conditions and to draw conclusions. To observe change in resistance of a bulb in hot and cold conditions, using voltmeter and ammeter. Verification of Kirchhoff's Current Law in a dc circuit. Verification of Kirchhoff's Voltage Laws in a dc circuit. To study different types of battery and their series and parallel connections. Connection of a lamp, ceiling fan, socket outlet, geyser, floor grinder, voltage stabilizer etc. Connection and repair of Fluorescent tube light. To study the most common faults which may occur in a three phase motor. Troubleshooting in a domestic wiring system. Study of a distribution board. Connection and reading down an energy meter. Demonstration in electrical machine laboratory. Visit to nearby Power Station(s).

Text books: 1. Basic Electrical Engineering by Mehta VK; S Chand and Company, New Delhi 2. Electrical Power I by SK Sahdev, Unique International Publications, Jalandhar

RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1. Electrical Technology, Fifth Edition by Edward Hughes, Longman Publishers New Age International (P) Ltd.; Publishers New Delhi


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Electrical Power System by VK Mehta, S Chand and Co., New Delhi Electrical Power Distribution System by AS Pabla, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi Electrical Technology by B.L.Theraja, S Chand and Co, New Delhi Basic Electricity by BR Sharma; Satya Prakashan; New Delhi Basic Electrical Engineering by P.S. Dhogal, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi Experiments in Basic Electrical Engineering by S.K. Bhattacharya, K.M. Rastogi; 8. Experiments in Basic Electrical Engineering by G.P. Chhalhotra, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi. .



L T P Cr. - - 2 1 Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60


1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

Understand the IDE for executing C program and the concept of files and folders. write a program to add, subtract, multiply and divide two integers and floating point numbers and print them. write a program to print table of any number entered by user. write a program to check weather a given number is odd or even. write a program to print ASCII value of given character. write a program to swap any two numbers without using third variable. write a program to check weather a given number is prime or not write a program to convert temperature given in degree Celsius to degrees fehrenites write a program to print numbers from 1 to 10 using loops. write a program to print odd/even numbers between two given numbers using loops. write a program to calculate sum of first n integers using loops. write a program to use switch-case statement to print the number of days in a given month. write a program to read the numbers in an array and print the array. write a program to find minimum number in a list. write a program to add any two matrices entered by user.

NOTE: Students are required to perform at least 10 experiments.


Scheme of Examination 3 year Diploma in Engineering 2nd Semester (Common for All Branches)

S. No. Course No. Course Title Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Tutorial Practic al

Cr. 3 4.5 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

DHu-102 DMa-102 DPh-102 DCh-102 DEE-101 or DCO101 DME-102 DME-104 DHu-104 DPh-104 DCh-104 DEE-103 or DCO103 DPD-102

English & Comm. Skills II Applied Mathematics- II Applied Physics II Applied Chemistry- II Basics of Electrical Engg. or Fundamental of Computer & IT Engineering Drawing II Workshop Pracatice II English/Comm. Skills (Pr.) Applied Physics-II (Pr.) Applied Chemistry-II (Pr.) Basics of Electrical Engg. or Fundamental of Computer & IT (Pr.) Personality Development

3 4 3 3 3 3 -

1 -

4 6 2 2 2 2 2 2





L T P Cr. 3 - 3 Note: Total 8 questions are to be set by the examiner selecting two questions from each unit. A candidate is required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours UNIT-I Literature: Life of Ma Parker: Katherine Mansfield The Dying Detective: Arthur Canon Doyle Under the Banyan Tree: R.K. Narayan That Pagli : D. R. Sharma AM I Blue? : Alice Walker UNIT-II Vocabulary -Synonyms -Antonyms -Homophones -Homonyms UNIT-III Transcription of Received Pronunciations

Theory Paper : 60 Internal Assessment : 40

12 hours

12 hours

12 hours

UNIT-IV Reading Skills: 12 hours Comprehension: Unseen passage of literacy, scientific, data/ graph based for comprehension exercises. The Art of Prcis Writing. Text Book: 28

The Pointed Vision ed. Dr. Usha Bande, and Krishan Gopal, Oxford University Press New Delhi. Recommended Books: 1. A Practical English Grammar by Thomson and Martinet. 2. English Grammar and Composition by Rejendra Pal (Sultan Chand and Co. New Delhi). 3. High English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin (Aultan Chand and Co. New Delhi) 4. A Course in Phonetics and Spoken English J. D. Sethi and Dhamija (Prentice Hall of India New Delhi. 5. Bussiness Correspondence and report Writing by R.C.Sharma & Brishan Mohan (Tata Mc.Graw Hill Compan ,New Delhi. 6. The Functional Aspects of Communication Skills by P.Prasad and Rajendra K.Sharma (S.K.Kataria &Sons,New Delhi.) 7. Lesikars Basic Business Communication by Raymaond Lesikar &others (Mc.Graw Hill Co.USA) 8. Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary by A.S.Hornby (Oxford University Press) 9. English Pronouncing Dictionary by Daniel Jones (Combridge University)



L T P Cr. 4 1 4. 5

Note: - Paper Setter will divide all four units into three sections (A, B, C) as follows : Section A consist of 15 multiple choice questions (covering whole syllabus), each of marks 1. All questions are compulsory. Section B Consists of 8 short answer type questions (02 from each unit), each of marks 5. Students are required to attempt any five. Section C : Consist of 4 long answer type questions (01 question from each unit), each of marks 10.Students are required to attempt any two questions. Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Theory Paper : 60 Internal Assessment : 40

SECTION-I 1.1 Area of a triangle, centroid and incentre of a triangle (given the vertices of a triangle) , Simple problems on locus. 1.2 Equation of straight line in various standard forms(without proof) with their transformation from one form to another, Angle between two lines and perpendicular distance formula(without proof). 1.3 Circle: General equation and its characteristics given : The center and radius Three points on it The co-ordinates of the ends of the diameter. 1.4 Conics (parabola and ellipse).


SECTION-II Concept of function, four standard limits Lt(x n -a n )/(x-a), Xa Lt Sin x/x, x0 Lt(a n -a)/x, x0 Lt(1+x) 1 / x x0


Concept of differentiation and its physical interpretation Differentiation by first principle of x n , (ax+b) n , sinx, cosx, tanx, secx, cosec x and cotx, e x , a x , logx. Differentiation of a function of a function and explicit and implicit functions. Differentiation of a sum, product and quotient of different functions Logarithmic differentiation. Successive differentiation excluding n th order 30


Application of derivatives for (a) rate measure (d) equation of tangent and normal (c) finding the maxima and minima of a function (simple engineering problems)

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

SECTION-III Integration as inverse operation of differentiation Simple integration by substitution, by parts and by partial fractions Evaluation of definite integrals (simple problems) by explaining the general properties of definite integrals Applications of integration for Simple problem on evaluation of area under a curve where limits are prescribed SECTION-IV

Solution of first order and first degree differential equation by: 4.1 4.2 4.3 Variable separation Homogeneous differential equation and reducible homogeneous differential equations Linear differential equations and reducible linear differential equations

Text Books: 3. Higher Engineering Mathematics by BS Grewal; Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 37th Ed. 4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 8th Ec. Reference Books: 9. Applied Mathematics Vol. I by SS Sabharwal and Others by Eagle Prakshan, Jalandhar. 10. Applied Mathematics Vol. II by SS Sabharwal and Others by Eagle Prakshan, Jalandhar. 11. Engineering Mathematics Vol. I by Ishan Publishing House. 12. Engineering Mathematics Vol. I by S Kohli and Others; IPH, Jalandhar. 13. Applied Mathematics Vil. I by RD Sharma. 14. Engineering Mathematics by Dass Gupta. 15. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by AB Mathur and VP Jagi; Khanna Publisher, Delhi, 6th Ed. 16. Engineering Mathematics by C Dass Chawla; Asian Publisher, New Delhi.



L T P Cr. 3 - 3 Note: Total 8 questions are to be set by the examiner selecting two questions from each unit. A candidate is required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

Theory Paper : 60 Internal Assessment : 40

UNIT-I Waves and Vibrations: Generation of waves by vibrating particles, Wave motion with examples, Types of wave motion, Transverse and longitudinal wave motion with examples, Velocity, frequency and wave length of a wave, Sound and light waves, Simple harmonic motion: definition, expression for displacement, velocity acceleration, time period, frequency in S.H.M, Vibration of cantilever and beam, determination of time period of a cantilever, Free, forced and resonant vibrations with examples. Applications of Sound Waves: Acoustics of buildings- reverberation, reverberation time, echo, noise, coefficient of absorption of sound, methods to control reverberation time. Ultrasonicsproduction (magnetostriction and piezo-electric), and their engineering applications. UNIT-II Electrostatics: Coulombs law, unit charge, Gausss law, Electric field intensity and electric potential, Electric field of point charge, charged sphere (conducting and non-conducting), Straight charged conductors, plane charged sheet, Capacitance, types of capacitors, capacitance of parallel plate capacitor, series and parallel combination of capacitor, Dielectric and its effect on capacitors, dielectric constant and dielectric breakdown. Electricity: Ohms law, Resistance of a conductor, specific resistance, series and parallel combination of resistors, effect of temperature on resistance, Kirchhoffs laws, Wheatstone bridge principle and its applications, Heating effect of current and concept of electric power. UNIT-III Electromagnetism:


Magnetic field and its units, Biot-Savarts law, magnetic field, around a current carrying straight conductor, circular loop and solenoid, Force on a moving charge and current in a magnetic field, force between current carrying parallel conductors. Semiconductor Physics: Energy bands, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, p-n junction diode and its characteristics, Diode as rectifier (half wave and full wave rectifier), semiconductor transistor pnp and npn (concept only). UNIT-IV Principle of Optics: Introduction: reflection of light, laws of reflection, image formation in mirrors (convex and concave), relation between f and r, mirror formula, refraction and refractive index, laws of refraction, principle of reversibility of light, refraction through a parallel and compound slab, real and apparent depth, atmospheric refraction, critical angle, total internal refraction, image formation in lenses, lens formulae (thin lens only), power of lens, Defects in image formation by lenses and their correction, Simple and compound microscope, Astronomical and Galileo telescope, magnifying power and its calculation, Overhead projector and slide projector. Text Books: 1. Engineering Physics, Gaur and Gupta, Dhanpat Rai, 8th Ed. 2. Applied Physics Vol. II, TTTI , TMH Reference Books: 1. Fundamentals of Physics, Resnick and Halliday, John Willey, 6th Ed. 2. Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Bharti Bhawan 3. Principles of Physics, Serway, Thomson, 3rd Ed. 4. A Text Book of Optics, Brijlal and Subramanyam, S. Chand 5. Concepts of Modern Physics, Beiser, TMH. 6. Comprehensive Practical Physics Vol. I & II, J N Jaiswal, Laxmi Publishers 7. Physics Laboratory Manual, P K Palanisamy, Scitech Publications

Note: The examiner will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.


(DEE-101) Elements of Electrical Engineering L T P Cr. 3 - 3 Note: Total 8 questions are to be set by the examiner selecting two questions from each unit. A candidate is required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

Theory Paper : 60 Internal Assessment : 40

1. Basic Electricity Concepts 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

(12 hrs)

Difference between A.C. and D.C., Advantages of electrical energy over other types of energy. Definition of voltage, current, power and energy with their units, name of instruments to measure quantities and their connections. Ohms law, simple problems on series and parallel combination of resistors application of Kirchhoffs current law and Kirchhoffs voltage law to simple circuits. Concept of alternating voltage and current, concept of cycle, frequency, time period, amplitude, instantaneous value, average value, r.m.s. value, maximum value, form factor and peak factor. Electrical System (12 hrs)

5. 5.1 5.2 5.3

Difference between one phase and three phase system, three phase connections, line and phase quantities. Faradays law of electromagnetic induction, principle, working and application of single phase and three phase motors. Basic idea about primary and secondary cells, construction, working and applications of LeadAcid, Nickel-Cadmium and Silver-Oxide batteries, charging methods used for lead-acid battery, care and maintenance of lead-acid battery, connections of batteries. Power generation and Transmission (12 hrs)

6. 6.1 6.2 6.3

Brief explanation with elementary block diagram of principle of power generation in thermal, hydro, nuclear and solar power stations and their comparative study. Pictorial diagram of a three-phase transmission and distribution system showing transformers, supports, conductors, insulators and earth wire etc. Brief function of accessories of transmission lines, Earthing of lines, substation and power stationneed and practices adopted. Distribution System (12 hrs)

7. 7.1 7.2

Distinction between high and low voltage distribution system, Identification of three phase wires, neutral wires and earth wire on a low voltage distribution system. Arrangement of supply system from pole to the distribution board, function of service line, energy meter, main switch, distribution board.



Distinction between light and fan circuits and single phase power circuit, various accessories and parts of installation, identification of wiring systems, common safety measures with BIS code of safety and wiring installation.



L T P Cr. 3 - 3 Note: Total 8 questions are to be set by the examiner selecting two questions from each unit. A candidate is required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

Theory Paper : 60 Internal Assessment : 40


(12 hours)

Computer Fundamentals: Functional components of a digital computer, Concept of Hardware & Software, Features of low level & high level programming languages, Introduction to compiler, Interpreter, & Assembler, Input/Output and storage devices, introduction to operating system, function & types of operating system.

UNIT-2 (12 hours) Number System: Concept of binary, octal, hexadecimal Number system, Conversion of Binary to octal, binary to hexadecimal, binary to decimal, octal to decimal, octal to hexadecimal and vice versa, Arithmetic orations(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) on binary number system.

UNIT-3 (12 hours) IT & Programming Fundamentals: Concepts of Data communication, type of data communication, Network, Type of networks, Topology, Internet,


Intranet, Application of internet, Flowchart, Algorithm, Character set, Constant & Variables, Operations (such as Arithmetic, logic, relational, increment and decrement), Expressions, Arithmetic statement.

UNIT-4 (12 hours) Computer Programming using C: Input-Output statements, branching and looping statements (such as if, if else, switch, while, do while, for, break), arrays. Text Books: 1. Computer Fundamentals: Concepts, Systems, Applications by Sinha P.K, Sinha Priti, BPB Publications. 2. Let Us C, by Kanetkar Yashwant, BPB publication, 1999. References: 1. Fundamental of computing and C programming,by patel R.B,Prem Nath, India Tech Publiushing Co.,2006 2. Introduction to C Programming: a modular approach,by collopy David M.,Prentice Hall,1997 3. Programming with C,by Byron Gottfried,Tata Mc. Hill. 4. the C Programming Language,by Kernighan,Ritchie,Pearsons Education. 5. Programming in C,by Stephan G. Kochan,Pearsons Education.



L T P Cr. - - 4 2 Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

Unit-I: Symbols, Conventions and Assembly Drawings Civil engineering sanitary symbols, Electrical fitting symbols for domestic interior installations, Building Plan drawing with electrical and civil engineering symbols, Principle and utility of detail and assemble drawings, Wooden joints i.e. corner mortise and tenon joint. Tee halving joint,Mitre faced corner joints, Tee bridle joint, Crossed wooden joint Cogged joint, Through Mortise and Tenon Joint Corner and Through halving joint, Closed Mortise and Tenon joint. Unit-II: Threads and Locking Devices Nomenclature of threads, types of threads (metric) single and multiple start threads, Forms of various external thread sections such as V, square and acme threads,BA,BSW and Knuckle, Metric, Seller Thread, Buttress Threads, Simplified conventions of left hand and right hand threads, both external and internal threads, Lock nuts, castle nuts, slit pin nuts, sawn nuts, slotted nut, Different views of hexagonal and square nuts.Assembly of hexagonal headed, square headed bolts with hexagonal and square nuts and washers. Foundations bolts Rag bolt and Lewis bolt.

Unit-III: Riveted, welded Joints and Couplings Types of structural and general purpose rivet heads, caulking and fullering of riveted joints, Types of riveted joints, lap, butt (Single riveted, double rivted lap joint, singal cover plate and double cover plate), chain and zig zag riveting, Various symbols of welded joints ( IS 696) ,Practical applications of welded joints say joints on steel frames, windows, doors and furniture, Muff or Box coupling, half lap muff coupling, Flange coupling (Protected and unprotected),Flexible coupling. Unit-4: Development of surfaces and Interpenetration Construction of geomentrical figures such as square, pentagon, hexagon Development of surfaces of cylinder, square, pentagonal and hexazonal prism, cone and pyramid, sequence pentagonal and hexa pyramid, cylinder to cylinder, Cylinder to cone, concept of auto CAD tool bars in auto CAD coordinate system, snap grid, and ortho mode. Recommended Books:


1.Elementary Engineering Drawing (in first angle projection) by ND Bhatt, Charotar publishing House, Edition.13 2. A Text Book of Engineering Drawing by surjit singh published by dhanpat rai and co., Delhi Edition.5 3. Engineering Drawing by PS Gill published by SK Kataria and sons, Delhi, Edition.12



L T P Cr. - - 6 2 Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours LIST OF EXPERIMENTS FITTING SHOP

1. To demonstrate the simple operation of Hand Hacksaw, types of blades and their specification, uses and method of fitting the blade. 2. To make a square cut out from a square piece of mild steel. 3. To perform Chipping operation on a mild steel piece. WELDING SHOP 1. To prepare a Lap Joint by Arc Welding. 2. To prepare a Corner Joint by Arc Welding. 3. To prepare a T- Joint by Arc Welding. ELECTRICAL SHOP 1. To Study the parts and working principle of an electric iron. 2. To make lead acid batteries connections in series and parallel.

MACHINE SHOP 1. To make a job on lathe machine involving turning and step turning. 2. To make a job on shaper by performing slotting operation CARPENTRY SHOP 1. To make a mortise and tenon joint. 40

2. To study the various methods of Painting wooden surfaces. 3. To paint a wooden surface by brush/spray FOUNDRY SHOP 1. To demonstrate the core making and molding methods 2. To demonstrate the casting defects. 3. To make a mould of split pattern.


ENGLISH AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS II DHu-104 L T P Cr. - - 2 1 Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

LIST OF PRACTICAL Practice on browsing information from Internet. Group Discussions. Mock Interview. Telephone Etiquette-demonstration and practice. Situational Conversation with feedback through video recording. Presentation on a given theme by using Power point. Exercise leading to personality development like mannerism, etiquettes, body language etc. 8. Reading unseen passages. 9. Outline. 10. Sending E-mail. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


PHYSICS PRACTICALS (DPh-104) L T P Cr. - - 2 1 Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

1. To verify Ohms law. 2. To verify law of resistances in series and parallel. 3. To determine the magnifying power of a compound microscope. 4. To determine the magnifying power of an astronomical telescope. 5. To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter of a given range. 6. To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter of a given range. 7. To find the wavelength of He-Ne laser. 8. To find the frequency of a tuning fork by a sonometer. 9. To study the characteristics of a pn junction diode. 10. To find the frequency of a.c. mains by a sonometer. 11. To determine the focal length of a convex lens and to verify the Newtons formula. 12. To find the resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method. 13. To find the resistance of a galvanometer using post office box. 14. To study the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor. 15. To determine the focal length of a convex lens by displacement method.


APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II (PR) DCh-104 L T P Cr. - - 2 1 Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Gravimetric analysis and study of apparatus used there in. Estimate the amount of moisture in the given sample of coal. Estimate the amount of ash in the given sample of coal. Determine the viscosity of a given oil with the help of Redwood viscometer Determine the flash point, Fire point of the given oil with the help of Pensky Marteins Flash Point Apparatus. Preparation of urea-formaldehyde and polystyrene polymer. Estimation of hardness of water by EDTA method. Determination of copper in the given brass solution, or sample of blue vitriol volumetrically. Detection of metal iron in the rust (solution, of rust in concentrated HCL may be given). Determination of total acid value (Total acid number TAN) of a lubrication oil. Study of effect of acids and bases on tensile strength of natural (cotton, wool, an silk) and synthetic polymer fibres. Determination of saponification value of a lubricating oil. Estimation of total alkalinity in the given sample of water by titrating against standard solution of sulfuric acid. Determination of the dosage of bleaching powder required for sterilization of disinfection of different samples of water, using standard sodium thiosulfate solution. Estimation of chloride ions in the given sample of water by titrating against standard solution of silver nitrate.

NOTE: Students are required to perform at least 10 experiments.



L T P Cr. - - 2 1 Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

1. Familiarization of measuring instruments viz voltmeter, ammeter, CRO, Wattmeter, multi-meter and other accessories 2. Familiar with different uses of megger. 3. Determination of voltage-current relationship in a dc circuit under specific physical conditions and to draw conclusions. 4. To observe change in resistance of a bulb in hot and cold conditions, using voltmeter and ammeter. 5. Verification of Kirchhoff's Current Law in a dc circuit. 6. Verification of Kirchhoff's Voltage Laws in a dc circuit. 7. To study different types of battery and their series and parallel connections. 8. Connection of a lamp, ceiling fan, socket outlet, geyser, floor grinder, voltage stabilizer etc. 9. Connection and repair of Fluorescent tube light. 10. To study the most common faults which may occur in a three phase motor. 11. Troubleshooting in a domestic wiring system. 12. Study of a distribution board. 13. Connection and reading down an energy meter. 14. Demonstration in electrical machine laboratory. 15. Visit to nearby Power Station(s).


Text books: 1. Basic Electrical Engineering by Mehta VK; S Chand and Company, New Delhi 2. Electrical Power I by SK Sahdev, Unique International Publications, Jalandhar

RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1. Electrical Technology, Fifth Edition by Edward Hughes, Longman Publishers New Age International (P) Ltd.; Publishers New Delhi 2. Electrical Power System by VK Mehta, S Chand and Co., New Delhi 3. Electrical Power Distribution System by AS Pabla, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 4. Electrical Technology by B.L.Theraja, S Chand and Co, New Delhi 5. Basic Electricity by BR Sharma; Satya Prakashan; New Delhi 6. Basic Electrical Engineering by P.S. Dhogal, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi 7. Experiments in Basic Electrical Engineering by S.K. Bhattacharya, K.M. Rastogi; 8. Experiments in Basic Electrical Engineering by G.P. Chhalhotra, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.



L T P Cr. - - 2 1 Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

1. Understand the IDE for executing C program and the concept of files and folders. 2. write a program to add, subtract, multiply and divide two integers and floating point numbers and print them.

3. write a program to print table of any number entered by user. 4. write a program to check weather a given number is odd or even. 5. write a program to print ASCII value of given character. 6. write a program to swap any two numbers without using third variable. 7. write a program to check weather a given number is prime or not 8. write a program to convert temperature given in degree Celsius to degrees fehrenites 9. write a program to print numbers from 1 to 10 using loops. 10. write a program to print odd/even numbers between two given numbers using loops. 11. write a program to calculate sum of first n integers using loops. 12. write a program to use switch-case statement to print the number of days in a given month. 13. write a program to read the numbers in an array and print the array. 14. write a program to find minimum number in a list. 15. write a program to add any two matrices entered by user.

NOTE: Students are required to perform at least 10 experiments.


Personality Development (Syllabus) L T P Cr. - - 2 1 Viva Voce : 40 Internal Assessment : 60

Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

Personality development is the development of the organized pattern of behaviors and attitudes that makes a person distinctive. Personality is what makes a person a unique person, and it is recognizable soon after birth. A person's character continues to evolve throughout life. Personality is formed by the ongoing interaction of temperament, character, and environment. It can be defined as something which enhances the personality, like ones presence, ones looks, ones attitude and ones skills at a given moment or a situation. Every situation can enhance ones personality. With ones skill one can change any situation to a favourable one. Keeping in view the need and importance of personality development in the present scenario, the following syllabus has been devised.

Unit 1. A) B)

Introduction to Personality. 1. Communication Skills and Personality (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking skills) 2. Body Language. 3. Good Behaviour / Manners / Etiquettes/ Values. 4. Polite Expressions. 5. Presentation Skills.

Unit 2 1. 2. 3. 4. What is personality? Types of personalities. Self Assessment. Self Confidence (positive thinking ) E. Q. (study of feelings, simple and complex), Assertiveness, Stress, Conflict (causes & management) and Time Management, Interpersonal/ Intrapersonal Relations, Group Dynamics and Team Building, Leadership. 5. Picture Reading and Stories(Telling/Completion/Interpretation) Unit 3 1. General Awareness. 2. Group Discussions, Group Decision, Extempore. 3. Reading Newspapers, Magazines. 4. Role plays, Situational Conversations, Skits. 5. Film Reviews, T.V. Programmes. * Various exercises and activities related to the above mentioned topics. Books Recommended:48

1. Inner Happiness: Positive Steps to Feeling Complete by Peiffer Vera (London: Judy Piatkus Publishers ltd., 2003) 2. Positive Living: Complete Guide to Positive Thinking and Personal Success by Peiffer Vera (London: Judy Piatkus Publishers ltd., 2003) 3. Self Improvement by Subba S. Rao (Secunderabad: Subba S. Rao, 2000) 4. Working With Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman (New York: Bantam, 1998) 5. Personality Theories: Development, Growth, and Diversity by Bem P. Allen (Harlow, UK: Allyn & Bacon, 2002.) 6. "Social, Emotional, and Personality Development." Handbook of Child Psychology, edited by William Damon and Nancy Eisenberg. 5th ed. New York: Wiley, 2000. 7. The Functional Aspects of Communication Skills by P. Prasad and Rajendra Kumar Sharma (S.K. Kataria and Sons, New Delhi) 8. Im OK, Youre OK by Thomas A. Harris (Harper and Row, U.S.A.) 9. The Definitive Book of Body Language by Barbara and Allan Pease, 2005. 10. Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary by A.S Hornby (Oxford University Press) 11. English Pronouncing Dictionary (Cambridge University)



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