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BS Architecture

Val Augustus L. Bonite



College of Architecture

University of the Philippines Diliman

September 19, 2019

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism



Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

1.1 Background of the Study

Managing tourism and the state of natural attractions has been important to multiple

researches for years. The natural environment and all its aspects has always been affected by

tourism. There is a need and urgency in studying the environmental relations in areas that are

ecologically sensitive, such as small islands, reefs, desert oases, and tropical habitats, as these

areas offer the “greatest tourism potential” (Sorupia, 2005).

Transportation connects multiple destinations and moves people, goods, and services.

Tourism is all about travel; and transportation is vital in its operation. Tourism has expanded

mainly due to the improvement of transportation. Air travel has made the world smaller, and

motor vehicles has made travel to anywhere possible. Coupled with changing work patterns

and innovative marketing, transportation reality has driven international mass tourism

through the years (Sorupia, 2005).

However, land traffic congestion has been a common yet troubling scene in growing

areas. In Southeast Asia, the Philippines has one of the fastest urbanization rates, as the

country’s economic standing continues to move forward towards service and industrial

orientation, and away from agriculture. Areas like Metro Manila, Davao, Iloilo, and Cebu,

among others, the transport sector of big cities and its surrounding areas suffer every single

day, especially with the inefficient transport schemes that manifest. As the economy and

population continue to grow, the demand for transport services also continues to rise

(Lidasan, et. al., 2009). Thus, rising traffic congestion is an inescapable condition in these

growing areas (Downs, 2018).

Los Baños is one of the 17 lakeshore towns along Laguna de Bay. It also sits on the

foothills of Mount Makiling where the University of the Philippines - Los Baños is located.

From the academe to different industries, the municipality focuses on boosting its agriculture,

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

science, and tourism aspects the most. The Laguna Lake and Mt. Makiling shaped the

development realities and turned it into a rapidly urbanizing municipality. However, due to

the environmental concerns the municipality faces with these two natural entities, it has

caused the city to pursue a horizontal development. Situated about 60 kilometers south of

Metro Manila, this major west to east spine is the only access from the main

urban/commercial and industrial centers of Metro Manila via the SLEX. Furthermore, it is the

only main access from the east and the rest of Laguna province. This traffic congestion has

made access to and from Los Baños quite difficult.

With the road’s lack of capability to withstand the traffic volume of the National

Highway, this poses a negative counterbalance to the positive potential of Los Baños as a

tourist and leisure destination for neighboring residents. Moreover, students and faculty of

UPLB are key factors to the municipality’s development. Thus, the demand for easy access to

the Los Baños is crucial.

One of the greatest potential and advantage of Los Baños is its close proximity to

Manila, only being approximately 60 kilometers away. Being relatively close and the facility

of traverse offered by SLEX, the municipality has been and has continued to be a favored

destination to take advantage of its hot springs and a visit to the infamous Mt. Makiling.

However recently, traffic congestion in SLEX and also through Calamba into Los Baños has

affected the influx of tourists into the area, specifically those coming from Manila. As stated

in a study by Ka Leong Chong, he denoted that foreign tourists perceived negatively towards

the traffic congestion in a city.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism



Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

2.1 Rationale

According to Los Baños’ comprehensive land use plan in generating the locale’s

development framework, one of their strengths and opportunities is the rehabilitation of the

lake while introducing the untapped tourism sites of the municipality. Together with its

strategy to concentrate on the province’s agri-industrial and resource-oriented tourism

potentials, inherent to this strategy is the development of ecotourism centers of the entire


Tying transportation and tourism is seen as an opportunity for the overall

development of Los Baños, Laguna. Tourism/recreation and transportation has become more

apparent. The interdependence continue to become more critical with the growth of tourism

and its corresponding economic impact, emphasizing that the role of tourism is used as a tool

for economic development (King, 2007).

Another opportunity for the project is to reinforce the identity of Los Baños, not only

as a science community, but also the social character of the municipality. Integrating social

culture to the project can help introduce Los Baños’s character more to the public,

particularly, to the visiting tourists.

With the ideas and statements mentioned above, the study aims to create a facility that

provides an alternative access route for the municipality of Los Baños, Laguna by utilizing

Laguna Lake. Furthermore, the facility shall also act as the municipality’s gateway for

tourists to get to know Los Baños better. Lastly, the project has the potential to be a catalyst

for creating sustainable developments by utilizing natural resources such as the Laguna

Lake, and integrating design systems that could enable for the synergy of nature and

architecture, while minimizing the negative environmental impacts it may bring.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

2.2 Statement of the Problem

For years, traffic in Laguna province, especially in Calamba and Los Baños, has made

its accessibility difficult. With the narrow and horizontal development of Los Baños due to

Laguna Lake to the north and Mt. Makiling to the south, this poses the locale to a limited

road movement system. As population continues to grow, the demand for alternative mode of

transport also rises. Given the current situation of Laguna Lake being an underutilized natural

resource; despite being an enviable and high potential asset, establishing a gateway facility on

the lakeshore of Los Banos that utilizes water transport can help alleviate the accessibility

issue brought by traffic congestion. This provides locals and visitors an alternative entry and

exit point to the municipality. Furthermore, inter-municipality travel can help the different

towns of Laguna engage faster and better with the utilization of the lake.

Lastly, one of Los Banos’ development objectives is to create an urban blend that

would serve as an anchor for cultural tourism in positive tandem with the natural scenic

elements of the community. With plans on creating a ferry station on the lakeshore area of

Los Banos, and creating an eco-tourist facility, the project aims to create a symbiotic

relationship between transport and tourism that would help reinforce not only the

municipality’s science tourism, but also socio-cultural identity.

2.3 Delimitations

2.3.1​ Geographic Scope

The study will explore architectural solutions and interventions on the scale of the site,

specifically areas along the lakeshore and will not explore interventions at a larger scale.

However, data collection may include the whole of Los Banos, Laguna.

2.3.2​ Users

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

The identified target users of the proposed design intervention are as follows:

● Community Members/ Residents

● Local Government

● Facility Personnel

● Students

● Tourists

● Scientists

2.3.3​ Complexity of the Project The proposed project study shall only cover and focus on the architectural

design of the facility. The current state of Laguna Lake shall not be delved into, but

rather it shall be used as a guide in designing and determination of the space

requirements. Information that will help with the design like the depth, flooding

scenarios, and the like, will be tapped for the efficient and effective design. This will

help minimize the negative safety implication to its users, and also to the environment. The project shall only focus on the socio-cultural aspects within Los Banos,

Laguna. ​The project cannot cater other forms of cultural typologies and shall only limit

itself to the history of Makati from pre-colonial to present, performing arts, arts and

crafts, politics, and culinary heritage The transport facility shall provide passenger ferry boats only, and possibly

private yachts. Bigger ships such as shipping and freight vessels will not be part of the


2.4 Definition of Terms

2.4.1 Culture

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

The customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social

group; also the characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way

of life) shared by people in a place or time (Merriam-Webster).

2.4.2 Cultural Center

An institution that aims to develop, promote, and/or conserve arts and culture.

2.4.3 Creative Tourism

A form of tourism in which people focus on experiencing a country, city or particular

place by connecting to its history, people and culture.

2.4.4 Experiential/Interactive Learning

Learning outside the systematic form of learning (classroom, etc.). A more immersive and

interactive part of the learning process.

2.4.5 LB

The municipality of Los Baños, Laguna.

2.4.6 Water Transport

Mode of transportation that utilizes bodies of water like lakes, rivers, seas, and the like.

2.5 Objectives of the Project Study

2.5.1 ​Identify the historical, socio-cultural, economic, and architectural context of Los

Banos, Laguna.

2.5.2 ​Determine methods that may increase tourism viability of a transport and cultural

facility and how it can be used to redevelop the municipal hall and its existing museum


2.5.3 ​Determine different venue platforms for showcasing of different cultural avenues.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

2.5.4 ​Look into alternative methods of increasing cultural awareness of the locals.

2.5.5 ​Organize an efficient space programming and determine design elements that shall

cater to the different needs of the transport and cultural facility.

2.5.6 ​Determine the benefits of a transport and cultural facility to the local economy and


2.6 Importance of the Project Study

2.6.1 ​Economical ​Provide job opportunities for locals near the site area. ​Provide tourist interest in the area​. ​Help small businesses. ​Provide alternative transport opportunities.

2.6.2 ​Cultural ​Influence community behavior by providing educational program with regards

to the local’s culture. ​Increase community participation in terms of cultural preservation. ​Showcase local historical heritage to local and foreign tourists. ​Enhance cultural identity of Los Banos, Laguna.

2.6.3. ​Environmental ​Utilize a natural resource with little to no negative environmental impact. ​Raise environmental awareness of locals. ​Catalyze proactive efforts towards the environment. ​Help maintain the health and cleanliness of Laguna Lake.

2.6.2 ​Infrastructure

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism ​Help alleviate bottleneck traffic by providing an alternative access route. ​Improve inter and intra-municipal accessibility of Los Banos.

2.6.2 ​Social ​Reinforce and celebrate the social character of the locale. ​Instill local pride to the constituents of the municipality.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism




Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism



Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism


PROJECT STUDY DESIGN Detailed Project Background Feasibility Study

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism Precedent Studies Site Selection Site Selection Process Zoning Based on the Locale’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Los Baños (CLUP, 2006) was used

as the basis in the selection of the potential sites of this project. However, with

the absence of a definition on what buildings can be implemented on the

different zones of the locale, the National Building Code of the Philippines was

used as a reference to determine the building’s classification. Furthermore, the

area of focus was limited to zones that lie along the lakeshore. Two zones were

identified that best fit the project’s description: Institutional and Commercial

Zones. ​Institutional Facilities

According to the National Building Code, building types classified as

institutional buildings are as follows:

GROUP C- EDUCATION AND 1. amusement halls and parlors

RECREATION ( 2. massage and sauna parlors
INSTITUTIONAL) Division C-I 3. health studios and reducing
4. billiard halls, pool rooms,
bowling alleys and golf club
5. dancing schools, disco parks,
dance and amusement hall
6. gymnasia, pelota courts and
sports complex
7. Division C-2
8. educational institutions like
schools, colleges,
universities, vocational,
seminaries, convents,
including school auditoriums,
gymnasia, reviewing stands,

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

little theaters, concert halls,

opera houses
9. seminar/workshop facilities
10. training centers/facilities
11. libraries, museums, exhibition
halls and art galleries
12. civic centers, clubhouses,
lodges, community centers
13. churches, mosque, temples,
shrines, chapels and similar
places of worship
14. civic or government centers
15. other types of government

GROUP D GOVERNMENT AND 1. mental hospitals, sanitaria and

HEALTH SERVICES mental asylums
(INSTITUTIONAL) Division D-I ( 2. police and fire stations, guard
institutional where personal houses
liberties of inmates are restrained 3. jails, prisons, reformatories
or quarters of those rendering and correctional institutions
public assistance and maintaining 4. rehabilitation centers
peace and order) 5. leprosaria and quarantine
6. Division D-2 (institutional
buildings for health care)
7. hospitals, sanitaria and homes
for the aged
8. nurseries for children of
kindergarten age or
non-ambulatory patients
accommodating more than 5
9. Division D-3 (institutional for
ambulatory patients or
children over kindergarten
10. nursing homes for ambulatory
11. school and home for children
over kindergarten age
12. orphanages
Table 1. ​Table of facilities with institutional functions.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

Based on the table and one of the building’s functions, the project can be

classified under the educational and recreational facility. ​Commercial Facilities

According to the National Building Code, building types classified as

commercial buildings are as follows:

GROUP E “ BUSINESS AND 1. all uses in Division B-1

MERCANTILE (COMMERCIAL) 2. gasoline filling and station
Division E-I (business and 3. storage garage and boat
mercantile where no work is done storage
except change of parts and 4. commercial garage and
maintenance requiring no open parking buildings, display for
flames, welding or use of highly cars, tractors, etc.
flammable liquids) 5. bus and railways depots and
terminals and offices
6. port facilities
7. airports and heliport facilities
8. all other types of
transportation complexes
9. all other types of large
complexes for public services
10. pawnshops, money shops,
photo and portrait studios,
shoeshine/repair stands, retail
drugstores, tailoring and dress
11. bakeshops and bakery goods
12. construction supplies and
building materials such as
electrical and electronic
stores, plumbing supply
13. Division E-2 (business and
mercantile in nature)
14. wholesale and retail stores
15. shopping centers, malls and
16. wet and dry markets
17. restaurants, drinking and
dining establishments with
less than one hundred

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

18. day and night clubs, bars,

19. Division E-3 (business and
mercantile where no repair
work is done except exchange
of parts and maintenance
requiring no open flames,
welding or use of highly
flammable liquid)
20. aircraft hangars
21. commercial parking lots and
22. department stores, shopping
Table 2. ​Table of facilities with commercial functions.

Based on the table and one of the building’s functions, the project can also

be classified as a commercial facility. General Site Selection Criteria

To further narrow down the site selection, a site selection criteria was

identified based on the needs of the facility. This gives the ability for the

facility to be most effective, not only in itself, but also to its surrounding

environment. Accessibility and Intermodality

This refers to the accessibility and the site’s proximity to major urban

areas, major transportation facilities, circulation networks, and other

measures of accessibility that may be crucial for the end users. A walkable

proximity of other forms of transportation such as tricycles, jeepneys, and

buses within a 350 meters. The 350 meter distance was derived from Peter

Bosselmann’s book “Images in Motion.” Safety

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

The site’s current location within the area or neighborhood and about

is immediate proximity area. Among these are social hazards in the

neighborhood, such as high incidence of crime and drug or alcohol abuse.

Also, the adjacency to major traffic and high-decibel noise sources. Support Facilities

The site’s proximity to other facilities (commercial and institutional)

that may cater the users of the development. Size of Lot and Availability

Availability of vacant lots in the zone and lot size. Views

Has a good view of the Laguna Lake from within the site and the

adjacent road. Possible Sites

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

Figure 1.​ Site image map of proposed site 1.

The first proposed site is located along Hilario Apolinario Street. It’s

bounded by Laguna de Bay on the north and mostly residential houses on its

sides with a shared service facility for water hyacinth handicraft production on

the right. Site 1 sits on the commercial zone along the lake.

Figure 2. ​Site image map of proposed site 2.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

The second proposed site, similar to site 1, is also located along Hilario

Apolinario Street on the western end. It’s bounded by Laguna de Bay on the

north and more dominated by residential housing on its surroundings. Site 2 is

also a commercial zone.

Figure 3. ​Site image map of proposed site 3.

The last site is also along the Hilario Apolinario St. It is classified

under the institutional zone. It is where the old municipal hall is situated on,

however, with the relocation of the municipal hall, it is currently utilized as a

museum. Construction of a multipurpose facility/evacuation center is also in

progress. Beside it is the house of Paciano Rizal, the brother of Jose Rizal.

Also seen on the site are hot spring resorts. Lastly, the modernization of the

wet public market is happening. Evaluation Process

As stated on the site selection, the criteria will be used to evaluate the best

site for the project. The sites will be rated from 1 to 5 on each criterium, with 5

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

being the highest rating while 1 being the lowest rating. The final site will be the

area with the highest rating.



Accessibility and 3 2 5

Safety 4 3 5

Support Facilities 3 2 5

Size of Lot and 3 3 1


Views 5 5 5

TOTAL 18 15 21
Table 3. ​Site evaluation results. Accessibility and Intermodality

Figure 4. ​Walking distance of Site 3 to the National Highway.

Site 3 has a walking distance of 150 - 160 meters going to the National

Highway as measured using Google maps. This makes the site very accessible

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

from the National Highway and vice versa. The National Highway is the main

route of most transport vehicles such as provincial buses, and local jeepneys.

Figure 5. ​Walking distance of Site 1 to the National Highway.

Site 1 has a walking distance of roughly 380 meters going to the National

Highway. It is just a little over the walkable distance as described by Peter

Bosselmann. It is still walkable, but relative to site 3, users may have to walk

twice as long as site 3, making site 3 a better candidate.

Figure 6. ​Walking distance of Site 2 to the National Highway.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

Among the 3 site candidates, site 2 has the farthest walking distance going

to the National Highway with a distance of roughly 400 meters. Although it can

still be accessible through tricycles, making a facility walkable would make it a

better option for the users in the long run. Safety

Figure 7. ​Photo of the old municipal hall/Brgy. Baybayin Police Station.

Among the three zones, site 3 is the safest mainly due to the presence of

Brgy. Baybayin Police Station. Police presence provides more security not only

to the facility, but also to the surrounding area. That is why site 1 came second

due to the close proximity to the police station. Site 2 got the lowest score for

being the farthest. Support Facilities

Generally, commercial establishments are key supporting facilities to

increase the overall market of an area. Sites 1 and 2 are mostly dominated by

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

residential houses. Commercial establishments near the area are mostly small

sari-sari ​stores and bakeries. Site 3 has the public market across it and other

stores. A bank and remittance stores are also prevalent near site 3.

When it comes to the support facilities, site 3 is also the best because of its

close proximity to Paciano Rizal’s house. It acts as another point of interest to

the area. Furthermore, the block is lined up with multiple hot spring resorts,

adding more interest which visitors can visit beside the proposed facility.

Figure 8. ​Site image map of some support facilities relative to the site.

Shade area (1) is where Paciano Rizal’s house is located. The house is

directly beside the site. Next to the house, shaded area (3), are hot spring

resorts. Lastly, Shaded area (2) is the public market.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

Figure 9. ​Photo of the public market (left) that is being currently renovated and
the house of Paciano Rizal (right). Size of Lot and Availability

Figure 10.​ Zone boundary of site 3.

Other than the municipal hall, site 3 is where the Los Baños is park is

located and also the construction of an evacuation center. The evacuation center

was mainly built for the disaster mitigation initiatives of the government.

According to the kagawads of this barangay, this area is where they usually

hold and celebrate their “Bañamos” festival, a toast to locale’s hot springs.

Being an institutional zone, integrating the evacuation center to the proposed

project instead, not only follows the government’s initiatives, but also collates

all the cultural festivities into one facility together with the museum. Not only

that, the function of the evacuation center would then follow the zoning

ordinance of the site. Lastly, with the relocation of the municipal hall to another

location, and making the old one a museum, this is also a good opportunity to

include the museum to the project.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

Figure 11. ​Zone boundary of site 1.

Site 1 is a vacant lot however it is mainly surrounded by residential

houses. Living conditions may be affected if a highly dense facility will be

erected directly beside them. Not only that, views from the facility’s vantage

can also be disrupted.

Figure 12.​ Zone boundary of site 2.

Compared to the other two sites, site 2 has the narrowest lot size.

Moreover, it is bounded by houses on its side. Constructing the facility on this

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

site will not only be difficult because of the limited land area, having houses on

the sides may disrupt the living conditions the homeowners. Views

Generally, all sites have a good view of the Laguna Lake. However, as

mentioned earlier, sites 1 and 2 being beside residential homes, it may

potentially affect the view experience of the facility’s users. Moreover,

residents may also be directly affected with all the activities happening on the

facility, which may produce loud noises, etc., disrupting the peace of the


Figure 13. ​View of Laguna de Bay from Site 3. Site Analysis Physical Factors Location

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

The final site is located along Hilario Apolinario St. on its south, and

Laguna de Bay on its north. It is part of Old Poblacion/Los Baños Park area.

Due to the limited number of possible sites in the locale, the chosen site fits

well with the criteria the project needs. Furthermore, it is also in line with

the development goals of making the Old Poblacion a museum and

leisure/tourist area. The LGU also have plans of rehabilitating the old

pantalan, which is right beside the park. The site has an area of

approximately 8, 150 sqm.

Figure 14. ​Vicinity map of the site and its surrounding landmarks.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism Accessibility

Figure 15. ​Traffic scheme map of Los Baños relative to the site.

The site can be easily accessed using public utility vehicles (PUV)

such as jeepneys and tricycles. Multiple modes of transport pass through the

National Highway. The highway can be traversed on foot because of its very

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

close proximity to the site; roughly 150 meters away. Also, tricycles pass

through along H. Apolinario St., the street directly along the site. Pedestrian Accessibility

Due to the residentially dense areas that are spread around the locale

and smaller roads with low vehicular load, pedestrian traffic is relatively

plausible and safe. However, they lack sidewalks and have canals instead.

Majority of the vehicular traffic are found on the national highway as

illustrated in the traffic scheme map. Private Vehicle Accessibility

Private vehicle users can easily access the site along through roads as

shown in the illustration below.

Figure 16. ​Potential vehicular routes going into the site.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism Geology and Geomorphology Topography and Elevation

Figure 17. ​Topographic map of Los Baños, Laguna.

Los Baños’ shape has been said to resemble the back of a fist. Most

of the habitable area rests on the southern shoreline of Laguna de Bay and

the northern foothills of Mt. Makiling. Mount Makiling has an elevation

of a little over a kilometer, this can be a concern for the project. Because

of the site sitting at around 15 meters above sea level and Mt. Makiling

near the area, flooding may become a concern on the site due to water

downpour from the dormant volcano. Geology

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

Figure 18. ​Soil type map of Los Baños.

According to Los Baños’ ecological report, the soil belongs to the

Lipa and Macolod series, while others are the marshy type. The Lipa soil

is found along the lake and are residual soil from volcanic tuff. Due to its

texture, it has good excessive external drainage and fair excessive

external drainage. This can be beneficial for the site’s natural drainage.

The Macolod series are similarly residual soils derived from igneous

basalt rocks, having a dark-grayish-brown color, and quite compact

granular clay loam that is roughly 70 centimeters deep overlaying

weathered basalt rocks. Hydrology and Drainage

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

Figure 19. ​Hydrology map of Los Baños

Laguna Lake is the nearest body of water near the site. The biggest

concern however is not Laguna Lake, but rather water downpour from the

higher elevation areas; especially the Mt. Makiling Area. That is mainly

the cause for the slight flooding of the site and other close areas. A

pumping station is provided as a mitigation to such instances.

Figure 20​. Pumping station relative to the site.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

Figure 21.​ Image of the pumping station near Laguna de Bay. Climate

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

Figure 22. ​Physical climate map of the Philippines.

The classification of the Philippines’ climates uses the Modified

Corona Climate Classification. There are four types on the climate


Type 1​: Generally has 2 pronounced seasons: dry and cool from

November to April and wet from May to October.

Type 2​: Very pronounced rainfall from November to January. No dry


Type 3​: Relatively dry from November to April, wet during the rest of the

year. Seasons are not pronounced.

Type 4​: Uneven distribution of rainfall throughout the year (could be

more or less)

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

Generally areas in Laguna, like Los Baños, fall under the Type 1

Category. Type 1 climate is common to provinces located in the western

parts of Luzon and the Visayas. This means that the site in Los Baños.

Laguna, experiences rainfall roughly from May to October and drier

season from November to April. Rainfall

Figure 23. ​Precipitation amounts in Los Baños.

As seen in the figure above, it shows that from May to October,

these are the months which experience more rainfall compared to the

November to April months. July and August are seen to have the most

amounts of precipitation which goes upto 50-100 mm in depth. January to

March months experience the least amount of precipitation as it

approaches the summer season.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism Temperature

Figure 24. ​Temperature ratings in Los Baños.

The maximum temperature diagram, as seen in figure 30, shows that

April has the most number of days where temperature is at least 30

degrees Celsius. It shows that for more than 25 days, temperatures could

rise up from 30 degrees Celsius, even upto higher than 35 degrees

Celsius. The colder months are shown to be December and January with a

temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius, lasting for roughly 25 days in a


Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism Solar Exposure

Figure 25.​ General sun path around the site.

Looking at figure 33, the general sun path around the site comes

from the eastern side going to western-south side of the area. This is

critical on how to orient and program the spaces within the site especially

because of spaces where sun exposure can be detrimental to its overall

function. These spaces are the exhibit spaces and the theater. However,

sun exposure will not be totally be avoided as it is helpful for the

facility’s natural lighting.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism Winds

Figure 26. ​Wind speed in Los Baños.

​ ​ Figure 27​. Wind path relative to the site.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

Los Baños is generally cool throughout the year. With the peak wind

speed at around at least 28-38 kph, this should not be much of an issue for

the project’s site or the project overall. This is because the structure is not

a high rise facility. Although, ferry facilities might be a concern

especially during stronger winds because it may become prone to damage

especially the ferry boats. However, it can still be utilized positively for

the building’s natural ventilation. Environmental Hazards Landslides

Figure 28. ​Landslide susceptibility map of Los Baños.

Looking at the landslide susceptibility map, the site is not really

susceptible to landslides as it is faraway from Mt. Makiling. Flooding is

the bigger concern based on the site’s location.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism Floods

Figure 29​. Flood hazard map of Los Baños.

The flood hazard map of Los Baños shows that site’s location is

affected by slight flooding. This could be mainly due to the water

downpour from Mt. Makiling as mentioned in the Hydrology and

Drainage part of the paper. However, it can be mitigated by the pump

station provided near the close proximity of the site.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism Immediate Surroundings Poblacion Public Market

Figure 30.​ Image of Century City Mall

The old poblacion public market is currently being modernized by the

LGU. Once the renovation is done, the new market will be a great addition to

the overall vibe of the area. This adds more points of interest so the projected

ferry facility will be opted to be utilized more.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism Paciano Rizal Shrine

Figure 31. ​Front image of Paciano Rizal Shrine

The Paciano Rizal Shrine is the house of Jose Rizal’s brother. Being

the last one to surrender to the American colonizers back in the transition

period, this bungalow stands as a tribute to the lesser known Rizal. Site Inventory

During the site inventory analysis, five (5) factors were considered: Views,

Noise, Vehicular Traffic, Pedestrian Traffic, and Commercial Areas. Views

The most significant view of the site is the Laguna de Bay and the

surrounding islands and close lake shore towns within the lake. Mt. Makiling

can also be witnessed directly from the site if the user looks at the southern

direction. Lastly, Paciano Rizal’s can be seen beside it, as well as hot spring

resorts next to the house.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism Noise

The site is relatively calm due to the fact that a lot of the areas are

residential. Occasional loud noises can be heard from students during peak

hours. Also, since the public market is still currently being renovated,

construction sounds will contribute to the noise of the area. Once the

renovation of the market will be finished, it is expected that the function will

eventually contribute to the noise as well​. Vehicular Traffic

Within the site, low vehicular traffic can be seen because it can be mainly

accessed by minor roads. Furthermore, vehicular load mostly comes from

motorcycles and tricycles, with occasional private vehicles. Heavy vehicular

traffic comes from the National Highway, which is roughly 150 meters from

the site. Pedestrian Traffic

Pedestrian traffic can be observed because of the small scale roads in the

area. The roads mostly connect the houses to essential facilities such as the

market, the resorts, and the old poblacion. The area is very walkable, given the

area is relatively small. Commercial Establishments

Small commercial establishments can be seen on various parts of the area.

Sari-sari ​stores are also a common scene there. However, hot spring resorts are

what dominate the commercial establishments found in the microsite.

Laguna de Bay Marina Development:
Reinforcing Los Banos’ Tourism

5.2 Regulatory Factors

As mentioned, the chosen site is located on an institutional zone in Barangay

Baybayin, Los Baños, Laguna. There is no specific list provided by the comprehensive

land use plan in determining what facilities can be built on the different zones of the

municipality. That is why the National Building code was used as the reference instead.

Any building classified by the National Building Code as an institutional facility shall be

assumed that it is allowed on that zone. Lastly, Setbacks for buildings constructed near

bodies of water will be strictly followed.


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