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Welding Power Sources

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Welding power sources Arc welding power sources


- The naim requirement of a power sources is to deliver controllable current at a voltage according to the
demands of the welding process.

- Each welding process has distinct features from other processes, in the form of power controls
required to accomplish a given operation condition.

- Therefore arc welding power sources play a very important role in successful welding. The
conventional welding power sources arc:

Power sources Supply

i. Welding Transformer AC

ii. Welding Rectifier DC

iii. Welding Generators AC/DC

Application of power sources

- Welding transformers, rectifiers and DC generators are being used in general fabrication shops

- Engine coupled AC generators as well as DC generators are used at site where line supply is not

- Normally rectifiers and transformers are performed because of law noise, higher efficiency and
low maintenance as compared to generators.

Selection of suitable power sources and OCV

- Selection of a power source in mainly dependent

Welding process and consumable

- The open circuit voltage normally ranges between 70-90v in case of welding transformers while
in case of rectiflers it is 50-80v.

- Moreover, welding voltage is found lower, than OCV of the power source.
Classification of welding power sources

- WP source can be classified based on following parameters

+ Type of current: AC, DC, or both

+ Cooling medium: air, water, oil cooled

+ cooling system: Forced or natural cooling

+ Static characterstics: constant current, constant voltage, rising characteristics.

Characteristics of power sources

- Basic characteristics of power sources

- Open circuit voltage (OCV)

- Power factor (PF)

- Static characteristics

- Dynamic characteristics

- Current rating and duty cycle

- Class of insulation

Open circuit voltage (OCV)

- OCV is the potential difference between the two terminals of the power source when there is no

- Setting of correct OCV is important for the stability of welding arc especially when AC is used.

- Selection of proper OCV (50-100v) depends on the type of metal composition of electrode
coating type of welding current and so welding process.

OCV and Arc voltage

- A base metal having low ionization potential needs lowers OCV than the high ionization potential
- Too high OCV may cause the electric shock

- OCV is different form arc voltage

- Arc voltage is the potential difference between the electrode tip and workspace surface when
there is flow of current during welding.

- Any fluctuation in arc length affects the resistance to flow of current through plasma and hence
arc voltage is also affected.

- An fluctuation in arc length affects the resistance to flow of current through plasma and hence arc
voltage is also affected.

- An increase in arc length or electrode extension increases the arc voltage.

- Electrical resistance heating of electrode increases with electrode extension.

Power factor (PF)

- Power factor is the ratio of actual power (KW) used to produce the rated load (which gets
registered on the power meter) and apparent power drawn form the supply line (KVA)

- It is always to have high pf. Lower power factor means unnecessary wastage of power and less
efficient utilization of power.

- However welding transformed with law power factory is some time used intentionally to increase
the stability of AC welding arc.

Benefit of high pf

- PF correction reduces the reactive power on a system

- Which in turn reduces power consumption and thus power costs

- An improvised power factor means that an electrical installation works work economically.

- Improved voltage quality

- Fewer voltage drops

- Cable cross-section can be reduced with improvement of pf (less current) and so making power
system more cost effective
- Smaller transmission losses

Static characteristic of ps

- Static characteristic shows the variation in voltage with curt when power source is connected to
pare resistive load.

- This variation may be of three types, namely constant current (CC), constant voltage (CV) rising

- In CC PS variation in welding current with arc voltage (due to fluctuation in arc length) is very

- Therefore, welding current remains more or less constant in spite of fluctuation in arc voltage

CC power sources

- Hence, CC type of ps is found more suitable for those welding processes where large fluctuation
in arc length in observed like in MMA and TIG welding

Vo – OCV

Vw – welding v

Iw – welding I

Is - shart – c/ct

- The volt ampere output curves for constant current ps are called “drooper” because of substantial
downward or negative slope of the curves.

- With a change in arc length the change in current is small

- Therefore, with a consumable electrode welding process, electrode melting rate would remain
fairly constant even with a change in arc length.

- These ps arc required for welding processes

+ which use relatively thicker consumable electrodes which may sometimes get stubbed to
workplace or

+ with non-consumable tungsten electrode where during touching of electrode for starting of arc
may lead to damage of electrode for starting of arc may lead to damage of electrode if current is

- Under these conditions the short circuiting current shall be limited for the safety of power source
and the electrode.

Constant voltage ps

- In Cv ps very s mall variation in arc voltage (due to fluction in arc length) causes significant
change in welding current.

- Since arc voltage remains almost constant therefore this type of power sources are called constant
voltage type.

- Constant voltage power sources does not have a true constant voltage output. It has a slightly
donword or negative slope.
- Slight negative slope is attributed to internal electrical resistance and introduce the welding

- These type of power source is fond more suitable for all those processes where small fluctions in
arc length can take place, like semiautomatic welding processes MIG, SAW and PAW.

- The use of CV PS in conjunction with a constant speed electrode wire feed results in a self
regulation or self adjusting arc length.

- Due to same internal or external fluctuation if the change in arc length occurs, cv ps automatically
increases or decreases the electrode melting rate MR(by regulating current) to regain the desired
arc length.

Self regulating arc

- Self regulating arc is one, which governs the melting/ burn off rate (by changing the current) so
that feed rate becomes equal to melting rate for maintenis the arc.

- Forexample, increase in arc length due to any reason so increase the are voltage by shifting the
operating point.

- Operating point is the point of intersection with arc characteristics.

- Rise in arc voltage decreases the welding current significantly which in turn lowers the melting
rate there any decreasing the gap if electrode is fed at constant speed.

MR = aI+b LI2
L – electrode extension

I – welding current

a- Annilation potential type of electrode

b- Constant related to electrical

aI- heat generated an anode/cabl side

bLI2 – electrical resistance heating

Rising characteristics

- Ps with rising characteristics slaw increase in arc voltage with an increase in welding current.

- In automatic welding processes where strictly constant voltage is required power sources with
rising characteristics arc used.

Dynamic characteristics of power sources

- Welding are is subjected to severe and rapid fluctuations in arc voltage (due to continuous minor
changes in arc length) and welding current in very shart interval (0.1 micro second) there fore
welding arc is never in steady state.

- It causes transients in starting extinction and resignation of arc after each half cycle A.C welding

- To cope up with these conditions power source should have good dynamic characteristics so as to
obtain stable and smooth arc.
- Dynamic characteristics of Ps descries the instantans variations in arc voltage wit h change in
helding current over an externally shart period.

- A ps with good dynamic characterstic results in an immediate change in arc voltage and welding
current corresponding to the new welding conditions so as to give smooth and stable arc.

Duty cycle

- It refers to the percentage welding time of total welding cycle i.e welding time plus and rest time.

- Total welding cycle of 5 munities is normally taken as standard an E4 and 10 minutes USA

- For example, welding of 3 minutes and rest of 2 minutes total welding cycle of 5 mintes results in
60% duty cycle.

- Duty cycle and associated currents arc important as it ensures that power source remains safe and
its windings arc not damaged due to increase in temperature beyond specified limit.

- In fact duty cycle is the ratio of arcing time to the weld cycle time multiplied by 100.

- If arcing time is continuously 5 minutes then as per Eu standard it is 100% duty aycle.

- At 100% duty cycle minimum current should be drawn. i.e with the reduction of duty cycle
current drawn can be at higher level.

- The welding current which can be drawn at a duty cycle can be evaluated from the following

DR x I 2R = I2 100 x D100

Where I – current at 100% duty cycle

D100 – 100% duty cycle

IR – currant at required DC

DR – Refired duty cycle

Importance of Duty cycle

- During welding heavy current is drawn from the Ps flaw of heavy current through the transformer
coil and connecting cables causes electrical heating.
- Heating for long time may damage coils and cables. Therefore welding operation should be
stopped for some time depending up on the level of welding current.

- Hence, total welding cycle is taken as sum of effective welding time and rest time.

- The maximum current which can be drawn from a power source at a given duty cycle depends up
on :

-size of winding wire,

- type of insultation and

- covling system of the ps

Class of installation

- The duty cycle of a power source for a given current setting is largely governed by the maximum
allowable temperature of various components (primarily and secondary coils, cables, connectors

- Which in turn deperds on the quality and type of insulation and materials of coils used in
manufacturing of ps

- The insulation is classified as A, E, B, F & G in increase order of their max, allowable

temperature 60, 75, 80, 100 x 125 oC receptively.

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